The Huron Expositor, 1932-01-22, Page 4qiiill D iV 100 , , .:',9.,‘ * . ' abijOtge t il i ROO 31% and the big' • At the time ef writing We'ate SOY• • . ••• , • ..e..• ,,, adingeVtanisled. '•' ''. "enIneen atereS, enat tO mentio'Ohne,. to redoetn,Mrs. Smith is Suffering ume. - WA, rP• , . ' ' CI ,,1 '-, ..,: ' . , ; •• ' • n .. , ,, , iii:iO4 Ma' .' •: 4,OK''Or44, hlindreds, .alwgye the a severe etteck orbloodePoisen is her ,•e ••• 1 eieLtant. vedeede . geee4. finOeled inetitutieee theY ana 'seen recover. hand frm whech we hope, she may . ., e_ ,,,.._:L.,,,,._ .. :044.1'.. '1;sr.4. ooe et them. . ,,••• • The amine); meeting of the' Veena, in' eeieh !netence they started' del a public libiary wit held in the librarY •• Ws• • . e "leafertll, Quturie. elve.' ..afternonn hy, McLean 'aneall•' wax,. in a wieneleetapre. ' It iiiii,S, mein on Kendal night. . • stria attentio3a tebueiliessegeod huen• Ws., MeClynitent bad the misfor- time tolail several- atepewhile going . • - n' r4te, $1-50 a Year ja aeSe. Methods and printer% . ink ta t 'i4.17. .down Stairs. Although no. bones were 'teatime lumbago, nenritieeetc. I li'Deskin Refund was•read and passed eeigne$2.00 a neer. Single Prat them Where they ere, eeedayean,dehroken Mrs. MeClym:ont •suffered 'The -anneal meeting cif the Bruce., ton motion of 'Westcott-Moir. The .e '*).,ta.eacli. , , Witiout the printer's ink they' could several bruises, , • . field. puhlic library was held in the i treasurer reported ' having received '0 k not have reeehed" theireneeeent busi- . library'. room on Tueeday evening 'of 1 a450 additional 1931 taxes. On• Mid' . relieg 'rates on application.' • s. lett week. The financial report viras ' tion of WesteottaPassreore, the fel- . ,, • • 1,, .. :. .—. • HILLSGREEN • read and adopted, which showed the lowing salarieS were fixed far muni - nese sieceeee, nor eould they retain it - de. 0.11)0e, re of the Canadian Weekiy for a month without the use of ad- . lihrary to he in good standing, with,..a. cipal officers for 193de " Reeve, $60; , .• A.' Per. Aasociation and the Huron tertisements. balance in the treasury "Of $54. tortY eouricilliirs, each„ $50; 'Clerk, $280; . .;•,;' ' :WI?* Piess Association. _All merchants believe in advertis- on friends in this. vicinity. 1VIr. John Turner, of 'Clinton, called do/dare' 'worth of books were added collector,. $70; assessor, $80; treasur- . i• .1'v e• , ,I. • 4, etC '• ''' ' . ' 1;,1,;, 747-- . . et expenditures ehows, wisdom on so e• -t'. efP.' k,,..., : , , Oder tpesave the Government money communities since the world ,werit en •' - , ty. wait. of the. giants made to muniei- wheels, is tow-ards the city, evbese ..,,, '' ': ,.. APORTH, 'Friday, January 22nci. • ... e- Inthese times of stres,s, every econ- .. . smainteninee. .' " ', eepalities for roaa"-alietruction and .•, '• the part 'of the Provincial Premier. • ple ,get this informetien i.s in 'the ;ell" Fair held last fall, when there The yeee. of ,Brocefigld ehureh met James Ballantyne, chairman; Dr. I. men,n.,cups; testifying to his Prowess as a 'violinist. 'A short sketch . penditin•es ..to the bone thIS year, in If the, trendeof businese in. rueal . ties in the -Province to cut road ex- '' ' ',Premier Henry 11E6 Selftbnt an urg- in -g from heir own territory; right Mrs. W. Turner on'Wedriesday after- , Hur,on ie concerned, if Premier -Henry' don't get any better bargains, rarely iiik appeal. to all townships and coun- from under theieenoees, in fact, and •neon. II 41 WC •However, we. are afraid, a's far- as - y that can be effected in •Govern- be "obtained, and at what price. T MUCII SAVING•THIS ' •YEAR ' i • . . • ., ,.: • tally good for the other fellows line ing,. but ' mostly they believe it in. , Mr. W.' darrott attended -the Thresh - of business. They read the adver- tisemeate• is 'the- city. daili matter of 'course, but how many comn end Mrs. R. MeAlhstere • tey merchants Ineenv or -ever try to figure out just how math, 'business these city advertieements" are, draw - Which could be theirs for the asking. are invited tp,• shop. They -go wheee cietv- was. held at the town hall on B. Beird gave. the' paper on TeniiireFd be Paid for time employed, .Shier-' ' j.hey know th.e goods they require can fault as it? People shop where ,they pages of the city newspapers. They And the place these ' conntry peo- --das as a Hensall, epent the week end with. Mre week: enthen's Convention in London last Reichert and Mrs, Alf Reichert spent a day in London. Thurs,day. after/ion. D. H. MeNaugh- anc ' The meeting was broughte ei TaSernore.: That a by-law ,be drafted ing of the Hayfield Agricultural Sod I:owee• and .: ' in. Addison. Mrs. T. echool attendance officer, fer 196.2, to eon was appointed chairman. . The a close y singing a hymn and .14 confirming these appointments and. short addeess telling of the success- Interesting Meeting cif Y. Pd...S.:- the.lo.car Board of Health for 1032 •Ide - ''''''''' president, John McClure, gave a prayer. , ., . ' ' was a larger exhibit -and more prizes on Monday night with Ed. McLeod, Gt. Dunlop, M.Q.111..; Joshua • Pants; Of his aceomplishmenta appeared in these columns last week: awarded than usual, a splendid at - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt, of Mee. W. Reichert and, -Mrs. M..: The W.M.S. met -at' the home of Annual Meeting. -The annual meet- cd ,rnive," enneney talsen iss- . Shier -Moir: ' That Willie:a Johns be . BAYFIELD . , .. this year to the libra,ry. • Mereberds er, $95 and excise stamps.; .caretaker tickete will be the 'same as last Year: of bell, $12; auditors:, $10 naeld'aenar.. 'Mrs. Hineener, oecupied the chair and l•Westcott-Shier: That Henry Del- , men's Missionary Society was held in I be Clerk.. Westcott-Shier: That S. I. the nehool room ef the, church on I Pyle be collector. Passmore-lVfoir : 'Wednesday afterno,on.• The president.1 That Newton .G.,Clarke be treeniter. ,, led hi the opening devotional period. ',bridge arid Arnold Wiseman be aiidi- sentenee prayers. Mrs. Bremner gave ; Brow. -,n 'be assessor... 'Shier-W"esicott: New' Yeat. Mrs: Brock, the treasurer, H. Brown•was appointed. Shier -West- ' a shert address on thoughts _for the That 'Weston Idorne be asseseor. H, Six 9f the members; took part in tors. IVIoir-Paesmore; That H. H. gene a report of the yeaes 'finances'', cott:• . Thet Mary and "reported. that the allocation 'had ,1 of hall- . WesteottePaistmeree That been reached,• 4500 having been" Sent !,Clierlee'Jolitis be weed inspector, cow • study fot the day, "Korea,, the Land -1 paid lor time employed and mileage. • to the treasurer. The subject of i suPervisor .and sheep valuator, to be. the social convenor,. The January" Meeting of the. Wo- eideci. Shier -Moir: That Henry Strang in charge. The Henry ,Strang, secretary; Jobn Kel. • ......• , fieirig salaries. • WesteotteMoir: That Kellett .be; caretaker ''''""7 o.,.,,m:__._._iti•,.e:.,m. ,..::::::::%,,,I$N.,..*,,,.......,......,... ' ... '''' . . . ............. , , .. William dilyde,. of the London Road, has been the winner of ' ••„....•....• ' - . •.... iS to effect 'any' economy in road ex- do they oet as good a quality fer the tenclinee .and fine weather, and. 'he meeting opened with' the hymn, et, Sanitary Inspector. Shier -Pass- ••. . penclitures, he will have to make them price in the city. as they could s the dunior Farmers: ' The financial re- ner read the ',Scripture. which was ton Kerslake, John Prance, Amos , . •HENSALL • • - . titled, "Whend'Peace Like -a .River At,. . • ..,•.• urged that more. interest be taken by "Sound the Battle Cry."-. Mr. Breme more: - That. Frank Down, Welling- , dat his own end of the' toad, in. the tein in their own home town, but they port wee read by the secretary; A. E. .found in acib 28. .The hymn, "Hold Doape end James, Heywood be fence tendeth 'My Soul," which -wee much • dePartment . which administers this dent lmow that. Whose fault is it? Erwin...and' enowed a balanee on hand Thou My Hand"' was then sung after viewers. Westeott-Shier: That Jno. Many friends will regret to learn appreciated and enjoyed. ' - was shingled last year. The follow- tepid, "Relation of Science to Re- John BrocknHarold Hem; Cecil 'Doh- that 1VIrs. Robert Higgins took sudden- Sunday. next will be Men's -Sunday • . . And it is that way because the tains is world news;' it has , no per- ing officers were elected for 1932: ligion" was taken by Wm. Pepper in. son, Weber Shute, T. C. Allen, James was `taken to Scott Memorial Hospital; of twenty-four voices will have charge ly ill on Tuesday evening and sh,e in the •United•Church. A' men's choir 'work. ........,. ., • „ . ..• The news which' a city daily Yeen. of $3'66.21. The exhibition' building yvhieh F. Boyce led in 'prayer. The Inixton, Wm. Fra"yne, W. C. Keddy, d , toevnship , and t'onntne-ceddcils of sone' touch. It is read, commented President, John .McClure; .1st vice- a ve.ry interesting way. A Short dis- Anderson be powelkeepers. Moir- Seaforth, where she was operated. on, of the musidal part of the service and ...., Huron have, during the past year or on, net -hens, hut there is too' much of president, Robert Penhale; 2nd vice- cussion,:followed. The preSident, F. Passmoree That the following b for appendicitis; and is now doing as the pastor will take for his evening ' ' , two, been-prectising economy on, road it to dig -est and remember before an- preside.nt, Sohn ,Rathwell; directors,. Boyce, then took charge and the bust- snow patrol men for 1932: • ,Fred T. M. Woods, Saihuel 'Houston, . Bert ness was discussed. After a social Ford, Con. '2, Leta 140, Road 5 from -e well as can be expected. • Senith-Hrook.-eA, quiet ;wedding was subject, "Manhood Dethroned." Fol- , lowing are the special evening sub- maintenanee 'and construction to sueh other"dedds paper arrives. Dunn, Ed. Foster, Fred 1Viiddleton,. half hour the 'meeting closed with the' Con. 1 to •Con. 2; W. T. Quinn. Con. 2, solemnized ion Wednesday; . January jects for the following dates: Jann- ' an extent that they 'have refcbed the With the mean town weeklies, the Robert McMurray, Wm. J. Stinson, Idehymee "When He Cometh, and the Lets 11 to 15, !Road 7 from don. 2 to 20th, at ,the United 'church Manse, .ary 21st,.."A 'Woman's No"; February rd..' anger manke-have even 'passed be- situation • is exaetly -reversed.' The• M; •7Snowden, Wm. Stewart, .Williare Mizpah• Benediction, , ., . Exeter corporation; J. J. Hunter, Read , Hensel', when Rev. A. Sinclair united 7thd"Women's Day," subject, "A Wo- ' • • ''.4 Sparks, 'Frank Keegan, W. W. Wise, - ....... ..... .• . men's Intentantd........February .44th, t'.4 . yond it in fact' . . . news of the weekly paper has a 'local,. 5 from Con. 2 to, Con. 4,Con. 4 frobi. -in marriage Frances Itene Brook, • "Beauty and the Beast"; ''' February , or During the past winter . Weather a personal • touch. It covers the. local Win.. Stephenson, Mrs. N. W..Woods, LA 2 to •Biddulph boundarynclarence ,daughter of ''Mr. -and. Mts. James 2let, "For a Wornen's Sakel- Peb.ree- . . e • .MrS. T. Snowden, Mrs. W. Stinson, ' . Johns, COn. 4, from Lotell to Thames Brook, of Centralia, to- Willtam --- -ddeenditions were such that -the roads activities, and community life,. ' It is MTS. J. 'W. Reid, 'M.rs. F... MeEwan, KIPPEN. . Road, Rpaci.'1 from Conne tO Con. 4; thur Smith, .sonnf Mr. and ..lars. John ary 28th, "Strength Profaned"; Match • 6th., "'Killed in, His . Sleep"; ,March e eriderge,d in thespring atmost.ininicl. ail about one's • self and . one's neigh- Mrs. Seeds; neeretazy, A. E. 'Etwin; Ro'y Johns, Con. 6, Biddulph boundaty Smith, Exetee. - The young '...couple ,,, id; "Is Miodesty Extinct"; March ,,,, snannieretondition. Little work on bprs, and it is human nature that treasurer F.. A. Edwards; auditors,' Mr. and MIS. Lee McConnell and to Loal, Road 4, from. Con. 8 to Bid- were attended br Miss Lillian Bieck, "--e 20th,. diVly 'r,o.ngue"; March 27th, . . them was required in the spring and -people should went ,„,,to know these John R. Cameron, domes H. Reid.; The baby, John, of Varna, spent Sunday dulph boundari; Harry Cole, Con. 6; of Exeter, and Mr. Jarnes_Wilsen, of Easter 'Sunday with-,•Comimunion at. 11 , ee president wee eappeinted a delegate at the home:of Mr.. and Mrs. D. E. from Lot 1 -to 10, Road5 from Con. 4 Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will re- • a.m. 'Ran:a-Arthur Sincleir is- the ,•., n - • the summer. All in the name of is read in its entirety. not. just the London -and thegenerel convention at Mrs. 'Thomas Kyle, of 'Clinton, spent Lot 1.1 to ThemeS Road, Road 7, from Suceessful Tea. -The •Wonten's As.: minister. On Sunday evening .last ., 4.., ' little work was done on them during 'things. That is why the' local Pawl' to attend . the . district ,eonvention at Kyle. .'' . to :Con. 6; Henry •F•ord, . Con. 6' from side in Usborne. , the special requests,' for hymns. sent . ee economy. . heeding% - - ' . 'Toronto held early in February. The a 'few days last week With her son, Con. 4 .to. Con. 6; Ernest Hicks, Bid- sociation of the United •Church' held. a ' in by members of the congregation. ., • - ' This spring -a ver3e different situa- ' It is &wally true that -there is a "• . • •dates set' for Hayfield Feir are Wed- dulph•Boundary, from Con. 1 to Oen. very successful sale of home ma e i. 4 Emerson. of our village.' ere Sing by the following: Solon. ' , ‘._ tien is likely to ariee, •There :was lacal touch, a personal appeal. to the nesday and Thursday, 'September 28th We 'are .pleased tie learii.that MTS. 4; Charles Dayezan, 'Con. 2 from Lot ,geoking and' tea..in the basement' of. Iv "I Shall Know Him," Mrs. A. Clarke; e and 29th. It Was deeided to held a Tomlinson is somewhat inapille'd the 16. to Tharnes Road; Earl -Mitchell, the church on. Saturday afternoon. quartette, "Face to Face," IVIrs. Sher- . • , past few days. . . . • 7 don, 2, from,' Road 9 to Thames Road; The ladies were 'very Well pleased with ritt, 1VIrs. Hess, 'Messrs. W. 0.' Good - fall months. Since ' then. the' Mild as well as the neevs they' contain. coMmittee for this being D. H: 1Vre. .The WISS. of .St. Andrevi's Unit. Luther Reynolds, •Con. 2, from Road the results of this sale and the pro - win and Dr. Ivan Smillie; ., duet, . PaPers, masquerade earnival March 30th, the . much frost and 'no, snow during the advertiiements in the locad weather has' brought the frott out of There are merchants in every town. Nadghton, Rebe,rt Penhale, Bert Dann, ed Chneeh met on Wednesday after - 9 to.Road, 11, ;Mall 9 from 'Con. 1 to ceeds, which were very gratifying„. dd:' eWhispering Hope,"'Mre. Sinclair and s • the, ' roads, and, lacking a sufficient. who have demeneteated this fact year A. E. Erwin, Mrs. MeEwan, Mrs. 1VIet- noon last at the home of Mrs!: Isaac Con. 2; John' Stewart, Con.' 2, from were. to apply "en ,an electric stove ' , Mrs. Hedden; "Lift High the Jubilant '""---- .,.` calfe, Mrs. Seeds, F.' •Keega,n. It Jerrold for 'their January meeting. e Lot 31 to Tieckerseriith boundary; Rd. which' was recently installed. - amount of gnavel during the summer, in and year out, to their own. entire would be, a great help..and encourage- .1Vriss IVIargaret MacDonald, of Sea.' 11, .Con. 1 tcd•MiidgeT,Hill;,H.• Row- The Mission Band of the United • HpuSei in tands"*IVere sung .by the Strain" arid ,!!1,4y..,,Yath.er is. Rich in , many roads were so soft.that thecats satisfaction and by the succees of ment to the directors.. if more 'mem- forth,: visited over the week .end with cliffe, ;Con. 4, from Lot 31 to 3.5, Rd. Church held their•weekly meeting On , , and trucks cat the bottom. out .of them. their..,business. - bers wonld attend" the annual meet- Mr. and Mrs. ROss Broa.dfoot and chile 11. fiorn Con., 2 to Con. 6; H. West- Sunday afternoon last with, a good cue'r• d The -Presbytery 'of the 'Presbyterian ' . Some, of, coarse, are worse than -•• ilimliiiiMMINIMminininlina ing.• It was a fine day, roads were dren,. of Tuckersmith. lake, Con.. 4 free). Lot 30 to Thames attendance. The topic was very ably Church, of -the County' of Hturon, met* good and farmers at this season, ,are Th"e Yoting People of St. Andrew's Rbad, Rd. 9 from Con. 2 to 4; John taken .by Mrs. E. 'McQueen. A 'pleas - here in Carmel Presbyteriaii-Church •' others; but. alleare" in -a 'deplorable not too busy and there eeems. tp .be. United Church will -meet on Sunday Cann, Con. 6, Thames• Road to Hilebert ing instrumental, by Miss Kathryn on Thureday last. There was a good. - . conditi.on.. If .the_ freez.ing arid thaw- GODERICII TP. • '' ' no •good- reas•en, why there shouldWeinte evening next, at 7.15. The -Conic ie. to boundary; Road, 9 from Con. 4 te 6, Drysdale and in interesting reading :Attendance of both ministers and Ele ••.• ... . i:? . ing weather continu•es for a few be a. large attendance ef members. be "The Aural Church:" . Everyone Road 15; J. T. Hem. Con: 8, •Lot 6 by 'Nisi Minnie S.angster, added very ' dere and quite a large attendance • weeks longer, no ene can estimate dlr. arid Mrs. S. Ammone. Mr...D.-.• , The annual meeting of tA Hayfield .welcoine. ...• . . to,10, Road 5 feem Con. 6.to 10, Rd. mu•ch to the programme, which was from the village and community and , • what damage velliebe done iii .thene. Schwartzentruber and Mr. and:'Mrs. Cemetery Company 'eras held at the We are sorry to report that Mr.' 20;. Eph. Hem; Con. 8 from Lot 6 to •prepered by Miss' Dorothy McQueen.' many -matters 'of interest. to congre- i To-wri Hall on..Monday afternoen, Jan. Alex., Monteith is in Stott Memorial Whalen, -Road 4' from Con. 8 to' 10 ; , The 'vestry •meeting of.• St. 'Paul's ' gations were 'discussed as well' as - • Even if they emerge in tbe spring:A. Proctor, of Zurich, spent •a. day /8th. • The financial affairs of. the H•ospitat Seaforth, under the doe - 'Hugh Berry, 'Con. 10; Blanchard Bdy. Anglican Church was •held on Mon - matters .pertaining to the , church a.t little worse than they are at the pres- last week !with ;Mr.• 'and -;Mrse 'G. company were reported satisfactory. tor's eare.--His many ,drierids wish - .1 to Lot. 10, ,Road 4 friem Ceti. '10. 'to ilay evening. 'Rev. M. B. Barker was • ent tithe, the expenditute required to ,. ' Proctor, Cut Line. Mr. and Mrs. William Stew'art, of The following we're appointed officers .. the . chairitian' tot' the '.e veiling n A.' L. lar.F.le,i. • for the year, 1932: President, :Iolin hire a speedy re•covery. Woodham; W. Gilfillan, Con. 14, Blan- 1 Eildrdia Ca.ldivell, ' of • Netv restore them .to their fernier. coedie Clinton, spent Sunday at the home Of. Quite a number of faxmers ire.this -shard Bdy., to Lot 15, Ent. Road 6. Case, Vestry - Clerk. •The Warden's • d Jersee,,epent the week end here evitir V e MeDanald; vice-president, James H. vicinity are taking advantage..- al the repOrt was read showing balance in tion, will equal that expended upon Leslie Cot. Reid; secretary -treasurer, A. E.' Er- good weather and have. started their from Con. 12 to 14;•Roy CowardaCon. bank with all debits paid for the year hist Mother, Mrs.. W. J. Caldwell arid ' sister; 'Mrs. Alice jeynt, and brother not more. are preparing ,a, play to give in the George Hudie,--D. 1-1. MeNaughton; from Con. 6 to Con. 8'; W. H. Stollen ,......_ ••• •• ...1 them during the past two years, if The Young People of Grace Church win; directors, ,•Charles 'Middleton; ..Spring plowing. 8, Lot 11, to, Thames Road, Road 7 1931. Als.o a ' e • d Robert, all of this village, and with future. 001•0100010•011•00M.60...0011. Rd. 9 from Con. 6 to point of eontact tions ''of - the church showed balan•ces relatiyes end- friends in the- dietriet, ..,....... ,.. . ..• • ..Skiniping on read Work ii a mighty . . • Coe Highway 'No. 23; John McCul- 1 i in bank. The Wardens elected' for all of whant were pleased to meet poor policy for .any township or tout- ' r...r..r.......... . _ Wtm. Scptehmer; sexton, Robert Orr. The annual congregational meeting . • ZURICH ....__... 'lough; Cen. 1.0 from Lot 11 to Thames, 1932 were:. G. C. Pe•tty, Minister's hnii" a:gain. after, an absence 'of nearly 11 Robert :Scotchmer,.Joseph Richardson, • ,,,,, • ty -IX/ follow, because the Publit de- ELTMVILLE . Road; Road 7 from Con. 8 to,10; W. Wardene H, Alcitith, • ;People's War - 30 years. ' It is almost needless to .... de -n; A. L.•Case, Vestry Clerk; Mrs. say that he noted v.ery many changes, , .: church Tuesday evening, January...1..9, hers of the Lutheran Church held last to Hibbert Boundary; Roy -Francis, William Fee and Louis Clark, Sides, S. L. - Pe-ppler, seeretary-treasurer, both as to reeiderits, Mar Village and • ' mAnd is for .good roads, and they, , - . of •Trinity, Church was held :in. the. At the -annual meeting. of the mem- McNichol, Co.n. 10, from Thames Rd. -1. . pendituie. Effecting h saving on toad Maizie .and Thelma and Mr. K. John.s The Guild report shovved a balance on Kalbfleisch, presented a favorable' Con. 12 from Thames Road te Lbt 11, Road 7 from Con. 10 to 12; Heber j, 13. •Simpson, substitute delegate ; Our winter months are rapidly pass-' men; G. C. Petty, delegate to §Ynogl; community. . . will have ,them reg,ardless of ex- ' • Mr and- Mrs. tteonard }CARET. &,.; The'Recten-Rev. F. II. paull, in -...liarge.' Wednesday, the treasurer, Mr. A. • e _ , r• .. maintenance one 'year, no 'matter how uncle, Mr. William Weaver, in Sarnia, wae satisfactory with a balaneeeof 19311 Mr. Theodore ' Steinbach .was hand of over $250. Treasurer's report statement regarding the •finanees for Shute, Con. 14, from Lot 15 to Miss Margaret Driim-mond„organiste ing away without any sleighing to . e attended the funeral of Mrs.. O'Reilly's . ..... .• •. much the amount may be, 1.f it en- on Friday last. • over .$3p„ The following appointments elected a trustee in place of Mr. R. Thames Road, R•oed 7 from Con. 12 MiS'S &MUM Johnston and Mre. Errold speak of thus far, and our rural tour- . , to Fullerton Bdy.; Wilfred DouPe, Drummond„auditors; select-eventry, iers hive been eble to make use of . , tails an expenditure of double or three Miss Lena Moore, Of London, has Were ermde: 'Delegates to Synod, Wm: F. Stade, who resigned, Ext. Road 6 from Lot 15, Con. 14 to S. L. Peppier, W. Yee, L. Clark, Dr. their ears right along and it has cer- timee the following year, can not 'by been- eisiting her cousin, Mrs. Charles S•cotehmer, Runsel Heard; ‘Rector's The annual meeting of thernembers Con. 12. • Patrol men to employ only Collyer,, A, L. Case, .G. C. Petty, H, tainly up to the peesent, been a most any stretch of imagination be called Johns this week. Warden, Wm. Elliott; People's War- Zurich Agricultirral Society will be such help 'as may b,e reqiiired to keep Aldrich: , " • - phenominal winter. econemy. . ited in London One day last week. sei Heardd' Select Vettry, Leslie El- The annual 'meeting of ,the policy- the roads open for mail and other The Youths' Welfare of Carmel • The services in Caring Presbyter - traffic -and to be under the direction Presbyterian church held their meet- Ian Church were on Silnday last large.. ,,,,, Mrs. Williant Elford and Annie vis- den, Wrri. Scotchmer; treasurer, Ruse held -CM Thursday of this week - e, 111111=NIMMENIMIIIIIIIIIMM0 . ••,., .....-.—. liott, Rassel -Heard, E. A. Edwards, holders of the Hay Township Mutual of the townehip council and ' road ing On Monday evening •with a good ry attended, particularly at the Innen.. DO MERCHANTS ' CHISELHURST . Wm. J. 'Stinson,' J. Tippet, John, Park- in e tovvn ball here next Monday -cents an hour will be -made for'use of exercises, a short program was given Merlroy, gave excellent sermons both superintendent. An allowance •of 15 attendance. Following the devotional ing service, and the pastor, Rein; Jas. :. , G. E. Greenslade, D. H. NeNaughtere Fite Insurance Company will be held ,..• , . en D. C..Galbraith, Sam Widcombe; af rnoen. is • .. plows on the veork. All implements and a -eery interesting topic was giv- morning and evening, while the musi- REALIZE THIS? . 'cr .,. is. Robert Cole spent a few days Sidesmen, LnElliott, R. Heard,, W.' , 'tire meeting ofilie police trus- to be used at the owner's risk; time en. on "The Great Musician; Beethov- cal part of the .service was well in nee_ veith friends neat Brucefield. Heard, D. M.eNaughton, H. Stinson, J. lee board, Mr. J. Geiger was selected tp be paid for at ehe rate. of 20 cents and' taken by thel.f-olleswing, • Misses keeping. ' An °tit of town subscriber to the The dance committee held their op- Tippet, John MeLeed, N.' Heard; C. 'es inspecting trustee for 1932. The an hour for man and 40c 'for' Mail and Irene Deters, Irene Hoggarth, Blanche •Otir merchants .are endeaVeritigets, IVIitchell Advaeate, in renewing a sub- sning dance in Mr. •David Chapede Ward, H. Brandon, J. •Pease, John' 1 old officials were all reappointed. team; all snow bills to ,be presented Mustard and Mre. Roy -McLaren. MiSS reduce their stocks as much as pos- e e. scription to that paper, wrote the fol. tended. , 1101110111.0=011011111000011.0010 in writing t,o the Road SuPerintendett Blartehe Musterd very ably presided Bible before and during stock 'taking empty h.otise. A large crowd at,- Parker, D. Galbraith, Wm. McDool. Mr. -;11." Eilber, of Crediton wee a ' lowing comment: • .. 0 -wing tathe mild weather, business 'business visitor in town on TuesdaY., r- on or before May lete by order of the over .the meeting. Next Monday ev- and we believe are offering tempting .. . "If -soine of the home merchants meri in the downtow-n section have . . BRUCEFIELD ' Truemner will regret to h•ear that The many friends of Mrs. Eliza Westcott-Shiet: That the Reeve and Young People of Caven., Presbytendan :Mrs. Maybelle Millar, of . Detroit, Highway Department of Ontario. ,..ening the Clulb will entertain the prices: , . realized that those Of, ns witneene: been unable to put in their supply Of ' .., she•ds not enjoying her usual good Clerk be authorized to sign and sub- Church Exeter, 'Who will provide Ihe is ViSiting with her friends, Mrs, away reed their advertieeinentse al- ice. Horticultural Seeitty Annual Meet. 'health and that •she is under the doe- mit to the Department, of • Public programa for theevening. Robert Bonthron and Mr. and 'Mrs. ,ita,„-, . meet es enrefidly ap we do the news .a madmen Christmas gift by several "ts nnual meeting in the school ndam tor's care. Mr. William Douglas, reeve of .Stan- Hi'ghways the applinatiOn for govern- The 'Young People's League of the T. 'C. Joynt. '' Mrs. Millar .quite Ire - merit grant on expenditure on the United Ch,u-r-ch (met on Monday even- quently Timken visits here, enjoying Diamond rings seems to have been ing.-The, Horticultural -Society • herd' ' items, I believe theY would not only of Mar young -men of this district and he church on Tuesday eyenirige ley,..erae a visitor in town a ew days township roads for nal. . pessmeTe- int and held. a very interesting meet-. Village life. . Wedding bells 'dinging dri the near fu- Mrs. R. Allan, in. the; chair. The fin- 11;loire That the following municinal ing, which Was presided over by 'the The I.0:0`.E? held a social evening de Would try to. make them a bit more ture• Another dance under-'thel auspices supplies be ordered from the Muni- new neeeidenteddr. Claude Blowes, in in :their' lodge ernom ori Faiday. even - change them more frequently, but there are some g,reat prospects 'of January 12th, • with the president, age- ••.. I' ,_ appealing. And when vre don't see eipal World Publishing Co.: one 42- place of Miss, Doreen Farquhar, who ing with a large nun:Aber of members . ancial statement showed a, good •bal- of the local Agricultural Society was - Miss -Dorothy Corbett was e visitor ancen Arrangements, were made' for held on Wednesday evening. page' assessment roll;, 1 42 -page col- has resigned. Selectieris by George present, e, very pleasant Evening be- e- e e.. . e their 'ad' we just naturally wonder, .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch a. mber of civic improvenventa being Mr. L.• Eidt has resumed:bin duties lector's roll; 1 assessor -'s. guide; 400 Pearce on the mouth organ, aceern- ing spent. The guest for the even- .. , ,I dog tags,' 390. cOw t,ags, '9 copies of ponied by Miss Laramie on the piano; big was District Deputy Grand Mas - `has .se and's° gone out of business.'" Parker on' Sunday last. made in the spring. Officere ' *ere as teller at the local branch of the 1 . -.. near Cromarty on Siinday evening: R. Allan; . 1st vice-president, . Mr. holidayn Mr. Wileon, who relieved the Municipal World for 1922. West- and' a .reinling by• Miss Ruth Coles ter Dienan, of Exeter. The first part ' • We have often wOndered if the Mr. Harvey Jacobi visited friends elected as follows:. President,' Mrs. Batik of Montreal, after a few- weeks' "A merchanteirithe Villages arid smaller cott-passmore: • That the following were riiii'cit enloyed. The topie• de.al- of th•e evening was devbted to cards, „. e--- ,, towns ever realized that was a fact. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robins, a Brucefield. is- le -us. W. A. Bremner; aesistant secre. 'On accourit of the mildriest of the grants be Made: ' Siek Children's Hos- ing with the great 'poet, Peter Carter, the prize winnete-being: Ladies, Mrs. ,,, n ' 'Mr. Robert Cole spent Sunday with Wallace Hangh; secretery-tteasql.er, hint lies' left for London. ' . t, 'Very few„ We believe, -do,- The, av- tary-treasumer, Mrs. J. Adcliscin;' Di- weather, the local :hockey team has Intel, $10; Muskoka Free Hospital, was taken by 1Vir. Ferris .Cantelon, James McAllister; men's, Mr. Alberti . $10; Byron dSanitariem,, $10. Shier- and one of his poems, "Jim 'Codk's Traquair, of Exeter. Following cards - b • ., -Tddirperri . advertising,. with SOMething„ Ake , , • . VARNA -D. Fotberingham, Mts. A. McQueen, 'no ice is availabletL clerk -and polls foe the recent election were eery much. enjoyed. The inter- Mreand Mrs. Edward Sheffer very Moir: That the fees fot D.R.O., poll Vote" also given by :Mr. Cantelon, a d.eliciouslunch WaS setved, - lei '''''' , • • --,,, erage,...of the smeller merchants look rectors, Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead,dildrs. been unable to arrange for games as . airs. T. B. Baird-, Miss' IVI..1VIeNatigh. be $4, $2, $4, respectively. The clerk esting feature onethe Pregrain was a pleasantly 'end .quietly celebrated nenTegistavor. 'Advertising is all right for . :,. aireirimirmme . reported thathe had registered dur-' lively debate, entitled, "Resolved that their 66th anniversary on Monday ev- ..... • . the! city and the big -fellows, but lot Death of Mrs. Mar -Y. Stephenson.- ton Reir. W. A. Breniner Mrs. A. • • ing the year 1931: Births, 22; ermr- automobiles areerndre :injurious than ening of this week. There were only thenl. it is too expentive. . ._ January' 6th, of Mrs. Mary Stephen- MeCialtney, , Jr., Mts. •-Perty...Cele„,;: USBORICE , riagee, 10; deathe, 17;total; 49. West- beneficial," the affirmative winning by ta.few nethbors present at they had The death took -place on 'Wednesday, Zarke Mrs. D. Rouatt, 111fe:s. George , Of ,e6nree, practically •ervieey me?. non, eldest daughter a the late Mt, MTS. Allen and 'Mrs. Addlion *eta Comieil 1Vrinutese ea The Municipal cott-Shier: 'filet the following bills One 'point. 'Thesentaking„pert for the not made anyenentiOn of it beingtheie , '.elliette et some time or 'another, lige and 1Vits.jlenry McClitchey, of Stalin. Township of Usborne be paid,: 1, Cleric, registration,- bitting.' effirthative were Kenneth Manus, An. spents:r tehr appointed delegates to the conven- conncil of the 66th anniversary, but a Most enjoy. inserted '-itti advertiatemmit in his ley Township. Mrs. Stephenson, al- tion 'to be held in Toronto mi Febra- elected for 1932, oniiined. as per maitiages,•and,deathei $1225;...J. S. nie Carlisle,. Olive Lemon; for the anneentese. eves , . thotigh in bar 81st year, vitt'S going ary llth and 12th. Plans were made statute at the Township. Ilan, Min. ,Bunter, 'D.Rt0.,.. ,Div. l';'#' $4; Harry negative, Kitth+i . Drysdale, Bill ent. mi.. and nere. muny congratulations; 'coupled. With ' 4)SreeeelliriZi ' 41 ., '.' .10, P5 re.air die one m. the•te:/irn. eblitit it her us nal way up until tire for bidding a social gathering of the villedon Monday, January llth, at 11 Coates,. Vollo-eleek;„$2; ,Cpcil Skinner, Glenn and 'Olive Brciek, the judges -bis- '''''''' '"iiiiirettfcallititi. Bilt_because this one. day,,bei*e, Christmas, ,when a stroke niembers for 1931,32, --in -the 'school, o'clock. They..aubeeribed. to. the de- Sec.-Tretia„ nae of Sehog Houie No. ing Bel?. A.'.., Sinclairo ..1;less :Katie the wishes that tlieY 'may be Erpared7,• to see manyi mOre annivensaries, and ,p,,,,-.4- '''.4fd nygi dinnige:A0a ifinanerss 4kt:tail& lie"i! frein Which she tOer "inann on 'rueedity, everting, JanuarY elatetion al effite„.*Vis: 4111110 Ballan- 4, $4; Ohio. li..Allison, ry.Ria., Mt. Seett..."..and- MISS Mettle Ellie.- The Was active and smart sta theY were '''',';';""li` ' •nitedid nee& a,. emit d'ne amen 441.,6 gained tenacavestiess. 'She -was-of an 26th. F.,ach niemir is asked to being tyne, Reeve; George Westcatt, Peter 2, $4; Lloyd Stewart, poll clerk, $2; program . WaSi. erranged hy Messrs. '. ";" , * '''" - ''' ',14.,,'1,44,',../ 1,1, ,,,i,, ...taa4_2-',. '''',1„1",,,,%' eXceptionallYelifferful disposition and a 'friend with them.,....The ladies are Moir, RenbeicShier and Percy Pass- Lloyd Btewark4 Poll NO. 2, $4; S. N. ForiaCantelotilind Claude Blowes. • The many •friends a miss Minnie on this occasiori. ... - ''"'T,'''"'",r,i„-,.t''''r,"'''"'"4'.'kw• .. Marker of relativet arid waren t requested to. pte,videPthe latch. mere, conlicillore, Slid .proceeded .tO Dolmen, D.:1140., Div. 3, $4; William' . A Pleasing, quartette was, rendered pleased to know-. that she is . d• ...s 'aF1,L.Piett lada It'saLe.-40 ftierideevilldniite her kind and cheery .... iMrs. G: HM returned to the village the business of the year. 'Ile mixt. JefterY, OR clerk, $2; 'IL Rovveliffe, et the morning service at Carmel Gibb, who is Well known in Hensel!, .i:,.'• ita 0:0, ,. " .* . -'0. :'. . . ' . persenality. Her husband tedeeette. after spending.two.weekt withfriends.,..atettif the 'Meeting of Deefeember-28th, Poil.. Or 3, $4; John Fiedgert, D.R.O., F,bre.abYteriart Church on Smiday morn. will be' ifiliddejoy'd akin te 'innate fled her Oven: Years ago.. e leaves in atralford. . . ,,. - 198.1,, were read and apprOved on rim, DIV. ' $41, Nelsen Squire; poll" Clerk, ing entitled, d`I'm Looking Beetorid," - on her way back to Canada, after ..,,:p.,•44..,.. •... "'" '',-'' ' '' •,' • ,,, '. .' 'tO-!•rtionin . .tlitee" - .brotheta, Albert, 'Mr: and Mrs. ,Menteitli and 'farellY, tion of :Shiet-Vireateott. . Conatiunica- ,$21 red Huukinr-',. Pell Nit. 4, .$4.811; tr:MTS. Janies Peterson, Mist Ruby with her mother and relatives in be- having spent -the past few months George and Arthur, titta three Sifitstir et -London, sPent the, week end gt the Aims: Gdoil 11.00S,„ Aseocitition and .Jeeksert. Wood, D.B...04 'Div. 5,.• $4•00; MeLetell, Messee. Orville .Taylor and land. AVOltireitherAfilt. 0'.'165,111thia*" reOett; 'MrSt.'Williairti Hatt, illilases. Ellen afici honte of thelady's mettle; ll:ifts. janet' Ontario A/finial:4i Association .policit. lAoyd-Johirs, Poll eletk, $2; Cliailea, Siiiiiieff' Bengongh, which was muCh Mrs. Al. Millet, of Deroit, ie spetid- ing a fevv weeks with Mrs. R. Don- - itett ' ' fegnalt•••••*, PIM. The lateral: Was held Oti Pri- Ross. . . ' . ' ing. triernbeiship...labled.'' *view. of ilatined, D.-11..0..., Div. 6, $4; Earl Johti. -enjoyed, The services for the day '''-attli....,..,,, ••,',44, to.,,BOAda 4efogil pot . het .. ,,mi, and Wt. . gtocklionsa atol-ttitg.:oonditiotis frolitiOutifeipalities p.ton, poll clerk, $21 Harold Iletn.,.Sec......were.4o. charge of the pastor, Rev. L. thron and Mr. and MTS. T. C. Joynt. " '''' •"'"ddite• • .' late- tEsideliteadled4td Ltda. Viie snr- ihitthtet,, Itvi,r-ifetritned horde after to Hoare% also ceinnitirecation titan leita.„.:,libil,..SolloOr Howe NO. 7, $4;. MtIlroY, *he gaits splendid diatoms, tntertainnent, euchre clubs and ,•• ,,,,,i• ,..,,:. Vte; Vati Olidlitettertit, -het pastiiti. Steliditi. tffe- WM-it thielffi; • **". .,'Porigere, ..;.00-4itipiitatile of---tiiitati4," h4-14.Gouldings,...)111:0:0, Div...7,, $4; es ied his netrally pleasing aild able bridge parties are -the order of the d'd ' tfd" " •• a- "1 • 01 Ad the ipteresting 'news ,etiei correip rici;ite , , • a a an surrounding districts for the past' !week. ;el WELL K-NOWN pouNisT OF iiENRAtx PlItg 'Hey: A, Poilipr,. 'assisted by Reit, 'fft terry', of ttengalI,,; vitited aeking ca,4kpe rural affaite OliVer MeCiirdY, cletk, $2; Russell inanner. y H :. Vatill;. #41firiP611bettrata Men& the village hi *k Paorntote4Tiiiit' That theY be, 0- Merristri, Poll No. 7, $4: Clerk, eke-. very,pTeasng vocal duet was dain ensall and vicinity 4sung Brady school of the Miss Mary Met4regor recently e.a a a a M? 1 11ditifdlott, ot Toronto, aired of out ossistinite. .,Hy -law NO, tieti enpetisee, $12,50,--1Catried. turned from a very Pleasant visit "eit XeYnyllitoyilit Oats 4,,gt6puttgo* :Mims attIesTilitll,. is al -truceileld 10,1931, re:Stirett -Refund read 0'014 adjelittied to net On Satiir. United March on Sunday morriing :-H ,' t uiusidostiobil goot Vto atiptesent giving tree ti ant ttiot pla.ged, oti 'tie/Ate' VI" SierOge. day, V6brottry *It, Id 1 port.eitry teat br Mrs. 'Gesperit with relatives andrietidatn orge Hese and Mr. tiotetot, 2 . , 14,4a...electric appliance belt tot then- tirote. ,Hy-latt No.• 11, 1981, re Oran& Strang, Clerk, en" , Goderich. W. Ortwein, the srttpenntendent, • tq . a••••,,,a0a, , , , ; ' , • • • • r r . • • 1'0 opc,