HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-29, Page 1F11- � I ,,,,, . � �, t� Amvvj,ja�e;­ r., ,,I,. -o'.fl. 1,-�I[,­,' �1�4� �' It .I', .Tlul'�.'%'I �','Ilil � 1�,W " 1--1-1.- 01 ,- , r ,�'!�x,t.2 .,,-.,,�,,y,"Ff41F ",I&, �41t. I'V, ­­ _g ;�pmvg,p WidkfwA Z I , �7g,'"'Ko'V-aT 41,Y.-, ,gvf �jpgm' -, ,J,� ,,, � ,4 , 0 R ,;,��,% ;, , ,y � 1. ­­, 'ZQ�R� F, 0.3 OR, Iy ""N' I., ,,j,,j,,,,I,,% fl, 1111� T R _0,1 I Ar ­ �-, - .. : . ,',,,.,.,,.�--�-,%i:.�,l�,�"""* - � ", ,"*,� , , , , - _- , , , , � f, wp � , , Y, � � , �e..4, �. R", ":�f 3 "' "' "' " ,7, ,.y � 3 "I , I �,��M. I I !,0 3, "I . I 1 0 � I .­­� . A. ". . , ? .,. R.. � , , . I . I. I., .: �:t:� �� - ,- 44-, ." -y . , -,,. " I 1� " ''.'' I , , -" t,,,;!�! � , q�' ", "'' I . . " , ?,: . , ,­ A� ,,JF-.-- , . I'll I llvl� - ".­', ., z, . ,. r4 I '40. , " - . _ _ .� .1 . . _ .1 , , , . I,,.. .."I,;, J � �­ ',� � -- , , , -W � i"I'le, I dl . I 'I- - I I \ , " ...,­­ .� � '. I: ," , . 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I ,,, ., . . . . � . ; 1, I I : li � ,. ;�, . -! 1, I � - � . .1 , :., , � P� .o- ��pg ' ' Y, �, I 29, 1932.,!*:. .- . 1 ! I; . gg p . � � , , , . . .�. 1 . _."Or .1 Whole Nuv4ber `3046 - ­ . , "' N., . , . . SFRAFORT#, FRIDA JANUARY I . " . 11 . . � . I., " -,­­,­.­ ` - �-,_ , �g ­ ­ , .. I . I I I � - .,: , �,'.,,Z.-":�`:!:�i, " '16 � �P. '. 6 11. ,,, . . . ,,,.'�.,i41 "I, I I � . . I R_ W. I � . t - . ___­ I I � _ .0 � � . . � '. I � I - - I ; ; '17,­�, 1 - -1 � � r - . . 1.1.-,_ """"I" ; I I — .. �'i I'll I : , . , ., i ! � ii .. 1.100, , " III; ; " , . %,,, .� I . . I ". : - , " . . I ? ! - W I . � 1. , ., . . . 4 , , ,, ,,. - itllk_110, ., �', � 11 _� I , . " , . . -_ , I 1- .--- -_ 4 11 ': : I 11; � I'd 0 �.,;,.�!'., ��, � I , wil"'! . I I I � . P.- ,.. .. , I . I r . ­. - . � I I ,- -- .. .­ 11 11 � I -- .. .11 . .. . . . . � � .* , I :. .: - : '11, - -.--:­-,�Z,,;1 1�1`iql­ I'll, . I r_,,�­11.1.f�,�`_­I, �. ,. I , � - , ,.. _ 1. 1% . X I ' ' � , ., . . ; I I - L,- � '. ,;,_ I Tr 11 .: � � " h I "I I " IT n1_1 I L - . . Il �, , . �, 7� r , , � 1,� 2 , I i ' il-I , . . - .In.. .., ,.16 "I . , I 'Im , .0 - , 141".0', ,'��. , 4, 1, - �T . . . *? � I , � ­ � ,� r"41.? 5, ;4 " 4 " , � ,�, . 111. I., I I . I 4410 ­� , V ... . . . I . . � . . . W, . ,.� - �il�i` I , I I 1, - - " 01., � ,-,�,'� � Nojfiiide� ueit� .. - _0� :'a', ' 'R`r"`A_""" 11 . �­ I. I I Totv� Council floldi. Specii , . I s � .. . . It 0 , - -, , �. �. 11-1111 --,4, - Early -C re , _", t1J_ , 1 d'f - " Recalls , I hu h " . lwcb gad , oulls. -OR ' . I , I . I ". � I 0 . � I I 11 . .1 . ".­.. '.., ''... . . I . I _:''. .,­�, I ,,­.�;-,4f 4.;� 14.? -1 -11 I -"*, " " " , I . , , _ ".., I'll— M- � ln4'�'� . . I . � . IF ire Meeting. - - _� I. , i a � :P I Year I , . "; _. " . . , ­­ - . I '. Siccissfw . . _ �)�,��,,, � " 1�"".-!,N`.�'4�`,f!'�',�: . 1. , i; - . 11 ­­,.. ­­.­ - . � I . I I "'C."'. _,�T"11: '41, , 1. -1 I � I �, nlstory of -this. Dist I I I I— . , . I � � . �. - � _,_._ " ) nct , . , , r. ,�t .1, �, . � .- . I � I I'll, ...,.�..".,�,�.";��,.,�,.�,�,,� I . � 'er, ., . I . . � I d .,.,.,.T;--' � ". I 011M, 11 I I ,Z", ,"` � , , "U., ,,,, 11 ­ ;, ,',,;�, .. I . _,.."I", ��,,i.,,,;� �:'.`,; " , � .. 6 I . I , : Council 'Met oft - -Thiirsday -, -- ­ Eothusiastic Re - � ". , , 1! r, V,01F � ", , &`44:�_01:'), 9, , , I . _. _ ­ T I 'Ay �E � .", . , , , , , . ports Pres I I . " ,�� 6y , 1. ", 71 - " , -,, . P """ ,'�. " J ,� i:,; ��4.. n, _, .� I . I - -7- ­ ­-_­ - I ­­­ _1 _. _ - � i, � . i Coke - ­ , "�. � � _ .. �,."�,Alga,_ P-�:��_,,�,:,).t',,/, " � V. .,r " ,,_ ,,. ,,i 2=1 t � , . �"A . , . , , , � . % I i� 4. , I 11-1 - FF � " - , 1- . . . I ' . .� L ,:I, � .... .. � "'. ... . , ''I , lait to Consider Aoplica-� -"----,-" ---------t----- ,.Z... 1`14 , ,_'.. i!ftl . 'C'4':,�', '.# I , 40�,,A. �,e.M . . g .,- _J - Iro 1, C �; -�,%1"ii,Q, U ­ t.. _2 ! . d"411'. I . 7 " � ; 111;511r! ... ! , � I ),at W. mo": so; M e-'e"fin 9 � ented 0"'' Za ons a 0-_,_, 7- -,, ­ ­ , I I I I . ,,by rgani ti" . ­ . � . J., ­ ". * . � ' . 4 � p , . . '..", , 'A . � I ; , .. I � R. ' congiegAtioifil" V 4, ',,I �'.', I 1". �. � ,.. r, ,_, 7 I- f �,,4 .. .. � � ' J[ 'M . . . , , . , . i" . , . U. I . ". . . . . L I . tions Ne Constable. � %.,Aqan ., , ,.. .0., . "d __Z. JI� _,. I I -1 . , . . 4 I , . ..... . . . , 140ingr . . � � � J,i,�.V, ! , . . . . " . ; . ...... . I . . , � ."'..:�", , " 1. I. .)"'. 1, ,, (.. ", "',__ I I . I I , I . . . , , ,,,.r ; , 1,' V �:'' 0 . ­. 1� - � ­ �­Snell ... . . .. 11. .1 - _11_1"1"_#"r I , I '. . I 4I 1 �-';,�,, - I .. 11 . . . Wdeives Appoint- on Monda ' MiAit-', � . 11 ., . . 11 -2.1.1-1 4". ­ * ". , . y � � � , � R I I%_ 'I ,' - 1. r I . .. I . - , ,,', ,�: j . I '­ `Brutefield- 7 I'— . ­ I - - - � L. . 1_� ­� � �� m . : � . r . , I I . .. I . - 1. ,1 .. I * , , - Ke' 'Gi � ,1"s � ...... . ,,� "'I"...."'. ,' � I.:— Mrs.. �ifitis, rr .yes ,In- , . D�si . . I ", r. . . . . --7 -144 ;�,._.;'1.41 I � W .1 . . ': �:�'�',_ ", "� ","" "7. " � "; ' - , _.� . , I % 11. . 'The next corigi�egatiofi to be,organ- ment. . I . . . . ..; . . .1 New Warden Urges -Econ- . ,.: �;; - '141 ;.11..` ­ . . ­ I ­­ * ­:. . �­' - . I I I , I . . I I 1i i�g I ,, � %_1-0 -1,1�., ,-..---,. 1. .� � , - I, .I. 7,,L-.,:!��In,, 411, .I,- ,teresting Add r e s s.. I Ott ized near here its self�sustaining was ' '- - .� ... � . 4 ,Itwti, I I 1. . 1 11.77 .' j � - 7 � " i " 7, �, ,,�,� . . . ­ ' Cali ' 'Over $8,�OQ Raised" 6my t ..". .'' ", - Brueefield,, where Rev. J. Ross I . adj, ' .4 -1paugural,, . 1. "It, �t, an - , ' . I . in 1931. - " 'I.;; .... . _t - . �,..illi ��: ft�Awlwi:�I�,j� �10:44, I,," nft.�� � . , �'. e' , '7'7- : ': " f,,',�R .... � WAS 1, ­ ­ ,; I, , ­,;- - callea in i851. His name is too well n _ .. I ; . �� �� ., " , I . , I � Early Churches at P ' . . - I . ­_. . I ' iNiw.W`, AM I I Grants For Fitente ind "`­"­­­­­ . , I 11 Council i Tu Th"I ­ It'. . res I.... . . Of . on , esday. I ..'� ,,, - .,.. _.. , I known to you all to need more than " . .. .1 , ,.", . .�, ". . . .. ""!I . ' . -1. '' , �,,,��Z!,,.­ I I eA �,/,xtl . ... .. I, . ' I iiw_��q -f , �. , - . . � I S. Meetifig.. I Fuel" - - I .1 It, .- ' -a word,from me., 'Of two palls given . Ban& . I .. .. . . Man Comn414,qaJ1onS .re. . - Louis-#. Radei, 4 DASI, L, .. _ ,%�, , . . . % al CO Vegatiefial meeting. y _ 'L' WZ - .. . tepnon T :1 �5�.,, ­...MI­�� - " , 11 i " rnI In , 'o - :dW '. ,,.�. *�IT 1 .. him, the over ralin"g'"fisideration I .--1, . I _ I _ g N � , � , P q / byterian W. M. r ,� The anau and jribled� , ,,*, bo' a. ` , 11* v "",­ , A . I , M-0 " � . of'NoAh Side U 4 I ,� "� I 11.1�, � I . .1 ­ I nited Church was held ce ved 49,ye - . , � ... ars ag ., ,I,,� � that der,temnined .his acceptance was 11.11. . . o, byt,fOr tWerj,ty'�_two _ �1 ;. - I ,ClUdO96 & �S . - on Monday eveniq L',,', the Sunday . . , 1 4, ,b. _1 � -!,-,,;; � . -Seaforth- . as, een operatine lit.11­7,§,,j� . ,�,', � �, , , On Tuesda . First SerVice� The council of th4 town bf- m be. L . , .: 9eare '' I _, �� , %,� . . . ... 1, lr,7�1'�.;�?' . L � ....; : `-r..4; � I ly rk the amount of salary or Smallness e .school -room, the rs and ad -her- _. , . Acre I . . ,�I �� I I of.labor involved', but the opportunity held a Special meeting in the Town N tr . ons . I farm in,,.Uay Township. 1W, , ;..*. ; . . � I.. .: , ,�.. .. ;,. : � I I ents present in large . nnber&­ lr� t" . , . ' Held on London Road in that * Brueefield offered for m6r'e Hall on Thursday- 6v�ning last, with - ' ., ­ ,A has been a-memlike Of­Nay,coujx o. I , ,'., ;,,, . , - . .' . . .. . ' . I I . ell for- 12-- I rs and this':1g,, L. ��. I I . .. I . . � .1 , . ­­. , I . r -1 inembers 'present with. exception organiz; . C . , I The reports of the officers 'of -the Some Appointments Ma4e 11 . abundant ajid a dtious labors. His fil 1 td , � . . various . y III " i - .. A" � , 1� ei. ., %ratson, L ­ - 1. ....... I—- " .. ations showed � that I - ­­ . . I I fourth term i 2 Jlur,011; ou.# , �*` -, ��.�. .�� , . life and, works were truly a monumeot of W,.,.W. Crozii � . . ? �, I Old Shanty. The Mayor pre- eS anotler mery successful year's -Work . ', C6�,,� �?,. Iq . . I 1. .... Bell, . Charl COUPtil. In politics,he is a _! � _ L : -.", I, '. I I . . to faith and duty, . for M 'years and sided. Reeve Smitlf moved, seconded � Edviyl L ... Woodg. I 11 .7" - . had been �carried on. . ' I �� s9c'endants of Mr. I aj­ a yjdft� . - ,.t F I by T. Jv6tephens, that the tire brigade Blyth -W. N Watsonj WilQni T ' of Dashwood; servAtive and'in reiligion , '. 11�,Z�, .­ . . .1.11 many young men, � de ,_ Louis H. Rader, I I � .1 .. . ,The treasurer, for, local, funds re- Reeve of the Township Of My, was eran. ,He­'�jiijjj;js U, . "u. I Rbss, loyal ,people, have enteroad the be given EL grii�rt of $300 and thaf 9 perinte;X& , I _, �44�114 . .... , . 'I'L . WF4,11 I �1'­­, � . . lorj.,.A-� -H'. E;skine, J. H. Hoover, -F. ported that contribptions had ,been elected Warden of Huron County at s I .�' .� I minis ­, T . . entvf1lj6­Sunday School, as pit'�� , - - ��. - ­', A� . ;­��,' � . .,� 7��,�,; .� Mr. Whitehead Original .try. , , rUly their works do fol'- assessed members be rebated $15.00 Metcalf, James'lleffron, 'Robert Som- well.susta'lned through a difficult -year, it opening sessi ft " 'd t' f the choir and as chair." . I � �,..,�,?, . . . I . on their taxes for 1931. After -some ' a on joia Tuesday a ' er.- 1 en o I . . . ­'. . ' . 14 �77­1 . 7. - I I ­.. low therm ay di ers, 1G. W. MoNaill ­ Woman's dirqc- that all' accounts were paid and that ., _. I � The year 1867 was a red letter d iscuspon this carried Finapeial Sup- tbrb--,Mesdames James CurAing, S. G. noon at 2.30 O'clock. Fourteen new .man of the congregation In - the. . ,. , . "" " �1. � 1. , � I'll -- the sum of $296 remained with which ' Diiilrwood . , ,I . I , � � . . . "."I, ��4 1 1 1 Z"t Speaker. for Presbyterianism in Hfaron when port Wr the ,Seaf,orth Ifighlanders Leslie, R. Richmond, J. :E. Ellis, ,D. to begin another year. members of the council took .... their Lutheran *Church. .. . ... . I , ..H011 . ,70, , , I . Duff s- . .-,-" Jt�- , . 'a . -­ 1, - . . .­­ . . I Church, MoKillop; St.Andrew's Bafid' Was, discussed and'L. L. Bolton MacCAllum, Russell Shaw, . R., Wight- It -VMS gratifying also to fi d 'that seats. 1M.T. Rader was escorted to comesfof a family that hwoe"WdU .1 ;,�.. � I f � n r :1 ;,�* . - I , . I . . Church, Kippen, and First Presbyter- moved, ieconded by 1. Hudson, that man and F. ,Oster. Auditors -. L.. $2,500 - was the contrib .thei chair and introduo6d"by ex­Wa�- residents of ,Huron Co,unt.� "K; :� ;.. . . ,.,."-I-. � . F` . . Sdaforth, were built, � i� HilbPrne, W. H. Lyon. , . ution to the derr Beattie and the,declaration of of', It h r 6 e or four ge - ,t' ­ , ..�.,� , . ian Church, -as this town ,council give the, 8i e6AI Item IOUs., ; � )"Ji" I., .1 ville, Harpur- Highlande ' ' d 1,932 ssional I Wardem ... � Twenty-tw10 he married, I % I ,��,`­ , I ' M ' ,y and Maintenance . Fund. fice was taRen by the new , rs ago . , �4. � &. I i 11 . The Expositor Js enabled to repro- .up to that date Egiiio�nd i n a grant 6f $300, The Council,The council for The Womenli�"Migsionark organization In a brief ad6es's Warden Rader ' Miss Clare -er,and they, ha,v* ""; ,,,, duce. this , interesting account of the hey and Brucefteld had straggled to phyable n7 t2r'te equal instalments held' its first meeting on Monday of I ME a . . -i� -I.- . founding of the various churches, overtake the worlo. I , last week with all the members pres- remitted -$1,061 'to the Presbyierial stressed -the need of practisifig ecou- a family of eight elkildren. ' '. ..1-111 I I . I .;,), I , , Caven Oharch, that is in February, June and Sep- -Treasurer. The Sunday ISChOOrl' is in 01117 a' I . -- - . . .. �, .1, . . ent. I. . nd reduction of taxation. He .- - -- -.� - _- . I . . � I .1 , d. thanked . . 9 -i;egu- service nine years later. ; , ... f0lJQWin an the members, for his e . . . � r. through the courtesy of Mrs.' James Winthrbp, was dedicated * for , divine tember, and that a by-law' covering Reeve Wallace appointed the a "heEllthy growing. condition, lee- t , �i_` 11% . Kerr. - Mrs. Kerr addre�ssed the . this ,be proodred and * 'Submitted to g - corhmitteep: Streets-4un- raised for the year $368. . . ­ . , :.: "I'll, I e -First Howeve'r, we shall refer briefly only council at next meeting. 4 -Fire and Water, cj4s ro . .6-' . � '�' lar meeting of th Wi.X.S,An dy and McNail; . Separate tion. ' I �,I2t, , PrealrAerian Chu ' . . Applications - Hollyinan and Radfor , oms were built into the large ;Some ,business. was discussed fol- I . .I.. I. -_ . . , :. , ".. for,. ,,d; Vinan,ce,,.,Lun_ Sund y I . ... �Pl .I...; ,. . ­�� -1 I 1, rch on Tuesday. She to ,Seafdrbh, showing, the faith, sacri- , . he 'position of , ,school room during the s 1. Y.. - . said: "The early pioneers 'braved un- `&6 and.determination of the fathers assistant town'i!onst2e were consid- dy and M-Hyma-ii; Charity, Wallace a I um� lowing the election and commumca- I 1. � ',.-I I .... known ddngery tq come oull t� this land of this, - chur6. I �red And from twenty-three tendbrs, and Lundy- The memorial hall board , All 'Other organizations made. tiong wer4. received. . . was referred to Executive Committee, � :. � ��, I � 1, 11 I -, , 10 . ..', I I of promise, bringing them that In the summer and fall ofe 1866.. Rev. that bf , #,elmer Snell. was accepted, was appointed as follows- Couneg- Ire ri I 9 .o The same com�ttft will also deal I . Z �`, I . 'with , ; el!WRia iAg reporti. The total The, University of 'Western On -tar! . . 7 . Z .1 - n With the granting 25 to I*alblie�' . _.Z � , � , � , � I . � I .1 � I .1 i _ .1 i ,� : Wallace, Radford- Wome�ls'lnstltute unt raised for all -purposes wag enclosed their financial statement 1_1 I �1 -faith and love for G�bd and holy LIIH7 Graham, of Egmondville, ancr. By-law .339, of the Town of Seaforth, an -.:of , �. 31isall. ­ . , :11" Mrs. R. Wightma ov% $8 8ft-..__ ... I ...... Library. 504rds, als�_ t� _� ih,ii . , ­ . things that characterized them across was read And carried the necessary n; ,Sewing ,circle' ov a Iretter wbich' contained 'informa- -,gemsalt-_ " . r. arr, 9f Harpiirhey, came to . � 'a l n3all ­ . �, . . B hi1mber �Miss E. Steinhoff; Agrieu Mess� . Win. Hartry, W. D. Hoag, tion regardizig.the university. This Seed and �Siock .'Show - Huron PIOW- _11�. .. I .. - . . . 11 , � - .1 _ . . the seas. Anq so At seemed as if a Sealorth and -preached, occasionally, ' of tirnes. This by-law cover- Ciety, David' Rural . 8o- Dr. Burrows and R. 18carlett- -were re- was filed. I... . . men's Association_a�d ihq Clinteit ,. .' � * ""' . . very short account of the gTowth of on the Sunday' Afternoon in thq Teml- ed the appointment 4 Snell as con- Laidlaw; Horticultural elected to the Session, and Messrs. Spring Horse I I .. - � .. "' I . I I 1?resbyteriarasm, in this ilistriet show- ptra stable and also the � appointment of Society, A. H. Erskine; other socie., The county cler� . of lAnnq'x and Show. I � ;..:."...""'��', Mp Hall. At the'same'time there John Finlayson, J. R. Scott, T. J. Addington enclosed two -resolutions A motion " � I ._a" , . . aisked that grants -to ig- ",.", I i the faith and sacrifice ,of .the were a "-ef- -f -Tt'6byterian, fam- Th,qmas_.,Store,yI as poundkeeper. ties, James Moody.' Dr. W. J. Milne McMichael *and P. B. Moffatt were passell by ' 1, 1, i".2, . , . fIrthe.rs might, be interesting and in- Ilies living in DAIcElillop, and Seaforth, The finance- was,appointed Medical.Health Officee that council'and asked en-' ricultural ,as , ati&ns be given pro-'- ­.. ­.�,�L� ... , '' committee'presbrited a ir .� A O* no InAdNiay'on the; I . �12. I � 'Wbo were ag for 1932. The Board of Health , to elected, to the Board of Stewards dorsation of same ,by Huron. rVirst, viding thek­ AV . I . Spire us to do greater ­things., ''And - At'iofound a church nuniber of accounts and these on mo- " _ , I, - � --ji,6 tion of _� _ere I ordii�id A letter of appreciation to Mr. and that the matter# of - � .., � , , "l, consist of the reeve, clerk, John Fer- . the legislative ,same grounds. . ,'�,, what applies to the'foundirs of tfiis in Seafortb. , hey,'... petitioned . , Mith #nd Scott,,,W Mrs. Lane and'Miss - Helen. Lane was grants'to rural public schools, being , R. S. Hays"was appointed . 11.1. ... I � I , I,— ­­­ V_ nts wer�'ihose per guson, Dr. Milne, S. A. P6plestene. '6) ,Sea- I . .�, � church and -denomination, &00169- in Preebytery of H�;� to grant the paid. . The ,accou . I I ,�, -to ,-the, founders of other erection of a . taining to the recent Tr - Leslie Mlborn irid John p, elts were read and adopted and a cordial invi, materially i�diked, fhAt, the Ontario forth Collegiate 'Institute 'Board. - . . . , N - I equal force church, in connectio .!",­1eipal elee. appointed auditors foi' 1932. tation W.ks extended to the minister Government be asked to have the Ree*6 "'W.'Kibbon - -said - that . accord-, , . '.. � - : ... � �1 � churchis and- denotninations. with the Presbyteri4p,: ... Church of'Can- tion and were: 'Thomas Neladt, D.R It was to -remain ii �'stor. I � , � '. !� 04 $350- J.- M.'Gov6nlock R 0. rate for work done, .. . 1. I .". - . P-4 , W6. 1, After the &usfness iperiod, 'an hour be afforded. I I. I I—— point e ' I 17'.1, The first divine Service that we ads, but this was refu��d. Riv� ' - decided that the a matter adjusted, so that relief may ing to statistics two men are - Ap- I have any record -of was held on the Robertson, ,of Walton, � who 50- H�rb."'Trapnell, D.R.6., ' ' I for the *u#W*Alit . . . ed t6.c4met ry boards,annuAlly , , . ,,, - Y be 20 cents per of social intercourse Iras enjoyed dur. Sqcond�The Dominion Gove and'asked council to' decide whether . Grvee Pethidk, Poll . rnment ': _._,� � ith the Presbyterian C-hur $3i'T ­ � " I Lon -don Road in a shanty erected for nected w. Clerk, $31,00; Aex' hour for'me A - ch ,, _ �111.'., .- -rr, Poll-Cler,k, $3.00; W. J. Melt- for teams. ... . ing,.�Adiich the Ladies' Aid served a haviii1j'repoeted. contributions . -ifibeis, of couneff I I .. ." ., �� the workmen, the preacher -being ' .Ke I det, I .of 75 they should be me .... 7 _7 - I a ,of North America, was then asked to , I � cious lunch. . Old Age Pensions,,, Or not. The Minister of Healt* - ad- .... It , Methodist minister, Mr. Whitehead, preach On Sunday afternoons, and tosh, Poll dler4c, $3.00; A.- W. Dunlop, ­ .0- that ilie'Gfitario Government be Re- Vised. tliat.there was no, reasofi ... i'�" " ­ . . N 11 I I s4i old man. The Shanty Was low this "he did'foe some time, It was polling booth, $4.00, � I . . I .1 .­ I 40 :_ . ... . "" ___ , ".�h . . 1, . . .1 I titioned to have adjustment made to. Members of Council should not be, , .'. . and -the minister viery.tall, so he had then thought advisab,le.th organize a Council discussed unemployment re- I � . .1 � .. reduce the count 's share to ten. pev 9MaWr-s ,of the cametery c sst,o ,, e. I ..... -1 11 ' . liet'i-Flength,and decided as a . MCKILLOP � . �y 'a , I 1�' , to stoop While preaching to'his con- ch- relief I . . .�_ ommi . � ; I arch in connection with the Axaeri- .. . � i I , easure to have all shade trees.in - . WINGHAM � - , .... �­ tent. And whereas, a ii�lu o . Geiger and, Haake moved that- .. .­�' �, , . I , � gregation which vonsisted of three can body, and in February, 186,7' the in , Y. P. S. -The Bethel Young Peo- Age 'Penigoners are,in p6ssess ­ appointed, " , ,. , - I I men on , was then- organized in' the town trimmed. The W' Monday afternoon tlie - fi . 'R �,�. ork is to be ple's Society -met on' Monday evening . 9n '"Ich 'fts ,carried. .. ... . ly'MT. Nell Ross, .Xessrg-.' An; church ion ot IfileMberp 4 coundi'' be 11 I remon real property, that the government I - I ' .1 0 1 gus and James Cam*)bell. Masonic Hall ,with so-me.25 members. done under the direction Of­Xr."Win. at the dhurch ,Ath Mr. Wifl' were imlled Out when the chimney on give, this consideration.— Referred to ' R d- I ­ ,. � ' lain Den- eeves, 'Moser, and Craigis move _ - , , The first church was built on Lot In the meantime the Presl"ry had Hartry. On motion of Reeve Smith -nis in charge. The topic, 11T,he, Farm- the residence ,of 'A. Ram' -"ay, On Diag- Legislative.. Committee. . ,.1. , , 1� I . .. 1 29, L,,R�9. It never. wag fimished, - I b6ok fire. Fortunately it - W. W, Denni c l flowers around the court house. te- , . 11. al- agai� been d, aclied, 'but -again re and'J. H. Scott, -council adjourned to er, and Religion" was takelv$V. Alvin nol 'Road, that a Zrant of - $25 be given for :.- . :1 � , ­ ­�� . though used in the'surnmer tiln"a'P­411d fused, giving as their reason :for do- meetat the call of the Mayor. Cray.jord. An , interesting, feature was not a serious'blaze, as a high- offices, wrote 'County Clerk.Holman bilribd"to, Executive, com� �,.'.,'­',�',�,�! -'- ". ,v. . �� - I . was ,finally removed to Brueedild. ing so, that --a­-church in Seafoith I I � I . I was it debate, "Resolved that single wind, was blowing at the tims. ' The following were, "' I "", :�- :�'­ . � I Amongst, the earliest - . Mr. T. Y. Smith, a. fo ' asking for an interview with him ­appoint.ed, a , , 1�4... � . . ma, nisters were would close those in Harpurhey and 11 .1 life is pieferable to .married hfo.11 rmer man- and -the Warden on Monday regarding striking committee: Reeves WKib- ,,A, . ager of the Dould .. � ,-. I Mr. MleXerizie, Stanley; Mr. Broad- Errnondlvdlle� An appeal was . also and, it was decided to furn The'negative side/ won. A ,onimAtee nion Store, has re- the cost of administration of justice bon, 'Goldthorpe,, Bowman, "Ballantyne . ,_ . . foot, London, and Mi. - McKidd, Gode-' ish the .. �� . made to these latter churches, but uppointed to arrange for a pie turned to town and is again in charge in Huron County, - Clerk Holipan re-. and WTI,ght, and on ,Wednesday. re- L � ", ... ­­­. . rich.. . . auditorium, if the money could' be was (if -the store here. - : , . I � 1. .I: .Z' . ted that the interview had �ake I ". -f I . , ­ , � . ed1' the purpose. The difficulty Miss Ethel Dennis will, have the topic Executive -Moser, Ge- r, . . they refused, unless eithi�r.'.Mr. Gra- sZoc�ial to be held on February 15th. por n ported -as follows: I . I Thd"early trail rangers -cared not -ham or Mr. Barr be the i�h Ijain, rais or Mr�- 'Charles Mason, who has been place and reported back & ibe police ige . 1-1 � for comfort -or grandeur so long As istmr. � I ?%sovercome,by Mr. D. D. Wilson go- for next week's hieeting.' in charge since Mr. Smith'was moved magistrate. The letter was ordered' Craigie, Wallace., . I Scott, -4,- I... � ., . k iQ. &�hi ­tb- 'tRe--Tbwnshjp of North , to Galt, 'has irmt, yet 'been advised as filed. I . I .. � I . . they could ,'get' an opportunoty to The Presbyterians in Seaforth who Dundries, and -borrowing money, some Death of James E'vans.---,One of the ., ,Legislative-4Scortt, Archibald, Bea- - 1, I. , preach the. gospel. , I were members of either Harpurhey, oe ' 61dest and most widely known resi- tO­ia�re h,e,'iq being transferred to. When asked to speak to this, ex- ver, ISwith, Douglas. . :_ f I five or six thousand dollars, -at six 11, . . . . � I I I I . Egmondville Churches, seeing that a I dents of the township passed away on I I 40 � -1. abor ' - 1. . �-.f. . I 11 ­ . I -his home in . I ut the high cost of. iiistice andl Quarrie, IvEathiigft�,�Tjper. 1, . r . . I I I I Egmondville. per cenf. on note signed by? thirty Wednesday. morning at Wa;den Beattie said he had inquired 'Finafice---_&1dthorpe, Smith, Me I church was to be built independent of members ,of - ahe congregation. The . . I The Arst congregation in this coin- their helpi proposed that if the new I Beechwood, in the person of Mr. Jas.� WALTON told Colonel Dennison of the disc.us- Education'- Franci's X Wd,: , . I _�. " munity ..was organized in E�gmondl organization would drop thdir plans contract for the work on the church Evans, in his 81st year. Mr. Evans I 1. cQudrrie, W'a'llace. ' ...§ .1 was� let to Mr. David Dunearr. Revi. I sibn which took place in council in Cardiff, M , I.-. .. andbuy a lot on Goderich street they Dr. Inglis, of Hamilton, conducted the was a well khovyn farmpr and stock- Football Dance.—The dance,'undeir -December; that twice inside of a Property--4Haake, Douglas, Moser, - . , I", k . ville , in. 1845--.87 years ago—with . man And wag one of the oldest direc- the auspiceEf of the Wolton Football short time grand jurie.1 had ln§pec�7 Taylor, StewaA. , I I � " , I... . . (J, Rer..Mr. Graham As minister. The would go in,wi'th them and 'build N a services - at the openifig qf the audi- , .. .. I . south of MaKi-11460 iind Tuckersimith larger 4church. Wheii Mr. RobertKon torium o .1 . .1 tors of the McKillop Mutual Fire In- Club,:was- a fine success. Ekeellent ed the county buildings, County * lloiIs�' 0­� Refqge—­MeNacbb, Stew- I . .� ,. ". - . I was told of this plan he advised its f the church. sura presi- music was furnished by Heiob. Kirby, 116me and-Children!s Shelter. Coun. arc, Ballantyne Wright.' .. I— .- . 11, Were -being settled byJ this time with I After Mx. Gol('A*-=*th left ,Seaforth . - .. I � � ,people from the 'British Isles, the acceq4ance e the members their dent of that company. He had not Bob Patterson, James Rae and Lou cil cominittees look after these well, Children's 4 . rpe, 1�,, . J � 1, for Hamilton, Rev. A. D. McDonald, been good health for some time Rowland, accompanied by Miss Bessie and be saw no reason why grand Sweitzer. %kKibbon " " 1. � 11.� I . withdrew from the I. .10-1ter — Goldtho 4.k . I ...,greater number being from ',Scotland, certf6cate;F agnav . I of Elora, ,accepted a call to Seaforth, il', 1. * , 71 . field., . and,fIr a num1ber of years had suf- Davidson, Mrs. Sellers, George Love juries should inspect these twice. Old Age Pensions Bowman,. Haake,.' I" � I—. who reraen*ering their bringing up, . and was inducted in April, 1879, at — � I I 0�. .�11 I . were -willing to trudge many miles, on The next thing to do was again . fered greatly from rbeumatism I Be- and Blaine Shortreed. The excessivId costs of the McNeil Craigie, Geiger, McKibbbn; this coin- .1 1,11 , a ,salary of $1,401) and a free house. ' . .� 11 I",g , de, his widow, who was'formerly The funeral of George Bro5yme was tfials would be, gone into and C lonel knittee to select its own chairman. . ..: - I """ foot to, ,avail 'themselves of church to aPPrdgch the*I`Y(�6ytery. 'Mr. John The present manse was built for' Mr. i I . I . services. Cowan and Mr. William Ballantyne McDonald about a year after bis'in- Miss Catherine Curtin, of McKillop, he held from the home of hig''brother, Dennison promised that the noatter Good "Roads — McKenzie, Gainble, ,_ I -_ I were appointed the delegat�_-s to Pres- duWon. is survived by a family --of five da,iIgh- Thorn -as Broome, on'Thursday after- would be looked into and be hoped to MhOtt. . . ,, Think ef''Mr. Graham's scattered . I . "' � - � . ent thepetition, but again it was re- ' ters, Mrs. Montrose and Mrs. Nagle, noon to Maitlandbank cemIeter , Rev. have some explanation to report. Ad- A ` Think ot the work- to cover n- y . . . . I (�: peoplie! fused, on the former grounds, A few 'Afte-r MT. McDonald came, he e Cemetery�Fraucis, McNabb. . � ., ­ so much territory! He was the only ' tered'into negotiations with the 'Har- of Detroit;'Mrs., Owen Flynn, of Rul- W. F. Smith officiating. Journment of courts add to the costs. .Agriculture and Advisory—Wright,. '�11. " I - . 1, _­_ . ­ ­,". � —Presbyterian clergyman to visit and, days after the meeting, soni� of th,�Jpurhey pongregation to unite with lett; Mrs. Joseph 'Atkinson, of Rib- David Holmes, a respected resident A letter from the Minister of ('aiter, BallAntyne, Matheson, 00019- . .,�.� 111, 11" " I . minister to the. people, to -baptize, ministers changed their minds and Seaforth. 'Mr. B e e bert, and Miiss Nelliq_Nygms, at home. of McKillop, died at his home S,v.n- Health, Dr. Robb in answer to a re- b( r'. . I ..._1 1. , I � ­; - . �:: I I . VIarry or bury themL . What A work calie'd -a meeting, in Seaforth,, to re- 4rly allowance of -IN90 until 17 He is also sbr-�ived by four brothers', day. He was'a son of the late Wjl_�, solfiiion forwaZ�4 t6"him opposing Warden—Gamble, Bowman, Taylor,� , "I", , I consider the matter. After a kreat, a ye his Williar . - 11 I I faith and sacrifice, alt:'for the lave 'death. The Harpurhey elders and m, on the homestead,; Dr. Robert liam and Mrs.' ' Holmes. Forty-one the,iorder-in-council 'Which requires all Leipe:r_ - , - I., , , , � .1', i � � ....... �_jof deaO,of discussio . , . - �:, . : "'a the .- . .. Master. It addition to his n it was moved by and Dr. Edward Evans, in the West- years ago -he- was married to Miss hospitals to have at least fifty beds Robert Higgins, -of ,Aan'sall,� �nd . . . - . 11 11 ' . ' The ern States, arid Mr. `Fran� Evans, of Anna Betts, who surAftes him. , He to be eligible to carry on as training f I I I... , Rev;'Sohn Ross, and seconded by Mr. People were received in a bod�.. 'Tchn Cameron, Ashield' were ap.4 I . �, .. . 1. . I OW11 Ar�ork, there came an appeal from Georg4� Walker, -one of - Nx. Ross' el- elders wer6 Rev,. M. Barr, *Jamei Beechwood. The funeral will take also leaves five daughters and four schools for nurses, said a number of ,romted connty audlte,rs for 1932. . . ... I , � I 11 ..Bruce4eld, then without a regular Scott, William Wilson, ,Sr., Simon . � i . service, to be their minister also, and I place from his late residence ''on the sons. The funeral took place from smaller hospitals bad written to meryr- OrlIeT applicants were A. E. L -win, . It .1 In -that . ders, that the petition b4granted, Mr. Young and David Campbell. .. .!, Ross was appointed to organize the fifth concession, on Friday morning his Tate'residence on Wednesday gf- bers,. He had assured them that no Bayfiel4-1 I.eon'swd ICerAt, Colborne; I , I this work he. undertook for five years, same year, a number Of new elders t 9.8 - A bner ' � I , when Egm-ondville ,wanted him to new congregation. He did so, some were electhd: Ro�deriek Gray Wr a ,O to St. Columban Church. In- ternoon. It was under the auspices arbitrary stand would be taken in re Coselis,. .._W-Inghain-v E. a . . I a. , terment will -be made in St. Ciolumban of L. 0. L, of which he was a mem- gard to training of pupil nurses Jn Chamberlain, Seaforth. . "y I themselves. time in'June, and the first Sa�razpent Sproat', H. -ugh Robb, S. G, McC'augh- cemetery. . , , ..., . Truly pi6neer work has its trials *as -held soon after, Vben th61'671ow- ey, L. L. McFaul, M. -X, Nea . . ber. Rev. W.'F. Smith officiated and these smaller hospitals. County 'Tieasurer; -Gordon Young., I I '. i.a. an and .. . . k_� and diffieulties ,biAt what a suprema ing were placed on the Communion Win. Ballantyne'.' -A shoft time after interment took place in Bruss cem- A second resolution 'requested in r�llortpd the finaneial condition #)f' Ir. 11 I bappiness it" ffifflat ...... bring - when the Roll: Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, on-actount of renimmls and death, ' L .t I 1�p ,71 etery. ­ '918 1 amendment to the bospitalization of Huron county as flourishing at the . . �1'1 �� � Mr. and Mrs. J. Bishop have return- jp�igents being Admitted without afternoon session of the council 0,n, .�', �� . , . Father 44111 puts the stan-Ap of His Mr. and Mrs, John Cowan, Mr. and 4leorge Duncan, J. C. ,Smith, James WINTHROP' I I' � I tqVroval on the work -by giving the Mrs. Walter Cowan, -Mr. and WA* Cowan an& John M, Wilsoxi were add- 1,�, I . ed from A two weeks, visit at North due consideration in- the new,Hospital Wednesda&. , The - standing of the . . I I � . Alridre-w0owan, M.r. and Mrs. Darling ed 'to. the &ssibn. . The social evening held on Tuesday Bay. . . . Act. Reeve G this cou'nty highway a,ccount is th,j best I . .. I & I worke�r much fruit for -his labor'. My eiger moroed 'tbdt Z . - i � 1, . , GTa-hairn was permitted to minister to Forsyth, MT. and Mr.s. Geo. Forsyth, We have sketched the history of At which the Y.P.S. of Cavan Chureli, Cavan Church Y. P. L., Winthrop, letter be filed and printed in the min- f( , 1,y some time and the general ac- . " - f I I - ��'� his people for nearly 30 yedrs�. ' ,peo held their.weekly meeting Tuesday utes. , % count Weli�cits are being ,4radually . I . I Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'gallantyne, Mr. these churches to remind us of the Winthrop, entertained the Young _ night. Miss Elva Pryce . I I ­ "I !. I . . w1r)ed out. . ,,I I . and , Bill A letter from Mr. McCauley of the I "t.4 . � , . 1.� I I . and Mrs. James Nichol,, Mr. .and Mrs, strong, rugged men of -faith and con- plei ffom. Duff's and Bethel churches , Montgomery w H. T. Edwards, superintendent of I . X Harpurhey. James Hastie and Mr. and Mts. Jas, . . I . � � ere in charge. Highways, Department regarding' the . ,- .1 .. �� The annual meeting of Cavan cothplaint that .expenditures on the ,� � . . The president, 'Miss' i��hurch was held at' the church on King's Highway in Huron County the cost for maintenance as $3,896,74- 1. � ... .� 1, 4. - Presbyterian Church, whose love for each society. . Children's Aid. Soci�ty, reported ... � I,- - Hogg. Mr. Grabam'continued preach victions of different branches of the was atten&d by a large number from 0,e ings sacre re ' i�� "'. 11rj .. I . In 1933, 20 Scott, John Goven- ing.on the Sunday afterhoons until the House of God and'th' d I ne Bolton, presided during the de. Thursday afternoon. A. A. Cuthill being consideraply in exceiks of $44, - ,lock, the ,,ftele's, Fm9b4drk's, Dick- the the opening of the ii6w Iftrob. At present there are ten children in . I� ' - was theit.supreme motive inNjife. No votional period, which open4d by was i n the chair and Williavi Som- 000, agreed to for 1920, AS Hurofi I . �� I .. . k' .. -son's and Henderseii's came to Me- Great credit is due to members who , , the Sb'elter, six girls and four boys. .. � �.... : : I , sacri,giFu was tpo great to secum for singing a. bymn followed by "prayer erville was,,"cretary. William Mc� County's share, stated "that there is . The Unmarried Parent Act has 1:J � 1, , Killop And settled along the Maitland came in from other churches to help themselves and their families a g�eat by Mr. Smith. . The roll call showed Culko.ugh And Osear Cuthili were nothing on file to uch vmrk-.-, Forty-one' cases. . . 11 I given in . 0% ,�­ River. A missionary, whose nan�! is the new,-rangregation. A new sub- 9piritual, beii show t4at the an- � ��, , ­... ,­. tage. You will n4tke nearly,"all members.present. The i m'� . unknown, hqd.,been preaching in the scription ',Iist, was gotten up which meeting m1n- appointed 'new ' miem6ers Of -the' nual -payment for King�s High.... er PO . d this year. � . I 1� . that many of the descendant of the utes of the previous were 7 e re rte This is un ... I . ischoolhou-ses, built at lQng intef,vals' as was larg' I signed and a great deal Qritinal members in -,all the manager's 'board. Russel Bolton and amounted to more than $'44,000." Th6 increase frorn other years, It is. je�_ .. . 1, I ., . far 84 God il III . of mo-he7yr Lurches read and.adopted. The Scripture le�­Jaek Hal�kirk were a "inted col- letter'also advised the amount the commended that where h­rS­dt--aTr ­ -.1. �. . . .... ..... . Tpo I 11 I I �,.,, aiged: . The lot, that the are ptill pillars of the church where- son was read by Edith Hillen and a lectors. possible the mother .Should kiep het_ 4- ­� .. In'l$"7';9',' Messrs. Rdbert Scott ,present -church stands on was t6n ever their lot is cast, proving the hymQ was sung, After which Mr. I county is assessed for this year as .11 �� :: . I . and John venlock walked to Hamil- bought And th buildin Onirmenced. I , .. Alex. I - - 0 .1.1111. $57AO. The communicated was filed. , child� I I I . . .. � �� : ,,,, .. ".1 .4 - �� r, � *4 I;LOMISe that Ile Shows mercy unto Cuthill gave a ,,very interesting talk Cases of tru4ncy, theft, III!, rr I I . bry meeting to ask William, Shaw� and Hug Grant wer'o- thousands of, them that love Him and ono,tThe Farmer and His Church " I .­ On m6tion of Reeves CaMpbell and disoiderly -1 .;." I I � 11 ,11 : for ,& is 'Dnar and a Mr. Fraser the contractors. The'&rfiiers drew in' ke closed with 'a BRUCEFIELD - - Bow -man, George Elhott was sopoint. conddc4 'ishopbreakingo;- damage to- � �1­. I- I ep His commandments. �Are we The devotional period . .. I 14i i - �.. I � , ... . I - ' a. ". wwas. s .bse rate was fro�n most *f'W� qmterial as well I property are, brought before the juv- ' .1, � I . 111.",.� I . �, -&- . Ud gxv-.worthy of Such ancestors?" I I ed to.,:tbe Good 1�oads'Gommission for enfle court. -""The Object is ta sho* .A -,-,.,,e . . ' to : 11 . we e . all I hytmn and all repeating the Lord's -1 I W . Ff"er'r . . . I 1. - Prayer. The sqcial was in charge of . Y- h ��, " " I 0% e ' After Mir, ing liberally. The walls r' P. S. Meet—The regular meet- three years, and.Mr. Gamble to com- t ,, child that these Atts'are wrong, , . i 11 e, and these built and the baskment completed for — MT. Tom Blanchard, Social Convener. ingof the Young People's iSociety was plete the term of ,MT. Thompg6t. . . . . I �i� �.-e, �F 111 r Ineft, -recei"d on - " --' ',;, living; I In the opening on December 16, 186T., 1 and must be stopped. The past year � . ,� I � Mr. Smith favored with a reading and �eld on Monday ,.evening with Doro- W. J. Henderson, ex -'Rem df MOT- case in . these cases. . � � 1847 !Mttargurhey a 'Was built at, Dr. Cochrane, of Brantford, Wasthe 13LYTH ' I 1� � . ;;p,. . .� a coit,of $ljU% and aMr. MeXenzie., preache.ron that occasion and on the -Xiss Jessie Dennis, of Bethel, with a thea Broadfoot, the Citizenship G'on- ris, was appointed to the Wivgham Only, thirty-five have appeared 'in, .. . I I 11.1�1 , , 'I.. ' . .., . . I I 'solo. The dialogue, wbi,ch the Duff'% ve . 1. The meeting Open- High School Boar%4. - A. J. Goldthorpe I ; ner, in charge. court and ?oi . I, 1 I, . ,-%proved very ed with the hymn, "The Church's One wa§ appointed to the Criminal Audit . I ., !, �A � Was the ehogtn minister. Monday evining, fID11OWing a t4a The ahnual'raeet�ing -of Blyth A,gri- yliuU4 ,People enacted, 21''boY8 have, beeft­s6nt I 11�, ­ . �, After -this ft4ghhtion, oandidates. meeting w" held. The eatZilles were cultural Society was held on Friday Amusing 6- Usses An6Aa_,Dnle and Foundation," and G. Pepper read the Board for 1932. . to jndju�trial scho,61s. - - V. � 0 k;, ".1i, ., ­.. f , I w .eard, amon t WhWn Was ihe served inpaper ba -0; as the,basement afternoon with a good Attendance Tillie ,Storey San _U .... their Sefipture. E. Thomit eves raigie, Legal adoption is the oie �sttt dr -_ I , , , , "', Me :1 �.. I, 0 . ven, of Xhox, but was so crowded that there- was to John Ellis presiding. The report ;I own arcompaiiim�;t of ukelele and prayer and hymn, " eaning on The erieb, and I `�11� , "� , . T . il famow = � , .qi.� then led in A motiot of Re C ' ' God- ' our work that is a pleagurs, E,14�#ft; , A . 11 I , Mr, Sart, jrAdifved th#.,0411, �ometkne room for tables. The auditorium was the treasurer Kibbo", of Vringhsm, children were legally Tr�ftde mejhbers,. .... I �, � Z , - � h -' ' " ' 7' ­ ' juitar,' Two lively contests added to IPM-riasting Arms�l was sung. The to grant $1,000 to the.Goderichir0lin*, of __ , � ,;�,O , � P I before � - - not furnished until some time litter: Year, although having had bad west- ilies concluded Mi'. ZdWardq, ;,R, I , , IM'' ­ Am, 51 . 11 the eveni morial , . I I & . Othor sealers. had dbmfo fif before Rev. Thomas Obldsmith was chosen thor,', had a ,sma)'l surplus. The fol- hg1s"antertainment. , A duet. topief. "The Farmer an�d His Church" ton, The woA 6f the Lions 010* Or � . , ", "", I I � IN . p - ' by Margaret Cuthill and Irene. Bol- WAZ'taken by W. Haugh in his usual ,qeafotth Hospitals wlis,_referred t I F i � th, go �i 'It 0� - D-oft's to be the Iyasthr'and labored in �h-e lowing ate the officerg' appointed for tot, W . � ,:"",; I III ,� 0 Godaribb aild ,Se I A" ��.: , � ompanied by Eaith Hillen, on interesting manner. A very lively the Eirecutive Co-mmittee. I k ....'. 11.1- , ,� �,:,�,, 06, - Wh§0111's 'atid - A16wes"on,%, ,whai vith c6l with hniTidt in. *0-mftne�� ' "'' L, . .. toto�w - , "i. � ,'�:�'! ��' *M . ­;,­ I ; ;�., ftregttioft for lilne.y*irs. Mr. Geo. 1982: President,Willialn Gray; 1st the piano and Harold BpItOp On the discussion followed,. Bible baseball 10olonyljf. 1B. Coombe and Dr, Ev- � I MI' , " . 1 W-4 . , , ,� 11 �, � I ,­ , '*� 106h A& 13 rJr'g §406t- 16he ith's- galqvy Vice-president, J. B. Wats6n; a i 1 ­� " - -- I their fa-ffiil�#4 tpadd sqtflw 'a 11 114-V . -eentor for about th� Aee-pfesident, Chatleg Parp - 2nd ,�Iolin, and a riiading,by 146:11 Motm wa,A:Ahert, plaftd, Yl,ola Wheelef And ans, of Clinton, wo-ft &NIbintod, to -1 � . ..... ,, _ 1 V op'to ,*o Cli#t*AS the ift sons FNY �n Yh�rl, t * . ,n,e Enjinetv's rV61% � , , 'ffifdtf out .� 11-1 , _AU"40bb t' MI;; Goldsm I ., ... , . VIqid-, was 11'4�'04 *m $i 000 and, I *0-1`0' gomery.btotught the progf4 to a Marie Elliott boing. the taptains. This th4,01inton (�o eV .0 �6 4 , i I . 46f Wiii I I -11- , 'a I It ate InArtu,te 0oard. thAt t,hero 4tre ,ft,ovj, 25 W Yeats or I ,* A manse. I ­'. tary-ttwureqe J 1. 'R. Elliott. Di- dloi4, ., - I I � #%: 1, 1",:., _ . *4 1 I- ,,, I - I:Uneh was served Nk- tile com- gaftne,proved very ediiiational-and th- o.n -mation, of Reovps ,901:6tt and &Ej , 111,11. ", mr, gh v J& ' I' ,,'; �%, for, his ftlffifw attd,hdatee to ft% '�, Th#,'Ilrgt qjdi�n were D. D. Wilson, ri Xt6F9­-4)9ftt,WaWA.hogh, V. D. stal. r4iftee In charge and After 6 $�,;VI re� terestilIM-All, 1- treated. roads _,V� & - I � �.. '' ulift bb,114hn ,,,j r DaVid ..WCUIloob'. ket a V. WheWer -and her Haal.�e. . I I Hit; .,;IIA " ona love fdo W# -sadrod w4j*i � , A$ W�p4r Atd haW, ft. - i g P r ., �, J' ,V1 Zerfte, orvillo NO% ,_ , ma-likEL6om W.' Smith alid the preall- tealm-SP0060d6d in eikWng of the Villfam Mity, wa§ alnftted -to 9n. ftht 4-64, 6, 12'11_�,�'111.`�,�', i Alttli t611Kd-fUXffl1itV' 86ft - Aft& A6bA-ft Mlififtball. Fred, Toll, '4i., Wtter NtOjll., &14dkia of whith, Wig Ud % " ,)%#,,:i WRI ... '. t I E-.1 1� of 4560, T06i 0�; - t-1104, I I �ea ,v . Aywy- "'Me P'kegidientj r. Bo*fa, tet Ill . . I dents V the aftieties, a -0 , honors. , ''I" . . 11 eo�mffldftnt fo ,., 6*" 1 ,of us, rmVmsf 1$oko 06ftn * qd Willi-saft norralieb iia -A " ­ � 6A Onofitidblid'L ih School Boxtd fb,r 199948-94 6 litat, yeat. . A ,di '� — f!,� a I ;INI�� ' trAanj' ale 6V%Wnrg Wag t C , tb tobk �.hyi�ke,andl the busliftegs.wag tdot on of Mi , , � , �� * r � oft&j "Rob VJ . , �� '. k,� 't in, 'Jk# *4ft Orlatftod_ Ito ' _ P, sit Oil Alta WhIZI i I 'taof -- In it. V , ­,­ I - . 'At Ift ward I . . . Hull, ft_, F Wu#.IiLM�t,�­,!- Wn* foftv ,.,� . ' M61Dod4ld; hi' I I*idl %w, -Hary IGraoby. �* "L" - . Ytlttr,� also ot�%10 "Y"'A' _ � the Id The Tou;;g � . ed " Rh A tiab Reeves 'U'SX-Okle . v I 1, t, 4e agda d'alli, 40 B6. - .�%Uj, 0 . fhbol'S of � - MIN# PA*r0% AtIM199 - Phelan, I JJ,g,yv 1_16fiul Auffiii"'. , disewiged. , Ths w"tin - eloo r1110 or"a prallowg �� � . Z' Aq . � .... ­- ,�� I � 1 6 :21 , , �,,. , k, I 00 , , Vivan, Mufth I *0 h- , ,A oglb " "s at A4%h,�S� [A thiw unal snauvil. ­ , � . I.D441 - ­­ �:�'! , ;.I *�,., I . I k" ion WJ a , R0 Geftgd I ., '. I "'IF e I I this. 10,hum'.. , , : am, 1 6 10�� I Wie 1; i1h, I � � . � I * �t,00,4ti44 I ! 41, � . __r,,.`_ 1 1*49 to OV1,611 90,_ %* �ft, S� gftwft WaTill OLoC W, I - 2,1P0 ��tO�#� ---', elfth, t6 geh"I "rAi 7 no e . I , . 4 �', ,:tL ,1,; � , . . I . , . 111 '. . ,,, 1. . I ,` . I - I '__ $��. 1 ! . .1 9 41 Mgyv , 1�oa,,.r,,,;.,. Mtde ;wa, the .4 , 0'a'. ,., (.�, 1,I � , 41I., I I I w - ��r,�,- I I � � I . I 1_i � . .04 , r" ,�� I ", " I I . . !+, 4. 1 . � � I I I.. . I- � I I . I . . I - I v I ­ � I! k , , , . ". ; ��, ;". I 'F , I I I , " . " .1 4 :� � . , , . I . _ , ". . . . I I -r-1 I - 1 A I . "I ... ­ I I I , J,'�. �,� , I J� . I . " '. ,�� '' .­ , " ­ 1.11 . I I . i"", �11 I I � .. . W. 1 �, I � . 1 14%-�1_._,._' 1 "'I. - AL I I : .�: . , , I I -11.-.I.. I . 4 I , ­_ �, :, � �; , 0, , , . i i . 11,;. , I ,,, ,� I, �, ­ I, - I I'll, ­+­ . ,,, - I0 .1�11, ­ , , , . . .... .1. I .1 I . . 1, ,; I �,,, . � , I � "I - - t, I f. � - , . .�­­ , '' .1 . . � I .� " '.,!" �, I ,'7 1 .�� .. ...... �:­ 1"9 ''. *­­,� ", . �,`: � ' , A - "; - , ; ­ -I, . I—. C . . 1. ., L :: � . I . . .. : I ., "" . .I � " , , , I , , " " ;" .�'. _. , , ': :'7 ,4',11 " , , ,,, X�', - " ��,k�.,�,,,';.i,�,lyli.",I�,:�"L.",.�-��'.."4�w�i.i�,,�E;i"r""�'i',,,I�'A.-��!�e'�iL��A�'..'�",4."It�"I"l�l::7.r 7'.Y. � ,,, I- I - I., - .."..",_, i ".-IO'. '. ., .1, .I,,, � " �,W_e­ , 1. .�,.' ­_'!�C,,, 1.�.`�� ..i .. �� . , , "�� "4 , " ,�� .- ,�, � 1. 14 "k, , i, 4 �� . .4_r, ,,.:('!, �i 4' *�4' ' �.,-� '4" , ""r, --�,,�, "', �'5&��`i,li ,,; -1-11 X 7 , . '. . ,�111 , 11� - - ., - _-q" � ""..t "", � I "All, �, �, I . � � I� I . ... I � I . i A . ,,�L ;,1, , ,, .. _ 1 � ;.: ,�' I " w ,,, _"_�'__: "4g 11 2, � I ,,,, , *.,,,',�: 1�0,�,t, I 1- � . �, ,.­'. A4 ., ,4�,%,�:,­ �',,,, I �q%"'�,4,11� t . �, : ., I 2 I ., . � _ ., _� . .� ;I:.:' ,,,',.�,,�..i�& A I 1: I�A."l-i:", I �i,".L .. ."i , ".,� .� , .,�,` 'I