HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-29, Page 6.ti
:+aa,,a .L,!
Cosiks in 2% mins. otter the water boils 2066
BusinessMen.of the
Hr ,'
at the head of a drug, 'book, station-
ery, and fancy goods •house that is in
every way creditable. The :trade of
the house., too, is in excellent shape,
'tee it shows more or 'less 'increase
whin the passing years, and it der-
tainiy is now firmly established in .the
good graces of the people. Mr. Lams -
dent we understand, conbemmplates
building on his property, on the corner
of Main and Goderich streets, this
year. - We hope he will. It is a mag-
nificent location, and the house could
not be in a• better spilt. In the mean-
time a cordial welcome is extended to
everybody to visit them in their pres-
sena handsome quarters. •
pax"taeeaRt of 'trade is °etre wet
mr, ',Roberts, makee quite a e;l?eOW*
of tpbaeoca and of ? "etat'taoits,
and in thatelinee lam bade ap a arced
buasineee.. The dint detattneatte is,of
course, the leading unie and it is as
complete in its appointments ascaeld
be wished. Especial attention is giv-
en to filling spnaeseripons 'also. Ten-
et articles .are naturell tat part of
stock, and in the *Iwo, of a drug-
gist and chemist Mn. "Roberts ,lite
given our people an establishment
that is deserting of a_ toasty Patron-
Continued from Page Three
Another at the old business men o£
Seaforth is the senior member of the
above named firm;'"1VIr.'"Robert Lums-
den. A native of Aberdeen; Scotland,
like many others of our merchants,'he
has lived. in • Canada for the past 23
years; in 1865 he removed to •>See -
forth from the city of Hamilton, and
ever since has been engaged in the
drug busineiss—iideed, ,that has been
his occupattion for thepast 30 years
or more, so that Esetneay properly be.
designated a veteran in the seethe-
cary's aro. His partner, Mr. Alexan-
der Wilson, is a •y*oung uian--a native
of this vicinity, and had not been en-
gaged in trade on his own account
iota the formation of. this firm in
October last, although he has been
'''' connected with the drug trade here
and at '1%adniton for the past teen
' years. For five years of that time he
was associated with his present part-
ner. Both gentlemen give the business
their personal: attentiion, • and they are
Mr, Rudolph's forte appears to be
to cater to the pleaeure--loving ele-
ment. In other words, he has a well
appointed restaurant, and in connec-
tion therewith a, most excellent bil-
liard room, furnished with three tables
where lovers of the fascinating game
can enjoy, themselves. He also does
a general business in cigars, tobacco,
and smokers' articles generally.
The reporter +d}iarged with the Pee-
paraftion of this resnime has called
time . and again at the places of busi-
ness of same of the merchants of
town, and either was usi uecessful in
finding. therm in, or else they took no
interest in the week. Of course,. the
writer doesn't propose to draw distinc-
tion's, and so we can only nine those
parties in a summary Manner, watch
we here give: Mrs. Whitney makes
a specialty .of stoves, tinware and
house -furnishings; Messrs. Porter &
Robertson are each engaged in the
Pt is now about five years since Mr.
Roberts removed to Seaforth from
Stratford and engaged in the drug
trade here. It was a business with
vdhich he had been practically familiar
for a member of years, and, though
coming dlo Seaforth a stranger, 'he
became the recipient of a rsery good
trade from the outset. Since then his
application to 'business' and his per -
Leonel popularity has added to the,`
success won, and the house worthily
enjoys confidence. Although confin-
inghimself exclusively to a strict
drug business (so far" et that„.dee
e, 1111 l ' e a1!ebtOnl� t* W +
tatylCl +w . , asat'sl. W.
ton a s > are ala `t~s!eitttat'j
a f: e lz Cbushss
ne, and they.are
l ei r i flex*,�b,deo at.1 esho b,
est ave. ' the WWI' 1 • interests are•
not xaeeected, The •Comznereia�l, the
Queen's,' the Monologs., ''Sharp's, klos-
.tetataWeir's and Carroll's are excel.;
lentl�r Wel'1 prepared to give acetoin*
madaatign to the •way>f.aeme '!man, east
tlicy vti1X +certainly eginpare favorahly
With hotels; in any town of like size
in Canada,
W. Henderson has been engaged
in harness making in ;Seaforth for" the
.past two years. Upon establishing
the . business at that time it was a
new eaiteeprise to him, i.e., he had
never 'bef+ore been connected with it,
but be had tare • happy feeult'y of
adapting liiniself thereto, and, as a'
t, the enterprise has thrived.
Like quite a majority of. our merch-
ants and maanufacturers be is not
only a young man, but a native Can-
adian as well, and has • rased • every
favorable effort to advance his busi-
ness on the score of merit. He usual-
ly employs' three or four workmen in
the shiop, and, their handicraft is at-
tested by the serrodudt o'f harness, col-
lars, etc., that would reflect credit
'neon s`nd ar shops here or, elsewhere.
Not omit are 'harness made .to order,
but for general stock, princes rang-
ing, in single,'fromn $12 to $60, and' in
double from $25 up, according to the
desire of the Customer.. Then, !boo,
furniture trade; 'Messrs. Curry Bros. one can +find in stock not only all man -
are confectioners and restaurateurs;•'ner of 'horse equipments, but a gen-
McIntyre & Willis and Grieve & Friel eral'range of 'tr enks, valises, travel -
handle boots and shoes (large etocks ling hags, etc. .The truth . is that
by the way, and both are good firms); friend,H'enderson has had ae. excellent
Mr. Joan. Ward does a large business trade during the past two years, and
in harness, trunks, whips and such our readers will find 'him well pre -
like stocks. He employe a large nuan- pared for the fall trade:
ber of hands, makes excellent work,
keeps on hand a large and excellent
stock, and his efforts are duly ap-
preciated by..the public..Hickson &
Robertson handle about 5,000 pack-
ages of butter per year, for both a
home and export trade ;' Messrs.
Brownell, Ault and others are in
groceries; Harry Mitchell (whom the
writer has been unable to see) has a
first crass book and stationery house;
The musical instrument business of
this section of country is largely con-
trolled by an enterprising Seaforth
for sow a time in ad incing t work
fir who have ,;been •,s
vancing the im-
portance' of that interest. Of course
We refer to •Scott Brothers, who, a
year and at. half ago, succeeded to
Wilson ed Scott, who. had established
Messrs. R. Logan & Coe located in the business a years prevjp usiy.
Wilson's block, have recently estab-'- The business of t e• 'firm, is something
lished a •very successful business in more than,.,rtii et of occasionally selling
seeds, fruits and vegetables. They a., piano or organ. In the towns of
make these articles a' specialtj, and the vett' and iorbh, as far away as
although only young 'in business, have W'alkemton, Kincardine, Godericb and
e e e
l€PewliQr r t. '' h�x,� y lila
haps ibe lied 'a e'neies r at all eve tte
they satiSa.. the leading ata lief dealers
this seebion 'wt1'bh .inetrivaarllents wind
$o do a general wholesale #sada, i-
,409rK enit : of the, .large retail bathe
Mies Oat is 'done, fes' the warehouse
here. Zah!e = principal • indents
handled W—the-firair are tine Em . .a
pisauo, of 'Boaton, the Decker andhe
Steinvwaye-U acknowledged. to ,be'
pianos of the beat:.class, *gent in
finish, exquisite in tone, and 'reason-
rat son -
able aas tit ` paiee. In organs the, taut•
ing inet amen fite are it he ()lough &
Warren; of De1*oilt; and the Bell, of
Guelph. We couad 'hardly say any-
thing ie. esomat ation of these
that 'has not, in substance
at least, ,been said over and over a-
gain:• It is su''lcient to add that all
the reipresentatipns made in their be-
half are borne oat by facts, illustrat-
ed over and over again. The Messrs.
Scott acre well adapted to the trade.
They are ,young mnen, natives of tihis
vicinity, and , for years, 'hese and else-
where, have been connected with -this
line. Earth gives hie personal ,atten-
tion' to the business and they are to
be accredited wirth.building up a busi-
ness in every way creditable to them.
A. 'CARDNO . -
a eV*
ttilIn , r6bc,,rs .giet ted • tith SOW 41'4
a.}IiseqQye i vt q "►
a hateteeme banquet sell:'°.tgu i veneer. as•
dressiaag recons aoi ' a1 5a ? .1N1 i
the whole frozming twfi, ' admira
plaao far entertateMante of all kinds.,
As tilde hall its let at $'15 the night,
it is an 7'tlein thatet +oniteel>,ould riot
on lo�. �rk,-•, n abu ldii�i$ the f ►Zook and
Pudding our peatletwith sueti a hall,
Cardno de a Ves 'the warmestthanks and h'eartieet encouragement
of all. Be e.ttll adnbinn,es" the bakery,
litotteiohe and cou cationery •busii ese,
also hating nee. Rea, parlors and an,
elegant soda', fonatalle Thexe'e no
place in town where one can, obtain
the luxuries of life in such profus len
and it is well Werth remeenlbering,
One of • the , features of .Seafetth—
indeed its best business 'block—pis
identified' with the. name of Cardno,
and so we have obtained an item; er
two bearing not only upon the gentle -
Man in question, but also upone'.
block of buildings which bears hihi' s
trainee- Mr. Cardno has lived here 16
years or thereabouts, . and was the
first in town to open _a ,bakery and'
confectionery hem.' 'People must eat,
whether the country be new or old,
and so Mr. Camino 'had_a good busi-
ness -she made money—and -he also
engaged in other business. He has
bought lake, quantities of grain; he
has packed pork, and generally had a
'hand in the ;prondnent enterprises of
the town. In 1877 he completed
"Cardno's Block," a small part of
which had been built •in previous years
and which is now the ornament of
•Main Street. This block, is of brick,
120x80 feet, two flats,. basernecr and
Mansard, surra ounted by a. handsome
spire, ornamented with a town cloak.
There are six stores upon the ground
flat of the block; overhead are offices
and "Cardno's Hall," the handsomest
public hall Mate part of Canada. ,The
hall proper is 100x55, Leet; the stage
is supplied with a large quantity of
New issue
Province Uf Ontario
5'72X, and O% Debentures
(Non -callable)
$ 5,000,000 6% Issue, dated February 1,' 1932 Due PAbruary 1, 1935
$20,000,000 51/2% Issue, dated February 1, 1932 Due February 1, 1947
Principal and half -yearly interest (February I and August 1) payable in lawful money of Canada, at the office of the Provincial Treasurer
in the City of Toronto, or in the Cities of Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax or Saint Jdin,•N.B., at the holder's
option. Debentures of the 1935 maturity will be payable at the principal office of. The Bank of Nova Scot'ia•is each of the
above-mentioned cities and•will°be issued in the denomination of $1,000; and Debentures of the 1947 maturity will be
Payable at the principal office of The Bank of Montreal in the above-mentioned cities and will be issued indenom-
inations of $1,000 and $500 Provision will be made for registration as to principal.
Legal Opinion: E G. Long, K,C., Toronto.
These Debentures are direct obligations of the Province of Ontario, and are payable, principal'and interest, out of the Consolidated
Revenue Fund of the Province. The•proceeds of this issue will be applied in the funding 'of temporary borrowings for
Hydro -Electric Power development and transmission, highways construction and other purposes.
The Province of Ontario is the wealthiest and most populous Province in the Dominion of
Canada. Abundance ofwater powers, excellent railroad and highway transportation facilities
and a plentiful supply of raw materials have fostered a steady expansion both industrially
and corrimercially. Ontario leads in mineral production, and in the volume of manufactured
products; it ranks first in value of field crops and second in ,tile value of forest products.
Bank of Montreal
We offer these Debentures, if, as and when issued and accepted by us, and subject to approval of Counsel.
it is expected that Debentures in 1 nteiim form will be ready for delivery about February 1,1932,
PRICE: For the 1935 Maturity 100 and accrued interest, to yield 6.00%.
For the 1947M,a#nrit'y 96 and accrued interest, to yield 5.90%.
A. E. Ames & Co. Limited
The Bank of Nova Scotia Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited
The Canadian Bank of Commerce Fry, Mills, Spence & Co. Limited
The Royal Bank of Canada
Imperial Bank of Canada
The Bank of Toronto
The Dominion Bank
Hanson Bros. Incorporated
Cochran, Murray & Co. Limited
Gairdner & Company, Limited
Midland Securities Corporation Limited
W. C. Hughsoai and Sons, Limited
Mitne i Brass' Securities Corporation
•M.. acr�ae&Co.mpany
D. • J. McDougold &
Royal Securities' Corporation Liinited
Harris, Forbes & Company Limited
Jho' n; r+riLr
Matthews & Company
Drury & Co
W: C. Pitfield & Company
C. H. Burgess & Co. Limited
W. L. McKinnon & Co.
Aird, MacLeod & Compan
Wood, Gundy & Company, Limited
McLeod, Young, Weir & Co., Limited
Bell, Gouinlock & Co. Limited
R. A. Daly & Co. Limited
The National City Company Limited
F. W. Kerr. & Co.
Nesbitt, Thomson & Company, Limited
Dyment, Anderson & Company
Flemming, Denton & Co.
J. L. Graham & Company
y W. A. Mackenzie & „Co. Limited'
ted Stewart, Scully Copxplany Limited
Greene & Robertson • K. F. Maclaren and Company Limited
FL -11. -Rance & Company, Ltd. $rouse, Mitchell & Company .' ' S'kaith & Co. Limited
H. C. Monk & Company J. L. Goad & Co. Limited MacLareny Fle;f cher 81 Conpany
'$E ''lAfllb'1fE� Y ek+pAElBnfatle,y n t, du
Griffis, Fairclough & r4 rsworthyLi i
ill ,t is wow tot ias S at
One of the most attractive places
of Wetness in town, is that of the
gentleman named aibove. A's .a re-
presentative or exponent of the jew-
ellery and fancy geode interest it has
a leading position in Ontario, .not ev-
en excluding establishmmnes ;in amore
pretentious cities and _towns,, and we
find an item or two relative to it up-
on our note book. 119r. Counter cape
to Seaforth twelve years ago from
Simcoe. 'He was a' prae Tical jeweler,
and at•once opened a small establish-
m'en't upon the opposite side of the
street from where he now is. At that
telty'day in .the history of Seaforth,
there was little demand for thea rea-
uries or elegancies of life, and espec-
ially for artie'les of 'pers'onal adorn-
ment, .bot ' as. the village glad ,and
the 'people acquired mare and rhiore;
means this line elf...trad'e.. expanded,
until resuating in the estalblisihment
that - now •graces our main business
thoroughfare: Three years ago last
March, Mr: Counter' took" possession
of the handsome block he had built
during the preceding mnonrtihhs.. It is
29x75 .feet --a doube store in fact—
and in equipping iit the utmost good
taste has been displayed. One side
of the salesroom is lined with hand-
some upright cases, devoted, to silver-
ware and, fancy goods. The copnters
covered .by silver cases, -occupy the
centre of '*the roosn, and are in the
form of an oblong square. There are
80 lineal feet o f. silver cases, the one
fronting the entrance being 'particu-
larly handsome. In these cases are
displayed the thousand things which
form part and .parcel of a jeweller's
stock. Nothing appears to be omit-
ted, and any taste should be easily
gratified" Then, too, there is a very
fine display of all manner of fancy
goods, mersehauin and other pipes,
and an aimlost endless' list of articles.
The 'display of solid silver and plat-
ed ware is very.,,,tee, and more than
one longing, lingering look ., is'caist
by passentisby and those who
visit the establishment. Mx. Counter
reports (business in. very fair condi-
tion, considering the ,universal com-
plaint of . dullness of times. His re-
pair department is well patronized,
and the general trade of the house
is, as we have said, in good shape. In
giving our people such an establish-
ment, its proprietor has earned a
hearty support, and it is pleasanb to
know that each support has been ac-
corded him.
Read This
If you" are broubliir'with a burning
sensation, fimetional bladder weak-
nessR frequent dally :aaEanxtoyanee, get -
t nVato-nights, dn>x polios ` isu abak
l+ veer abdomen and down ' Qlhrongh
grbiw—ylou „ahon+id try the amazing.
value of Dr. Southworth'- "Ukatashe''
et enee and see what a .wonderful dif-•
fewenoe they nuke! If this grand old
formula of a well • known physician
brings you dine swift and satisfying
connfort it 'has brought to dozens of
others, you surely will be thankful
and very well please'd'. If it does
Isar the druggist that supe ed
you, with "Usatabs" is -authorized to
return your money on the fest' box'
purchased. This' gimes you a full 10
days' testi of "Uratabs' without risk
of cast unless pleased with results. If
you would know the joys, of peaceful,
x'es'tfnl sleep and • normal healthy
Bladder action, start this test to -day.
Any gopd druggist can supply you.
diet concern, We may state tie Mas-
sey's rake, grain crusher and mower
eehibited at the 'Centennial, (where
they received gold medals) were ,,pur-
chased 'by the Australian 'Government
and afterwards exhibited in Aaustrafa
taking first prize there. Other lead-
ing machines and implements handled
by Mr. Willson are Maxwell's, of
Paris, threshers and straw critters,
reapers and mowers;. the Poet Perry
gang plow, etc., and at the wareroonis
here all the component ,parts. of . all
the machines are kept, thus saving
the necessity of going to a foundry
for repairs. It has been Mir: Will -
son's policy to identify himself with
what he consaidered the best. He has
worked hard bo develop this depart-
ment of trade—'has not only a local
but a large wholesale business, arid
the reputation won is ,a, voucher "as
to the stability of the enterprise. His
is' - doubtless the ieadiaa business of
its kind in all this portion; of Ontario
and it merits mention. Sewing ma„
chines are also a specialty. Nine
years•agd he began handling the well
known Florence meehine, and its
merits are so well understood. that it
requires ne special mention at our
hands. The present season, thus far,
has been a very successful one, so 'far
as Mir. Willson's business is concern-
ed, and we believe he feels inclined to
The exclusive book, stationery. wall
paper, and fancy -goods trade of Sea-
foith is teeresen.ted be 'the 'handsome
and well stocked establishnient of Mr.
C. W. Papst, in Cardee's .block, where
a salesroom 99x22 feet is devoted to
these articles; and where one can pass
some time right pleasantly inspecting
the countless articles that enter into
the composition of such a stock:- •Tlie
house is, in every way, a credit to the
town, and deserving of the large pet-
ronage it has. Dir. Papst came here
eighteen maths ago, and,„perelteetet
the ;business.. of Wm. Ellittt. 'three
inionthe ago be also bought oet C.
Armstrong and consolidated the twe
houses. This gave him excellent fa-
cilities for supplying both the tttralet
tale and retail trade, and. a very con-
siderable jobbing business is done:In-
deed Mr. 'Papst can fill Wholesale or-
ders for stationery, school and other
books, or anything in his line, at as
good achentage hs any house in West-
ern Ontario, end we are not sure
lout that it would spay him to put a
traveller upon. the road. tare news
bueiness is also an imeartant depart-
ment. During the year and a fhalf
that Mr. Papst has been at the head
of the eetablishment thetrede has im-
proved very materially, end' he looks
forward' to a good basinees 'this fall.
Personally he is a ,young Man — a
worker, and it won't be his fault if
hie.expectations are not realized.
The developrment af the country ad-
jacent • to Seafortle caenot be better
agricultural implement b u s tee es,
which, ao far as this corinnunite ig
.colecerned, ;owes its origin to the 'gen-
tleman named, above, Mr. 0. C. Vila
son. He was the firetto establl4an
That was eleven 'years ago. •Derlding
-upon H. A. 'Massey's implemerits as
the ones to be represented...he began
sellieg the "Wood's" reapers eat MOW-
ers made by that firm. At the s'ame
time he took the ageney for their
plows, and ever sinee, has been are
of the various -"Mitssett' tniaelajetta;
and not without results , tee. tattlias
handled at least one tii.busend of 'the
"Ittooda" reapers and Inewers thrice
then. His plow Intariess, 'begineing
with a Sale of seven ridows theifirst
iiyear hes now reached mote hart eat
son reaper " made 1)y the Awe firm,
has been iratiattionatela latge. These
works. were 'the first 'in, Canada to
teat ufaettire a stake 'hoitte rake, and
trodade time in thig'' connty') and the
game it true, regarditigathetfiret self -
raking reapers in Ontario. The old
a wthiefh W. Willson sells large oi-
beng4 and data* this sen6on he
been' handling a. neW Mediate, the
Nettetattle aarvester; to pod advant-
age.. The plowe,.t.e., telanton plows,
which he sellsvare the fatuous "Mlas.
sees X0.-.18-Thisitle 'Cater."' Allas-
descend ineskench, ss gr. Willson
Seaforth has attained proniinence
in produce circles by reason of the
ter, etce annually shipped from here
to less favored portions of theeywnid,
and Mine of Our citizens have done
more toward bringing about this
gratifying conditien of affairs,' thin
oor Reeve, Mit D. D. Wilson, whose
annual transactions in eggs are simp-
ly enormoue. Eleven years ago, Mr.
Wilson located in Seaforth, then com-
ing 'from -Gala ,,,, There lie lutd for two
years been eonnected vrith the same
businees„ although, formerly, a teach -
here, he at', once opened what hps
siace becaree ;known as the "Egg ank-
pariumi." ' His first year's Operations '
pawed a "specimen brick" of what
was bo be effected in future. During
that first year he bought 1,100 bar-
rels of eggs, of 70 dozen each, and
year by year eince he haa increaeed
the business antil now for the past
three years his purchases have reach -
et the enorrrtoms amount Of 9,000
barrels per year, or 630,000 dozen, or,
to put is more plainly, 7,560,000 eggs.
What a quantity of ehen fruit!" Mil-
lions of unborn chickens are to ,be
lamented! The supply is chiefly- de-
rived, from 'the County of' Iliatore
eolith part of aruee, west part of
Perth and some from Wellinabon
Counties. To gatherlthem up, Mr.
Wilson employs severt teams, Which
make regular trips, buying for cash,
and bringing the, eggs here, where
they are packed in batrelg in kiln
dried oat husks. During ;certain sea-
sons, the eggs. received. meet be all
inspected, i.e., examined, one by one,
by candle light, in order to detect
damaged ones, and this necessarily'
dred thousand dozens are also limed
eaca year. Where de all these eggs
go? ;Chiefly to New York, though for
the past two years Mr. Willson has
exported considerable quantities to
Glasgow and Liverpool. To better
accammodate his lausinees, MT. Wil-
son is now buildin;g substantial-brieke
warebouse 243;90 feet, two flats, end,
basement, which will be reade. for .ec-
gleamy in about one month's time.
These premises will greatly increase
his facilities for handling 'the, egg
product of this, section, and' enable
him to anatefially enlarge some de-
partments of the trade. He gives
persontal oversigat to the various de,.
tails, and to his energe is owing the
fact that a business of tuch large
proportions has been built up.
Tholeiteess-making businees is Well
reeresented in .Sealarth, but seem ad-
mits of our speating of only one or
two of them this connection. Mr.
Wilson engaged in the business, 'here
about eight years ago, at -which time
Continuing trade for two and a half
years he built up an excellent 'bug, -
nese, but deeided • to rretire from it,
which he did, . remaining out four
yeats4 Theu, he re-engaged in trade
a little more than a year ago. He
'goon found be hadi not been forgotten
by his 'old patrons, and he was. not
long in regain:111;g mirah of the busi-
ness he used to hold, and vats edunity
eueceseful in attracting new .trade. His
theatighout the country tributtate to
eeate ought to be productive of good
result*, Ilariteee of • all idiale end
vatue ate made in eingle ranging
$25 up to any amount that may be
desired: A gerieral line of trunks,
whips, satehele, ;blankets, and all that
ekes' of geode is tairiettarat as well
as a stack of hindeatnely made bar -
nem. Repairing is alsb aititiptly at-
tended ta We can cordially" reedit -
Mend Me. Wilson and his work tO our