HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-02-05, Page 2I ,'�",", , _--q .".I "."',­­�__­1�5- -.14 , , "" i � "�, , ...... . ,"611 �;,­,­�l _ N , - " . , 1� I , ,r,jg ,,-_'7'�, ,n - - , " � , 1­,61,�Nok,t" 5"I "'.,�.1,�!"...", ... �� '�. 1111� , " . , " , -11 -TT17rT ,'7 'T -� )-7 "',"', J, l-,-, , �111'111111 � "..",NM." 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" 4, dqp�kqed 41, �t "i" ,to migh tentioni of S", , h � � 3 � , , .'A.-, ��,,',,!:,�,i��i',,�i(��,,',!,�i�;��,�t',�',i�,'����'����.;!,�l,�,;,I�.",; ".", ��J �-­ ,. I I ­­;".... 1. dlaaartlw from . I I mittee . � W&O 4 1 - 1 , "r, l". � ,'!�,V�i�� "�;" ', . � it; toolt His, farewell I 11 .. - �, �': ;i,� . - � �� - , ­�., I'— " -'.11. I � ­� . ... , ! A - 1 . . I ' '6t __ � _ , , . - , I .. . It revorte4 *.',, ... ;,hq_;Aa_d i � �', . , , 1. ­Al�. . L emput ol . . . �.v . . *1 , , " I . , I I � .. . , ,!"L - now _.. '�', ,� 10 ., JI "", , � " , � '.Il�, , I �i. , , ­ , "' , te j-1to, ruln. . . ..... ..... _ , � B I 9"Ah, ,",�,,,'�,�,�!""!��,���,�.i;, , . , � of it, aVdJhQX.k_H0,predW 'a j! - �J'�7; /` gated, I i , .. .. � , � been Ity' lot a, fAlee 4W I ��, .. ­ , : L , , ,�� ". �, r ,tl,�"71ir,7��,_,�,., - 1 .1 . ­ : "I ."--. I - �_ __ —, " � ,'' - ! " "', - J?ip disciples vent N6th Him and . 'L .. ­� �i!"",L""";�,���','."i,,',-9�,,,�,�.,�� . --;.. . , . :0 a ., ; SRO .1 "�.� 1,r,v,w,- eAt His . � U.S. ,- cgutpaign -expewlit,um, Vk ;;; , �, � I . '.. 1; - '10 , . � I � _; � � . - ., 6, ; �� ,public %preaching days, wwe �,�1,1.1,s . 1 7 , . � . . - , , - 1. � , � 1 h_,_�, 71k 00 ,J� !!! . I , I . . � :� �. I , � - , kg­L"��­ .- .... .. 11�'-L-" . ­ s I. d , .'4tl,'i ate4 L rsion P=V A -W, use 9 I 0410 $ L , N- . . ' ' He instructed this he 11 I .. I , P I vgr, , V__ qn%n a ilavor and 19: .1 , � Previous to I . �:� - them in priv4te- I 1;.e UIPPRIA ,)D ,; Use of Bisur lent tonvie -4o. ,, f .1 ,,"�,'�'ti�'�,;,,�j��",'��I,�l*.-��,,�,�.��','��,'��,,',;���",�, �, ­ '. ov . I . Id 19" I= t'. "'l, 21 I . . . ..... 1. , _ 4" k.", i "Ie'lou L , ......... . . � ­ 1-1 .� , H1§ 4i$�c�p % i,Uquire&­-0fL .:-H1m, .the ;,. , , ',�, L . le, ;agnleojg� tq� ,( campaign fun'CIZ. For,Ao " , . )ytlreor�e Trouble a grand IaFi of I . k0n, - P Is rpcogp . ��,�'�,,�",������i�V�""�'.�"",O,�,� , ' L 1L��,,",j" . I I.. ,W I . I ... tilue . When, Ws destrwtion -1 .should .Caused -4)y -Acid- -1ptligestion. -had been indicted by " ah. .1ar .I�., CR0W,NBR"VWr,N8,yxU WrecogArl j�� �l�,�"�p"���,;�'��'��""',,"�'�,"' t�'4t��`,"�� �'L, I . _ - . I I I istrict Of �ColuntbI4 On 4- the.MoSt healthfUl foo bi for9most 010 - L . - - 1. . i_ take, -i5ili, and the signs of its aP- .. . I the li I L . _ 1A - - , .". ., - , - , ""J�K�4��,""Q�4$!�,4�L " , onlach accompanied counts. The bishop IiS now wpPealin .0- I 1111111-1- 11.11 W, ,W. i . Gas irt the st ' ' , I , , . � 3-rownig �­ X��� , , ( 1. preach. n � , , , 1� I I uttered as by a full, bloated'feeling- after -0 �� , � TAX .": I I � 'These predictions were eating t the Senate not to Pass Juct . L' . ; ,"".1,11". , , 11 We and the diS61310S sat on the hi ' until he 'has an oppor- . �' 111-1. ��, 14��k",,���,"�l,�',�I'��.�r�����,� . ,, - "Nxits "i I Mount ape almost certain evidence of the upon M tt"., "�� � , , �­' " � , - presence Of ex,cessive hydrochloric, At- twi4by to present ItisL e4kSe" The op- \ L , , . ,1­� ., I I ��,, ,�,,�,,0,.,gT��; ,4 1 1 � .�, . A , I � 11 of Olives as they were -returning to I . -of �Vre­ ­ - ;.� ,, - , ,." .IN 1. . . _ , I I , "i , ,. .. , . - They would! be facing �thei id in. the stomach, creating sp-callj& pottubity'Already offered him I . 1 . ��_ _��%J. , Childr'' ' 0; �,,,%�.)...� 1: . , 'L, ." . - en Bethany. I - case1before-4,8enate Ma- . .. .t�OV.Vv . , � � l "acid iAdiger,tiom .. , ­ � � ........ , I . � , ' ' temple and there He -sat as a jufte g '116 6 "i, . , - ignored, treating tkip Jn- . r, � ' '' L�� (he 11 ,,,1,1'-P11' I, ", - , �'­'�� I I " I I n the bench, the tomple and the 'Acid stomachs are dangerous be- - � "L, , ;-T L I �. I I I . . L . . . upo; t. body With L . _. .11 �. I � _11 . �. I � I L -,-... � , I 0i , g I I � �'�,,�",-�',� ,,',�'�li,"���,..,;,��,,',i�,:�'-,f',�','.',,,,,��. . . �,,�� ,� Fte'a n ,considerable I "d �1�I _L,�� V-4 1 City being'before Him as at the bar, cause too much acid irritates. -the deli- . - . , - e , nee thle com- - I L � -H: - 1,,f ,�,..,­,, �'?, ­' jms-,­,��I"-­ and thus He p, -Q.xLth . I .. ­J,� "L, " I .... .. I I ' I . , assed sentiplic-q ' em cate li#ingof the stomach, olten lead- lcontemPL .Bult to balA. 34� ,., 'A disciplo. pf-fubure ing to gastritis accompanied by seri- udttee'a condemnation, !Bishop Can- 11 . ­ .. -1. . - . 11 . �%,%i,-,,�"j,;� �, ': ��, �,,!'� � �:14% - - . He spoite to. Ha able - to show that aw inw*- AV - - .. 11 �� a �, " L " �,�,�,�,' r." I .1.. ullcers, Food .ferments non is I � "I". , . L,_ I'll 1".. . events, great events of that age and ous stomaid�, I -ting . : -1 I :� � ',-�',!6 I soursi �reating the distresilng t1ka eomrrdtboe of his own church I I , I "i'Lli then passed on into a discour . . , 11� "', � X Ise to . 11'�,�IRO - ADA STARCII'Mo., ­ I �ttds ?4�()PiT'EA'4 �i�,,, ,'i`l,�Kl ;: , " .n- and I and 'that I 'a (M ' ' L ., 4. '' '­, . I "c ... "', Prue ", L. "I �, ��. I Itedpe4r, ,� ,..,�,. cl6rning 11is second coming, at the gas v . I . Swd we 000 of .. . ,�'_ , , 11 , , ", ' ILLL I I . L ormal functions of this finding war. endorsed by-tbe con- �, I *nde" Ise. for wsftg� 1 , . -WIP, I.' 'He enjolod upon them h .. I .., � . . , 11-,Ipinl,!,�­ ` L, J:,!. - � I I end of ti�ma,' e., Ile asserts that he is-beling - 1. " � ��., ,rhich which dotends the stomach qbsol hiw4 of all guilt �!� ��, " 4: 1, , � -1 I , L . -nal organs, Often' af- ferene . , .----.-- _. ­_ . . �,§W 11, _ I __­ I ". 4i "'�, - 1. -1 VA114r .": '�, 0 .:. ­�"watch, the vital inter hounded by agents, of the liquor i74- ,,, ,, , �­ . , , �1, 1 - � L , Q�k,�,, _�' . . , � 1'� � , �. � .. the necessity of whtching . N&W.K.— I ��'JLi,q . . . . - - . I : . I - " — �, ;�-,I",��L I 11 .4 1 . , therefore, for'ye know not what hour fecting the heaft - I ADVIRSIA I I I , I , L I S ,� � . .. .... L" I , , -worst of folly to neglect terests, and protests rdhat his activi ,_ 11 , - 1, . .. I , . -Loi it is the I � . � i I 1.�' your. -d, doth comet." ,� ;_I,-_ 1, - by the ' , , -1 � -1 I RE�,'% I - . . 1 ,4_ , 11 - , sy p �, �A', 1� da es 45-51. Thii'passage is , a such a serious condition or to treat ties were dbviou I a proved - z,., � - I . Vers I I .��.tk ta es in Which he I I I �� gi," ­­' I ,� " - . I .. . I I - - I I . �',-sg,,,:�� - - IF - . ___ ___ , �,,,j_ , I � ' ' � 2067 parable I *itfi ordinary digestive aids which several southern ,s t i IhV%li, —1 I , f�, � . � the design of which i ,�.._�,.��. L I I �. I ____ - , . S � - 9, .. . coqks. j� g� mins. after the i"ter boils � �Christ,s fo ytM . I ", ,M'tK`4�'�- __ I . I show- that lloweTs Sh4d have no' neutralizing effect on the campaigned since the , li n ' ...." I . " L,.,,� co,,,-, . - ,. � . . y the Demlocrat�t to n only a small, . 1 k�, , - . o � . � I � ,moment ex- stomach acids. Instead get from an I I I . ...'.. . ee . . �, �f'L " , I, . I . - I .. , """ � act as if they were each Ontario there had, b �,,Ir, ,-O', � , ,: __ . pecting MS return. Can6n_.Farrar druigist a1ittle Bis.urated Magnesia column., ile in some area tb�ere ; , ) __ ... 10 I . - " ­ am, wlu 9 , . - . inere . � "'' I `1�4`;.­' :1 I I . I.. . I lil­ I 10 ��, . , . . -ays that the four moral keynotes of and take a teaspoonful or four tablets According to the Louisville Copaier- was Mile.'. . I '. - , R, I ?,.. � . . ....... Thisl Journal, the �story is'told in cold fig- [ . .. 1, row �Ivil. We praise Thee for, s atin,gi �. achieved,' and Christ's -Discourse of the Last Thlings, in water tight after! e I I - _, " , - I �,,��-"��,�,�� I 'drive the -gas, wind and -bloat ures, PCK � , _ " ", �TJNDAY AFTERNOON - -i suZsses already not in. torrid insinuations. . - . � �'111 . A " , . � . 1 I 11� I �h" and "En- will . " .. I , , . a CV,,,,�` , , S I � nces of the better day -when are "Beware" and "Wat, the Bishop Cannon collects $130,000 in , Short Courses,Well Attended. - VIM 1 41" S, , � . I I (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont..) I -se 4r, right out of the, body, sweeten . 42 A �"� . ,,, . Al",,�,�%, I . for a= undir Thy dure" and "Pray." ' And in ver -ourse- of his anti-SnAth ,cam- . 0 WE � � - _ ,, , ",V, I 11, I es shall be put "Blessed is that servant, stomach, neutralize the excess acid the',c . � . Mill V , . $ . " Christ adds-,,, . , I % , q.,", , _t� I a " ent its formation and there paign in 1928; ,he reporteKl- only $58,- . In-' nearly overy, country and I . , ... � V11 � - ... I .,g ; ., Qrant us, clear Lord, from evil ways feet. Amen.. ,vh,Qm his lora-when he cometh shall an prey,!., . . .- � dia- I �! " . N , A ,, ' I ' , 1�rue 'absolution . and release; ' I � 'From A Cycle of PraYer'. I ' I, �­ - , is no sourness, ga's Or pain. Bisurat-- 558 of, this su1W in his- official. trict of the" PT"nce at the present L kc amw llww.111644i"�FAFMW I .. ..... ,.� . I I . . find o doing. ',�­, I u's more than in past d s i shor "courses in agriculture and AL 101IM1110Y THAT VOU CAM -SW* - . '!�� , And bless ays, verses a conlrast ed Magnesia (in powder or- tablet statement to the 'Government Con,tri- time, . t Im" VnitrAin 1NP*LWN=rMM.M4, � " " S.S. LESSON -FOR FEBRUARY 7th We hal,vie in -these ' TXg nducted . . ... � I :, , I .. i ". I - With purity and inward/peace. . . I r . 4 drawnbetween the life Of a --wise serv- form -never in liquid or- -inl ) is butions totalling $18,300, sent to the home econonics, are bed 'I Agri- I I 111, P -, I n6er thdr direction of the lZa . , 1,611. I -l"T.0pie-w-The Slavery -e and the reward harmless to, the stomach, inex nsi 91, I ; ! I., 1,0890# of Sin. ant and an evil - e ye can�,paign'fund; weredeposlited to the u I n . "' In general 1 A 1 .F.c,i,all we love, the poor, the sad, - to take and the ,best form ag- credit of "James. Cannon, Jr.,` or,cultural Rep_repentative. . I �R�,-, - ,L�esson Passa,ge--Matthew 24*45- given -to each avlast. There is de- * : V M I , �`�,,,;,, The sinfu,1, unto Thee we call; I poses. it is us- "James Cameron, Jr., exie0jultor,"' prior the courses �are of two tYPe,%-ThTee- : , 1 51. picted in an old, poem, e�ntitl6a,'­Strife nesia for stomach lyur- ' . � . . . * III,,,;9 ` 0 let. 1`11y Merei-ni!ake us gla&; ,, Golden Text -John 8-:34. ,, in Heaven," a similar contrast- The ed by thousands of Ip�ople whb en�o general etlec- MionthiCourses and One�Month Cours- .1 � ;�',n,�,�L __ " Thou.-,A'rt our Tes,ut and our all. - - \ I writer .. represents himself as *,going their meals with no more fear n d I 1. % -, _.. .11 , . ", 0, in� to the date of the 1928 ..", .�' . I... - . , I .�., 1, I . .. , - I . deposit� to the credit of these ac- At the agricultural classes the . . ­­­ - I F. W. .F.aber.' 'Christ's preaching was - mostly through 46 s * Jer- digestion. - i ", . . . -I' , I �_ . 1. � � 1 . . rteets of the Ne I - �'.).­ .. ... _. __ n get - _. . .1� 111-1.1'..., . - couAts for considerable,perio se g me instruction in re I . �.. . � . . PRAYER practical - - but, in this chapter, we - � ds SUN - youll . ; . � I I usalem;, He draws near"to a company . -1 -1 .- - - I , I (. ` I Thv word and have a prophetical discourse, a pre- mints earnestly: discussing tbe � . . 1� q4tgt-to ,the -lelbetibn. The - SenateI spe-ettLo the care and management9f ­ . I 11 . ' � �,,�,_. . We thank,Thee for .. Of -11 .... 1.11 ............ � ...... 1, 1. Comiiiattee concludes that its ,find- live sto,ek; the 'balancing 'of- rations� .. ,. . - . _. . I . I . . �,i�.,, -for ins,pired men who marked out the diction of things to come ' question which of them 1-8" the great- brought ,his patients to the lifilit Of WnSvIiII46 .... ��'. 4� for ings reveal "numerous apparent vlo- roil management, crotpe and cultural Oxford ................ B" I., I i , I , I... . path for a benighted and struggling In the close of the. 9 c aP- est n-wilument of G,od's saving grace,- daly ,�Ieaued them of verImin and fil-th, - )oq ical lyro-.. North Simeoe ..... T - - - - - - Oriffilit . I ,11 . lations, of the 'Federal -Corrupt Prac' Methods essental to eeon mi ''i � � assoc- ter Jesus had said, "Your �-ou�e�,j§_Ea�h states his case and it is a � L�, world. We i"nk Thee for all , greed dres'osed the sores. caused by their ,'' �:­, I . .. . 1 'It chains, and subjected. them to,, the . . ImAny. unle �: I �1� I m' tices Act,, -and xplained dis-, duction. marketiiij, insect and disease While no official ,figures,are as yet I " Wons of L en united for the over- 1 left unto you dessolate," and � hii� he to settle the matter by vote. It ontrol,'stock and seed judging,-rolpe available in so'far as attendance at . .. .'I . � , . . .. ...., crePancles" between the ten ,various c L I ­� ,�� " - I I . 11 I . I I -1 finally narrowed down to two who a- first' scientifle treatment ev,eT­.a,cc9rd- bank -accounts to which the funds were sPliciln.g, public speakinug and ninny this latter group of Courses, is con- 4 1� L . . I �� - ". _... , , - . , ,;,. —_ I 1- I I I gain relate their doings in life. The ed such unforitunates. are informed that in, gen- 4 1� _.. I- ,;, � r . � . . . . . . - first tp.speak is a'very old man. fre As was. expected,*some ,recovered deposited and -the report, submitted other subjects with which -the succe ' s ' s- cerned, we es are well � � I.. ,� ., ., � 11 claims that it would be iftypossible and ,many were. improve(L - Other en- to the clerk of the IEDuse of Repre- ful, fanner of 193.2 must ' be familiar, eral the Janu,gry cours UP ..I:,; � -God's , grace could ,have done lightened men and women in different sentwtives. The whole case - now 'The young ladies, on the other 'to the standard. � Reports, hovmyer, I � � 1 , that J 0 � I , I , �', I- I . a 0 . -how the had lived a Pinel. ,Gradually, though slowly, the I '. I . I . leaves� forever the realla of "pers.ecu- hand, receive instruction in such have come to hand from a number of �;. 10 , :1, . I* il�ore for any man in heaven than countries followed the -It -ad of Dr. tion," into which Bishop ,Cannon has domestic. arts as cookeTy�,Iaundlering, .counties where there is a total enrol - Nu , , � I . �� forhil& ,He tells endealvorad th force it for it is ridicu- sewdlig, ,home 'iidi�silig and first aid ment of well over 100 young People. " Ir i - . , ­ most wicked.life-a thief, a liar, a un ns of -old gave place to more - subjects in attendance a the cour,ses in a '- \ � .11, I . d geo . e t 9r, . ..1. . � , lous to charge an .impartial S riate. and .the innumerable Other .. j:;:, . � - I . i blasphemer, a drunkiird, and a i�mr- efilichtened institutions. To -,day -they, Corn,,, culture 'and h6me econowics.. at the I � rl�ftted,. ,made, up of',members Of which go towards the make-up of the . . ., ''. I derer. On-, his deathbed ,Christ ca�hie are -really hospitals, but they are still i . e -maker. one centre. This would indicate that , . � � ��� �' . 10 - to him and he was f orgio-en. I too greatly crowded and are not suf- both - plaltiticlerl par ... I t'a"'e'8 with way desire e.fficient rural hom . I ­­­ I!-: . "The seven Three -Month Courses the Course �, ,�', , -i-, _.. - e churchman.- . . .1 ,s are not onlybeing apPrec- �,�� i �_­ ,, _I::, I I . to persecute t1l. I% ;;; - . I � ,',.� . , . I ,­� , . ' The other'is also -an old man who ficientlystaffed. Further changes will OP 011, e ,: ' iated but that i�ural residents are .. . 11 I .� I . I � � The bis,b ' to" k th ­'fi�ld against. are belng�held as follows ., � �: � I I POUI�TRY, I I says, in a few words, that he was come when the public realizes more . ' , . . rtunity to better" �,­ .1 . I I I ' I .Smith in Virginia because Smith.was 'County Town- seizing * , very oppo . ­' - 1� . . brought tq,Ohnst when he was a boy� fully.the .seriousness of mental disor- Teeswater their position. I I . . RO-GULATOR" . . He ,had tried to live wisely and well.1 dews 0 a, wet and the -bi�hiop one of the chief Bruce .................. . , 1(� �, �, 0.,:�'- . t'is, pwpared t pay for their ornamAnWof dhe Anti-Sa'loolr' League. Halton ........... � .......... Milton . . , -_ . L- I . 'Makes Hens La4 More Eqqs" his ,quiet uneventful life -and bad al- eatment. .1 .i 'Spring�rook -------' ­­ 1. I =_ 1� ­ . ,pro,p because Smith Hastings .... I ........... I I '. , 1, I �r,d 1� �. I , , . Or it might have been I I 11 .1 . .. I I �U,11 .1 - .... 1: . I � ways k4ept, the hope bf -heaven before . I . . . I ,,; - I . 5old b4 7.POO Dealers in Canada . . , 0. I is a Roman Catholic. The f Act that Lineoln ............. Jordan gtaZUion, j.. , . .061,1Z , . . , 1'� I PRATT Foot) CO. OF CANADA LTD.. GUELP" ONT., his eyes. I I I I �.­ I . I ......... Strathroy I ..r , I .1�1 * . 11 . - . . T'he vote is taken and they 'were . . . , he was, both Wet ­and Roman Catholic Widdlesex ..... I V ;.,z,;:.._ � I L . . � . -ongly dry andWaterloo .................. Elmira I ­. . . I in a state which is, sti I ' ,,,, . ­ . — -_ ! all given to the Iasi. .The first had I LEG PAINS. " Protestant offered a Aouble opportuil- Wentworth ' Carlisle I f" - 19 )"'", . . I , . most to thank God for being plucked - -- ­­ � � ­* *­ ** ' ' * ** * * '. I 11 . . I ity to. make War against him, and F& the first month there wa,9 a . 11 .. . I ,� I 11_'--� �;, - I -his � . . � . ... . . I I as ,a in -and from the burning . �' ' - ses �� . "I'll" , I .. . ... . .... BACKAC14E ' .1, the bishop W the crusade. ffis wet- total enrolment at tho seven cour . I . . . I h the bypocrdt!§�-,, " fli6fE' I I '11, " .. I � . portion wit . . � I . . � I I . I . � I ... . . . . .1 ___ . . ness gave hi§­F611bbouis. oppoifii-nts an Of* 189 J ys --- and 226 girls. I I I ��� ��.­,_-_ , I.- � .. _­ . . � shall be weeping, and gnashing f to cloak their sectarian � One -Month Cours I es, -are being held . . !'14 , I 'r 1. � I teeth," being .,the 'Words of 'Jesus Getting-Up-Ni&s.' 4poltun4y 0 � . . � I --- I . - . . � .. 11 anh-niu4ity, land, of this opportunity in 24 counties in -Southern Ontari � I I I ' , ���� X,., �'� -, - " - , � � . . I . . . I . . Christ to HR77dis-diples concerning' the ' ur - made w ri , , th. of January and an . . ��', I I If y,o - day; and nights ate , -e believe thatt_the good bishop, seized du ng the -on I I , '­ I . I evil servant. The last was kept ... by __-, - additional ,six slimilar ,courses will be - . -11.1. � .1i. . . . I the ,power ,of God from living jn . miserable by pain and'soreness, Blad- every advanfa:ge. But though. tie . e e! - I 1. I �.­ .. .. I I .- _. . held in as � many other counties in . - . . .." . � esire feated, Smith b4d Iniany friends and � ,.. . ­... I . s saved from'dying in . �, ' :".. A44cu, A , A ixtul "!l; der.�Kidney Weakness, frequent d i ;;� , ,4.,_, . I ppe.. . . the;- first wa to eliminate -with burning "irritation, ninny a vigilant eye -was kept on F-6brual'Y. All of these courses are , . .11, � - I . I . - ­ - �sin. , I I Backache, swollen feet and ankles, Cannon-. The success 0 the . held Aiinder the auspices- of local or- ' . 11- . . . . _ campaign . . .1, �.9. . ptad ''his security. g,an, , . I The tem ions that beset the lives pains in the back Of legs --due to by no ,means earned zations -and are organized by the " ��-.. 4D 1"L kial << <<, of' young people to-day'are 6subtle, , SING'INC, ., I!- , I I P cke4h " 4 k. Appc . out, ,Rheumatism, Clogged Kidneys Charges were made- In the course Agriculturiil Represeiiiatives of the I. I / 11 .. I '. � I I I � I . none more so than the liquor,trAffic. '-T * anches of -the Ontario Depart- _k. I I I I �� � 19, , . ­­­ � ..". . � or InflamireAtion of Uriilar5� Tract- of their investigation it was revealed lo�al br ..�,: 11 11 I . . . . Let us read and learn and be nble Mentof Agriculture with th4'support � ': � . you should try the certain value of that the hishop-had been a very good , ,- ,�� . � . . ini�W ritly to use our influence to - *nee�� - customer of a New York bucket shop Of the local people. T'he Points at I :�;_. . 1, . A , g6 KARA'Fr1N, TABLETS at L-4- h Y ' . I I I I'll, I ,,�� I . . to mbat it wherever and whenever pos- ; - ,which the one-manth courses are be- �� ,, __­ I.... I . . - I 11 . --.-. ,A non -secret treatment, made in and that hd had " iietival-IT sent. orders I . .., .11 . .. P I . . sible.' I ing -held in 1932,ure as, follows: . A-, vELmuiTui, radio program for 1. . ' � 1.1: . .. , . 11 � Canada, and with true.list of ingredi- to buy or sell istocks on the Lord's . .-J �� 1. . . . I County I � Tpwn which was started over - 11.1-11 ........... , � - � . I � I ents pl.;inly printed on -every i6ek- Day. -Of course there As no law .. YO � I ., 1, N11 - . I I . - I . , '..." -.1 . I .1 WORLD MISSIONS . age, KARAFIN TA,DLETS can be against sending telegrams on Sunday Brant. .,. , . 6 ....... I .... I ... Burford wmloctcago eighi montbe ago- I I ...'� - I . I . ' - de- - St�- Its- ibco"s has been phenomenaL . le n .,..,;-.-. ....... Os -goo . . � � . I obtained, at small cost, from any any more than there is a law--againgt Car to . 1. . More than,40,000 mothers and chi[- ", 11�, I - I I 1. ni ,Orangeville . I . I t I k e n ................ I . � , I - .,� �.. ��. . Whenthe annual conference of the good .druggist on a binding . money writing , letters', but it did no - ool Duff . ' ;Morewood dren have written letters expressm . � ': ' - . . . - q ..... I ,:,, . S, _g; "" , �� .. , 4 1. Japan T,eTimperance League .met this back guarantee of well,', e pecially in a man of Gled. Dundas ......... t ... their appreciation. And now, 'W. X_ . I .1 I I � � . ;.. I',' I � , � , I I I year a report was given froln the first' � The juggling of -accounts and fall- Durham .'.".............. Blackstock Kellogg, founder of the Kell' I , F. . I , . � I . Japan. When the , RELIEF IN 24 HOURS 091 I?., I , � , I dry village of Vil- I ure to show' where campaign funds FrOntellat ................. Joyceville CDmpav, London,, Canada, an ....7' .I. l 11 . I Glengarry ................ Maxville 't'... .. '*As ))iirned five years ago I' am were spent 'are i4pell. more serious Bottle Creek, With,, is s�onscwj7 ' Ill, ,�j��,� . 11 - lage school (f ,, ../,; . . "I the people were too poor to rcibulild. -matters in the eye of the law. 'Me Grey ............... Walters' Falls ay, over t c N. I . , . I I 1�.l..':;:. 2 - I . W91119 � ;,_,�� ?, � .. . - At that time the amount, spent -year- Haldimand ............. Hagetsm i Ille Blue Network, as a service to, 1. , . 1 � Find Reverend Bishop ,,� penalty on conviction for teellnical V . I -, , - .. I Huron .................. Dungannon .. ....... . mothers, teachers and chfldrem . ..I.i � I - , , I I I . I ly,by th6 villagers in drink was about . .,,,.violation is a fine of- $1,000 and a ,,.' Inwood throughout the countr . ,"il. . , I ''. yen' 9,,000. They figured that five . I �. Guilty of 'Dishonesty �ear's imprisonment, and a ,, fine of Lambton .............. �,,_ ,y. I . . I . . I � � .1.1�, . . . , . . I years� abstinence would build thid 1. I 1 $10,000 for wilful violation. It. can- I,anark ...... * * ..* ... I ...... Lanark The Singing Lady tells the most - �� - . . . ,. _­,.,", , I - 11 I schooli and by vote the village &un- "Over there," said Representative not be comforting for the bisbop�s Leeds .................. Lansdown# ,,, fascinating stories; sings the mpet � . 11�." I . I.- . I . �. � .. I Northumberland ........... Grafton . �.I.... "I �, � r- .-- ­ I 1 .41- 1 . cil decided to go dry for that period. Dennis, of gli&igan, referring to flock to find him invoking a techni- del*h" songs. And she come& � . "I . � I 11. . . Now the new building is completed Canada, "they would tnuack down ,&- cality to Protect hint. M points to to entertain -the children just be - j., �, . M , 1-4 "" peel ....................... Caledo,6 . �?Akj . .. � I , , __... A, . nd pajo..fo '�­ind the be'neAt of clesinstical rackq[teers." 'He was test- t4he ,fact that 'the U � rth ..................... Monkton. '-. fore supperi.which is a time whem I ­ 11 I . I - "' . . C e4wiM42112"WA a their nited States PIP I .Vr4MIelt ITP4_ I . . , of abstinence. is so - dtked that' the 'Unite'd 'States Senate' Supreme 1('�Vurt has ruled that mern- PeteybbrOugh ........... � I , chil . I. . ir 1111F. 1fie I ,r . ifying beTbre 'a Westwood 1 droen 4Ih;DUW' be k t er andl, I -0 11_11�- I � ep qw. '' I . , k, . .. ttee on the liquor'6onditions in ber, of the electoral college, the body Renfrew .............. �.,.. Eganville � . an­ � " g". it WM*P,owtiat1ojm hims 1116c -mm 164o][16 coulacil has voted to extend thii terni ell*ni ,. amused, accordin to child 1111 � : . - I . I ." . . . . - i � Ll Detroit and across the border, and -which actually,casts the votes which I is & one of the-` .. 11�' I five yea i -more. Patient - - North Simcoe .............. Midland thorities. it I s Is in oeg . ,�`� 11 . .. . " Ir I the ecclesiastical-Tacketeer he had in busiest times; in a, mothees day- .,'g�,._ .- bospita s and infant mortality de- elect the president, are not federal South Sk"60e - - * - , `­ ­ - * . Alliston 0 �'! - AMRall the ks o*f a motor caf,tjiat -go mind was the redoubtable Bis ............. ,� ...... Cameron _1K. qualit creased. Post office savings multi- hOV officials, �and that ,the power of Con- Victoria . Every afternoon (excest -sat[W.- -M, � James Cannon, Jr., Who sat near hi�n Welland VIZ I I plied, health of the Whole q clays and Sundays) at 5.3 Eastown N5,". _: Nto, inspire its owner with lasting pride.- qmmun#y . gress- over theim is limited to deciding, Welland -.. �,. -.1 ...... 0 ...... *�, 9� 111,; v I . . . . was better, men reported io be able and sindled contemptuously. We have when they shMl be chosen anat when Wellington ...... ,Rockwood Time, over wjz, wLw, WHz, , 11 I , - . - 1 and you name the very things that make the new to do twice as much work as -before. seen plenty of I sdastical racketeers they sha York ......... ....,.,.,:.,., Aginoourt Ri� ece es ,11 cast tr1eir I . ,�,,-,­. � ballotgi He . ,WBZA, * WBAT., NDKA,'P WJR, "W4MG "' ' "' " . I L, ' in Canada, ,and are by no mielansrfree ,, t eref tha on b February .11 , , , :­ , .-',' I ' . Let your children listen in-anct �!! .1. . Chey,rplOt Six the 6reat Canadian Value. '. 41 � The National Brewers and Distil- , h ore, t y : anky 4�v Hol In .."', . �. - lers, League fated with decreased con- froTft them- as this issue goes to Pre68 Panky with the members of the, co,1_ Grey ............... ­ -.,.. , . see how ea,gerly the wiU look for- I . I � I D . 1� 11 - I - sumpti,oh memorialized the govern- but we must adm1it that we haive seen 1,ge from Virginia dies not fall with - Elgin ...................... U I A� IL I " . . I . 0 - , ward to the Singing, ' ay. t 2 11 , �,,, , 11 . The fine modern Chevrolet Six is listed as lowaas me ' 'Old the authority of in the jurisdiction of CongTess-, and Norfolk ........... I .... POA Dover . _.. - I , nit to forbid all in official position no ecclesiastic..vi -_ #)Fhert available. , . 1, `�, � ... from in any way supporting or fur- Bishop Clannon and as brazenly inter- that, th&refbre, the Senate ,has ,no Ontpri� . .......... , , * * * . . Pickering 7, - - - , ... � I L �� , I - 1.1-1.1 I I . 1'_�` , ., ms,elf into the. -political fieRd. - I I ... .1 . ,,,, � $635 (,it factor�,`bshaway taxes extra). Match this 111'�_ . . 1. thering the Terfiperance 'Movement-, ject hi to punish. him. Left to -be - " power . � , No'. I 1,ow price -actually one ,of the lowest motor car Japan Christian Quarterly. . The .g&od bishopi iq now ill an un- dealt with by' -such a jury of his Peers I . . - � . . * . , . .. .. . . -plediant position. He has been cem- in Virginia a, i . &s alert lawyers might . I . . I �� . " i�;- 'olei's desirable ,. 11.1", prices in the, world -with Chevr am sured by a senate com1mittee for prac- e ,Bi,hrC,,,n has not much 11 A;, , 1. . . I � . I _h,00se, I I 11�' 11 � tises which maT well result in ' .� t, , new features: A 20 per cent. increase in power! ' enni- to fear.. 4 . . &,"," � . . Lunatic Asylum of -Old inal proceedings agairiLsIt him He has "I ___1--__i.___ __ .. .. - - .- -.1 I . '. - ., ��,­ �S13�66tber, more e,�onomlc'al six -cylinder engine . . I broug4ht .discredit upon the great ' - I �� �. . ,. 11 . It, � . . - ' Now a Thing of the Past eburch body of which he i.i a member I , . I . 11�;� with down -draft carburetor! Silent, Syncro-Mesh and has beel the cause of great bit- ' , � , I I �.-. � . . .� . ""* �. . Not long ago, as historical time is. terness. It probably would be well NeWsand Informa- - . ..1. I �, !, . . gear -shifting! Simplified Free Wheeling! measured, insane persons were treated for the Methodist Episcopal Church . " .. . I . � z., I ' I . , g,-. I . '. ty. This is perfectl . . . 1 1. I . . with ,great cruel Y soutt, of which Bishop Cannon is a I I ' I I . 4 :� I . . I . i".. g. understandable when it is realized n1filitant leader, if he would withdraw - f6r the . I � W,le,have a car wattin r for you to try. tion . I IM, ,,, : �,, ' ' .. that most , peb,ple at that ti,mC- believ- into private life, or renounce big bish- . 1- r7 I f,-, . . i P It 0 D C C E 0 IN C . I � . � �O.�,�, A N A D A ed therm to be possessed of demons. opric and become an unearnouflaged . . I . � . Z I . ; I I Tbey were confined indungelons, dark, politician. I .. I Farmer I . 11 , . 11' �-._ . . egl��,� � .. 1), damp, and ill-ven-tilated. Tilley were His,, activities. in the Hoover-SImith I ... . U)" ___rW_9aL_ . 111� . ,� T ! I 1K41. . . -.1,14oaded with,ch-ains and ;hadkles. Pen- � .1 ­ .,_ , I—— I I I . . I'' I VA Q' A * AWL . . . I . �1­ � 11 ­�) - . .. V . � 11 , ��, :, . '.1 11 I ]NN � nies were charged the currious who - � q - . Fruit Growers,,to Meet. .1.11.1 . - �, �Fl, . . . . G1 . pon the madmen, as, . . I . . ��"p­" - � wanted to gaze u . I I . I 9 " 4'."- 1 " I 1?1.�; , . ­ =9 � . they were called. St. MaTy's, of Both- annual meeting of the Ontario . I I � . .:, I . . I ' ]A�4n is the high,sounding liawke of I . " ,,?�,V, . . HOW *SHE KEEPS HER Fruit- Growen" Association is being .. . �0 ; 4 .. �, I LOW PRICIES Lon -don. This ; .1 . . '.. 1. t I ""flt�, . . - one ,such ai�rlum. in I .11 . . held at I-rardiltion,at the Royal'Cbu- . a-.�,,, Standard Roadster - -'�'*65 - Standard Sedan - -* - $845 . N1. I Sport Roads .'r .1 , '695 Special Coupe I � place has been immortalized through navight Hotel on February 9th, 10rth I - I 11 I g,'�".� . ter "Bedlam" which is merely a WEIGHT DOWN . and 11th. The digtrtdt inbeti�g.of I , ��f� (Rumble Seat) - - 900 -the term 1,,��,,' �; Standard Coach - - - 720 - - �. I .1'.. "A Rl- .. . . " W, , , �- . susin-im. Coupe th� ,,G6;6!rg!ian'.i.,I�ay,se66,o,g, 18' being . I Special . ­ . R . , . -.725 , - .. tentraetion of Bethlehem I - -1 . -I----,-- - Standard Phaeton ' - - 735 .. �-Passenge_r Coupe' - ' IT2 5 1 1 " " I AbOut; a ,hundred years ago,, a very * ,held 'at M,eafb�d, Febru�W3_rid, ancl I . I0 ,?� Standard " I do secretarial work, and'there- *" �� . � . Special .- nd d aln't . . - 1, �.� � 5- o . 745 Convertible Cabriolei 850 Wise and very hu:mane'pl�ysician, a fore lead a more or' less sedentary th4e,. Northumberfa an, D'urb 1. . . . . . . g,,- ��.'.,, . I I special ltdact, - - - 775 Special Sedan . . . 870 I Frenchrilan named Pinel, come to re- life," writeig Miss L. M. A. " 1. find a , section at 00-bourg on February 4th 1.11 I ,��8ui� �. , ': Special All -Weather Phaeton - - $895 alizie ,that these menta ly unsound per- ts and 6th- Now you can'positively identify your I . ,2 ,,.,� �, . . . . * ' - " . small dose of lCruachen Sol , eve6 . I ,,�, I . I . ,. ,�,, I �� R*,�� i", . o All pricey at factory, Oshdw—Taxas extra. I sons were not dangerous beasts, bla I — , , � , favorite D. 1. & W. Scranton Anthracite � � ,, * . POITting keeps mejerfectly fit, and � . �, : - � �., 6M A C, GeroWal Motors' _ , I , , , (hard coal) before you burn it. I I ". ml k� -4` . . Ask about the i own deferred payme"t poor unfortunate human beings, sick jh good condition. y normal weight ' , "I �� , . P14W. rhe brodd� inetwive General Motors Owner S-ervice Policy Corn Borer More Active. . . t, � � fl,"', . with an illness, which, with suitable is, fig lbs., and having taken Kruschen I I I . It's tradie�-mArked,(fl . 4 t 1) ,,, R , . ayiures falting ;0fislactio". . ate.4 blue) for yoUr- - 11, D, ��, . � " � . I . treatment n-Aght,be cured. lie believ- Saltdregularly for three yean, I never - - I ,i�,� �tj'lt.;,.�, I., I . that the corn . S I . �t��;:, � . ight.$� . -Statistics shovAng, , protection. 11 )" 7:., I I . I . ed that by ,proper treatment. many of put Jon surplus we ,� ' � � . ,, �� 'I, �;" -11 I . ' � I . NTIqLr flesh -borer had increased its depredations IV I I 11 I " ,� , Order from -your Dealer NOW-' I'll, , 1:;�% . .0 them might be benefitied, and that ' You cannot put on superfluous ....."'.1.1 .. I , � �, ,._�'_ ., . . ," WAlk soynie of them might recover and r�-� when� you are as healthy abd active in Ontario in 1931 for the ,first time I . ,6 " 1�� I - . , W . V . . . . I ,� I NV CUE ROILIET,_8 the 10prn 'Borer Art went ftA,o and know what 'blue coalll 1 . i . ' ... , . �jtlf,, ,,,, I . I as -must be if 'you -take Kruschen since . ',�� , - , . 1 I . &. 1, I . . I turn to their famflies4atid'to lives of :�ou " � 1. � ,�,��If"ill - . -1-- 111.11 ­ . �ny of, fai. force five years ago, were given bl$, I , ,J, . -,� Saito. Activity is the enei . I ,. "'' �,�'� L' - ''. 1:1 - .1 I . ;�',,�� 'L ��L'J` . . . ... ­­­­ .... . . .. ........... I comfort means I . ",'.,I r -1 ?-,f..--.:.->�,...::..�-.-;::;;:; uslefulnoss4 � I .; i*! ... Zey �-..! , .:, , .1 �t-i ivi*! ii. �`­;!; . . ___f '.... ,jE, ,� 1,�, ., :1� . ;­,.�i . . ,:.:,--:;:-:i:.1;1;.�;;:;:;jz: # When".you. take vitalizing Kruphen Pro,fessor, L. Caesar, �P�dlicial Ell- I I . �* �! 'i." , i Rii;-*,�', I,,.,-. "' ; vir"16. 01411�1,11 Second ;` But ,when ,he proposed to str*6 ' . I - 11 ;.A:;P;1_`*` I . - - . : P"'.. Salts for a few 6js that old indolent tomologist, ill an address .at tie re- I ._.. .�'.4 � - ­­_ whnneles ftlom the ankleg ' and arm . chair r k . . I" -,�' I'l , 4 � 1�_­_ - . : cp y ­,,--litnearlit AM41 �, . xneL - it - ' I - L I ,;: 11 11 i _. '011dM111,1100A Firee : wrists, of these poor w -retches, feeling deserts you cent convention of the Ort&tiD Agri- � . . � , , �;,'�,;;i`,�;�,,,� , - . 17 �1 : - 6.: . -t110' doesn't ma#cr_hb* fat you-, i I �i $,`4 I " , , .j.; I Arc: ­the ,duhural and Eoperhuoutal Union at 1, .-I --- ;;;; �; - ;;; ; ; . . . . . . . . .. ... I , � 1� -"�,­'q,� . - ,,, ,.� *166.lefino people bf Iftris pro -tested in N6 ' - " ,, urge - for activit - has got you-4nd 4juellph. - I .. ., �_Y,, " .1 , I ���� I . ;, ::!:.: - I 1116. Y, �, - . . .� 1. w . I: , it , �y " p " � :!::? "They will muTder us in 64 %e&p, 'You're 11 step ­ H I " 11 ?",$�& �­ �� . .1 i I Ll ::: I R Tits - - '112 � 1. 11111, . � they cried. ­ � . And best o a7lo'lu"fil; this wt' ,�,'E)Olail"ngtfhat *e 'nc�eaie, wha ft�l . ��10;",A'1'4111��_, . - 'I Xs �g?,�& ,,,�l 1. . I . . '7", �,, ­ __I . . - - lx,�, �',,,�*�� , " 'v'ty ttri&Aable o' weim6her conditions, I �'j' , ' 01� -you walk a coupl � d,of miled twd ' ' .. � , , ,_" — . I �, ­X�­ �'. , . I oftlay - - ................ . - �MLSkh� . .X�, I . , . , - . ,EWn now there ate many peo I I I �. - � . . . I , I 11 ��-. ,,Z`1 I " - " , , ; I I I . . who are . i1joi-Vulrls- rft" ' ' CaOS4 L I I ­ I I I I i'l- '. , , : � I ­ I ' i t0o, �', . I ,. Afefty in July and AugurS4, PY04 . I - 4 I ­fq """ , , . , I , , '. ,: , uIlder the impression that "ou thought you'd heVer deftee . I �,E,`,t%��"� - - , , but 20 , C vs e did rot treat the ifthft�.,as. . . I I . I � �,, ,� ..Ul 1� L I I . I . �g,p !-�' , I � I" � L.,- '�' _4 d insatle ,pertons 0� derVeroua, agglixi but ym M 86'M iii SeA,forth by ... - - . ,, I. 11 ""� �_ '' L 1 , �"I'��"""",",t",t",����,.�"L�, , �:; ___ W - ' ;0 "''V 1" ': I , , __ � I - - Whig, but stated Wat, the Atua- i . I I 04 .�(.�,.'. siaft, I .1. .. t .11 I t, W. 11 V � go evar_tfi� 61AL ftlAug, ic�dve � ;,�.",4"�­ ..; _ I . 11 I LOP 9; P . I I floh, I "' . �r ., . _ � 'O , " . , L'. I a matter of fad# only very ;;� , SUM , � .� , �_ A 0-D, N &n wm ilmfiefit -in - I � '!, : "I �* I , 61"i hos- a ve $0 ft- - - .� . ly = L I iy�',,,�',,',,/,;7t7��"':�_, L ,.. � . , * ftet , lo:t 11 ',',',�I'� : .,..;.' . I . Mr�g reachos e . i �� ,a ed ,& ll� ' . ' �, I . 11111111111111111111111 , , I '" i undor thf evu, .' I­P�41 1 A'�' .1 ' -'W We ' 19*'ed �Ilz �etid " . " 1, . , �Vri, ��',,'Q"`, ., " , ,, �4 " � *11"* , , ' Ond totile io daduti, td Pro" � to gffott, fit ths. dr!" _­ --- ,� � ­! ", ,­ , p�tao of *oig# in M "",��,'!.�, I : !"-L's, � ��, 1, , VillitS a0e &Vg&bft9 -bD IthelMelVeS OT y6U%;jJC ZA$1,1,�'L'�' .,��j'L"�'r ,,,, - .. ;�� L ,nM4,60 r � L � , 42�." . - ­­­ ­­�J't�j"­�, , '', ,�' "' .1 I � .,Viak;'*ft *a ng -M ,*.6. L R6 �!;AMI, "� ,". f , '' I " �, I _'� ' , , , I - -� , I , ; I , , , d ' .�h' in- � L'SclaU.4 -_ E. In . I . � L - Box " ,,­ "' I r-1 ,'I, J0 ___ ­ N11-1 11 ­ ­ L - - ,, , � " to Oth -Ifioft " *,, . , , .. L ,� " �.,,.'� � " ' 1 I , , , , � . , 15M - youal ofietp*_ , aft�§4e� . Lhad, I n toted q - - , Welat " I . I . I . ,� ji .... .. . �,"�.�Lj;.­' ­:. . "I .11 I I �', I 1. I 1. - � I ., . . ,r� - -`pq­,,�- -,!" UZ W & I Td, , I ' , I - . . .'­ ... . . ­... I I Pineil wo tot divett&d Irow, his enjoy Ure-V ", r � -� �'t- � , I I . �.'L'�r_'.��­.%.�dyl�2� r", ­ - , � 66, lth& boed�551'Mlnlo eAt4rh I , , �,_ 1 1 1 �.: , , "f � , I , 'L� .I.— ," huTftlital�afi , , 10 Do'laly - "r . - I " "I. . 1� :, 111�1111`1, ::,.' ,�. ;..'I.,,, 11.1�­', I 'L-"" - L I - 11 I'll'... 11 � , "Pul, e-1 I I � " L � . . I I ,.� 1.1"'111 I 4%,�* ,- I .. . , ­!: , ".,. , , I., i � ."al - , I � . � _.­ " "' ' , y, , ` . . 1?1� . , � �: . - ­:_, I . . 0 ","", . ,, I . r , I '. I �­­ ,. "'r. I., I . I .11A? . : � I 11� 'Td� i 'i, . -11 . I—. I 1. � � L' ,It � . .... .. iL . ­­­­ .I. ­ .... � -,.,. . I . '. , L' .1 I .. , 1, I 1, . I I I .1 1, , r I � 'I I 1,., � 1% I � . �� ... �"­ . I 1, I ­`�,',�,I'r - . , L - . ��,j�,� . ., i ,; , � ". V, ,� I!. �111 tWl��,�r�,(�-�'�� i " ��.',,,,.�",�,:,�L�''.:�,,,,.�,;,;��,, i:: I , , r,. �', . "", ' I � " .! �� V, � 1� "�)��.�*,%, .,_4�%,,��, . � "I, , , �� - "I I I ","", -1 11 1�c,` I ,�), ,!, �.k"��"",i�,,�:i., , I T� "',"��'�"I" ' .1 I � I ­ �-., �,�I"4�.L!1�1�,�'l 1� " .1 L'� 411,111�11 . ,� .1