HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-22, Page 7.11, :I , , �, ..'k,"? '11bWft,l0-TR1.' liv,'r� � � At igr,xq 1-�- � �*;* u," � ; prp,yv ','F .I S I I ., �,�,�4l��il�,�fl,�,.,i;lr�l�,�.4'd.�g,,�l,,,s ,I,r.���..,,F4K,�l.i�,i,i'll�'."�'�",�'i ., �-�.�.l�-i'��'F�.".,:!,-4;���-�".??,LR,q,T�,-; Z11. , " 11 ME 11'�X W.21VATANII E."I", -� '1�,,:i 'nii,mg, � � ,� � � � # 1 I. �, ", I �,,, . � '. , . "M, , "Ir : X . I I � , . , I , . ..... ,1� ;1 , I ­ . , p�,p p , ,�'! . , � . ,.. ��, I . ., . . I �. I � , . - , ,� , � 11 , ., 11 ��t?p T- ".. I- 0`1111111 I � I � . � 1. I' . Ir" ' I I 1411, 1 1 1 1 1'�, I . , I 1 " . , I � i ,% ,� .7, ,, - ;, . -, . I . 4. . I !r; , � , , . ,�.; "I , , 1: � t ." -, I 11 . , t I. - I . I I- I � - f -�,�, � ." . , .1 lt .". 11 I '. : kml�, : ,., � . i .1 1-1 I I . , , � I , , , , , ; �, ; � : , ,,, , , m . I I , � . , . P. , � ­ ­ . . . ­ 7 � , ; , . . . 1, 1, � . I , '. I . - ,,, - .. , , .. � - . - � .1, � . . , , 7 , ; , � , .1. , I. 11 . I � � m ,'- � � , .. ­.­ I . t, . , ", . , I 4 , V I I � I !; ­ , � , I i , . , , ,,,�, � ­., .. , ,�� :�� . I ­ I . I I . :, , . . P., ­ I I � - .11 " � r', " $1 : �' " 1 ,­, I I - . - - I . � , - , , " , . : , :1 ',�);� I V.:,� �4 � , . .,� , .. " ;", ��, � - ., '. I � �. : � , . , � - �. " � ! ',�`,', �.,�, , . � I , � !, , , � , � . �, I , ;.�. 1 l i �:: T, " : , i "14 1 1932­.,� " , , "; � .7� .11 1. � 1. I "I "I .. : '' 11 ... . . 1: A IT - 2Z ..1-.1. , . 1. � ,. . . , 0. . ! �.., ! . *: � , I ,, . I'll... -11 . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . I V X., +,. ." ,. 0, .,� -`:1 .­ '. ­ .. .11 ..... . I X . . I ... 1� I . ..�t� 7�LA�111­ -4-. ''.. Ir.- .1, ... I I ­­ - ­,�t , - -------- - - - — — _ . 1'1111�'I�tA,�:1,1.1,­ -11.. I � "', ;,�­F��, -1�-1-11-�l"-*-Zl�al,�",V'',�, ­ , . ,� . : I,, , -7: ' . ,ir 4,� , I I, .. 1. I. - Rf 11 �i'�! I. 1�, I -,. . I `,;, I I .. I � _ :, . . , " ," , - - '"' ��11� , "'��;­... 11 , W,,�.. - ,- . . , I "', ..",­ ,", 1, i7t­­-,-, ­.. , 1",;1T. -.l."(7 —WIM ,�,W�. '�;IIVTV � M ., IT . , . 11F, I"! 'Ir ",,.,I,, ,,:­ "0-711 � . , " I . ww" , ��,�� Ty'x�,�; T.1W . ­� I � 1.1111.11 ` - 7", F7 M 7�'7777,' - I 10. 1:.4, I , . ER. R. I It 101 ..... . �!11 .l, . I , r I;— , " ti;:11 .11-111 . ­ .13.1 ., , . � . - . . . : , , 1­"� 7-77 ., M5j;! . '. 11 ­ .. . —­ _11;,;`7 11 I � .:. ­ . .1 .. �� . . 11 . .7771,777 "�­ 1 I'll, 1111­11111�1 1 1;- ­­­­ ­ ­ -1.7 ­; � ­,: - " 'f ... .... ; ­­�­­, .. ----:-,--1-'-i . 6 N NO I � � IfN � I I .111. ir WqAAi,.,#, , -' - . I., - 1'�. I - ;;. I... i.. I " 7" "'. % - `V: 1: , - 4,z- , -.�� . .1, ��. % ­ ­ - I , . RVX-P�JRH SPNCIAPST .. . . . , ­ , I . � �;il. '­ J' . .. W ''"' `1 "' U ...... .. . I � . . . , . , " . � 4 - , , 1, . I � . 0 . . I , .4% , . ,, - , . 1. . I � I I ." �.;, ,� , . . ,.", ': �� ,, y9m, , . ,40 � 1� ",'�#` b -4 :7, ..... . . . . . i" , W1110110M. � . -1 ... � . I" .1 � . , - �4 " , . � ., -1 A :, % , � I'� 1. I . - I . !. � , : � � .1 � . !,� . . I'll, 11 6'..", .1 . '. . . ,�%; I � .. I � � I ,, � . . I . I I I .. I .­­ I % . I .. , . - , ��, Itu I - . I ­� " 11 . " . p V44,coha :101n, I I .,�.. . SUOMI I . IN it! I . turts, Varipocele, . - , . � ... , , .. e W �'. N � .� . I . I " ­ "Nb,"� $414 Wo I � . �J iT " I ,,, . .1-11,1% . . , , � ., ; " J � WI). 4 . I Wegicnem, Sping,1,I) ... . -'A .,. . � , - . ,�­ . ".:, , I ,. aurpn " ft T. A III W ,.0forIn- , - ,,A , 'ggg'd -7 . ., ­ , , - - I � . . ., ­ 13 § N""'I IN - . . I .� , � � . � ii, � . qm1na f -9 � .,. . , I %.", " 1, ;" . �­ I . -�, . ... � : I I ­' . h � I , - I 0, , ... "I', 1.11­'.r­,�'*V� - , , consultation rtg�. ' Call .r. N, . , , � 1 . f - I .1. ­'.....,.�­ t� � .... - Alt.. I ;�., .; I ­ .,. 4" . ., " I .. . . .. � . I . I 99a.t. . . � , W By I .� .' ,'�-...,,­�VZN�1� " .­ 1. ... ft* � �If I .. I . .. ., ­'�iV11'1h4'A4­­, ­ � .41 Write, J. G. SMITH, BrItIsIv APPIi- , hopes ,of Dr.. 't A alyi I � ,�, 4 � � ' � I . . l- ; 1. , I . .1 ': , -1 . . : .., ' ' ! .1.1. ., GI 4 'I' 111X Is 011011;�`l 4 - , J I I , ' t . .�. .. �"-- + * 4- ­ � . , � 1�nce,specialista, 15 Doliv,nle,St., Stra,tr . .. .1 . . g; -y - met ' ' , o , � I I �. . ., . �, . . ;1; I , , llylanolvooke;l at 'hint sarprigo, , I . , , " 4%'1VB, , -­ . it. " '8902-25, I :,. 11 % " .. . . . 01'", , " " : - ,"�� .."; R., ­ r . ......... i ,� ­. . - 00 I ., ,� '. 11 , ­­ . PA ," " , V 'A 0;11 11 " ' �� , � S�` � � 4 , . I I . . . . , � , . , "Ng'. sir;, who io 1.1g.1, - . . I 1-. , , f 11 , "I 1, , .. , I . I '. ­ . ." '' 4 I .. . I I �.. ... V., - �' I � 1, � . ... I ` ';­­��, ;" l"'a 141" " " i F, ,,,� -4 � I— . .1 I e .1 i� . -Colonel WaIfO,;d'i�4ehed for a boak� - - 41 , I A "�, ;� 'A . . ­ . . .!, . Zlllkl .W; e, . A, . .1 . . I I . . . . ­ � I I . . I � , " . I � ..... . I .. .... that lay on his -t b1q. , . 1 .. . 11 � � - .! � W , ::: - . I ,a �. gAW..Xd4X1p7­T#R � do. I � ", � . � . . " ,. 'de , 'a , --- 11 - . -1 ­ . - I �, I I,EG�X` . . . . . . OHe is ons'01 the fewr jimate-ur , ,- ,bAdli; t6;j -�i-ql.j, A# ,W , r I . . . . .,;,.�.. .1 , �i 1, - A".: � %�11 -- .. : ,. � I t ' . - , �# ,4 �, ", � I � . . I . - Ji, ,,.JWF 'j.r . I I .0 t0t�tives who have Impressed nie�fl �6 I III #W)d;'A#'pA, .." I � 'TeMeMa , ., I & . , � I ,. , ' 04R� 'Ai- .R11,;C � . - I . A T I - -Q '. IX W W I—. . � A --4L." -14-iour , �f��­­��,T,. I- - .. V., 'W711-1 -&W01, � BY EDGAR.'. WV * -LACE' , SAW, -teen, y4*rs ago he wrQte %V,W !,�"­ 7:- ''I L I � . W1. � T'�� � 0,41 I., I . . . ... . -b114 094 1". 1, -� .", ��,� . 7.. . I I I � . I I , I . ' . _ NAVARI%F�1' oe�A .- . -4 I . . . . I . .. ." , . I . - boo V , , I - . . , I I 1 $ . . . . the only .k on the subject of , �the ,1$�,le--'110'))'.04-..P.t�..I�lm.,Ap� I'L .7!#k*d , , � 1 1; 1, .4 , 1�,, " �!"rW � Phone. 190 91, - . . ­­­ . . . 4 . �:l "': ­ � -"� a�.w 10HIST,J RUGGARD . . ­ � . I .. . '1':VLJgh".1Lj , . - ' " L a� § �'L jP1".— . � ­ criminal that is worth studying. lie AAMV. taoji,pgrl ? $Y . � 'Feve, t d' �, �' X . ft , . I . ' . � � sue, , " ' r ;1� .- . - , - I . . � . " - �-;; ... � V BaTrister, Stilieltar, . . I . —,-- has been in India and Tibet for yie , , a 1,11,11 ., I . . .41 1 I Ar5 -11WenftYY " translat.9,44o,h ly. 1 W, �:.,!,�%O .. . W .,r I, ''. ' , �; , I" . I ..'...., -1 - I . Notary Xubli�, 4tM (.CV..t.-..ued from last Week), "I'm not afraid of his clieptsi" said you car?t leave, the Office for five min- and I thlifli,the Un6.r-Sicretairy was call these' 1611ows 'b0sivg7 a� I,* , I , , , . , , ". R.P. I Ut. U te , � 11 . Re,jttie Block - - Seaforth, 0 Alait ... � qviletlx; "I'm afraid. of-�-- utes befire'they Wire for you -what fortunate to persua.c.-, "im to fill the never seen A --b si r man," lie phiXIA-14 ...., 11 ...., , , ­ "' 'ft �, .1 N . � � 1 41 ou're a ool devil O w;ju� re-, � .. terrible deet�as been tted , , . ­ d . ..' t,;� ,k4X.1 t'—-. .. 21 11, Y Maurice Amster." , 11 see­7QP1r-e* I . wha f ; " ' I c - 9) I 110 i in appointment.7 gDing, to, g4k . t$* , ­..."'. .41 , ' . ­ , - , I I I I . �- , .�-----*-----4---------------'t"— Out BbOUr, n y absence ? lim �What Appointment air?" .'...I �V�J% 1-'.,�"; "I Ii'��,, �-,,! , . .. - ,alize � pt if the truth came. ,,, 19he stared- at him as though he London , .. means. It is ,a thievesll�'wqrd. fjg�,4-1� ­ .. . . � . , - I . .,.... ­... �,` . . '. , 1.i". . learls it 'would,"" mean -penal were suddenly bereft cif his senses. , Alan took the.-.w,ife with a frown. - ,"Police surgeon of ;W Dimsion'-In, tective.�' � ,; . .. . .1. - . N4 �L"] � , TL S., HAYS � 49 I ta r L - ­ 11 % : 1: V .... I ­ '. seryjtAde_f you - Afraid of, Maurice.1".. -She, could, . ..... new­'divi J 'If said'Wal- Hs r, fagi�. . L T1711IM71.17111 I , Maurice 9 " ' - _qt�. .79X�_ .... 1- . .. - ­ ­­­. ... L - - , . L 1. - 1. ......- ­:.. , , ­ � . � Qr. .- .. ,,.-!,- -.--- - ..1-1 � . . ..t.F.,.Qr..=T'."...L--...-....."L.-.--,.----L,-.--'-L - ­ #LQX-1­­--­-­­._ _L�a,,Vz_.2i__IzUn,te_lzcojaja�-to-bLe . - � . I --..1.. � . . ' ;Conveyancer , , Maurice sent . a ring of smoke, into bardlk believe hek ears. , "Why, Maur- He,was. expecting no telegram. ERe ford. J'Yoi ... &­79o-th inaking ... .. -ac�- 4d"Wel C.a'll' them?" ,she repeated. 14 .. 11 �:, '.1 . . tor, . ' . , , RZA-4m I I 0 - . t ggaintance with Deptford at the -'them, J;16m ' I$. �: :. PF " ': �:, � A, 1; - I . � i Ps�mel "You mean ,they, call lyl- "' 1�1­7�` .1 ,1;1.::,L6"'11.� Solicitor for the the. air. . ice is the'dearest thing! 'He has, been had very few personal. friends, and 1 ,*, � , I , .. I &kAfflee in -rear of the IT certainly; realize it. would ,mean kindness itself -to Johnny and mi, and was unlil�ely ihat "his holl6y would tinie.tv I . I . � ,He was alfbise4l as he sat down, at . . s , 111". �.,,­­­­, .: I. 1. 11 .. ,,, , I . 3Dominion Bank, -Seaforth. Money'to penal servitude for You, MY young we've -known him"all our lives." be curtailed- from headqu�rte�s. � .Alan Wembury turned the 4zlogely­ this table. - . � .. . I . ..." ,�­ '' : ��, "', ;� "', � , - � I 'A ; . -­ � I t, .L . 'L� I .1 I . friend. I fancy that it would be. 411've known you all''your 'life too laie� tore open the envelope. and tpok set pages of the book,, . . 661 I ­ . ,... . I I I � '. . , 1.4, . , ­­ � 14-11-1-1 '. 'i . 1�0- ftP I . � I , I What'i little purist you're b------ I ­. 11 - ­ '' - ,�';.41,',� "m - 19 I loan. . . I � . 11 - rather, diffimult-to Implicate me. *If Mary,!� sald,,,,Alan gently, but. �she in- 011,t the'teliggram, It was closely writ- '%e is a pretty big,man'to take a ing, ­ I � kgk , . . I I - 111. . . I � Mary," he said� ... * "We; or they, , ,-Z": ..., I .I;, " i; .,.-n�".111111" . .- .. you choose for your aniu�ement #6 be terrupted him. n e read: - ­ fiddling job like,this./I he sala ana does it matter? W,e'rq -all thieves at. . , I ' --7 I ''.. . , ,. .. "', ,-.1 " �11� . . ��'. .. , I., . W,11-,,,,�', 11 11.1 ,� .. . , � 1, I " ' ' BEST &.BEST , -'. .-on, or was it a Duke of d ­ X" t' 24, . IL I �� a. robber hai 11Bqt, tell me why?" she persisted. ,"Very, -itrgent'stop return at once Walford laughed. .. . ' heart, the merchant'in his RoUus And 04"'.... , -.P11111 - . I I I , '­ ,­.", , 11 ,"; " I . � . . I Drget the historical prece- - and rept6it to ,Scotland Yard stop be "He has spent his -life doing fi em P ""i . , "I I Padua ?-I f, What do yo�it know against Maur7 . rma he train, thieves. ev- ter VIM$ TIM W02% w " A'' . 'A 'L .11 . . . I . I . ­;�­', 11 Conveyone-F. . I IF) ­ Tns. ItTIz! " .. . 11".11".., Barristers, Solicitors, ngage yourself,in these " I Wing jobs�woul d, you like - to ' meet and All Ildna's of Vi0I?ieJ=1='Z 111 1. " . . ent-and e ice?" . pre.pared7tg take over 'your divisibn ery �n�'Ok .them. - ­l�rd .."b",ill' . �qjrn­ I . cerj3 and,Notaries Public Etc. Office Raffiesish adventures, that 'is your 'Here, confronted wi,tR the concrete to -Morrow morning stop Australian h1m9 �He is ­ivith the Chief Con- Very wisM she did not contest the engineering havp''been m- 1, � ., � � � , . . e I Y I ot"KA.11"I , ,- ;,,�', o I I I in the, , ' quVtion, he lost ground. ,, ' poliee report ginger left Sydney four stable,at the moment.1i tr " ese havm,- ,. ,f .. Edge Building, �pposite' Th funeral entirely. 'Because I ­knew your I . 32 .-vessels 'six of 'tb .r.9 ,&�J�? � � . . . , . .. ex avagant generalisation. . . ` .. - WX -R -� ' " Expositor Office. .1 father And I've �nown you since you "I know nothing about ths . ago And' is believed to be irl , He pressed a bell . and gave instrue-, I "Where -did You see -Alan?" I I em,�Rg, - .warel';11-111 � ' ­ !him," he� mon . thah­20'bb6­tovs displac " � L . . & I .' " � :"' - "' --� - -",`l$.. - I . . wer6 -a child, I t4ke -a little risk. Per- admitted frankly. "I only know that London at this moment xness�ge tions to thd meapenger who came. .t,Vif.hy t call him by resurrected ,and towo. ,.', 'A I . 4 ip he devil do you , %Way"' � L I,"'.., .. L, haps the . I ends. ,"Lpmokj Is rather a character- his Christian name?'� snapped Job Seveial destroyers V 11 I "� I � ' - ' ­ , ad�entttre of it appeals to Scotland Yard doesn't like hLia." ri- . .11, I 11 I 'a VETERINARY , � - e wire was signed "Walford.11, te sh"'I'" Ii I ' i I ' - "The �nan is a policeman, you the , surface, before eas � ,,,��',40 . . . me—` ' � She laughed a.low, amused laugh. Th rribly :565tti a itt e cynica and ny. 11 I., � I I— ­,t,�4'�.' . . . Johnny Lenley brutual- � "'Because he manages to keep. these Alan looked from the telegram to more than a littie. pawk )I . I . - 4 1� , I I , ,.��.�,'...",,�- I "Rot!" said , Y. as though .he Were A,. sociai'eq- dock was met. ' 1ne ..! ­­., I �� " ( . �� . 1. I go on ., .. ,e , �-T .. 11 ­11:�-.. ,,�L,,O�,, , . .. . 'been- a cook .ever since "Will he help us to cateli The - . . , . , I , I JOHN GRIEVfg, V.S. ly. 10you've poor, wretched criminals out of pris- the. smiling old garden, from the gar- naV, A. , ,� " I I sente dimique ` U. S ;, 11 , ". I . t . . . .. - .�'L �J`�'�A4�� I I . .y . . . . I YOU were able,to walk. You know on! it s pr6fessional jealousy! Oh, den io the girl, her anxious face up� Ringer?" smiled Alan and'he, was Mary smiled at this, as she cut a doubtedly.. is. " : m !,��19 , �. ­' ­­ d 'you've Al astonished to see 'the Commissioner er ,�,.",, .1 , ... Honor graduate of Ontari6 Veterin- every thief in London an an-," she, banteied him, "I. didn't turned to his.. , round of bread into fotir partg'"and, VA9V Ocrationg at *s" ev' uiider:-� .... �"' '� LL ' . L . .. I-!, ,� I . I '�q 'I 1.1.1, I . ,.-" , .� airy College. ,All diseases of dombstic 'fellejed'-7 .. I I . ,believe it'df you!?p . I . .."Is anything wrong?" she asked. ' nod. ­ puf- them oh ithe bread pJate. taken. I . �', ��A M4 , - � . i -;;e, pnl I ' L L - S treated, CA Th -W - - �,�i . 'No' good purpose could "I have that feeling," he said. n, � � 7, , 4 F.. �?., . . animal Ils promptly atr use that word!" 1. -be served He shook his head slowly. " e man who. lives on the. :other- --When di"To went, to WO k 0 ­ ' t �1' ,.;�, �,� �, L ­',�', 4 �,�,,�� I I ih,e veg.;., �:'� , I.. �, . :­, .:� ; � ,. I V- . tended to afid'bliaiges moderate..V6�- ,,2;t2r,i1e6 Meister's deep'voice grew by repeating his,warning, TIlere *as The Ripger was in Englandl The door opened at that moment side of the landing is, a plum*,,and degtrOVgr ,S-136 they -feIW2d '. ' ::, i, I , �J t figure shuffled in.'" ' I �".", . s s His nerves grew taut at the realiz- and a tall ben, ...1. I I li'" . erinary Dentistry a specialty. Qffi�e ud&dnly sharp. - one gleam of comfort in th6" ituafion; the People above us live on the earn-' sel I�ihg on its side- It wai the dock "�, 1, ""T; . , -� u Y a e ' . 1% , , , � .,4; ��,; N , , . ow, o u r Alan p6this age,.at something ov- ifigs of a railway guard. ,Six of them and the ingel-A-01IS use Madb 61'It go S , I and resideitice -on Goderich, Street, one "As I told you just if she was to work for Meister she ation. Henry Arthur Miftoin","r"u'thilees I., . ' ­�,�,'4, � ' ' ­­ . -- ­ . :� ­ 11 . ffi v . ey, a little Johnny-4our of' them giris." ' ,. y responsible for the ll- ,.­!;.� . . . . . 1s; - I 1. door east of Dr. Mackay's o de, Sea- crude. (Did I instigate this rob)?e;y, ,would be living in his di ision. He slayer of his enemies -,--cunning, des- er fifty. His hair was gr was maml . I . rais-,.-,-,.'-,'.,. ,. �­� `Aj � � ' . , 'i I .1 -nIiiigh's' PearISL? Dfa I told her this. ' perate, fearless. ) moustache drooped over his inouth . Sections of, the�L. ' % "�-� �11 df Lad3� Dai -He 'twisted. irritably in his chair. Ing of this boat. . -.��:.;�,Y,,ixll forth. I . ��, . . 'I "'I �', 0 1. I . , . I -- I I . put it into. your -head that thieving "It will be rather dreadful, won't Alan Wembury's -mind went back''aAd the pair of twinkling. blue eyes "That's begging- the question. 'We're &�k were, placed on eiih: sidqL -of the. �,: .... �.".. I '. - L I I .. . was inorg nrofitable than working, it� after Lenley Court?" � She made a to-!ScotIand7Yaid and the Commission- that met A -Ian's were, d4i�61filr "With here as a temPorAry expedient., wmi, .lying, unseen below. Hawsers ' ,.a �- I I ..0 h". � A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. - , ... face at tlxd thought. "It will er's office. G,wenda Milton , dead, -bumour,'. His homes�un suit -was., O-,�Iy-'181111 ,. Ils, bk ' div- - - ` .- I _ "' . and ihat�'W,ith your education. and tittle good ;,7d were hauled. -under the 'hu . I—— . .� . on't suppb,s..e­.I!m­going to be i ...'' . I'd, 111111111111"I'Ll" d , iie �,`­..41 :1 . IL ,- . ;, 1, ,, . . u hAd op- mean that' foii a year or two I shall drowne , A suici ,e badly cut, big high -crowned felt hat c Die all era and"then reeled Ili. First the ,�� I . . ,; L�,04 I Graduate of Ontario Veterinary entry to the best houses yo ontent to live in this poky hi L ­­�,��.P. Had, layed a part belonged to the seveilti'6§. ........ . life? One of -these days I'll Y .I ; .1.1 portunities -which were" denied to a harve no parties, no dances�Alan, I -Maurice Meister p my bu' inrg tide'lilted the sunke'n'-warcra ft. , I I -,"Id' I . . ," ,,, �Ll�, College, University of Toronto. , All f Vf . L 1'�'I . ��,�,��..',, I I meaner-thie shall die an o maid!" in' the creation of that despair which *ant you, to meeti Iri�pector back Lenley Court'! ', from, the. ocean bed ag,L gectiona. of the- .1 , " , . ,,, diseases of - domestic I toL . rose 'inth L ' ":4"," '- I I , .� % ,!, I I inimals treated This word was as irkitaiing "I doubt that" he smiled, "but the had sent her young soul unbidden to Wein'bury 'who wial be in charke of '�-bn what Johnny?" she. asked dock with hawsers taught ;i­�, �! I �; ­.. " , I I . . . by the ihost modern , principles . ­ . ) I I . ....;,�­!%O i Johnny Unley as "fence" had'been chandes'of nfeAing eligible young the Judgment of God? Woe to'Maur- your division," said Walford and quietly. . the water. The lines weits. reeled-dn�, ' :": :, . L I 1, Charges iLi�iigbnable. Day or nigh . 'the lawyer. - .1 men in Deptford are slightly remofe," ice M�eister if this� were:- true! - �. Wembury's hand was crushed in' a "On' the money I make he said,,, -Ah-winchest ' the tide) fell, ' I— 1. . . -I � to. . 1 'PI ,1 : �.�!.,;--�,,.�,'-4,� I . .� ­ cAlls.­promptly attended to. - Office on . . ­­­.. as � . �v , I I 4'AfiYway, we are inLthe same boat," and they laughed togethe-f.`­---`,v . ...... I porerful grip. - andwpnt back to his bete noire. "Arly- 'After the destroyers were brought, " ' " p ,, . ' ;�. � � � L '- A I "Yo ' 'L Mr. Co "to " '�Street Hensall, opposite Town . . . . 11 !... — Have ye any interesting specl- x deeWd . attack t'he ,'' " ku Mait ,, me away I , I . . � ' It the sort of fel-�, up, �­-41'�il 11 , . u couldn't give . , way Wembury isn �t. . �"., . Hall. Phone 116. 1 . he said. ' I don% gay ' .. . . . -.-.. i . inens in DeWord, inspector? 'I'd like low'I want you to know," he said. heavier vessels. 'Soine�oftfit*o wera . I 1.�n I I . I I . I . � without ruining yourself - . I 1. I . . . CHAIPTEIR, VI ­ fine, to measure a few heids." 4,i , . I . . ,. � i -. . . - - . you instigated anything, but you've � . was talking to Maurice about him lying on their sides or.b6tboms up.. , , .:'. � "' I L el 6HAPTEA V . . . . ".".I auri p. . Some : Alan's smile broadened.'x, - 7.. � ­". I . I .. MEDICAL I been jolly helpful, 1� , ­ . The Ringer , wasAn 'London?, I "Pin as ignqrant of I rd this morning,'and Maurice aeees that Those. which lay bottom side up 1". ' i I i �L ,day, .1111.,make'you A rkh'T"n." - Maurice Meister stood 'at the rag- Alan .. felt a cold thrill -L L .)eptfo ass ii ii"'an acquaintance we ought .to were raised 'by making th6t- hulls � -, �- .V` 1 1 . � airtight and pumpin�g edr into them.' I ,,; I . you -I haven't been'there since be , ­ ......... "'. . �,�,,; I . - . - Thi dark, sloe -like eyes turifed slow- 9 atche.d each.tiZtehmel'tuhroyught recurred on his - droO.". - . . ­ ... � ,. , . I .. ly .in his direction. At. a ged end of a yew bed e and w ' "'Really?" Mary"i voice. was e6ld. This meant months of . :;, , LLL . I . . ny . other.them. Strange, he mused, that nqypr journey to London. ', fore the, war," he said. I , work- bi . ­ �';-,,�-, I DR. k J. R. FORSTEU , ,e of. the younger . The doctor scratched his ebin, his , . . this patronag ' . I - iiX .1 time I before had'he realized the .beauty. of It was the thrill that comes to the ' 'And Maurice thinks, so too '- , how divers in a forest of sea Weed,..and .. 1-p . I I . . . I I . fixed o I . I .. , ' � keen eyes ger man. �.�. � .0, `kkw . man would have infuriated Meister , Mary.-Lenley.' It needed,he told him- limiter, at. the first hint ,of 'the man- . n the youn - ' funny!" � afterwards, when the air-, lo4& ,were � .,,,,. - �- t � -Eye, Ear, Nos� and Throat . ..1. � . I'm thinking they'll no' be as in- He glanced at her sus p--Ia"0­'U­-SIy. . constructed danger of explosion. But . I 71,�:,­ . 11� LL Y no* he was -only Piqued. self, the visible worship of this po- 's�l�yiphf tig�r be ... �will pT.esently '4 ting as the Lolos. Man, there's "I don't see- anything, amusing about 'in this Way that the Molitke, �7, I . , , . � . . Gritduatd"iii'Mi�di,dine,,,,Unive . rsit lof ,,My young friend,'i he said -.pre.- li�i� nA, stimulate his interest in g jm se. teres ' , . it was L I - .� 1- 7' ", "I. I � I . Toronto. ­ -cdnfi4en� I " the girl,' whom: in a mbni�nt of im- Well fiamed Was The Rinker, who'a wonderful race; wi' I)raci-cephalic it" he ,grumbled. "Obviously, -we 23,600 -ton battle aiuis4r, was fl6ated. . '. ; . , - Z.,", -Late assistant Nemi York. Opthal- cisely, "you are a little over ��n't know—" I I I � I . ,,� I I , Robbery with or without violence is heids, 4n, a qup-er 4evelopment of c ".And later towed .20D miles to Rosyth. ' 11 ,. . . . pulse,."Which later be regretf�'d, he Yang the changes on himself so�fre- I I I I mei, and Aural Institute, Moorefield's - had promised t I , the ri JetW­ .­,-­­­'% - .-The. ds wer-6 used'L to . I -11".-'L t�, . 1. Eye j�iA Golden Sqdare Throat Hos- not so simple a matter "a you I"' 0 employ.. A bud, op- quently that police'headquarters had -- i)1LPa1­-- I I ,She-: was standing- f4ciug-h1m­m - same-metliq -'k W., . I ser . I I �5111.t,�. At Commercial agilip. *You think you're clever " e ng into glorious-fl6wer. Unobserv- never been able to circuiates descrip.- L I He spoke quicklk, enthusiastically the other side of the- table, her hands bring the Seydlitz,' Kai ' and the,L " . 11 � ­Mg�,,i? " . . .. . i Wem_, ni Breinse to the surfa 'L, . ,;:""� . ­ . pitals, London, Eng. '"I'm a little bit smarter than ed, he watched her; the contour,of her tion of the man., A master of dl'S4 when he was on his favourite subject resting owits polished *surface.' ,ce. In each We! I, ",�i I I le I Hotel, Seaforth, third Monday in Alan seized an opportunity when "I.have decided to these wrecks -had hundreds of" holes , f , bury " said Johnny complacqtly. . cheek, the porise of-ber dark head, the guise, a ruthless' enemy who had, slain . owing . . 1. � ,',�,Zi; ,. . -each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 P.M. P, . the doctor was 6xpounding'a view on Alan Wembury," she said steadily. in -the hulls. Divers covered these ,I I .I.. �, ill . I Maurice Meister concealed a. imile. su le line'of her figure as she turn, thout mercy the men Who had earn- I . . ..ir ..� ,'��' , &, . 'Sg Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. , - Wi ......... :....,....��.,,,,�N. I , that pp an Wemburi. Mr. Meis- ed. his hatred. . . ' in sorry if Maurice doesn't approve , I "..2!'::L . , I . '. � . . .It was not to the rosary ed to rally Al the; origin of some mysterious Tibetan 4,i, with cement.. But the intxIcaeiqs,,of, " � "I.-, ... ­ . I .. I , ' . Mary. led her visitor but to tb . e sunk- ter licked his dry lips. Queer that For himself, Wembury had neither tribe to steal quietly 'from the room. or it you think I'm, -being very com- battleship construction in', . . -�,' � I I ... � 41 DR. W. C. SPROAT I I nd he hadmever �hought that way about fear nor hatred of the.man he was He was. not in the mood for anthr . ._* Outside: - ,J I I en garden, with its crazy paving a . .0- �mon. But I like Alan�" holes a relatively easy problemo. . ,, � �.., ,,,,, 11 I I I I � "" �There was , . . "I used to,,Iike. -dry valet, but I got For these craft are full, of pipes and � ` , T, I 1. ", . , - �i , ill t'iered statuary. A crack- Mary Lenley. " And yet', .' . . . to bring down; only a cold emotion- POlOgy- I I �,I� - Graduate of''Faculty of Medicine, ba . - � , . . ��­ , ench overl6oking a still I 1 sity of Western Ontario, Lon- ed marble b He liked fair women. Gwenda Mil- 1-6�s understanding of the danger of A, hour later as he was leaving rid of hirn,'r -��roke in Johnny irritjb� often in undiscovered pipe - carried . . ., .1 1 . , , I '' . ,Uxiver Scotland Yard he met Walford as he ly. . . I ­..... "", .., , . don. Member of College of, Physic- Pool where water -lilies grew, and she ton was -task. - One thing' "was c'iftain—The . air into a compartment where itkwas L 7-;1,:,W,- ., I . 0 L .. , fair, with a shingled, golden his 1 7 .... �.­ . �, �� Office allowed him to dust a place for her .' head, A stupid girl, who had become ,Ringer-yVauld go to thd 'place, where was coming out of his room and walk- 'She shook her head. Unwanted and of no use. . . " �,,; . �L I . fL jans and Surgeong,of, Ontario. . . . 14� ­ .. . I 2 ., . . g ;., before she sat down. rather a bore. And from a bore she a hund-red bolts and 'biding places cd,with him to the,Embankm,ent'. "Alan Wembury' isn't your valet. ,,,,� , , - L in A�b6rhart's Drug Store, Main S1 I . rm,wgoing to tell you some- - I 'Yes--�-1 got -rid of the doctor," Yoii may think my taste is deg'raided Work meeting such problems often , � ­ , .' i .. ,� l, r . . Z . " Seafortb. Phone 90. "Alan, I had developed into a sordid tragedy., were ready to receive him. ,; went on for days, or even 3iiouths, . �� 11 " f , I , I talking to Alan, Wenibury, M , 9 . . chuckled the colonel,, "he's too clever but Alan is my' idea �, ".L - I I I . . thing. P aiirice shuddered as he remembgred To, Deptford . . . of a gentleman, I I . �1 ; I not to Inspector Wembuiy,"' she that grey day in the coroner's court Alan Wembury gave "a litile' gasp to bi� a bore, but 'he made my head she said quietly, "and one cannot and then sometimes met disappoint- . '... . . ", , ON ' nt. ' . �­ �iL ,....." DR. A. NEWT , rBRADY . warned him,, And he showed his as- ache!" Then suddenly: me The problem'of balan6ng the , I when be, had stood on 'the withess' of disImay. 'Mary Len , ley was also go- ; know toa,many- gentlemen." . it 1. . ,; . ,; , 11 I 1;; . Graduate Dublin University, Ire- tonisliment' L ' . You're handing over that pearl lifting spower of' compressed air I , , ' . . " , . stand and had lied and'lied and lied. Ing to Deptford—td Meister's house 'He Was about' W say something I ., � 'I" . , ." ,,, , . I if ent ..... w - , . L"!w , !i . Late Extern Assistant Master 44VAy of course . . . - case.7 to Burton�the Darnlei'gh pearls sharp, but -checked himself, ­and the . the various 'compaitin s as deli .. I �� . land. ' He stop TurninF her 'head, Mary *saw him and The Ringer toul� only have re- cate and all -work was useless unless ; I �', I da Hospital for Women and I m*an. You have no further clue?.�. ;�atter had dropped for the moment - '.. �!;'�� R9tun ped. he had been on the point of call- and beck&ried him, and he W'entjslow- .turned to Engla:nd with one' objdpt, ,, . .: , Office at residence * I me. .11.1!vp -"""`.h d th L S, No, qir,11 said Alan. He had al -m 4�e next day Mary Lenley was jo it was solved. The Seydlitz was I . . ."�� � Children, Dublin. I , herby na ­R#�M. a s the, de iruction of Maurice Meister, N ;.1. 1. . I . occupied . by Mrs. Pafsons. - Ing ., . - � I.—' '. most forjotteh that there was such a start her new life. The thought ,I.ft almost bKought to light a�tdr three, . .;-­ . courage to call Yoii:`:M=7.­U:.'1 e Danger to Meister would inevitably c ,� ­ .%, . )ately. ,,. W. ...... . .±eel "Wh re is Johnny?" she asked. months of Fork, but miscalculations. . ...��, 4 ." I 'Hours: ,% 9 to 10- -a-m-, 6 to 7 ,Pan-, —old enoughl" i!ifte ... in his hands. -- er - . �.... I , . , . I r . "Johnny at this moment is­jpIking. mean, danger to Mary Lenley. This h - a little breathless. When Ma;ur de it necessary to let her -dowm , . ,�. Rundays, f to 2 .p.m. 1 A1866-26 Thi 'claim ,of aLe was a cowardl ' The -Commissioner 'was' frowning. fee had first made the suggestionthat ""a ....1. .... 1, � . � I i. . . . . is � Y Don't ask me why, because I don't knowledge took some of the sunlight � ... , I , I ll . ,- ient, -he told H-linself, -but at ' . I * . � 41I. was ...thinking, after you left, ,she should act as his secretary ,the again and start all Over. - , .. exped, . know,�' . . ­ . - of,the spring sky vid made the grim . . " .4 I - . DR. F. J- BURROWS . . I ­ I ._:!- , 41 1 least" it' was successful. There was n'derf'ul' skin she had— facade....of Scotland -Yard just a little what A queer coincidence it wag that idea'bad thrilled her, --but as the time ,,,.1-i-, . 1. . I L" ­ . -ben she What a wo .to Lefiley Court. I . ... -11 �, . you were' going . f= � � .11 , 1. .Offi6e. and residence Goderich Street., real pleasure in her v,oice . w flawless, unblemished! 'And the dark more sinister. . .. approached she bad grown more and . . . ­'.,�11 ff . , ,east of the United Church, -Sea- replied: grey eyes, with their long lashes, how Though all the murderers in the Young Lenley was apparently at,L,ady more apprehensive.' The'ptl6jbet was . . I ,--. I ... � . . I I you do. 'Miss Mary 2 . . Dar,ftleigh's house on the night of the one filled with,vague unpleasant-pos-F ' I .. IP , 1�� � ;, . forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the 41)rm iglad adorable! And he had knoiifn Iter all World were at large, Scotland Yard LONDON AND WINGHAM* i . ��. . - .� L County 9f'Huron. I . would. sound horribly unreal. In you her. life and -been living under -the' preserved its equanimity. He came robbery," and then, seeing the look sibilities and she could"rfot understand � . . I . - I . . ­.. � I , , , ­ . it would sound almost unfriendly " that came to his subordinate's 'fate, why this once pleasing prospect should .. I L . i- . - I same roof for a week and had not ob- to -Golohel Walford's room to find the South. . I ,.- � ". , V. I l, , . I �� . DIL C. MACKAY "What the irotible?" he asied, . . Assistant ,Commissioner immersed in he went on quickly:. "I'm not sug- now have such an effect upon.ber. - - , .1 I '.'L.. I ­'­. . -is served -her values'before! . . . . I ", ..�,�.. . I down -by her side. articular: of a minor robbery. gesting that. be,knew anything about Johnny was not uj) when ,she'"W'jig L. . I . p.m. ­ ...... � ., L, � . � :1 n- as.he sat - "Am I interrupting a ,confidential the p s it, of coqr�e, but it was a coincidence. ready to depart in the mornink�,.and Wingliam .... . . ... . . . , , .".. .. . ,q , . . C. Mackay, honor gTaduate of Tri- -She es rated only a second. .� talk?" he asked. . . "You got my wire?" said Walford, - 2.015, :­:­ " . . �, . . . , ity University, and gold medalist' "Johnny," she said. "He - talks so I i�isb wd cddld'elear up, that 'little only came yawning' out of his bed- Belgrave ....... ­­­­­ ""2-2Z 7. , ember ,She shook her head, but she did not looking up as Alan came in. "I'm . ............. , .. , "­­ Wnity Medical -College; in oddly about things. It's a terrible wholly convince him. He wondered awfully sorry to interrupt your holi- mystery. Lady Darnleigb has 'too room when she called him. Blyth ......... * '­ * ....... * 2.33. . %., ' I I 11. . ­ LLL� � I the Co - ' many,friends in Whitehall, for My 46SO you're going to -be one of the Londesboro ..... ' I � , - -- I ­l1ege of Physicians and S 1-111 tbing to 'say, Alan, but it almost what these two -had been speaking a- day. I want you to go down to Dept- . ........... 2.40, , .11 1, . . geons of Ontario. . , seems as� though he's forgotten the d likirg and I get a letter from the working classes," he said almost jov- Clintoii � . 3-.08 1..� I � - I bout, bead to head. Had she told Al- ford to take charge immediately an .................... . 4 . . distinction ; betweeit — ri&t and an Wenibury thai-she was �coming to get acquainted with your'new dl- I'lome Secretary every other day ask� ially. L"It will �� rather amusing. I Brucefield ................... . 3.26 . . . ,L' � ' ,� I DR. H. HUGH ROSS 'Sometimes I think b Ing for the latest news." - Wouldn't let yo� go at all, only—" Kippen ......... i ......... *. 133 V111, q : , I . � wrong. ,*� only Deptford? .She would sooner*or lat- vision." . . 11� 7 ,, . . . big way : 1. I . Graduate of University of Toronto says these things in a spirit of per-- er; and it might be profitable to get "The Ringer is back, sir?" . Alan . Wem.bqry,, went on "Only?" she/waited. Hensall ............... a - - .,. 3.39 ;- , : IL , with an uneasy mind. He had known Johnny's willingness that she should Exeter ..................... 3.5.T '. ".�'­ I Faculty of Medicine, member of Co - versity. At other times. I feel that. in,first with the information: Walford nodded. I "I � � lege of Physicians And Surgeons of he means them. He talks harshly a- "You know, Miss Lenley is bonour- 'Ifty he came back, where be is ' that Johnny was at the house on the accept enipldyment in Mauride's of- I ,..,. - . . I ,..� . , I ".; I . I " -courses in bout 'poorr dear father, too. I find 'there is no di ' night of the robbery but he 'had fice 'had been a source of wonder to North.— I , I �­ � . Ontario- pass' graduate ing me by becoming my. secretary 9" I don't know—in fact, never associated "the Squire's Aon" her, knowing his cunious'nature. 1. � I I 11 .. I --..., . Chicago' Clinical School of Chicago ; that difficult to forgive. Poor daddy , "So I've -heard," said Alan, and in'ef rect infovination 'about him and we Exeter ...................... . 10-59, " I. -'11 London, was very ,careless and extravagant, the lawyer's eyes. r ,"I "have told, s Te- with the mysterious disappearance of "I shall,be about, keeping an eve , , ", I..., l. 4toyal Ophtlialmid Hospital, I liagiss are merely surmising I that he ha There was on you," he sai(-.1 iood-huniouredly.' Hensall ............ I ....... 11.1Z . I ­ - '� England- 'University Hospital, Lon-' but -he was a good father to Johnny , �Lad.v Darnleigb'.� pearls. Kippen ...................... 11-19 .11.1 ,,, , .. Lenley'�—he spoke deliberately every turned." don, Enilatid. Office—Back of Do- —and to me," she said, 'her voice . "But I thoug M" no reason why he should, he to]d him- . :":L I Brucefield .................. 11.27 ,� - I minion BaA', Seaforth. Phone No. Jr. breaking. 4 I . word bad its sign i ficance---�'tha t *she .bt .self stoutly. As he walked across t week,) ,, . ". L I . Night�cialls answered from. residence, "What do you mean when you say will be living in my division . . . Walford toik' a long cablegram Westminster Bridge he went over a- I I . Clinton ..................... 11.58 '';...t , �� I . Victoria Street, ,Seaforth. - . . .... ­ 'Johnny talks oddlY?o under my parental eye, as it were." from the basket o� his table. gain and again that all too brief in- . am . Londesboro ................ 12.1G, . . ,I . . ­- . Th�re was a warning and a threat "The Ringer has a ivife. ,Few peo- 'a had *ith Mary. . � 1, Blyth ....................... 12.29 1, . terview--he ha . I .:,ji ,,, ,She shook her head. 1 ..'�­.�.7 1 , . . DR. S. R. COULYEk has such here.' Mejster was too shrewd a man ple know that,'! he said. 'He rnar- wa-! And how d, 1361grave ................... 12.33, 1 . 7' 1 . I I "It isn't only that: he . IV " Gra-duate Faculty of Medicine, Uni Ln here to overlook either. Alan Wembury ried her a 'yea), or two ago in Caiiada. -oachable! lie tried t6 think lSea's Greatest Graveyar , , Wingham. ............. � I,— - - - 12.47 .; .,. 1. - unappi 11, .1 I -friends. W�'had a Ing .". 111.t� . I strange - the girl's After his djs#ppearance, she left this � - 't . I verbity'ofwWesterih, Ontario. Member list week—I only �id not bad constituted himself of her or�y,'bdt ag Gives Up Its Last Ship . 1. ..'� ,,,, I dian. That would have been country anct was trace(I to Australia. ,ain,.,t his will a ,, , � . . . . College of Physicians and Surgeons Of speak to him—nAmed Uackitt. Do 9"ar r amusing,in other cir' That could only 1-hean,one thing, The dark shadow crept across the romy . ­ I . ... . .. .. . 11 , . �, I r ate work at New� I rathe cumstanc-, 9plendour of dreams: Johnny .Len- Tho greatest mai1tinie graveyard . . C, N. R. . -1 . I �.� � Ortario. Post'q adu You know him?" es. ,..Ev6'n as recently as hn hour ag(Y, Ringer was in Australia—she has now r has just given. up the last . . I � I " , 1� ,p 1 . L I "Hackitt ? - of t'he wa . � I . . ,.�� o I &V - , V . York City Hospital and Victoria Hos Sam. Hackitt?" said ley . . . I . , pital,' London. Phon all, ,Z - left Australia just as quickly as she -th should hcy,,-w ­Vot�- skeleton which its dark, mysterious I -'r,"'m. L e: Hens, . . he Would have ri�garded Alan Wem. 4 East. . � . Werilbifry in surprise. "Goofl Lord, � . W'hy on eai . � ., . r haperonage as a great joke. left this country.; she arrives in E'iig- ',wary depths have held ,since a week before ' 1 I'll . i -office, King, Street, Hensall. yesl Sa,in And I are old acquaint-' bu y's c L . 77 the Lenloys were ruihed . . . , � . " � . .1 I I � I i . But now . . . I land to-morrow,moviung. . . * gned at Versailles in . I I a.m. p.m. � ,,;q I �, I � ances!" . . was worried about the kind of coni- peace was si . � l'u... I He looked at Mary and his pulse Alan nodded slowly. % Ago. I Goderich ........... ,6.3,5 2.40 .2 - I I "Whatt is be?" she asked. I . 'T see. That means that The pany that Johnny was keeping. There Jtne, twelve year, ... '' I , I I DR. J .A .MUNN - , "He's a burglar," was the calm re- was racing. it is wa . s something else sh�I'id sai'd'Whicli On that'date the Germ�n crews inL Holine-ville ......... 6.50 2.5.6 . . :_,:,. , I 11 L "How interesting' his vgice was a Ringer is either in England or tled the pi-i,de. of Clinton ..... �.­. ... 6.68 3.05 , � ". . - Sc,apa Flow scut I 11t L I . . . I . ply. "Probably Johnny was interest- . making for this country.',' belopged to the category of unpleas- . I . ' 1. I., I" , �, Graduate of Northwestern Univers- little harsh- and he, cleared his throat. ' - I Germany. Seaforth ........... 7.12 3.21- , �' `­ . 3 ; . ed in the man and had him down—' I .. ?" the ant 0ings. Oh yes, Joh:nnv had been. What was once imperia . 18 L I .... k ity, Chicago, 111, Licentiate Royal She shook her bead. I . "How terribly interesting! And is "You have not 'Cold anybody' ,4 makinw money" -Yary toM him a ]it- Ten battleships, five battle cruisers, St. Columban . ....... 7. 3.27 � . '�- I I I " , , 11 , "I d orgotten . I five crifisers and 31 cfesitro-yers, Dublin .............. 7.23 3.32 .� `­ ,� , College of Dental -Surgeons, Toronto. thati duty part of the police code?" Commissioner asked. f -Oudly. How? - , I . i ". I . 9 . . ",'I "No it wasn't for that." She bit tle pi , I over Sills' Ha-rdwaref Main St., e faintest sneer in his to warn you about that. MeWer was ettled slowly in the water and sank. ..... - 1. �i , Offlee- . It "Rft!" said Alan to "himself as a7i s '. ----L- .. ! 'he . at Lenley Court, you.say? Youdidn ., ... r lip. "JohfifT totd -me a lie; li� . .. There was th ..Wei*- - . .., , . t,;: 9. voice 1 -ch ATan did not miss.- �. . 9tt Ugly fhoUg�bt obtruded u,pon his In nd'. - Ma'07 was go �:', -."', , I - . i� Seaforth. , Phone 151. . at this man was ,an artisVi wh' . . I i The . Geilnaft . np. Th . err . 11.24 9. 1 ,I* '­ "', I � I . * L , . � I said th "The duty of a policeman," lie said' teli him I " ..­­ '.salvage firm .undertook to raise Dublin ........... * A . 1, All, " r T . . 1. who was going to Australia. You're quietly, "is, pretty well covered by "No. sir," said Alan, his lips twi to,h� ".Rubbish! A St. Columban '.. .:, If.29 i.*i& I . �A I � �� I - o,��r the doOr of tb� Ing. "I thought, coming up in . T110, idea was too absurd for a sane thege buried monsters and withift"the ' - 11.40 , . . i e I I I sure this is your*Sani Hackitt?" the �nscription the rs 32 of the -se craft Seaforth ........... ­!.­ 1 I . 6R. F. J. BUCHELY Alan gave a Very vivid$ if. brief, Old IBAiley.'11, train, that it was rather a piiy I man to entertain. The--n-ext 1porning lbst seven yea. -t t6 ....... light again Clinton ............. 11.55 9.89 � ,.� . . . . . . "I I 11 . the little thief. he handed over all We docunientq in have been brough .5a I. �, * , 3 Gritduitt Royal College of'Delital description o� . "And'what is that?" asked -Meister. c.ouldn't—I. would like to have seen , . to reach Another graveyard 0salinesville ........ 12.05 9 , - :1 " 3 'IThis is be," Abe nodded. "And, of effect upon hirn"' I � the case to Inspector Burton and Only* Godbi7ich , ..... � - 1.0 - - 12.20 3.0.06 , , , eons, Toronto. Office over W. R. "I have not troubled to read it." , the torches. of .. I I . ,!�.11 " wafked out of Scotland Yard with al- Under the hanimem an.4 --1 Surg Grocery, Maifi Street, Sea- cour*b, ,I know be was—an unpleas- " 'Protect the children of ibe poor Alan could understand' bow the . . ­ -eaking crews. , I I .".. ' ­::":.�,;-Smith , ' I- ant sort of man. Alan, ' don't a f4eling bf relief. j1t,was a% bi � -'. I . , you , . 1 44 .. forth. Phones: Office, i85W; res nd,punis,h the wrohgdodr," said AI- news of,.Tliii Ringer's retufn wc,pld most the 1.1, 9 ' think that Johnny is—bad, do you?,�, a though he bad shaken himself clear The work was done under . I ''I" .1 - flutter the Whitehall dovecotes, but I .", . ,0) , dence, 185 J. Of �jobn�ny an-Wemburg sternly.- , I of the -grisly shadow which was ob- direction of E. F. Cox, managing C.- P. R. TIME T.A19LE .... - �",�,�, . I 'He had never thought , , I � . �,�11111 . 7 I — "A noble sentimentIll said Maurice. he,was unprepared for the extra6rd- ":,� . s6ring the brightness of the day. director of Co'x and Danks, British �. - � ... � L'' r ,, L . � - . as a possible subject. for police ,6b-" And then: �11' think that is for inarily, serious view whi Colon past. . . I ch ,pi , The wee'k'wbich followed was bL �ery salvaging Arm. They have now de- 1, . , - r �..'J "' I I,' a . ..% , -vation . i ; , ­."$. " 1 , 14 eONSU`LTiNG ENGINEER sei - .. . Walfowd took of th.e. position. , , I . ,�:�,,� ill I � me." L 'bii%y one for AIATi We-mbnry. He had cided to close dowii operations, since 4 ' � %, . . j % : . . � '. "of course notl",' . . . � He walked quickly towards a tele- - "'IM tell 'you-�Sfankly, Wernbu�y, a.m. , .;�Lr;' i S. W, Archibald, B.A.Sc., fforohto�, ")3ut these peculiar friends: - 6f uld intich rather b only a slight acquaintance the cost of scrap iron Is so low that � . OF . 1,11, with Delit- 11"' j - ' ........... I ''.. e occupy Goderith. . . . . .,..,.. �. 5.50 e,,�, I I . . .1L . L I : O.L.S., Registered Professional En- bis�Vv � �q, , e senger Wh'o had appeared that I wo ford and its nota;bles. The grey -hair- the work does not show profit.' Menset I ... i ................. 5.65 . ',," I I M "I .4 �'- . ; at "d9of the garden. Ing a place on the pension list than ed Scots surgeon be saw for a minute ' Salvage 'experts at 'first declared -.�,�:,ii,?Z"", I . , WeGaw ................ � .... O'.04 . . A,,�,l' . ­ . I jineer, and Land Surveyor. Victor � it was an opportunity not to be this chair at Scotland �- - ' fleet ,must be left aja ­ N, `44, I . I "Ist. -WATVice annoyed with you?". . . at tho German . . L, , ,g,ard When .. -�­.,­­ I Building, .288% Du,ndas Street, LOT!- passed. ,­� " that news is publisbed." I "" 11, ' or two, a shrewd old man with laugh- th L Auburn ..... I ............... I %L �, .9k d ­U66%. , .-4, -at the bottom of...t1w sea to be brok. - t: �;,�N: 1 don, Oniatio. Telephone: - Metcalf ITnit afraid, Mary, ,you.'re going to a e � I ing eyes and a fund of dry Seottish - - ­11:-,­.� I . I . Alan lauihed. , %. AT6,n looked' at him! in , astonish- bumout, but both men werAc,6'busy en up by, movement R thj�­tide and Blyth -`--',----4"`-.` ' 415 , . � MIW. 1. . � . . meet a-, -lot of peop � le like Hackitt, and ,, 8 I ........... �....o . .6� . � 6�40, ,,, �.,, �;:.T � ., I p" . . 1. - `1 I I Everybody, gets annoyed WWI me meAt' the Commissioiier was in deita- in their new jobs to discuss The Ring- e ' - by rust. But Mr. Cox be- Walton -, .1. � o * ... . worse than Haelcitt, who ign% w bad ; liatel"Iway McNaught ........... � ... *. ,,. gist., ,,, .V t� 1. e, � � � I . tiez or later. I'm afraid my SO- ,ly ea Wthese ships ebuld be bt,wight to 7'..,�,11 ... � . . s.opi if he could,. keep his fingers to so() .. rnest I . er. . . - '1�.%-. ­,t"'.V�': ." . ,Ir BBR§ . ! t manners are deplofible.11 and Used his belief ir-,M7 Tor`6"6 ........ ��' '"I" "" " ' I ,.. AUCTION blinself2l . �Jve "The Ringer is London's f�VOUTite Mary did inot *ritb, as be had ex- the'surface I I , , 1.11, 1. ­ I . ;", I ; . . ." � ... � ., .4 --.-t--- I I 0Wthy?" s -he h4skbd in amazement. 3,Ke patted the ,hand., that lay be- bog�y," Coloh-el Walford' saidi "and pected sbe would, and- be was not a- ically on the effigiewy of a Gerimn, I .1 I West � . ; �,1.2,,� I I I.. . . : - rz, i, 0 I .-- . I e " ., 4. � . , . . I "You think of becoming Moisferla Sid , bers on the stone -bench. � - _ �he very suggestion that he has re. wate that -the was in his district war contrivance. Ilebought from ow I . i� 1� - , . . U61t. I I, I ..., 10 i. "er"Ift , I ­%" . IWIJV� i I , . s4crotaill.-Mark, I Wish YOU , would- -A,10,11 its skid, half whim . , ,. vet Twftto � .......... �.. ,, 6. 0. I O" '-� 1.1 J. "t "I � 4DSCAR KLOPP ' ­ . .--^) . cg,ll�r, tufte dto -England Will ,be Oahe suf- until,one day, w0kink down the TAw- British adid I. - W I.. I � . ret.op V end all the - bewsPaPer Isham High Road,- RoVaebod$ waved Lto fl'oati' d ... w- ....... R". hwai, tak#h 0 , M . ­ I halt sitfously, "I do -- - - - --- - shall 1111116111t tO� 8 11 ... . � 1, 1. I I � ­ , .4� " "; r �1 ­ �-P­­ 1. . I I 1. 010ior Graduate 'Carey Jone(90 Na- of Fleet Strdet.on my ttatk,- him from an open taxicab' a'd t ,ih after 66*0.i, for 1900i0ft - aught, ..4,%.4*.S1iPV-*,-P6*,** f, 11 , , I She drew away a little, -the better evei % -g-Iinbyed With -you. yott jjr.e hotilids - I I.. .q � ly"M �, M Chi- . Ndver forgobt W4mVft­te is a MI- he saw, it was the girl. He sk --, , . � ­ ;I Sonie 6f. the ghips� Which lisid th"It mon A.i,-..V#I.'-.-.�"WV,-i,W.*­, ,� J16081­86hool for Auetionetbrit o observe ffim. 1. � 616 "Atedn Man, 1, know." 4 . . . .. 4 *4 - -�,,t i ,I . . , � fteefol-106utgO itaril in Pore fill 'AJAft ler A1Xd he liAt neither � foit� Ila ais- one of his subordinates to find Out InIrAeg6d fOr fl," �Oal§" 11mad � mft� siwiwviooig�4"*tiwt.**�t-t�i;,', �,,, 1. , a, I a st,gte. 'M.&'r , 'I 'MY on efi� I -f . I . t. Ot. P#1- fi #Q"d their- hands rA4btb a . 4i�l � ,� � . . I =611 'uVa 'Stock 1104 rafttion. 'of lunget. Rd -fist.-Caused" eire -Ahe MCI 4bhuny w4to staying Wett t622 In ' gurprivinglIty gp6d on- .... *1I*41J*.6rikW�1Wif,4. , "' ­ iteg 1A e9lind What Jr mean, long, waith elusp, ,und then she rja* V ­ M, , - I ( I !., e, dbd� mfith no dlffigult3 � 11, I l6ourAe, 11 und .on ;,.., ,j� �, 01601- and Mitfri J "thdro bolts to Be Shot tbAft MY at dition w en My, V06-bi hit 11" ", ,.,.,,, ­ %, . . SAleg, * RA .1 I -or of 611. mairridt Walldtit b0k With U.- W.6, - athq AM _r octatod th W '. . . IF -.k W #14 W W a IF -k cvilti,*,� I , , � .� x ge tnimb , UA I Sat, MArtricei � IS,, s This ,fitst Of, 1 M -o"", hut , wtfvilit�)04�. , i � -�..'� . * 'I'm I � "' ` � I "' '" ' ' '" .1 " * " I - ' - -i 7' I "I I I i .Ir"P.111:10plifflop" I � � �­ - . , ,kooping wlfh'p�'Ld I% - Mfminil on our listl Tb,e news th, m'odefd WL'i.* Af. fl* 1010 .1 * 1,; I �, ovW'*WO'c�11, ,� � .. , , tion, ,� A9,NUr314f%AaVkwetU1 wirep entso 014 PtOW Attie tO tdt 0"I dfia, %; t6a : 'btft go Zue tied ., , IBM I ".:-.1V.110.04%,., ** A� VIA , 4A `4-.K., , I � . .1 , -� a 1 ,1�,I*, 1�1 11 .. '810i d1dea, W1 t & tt ift I 11", ' & .. 1�10, �­ L �. % obt,, fto%e : b4t Aboy y,oft?t id6v;upt MY roung JAJ�V&blw � " I qF W. . 1, , "t ... . .. 01� ',3, ''S 110 0% � , 'k � , , ­ � tu% , �0 ��- .`6 DO - . , ,� r Ud# A. Wilding � I � OOV#d sUmt, &-,";S ­ 'Ail . � . t 014'A � . � 1� '. .. � -,i � i�,,'��),',,`� ::. , * , � ­ �0, 'I ��b,,�,,,�, . T I , - . �� 11 -11'.. .I., I � I 1, ,,I , , � ` _ M , . I .1 1. ­ , I q I - . W " . ,� � , *1 , . .. L ­ . . '. :, ­­­­ I , �. "I ��, 1, � 7. .� . , " ­­', A, - ­�. I .. , '' ,'.l� ­ , , , "' I � ,� ,14.� " ,.! , . , . !,!���,���",��i,:,��,,"�".���, , � I vl * 28062 ,W#dV -t. , ,. . . ,L4, . � "L"", - � �. 11,11 11. * , , " ". ,, , I ,, . "I , 141 .� 'k, !.I .11, ",", I � ". ­'," " , , ,,,:,-­­,.��,,� R 1� -1 1,1,,2� -!:-'A",,,,1 ��;�,,�',S�%",- 1, , I ., ,,, .,X.,! , " ", , ­ I ­ " ­ , " ­� I - . �� .� ��% , , ,. � . A '' I . - 1 1, - ,��, '' .'.., ", ,..,.... I .. e, ,41 ,. �;, , , . '.. I - , 4 . � , . ­ , , 1, ".­.­, � ,�, ,.,',-r' .1 " 4 -­­ �' , . , , ­ '41 -,) -11 L !, � - - 1,11 , , :� , ­ I I r � I 1'' I '"'. " . 0 *,�,s :� ,%�, :,�, �4 .� i� I � , ; . � � ., , . I I. . 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