HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-29, Page 5II 1 A Savings Account gives you -a comfortable able feeling of security. With intere's't addcdt,-.. the money you saveregularly steadily ac- cumulates, working night and day;•t`o enlarge your opporttunitiesin life,, to let you, do the things you' like best, ;'to make you inde- pendent.. -' A Savings Account represents ready cash. Itnever depreciates, but, with interest add- ed, steadily increases' in value--a--.source of strength -and help, a promoter, of prosperity and' happiness: THE CANADIAN BANK ::�.. OF COMMERCE CAPITAL PAID UP - 30 MILLION DOLLARS RESERVE FUND - . 30 MILLION DOLLARS Louis H. Rader, Reeve of Hay Twp., Elected . Warden (Continued from page 1) ' The 1931 expenditure for'' roads se.-- It,ad 'construction, $47,833.63 ; ton, spent the week end with her par 6iiitige .construction, $1,113.50; main--ents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Joseph Carpenter Miss Helen •Krauskopf, of London, DUBLIN Mr. Joseph Nagle and Mrs... P. Rana- ley attended the funeral • f Mrs. M. Rowley on Wednesday liii'rnin'g .in Windsor. Mrs. David McConnell is 'visiting friends ie. Detroit. ' Miss Theresa Carpenter, Walker +tenance and repairs, $01,659.:51, achinery and repairs, $1.1,575.11; pur- chase and development of gravel pits, $2;551.24; •superintendence, $5,- O72.116; county (bridges, $5'83.29; total, 4130,388.44; deductalble receipts, '82,- 060.72; net total,...$128,327.72; govern- ment grant ,;S'hould ibe' $64,168.86. A 'vote of thanks was tendered En- gineer Patterson• on motion of Reeve Geiger who expressed the *pinion that the report was the best -the En- gineer had 'ever given. George •B. 'Spotton, MP., being present, was asked- to speak. C. A. Robertson, M.L.A.,"in a brief address, offered his assistance willingly in matters relating to •county roads. He' said it .might be false' economy to economize too much ,in road building. 'The.. corn borer inspector, 0. Ginn, .e plain&d. some. matters regarding his --Work-on-anenquiry' from Reeve Stew- art. The remuneration' -"ire' receives • game uriclex fire •. 1V);r..:,Ginn said Tofte inspector is appointed for eacheeouri- ty. With the consent of the ;reeve, 'Ile may appoint an assistant. He had only—the man working for him. Mr. Ginn received $474 last year. 'Only. one conviction had been made. Fifty Per cent. of 'Mr. Ginn's salary is paid by the depat turent: - Reeve McNabb advocated reversion to statute labor, an his township work was done better by statute labor intimation of pas'sin'g a bill at this than it has been since, The road .session. of parliament will help those Commissioner's salary had been re- who are in danger of foreclosure..It ]cluced from $5 to $3.50. seems strange that there is so .much School Inspector Beacom,, in . his pressure 'put on to reduce salaries report, pointed out that the -appoint- and not •reduce the, high rate of ' in- lalente and control of county,.., School terest on those go•verllment loans, inspectors has been assumed by the which would mean millions of saving :Ontario Department of. • Education, to the country, as these loans would ]Under these circumstances it is no t ge" •through jest the same. It would longer necessary that linlit's of iri- only -ts'„'he.':a'.few •days longer to ac- 'epectorates coincide With county boun- complish the end, and if the Govern- ',daries, and in addition the size of in- .rent wants to help the basic indus- s'pectorates may he changed at the try they should reduce the interest • is visiting her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf. CROMARTY A stack of hay on the farm of An- drew 1VLeLaulghlan, Lot'20,. Concession 10, Hibibett, was burnt a week ago Monday in a field. The fire was caused flay5spontianeou1s combu'stio'n and was seek' to start by A. D. Mc- Kellar from 1)is..farm. The Middle of the stack we 'burnt out and the hay scattered around by the explosion, but fortunately no other, damage._ was done. There was a heavy clewenpour of rain at th'e time. MANLEY The Merry Makers staged several dances last week and a jolly trine is reported. .. 'Mr. Fred Eckert and,his daughter, Eileen, have returned from Oakville, where they visited their many friends fol several days.. The , new provincial-- government loan was gobbled Up in a few hours. and it is hoped that Premier Henry's will of the. Minister of Education. Such ' a change dame into' effect„ in the County"M' Huron in Sep'ten'iber. 1931, 'when' the township of East 'Wawanosh was transferred from the inspectorate of West Huronto that of East Huron, under the direction of Dr.• J. 'M. Field. Dr. Field said that school sections in his inspectorate Were in good fin- ancial condition. There were no de- ficits and in many eases handsome balances were being carried, some of which were sufficient to finance the scaiobi for a whole year. In discuss- ing the school fairs, Dr. Field said they were excellent and a good thing .fifer the school, as competition was good and taught children to be good losers and good sports and taught children fait dealing. ' Dr:• Field and Ma'. Beacom answer- ed . many, questions regarding the extra term required by the depart - anent of education at Normal which some menijbers•_ of •council designated ss unfair. The appreciation of the members was expressed to the in- spectors in a vote of thanks. CAPITAL T H EATRE GODERICII 0 PHONE 47 Now Playing—NANCY CA.RROLL in "PERSONAL MAID" Monday and Tuesday CHRC, BALE "The ,Specialist" heads a great cast in a dramatic sensation. Wal- , ter Huston ancl, Frances Starr are among the fririte3 in "STAIR WITNESS" Wednesday and Thuroday the sh, w yon have Waited for! MARIE DRESSLER with WALLACE BEERY in the picture which won for her the phdtoplay gold medal t "MIN AND HILL" Friday and Saturday Once in awhile comes a truly treat picture, such 1 ' ' Cribra.. as "WATERLOO 1'31%;1 felt" 1 "Where Lonesome Ladies Stroll" Mee Clarke and Kent Douglass Coming---"MElt1LY, MARY ANN'" sMatiness Mon., Wed., •Sat. at 9 '1).m. cn loans. .It seems as all our goVern- ments are in favor of helping the monied 'man to get richer and saddle the 'burden on the poorer' clasees,'who are -already over burdened. 1? YilOTI'k)O1:g4*410l4 ono voce, Inehe9 to ..errmattbe. ensiew tie le be FOr r 'A W. tis et3941:4COP'l,.', secretary, 8454.. oft 15.144, Ck:DA T 'I"Q$T$i R1Nn PoRTs. (tel ebmie 'aud hydro poles see elea; a we dry '(toad woad ,Abi sly to 111RQWfN AST. SWAM- Peine 64 i z 5, Qllnton Cele tree. aA4-6 News and Informa- tionk for the Farmer Production Important. "This modern statement that we don't need to pay any more atten- tion to iproduation, but -rather .cora; cenitlaile ; on Marketing our pro- ducts is not altogether correct; -and manly farinlere, who are voicing it are really doing harem to themselves'," declared 'Dr. G. I. 'Christie, 'president of o,A.C.,' in an address before the Western •Ontariie Dairymen's Assoei'a- tion: "You cannot • market .your cheese unless the fanners •use the best quality' of ..nyilk in' producing: 'it. You .. cannot disregard production' since it is tihe, first and most import- ant, step in the marketing of Your produce. The problem of production has been left to the men an the farms too Much and it is up' to others to step in and helpthem if they too are to -prosper.,... Sb long as we have .a .. .b ti harrier. the farmer -producer and the men. Who market his goods there 'ran be no real progress. ' Suz's- plcion' and 'selfghness prevent it. There must be eo-operation between these two." Register' Now! • F2'iuit and vegetable growers - should send in their registration forms • at once.. There is very little time be- tween now and the operiin'g of the 1932 season to shape marketing plans and policies. 'The Ontario Growers' Markets Council is 'going to be. hard., pressed even as it is; to list and tabu- late :all the inforiination to enable them to put (growers in touch with profitable markets'.. !There is ' -.:only' one way in which they • can do this and that is through co-operating with growers and letting them know what erops ;.they ,grow and in what quantities. The Growers' Market •Council is constantly getting enquiries from buyers who are anxious •to'•• get-supapl'ies•"and 'sp-'far they have not been able to find enough supplies to fill the demand: - If any grower has suptplies of whi- ter vegetables on hand he should note this specially -•.on the registration form. Only last week the Growers' Market Council received an enquiry for a large quantity of squash and, although one or two cgrloadls ' were available a great deal . More could) have been sold' and at prices about twice what the local 'markets halve beer] paying. • for There is also a good demand winter carrots and beets. All regis; trati'on fo'rm's properly filled hi should be sent to Mr.' Charles W. Bauer, Secretary, Ontario Growers' Markets" Council, .'Bruce 'Building, Hamilton,' Ontario. ST. COLUMBAN The infant son, Edward, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Melady, of Windsor, who died recently, was -"brought here for burial, interment taking place i St. Columb'cemetery on Monday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Melady have since returned to Wind - ger. • Mr Leo Evans„ of Stratford, spent Sunday at the "home of his sister, Mrs. Jeremiah Stapleton.. Miss Teresa Carpenter, teacher at Walkerton, spent the week end with ]her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. Mrs. Patrick Kelly,' of B1yth,,::visik, ed her sister, Mrs. P. H. MoGrath,re= cently. A meeting' of the McKillop, Logan and Hibbert Telephone Co. was held on Tuesday of last week with a large attendance .present. 1VIr. J. J. Holland' was again elected se one of '' the directors. •''Mrs ° and Mrs. R. MacBride, of .De- `'troit, and. Mrs. Durand, of Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Downey recent • CONSTANCE Ontario Seed Corn. When asked for an opinion: regard-' in'g the Ontario seed corn situation, George R. Paterson, Ontario Market- ing Board, said; "There should he no dol bt in the 'minds of dealers, or farmers, in regard 'to Ontario seed corn. The truth of the matter is that 01ntari'o has never produced a crop superior,,to that of 1931. Our grow- ers can 'Supply seed corn of suitable varieties, and of •'•'goal•-• quality, for 1932 planting." Notwithstanding the , fact that there is a large supply of Ontario seed corn of suitable varieties' for the production of corn for husking, or silage, or fodder, seed corn of foreign origin and in large quantities, is be- ing offered for sale in Ontario and the 'Eastern Provnnlcee." "There is no reason," card;:i'nued Mr. 'Paterson, "why dealers should hesitate in deciding what corn to sell, or. fanners what corn to use. Growers can be assured of success if they use corn of the 'highest quality an'd rriaxilrinim yields." "Dealers," he concluded, "will be glad .to supply their customers with Ontario seed corn." The Ladies' Aid are having a social evening on Friday. There *ill be a debate -by -three young women and' three -young men, "Resolved that wo- men have more influence in the world than, men." The affirmative will be taRen by the •mei'.•..- An interesting time is expected. Lunch will be serv- ed. Everybody welcome. Mr. Clarence Wilkinson and Mr. Loyd Jewitt, of 'Lantibton County, spent the week end at the. home of MS. and Mrs. William Brittoti, visit- ing, the latter's brother, Mr. William Jewitt. -Miss ••-Mary Moore and her friend, Mr. Adell, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. William Moore and his mother, - The Ladies' Aid held a quilting bee, also their monthly meeting, in the 1asement on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. George Wheatley 'Went to To- ronto on Thursday and is spending a week with her dal ghters, , 1Vlisses Blanche and b''!va. Mrs. W. 1+ , Carnochan 'went to Brantford and Toronto on Thursday to'-vitiit friends. ' Mrs. Robert i'"atte'iC's'c$n of Walton, is spending a week with her sister, Mrs Jean Britton .' ' ;Nil',. ,George Wheatley has installed a ieForest Crotsley .electric radio. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT FLOA 25 MILLION DOLLAR ,LOAN In discussing the successful com- pletion of negotiations for the flotation, of the Province of Ontaric Loan, Premier'-'"' George Si. ,Henry stated that he was entirely confi- dent that investors throughout • Can- ada, and especially in the Provin'CE of Ontario, would readily suos'crila the entire is,§al's within a Short time He mentioned that' -many investor: bad indicated• an interest in the prospective issue, and that it woutc be found' that the unusually '1 hig'1 esteemin which Province of On tario bonds !halve been held for man years would lead to their rapid ab sorption by investors. It had bee the constant aims of the A btninaptra. tion, he pointed out, to maintain Vh higle.crediit standing which, the Prov ince enjoyed, and expressed completa confidextoe th'a't the efforts in t'hi direction would Ire reflected in a read; response to the issue. Vetter all," he stated, "Oanadiai peo,pie , gave a convincing demon stration of faith and, confidence i their country when they oversab scribed the Domlinion1 National Sex vice Loan, and when it' is realize that one-third'-" lot the populationc the Do71-'i•inion is in the Province Ontario, and considerably more the one-third of the wealth of the, D'oniir ion is, according to recent estimate! centred in this Province, 'there is no reason to;, doubt, so far as 1 am con- cerned, that we -will have a gratify= i1u r'espojn:),e to the issue which is being made.., 11; 4f 19 ��n i �'r,��-sola"s 11 �, R hbas. >�b, eleimg Ql 'T".r r a SOP.. Mr. a'a4.'' d'Lerlteat). McDonald,—,In .January wear. Crich. -II) are 18th. Crich, 5tepheneon.-In ary 6th, Year. Brown. ,$rows, Craig,—•41n, ' .Logan Times. Snell. -sin Snell, McDonald.• ary • year.. Downie. ence 'Richard St rdake,--In beth .K. Stanlake �,wi; a� "Fi ' ! w yiV + sat: ! tt,y �;�li n f,ItlRfi t1�i"�I ky'���gg,R '., V, a o 11 41.1, sr'n it t9 7},["�m nl" vt I�. f�aA 41 4NV1"irA:,e MI is aR Ak'i 1R1>> •J �{�?'{ ,,,ay�yryy ,aq n ' f•Mn ,aai<l+11 l ?i1), �F'dt�tt@AJ>. n, *Papal en, aXantiary , . Ja sea fll =.. @,-44 ,.: Au.... u,1,.,un, r:-.. �,t�{l�gr '� ff t�q tA�tlli ' Friday, his on Melvin &n }ler 74 19th, Advance. John his Samuel �" 1.m y 6'•�' x `i �r, s '.�Ei. , - ilea „. 741eir Jssan- Janu- 83'alt Mary Yeats. ' W. C. Jame 7443' Flor- late • Eliza- DTRs wpm.. Tey reship, o;; afith, Robert A?:eD.onald, 4n Clinton..Pwblk Hospital, Charlotte Carter, W lfe of ,' u4k'e niith, in her 94th year. SltenleY Tevenahhg Mrs. 'Mara Ste6rhensen, in -'In. I nden, on January lath, f'Arnieriy of 'Watt,' aged. Wing'ham, on January Craig, publisher, of The Exeter, on Ja,i ary 14th, aged 58 year -and 26 days. -1u Usborne Township,. .on 1S.th, • Robert McDonald; in -In. Exeter, oat' January 18th, J. MelPaggart, widow of the Downie. • Exeter, on January 19th, Stanlake, widow of the late ,rn iwf 87th year. 1, Note.—Items ed 50 cents each additional In 'loving Amelia ary 28., i'o those Cherish For you Tile you A.' -.' -Ever 1846ic1 1 IN MEMORIAM ' ... charg- centsfor mother, -Janu- ' • 'under able head wilt be per single verse, and 25 verse. remembrance of our dear Regale, who passed away on 1931- who have a mother„ her with cats, will never know her value see he vacant chair. remembered by her Daughter. , LEAYITT'S . Thursday; The smartest • Monday, Thurs., THEATRE,... Exeter . ' 6th - ,Friday, Saturday RONALD COLEMAN THE DEVIL '1'O PAY" of all modern comedy. . romances. •' Tuesday, Wednesday KEN MAYNARD in "BRANDED MEN" Fri:•, Sat.—Feb. 4th, 5th, "FIYE STAR FINAL" More :Coming R. '' W'here. with Edward G. Robinson thrilling than Front Page! • ...'... • "-STTRL E ,SCENE"- "BEN 11UR" C. A. Sound Equipment ' Sound Sounds Best. ' AUCTION ."SALES AUCTION . SAIz OF HOUSEHOLD SF—. ,FELTS. -'G. H. Elliott has been instruct- ed to sell by, public auction on the premises. North .Main Street, Seaforth; on Saturday, January 30th, at 1.30 p.a., the following:- ollowing:Three beds, springs and mattresses, 2 dress- Three ers,, wash stands,'6 crocheted cushions. daven- port, t4.vla , chairs, rugs, pi{:tures, 1 high cupboard, ''I antique cupboard, 1 oak buffet, mirror, 2 congoleum rugs:'•1 Quebec heater, 1 wood heater. 'lawn mower, tutu. dishes, and ether articles too numerous to mention. Ev- crything must he sold,te chase estate. Terms • --Cash. CHARLES NEELY, Proprietor: G. H. Elliott. Auctioneer. 3346-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND TMPIjf'.?il •NTS. ---George H. Elliott, has been instructed to -poll by public auction en Tt:r,.dty, February llth, at 1 p.m., at the premi=es. to'. 26'. -'Concession 13, ylcliillop. the following: ,Horses --1 aged horse, 1 horse 12 yettee old, 1 horse 6 year; old, 1 mare 11 Years old, 1 driving 'horse. work or drive, 10 ' years old, 1 gelding rising a years old, Cattle One'-'co)v rising 7 year; old to chive in May, 13• ewe ri4:ing'6 years rail to, calve about. ,24th of February, 2 cow, 1 years old to crave about 1st week in' May, 1 Polled Angus bull fi years old, 3 heifers rising 2 years. 4 spring Paves, 1 Holstein heifer b_,peeks old. Pigs— I11 chunks abbot 10 week. r,Id. 8 e"hunks about 113 weeks old, 6thoroughbred sows in pig. 8 and 5 weeks. lmrl.-ment • 1 Massey -Harris hirNler 6 -foot . u: -Anti krt..., l Massey -Barris re,";rr li-f.ea cut w:ca lathe:, 1 wagon and l"ny .jade with sliding reek. 1 set sleighs. 1 rubber tired buggy nearly new, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 moat pulps'r, 1 Dain hay loader, It manure slirtiader, Massey-Hari`is cultivator, 1 seed 1r184,-aeplows, 1 .et Barrows. 2 seuf- flers, .2 geese„ 1 gander, about 2753 bushels of heavy chop, about 5 tons of tinl$•thy hay. and a lot of other artirles that are used about a farm. As proprietor is in poor health everything will be sold. Property - Farm tb be siii'd or rented, contains 118 acres, fenced and rlrained, and in good state of cultivation; 371,a acres in pasture, 21 acres in hay and the rest plowed fora mg mop; two never -failing ' wells and. 'w4 drill ; bank harp 60/ x 70, with stone foundation and stabling underneath; frame house with cel- lar, 1?/._. storey; also shed for buggy, cutter or car. Hydro power passes the property. Terms of Sale. --,flay, chop and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over ahat amount six months' credit with inter at 6 per cent., or a discount of 6 per cent. off on credit amounts. Joint land owners as security. Terme on Farm—Ten per edit, down; bal- ance -in 30 days or may bave.loan at 5r., per cent. If not sold will ,b(' rented for term 'of years. JOHN BALFOUR, Proprietor; Geo. H.. Elliott, Auctioneer: 8146-2 • TENDERS , 'I'e>Fders signed (1) ' delivered • (2) Year ' . 3346.1 ' WANTED tinder - . long for the will he received by .tir'e until February 1, 1982; for Ten cords of hardwood, 15 inches at Cavan Church, Winthrop. A caretaker for Cavan Church' 1932. WILLIAM McCULLY, Secretary. Cavan Church, R. R. No. 4, Walton. r _. s ' rounding '-their f• n 1 - Stop! Citizens .... Look! Listen ! sur• buy at of Seaforth and country can motor licenses W. FA'M CARAG� MITCHELL a4 now.. at its •;hex. equipped, ladies, most Of: this :busy si -1~ Lave you the cp cards for' yourself And: husband? ..:... Or ad you feel ashamed, whenyou br'g forth your caids and compare - them with the smart .' ones of Other women. We want to help you'd .. and will be glad , to qutf it You'll -any up-to-date style that you may choose on short' notice .' :. 'and at' reasonable cost. inliss (Pial Eulii Mrs. ,jris a (i3adont Italic), MRs. JOH N JQH 4STQN , (Gaga) • t lrs. John Johnslonl • (Sans. Sepif) Mrs. John Johnstolt'"..;: s (Cheltenham) Pick out your _ style, phone us At 41, and we will da...fhe • rest.. . THE HURONEXPOSITOR. ' McLean Bros., Publishers ° stabhshed 1860. &dor* Ont. sr Nanted....To Borrow $2,000 Best of Security. _. Highest rate of in- terest. Apply Box. A°, The Huron Ex- positor, Seaforth. NOTICE MORTGAGE SASE.. OF VALUABLE FARM•PRO.PERTY' Under" and by virtue of the'po, 'ars of sale' contained in, a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offeredl..for...&ale by' public auction,,. subject to a reserved bid and other conditions of sale, February, on Monday, 16th day of A. D., '1032, at the hour of 1',80 o'clock in the af- ternoon at The Clinton Inn (Graham House), Clinton, Ontario, the . following property, namely, Lot 26, 'Coneestion 1, Huron Road Survey, Township of Tuekeremith. The said prcperty is ideally situated on the The. Highway and erected thereon are first class farm 'buildings. Terms'. -+Ten per cent. of the ..pgr3h'e money to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to ,,be paid ' within thirty days, Fur further particulars and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned Solicitor. D.ATFD at Clinton, this 25th day of Janu- ary, A.D., 1932. F. FINGLAND, ,Clinton, Ontario,'. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 13.16-3 . George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Slenberis of the Usbnrhe and Hibbert Mutuai Fire Insurance Company, ll be held in the Town Hall, Farquhar, On Mon- day Febpuary 1st, 112. at 2 p.m.. for the purpose of receiving the Report» of the Direc- tors and Au'd'itors for the pant year, and for the election of three Directors, one for a two 'year term, and two r a ear term'. and two Auditors and • for any three anyothery business that may be in the interest of the Company. The Directors, wha.g term of office expires, but who are eligible' for re-election, are: Samuel Norris, Simon Dow and Angus Sin- clair. Dated atW. A. TURNBULL,932. , Secretary. 3345-2 Free Instruction for Curing Constipation Without Laxatives, Drugs, or Enemas ° Get rid of the laxative or enema habit for •good. Correct constipation in the natural way. Our free instruc- tions tell you how to permanently cure yourself of this unpleasant and dangerous condition. Send three cent stamp. J. K. EMERSON, 207 Bruce Bldg. - Hamilton,33Ont. x4 Hours: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. daily, except ' -Saturday, 7 aim. to p• . s Dress Well • and Succeed REGENT TAILORS Newest Designs — Latest Fashions in Men's Clothes • NOW ON DISPLAY Your Choice, Suit or Top Coat Made to your ,measure, $24.00 R. E. Bright . Two doors north of Queen's Hotel HORSES - COWS MORTGAGE SALE ri Pursuant to the powers contained in a ser= rain rnor,tgage which will ,.be.produced ;at the time of sale, there will be. offered .fur sale by public auction, at the office ara the under- •signed at 79 Dundas Street, London, 'Ontario;' on .Saturday, the 30th January, 1982, at one o'clock p.m., the following valuable ' 4reebold land and premises, namely: Lots Your, Flue and, .Six.' on the North side , of Stanley Street mo dvillle in' the in the 'Village f ' n County g Q Eg of 'Huron, and certain lands adjoining the. same containing about three , acres, nal of which, is described in the deed rejztered ser Number 9720 for -the Township of Tuckers smith. On the property is a 'large..+•irame 'house with some modern improvements and a good barn. TERMS -l0 per' cent. down, balance in 15 days or as' may be arranged. . Particulars and conditions of sage will be made known at the time of sale or on appli- cation to the undersigned. Dated .at London the 7th 'day of . January. 1932. G. N'. WEEKRS, Solicitor for Vendor, London, Ont. • NOTICE TO CREDITO,•'S. IN TIM:ESTATE OF JACOB WEBEE,,,'D,E 'CEASED_ NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others' Maitre -eolith -1u against the estate of Jacob Weber, late of the Town of Sea- fc 11, in the County of Huron,' Gentleman, who diad on the 8th clay of November, 1931, aro reuuired to send to the undersigned sclia:- ter for the Executors, full....particulars and erjliei by aflidasit of .their claims on or be - for: the fah day of February, 1032. AND NO'TICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said lout mentioned date the execo• tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said ceceased, having regard only to the claims cif which they then shall have had notir e. l)AlT'D at Seaforth, Ontario, this 20th day of January, 1932. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario, • , Solicitor for the Executors. 3345-3 If you want an animal re- moved and cannot 'phone,, drop us a post care promptly. No charge made if hides are on. William Mone Sons, Limited Ingers011,40ntario. 3$4'6-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HANNAH SHINE, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Hannah Shine, late of the Town of Sea - forth, in the County ad Auron, Widovb,' who died on the 8th day of January, 1932, are required td' send to the under- signed solicitor for .the executors full particu- lars and 'verified by affidavit of their claims on or heforq the 2hd day of February, 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN (that after the said last mentioned dote the eieca- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only 'Lo the claims of which , they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 13th day nf January, 1932, JOHN J. HUGGARD. Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors. 8344-3 FARMS FOR SALE . 83444 ° 0�P rtuntY Knocks AviatXon is now entering its w, third stage of development. Are you'prepiring yourself for this? Write for our free book- let on the history of aircraft progress. Full •particulafs sent without obligation. CENTURY' AIRWAYS, LTD., • Barker Field Fairbank P. 0., - Toroiti"to O O o 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 B. C. BOX Funeral. Director and 0 O Licensed• -Embalmer 0 O Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipment.' 0 0 Charges •'moll'etate. Flowers furnished' on short 0 • notice. 0. - O O O 0 O O Night Coils Day calla 0' O Phone 1x75 0Phone 4$ 0 0 0 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 o ' W. J. CLEARY • 0 0 Licensed.•Emballuer and ' 0 0 Funeral Director 0 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor O. 0 Equipment. 0 O Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 00 0 00.0000000000 FARM FOR SALE, --FOR SALE, LOT 20 and half of Lot 21. Coneessdon 1, Mc- Killeer;' situated 114 miles from Seaforth on No, 0 Highway. On :tire premises are 'a bank 'barn 38a114, two storey brick house with every modern cosfvettienee ; 45 acres ploughed. This fie one of the choice farms in McMillen and will be sold as one farm or the 100 acres and 50 acres separately, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAJVI• DEVEREUX, Seaforth, or phone 11 on 8842144. tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 8, MolCillep, cent raining 192 sores and -lane -Wu es the T. ]R Hare farm. Must be sold te dllome tho erects, If mat sold will, be rented, For particular apple to J. M. `GOVENLOCK, Execntor, Sera forth. •. 220141 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 4. cS1ricFSSION 1, Hay, 1 mile north of Exeter on No, 4 Highway, containing I0b,acres. On the Prem- ises are a two storey new brick bootee, one bank barn, one frame barns' new hen horre, three barer -flailing wells; well fenced. With wire end in excellent. Shape -of cultivation, Twenty minutes walk Prem Higli S'c'hool and ell equipper] with Hydra, aO"ttl 'will be gold with or without crop. Annie on the pr2'enises or address JOHN CALDWELL, H. R. , Np. 8, Exemr. db111.41. THE JOHN ' RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. B'orders Real Estate Monet toLoan SEAFORTE, ONTARIO Phone 91 ' , A BARGAIN FOR ,•• SALE.-- Fiv`e ac`sag, oiie -time from Seaforth;' modern house, with furnace, bath'. and toilet; small bare 'good orchard. , Taxes, $15. blendi'.: chance tb start' chicken farm, bels, etc. Apply to .1 R. S. IIAIrS, Seaforth, b�. t • til