HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-22, Page 8I . N I 1. 1; Z: -;W1 '. , . . 11 . � . - ­�, I I, , .�! . �,, , , .. � I.. , , "" 7, _1 "'W-, �1.0��*,'��,,F: ..... . �­..,q�,' I , - -- I , .. � 7--- � ", I '. ,_, 0 I .. , _. I 1 � I . . . . ,; .­ . . ::.-I.- 4 , . , , . " �!' .4, 1 1 1 , '' . � 0 , I . I I . . I J� � 11, *11 �111 ,�,­ :, , , 17,�,, - -11 '�111111 11�1­11.­ ­ , - � I :1 . , �. �,,.41��'_� ,. " I ., j", , � ,1; �, 11. .k "­ , . , , ­ , ­ " " " � - � , "",, : 4,.,=� 4".." �, T7 �� r1-1117" 11-1 " I, ; , � 111"r 11 : ��, �11,VRI"r,"i.."1171"i, ill':W INII-PIN I W,0771.1,�� "I" � ,.. , - - - r-- r� - � ,� ­. � - 1, - - ­%­ 4�, `_,�,_­ -1 ........ . ­. -­-.',, ".., . 1'o �'r � . . �.� , '. , . . . , I ., 11';� I nil', I I -i � . , . . - . �._ � . I- ��',�.,yl;� , I �. . � ,�2' � ,: :.n., .. " , I I I .1 . 1. __4--_- "' 1\ . f i I 1. .. I . . I I . � a J41. �6 . � , . ., � .. 1 . . ; — I f . I . .11 I . I I I . . -.1 I . . I . . . I . '' . ,1 '' . I , . .. . I 1. 4 1 1 . . - .. �... I . I., V " , .. , " .. �4 T 11, , '�' ` "' , , '' , - , � ` , , """ , . . . . , 5P IN I 71 11 ," . , ,� 'R , ", . - ', V ". , , " I , ., ,: . , 0.0 , I - � � . I . . I- ,�. . . .4 1 . , � . %. I . . . I r I !�, �, I ,�.. , . I I I I I� � . � � .. 0 1 . I I I ... ' � . . . , " I' I I!. .1 . I . . I ... .- I , I . . f . I . .. . I I "" 9121" 19.3 , 1. I . . I I'll, 1� 1. I . . f . .� . " .1 " � . 111. . � . I � - A. -Y - I ;I , I- I I � � . � , J LN-lif.b. MP�,�.' ( I " , . - .. . , �. - 'I I . . . 1. .1 . 1. ". . . . . , . - I � .. . . I . �1 ." .. ­ . .- . I I . ,_ - . . . . . 7 :� , " ""', I , . 21' 1 O�, I �.A . W` �,� , . ... . I? I . . . THE Mium EXPOSITOR , , , . ­, ­:­­­ 14=1 . I � . -_ . - - - - - -1-1 lr----I— I , � . - _____ ­ `--r-1__-11-- ��=,: ___ " 1. F, ; - _-_1 I . I " , , . . I ___ � -1 ___ 1 ... "I 11 . I �Vt � _�!.,--_ "., t"I., �1_ @_O�_, .. .. 11 �� . . . ­ , . - � - � ". ­' . '', 717!77Vr ­�'771,- '' "O , 41 i ,. ­_ , — . . I .- . . "I, -1�1­.,; .1. L I - " . . -'----- !!�!! _. 1-1 ��. I I , I . , .1 1. , . '. , . .. I . _-, ­­ i! ! 12 ___.. � " . ­_ .--i- ". ` ­ _jl'bo 'play, quite a 'bit of- snow haN 111,,;,_ — I 4 . I 1 MW I � '%3' 11.1 I . . or�-`­ , , , IM,1% � , , 1"T . �, � 11 , �', , , . M..'��': W- 11 . t I$Ubellu ...... *Q 2 lY — ­ ­­.;.1',":­ir , I � .1 � I ., , .- ... � . t , her PaKur#s - . , , I. . ... ... � ,,, I ! , I came , .,. - I M . ona of. -those pipe Obaw that the ..... ­` . . i . -.1-1—-1 . � . 1� � . ,R - , , 0A ­ I 81�otlaud, %-e h�n � ytars'old. .. They 6 all likes to tell about ' " � 1�­._-1.1'....'.. ­ 11 -1 , � .. - . "., , jgm —, IDIr s - ............ C #w -016, _... B''. tv NOTE AM A On. Of course the above is On ingi ;01111 � . . . .� . W.hgn __ -a --- - . from - GlasgoW I I . I . 14ragking Westerner� I 11 I . � - I . 7- fbe led on MAY 1, 1846, .. - , . __ ", '. ­ . . � sai - ".. , 1 74 when b , WIRO kor _ N 11,;;.. - I ... I .a goes East, but T­­.:Z� - '' . � I I �`?:"�_ 1h, b I .1 , xaR ' I oil the sailing -ship Jessie' Stephens, - I - I I .- I. . ... . I. .. inot, we bad g6lf, teants, s1twUng, � �:,:,� ". .. -11''. , . .. . r '. . I �__ � � - � ., ... isi.,�kl��A,1, . _ I ... I - ,.. ; .. taging seven. weeks tq V late a tem- We have, a limited number of hockey bada-Anton on.Christmas , -.1 11 .1, . I '_ . . ... 4 7 . I I � , agi across -:the Atlantic, 0 , ­.., . 11 I I I 1 -for 3 . - -19pes. These .� ,one V . . . I . -, I _­.. ,, I a i it. 0%. . Cod Liver Pe'stLipus Pass 0� � Hii1i'' Gtade Note. � r4o really, did not knx)W ., 9 ill � . . and Mrs,'Fergu-, i�pio,xp:sr � nve ­ I .. � If, , %#%0 Xarried'in 1866,M1 �d E 1- - � I I , I . V 1- . I , I.. ' - -Seaforth, Ont.,,U-4til both White - J_ e, �ac I that reference to 04 . ... �,. ". W711� M I ! I;,- ,,!, . son pi,oneered in and Col tiirio - t] it harsh, ,�', , .�. ,. at , "' it I ight -be, iought a M , I . I W,jggT�()E$__Size,25C . -Compqund with �1.902, when'they came - to. 5AAM''Oh. ome,pyn, 11 - I � I -11.1111"", I., - V , . ' ' .ours. . S , fgAcy edgeq,, ,,,.. , it slig1wting. But the fact of . . .. " .... I . i� i Ferguson diea-lu-1913," ­ - eth, % are vlain. I a - � " -ir ,�egular w , n U . U711 � ................ ; . Mr. . I is the Judge is one of . I � I . '. .. . I �� - �_ " �0 N11 il,��,f# . ..' I-- I 856,'_'j�,d. �ke value, :f& -' � 'the U 1att-eT flri�,Iy ,believe that .11 1. I . . � . .. I I 1,4A . -00- . ­ � .. I ',.'R _=$made by Palm . I I '. thogg boys who -1 .� . . 1. .. � 01051 J ,".. o., . " 25C .. 1, Creosote - , 'e is , outstanding red . Sev, � jj� c - I only one 1 PRICES ' � . , , _S� ... pound ... ....... ...� � . 59 CWq , BA their It . Wh.( ' . . i CH I - ... I .. � 1� I... ­ � . T - "'V1SCU.ITS . C - . St. James' Arts Ctut'Rear Speech- ";.:4%L___ -i'* .. . -blotch on ..... the map,of the world and . I ­�l .. � I ---I,-,- , r I I , _F - - - LOWER I . � . ),M ­ that,spot is Dgmondville, Gnitario,and ,� .. , ......, . — . �� � 4F,W . .= . awes I .V ' ' I .119 that a better ,brand of h . . . . THAN THEY . . .1 r .. - - P'� ." ..., I , � ockey used :.�'. . � . .. S ...... I ......... ent, colds, cougli- . . I � - -t -parish hall with 'Miss A I I . 8 to be played under the ,ftmondville . Z ZAVE BEEN ., ."....... , e - ideal . " I"rh( , --he . 1� 25 . -1-1 'A . - , P9 . ........... - es.­�� Thursday evening last, St . , . I , 0 .X� iemidy for persist J " I Arts., C14b__held its regular ..; ... 25c Th ; -bronchitis meeting in b!t ,.-4 .--,- FIWITED PUDE9N` - . , . - 1 $ . . . . . G . . matic, iconditlona.� . -beem in charg After a . , � I 'bridge theif is, now dispensed' in the ' I . q and asih June Vei e.. . b .1 I � . R I , M 14A .1111. I., " ,�und& for . �-- - ­ ... 29C Tonic Build-,' 'rather lengthy -busine .as. diddatsion, Book SOre, Seaforth Maple Leaf Gardens,' Montreal, or ._... C I ' IN, YEARS .. . i 11 1:14. #a _V& . ke or steam Also an Excellent ting speeches were . Bostpri. That fresh 0rd'ariQ breeze I TO'CLEAR vqe-a _sex _g.��._qa ._ � . __1 . ,... . t�4a,.,.Vqry.. _iP1qr9!01_ , 4&bseriptio' ... ""i'"1aken. for_'newapp,.PqK� , ,g . . I � . � ".., er, in - gen D6V- � � 'T�j9t'-bftVght- ,on w- bit- of- hointestiei­ ­ ­ ; __-_._1__._-_-._.. �_____.__.._._... . �. - �.,% $41111- " . . al,run down�xondi� -by Mr. AirthuT ns ­ Bi ­ M__ I'll "�,15 , - er , ices. sloew - - .- - - 0!1_� ­­ - - - ­, - �, an ,, eive as pudding. 4'' given. Tba-first . . ­­ i 1, � .�11 "I I 'a � 1. tions_., .. - 11 and maga�ines at piibltaher!s-pxj .. I . 0 .. � ��. I'll � I . . . .1 . . I , ',;' ,��OtA CRACKS -L9 I . .. u.x,on "Our Canadian Martyrs ness, that was h1l. I . t ""' 1W ., �. ,. - I 25c 11 ereh I . . � � - I �, I . "t 11'... ".1. '' � ... $1.00 an,�d the second by Mr. Cyril Reynplds __ , . I . . OF, . ., 2 % —, '. 1 ­­­. . .0 .I.. .. .1 .............. . . . . . . � . - ­9&1­� 16 -OUNCE BOTTLE, of caivin'Unism.11 Af- . -_ I 1. . . - " , 41VIEST-o" P.k.CKXQE FANCY, , on 'IT -he Menace . . . I ""Diky GOODS , , . ­­ I � for .....250 - , I � '.1 I ".. llw . I " ' I ­ .�. '.. , ,XT1S_, ,Ivix '&5c I . - I. ­... At terthe recreational period.,the meet.-. ., I . 'Inaagural Meeting,,Public School , '. %. '. I I VU . rRegu I . . � ­ -- � Sale AND , , ­ . .410 �' �.,�l I � . , &,`.��,% I�M . . - , I ing came to a close. Stark with ,Mrs. Burrows leading in Public School . . 4 1". - Kv.-Ta, pl�-�Sajjo�C,ITRONS . C . ' � .,�'� ". �, . ' "' I I n'., 5 , 7 .a . . . t .. , I Board.I�The, Seafor* � � � I I . I.- APPAREL- � f -, il " ouch . ...... : ......... ... . , "I'll ,-"I". .... " ", � - -O.. . prayer. The devotional leahet I'Phil�J'Boai,.d - on Wednesday evening to . I � i�'111 .1 I I . '14 ��.4 ..... � ........ , , .." . . . � I .. - . I 1".. d&:T PEAS___4Large1 5,0 ,'� . : ip the Practical Man" was r�sO by - C. Laing . I I I I" � I I . .orga.ir . f� I 11. 0' .1 Keafinis PhumApy- . ,, or the year. John . 11 . : GIVE ., . . 1. - J . : I. 0 'AND . I . aT - r t, , � —Parties to knit.for us at home,- M S. R A hilbuld. The topic, man, -and M.,Mc- . . in ....... . . Lre Health" 1. ­: I ji4cy; Pe I was re-eled.ed chair �1' a Wanted I I . . - . MI il, ,::'.., . vorablk with 20c . stamp for -Isswcu%ars. Home Knitting r -th �ehapter of the study ,Kellar was re�elected.secr�,tary-treas- . . . YOU � ,tp, 1. ese compare , The Rexall Drug Stor� Send -East, Toronto. 8344-tf in bh'4. foui . . - I I �111'1 I I . . - I . oompany, ,76 Dundas .. . rie� by - Mrs- MeGavin, � t at I _.'� , ,,��"_ . .. . . book was gn . I L urer. 'The pr6perty committee is ,Fred . ­ IV ­­J� i,BARGAINS - - � . I %I - ... ISONIS BAKING POWDER � . -. Seaforth, Out, .For Sale.—A fur lined. Coal: in good condf- M I I -lay, Mrs. ,W. B a,ek and Mrs.. Wag1g, Rpber,t I Charles . - I 1. 1. ,,, . I � 4 � - I `11, . I e .61, rs. Areldbald and . . ­ . . , . i. " '' - Phone ,28 -Archibald Box . .51;11,��:_ , Me 'n ­ . tion. Apply to Andrew I —, ..'�'11_ — _ I "'. I z cans 25c. 'Has- long . . ( scaforth. Phone 44W� I 8337-tf F. .Storey, showing the.greatly 'm- Hohwe�s, while the suppi)�- committee ___ - I 1. I I . " ".' - - I . ­ � -,j�st' s�?Ie'� and is increasing in, . i ibs. Prints $1.09; 3 rbs. Silk, proved conditions in Korea, owing to is R6beT, 0 . -_.1.- � 11'� I our , I ..� Joynt, John Laing and M. � - N,,, I . , ' ' ' . . velvf . . .., -popularity., There is a reason. Remnants' ­0 nnes $1*% Ajints'. ,dealers the untiring efforts.of faithful medical Mokell The board appoiMqd;2hg,. � , ?"In - ', , , — �ts or Creto ..-911. . � . I - ' � 1 .��,, ;SRE,j)L BRAND PRZ141CH - ' " wanted A. MaCreery Co., Chatham. Out . ........ Mrs. Me- .: ,y,: I 39c ,,,,-t,,;y,nls i.onaries and, nurses. A. Barb&r as its repna-se .0 . I 1 le ,, *()ASTILE SOAP -large 'bar � I .. GaVfiv4nd Mrs, W. Webster eontribut- I Collegiate ln�'A - and I - B. 19 sh'' . I ,�y . . , I" I -ON EXPOSITOR - " --Have Your eye§ Mac I avi s .. m, ,� ,� :� . . . I 11"'- TOILET SOAP (and a proper THE HUR . Special optical Noiice. ­dnd. puins. ed a very pleasing duet accompanied ,J,tute Boaz ' I .. .... I I I ,,'I., good one) � 3 cakes .. - - - m .... 10 C - -_ looked after by our well tknown tem- Moffat to the Carnegie Library Board. . I -- I � � talang s-pecislist. Mr. Hughson, formerly opti- by Mts. Barber. Mrs.�-Williallus, '. I . I . ­1� . . " " -.­T]§A­�During, 1931 We sold of Our I � expert for Kents. Toronto. and Henry perance secretary, gave "�' veryint�r- 1. I _ Ze. . I � � . . 1 : � � , twice as much . DISTRICT MATTERS Cal & ico- Montreal. Over So years, 'Mrs. M. 'Adams also � . . : '_�. . -43ulk teas more than Morgan esting paper and . - I - �� I I , l6mg established nation- ...1. _., ning to Seaforth. You ;_. , .- . experience; 20 years coz lk, which Seaforth Horticultural So�iety Elect . 14 -14 : as ..,of the . --'-- are assured of the best optical work to be gave, a most interesting ta EVERYTHING JLJL , 14 I . ­ tised paci-,age teas. This — We The Officers.-T�e Seafort& Horticultural Continues' . ! z: ,. ally advei .1 ', obtained and at very moderate Cost.: was inuch appreciated by all. IN I I ","... peridr value ' , hvivd.uli the late st ies of frames and mouut- . I Society met in the. Carnegie Library . � I -1. indicates sui a of our teas Purchases Business in ClintOn.—MT. y e best mak,or�,`-andl meeting, eIGsed..-with prayer . - .- -1 I-. . � r at 3 tbs. t-Qr $1.00,41k, 50c, and 80c . ' the best make of th .1 . on Friday evening lait for .its annual THE . . I I I , r., � -­­ I_-, S. S. IvIeVev, -who for thepast year or ings, as are from $4.00 up. Tuesd*y­.�Ian,d - . . I I - . t, I... .. � . . . .1 I d February 2nd and 3rd. BeattW- I meeting. The president,' Wan. Haitry I I I I - all . . I . , -IL tetLs- has eandueted a� barbering ]>U.si, our Pri4 - SjORX. � ", - Wedne,� ay, I .� . F. .,. -BUTTEjR.�We are o U45�2 Bsidedand reported a very Success , c to mess and bawling alley in town, has Fair, Seaforth. , . I . . " . her in Alberta. -In a let- Py" . � I . I I . "f':'. 11 sell at 17, . . I �, ful *&a le " 4',;,,;, ' - I . he barbering Se on. The Sue tY begins the , I 1� , L I" i3�air� Butter:And w! I I � . frorft- Judge ^X I � I this. week purchased t J. -N1,ew Year with a s,urplus of seven- . 11 11 � , I . .P .., .poumjj� as to..quantity. . . . business of Mr. J.. G. Medd, of Clinton, - . ter received this week , I 1 ,C . - 'd Alberta, __-JI . I . . 20C a - I . A. Jackson, of Lethbri ge, 'teen. dollars. It was proPos, d that t1r, AT LE AST ' Nqc� t . '.11 . ' Mr. NeVey I folf6-viing reference to e( We] I V " . . . . . , a cen pos5essioft. . . aiakes the . _� ....... 11_�', % recently dispose4 of his business in :, ,ociety should . S Western prov� ,9 ' i D -i flu : - . ,during the. coming year aRld sh�oi � he -A 41% . - n&has tak he i sponsor a flower ...'. , 20 * " I ­ � It i � RK' I � F. tchison COMING EVENT tile weather in that. I I a CT- I �. �'..., ,�,,, . . - . � . . ­ town. to Mr. John Pullma- ... . . . -111, 13& I in d to I - - ­ I I w��­�, I . - ince: - ,.:ve.played golf at least mittee was appol, te m r.ovo � . , , I ... . - 0--, ,__ ake X_ PER CENT., 1W k 11 1, (items under -this head will be charged at , . . � . ­ I I �.� I ,�.V;., . , ted as . . .." . , , It; , . . Phone Phor PhboA-'166 ' 119. the rate of 25 ,fq,lat ........ - once, a 'iRronth for the last 35 months rangemeTits'' officers were ele� I - . 1�'., . 1. ; du I � .Mi ion Band Holds Work Meeti , ,,� each insertion) � , � . � as :-1 ........ at Lethbridge and under ordinary Iartry; Ist -_ . 939�51i 11 i i tm - -_ _�,; I Tlie Goforth Mission Band held a - . follows- j�;�sident, W�n, I . ,rl; . 11111.11., I r fo, ., .1 — 'b're and circums Rev. W. 'P. Lane.; 2nd . . . � , 11:��. � ng work inveting in the ,seaforth Canadian lbegion Euc I tanew. My laat game was on , * . o . . I I I 11 I., , - - __ I 22n ... I 1-11.1 th �. .. . the 11th ,of JanuarAF1932, and had � rl-.. Dar d. I I.."...., I 1. . I I 1--' very interest' � the Presbyterian . Janii�ry VIc:_?1P,r1e1`:11=1 , I . . ce, Vic , J. H. Reid; secretary- ­ � K( ,X . I I I " I.. - school rooni� of . 'just finishedu- -fdeal weather con- R. IL 2homxpson- . I I ..,;, �. 1- . � J ,. --a— - treasurer, , � . � I'll 1:. Church on Monday. The Torchbearers . ditions, when a storm. blew, up from .. ­ f"41% 1w 1, I . .�;,. . . S ,� .... � � � I !___ y Mrs. Wigg . I 11.11.1 ..... I—— .... .. .. ­­ . ,P] , stk bN -. ' . � . . %_1 dressed dolls assi - The the. East (Witario) and of course the I I .., I . " Bo I I . . . I '. , "' I" mrjing,ciub last couple of days hav t I . 1. sa ' I 1� liter Months are Here The Wol! Cubs.niade mite cards andi, La4 v vvrlers Entertained. e not been able I �. . the Glea-ners and Sunbeams arrang`�,d -nl�ers of the -Ladies' Bo � I Intellectual Night ,it Marion Keith _.- - - .. . .1 . .. I k, ,;. , 1, 1'0! ..... 1-1 ... 1. . t. f. - " I -11. � 1. . I � .. , 1. I . . Stewart and "Mrs, N�,ere entertained at the hoine of Mrs. .....I . I . � -et* '­ 1. 1 � " ed post cards. , Mrs. - I ('. G. 1. ]'.-The weekly ine Ing 0 . , I - , 11 � Of �� .,-,�, .D.o you know that they bring increas p �vith sonV. lJohn Beattie in Noveniber.�'Mrs. Ro. I I — . , . I � . I . I 13 ... I., . I HAZARDS? . Wright assisted the grou ­ the, -Marion Keith C. G. 1. T. was held . .". . I JSp ece,ml er " - ".. 1, I . i Wednesday evening. The meet- I . . . . . i - I - j*at_-�yqji the prize. In D b , I . on � I . . . tb � - . . I ' I . . . ' the - -_ I �', ; " � entertain4d . 1; I I I ERR 111!1�1!2 . " ' n ing was op�,'neff by all G 1,� 1! M ��i : tf I �!-, � THE FIRE -HAZARD -Let us check Mrs.. P.. 1'. NJ D Shansha 0� � . nging the C, i � _ ,�. . rqst Nuptial Reception- '_ Is' , . HiM :i �� I' �, I ou may not be st - time ,lu-b-, krl- Ross SpToat carried off : M 1 k2M 1 ... I V( I your.ftre�:policies. Y Mackla-�n,xeceived for the fir . � I. T. hy�nn followed .by tAe�.Lords . I I .� .... ,1� , otected. . :1 .1 e-* her marriage on Tuesday last, I the honors. In JanivarY Mrs. E. Close " I . 1. I... . I I r . .1 �. . full;V pr sine I ...1,V 'e, e, Praye,r. Thg . minutes of -the last I - .- ;', . 1 :: - . t.., -Ir'l, — - , -:­______. 11 . I 11�iTi Stme ,+entertained the clu�­M'her new hom . 1� 1, , �. E - at her fioine on , I- ...... I . . . ri-eeting were then read and ado.VK&_u . . � I . I ' I I . �.� . ACCI SIQKN* 9i HAZ georgette, (Mrs. _� "... PRIZES oll. was called- and '�"Mr'and '_Mrs. Dod.sw6rth of,'Charea- Mr. William Fell, - of Edmonton, , , fi ... 0 1 . 1�, . t your ea. - li. , - ' . w6dding gown of maize I ja1-,nes,,)DeV�vr-A,ux *on the prize, . , - DENT AND as correct. The r . . , - ri members . ave waa responded ' .' '� vra - . . ARD­r.We. cg�n protec with radium lac f eir friends h, t . gg:� I a guest this week at the home . I 61 !�� � ..- _. . e. _M . .' R. he I and � �:� . - ­DTS� ti4mmlod I I . o -by �3 TnAmb a-lbolm, Alberta were g' ;A6� a last week ' 8 . � i _ , . ,, � power .with a � Pro, as A -d -a -very en -able thme auringthe . __ . . -a was rea:d by Helen. at t Of M a . of Mr. and Mrs. "T. ..J., . Kerslake. _ " . 1W .1 . ` ing � joy he -home ,' � IV I I . . �%, � . If., S at receivea. %,Oth the fiogtea ,, . here -has been a The Scri,PM . r. n&'NTs,. . t. R . I � . I . . I.. ability, Policy." . . and- '. J illson presided .at, the 1"win mom, ,s.. T � v - p - "" , cl �� .... Mol- - Mi ,.1 -.;the -Lembers ,At ­Dowli Hey this Sonverville, after Which Winnie Sa lent. � , I . 'I , 14W I - 11 . . .. ... . t'� I , . . � ea table: ' I e, ii Pull6ia ' A Was , Miss Margaret Cas I . '. e , _�._ 1 Ass Mie Wal- , Iteri , -idanc -.df� vl�s ,e,. who has been I 'rl � ,: I . -An amaz- t P assisted by A ,t�, . . ,end I , ..._�� month for highest sin'le score auge read the Yoar Book. As it, I . . I .1 . *INDSTORM ,HAZARD I 11", 'f throughout. . 1, . I 9 Britton took ,pending her holidays at the home of . e, � 4" " , . -,ingly, small prenijum will protect lace. . _-.110— - I . and highest total score on threer. intellectual Night, Helen' -etroit on WALTON ' .. ' . - ..�,� . you against. seriou's loss. . . . ­-�W-::- consecutive gaines, *"made during" the chair and "The Life of Jessie her -p,rents, returns to I D I . ff4 . . "r . I . . _7__�Ir� I � . b V, 111r. Hatry Liveris Goes to Golerich. ' . ,,, month. . Unden' was then read by Isabelle Fr�da.y- . ,rsday The annual m'eetihg.'pf the Walton , -, I'll _-,� I -, and FUR -former, resi- �= . . � . Jami-e'son and Leona x. Helen ' Horticultural Society was held at,the �� - 4 � Ei� , I)WtLLIN�G BURGLARY -M,r. Harry Liyens, a ber of Art Powell is High- � In the I B� Mr. Harry Hincliley left Th- I - ­ . ", I .1 I . , ... '. -These dent of Seaforthl and for a num I ... L I Lsne favored the girls with ,a piano m,o ,',g, for. Renfrew, 'whero he has * I I t 111�, ;,. COAT- FLOA,TER poLICY lm,veater contest now going on at,tbe i � ,ml - . . M r& ,H,, K,rkby on Tlh�rsaay�r� , I, Presbyterian - . .. I I home of . ,,,. . rates have been greatly reduced yvait )organist, of First . t,owling alley this nionth, Art'Powell d ­ 5f the ,even-. accepted a position as manager of a , 4 I I . 71 ... . u fire. Chuncti, -ek thn ap- I 860 points for FOWL EVER -k MONDAY NIGHT ' �olo and,the remain er 0 neet large co-operative creamery. . The following offt,egrs were.41ected'"il . 111k,.`� . and this risk is as" haZar.do a as received last we -heads the list with - , . ine was sj��iii'in games� The i - - . the year'.1932: President, Mr. F. Rut- I 11,,, , ... ... . I . organist and muAi'1c`al-di-' . . I . T. Bene- Mrs. 1. B, Kaine was.' called to I : . , I I pointment'as, ve gami' %. � . ing closed with the C.,G. 1. ledge; vice-pTesident,,Mrs. H. Kirk- : i U� . ..."i., . 11ake this your insurance Cbeek-up three consecuti I. . �, . I the I I I t 4 � I. riecter of Knox Presbyterian Church, testants still in the ruvning,-ard. John I diction. . Englehaet on Friday last owing to the - ert Me- � 1� � I N"!� `.11 . h. ' We will gladly advise you Goderich. Mr. Livens goes to Gode- I ... "' b secietary-treasure,r, Gilb � i I 4 -11 . � ' Mont in all lines --7 . Cummings 860, John Hotham 950, K. � ' Iserious, illn,ps of ''her mother., � Callusm;, diiector's, M)rs. 0. Turnbull, . as we are specialists .- 1. - . . ) , � rich from Mitchell, where he has been 4 . John Pullman , � I Mayor Dal�y and Messrs. W. A. . _, � P . I. McLean 802, R. MicGeoch 772; John Misq Rose INM�Ison 'Rev, Mr. Cum- ' , I , ,� I ! . FIRE, LIFE,��'AUTOMOBILE AC� organist in Main Stre�t United Church ' R. ''Pinkney, 759, W. . ..- Crich, R. G. Parke, J. Miodeland and, mings, Mrs. Willi's' Dumdas, 1. Mrs. .. -11 .. . f I . ,'' , CIDENT and. SICIN-ESS, GkJAR- I Cardno 769' - ' ' 'Church Services Next Sunday ' Marie I r Gardiner� * ' - 1 14;, for a number of years� - -b C. Adams were in Toronto, this Week Pete I ��,, I . . Nortlitside United Ch;urch sermon su - S I . 11 : . ANTEE BONDS, WINDSTORM, Wright 737, S. Plant 730, and E.' Rem Better Barbbring and Bowling tyani 3irs. I ''. . . 111. . . Art Powell: also stands first . . "He Abideth having been Summoned .a vltnegt6s , Ta,ggait Mrs. R, Sun- . 1. I . � I . 1". RENT&;,': urc. - - ­134vi. nie 714. . Jed in. the inorning,,., , i - Peter IV, , , I I . � ­ . . I Huron Old Boys' At 116me for bighestr single score this Tnonth in the Bennett -Mine trial, being heli Mrs M.. Kelly.' Mrs. W. � . I �� , ,' . I I , �. . . Faithful," and in the., evening, "A . I . . . derec 1� . ,; i .:, . tatiori. are being igsued'f6l--�he -aw s,. --In tho,play off for in that city., Muir Ippointed to go to To -w - I .. 1. .. - - . mmom" Father's Mistake 'I the' second in a .Mr. �.-_Ro _ _ - � , ATSO!N & REED ' , , and jirs 'thel . . I �, , W of the Huron Old Boys$N With 3:35 p""'t t Gray, of E , I . , � '__ - I nual At Home . I fe"and times of Jacob. � I . . . .- . being held on ,chf�k&As on Mon -day night,,R,oy Dixon ber ,iQ home Tonto as .a �delegate-' I . . � - . . . sociation, which is 4 . I series onthe li were guests, this Week,at n I - , . . I iss '. ,. . P,S' 33W or 214 : q I with 280 and Jack Hotha-m with 262 � Lane, Minister. The Gleame?s MT io' Band is in a. . . I, "� . 1,110N SE,AIFORTR As Toronto. The, execu- Rev. W. P. . . of Aft. 4. Patterson. j I ... January 29th in uccessful., . IAT ices'. b .1. .. . 1 . Im.y ,em riv havih sent the, . I I ��111.�, . I ... ... were a , o�th .1.1.111;1. . ,� I , �, tive !of the , association hope that all . Goin� g-' , Going - -Sa1vaJf4i9U judge'J. L. -1011oran was elected th' 'ink condition, 11 1� I,,. _!., - . . . -.0-i . I I I ing and, evening, will be conduct- present tressbrer a.round $50 last . - ,� Zt, . Huronites, who are able, will attend — morn . chairman of the Stratford P61ice Com- fol- . . , , I . . .. . ... . ed by Major Best � of London. - , .t . -. for 1932 are as . . !` ,1, . <> <>, <> <> <> * -0 0 0 0 this at h@The whether they receive I . mission at i a inauxural meeting held year.. Officers i$l ­ 110 -0 They assure them Moderator Coming. -Rev. W., G. '., �, - -Egmiondville United Church: Ser- t�ia week. Judge Killoran is a; form-, lows; Fresident, Margaret Murray7l, . k , . - 1. . , <> . 4> invitations or not. B.D., of Saskatoon, . .. 1ftere? "The , vice-presidenf, Bobby Kirkby; secrt- - . . f a good Huron welcome. H. B. Brown, M.A., . Drni-ag r old!.4eaflorth boy. . ' � "., .. 0- . S. T. Holmes ,& .Son , * 0 of the Presbyt�ria,ti 1� , I . mon subject in the M y . the e ' St tary, Anna,,&M.16, tr6asurer, Stewart � ;� I . ,0 Stowe is the president of the associa- Sisk., moderator New Type of Humlial2ty" and in Miss Davis, who was a gue at . =-1 UNERAL SERV CE ill visit Seaforth 9 I . Bryans; pianist, Marg-4retCum-mingg; ­ I I ,. ,* ' F tion,.while the secretary is E. Flo,ody. �Chu'rch in,Canada, w � . evening, '7he Deliverer 0!a11edJy one the home of, Mr. and Kt$. J. A. Case, superintendent, - 1* . . I . r I f ,a I from caxapfire returned to Tovonto this .Mrs. H. B. Kirkby , I'll � �, . . 40, � Main Street, Seaforth * . a on Thursday .next, and on the evening . � . . week. - I team are put- . I , ., , .__> 4 of a series o elmons The' Walton footbal , ..�'_. * 0 stories of Isra ... �_ 0 . Chancel -Guild of St. Thomas' of that day he will preach in First CanadianL i el. Re*.'IC. A. gal- Miss 'Thehm ' Johnston" leh -this ,.. ' egion . ting on a dance in the A.O.U.W. hall, - . I _ . .O. S. T., Holmes' residence, -0 . n . colin, Minister. I . . she has * been V. ' Church 'Elect Officers. -The annual Presbr.yrberian Chu1rcb- )Rev. Brow . . week fbr Sutton, where Walton ou Wednesday next. . : ... ` I > -h Str et, West; phone 0, G;en- tinua- � .. . , �i "eri, meeting of the Chancel Guild of St. was elected -as inoderator at the eld in St. , 14 '.1 bto, 1,9 W. e -St. Thomas Anglican Oh,urch.- engaged as teacher in, the Con The ,vestry inioetink was, h ,`.". 40 ,. , . Charles Holmes' 0 Thomas, Anglican Churth, Seaforth, eral Assembly of the church in To- Euchre & Dance Regular service in the morning and tio-A School. - 'George's ChurcIV, WBLlton, on Monday- . k � �p�� 4> residence, Godeir"ich' Street, 0 e home of the pres-i- ,Tonto last June. He is regarded as The following officers were elected-. . . .... . , <> was held at tb ­ ' ­­ ... " in the eve-ning -the sermon subject, The Ladies' Aid ,of Northside Unit- I .. .... 0 East- -phone � No. 308.1 ' ' " . dent, Miss Clara Pinkney. The fol- one of the outstanding preachers in G.. W. Y,, A, HALL - "The Challenge of Bolshevism to Re- ed ,Church will hold a Valentine Sup- Minister's Warden,,,Mr. R. Hoy; Peo- , � 11 . 1 �. Setvice 0 lowing officers we're.elected by aC7 the Dominion and is especially -v�ell ­ lay,'Pebruary 12kh ' .1 � 11 .1 - '0.. 0 lAmousine Ambulance ion work in the . I' n.11 Rev. J. F. Meyers, Minister. 'per -on Fri, f ,0 , illor W. ple's Warden, Mr. C. Pollard; Side- . 'A - I...., 1�', I<> Night calls, Phone 308., .0 I I k The many -friends, o ounc i .11 'F!,_,t. -Lation : 1gio men, Mr. T. Bolger, Earl Hoy, Und- I - 1; ... — - ­­,; . 119 J. 0 clan Honorary presidexitg, known for his miss the past 30 - Ffiday, Jasuaq -22nd. . 0 ..., 4> , Day calls, phone Misses Endly Cresswell and Guerra WesteTn Provinces during W. Crozier will besIorry to. learn that ert Andersd (; Laymen�- I I . . � T;1. . 40� Charges moderate. * - years. Eighteen years of this tivie . . . I - the SC06t Memm,al Hospital, say Stewart, B 1;.� , I , ,"... ­*_ * . * Brown; president, Miss Clara Pink kman Sh �' I Pageant i� he is in '.. Oarry -Bolger Bert A.ndei)son; audi- . � I 0 , . vice-president Miss Libbie Free- was spent in Red Deer, Alberta, the , , I . I Barbara Kir aw ­,.­ ... : , I . ,;; �.% .-,-I I ney. suffering from, a -heart attack. �Mr. SGbier, Mr. Scarlett. � �. �, x> <>-* 0 1 a GTace Pethkk ; result which be is known! throughout Great Success�The members of the Mrs. Richard Harris and daughter, tors, I .... li r .4>,<.> .<.> 0 <> 01,10 0 man; secretary, Mis PRIZES . LUNCH_ Barbara Kirkma, �, �1 I . . Miss Annie ,STnith. ' Re- Canada as "Brown of Red Deer,." . n Auxiliary of Fir4 6, . We are sorr,v to Teport the sickness I --- � R11 � treasurer, I - I . I GOOD MUSIC Presbyterian Church presented a of ,Goderi spent the. week end with of Mrs. H. Manning. HeT many - . %, �' d by Miss Pink . . " ' Mrs. Mary Broderick. dy I . -- freshments were serve I . ' the schpol room of friends wish f or a stea recovery. - " ­ . -1 . � , I I . ney. I I "I . I .1 "I "Buchre 8 td 11 til Shawl Pageant in, - I- Miss Richmond, of Blyth,'is it guest . . , - - -- F, , - I . rch -on Wednesday night .be- . __ , � � I - ­ . the chu __ 7, ...;. W . ___0"_ ­ .. - Al. -'Mr. Arnold Westcott Presides, At , Dg'pcing 11.30 to 2 foreNta very interested and entbusi' at the home of Mr. -and 'kTa. James I 113 , I �1, � . . �,:� I AUTO INSURA"NCE - Enthusiastic Meeting.of Alumni.- Y:'P. S. -The -meeting of theCitize-n- ADMISSION &O, 6ENTS astic."kaudi-ence. The differtiftt num- Aitcbegqn, RoXbord. I MISS INA GRAY . I ., . .. �, , I . Tb6 Alumnl-Assoppiation -of' the Sea- 'hip'. Department of the Y,!?.&, -.Of - l exceptionally well. Mrs. 'William Sclater is visiting at . I. . I I , 4,111. � 11 �:�� �. �. . . 1. forth Collegiate Institute -met in the s hside United Church, was he�ld in - C. .. p. Sin�, , J. M. McMillan, , thebome, of her daughter in AubuTTL' I i I I I �11` iet us protect, you anywhere in I Nort done, were taken -as follows: GrAndr I �, - .., announces that � , � th, -chool yc . ina'and I I .1 . . ; r' ' " ;C auditorium of,fhe Collegiate on Mon man of ,the.. 'church on President. Secretary. Baby"ShAfl, s'oi6 Mrs. Ale � '' Mr. dnd Mrs.- Harry Stewart -were I I '.,.�,, . Afiada or the United States with - eve e s ith tMr. Arnold - ­ 1. � . day ming la:st with the president I" Auto Policy that 'will take a 1* I . veni-ng, _wi . --­1ft-grant Shav , ?ff. �� - in BowmanAlle last week attending q-, � 1. I � aim . Mlss� M. E., Turnbtfll, in the chair: Tu�8dav e -, Keri- 71 M�S. M- � Stewart's mother, � ;,.� . . After a 'byTnn -8. . PRICES ARE ... I.., I load off your mind and at Westcott in charge. * _. -_ igg and childr . Ii. e the fun�ral of Mi � I I Despite the bad weather there vas Ia sung, the Lord's .prayer was re- _N0MEENR1MNVAM� art, Mrs. W la r; Mrs. Fitzgerald. . � I I . . . was were welconiled by M §. Jo �,, ,I . NEW . large turnout of members. ,Following peated. The Scripture� 16s%on i-mas — .. . V1 solo,, Urs. i , T I- Dr. W. C. -Sprost is able to resume I . i,� 11� . Spanish 'Shav , , 9 ical,.Pra,ctise again qfter a 0 . I I Ill 714, . . the business part of Ithe meeting,,, M! ,- 4 - � his Medi DOWN 111, . � ged in read" by .Miss Norris and iss Jean - . . . lowed'by little Rut&E � - s. in . .1. :, I eamnitunity' singing was indul Smith- gave a very inspiring aii-'a"in_) � severe illness, from, influenza. I . . 'Non Tariff Rates with Miss P. Grieve �f -the piano and . . Spanish, costu-me; Indian - 1, ry I . . I . . ss on "Team Work." -Margaret '.e 1' - _ Mrs. George Love, who has been Facials - " I,-# � ��,� tructive addre4 I Kling* � ,Ross, ma ar .. e ringer Wave, 50 cents; I " , I .an interesting debate took,place which I 'I- I weeks, at the home � I , ?� . . wish - We minutes of the former Tneeting' .. t 6 . . Reid, Norim, rk; spending severa el 25 and 50 cents, etc. , I 7 -, _n mb '' of Months You W yfaq won "by the mon's team, compos, . Lennan, Mary , Ys. A. D. ,$1.00, Marc . . I . for any -Aml er Miss . I t.... . � � I I I f; I - .. . "..- . I .1. , read by the secretary, # solo .tkken by Arma. a;; , e of heir paxents, Mir. and M . . I 0 11 I I ,ed­ev4­ Mi. S. Savauge, John Cardno and were. ffi A H m''e ar v Hall, returned to To-, , ;Ho= ,- I � , -6 us Thomas R. Cluff. Their opponents Doreen Hudson, and adopted., 0 cers . I Old Paisl�Y Shawl, ladies' 9 Scott, ThoriTto f rieinds . a I to 6, p.m. every day. ,. , � �1 .. '. _ . Ws *orth your while to SO d ­fbi'the comidng Year as . . . I right, ronto on'Satulrday. The many . 'Special aplJointments in the morn- . 1� '. . were the, Misses M. E. Turnbull, . Mrs. John Daley, Mrs. W.- .W her', Mr. James Scott, who '. � " � before placing your insurance and M. were electe .. RiV�'. . I President, Mr. A. Westeot.t; — . _f her'brot , uTsday . d- 1. - rates-- - - d Alke Archib'Ald. The, , I 9 s,eri�us accidett on, _�.. . w 9�,se an -dngs, I . at *1 low non tariff - meet. follows' I . Miss Pearl Patterson Miss Harriet 0 ings ,or on , Tuesday, Th RW .: : cL afford to take �hhances. 1,st vice, Mr. Sam. Scott; 2 -ad -vice, Murray, Flower Lady, sofo,, Mrs. W. inet with such a and . Saturday evm jgrj� - : YOU ing was btought, to a clo�e with "'a . New Year's Five, will be glad tolearn I I -, 1 1 ...... %... - Miss FeRnell; 3rd vice, Mi. K. Web- Fhe Ladie'so,Aid, of Fi�st Wx1ght; portrait of a Colonial Belle, I .. , � I �� 11 All clai promptly ind,"satisfac iogramime . . -hat be is �progre-qsftg as fhvOrablY . . . . �1, "Let I . f A�ovimg pictures. , -r- 4th -vice -etary, r ,and Mrs. . � 11 I ',..;�.: . short pr _1_ , ­ ate .1 Mrs. Snell,,, seei urch characters M -a. J. A. Munn t I , - - , , "I , I , .id . [>riosb ­�.. .D61T -% f,1, � So, -1hi-Irs.'PiDs Miss Ina G_ ray, . , .. Ta I . . wis 11. 'HudsoTf; assisto�ht see I . - , yterian C h . vF .,6,,b_,,,,,M__,,* ­ 4M I sibly. could be- expecte,&� Hlw is .�_ � . - li�o _ - - -, � - I . i retary- - I I . ­., .� y rs. U11 . MI: '?,, �N. � , Phone, write- or 'call-WIght. aiiii, , St. t6 aE"V Church Have a Good Miss R. will hold an At Home in . rl 1 still in the,Clinton V"pital. ' . . , I �! 01, " - I . Mist Hellyer- -treasurer, . S,esrf 1) -by , Betty Malcolm, I ' I " X1:1 - � , 1jil IvErs. 9. a . 1 1__ .. .... _._ ,M,y Service Year. -The annual vestry and congre I G. Boyd,of Toronto ww At §t C. Pullman's Barber Shop 6t " I . . secretary, Miss , the 'School room of the Alice Dev&e'aux,' Eileen Chap- . 1'1� �, ,I..- * St. Thomas, Thompson; Press - I '1,5� ,, I � MONE 126 . � gational Tne�eting ,of Y Miss . k end guest at the honie'of-Mr. . � ��,, . V �. I V"I'l- -' t , Church, was 'held on Monday and %ras Laura Mole- assistant-secretar , . . )Nnkbeiner,.Xv�lyn Nott, -Helen Ran- and I e ­- . � .� � N,- I - � A.,D-�,S �THF,RLA ,rili,e.spie; �ianist? Miss A. Govenlock; �.hurch, on . man, Eleanor Broadfoot, Margaret w6l!,M. W. R. -Smith. ' Shop Phon 126,�, H,6 i"phone 22& 11 . 11� I '. ­ largely attended. The Warden's re- ( . I . . '' . ;.., . I I I I ­ � � �", v -ince, Real Estate ,pott. showed the church to be -free 'iEssi-stant pianist, Mrs. Lane; auditors, ' " 'kin, Edith Ferguson, Ifelen Britton; ­­...". , I .1 I .1 `­ I'll ... I ­ uenefal Inkin .. I Mrs. Close and Miss G. Wevater, and FRIDAY, JAN. 29th .. _. - __ oft .. 11 'I"': . ,;. -06nveyarcing, Etc. , _1 �, .1 I � I I it ".r� .., . fr" debt of any kind, with receipts M -id Victorian Dames; Mfs. CbaYters, .- 1; I . . ,�, I .. a littl6 over $3,00.*00 with expe�idi, � there was �ome discussion of businesel I . MTi Haigh, Mrs. Free, Miss Ins Gray, I ­ L - 11 ­_ . I OR;,��.4 , 0*0 oJer Keithig's Drug Store. I Progr , jjW, �! .. The following mAtteTs. A sport intermission fol- am 4-5 p.m. : _SM 1%fts. Ed. . ... � . ­ � I.. - t I ,i: I. � I 11 � . ,b.* Chinese Shawl, .�� �q�.�, 1. ONTA .- -0 .. d , , : %*"Ift - R..10 ttifes *about the"samie � lowed the Singing �f a duet by - Mrs.- , � PIELnt, Mrs. ,. McKellar, . . . . �JP: ,., .. . . I . I . were appointed to fill the,yarious of- � . --- Smith Mts. � - ­­ ; N � �� ., , - � - .. I Wilbur Webster and1Xrs.'X,1ex.' Me- -' d 54 P.1i. -0rhy, Wim N119 Wdt- . . 'T �- , 11 ., 10, "! , - �t.­.1111111 __, _. ftees for iho,year'1932: 'Rei'd1o''r, Rev. Gavi4 pr�ciated; Teli,serve Mis-&., Marion, CLOTHES AT RPEDUCED PRICES vo 1 �;4&­ . ,, wbitch was much -ap . .. . _­.. �� aken -by little Lois Vii9bi; . . � . . - 1,� " i� ­ =Ezm�� — — I , " solo"t . . . ' .. -(.1- r J. F. 'Mey(*s; Rector's- Warden, .WxxL I ; son, - I I i "" 0,:_,'­� I 1.11 -111. I -1 �, ' -0.�;.. - , � ­ , , . Th im�nayljg Wioulder-Shawl, MI '' I-- -.p. '6- Archibald- LPeoplifs Warden, Henry ,: e vei, Collectiolnu me V.9v I '.1 .11 %. '01N; MUTUAL , er . xgai�efl . ! - V - !,Wi*, "t *ilt.'tlop ..... ,n, Miss.. Fennell told a short story, , .. " . ss"Pearl I UT. I ­­ ; ,. , 1� .1 ­ I � % Edge; Select Vestry, Messrs. W. E.. the best � . if , Patterson and children (M& .. . Ung -e Keating, Oban Mc - X, V. 'harles-Holmes, ,hymn bad been sung the Tnee U Hanley, ,MeTl 'WF.JF.dKS ONLY � ' ' ,,,,�;z , :, W . Southgate, Wm. Hill, It, . ery'body Welcome T,,rw K - , . . . . . . 7 It kil �. - Fet- 11 '7 -� N -I. MI . URANCE C I . . '7 . . . . . . �,N'l I - � I - '. .. . . . � WM "" 10 -1 , George rJack4on,,W`hL Deem, John closed wit13- the Mizpah Benedictiom . .. 1. - . 17, , , � I Tavish and Alaster Wigg); Mrs. . � U _w".1111-11 ! , . . , ' . 'A. I,,,,,,', ", .1 14 ... I . � I . - I I , I Ml�s Mary . I I V . �;_.,�, r4jarle Wtn. &nith, John 113est, G.. . , V_ _____ � ..- I Rule Britannia. .. I I I — _____ guson as . - " __­' ' "' - I I . . I - ,,-: __Wammmiffimw� , V " ,�_ � ,0PVIC"EAV ORM 01NX*- gjjowa�n; JAY D.elegates, Messrs. A. I I . . ! ! .�. __ I I I waly.05 wm� a -very attractive char- Regular Tdoi Made) , " For I I IT"IN 1140, .. I � , ­­.- ­. -Messrs. I I I seter as she%arintoune%d, the. diffidVent, . . ,tr ' --1 -I 11 ������,���,.i��,,�'i.,:,i,�,�;�.r ;"��,,�%� . . I I . Ouse, S. Leybou'rne; audit*Ts! . Northsidp W. M. S.,Hold Intorost- . . . � 11 r , " " ,,, - �.." '.. � A. Cmse, ,S. Leybourne; Bid I , Aug , The January meetift I I , bars, The jjAgingi, of "'God . Save , Clolhes � ,$35 & $39 . . . , Meethk ­ I ��_,.��..­'�­� :I? I "OrFrCapis., . eamen , - muy� $4 5 'to $48 �� � ' . W%ia :I_ — w"44- .i,-.,-, � _ _. ­­i�'Ge. I ' ' 'the King". brough't,a veTy enjopble� ,, I I I � . _ �WW_ T0291ft I Tim. essn grke Parke, Normaft. Sboifts, -f N _ e t1hifed, dbufa. W.M.S., 11L, I C ''' . I I I ff, , L � die, V I "" - it I . I evening to a cl6te. - K ' ' �, __... fo. -pres. Robert Ardhibeld, Wot. 1'1'*yb�ur" at �held on Thursday -of hatA *eelkrii i* I - ' - - � Vuft Agoftridh �-Vl -oom & the church. , JNV - ­.- --. I I I ,FROM -CLOTH - IN STOC I I �fl . 4 1 �, " ,. hofl�% 'Lou orackson, Topa. Jacksbu; -Vestry t'b' e school, i Mrs. , - ­-­­ . I I."..., � . I I . )0�'��J 8ft-Treds., I . ,. , I I . �. . . I I '3 � ; ,',$ea1or& .�, .� DA E I I .. - . . I ­ I 10 � L' H, . latte, President, Aftd v,nd. opshed _. I .. ..... �', i h **4tw] ­ , , . ... ��J".1 f . - L, �­ ...... i� , I ,016A, - I Toh . ­. I .1. . . i. , - �,` , , . I 3�1t-10�1`8, . . I . I . _, , , . '�, ', . - I I . I 11�11 , � , -1 �1-1% I a I amm . . 1 01 ­ . ' � �M ­ a , t "'; $A,k, , , __ th6 . Meeting vdtfi orayIei. The Mi.n� . URIE". I - ( ��L Mo, - I- I fi6i.n ft, . I �Aa "I., �,;��,.Amffluj 1. " - P" - .* in a 'Q�1-1 d by r7f , oud''New LOCAL I . ".. ... I.- I ­ - , -, . i ­f� Q . . .. . . - I 11 .ift.. . � : ,;, 4; ,_ I , .- "' ' " § Iry � W A? 06M, " & -�fbu , ""Old �inte' ' � .., A ) Mad[04to -asure XV ,,�:A .1� vtes wef'd �ft I . � � G1db f d vedghtly Mfg. Lkiftkt. 6ftiltl e I , � . I '. .1.9 11 I 11 I 4, � .' %1114'.1dwi "'Dordnto"I'ASt ­­ 21"I". - it ant 11d I . iffiffil. '47 lge�i6;ih loubit 010 % . the spdtets, , � 11-119 thowTo,wito., " (& r611 eall Wu .fe., �, - -29 *'Extri i P ' I ; , .1;; *11-4 1 fjo, &`6 &,%tTtl 0 lift refgu� fter" .t' Vft,IMP , . I 1* � L$�. . ; i ,$",--0 - � , I i I P11 I F - . , O., W 170 me .8 � � 4 Will,.W .h�JA it' ' - , � ­. _... I I I . i L I ... ,.., 4 . � .11 .W*W , f4, M11f&',1ft 8,06tidod I I *­ W660 Mv_rrma 06 , , ,. ... , I , , I'll ­ Ml�. .- �, ; , � . I, - N - I M -I . 1. ,; � I I I � 11" � I P r 'A Wh L i iZ %I;;;, I � . - I �y�'J'�� Aftw-,brk "Sfittuld 'Ift_ V1Jt?NtbVh-011 I 49 .d h6g fl*t khd b',0­ft%,h441 s ,# . 1, . C &C*4 PRIC 9ONLY, - ' . 4, 1 ., �` �. I ' . I r,A" , . , - . . - ,, '. 'Sds&oy�h' 'to .6 d't -r-- "g, I . F I I I � ii "$ ­ '060"I 1!�`� , " - wi' f 'k ,*W f , ft.p. JAjJ,g:'4 : . I jg� � k �, I '1'-"t;', ' .1 1� .:!''a �L W; goit 6 Walkees 1101 - , 61 tu, 9% . I I I I I , , I - . ,� g'. j�,,L,�,�:,t, '. 0 , .,f , e., 9td*fi',, _0 a5t.y . . - I 11 � - r19 f '. r#q, 0111Mt ,.'Pitt, I I , � , , �,�,, I I �. , I , y I �­ - �1111� ,X I OV14M.- P .0 ,�,,� 6 , L "', 0 larocefidil - 014, .,� ;*-#A��;,* " "a" , , , . � , , " ," Wi - -J, A & "I. � . I I ' -7- " ­"' ,". , _ , t, , il�I�m 161" 11" � �Jj,: i1i tms '91"Oe 101 01*4 , ' 0 0 A&TERAVONS'' .,V# YO.d. IUWi� � . ASPAININI; AN .' -, ­, I . 1. � . � I 1,1�4��;�`,,�,3 V . JAN, 21th , , !/' � l��. ". .." I . ..� , � .1 - , . . 4RW10 0 I 11 Wi §'Wit", 4. W: he OW 0,. �"X, Dj� I , , "UJ1,4.6 11%`�Z, � X - Wk , - ,�1:11 "i I, ;, , _t ) ��.Oao W , _t4' Uftd 9�104 , .1 . ­ ... . � . W. *),it N TA 11 , o "I 11 I - I , � � ,Ilk , . *I . . , , " , -'-� - .1 � - , �- , - — - `.�' J_,1J_, , , ,� - . " " -1 - � - 1 S A I 1� E-1 � ",4 , I - 7----- - i I ` I ` - I. , . - 1� , ; . I . I , ..c � 1.�. 01 - I � . , 11 'I , , I' I. � ;. i k", *00, i4 W'd6d"W, A Wit! Y­tft n 101"� I , , I . ,. X v I " 1, 'L 11 , �% �;,, ,,., R �' ., W '. I X r heir � I 0. k I I , ­�­ ., I I BR'FW ----, - � I Ill.. I, ,%J"'! , I . �, I � I I . , 0, C611i0v �"i I i ,,, .% ,, "; ; � I 1 ".ftg , ., ... � , IV I - I.- , , ,% . 0*4 I '6�T . * i '01- %, L I 11 ; � I . I , �. M , I ,�i, I � �� � , 1 " � ft''d I At. , * *1 V g 4180 OKMvin , � ; .1 "I '. , i �C�� ,&,V . 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