HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-29, Page 8�,, .;. . .t� .. I . . . - - 1�", ` I, ,�, , " , �. .1, ': `,� ; � i 4 �!", � i,"-'�J "', ,",:, " , - I , J";,I;�4jI;h*V . , �� 1I1�I.I'1;.I,'1',: , , �-,�,�g-.:�-�t,�,'.-I,.-,'14'-,�j �,i�i.�Pt'�� ;.", ". 4,1 . III, WOH-1 I 11 11 � I�' -.11 : � � P 'u 11 "i � - or �,� ­': I : v�li ,I �P,4�71i ;I'lp4prv: ji� I�',.' " ) , , � '. , !. � � � �, � � �,�,;. , , . ",f,� �,?;, � I "� . �� .: ,� ,,� lj�; I .... I �.: 1, , 1 , Zil, , V, � ," i 1, :5 ,I , ..", "i., ,111. : , ,"�, . ", �, 7" "', � ,�,-', �i,i��",,����lli�,,,,I��';�',," ..N�:',�;"�'� � �. , , 1 � I� , .� , ., �� " r� � - �1:1 I . �11: . i 1. ,,I �", �, _� �, 1,,� i..t , ?�,,;.� - , � � ,,�� ", t�11­1. I I. I .11 11 ', �!,��P,, Ii,, T�`�'.­,,�., , , '_ I , , ","", v, , I I 11 II -11 � U, , . , � " gll�! , ti �, % ", . . , I 1, " 't " ,, : .I, - � q 1'11'�" " r 'C', "i "I !I � �?V,i",,' ­.;� ,�..�' it:�: )" �,�,!;,!..'�,",.`!" �`,��,�'ft, `!;' `,"""Ii�`�3i I , I 11 z:, � " � . . 4. , 6� ". . �ii�! '� W,' : I". , I.; ­ . � . I . : I , %� I _111:1 11-� j I' 7 - ''I , " , - ", ". I . . � h . 5 , . " , , " . Q .,;�� _ ­ I : I I , �,, - � .! I I � . . . I I . , I : � , �, . 11��,', 1; ,.,., '0��t, , I 11-1 , I � I 1 .7 71' 1 1 1 '. , t - 0' '�� � � . , � '. I I , . . I �� , I I 1 7;t, I I I � ,: -, . 'X�6 , iltll�,, 'Zg - :,� . . N�l � : I � .1 I . . i . I ". I I I � I . � . . , : , M I I ; I , . I , � , , - , I.: 1,�I!,,� :' " �� .::-.. "'.'.. 1. . I 111.­­�t I I . __ ... " . I I ,,, , , , , " I : I i .... I �, . . . , ', . ,�, I . .. . " , , __ . I � . .4 . ., I I I , � . I � -1 . ltl,�� 'I . , , . -'r.It", � �k,,, , I I . 1�. 1�­'­_' '. .. --,7 , :.. - , I I , I I , � I 1. . t . I . ",­". ". . . - : �'., . . � , , I . ',.� t I, 1�' , - I I -;.- I 11�,'I` I 1 .4" - , " ­­�.'� .. , ,� . . "'..­ i I 1, 1. "I �', -1 �jj,.�,��,,,�I'vl� , , �.. . � " : - I-- . I I . 1 .14 . �� '' . , ��'�, . 1� ;YI,R,��,,�­,,� ... ... 14�,�, . I . � - I , ­ 1 I � � . I I . I. I I . 1�� , � � 1 2'' .� , .. I - I I - . ' '�`. - �� 11 _� I . M-.9', tj V. ,_ ,, ,�:-_ - --- . - � , I , . - �� � I � I .1 I I .1 - . .z � . . . I . I - - � . . � . I . . I . I � , , , ,, I .. � ,,:, 11 I I . . . . I ­ , � I I � %-� 1411104 .. I . i'� "' I '' I . 11 . . . � ,, V ., --11111-1.1-1 ---1-1 I JAW � ". I , P -m ,_u P , I , $ _M I; 11-11 I , . 1- � I I I I .1.1-4.. T�rwl I �' 11,�.'!,�,�,�!��N.91,:!­ I, , �, A . . . 4 III � M,� ", � I ­ ,I. .W.m I I . ion - � , . . ­ 4%, �. I � X.., � , t'. , " ! 1 i i NN"IM;II.M.".., 1-.11M i I I I . � ', ""."', " 7e."I...'nir"I. MMMMMMM. ­­­ � - ­ I �. I .11, � I . I 11 1-11--111-1111" -.,I I 11 - � I 1. I , � i 1. ..., I I I', ... 11 1p�;,�,,tz t�'VkV�I­rl � . � . . .. ,� I . I I I , . I -W1.1.1 ­I�11. �, . . 11 . -1 . . I - - . -.111: , k�` � : i ji " . i . I . . - [" I . - .. . % I ... !�,�,!". '�1`1151!�1'11�`?,` I "', . 'in, 1. I ­ ,,� �,,.�� �0;" . �­Nl �I 1�1, �,,!, I I ­ �11 11- :,�� I , ,� -,�., , V I,,, ,,r.,, i �; "', 'i li, I I ,-��'R-, , , P'"Im.."W"PRIWIM."Im I ____ , I -rul te q �� " ,;U� : j,, ,Kjillen sang. the Old ;Spotch odhK.� :, I )'.,- ­",4�,I�­i";k � , I. 1111,1111,111W I , I 11,,,�,`,. �i�t�t " � � : ia , t Jt , vome, to Sleolorth. Qat., eTI .� � '. , i � I ,� i k, , V, � 14 - . . I I " * d West to Xxlnito4a.. I I I "Afton...-Watw," all of which --were . . - I 1-11.1 - I . MI. . , '...­­ ­ . - ­I­t�llt � - :-.1 � .. 'L . " ", t.."'1111" reAt . -, a ,4e, �. I . . � I �'!",,',,f, 1, , 11 ,.. , __.ve 01 P, .1 I 5 . . I . . . ,­Ij!��17 , � ,,'�".. " �iI ,�M"5' , , .. .. ... ­.. I., 1-1 ­ F,qr some years he --farmed near Bran, ""I much enjoyed. 'Lion Ahii Ma . � . . I , I, I .."'.i%V,;L 7;111,111,,�. .....­', . . - V. 1. .-.­.'­' -,-- --..--.-- I .., I . � : , � 1. 1. 11 I , , , � "­­­g­­i­ 11", , � . , " , ,,,,­,;P� � 11 ­_­ .... . . �qA . dTavis. , � '.., % t" I, 1. ­ . .14 ... I , " ' I -1� I �, � I "��,, i��t I , ", `,_,,`,;1 � �., '�,I':!, �, ,�: , ­""-, ;;; . P1.7 11 ­ -don;.,-.-A.,bou,t.-t-wen-t-yt,-3��-,A,v he the spe'ekkel �� .'� P" . - � ?t'1'1A1_-1"1J,�! 'A .. �, I I ,i,,,,,,,,i4!�,�(!�'I'll�):�,��""I'll",�,�l.'�4 -,il!�! � ".'� � . ,�N,��'I.Ill"�'ll""I'�,,���;""*�.,����,�,.��,�'�� P,,;�,ti ,I'�, �- A �!.,', ;. 11, � Rie*,411- - ' ,1 J.- - - ()f,*e -eyvpi�g; spoke fepl" - ., -I' ` I , , I . ( , , � ; _�- I , I " , I . . I � . I ­A5� " �171 I ,.; ­, 1. - � I ' liome here ,until his death, Uumar- . 1 4 . ''gq� ,;p,'�,,�;&Ul � , '%,�­o`�l I " , , I _t, thp..o.QA . ' - thA ted by Lion, . "I "I'' ; , , , v r �glg* r th baking and� 1. t , jog w-'4§, .Om . . .,nk - ,- h' *��'IIV ,� ., : I . I F E R f 14th ' ,-,, �, , - I " 5� 4 -, � -­ ; , ,I "". , '. _,Pk " ''. ., 11 1. _ 111,17 , � came to .Koose Jaw' and made his ingly of Burns, M4.�,.Iife aj�d work, and' I 1'�* " ac i aN. s,,- _--_7 f �,,�"i,;;�� , ., _ I I 11 � .__ ..? 4, ��, I I - - �� �,�I, � . ., M, 9 R ,Wgu�"Udvg � I ,..L� , I'! N �!,"W*,%�Ao 10, 1 ­,nce Jan, 1st, Cod 'Li e ried, ,be is surVi*ed�,,.by olib sister$, I " Tig o I I . - , , .0 -, ' ) ..,hn 1.3patt -t � -_ I'll, ��� "' - ' I I � Je , 0'�ipab�gl . �":� I lt�. � �,', . .. . `V�.,MnT ___1' . . . . : I . . " 4" Aqk!046, 04k - retu of: ,R,L'�,'�"�'JP,,,;�,,,,l,,i7�,�',�i'�.I , . z ,Fned as * #iterq ting 1 41 ,,?,�`l JI." I... Mrs. Samuel Dickson, living at, Fort See Our Assortment ed his , , I (' 4 r',,,,, 1� , F ­ I ­­ . wftww%"�. . I'll., I. I , I N _­ � , . I—— � ., 41' - " , 'I", k , � wa,f -,ho.d.,prepAr ` I , 1, , .N,PIV�','X�5'14i, i , , ,a . . _t:_t,0'.1­', , _ 11 IV , @,I I � C., I . I . t!,N��'.,` !)A41 ,, I . , " ,,�!,,�,,�;",.�,,�.Al.�'.�l�")�i��',.'I " k�,"iig`,,�,,'��,,; -!,� 101,01 Q0 � I . I...., I , , , .50, .� , i lie., . I _�,"g§ M ""? �'. " � N I I , ta , , - �� 1, I,. le I 10L , Saskatchewan, Alberta, and by Bev, , Ik. A1Ir_).Be4.,Jtie expressed the wish I � Ig . ,,I , '1,­qm,, " , . Compound with . 0 10 �, , " I g,11�4q",,��',' "' I iI ,� j,? l.,� M 0,14 It V t I 4 VALENTINES ' BOQKLETS6 th ,,�,�.,�, I �,,��,.,,,],�,.,����.',,�,�!",..�'.�"i M6 11 Ill— eral nephews and nieces." , ,at pill migbt,-be, spared to gather '! ' I " ,4 ,,I;.,�t-'g­' . 1 0','�P,�, �0',�.,' � . . . . I 1, iq 01I.-.1. 1,010 J,!?', _�� , � I p"A.q�,� A.Ivz­At�P,­ - , I AA , TO Li ON 'I- QA � again to honor the -great Scotch bard "', " I , XATQEI� RD$ REPE PAPER '.1 IIC114RN,,,,,� NIRI� , ,,,, , I ! 0�, . r I , . . . 0 0 , I 1?,�,,�,,- I ... I , TABLE NAPIONS YS'-,,,' ......... �.­­­­ � I ". " P �,?i ,;i #11 ''. I .... I egio,n SpQpsors Successful Euchre in 1983. Lion James Stewart delight- � . . , %R,�` 2, "',,4-! Ji .... 5C 1,� ,,v 1 1. L 'I 'Two Xo� ^ D �1 . .!F ,,,, . C n y . , . . rv. a I '�.,T, �,' %"�L.- ., � � � 0 , . .It - . . - � '' IV '0�,,F,4; s , Creosote kud Dance. -Some forty-two tables _1 'd the cqmpa,p,v wiih,a Aolo, "Scots � I � ".�, . 1, I � - I X% . . .. I . 2 __...... I .......... 25.c. . o. 11 - - at the Legion 1p +re VALENTINES "'FROM I CE 1 u K_ Wha Hae- with Eail Van Egrxioiid� I I ' ' * - ^ � . ,ue .. - 11 ' I � .. ,­,­..", 0.141A...'? . I-— ­ . 1 I ,.. ")Y, � 25c held last Ptiilay evening in the'G W, I ."� d ,,, the a46iinvpinist of .the evening, , at � , �'.... I 0 , lua!� 11 ........... The ideal remedy for persist- r % I I the 'IpdAno. The meeting was brought � , .. .... 41 bage, . . . V. A. club rooms. Play was 'keen Friday anazuturday - - � -.,."I ,�W,�c � is I,! ,,, Aiscw;& through* It the eveild and, e ery IL I IV A ­ _., 5, pat colds, couiji,, ,bronchitis U ng V — - - - . 4 .-. I ; P .1i I I I 1 '�,��; 21 c I I ho'mpson 8 to a close with'the Lions Roar and '10 � � ,�',,,I�'. , """'i . ,Ad,,' 14%ta� ............... and asthmatic conditiqAs- I one of the 168 players enjoyed them- . Canada." I I . "� .. � .1 . I � I . I . - . - � � ' - I I � I t�,�,:�?,�'. !,�N.,% aha* CITRONIS. .. . .,. 5c . elves. Strong's orchestra suppl � . I . a, -..''. . ' Build- s ied Book Store, Seaforth ON I:` .0 . � _­ , NIS BAKING POWTDIPR music for -the dancing which followed '... ., .11�. ,,��, Tl� - 11 !111",'Ii��,: �, , . Also an Excellent Tonic I ,�, � ,�', I"I"' -11�` . I ' 25 u con i- . od NighVs Fun, B4t— '�­l ` ..... .'­ .. 7 C. Has long been er in general run dow lunch. The prize winners at euchre wspapers 41 I , Z ­. 4- I tions. magazines at publisher's prices. - Three local men, considerably the . � � . , , El',t'7,,,�i�:�:;�� � 4 . W*,_b di Substripti6iii'l4kep for ne It Was a Go' f This, Big I - wp 'I � ­­ �,' " " -J ,e4t, 5 er and is in I were... Ladies first, Miss Anna Ed- And . .. 11 I , � ". , 1:1 , . ..."'. I I, Orse �, . . I 'There is a reason. munds.; men's first, M. Rutledge, Wal- 6 . . ; , I it W, 1Dr%9r.rT el fth — - +� I,,++-.4 +h� T- ­ .-I,,- .-A.,4 ­ 11 , W of liquid refreshments, Adewpided- . ­­ . I I .; 9p I y. . I . .- . I 11 ', " plar I � 11 gI 1 15 "ge", . IQ-ULJ %Ap, A�l . - � . ;,. uring 1V31 we sold..o our ton; 'ladies' ]one. hands, Mrs. 13. Hilde- . , e Of tiow ow : .. .... � ­ , t',,�,k,:""�,.;. I , . _ . ve' The Stor­ I "I. 1, I-1, I � - T I at ithe G.W.V.A. club rooms' on Fri- ", I teas more than twi;c as �ciuch � At . brand; men's lone hands, Mr. C. A. tiring. fl1here was no 'indication "" � r �, 4, I , ong i � I � BaAer. - . any struggle, the booy relaxing as if nuisance's of themselves, so offic14 -0 r . . . . ­_ � . I . - ":,:. ,t,�,,,' ,� a,the I established nation- I . day last.' They -proceeded to make Al e ,,�­,, ".. ,_ , s. This I . _Is . L, _�, -I:; ,,- �"' et sleep4 The funeral took - I � . ya, ver � 1. I in a qui - . . I - . I ,� I - ,:, I �. . I . ,,, k � fl.,��."4�,_,- �4 tised ' package tea y " do in charge called Constable Snell, wito I '. 1, :, , ... . 11 it I," eates superior values of,our teas . place on Suturday afternoon from hor I I , gik,q, � .,,�;; .40c- - 5ft, and 80 Wfiql I -1- t . . 1�1 " , s Pharmacy quietly asked them to leave. They I ,. , at 3 Tbs. for $1.00i 2 1 �F . . I . I - For Sale. -Light wagon in good repair, ni- home to Miather United Church, where fi - * 11 V-' 4,t,� ,-, . - . nally took his advice but not with- . I ' ",',,, � �.`-11,91, teas. � . .111 so ,one ton Ford truck ,with four good tires. ,the pasibor, RevL George Lockhardt, , . , . I ,��,,,­ 0 kent, so on Wednesday � . , . � ,,' 1 �L�.; I)AIRY BUTTEF-We Are overstock- The Ekkall Drug Store Apply to H. F. Berry, Brucefield. . $846-1, conducted thefuneral and paid ello- ut much argum ( I . . t , � , butter and will sell at 15 Remnante-3 tbs. Prints $1.00; 8 lbs. Silk. I � eek."Ahey visited Magistrate . ., I : �­ ' . ,,.-ed with , , - S' forth, Out . quent tribute to the dep�rted. Ploral " I . - �'­,;',,.,� " � Phone 28 : ea elveta or Cretonnes $1.50. Agents dealers . 'Reid in Goderich, it is said, axid -paid J iW�t, , to 19c pound as to qu . I .1 v Jen i , . I SA , ,' . . . tributes markeif the esteem in�wh - N I ,". I . wanted. A. Mccreery be., Chathamck, OMIL or their, evening's entertainment at . � . I . I N.. 1:: � - quality. i -- -I , - . ssos-tf the ,deceased was held in th - the rate of $5 and e - 111.1 . I � K,,,��- . I e com� po,q�s apiete. . 11 . - . . I- I, I, t": ,"r, ..I � Special Optical Notice. ­Have Your eyes munity., The, late Margaret Fowler - . - . . . . � I " _ . - — looked after by our well known and Pains- was born at Seatforth, Ont, on, Janu� , - - - - . , , � - LLLL Wc;­ � F. D. Hutchison � king specialist. Mr. Hughson, formerly opti- ary 14, 1857, And had she -lived until ubjects EVE . N - . . "I . . . I -- I . IV'. I THE -HURON EXPOSITOR 'eal expert for Keruts, Toronto, and Henry Church Se.r'vices.-�-Sermon s ;. .X I . . Morgan & !Co.. Montreal. Over 30 years' the 14th Af this month- Wbuld have in various churches 'next Sunday will' . � ,- STROLL -1, . Phone Phor Phood-166 . . e=erience; �O years coming tp Seaforth. You been 76 5�6an old. She had been a be a . IF "'' C ALL. 11 ",I I .. __ --77— — are assured of the best optioal,work to be s� follows: . . �, I ;, . . I I . I I resident of Manitoba for 45 years. I I'll I . 1. . . obtained and tsvery moderate cost. We . I Iles -Nortbsid�e United 1Qhureh._JMorn_ YOU. � I OVER .. RICT MATTERS ve ta 1.11 � ing subject, "A Worthy 11upian Re- ,.�` . ; — D I hs. Id thd te tyh2s of frames and mount- The widow of the late Mr. Jan 1. AP", I ings, the best make of the best makers, and Fowler, the family made their home, ,1,,,,,e to Divine Faithfulness"; even- HAVE I . � , � * I THE "I . — -- our prices are frcip $4.00 tip.- Tuesday and on a farm northwest of Mather until . . U .,�,,.. I , . d and 3rd. . g subjeet, "A Mother's Mistake," 'TO . i� STORE ,.,., Wednesday, Februafy 2n in - I 1'� ' Fair, Beatt',e,".' Mr. Fowler's death in 1916, after 0* I .. I I- �., Home and School. - Regular Home Seaforth. ' 33C third in series on Life and T .1 . I . -moved, to Mather . IS, 01 COME SEE '. _. im � "I ":,: I .- %ter Monffis are Here and School Club meeting on Mon- - which Mrs. Fowler Jacob.-Rev..W. P. Lane, Minister. . 11 .. . .... . - I to live. Two daughWrs, Miss Agnes r I , I . dAy February Ist, at 4 p.m., in ,the ' - ALIJ� i 1�.:, - -Eginondville United. '- Morning: MILES I . , . . I , I Do you know that they bring increased , I Annie and Margaret Ellen (the latter Continuation . of a series from the I .. I '. pubiite school. A splendid program COMING EVENTS,.,, the wife of Mr. Pe,rcy,'Lowe) died, , IT �� � YOU I '.. I AWARDS7 ed and tea J . in ' -ount, '�ntfil'""I'­_"' . --1 . .. 11: .. I �_ I and ,paper is 'being prepai I . 1915 and'1920,, iesv�ectjvely� ,,The only Sermon on the ,M I ed, "Salt I WILL , , M I � � ­ � . � ":.,�, I A111 be served.' . 1. (Items under ,th-is hea(ft,��ill be cibarged at. 'surviving meiriber of the -family is and Light."'"Evening: Camp fire . : CAN ,, THE 'FIRE HAZARD -Let us cheek I . the rate of 25 cents each 'insertion.). stories, "The Stutterer."�Rev. -C. A. PAY IT'WILL . I . I ., . , your fire polici6§ . ..... You may not be 0 I ------J- one, sqpj,� Edwin, who lives on the aid Mal-colM, 'M.A., Minister. I � I ., . I . I I'll, ,,I'. ' YOU I PAY " , , . fully protected, � Home and School Association. -Meeting on farm'- Afi,s. 'Fowler was a woman of ' "I , .� I I . To Visit London. -Local Lions ek- Monday, February Ist, at 4' p.m. in Public sterling walities ,and was highly re- --AFirst Presbyterian Church. -� . (,J,:,1 Morning- "Jesus Christ and Social WELL You. I N'�,. A�CCIDFJNT AND. SICK�NESS HAZ- pect to drive to London on Thursday School. Splendid program. .Tea will be serv- spected by all who came within her Progress 11 I � � I �. I Everybody come. 334671 ; eivening, The first in a � E . " . . .; . A -RD -We can protect your earn- evening to take part in a district "A" .1td- wide circle of acquadniancest. Al ' I .�., ,, . ways I I I ,�. . . series on women of the Bible, entit- ,_ I- 1, : ing power with a "Comple�e Dis- rall which is beinp� held in that city. . - — anxious to assist -in time of s16--kness 44 1 PP I I � . . 11 � ,�: �, . . .abili . ty ,Policy." I . .. ­, . ill I .. .''. -1 Lect, .k woman s Daring, other .... ''..... . - .1.1.11 � �_- .1 .1 I . . Lions John Beattie and Wm. Duncan . cIand distress, she was loved thrcqzgh- sermons in this series .will be: Feb. .. � I - - I W;�, � are in charge of rounding up the io- ly ill ne vut or Vlay. - Ralph ou% -vn.e conimiInity, a -no her demise "A Woman's Hea . 4th I 110on "A"Woman's Revenge" "A, . I . WINDSTORM IH4kZ e 7tb . ..AR.D-An amaz- rid, il ­�,�' mium ... will protect cal members. and it is hoped that'four (Cooney) Weila son of Mr. and w I be keenly regretted. In r ,,,� - . 14, . , ingly small pre ' ' """ ' I o m trip. Mrs.., . H. Weiland, of tEgniondville, she was formerly aPresbyterian, but ­"�'A I I N, ,' . ........, -you against serious loss. I .., ... I ... I'll.-," I . well known hocke tterly 'had identified herself with Woman's Slavery"I, Feb. 28th, ; - . . ,�11'-. I . ' 1. , . � - .. - I - the United ,Church of Canada, and Woman's Beautifuf Work ....... iRev. I.- - - ' ' G ton Bruins and former star of Sea � � ., . I 5 I , .RY and FUR , �, �, DWELLING BUR LA B. Kaine,BA., Winister. I ", . . 1. ' R POLICY -These, I ' forth teams; had the misfortune in was one of.Jt� $.taunch supporters- � ' ­_ � . COAT FLOATE Are Going to Huron Old Boys' At ­­'. .. .1 I . . I I'll, I ".: . I . rates have been greatly I reduced Home -A number of local citizens a recent game to hive hi� nose brok- Cartwright Review. Mrs. Fowler I . ON — . . Z, . en. The London Adveiiiser,-of redent came tp -the Tisdal district, north of , xx ..� I and this risk is as hazardous as fire. plan to att�nd thd ;�nnual- At Home date, syjnpat4iizes with him and says: . '"ar Talk on,Edison.-The Y,P.S. � I .. I. . I I 'j. ) Association Killarney in, 1889, and with her hus- of Egniondville United C h held " � . . . Make this y9ur insurance CheckLUp of the Huron �Old,Boys "Cooney Weiland, star little centre Of band livied there for a number . of . ' ' hwe � �. � 1. . in Toronto on Friday -night. Many Z _L � u; 4- -4+1, I 2f fhieli regular meeting on,Mlonday eve - I . . SUPPI4Y,YOUR -- I DRY GOODS . NEEDS , FOR -MONTHS I TO COME I I I I . I .1 I ,. I . . ... I I �,. �. I � �� ''I I I I I , I , - � I I - ,I�:�,� . . oniLn. Vve will glaUly advise you tures are being introduced Roston Bru ns, 0 'go s s r years before moving to Rather. . .1 n1ft "with Wr� Malcolm presiding. . . . - . � ;­_ 11 I . . as we are specialists in all lines- special fea Owen Sound Greys, may not play any - . ... 01 — � I . . . .1 - � ,1� . . FIRE, LIFEi -AUTOM,QB LC_ to - make the occasion a memorable more this winter.. Weiland has'suf- The -meeting opened with. the hynin, . I. . I.'' W; ,", 2 op�, and a .C. G. I. T. -The Marion Keith C. ,'The Church's Orie,.Fouftdati " ' d . . . . ­ .:­�, � ..CIDENT and SICKNESSY GUAR, rrangeiiients have been coln-' 'fered a damaging nose injury: 14e'has G. I. T., held their weekly meeting 11 .. 1?11, U11 I . . I .1 . - OR]q pleted to broadcast the rproceedin�,s had his nose broken three times al- on Wednesday evening. The meeting everyone repeating the Lord's. Pra�er. I —_ - ,� ANTEE BONDS W,INDST ) ' The busines§ was discusse I .1 ­ I P I over the Toronto Star station from d and the ____ !=-P '' RENTAL; ETC. '' I ready;I The,,first*time it was from openied-by singing number 92 on the I I 1 10.30 to 11,30. that night. " * worship period opened with the hymn, I ­..... I . �Zdb Dw6l,,,- roses. In. fTont of the greens stood door.. wit).i. goo.d,.ventilation. We start-. � - 1-11'..., ­ . 11 ,.L -the stick-, of a Detroit,player, and .song sheet, followed "by the Lordls __ � �.. _; . .. - I 11 � . . I I � ' "That on 11 standards of burning w i , tie . tandles. ed- work on Japuary znd, whiAi,6on- . I . � �:, �' . ,I , I WAT80N &REID -0 , '-- then it hAd to, be rebroken twice when Prayer. The minutes were read and "All !People * ' . ;Arth - Sc E' � �� . " . I - ' - tu " 1�' V. - . . -1 . I I . 'te all followed ' by Xesponsive rip r6 The R v Dr. -John C., Taylor, of .... Diiu-- _' s� of c opping trees down, burning . I . . . . . I I . . . sinus trguble threatened, Degln ,adopted as correct. The roll call .... was, . e , - sist .h 1111�� PHONES 33W or 214 : SEAFORTH . Will Speak in Stratford�Prof. W. .this. Weiland still wants to play, but answered by 29 men�V�rs. 'The $ * Teadinis. Hymn, "LiBad Kindly troit, of5ciated. MISS Pry, who was ,brush and digging sturaps out, but ' .1 � I,! I. . * 11 - , ciII'p- Light" was then sung. and J. Smith "age by her father, wore there" is the 'hills to cut down and . i I 11�1 . . . ''. , . . B. Kerr, 'son of ,Mr. and Mrs. James will have to'rest up for a long whir6. ture was then read by'Pit �Hart, af- given in marri . � I I . . � read the theme, after which M, Wal- her - . M'i . — - - . . mother's wedding gown, -Of ditches to dig yet. There -are many 1'� d.. .1 I . I Kerr, of town, has been invited to ad- A general favorite. noted for ,oclean ter which Mary, Barber read the Year lace led in prayer. The missionary pointe d'esprit and brussels latce, hav- curves in the road to avoid all the I I T , * I<> dress the Stratford and Perth Histor- play with a penchant for scoring.- -Book.,, A number was then sung from 11 It. . . I '. .. 1 40 * 0 0 I<> 0 0 0 0 0 I Tical Society at it9 annual banquet in clever goals while 4uge de?�ncemen the song sheet. TAiss Ferguson read talk, was given in a verA interesting Ing a short tight bodice and medium big hills and numerous lakes: 'There . - I I .. : 1.0 0 T 'him, he will be mAnnerby L.'Richards6w­ The hymn, full slee ' "L�ts, the , �, : , I 0. Stratford on F 'day Of this -week. are trying to crash an interesting chapter from Fireside , train. Her long Ves were 'has -been a few (minor acci -tI '. I "We Have Heard a Joyful Sound" caught at the wrist by a tight cuff -first was Norval 'Bell, from Seaforth, 1�.%.. . i0 S. T.,Hoinles & Son Prof. Kerr will speak on the life O,f mi$sed��by fans all over the N. H. L. Stories for girls in their teens. The. was then sung. A very interesting � giving the gown a quaint appearance. when he slipped and cut his foot with - .1 . V, I.. . � . . I -vice Ethe . I . I . . I., 1 k4p, FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Col. Van Figmorid,. a subject upain circuit." . - missionary , -president, and humorous talk was given by,L- H,r',puliet cap of net and a medal:- an axe. 0116"*gg' sent to Drysden . , ­ <> Main Street, Seaforth 0 which he � speaks with interest 'and - � Storey, then�Itook the chair for the Nott on the Life of T. A. Edison. Af- lion ,of rare old lace bore a veil which Red Cross Hospital for two weeks. ': . . I �_ Combined Meeting. -The W. M. S. remainder Of the evening. The first - 111., I 4> . 0 , ed his I ' 1, . . authority, as readers who follow ter a 'social half hour, which was extended nearly to the hem, of her There is a -camp every,foVr miles'so� " j�.. . I I residl�nce, 0 series in The Expositor will recall. and the Presbyterian Women's Day part o4 this.I:'Pro'gram. was a solo by spen afnes, the meeting gowia. � ,, I , i* S. T. Holmes' I . d t in playing i Ivory crepe slippers and an we visit them now and then. Ray H_ �� �-­­ i I of Prayer was held. on Tuesday, Janu- Mia*garet Qokh, which :was---enjoye I � ' .1 '. I - ,0.1* Goderith Street, West- phone 'O - 0 - closed with the MizpAh Benediction. arm bouquet &f -Johanna' Hill roses- Warne, from Toronto,�is our super- - , 4> No. 119W. Charles AZIm.s' 0 ary 26th, ,in the school room of First by all. A' lit6ading was given by .. . --1 .. . . and 'white 13,6uvardia- :cotnPleted her intendent. He is a big fellow, a'bout . I � -0 residence, Goderich Street, -0 .. Presbyterian Church, with a large. at- Doreen Hudson. Miss Thompson then -0 — I " - 0 Are Trimming' Shade Trees. - A - tendance. Mrs. James Kerr oi)ened related a story from the Missionary tume. Nxs..-Charles Momber , 11 .. . . i -, . - 9 a six foot four, more or less, and looks I., I 16' ,ftstj4, phone No. 308. cos ,� , � > number of unemployed local men ave the meeting with the call to worship Book. The meeting closed with the At the Bowling Alley -Play con- sister of the bride and her ofily at- as stron,g as 1�orseradish ' but. is a 4 4> Limousine Ambulance Service < tinues- for the sweater. offered for tendant, wore'a'�gown of heavy PeaCh real working man's frie��­,Olr Core - I � . I I . 4> Night calls, phone 3N. .C�, engaged in trimming all shade trees and a hymn was ,sung, after which C. G. 1. - T.. Benediction. highest three consecutiv�e gamies dur- satin, which had a short jacket of cin- man is a pleasing fellow also. The :.", � o on the streets of ,Seafo'rth. It is sb4 led in prayer. Mrs. Robt. Aber- . 9 — r .. I-— I . 4> - Day calls, phone 119J. <> many years since any work of this h,rt r6ad the Scripture lesson. , Lions Celebrate Buirirts"Night.-The ing January. The scores t' date are, yrb.mon brown- velvet. Shii­&fried a camp rules are as follows: -1., The ,.. ,0 . I Charges moderate., S Habkirk 889; J. Cummino 860, R. wrist bouquet of . Talisman roses. first bellaiqgs� at 6. 30 aim.: get up' ,,,, I i I . o nature has been done and some of tba Prayey for the-chtirch and home was local Lions ,Club marked the occasion ' 9 _ ; I I', .0 ' � Dixon 858, J. Hothain 850, A. Nichol- MIrs. Fry chose for her daughter's the set6ond .bJ1 rings at 7 a.m.: break- ",. . I g> I<> I<> <> <> <> <> .0 ,0 0 <> I<> trees were badly in need of cleaning i,,m 'by M,,. J. M. Govenlock. A of Burns"night at their regular meet- , . .1 I 9 son $14, A. Powell 808, R. McGeocb " :, I ,� � .1 . I . . - � rimming. The work, which ,hymn w4q.�s sung­aad the reports of ing in the 06 6i;Hil Hotel on Mon- . wedding a gown of black lace and fast. 0- Go 'to the dining room ,� is under the direction of ,Mr. William committees followed. The- following day night of this week. Representa- 805, K.'I. .McLean 802, J. Cardno 769, shoulder bouquet of gardenias. Hugh promptly. 3. There must be no talk - I I . I '"Mr. Ing, I R. Pinkney 759, R. Rennie 740 W. Fleming, of Windsor, served i at. the tables during meals. 4� ,it * . Hakry, started on West William St. p ,riven: For the Young tives Of the Goderich Lions were Wright . �11. I rayers werp 1 1 l last Dickie as best ,man. Follwing the The elklit-h�our da,y is in force, 8 to . I . . , . � on Monday,of this week. The men People by Mrs. K. M. Me r present and these .... with local members week that A. Powell was high. man. cereminy a sinall r*eption and SuP'-"' -1-2 noon, 1 't-6 1 pan. 5. Try to keerp - . I .. I . " . Lean; fo 737. It was reported . ,.",�, I . VP receive the wood secured for fheir Canada, by Mrs. Neil Gillespie; fbi?t� and visit6rs brought the number at ,.� I AIN - INSURANU own Use. This was in error, the high man at Ar was givEp for seventy-five Of the camps neat and as tidy as pbs- 11 overseas by -Mrs. R. Govenlock. Mxs. the meeting to about fifty. Lion R. . . , , 1� 11 � . , : I I I 40 James Kerr gave' a very interesting M. Jones spoke on the Lions 6rippled that time being John 61minings. their close friends and relatives. Mr. sible. 6. All noises and talkitig must I "I'. "K, I , - . I Let us protect you anywhere in. � address o.n-tbe Pioneers of the Pres- children's work during the past year &ores are close for ' highest single and Mrs. -Dickie left -by ni*Wr�"fOr cease and lights' must be put out �j'l .,7, Canada or the United States with ,me and the standing now is: 'R. Montr&al, where they will reside. promptl ' at 10 pim, except on. Satur- �"-.,- - byterian Church in and around Sea- and thanked the doctors for their V .0, , � y �t Altar Society Hold Annual Meet D 353, J. -Cumming M, W. I __� I day nights. 7.,No liqu6 "or firearnIs ,�T. I , I . , lli'�': ;*.'. . an Auto Policy that will take a . ing.-The Altar Society of St. James' forthi recalling the first services ready assistance in this -great, work. WrIght 306, 19. HOkirk 341, K. T. I - allowed in caimp. These, rules are �, .. . bail .off your mind and tit I Catholic ,Church, held their �tnnual preached in this vicinity in 1838-1-8,39 Lion 'Chief F. Saunders, of Goderich, McLean 325, J. Hotham 330, A. Powell , �'� . . . � meeting on Sunday evening with, a in a road builder's sback on the'Lon- thanked the Seaforth Lions. for -their Died'In London. -The funeral of strictly enforced and are seldmm - 'L.' NEW I s 335, ,C. A. Barber 303, R. MoGeoch Annie McAUllan, a former esteemed broken and the men are agreeing -very- %. , I I 1. I fine attendance of Tnembers. The so- don Road, to -an audience of three hospitality and expressed the regret 314, B. Powell 307, D. Vale 320, and . � , ciety is in splendid financial position men. The -meeting closed by all re- of those of his club --who were unable R. R�nn_ resident Of Seaforth, and widow of nicely for the number (130) that are .� I Non Tariff Rates and 'during the year raised $11-5.00. Peating the Lord's Prayer in unison. to attend. AS the first part of the ie 3SI. Play off in these two N"lliam"P. Varson, whose death oc- here. Sunday is Our washing and - Rev.. Father Goetz presided during . - events will take place 6ft' Monday sewing day, Also barbering,'but some . � . � " -.M� . curred 'in London a I I I I ' . evening's program, Lion John Beat- night. 'Chickens - on Monday night ,fter-a lingering . ill- , :- . for any number of months you Wish the '61ection of officers, the former Legion Again'' Warn Citizens. -In . tie rendered that old Scottish song, ness, took place on Saturday inoirningr- of the fellows are 'letting their whis- . . a were won by A. Powell 230, R. Me- 16i'R grow, so there will be nihq,y 11 � officers, presidbnt, Mrs. Joseph Mat- statement issued this week the local "A Wee House 'Mang the Heather, " Geoch 251 -and John Broderick 207. from I Catholic Church, in- ' _. %1� � � ' ,,.St. James . - ha�� I, Ws worth, youT.while io, sea us hews;�' wretary-treasurer, Miss S. branch of the Ganadian Legion warn and everyone joined . in the chorus. I � terrinent being made in St. Tames' Santa Clauses,in the spring VA , , �. . I I, before placing your insurance and Nolan, being re-elected. the public -against unauthorized per. Earl Van E.gmond played a medley Of -0. cemetery. Ne'depeased' lady, who plenty of pastline here such as play-' I I .... . . I I ' Scotch, a on the piano and Lion " was a daughter of the, ing,cards, checkers, reading, singing., I'.: (at the new IOw non -tariff rates sons soliciting helpI on behalf of the , ir . Life Memberships Presented at late Mr. and I I " I 40 1. __p , , ,, skating, dancing, etc. Our orchestra . , - . you cannot afford to take chances. in 1866, on - Legiom' The staftement ,s;a*: ,lit ' — Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. - The Mrs. N*Millan, was born ' consists of a violin, ,banjoes, month � , . :- All claims promptly and satisfac- Mrs. H. Snell Presides at Y. P� S. seeqm ag�dn necessary to warn the — - - January meeting of the Barbara the 10th concessiQli of ��,ckersmith. organs, Jews harps and borligs. , We N . I ! tori17 paid. SIoc, I public against persons soliciting sub,- She was intarried 32 years ago to W. � 1, -Mrs. Snell, convenor of the ia JU , TV I "" � ,�,o m I Kirkman Auxiliaiy' was held Tue ." ! Phone, write' or call-fl�ight and scriptions; or selling artictles presum- sday P. Varson and settled in Teeswater. are -on the air every Tuesdayl Thurs- . " ,�' : , Department of the Y.P. L., of North st * ore evening in th In 1905 they calhe to Seaforth where day and Saturday night over �tatiozr I � , 1�.: Day Service. � ably for the benefit of returned sol- Presbyterian Church with a -splendid �, �'. ­­ Side Uil.1tied 10hu'reb, had charge, of 43, � PHONE 125 diers -or the Canadian Legiom The they� lived,for a year and then moved I -J-4 Bonfieur, -between 7 and 10 p,in- 1, � " I I the meeting. After singing a hymn, - attendance of 58 members, this being �,ad the pleasure of a minister 11, ,Ili' local ,branch of the ,Camdiaro Legion to Edmonton Alberta­­return�ng to 7� � - A-. D. SUTHERLAND Miss -Laura Mole read the Scripture has and is . the largest meeting on record, for ' on January 11th �,V,: ' P ��_ _ . . desirous of n1aintaining . Days years. The Douglas Grodp, was in Seaforth five years later. �They bad visiting our caimp, 11 ��_ . . lesson. Miss Pennell again entertain- the confidence of the -people of this no family. Alter the death of her , ,�, )" _ I and he will vis -it us again on the 25th- ' ,�,111M , Creneral Insurance, Real Estate ed with her, interesting continued . . charge, and Miss Pearl Patterson pre- The bovs like him fine, as be doesn% I�X'11'1 district amd is duiy- ,appreciative bif ' husband in 1929, Mts. VArson went to �!Izi,',' " Conveyancing, Etc. story, "Good Companions." A duet, Bowlers: Have you tried to- win sided. The meeting opened with a ask for any collection. After eaietr 11"fS.l the interest shown in and live in Toronto. She was a devoted I Ili "'t, Office over Keating's Drug Store. "Wilien Ya. Gang Awa', Jamie," by the suq)L- some of.the big prizes offered at hymn"and was followed by prayer by service he comes around and tells uw - . I'll 1�1 poort given to its various enterpri"s, . member of St. James' Catholic churo . � ' ;; I � !1F, SEAFORTH : ONTARIO Jack Cbeoros and Hughie Oke, accom, The Legion undertakes to supervise - Pullman's Bowling Alley this Mrs-. W. D. Mlanson, The Scripture and WiLa an active worker in connee- a [few ca:age stories. The most fun :,,'� lesson was read by Mrs. W.' J,.Free, . . 1. I . panied on the piano by A�rs. Snell, the Administration of funds raiqed Tnonth ? ' tion with the Catholic Wom�en's of all is . n one( ,half of the gane I I - I 1"ti", . . and the -president,' ?ffigs, Belle Camp- . and the other 'half ; ,t,. . — was greatly enjoyed by All.' The ev- for ._ � � i the benefit of needy ex -soldiers I . be�l, took the business ipart.of. the League, and the Altar'Society. The -slngs one song I ��, �,,; - 11.1 ... � � I I ening was spent in playing ga,meq . I R�Millan' sings another at the same time, try - t " , and their dependents and the pfrimi- pallbearers were Hugh t ., ,.,. MUTUAL and after a social half hour 'was me9ting- A,very splendid chorus Miles McMillan, William MbMillan' ,fngl to i�dh 6pipositign, to each other; . ,", ��', )THE McKILLOP . pal ,jource of revenue for this pur- GET YOUR ge,69ES IN NOW. frotl,i 'llie Douglig' Gi6iip; ... i�� ompan- Hugh McMillan, Jr., Michael Coyne' but it gets geribuslf the fireman lets: , brought to a close. pose is from the sale of Voigpies on, * PLAY OFFS ON� MONDAY I ied by Mrs. J. E,,,Keating, delighted the fire 'out.at hight. , There 'is . ", . - �, FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. "I -*- I or about Remembrance Day. No peT� and George Coyne. I � I . NIGHT, FEBRUARY Ist. the audience. A-spe6ial prayer was ,of tall 1ibories told" her6." I . . I - n who is using the iiame of 'the I I . plenty I McKillop to the Front Again.-Th� ' I 1- Ir . given by iMTs. Merton Reid. The ­ .*- believe if liesr'Were'm�usic'we"wotild-.- . 11 '. 39;9AD OFFICE-SEAV ORTH, ONT. Towi! Hall, S-eafortb,'was the scene �)anaddan Legion for the purpose of I " topic, "Stewardship," taken by W.S. I . .. hal" a whole brass band. There are ""', I � of an exciting battle on Tuesday night soliciting a subscription or making a . Geddes and Mts. E. Srmth, was an More News From the -North.-Mr. a few wild animals -here, including I, �� sale ,should be considered',genuine un:. .. �� �� � I -1,� .:___... I I . . when twelve of the best euchre stars .John "PuAlman inspiration to all *Tio 'heard it. A John Pullinian received -this week a, wolves, deer and mvrhe' � , , 1'1)J!::j *11 OFFICERS: . less ,he can produce a letter signed . roust squirrels k',';).�. , , in Mc-Killop, opposed twelve of We by . I � pleasing feature of, the meeting was letter from Orval HolmId§; one of the and rabbits, also some partridges. It "�� , the officers of the Seaforth -branch of _ . �g,'. I 11 I Jobilt Bennewies, 8rodhag6n - , Pres. best euc�re stars in Seaforth. The Better Barbering and Bowling ' the Tresentation-of life inermibeIrshlVs pAirty -gewt -froM -SeMoTth - ior Work. -h"'-"i�ever (been an7 col,der th go ... . � g � � � I an I �1`1' Jamev Connolly, Goderich - Vibe-'Pre�i. 'Vaines were fast, furious, and close, to Mrs.`W. R. Plant and 'Mrs. W. U. on the Government Highway in bel,�w zero yet, but most of the days I., 1� ��,_I. . the Canadian Legion,. The citizens , 01, !� , � -us assist in I ,,, . . �,,R should ask for this and th -- P, 7�.-,: �D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-TreAs. but when all was over HdKillop had Is I Stewart, Mrs'.s,J. E.- Daley making the Northern 'Ontaxio. The letter, in have been wonderful, averaging aboilt A �. "'��L; ­ . protectiog against inilpostots.11 . -Glad Tidings Gleanings ­ys: .- ' . 'As- this is Sunday, io, every morning. , The I _ . I , ;�q', - . I won by 24 points and four games. � - presentation. N, 11-- . AGENTS: I . - I . p�rt, sa I 10 below z4r V,L(,, 1"" The players were: MicKillop-4'. W. - I were read by Mrs, J. E. Daley and I ifiought I would write, to you and see food is -tood and of a large, variety, ? . I . ' . '0�,;I,.��:� � � . . g with the and lone can I y a i g ,h w! - , �f"�:� , '11W. ' E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Dolmage, Percy Little, Geo. Little, Native of Seaforth Dies in Mani. I Miss Hazel Reid'read the Glad, Tid,..hc,w you are getting alon bil ny-th n 4e sheg '4i' ., , ��raj, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E .* R. G, Ferg. ,Bullard, John Bullard,, William toba-The death occurred in Mathe inp 14", � -T, Prayer. The :meetinrk'closed by barbering and bov�lin , aftil who ig in the store. When our thrlee months t" .'A'I'. " , - - 9 . 9 � - V11 I I - : � -4-43 T P I I -rizes lately, I suip- work. is. over, - s6tne .of the 1mys ar.0 - ' I � I rmottill, Btodhagen; James Watt� Trewa tba, Jack Pryce, Angus More, Manitoba, of Mrs. Margaret Fowler repeating the Lord s Prayei in uni- winning all th� p ."N�,'�,! I � . � ,. 1, II Win. Kerr, Geo. -',Tbero.Tx formerly Miss Margaret Johnson, of At Home,. 90111 1. ,4 .1 . . ��� M, . , IPTAb. I I - Campibell, . : IT— I I .pQse things are 4uiet- in Seaforth. I going ever to the Coast. !here are 11, I I 0 Bettles and -Carl Dalton. SeAforfb- Seaforth. Thd Killarney .'Guide, of, _!.' .6 _. . . I I. I'll . I 11.1- . I . ­ DIRECTORS - t , .Raw by one ot.tbe'16cal p ,��,� 1. I . - ' % 4 4 i I I 'y ,apers that- fellows here from Goderith, Clilitolli r Oj�,;, 1- " I ,T. G. :Scott,. Clias. 'Aberbart, C. k'Jamiary 14th, sipetaking ,Of the de;ath �.Digkie.F&.­ - ollowing from, a there was quite a sleet sti6im in that Mitch urys, P41m- . "., . I . , The f p I P I I .11, Stratford, ,St. ?A 1 lr,,,�4 I" #3arber, J. J. Huggard, M. McKellar, of Mr,4. povAerj., y :, ,,, , ide ti�;ft pab�r, under date of Jarivary dis'trirA,- causing some damage, that erstonj W41kerton, Ohesley,- Waughan" " , ,� I , WIIHAin Knox Londeiboro- John , sa s The res hts De � 'A I'', f �_ ., " I ' larry Stewart, J. J. Clufr; G. A o-! M��tlier and coly#Mtralty were 8rd will be- of more than brdinary'in- should girvfo �&ofiite of the fellows Work, Taftsibipand Seaforth- Each hut, h94 , i ,I, I , e*ies, Brodliagen; 'Jambs"Roans,'I rhe L­a'dies'Aid Of First ' 19 , -forth; � Jam, es Connoll�, 114afgh., 'W. R. iSilnith, W. E. Kerslake, shocked an Friday, afternoon to learn -ad- a. wondertul a' name over its door, such as� Piiie, ,, 5Z , R. 5, Seit y I '1,�� � ,, I ­III ' ' yteri-An.-C h u r e h terest to Tdany Wends Jn Seafotth Well, we tertain]" h I'll ��' :. Broadf6ot, No. 3,,Sea� J. rd. McMillan -y Jeffrey. ' b,f the ,gudder death Of a ,dearly, be- � . and' vicinity as the groom is a ,son trip tjtU'bere and the gang ralsod Belt Lodge, Jothme3�2s End Trap& N �,` ". Oodibrieh- Aleit I and Itan I, - I ,jt,d , I .0 I I r . rg .",:, " 'il I I tth Vnill hold ail At Home in f . . ­.. i , � - 9�bert Fem's, Myth; George , loved old-timer in the verson of, Mr�i, of the late Dr. Dicki% a former, stud- whoopee all the wA7. It t64 a�#pr6x. Casino, Dew Drop Inn,,Coo,Coo No�Ale ., �'... :� . , , .I , �'.­ , , %faCitiney, No. �,', 'geafoirtli- John POrmer Resident Dies in Saskatiche- Margaret Powler. Tbe 6eeao-A bhe school' roarh of the eint minister of First 11"resbyterian in*tely thirt"12 hours including 06b,Home,Sweet Ho,me,.SfAk&r Inti, .. . � " � I I � ,,.,._ C-tureb, SeafbiotW, and a,. grandson of"the t*o ... wid a half,hours stop in To- and C4th MusiketeerS.: To sulm tho .' ' ' , ..... ... �;�� . . ,%" ;, James ihofdW, wau-The Moose Jaw Times, of Jan- While sufferi ent ho!�Ib� ' ,.,hU'r&h, 61� ­ , - , . �� df Brtw6field, ng ftm inVer .. .,. k - 11 `v I � I ,.J,WF'=V, . .. , . , . uarly 18th,-,,refbrs'to the death of rAd-, for the, p0st, seddple of y the Itite Rev. Dr. A. D. MkDonaldy-ront6 Where we bad, ouv ,dift4r at Whole thing up, Jobnnie� it,s a ,,, L. �, - - . . ea"ll - Was) � I . . .; � ,�_ �! , , _ _ 1 % 4. " _. I good' ..I., A, . �f��. :- . "' G%�. _., I 1, ­ - I I ­ I L chLange �, I ,I L J I , .. I- I .k . Thivsda-#� and '' ' I -j.. � 1. . . _ .; . I . J. bey 11ftivriah A f6filler 474sident dited- ovlbb�dt �er 1&nile�on I I for manir Years Tnini§ter of the game �he iJd ,56tel. We iwtwhe4 out and emperience for . three i " ?, I . I lb , �a, . . � lMi,�,� � -7� . FRIDA Vo JAN.'29th ,f I 10#110 as f4Aow8:,. "'Se.ized with I 8� VihIient1kretir4d io t, A0 a,,%A� - Th,"" I il , . t hr -b Aurch: , �'The lovely Ihom�e pf M; -destinatiOn a urs ay',M6nths* ., I wish yoti were here to ., . �T 11 �'L,I,4.nl . - , ., 7, 77 I . ed tbgt iftrt I , , . I , " , ; . , , , , , taft attack,'Sidnek, . '' - . an tal os ,�, , ,1111 II, ��?! ", . I . ., audden. be � oh t6oil -1 , *g , "O"ej a up"gW, T - &II, , . A i i2d,, " AI i 401W.Ae igood timle. Well I guess I' ,df ­ ' ,r&a,V�d, -1.,., ._ ,­.,. 16 ,he 6 1 1119t . I ,.no tespopse �e , ;Ock , en � - i"' -WT'Wflill�, 16,;'. ,)�,'. ter close ad`W'06`e�opeetiag coft. . � �, . I—— bt 4 � ,., 4-5 pA. I Gid mis, *as shi er2 6 Of a Md �Veat`dif 76ft/' Wah 04%kil-'r ��. ; ,,,, OSCAR JKLOPP I I .. d Mrs. V�ornon C. Fry, ftk, gloom, inoriiing t6- .1 It"d, uti�f�od, . %",��,��I � ,� ". �',�-._ 96,years ,. 14d tweppeetb4gy. de PAR W it" t - � .� , ", "', I �, , %g , di , _ranl, lit - 1pmf 1, ,'a 4,0 , . 11 . I , , , - 16ftes' 94- 'big hOnis ill We 90g,120 Wdt 6ft S a &und the &&%'�lbrdktd. 'Oettin . I - - A i -0 I� Ii k - ,;,411 *#� . &af4d 'ill a TM 611kil fth g "j,'', - 111 0111_�.�,rll;� , .. dvAdtiato Csti�.I,y ..... .1 tid `, I ding, 9 8.80 lad omen-ing, w n IVITS8 1; d6i" 11j'Jift PW'hy to�night to. 60me in hnd SingL " , , p e, Atieti6iieeff# `� ... 11 . -*. th 601te a -his, �adVj4ne_ & " I& ha�oeln L$ICO. gft,d J*mnt and gIoligs. I - I", - � , , 1. I , � A "ho 0- I .P"P' L .qthd �Ylvk e ',JIdiii#s­1bo_ii L , , 1�"',�J.. �.,��O� , , , g , I , t, f, ly � � � 1, h ,,, 11 d4y morniri #ftj6$,6ff 03�_ft , I 41606r,A*T -e Ora4ce .1 - 6ecard 6f !� b�r,it� %re&'i 1, Be stre 6nd ' , '14� "j�,q,.­ L I L . , �� ,of A ,I#ftnder.D6UglAf*, ,Di&,ie, jolt 6t *hie I . 4�k, , , _JAIV 664�# 'Lod ther"NWR Ufa' . . I J ifi *14%­­�'Na'k Wift,b' W616;­hA it tAkets five dt sdk, i -til� - - : bJkqlIov%'_,� Witte ftudral- Wag ijng the T-dom -d tb-Lk, lifej,em b6fly , SilVe �Wff. Itobo (ade and Aof late Dr. b,W* hatt'so i's OW'd+, 'dight,6611 todt d#�� "T.;51, '60, to get our mAIT. V, r*Vk W611 ly abal Egtqti�,; d - dalth. I . _1'.t Dt .� �, 'r "d, ,od, yean Re, had � " 0 "ke-11 -11, t, � to' _ �V, * T a-served.5-7 *6 bilde ,5 bu ", "n, . , '. 4�, i ;, ,,�, =1 ei,87 I I ni 6* � . . Z,A �dZo,lk al�ftd taketi i ., , . ##Otk 6aft I 1,11" go" , � 10 , _# 11 I ,f C61ftep , I I �1, , Nto 'flon . Affill,"", , �� 'a.; , f6ftift i I 11�t,.;,y1r,1J�M11.";,.,., _14! - 4, 40d"rl g ;'SaIdIG -I&A-4ity, 'i t6fft,06ft Id ""L . _ I . , aull #M4 Ift , I ,* *- , r ��M,,;, -iI,�., -, I I - 2 ", . RAW ­11t1`61d 41k , , _4 lr&& 4f their fridbd, lbi*, M &,�Davx a , , , I � . , , ,,g & , , ,0 all 0 �,,,,,;-g ,,,, It ft4f .1 Pa U;.,1­I­_ 11 '0,161ddl of In gital .0kn J',* Okir%dn eee* Vidd whi , Ta-6W`4'k-, Th&gilay' and Sattirddy' Arit. i, ret, ,ft&p 1 f , . &6k '�pl*66' bdot,e a lalt 4W,*Am I " , , *99 mfift0waf At If ,J: ­ , '' "4I 6*JjJ6i&&t4A '61 ______ --..- -6 A '11' '411Y.6,. , y6UT'� trW, 0jv,1'.­­,­.­_­. . , , MAM"VA Flu'Aafiti'l d , fWmqA* Everyb* Weloome , , ,� . , . , � Ir I ,9.n '.y,',t?,',1;,'R , �,!�,,:�`i -1 I Al "' Ifitk6ft" .-to, mboge," -0g; -, M "I , "' , .. 11- _ "," � R . "I ,#� 1,'� # Ron* �Oit 1fi6Nft L, I I , � I -1 it I " I , , L I - It � . � ; . I 11 I � 1,1111 -.."M -we I , MA& i0h � , 11 -111, � r 'd I 10 17,141 Of , rl,.,t, ,!,�,6 1� , "" WUX"IN4 0. I , ,#',&�,�.,�,�i)l , t�* 'w'votof "i ". 1f ­A&,, 1, A4 . Ava 4", 'W I - &' %6yl 4104 ,66ft4ift u fab 0 f* tak d the gang.of ;& 4i� . ,�r 1 , gftftdl 6111%. ,A , I *0 I . I 1 �VQ,,'�,,$ 1,'�Ft`.J! p 11, , I 1 71 . . � I I I Jj*'O'L , - � 1',) 'itttt",�",," I . - ,.,g,1,, '�I,t� �*§ -t ,6 &mi I . ­ I , , W1, ,`�'if (,;g , U"N'.." , 6 &tva,flwf,*t1h$p-,,1%e, do -paged , lowhaI *hie,h **d, IMAM '66 be &&" It r06 d'16�4 �T� W M 910 afid the '11t, q .Y � bl Of 18b6illift, fkft 4M �Ohrftt-% W I =,. ,� ?, � � Idiw 44" �?�� , ."" �. , q , � .I 0" RU300)"It", 11TY. � 19 406d"I ,: �_ ","', I � .--r fi,,,'I I , W " hw fti, 6; 0 . ,,�,�,��I'hl;��L;"ttt�� ,,�,��,��I'hl;��L;"ttt�� " I .. , 40 9 r t r , 1 . I. I ,,, . - '4 - " � , " "'" " .Ll 1. I r ... !,, .1, -1 � ... ...... .. __, 1: , , i* '. 1 ' 1�&,� . I i ,,,r? I .;I', I" : j Muu�-bw �fjbfft lb;,, 1�6"Oyrjifilt :�,�tkrA,Awb*h 1,1.1.1.-1 4, �.. I i � , �, �i,,I,,,,1,l;N'1 � , " d01% IhAd fdft# 4041y . 01ty,tir � did# *11 00*udg, 69 , wfik# Q � I I " . - - . , iW LOCAL. P )"Af$ * " "' "A",$"- '%� 1: 1,4'1�,I;, ',�4$".",i����,1,�",�,it*'A";�,; '�6'0,�,;:,'�i�i,�;i�,r,;�9l�"!"�,L""���,�,',��'')�;ip�,,�;. �:P,1�,,i�,,'�., 4 "�j�!";.�­�I!�', t , r,,,,, r, i;,;� L ',,,'W.1� 1,.��, , " � � ,!. '. I, I I i I � , ' I— I I . _� : .1 ; ­ ,.. I v - I 4v%g�e�w _�-� � , , ,�I',�?� �. J, dw iv- , _, L � , I ; i� � 1 4� � ,:o.i.�,` 4 �,�,t'. ,.. 1, ­ , I -1 I 0, ,� .. �% I,I�� , � " ,,� L ",;" - P . I . lj',�',� 'I :" , I ­ ." ­ "I :­.�4.4_1% ,%4 . . I - I YI., 0 L"�,',,, ,_1 il , � � 12 411" , " � ,,.1 q ,�� " " LJ", ,e,m, �"i", k � I'll 4 ; ;,.. 11, 11 - 111-f 11'1�1` ize . , '�JI,r , . , . * .� � , , r , i� � .11.1 I ,Ull 11 1. '' - ­ � - ), � �'.7 , -a"N ,", .... . .. 4,,� ," �.l I,� rt.61", : . I I I I ,, 1. , ,r � I I— , , . ',I � . i I -, - �i, �,�,!�J��N g � . I ,, I 1 'tI ,­ . � . , . - � - , 11 . n7L;.�!�.",,!Ii �t��,q . , . , . I V f . I " ,,, , �,' I,, - I. ., �, . 1. 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