HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-01, Page 511,•,,- ',vets -1140. * , r 0I. -41 1'4 ----- mis§ '00 •1ho4;,,, " r "stki113n?:,71***:t 4 %.1110cf:4 , -Sister, wirs.,,9*'„?,reSPAtfiY.• W. and Mrst,:„Willitini?N0145L..,9g Tear ChiselhursttNAPiite# Johns' Fddaff,' ' Misses Vera faiseyirOqd;,' Son, and Lifla o wool Nish - a at • their banes inP-Phe IwildOs" Mr. and WS. kOnrdon FOrd and two daughtersMich.f-tvisited at the brim of the Xornier's brother, Mr. Marey Ford, last 'Saturday. M. Stephen Pine had • the inisfor7, tune to break his'arm while cranking CAPITAL TH_EAT:E GOBERIC t PHO 47 Beat Wishes for a Happy an Pros- perous,New Year to 11. Now Playing -George' Atilss in "ALEXANDER HAMILTON" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday CHARLES FARRELL and ELISS.A. LANDI preeent a fascinating 'etory7of in- trigue and espionage • ODYanclhSOUL Sirund News with every Program Thursday, Friday,. Saturday "Penrod and Sam" Booth Tarkington's greet tale of irrepressible boyhood, featuring JACKIE COOGAN and JUNIOR DURKIN Coming—Dotri. Fairbanks and. Bebe-- Daniels, in "REACHING FOR THE MOON" Matinees Wed. and Sat.. at 3 St, 91114*•401.1.1._ , . kremft4t0; ,•ry • O3 j� kV1S W1ute,, 'findeMete,-; Obatbalne. vik#4.4;*v. - Whi1e_recently, .• ' Several people front! this*, ianity • *ere in Exeter last Standayn *Ding attending a'special -Chriatragesaervice, in Janus .Street United Church: • Mr. .and Henry ;Ford and fam- ily ,visited at Mr. P. Whitlock's last FrikkaY••• -Tao late for• last week.) . Laet,:'Snaday a ''"White•-••Gift"„„ser, len Was held ia the church. with a Very--,generoue respprise.2 -The art- icles were el'othing for the needrin Saskatelrewan.. The church was beau- tifully decorated with 'holly,. belief, 'streamers and 'tinsel.. The music was in keeping with...the. season.. ' gunter and Mrs.White- ford are under the'dector's care. ' Mr. and Mrs.. William' Elford and, family visited' at Welbnrn last Sun- day.. ' Mr. W'altier Johns, of ''Cornell.T.Ini versity; N.Y., is home for vacatien. • :Sehool elosed on Tuesday of last weey,WitheseprograMme at school in th'e "aftbrittoon and concert , in the in the evening, making a full day for the children. •• McKILLOP . The concert given by Miss Delaney and her .pupils' of, S. S.. No. 8. Man- ley school, was. a most decided suc- cess. The .school •ropm was packed to the doors. Mr. Henry tenneweis acted as chairman. The „programme. was very interesting from start to finish. • •••-• ..... • Mr. and_Mrs...C..Eggert and Della and Norman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coghlin, near Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and-kirls, Mrs. Fred Koehler, and Miss Marie, and 'Master Harvey Koehler attended the Sunday school • entertainment .in the Rostock Evangelical Church on Monday eVening, , Quite a number from our line at- tended the Christmas concert-glY.P in the Winthrop church on Monday evening. . . • School Repert.—The following is the report of S. No. 4, M.ckillop, for -November and December; Sr. IV 604.$4041-4. 514ertmA n AO, --t„s sereeree„, OP:: 49410V. 140,4x,etria: 70, * 4 *tor T,,i4.1.4 (54,•- #0 i.infaoud 0 fl -os siAligi94, j„pio a94,T4044 „. otqpp. b„a4 -. Aitiof 'Ajoylg..,4! ini::, Sr.., r:rinterr044:**1 .10**ronoll,t ,...4*.,,1511.404.! , Y.,91:' NOv4n4lhog *.a44 *i:q prior... -Clayton iiiile,OPI *10.0 WW1 $r Oeattett•404 WS 97;.--- : ..., open 192- days bring, the year. Mae havnts.,,.good..attend,anee.. :are; He...e.ter amOnt, 19 :days; Aluaa..'14aVrreuce, it Arthur. Henderson? 199i .Harv, Wheatley, Teacher, SchoOl -::Report,-....TIca':.telloWing , n. 940 Sr• •;• • large. onYFO 14$tendegl the qhrkt.'" litiaalree :entertaintilent at Irmagri... Church p Wellagatiar'eveninolast he page* given' iyMrs.' - class waa given, again...at...the °Marie. e re,po4.. of S. S. q. 6, IVIeKiilop, 'Street 'Oliurch.....em Sunday evening and oteNtenembe.rnnd December: Sr. IV .-Mande 'Sperling 76%, Evelyn lioegy 72. Jr. TV—Helen Elliott 76, Vera at the :Huron County' Home TUnee. day.,oveniag 'of this week.,. • • Miss Edna, TOrnerr of • Toronto,. vis• .uffy.. 75, 'Glen Pryce 63. Sr. ited relatives here-thle. week. • .Leslie Pryce 83, Gerald O'Hara 74. Mr. Alien Jelmer,of Toronto, spent Jr. _III.estRita Duffy ,887,•" -Mary{ Pryce Christmas at his home here. • and Marie Hqegy (equal) • 73, Rita The many friends ,of Mr. Walter Ryan 70, Beatrice Pryce 65,--1Iazel Layton are pleased. to learn he is re - Sperling 64, Everett Beurraann 62.Sr. covering from the operation he un- derwent.. et Clinton. Hospital._ . . Hoegy 89, Audrey Beur- mann•79, Boh•Duffy 66, Jr. H—Lotiie Ifoegy 75, Leo Ryan 73, Billy ,Little 72, Gordon- Beurmann 70,,Alvin Beur- mann 65. J -e -Irene Connolly. Primer -Jean. Pryee, 'Rita Slean, Melvin BRUCEFIELD , • Dr. 'W. O. Swan, of Hainilton,spent Sunday at the home of his father, Mr. lieurmann. Number on roll, 26 ave. hapes,.$wen. • erage attendance, 24".6::-•e-e-Anona ,Dale, •Golden Wedding:L-The home of Mr. Teacher. and Mrs. James McQueen, Brumfield,. •was the se of a 'festive gathering MANLEY „.. on Tuesday, Deeembeir 2,2xid,being • the occasion of the fiftieth annivers+ Mr. C. Eckert and his two dau.gh- ary of their marriage. Only two •of .-terei Mrs. C. P. Sills, from Seaforth, •the guests present at the ceremony. and Mrs. Ms DeSlepretigh and little fifty years ago were present at the daughter, Nellie, ffore.;Dettoit,-Called anniversary celebration. They were on friends in our burg Christmas day. both sisters of Mr. McQueen, Mrs. Mr. 'William Nichol spent Christ- ,Geerge -Watts; Clinton," and • Mrs. Jas. ram with his friends in Woodstock Walker, Tuekersufith. The nuptial event of fifty years ago tOok place at the 'home of the bride's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert Landsborough. 'ef Tuckersmithe The minister offici- ating was Rev. T. G. Thompson, of Brueefield, who has passed away. Mr. and Mrs. McQueen resided on -the 4th Concession of Tiickersmith for twelve. years and then • bought . the Duncan farm .on the Bayfield Road, a mile and a quarter from Brucefield, where -their son, Arthur. McQueen and Mrs. Me - Queen now reside. They have now. been living at their home in Brum- field for thirteen ['Years. Jur chil- dren were born tot their %'ilien,„three sons and one daughter; their second son, Albert J., was drowned when on his first mission field at Mannville,: Alta., in August, 1906, which was •a great grief to his sorrowing parents; Robert Arthur '.McQiieen resides on the homestead; William N. McQueen in Toronto, who was present on this occasion, and MTS. L. Forrest, in Brucefield. Mr. McQueen was one of • the family Of the late James Mc - 'and has returned to reeiffne- his duties with his employer, Mr, Thos,, McKay. The elections, are on and with the fine weather and good roads, if it continues, every, veter can use their franchise next Monday.. Mr. Fred Eckert .had a family re- unin 'Christmas Day. STANLEY Mr. Mervyn Keys, who has been at- tending University at London, has re- turned to his home on the Babylon •'Line for the h 'idays. Mr. Stewart Keys, who is attend, ing University at Toronto, i home for the holidays. ro,. wwelt en,. W0111 I .„4.• I ,„ .. .... ,,,,, • "' NS, TNa 7J- -4 7,.t• .7T4 V. FV,• New Year's Greeting hi grateful appreciation of your good will and co-operation, we wish you- all the joys of the , Christmas Season. May the New Year bring • you good' health and much Happiness and- Prosperity. Srnitty's Recreation SEAFORTH, ONT. •>c „ee „1/4,:e )„,e: •Rr. ap Health and Prosperitp and a bounteous share of all good things be pours during the pear that is to be. We thank the trade and our many customers. for the confidence reposed in us during 1931 a expressed in the patronage ac- cord ed us. THOMAS PHILLIPS FRUIT DEALER - SEAFORTH, ONT., ,es' • t.er Mr. and Mrs. George Lilley and Mr. Calvin Dowson, of Seefeerth7spent Sunday with. Mr. and /Mrs. W. J. Dowsen, - • • Miss. 'Helen Anderson and. Mitt Grace Robinion, of Clinton Collegiate, are spending. the holidays at their homes in Stanley. DUBLINQueen-and Isabella Swan McQueen • and was born near Brucefield on the ''London Road. He has .tWci: brothers; William 'MeQueen, former city clerk of Vancouver, B.C., and... John Mc- Queen, of Flint, Mich:, and three sis- ters, Mrs. Watts, Clinton; Mrs. Walk- er, ':Tuckeramith, and Mrs. Bessie O'Neil, -Baena. Mrs. McQueen who was the sixth •elaughtef of the Lands - borough family, has "three sisters and two brothers living, namely: Mrs. George Stanbury, Stanley; Miss An- nie Lanclaborough, Clinton; Mrsi G. E. Clark, Groton, S. Dakota; John Landsborough, Brownsville, Peace River, and W. C. LandsborOu.gh, of Port Credit. Mr. McQueen has been an Elder of the Presbyterian and United 'Church for over a quarter of a century. Mrs. McQueen. is a char- ter member of the W.1/1:B., which was organized in 1877, ' She has been a teacher of the Boys' Class in the Sun- day School.for 30 years and is also an active member of the Women's As- sociation which was organized a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little and Mr. Neil Montgomery spent Christmas with friends in Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Fergi.Bullard and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Bennett nd family, of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Fs - ter Bennett and daughter, Mona, spent Christina's with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston ant family spent Friday with Mr. and, Mrs. John Bolger, of Walton. !MA. Heist, Velma and Vera, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson, of Walton. Mr. exid"MrG•ecrrge Wheatley and Blanche and Elva, of, Constance, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheatley. " • , A large crowdattended the nomin- ation in Winthrop hall last Monday afternoon. Those in the field for election on Monday are as follows: Reeve, John Eckert, John Campbell; Councillors, Russel Dorrance, Thomas McKay, J. O'Rourke, Hugh Alexander and Dan Regele. Mr. John Bullard spent Christmas with Mr. Harold Smalldon, of Wal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds, of Lis- towel, spent Christreas with friends here:• Mr. William Robinson, of London, called on relatives east of the village on Sunday. Miss Isabel Eaton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Foster..„Ben- nett. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha spent Christmas 'with Dr. and Mrs. Harhurn, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. William Trewartha and •Bill spent Christmas with Mt. and .Mrs. Zack. McSpadden. Mr. Nelson Govenlock, of Water- ford, called on friends in the, village pn Saturday. Mrs. Pryce and Nellie, of Seaforth, and Mr. Eddie Pryce and Miss Annie, of Constance, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Pryee. The following spent Christmas' hofl- days with friends in the village: MisS Vera Feeney,„el Toronto; Miss Anna Molyneaux, Kitchener; Miss Marie Benninger, Hamilton, ,and Mr. Hugh Benninger, Hesson; Mr, Edward Moly- , neaux, Cleveland; Miss' Carrie ,Kraus- kopf, Detroit, and Miss Helen Kraus- kok:, London; Miss Mary Cummings, Goderich; Miss Bernice McGrath, De- troit, and Miss Mary McGrath, To- ronto; Miss Gertrude Stapleton, TO- ronto; Miss•Anna McGrath, Chatham; Mrs. Insell and Mrs. M. Krauskopf, London; Mr. Lorne and Joseph Cron- in Detroit; Miss Ruth Hills, Ottawa, and Miss Flora ,and M. Hills, Toronto; Miss Margaret Jordan, Windsor, and Miss -Isabelle- Jordan, Chathani; Miss Verona McConnell, Guelph; Miss Nellie O'Rourke, Toronto. ish May Health, Happiness and Prosperity be yours in -the New Year. J. A. ITestcott jeweller Seaforth st, ss. -eatiweriws•sw,,,reeecereettres VFW, Won won won ••••••••,- •••••- •1;i' .4•14 WINTHROP- '48 On ee teeeat es' pet Satj4L0. see ee GREETINGS Not Not only as a time honoured custom, but in sincereppreciatOn of your good will and With' faith in a future -holding much of hap- ' piness and prosperity, we wish you a Happy New Year. Po J. DORSEY - iirnbing and Tinsinithinit- - .POtAltierit ONTARIO • • - "r• r • :r-,• r.wee.7 e„,,„ , , •• . . ;":". •• ' e te 4,1444, 824 41, CARD OF THANKS , . • , • •••"'. • • for 1.9 supplir counter Jedger sheets, order fonsji heads- bill heads, note Iieads, statements factory forms c bels and: blotters; Let us. 4elp your /requirements, , LoWest pc prices consistent with highest possibie quality. Our phone is 41. May we serveyou? • • THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4,•,_ • McLean Bros., Publishers. EstEd3lished 1860. • Seaforth, QnU • ' BIRTHS Kennedy. -In Tuckeesralth, on December 20th, to' Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy, a sell (Louis Joseph), Ford. -At Centralia, on Decen:her 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferd, a son (Lorne Doug - Bernard -in Morris Township an December 22nd, to Mr. and MTS. Earl Bernard, a daughter. Hess. -in Zurich, air December, 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, a dauhter. Banks. -In Regina. General Hospital, an De- cember 23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks, (nee Lydia -Koehler), a son. ,ts Armstrong. -In Clinton Hospital. en Doran- ' ber. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Arm I wish to thank my many friends who urged that I allow my name to stand for councillor this year, and al(o to thank thoie who sup - Ported me during my term of office in 1031. Wishing all the -compliments of the season. CONRAD 1. ECKART. TO TiiE E....UTORS OF HE TOWNSHIP OF TUCK SMITH: • I wish to take this opportunity of thanking yeti for the honour you have done me by placing me n the position of Reeve of this Township, and I appreciate the splendid spirit of co-operation which was evidenced by the candi- dates who withdrew and made an acclamation possible. There nev- er was a time when there was more need for united effort on the part.of people than the pres- ent, and I will do my utmost to be worthy of the eenfidenee you have placed in me, and T ask for your ftuLther assistance in carrying on the ffairs of this,..TownshipW3I. • LLIAM R. ARCHIBALD' strOng, of Hay, a datighter. DEATHS Dicicson.-In Grey Township on December 18, Florn /McLeod, widiew, of; the- lute Elias DIckstin, in her 77th year. MacLaren-At Ottawa on December 23rd. Mrs. Jiihrt MacJareh fermerly Edith Ell- wood, of ,Goderich- ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting ef the Seaforth ..eateral Soniety Will bee held in the Carnegie Library on Friday afteroon, January' 1th, at 1.30 o'clock. Busins: Financial report for 1931, election of officers and directors for 1932. W. S. BROAliFOOT. President. DR. HARBUIRN, Se.-Treas." 3342-2 Mr. R. E. Bright Has secured the agency for "REGENT” Made - to - Measure Clothes, SuitS. and Overcoats. ONE PRICE 044LYL424011 PHONE 265 3342x1 THE BANKRUPTCY .ACT - CARD OF THANKS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN JOSEPH BRENNAN, Authorized Assignor. - NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN JOSEPH IlitENNAN, of the Town.ship. ' of Ilibbert, in the -Cunty of Perth, did on the TwentyFirst day of Decembr. 1931, make an authorized assignment of all his property tor the benefit of his creditor, and that Mr. Edmund Weld, df_the...CitY or Loudon, Official Receit,er. has appointed me ttOise, „Custodian of the estate stf the debtor the first. mecting of creditors. NOTICE is further gisen that the first meeting of creditors in the alsove Estate will be held at the office of .1. & R. .1. Steven-. son, 72 Ontario Street. Stratfrd, on Thurs- day, January 7th. 1932. at 2 pm. To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your claitn must be lodged wAlsewhie befoee the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the nreeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you have any claim against tire debtor for which you are entitled to rank., proof of such claim must be. filed .with me or with ' the Trustee whenppointed; otherwise the itiro. ceeds of the aehtoril estate wI1 be dictribut- ed anarng the parties entitled thereto without regard td yolir claim. at Stratford. this 23rd (lay of De- cember, 1931, JOHN STEVENSON. Box 403, Stratford, 3342-1 WARNING Take notice that hunting and traPping is prohibited on the farinaof the folkswing Reit: sons in the Township of Tuckermith: • 'JOHN TREMEER. Lot 10, 'Con. WM. DO1G, Jr., Lot 15, Con. 4, L.R.S. -JONAH GREEN, Lot 18, 'Con. 3, LR.S, 54 1..,ot 10, Con.;11, HUGH MeGREGOR. Lot 14, Con. 3, -L.R.S. RoBEirr MicGREG.OR, Lot 15, Con. 3, L.R.S. 3340x8 NOTICE TO: CREDITORS leoricE kr: hereby. given that all ,ereditosa and others having claims adainst the estate of James McGill, late of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron,' retired farmer: bo died on or about the 8th day of Decem- ber, 1931. are required to send to the Under- signed solicitor for the executors full Prticu- lers and verified by affidavit of their claims on or before the Oth day of January, 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that dfter the said lat mentioned date the execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceaSed having regard only Lo the claims of which they then shag have had not ice. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 22nd day af December, 1031. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont., • Solicitor for the Exacutors. 71113 Miss Helen Smth, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. 14. E. Smith, wishes to thank all her friends Jim assisting War in winninf seernul Prize in the 'doll contest at th's, Rexall Drug Stre. 3342-1 TUCKERSMitli Sehool Report. --The following is the school report of S. S. No. 3, Tuck- rsmith, based on the weeklrexsthirt- ations for Novernb0 and December: Sr. • IV—Mary Grace - McCully 71, Bobby Dalrymple 11, Jafnes Meully 79, W. D. Wilson 69, Artheir Wright 63, Beatrice Arritatrong 56, Earl Pap- ple 54. Jr. IV—Annie I:'apple 76, Slac Wilson 68, Alice Wright 65, 1^ heft Taylor 51. Sr,IflayieatSon 75, Donald MacDonald 68 ia,;•1 Arm- strong 65. Jr. 111—E1me Robins 72, Grace Dalrymple 69, My* Pap* 65,Murie1 Wright 65, Ivan Taylor 61, ,in Salmi 5. • 11—tAllati Hill: 63) zel Wilson 82, Preston Dallas 8.0.,- ob1gt.AVatso0l 77, Morlek IA/rigid 71, TEACTIER WANTED Protestant school teerher far S. S, No. 2. Mcilloo. Duties to commence February let, 1932. Applications to close 'January 10th. State salary and experience. MILLER AD- AMS, R. R. No. 2, S. -.forth. Ont. 3342-2 ELECTION CARR Custodian, Ontario. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF YFIE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT: 1-40ve been nominated for the position of Cooncillor for the' Year 1932. - t#,300 believe that 1 ean help to cnteluet the business of the 'twnship in a creditable manner, f would ask your support ori January t , 4,1t,, • • WThLTAM n. KNOX TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: Hain gl been nominated to fill tire position of Reeve fot the yea- 1932. and- with mull Years of municipal earittierters- to my credit, I respectfully solicit your support and influence. JOIIN GRIEV, V.S. Vote Grieve For Reese. UE ELECTORS OF SAPORT& : tin,-oing faithfelly served the Worn for a tabor of yeam Oa deitheillor and having this vest been nointhated for Reve, I PO- ItipeatinllY gotten vent vete and 'Influence ilt MI? behalf. . oMtlittl. MOTH • i • '` '. Fireplace Nothing adds More to a home than a Fireplacr. open or eletric. Why not have one now. Wo are prepared to quote fig- ures on all designs of fireplaces. and we guarantee satisfaction. R. Frost & Son Tile iNlfgrs.•and Gen. Contractors 'ORT.111 324-3 CHOICE FARM ,MOR TG AG E SALE. OF VALUABLE 50 ACRE' FARM IN HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 17nder and by virtue of the Powers of e contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of •sale, there will be °tiered for sale. by e public auc- aion, by Thomas Brwn, Au.ctioneer. AT THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL in the Town of Saforth. on SATURDAY. the inh January, 1932. at 2, O'CLOCK IN THE, AFTERNOON, the following lands and prem- ise.; namely: ioth half of Let Number Twenty 1201, in the Third 13rrit Concession of the Township of Hibbert, -in the County of Perth. contain- ing by achna.surement Fifty (60) acres of land be the same more or less. This Fifty 001 acre farm is conveniently sedated two and oe-half '211 miles from the thriving VIllarre of Dublin, and there are (tected on the premise( a ronifortable frame. Isselling Ionise with kitchen attached and small barn. There is also on the premises a good orch- ard of pearsplums and apples. TERMS OF SALE. Ten 1101 per rent i of the purchaae money in cash on the day of sale and the balance within Thirt3. Met days 'thereafter and the purchaser will he required 1, sign an agree- ment for the completion of the, sale. Further terms nnd condition; of sale will he made knewn -a the time of sale and may be hail in the antime from the underistgn- rd. DATED , fl•th, Ont., this 21st (ley of December, 1931. • A New Year's present,fer. eit self that will:combine, rereite, tion'and education, and will o - en to yoiithe doors'eof-• nefaisee.0 cinating and rapidly growing -4 industry. Train "'at Canadtes,--.. itt largest ..school. We wekome" inquiries and investigation.. CANTING AIRWAYS, tab, 7 Adelaide West, Toronto- _ AUCTION SALA OF IIESIRAELE :HOUSE -AND, isor IN THE TOWN OF sEAPonten- The Exectstore of the estate of Janies•Mtis.' Gill. -late vf the Town of Godericb, in thei County of Huron. Retired Farmer. 'decease*. have instructed George H. Elliott. Auctiens*, to offer for'Saleby public auction. on Fridges:. the Ilth day of January, 1932; at ahs: : f Commercial sHotel.. Seaforth, the fel-. lowing parcel, of land: The West Tsar of Lot Nuetther One Hundred arid' Sit ose the North side of .'George "B" Street, tei Gouinlok's Survey, of part of the*Tovns of selafertreh. .Ilis an the property a one and a halt frame house containing seven roams, vdtli stone foundation, electric light and an Ear, • , cellent well. The dwelling is in very goo0 TE state of repsir. RMS OF SALE TserPer cen. of the purchase price :MS the date of the sale and the balance within a month. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN J. HUGGARD,' .ere Seaforth. Ont., Solicitor for the Executors. George H. Elliott, ,A,uetioneer. • 3341-& • S. HAYS. Vendor's Solicitor. Fomms 13 ree n. Auctioneer. 3341-3 MORTGAGE SALE FARMS FOR SALE WARM FOR SALE. • FOR SALE. LOT 20 J- and half of Lot 21, Concession 1, Me- Killop, situated 11 miles from Seaforth 00 No.5 Highway. On the premises Fire' a bank barn 58i344, twoffstorey brick house with every modern sonvenience: 46 acres plooglied. Thilk 3M one of the chnice farms in MeKillep and will be sold es one farm or the 100 acres and 60 acres separately, nn reasonable terms. For farther particulars apply to WII,LIAM DE'VEREUE.; Sesforth, or phone 11 on 144. 334-2-tf 'WRM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PAT LOT 28 and 29, Concession fir MaKillop, cn- tabling 192 acres end :mown es the T. & Rays farm Must be sold to close the estate. • If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCE, Executor, Set - forth 8201-41 rARM FOR SALE. -LOT CONCESSION 4' 1. Nay, 1 mile north of E*eer On NO. 4 Hihway, containing 100 acres. On the pm& ises ere A two stem new brick house, one bank barn, one frame barn, 00* ben bona% three neVersfailing *elle: Well fenced with wire and in excellent shape of fieivaition. Trent9 minutes walk front ItW.:2 Scheel and ell equipped with Metre, and wM be geld *.latli Or withotit m. Ati09' on the .preinises are: rex* JOHN CAM ILt., R. 13 te. - Stnit-tif NOTICE SCALES CLOSED Notice is hereby given that the Town Scales will be closed for repairs from Defember 25. 4.01,, , . 193P, to January 2. 1932. ' Citizens are warned to provide themselves with cctal to carry them over said -.week r as • no weighing will be done. ,5y Order.. Order. J. J. CLUMPS Chairsitin, Public Utility Commission. %, 3340-2,,..y 41; IN THE TOWNSFIIP OF HIBBERT 00000.000000 H. C. BOX 0. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Best Motor and Horse-drawn• equipment. • 0. Charges moderate. 0. Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 0. 0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 o0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 04 W. J. CLEARY 0. Licensed Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Director 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 4 00 ° Equipment. 0 Night anC> d. Day Service. Phone 1.9-22, Dublin. Rna hy virtue of the Powers of sale rentaiped in S1.11 indenture ol' Mortgage which will he prcelueed at the date of ante, there will he effered for :sale by public auctioe. by (no' e Viott, nuetioneer, at the Comm‘itel Hotel. Seaforth. Ontario, on SATURDA . 2n4 DAY OF JANUARY, 1992.. at 2 o'clok in the afternoon The following land and premises. namely: All and singular that certain parcel or trnet of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Hibbert, in the Gourrty of Perth and Provinte of Onterio, being com prised of the North half of Lot norther Six- teen in the Fourth Concession of the ToWm- ship of 1-11h1ssrt aforesaid, containing by ad- measurement Fifty acres be the same more or less. There Are erected on the said lands a good comfortable frame hence With atone founda- tion and cellar, a large frame barn with seement foundation and stabling. The lands are v -ell lpficed, detained and-fOritile. 7FIRMS OF SALE -'lo per (fent in „ens% on the ais of the sate and,the balance Without intctest In Thirty clays thereafter, The pur- eausee :will be required to sign an) agreernent to complete the sale. Further conditions of sale will be made Prionro on the de* of bile, alid aa be hair in the Mental:Me freerk the undmnigned. Gated' this Silit'day of DeceMber, 1081. IGEN ,T. fi 6(tAD,el1lo12 SolittitOts. 11611Yertb, Ofltarlo W 11, Elliott, Autbeteei Clinton, Ont. $84,941 000000 0000 ..r 4 • .1 ' ,•• TIIE JOFIN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance Olf all kinds. • ,14onds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH.,- ONTARIO ' Phone .01 '" A BARGAIN FOR: $A1.1.—Fi2e acres, One, from iStiafet1 drnhOtiSe furnace, bath and .004; snialt 1b good orchad.Trott, $15rB Chance to Start oinOlian fdrikt, oto. konly ItAtX4efotlit, On' • 11 01.1- 4'. 4 4