HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-15, Page 71 T 11, I T" ,. . I. J,-[� � . ..... ;, . - " -- , �!!�:!��',j - . " " - f-..:",.....` ", .1 I P "i �,. , � � - , - �7,�TIIR'T­ 1, ", , t. ­ ` , . .1 !'.., , �, � , I �­.� - I �t ", , Z �� " .""! J'� il.�Illi I— . I ­ �,: .. �1,� I ., I . '" in �� �rNi�! I . V , - � , . I . "' , � � �,,11,�t-.-,, 'F ...... .. �` �, , . , 'I, , "'n" .. - T i;,t-�, I ­� . , . .1 ­ :P, ,;%, . . 'I �""s�"H . ;i 11 '' , . . . , .1 - . , " I" I I 7 ,,, .. . �- ,� . . . . . � .. �� '. . , I ir`1`1­1�1!'111 '111'14� I'��l-I'l��l-Il.'�".,i�"!,�"""i- I'�l"*-,�ll'��,,�.,,��.,,-��",���'�,�',,',',Ii,?�,-,�',�,P;".! , " "', 11,%,",�,011�, ;� , � :1 " �`:4�' �'� , . , ,� . ; "I", r , �� -�!4'4j;N,,,�. , ,r . .� , L ­ , ", .. . ... � jll#rW!,��`.,.`. �� I,Nlo��­ "�. ".. ..-­ , I - �-­ I : t ., " ""I., i �" 1l, .1 �! i, , � V�z� .��14 x,�' ", .J, : , � � . , , �.: � �,N� I a . . ­-� . 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I 1. . .. , - . . � . I I . . . . . , 'IRV - �. . , ­ .- . ­ � � ; I * , � � : ,. - , . ­� � , , . I I . " I '-��. ,­.: � , - ..", ­ .. '. 7.. .1. I , �. ." - 1-:.""� , - ,IQwl, , `: � 10" I ... I T . , �, 'I � . , � I . . . . . . . . .. .1 . . - � ?P91 � I 1,-,�'r ; ­ I � ., .. 11.111, M, 1 Ir . a, F . � 4 'JRuPt1irei* .,vai,icocalb, % aric000-, Wup�,t. . 1-�.A . � I . I , I . , .. . . I I I I " . ... I ... �. 11W- ' " 9t :41 , al Weakness, Spiikol IWO 7 . ,,�� . I ... ­ 14 I .".,.-,,T 14�-­r �� -,; I ­� K, , ­' 47,0 At ", . '. 11 I , .I. . I .. ­ 0. ,, i� I � I �,,-, I.;- -, -k"fi� WN1111,1 �41 0-ify . .. . ­­ � ... 4 - - I �flw# 71�. 1 � . : . . ,� . I -.4. , , 21 11 --T': I 1, " .� ­ -11, ­;. 7 � ... I 'o . - 1, - - 4 !T�AMVO ,; ,�,, . � �% . ­ I I" I . . � �, �1� I , , . 17-thoii-.1s, vor 11,11, � : 917 , "i .1 li ''. ,;A , , I 1�-;"'NYM, ' V. q=Ll A, Z2V'A11APkA -FV�- . -­ .-,-. 41�- . , !�yW119-­­­- 11, ; ? write I � I . � � , " . , �­ "'i", 4P44 - . ." 11. �-.*%A.:Rqqr ­..,% 11-11 *1 , I V. ..,. 1. .. " ­ , , ­ 1,""'V ` . ,-� ,",.04 -.,,,� . . - I . 11 I � . � I , � , r , " ,�, � 1�. �.. fti Aho ,,�'� " - .:,.,. " ,' . , � &,w :W AV�� 1 ,,q., A �t � I . . � , lu­ �41.* , � I , , ,,�.:, . strAt, , . : 4. , I . ftO2-25 . I . .. . �Ml. � 1". I � I 1� .. I A �� I M.r , . I I 44 one, ociallstsi;; 15 1 Downie §t.., - k :1. I.. I . . .. I. � � . I , " Ifi �' a ford, Out.. , . - n ,� .." - 1 $1 , , , '11, tli, N � I , b's-4 i0q OWN' "' g"'1g, t I I . I -� ­ . . . . . -.1 I 1. �11 , ", � ,,904-44 1" K fAVF111 1 14�11 , 11 , M . . , . - . VAs..'g.., Ve Uny mcome ,, t�orol A' ,,, j. U,11;1�11-1.11%7`).W. �: , 4 " " * i 4 , , I I . .. .. ... I 71':7 . ... . .. .... . a . - -71 , � "'%.'q,.;,�?# , , �� Itt ­ . � �­ ` 4�jj�, I 4 I i4l ­., . - I'll . � V �- ­.- .. , iXg .q ,, �* WACO , ,#�n, . I . I . . tf.�11­11, . . ­ I . moth S & �to,. ana � tbAt wi%`*091 `*�fttt'� -#x , ,1#., � ­­.. i . . I . /­'­ . I. . ! � it b ,! 7�'Y�0,�'-; *,, ,;, ; #T#A A I . . . .4 I , , I . -,! , �� � ­ "� I 1. I . . .47, LEGAL . I I .1'. . a '. ��A,� ,e � I I ... - - - ­...., . . . . . . - , i -, ; I ... I I , . I y1s, I ' ' - , . I I -1 has :M b,e.p�owl.�g".�'..M.ila�!IP29.�ITI , 1 �', " 11 . . . . ' . A14 ,,� ...... ��i � . . r 0, ever, . no .,W. '' a.d� . I , I I -1 I . , I , J,Jtt,4.s L #XA , OM � : ­ , . � � I I I. � . I . I VF .� .. QQnjy __ t!s 1. 1%, lvg-X� C'. ,k � . I I quite a lot of r � '17 'r IV , , I -, M . . . � � . ., . . , . '.. ­ 'O". " . tq t.. � � . rhone Noo 01 . BY. EDGAR .... ... WALLACE 1. .. ,� ... 11 , 403ft il - evo.r,, , . j. W I Xly � ,404 � � , -V� " . I . . . I . . �. � . �21 , . ; 'T 'Due 'a 'to ­U�' ." � : " I I . I rl.,N`�114n �­ . � � I , I 44DHN J. HUGGARD, I ,, I . . I , queer, , 0#speg 'd! 70�'4 � *Q R C . . Barrister, Solicitor, � � . . : a good t.pst6ss man, . , W -WO'. I If � " .�, . I . - - -- -- olipuy,vi being b0A V7,1b, -4L, " � 0 y ., . I ­-­-�­i � . . , , - ­, , , , - a, tow years we- '."ISO .� . I i Notary Public, Etc. . ­ "'' - , ", �­- . ­ -,..--.. 11 . I. . I . ,%nd Yet Jxe is. Tt .,. - .10 1,;�i .11 ; 7,21 1 4 —j , -- , , I- . 11 . � 7 , �� 1; �, , .., th, 'L. .;. - . - th "ban of Mauri 4 4 -about ­ Mr. John-, bets &',man who cau'-shall be b `1* b ' �1, -. T�epler,. �Cou d'QXkN,*.,ipA_AW#W �1-i,n � - I � ­�Aqy," eir WR . I . . . . . , Tl't�� . . I I CHAPTER ­V % their fortune in e AS . I .. I I "INT . 1� ­ . . . I -4 wish, Brave words,. but t"40 did wt'111;,� ZO.",th-0 A" §,m,-V4,.,VyR1 to Is "I . � . - .11, . ; . . make his wayAn the World . 4-1, " . " , . .. ,.� -71. �' 'f "I � I Meister." I ; .1 I . ; 11 . . . -� -:' ' - ` The Assistant -Comm . � eive , ". L ­ ' . . Hi�,vvxi;�VISLWV�4.;X.9.4,vjr;,-,,p�,!;t-APTA..%-," ; I . I It - HAYS ey",er issionor of Po- He staied through the window - on he'd got a bettev 'wk* , th*'n lie's c Alan � 1 , ' - . 1 . A � . -- . - - . . �1�4 ... ; BoTiqter, Solicitor, Conv . e J.j6e,,pressed a bell on his table, and, to the Thar4ea- ViOankmeat, The found." - , . witi)l � resolution:'0441,4110m, cQuId": 1-111 . What do yo ' ' . u e; ., ­ I ­.�� ­ .- . � $ and Notary. Publico .117Solicitor for- *0 .. .... W� . . entered ' the Clang ofr �#intly '44 u mean?'A asked Alan L . q . -1 p . n.� u 0 11 'I %�,J� _ - . . . the messenger who, I . . ....... - - tralm . .1, . , . . I . . ...... .� ins �'....s - ilin A.$ ? � . . ye.ry - ,,v- ,� � � . There� -4 . :1 ,,�,�', ... � I'll L rloom "a -'few seconds after: thro4gh the double windowsi CHAIPTER111 pa otle. T s an . 411 ,OA: Ali�, in ",.-, �:�-z�:�, I . Dominion Bank. office in rear of ,the qiekly, , . . ,�!% ""i-th6''Alro- the The Landlord seenfbd suddenly to. ... . I � , ... ,...... I .- ", .."� , n I auk Money �` "Ask Inspector W, emiblury if"fie will was a touch,of spring in I , : M11111 . . Donijuie i B , Seaforth. � . _ ,r if .. ! a no ,,, , ! an 8 A oul4e . . . . . r L, ��'� ': �� , I I ,,, , . . ban. -1 . ..... 9 to . He.gaw, her lo�k o. er s shoul or, Co ' . . 0. I., .1 . I I ,. . ­­­. be good enough to see me," he said. bare'branches along thelanba�i6nt remepbei that if he was speakin v hi I- Its i- ' I I . . I The Commissioner put away into a *ere bitdding greenly, and wonwould . an old Iri6nd he was also speaking and turned. 'Two men Were,, I Iki me along., Alan, - ond �.see w , � ... I . �,. ­ �L. � I - "I �V .111" :J." ,. , .U119 , � I �. oft --of the rosery-perbiko ... � '3, "I , , " I I ;-�;`­,iZ­ST1 a ' ­­ folder th ent be. had been read - towards the= ' , '. ' 1. ". ,�, " Z, . . BEST % e docum - be displayed all their delicate leafy to a poltee,officer, and he became in . . ... � i � .,.,� .,:�, ii I . "I 0,;;1 I . I . � `44 ts "pt, con ou,�,;,,�W.* '. - ­­­ . . h .. - 111.1 *Solicitors, -Conveygn- mous stantly discreet. . Though it wa's a war -M da *rl . ;",.., i i I � Alrs,'� .. "..- Barristers, Ord both as splendour. A -curious, and om� � . I I ..", .­ ing. Alan Wemhuryls rec I . , "Will.4veeptogeAner!" ... - - "'. .11p"IX, 1. � " .11-- I � �. -1. cero and Notaries Public, Etc. -Offi pv&11;r. uffiger.....An " say he's gone to the devil - .,- 11 .�., ,:. �. �-, I -el , .4 as a soldier was place, this Scotland Tatd, , and yet Tb%py. unimer, and the'Royal . .� , . . . . . . r . . 'Justice forty" -miles away, Mr. Meisr, , . . . In -behind You know how people 1k, but th rep S . the Edge Building, opposite the' a d won a cOmUlis- human. and kindly hearts, beat ta , 0 $ .n.,nificent. He -ha I -11-1-1-o ... L, " . . ... . I I ICA �.d 11 � Expositor Office. I . is - ,to the rank of its grini -exterior. . I I . . " � '84 0 . . . . ..., ­ ­ � - something. in it. Johnny never was a ter *ore the conventional. garb of a , ". , . - . - AM - .. . . - I.. sion in the war., ,r ,en . W *S I ,an ��Z 4 .. � ,; � I f , An' ,W 0 . . � .. ­ Major, apd, Distin- �Idfl . .. hao�y sort'6f fellow; he!,RJorgotton. , �L ..... .... The 'Llong-taile4 . ,. I' CHAPTER -Tv .1, . ;,. -t - X .10, I ­ , -.,-'4- � - .,�qgft.t -- . . - , . ,­ . t in P .. . . . . I ,-� . es -,'Morning coat fitted big slim figure ­, I 1. . ­ � . . . I I .11.1 .... 1. -had earned the Walford was thinking, not I - "' .. successful lawyer . . . T .... �... , guished .Servi4oe Order �-for his fine ter, but of the children who we e I t to do. anything but scowl in :th . ,, .� � ....... litit �`�,` - �T I . . .. ..... . alt"Ier them OR .AAI,' "If -P . -0q, I . I easy to mue; at, a gr�p.­n4, , t I 'XGfN86W­ � - Meisterts care. . 4 ,. :!,; 7.,,, " -, ,­ �., g"g-0w � i -thg., 4i,eld .......... And now, a new in "' days. I faul# s black cravai with its (Johnny Lonley 106ke, I I *ETE]g;�Auy � I 11 PQKgrty doesn't come a , . 1 .111 I work in I . py , essly, hi i * ' ' I . . I , I 11 1'. �7p;!-,.,;. 1"'M 11 ., I . � . .. .� .2., � I'll 41111.�.­ '', . I . . , . . I ­ 'Z � '� ) 11 I I I . . r ' . 1..,k -n",4'-, . . . . .:..... , I I I distinctiou'llad come to him. I . I . "Meister knew The Ringe he that young man." 0 opal pin was perfectly arrailiigd� On �ptil they , 'had7- disap�eaied - from , R Z ,�. I . � I; . . 1. , ��, . - - . I "', .,,�'. ,,,, S, . . . . . . � . I ,,, �, "' I I I WOVE, V.S. . ­ gidb ;. , ". ­��:,§ "., � ' - th - ' ­Rlos ilk ,V,iew. His face was ]�ali with An- . I . � - The door opened and a man, strode said unexpectedly, and W ury?a ,: ,X%Vhy are ey at the Court if lifg �-ead wa& tbi� siest of s I The ChJu, - � J 0 H N �. ­ Q14 . 'they're.in such abad way? It must hats and tho5' yellow gloves which get, his lips. tr . I., . I - ... in. ' He was above the average height. eyes �' n­,'eRL­7­­ I 6abled. ­ , ese 'have ��,ef ;. ',%� � �� Ronar.g.radoate of Ontario Veterin- . I ' ' ' lege. All,diseaies- - - The-Commiitsioner looked up And saw -he -Minger, tir .I I ,' What brinas that swine& here .."LL.V1,111im .11 "L..-- I—— .--. 9 he' --re� le.-iin expensi lace to -keep..-up. I covered- lim--haii-ds -were spotless.- A . ?" he the gresit...wall, wond@p- ' i 4 "Knew T , ve Y.6 " - -- ­ .: ­. ­', ­ - �. '. .W., - ,,�OT,",'�.,'�� . ` I ary Col o1,d6m&tfc . I— � ­ Lew � ... " -- ­­ j(d -"--- , .. " - , - wicesthrs ,--built- it -so, 1 ' ­ ' ,.y �;�, - . � . .. mtinder John doesn't sell -it?" sallow, deman e . I a"191 7. ammii1i treated. Calls promptly,at- a pair of good-humoured grey eyes peated. , , . I -..., thin-fticed man with , dark, Yo . " ' I .. . at him from a lean, Walford nodded., - I— ...".. SellitIll scoffed the'landlord., "It's fathomless eyqs,-thefe was'something Majirice Meister, who bad followed. rk Sun. -- . 7 I'll "; � .... .... �, - tended to and charges moderate. Vet-, looking down . � .. .�� ,. � ,. '��­!:��Q, t . I up to the last leaf on the of thie' aristocrg,t 'in his manner and - �.,Y�, I erinary,APPt' i -y' -'a".. specialty. Office tanned face. . "I don't know how wall; .1) suspect �mortgaged � � across the lawn, looked at, him* oddly. — ­, . 1­117­­­'��, 't I . - -, - . . . , " .I;. , ist . .. ­ .11 � .. .... %� . .7. ." , -11 .. ''. ng ",My dear 4�6hiiny, you're V&re..!:�-�t--­­- " ­Z� , �:�! �,,��-. , . and re . .............. .. M [erich Street, one "Good morning, Wembury." it of last twig! They're stayi there speecti. "He looks like a duke,, talks� � .. -- ..- � , , 5, �vl-f," � . sidence on � . too well—too well for th - I . . . ­­­-.,, I 4.� �: . I I .1 eft. his whilst this London lawyer settle% the like a don and'thinks like i'devil," y9ung and rvery crude,. ,. You have -the - , ­ - ­."� _ 11, . . ­'. . ' 11Gbod morning, siiY - -e I . I , - While ­&. , " � v , door east bf Dr. Mackay's office, Sea- The Ringer if he's alive. ,H . -tion of a ge4tleman and, t the Canadian douar.muy.,-� ... X-0. , ,��'ii.. forth., ­ I Alan Wembury was on the..'sunny sl9ter in Meister's charg6­4G,weudi estate, and they're going to London was not the most tinflattering thing educa _ - � .'I, i. - . I periodieal'faintt4'k.il3r�lli.-'�'iW"'�l-W�#, 11'. .. . �, � . ­ sid -dy. of next week, from what I hear." -behave like.4'boor!" . � ' " " kw 't� I— -e of thirty, an athlete, a cricketer, 6uths ago, th6'fio . that- bad been said about MaUrice You �'�� " �� - ------------- — . . Milton. Six in , I York, it enJ.oys,',p,erfecr,' healb, . ,�."wr - I'll � . . . Alan frown- Meister. j f.. ., . , Johnny -turned on him in'a fury, , r jw.. illl,. I 1. . ..., This 'London lawyer! , ' ...'' .� , � , I a .man who belonged to the out -of- venda'Milton was taken from the '. homd�Halifax Herald. ­'� �:, 11 �.;�� . ., . . I . Aa- R. CAMPBELL, V.S. GN "I call- ed.,' That must be Maurice Meister, H' . i - ,uth '�, "What do �y . 1 .. I. e4:�,:.,j' .� I Graduate ' of Ontario Veterinary doors. 'He' hadL the easy , a. Alin nodded as,he re is companion was a tall, yo. ,, pu expect -me, to do-- 11, . . I L . 1. ;:­� I . . . : ,:1:�;,'.,,. . College, University of, Toronto. - All- the refinement of speech which comes ed the, trggedy�- A'She was Meist6r's and he was curibus to meet the man hardly,'out Of ,his teens, whose black �6,hake him. cordially by the't' d 4nd 1. I . ; . -- .(.I ;... �, an . . i Tc I I .. , .. . y strange ru - brows'met at the sight of the visi- I -1come to Lenley Court? . . ..1.1- I . � ­ ..: !"I", . i '" : . animals ,.treated from long. association with gentle- secretary." One of these ,dayb when about whom so man m , pid him we . . . .­ , - .:: , diseases of domestic . . n., -They whispered things of tor. -He came slowly across the lawn, The fellow's risen frpin the gutter. � Ontario in 1980 b-.. ov . .2 , � I ­� I .. . 'you've(nothing better to do, go up to ours ra On �. . 1-..------ 1� I �, �,v .. by the- most modern principles. men. , in , �Maurlice Meister at Scotland Yard his X wis thrust 11rto,,-his.,,trousers His father was our g.arA,qA­or---L­!1 .million gallons, of gas, an .t q z I ." - : able. Day, or. night "I have askdd you to co e and see th,d Rec§rd- Office—there was -a great 1. .. :,�Ar � barges rea�on , ; � ��?,�­ I. . C ' Maur ed Min . e � V I ,, -,,,,�;��.Y' I romptly iLttended to. Office on me because I have some good news deal that didn't come out at the -in- which it, would have been libel to po&ets, his dark eyes regarding Alan oice -Meister interrupt pi�rt it's all , se . I V � calls- P. .. ,,, I ; - I , i's . . 1. �. � I., "' . ...�,,If' - , :: �,, " f, "' - � , - -% Main Stmet.'Ilensall, opposite Town for you,'o shid the ,Commissioner . I quest. 'I � . . ... ', . write, slander to say., They 'pointed with an unfriendly scowl. with a chuckle of. malicious enjoy- Stratfol?'Ballacon-Heral . - 1, . 1. 91 -t-- I . `..,"N,� � ..... . . gingly'""and % . I I .. I I . . .. . I I 1, this ' in associs,tio'n� of his which ,,Hallo!,, I , ",',I �;�& . � I 1: .­.Uan. Phone 116. ... . �,,� ........ :.�­­­ ... ,He 'had Ja real affection for "A -bout Meister?" to certa he � sa . id yrud. ' . en . - . I I , I ,. -,,b . , . ­. I . risight-backed subp6rdino ompamon- "Yot�!. - , .. I . '. 1.: - " - I ' I Walfbrd ' dded. . � ,. . were - unjustifiable even in a criminal then, to his C ' kn "What a- snob. you are',- J61lnny! . ; I ,C*,:i1,,, � I . — t'- a e,iof Ws. In Colone no ' - -- .1 ,�Ii',�-Mll � ­ - . � .1 ul;-� e OW. We,snobbery wouldn't matter," he Li% "I h W 1. . 1, . I ".. 1. all his years of'Volt - W-11 �164-e had ,"If The � Ringer is -dead, nothing lawyer, whose work brought him into W b ry don't yo ' Maurice-Lh"� a Dr. -Charles Mayq, s school e)dlm; k:"y" ,1�,­ �,,' ­ �.-,IZX' 1 I . . .. 'touch with the denizens of the tinder- ' - police." went on in a more serious tone, "if - Ays, ": �If,�V�!!, MEDICAL .. is alive"p�he shk�g- at or something in -the'. A I—— . . .. p never felt quite as confidelit of any niatters, but if he .. -1 'b I , "' .", '. " ei . � . . . . A: . you.would learn to conceal your �e�l- dren don't nedd the three ­' q� �-, , `91 . I . — man. as- he had of thig ­961�lie4y qe- ged his broad shoulders and looked world. . Maurice Meister smiled Aowly. I � � . mont S..V.A,-. . I I I �, pAtion every year. But the vacatfou;�­`,,�­Nrz.v .. I . you'd book fhi'a room, Mr. I Detective 'Inspector, I inks." . .��41;��,! .,­ . 'DR. E. J. R.'FORS, , . nder the- shag .,.wish "Divisiona .�,,;,,, I- ,, . TER t'�ctive. ' .. . 4dly u gy eyebrows aj­­111 I 21 I . I "d Throat —"if beAs alive, I- Griggs. -n y � I 1-1.1" Eye, Ear; Nose"4 news'to me, sif"' 0 The carrier is bi, hill ."I say What.I think said Jobniiy'idea, we 'believe, was invented by thqi�� �"'.�;,��',!, , . ., . , .Agi 9, my .think," and offered his long, tj achers.-7-'san Diego Union.. I . 1. .1 I 5 ., All news is g6o the young detective . - .. ,1,4 I 1. Graduate ih Medicin' 'tJ,hfvbrsity Of ,a", � . I p . ; te . �,,,, . .:,�t�, I Y. � . . . � 1, ei ughed Alan. I kiiow solnething that Would bring him bag, from the station. I'll go, up ,to band. �4X understand you are coming shortl, ' . 1! . . I I .. ;�,"!,:­ . ' .... . . . I , .1 1� . Toronto. .. ... � , . '. J ... I He was standing stifil to'attention back' to ---.Dep #.ord­and,. to .Meister." tbp, Court -and see if I can see John into'my neighbourhood to add a.new "So does a dog"when you tread on, . . . - .. - .. �— .1 , . . . . ". , .. ,, `:.",��.�... .. I " � I ,. , " I . Lite assistant New Ybrk .Opthal- y We&- -Lenlez" ­ ­ I . . terror to the lives of my Unfortunate hi's tail," replied Mauripe�. �,Kou,fooll I . I I .. . . . I ... . . , ".; , , , ow� and the Cbminissioner, motioned , "What is that, sir?" -asked , I .. . . "�T -1 - . . � 1 ­'­�':.,.�1111 . ' I �fi.,, .. , . I him to 9 ta�pr - . I bury. I , lie sa1a""John,`1.,btt his heart said qlients!" he snarled with- uu6xpeCted"iii91&iity., If -you think your hTekis bad, just ', ; ;,:'�'-,� , inei and Aural Institute, Moorefield' . ' ' �, 11 all be'able to reform "You half-wit! At the mention of . ght � - '11,11. I - r Mary." He might deceive the world - ' . � atise and 'consider that ,you rig' ,-, - ".:� I . Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos "You ar omoted divisional in- , Again Walford jg�ave his cryptic .'.'.I hope we all p 11 I r `R',Divis- smile. . ve his own 'them," said Alan good-humoi � ���... . � . pitals, London, Eng. . At Commercial spector and you take' ove .. but he could not ilecei' iredly. the Darrileigh pearls you almost be- vel in'anufactur- - *.,"'.`-�'. I. I -1i ... . . . trayed yourself... .Did .Tou� rpalize to ,ii.: . .� I 1p;o,� - Hotel, Seaforth, third ,Monday -- in ion a, from Monday week," said the 112xamine the record abd-y6d -will heart. . I "That is really what we are for!` amilton Spectator.' ' ' . . '. 1- . I ,..". I each month, from 11- a.m. to 3 p.m. chief; and in spite of his se'lf-control, read the oldest,diamia in'the world— As he walked up.­tIfe ...broad Oak- Johnny Lenley was glowering it Whoin' you- were talking, who was' - - :1 I . I I ... . ­,,� . � ­­','.:11� �1, ,.... "..'...... . . 1:1 A . ' man and 'a shaded drive, the evidence of po.vertY him,.. He had never liked Alan, even probably wat' ... Ch ... fn'g'­y­­-o­u­' 9 'The shr,@w4- . — 11 . I t)l." I . �, . � :. I . . .1 5B Waterloo Street,, South,. Stratford. Alanwas taken aback. the story of a'trusting wp " . , , . .... . . I , I ,.-i�,, 'e, � I", . . . . . I came ou'f tV meet him. Grass, grew as 'a boy, and now for ' st detective in the C.I.D.1 The man - . . . ­�'.. . - .. I I 1. . A 'divisional inspectorship was one v,le man." . . . . � ' 1. � "I., . I I I � I I DR. Tt SPR6AT ' of the prizes of the C.I.D. Inevitab- !'And tbeh, dismissing The Rirlier in the gravelled surface of the,.koad� -his resentment at the presence of the who caught Hersey, who hanged Oos- We suppose the New York offleials' 1 �2 1 ;. . I .hand as though those fine' yew hedges of the Tudor detective was suddenly inflamed, . tein, who'broke up the Flack Gang." main reason for wanting to cateiX I .�'. ' ' . . . .. . .1. Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, ly it must lead in a man -of his ,years with a wave of'his' , . " "He didn't notice anything," -mond is t' - AA . before which as a Child he,had said the .killers of lack DfiL 01, ­ �, ... .'...'... . IJuiversity of,Westerri Ontario, Lon- to .a centi,al-Anapectorship; event ting garden '.IWhat brings you- to Lenley.?" he ', ..��1­11 . . uallY he were a tangible visimi awai I 'thank them personally. " Columbus "", - , . . .� . . . .." . "don. Member of College of Physic- ihcl sion in the Big Four, and one such a dismissal, he bec, --ne stiddenly stood in awe, ,had' been clipped by'an- ­dsRed gruffi-y. "I didn't know you the other ,sulkily, and then to turn ­ ,.- I , - � ' . -, I - � . . � '�, u ntage: Ohio ,State Journal. . I . ',�;: I . � ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office knows not what beyond-thit. the practical administ amateur hand; the -lawn before the bad any 'relations here?" . the conversation to his advA .. .1 . . % . , : .11 . . I I rator. I , . - . .. - -- arhart's Drug I . S orning.; was. ...., .. . -... .. , . .......-.....,- ­ . .... .. ­. ­ - ­ i ­.... ..­�­"..�,� . . ; ? - 46 -ou 're taking iao yodf--d'uties ofi, house was tagged an I . ,prising, s .. — . .. 777�. V "I. ,in. A -be Stere,.Main St., ir�' , 4,unkempt. When III, bay -e h few friends," said Alan "You,bad a- letter thi in . "This is very sui he .Y a , , I I � A � I ­. I I Seaforth. Phone 90. . saiq at,ldst "I am terribly grateful. M 'he came in ,sight of the Court his steadily� ' I there anything about the pearls in . it .. . . ..".-I. I . , , . I onday week. � You might like to go ' I I a � I I ... (�� ... � — . . m . .. . . 7-1 I I , I t1iink there must be a lot of men down and have a look round, and get heart sank as he. saw. the --signs of "Of course he hasv" It was Mary —are they sold?" ; A depropssion' may be' in progress, I I ,�A ­ � I I . �� DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY general.,neglect. The windows of the who spoke. !'He came to see me, for The anger faded from the lawyer's but, evidently it does not .extend t. 1, 1 -. . ,11 . . 'p, �1) . entitled' to this, �tp'p bef6re me ", acquainted with your, new df�is . ion?" --ii" the one didn't you, Algn 9 . . t . ., ; . t , �,,�?.-, -.1 Graduate Dublin, University, 4�e- Col6nefValford shook his !lead. Alan hesitated. east wing were grimy—not eve I'm sorry we face; again he was his, suave s'e" * the use made of the -royal mai .-!.-'1. .. ­, . . ... I . . - I . �:"", .1 11 I . .. T ssistant Master "I'm glad for your sake, but I don't . "If it.is 5ossible, sir, I should like closed shutters could disguise their can;t ask you to stay with us, but "Do you imagine, my dear lad, that Christmas tifne.---�Brockville Re I �, . . ..... .. ... . , ., 41, land. Late Extern A . co . ­.. I—. 1. . � ! ... .. :,�.. ,, I ,Rotunda Hospital for Women and '� ; 'in state; two windows had been broken there's 'practio-ally no furniture, left one can ,sell fifteen thousand pounds' and --Times. ... I ­.. I ".. . ­t�;.Z . 11 ... agree-, ­­he'said. And then, briskly': ,i ,week's holiday," he said, - and . worth, Of pearls An-a week? What I , .. . I ­�.1'..7,,-11- , ", ,Children, 'Dublin. 'Office at residence ,, We're making considerable ellaiiisi ite ol himself, his tann�d face.as- and the panes not replaced. , . . occupied b' . . sp . . . L.,::;; in, at the Yard.'- Bliss is coming' back sumed a ,deeper'red.. . - , As he came nearer -to the house, a John Lenley's eyes snapped at this. do, yout suppose is the procedure '. . . �, I lately y Mrs. Parsons. ' I .1 ­­� I 1S....... . . , ­,4.1',�'i �� :� -'t. , - 1: Hours: 9 to 10 a -m-,., 6 to 7 -'P. op e emerged that one puts them up at,ChristWs?" . 1. I he has been attached "A holiday? Certainly. Do 'you figur front e - shadowy "It isn't -necessary to advertise our I I . , :,, ­. . ' . : ... . Sundays, 1 to 2 -in. 2866-26 from America; e h 1i i932 �rit'--­­ . 1. I � .p � the portico, walked quickly' towards him, poverty all over the kingdom, my Johnny Lenley's lips tighteiitd.,,For Gandhi is includ d i th .. * I ... ' . .. . 7,- _ `E -bass ngton--do want .to break thii good news to , ish "Who's' Who" under the' 6rass1fi-. ' " '. ' : ,... , . I . I to the in ay. at Washi od.-humoured and then, recognizing, broke into a dear," he said sharply,'. "I don't sup- a -while he was silent. When he spoke � . .. �i 1, . you know him?" I girl?" ' There was a go . . �, � ".. DR. F. -J. BURROWS . ly inter his voice had 'lost some of its eru- cation of "barrister."" He ,might aI- ' . ' ,, ' �. il Office and residence Goderich Street, -Alan Wembury shook his head.'He twinkle in Walfbr&s eyes.' ,run. , , pose Wembury is particular - qu ' �1­ . . . . , .4 . .. � . . I o be termed llsolieitor."­W�ksbiug- , , ... ��,.��­ . . 44 a4ty. s . � � �,.' �-:: 111� I . pent "Oh, Alant" . I ested in our misfortunes, and he'd be lous qu ­ . .,�� I.: 1� ,. . east of the United Church, Sea- had heard of the redoubtable Bliss, No, sir." 'His very embarrassi - � � "It was* queer tl;at Wembury was ton -Star. , .. .. � . �' �:.,��, . � .". forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the but knew little ban seemed'to deny his statement. "There � second he' had both her damned impertinent if he was!" ­­ . . I . . 11 ^, .., . more about him t of my hands in his and was looping down 'He saw the.hurt look on his sis- or the 'ease—.apparentIy they've gii efi� . 1.111'.... ... I. . . I 1, . : I � that he was a capable police officer is a lady I sho.ulff' like to tell v . I ,,-,-,,Ie - County of Huron. I upturned iace. He had not ter's, face, and his unreasonable an-' up hope, Of course,'old Lady Darn- �. . . . I . I . ". " , . . i. ,11 - - and Was cordially disliked by almost pr6motion," be went �on' awkwardly. into the . ..:. . ­ I . onths. He look- noyance with the visitor wasJucreas- leigh has no suspician­­11 I - I I ". .;. I . . , \, ; . . DR. C. MACKAY. every man at the Yard. "She is, .in fact—Miss Mary 1,6nley." seen her forAwelve in - An offied'boys employed in. a brok .1 �, �,, . ". . It was Maurice Meister who "' ' ' . ­, . �-, . . I C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ,11 111" 'Divisiori' will not be quite -as The Commissioner laughed softly. . ed at her now, holding his �.breath. The ed. Don't be too sure of that', warned ierage. firn! in this city was asked by, ,..,'. �, "� . ­ ; I 43 - . � ity Univer7iity, and gold'medalist Of exciting as -it was a few years ago," , "Oh, you know the Lenleys that sweet, pale beauty of her" caught at poured oil upon the Aroubled water.- -Meister. "Every guest at No. 304J, fellow employee what,he'was g%7 I . .. 111, � 11� . I I . . ,­ � 1- . 7%,--d"' I College; member of said the Commissioner with a twinkle in 'ch do.'You?" �he said, Ad Alan's his� heart. He had knowm a child, a "The misfortunes of, Lenley Court Park Lane, on that night is. suspect. in'i to do with his Christmas. bonus: . % ". ,:�'.. , . . TAnity e ica u - "I'm going to add a nickel :to It and- . , . ' , p J '. I in oyely child; he was 400king into the are public property: my dear Johnny " You, more than anY because every the dollege'of Physicians and Sur- in his,,eye- "and you at, any rate embarrassment was not decreased. J . " . �- ,, I . I I " t aeiant worhiin 't be so stupi�- tody knows you're broke. e take a- ride irk the subway," he re- ., �. I geons of Ontario. sbould be grateful . p? "No sir;- she has always. -been a crystal,clear eyes of r . - he ,said blandly. "Don . '' �,,. . .1 . gyp - he slim, shapeless figure he ly touchy! ' You 901119 up plied,Wall Street Journal. , , � ,­,, 0 . . 'Was it an excitink division, sir. very �ood fkii§nd� Of, mine," be said, hodd.' T 1, for, one, am very glad one of the footmen,saw ­ . . . 1� 11 1. ' HUGH ROSS I � subject bad known had undergone some subtle to have�the opportunity of meeting a the main stairs just before you left." I . . �� . . , DR. H asked Alan, to whom Deptfo�id -;kas a almost gently, as though thc . ' .. . I . - . I � , :�, 444 . I .Graduate of' University. of Toronto . I I I .11 of the oisbussion were one Of whom Change; the lovely face' .had been police officer of such fame as Inspec- "I told him I was going to get,my —­ - - ­­ . ,.­ �1; ' ... ... Faculty of Medicinp, member of C61_ new t,ptritory. ident moulded to a new 10'veliness. tor Alan Wemburg. You will find coat," said Johnny Lenleyqbickly, and . . . .. .;�., I . I Aege Of Phygicians and Surgeons of Colonel Walford nodded.The laugh- be could rlbt�,-spm& in niore str . . I ,� .. I .1 I � � . ".. - . ': .1, I , , � .... .. � . ter bad gone out of his ey6s* he was tones: "You see, I started life in a He had a sensd of dismay. The your di,visioA, rather a dull spot just a troubled look came to his face. "Why . I � I - " ,. I . ,,, �4:1 Ontario; pass graduate courses in ' ' fringe of despair obscured for n -y. .We have none did you mention that I was LOND40N AND-WINGRAN" , - , �; ;�" I I � grave indeed when he spoke a- cottage on the Lenley estate.. ,my very ow Mr. Wembui . I ­ I . I �,-'11 Chicago Clinic4l School of Chicago- very ihe joy which had filled of ille excitement which prevailed W6mbury?" � . . 1. �:, I I - I I . � �, I I . father was head ` � ... I 1. ... � Roya Ophthalmli Hospital London', gain. ' ^ gardener to Squire the moment, - Maurice laughed. , South. . - . -, ' —i .1 I "I was thinking about The his heart ,at the sight of her. If she when I first moved to Deptford from I ­ . . .. .-V . . � . 1, .. . England-' Uhiversity Hospital, Lon- . Ringer Lenley, and I've known the family had been beyond his reach before, the Lincoln's Inn Fields." "Because be knew; I was match- - I I � .. .N . ber. There is I . . p.m. .. ­­ � i . ... A . . 1� a'ctn, Eniland. - Office Back of Do- —1 wonder what truth there is in ever since I can remem gulf, in some incomprehensible man- Alan nodded. I I ing him as I sp*e. There was the I . - � I t 1 , 1� , � �.11 , �- I I � , I - � il � F�- k , �" -� �A` - I 11 . 5. the report of his death? The Abs- nobody 'else in 'Lenley village"—he , , : �.`. , 11 minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. . idened in, his eyes that told ,W'ingham .................. ,. �2 .05- : , Night calls answered from residence, tralian 0olice are almost certain that shook his head sadly—"who would ex- ner, had w -now. "You mean, youlre not bothered faintest glint 11 B . elgrave ........... o......'..... . 2.29 * , !- With a Mnkthg heart he - realized with, The Ringer?" he said. me. I'll set your mind at ease; J�e ! . , j.; a ey larbour pec . ..." 1, 1, ......­ ....... I . . ,,, ., Victoria Street, ,Seaforth. the'man t. ken out of Sydiii"" H` t me -J—" He 'hesitated, and '4�tijhiei of the _:resent under guspicion is Blyth * ...... . '213a - "; . I I � the. gulf between this It was a perfectly innocent remark person it, .p ", � . . . . I . was this extrapy'dinary sco-undrel." * Walford jumped in. ­­,­­ - Go Lenleys and"Inspector Wembury. -and he was quite unprepared for the her unfortunate butler. Donpt. itnagl� Londesboro .................. i 2.40 ' .11 .1. � I e 4, Take your -holiday,, my boy. * � � ..:i .r�� �� I , 17 , I,, DR. S. R. COLLYER .. - - ,. Alan Wembury nodd d slowly. , what a pleasant sight, change which came to Meister's*f'ide. 'ine, that the case has blown over—it Clinton .......... ..., ...... 3.'08 . . .1. I ­ Gr�duate Faculty of Tdedicine:, t�i- The Ringer! . I 4 -here 'you jolly well pleasel 'Ap'd- if "\Vhy, Alan . Brucefield .................. 3.26 W. 141 I p � Her sad eyes were brightened with H'6 blinked quickly as though he had hasn't. Anyway, the police ,are too - ; 1 . ' Member The very name produced a little Miss Mary Lenley is as wise as...she Kippen .......... i .......... : 3.33-1.......... . .. . ;vers Ontario. I la -as tp dream , , I , ' ,ugbter. "And you're bursting.with been coMronted with . ,:,.,. 11 Coll�ge of Physicians and Surgeons of thrill that was unplea.4antly like a is beautiful—I remember her as - a .a brilliant light. active for the moment for 3.99 . .. , '. � . t. 4 news' Po,or Alan! We read it in The loose mouth became in an instant of disposing.of the pearls, and . . We Hensall ..................... 4 . ore ­;� n� � . . I I . i. I . . . I I I � � , � , � .# . . . I I . I . I � . I . . I " . . I I I . . I 1, . . . I � I . � . . . I . 'o I ---1 1. I � ;. . I I I . I . . ,.Y# , . I . I . I , " I I I I I . ; 11 . 11 . I . . . . . I I . If ., ­ � I � I 11 . . I I � I I I , . . . . .0 . : �.: - 1111.1 . "... I—— . . I � , I � . .1 � 1. . . I . I I I I I (Irtario. Post graduate work ar New sh York City Hospital and Victoria'Hos- w pitAl, London, Phone: Hensall, 56. so Office, King Street, Hensall. . in . so ' DR. J .A .MUNN in Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ity, Chicago, Ill. Licentiate Royal so , College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. le Office over! Sills' Hardware, Main St., s -i Seaforth. -Phone 15L - , ,,,,, � . H DR. F. .1. BECHELY . 41 Graduate Royal 'College of ' Dental It Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R., g Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea- t( forth. Phones: Office, 185 W; resi- b dence, 18-5 J. � .. fi —­ - I I — C CONSULTING ENGINEER s S. W., Archibald, B.A. Sc.,- (Toronto), It O.L.S., Registered PrZfessional En- 9 . gineeT, " 6fid Land Surveyor. Victor d Building, 288% D�ndai Street, Lon- v 'don, Ontario. Telephone:, Metcalf !9801w. . ", - p . h — 11 . I . I . y AUCTIONEE RS . .. .1 I I , I .. .q TH.OMAS BROWN _ . b Licensed . aucti�neer #pr the countieA I of Huron and Perth. Correspondenc� , �arr en,?�.. i, for sale dates can be r0a - - I %g The Expositor Office, SeWiorf. -Charges moderate, and . satisj�actioii ,guaranteed. Phone 302. . &JI -­ �- ,� ..., ­.. . 4CAR KLOPP . Honer ,Graduate Carey J4nes' Na- tiorial -School for, Anctioneerifi9v Chi- cago. -Spe6ial courii'taken in Pure ,Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm, 8ales. Rates ih keeping with prevailing markets. :Sgt- isfaction assuked. Write or 'Wfi6, Oscar popp, Zurich, Onto Phd,-n6 I 13-99. , I -- 2866-52 � . . I . � 7- " I 111­wb...""...a� . . � % I . . 1� I R. To LUKEA � Licensed auctioneer for the C#urity of Htiron. Sales atte - ded TO ilk aU. , . Tbarts of the -CoUutst� iT-46VOTI 60141 62� pariotice, it Mani—- --- iia4kato'h6. I Wan. Term'd rdasouable � No. I -r 11, Eldt(It, tt R, %1.'t RX. � . . 'Ord6rs l6jt--at.Th4 Huion 19%- ... , 't, td, ftee"-senforth, 00"tly i .,L As +n'. , � , . W-" ­ iver. ret Alan wembury was child -she will forgeL MR6 s e s a the morning newspaper." a straight, hard line. If there was shall have to -wait a favourable op- r-xel;ei, . I .... I .... I .... ....... . . . 4�11. 1. ithout fear; his courage, both as a Lenley of - Lenley Court and you are He laughed ruefully.' not fear in those inscrutable eye-, of portunity when they cari'be placed in . . I I , . , Idier and a detective,' was inscribed a Wembury of the gardener's Cot- "I didn't know that my promotibn his, Alan Wembury -was very wide of Antwerp." . ...., North. ' , �%f � golden letters. "But there was t For i . n t i days,, I I ' 1.11 - 4 1 , . � �.�.t­ age! ..p was a matter of world interest," 'lle. th,..nlark, I . 4,111e threw away the end of the thin. Exeter -. � ...... � .. - - - - -, - -, .,. ----10.59 �', , , I I mething­very sinister and .deadly Wernbury"�-there was a quiet earn- I . . . .� the very name of The Ringer, egtness in his voice--�"a man is what- aid. I . .. "The -Ringer!" His voice wd%­1ius,, cigarette, took a gold cigarette C4§�­ 14ensah ...................... 11.12 . .... I " . ., inething that conjured up a repel- he is, riot what lits fatber*was. I hope "But you're going to tell me all a�- :R�'. "Ancient history, eh ? . Poor beg- from his waistcoat pocket, seleeted- Kippen ; ................. i.. 11.19 I 1. bout il." She slipped her arm in his gar, he's dead!" ariotebr with infi7r1ite care'and lit it, Brucefield ...... �.. ...: ...... I .11.27 . 11. I A I nt spectacle . . . . the cold; pas- yau will never be obsessed by a sense . I .1 1. � - - naturally, as: she had in the days of fre said this with almost s,tartling J61ifiny watching him enviously. Clinton .................... 11-59 .. . , � - . . C"f your own unwo�thinesk. Becapse, .. .. onless eyes of a cobra. i her childhood,- when the gardener's ennph to Alan that Londesboro ................ ,12.16 - - , � .'t ,, Who had not heard of The Ringer?' if you are" -he paused, and again his - ' . Ps Pla, , agis. It seemed hini- (Continued next week.). Blyth .............. I ...... 12.23 _ " -.��. .,on was pvlary. LonleY ymate, the the mail *as trying to .persuade . �, is exploits,had terrified London. He eves twinkled -"you wi . 11 be a darridd . kite and bowled self that thi.1 .notorious criminal had .40 - -rave .. ...... : I I 2M. - - -4'� � ' . . shy boy who flew hei , Bel, .� ......... .. , !,R., d killed rutlillessly, purposelessly,, if fool!" �Pnd fielded for her when she wielded pa sed beyorM the sphere of human Wingham ................... 12.47 . I—' is motive weTe,one of personal ven- - Alan Wembufy left. the room with s . . 4�`­, I ­ � emce. uneasy. conviction that�-he Assist.. a cricket bat almost as tall as 'her,- activity. Holidays Are'Over. . . . . .1 11 � Men who had good reason the , . Au�tralia." . I " .1 bate and -Tear him, had gone to ant Commissioner knew a gre self. . "Dear , , drowned in . I .. .. . .. ed, hale and hearty, snapping their more about the Lenleys than he had "There is little to tell �'� W'e­'bare The girl was looking at him won-. Children now are back at school, . ... C.- N I . R. . I .. �% 11. I . I'll . . . 11 said Alan. ."I'm promoted Ov- deringly., . And illy fevered brow I cool. .1 . ��U,J, ngers at- - - the. - menace;- -safe in the admitted. � . news, � ... , ��, .. . on,9ciousnegg "ViAt their bouses ivere " I— . . . er the heads ofibett6l' men and I don't "Who is Tb6 Ringer?" she asked. Yet I'll miss the noisy troop,., . � .......... . . . East. , - ­­., ... - , I - know'Aether *to be'ilid or sorry!" "Nobody you would know anything With the.ir merry boop-a-doop. . �;,,!�;, urrounded by watchful policemen. In I � a.m._,. . :..j�p- .." .". h . they Kad .been found � He felt curiously self-conscious aild about, or ought to know'," he said, Miss piallo-pounded jazz;' I Goderich ... I ...... 1. . ­6*.36 , - o40 . .. . 11 i n ORAPTSR II gauche., as'they paced the untidy 4avp,i almost brusquely. And then, with a Miss the radio tbat has . ...", �� .. ril ,,, � O g 1 - . 6.50 ,2.56 1 ! �.-, �; I lk, and dead. .The Ringer, lf4e the . . Holmesv'i1Je .­,.... .�, . talking Never stopped a single minute, ­'�. ", togethdr. ..�,�, � of little laugh- "We're all 18 I . ark angel o death, had passed and , It seemed that the spring had come .4'I've had a little luck in one or two -h 'th e If the house had one kid in it. Clinton ............. 6.68 .05, k, �.,,.,, i . " "" , ­­ ' 7.14 . I . -L- - "I., � � - Spaforth ..:;'�..­,�. %*. 2 121 1. ithdred them in their prrime. I ., op.' and criminal justice is d . � earlier to Lenley village than to grim cases I've hafidled, but I can't help wolv�qt MTid of 'shop' for a young lady's Miss the phone's incessant soun .. , 11 I -9 ' - `4�1�'. .Though The Ringer no longer old Loiidon, which seerfi-s. to re#et feeling that Im a favourite with the ears." . "Wan't to know if Jim". around.'; St. Columban ....... 7.1 8,27 . , I . , ­. ,ommissioner and that I owe my pro- "I wish to heaven ypu'd find some- Calls for Miar�, George or Jack. . �., aunts your division, there is one and resist the 'tenderness of the sea- C Dublin .............. 7.23 3.32. .., , I � ,.11­­� ,,,�: an in Deptford I would like to warn son, until, overwhql'med by the rush nlotion. w&e"to that cAuse. than to thing . talk I West'. ' I � I .: �' I - s else to about,"' gro-161 "Grace is out. 8,he'll -soon be,back. . 1: , ou ,Rgainst," said .0, olonel ' Walford, of crocuses and dafrodils and yellow- any other." JU John Lenley fretfully, and was turn- Leave yb-ur number 'and she'll ring U I I �'.- �'..` - . . D bin .. 1-1.24 9.12 . ., " " , ­ . .I � I,-, vgj�..- , .1N, Phd he—" I q offed.' "Of c r.ge ifig away whefi Maurice,',Xeister ask- you. , � ­ IRI � I'll 1 hearted niircissi', it capitulates b and- . 1'4RubbiA!?' ,. he ge . st.� Coluwb��' : *. *... 11.20 . ... :� %. ,,, ...";-', "Is Maui -ice Meister,' said Alan, ly in a.blaze of yellow 9firigbine. you've had your promoti0i -6n mp,rit!" ed: Do you think I'm trying to string '. ti.3 Seaforth I .......... 11.40 9,25 !112 ' nd th � Commissioner raised his eye- A.% he walked into the village from She caught his eyes looking at the "You are at present in a West En.1 you?" I Clinton ............ I.i.FV5 . ,,, .9A9 -'.-.11 !!!! i -4, � ... I �� rows in surprise. the railway station, Alan saw over house, and instantly her, expr6s- division, aren't you, Wenibury? What Thus it went the wh le day long. Holinesville ...­­'. 12�05 09'-- , -,, I�D,o - th of . . I . ,VRI" you know him?" he asked. the hedge the,famous loenle�r Pa 4ion .changed. was your last case? , I don't seem to it was just one gran' sweet -song. Goderich ........... 12,20; 10.06 ' 1 stonished. "I didn't know Meister's Daffodils. blazing with a golden glory. "Poor old Lenley eourtl" she said remember seeing your -name, in, the . � � � .;Z:.. jj� �,,�.. " -eputation as a lawyer was. so wide- BeyOiid'the tall poplars was the roof softly. "You've heard our,news, Al- newspapers." , � . . Now the music's silent,-- still�- I I . .� I %.,., . . � `� , I I,— Al­':A',.�4i spread2' of grey old, Lenley Court. nn9 We're leaving next week." She� Alan made a little grimace. N,ow the house seems lonely,,,chill......- � . . ;�q. , I . - ',;�., I Alan We;�bury hesitated, fingering - Ne-ws of his good f(yrtune, had come breathed d 18 -ng sigh. "It doesn't ,,We never advertise Our failures," This is life- we -Meet, we part . "" I C. P. R. TIME TABLE I . . . . . ," . his little inoustache. ahead of him. The bald�headed,larid- beau thinking about, ,does it? Johill he'said. "My la'st job ,doz,to,dAquire Gaily, yet ';Vfth Iftench of heart. . . I I I , -,v-- � "P � � � ­ . , ". . . ". . � . . ".. � �, ..", � ... East. �" . "I only know him becamie be hap- lord of the.Red Lion Inn came run- ny is taking a flat in town, ano,� into somd pearls that were stolen from We must take it as it comes, I �. , � ,,�..4�, .1 pens to be tfie Lenleys' family law- ning out to, intercept him, ,a grin of Maurice has promised m@ � '. ,;,.., , ;', i I . _!�qtme work- Lddy Darnleigh's house'in Park Lane And. be thankful fqrl the crumhs. . 4�1114 !,. , I t, I I yer," he said. delight on his rubicund fabe. Alan stared at her. I . � oil the night of her big Ambassador's ,......-Dean D. Hurmdv,P Goderich ......... .......... - 5,60 .;..� I 1% 11, , " the Commissioner, shook his. head .. ,, . 1 '9 11 ­ .11 � . Menset ............. i..... . .. .. �.. 646 I t' ­ Glad to qee'you back, Alan," he �"Work? 11 he gasped. - "You don t P?#Y. � ..'10, ' - , . :'Ij!�Jjll . gov , :�'. V . -1, with a langb. . said. I'Welv� heard of your promo- mean you've got to Work for your — I ,- L '� I &;, � I "NoW.you'ire got me Out of my tion and we're all very proud of you. He was looking at -Mary as he � .......... Me-Gaw ................. 4,,. � 11 .. 11 - living?" . WI§DOM Auburn ...---.--, ............. 631 -%!�:"� ff'Ml, au h 14 spok , * - " : " . LL",1,1�,�-" ", depth.. I don!t even know the Len- You)ll be Chief of the Police On� Of I she I ghed at t i- e, Her face was -,a,­Magnet -­ 'WIT AND . Blyth . .................. � 9. 4-9. . I , ' - ' `�' ;` " r ..O. � � , 11�� L .. � � Of Course, my I - I I '�.a . .1 . "Why, I : � U416 ,j��4, .4 i�ys. And yet irou speak their f"irfle -these days.$P. d6dr-my dear which lured and held his gaze. He . ­ Walt6n .4,. � . . ..! ... . . . ­ T� _. 1;� . . , of awe. Un- Alan ,mile(, � - Alan. ,jlni imitating myself into the !�d not see John 'Denley's hand go to I . . .. 4 --1 �,��,;,­S , ,� . 1: .... i t, , ''� ' , tvith a certain amount I at the sp6ntaneous em � McNaught .......... �*- .,- i �, 52"' 4* I . , - , lesso" he said suddeiij 11 this old village; mysteries of short hs mouth to check the involuntary I - - ;..,-, '� �1111 .­',§F'.L.�, : " � thusfasill. He liked - Toronto .... i ..... , 1 4 .��J ""'j,"s 1, Y,,., ou are re ........ A , 1� � ferring t� old George Lenisy of Hert- exclamation, or the quick Warning, Americans carry more life insur .. . . �� , I I , �. -, � , , �i' i� it� was a home ol dreams. ',Would the ing. I'm going to be Maurice's wre- , than any other people. And- .� we * I .. , 1. ", ford, the man who died a1e"onths . glance which Meister shot at ther allelp # I .. great, tb�79'u-preme dream, which he tary." - se. certainly ne'ed it. -Barrie Examiner. "' -- -­ 11 . ­ :. I ?10 . I ., yoillig man. There was a little pau . .. 1. - --I, - a* " ;, I ,­ . I . I I 1:��-';- � I bid never dared, bring,to, its logical Meister�s sect,4tarylr � - -� .., -.-o".., 11, �-­,, � ago '.. 'i. ito. Alan nodded. 1� -conclusion, ,te fulfilled? . 44Lgtdy Darnleigh.?" drawled Maur- . . T�roftto ...... . �'­', 4 . , I %V�M , I . "I utied .to Tint with him," mused . -ad a familiar '*sound. iae� 1145h yes, I no -in to remembeT ,,, Wxatrght ­, - i, 6 i � 4' 4..%*�6$" � I I 'Are yoU - going u to � the Court to The words b I I . ... . 4#.4 , 11 1.11, A� �. th-' �08ii` "' *,,,.)ner 1% hard-ridhigt ' Twhen he answer- And Aet'ln a -flash he remembefea. . . . I matter of fact weren't A weddizg ring- doestipt have to be waltold . 1. ". , '46 - i+�., V as 4 . , . ,� � - �,�� I 0W I . I see, J��, Mary?" an &� that night, lahn- ve., durable nowadays to last 9: man B1V1th'.'o.o.,..... � 6004,i- �.,� rr;­ '44, �atd-dtbaii�j' typvd of Old- English nother secrefary, whose body had yoti at her':Aalft I A0 I 0 I " ­ � . . .... ­­ ;!�k.�­ � ! . [d ed yesi. the landlord shook his 'head , �'41' I . 'He died broke, somebody tol teen. tAken from the fiver one . a ife-time,gaiidialt Star. 16.. & .. �. . , I ­ I ­ I'll ­ , . , - I.., ' W, '* 1 4 �-4 W, .... ,. ; , , �, Squire. -hildren ? 4 , and' pursed'his lips. He -- -1- r4o-r�ing, *and he recalled Colonel Wal- - go looked at the other and Johnny I qta �'.4'..VWo,.64-�-­�,'' :. f , , 6 I � !bq. Had be any t persbxiift.i.t "Things are very had up ' I " 1. I , ..:,4 : .. -,' "TWO sir" said Alan quidtlY. v there,'Alan. They 4aV there's noth- TOrd-N Ominous words. `%­ ' " . ".. shook his sl�oulder imliatlently. ,', .., I ma"t I W... 4. do le. i� wra'.4 I I I Nq WL. er, eh V quite gluw, * Alan. oof 0011tse IFwts � - I didn't - Goaq,tch, - � ............ k 4;�Ie 4 � * *w. � "..";, - '71.1 I..., �tldl�l !�,:. , ':'And'Mdstek is t eir law of the estate either for "WV, Y`6u're � �, � � 7 hig left Qut iro�pegt­df-my earning. 2,know AnYth '9-�, ' Ut the tob*y."Wl. ' Man is tuat P0401tar ablul WW 1, ,.�111 V .", R � atighe - shortly. . t - I I . , .. I " -.� I '. .. 11 ". 1he Commissioner Ad DoreslAot the p In 6 - 1. . ­ . !.";""', " No .1 I . 14 . I � ,., .1 11 I I �.- ,4' 1i r", I rE. . Mr. Jolan or Miss Mary. I dou! 0i I . � � .: � , ,,,,4 I I . I . I .. -­� � 1"They irarelet Well R41104d tO Put � 11. " , � . . . I. �, . I . .. ,,, 1�" ,& " � ...." ­­­ ­­ I . 1- ­ � .. .... ­ � 1, . .:, I—' . I I I .1 .� � I I ... , ., . I I" ­ . I ­ 01. . I I I I I "I I .1 .. I., ,. � 'i I I 11 - 1. - , ­ . I t I . . . � 11 . I v , " � -11. - I k, ;1 --X. 7 41 11 . � .� � .. . . I I I I . � I � . . I , I .- . I -I . I,— . � . I . I . I . . I . I I . . -,./-, - , , ... �; , I , T".g.l. I.- ,", , . .. d ' I I � I . , � 1, I S " il I . '. 1% , �:�. . I -:4.1 ­ 1. -- - ". , .1 , I � . " . ,.; �Z',; k ,,�, . I , , I . 0 I . I I ­., �A I I ".. � . '4 1 ­, . ..., I I 11 I ,,,, � . - � � ­ � - !—V" I' I I'll � I.. � ­, I . I .., i . . . .., !L . . , .. " " ,'I I I . . I � I -11 1, ''. - . I "I � .. 4. . I i I q. . I . . I , . . 4-:,- , ­ i . L 11 �. �­ . I I .. . q,: , , , . ­ . ... " % "'. � 11"i :i , �;.-,�,:9� ,111 I - , V., , . . ­­�'. I . I h ,., ". I 9, I N� `,�.�,,t ,*�"­'� ­ � , - , 11. ;; 1. . ­..�-, - .. ,.. ­ 0, ,, . ,,, �1� ' ". L III .1. .. v, ;�, , '' ,. �. , "': � - W . .. . . . ,.� ::y � , 1, �, . . . tl I I 1 , .1 � . . . -ic-, , , . I , I 11, S"W'­­ ��,� -I,,'' , t.- I . . V. s �� ;.,.'-,,, -,,0-.1, 1� , , 1- , . �, � , - � ., .�, ; ­. I I F, . � - � I - - , , �­. �, , ; i 11 �.i . ­�.­­� I . ,::�� '... , � . , :.!�,,, , , �., I I � .. ... .. :­t,��',-,�,.,. - ,­ ,, I .. . , IV* I , � , , , J - ,� " '. �,, � Ll I IM, :1. .......... .111, .. , , . ... 141"111�.�:,. '' �, . i ,�­­ - - ­­ � - .. . , , �,.,,...� , " � "' `�`�,, ". ,,�4p� -, "",� 1 , , ... i- 11 ! � .... I.. , . ,.,�,�:" A -1 . . . .. , . 's . �� ji L �. % . .�, , I 1, .;T" I , � 1 " � . ,� " I S� ,` ", 't , ­� � �­11 ... I A - .i 1, , V � .1 A ­ *1 - � � " ,f"�i,,�;'� Z�*; � �,,,, � ,i,�,, I , .,� M. ` I - , " . � jjj , , , 4 ,, .��, 11 ,� , 1* , - .111.11 " ���LL I'll � - . I "I'll, ­: . . I 11 , . i �,.�,,,, . , "I � ok �, , ., , ; . . ... . � � g, ., "tr' I �, OEM WT.9 I I "IN&' 11 . ­�� , i ,"O. .,� , 0 IN MILEOLL002 0 ,� , ,,�� :ig, " � lk 1,,�xw.L"�,,�,,�.!""W�ill"�� 2 M, il����� . , ,,,, , , . , " � ,� I ; . y 'i a