HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-05, Page 4" ­�­= 7�.,,',� , " �!.�, ,�,�­i I:. ''..­';;.�, ,!- .Ovll , - - .".1 .+:, ' ", �, M ,�� ''O", �-"ili�t'API�Jpjzl ., 71�li 7, " 11 � � ,'�. , :, .:'. .!,'R1 ", 1','#1-,.,�N`,'1',ffl,V , � ',"-,.`�,,, I '. , � : ". ', Ic :�J�`�' �.. V . I . I , , R,W_1� , , 1. .1 � - .___ ­­. ­ il. ,1, I �,,- ,�j�N ,�i7,,,�,'5f,P��.,,i��r.�l!,,'.-,,tl�'.',i,.,V�,.�.,','-Tt,�- " 7.� . I I'll . I' I �:::::::::::::::: 11� 1, ... . I "" � � : � -��v"Ar,%�1,11,111,���.�-�kKill,��,'I IM19t Q"14X&N,Wjr,A�. ". ,, , ": �, , , 4 � lff;�F' .­�', �,r,.4�,*.�'—'-�;�1-1.�,,�,�ll.I 111-11 � _11111 11-�, - 1_1111­11.­� '11—, �, — 1.111 r� — �.'� .1 - I ,,,,,,,.,,",.F;.iiF--�.—O���l,."rr,,�,�"F.�,,,�.��,� " 1­�."­:"... �; I �, 1 ,.I;.,;,. k. . . . , . .:! . I 11 - I ,, " L, .. .11 c . I . . . � � � I . .. . . . .. -..-.- � I I .1� 4-- t, , , -+ , , it' , � �,, . " ". 11A � , 3'1� 9011 1�1 17, 11 ­ �, ,� - - , � � �. � .., ..,:�,��`, , ,..7 . ­ "M" . 1 -, . . - � -q. 1 — - .� . I � v �� . � ,11-1� . I ­ I ;� .1 ­ I " I; N � 11 : .: � �, k, I N — ., J. � . . . , .� .�, , , � - I 1. — 11 !­ I � J ­­ �___ - I , .`­ �"'7 1*4 1� t�'.!' . , , , � :� . ;..", - 4 - ,,; . , I � 7�6L - i i'� - -7 I I - V �! I � J�ww I � MT. , 1111 �( , C W -W, . . . . . . . . . . -111.1 I'll I— ___ .:: 0 `17 "'I"1117o'.1,71"'. �* I I ? "'IF 11�__ =­ - - - ­ " -­.­.�­�-­ ., -9 I _.�._­ , - . 1. � ...... ­ I", ,:`Z�,_�,�=; . -I,...-,--- "".-M."O.".. � , .� .111".... 1,­,1,7­�_­� 0 7 _1,_­_'­'_F1'C1_­1_­ . 1_�,.. 7'�__'.�'.-'�'�;_.�,� , . - I ;;; -1 -1 Z. . . . . . 11 = � . 11 . . � ­ J- ... I _ ---1 -ilh'i'_ - � "�,�.Ii"7, ""M - -1111-- _.-_._1--__-____ __�_..- ­!.:..:. .-- W �, V . 11 .... � . . . . �� 14410.v ... 1, , " .. L - - , . . __:._��_ _ _­­­ _...'r,__ " . . . . . . I-, I . _ ___..._..._.__,___ __ . ,_*___-_ 7- . : -_ "' wow= eAX4 '40011P � � . . F =04"W4 w , . ­ .... .. .. , --.7-4-- 7 _=­�_T_ ! _ , ". "I ... 1� . .. ­ i .1 � . _7- ­­ ---- I I '.) . —_ �� I . —1 �.-*___.�. _­A--Itt­ ---"'—, . ____ . __ . .... ..... —_ -7' , . .1. .. I. : _10.1 .1, - � I �­­- . - - . ­_ . .____t�_ I 1, ,��,­­_�­­_­_,, �.. ­ A, .. . I ... : .. ... . � I .11. I 111.1 I .W.P#�—: _dVtr._ apq avirs'. '.I '. 1. I 0 V,W . . .. W. x� A.. Routledge, ai;4itor. $I'D-;. 1,van -Smillie rendered very gapingly; Following the ,program, A 40,01A), hQ1W , I �_ - ­� ta&., 4v.-. , ­ --A � ihe�� ".!-- poep,.ita I E� p grq Vleighbpr.­ WW gax4ep and­�6uti .. ­ . _ . xw-, -'Aaal l.. was_Sufaciently. re. vart, of, thi ro m. . As. -OX. I � - I'm. hvel.., 1� - I - --- -rrl�, , A-fto,r-ag, iiijx0ge of.lbut a weeki �Gai6r VT indigqA "Jesus is MY- NetXt Door � . . 11.4,,:. 11 . 1% � - - _t t! � spent in '! An -4 � & . . ; ­ on 10 111000.tal, f - t patient, . , , . , , . � . 7---: 1 . 11 lfei_.�­44_7.... ver64Ao-1ft,Y#`th0­'hoSV1ta1 $39. Th �'d to meet At the conclusion of the s6ruion, M�rs. lowed with lullch. �. , %441v- 1 ;", k'IW,;,*w­ _,7. �� * . sJ.jg_kd..awsy on Wnday, Janu- ,.p ce�iigil, W4QUTA � . . I .1 I K111I1jj�,r,! '_ . I . . e. Misses -Martha and I ­ .... "I , _1 , , Mlurio,j tar- .. ­­­ , , Mrs. I D, - , Vxiqs&y� " day, l4st and is at pre'serit reculwrat, t1lere, p f?.K'I�i. F . , . I � � . .... again on Monday, March -7th, at 1.30 Maynard sang a' delightful solo, en- Th . i �. , ­­­ " " . , ,g at his home; . . ary 26th, at the home of her daughter, lisle, of London, were week end visi- t 1. -_ . 'Mrs I I "I ev, te hor .. I .1 in ' � 0�clock Jift the after,noon.—A. F. Hess, titled, ,,Have Coutage-, My 139,y, to , � I i - 6,ftewrs. J� A. Traqua 'Kata , (Mrg, H. S. Strachan), 042 1 tore with their parents, Mr. and Urs. �.. . x. _ rate, $1,50. 4 year JA t the week� end Wi , ex vS I .. Say No," which came -in very fittingly . ;" ­­ I i I --..,. .. 00 4 year. Single n Detroit and attended the Peliester St.,. - Wiffilsor, Annie E. Clerk. � I 61yon- , . � -0, ; I .. - Sr."and X:;,)�a........ 'lker, nxtoarjv e bYtt were i II -1 e of - Hen Telephone Meeting. — Tho'annual with the sermon. On the coming Wilson Carlisle. I � � .11 S "or � !MT. 4 and r. and , ry Lit- day, Womews, Day will be observed Ivriss: Gladys Lu,kVr was visiting jU . * 1: ,xid. Mr Me motpr'show while there. Br6wolee,6 ,, o d it , , " . ­ . tor�41 . . � tw_ Mrs. D. Vodden spept last 'S 4" . ; *1 s Olive Wood, R.N., of Toronto, tie. Mrs, le Wft here Wed, meeting,of the subscribers of the Hay ,; ,, ,4_�,�'I, . . -phone System Wa$ held s choir - at. �:: - " 4 ...at . and there wilf''be 40women' Stratford this week. , ­ J jug rates on application. '� , . r. and, nesday, for Windsor and Mr ,4 ri Tuesday g�,', � 5. w8flaux is visiting with her parouts, M .-..*#Ie Municipal Tele . IThe Firemle4ls dance oi �"I .. '­ - the home of Mr. iind Mrs. ' . _. ir. the to' n hall here on Mondi 'Feb, both services. . lf� IAT, ,I. ... � , A� .. - . . ..... 'teor&, on Saturday morn- w A', 1� .. ': �1' I Mrs. W. -H. Wood. and son, Ling 1aetL ... Was very well attended I ,� ..1N19 I I I � Y' ; We had. quite a fall df snow the erver .1 .1 I :, § � 1� ly Brigham. ver �, 11, i��� p_be.rs of the Canadian Week Cecil J. Stewart spent ing. Ws. Little wag, born in Hullett Ist. The attendance was not . 1% I .... I I 0"w ,� urft �' ' Mr. 'Heoper, of near St. Marys, Mr. and. Mrs. I and those present report a mery'en- -9 of W I I - io, Thip mi ____ , days in, Detroit a d at- township Ntober 7, 187 1, daughter of � large, sit ��1111 ,Mpaper Association and the 11 bough those 'present were firj.t,'jby 4 this week but not enough "I .. 11 E.A . usic-was_furj,�Ish- I .... � , I 11*. .',,�, - ,,- -1 ..� " ssociation. sp6ht Tuesday at thq home .... o . f Ur - a caqPle - '. -66 George a 13 .U:z deeply , interested in. the proceedings- at diti of writing ft make sleighilig joyable tj.m infisip7 , , , . " , . I ., . ­____ the Is . and Reboec, Ow . , ,'H. Rader, re - for teauxiiig and getting,out of woods ed by' a number of good ,100 - -?j. � _ 11 . � , J. Tambl �= .0 the motor show. . .... . �tty Press A . . , .. . yu. ... . ,,cive of Hay town I - I A_., _. .. . 1 I 11 giblut spent Tuesday in 'Mr. -W. A. Patrick, of Toron , and was mArkied in Tu4ersmith Mr. L I - , lans -and the prize winn4is *ere as ...', --t. . .1. ­ ­ - . Mr. Youn . . I . I N, " I;M,.. . I ited in Exeter over the week end and on November 16, 1p4, to Henry Lit- � ship, and Wax -den fDr Huron -County logs, etc: Ladies' firstj *s. Jag. Song- , � � 'I""PV, ., - - Wingliam. . on tie, aYol'lived in- 'tayfield from 196.0 rm I , Afternoon, an ", � � ... d. !,. I h. . for 1032, acted as chai an. The fin. d evening entertain, follows: � 61 �� , I ORTH, Friday, February bt , was accompanied to St. Thomas sented, and rnents aire and'have been the order ster; 2Xid, Ureg Joe Hudson; gents? ;; .,.., I 1, � . �. � .912,, Mr. Littl@ havin .� I.", �i, . Monday by Miss,, Dorothy ,Suell, who to 1 w fi ' ', .,,,, g the maft 2mcial statement wag, pre ,, William 'Sanggter; 2nd, Willis* "." . ,!,: h we'� this showed that the system is in good for some weeks and e venture to rsi . .. .�, I r I . I I as what is termi0d ­ I ,­ �. - - has been ivisiting at her home heru. contract, Leaving Bayfield t ey * many Hyde. The dance w .. . � - . ,- 1 - , ,f�_. 1. DUBLIN - Mr. Ted Taman', of the C , I financial standing. In 1931 the total say that there never were so, 71 1% ,f .z,' 4�,,,7. aiiidian four yepirs in Brucefield when they 61 vi a Ig the a hard time one, and the above were � �� - I . r. ten years number of subscribers receiving ser- parties in the Ila-ge s durl . ­ - , �1, , <,,'PARLIAME T OPENED I , ent the mo -,"d to Godierich. Po ice was I ' hail and the pr ze winners for the best cos I ., . .N Mr. Joseph McConnell, of Chi6ago,)� 734 or a ,gain of 13 over the i _.4 . ,,, � I I , .. pk of ,Commerce, Forest sp retu ning to V1 . . past molith or so, as well as ,,� �; , I . Toronto,- week end at his lidme here. ; they resided in Windsor?. . r iGus year. During 4he past yea I r private dances. .1 tumes. . M,�,,- , , - and Kiss Rose McConnell, of . . Bayfleld May 1, 1930, having purcha,s- :!tev b ffit' '­ I A �i,F�. � . � I I . 'Miss Catherine 2 milesof cable were i led out !Hard frosty weather is veiy muc lConsiderable, wood is 'being roug . ­ , I h :"". -.ON THURSDAY . I / nstal ,,,, , 11 , ... ­ Spent a few days with their parents, . I ed the home of the late . ' h -ped or-- for those who . into market and with good sleighing ;I I -1, - S. 1).avid McConnell. it o I ; are accus I :1 ! f , Mr. and Mr . Parke. A.,'A,ervice conducted by Rev. of Zurich and an extra copper circu r - much more, would be brought, in. "" . S' MicDaid, -of, Kitchener, i . " 7,�.` ­ ' -Parliament opened on Thursday and r. Charle Mr. - Farquarion, was held Tuesday provided forthe ... SU. --c'.......'... ty ­ � M ­ VARNA bgcribers at, Grand tomed to lay in a quanti of ice ,% ery 11 ,1- . I . .ected that the Beg- =-' - � -whil . . morning at.t,he Sutton IFuneral Hor . ffman, li ' ' t' about this time A number of men -of our village I'll e it is'not exp called on friends in the village during -xie, Bend. Mr. ,H. 119 ine�xnaxx a of the year. � I � - ,'..,'. . . � I w , I ., I , . one, owing to the the week. tt made a shipmelit,of were brought� to. the Dashivood central, gave . an in- ,our coal dealers are being kept have been making. good use of the I f, � ,sion will 'be a; long Mr. M. Ellio when the reniain� xxtbs by cutting wood in the A', 4 I . . . I nee, Miss Helen Cronin and Veronica ­ t teresting talk on how to improve the pretty. busy in supplying the. wants of winter m10 �,Fil., ,. . , `1"', eting of the Imperial Confere, live stock to Toronto Saturday. Bayf.Aeld and the � uneral. held from' i, ,il , . me - . , ,11, is Dill spent the week end v'n"th friends ­9vfisses Glady�s and Emily,Beatty, of l,,�,. -i their 'jitrons, particularly durinj the neigliVring bushes. ,10, service. The Hay System gives cork 11,1: ttawa in July, it I I ,, 'r . m� to Bavfleld cemetery Wed- . . the ' ast The very mild weather in this see- . I � whIcil meets in 0 in Detroit. ei -6o. ng tinuous service to subscribers in mewhat colder weather of the.p. . . . . 1 1- . . I e3upie-ded that t-Aere Will be soi�ne pret- - M,r-.--- Hitigh kBenninge.r, of .Heston London, were Sunday guests at th "solf­ aftqi;'l n, �the service bel so ­ ....'...... tiofi -has Cut out so far skating, cuirl- � I II I . . I .11,111t. 1. townships bf Hay, Stanley, Stephen week. . ,;, 7 . I ' home here. taken by M]r. Rumpt, of the 'I B.S.A., . . ing and hockey. � � 11 , ­ "', - Ay plain qui6stions asked;- which will spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Mobbs, of Toroxito, London. Thd ,Pallbearers were Wal- And Bosanquet and -the villiLges -of Our garag6 have found the open . �, A � ,,,�, " I , ich, ,jGkand, 'Bend-.. and Papliwood. weather and roads to be good for .,Hensatl,, P,u ' ;V, �, Xr � , ��, I �­�­­ ­ pretty'plain.answers. . . ., and Mrs. M. J. Renningeni- - called 6n their uncle, Mr. Mossop.and ter Westlake, Bayfield; W'm Brown, Zqi � L�brary fll I require ) ... 111.1 . . ne�iing of the Hbnsall' ji, . . sop., on Thursday. �. will � probably be� the : - . ­.­ . I niece, Miss E. Kos lee, J,.Johnston, Goderich; J: C�oper, The s7at.,ein operates two switchboards their business - as cars, trucks, etc., nual i - �, . , ­-, Among,, these plaanr- at.%urich and the other at as held in'the Town. Hall i. . er, 'London, and C. one - . I Y, i8h, � ". are �uxming as much as in the sum- Association w - . I, . * A library'euchre and dance.is " xi�� 11 I � qilestion a:s to who is to set the tariff . Seaforth; W. kid ­­.- 11 . months. on January 23rd, The' treasurer's re , P�, I TUCKERSMITH ned for March 17th, ' ' .S*urdy, H-olmesville Besides her hus- wood. m,r ,nkfa �,�'... ... I . . I . ier or the Par� . 1. Mr. Albert ,Schwalm, If Sa,katche'- A new time dance� will be held in port showed the sum of $163474 spent � I ,�.� Of Caliada, the Prem . � . . Several members of the L. 0. L. band she is surviv,� by her son, Geo., for books during the year 1931, with , �� mother, in town. . . � . . 1�- � i � I'll � , 11 I meet- B au te Mrs Stra-, ,,%an, is visiting'at the home Of his' the town hall, Hensall, !Dn Friday of , 011 , -lialuent? And when will the tariff - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell, Mr. of Varna, attended the district ayfield, and d gh r; - I �,� : . ��,, .... 6 ... giness men 9- ing in chan, � Windsor - and this week. Music will be furfiished a balance of $107.98 on hand. There ��, be, stabaliz.ed so -that E I and,Mrs. -S. Gemni,ell and Robert vi-- i Exeter Tuesday. hurch ffikiM ... bfotheTs, were 194 books added during the year. - .1 th friends in Paris over the The W.- A,,.,Of St. John)s C George ,Brownlee, Seaforth; Will, of Mr. E. BosseTtberry, of Bay,field,' by Scott Welsh and his,Melody Boys. �,;! 11 Will be able to do business without ited wi, I ,.: e of Mrs. John Beatty OshEtwa, sind., Russel, 'Fort William. wli��,a vishor in town on, Saturday. Mr. Henry Horton has been' Buffer- The Librarian reported a circulation -_b , - 11, � e' de'Aariff drop- week end.. ' met at thle hom I 1 3,000 books. The library is open . I fe ' -eturned on Thursday. Friends attendqd--the. � rom tMr 'and Mrs.. E. F. Klopp. visited ing from wseverp cold during the plast- 'of I - ar of: a neW or adv rs, ,.Vneral f � 'tfv-6 � - in Elmira fo - I - � .. .�', '.." . . Mr. Peter Simpson has i "to report Mrs- London, Seaf,r i�1,1111.66de r , ich, Oshawx reld . � Tuesday and I '. , r a few da,vs last couple of weeks and has been confined from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 on � ,ping down,Dn them over night ? home after visiting in Toronto 'and We are pleased , . , . . d 2 to. 6 and 7 to. 9 on � ,1 ion . . s "glowl , viu�g. frqm. a 1. week. , but 1 ack nice- Thursday an . .. And. then, there is the quest* . ..... '6f. Georgetown. . Smith i " y impro an I d other.piaces. . . I I ; I to the h6me p getting ' ,b Saturday of each week. Xoard mem- 1. , �. . rti-n Mr., J. Trueniner, of Detroit, spent ly to his normal health. , 40 I I the hundreds.of ' Mr. and Mrs. William Ma slid sei4re attack of blood I polson in her , I I . I I I I I . . � . -k -his mother, Ty -ently bers for 193g are: Mrs. J. W. Pe44 ­ 1. memployment. Have. I . the wiie end, here with, Ml�s, Robert H1 &i9,'Wh6`re( "; ..--.,.. - - , . . -guests of MT. a:nd hand. "I . kill, Mrs. A. Joyntj Mr. - ­ . . fac'torie's, which it is report- family were dinner -a sl-dp-; . : ,who is ill. underwent an operation for appendi- Mrs. A. Hemp ;" new � d 11,re..-T. Hodg�rt. Mr ... ... (Qeorgo (Coleman.made . . 'xeiger, Mr. G. Folli,ek, Mr. G. WZ . - , force, - KI PPEN Mr.' William Uttley was taken to a -citis in Scott,Memorial Hospital, Sea- O-.( . . - 11 ". ed the ,prohibitive, tariff has Mrs. R. Kennedy is spending a few ment of live stock from... Brucefteld to 7-7 - atu'diy and-luu�- forth, while still very weak, was suf. Davis, Rev. Parker, and Mr. F. Bon- �_ ',�_ , America and other countries to es"tab- days with -Mr. and Mrs. August, Toronto S�fturday- ­ . I London hospital on S r . � ry-tress- ' , . - ... . . The members of the townsbipcoun- Miss Mae 'Aberhailt, of Seaforth, de-rw'eni''a serious operation, -He is ficiently recovered to be brought to thron. 'Librarian and gecret� � I sh in Canada, absorbed the. uLnem:...,Du,chaxzme. urer, Gretta MicNati'hton. �. ­ , , - - '. . li . . '.. a go,od was the guo�it of her friend, M ' herhome, here the pnd of last week. ,�k I ' . I ployed, or. are vast suinw'still -Wng MT'.­--Aud- Mrs,;- ... John MeNaughton cil met on Monday. There was iss doing as well as can be� expected. . � regulai C� ' 1, I heir friends and neigh- number of ratepayers present. Mr. Margaret Elgie, Tuckersmith recent- Mr. J. Mero, of East Grand Forks, Dr. G. R. Collyei and Mrs. Collyer .C. ouiicil Meet.—I I " , ,/,�� p yment relief , the entertalmod t ( I er resident of this,see ... � ... ...Au'ut., on un6mpl.6 . reappointed as road ly. Minn., a form .- spent the weo�k end with relatives and meeting was held on Monday evening � . bore at an enjoyable dancIa on Friday Rathweli was ' 1. ,� I ,-dole-*r wh4,tever name.i.t.has been go- evening. . su,perinteyident for 1932, — Miss Dorothy Thompson, of West tioh, has been visiting relatives and friends in Toronto, Mks. Collyer's par- at 8 p.m., all members being present. , . . .. - ��'�­_­ I . " . E. Mossop spent a day last ern University, London, .visited for a � 'r'e'." -- ents, Mr. and Airs. Talbot, of Lon- Minutes of previous �neeting were friends he ...... Mr. Mero left this Be' � : .1 ­ under 9 1 Mr. and Mirs. Russel Waflace mov- Kiss . . i Ing w _ ter, Mrs. Jaines few, days with her parents, Mr. and � keepin"i'the home fires burning read. Petty ,and Robison: That the 1. . Will the � budget be balanced and ed from Bert GiblSing's on'Tuesday to ��k with her sis I ....... I,0 Mrs. Robert Thompson. . tion 33, years ago I and-tthinks that don, - ' 1� � . Webster's farm� near Seafoyth. Siepheff-Wn, Goshdn Line." Zurich has improved4onderfully. in the doctor's home and office libre. minutes be Ad!? . ,pted as read.�-Carried , I 'how? xation . r. uter has returned Tb4i YiAnig People of St. Andreves 'Tuesday was an ideal day for jaek Grain is ,being brought freely -into J. Priest apqii�red, re hks' tax notice, I . I I . W*4a� news forms of ta , .—The Expositor regrets 'Miss IffiargaretCh t of lan- rabbit. hunting. The local hunters I . ready B�me explained. J. 'Sangster appear-, - �:,_ I I bave'been inverA�1,­ and. on ,whom are Correction few days with her United Church presented a m market ,here and meets with . , -, that in the report of the. death of Mrs. after spending a . . 'es on Korea on Tuesdayevvee- tcIuks advantage df it and at the 00se demand and the best -prices ;going. 'ent; and sug- _: ­­ I they to be levied? -On the rich IX -MA Melvin Cn,ch 'jist week her age - ap- sisters in ,London. tern slid . ed re the Fire Dep&rtm me- . `i I - , nin,g last. 'These proved to be very of the huht it ivi§ found that 76 jA4*s A very little more snow at date of gested-1loyd- Passmore, motor . .�� �.: I . can aff,ord to pay them; on .the peared as 94 years. This should have � "". I . -whq , - I had ..'bit the dust.' writing would make ' -pretty � good chanic, and Robert Cameron, Fire %I, 1-- - of them read 49 years. ,,, I .--., - interesting and helpful ." I " ,:I . Chief. A. Spencer re I I t�_ � , ' ' - middlemanWhopays the bulk —The Tuckersmith I TheW. M. 8; . are' _-nob6erving--th6 Mx"Ferd. Haberer attended the con- sleighing. -- . . ported, re Fire � �,, , now, or on the poor man, who has'no .Council Meets. , STANLEY ""' . Prayer iii cho0l vention of District ,No. 8 Fairs As. Dr I I touncil met in the town hall, -Seaforth, World Day of the s Dr. Moir Resigns Position. , Department as to V, Boe leaving town. . V - 7 . . . . room of St. Andrew's United Church sociation, held at London.on Wednes- Moir, who basbeen our effwient_i�ealth Robert Higgins ... and Jose -ph Hudson, I ". ��, " .3noney to pay, anything? ' on Saturday..' January 30th. Moved, —The following is Febru' _y )2th, day, as a delegate from the, local Agri- officer for a number -of years, has re` auditors, reL ortedby reading their re- ; , And what abo-Lit economy? .' Will by -Clark-McKay: That the salary of Sdh�,l Report. on Friday afternoon, av ... p . the report of S.. S. No. 14 Stanley, at the usual "hour, with Mrs. Alexan- cultural sc;�Ieity. ,signed the position. He has done this port. Mickle and Petty: ,That the :_� 9 Un- thIi Road 'Siip�rintendent be 36 cents Hayter dbr 1�iesiding. . I :�� Qut of deference to the Hensall doe- audit be acce,pt�d as 'read and its re- - � I .. !i� . �that'question get a heaking I . for January: Sr. Ii__E1Qr �, . . , I A�1. I . I By-law Noi 1 71i Wilmex� Jones 63, Wesley Jones 62, I is at- . c o a am ", doubtedly it will.. But what really can per,hour for 1932, a,nd . Mr, 10larelice McLean, who tors who hav--,,both rehis6d patients commendations a ted up n' nd di- It r'?" .. I it is be amended to�this effect. ,Moved �y Alex. McBeath 59; (absent forexams, tending Western .University, London, . . .. to his sanatorGm. The council also tors be -paid.—Carried. Spencer And , 4: I . be ­done hlong that line, when Clark -McKay: That the Hibbert- *IV'— Audrey HENSALL ­-­-' u I I : I - . I I I wn fact that axi econ Margaret Jones). Jr. I . .felt that since Dr. Moir is no longer Petty: That a bylaw be prepared ap- - . - a such a well kno - Treasurer be paid.the suni of $178-60 Cochrane 71, . Harvey Hayter 68, his -parents, Mr. and Mrg'.-J. B. Me- subscriptions taken at the Hensall P41st a ratepayer in the, village that the,pointing R. Cameron as Fire Chief . . , , 1.�_._,...... - Gmical governm�ilt'-&tcl%b no vates. being the balance due Hibbert on ex- Aubrey Farquhar 57, Harold Jones 50. Lean. . . . Office for all daily and weekly new,,z,ap&S -on sboilldbe -given to oneof the and Lloyd Passm6re, as m0 .. . I .. ... . . . I . ­b-oadndary. ' Moved, ILT I Farquhar 65, Kathleen S. of St. Rent for past office lock bp.xes in the Hensali positi ' tor me- 't , -_ pendituri� on ars The officers of & W. M. IR I- . I _____ That the minutes Jr. III—M . post office become due and payable the last :resident pfiyiie' us. Dr. Moir has, 6hanic at h_salary of $215 perl year, ..... 1, . , � eek - . 6 ' Geiger- reporte'd '-re, the . . . . Brown -Clark: 0� Jones 62, Georg� Clifton 50, Marion Andrew's United Church for 1932 are in this manth"W-"Decanber, br the first been complimented by thd: H alth De- _'Car�ied. . ,., . . . last meeting be amended in regard, to IJ—Eric Switzer. 44. I- ' Z of January. G. J. Sutherland, Post - r+.., - .'.. . THE A X -E HAS FALLEN - Kdrslake 39 ...... , as follows:' Honorary president, Mrs. eek I... - 1. , . _... .- partment. for -the efficient' manner. in old fire brigade. Commanications. were . - . . � I the assessor, as he is subject to a *re ir'-FErnie Talbot, Donald . I . " ­.­­ I .. - from . -1930. Mervin Hayte , Conner; ,presidentq--Mrs-. W -W -W. 000P� --t-- . which' he bag carried -on the some -times - read from the following: Dr. X. Moir:� ­ ­ �, 4 C duction of 10 Per cent. Switzer, Kenneth McKenzie. . Evrinlex er; 1st vice-president, Mrs, W. .Alex- The annual meeting of the United difficult position of health officer with Robinson, and Spencer: That 'the �. 7- - , �,_T%e. Axe lias fallen in Huron oun- - cKay. That the ' . ; I I Moved by Brown -M _ ,:,-Eileen Hayter, Jdan' ander; 2nd' vlce-!presidei�t, Mrs. A. 9. minimum ot friction. .. ____ . ty., ,That is, it has fallen on the sal- minutde of last meeting as amended Lois Ratb*611 ' church'was'lleld on Wednesday even- Clerk write Dr. A.'Moir asking for his I :,,,, " Speir. Jr. Primer—Mildr'ed. Jones, Monteith; Sid vice-president, Mrs- ing of last -week with a fine attend- The Youths' Welfare Club of Car- resignation and giving the do'uncil's .1 aries -of HuronIg public officials. beapproved. " Moved by Johns-Brow4: ame � y, Mrs- ., �',"____ - �'. . . , Donald McKenzie, Alvin Kerslake. -r a...-, nJulayson; §ecretar a -lice. .!Rev. Sinclair presided. The mel Presbyterian Church entertained reason for same, and that the Clerk I At the 40ary session of the Coun- Thatthe collector take legal advice in r on roll, 24; average attend, "' Mrs., J. , . 11, , _.. . Numbe Hugh McX-drtrie; treasurer, , esby- v��te the Department of Public Health � �d to parties in arrears for taxes. , ee- reports siibmitted on the whole were the Young People '(5f Cavan Pr l ty. Council which closed in GodLerich regal ance, 22.31­-�P. C. -Perdold, Teacher. W. McLean -'missionary monthl'y" $ . : . I Johns�Clark: That. R. K6unedy be ? of a very - encouraging . nature and, terlan Church, Exeter, on Monday ev- stating councilA' reason for askingfor ... .. t wee)c, there was jusii one question Mr.Mcrvyn Keys,,.WhQ is attending re�tary,:'Mrs'.'Earl Sprd9t, ... i1strangers, year. At- ening, the visitors providing'an excel- resignation.�'Garried., E. .Bender ­ I ! Iss appointed Weed Ifispecter . for the f marked progress during the . I . I ' ' I �2 - � . I. of discussion and .that was econoiny, town ents per . University at London, spent the week: secretary,; Mrs. W. Fren h the business meeting, re- lent pTograuxo every'number well giv- communication filed; 6ppartmelit .of � . vi, wn d - e of big parents, -Mr. -Helpers, Mrs. T. N. Forsyth; press freshmeTits were served and a social en and,much enjoyed and appreciated. Publiq. Health filed; Salvation Army I " t'the h' ur -while on actual ser e. Bro � , . - en at the. hom - , and . how it. might 'be ,Practised a 0 � . and Mrs, .-Bem Keys, Babylon Line. - secretary,'Mrs. 'Alexander; Mission lilifir §pent. A full re�poirt willt-he giv- by the large number present. The also filed ,Bills' and accounts were I " - I 4R.Xpense of,the county Officisis- � Clark-- Thit John Earlebe appointed .� Johnsoh and-fan'dly, - Of Band-, secretary, Mrs. Conneri, Baby en in . next week's Issue. chair was -very ably taken by Mr. read for *the following: J. Htidsonj' '� I - I . Some councillors were in favory ..1. of . to - operate the stone crusher for -1932 Mr: - Ed st week with Band, president, Mrs. J,_,Henders I on; I , $13.50; - R. frigging, audit- . .1 I � .. - salary c?f 30i -cents per hour while Gode'rich, spent &'day is Ki% Eldrid Smith,'who is attending Rhodes, A concertina solo by' John auditing . at a n int Y3.5o, I ,on all on dtdty. Brown -McKay: That : . t, & � . - a reduction of ten pe;� ... .. :c� Pay Mr. Nelson Keys and family� Babylon supply committee, Mrs. deorge E- Western -Uluiverplty at London, Lspent Dalrymple, vocal solo- "Those Aubfir T Richardson, balance, re -1 , , . � � I 'some -were List No. 1 be suppmaed, and the Line. . . . Tho�ms'oxi, Mrs. ,John, Bell .Mrs. An- few days with his parents. ' Trekses Tied With �Iue," by Mis's aC3 .- ;* -School Board,..eurreut - ��, I I I ­ . county official's. salaries; - amount $219-67 be paidlt�i'the treas- Mr. Lloyd Scatchmer went to To- drew Bell, Mrs. E. Fors;�ti; finance , Mrs. John M11urdoch whs"in Exeter 'Hamilton; guitar duet, the Misses ef�nse, $1,000.OQ; J.' A. Pat�rson, ., I s percent. redue a load of cattle on. Mon�- committee, Mrs. J. W. ,McLean, Mrs. thepast week visiting friends: . Frayne and McInness; play, "Getting 1. $2.04- ��' . I , . - f the R�Qad Super- r6-nto (with . . I I. Jarrott, Mrs. TEm. Sinclair, Mrs. I ,Carmel Presb I .ifens-e, fire truck, d totab I �. tion..,but after About three day,' dis,� urer to the credit,o . yterian Idburehintend Ready for a Visit"; ,piano solo, Miss $VIL4029.44. -Spencer- an Pett�: That' . ;; intendent in biV Ontario Savings Of- day- , . . �.. . Mr, -Clifford Keys 'made a business James McDonald;, also the office�rs for holding a Valeiiiine social in the near Coates7 reading, Master Campbell-, ibawounts As read be paid --Carried. :� . . .. . . 11 . ,eussion a rompromise Was e . ffected by fte. BrowrL-McKay: That W. J..Fin- I the Ladies' , Aid Society: , President, future. -More particulars next we a -1 I 1. "Joining the�'two figures And mal�ing trip W Stratford last Friday. ek. humorous play, I',The' Train to -Mor- Spencer nd Petfy: That Mickle and . � nigan be, -paid. $2 .01 for supplies. for , . , ' I� '.., . I . . unemployed. John�Brc,wn�, That 01- 'Mr. Ro-k-'Lan-Lont- ha:s recently dis- Mrs. John Bell- Ist vice-president, The Misses Martha and Muriel row" added greatly to the evening's Robison 'be a road r-ommittee,Car- � . 1. �­ � the reduction.thirty Per .cent. iver McKay be paid $23'.07 rebate due posed of two horses to Wb% G. DQIWI.Mrs. J. B. X-.Leaii; 2nd vice-president, Carlisle, 'of London, wete week end enjoyment. Following the programme, ried., Mickle and Robison: That the I ?A . . . On some officials the axe may have . of Exeter, and one to Mr. McGrath,. _W-M._J� Cochrane; 3rd 'vice-presidelit, visitors with their parents, Mr. and games and contests i1rchargoi of Miss RdiW6 . with Councillors Petty , and . i : . : � I Effie McKay Estate on Jackson,Drain. . . Mrs. Wjlliam Sinclair; .4th vice-presi- enc& be property committee.—Car- . I ' ' fallen more. heavily, on some few I Johns -McKay: That the following a.c-. for* a good figbre. Mrs. Wilson Carlisle and family. Kathleen' Strang, were indulged in, Sp I . . . ' ' ' � . the reduction will be less, but all, are ,counts be passed: Canadian T I ele- _�-Th'e members of. the Stanley cOun- dent, Mrs, T.,Workman; 5th vi+ ' The sef,iii';6��i'lfi'the United Chlarch followed by a dainty lunch served by ried. Mickle and Petty:, That Col- ' :.. . . Varna on Monday for their president Mrs.'H. Chesney; secretkrv,,- '�rgely � 4 b of H -etor's roll be extended until . next . . -.1.1.-. ­ naterial Ocil met at ., treasure I r I , M . rs. T - vevd'Ta _,ttohded on Sunday last the Youths' Welfare Clu ensall. le th, and the . . . pretty much' in the, same boat. , --phon.e and, $upplies' Co.; 'r . and wef&'Wuducted by the pastor, The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's An- re lar meeting, March 7 � " n Rathwell I ". .. NO fav6iftlem—we nearly said judg- $28.89- Corniih & Di"Ey'ni-ple' repairs, regular me@ting- Mr-`J�h . . gu be instructed to write de- - , . � * s . ' "' , - - lector "' , "' A il-,� lvw 'Mr -ted i If was � , 'ac s I - 7hMa , I ;- 1- telephone, $3.68; M. Tyndail, labor was appointed road commissioner for ist, Mr., J. Henderson Rev. Arthur Sinclair. At. the evening glican Church, Hensall, entertained col .. didn't matter of TTivitt Memorial linquents that -5 per cent. will be add- .., 1. Tnent Was siLown', It' -telephone, $15.95.; W. Shirton & Co.: another year. , . The February mekink of the W. M, ­service the subject taken was "A Wo- the A. 'Y. P. A. ; I whether it was a laborer 'worthy of material, telephone, $6.91; Bell Tele- O;kr asseii�r' ' ' M.r. John A. Arm.- S. will be held in the school -room. on man's No," which wa�, dealt with in Church, Exeter, on Monday evening. ed after this. date.—Carr'ied. Spencer 1. . `hi� hire- an offi�ial holding a position: phone Co., switching and L. D. me$- strong, is, busy making his rounds of February 12th, with Circle No, I t,k- a very able -mannei. A quartette A very pleasant evening -was spent, and lRobison: That we adjourn until � ' ' . ownship. ing � part, Mrs. Alexander presiding. compoiged of Mrs.' M. Hellen, Mrs. G. the visitors having,prepared a delight- the call of the' reeve. --Carried.- -Jas. I ,; of responsibility, or an official WRo Isages, $2,150.60, Stron-herg Carlson the t ­., . .1. a. W Mr. Harry -Calver is spending a few This is the Day of Prayer throughout 'in, yed. [A. Paterson, Clerk. -," li`�, . saved the county each year more than' Co, material, telephone,, $64-.& , . ys at the home of Mr. Robert Me- .Hess, Messrs. W. I 0. Goodwin an . d Dr. ful progra - whith was much enjo ...... . I .. I I I,.' . McBeath, freight, telephone, $2.34; rl a I ,the world. ,�,._ - . .. I 1. I .1, .11 . 1. I. . I ), � . � ­ .the amount of bis salary, ail heads Mrs. A. Broadfoot, rebate, dog tax Clinchey. . Mr. John Mij,''L.L.D. t. who is now --- —_ moffmmmmmmm � , _­ .. �­­ I 9 ,praetkino- law in, Lansing, Michigan, . — — I . � � - � ,were shorn. error, $2- D. F. MeGregor, register- , , ' - � end wilih his par'ents Ana the saving to the county. Well, in- births, marriages and deaths, $9. ... .spent the week �,� � . ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig and Mis�l &_ ount to somel-Ei o meet Satur- BAY -FIELD Janet, of Tuckersmith. . �. . that will am t -ng like The council Adjourned t . i .. four cents pefliundred, acres per year. day, February 27th: Miss Jane R6d, who has spent sev- Weddingbells have been ri'llging in '� It is only fair, however, to say that _____ I - .-- _. . this community and take the placb of � . eral wi2e'ks i4 Clinton, returned home '�__-__- I exelusive,of the amount I last week. I the sleigh bells of former winterst, 1�, this amount is HILLSGREEN e Senior -C. G. 1. T. held � their '�� ­­ contributed to the economy. fund by I Mr. and Mrs. William Mk-Clindrey, Th �k F meeting in their class room, on Sat- ' � .1. the -councillors themselves, out of . Butchering is now the order of the of Danville, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. ,I, Speed, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. urday, afternoon. last. . 1.11 their sessional pay as coupty council- 6Ly in this vicinity'.- ­.. I I . �, ' Mr. Albert Schnell; of Edmonton and Mrs. Henry I&Clinchey over the s_M..._W"`IIII­ " lors. Alta., called on friends and relatives' week end, . I . , � �,... . . . School Report for,January,Sr..IV . ZURICH I I " , . But -before this iten't was reached, bere recently. . ".... . ;.. 'John Wild, Isabel* Osmond .. . I � . the axe had become too heavy t� Mr. W. L. Forrest, of Clinton, and —Honours, "' * - . ,wield, and'.� 'feather was substituted Mrq. James Mustard, of the London. (tie).. Jr. IV—Honours: Dean ,Castle, Hay Council Meeting—The regular� ' . ,;, ' Road, *visited at the home of Mr. J. Kathleen, Scotchmer; failed, Keith monthly meeting of the council of the "I 1*, I in its place.. Hereafter"ihe pay of B. Forrest and family recently. Geminhard, Robert Carnie. , Sr. IVL_ Township of Ray was held in the town � � Huron Cc�unty councillors vvill only n Monday, February let, �� 1: We are ,pleased'to report that Mr. Honours: Fred Sturgeon, Emma Stur. hall, Zurich, o �. be $4.50 per day, in -place df $5 as in G. Love is improving from his illness. geo,n, Dick Weston; pass — Carson with all the members present.. The P . ' pent Johns, Charlie Parker, Brown 'Lind- - minutes of the previous meeting were � !... other years. The mileage yenume�`A- i-Xiis Mary Hagan, of Lond6n, s . 1� -1 - tion, of co . urge, reniains the same. the week end with her sister, Miss Bay, Tpm.,Castle; fall-ed—Doris Fea- adopted as read. After disposing of Dolly and Mr. Frank. . � therston. Sr. III—Honou'r%, Vera a number of communications, the fol- I . -ray, Evelyi� lowing resolutions were passed: That �.' '. ­ - ,Some....day-, perhaps, the taxpayers Mr. John Turner, af CIintpn,.,:-abd Wild; pass — Mae Mur the i;&po,t of the auditors be accepted I ;. ,.. . � .V4ll*a*a6n to'the fb,dt that there is Mr, Jack McGrath of Dulbriu, were Geminbard, Harry Brandon, Keft -Cas-. . . 1. . � , I . copies �,-�. I I . tie, Charlie Bra - i. I .,a great -,deal more legislation ,passing in thj,%. vicinity Iasi week. I . .ndon, Jr. III --Hon- as -presented and that 75. Of .... I �, The*M.S. -will be held op t -lib Day, -burS:---4M2ry Jean Mborhouse,,W-11liam same be printed for diet ' ribution a 1; . through our, county 66un*c1iIs which it Prayer, Friday afternoon, Febru- Westlake, Robert McLeod Kenneth mong the public. That Mr. W. J. Jar - I , - �- . - bag for, its sole aim and object the ary i,2th. .1 I . Brandon- Iyasg.—Stuart Si�rgeon, Al- rott, road superintendent, be appoint- �. catching of votes thAn there is legis- . . bert Os�lond, Pearl Lindsay; William ed as a delegate to Attend the Road I , . . ­_ ____ - Suiperintendent's Convention at To-. �.al ­ raboxiof a kind aimed at a reduction " 4 ,'e , Murray; failed, W11J[iam Osmond. 11 ' and I Class --.Honours: Clara Clark, Lorna ronto., That oBy-laWs Nos, 1, 2 " ., .of taxes -and the general welfare -of ,EXETER , Westlake,'Bdtty Brandon, Juie Bfan- 3 confirming.,aippointments of town- �� ' I I ,�� Me- ship officials 16r 1932, and fixing -sal- * ' �';,, - the --villages, towne and tov"hell'Ps The regular meeting of the Wo-' don; pass ---John Murray, John '. 1. _. -W ' -urg. * aries for saine, be read third time and 4 1 , I hich compose those counties. - Leod;. First Class---jAdhourg; Mete .. men's Institute was held Tuesday if , r"I., . . I ' Vera Pease; finally passed and Reeve ,1- authoriz- ,�, . I ­ fs. J, S. McLeod, Jim Dewar, . L. , . I ternoon at the home of.,X ed to sign same and toJ;fiip Clerk �" . .. - , . Grant with the president in the chair. pass�413dris Osmond. Primer — Pass * - I .1 . on seal theta%. -That v" 11 � I ,�;, McLeod, attacl, ��, Twenty members, answeied roll call. Norms Brandon, . Malcolm corprorati . . . uts covering payments on'Wwn- . hl_" .�.; �Lo"ESBORO I ' A number of visitors were present. t1byd Westlake, Audrey Brandon, accou �'Lll 1-1. - ship roads, telephone and general ac, .1'.11, - 0546"', � .. Thp.X., A. held theivregi�lar month- Considerablebusiness was disposed of Helen �turgeon, John Peargon�lso I , I . Margaret Ferguson, counts be passed ak .per vouchers:— ilk"',k 7 Iiiiting, at $L* home of ... Mr. and and final arrangements made for the bel Kirk aiia I, , I . m � 13 - I—.. ­ 1. --O. Koehler, Road 3, ,_- �, ,i . ' eache s Township Rbads A .., " rs. Ernest AdMis last Wednesday Story Telling Coiltest, to be held the T r - . ,,, - 31 'S - H-offman, 'Road 8, $&69- J. ' - `V, ", ' Ift�,,'.s ­ � ' - :afterropon, the pres,Weht, Vrg� Alleft latter part of February. A report The Young,, Peoiple's Department of $1; ­. L Op ��.��., , 0. .. Ittoie ,stating the St. Andrew's United, Church met on egel, Road 8, $2;' X. Tinney, Aoad ,, ,1,� I g, Th6q, was an dxceotf O' n, tile, Roads 3 and 11, , ift - from the relief eommi . , 11 rest , onal , %I .� � V.50. 1 I xy evening las 14 , W. Wei. 1`0' - . I V�*, �! �,% , ly ,good aitondafiae. ., After the busi- need of funds -vat, responded to "by a- Tbursoh, t. The meeting $1.64; P,. J.- Stire, Road 10, $1.40. roT."i , ' `�'!._ ,� ..hesd 'Vart tha� mee.tiug was presided donation , of . twenty-ifive dollars. It was in charge of th4g president, Gladys __­ .. I -T v tional -period was fol- Telephone. Accounts—W. 9. Johnston, �- ,�,. *v-ei qJ Mrs. Darwin Carter'and the was decided, to hold a Community night Gale. The de _o �., I N.': I . , - auditor', $2. K. A. Routledge, auditor, 1".. M.'14 I jogtam consist6cf,&f it s,#14-11did paper for the members, thoir hu5bands and lowed by amusing impromptu speech rs. X Disiardirne,' error in tolls, : " * . 1P . selecti6fi hy, Mr. Gale; �2; M '. k, . , ` , - a violin � , .1 I I il,,W ., 16y, 2&s.0dwin-Wood, reading,by M�s. families on Fo-brusty,19th in the,10yne es 1� , . � 1 $2.85; Bell Telephone Go., labor, etc., �, �, .91. � . , ,..,. . . Adam!; tud,golo b Mrs. (Dr.) Browning ."ry vubly mn�uth orgati­tium1berby Albert Woods . � I i'. . 1. T, q­bfts. E. Adams hall. . 11 "I".. 'A I evints. T*L- to re& A debate, resolved cable, $11245; Canadigg"Telephone & � - ,,�'- Was ofiloyed by. All. , ozilgnolid, lunch dealt with current Pic we�re enjoi - ,. I given by I . .1 M ".� I 3s X- -6raut, R . �,al food to Supplies, mateiial, $5.50; Northern 4 4-. - - , ,. was served 1by Urp-Pidwit Wood, Viss was Mi .R. that Jt is a �erilue to StA .Z ;�'., ., h was siwved 6 ved very in- 'Etectrie!Co".',,mrpplies,"$Il�.05; urich ,�', ",� ,y the bodess, as- prfrerit stevrvation pro ...T " 1, �, ,;,. ifi­­ 11 " E ,11 , X,�� t;'Ii. . ". J'a�Won� And IV& (Row.) Johnsiott, �Luzd, Centrall swfli ft ... �-2 wbeks. $51; , g. *',.� ,,,­�__�&', MM SPM si - 1 4 1111, vt)�y h.AbW social hout ' t - 'sted' ,�7 Me$; Uffitfild-ft od Ms. teyesting. The affirmativia won by a P , ... �. ,V0 11 `­',;,:,,,�1_;,.. ., 't". .. I � I .'._�. .Im�_ , margin. Then followid com- Postage, re noticeso Annual i�eetlng, .101 I," .. . � . J. M"§oilth-dott and a social half hour Small lw­ '��;,,z�.-,.W sit. I I . . ' d N., . , � . munity 6ingift., This ,,parti Felose $5.66; H'. G. Gteen, labor, etc., Decem. 43 �� -. �;, � . , 'Ne W, leap AM Of, X,v United " t 4 ,. 'no, ' $183.8 'ttb 1 "" " I'd be dietion. - 0 ber,and Januor , 6. Geperal "621 I Ta,r"r . _,0 ., * L1�4�Tilt' , -0, ,. , A 0ers, who ,recently vilth a 'hymn, an , , ,,',� .. W41 � - .6 ..44,1h4ld th,1C1.tTt,-o,g#I.sf vtdaUhg,',--6f, Mr. ' —W.'A Johnston, auditor, 11 I ". at, pr. Flef- X40d thou took el�arge of the.wcial Amounts �1 ` ` ` � . k: MoW W' W, - G4 Mi�ft dtid MUS uliderwelit.411 opal!4�011_ . I . I I 4k .. " � I ,1_'. I'M ­ — .. — ­� 4. , 0, �, : I 11 I I �, . , , � 11 . � 4- � , . , . I . � '', . I , . � , " I . , . . . I . , I I , I �'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ! .. I � I � t . � i . I "I I . P, f , , I . , i . I , .. I . .. � . I I .. � ... I I . , - I � , , ; I I . i I I . I � 11 ,. I , � . 11. � f 19 I 11 � .. . � , I I I 1 5 1 .1 i 11 . I I I � . I I �N�,111'111'��. ,;;;t,._;�� I ,; - - - , - c,!.. , -1 ,, . I . I �4 I I _ :. I , ,,, _... I I r � I 1 �gjq �� . �',;, ,, . , - - '. '; �­V,'�,., �,_".'k � ,',�,..� - . , �_ , . . KN41,� -1111I,'y1f`11 ,:� " I., ", : I _. 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