HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-15, Page 8I . ., , lv,X�,­�A J ­,� 'I �*.;4.ti�ip , ,:, , �, ,. . , I , ;;;'1q,t4t11,, ", . , � " X�­ 1;11.'.,t"f 11 ­ - 1, I I , i I I N. K)LZk 'RZ,31,�,�,A..If4.' ��:kZ�-�,�,��,,.����.",I-f?IL"�,""�!��..'�'.�'���,-,�',4 ,;,X-,��,*�",,'I",""Fjlt,r�,�i��-".#�%Z.I.fl��L�..!"�',-.,'11.:"",I�., , % R 1) -',�� � �, � ,,.Ilf li ,%, I I 1 IN � �Ippl�-� '. 4�v.�:-j,;L ­,­­ - �i ­ ; ,- -r, v. , -:1-.,.1-7- �+" � %­ � � -, - ""', , ,. :, T, , �11` A, yr.� ��`,, " � �- : ;�,,,%, I �,pg, 3X `IAONMI�19 ""' 311,4�01.,Nll, V, T4,1A " , : �11­ — _r1k - " —ZAL, NFx;,F � .1 _�" �,RNW`��! - . , , .,. OA��M" 11"! 114 p Ili 410 ,� , . , "I R X o MIN 0 11 , . I I '. I . I " 'T _.. � , I , - . �11' '01 .1� �11. i ,� '.. Vll�*__b�_. ... � r— ,, . , _ 1� . _.�;_', . " .1, I ", �' - . ,,,, �, . , — I " ". 1 I 9 ,�,,,!,;,-,,,�,'-'��,,,�,,,,,��"?,!��,,�,�,�,r�r��'-�,�4,'�'���,it','1, VIN" ; 0,11 1110 `Fll! P,� .13. R5, 'M2:1i't"1,' W4 Mi, � 1. 1: ":: ., N. "Z i " ,, E1,1V ''' 1, � _ z : ii�� ,�, � I I '. , . . "��. 2� ... ��� 1. 1, � 1. 41, i , -,., , I ! � I'll, 11- I , . ­­ , I -1 - "". . - � , I ....... 1. , I . 11.1, �, .. 11 I 'M � -14 "I I � �­ , �. � . , . f . , , li I , R I , , ��:,.�."­ I :,. 11 . I—— I ;.�,�: :��.1�t­:� � � . � I j, 44" . I . . ,� - X YIN" I _ , � , 1115 " . -1 _____� I ,�,r,g, .1 . -­­­ � � 1W "" 14, I . '1� ... f 1 � - . . , �._'­,_.., ,* . 1. A �e I , n I I= ;,�­ ,,�`t- ". il. ". � _id . , ", �% ;. il. _,� `�, 141�tt"".; , �h - , , . � � I _� k - 1 P . �_;� '" , _� " ; . I . I .., : I � , , .0 . -:`- _ ,,,, ,. NA 4"'4 �. '' " -, ,,,, , I W., - I . . . I . .. .1 , ,�_., -.-, .� , I . I - - _,�._____ .11 -.11111-1 ­." ... 1111.11,�"-..",."",�"-,'�""�-.It P! 11 _ � _1 ­..., R�'r, I., ­­�77, —.,.,. "" -,77'."'. . . I I 7111P, M , "Imn I 1.1 0. 70! '"MIR"F777, t."'. ­ -1;.1..11.- ... �"., I , , -,': . ....... 0-1. � I.. .. . . I I I �. I , (,I, , � . � k . �._ ?iii�ll I , _1 4 I . � I , � ;', i � . ­ - _11� '4p'.��;4'0 �`,;;��'�' � .�� "I � ,- ". I ,, ,.w I - I � � � . - 6 , , * Al" , - ", , I . I " � gi , - ; � ;1 .`;� A Broa** �, ' 0- I nPIP �_ ,;. ,.!i ... i.. X, �. .'' , 11� __ � , , ­­­. ­ 1171-11. , , w I , �, " U�nf uen,,montw. . "I I. - ,. , . I I : I " ,.A�. . .1 . , . .� T , . lice, -W ompsop; -re,cor I Mel 114 w4s .0.9 #4 exceRtional 77. .." .­..�1­1.11' I .. � I - ­ I , . ,., ____ __-�. ., -1 ; . I . , � , "' , * i _". - ­_­_;,� ! i , -1 24-111- Q " � , 'm R - hied, tbIxisr,,,bod: for ft 1, a , , : "I " ", I "" . , . ,.An -1 . E , , :0 , 1,."��1110116, , J1 , I � . ry, e t ;Malcolm., � oaltio# and . the general 1. . . . I . . . � . , __ . I . 41 . ch4rful cus. 4�, " 11; !,.� - _:.e . I......- � I , � , _�, lw­ . . _- I I 'Reiiadt I . r, tkepq � B' X10"! NO " � PAP . co ' ent of - or c011era was that they I . . . . I " !16 -6, - �. t.-------, � . I -, J —as S . secret r elopu Thouipso, . I I - 1I. _ , .. 0 . I I ", . . . V '�,',;,_o ­ � � . I . , � t- ,., q . .. ,. . . �J-­.,j.W - ­ . I ­ �114ce,,ipreas socretuy" 1� had receive a ,brighter - outlook -on ., L . ­- _i14 �11 . 11.0,1- � . , - . , , 1, � . . , All 'a I , .­ I - - . 1"'11 ii��ffi 7aw, I _414ps. Regularly Xvalexlaa 0 " ate .1561 -111i after viAting her bedside. Her A .. ". . . . % " ,� . I . - iv I =. qv�- , We have a limited number of .. I I ,. . ­ . �. ­ - I ,0(1. L. er F . I I � 1;1,,�_ i —.--' . 1 , 1_1 , I.; I . - �. , C retary, ,Gladyis "Coleman; era Mwms *,f A*h Grade Note 'husband ,predeceased her three and a .. ,:.,. .. , 11 �. 1. 4.:3,W 1 .� I ­­ 11 �f I � ... .� . . I I 1� -Tyu� ., , . I - � 11 ­_ .. ... :,',� ,...._ . ZW ANMONU-2 f6r 150; secretary, Violet St., V, half years. ago. She leaves to mourti , � % .,. �' , " Dbes not Shrink wool�- � , Migs Lawrence vavo A . Paper an . ". her iileoiiriure, one da6ighter, AUjA I I gr, ", � ,d, V,,Avelopes. These- , . . ,Oc, Townsend. . . �� , _`:�� . 1� . 11 - 61 . I Compound with oome. in both. White and f,,Dl- .1 11�� z4 , ­ -1 - 1 ",,'I'll, "' , 11 d � –.–.. "; . . , ...... �� . . . . 1.t�l ler� -fade colors in garments . . very helpful' address At tae XnAux- , ours., some with fanq;, edges, Mima, Melville; two si-sters, Miss, Ad- :1, ,.. ­� . '.. 6 � --nw. - " . " ;; ...... 1. �! 1 . .1 ) , , , , , ; ..., �. 1. .. . - . 4 1, 1. : % .. , lied ,according to diree- ' .4offerin � ' T ,� I I . . ­ .. . I � . , ,� " 1- '__ I 4, V_ go wag .g meeting u- 6r `-- dling .� " W_ i . I ,., yerman,-Seaforth; Mrs. Jas. ' , . I .111, ,�­�� . . � . others are plCiii. Regula ,,""", . . ,­, � �� � .� 11 , .. �� f .. 91#11 � . . . ing, December 12th., ,--The eolleetipn � I --1 I'll I; - - Creosote, Z�­.& a o, and one � . 10 � � . �, -P "is - . . I 6d. . . 85c, and,75c value, for / RID, lee, Londeabor I , - . . I—, 1. . w I . . � I ,,, �V,11_,l ", . , I ISON .BA,KING POWDER amounting to $6.41 was reeeiT, I � I I . I I 1C.. . The - � -11- ,,, . I . . I .. , T.;" , I brother, . Benson Tyerman, Seaforth. . . M., " J.&Q 'W ffas long been, . If I W _ 7 . - treasurer's report .showed that the . CENTS EACH -. - T-116se fr9W. out of town who attend- .� I . 1 '41 1 .% , .1 ', ;. 4CAnS, 2, "W I "', . , I ��es� - is increasing in . . allocation had been reached. The new ' .09 � . ed the f�nqral qf the I -ate Mrs.. - - . � . . �' . . — . i i',t�. A) , ,: .seller .And .. . . I - ' . MI "I i .04 . ... I ` Lawrence Melville on Tuesday were: Yard -wide good -quality"Fac . - � Pv ,, I . I iarityl. There is a redson. The ideal remedy ,for perslst� ofters bad their duties explained to .1. I " 41. ft I ,,, ' -1 . , 0M. ,4,'J� .a, -,ao ther4., the topic. fo,ir the evening, . �), Sev '... SNtQWDX'FT SHREDDED: ent cold oug4s, -bronchitis I I .1111 R15 . . ... Mr. PercyiTyerman,!Heussels; Mrs. F. . .1, 00 pound' ......25C -arid ;wihmatie conditions " ,Wai'ably taken by Th- pson is Oster, -Mr. a tory Cotton . m - 121/zc Tara ,00ANUT-Ver. . � .. . Peace Ou� Task'.' . ,, nd Mrs.. J. Fgirservice,. . Will( �_;,�, ,. G - LIGHT' BULBS -255, 40, . . ,T= Also an Exce'llent, Tonic Build� Jean -Smith, Jessie Smith and Gladys . Blyth; Mr -and Mrs. J. Melville, Mr. The - I ' � I . .- .., - I � . ,,n-­­i*P-6,Q!s,- -each--25c, or 6 for., .$1.00 . Coleman. Ali en yed the solo by .'Book Sttire, 'Seaf6rth and Mrs. James E-Fairservice,AsIr., I .. 01 �� 1:4�'. ner I .. � " I � , ' j9 i 1� - Yea may er in ge al run down condi� IDthel Jacksoll . th or9AN­­-Subscr11Ai4ns taken f,6r new.9pap I I _ . . 11��, I , . ,, Pgoranteed i,60.0 *hours. -a d the plou . era and -Mrs. Robert Fairservice, Mr. and I ' 1,, 11 tions. lection by L..Richardsbn. The meet - MI, " a low prices bukean You, get . se Mrs. William Carter, Mr. and Mrs. I I � .. I ,; t ' . . and magazines at pixblisber's prices. " � "I "i ... Pure Linen, color - border" I I , ,1Z. . :� .fgT - in c . - . IV I I I - � �,44 - , lk'. ..p� guarantee? I '16 -OUNCE BOTTLA. $1.00 1 9 losed With the h ' ymn, "We Have 11 . , � , � ­ . George,Carter, Mrs. Win. Fairservibe, .- I .... .... I , 1: Ci-,:� .�, ..'A4sT-'0,GP.AT 1PEA.'S---4Large, 15,D. Sound" and thei-Miz,,-, Londeaboro; Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Wil- To-�relling, 20c. quality. . f '.. . . . . . . . . ­ d * i r; pet- tin ....... . � pah �Benedlction. They were. -.,th � — I 11 - � . . .. . I ­ ,, ,�:� �= eri . Juie3 ell .1.1 ,son, Mr. and Mrs. i Warren Hutchison, . 1. __ I ,, . �. ��, 1 1% ,9* . At � Y -O'" . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchison, of - -7 � 12c Yard I � . I gie compare, favorably with 2ft joined by the members of'othe ung, ., .� � ,,, I .... -11.1.- ......... .... I . - 1- _ 11 . Bk � . . �� I I " .14LN�g ' fin... 2. Meres...,,Q - Mrs. Cecil Stewart,' Exeter; . � .I..". ­_­ . I . I -.--.- I i . ;; _,� 1� --tharm acy was spent. . . . I injuries. in a -motor car accident on Miss Ayra'Hutchisoii and Mrs,_Qlark, � I,!,,,. � . . . I � A I I CAN TOMATOES (Or Kea * i's . _.1pb and a social half hour ceiving Vhat were thought to be minor ,Staffa I . �0�rn, (peas And Tomatoes., assorted) � 9 � ., - Sunday, afternoon, Mrs. Sarah Fitz. Mitchell-; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zubrigg .�� . � ,� . N _1,1:1. , ' for 2-a. cents. I I . - Lov6ly. W,t..Flannelette, yd. . I . ;�1111 .. The Rexall Drug Store . I I gerald; mother --of Mrs. H�nry E. and Mrs. Hairris, Stratford. I TEXAS ,SVEbLF . nit � �.�, I - , . ,bS. GRAPE 25,c . For S��le­-Essex ooach. 1926 model: motbr., Fow.jg�, 1267 King Streeti died TWb- . . I I ..... Ql� ­ I � I , � . I - . �� ­ . wide, stripe pkterpis, a sur?- I., S 7- 1 _.. 1,kt FRUJT--�Good size; 4 for..'. ont. overhaulctl. Moving - to U: S. $75,00. R. . Dry G ds I... - . . : Seaf9rth, * 4ay at her daughter's . home. Mrs. - . UU, ' ... � I, I .. MacKenzie, lirucefit�141 '. I .... .. I I 1. .1 . "I'll. � .... 11�-IJL BRAND FR.ENCH 8344x" Fitzgerald, whose home 'was at 82 .. I . prise at .......... �.-�A5C YaM .. 11 'I . ' 1. ,,'= . , _ I I nstitute.-The :Women's . . - I :, .. I I I . ea ­i '.. � enue, Toronto, was visiting. Institute held their regulat meeting . I I I &"� CASTILE. SOAP -large bar 30C . I Warifed—Parties to knit for us at hoTe. Corley AV Women's I , %--�11; ... lo. . I . . .. : � ­-'�: AVIAN CASTILE S1OA ,Send stanip -fox pariticuiliaM. Hom;e' knitting ­ I , ,,CAN I . SS44-tf at the h6we of her. daughtei. in thiii � -,.,. is I 1�e . . , ; __ � ". : - Company, 7i4 Dundus Fast, Toronto. ' " city.....Oii Sunday afternoon, while on Wednesday afternoon, January 13, . . I � . _. � I � . P 2k __ , . .�­ ..1. 9,� cakes � ......... : .......... For Sale—One choice Duiham:i years I . . ­ - .t qqw 7 at the home of Miss Maybelle Rinds, .... I IfOR&T SOAT (and a proper old, due Janu4ry. 4th. Apply to W. M. .13prout, riding in, the rear seat.',of--her-son * 1�.'_'.� I". I. I 1 O.0 THE HURON EXPOSITOR I . "liii� twenty members being prese&. "Miss White Turkish Towelling,. . � IF �. - good one), 3 cakes ......... . Tile Yard. Phone 136 .V 2. I 8342-2 law's car she suffered injury. , . a : ,.- . . I -_1 I ., ­­ . y Mt' May Wallace presided. , The roll call ,� ..: .�� ,STAR FLOUR -Most PoPu- ,For ?jafe.—A fur lined�coat in good condi- Fowler was driving east on Dundas .. 1 e . 25c Yard. ' 1� 4 1� �'_ �i . J - - --- __ Nms an,5.wered by a place of intcrea'� � - I I ....... . . ,� � Jar for quality "and -pric . tion. Apply to ... Andrew Arch . ibald, Box 262, -eet, just west of . Quebec Street, . . � � . ,;, . e,, $2.5 0 ' Seaforth. P-h6na 44 W.. . 8337-tf when a car 4 riven, y . . Thompson In our country and why., Following . , il . Sti :7'----- Per cwt . ................ DISTRICT MATTERS I Remnants -3 Th8. Prints $1.00; 3 lbs. Sklk 1'' ' b " ... )E H �he business discussion an interesting .... 1. , " , . IM LUXE JELLY POWDEIRS I I...'' Velvets-- or, 'CpAonnes - - $140. Agen.1% deale,; of the Richmond Hotel, skidded 'on. addi " � � . . ___ . .... �r.._ — wanted. A. McCreary Co., Cftthaxa� d'n,L the road as -it was approaching. -the eas on "The VOae' of. Winter Tub. F int -, �, I � Id Recreatic�;" was given. by "...­.- .., pat- . 1-1.... . . 25c ast Pr 1 9, good ' I ­ 19pecial .............. 6 for _.... , , , , ,, - , - ­ . 1% . . . I . for 25c. and with each 4 packages, I ­ terns ..... * ....... 15C Yard - . .", r �, I . , I XcLARERIS JELLY POWDERS -A First PresbyteriAn, Chqrch.__4li*1. . $303-tf F�'ow . ler car' from the east. The two Gertrude Webster.. Dorothy - Broad- I U .- .,:. -. . � � .. 1. B. Kaine will have for his ON' .;iachines collided,' aad....F�)W-Idr`i ma- S , ports: Ali . 7 Yo . ..., ...... I..... . . I 11, . . . . foot gave 'a ,Vivid description of her . � I - � I � I . ' � . � -one fancy aluminum Jelly Mould. subject on _5pndAy. morning, Janu- I chine was forc�.d over the curb. Mrs. trip to the Royal Winter FaiT in To- " - I �. , , . . .. I ,e advertised these.. jelly moulds ai!y iltb,'­�'Where' 'Man's Dominion ' COMING EVENTS Fitzgerald, the_only one injured, re- ronto. A. vote of thanks -was tender- I , , _ ..... �, 1. 11 '. pa, .. W . ­ .. � . I . ... . I . 6 1 � - . � 1". *ver a month ago, but owing to the Ends," and in' the evening, "That My liceived several fractured ribs - and . . 1i , I . a ed Maybelle Rands for the use' of her I . ..� � Pure Bleach Sheeting, best, ' _7 IL, - . ...- .tremendous demand for them the Tongue Sin Not." . (Itenu under this head will be charged at bruises. Nbt thought to be seriou ly home . ter , .. . a sb . ....- -manufacturers' couldn't produce wo � the rate of 25 cents each insertion), hurt, she was taken to h,er daughter's If which a delicious lunch _ 75c quality ....... 59c Yard. . � I Seal ' . . . was sbrved. . . Have. - I ,,, I , home ..... . bat, due'to her Advanced age , � 101% W . I . Aug ".:,� � " them fist , - enough. We expect Collegiate At Home—The annual R.C.T. Alumni, Meeting 'in the Collegiate fail ­­­- - I , , . " . .. . , � them this week, howsver. . L At, Home of the Senforth Collegiate 18th. at � ed to fddd,V�r. The funeral ser- . � .,.., _ I - — . I , � ­ .. . low( _�. . . I . , d.toriu.m on Monday, January . � . 11 I . Instl6ite will be - held on January aurn. . . SS44=1 vice will b64,,�`At;her daughter's home I � I - 1. * ' busi , -1 ,Y' ' Interment will LOCAL BRIEFS ' ' "M .. *, gow ,,_1 ISon -29th, providing present plans mater- Seaforth Canadian Legion Euchre and Thursday at, 3 p.m. I , , . ". ialize. This is the Dance, 22nd. . be made,in Bowmanville on Friday at . . I .Lovely Pure Wool Blankets, H � I . I.F...".P. " Hutch i annual School -lauuary � � . I , , I.."..." . �` - tN . . . . I. � M ' ' Fitzgerald Was the Mr. ,Di Shanaban'left this week. for , I Rose, Mauve, Blue Checks - - ' , - to t �, � _ dallce and 19 looked, forwd.td' to with , I 2 'P.M." A5 - I . " . ; ! �', Phoni6',Phor Phood—_166 " . I -mother of Misl­-HArry. Stewart-, Of North Carolina, where he will spend . ­ .. . � . I . , much interest by the students. . , Been fort, , � . I . . � 11; , ' this town, and 6sides her other the winter months. " . . $5.00. On sale at _,. . $3.9.5 ...... , .. - ".. . 1.� I -_ I . 1.111. .... - - . -10. . I Chief of Police Appo' e . . oun ( I � meri ", . . — . w .. - .11, I � . I . - , Euchre at L. 0. B. -A,. Lodfte --- �The - daughter, Mrs. Fowler, of London,'is Miss Elsie Davidson, of Wroxeter, , . . .­ ­ 11truf I . ,1� ;­ . . . L.O.B.A. Lodge entertained the mem- cil at its meeting on Mo a �IaP- survived by one son,Mr. Rolland Fitz- ,was a 0 0 . , .! . pointed James V-. Rya as . guest at the. home of Mr. and I I I . .. -gent . . . I I . I I . ness -1 'Winter ' r resided. . . . . I . Miss , Pei f Men's ibb, ed'Winter ' - - ; . . . . ers and friends at a pleasing,jogghre Police. Mr., Ryan has for Of gi�ra,W, bf Toronto, with whom she Mrs, M. A. Reid. .1.1 . . � . - , Months are Here � _A , a be' � evening. . . . . . the home o I ...... ­ , . ' kik� and �. -1 - I .- I- _,: -1 � I . I .. � ­ . in the Orange Hall on WednesdAy of years been a constable in . At . a'r] Lawrence- is visiting it Heavy R ­ � mosi � . 1. . 11 �. ­ There were 24 tables in . Waifin wea .nt - . �.,.,. , Do you know that they bring increased play and prizes were won by J.ack the same meeting council asked for . .*- I I f er cousin, Dr.- Humphry, - � , Under r ... . .79c. Garme I Y'.. , . HAZARDS? application -i for the position of. -assist- .. I .. at Ottawa. - 9 . I I I "1-_.._._. --"-..,. . pow, " � Hotham, lone , hands; Herb. Box, ant.constable. This constable will act Des of Mrs.- -'Lii[wrenee­M-elville.- .Miss Margaret"Casels'v'Isiting with . ...... .. . ' ' . ` eats '1:� I , . . . 1. ­. . " " — .1 " ... : ._;::­� games, and Mrs. Sam Hanna, games. . I I � I .1 I I � the . . The d-2 .�ds. THE' FIRE HAZARD -Let us check as --night watchman and will be on I th of Mrs. Lawrence Bf6lville Toronto frien ' * ' ' 1-1- I . .. "P I . occurre , d at her residence' Sparling , .Messrs.' R'.',`M. Jones, _G­.D� Fergu- I I � I . I I 1, . . I I .. . � ,'.. your fire Policies. You may not be Mitch Stock is Shipped From Fac- duty from 7 p.m. -until 6 a.m. y . son, W.. J. Duncan and J. E. Keating IStanfield's R -d Label'Men's I ,-. - , fully protected. I . ' 41 . Street, Seaforth, on Sunday morning, ' . .. I . tory.-The Canada Furniture M,qnu- . 10th, and the funeral se I ' . ... . 11 �,. , - . 1. . . . . 'Milk Fed�'- Arrangements were January rvice were in Toronto this week. .� For , Underwear . .$1.45 Garment ' . � . a fix . �, -.:,--.­�..:­ AC,CrDENT AND SICKNESS HAZ. factur'ers-completed the shipping of I , Tuesday, January Mr.'and Mrs,. M. McKellar spent . . 1 4 :1- , . A of., finished and -semi- completed, this week whereby pupils Nvas 'conducted on I I � I .. I I qol %, Seal . ".,; I ARD -We can protect your earn- sOlil(' 18 c4 of the S, 12th, with her past'or, Rev. W. I? tlie_week end with friends in Strat. . i . '. , , . 1. .. . . � . ,� eaforth PuWic School will re- .. . . . I . ,.,:. 1. .. celve Lach morning a hg1f pint bottle Lane, of Northside United Chure�,.fOrd. . - .. I . ia� a I I . . ing power with a "Complete Di�- finished office furniture from the Sea- - � . . the , ..-:. � . I ability Poliiiiy." . . . . forth, factory this week, prior, to of rAilk to help sustain i�ienl: dai-ing officiatitig. A pieasing duet, "Safe in 'Mr. R. S. 'McKetcher, of Toronto, , 1.1. . . � .. 1. closing !the plant. The ,stock was I "" " §pending a few holidays at his I � -1.11.11 f . Ladies? Silk -Knit Bloomers, in t I,- �.. ­ . t. i ._..'_.'-W,1-N1I)STORM., ,HAZARD�-An damaz- shipped to Woodstock,''whiere It will The daSr, -'Milk is.being supplied b; the, Arms of Jesus" was rendered by Is -,cKill-op. . � . . . all shades _'.'.. .. 4-lic Pair . of f . I I . . . I -local dairfes� - The sc'heT6e is under Mrs. Lane, Mrs. -A. -F; Pluff' Mr. E. home Ili M . is . I . . . . . . ­ :. ingly srnall premium will protect be sto�ed. I _­.­­.­._ . the auspices, of t . School Chamberlain and �M . . I [It Mrs. R. B. Williams, of Stratford, " . . . . . . I . .. cent T ,. . . st serious loss. . I -0. . -he Home and r. R. E. Brig] . I I. . . . emb � you ,again I . I Internignt took place in Ma'itlandbank Is A guest at the' home of her sister ­ �1.11.1. I . . . .1 . . , ' ' Club and tfie staff, of -the school. . . * ' ' "'i . _11_11 . . W.11M. S. Ladies in Clinton -"Mrs. ­ I -1-1 "I " . ...­­_ cemetery. The pallbearers were Mrs, H. J. Gibson. . - - ­ I%: " . - ` ' . ' ' . 1. i'us i..11 Dw LI ING BURGLARY and FUR J. C. Qrgig,.Mrs. T. S. Smith, Mrs. - R 111essrs, Percy Tyerniall, Brussels; Mr. .W. C, Landsborough, of Port . . I 'Service Silk Hose, any I I olde r., _ i�markable Ages. -Many friendi - I %%U� :, . I � COAT_-F�LOATER 1.Z01ACY-These 1. B. , Kaine,"Mrs. C. Brodiej Mis� Semi . .1 . ma I raies . I t have been IFeatly reduced 11' join The,Expositor in extending Williarn Carter, Lcindesboro.; Williarn Credit, was here I9,st week attending "I J " he .111, . I , the funeral of his sister, the la size, the pair .......... �'. 490 "*I , , I '. Belle Campbell, Mrs. K. M. McLeai-';­�'est wishes and many happy returns Morrison, William Golding, Charles te � . . ­ . ". .� . �.. I the. �,� "d this risk is As hazardous as fire. Mrs. J. Kert and ,Mrs. Merton Zgd T 1. I � , I . I . , . . , ", . of the day Y6 Mrs. McCullough, who Adams and'Norman Carter, Seaforth. Mrs. Stanbury, of Clinton. Now it , . .1 . . . � And I ", ere in Clinton on Tuesday attend- Miss Ina Cunningliam," R.N., who, � I J� ..: I -Make this your'ingurance Check-up w I celebrated her 95th birthday"'at the Mrs, Melville was born at Oronoj Dur- �, I 1. . . ;'­ - , '_ W_ R� Month. We ­*ill gladly adjjs­(�­you Ing the Huron Presbyterial of the*'home; of her daughter, Mrs. Robert ham County 'and celebrated her 79th has been nursing 'Miss Eleanor 116n- , , . . ­ I . 'ne birthd I .- .1 -11 I ... � ....1-111.11. , � - ,_ . . AA. .. 1. I mea � I..; � , a- W.M.S. They were the s North Main Street, on Thurs . � 0 ... - , izes (RIT.- ' . aswe are -specialists in all line i ay on)iriday, January 8th. Shii �erson,, following her receint operation . Pure' Silk Glbves, S - t FIRE, LIFE, AUTOMOBILE, AC- tives of, the W.M.S. of First Presby- day of in Scott Memorial Hospital, has re-, I . to 71 I I �;� � � 'this week. Mrs, McCullough. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- , /, $1. Onea e, 69e'Pn_ .,... - � . 4�IDENT and SICKNESS, GUAR- terian Church. -0 comes of a long lived family as bet drew Tyerman, movedto Hullett when turned, to her home in. Brussels. 'A . . -1 2 ­­ 6 Ric _� Mr -E BONDS, WINDSTORM, - � . I -of age,and-was Miss Jean STWIth -and Miss Pearl I I . 4 i � I I I . �� ANT brotherij.-Mr. Thomas ,Sage, celebrated sho was,twenty years .. . fl I -1 q . ... ­ .... &I . � I �� , 1 � . . . .. REN L' ETC. . .1 ............. ... Wolf. Clubs Organize -The Senioi . Grainger spent ,the week �ead - Ny - ... I . . . I � I TA ­ his 99th birthday at married to Mr. Lawrence -Melville in .i h . 1: I ,P .. I. I . . I . � . � Boys of the Goforth Mission Band .his home in 1875. They celebrated their golden Miss Mae Smith. . . .. . '. 4". the . p . . II'v'roxeter on Tuesday, January 12th. , . Miss Louise Mills', of' I'Myth, is the -1. . *. All Wool. Dress Goods and I (I I ne "I WATSON & REED' have formed a Wolf Cubr, organiza- -14o. I wedding -in Ik5. She, was a reside-nt , . . � 1. .. f . . I . I tion under the names of,.the. Bl* Lioni� Are the Guests of the Com.. of' ,Seaforth. for nearly forty years. guest of Rev. 1. B. Kainer and Mrs. I Silks and Velveteens anct , - .. n , � . . . gnu . ' �...., I PHONES 33W 0 214 :S2AFORTR Wolf. Pack witb,,Harold Free " Sixerinwircial-Charles Dungey, proprietor For twenty years impaired health has Kaine, at the Manse. . . Silk Velvets and Cordaroy,.. I. ,.. oce . 1. . and the Blue Wolf Pack' with, Rich- -� Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays and Me.- -- . ' I L , . 'i I , , � . . . - ­ - I of the -Commercial Hotel, entertained made it impossible for hell to aritici At . -35"per ceiii,6W ­ . R . � ,, . . qrd Box a,§ Sixer.' .Ian Mcl;ean is, c ' ulp the Seaforth Lions, .Club at,a dinner pate in'active life and she has been beorie Hays were in , Toronto this. - . 1 25 per cent,to I � .�....­Ahe � . I . I I master; Jean Scott, social convenor, in the hotel'on Monday evening.. The . . . week. i A . . . I . ,;, . 0 and Mrs. Brodie, leader. . . , . 'Mr. J. E. Wfllis was in - Toronto , V . mill . I . I ... * 1 40 " :. I .. 0 . -01.. I — . meeting was in charge ot'Lion J. E - 11-1 . , . . this week. , . . . . I I . . � . . . . L.. -.,eat 1. . I , . I I I . . � I . '�" , Keating, Very interesting �reports in . . I ­­ , . eel � I . I r . .." . . '0 &. T. � Holmes & Son 0 Is Again Assbs.o,.-M,. John Mura colinection ,with the Christmas' tree .0. I Buy Smallwares and Yarns, 2-46 ,�, I ray, who has been feappointed asses- I I I . 1- �. <> FUNERAL SERVICE � -0 stockings and Christmas cheer were I I 2 - .,_ ,ii, " :,. - <>' Main Stredt, SeafGrth ', . <> sor for the township Of Tuckersmith, given by the conveners of the com- . BETTER ST Ma T%&.. .S, 20 per -cent. off - . . I... 1-1.1 . . ber : 0 will begin his fifteenth trip as asses . COLUMBAN . I I ... I . � I . * , I I - inittees, Dr. C. Mackay, Dr.­Bechely Seaf rth Canadian Le�ion, Euchrp and' - . __, . I . � � I ... . 'Plo . � 40 , S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 sor of the township this week. Until and Mayor Daly. A total of Jig par- Dance,o January --122nd. . ., I I . ., . ...". d . I ..... .1 ...... 4t> Goderich .Street, West; phone . ,0 four or five years ago Mr. Murray eels of good cheer BARBtRING I I � . . . , , ' ' " t le- ' �4. "".., ... T -0 made the annual trip .on foot, but of , 470 stockitigs and _ . . I . - r ­ . . . . . 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' a number of donations of fowl were . Rev. F. P. White, ,of Windsor -F via- _� Bedding, Curtains and Drap�- � t I . �, I., ; , '11> residence, Goderich Street, ,0 late keats has employed a horse and sent out. The programi was inter- � — . . . , I , I . eries ...... 20 per cent. ofr , - : .Th I, I � . I I itecT here recently. I -_ ... ,.I � , ",-, �* kAst; phone No. 308. <> buggy. spersed with community singing. A Quite a number from here attended . . , .. . 90 I -11 * - Aiintousine Ambulance Service -0 Aw cordial vote 'of thanks was t lered We specialize in better bar- the funeral of the late Mrs. Shine, of I . . . . 1. A 'Sta ' ­L� ��, . , I " I enc I.:. � . — . . ' .,., ' NorthEdde United Church. - Next N ty. , bering in our clean ilip-to-date I I I ban 91- � - Night- calls,, phone 308. <> ,Mr. Dungey for his bospitali SeafOTth., * , ,, . .. .40 . Day, calls, phone 119 J. ' -0 �y�,the minister will.speak in the 411. . 11 I . -1 ..'.... I rao - , .'' <> morning on "Strength Decayed" and I . . -_ 'Prices Lower d Cottons , every on Sund shop. Why not give us ,a, ,, The Literary Society'lleld a meet- � ' � <> Charges modeirate, trial? . ing on Friday evening, January.-Sth, . . .1, 1 10 . . -- I . .- . <> in th.e,,evening -oxi_ "Selling'the Birth- EgmondvilIe.-Tbe regular meeting . ,WEtR, at which.; the following programme thing in'stock . . . I .... sa - , � 0 0 0 0 <> �O * 0 0 * 0 0 right,' the fir a series on lessons Of the EgIrondville Young People's HAVE YOU BOWLED THIS . . be . I I � from the life and times of Ja en* . � was, rendered: Joseph Malone, the , than they � - Lcob. 8iiii- Society was, held op-Mlonday ev Ing 20 per cent.. off I '�_, i .., at i I . I . I I president, was in the chair, and the � ,. I I day School and Bible ClAss will be held with the president, Alice Thompson, . — , � . . : I , mul 1,.�._ .., ., . as usual in the afternoon. in charge. The,meeting opened with John Pullman minutes of the previous meeting were %"� . if , � � . IkT , - ' ­ O' prayer by Vivian ' Townsend. The read by the secretary, Miss Bridget have been m* years Lino'leums and Congoleums *0 .� worship period opened with- -yespon- BARBERING AND BOWLING Dejan-ey; reading by Mrs. Michael . . I I , ,, I AUTO UwISURANCE To Hold Interesting Alumni Meet- I - I Murray; a violin selection by Joseph 1 20 per cent. off I I 1*0 ­ I ing.-Ari:an.gements have been com- sive scripture reading. The hymn . . I " . i it, - - � I . . . 11 . ') ____, Burke; song by the St. Colum -ban trio, to clear . I . � !; pleted for an interesting "Day is Dying in theWest" was'then �. . . .1 1 � i I I Loet as .protect you anywhere in ' meeting of _11 .1� - - _­ - 1._.;_._____ -- John Flanneri, John Holland, Charles � I i 11 .. ":, . the Seaforth Collegii;ie Insiit.iite -sung b�nd EvAlena Nott led in prayer. I I � ... 1: I . , Canada or ther -Unitqd States with Alumni Association to be held next The . theme was taken by May Wal. Miles; reading by Joseph Lane-, in- . . I I th R., .. an AzA6 Policy thii will take a lace and the h' ­ strumental by Stephen Murray ac- our stock . Hogiery, Underii6ar. and _ � I .. emo . ."'.� . - )"d off your mind and at � , Monday evenlrfg.in t�e auditorium of ymn,, "Brieathe on Ale �. I . I I.. . I I ,companied by Marie Murray; "The Corsets ..... 20 per, cent. oir 1. I ­� , . . I I the itollegiate at 8 p.m. Business"of �reath of God" was sung. The mis- ! "t, . . I I I . .N., . I , importance will be presented and an sionary study was taken -by L. Rich� 'Columban Herald" read"by Joseph and - I . . I . I � ;. . NEW, qon and "We Havz! Heard a Joy- hea; song (by Marie and Stephen I I . ., 1, - I . .. I c.xcellent prograinryie, including Mo. ard. I � ... —, . 4 '. 1. 1. oing Murray, the. former playing the ac- . . I . th I'. - ... ... tion pictures and I ful Sound" was sung. 'The topiL. .. Going, G * ' st' . I 11,,� an exciting (ehate I h 'Z"' L'�: ". I a in w — ch ... i I 1. ­ I. .. ­ ., nier 9chool paper was very ably tak- 'lady, aTid the programme closed by . I Ov .. books of membership " '^ ....... ; � v g . V Coat in stock for .... $16'.5(0' fin Non Tariff Rate,s has been arranged.. hich was selection', from the sum- ' companiment; reading by Rose Me- give you -- Your choice of a`ny Ladies" ,, 4 � �', . . , for ally namber of,mouths you yrisb Pd to turn -therA in " en by R. Nott. The next half hour Where? singing the National Anthem. , � . - . ,e a,k ,� . , . _ , ,I, i�., . atic �.' t. qti n5i which was enjoyed by all, was in � I A very, successful sew-ing bee was -- barg a*ins -, - be-, 4 . I . . . it's worth your WhileV to see us It is hoped th�at all e7txtht�u'\d,n' w,J . held, on Tuesdo, I ". I --- . . . . . . .1_ 'bafore placing your insurance and ,turn, out. -, . charge of the ' SociaT-Convenor, G. I L I _y afternoon under the ­ I .. ­ . ,,'I its 1".. -i . .41. — Colenran. Refregliments were served ausipices, of Oe Ca*blic' Womenjs . . . I I)- 0 "I , at t1le new low n9ji-tariff rates I League. Material was purchased! and . in. 1� . . .1.1 PupiN Are Thrifty.' The report of and the meeting closed with the h'yi-nn, CanadianLeg* Coats priced to ,$20.0Q, on . � A �,'-� ; you can -not afford t6 take chance,;. the Penny Bank covering the peri6d "Blel;t Be the,Tie That Binds" and . ion inade.into clothing for needy families"'. " - ' :r, �an , . I �.��., _L- Ali claims promptly �-od satis,fac- I At four o'clock the re sale .,.,t ........ . . $7.95. . 91 until the end of'Oetober last, has just the Mizpah Beneqiction; 11 . gular mont�ly in . ;1. ... �� I .." ­' � 11 ,'�,'. torily paid. - . - � , been issued. It shows that, the pup- Euchre & Dance meeting was held with -the presid.&nt, I . ".. n ;��­' - -Night and -0 � ' . ,;,:, Ph6h�, Write 6T call� . Mrs. T. Flannery, in the chair. Af- . I i,e, . ''.1 ­ � ils,--4,-,Seaforth separate . , . . 11 , I., I. . . Day Service. I .." schools have $1,737.2.5 on deposit. In Death of M G. W, V. A. HALT, ter this a s9cial hour wag spent and � I or V!." PROM 125 tl'6--P.14�lie sc,hool, 52 per cent. of the rs. John Shine. - An - � a very, in-lViting lunch. served for all, '. Women's and Girls' Hhts to F ,; 1;1 I I -1 � �:'., esteemed resi I . 101 th .1 I . , A. D-."SUMERLAND pupils ��e' regular d positors, while dent­ef­5nfortb passed by the junior members. Everything I $09.5% f or .­,.­:­. . . . . ... . . % 79c - I 7!N! � � �, - I . Peacef.1111Y away Friday, January Sth, Fdday� January 22nd. We are gJad t6 report that Mr.'Jas. I I . Ai ii, ., - � � .. I . . ,rombie Street, fol- Evans is, impr6ving a little from his n � _­ " General �nsuranqe, Real Estate in the separate'sebool %illut 11 per' cent. at her horne on'r I o., . I I le . " "i, - . deposit regularly. In this regard the I - n,acute attack of bronchial . �� I 6 . . -1 1�` . , ­�_ , 1.���, public seb6ol stands 11A out of llowing a recent illness. I in. , . . J � 1. ,�,,�'.,. , .144__ Conveyancing, Etc. pneulln-tinia im the person of ka,nnah I � Mr."Joseph Coyne, of I-ribberf, haso, . . I al I I _ OM�e o -Ver Keating's DTu Stbre. pri,ovince PRIZES - � ... '' � � , .1 . schools in the I �A� Barry,�widow of the late John Shine, LUNCH undergone � serious operation in St, I � , . , 'e­�. . I .in � k; ,,:' -, � J4 i .... . . at the advan;oed age of'82'-vears. The � . ""'I" Is , ,;, ,,� AlnuiVORT.H , - �; " 8NT'ARI0 operating penny i �av- - -GOOD MUSIC Joseph's Hospital, London, and is pro- SS 4e.:!1. ;i�,""I" a I..".. . 11 ­­­ I .1 I � - I I I . I ,�'­. __ I_. - ­ . . . 1 Every, Dre' .. . 1. - � __ deceased lady vfts born in 'ScAf6bbro ! gressink favora;bly. � di - I .��. . ­ "I -1 Edelweiss Lodge Entertain. - The � Euchre 8 to 11 . , . . . the store -4 1 . . :��.4 ,, 11� 1. ."�" - .�� -­ 44 " I I I arid came with her -parents to Hibbert, . . . W I .., .. , 'i % - � . � �0,11 . T members of Edelweis's Reb,ekab Lodge Dancing 11.30 to 2 1 - : . ­­­ ' -1111 e , ''i-1,11. , Al. i �� I � 'I "ILLOP MUTU _ ritertained their husbands and fiii e she lived until he.r, marriage .. . , �� 1� . I . . _, . . & whor i 1� � 0 ­ ... I , ,,;4.1 - I I . I . _­ %�, � -,� .1 42 years ago. TbeV afterwards mov- A`DMIS;SION 50, CENTS. b , . , ""' �, . ? " �': . ,e ., ". "MIN MSUR-ANCE C(yy,-.­afterAbeir 'regular meeting on Man- re Mr. I . XROMA,RTY - - � , reduced 'at' -- 11.1-.--.. stock, at. 1110 119 , .�,,!,­ .,�­�,:. I . day evening. Miss Jean,3m.1th and Shine died I . . � . " ,; ��� ,11 I about sixteela ,C. P. Sills, J. M. McMillan, . I I . ,,, 1, ,,, , ,,, ,: ars ago. M .1. . .,'. _ � ye rs. Sliftie I - 11 ... �, 1, �, I . � 11 �� 1. I.. ,� � � Mii.' G­,­Kestle received' the guests. d member of St. JamW, President.' Secret.lry. The Leap Year. dance "beild 11q, .. I 0 1, OF - - I A , �� , . bles of pro- Catholic Chvrch and 'was actively, I I I Walker's Hall on Friday evening last ' ' .,,, . . ' , f, I i �b 01PVIV3V,-5UAF0R,T9, OI'T'T'rThere were thirteen ta _. " � 11 I., 1� '­". ; , . I ­ k 11 ��_ �A �. , . , �. gressive euchre, the pTize winners I � . le#pt, �, . . , ­­ MIS _ "I _�q,�_ �, , " OIJ71,0 : . . I I I. 7as �', ..,... 1, 11�', " - prAce - �1. , LL well attended and all report hav- , , ,'. �14­ being: Ladies' firSt Miss Jean Smith' League, Sacted Heart S6ciety and "a - ,�, 1� I I— . .. . .- . , good time. � : ,� � I 6 411­1�1 ' connected with St, Joieph's ,Union P Ing a I _ big . I .......'.. - 11 , I? - 7, ,,.1M,,'_'U"��,_&.,nA,ewiea, ,irodkiijen � - Pri3i. g,elitlemen,s first Virs. M. McLeod-' life member. bf the-Propogation of the � I ang Turs. Roy MoCulloch a � ' .5# 0 ­­. . � I ", , $:ft'W'. 00" 710111v� Gudierit'li, - Vice -Pres. lucky chat , Tur. pelit ­ ..... � .... . . ' ;;; . . ��.,!� ' . . � ­ last week -in Toronto visiting friends, I �N, fog"R rr, illf.0ft'lk - See-Treas. the close a' rV6-rY 'dainty lunch, w ' I - Miss Brown, of ToTunto, is a vis -i- ' . . i 1111111� . i". ��, Vl� I ,-,. r, Mr. William PlanC At Fdith Society of Jesus. The� funeral. , . - , §14�1 I - 4. , , � . ­ I I ;'% I place on Monday morning from' r c. , -s,, � I ;.; � AOWT.4: served by the social committee wit topk I tor at the 'Manse in' Croma 20, be' - reductio'd ,� -.­� .�: ,�7 - . ANUAL. - MEETING. rty ,at I .1 I . lfii,,',`i:� . �. . ". IM -ft -, as convenor. St James" Chujrch to -St. James' Cem- � . I " . 1. 11 E. I' .1 �,r-;,, . , , XdhIft . 4, , ,��'.. 4 I T I f,6110 :'.1 s4alfafth", ,�,J. Wesley Vree I � . . �, "'i .-I", IV I if . I . . .,,@, ,,. etery, requiein high mass'lleftig Ole- .present . I f I . il c I . w , . 1 g "a , Z"Af `01-1*f1y,t_11XAV. E, it, G, brktoj . annual �i�etfn -On WiiidneOar " 28 between . . � �,, i �,�, � �, I . Ki"�;� . by M#�' Father. Goetz. The The j of Seaforth � . . I I I �1.�,,,IL % '. 1. Egmondville,--The Neil Shaw Mi '' ... . I : P .. - I I . 111 ff I -At, . I a I 171.0'rti.wit" ' Year being. � , 1, - _.. -I , .- 1- _-, Jamog 10� arers *ere her three dousi�,S, , t Sftipty -will, he held Christmas and the Ne,w - ­ " ' ... -.-.I-.. .. . . . . �,'�� ".", , ,,t 1, c ,., ---- I I � .. sioll Of8d heU the first Aneeting, Of batiiisl Barryj Deralis Barryi,,Pe in Catnegie Libikir , on riday, the occasion of ille tviinty-fifth anni, .1 '.. .. I .1 . - 14 . toy M . Yo V __ �, ­. . . .­ -414�� 111 *-. , the year on Pfidaii, UsL The Ifteet, M,d�.Sth� a versary ioif'tho ,WWdlng & Ri. and' , �_::. : �. ,� . � 11 . If I I ''I t 4 1 .. I .. . lo, � �0;`?jl�"t��`;�:'�_"�,' riaw .1 , and Andre* d, .Janu*iy 15th, I '. . . . I . ­. .4"..;.11 .... . I ,.,., I . ific, o, 4146d -by* a' "GroAnland'd T ,OT".g,, p 922# at 7 y.m., lifflafft Houghton, they Wgre at . 161".- 1 1 . . 1. . I I � I . . , I , 1. I , f . I � 1 ..4 '1;4 1; � I , , I—, I I " . 1, .�' n � M& ro; J � Id 1� . . dd ' . theit friendS - I .i � �. I .1 " � I , , , I ... � ­` ­% . " I . .. � . .11 . . . �, ��, 12 A& ,h V . Mrs. W I . � 11 , , ,t%rcell and Thow&Me�fad . shavp. �v�`, � .Y' butiftill" IN19.10 b the Lord'g I I " -.1, All Members gjld ,O#Wgrg gitg lifte to W numbef of I �. ". �, .... . I , 0 �11 I I . , : ,J;Fi%yek. The 'Atibs 07 lut - l"t , � .... ­ ik-- .1 :"-;; I ! . � r6quested ,to ,be . Ikerl , _ . . . Mww W I . IfAffi ­ ral *j�g6nt..,Jhjg the celobratift bein#'beld in, W4 - � =,4�. .... I : � 0 . � I .... . `A" i4ld" �'o ito t . . . I i�­�". _ 4 . * � "I �� ?11 �;4# ��t­ I I 'y o . ,­ i 'Aftw I ftf - ,­­ 6100611. of offid6ft *ill t4ko I)We Hall. There *as, si JAVg*'&6Vird P � I I � � I , � . , V. " dta, .� ., , �, �, .... , ,. , .N_101 0 , 3119, .116f :, "I e , .bl, . I I !i . , e , I I ` � ,10 ," fir 7%tW 'Of ent and . V__ I V fild d , I . .." 'A ., "I And 9696iAl business InIl be tdk,� , T ka I , . I � 110 I ��T � eault of .4i, v. *,""Thd 01611 vbrl� isidght NO A,d',�U , 11 1� ,­", , 4"N' I t0ft 1#40# j�,*' f, le , - Loodoh lT,i1t6­`Pw0�,qf ,, eft 1, I - ! " �,� . C'Y�§,.�' IS 0 _ . - rh 011 .. . 1. ­ . eVW�ag,#`: [ pt;#Aent akt&idfli�k to Mr. I J , U, " *�40� . -, # ). , I .... I `� . ��'j I . .1. -111 ,,.,�'Ax I -1 - I I . , W"t4�ftr# if.,'_ , , �Oft 6", _W161d"i'd 'At - I . It , . I . - . I V� ". . y lftk�k tho 611,10", � 4r, Ikuthuft loot .10 itAd I 1, _. . I I I �­ : fista, � - M ARMT, - ftgaiddftt, proi a titid,#466d I I ,�, _� . 11. I ', " v. � I fiditffft wmplk 'I WAR. fbt, the oft., . . L . 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