HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1932-01-01, Page 2­'­ ��t!-�J� , r"'.".11 � , :, ilAl"C', 1, I .. wif�#tll "11"I'll I , ;1N . A , ?1� 13ir .."'ilk 111) 1,11".0T wl'�; I I , - I � � ,-14�� .,.,;. , :1 '1:11 -�,:� ��­�. .! - I -., `w , ; , I . TI � . I � , , , " I , , * , , 11 I � ", , 1, & 'MZ, § ,4 , I � � I � ... i '. , ­ :., :� �' " 7' � - I '. '! �-, . . I I , 'i ir I , I . , I 1. " .11 � 11 , 1. "I 3 —'.��`- T � F . , I �'­, . '�­ '�s ; :`, ,. ­N� '; ,. . 11, 1�� ,Z�',.Fgw ;�� �� " I � I � - , . � , , I I I 11 � , " . , ,� . I � "�.,), , 5" �:,�',.­,- .��, : , �� . � .1 ; , 14 . ­ I I I � - " � , . .,. ­. . 1 �,4, � �. , -- I ..--,. ­� "'l . . . " - ; , - f., -�,'; � i,; ,.;.,­� , ., , I , . , � , ., Z, , I ­.. . I .., . I I 11.1 � ­­­ -- ,�­=, -�­, . I. I . �- � - 0.1.111 �­ . '' 1. 1. ­ . , ,." ,1 1 il ��:!,rr'­ 7�'�",if,% .� - 1.1�,-I.-:4". `:,4'!',�;: I —.� � ,.,�. , " ":.�K11.1i" .t . 'T'� �f,l,`, , . !,i�­*-­ - ­­ "I � : �, -.,:. .I, I "'..— , , ".1 , , " q?. , i f " fl, � , , - , ."!'. ` , � 'I I .� , - .. ; , , . . "'i �z * , 04:,� , ': � C* � ' ' "'i'l . . � , 4 , : . - "I , * " I 111 , ,�, '.. . . . f � I '! � ..��i� ,,��,��­1",= ,� I - ;J . 1. -, *�`. - � - . �, , , ., - ,!� � , . .1 � 1� . 1 1, 1 .7. 7P. � " , I '' ", I - . . . I ­ :� - �. I . , ., � I ��. : ""I �i , , � , � . : "rIp", I I I %, .1 ,. � � � " �' f I .. I i�,,,R.7 , 11 � , : , ,.; 1'��., , , ,�. , I— .9 : . , �. ­ .1 i.. I � � I .. .,� . 1! J., , . � , 1.�, , -.1 ­ .- - k� - �—�;�`, �- I . . . .� - : 1. , :., "� � I � I � I 1�, . :�- --,i'l . "---.,f'- - --- - ­ "I�.:,�.�",,:.-:�ll.,[�"1,77. . r, , , , . "Ifff r�V� ­ - I I ­­­­ ... I— -'. . .. . ... 4f- �,, ,, .,�7 P ir 1.1l.:�",,,.",.�,.,).i.11,11.�Ill..""., ­ :­ , , ­, . , ". . . � . ....... . ­�. ­� , "I I , I.. .1 , � ., I � , � ... ­ ­ . � . . �,: ,­.. ���.,:,.:""",;. �r. IXTIRONW tnC$4,400­4 744'r And, AVV his in" . I .-,�,;;.vl­%�� I'l-i".61 �4 "iff4w,001 "' & � , , � . . I . � � I � .1 - �i, - ,Me 4, , ij,8,00' . '', . I . ..., � . ­ '9 Top§ ,tv� . � ,­ ,:;r --, "i I Ir -1, , * , , ; I �, , ,�: 1!i. I 11�­. , " , , .. 7:,'.�.�,� '�,' , , - .1 , : ,,­'A*'.�� :. , ­ . ,�, -il, �$� � , � I, ,::: 01,�,, I , � , � zl". 1 1. . - - I ,�,, ,'IT , . , . , . - I . A� , � 0 -4 � , ,,, 1. , I .1 , , , . , I I �. . ";7: ::. � .... I4 .. . , I " �, � �� , " -44 ... " , , , .. �.'-,- , . r;. �; , i . , .! ;;; I- . � !�M§—"M','� 'AN ,s,"f'"f -P ,*J�ry#lw - v ;4,VAN *41T , .4 , 0%1, , U wag 4 th, U t I? . ., ,. .. . . 1. ": . � - ­ �,-,AW,T,k­--,", , " I I . . - I .... - - A ( ,' 1. *`117"t TTN% ­,"6 VN . - V,7��Iyl 16,VO4A --w­wA%,;,rA0,W­, w� vk4p. .,VA� .m%' 'IQ Zw; , ',A... I ,1 A"'L Al Wo",.,� �,. �1, .. 1. I ... ­ N" .1pals coup ne"WAt A,TI,A,.%9riAA, Ag, - U -44 ,-. 44 8,41aly-51A ,0%, V40", q0ticationgl 'ro, . '11.11-1 '' � -`17-711 7,r'l IT I - . � , %'� 'left . T"wr , 'Wo *4 , , ,,,.� , ,t";.�. :, a � - I gi ,,, , ", �t, , ;1910% (W`44A—W9X1d,i.1 1 "'yMz'. Alo�- - A,44%.. t4t, .-.,. purope and went - t'd the, e.4 ,Stat0a '1�, other WAY,% '!, A - widel�- - g -,�inft tA ' , ­ 11 �!, '11.� , Ne� , e..1"! If �7 ".4 . . . , . ­ , . qt1jrer(0U,tp qf.. g P AMA III I I,- . �.. 1;.� �, � , , ­ - , � , - ,- . , , " i, I I - A , r many , ale lialked I I !. L .R " ,44 1V , - " come,��740'1�. , . 't , , 41or , 1004. 4.1ted �StAtpa�� lophige for a job. Re known josvii,olist� ho'sorvoo to ­ ,4 ,� rg4t . r . �6,*� .. ;: AfIRMN, . ,:t , W%M, , 4, .� . . I i Tbine, ;�T#;epr iAdluatAlo . =41 . . I , 1r1.-:-;'1- 1: , . .- k 01 "*R% - ); I - 4 � 114 . L � ': � . 1� - _7, i �� . � -� . V; y9ars as 48SOC14 str 9 ,114" n 17 I . . . . . . " -- ­ .. I . 1.w 4 1 . , � 3NM,V9ffl4#PT, � . -present dr. in bis'liopp. f 'he, �g tyure, a d plii"v'k but f6r the apeld4nt lant,U-(l ',)' Constitution to wbitli I , ��. " I .. . I— � 1� " , � I I I - .. ing and textile,'dj IIAV ruere � , , , ';�� � '. , , " . ­ �­ . ! I , , , , , ­ Allo.l... � -"� I - , I P , I 0 W f * 'm - -wQrth w,hilp.. iu. X* 0 ... n-o�4wk of the 'Wig4t"11100 I -V -nqted a$ * ', " I 1� � ,%0. ..� gq . 1 , ,5,. , , --- , . , A'4 I � Y� 16'dbme , , i te PdAtor of the, At�, �,ori ti.ctiori. restaurant R4o*.qp1n i .� " rt I -1 " t. , �p -,. Q , . � lcq�A I . ,a ,, . ;: . 'i ; ­ �� I I I" A " lr�' I : .... f. 4 I * I '- -� L., e a I on wit.,� I' ;1 1; -� 6 , . I :" 'T . - ,- 1A n '4 -h - . 11 ­ I � 11 ,,,,;. 0. I I -'w ­'. ".., ,� I . ­SclqSed:1' I AR, .!, .", 1`1101, WA�q� , int ,, .,gr t ,4 - 0 , � , , ­ , , , 11 , .1"', � I I FL,:�ff � .'..:� � . . � . : � �_­- 1', I �,q'� . . �., .. " . I I .. . . ", I I aviour a � . a , 4 con ; ­ ge Q I . . � --- 1. " � , � TRM-11-90 , — , . , I � - I I I ... � " .", I 1� i , � - . . il .1 ... . .. � .. -1. I . I I 1. , .. I :� .V. -�� N - ­­­ .11.1 I ". .1 , , f .,--PA,-�,,..#tF,0A0X­" * 6�� Miss 'Dillon was A me , , 1161- the caption Of are two ta4ming . . .. I'll I I ,� ..� I. R6 � .. � . I . . I 44*4, tk-�,� , 1XV , " * *hQ.m. he Tell"fix love and who. 14ter'pri, b, If "'"" t, "' - -11 - 'is re4qire4' r ' .. 0., ", , , , . has . twh A oio*' JQSu owst �r ear a Josovhine ID! 4:1.:,P4e3i` . ;� I ad beiu a contributor f.9,r are tW6. jobs in every, , 100, foi . �. - bi . - - � , .11' : 11, � ­ , . IS . which �- , I—, a �r.­ J4-'4 , S nd �.uzs, ­1­1.��I<­.. .. . , 9.1.1. , I , I,$ -political *01i a. c6lle 44catioll . , �, , I -hir is- a, D "" �Si�mony. w4 . . T,#o :: ��': "' I , .. ­ 1, .., Qst of .all, r,nng� b , � IN . others in which -this. - ' * ,: ��,`,,;;, -:�--,­ � !" I . " I I ' hat the grace of.GQ I . 11, edu . ­ . . I J.Q,Yrous , , . urs , � � - r I AN ;W4F b� , , " , , I cation . " I I .� , , % , �, , I . . . . ' I I . ; r, AI.T-.1. I .. �- , �A , &el I 11 . w6rd � convinced Bry th.4the tur6 of that Influential pa -per's, edi- - four jobs fif-10Q And - I C"'...., Ir'. , 1. � , ­­ ­,­ I . ,� ! t A ;,AA­,4Q,C9,rR =Q1VUS, liiayer� and 'teacher of "LookingWid Lis�iera' g," were A feg-, is, preferred.' ILIgh school, ,,,�. 1459v"�.111` , " 92YOW'­ -, - plish in the life of A it.;dau bridge, and 11* is requi ed ...for . . . . . . . . , 1. . .1 I t"'M1111 "" .,, a yw , I.. I � i` .'r " I . "M �., I I . " �h, . I . ' " ­ to 1, -S, ii the world, who Will iompit hini�elf had,the qualifications to make A g -, �prial page,. Despite his 80' 1 'tiaiiiing -is . " . �'' . R A 4 , a4 new ,,94 - , , I k: 4 !I � g to, ring, I mi . T, I : . I 1. W- A ,�# . .Fe�t� years, he . 1. . . I 0 oa . � necossary " . 1. ! I. L, . .1 11 , � iq�.. . r -W, 4W he4uvon,- to the Lord Jesus. In &�§Pape. of player, .1. 11. performed_- his . ..... duties *A'10 o' ,� . � : I . . " �.", 1. I !, . , � � �,,.,iia ., ­ - - e , . , until - a few hold do .ut of every., 100,.' . . I "W"', ,Vbllir"..�, 1'1.'.1;"�.'.'1 1-1 � s�, - T- fl, Gill- tinie whith most of us, here, don re- Bridge AS he ,Played it in those- -igq.. He IiAld completed 60 it was , I " I—" . I — I I . . . .. t I - -1 ��� _ weeks " -is at 1, .1 I I .�,". 4 " . I I . ,% ;, r -undisciplined Japallqse . was less; a diversion than hard 'years in 'tiewspaper work. - At 4.0 fh t found-ft,cp the aa4lys - � . .. ... .. " ,� � " . . .�: '. - - � ,T A JaXV I . membe , an so. a common$ .. .. . . , k, ;.­::;�.�, TA ,.,. S.01h _ ' d ,of ey , chool education was, . I I , I ­. � - .. � I , P"'." :4"�g,.,:. ,, � 1.1"o 61 bay has been traAdoi�iqigd inre j;&rk. He kept a re&e -,Vry hapd sreag 0 age he became editor of a necessary in hold%dg down 26.5. per' ""' I-— .... 1,� ... ;--.-,-,,-­ . � . . . .1 . I -1 . ­.. ... I'll - i"', i '�� that ati , a earth. he played or saw played. K6 Aissectw we 'ouston, Tex- � � cent. af-the '. 1. . !,I" , .'r': �!. W-n9int, .4. t�;, S�­yp,r?s les, one df the great saints of the . pkly, later'. going tb H jobs. Reading and y�Tit- ., -11, , ­!�, 14, 4 - - � `01Y � ecome a -Wo -ed the play to detect where the mis- as, as editor of an afternoon' news- Ing ability are required in 26 per 6enf.': ""' - ,", I .1 ----- - I . . . . � 0 . �� my -146, used Of the R . Spirit He has b rld figure arid , �, ­­ , , ad I ...... ­ . � ,* . . , -He founded 't)4 Norfolf,"'V-4'-while ni) , . �! - �"41-1,nearer to Thee so that'probably the most influential Christ- takes h I been made and why. At paper. - � 7 , ., .-I.."... , �� ... .. ., �.- M. I , W A � - education is s0ecifleally, re- ,I � , . 'j" ` -Zl "; �'��" e , ", Ur . ; ­ "& . time,- The Spirit of Jesus 13tMj _ 1TXW,",,­v ge,d hine lan I of 0 .. Pilot, and ,the Oklahoma City Okla- qu the work - 26.5 , I 11 ­ ,- . . - ,, ,,, -@ be � , for T the epd of the month he produced � . . 11 , ,W? ii prg may b u �ji.id to handle . of .. I ­ ... I .­­� ',', . � ,�'­ i*..44d. glory., -Axaeii. �, , . I has made hirA patient under perseeii.7 A 4tatistical c4irt such as great busi- homan, from-whi6h he Went to Atl4n- per dent. , . .. � I . ..., , ­ t. , � "'l " . . ..- I ... . � I 11*," . I I . I . 1, ­ . . ­ - ., , , . , , . tion,'courAge6us -in adversity, humble ness, wiecutives used to keep in their ta, Afid established connections with Not orily it education essential to ­­ . F I . -1 � � I . � I ­ I . I . I il.; 140�LiS�ON 'FOR 4AISTUARY 3rd in success. He is the friend of the' ofaces before thei threw them out of the Con'stitution, w1&h. endured un-' holding down thne.foiurt�s of the - . I � " . V-. - . � I hdow, in 1930, A revolutionary tit his 'death. 111-1.1.-1-... jobs, but.the more, one is 'educated -. . I'll . ..... 6'� W. . .1 .poor, the organizer of labor; the the wir , I . , I . I - � , I U'�Ison TO --7%e Son of God Be- ar . — --the conclusion He at ' -had an" active political the greater ()pporWT es he has, for I , . . .,��. ­ . pic, , teacher of 'the unlearned, the chant- At he ' t, he iaih§ .tci I 51*'�, man. , � I ­ , pion of the weak., In' -poverty and in that" 010 . . I - � �. ,. � I ., , �� ,. I . .1 ,. , � -4 'there was 'something radically caredr. Serving as �onlldentlal secre- a se f, , L . � I 1 4, k R.: - ,.-:tiq'g�an Passage -,John 1:1-18. d the highi3r I I �� . JLS�ori,jo work an . , J. . ­ . I I , . . . ; ... I - ­��:z ­ XTI!son he has taughf and lived the. sor wrong with the game. He insisted firy to- Andrew, (Jackson) Johnson, pay for his Services. ., � . , 1. .10 I . I . 1. . . . . . . I I 11 I ­ . ... ­` . ....... IQ,' ,A T x ohn IL4..9. pel., To that the fault lay with, the teachers befoi�,,thq ... latter,be-came president of A study by the NationpI Indystrial - 11 � I'll ,0-lde O." cial principles of the Glos -day , 1, .1 . ­ . . I . , 1. : lit'this brief introdudion�­t� ... hix he comes to -us- as � leader of the King� and for a considerable.time. before'liji ­tbe U. , , . I—.. � �� .... . I . I . - . I . � 4 0� . I nited. ,States, he was afterwards Cofiffi-ence Board involving pXegu . I . I I �,,'."� ,,, A 11 . . ,J', � , Q�q. - contents dom of qGbd Mov6inent'aiid trusted s ' . I I I . ,%"I, John suirn , , . �, pparizes its ' 0- farnewas actually established',ha,was official reporter of the United S)ates tive tions in live major' Andus- . � ... , I .... �11`111'1. �,� � ,, =4,�p�4�ents in Abstract.of the. lus.- . .. -bridge , ' . . posi � . . . I I" . � I ol " , , " . " , , .. dial adviser to all Japan., . the most.,disliked . the textile,- rubber, electrical 1�1 . ­ -1 I a.: ---t:-,-- . , .y he is about to relate� That the I . . . I and arg.4upermor , ! ;­.. �ZQr . L e, . . .1 . . player in Senate milit * , , of, tiies . . r:11 ... . ., . e S . - . .. ­ ' ., , ", - !��'i' --Eternal Word, in Whom' was the life . - - . . any communiW he-haurited. Gradar­Qvban sclIools, after th panish- manufacture, ,chemical an& metal ­ ­ �,-.'-­� ,. ­ . I 0,11, , -V­� � I -ally..." eVolvefi a 'theory, of lils bwn American 4 War. , Jn 1878 he was ap- trades, I � - 11. .� " ' ­.. . 0 . 4 i'� ' ­. , of, all things, became flesh an&,, Was, ....- t P showed that there were 60,000 - I '%I� I . Tn , , ' I - 1 " h ow lid-sVinillions of adherents pointed ;by Ptesiddint Hayes as--se6re-a fteciffives; 'Of these, . 45.400-,' or 75 ' I �.,, � I . .. , . .- . . . :.1 -inen and, ­. I . .11 1 7 11 �� ,;,`�, , igiiQred while others recognized him; ....... 4-0 bRes . ' ' . I ' . � g mep. -.-'"K . . ' . ,,."��I�%.1- manifested anion -. that some Stamp in 4 , .1 . I and which is be in tary.of -the United States,...-eo, in.niis- per cent. I ,,. were non -college , I �04'&'ddhi ]0 7r: ... , ' - the games against Lenz. Cert�4�4.y,'4e 'Sion I .. .1 11 ., -* I � i ' . . �': ... ��'­, ,'� tbat,.�sdme received while, others re-, -..V.t­-Fortune Dissipated- . to ,the Paris Exposition. " Re' 15,000, or 25 per cent. wer�4 college ­ I I . .1, . � I ­ . . -hii'had more advertising out of was also a member of th' . � .11 1. 4 �� .. :, I e- National �men. I I , TJ4 �­. � . I � ­ � ' ' �. . ... .-- . I . � ,.A. ..,6 , E;.(7.L.. ­­­. . I " .. I Sires to S in I . 2 IN , ".", .. ", I , . ,� � , Jected Hirn�that ' is what John de- Mr. ,Williain J'.o'Aeph Palmer, the 'bridge, than ,'any .character since Reform.-Assbeiation, and the, - Anti- - -When it'is,reallied tlt�t the colleg I' ' --- M . , . ' , .�, : .,. I .. ef forth detail in big gos- tb�'Wneties and the- Horatius. Naturally lie is not popular. Saloo Uague, having­-piigag�d in a trained men constitut� 6.69 per cent. . : , , " .. - . -111. . . 'Ii4 I I I I stsCh!V­l*k1ng" of - . if "of . 21 years, th I e it er-heterg lo. � I - ,% , . first man to make a fortune of 9'260,L In, a controversy over the Van&rbilt number of.'country-wide* touri in the S m4y .na .. � I I I I .ne ' Id � . . 4 �', . -ioduees us to a 000 out of the sale of - rare stamps, Cup, bridge trophy which the Cul- interests �f .profiibition.' Dr. Small fact that 25 per cenf. are holding . .. . l 4chn at once irit � the population oveir � - , _ . - . . ­"., . he speaks, -of as..o-"The . a I I ­­ P , . . -- . .-, . � � � ' Zeii;Lk whorn . has died penniless in the workhouse bertson team won in ,i930, -the served through the Spsi@'SI-4.nieritah d I I I ­ . *If youT lion . - I ... �,�"FV ." � � W4 d " *He uses the teim, without own executive Positions in five major , : . - le is without the full . . - . � , , I �­.i. � . ,gr , �in firmary At Challey, Sussex at the nianager oftlp Knick6rbodker, Whist war as a chapliin, with the rank- at industrie il ustrate o u I ely '' 10, iii.joyment of1acho, . iply . . 06 .5 � ­ I I I ­,-. .- -Ap . it wei�'fam- ­ . , k. S I S c fiel S \, I 47, you can'sup 4 . In. WAS, as an their economic significance. , - - - s.. Cbristmao it small .,P& I .610gy, as if already :a -.78,; Club 'Posted a ,notice to the effect captai He "-- .;��11, a veter' -- 11 ­ I ­, -1 . inar, to his readers. He uses it W­itli-�, V, of , . 1. . . " ­ .. e , only aft .. . : ... . , eut,apol6gy, 5ecause in point of f.4ct . , , expense. ,This .7 -tube Super-betero-� ...... , , . 1;11.1 I � When- h' �was-'buried in A. 'simple that Culbertson had won er of theAm6tidk Civil War, having . � 7 1 .,.I " grave in Lewes Cemete�y.his son 4nd being warned by the committee. enlisted at the Age of �14 in the Con- I I*-- i . , 4 V1. . '. , . if.,ili6ady had circulation,hoth among . . . I dyne radio is an ideal" family gift. 19. ­- .� ... ­ .. - .., . . . . .�: , � a woman r6lati.,ye '*eie- the, only ' 'The charge was th ' — 9 C�omplete 'with , . �, 1. . - . . at lie and his federate Army Reserves. . -, Thenew-pen.to& And hii-mu iub�g`- '.1 I . score. I . I I 01il-TestapentVe meet with,a*�Being Only three humble wreaths mark card unti'rthat of tho'other meffib�.W - , — . � ... ­., r and the fiill d�namie speaker ensure .. .. .- . . ...-CAlUed "The 4gel- of the Lord," v�hq . " .11 I. I I . , I I I -Mangion Is Closed � c receptioh of 4.pvery program. , "," ­�­­iw,�-at . . � . ­ 11 & I 1 17"" , J the last resting place of the man who bers ,,of- his.. team of four was'a,oady N-1., "' , ' . . . , I � ,In the 1. ­�� Greek an(kiewash thinker;S. mourners. . . partner had withheld -their Another Famous Old- . V,-�­ 9- - -1 I , 6ne�-, 8-osely related,. if not � -1 . I . . , ".., . was once the friend of, prince's and to 'be ttiri�ed in. Culbertson said, in The Most Interesting Place . 17- * ' . I I jf4 ' ... I equivalent, to Jehovah, and at the . "My income is now only, onesev- he az'rigly low price is possible ,.. I .111. . I , * . �� t, . millionaires,, gave thousands of pqund�,. effect, that. the manager was' a liar. ent�­9,ff,,W at it has (been." Lord H1.1- ' - . . t I.ii6r.-a's-,Fac-tory,6t,6-i�User R I I I - - . . ,, � , on Lots is Place. VVhere ­ 11 , .. * , I same time manifested to men. (See to'' charity and built up a business The manager then p6inted out t at linkdon h .;Yff ' e tubes I Plan. , - 1:, . . - 18, .22,. 1rudges­ 13:18 .. h' . ad' this statement to ' out it'. . '.. Gen. 16.1% " ) I s.k,us fib � ,,* , � . I which was known4to­ph.14-telists in all no national tournament committee -Props his serva ncing his decis- I 11 . . I . ..... . � . 11.��:.­. Apd in the time of Christ "the Word . They Keep-, . a. I . % � ,.f. , -,become the ctirrent parts of the World. had been called in'session in the last ' ,ion to clo his residence,, Wakefield �'. - 11 .11 . . - of the. Lord" had As M-�. -Palmer lay dying he'told two years to consider a protest unless ,An autographed, - Silver- -mounted 1,odge, Speeiat CHRISIMAS Terms I , � � . .;� .... � - �-, -.-de 'g� don b -near owcester, Northampton�, I . . :1 , gg at , �. Which Jewish teachers the'nurses that once he-ow-ned a four- Culbertson had b&en either a plain- photo of e*�King Alfons; of Spain.-- 441 � . 11 . �-` , . I , , ov4h. John . I shire. n th , X� � . din�tqd the manif6sted"Jtti . st6rey shop in the, Stiand and had a tiff or, defendant. - We gather that A first.model tel.ephone'. I ha ree months' time, per.- $ .75 .. - 10 MONTHS 9 I .qlr . took I advatitage 6174his term- "the ps,!, he continued., "circumstances 11141,.. . . priceless collection of star4Ps- Ae Eli, aged 39., is ere A grandfather clock which, be- will improve." I �.. I ' to , I 11�� � � ll word" and of . . oung ': CASH, - I 'i 1- .the ideas that centrdd s'aid � that the Queen and Prince of upstart and bounder in,orcl'es w1aere longed .to a distinguished southern 6 on t . . ­ , I � ,��P'; - in it, to ptoclaim. 'Him who -is' e . The staff, numbering 30, have ie-, �- . . ­ ­. ., . , I . I . - ­ �� I " I . . . , . � 1� . Wales--cime to his shop. . �e is not accorded the- veneration family. . - .� . ., 4� 1, . . . manifestation of 'the �iern� 4f,�Ite ' ceived notices,which expire on-Febru- 1�1& - .., . - I I . . .'I � 1" , - .-Image of th� Invisible. . The nurseg thought he was delirious ,iijthheld in these tircles fr6in Babe Jade.,trinkl�ts of the'Ming dynasty. ary Ist, Heavy taxation made the 0 . ,---�4 ... ... . - - ..,� 1.� In, V, ' - - - " , I I - - ' . . I ". . - . ''.. ' Crusades.' I � . ­­ I , I - .11.11 . -, -, itself is full of signifi- and not -untflXs,.-Sovl,--Mr,,Jahn 'Palm- Ruth or Prof- Einstein. His one vice )A ' erosg-word carried in the m4?.ye necessary. 1, W - 9" � r- " � -., The title er, who' worG as a Aiiei in ,an eu- apart,. from card playing, is smoking. , . C BARDLn P.* "t cance. The *ord of man is -that by . WakeA,eld Lodge was for centuries FT 0 1 0 I - , - - - . I �'. � . .: . which he utte*rw�himself;­by which. he. gineering Works at, Lewes, came did cigarettes. He does all his writing An antique collector- would have, the ancestral seat of thd4 Dukes of I '''......­... I . 9. .111 � . I ' .. . I . ,they.. know that he had been telli4�, in bed. He has three secretaries, a the timd of his life inspecting- the Gra icbiL .1 - ,,'. . - ... 1. . puts himself in commitnication with of su Rd fton. Lord 11411ingdon, who,is a . I . .. � i4h. - . .. . �� - ., them the truth. - . .., . his' Sole vanity is a pair spenders PPPPe' . partner in -none 80-J, SeAf6irthi, Ont. . � . . . . . . . . . . . f �:,�'.. I . . er person and dealt with them. . . � I . . � rtyrooms- at a picture studio. . the: banking, firm ,of - J1 I . .. . . .. I. . .i , �� -, . MI6. Palmer, who lives in St-'Antfes With gold'buckles. He never walkS.' Iii � lij, addition. -to being a museum Glyn, Mills, Currie t and Co., - I . I I I. .. � I � 'I,- By his word he, makes his thought . ., I ... � - , ... Cres., Lewes, said his father began he wants to go ever) half a block''M wia"antique. shop­tbe departmen . I N., . ( .��%­ 'and feeling known, and by his word e . t is took. it over 'on becoming master of .SONORA )DEiq6N�TRAT1NG CENTRE - *0-1 � �";.,- lip issues commandi and giveb effect - . . I .., I . , . . � . , . collecting stamps at the age of seven, uses. a taxi. With a former member a veritable . general store, carrying the ,braftoii Hunt. He will .continue ' 411*3 , .14=X , ­­ � , , '49M9=1 %I I I . .., P I ,� when he found a b1be Cape of Go%d of the Russian duma he i§ now c,ol- ev�ry type of merch0andise that the mastership until the 'annual q to his Will.- His­-W�QrE�4 distinct from . - " V, � , , - ­ - would be used in a home, on' a meeting of iLhp, .. .1. ... I I - �. . ...'. "... 14i� I ­ . . ... . . 97. . .Yet ist, it -for 6d. ifi`f5eh'do1leAed as thany: evitabilfty, of 'a . ar .1 between I— Soviet arm.orin* - . a 'plaad of bugihess.' Lord 'Hillinkdon,. . I I �, I . , Hope'triangular.�in the street.and sold laborating Ion a book'to show the in- . � ==== 1. ...-. ­ .... ad -lis-Aipiiist" i�ia_ CiApq�- em . Jb.unt,next, month., ... I . , -1 , , . .. 11 - ­ I I . ­�­ - -. it...Jt . w f who 4s the' third I . I 1, ,­' � .,. �sew*p ' - fr.o- im is not m e st9mps as he'coikld and 6xhtbItd,,d them RuBsia and the United States.*, So, far - In . browsipg among. the -books. of baron was,' -as Mr. A. R. Mills, Cop- . . - . I 7- 1 1 1 . I . � . - , 111. ''. noise�, it. ii'tound instinct with mind, ... .1 . . . ; ,, �� � .'� 2 . - -and sb!iV.n hi .... I ...... I the department's mammoth 1-ibiai�'Jservativd meri&r'f6i 'the Ukbridje i lly . . . I I � . - in the windows of local tradesmen, in 1he -present contest Culbertson has -he ig not �continua hankering. for, a:sked or given. I ., ­ . " h;: . . art.iculatQd. :by intelligent pur- e,his pro s. -­ .... . I . o" sex from . 1915 to sweets. , , . .%'Soiiie , t . inie ag of tfic 1 V. s W distinctly outtalked Lenz. , a volume called Silva, published -�w �Diviglon f Middle 4 I 1. . pose.': By a man' . Z o the'officiAls i .1 i. �', per�ectly . ord I �ou could S premises -in- the Strand were . 1-664, wag discovered. According to 1918, lie marrW in 1916 the H,,. Honey, like milk; reaches the con- 1ondon Zo6 Staged an a . nt battle im , I. ��..:�; -. - I - .. know him even though. you I I I I , . �. . . 11, I . S. k., . . , . . . ON 'Ila discouise of EditiI Cadogan, daughter of ^the late samer's' table untouched by human, their study of ant behavior. The : I , 44,,. kriown to *stamp. ,collectors every- . the preface it- j,* , �'., , .; �­� were',4b,lihd and co�ld never see him. where," said Mr. � Palmer. . "His atock . I . ­..... forest trees . and propagation of Viscount Chelsea. 'His seat is at hands. As prepared by the beei it is keepers turned. a 'thousind or more:. � 1 � , ,..!�, , , . timber." On the fly -leaf in flowing Overstrand Hall, Cromer. . --one . ' . ,,I � ' on , I ;,, i :. , . ;Sight'or tou�hxould give you but 'It- -�ras worth ,925,000, and wh "' .i�e SbLm,,. W. Small Noted ready for .use without aby"forin of loose, permitted them to attack -'' , ­;.' tie ,ft4l6r information regarding -1- . . his business was at. its height his- f ortune ., - Spenc�riar . .1 . . ''I - -,another, -and b6fore the melee was . It If i ,�, . ., , Old "n. - sto .:� . ­ dharacter�if yoo hoL.d .listened to his _Time. - .I,�.handwriting is "Elizabeth I cooking, Sterilizing or cold� .rag , � ­, must have been over. ;9250,000. . ]Evangelist scrimener. -. . , And, unlike the pearl, neither over sevexal.,hundred had been killed .. -.... 1 1. .1 . and country house. . I Among the� timepieces, number' " I I '.. . Ainiflarly, the 7word I . The famous ScopeS, t�ial in Ten_ Ing T91 I ;,�., I . v�oid. 'Ifis wor�i is his cliaracior in ' . H6� ­ the comb � nor the hbne has ever and large nutribers badly wounded- ­. I .. �q expression, of had town , several hundred style , is a duplic 3,311 Hens.0 mpZte in . . y I ...�, I .1'. I . . 11,.,.� " I . God - is)'God's power, intelligence, and "The business 'began 6 fail. MY nessee,. and the part taken therein by . S ate . 0 anufactured or Excited ,;pectators viewed the fight. - . , .1 �.. .. father .was very gpilerous and gave the .,no of aa .. . I .� I .� .. In'-k-*ressiob., God's word is Ri . . ted lawyer, Clarence Darrow, _&antique clepsydra . (water - imitated by man. Then, too, practi- g ab 0 t I il. I. I . S away large 'sifffis of money. Other and others � cloc-10TAri general use before ChriAt. Legg -Laying Contest ,ally all,honey offered for -sale theSe,­1 �Tbe most remarkable thin out. I � � of much prominence, I . I . �� I ,,,, going forth with creative ener- stamp shops priogpere,d; his dieclined . A frazzled carpet bag, so 11popu- . 'There are 3,31 ' e . .:', . -� the whole battle was the way thL-- . , 4 � - , ­11...,.,� . . gy". And,communicating life from God" - awakened anew the interest in evolu- , ,, I birds competing, in days 'is pure, enforeements of pur , , ­ . . , 111.� I , ' He. became poor and we lar with southerners during re- .the nat food laws having stamped.-out­ndul- opposing armies planned thei . .,..�, the source oflife and being. "With cahle to, tion that had Iain somewhat dormant ional egg laying test'for 1931- . r c in- , ".1 .1. I, '6ut Him wii not -anything made tha- Lewes. That was abcoit 25 years ago. for a time. Metaphorical blades were construction' days, squats moodily 32 in England. Thi' teratidn and substitu ion of cheaper, p,Aigns and conducted their atta=.` - "' I .,.: . s is another 't -�a demonstration that the ant, 1- . I I ,;Ir � "All the'siamps'he had, when 'he sharpened and'a furious -battle raged. on one of the shelives-waiting, wor d's re'6ord for sun-, test,.` liquids for hohey. f i W'aS; i I I . %, , .. was made" (verse 0. He was prior I perhAp§;, for a civil war film. ' . The nsumed- form , V. .1 " - died were some 3d. assorted. packets.!' It is not improbable that the changes . scene is,the ,permanent poultry trial The most, widely co' can use his brains in the heat at' � . .. .� . to.MAI Created ifi'1:h`g"s­ and "was with 1. I battle, as well as in'tbe calmer days� . . '111­..:�, -� ''.0od Arid was"God7' (V�rses I and 2) � I I I � . . .. I are rung on- this word, at'well as on HV#h`bby9.;:a,nd-. whatnotA remind .ground at Milford; near Godaffiift, is" .extracted, ­honey, with the comb . 11". ". ...... . ­ — . . of peace. It all siartiid one morhitic, -- . , , ­ .1 , � - Between the works we see anil ti� - et... ! I , many others, 61fen by those who have one ,of the curleyrues and furbelows SurreSr. . variety secon4 in popularity. The third V- �- , ' of the colonial period. I 1.1� . The total number of . e laid form is a coinbinatign, I when'6ne of the keepers of thp zoo� ,.: . . God who -As past finding out� there . little knowledge of the theories and I 99S ,,;,,of these two. . I , iv-NAgnate of" Bridge . . Valuable i6 ies of canvasses of auein I 2,8 The popularhy'6f'ext�icte­-dh-' . placed a little wooden chip over. th& I ., 1. principles covered by the term evo- p g the first month was 41',2 , , � oney has .. ',�.-',, � been --with God; the medium of the I -d,o , This grown until more than go per cent. I moat It ." ' �,,�� the word,. One who from eternity has - � early Italian' and English painting an average of 12.48 per bir that separated two ant nation�s, - Has a C4eat Racket lution. Others thefe are who dislike a . I and the Ely Cut '- , . .1 . 1-,'.�'. - ,. - first utterance of God's miYid tists; a .is slightly better Ahan last yeiarl� marketed,in that -form, to -day. . ' --an, old one that had been there fiyr� 1! . 11, ' . or fear new ideas or changew or in- carved teakw6bd Japanese pedestal, average for the same period. * , .- - ' . 1. % I -d whom the eyeg nok,atio.ns of 'any kind. ', An,&'yet, it I -first forthputting of His power; as bertson, upo , L As the abundance and kind of three' years., and :i 'tiew"' one just ar- , . . - '...'..... I. -i Me that we'are living in a four Met high, nearly 200 'years old The dlitries include two,.pens from flowers 'vary in different seasonsi so P41, 1, of the world - r reverently fastened is undenid rived. The chip served as' a -bridge, VVv -----4we-.to. the inmost nature of God, s' e 'and by ready'to ' be served South -Africa for )he first time ,and does the flM,or of honey. For this' ii�d for,the 'first time made posslifile� ., -, � , ­­. - - VIT, -a - as trb. y utterih-k �hat r-mture as . 'when. the time is ripe. .. I the breeds coTpeting which are new reason many wholesalers and. packers communie&tlop between the two col- ; . ,. . , , a d , I ' -'-' '--- at the moment, is one of tI,e. smg world of cbange. )yit1Ijn­',thb nietyr-' -all st '11�"�,.' our . Word is close to and utters our n proi In- ory onies. . W- ', 1.� est ra�ketetrs ever to_ gdi ei.- of the seniors 'of our day,' this I I. . 11 - " ., . ence in the United Statpo. . The property Wilding on the Radio to laying tests are White Cochins, mix ... i&Vdral different flavors to .pro- . I . 91, . thought. It is appirent, then,. why - ' The son coun4-y- has witnessed. a striking ev, lot is I A m.embet of the o-2 colony' be- .., I 5,�pl',`-�,, of a Russiap mother land an Amenican,olution in many - . three storeys 'high with floor White Barnevelders, White Sussex. duce a -blend similar tol that of teas.* . 1. I I �ql John chooses this title to designate phases of life, Take I - . - A warning about the care of honey came curious. e sneaced acrost5. I .,.., &.,.'� ording ' td and it very old English -breed known I ' " . 0aces 100x150 feet. Acc . - 14 , I , ;, .' father of coveninti,ng .Scottish des- the modernization of trans po&.ation,. Sam Comdr, head of the department, the brid-96 And --Penetratdd ,'intoi ther -' ' "�';"�'A�,�, �' Christ in His pie -existent' life. No 1- r�, ;; � . cent, lie has had an adventurous car- if y the om,,the horse -as ... Red Caps. -never place either th� comb or ex- ) , I % , . o , I anY type of film can be equipped, - The test lasts for (-tWelve 1,,,t tractqd variety in' the ,-FeT-rigerator, k I "" 1111�4,�. othei title brings out so'clearly and change h- . new SM;�,�,, ,, - :- lielps us to understand that this same ,eer and n6W, still a7youthful. rpan, he dral street � ' I " ,-U, `�,e N . . nbst. lie 'nevei­�iine back. - -1. ,26, R�,i is one of the' world's celebritieg, The autoniobil� ,;nd t - "the whether it bd a' South Seas idyll or months -and In the first period te,4 for. it hastens granulation. If ei- That 'meant war, the 61d ants de- I I I I -1 Being, "the ,Word," who -manifested I c car k��,,,,'i-,'- , , ent of his fortune is not known a story o4 the Eskimos, without birds laid an egg on each of th -8 tracted honey does granulate, ,hbwe;v-, I . . .......'..... ....... �, ?­;; I ext fhpid --variations in *o e S dr'es.es e 2 . cided. They probably, -believed that . ", A �.`,. ". - be 're- they should protect t4eir natio.n4ls- . " 111� ,and uttered God in crUtion., reveals but his intome is probably f cal status; w fness the ad- leaving. the lot for props. - - - days. I ., � I . er, it is not,inj'ured and may i;,,- Wirn now in humanity, ar great- and politi . I - ,�,i -I er than that of th'64average million- vent and development of the beauty I ! . turne ,., ,,��,;4'r�`,- John dese -bes the p . . - �,'., - ( - B, d to its original liquid- -condition But they did not lose their heads andi ..."'. I—— .,4',jP-. , rocess of the - .. . � - . 1­ , . . carefully he�dting the,bottle or can d,sh'-pell-rdell across the bridge, on] 7 . I . aire, and the tournament in which be parlor. wireless telegraphy and tele- I ,,�,K'­ � 4earnation very ,Ariiply: "The W\T�d . , . ,, I . in ' I— ." I I . F . P.� ­ -, became flesh and dwelt among us.,, is engaged, will no doubt vaitly in- phony and 'the radio; the replace- pan:of water. :The honey con- to be swallowed up by a possible am- . §V'---71-.. . Collegg-Trained An' - tainer should -he s�pported so that it bush. Instead, they ,,chose their best ! ) .,,�- , , Noted London Club . crease it.---- Ile does not make his mon- ment.of the tallb le �.,,J , , *kks­J`ews were familiar with the idea w candle by the ker- . .. I W`� . "' , jl,�'A of God ."dwoling" with His people. eY by playing cards, for in the ord- osene lamp, axAd,,of the latter by the ooS - will not tou'ch the bottom of the .Van. scouts ana sent them out to recon ­ 'r.11., r�'-��-, I­ �� At -the' birth of their nation, while inary course of vveiiis he would find incandescent ele�tric light, the intro- . Thrice X-on-Collegiains .. 'Is Forced To . e This p i 0"', - - ,revents scorching. The temper- noiter. ,Tbes6 daring ants crawle& . ,,, ,,,, " , y 1. " . I ,�, . ' tion of elbetric street lighting, Life earnings of $175,00 ,Ocan be .Df few people to play'against him In- duc I i , wil ature. the honey should never rise llil:i�`% i& were still d*elling in tents out- acrogs tbi� -bridge and into the I'll' � , ,V111' ­ e -egrees, for anything high- enemy"s territory. .i 11 6 anticipated reasonably by the college eum Club, Pie'' above 140 d , �,.:,�, . . side the land of promise, God had just 13 thi" development of aerial services, The junior Athena' - I .1v �, � � 11 real experts in the United -States, one and many other thingi' graduate,.wbile 'the boy who leaves eadilly, will close on December 31st., er will" darken ft and drive 'off its ­ ­ . I . I ", , , &I ZV,:!1-, .� , His tabernacle ih their midst.. God - -we regard a:4 . e . , .,J Lenz. his opponent. essentials of modern life,'were mous Of Lon- delicate fla,voY. . ", � . ;. of them, being un� school in the okmentary grades can ,One of the most fa Tb y found notfilng, All the new. 16,11151?, Vow d*elt among men in the -human- Culbertson' bridge ineo hope to acquire don's clubs, the Junior Atheriaeurn, ants were hidden away. The scout6� $I 47" 'a Jesus 'Christ. "The tabernacle s me is derived known four decades ago. To Edison, . I ., It 3 , �' - AtV . tut $60,000 during his The department of home economics went back arid reported. ' A council I tl,V. from his books, the fees -he receives Tesla, Marconi, the Wrl'ifit broth life span, according to William Ather. has fo.r nearly seventy years been tbe at 'New York state college 311 ,p, �1:�, 1 , - - --Was human, the indwelling person- w-Fas ers ggests I f war follolved. In a few mintifew. I ", ­ d in- ton Du Puy, executive assl%tant at resort 'of professional and business a coupld, of -recipes for the use there issued from the old nest, an 40- 1, I . �,.­ -, Divine. In Christ is realized the ac- teach big new. system, the site of vention, humanity. is rior, who men. , hon4y. One is for' a -fine cranberry imposing az+ay of *arriprs,-iaarching- � �`��,,f from other instructors lieditsed 'to and other leaders Ili science an Of 0 �- 1.0- the department of the int� . � deeply indebted ,, u4, � �' . tual.entrance into and personal par- . . .,$,., .� . h syndicated iirticles, and tables, lamps, for their contributions to our present has just completed a statistical study Its death 'is due'to 6: 'gradually preserve,made with equal weights of in ranks, as orderly as any, crack -11 ""'z. , � -ti0vdtfon -in human history, I' �­,;,­ *hi,e . I ,,,,-�V, � I 4 . ;�'.. I pencils, cards, etc., c9ritiect6d with day civiIizatioti - � of the ..Wir - p �, * . 6 earning power ...... Loling membership, and the lower crapb . as united in the tabernwel and the of education. .­q.rries, honey and water. Cook regiment-& inft ! ,�� I the game. I The high school graduate will ear qyitry� Along bbsid& i 11�, ----­t-6!hP1e 11 In no respeci, however� n spenair�j p6wer of'its-members-re- the berries - in - th"at'- y and water � - - . . I I hag the the column w6hi other., ants . whicli . 6k. �t­`�: - '14100 man hath seen God at any - 11. W d ard with. more cer- sults of bnforced economy --Which, if I . He owns and editi -a magazine and orl moved forw during his life $110,000 it Is noted. - until they are soft. Then remove- the I � 041, 3 0 ,Mblisher. His 1,000- gradu- tain stride' tinued, would mean runnin threw dp earthworks' in case gttAdk*, . I 1r'j",:,f11 tithe; the only Begotten 'Son whkh is is s 'wn than in the realm of "The higher the training the great- "On g the berries and continue boiling the ­;wlAy".. , . , V I ' Q'TpI I in the bosom of the Father. e -y"' the -rep club at 'a loss. � 4 h quarters- I ,� `11 holl I I I at t6achers pay him an annual fee ideas, political, er the Salai might come from , % , rmed aq '' - 1, ­ ­- % ,,k�,I­ �, Ze hath social and religious, ort reads. "If syrup until it is thick enough to just Then the wh9le band gZa , of "O. He need not envy the affin- ,evidence of which may be seen every- s school bo4ore reaching the .1 , ods; I 1, FO""!,; ' &&red -Mm" (verse 18). a boy quit. The members have approved of a cover the cranberries. Then pour the the bridge, invading� the &W ierR­: It","'i. must ence of the card player *ho broke the where, in the changing customs and high school level of 'Whining and goes sefieme to transfer their member- preserves iAto glasses dnd seal. Th -e tory. . . �. ". I . � " -LJ' 'Odr:fIrst thidugHrof God, then, Ship to, -the- Wellington club, which appearance of .the .11 1V a.�4-" . Bank at Monte Carlo. Yet he hasheen 'mode of living of the yre�ple- ',There to work at 14 years of age he will . . granberries may ­ A lone sentry was on guard w1lent , . ,�' MX12'1',,!��'j,"l ,Ozer -la tbat, which the. Incarnation ' Is'sliprtly to consider this plan. be'improved by pri�kjhV � . 111�j,Aw.,��;�, s1Xg&gts;: ,Tba,t thL- God with �whorn playing bridge only a short time. His 'has been an evolution in religious earn fLbnt,$400 a year. His earnin each one the , " , , `11!",�-,,,�"!;- , " -g''.""' lar to that s6veral hostile band came pouring. -to- r. -- - .. I capacity 'Will increase to about $1,000 times before. cooking ,­�­ ,0 - -tings and ward him. Quidlily the Sentry went. ' q, original Vsns were to be�ome a pro- thought, and the protracted ineo 061 , , pi - - Alone'and iii all things we h4ver t6 dJ . It of Caen stone--simi ! - R J,,�, . " ; fess9r of sociology and help reinould which used in the hooses, of parliament-- cooking them very,tlowly dt first, . ' �, , ',,�-7�i,f,�'­� 29 '1164 One who is alienated from us were held' annually in, the byJhe time he attains the age of 22. , , " , * ,., the World nearer td the heirt's desire. evangelical 'churches "The 'income of the man without the- Junior Athenaeum is remarkible ' I - 61OW, to. give the warning and in -m . *'I,..,- 1. , � � .Vl' , ' ' " ; br: Who hits 'no sYmpathy'with . . � I 1. I � I � came pour- � .:­ tv.,, � -��, � � ' 1`0vho ig, a1js6rbe0 in ini'e"rests very dif - - , -tb to meet the s The , 45-11 us, Or ,His messianic'urge',Was deriVed from e'Very'harnlet 40 yearof Practically high school for its fine scroll work few seconds the soldier ' ' � �`� s- or less ago training will continue to riam-gs. it Honey Cookies. III�' §i:�:��, � �11 f4eiit frotA ours- -but tha� He is One 1�ussia where be spent his boyhood, have passed into history, and new rise dntil he is '43 years old, at which has beautiful .painted eVings and . I I Ing Ah attack. - ) ., �,�!��"­'­;, . -2-ett ,' while his father wat busy devekoping and d time he will fine wood and marble w , ork. ps bvov;ii sugar � , - carnage that followed was terTific- . - �­";'., iffer�nt methods of reaching the b� making a little more The . I I , , - , , 111110'�;,-Ili, who. sacrifices Mmself for tit, who . .. I ... ;�` ­ ople have been adolyted. The city nally. Ther"Aler 7m, are . � V. , oil wells. Ely fell into the company pe than V,5% ann qi�ff, Malls -of the..Jofty coffee io I cups molasses, . There wits no let -4 fof-f6ur days� IN $. , zwkdq 911 thingi;but justice and fight 2 cups hoqey and four -nights. They Tought in. ,% I J he cove � - . � � ....... �-;'�i`,', lbetid- -to serve us, Who forgives our cals, many churches, as well, no longer have their ecrease slightly until . � ., ,�,.� �. ­ of a grpup of young radi income will d red wifff"Antique gold embossed I � .­,;�, ,... , � of whom were -later on to plAy,a part bne-tiTg ....... campaigns is &D years old, and the decline 'is rap- Cordova leather. The club possesses 2 cups sour cream ... small grouos, ]Siting... and tea . -"'it2f%We` , ' conducted f6r ,d r:!nIr- , -1 ... ,� I 1�1 I , - fieftsiodt, our coldness', our one, two, three . thereafter. At the age of one of thd-finest iibritries 'in London, . .,; , - '�A-ZbI4 foilk, and makes conIm I 60 his I . I I tables000n -lard dragged aside into temporary Safety. .9� -, 'k revolfitioh, and or -weeks at a . . � . � - ftspb irr, the Bolshevi 1 2 tablespoons -butter - ' "" Only a few of the wounded were- ' � ...� � adb .four incom ow $1,000 a&-ual- $, . , I I � ., A"Ya'U'Se W --bf all thjit Concerns; pted their theories with enthusi- tiline by evangehats or evangeligtid e will1all-bel , 2 teaspo�ns soda . � . 4 . " . 2110 ith Us � 0-1 . . 1. I ,' 4-11 asm. Wb6n the waribruke out he teamp. Dwight L. Moody,. Charles G. Inga it -willf be Alm6§V.mth� . . I , IPI I � -1 41if welfil,te�, "And of His fullness ' ,Fd at 70 , . . . I teaspoon ,cloveg Then an -armistice must have beerr i i ��� , � � UV# � .9,11 we igdeivoad Served in the Frendh R�d Crosi. The! Finney, Reuberi A. Torrey and Charles . . - . . . arrange ..... . ;�,,. , 1. I'll wid grace for 'In sharp contrast to'the boy tat'"'Honey And ..... ......... . ... '­ 2'ttmgpoons cinnamon I d, but it lasted only .6 feW' 4, �,� 4 11, , I , f . I , I..� . , . V0411 (veksb ii).::bondensed from Russian revolution spelt ruin for the M. Alexander (of Glary Song.fame), but , - with . 2-3 cup candied orang I hours.. Evidently the terms 'were - I. � .... I . , 4h , � �gkpb 70 'Bible. - . . . . 'Culbertson family and Ely still has an and other world renowned grade school training, the high ,, -3 cup lemon peel . ,e ppel I I �� I . . sitot men, who broken, for the battle was resuri,led. R � I R Keep, Bod7, Fit 2 . . I .. ,.' ,,, -,-,:,i, �- , I '. , I .. acdount of' $3y,000MO which he says swayed midititudes in their day, have Ichool ,graduate At .18 eains $801D. At � �,', � .0-3 dup citron . . With their b�:g­wandibles the war-- .­�., , ­:�,, " ��',! -� "Honey f6r Sale." 11-� --I ;1;1-1 . I the 'Bolsheviks .owe him for confiscat- passed on. 'Of th� well known Cana- 22 he nets annually $1,500, the maxi� . I % cup shelTod almonds. . 11 .�, -1 ­Ivp'i ". I 11 I nors slashed 'at one another. They- 4 .1�1 ,1� , . ., .. i� " �.'­ I . -Ing big fatheet oil property. � .,.- 7 dian team of Crossley arid ,la,nter, mum of the avei4ie income of a Man Cotint the number ol. t;' I ,�� . ." �,M I � . I , 10 .�,,�,;`­,:� , , ' I .. .. � ­..�....­. .. ........ � tosged the weaker one in -to the maht; ... , , . . ,,� , I �,., ley, is ounter t next live 'Flour to -Make !WIT Dough , or failing this,. cut off their oppon, � ­­�,.'�t,��,e'.",::. � ­­ -*6-1-k")' 'V""gSlONS ' After the wir he hung About Paris, th survivor, Dr. Hugh"T, Cross -with - 9�a&` school 'edueAtion. The a" his sign on'your �� ,� " . , '. . ". ft , -�- I I � . . . . . .. .V:,�,t�'; . : , : . � ..,... �.., �- � ;1� 4k, it A�ft" -when introducinj and Gbnevv, IMtrT irr the mysterious still Yor6xto. $2000 -income, ig reached for him At mile trip into the �ounfty. I did1the , " I '""" . . - ­­­ I enfs' limbs and left them helpless. - 11, I , � ft",d1rA`.-­a;* W-1 * , ,1r, mnlais�*,*4',' honey. .. I � 41 =-anner of other reftees; without By Thurtday afternobn the invAd­ - " ..� -a� ­10assey t. � ,1 ��'.,,�, � 11� . 9 . �a. 5&'4-1&; 26-4"..wj1l.i.ncreaso.,..& $2,50. by the other day �andi'fbund it a 'formidable IN -TI -x, nrrl Wn- I .. I � .1 .* I �& i�t -hint., " ­ Xx was At �ew days ago wh6n word, i I "hot dogs"I and flaider . buttter and lard. P6iee :VeA' 5 -from .the � i Memory revoeted to' these rla)m,es a filme he t ins I.; e 6 -0th doth-Petiter- of ' -er' old colony had* beew 91 , b­dii�fi& aui . sfh1e',4VuicefJ of iftedffie. It a ta 4 Afte th Surat, ­�, -. '! .� V. ity o ers: I# his e tlailtay, Georgia, ofthe death of Dr. in and at 70 the earnings per year 'Predecessor of Sup,t by centuries 6 * ,Add Soda to sour dream and I I � 1-1-11.1-4 ' ­iiirned th- Cards. In th , came from birthday has pass'ed the decline bets by,the -gallon" f or- i6adside honers; , I R. �".- I , I x 1 ' 9dd§t' of ,*�d ft, thW'ffr*,d Ire . KnU UPI; meaT.S througli the ,food 6hop- driven back across.'Ahe hridge Witli- . , -... i I . ddtl"� it ,cooip'ldtit Vfhd1&Ati�it -0 cafes he ,became known as not only am W. 11, " . . . 0 i . I &eat losses, Their roitt. was ,colftz, ,�,- , 1. ­ ­ - 1 spice to flour too.k, A, �..: 4) " Sma a 6bri'vert And for will, bof About $I No as a satisfidr ot,tnanls sweet tooth . Mix well Idt SUnd ylete. I ..., & 6.;- Nil�­'� a poqr'p1&N,#i 1�ut IV dtubbom­one� otne time The' visitors some -fdr- . T 19 9 .1 11 11 " � ssiog, d1Ad;f,pA#e Add , an as$00466 of the great . The college gr�du;te bogins' over night. Itoll nbt-tO6 �'hin. Bako -t � � � 1c., ­ ,�­ ; �,- . . I to earn this potted nectar, of the flow4rs has - . 11, - . , ��,Ibr i Re *�s, not 40 V4& interestOr In Southorn- evangelist, Sgirt -V� Jones, " TA9,es after killing, alr WeV- fiesiied.' .�, '� , � , , . Matti . , I � .'.", E il 4 M 0"4, . *fft"1111 ",91 -iii, loarning wky',a Cer- Whose Work Vv at the ageof 22. -He, starts oil A, howevok, Cords into ita. 6vn orill" i� iA rdoderkto'....0vap. 16 liklitly with U-6 worker ants were cpjlo , Ibout . ­­ 'M, " b.��igh � �, &, ,tv 0 . . 61,:��' . )#,-W"­T-.f,V''& utd. a Iftelir in tho -.1ft- ,4,U%1bUt, this. ig, less t� A ouf and' ­ I 1 .$I. '1�ou _ '­, I 1� f, . #IV reeetit y#&VS, . S6*iyeettra-k6dis- iin* trotting &Wbrdd'.wi�h,alftiond eleared the dead from the ­ I ­', . "' tafo litW­had beou made. ffo,boeamo _:p -! , -A6d* I t6test 61,*XQW ITIon, Their ve-culiky Mfiial W-Ad-U4.65.4fifikes-ht 04t. ago-, 'Cov6rifit Its ... ttA6,+T.,'­fh'b ' or rattilla Orefetre'di, grl;" 11 ,P &b# t " l't%­ ,XLX 16"UtitV, 11, ,�, vlt bakinj� gf 40,114',-.4"if 1. , ", , � , lare's It"', %,:.,,boref , aw W to ,Play, I I ,H,.',�v�,� 4KR 4a, gtiw�- .. "10 at. da . I - I I , soid in . 11 " ­ ' AAW apt,een.,Wr 41--"W ,p "' g, 1#111WF , , d -daii : .1 . so ,,I . , . - i , , ­569elwd - teafty 1> ytara. 8Sr the' tiftio' the, qv,0116C6 -gn(& Oialft 06it'W" - 610i ­ . ,- Will . , ,wg., ,,A-'&,` I . . � 1, vVith hufti� I 01tod,by'Andtow 4 'I 'd btedds , I . . I 0 Im" '­ I #e9p southerit d'rt*l A'Ad .0rigingl , ity .at but -the latter has, lieen at Work. �6� '- do&iO �' an I '86idiltistig say that, " mankind' � e -40'cli . . Peace to-figIfted.' .., I V41110 8 "A' i - , . �r �cgka I I 11111,11, 6 t 1 �" �, ­ 4, � SMAA in' ThAt 61066'k that efte, Pe �, I . � . ?,(ftt +Ave. to contest ---the ,Mier- . I I I *19 ­ I'll . . I# of the w,6tld* witk filliiiti' wita �1;,. , I � , viv, A, `# '! It P&A Aef wnq, in. th#'406' 619liti-69 and t(u* t�-aehe# g# �g , ili� INO loft9ok isif'ofiftPlYctho ectillatijil 2 I , --L, A &ii- . ILILI . " W7 �" , 1W IV," . , ft I 600(n.'k tome goob UP rap! lyi,�Wlule olj� a but MCI I '' i � I 101)'� 8" dro"d K6 a --- a .. ... -es of ­ , " . W W,461111 � P, , PW '151 � " .�kx i - dluk-Witit-166 *81lu hi -hi§- 4 F11 � �0: �f�: ago ift . I � sub M , - V* AMW*All the ipsro.& a, .Ltfit a,ritW h%** Z 0 yx N1, 0 1. samraefi, at ' dh 6�1,, AhAt Of' ,� I I . . I '' - , , .. � j., 14 1 . . ­";, " &�Ofit� thikif ingby th b, h .91111� � . A ,M,, 0006tp, "M,w , 0110691- ,mobw *9014 I 0 !� - 1k , , 1ftt[,.11 ghp*fi'the highest eaj�xpitr.. f6t - A*& '' - jt',.,�- , g ­Aift, 4it her 'a I me rn,rot: kU00-116,Vq�'. d 49 thd 1i 11% I st&v � I , ',6�",' , L I 11 IJ . . - I . I , � , . ,- : opw �­,X�f X ­­ � ' - A � � d�� .'.'-' I d L �, .1 "A .. 1w,419-1 he�*dfd­o# ftAiK,W9 *6-11 " bsf , ft , ii Y,,;, , . ra"i 6, �'-`, ' # f ttl etship and t 'g,4grevateat hitollig-endt. r , � . � -1. -!�r,�,;,,, � , � ,.,L "I"I I ,I ,& . I & 6'111-1 ftj""61' " 'JA . , " . '� ,� of ,j _ M I., - 01 . a, " . - bo'dw, R � . - X '' 'W-14- 'to 2 , , , t I 2, ,��, "�*�h'� -- ,)Itqo I" 1161, . I k ", I'm I., " .41,p , 1, , 11 . ,,, !xf toaok MW A i 1" A' , ki,90N, -1- , , fir p4,vdo, W-94. 'Wh'��4`th#jt I A I M114 IWA,Predi te � ,�, ,,, s I . �,, � i116111 � ease, T!,mle!�--" Zwo *01tit'l age It' 7,01" I � t"16A, k4owtOW&W g"W tAf 00motM 012et bet6yoittg An � ­ ­ � "t-.." -1 �V"Idb d�,.,tJt1t1W . - � k"'. W9.1 L, , �0.dfftlg#d lifg .Ince It , i 41 N6 iab* , v " i ... V tel,111*101i: bt bid, 10-durgrent, %wegift, MAU10 110, 4 -- 0.61, h I - i - Ili, ,� I I I , - - ,, A"I"A'AA175 kid - � 'Affil �� � " , I - tet w�vgdtg or 066 48 "'Is .1 -1 ,-,�� � 4661:061#0,41 hlirr #jP, wlthffdvof?�'% , �` fkU 49hil-Si0t; " A# "D a 111(i , eA1­1"1A,'%­ 11N. -;1V&r A Al and - 11 ,­ ft, the Ord Imag-fawbt, luilk I . - . Ahd hN ftiftolatM giel 'N , 4 , A . � ­ . ,,, tMi6h tl ,t 6" �­, Vlilfi -, la* , , It � -z 41 I i1h ih,4& *101., 4 it is d6' v IWI:11*8014 - d -. . .0 , ) 9 9 " "' 1�1'1,-- � .11 ,- K , , � , I "', I I 11 I 0 � - 4 os, , '! , IL4 , I , i I � i -1 I I 11 'till I.. I I .. I 11 R..".; I , 0 ...''. � " I I . "..I 'i , 4 " . "" -, " .......... 11. �,UM, diffibalt. f64 . \ , 1� � �V��, �. 11",�,IA­ .1 ; . .. . . , ;.,a4 " . . "� , "" 1, � � I , , . ; I '. &'. I... -- . 1 ft ,, - ­­,­�,,,,, i- . ,j;, � � �,11 �J .41.1, , AT, �, � 'It . !,. 1 , ," �, �. ,� �, I -1i �`i;71 1,11 . -P , , KIA. to" � d" it .? ­­ , �, . , , �, *1C 0, I— ., , fthd� *& 1"41 004-kh 10 � 9 , - - & " V 'I , . ,,, it , .I I, ,,,,, 10 ttlld* Q "r ,; is ! Wig ., It"Wit W P*f - ". t. #0*6� Il , � , , "W'V4.1�M,11: %15 " # 14 tot � ��� , -,� , , '�� � ,. '', - ­;1rqs,r: , � ....'d" ! 100 .. V, , ", V , I -V115i1K .. . ,". . , . . .1", , 4 , �:� - , , - � i � �; i, " . I , . I ,� . 1, I ... 0i , - , :,�P. , I I , � � . �. � I . . . 1, . ; 4� �� W � � . ". ,4 �,'.' "--- - . - � . .. � 1. '! I . � .1: . , � " " , , I � � �� , 1, : . I . 14 I 11, 1�1 ". , -��,:;','r;, , ., I � , . I , . . OXT � , ; - , -11 �,'$ -of"ti, - , , .; �. I , ,�,!�.�,, 1-:11 .. I . . , . I I , ;., , . I , , "�, " . I . -7 ""', %�.�. � �� 1. Z 1. 1AW I ­­­­ 1, " , I .1. � ­ . . . ,. . . '. I I �11 - - . . - . .. . . I , ­*,; .. I d . _L11 1� 1. 11"'. �': , '� -t,-, ., - . A, t . , ., , I , � ,I .1", .1 . I � lv / I �1� .." : f�l I'' , ''. A:,., � - - -� . ". ., , 1.11144I". . ., Ii. I ; . , ,,,, r�, - ­j­,�, , . , - ., I ­. ... - . � I J:�,;,,,­­V�;-,.* ­� ,­,­., ;. .i, 11-'�.­ , . , , - " .,-.1&,.: ";�'��J"�'� ,i�4,;:4,` . �, 11 I � " �"V, �`­ �­ ' I I -W�4,�O' .,: . , , � � ', ,f,� � ',.­�,� , i, 'If" ��,. ,,, ". , � 11 . . �. . � � , -1 � . . . I I �.�, . T - ,�.,w,�. , , , ,� �'�:L'. l� ' ' �, .1, - , � ', � ,� " t ,. ..�,.�11 ,�, -.4je'."'. , , , , �;��,,,l4j � 7`� �. 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I . 1-3 . � , � �, "'It, 0. -iA­­'.4 A�. , A , � 113 % likvko . � , , - . �4 I � 11 �.Y. - "'AT . �` It"', �' 'T'r " "'_14'1-1 " , i g � �, z " y 1, , .1 ; ;�11.11 4�q�OY�,lt,,,.",t;,J"f�..",",�� 911411111;,��,4740, � , . , , , , f , ,,:'�. � : (". , , -g-l!% 7, � , � " 1, �, 6, A , "' �;,.��,,�,��,: 'It"I"'.4 - I I k . , � � �1.11 6,115, I , , , %W � ., ` "AN *f iN '"I'll....."01 , I - 111�1 '�,Z` :, "i" y .1 ,-. .."r , , " i" ,3 �1, ", , A '*Nil"o-1. I .1 I q . n " el R, �11 ,,, � , A . N . i , , - ­ 101;'A �It I , N; " , 7; I �1 IN "M " � Xilfg 4% .� . � _ � � �`�!11115 � , , ,,, � , a ,,f 66�10 , tA , I " ZIM 01129""", ,,P " I � I ,�� , , ", I 11 ,. - , , , � , P .­ , 1� = 'I � " �� I " ,,� , i ,,;, i,� � 'P , y �rii t 1, X " WE, 'k 4A. I i'01''AW I ­­­­VZ�Rl hil�t.. , ­� I , I � 1'. , , 4:11 I "'� 'I, ,� , 12 I I � " �Xjgj% 1111� ­ -1 11*�`1111 -'j � -, V ; , ", , ", � , 1, N1. '. 1. r6 N I I ii�,� .i�� , , ". ­... , � I � MUM , I I ,� ,� , , ,�, 2 "I �, 11 " 1; , , , " , -, -y- ,� -�, , ,�,,' , 'il",��'.,v�",.�,.!i��,,.�,.�.,."�*,,';:�,,,. , . "' , , , " . n qf � , , ml im i,. r, . . , , ,�, - I , , ", L� r �, ,�. � 4 � I , ,� d ,_ . , I 17 ., - � ,� � I . * A , 1. , 11"� I = -.11 , " .... X 01 ,., " I $1 ". " . = , , �,� '' . ­ , , I , i " INXIII ,;� � ­. ,, , , -0 0% , �,' I -- �,,:�,, ! ,,J :�'. ,�, ,�5;1 I �, ,,,;,�,�.,,�J�j',-,',�'�, & I ,��:. I "I"'I � ftwxf,!�,,& -,� , .,"', � - ��,, �,,�, .; �. A I il ; ,�:, :ig J ,, � ... ... �A L�', � " , , E "4, "i4 "'M - , ­ " ; -; "'A' I I - ; IF I lu .-A -- - 11 "11 I