HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-22, Page 6, , 14.44 "
It 1
A.,,,Like .it Even
A it's • Black—Test-ripes for Makipg
-,...0ther Delicious Soups.
. , .....
,.• Did. you- ever hear of black bean
nkonp..., No? That has been my ques-
' tion flex daYs4 now and that has been
Pinlheed cook suggested that it is too tablespoah a batter an.d flour rubbed
together nntil smooth. Add salt a d
"t.lf,.gn•.answer• dirtiest every time. • ,.One .. .
:Ike "o 'ip we are becoming more and pepper to. taste and stir in orie-h f
cup of grated cheese. Add 1. egg b t-
enntinental a. dish, but that cannot
.. • lend. „It' may be beeatise it' n black en light and serve at onee...... A very.
small pinch .of soda in the milk be-
ie cb"Smop.olitan in the -matter of
Ain n'e•andndoesn't. sound attractive, but yon
fore the' cheese is added will prevent
..„any separation'. 'An interesting addi-
• liave. no idea what an effective back-
.. ground the black mixture makes for
tion to this soup is croutons. They
1,.;•, 'are brown and crisp made this way.
:nnthe garnish that we use in it. Wait
till' you hear. I'm sure you -will went
to try it, not once but often. The . Croutons.
soup course is one that may easily Cut stale white bread in halnincli
. • • slip into a mundane rut and it is im- slices. Trim off the crusts and 'spna-d
portant ..not to let it do so as the in- thinly with butter. Sprinkle a little
V -',•
terest of a dinner depends so much salt over the bread and a thin dust-
upon the ' -first course, Iam going
ing of paprika. Then cut in one -
to 'give a few•recipefor southat .s
sons third inch cubes. Brown in a flat pari
4..... .,
. . one a. little different and which may in a hot oven, watching constantly to
help to set the meal, off to a. good prevent them browning too dark .a
---1C110,0014.-E• TOR
around in the hot ail Man they -take'
on a. golden `brown color. This will
require a leaser time than- with but.
ten, ' When they are golden brown
pone in two pints of boiling water,
add. the potato dice and fent. or fine
tablespoons of vermiceIU.' Leave it
to beirgeritin for' -20. ininute;s. Just
before serving add a .cupful of rich
milk or cream if it can be spread, nut
be eareful to stir it in with a wooden
spoon. Very few people Will have
met this soup •before, as it is best
known in the south of France.
Makes Life Misery!
Mainly About Words
And Our Ignorance
start. shade. Croutons are especially pleas-
' ing with cream soups.
Black Bean Soup. Curry Soup. •
2 cups black bens Put 21n pounds of leap beef into a
• 1 pound lean beef large saucepan and pour over it two
1 carrot quarts of cold water. Add 1,teaspoon
1 onion of salt. Let it stand for an hour then
2 quarts of water set it on the fire and cook slowly for
4 cloves two hours. Chop two onions, t-wo
1 small lemon potatoes, one small carrot, half a
2 hard boiled eggs. large head of lettuce and add to the
Soak the beans overnight, then put soup.Cook for a little over half an
them to boil next day with the pound hour longer, then strain. Return to
ii of beef, the carrot grated and the the saucepan and add two tablespoons
I, n onion sliced finely. Boil gently until of rice, 1 scant tablespoon of curry
in the beans are soft, about.1 1-2 to powder and seasoning to taste. Serve
2 hours, then add the cloves. Strain hot with cheese straws.
through a fine sieve, being careful
l't to press all the bean pulp through. French Vegetable Soup.
, .
Heat again, salting with 1 teaspoon Wash and peel 3 carrots, 2 turnips,
4 ,
of salt. -, Add the juice of a small 2 onions and 1 large or two small po-
f. lemon, Just before serving slice the tatoes. Make a small bouquet of
hard boiled eggs and hall a lemon herbs, (a spring of thyme, parsley
,,•1, and, add them for a. garnish, with and a bay leaf). Cut the vegetables
ntr just a dash of ,red .pepper. Sounds into very small dice and dry them
good. Looks good. Is good. eTell in,a: cloth. Place a large sauce -
Cream of Cheese Soup. pan over the fire and pour in enough
Bringg to the boiling point 2 cups salad oil to cover the bottom of the
of milk, tvno cups of beef or lamb saucepan. Five or six tablespoons
stock and one onion sliced fine. will be sufficient. When the oil is
When mixture has simmered or very hot throw in the diced vegetables
about five minutes strain the onion all except the potatog:—Add the
off and thicken the liquid with one sprigs of herbs. Stir the vegetables
myself I doubt nerY mueliilly thandat pmisraee. Towsishlp of aTuckersouth Counq
tiCally all blurbs Eqe se
lea,ding, the auther'ostheM 4eixig as
stunidas the. most stupid author
they recommend, and 'being Under
the additional disability of not having
read what they ,are expected to
describe? it has been my expere
ience, while. with One of the leading
Toronto publishers, that the blurb
writer is between the hammer and
the anvil. The publisher quite reas-
onably wants a blurb that will esell
the book in which he ,has invested
his money. If the author hirtiself is
asked 'to write the"blurb he frequent-
ly makes a mess of it as far as any
sales value is concerned. The pur-
pose of the blurb, as I have always
understood it, is to help sell the
book by telling something about it
although non necessarily giving a
complete synopsis of. _the story, Yet
one might easily infer from the
fat that you devote more space to'
the damning of the blurb than you
do to the lauding of the book that
the blurb is of :first importance."
Lf the public would keep in mind
the fact that the blurb is merely
part of the publisher's adveitisemnt
nobody would be misled. The fat
that the blurb is generally pasted' on
the inside of the cover gives the
wholly erroneous impression that it
is somehow or other the work of some
third party, somebody, as, .were,
standing •between the publie• and the
publisher. Though we know bet-
ter ourself, nve keep lolling into the
same trap time after_ time, much .to
our annoyance. . . .
Roden ,Kingsmill writes:
"What sense is there in taking into
our language Latin words and then
dislodging them? EVeryone knows
where labnn, favor, color and hun-
dreds of such 'or' words come from.
Why piit nn the u?" 'Beeause they
Come from the Norman-French chat-
ter, the sciolasts. Very few of them
did. Why not stick the u in motor,
actor, debtor? The 'whole vulgarism
came intim a Young, prince's (after-
Warcls George II) inability to nego-
tiate the o as we sound it. The u
was inserted in an attempt to Make
the pronunciation .of such words eas-
ier for him. The whole thing is
Mixed up with Imperialism, the
Daughters of the Empire, the flag
that braved a thousand years, -and
imitation Englishism. All Canadian
newspapers •of any importance stick
to the correct spelling. The u
harbor and neighbor is utterly out of
place. They never got near the
Norman French. What's the root of
"cermection," by the way? Nexus, of
coursA all literate Englishmen
spelled it until a century or so ago.
Why the change? Because, Heaven
help us, George IV, then Prince Reg-
ent, insisted on spelling , it thus
-as he inserted an entre u in honor.
Daily Annoyance, Troublesome Nights
Wreqking Lives of Thoittands
States Writer Who Tells What
To Do For Quick Relief,
1Baeltacbe, Headaches, Pains in feet
and les, Nervousness, Restlessness,
frequent but scanty Urination with
burning and pain, getting-uinnights—
are some of the more troublesome
signs that should have prompt atten-
tion before they reach a more serious
stage! •
No matter how stubborn your ce.se
may seem tn noe ,en how many. modi,
eines Yon liaVe tried without results
—don't: think your condition is hope -
les tne„ natural' consequence of•
re yeats until you heretried
the alnazing value of Dr. South.
worth's "URATABS,"
On a strict guarantee of money
back on first box purchased if'. you do
not reneivenswift and satisfying re-
lief, any good druggist will supply
you with "Uratabs" in sealed pack-
ages containing a ten days' supply.
If they bring great relief inside of
48 hours and a wonderful improve-
ment inside of ten days, you will be
greatly pleased—if they do not help,
they con ybu nothing! Ask your
neugnns t to -day.
, .
We seem to have got our tail in
the milk over the pronunciation; of
ate. E. B. R. and John Satterly,
among others, have been shocked to
think that we have never heard cul-
tivated people pronouncing it as if
spelled et. The truth seems to be
that iri England, it is propr to thus
pronounce the word. The American
preen& is different, and Canadians..
have somewhat weakened British con,
nection by following the American
custom. So far as Canada is con-
cerned, our equals pronounce t h e
word as 'they pronounce the figure 8.
Our inferiors pronounce it et, and so
do our honky tonic -heifers, Ilnin-nSan•
terly continues: "The Canadian pro-
nunciation of ENquiry, FERtne, ad-
verTISEment, schedule as is skedule,
always interest me." We are bound even the well-written ones aren-excit-
to say that we 'do not know how ler-
tile could be mispronounced, nor have ing: On the other hand exciting is the
last thing that Deiffnin a Deck Chair
we ever heard it manhandled. The by Milward ficennedy is, though it
quiry is probably an Americanism. how Seotland Yard orks. We re-
Butmaccenting of the first syllable of ern professes to han actual 'account of
it is different with schedule. The F
gard it as extreely" bad luck- that
English pronounce it as if spelt Herbert Jenkinson should have sent
shedule, while the Americans get, a us advertising matter about' his books
sound of k into it. And, so far as for six or seven years and that the
analogy goes, we think they may be only one of them ever to fall
right, although our own preference into our hands was The Scarlett Mir -
is for shedule. But we sound the der by Wyndham Martyn which/Ave
k in school andscheme. Why noin
schedule? t were unable to finish for reasons
which will occur to anybody who t
be -
President 'Hoover may bethe great gins it. Murder ia the Night by
engineer and not a politician but we Arthur Gask, a new Australian writer,
note that he has the typical politi- is worth tending. It was out of
cian's gift of verbiage. In a recent Australia, if our memory does not be -
statement he spoke about the need tray iii; -that' One' of the most lam-
as "manifestly more evident." Yet our detective stories ever written
he and his wife were competent to came, The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
turn an old. Latin book! into English. by Fergus Hume, and they tell us
Woodrow Wilson, who was a peda- that this •Gask fellow has all kinds
gogue -and a scholar, could not break of speed and stuff.
himself of the ridiculous habit of be- George M. McKanday writes from
ginning eyety i.letter with "May I Gananoque: •
Not." It was the low brow .,. Hard -"I was amused to notice your re-
ing who gave currency to a high ference to the writers' of 'blurbs. Not
brow word in "normalcy" . . . We having seen the blurb in question
found Dead Men Do Tell, by Keith I must accept your opinion that it is
Trask, to be what every detective silly and misleading, but having read
story should be, but what so few of and written a great nany blurbs,
Holcl First Meeting of New Year
life a Miserr
From Headaches
Local Retailers--
hey owe You
Sales Assistance!
You know thor-
oughly well that you have power, in
your store, to influence the decision
of your customers in regard to what
they buy from you. Your customers
rely on you to give them products
which, in use or consumption, will
give them complete satisfaction.
You know and
your customers know that, in regard
to nearly every class of product,
there are several brands of equal
merit. Thus, A's soup is the equal
of B's or C's soup; D's shoes are the
equal to E's or F's shoes; G's radio
sets are the equal of H's or I's sets;
J's hosiery is the equal of K's or L's
hosiery; , M's electric washing ma-
- -chine or refrigerator is the equal of
. N's. or O's washing machine or._ re-
frigerator ; and so on and so on.
Makers of adver-
tised products recognize that you
have access to the attention and fav-
or of several hundred buyers—your
regular and irregular customers, and
they want to use Your distribution
facilities for their advantage. But
tare they willing, in every instance, to
assist you to sell their produa if you
stock it—assist you with a series of
local advertisements, to be published
in this newspaper?
They -say that they
will provide you with. plenty of
clout and' ouniter display hiaterial,
nd,priiitett nrittsr ; but quite too of-
c.ten. they deaine to tise Meal advertis-
ing, in this rislOpaper, oVer your
They tell you that
they are spending a whale Of a lot of
money in big -city dailies and in na-
tionally -circulated magazines; but
you know—or can,get to know—that
in the territory served by this news-
paper upVVards, of 90 -per cent. of the
families living in it do not subscribe
to national magazines and, big city
dailies.' This means that the job of
promoting local sales is to be put on
your shoulders.
f it is right to
use big city dailies and nationally -
circulated magazines, then, by the
same token, it is right to use local
weekly newspapers! It is no compli-
ment to you as a retailer or to the
buyers of this town and territory for
a national' advertiser to decline to
advertise his product in this news-
You can get much
more advertising for your store and
stock than you are now getting, if
you insist, as a condition of stocking
a ,particular product, that it be local-
ly -advertised in this newspaper.
(N.B.: Show this advertise-
ment to men who urge you, to
stock and push the sale of their
goods, yet who tell you that their
firm' cannot assist their local sale
lifaited„ by the -eeitly—Ne*spapera Asialationi 'Of *hfch The /tarot" Rifpoalfal fa thenitor„
Thanks tn, Or. Williams' Pink
pills -(Tonic) and a mother's
advice she is well again.
"Headaches aneely drove me frantic,"
writes Ws. j. F. Anehinalosen Ingetsoll.
"The pain would be so severe that my
eyes would swell shut. Lifewas amisery.
'Tinally my mother, saw where Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills bad helped someone.
She bought a box and made me take
them. I was 'so sick of doping. I had ne
faithnbut (banns to mother's persistence
and the pins f am here and well today."
If your blood condition is below par
you probably need the iron which Dr.
Williams' Pills provide. You are only as
wed as your blood is rich. Poor blood
causes headaches., •
Don't let life be "a riaseryr to. You.
Get a box of Dr. =hams' Pink Pills at
any druggist's. 50centsa box. Don't
delay. Be sure to say "Dr. " so.
that the druggist will know exactly what
you want. too
Many Matters of Interes
Before Councillors Of-
ficials Appointed for 1032.
Salaries Still. Subject to 10
Per Cent. Reduction,
' The Council .of the Township of Tuck- °
ersinith met in the Town Hall, Sea- "
forth, lVfonday; January 11,' and each.
mernlber took the statutory deciara- •
tion of office. By-law No. 1 was pass-
ed- appointing the following_ officialan, .
R. Kennedy, member Board of Health; •
Edwin Chesney and Hugh 1VIelKillan,
auditors; J. Murray, Sanitary inspec-
tor; John 1Vlurray, assessor and school
attendance officer; Robert Dalrymple,
Road ‘Superintelident. •
Broinn-McKay: That the salaries
of all townialiip officials be the same
as in 1931, that is, subject to anten
per cent. reduction from former sal-
aries with the exception: of the Col-
lector and Assessor.
Brown -Johns: That the Clerk write
the Illeforestration Department for
,further information in regard to in-
spection and valuation of bush lands,
exempted frbra taxation.
Johns-MeKay: That the bill for
damages to nlow and mower of C.
Dale be" left over until next meeting
for consideration.
fBrown.McKay: That the Collector,
be given extension of time until the
first of February, for the return of
the collector's roll and no penalty be
exacted until that date, but all taxes
unpaid by the 1st of Fe'bruary be sub-
ject to premium of one per cent., per
month or portion of month, until May
1st, and by-law be amended to this
Johns -McKay: That W. Finnigan
be paid $20.60 for supplies for unean-
Brown -McKay: That Mr. Goudie be
notified the council will not require
the use 'Of- -the lane through his pro-
perty in future.
Communications were read from:
The United Farmers' Association, On-
tario Municipal Association, Ontario.
Good Roads Association, Renfrew Re-
presentative Association.
Johns-MclCay: That tlie council en-
dorse the resolutions of the Renfrew •
council's representatives: 1. That
the 20 per cent. contribution paid hy
the county for work on provincial
rates will also help very materially
te solve the fire insurance problems
before the farmers ;a Ontario. There
is no reason in this age of progress
why buildings of first class construc-
tion, with fireproof roofs and equip-
ped with lightning rods, should be
charged the tame rate for fire insur-
ance' as buildings of inferior construe-
tion without any lightning or fire pro-
tection whatsoever.
Farm fire insurance at classified
rates is smewhat new in Ontario, al-
though it has been working out with
unqualified success in the western
provinces for a number of years.
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance
Company, Canada's largest mutual fire
insurance, company, with its head of-
fice in Wawtinesa, Manitoba,' is one of
the companies that have made an out-
standing success of writing farm fire
insurance at classified rates.
About a year ago at the suggestion
and upon the recommendation of the
insurance committee of the United
Spechnens of George TV's remarkable
spelling can be found in his once
famous writings on foreign missions.
Tells Dyspeptics
What to Eat
Farmers of Ontario, the • Wawanesa be removed. 2. • That the
Mutual I opened an office at Toronto InghwaY
inunicipalities be entirely free from
and commenced writing fire insurance
the contribution toward Old Age Pen -
at classified rates in many s-ections
sions and that there be a race rigid
of Ontario. - That the system- tia'S'
been well received is amply evidenced
by the fact.that the Wawanesa Mut-
ual has already taken over and re-
written the entire business of several
Fire Insurance 'Mutuals since coming
to Ontario, and not has upon its
books in the Toronto office a substan-
tial share of the farm fire business of
the' province.
The first thing to consider in insur-
ance is security; the second, rate.
Every policyholder in. the Wawanesa
Mutual is protected by a re -insurance
treaty with "Lloyd's" of London,
England. The name of "Lloyd's" is
synonymous with the highest possible
protection in insurance circles the
world over. The rates of the Waw-
anesa.on farm dwellings of first class
construction, equipped 'with lightning
rroads. are amazingly low.- The con-
tents are also included at the same
Correspondingly low rates are quot-
ed on ;barns and outbuildings with
their contents, if they are provided
with fireproof roofs and lightning
rods. The Company also supplies re-
liable fire extinguishers with each
policy at low cost, and allow ,a still
further reduction) in the premium to
those wire) desire them.
The Wawanesa 1Vlutual provides
windstorm protection on farm, build-
ings at nates which challenge compe-
tition. The Company also issues auto-
yrrobile insuranceto farmers at a
specially low rate's Attention is call-
ed at this time to the notice of the
Wawanesa 'Mutual in the advertising
columns of this issue.—Com.
'Strict diets are often unnecessary
in stomach trouble. While some foods
do produce excessive , acidity and
many stomachs do generate "too much
acid" causing gas, sourness, bloating
and after -eating pain, the trouble
may be safely and quickly corrected
by the use of a good alkaline. Bis-
urated Magnesia—powder or tablets
—is ideal for this purpose. Just a
little after meals neutralizes all the
excess acid, prevents souring, breaks
up gas and ends indigestion. Favor-
ite foods no longer upset stomach and
digestion is easy and painless. It will
do all this for you or money back.
Druggists everywhere sell Bisurated
Magnesia with this guarantee.
Ship' Approved „Cockerels.
Under the federal policy of cock-
erel distribution arrangements have
been made to ship male birds which
have passed inspection to Ontario
points to supply demands for the com-
ing breeding season. One lot of 200
cockerels is being shipped from Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick to On-
tario, while another lot of around 500,
birds is being shipped from the West-
ern Provinces also to Ontario. Plost
of these birds are Barred Plymouth
Rocks and Wyandottes.
censorship of ''the Old Age 4‘ensiort
roll. 3. That substantial reductions
be made in the salaries of government
officials and civil servants, and the d
Clerk:forward a copy of the resolution
to the members of South Huron. "
Johns -McKay: .That Hugh Chesney, , - • ,
Howard Crich and, James iSmillie be
sheep valuators for Tuckersmith, to
be paid at the, rate of 35 cents an
hour while on work.
.McKay -Clark: That' the council pe-
tition the Highway Department in re-
spect to continuing the use of the
Provincial Savings Office for
ments on road expenditure.
McKay -Brown: That the following
accounts be paid:' R. Reuger, labor,
telephone, $5.20; G: E. Elliott, labor,.
telephone, $5.20; J. B: Mustard, post
age, telepihone, $30.00; George Beatty,
collecting, Stanley, '$34.40; J. B. Mus-
tard, account, salary, $225.50;
Beath, freight, $6.35;• re-
bate, rental, $15.00; T. G. Shilling -
law, account, salary,, $100.00; Tucker -
smith. Telephone • System, freight,
$25.92; W. McBeath, wages, $137.50;
M. Tyndall, wages, $16.94; R. Tyndall,
wages; $7.00; F. Mcdowan'—Wages,
$6.80; R. MeGonigle, ,rebate,tax tele-
phone, $8.50; J. C. Reinke, expenses
collecting, $19.30; G. N. Turneintreas-
urer's statement, $10.00; J. Murray,
salarn, ,Sanitary 'Inspector,„ 1931e $1.2n
Thompion's Book Store, supplies,
$4.35; Saul Kipfer, hall for nomina-
tied, $4.00; Municipal World, subscrip-
tions, $7.15. '"'
.• Brown -Jame:. That the council ei-
der seven copies of the Municipal
World for 1932.
Johns-1VICKay: That the minutes of
the Meeting, be •publis;hed in the two
local papers.
Johns -McKay: That the council ad-
journ to meet at the call of the Reeve.
Classified Rates For
Farm Fire Insurance
The recent investigations of the
Provincial Fire Marshal; into the
cause of so many barn 'fires in the
County of Wentworth, certainly furn-
ish food' for thought on the part of
the farmers of Ontario generally, and
for the directors and :underwriters of
all insurance companies doing busi-
mess-in the province. .• •
That the investigations are getting
nowhere is very evident to every in-
telligent reader, as the evidence -in
nearly, every case is as mystifying as
the origin of the fire itself. One fea-
ture of these investigations, however,
stands out pre-eminentlY, and that is
the'neeesSity of fire underwriters in
the future paying more attention than
ever before tin the „personal character
and financial standing of all appli-
cants for fire insurance. Men of
lease, immoral or intemperate 'habits;
will require careful 'consideration by
all agents.
. Wilting fire insuranTee at 4004%1
liusy •Iltinds—..ar hard tasjko
day In and dajont Paisign,
Bal, keeps the akin eoftand
pliable. Reinoven rednesli
and relieveff itritatibm
, „ 05,*40N. '
Husband and Wife both
take them when needed
Mrs. Wm. Gordon Speaks Very En-
thusiastically of Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Kagawong, Ont., Jan. 21 (Special)
—"Ihave used many boves of Dodd's
Kidney Pills," writes Mrs. Wm. Gor-
don, a well known resident of this
place. "Both my husband and my-
self take them. We would really not
have known what to do for our Kid-
neys if it were 'not for Dodd's Kidney
The road to good health lies through
the Kidneys. If they are kePt,' well
and strong, all, the impurities are
strained out of the blood. If they
are weak and out of order the impuri-
ties stay in the blood and disease is
the sure result.
Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the Kid-
neys in good condition to do their
work of cleaning and, purifying the
Dodd's Kidney Pills demonstrate
their worth in the most serious forms
of Kidney disease, such as Backache,
Rheumatisrn; gladder find T„Trinary
TTOtthlei. , •
Insist upon halting Dodd's.
ing died ignominiously as a result.
Sidelights of Antigua's history,
are full of interest. For instance;
Columbus, far from being a lone ex-
plorer, had with hint. 1,500 souls when
he made 'his second "cruise" to the
West Indies and diScovered Antigua.
Lack of water there thwarted a. later
attempt • 'VA— the part of 0 Tko
d'Esnambus, French privateer ..rap-
tain, to settle the islanA Englishmen
later took root there under Captain
Edward Worrier, in 1632. Savages
abducted the wife and children of an
early Antiguan Governor, •
Antigu's area is only 108 square
miles' and her population only 30,000.
The island is of volcanic, sedimentary
and coral origin, which is an unusual
New and striking postage stamps
will mark the Tercentenary and.give
interest , to philatelists. everywhere.
One stamp will show Admiral Nei -
ton's old doCkyards; another Nelson's
ship at anchor; another designed, by
a 'woniaa shows the ship of -Sir
Thomas Warner and... anotherthe
Are4ios of Tinie. .
Antigua CIO First -
NeW World "Slump"
Ilitistoticai echoes of a "depression”
Which "tit', the little oval inland 6f
Antigua, as early as the. Ilth century,.
are heard in the tritish ,:eolony'S 14e -
ital.' of piing 46 -.celebrate in the
growth whithAiiid, Net become a
autumn of' 1082 the three hundiiedth
anniversary of (Colornbus's discovery
of theisand.
The Antiguan pionv about 1640
we* due t6 apptelfensioit lest there
be tin over produttion tobacee, the
;ItootiAiiwitdostit Tolgteco grow -
'4441 ; • •
Earn $3 to $8 Daily -at Auto
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