HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-15, Page 31.9Y7'''T "'T7'477. 4 TA iJ 4.-77+,7*, . • 7 7 ,517:4 • • I.ARX. 1934, •-• • -- • ' • " ' "4'4" ROI 4 c' • t , 111,0,M#1111,01.i A.40774,74. ,77,4Tr' • .7"Y • 411 ' 4.1477 reAO**, 14/4 -*met* er$5,70: •lign0*.": ed;'' for.11140 , stocks, purchased at new loiv Wee% .:are701., and lewer. Every department in our stares is peeing in this ,.great price reduction. Jiktif' ad givteSi,e partial list of the tremendous savings Stores are full of wonderful bargains, READ THE LIST—COME—Share in theSaving Just Ten Cots in • $8.95 Coats Thias Line Heavy Ulsters In medium shades. Mostly large R qc sizes. Hurry for -these WM". Pure Wool • Scotch Blankets g. 'Finest quality imported direct from Scotland. • Just arrived.. Bought under new low prices, also the low rate of pound. ster- ling. Regular-PO.75 a pair. DRESSES Cloths are Broadcloth, Velours, Chin- chilla, in real nice styles. Colows, Blue, Brown, Sand and Wine. Regu- larly pried up to $25.00. Final Clearing 0 • Ladies' Tweed Coats . • Special rac'k of heavy Tweed Coats, • new styles; good fur collars. Very serviceable coats, lined and interlined. •• . Just the • real thing or one mho • wants a good warm: 'wet. Worth G r:o up of Overcoats regularly , • priced to $27,0Q, now $15.85 Corn to this Sale, men, expecting great values, forevery garment is reduced. This greari-represents the very newest in men's and young men's coats. The new Greys and Blues predominate—and we have a style to suit eyeryone. • YOU MUST SEE THESE COATS oa tregu s kir to 35 This is one group that demands your atten- tion. Beautiful new coats in the newest colours and styles, carefully tailored by Canada's best makers. Men who Want the.. best will select these coats at 5 41 .0., 85 Men's • Suits Sleeveless Dresses of Crepe 'and Ray- on, good styles and attractive pat- terns. New • colour's; suitable for al- most any occasion. Sizes 14 to- 40. Priced away down for quick selling. GROUP II These are selling at half price and less. A big assortment of satin, crepe, jersey, tweed. Real new styles and trimmed in the most fashionable, ways. Sizes 14-42. Priced at halforice. GROUP III This group presents all new style dresses ---this season's leaders,.• Crepes, Satins and Georgettes. A most at- tractive rack in the newest of colour effects. Don't miss these! All this year's best and newest Coate. -Finest quality. Chcrriga,. Crepe Cloth and Broadcloth, Satin and Crepe lined with extra interlining. Black, Brown, Green, Navy, with luxurious fur col- lars and cuffs. ,Regularly priced up to $35,00. Final18 75 Clearing • • ...• „ Here, men, is a group of Suits that sold up to $2090 -Mid $25..00, all new styles; good colours in smart Tweeds and Irish Twists. • If you're looking for a suit tu,gilre a heap of wear,,,,you,can stop here. CLEARING. $12 50 FINAL 111111•1111.11111111111 • Men's $25 Suits Beautiful Worsteds, Blue Serges, Stapes ana all the new weaves ko to' make up this group. Our very newest men's suits, exquisitely tailored and finished," go at this. ridiculous price. ' immoimiss. OUR BEST SUITS These are our regular $30 and $35 Suits. • The finest that mone-f can buy. " are overstocked in these and we're/ going to clear them. They are Blues, Blue Stripes, Worsteds, in all the most popular shades—a suit any man would be proud of; House Dresses - New pattern's -of .Print;" fast col- ours, long •or short sleeve, trim- med with binding buttons, or- gandie, belt and. buckles. Sizes 16 to 50. •1 1 Extra Special. -. 98c Brand new Coats, beauti- fully made; fur collar and cuffs; satin lined. • 20 PER CENT. • OFF • • NOTE—Every article in the store, not mentioned on ,this bill, at special prices, will be reduced 20 PER CENT: EXTRA— "Specials . MEN'S FINE SHIRTS New Shirts just in, -either sep- arate collar or collar attached. AsSorted patterns and qualities. Regular value to $1.95 $1 29 SALE PRICE NON -RUN SILK BLOOMERS Extra good quality silk, well made; good • elastic. Formerly' priced 79 cents. 49,c SALE PRICE, • •, LADIES' PURE SILK 'HOSE Ful}' fashioned, semi service ,weight. All colours. Regular $1.00 Snappy styles, all with two, pants to :Match. Blues and lighter shades' in tweeds. We have lots—we won't dtgappoint you.'Th'ese' , are a real bargain at . • 70' 'T 777,.....772.- ' ' 7,77.7 STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR FINAL CLEARING GOLD LABEL • $1 19 RED LABEL $1.49 BLUE LABEL- ....... '• • .$1.79 All sizes and colors, al- so colour combinations. A complete range of these attractive blank- ets.' Regular $600 to $f).50. SALE On PER CENT PRICE 44P OFF STRIPED FLANNELETTE Heavy weight; colours, ,Pink, Blue and 1fauve. , Lowest price in; years 7...16c YD. PURE LINEN '• • ROLLER _TOWELLING 17 inches' wide, colnured borders, fine quality. Regular. price 20e. SALE 'PRICE -- 12 1/2c, Yard • IRISH LINEN TOW ELTING Extra quality; borders, gold, rose and blue. Extra weight; 'beautiful qual- ity. Regular, 25c. SALE PRICE •17c YD. • • FAST COLOR PRINTS 36 inches wide. fast colour Prints; • ne*,piitterns, big variety of 'colours. ' SALE PRICE 15c YARD NEW SPRING PRINTS In a large range of gtiaranteed col- ours; 36 inches Wide. You will mar- vel at these values. 19c. YARD 7a "4 ...A. 77".1A47074774:7”. qi.,W1,44" " -7.4447e.7f-T&O VW' " 1.7Wf.444,...4.%.,4771";7.7ise . . „ Made of heavy kiraopi a cloth; attractive patterns and colors, satin trimmed and silk cord and tas- qels. The season's newest. All sites. SALE PRICE Men's Felt llats Work Sox Every Hat in the store. comes tinder this great rednetiOh. Get your new Sprint hat now; 'it e real ,bargain. willsurnWpay you. • etc PER CENT* 19c PIR' Li" . OFT • Pure Wool, heavy-. weight. A Heavy cotton fieece shirts and drawers. Regularly sold at 85c. FINAL CLEARING COMBINATIONS Heavy weight' Tiger fleece. All' sizes. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS COMBINATIONS, eacl l7x28 inches, finished hernmed; coloured lsorders. Nice quality linen. SALE PRICE 10 EACH Dress Goods Silks, Satins, Crepes, Velltets, Dfess Linings, etc. •. 20--$1.orPT 4.747.4. A .`kaga.r416004 receive ou• r Intn2Pt attention: and Yin be -tent Ovet4144,