HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-22, Page 3'! • • "-J.'s.
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14111111-11-1 '''0111J1Zi
IBA 11E11
Place your business account 6
with the nearest branch of diis
Bank. The manager will be
glad to discuss your business
problems with you. His
accumulated experience is
available for your needs.
R. M. Jones - Manager
(Continued from page 1) Harpurhey, where he located seven,
THOMAS KIDD teen years ago, before Seaforth had
We can hardly hope in" this •con- any existence, at" that time being one
Mr. of the firm 'of Laidlaw & McDougall,
Election to say much concerning
Kidd or his business that is new to ; and when the exodus from Harpur-
our readers, but we can at least re -1 hey occurred, their house removed
here. Laidlaw & McDougall were
fresh memories, and in this resume
succeeded by Currie, Laidlaw & of the town and its leading business
Dougall, who subsequently sold out
Me -
interests preserve an outline sketch
of his, identity therewith. Mr. Kidd to the late Mr. Rogers, Mr. McDou-
gall engaging in, other business. Sub -
removed tq Seafoorth from the County
sequently he re-entered the dry goods
of Simcoe about ten years ago. He at
'and general trade in partnership with
once gave eyidence that he had ,come
L. R. ICorbey, under the style of Al.,
•to stay by' building the substantial
brick block since ocsupied by him, a G. McDougall & Co., and Mr. Halley
purchased Mr. Corbey's interest five
building 85x30 feet, two flats and
years ago. Such, in brief, is an out-
'basernent, and which was the first
line of the history of the house and
out -
brick structure of any note to be er-
_ its trade relations with the town. ected in the then village, Upon be
A -
ginning business Mr. Kidd was in
•partnership with another gentleman
under the firm style of .Kidd & .Mc-
Mulkin, which continued for three
years, since when he has been without
'a partner. The trade of the house is
of a.sornelwlat general character, dry
,goods, clothing and groceries being
the leading features. The main sales-
• room presents a business -like appear-
• ance, and the entire aspect of the
crouse is one that reflects crAdit upon
-the town. The upper flat of the build-
;ing is ,used as the Mechanics' Insti-
-tute. On the first of May, 187*, Mr.
'Kidd established his liquor business in
a separate house further down the
street. This is an important depart-
ment of frade with him, and in stock
sere carried full lines rof domestic and
imported liquors, wines, etc., in wood
:and in cases. A considerable whole-
sale trade has been and is, still -being
clone in these articles, and the house
is prepared to fill orders for respons-
• ible parties with pure liquors upen
the most favorable terms. Over the
entire business of both houses Mr.
Kidd exercises general supervisory
Enanagethent, giving his whole time
to affairs. Ile has built up a large
trade here—built it up by the display
of force of character and business apt-
itude, and his place in n_tlac business
circle of the town is }vim means un-
certain or doubtful. .A. native of Ire-
land, he has lived in Canada most of
his life, and since coming to Seaforth
he has had,- we are glad te say, not
only a busy but a successful mercan-
tile' career, and as one of our repre-
sentative merchants we -thus allude to
The Oldest representative of the
:clothing, merchant tailoring and
gents' furnishing goods trade in Sea -
'forth, is Mr. Wm. Campbell, a native
'Canadian of 'Scotch descent,' who. lo-
oated in Harpurhey in 1859, when it
vas at the height of its glory., There
Mr. Campbell established a tailoring
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Jet@ idn npanthe honor of being
As a the Oirdloruen Rams
cd' are progrgSSke. and liberal, and,
their success in their .4)nainess opera-
tions has been won /si" their own etas
Filling a Prominent place in the
trade circle ofsSeaferth is the firm Of
Laidlaw & aiIe, concerning whom
..• we have somewhat detailed comments
to make in this issue a The Exposi-
tor. The firna are dealers in grocer-
ies; Crockery, provisions, seeds, fion
and feed, and though their co -parr
nership dates only from last October,
the hose is already firmly establish,
ed having won to itself a trade in
the highest degree satisfactory.. The
co-partners are J. C. •Lpisilaw and
John Fairley. Both gentlemen are
Scots by birth; "and both are also old
residents a this 'vicinity. Mr. Laid-
law settled at.Brucefieni some twenty
Years ago and afterwards was in trade
at ,Harpurhey. Here as senior mem-
bers of the firm of Laidlaw & McDou-
gall. •Subsequently he sold out, re-
tiring from meicantile business alto-
gether. Upon re-entering trade, it
was as a dealer in, groceries, etc. A
year and a half ago he disposed of
that business to • Mr. Fairley,/ ' and
again became a co-partner in ,Octo-
. be „0„51Mr. FairleY -has_ resided_
here or in this vicinity for the past
seventeen years, and for` seven years
of that time has been actively engag-
ed in trade, first in partnership with
Mr. •Strefig, arid subsequently alone.
On the first of last 'Ural, Laidlaw
& Fairley took possession of their
elegant quarters in Cardno's 'Block.
They occupy fist flat and basement,
each apartment being 21x85 feet. Cer-
tainly .handsomer quarters could not
be wished' for,
and one may travel all
over 'Ontario without finding another
house of the kind that is So attractive
in its .general appearance. Every de-
tail of arrangement is pleasing to the
eye, and in 'accordance with the re-
qUirements of business.. Everything
is tasty—even elaborate, and the
cleanliness everywhere noticeable is
extreme., ,The main salesroosnis de-
voted, one side to groceries, and the
other to crockery and glassware. Each
department appears cemplete—indeed
it is. a model eStablishment, and we
hope it will prove the- forerunner of
that good day coming when cleanli-
ness in a grocery store, especially,
will actually be considered next to
bout four years ago the firm decided godliness. Back of the main sales -
to retire froni a general trade, and room is the flour, provisions and feed
to thereafter confine themselves more departments, well fitted up with re -
particularly to dry geode and eldth- ference to these lines. The basement
ing. ' These lines have since remained is used for heavy groceries chiefly,
their specialties. .Hancisome premis- and is 'also a most desirable apart -
es are had in Cardno's block, the first, ment. The seed trade of the house is
flat, basement and part of the second another important feature. The firm
flat being used. Our readers geners report trade as "looking up," , and
ally 'know of the character of the trade they are certainly sparing nb effort
done. • Ample stocks are shown, good to render the house a favorite to the
taste and judgment being manifested purchasing public generally.
in selections, and it is no wonder that WILSON & YOUNG
the house not only retains but adds The grocery and crockery trade of
to its old-time popularity. Ordinarily town has a number of representatives
five persons are required in the sales- as can well be imagined. Prominent in
room, and employment is given to an the list of firms engaged in these
average force of seventeen in the mer- lines of trade we may name Messrs.
chant tailoring department, while dur- Wilson & Young. The co -partnership
ing the busy season this fotce num- between Messrs. Charles Wilson and
heras many as 21 or 22. This de-, Andrew -You,ng was formed six years
partment is of r' special prominence ago then succeeding to Mr. Wilson,
with the firm and is presidedover by who had been' engaged in a similar
their cutter, Mr. T. K. Anderson, line of trade for two years previously.
whose ability to "give fits" is conced- by the way, has 'been a resident
ed by all. Very much of Mr. Me- of this vicinity all, or nearly all, his
Dougall's time is occupied with his life; while his partner, Mr. young
produce business—he is a large -ex- has lived here for the past eight or
porter of butter and cheese; so that ten years. Messrs. Wilson & 'Yousig
the every day management of the are domiciled .in Scott's Block, and
house largely falls upon Mr, Halley. have a salesroom 100x22 feet. The
ed. is apparent, and in conclUsion we basement is also• Used. The stock
That he is equal to the duties involv-
May state a well known fact: that shown ,is that common to first class
grocery houses, embracing all man -
the house not only commands a large
ner of staple and fancy articles, and
patronage, but the confidence of the selected with the view of meeting the
people as well. wants of this market. Crockery and
G. & H. JACKSON glassware are also specialties, and
Although the above named firm that department is equally complete
does not; strictly ,speaking, come un- with the tother. The firm also handle
der the classification, "merchants of large quantities Of produce each year
Seaforth," yet they are ,entitled to a for shipment, 'their purchases ox but -
representation herein,because • of sev- ter and egg amounting to a consid-
eral reasons. In the first place, erable sum annually. Indeed, we can
their's is the Oldest established mer- in all fairness state that the business
cantile house in this section: in the has shown marked improvement each
second place, it is an interest which year despite the increase in number
controls a very large trade and which of grocery houses here, and this fact
stands well with the people; and in speaks well of the popularity of the
the third 'place Egniontiville, where firm, both members of which are
the firmiblocated; is almost a part Young men. They give their own
personal attention to the business, too,
and also usually require two or three
assistants in the house. As members
of the trade 'circle of Seaforth Messrs.
Wilson & Young have made a place
for themselves, and The Expositor
can cordially wish them combined suc-
There are few residents of 'Seaforth
who have been connected with the
business interests of this section for
a longer time than the gentleman of
whom we now write, Mr. John Kidd.
Twenty-four years ago he) located at
Harpurhey and opened a store and
tinware house, and fifteen years ago
he removed from Harpurhey to Sea -
forth. Three years after he added
builders' and general hardWare to his
other busimeSs, and his trade has been
a consolidation of these -lines ever
since. Mr. Kidd has been continu-
ously in trade excepting for about two
years. In 1866 he sold out • to Mr-.
Fee, but in 1868 re-establishea
ness. Ilte was not' long in regaining
his old trade, and to -day he has as
firmly' established a business and as
prosperous as any a our merchants.
To better accommodate this business.
Mr. Kidd is now building a brick
block, which . promises to be one of
the handsomest in town. The build-
ing will be 100x30 feet, two floors ad
basement and surmounted by a tower.
The cornice is to -be Cif galvanized iron
and so are the window caps, each
handsomey letriamentedi and wheat
coxnpletect, as it will be in October,
will add very much to the appearance
of Main Street. He is also building
the store adjoining 60x19 feet, for 1V1r.
Mitchell. Mr. Kidd is not only thor-
oughly familiar with the hardware
and stove trade, but he is a practical
mechanic, and sin his Workshop "en
ploys several persons. He has taken
first prizes at Provincial EXhibitions,
and ,in every way sheisn that he was
competent to elteente all world in his
line in the best possible manner.
Carrying large stocks d geode arid
conducting business at small expense,
he has Won isticcess, and live gladly
make mention of the fact,
(Continued fiat Week.)
of Seaforth, the Messrs. Jackson's
'business, and continued - it until re- , establishment being about one mile
'ng here in 1863. He at once put distant from 'Cardno's block. These
a frame building on the corner of
Main and Huron Streets, where his
brick block now stands, and itswas
the only 'building at that time on that
side of Main Street i between the Hur-
-on Road and the station. This pro-
perty was destroyed by fire in 1876,
and immediately after Mr. • Campbell
began the erection of the brick block
to which we have already referred.
This block comprises three warehous-
es, each'two flats and basement, a por-
s . s•tion of the upper flat being used as
Temperance and Foresters' halls, and
the remainder for work rooms. For
his business • Mr. Cansfil5dfl uses the
.corner store, which affords every con-
wenience in the matter of good. light
and abundant room. Here one, finds
all manner of material adapted to
the needs of mescaline hurnarlity—
the real speciality 'of the business is,
of. course, the making of clothing to
order, and there is an abundant stodk
of foreign and domestic goods from
'which t� make a: 'selection. Ready-
inade clothing and furnishing goods
:are also specialties. Mr..0ampbell is
'his own cutter, and certainly a life.
tisne experiend ought to qualify him
•- for the posititi ordinarily gives
' *env e t to , dozen or more work-
aiL sp, and the business
anoveg a/Ong ' epermiSly, as it ought.
Tberels iy contrast to be drawn
-betwek triness as it is now and
as 'it a* ini1850, !hitt the changes
eileffe4ted.bytIVIr. Campbell's -
are -certainly rea.sons for the follews
ing comments: The firm of G. & 11.
Jackson is composed of two brothers,
who have passed most of their life
in Canada. Twenty years ago they
established business at Egmondville,
and from that day .to this have been
clearly identified with the work which
in that early day opened up to the
pioneers and which has been so cred-
itably carried out by those pioneers
and their saccessors. So far as their
mercantile relations to the community
are concerned, the MeSsrs. Jackson
fill a double part. They are dealers
in general merchandise, and in that
capacity control a miery large local
business. They are also wholesale
liquor dealers, and as such have a
trade that extends to nearly all parts
of Huron, Bruce and Grey Counties,
as well as into Perth and Wellington.
This business has been developed to
an extent that one would hardly have
thought possible, and it has only been
done by persistency of application, by
putting goods upon the market at
prices which enabled the house to
compete with others wherever locat-
ed. The result- has certainly been
notable; and &Serves commendatory
tnention. Jacksoir are
also manufacturers. They: operate a
tannery in• Egmandville; annually
turning ea, large quantities of calf,
sheep skin, and russetts, the market
for 'Which is general throughout the
Province. All told, the firm employs
fifteen or mere persons, and thus addk
materially to the wellbeing of the
-comMunity. Mr. Henry Jackson
spends large portion of his time
upon, the read, looking after the in-
taresis of the house while his bro.;
titer, the senior partner, attends to
the business here at borne. Mr. Geo.
Jackson is also the.postmaster of Eg-
inendville and agent of the Montreal
Telegiltik Coln:Pliny. Ile hat' also
been «niteT proMinentl yeonnetted with
the COnServative, parts*, and is now a
Candidate tion titte riding feic the Lo -
dal aelite. Politically, tlia -Expoci.
have be
energy and perSeierariee, and he has
-good reason to take sorp pride in the
Few firm names in this section are
Ile well known as the one which heads
this article, and we accordingly inake.
!some mention of the house and of the
gentlemen who control its fortrines,
'The copartners are A. G. MeDoligair
and A. Maley, their partnership datt
ing froin Abut five years ago. Thoth
gentlemen are Septa by birth, and the
senior of the firm is one of, our
.residents. He used to be in trade in
• r s
Come the last days expecting wonderful bargains ---sale price'"
ed still lower for the final clean -up -of our-wintermerchandise
begin to list the tremendous savings tfiat are being offered.
around---you,virill be astounded.1 REMEMBER SATURDA-
reinepHdous Reductions
A special group of Dresses selling at half 'prim and less. These con-
sist' of Satins, Crepes, Jerseys and Tweeds. ,Brand new styles and color-
ings. Trimmed in the most fashionable ways. Priced at half price.
Rack 2
This group presents all the new -style
Dressess-this season's smartest—
Crepes, Satins and Georgettes. A
most attractive selection in the new-
est color effects. You will simply
marvel at these wallies. Sizes 14 to
- • '
Rack 3
Silk,' Canton and Georgette, Dresses,
all new, extra quality, all this sea-
son's attraotive colors and color corn-
binations. Novelty sleeves and many
with jackets; correct lengths. Values
up to $20.00. Styles suitable for af-
ternoon or evening wear, fir fact any
time. A wonderful bargain!
Regular $2,5 Coats
We are going to clear out our Ov-•
ereoats. We have decided to crit sale
prices still lower:- You can't resist
buying at this price. All the sea-
son's newest Blues, Greys and Browns,.
etc. A final clean-up.
Regular $35
newest Coats—heavy weights •
also. They are our very best
This rack has been reduced 1ower
, .
real snappy styles, All the in s,,,ii
p.ngorrnida:1,i,jaccolnealo-urnpsiuopi. so In051A : . ,,,, , 1
4' 'I
• `'.
‘11111111111111111.11.11rDress Goods
A wonderful showing of
Silks, 'Satins, Crepes, Vel-
vets in all the new color-
ings.; also linings and trim-
mings. Sale Price
20 per cent. off.
Final Clearing
Ladies' Winter Coats
A group of lovely new Winter Coats,
slashed to half price and less. They
are heavy tweeds with fur collars and
cuffs, lined and interlined for extra
warmth. The styles are excellent.
Anyone wonld do well to purchase
one of these, even for next year's
wearing. Final clearing
All this year's newest and best Coats
are represented here.. Finest quality
Chongas, Crepes and Broadcloths,
beautifully. lined and fur trimmed.
Colors are Black, Brown, Green and
Final Clearing
13.75 $18.75
Free Pant.
By special arrangements with Can-
leading clothing manufacturers,
we are authorized to give a pair of
pants FREE with every special order
Suit, ordered during the month of '
Jannasy. This is a real opportunity
to save from $7.00 to $10.00 on your
Spring Suit.
Orders will be taken for Easter
$27.50 to $35.00.
• WOrk Sox
Heavy weight, pure wool Work
So; dark grey shade. Regular 50c.
imogn monks virtu an
ntien FOR rim
• Group I •
Reduted to the Last Cent.
Men! You can't afford to pass these up. We have a wonderffil selec-
tion at this ,price. Real snappy Suits, good popular styles and in fabrics
that will give months and months of hard wear. Tailored 'by well known
makers and sold with our_gnjarantee to give perfect satisfaction. —Yea
• must come in and see these Suits at •
Fancy ;Rayons and Crepes -
These have been the sensation of the' Sale. You'll
"have to see'these to appreciate thezn. tegular
to 81.50 Yard.
Sale Price 65c yd
Roller TOWelling
'Roller Towelling of pure linen, 18 inches wide,
heavy weight; colored borders. Also Brown and
White stripe. A give-a.way price!
, 17c a yd.
Group 2
'Here is a group that has never been
equaled before in material, style,
workmanship and PR110E.
We have all the desired colors and
• patterns in 'both- light and dark
shades. Come in expecting to see
real bargains at
Group' 3
Men who desire the best will choose
these Suits. They are our best suits
—Lovely Worsteds, the best money
can buy; '.style s and: patterns to snit
both young and old. You'll never get
a chance like this again. •Come ex-
pecting a real bargain. You'll get it
1Linen Towels
For both hand' or dish drying. Fine
quality, all pure linen. Size 16 x
inches.' Extra value.
1 3c each
Full Fashioned
Pure Silk Hose
• Finest tmality, new style, cradle foot
and full length, in all the wanted
shades. Sizes 81/2 to 101/2.
Lowest Price in Years. •
Noll -Run SiIk Bloomers,„::
Extra good quality silk, good- as-
sortment of colors; Well made. '
Regular 79e. 490
79c pair
New Spring Prin
36 inches wide, fag color
necir patterns big varietrtif Colors.
Nro tkids t)ti