HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-01, Page 8"31 he, 4.464r 441.14 • 6 44. 4•44'41'iel'i66' 1 . • , ' , , • , t t sperous r. to all our 'sand 0' are .not ustomers. kreiridenee has blessed us Iptintiful harvest, not - ending which we are midst of an unusual rossion, caused 'by mis- tAkment of men in some .„ ner, ITS be thankful to Pray- `4tce for His goodness and endeavor to profit frons this depression by 'getting back •to simpler living. F. D. Hutchison Phone rhor Phood-166 144 easons Greeting Just a few little words, but • carrying_ with them, good wishes in abundance and our very sincere appreciation of the friendly, cordial spirit that has marked our business relations in the past, and,the hope that this same spirit army continue for many years to come. WATSON & REID PHONES 33W or 214 : 'SEAFORTH IC> 4 it> S. T. Hohnes & ,Soirt 0 FUNERAL. SERVICE 0 0, Main Street, Seaforth * S. •T. Holmes' residence, 0 Goderich Street, West;-- phone 0 0 No. 119 W. Charles Hohnes' residence, Goderich Street, 0 --.54•- 0 East; phone No. 308. 0 10 Limousine Ambulance Service 0 .- '..-40...._ Night calls, , phone 308. 0 0 -' Day calls, phone 119 J. 0 42-7-- 0I- Charges moderate. o 0 c. o o o .c. o o o o o o o • • ?"-- •..""^ • oo, 146 1•.; , hs, 3•• AUTO INSURANCE Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your..inind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates for any number of months you wish it's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chanees, -All claims promptly .and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service. •• • PHONE 125 A. D. SUTHERLAND .General Insurance, Real Estate • Conveyancing„ Etc. Office Over Keating's Drug Store. • SIRAFORTH : ONTARIO ._PPY YEAR, .`e• We sincerely hope that our many cps,. tomets and friends will be blessed with Health, Happiness and Prosperity During 19J2 Keating'sPharmacy The Reza! Drug Store Phone 28 : Seaforth, Ont. 4,6. 66,h. 4466.• 46-6 4,66 44,66. 44,66 •466.6. '446, lyt.4 44tee44 I -re", Cr",4 n'6" ir,e14' .eit -44 eral of the'Rev, W W, 'Aiteheson, of Salmon Arm, B. C., was held at twQ Ceelook Friday' afternoon ffom tij reAlderipo of his brother -in -10a. 4. Ta5"1-er,... 442 Third Avenue Nor_ ,, .'where ReV,' J. A. McKenzie officiated. 'Mr. Aitcheson was born in Seciforth, Ont, His. first charge was....an the Owen ',Sound Preshytery„, where h preached for two years. For twenty- six yes he...lebored ,in the. Presby- terian and, United Churches in Sas- katchewan, Alberta and British Co- lumbia, although he retired a short time ago from +tive service, owing to ill health. In • 1904 he was mar- ried to Janet Anderson, of ILlift-Skrit. He is s.urvived by his widow_and two daughters: Helen, who is at -ER -ding Universitylere, and Lois, of Salmon - Arra; two 'brothers, J. A. Aitcheson, Toronto, and R. M. Aitcheson, 'Saska- toon.; and one sister, Mrs. A. D. Tay- lor, of this city. Burial was made in Weg.adlawn•Cemetery with Campbell's Funeral Home in charge of arrange- ments." First Presbyterian Church. — The church will have appropriate ., New Year services next Sunday with spe- cial music' by the choir. The 'sermon subjects will be "Looking Ahead" and "We Finish to Begin." Chief Fee Seriously 111. --While on duty late Saturday night, 'Chief of Police W. G. Fee was suddenly strick- en with a fainting spell. He was re- moved to his home where tion is regarded, as serious. During' his absence, Joseph Hoggarth is act- ing as night "Watchman. McKILLOP 'MUTUAL .1114E-1,1NTSITRAil•TE CO'Y. Mum OFFICE—SEAF6RTH, ONT. Christmas Dance at St. James School.—A pleasant Christmas dance, under the auspices of the young peo- ple of the congregation, was held in the ,auditariuna of St, James' Separate Sch661' on Tuesday evening of this week. Music was furnished by Tony Farr and his orchestra, of Goderich. Mayor and Council in by Acclama- tion. --Out of 17 nominations for Sea - forth caunciI, only six qualified. so the -councillors for 1932 will be: T. J. 'Stephens, Leonard Bolton, I.'ffiaidson, J. H. Scott, Harold Dale and W. W. Crozier. Mayor -J. F. Daly was alao returned by acclamation. OFFICERS: John Aennewies, Brodhagen - Pres. -`,74trannolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D.' POGregor, Seaforth Sec.-Treas. AGENTS• : E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Ifutray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G /azimuth, Brodhagen; James Watt, ' DIRECTORS: , WillUant Knox, Londesboro; John Amides, Brodhagen; James Evans, jR 5,- Seaforth; James Connolly, ---GOderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea forth; Robert Perris, Myth; George , eCgtthey, No. 3, Seaforth; John Pepper, l3rucefield ; James Sholdice, • Walton. • For Sale. --One choice Durham caw q..5eeP•J's... old, due January 4th. Apply to W. M, .16prott.i. Vie Yard. Phone 156 r 2. '^3342-2 For Sale.—A fur lined coat en good condi- tidn. Apply -to. Andrew Archibald, 3:Sox 282, Seaforth. Phone 44 W. 3357-tf When you turn ove a New Leaf, Y.ou will need. a New 'LEDGERS' JOURNALS DAY BOOKS MINUTE BOOKS MEIVIORAN D U1:11 S BINDING CASES PlitEs INK 'PASTE PENS PENCILS hompson s sv • Book Store, Seaforth. Subscriptions taken fpr newspapers and magazines at publisher's prices. spent Christmas at the home, of their, mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. Mr.. and Mrs. RerVeY-Vasen; '' No Ice—No Games.—An O.H.A. In- termediate hockey game was schedul- ed,to be, played betty bete,ej Clinton and Seaforth Tuesday o this week, but because of lack of ice had to be post- poned. . Should the present cold spell continue it is expected that there will be ice in Ithe rink by next week. 4:. Back To Normal. --=With the issue of next. week, The Huron Expositor will again, appear -at its accustomed time. We wish to thank our cor- respondents and advertisers, whose co-operation mad it possible to pub- lish a day earlyAhe pa.st.,tw.o=weeks. We regret if any inconvenience was eaused them through the change. itt,,VriVryvtray.1474, The - Cginpliments .of the 24 (Y2;7 Season ,08 'Sr 1-611: enjoy a New Year liOjete happi. itosgylfrogileritY 4114 -- r - / Remnania.-3 Tbs. Prints $1.00; 3 Ms. Silk, Velvets or Cretonnes $1.50.'"Agelfts, dealers wanted. A. McCreery eo., Chatham; Ont 8808-tf Doll. Contest Closes.—The doll .con- test which has been running at Keat- ing's Pharmacy store during"the "past few weeks, concluded on Christnias Eve, when the winners were announc- ed. Barbara -Sproat and Helen Smith won doll houses.while Joanne McMil- lan, Patricia BeChely, Annie Wood, Jean Wright, Margaret McLeod, Doris Ferguson, Thelma Dolmage; Lenore Habkirk,- Mildred' Aitcheson, Lorna Dale, Lois Govenlock, Wilma Hay, Grace Stead, Barbara Best, Marion Sclater, Phyllis Scott, Betty Moore, Gertrude Flannery, Clete Dickson, Ruth Fra.lier, Peggy Willis, Fergus Bell, Doris Eisler, Jean Swan and Ruth Anderson won dolls. There were 53 entries in the contesf. Home and School Association.—The Home and School Association will hold their regular meeting in the public school on Monday. January 4th, at 4 o'clock. A paper, "Why Adolescence is Hard on Parents" will be read by- Mrs..1. A. Munn. A splendid musical programme is being prepared. Please be present. .60 was a Christmas guest at the home og her brother, Mx, W. E. Southgate, 'Mr. 'Saila Walker, of Tirnrnins, spent Christmas at his home here. Miss ,c4;eta- Memel., of Windsor, was Ch.ristmas, guest -the ,home of Mr. and WS, W, A. Crich. Grade 'Scott, of Mitchell, is. spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scott. IVIiss Anna Sutherland, of Toronto, and 1Vir: Kelly„of Vancouver, , were Christmas guests at the home .oferllar. and. Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. 'Miss Dorothy Kerslake and Mr. Howard Purdy, of Toronto, were Christmas guests at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. Miss- Mona Sills, of St. Joseph's Respite', London, spent 'Christmas with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills. Mias Bechely, qf was. a Christmas. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. riSproat. 'Dr. Fred Clarkson and daughter, Miss Dorisq, of Toronto, spent Christ- inas at the home of Mr. and Mi.s. G. D. Ferguson. Miss Marguerite Black, of Hamil- ton and Mr. George Black, Toronto, Blyth, and :,Miss Ethel McKay, of To- spent +Christmas at their home m ronto, spent 'Christmas at the home Tuekersmith. ef their mother, Mrs. Hugh McKay. Mr. Frank Rankin, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of To- IVIr. rotito, spent. Christmas at Thornton ICht.isElR tm. as anakt h'itheir f home Fort here. , spent Hall, the home of' Mrs, Love's_par- Mr. Clayton Martin, of Englehart, spent the holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hawthorne and family, of Goderich, spent Christ- mas at the home of Mrs. Robert -Haw- thorne. Mr. W. Scott; of London, spent Christmas •at the -home' of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Cluff. Dr. and Mrs:- Glanfield, of Wallace town, and Miss Hazel Elcoat, of To- ronto, spent iChriStmas at the home of Mr. William Elcoat. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pinkney and lit- tle son, of Montreal, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. arid Mrs.- A. Johnston, Miss Dorothy Rutkig and Miss Ruth Pink- ney, of Stratford, spent tChristmv, at the hone of Mrs. R. L. Clark. Miss Pearl McMinn" is a holiday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowery. Mr. Lorne PinkneY, of Stretford Normal School, is spending -his holi- days in town. Mrs. IL Desborough, who spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert, has returned.' to re- ents, Mr.„and Mrs. A. D, Scott. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Willis and lit- tle. daughter, of Londona Spent. Christ- mas w .spent Christmas* at his home in Kip - „.. Mr. Lloyd Workman, of Osliawa, Kip - pen. 1N/fr. and Mrs. Nelsen Govehlock, of Waterford, spent -Christinas with rel- atives_in town and vicinity., Mr. Arthur Burrows, of Western University, London, is spending the holidays at the home of ,his parents, Dr, and 'BR's. F. J. Burrows. Mis Mildred Johnston, of WaubaLih- ene, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnston. Mr. W. Pollard, of Woodlle, is ,.pending the holidays with' his par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pollard.. Mr. Fred Jason, of Merrickville, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. Miss Elizabeth McLean, Miss Vir- ginia Irwin and Miss Pat Watson, of Toronto, *ere Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Mc- Lean. Miss Jean 'Cluff, of Woodstock, spent .Christmas ” her parents, Mr. slime herduties in 'the Northville, ' and Mrs. A. F. CIA.' Mr. A. R. G. •Ament, of., Toronto, spent Christmas at his home here. Mr. and !Mrs. Archie Hays, of Fart Erie, spent Christmas at the hoine of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hays, Egmondville. Mrs.- R. A. Wilson, of New York, ith relatives here. Christmas Geese Won at Bowling Alley.—Evan Rennie won the first goose offered with a score of 944 for three consecutive games. The play off for the second goose resulted with •a, win for Jack Hotham with a score of 736, while the runners-up were Art Nicholson 690, Ian 'McLean 660, Roy *Peach 629, Jack Cuniminga 616, Wilson Wright 612, Orval Holmes 558, Roy Dixon 512, Art Powell 443, and Jack Broderick 162. Ducks on Mon- day night this, week were 'won by McLean 310, Pinkney 214 and Wright 205. On Christmas Day, Jack Hoth- am broke the alley record, which was held by Roy McGeoch, 'by 11 Hotham's score was ' 431. Robert Venus was successful in winning a' duck for highest "single , score on Christmas Day. Alumni Dance is a Success.—Tbe reunion dance held on Christmas night in Cardno's Hall, under the auspices of , the Seaforth Collegiate Institute Alumni Association, was a splendid success.;, The hall was beautifully decorated in school colors and was filled to capacity with ex -students and friends. Music was furnished bv Olin Brown and his orchestra of tratford. Mrs. Henry B, PecheIder (nee Jes- sie Charters),G anted Divorce.—Mrs. eirr Jessie Peck' ,,,,,.... ,:ising, Mich., Oiled suit for a bi l of dl'orce against Henry B. Peckelder on May 29, 1931, the final decree being granted by Judge L. Carr, of Ingham County Cir- cuit Court, Lansing, Mich., Sept. 5th, 1931.The decree provided Mrs. Peckolder with. a property settlement and alimony, also' the privilege of_tak- ing back her maiden name, Je sie Charters. ' AnCual Week of Prayer.—The ,nual Week of Prayer, under the au pices of the Protestant churches in Seaforth and Egmondville, will com- mence !feat week with services at 8 p.m. each evening. Meetings will be held in the following 'eturdhes: Mon- day, Jan. 4th, Anglican Church; speaker, Rev. I. B. Kairie; Tuesday, Jan. 5th, Egmondyille United Church; speaker, Rev. W. P. Lane; Wednesday, Jan. 6th, North Side United Church, speaker, Rev. Charles Malcolm; Thurs- day, Jan. 7th, First Presbyterian Church, speaker, Rev: J. F. Myers. Christmas Music.—The great feast of Christmas was celebrated by Mid- night Mass in St. James' Church, sung by the pastor„ Rev: E. F. Goetz. Pre- ceding the Mass, Christmas carols were sung by the choir under the direction of Mrs. F. Devereaux, and also during the Mass inspiring music was sung. Mr. Frank Sills sang the solo part in Adeste Fideles, with yio- iin accompaniment by Messrs. Eugene Duncan and Francis Devereaux. The altars were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and colored lights. Rev.' Father Goetz.,ga:e An appropriate ad- dress.,o,n,,,thsprisImas season. —The music in First Presbyterian Church on Sunday last was of a very high order, with Christmas anthems in the morning with solo parts by Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr. M. R. Rennie and Mr, D. L. Reid. The choir was assisted in the morn- ing by Mr. Fred E. Willis, and in the evening by the Junior choir, who sang from the gallery. The soloists in the Junior choir were Masters David Stewart and Alaistair Wigg and, in the Senior choir, Mis Anna Edmunds, Mrs.' J. E. DalY, Mrs.. J. A. Munn, Mr-. D. )L. Reid and a very fine duet by Mrs. J. A. Munn and Mrs. WA. - Wright. This • program of . music showed careful attention and direc-, tion given on the part of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, organist and choir leader. —In .Northside United Church the following music under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart was greatly enjoyed by the congregations: Anthem, "Christians Awake,' Salute the Happy Morn" with Miss Mabel Turnbull and Mr. James Stewart as soloists, and an anthem, "God's Won- drous Gift." In the evening the an- them, "Behold I Bring You Good Tid- ings," with Mr. Ed. Bright as soloist, And the last anthem, "Christ, Our Light," completed a very interesting program of music., Go North.,—Thirteen men from Sen - forth • and district left Seaforth on Tuesday for iBonhauer, near Kenora, where they- will be engaged on high- way; eoristruction work. -Mayor Daly, Reeve Beattie and a large -number of citizens saw them offr at the-itation. A special car was attached to the af- ternoon - train from ''Goderidh, which -Oared up parties at paints along the Iin The men. '' 'Beaforth inel.nd- ed: Frank Knight„,..Fred Reeves, Nor- ••Reaer.1•0.k 1‘44Leati Thos. °e'en tdatriaLeo. Hertild ,O , fVel Notval, 144 Eitgge,..,aoutieg, Jack Dorrazieg,,i Venukland t1ieti supr1ntend- t. WM• Vibrd-- tc „. . „ • t, • o tiidident:lthotAn. the -weak,. )4101114.tifli: t4 "; fatitift':fei O- 11 a it lir :700, """ • . 140,05it; LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lennon and two sons, of Montreal, were Christ- mas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs... James Devereaux. Mr. William Somerville, of Toronto, Spent S'uritlay with relatives here. - Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant and two children spent the holidays in Acton and Toronto. Dr. R.- of New York, spent Christmas at the home of his bro- ther, Mr. William Hill. -• • Mr. Jack Vinchley, of Brantford, -spent Christmas with his mother,' Mrs.' 4. D. Rineliley. Mr. Walter, of the Hank of Com- merce', spent Christmas, at, his home itr Jervis. Miss, Edith Govenlock, of Toronter and Miss Beth GovenIedk, of Detroit, spent Christmas at the home of. their parents, Mr. and Mr. J. GevenF, :Iciek., „ Aubrey 670i, Mr-&-.<401Itriide ,Criak • and gt. and, Mtg., ,tatl ginith atittidthser h,,otimf e 4ntriti‘N,lieniti..;171,r4i't' •''ctfelv. • 'H -W,..2411 Mr& doitia aint • ,to,,,itatilest and tinnily •ankh' tidO, iifeark,Lo ,AV4 •:404,,:, 'take' litci d" e1jh • „ +++ A. Happy NewYear We wish all our many friends and customers A Very Happy New Year. Special prizes for bowi- irg this week John Pullman BARBERING( AND BOWLING Superior Grade Piano for Sale. Gourley ira,Mahogany, or Bell in Crotch Walnut. . , Will sell either for $100 cash. See them at the home of J. C. MacKenzie South Main Street. 444,6 4.4, A Happy iiewYear We thank our Many Cus- tomers for gleir patronage during the past year and wish everyone, everywhere, A Happy New Year. A. W. Dunlop' Chevrolet Sales and Service SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 'AA 44, 064 4'I`hh.44•44, .A.A. • Michigan, Sanitarium. Miss Kerr, of "Port Burwell, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George- Kerr, in McKillop. Mr. James Sims and son, James, Jr., of Blyth, spent Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Lprne Dale. Mr. and Mrs. William Murdie and son, Kenneth, and Misses, E. A. and I Murdie, of Ludkripw, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright, of McKillop, spent Christmas with Mrs. M. White. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson aria' Bernice, ,of. Antiirn, and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, Billy, of Galt, spent the Christmas week with Mrs. Wm. Sclatet. . • ' 1 y4 ,664. ^ , ..• / Happy New Year ,',We Wish, Our Many Friends arid PatiOns 21gICIlainAllessa and Yrasperity in 1932. /ge 'Mr. W. Faulkner,. of Brantford, splint Christmas with his mother i Mrs. F. Faulkner. -"'" ,Mr. E. W. Edge, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his father, Mr. H. E. Edge and sister,‚J Miss Josephine. Misses Margaret and Lorna Pala, are"sPending the holidays, in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore cele- brated their 20th wedding annivers- ary on Christmas Day, when relatives and friends front' Windsor, London and Seafkrth spent a most enjoyable day at their home. Miss Blanche Lightowler, R.N.. of Windsor, Spent Christmas with her ..mother, Mrs. Lightowler. ' Mrs. 'Harvey and daughter, Miss Gladys, of London, are visiting riends in Seaforth and vicinity. , Miss K. Purdy, of Toronto, spent Christmas week with Miss Josephine Edge. - - . Miss Jessie Charters, of Lansing, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Charters, 'Milton Place, Mill Road. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Parke are in St. Catharines this week. Mr. D. H. Wilson, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson.. Rev. W. P. Lane, Mrs. Lane and Miss 'Helen spent Christmas in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bethune; of TOledo, spent Christmas at the home of Mi to Bethune.' Miss Elva 'Oak, of Hamilton, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oke. Mr. Frank Darroch was here this week shipping his household effects to Toronto, wliere he is now residing. Misses Betty and Ruth McClelland, of Toronto, are spending the holidays with their grandparents, Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays. Miss Sadie McDonald, of Hamilton, is spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grieve. Miss Laura McMillan, of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. P. McMillan.. - Miss Watson, of Port Arthur, is spending the holidays at the home of her brother, Mr. James Watson. Miss Florence Leidlawof Toronto, ' spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. -T. C. Laidlaw., Miss 'Margaret Thompson, of Allan - town, PermsylVania, is spending the Christmas holidays with her,„,parents, Mr. and Mrs. W T. Thompan, Mr. and Mrs. 'George Proctor were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison, in MeKillep. Miss Ruth Thompson Spent Christ - this WitlitTdrento friends. • Mrs. W. E. Southgate "will return to New 'Yiotk on Thursday with her danglite4 'Mrs. R. A. Wilan. Mr. WogsHairillton,. Faculty of MediCin Univerait of Toronto, spendin the hoir Miss' a Ohtis and NI the Chris Inas hohdays at of his uncle, Dr. H. IL Ross. sty Neville,. of Wind, was. Dias geth nept at hotire of •. I • 3L.1Vreltillan • - rid Mrs. DettlVieltay, of Rain - of *,t07 -'6M. Jtit4 ttf41071 *a ort1 i.11644. ft ' • Mi 1t' •", New Year „.4e4r4 ;1/444- 1, ,66444 " .6.44, h..44'' 9 '' I y4, 1446 ,446 hours •of the Old Year are NuTbere The candle of 19-31 burns low. Its flame begins to flutter. We realize that another year is pass- ing out. A review of it impress- es us with a strong feeling of in- _ debtedness to those whom we have been permitted to serve. With that in -mind, we desire to extend to all customers of this store, to those who are regular custordeit;In fact to everybody, our Best Wishes for Health, Hap- piness• and Prosperity during1932. _I MacTavishis I ,4--41004,421210 hA. •46,- `Y. ..444' I • oe if • f eh th, 41. , 4 ir 1)1 Season's , 16: I,. • "4466 rectings We take this opportun4 of thanking our many pa-trong for the generous support tendered us this year.- Accept' our sincere wishthat your New Tear be. a Bright and Prosperous one. The Wright .Garage W. A-WRIGHT, Proprietor - SEAFORTH P.'"AVITRV iv • . . ' ,"•".•,'•' 'it 4 ,.•14 +;*?? VVVVV ittetiifgs We extend the season's greet- ings and wish you and those whose happiness is yours, a full' measure of Success and Pros- perity forthe Ne* Year. W. R. SMITH Phone I2—Your Grocer—Saforth 90) •rn bor' traaaltaaaamattaaaattaaasatuttma .=•••~4 colnanitivatzliv f'1144 11 ayor J. F. Daly (By Acclamaton), wishes to thank the citizens of Seaford' for theconfid- ence reposed in him and - 4,3-wsh all a .427 I 4, ''''''' •