HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-11-27, Page 6- d. I ,,:. .,d • _...�{ 1' %..:,,,,T �.D '^T ,__.' "l 1 , s{, d 4 f., A d ;..;i t -,, t:+, Y;rii' r'i, Ni 1 yS .
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d - . •, .::. 4 't r... o f a murder', full b;�r^'�><} ,.�" , o y lowed ax t wi1� be Captain }Gus 'Wkil< d u3 A
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• i t P ' V ancQtiver who mads has first tlpea�
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A tion tri the third des ee Il,y folic at- sure hent ?f ,Qocos ` Mand in IRR,
�,i I,IM1u ,� 8i, facers which resulted rn a cortfisa and Y IS G91ayton, who patented the yj�� ,' WW"
' r t .several years ago and It
11111 rill' slurs and the suicide of the alleged liieta�tiphone s
I10Pal murderer. iWiign the story .reached who went to , „ ,os Island in 192'k. The
, 1 r �t
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,i t a Cleveland Tony was iinmediatelY Iden- group has as n, granted a' 'Dominion �.'e
II') �4V i,lt tified as Tony 'Colletti a young charter, and is ,,preparing to engage amom-to � tthti cvmp:eo4
`,,;,`I.P? ilk. Italian, whose case had been forgot- Vanoouver ship, which will be outfit- the sltiais, # � �(
>' ,° > I _ ` ten for a year, •A sensation was pro- ted in that city` prior to ,sailing from face! c 0mm ♦!;,a11
* �'� +� W
duced, and the chief of police fore- B The metalo honeese ea future. hav 0.1wast0ru. TIM
f,+7 am
`+„ stalled a debate in the city council p
,, by ,requesting a public investigation somewhat uncanny habits. The de ABLE•e u defaiDe.
by a committee to be appointed by vice has been used 'on ,sever...al oeca- vaikrable toxic W4 rpm the lives.
w Newton D, Baker, as president for sions in British dColunmbia to locate They end .
'11cargoes in sunken slips- and often B�ioaooesa. Hea• AcWA7.
the Association for Criminal Justice. with success. Although it was taken dsa� Zoe smd715c wed ��'`
14' These hearings are now being held, to Cocos :Island in 1924 }by Mr. Cl y- !
. but since Tony 'Colletti kiss .been in ton, only a small portion .of the
his grave more than a year nothing island was surveyed, but with it the
GOVERNMENT'OF THE that is likely to come of them can arty succeeded in locating fools and local and domestic affairs these 11
benefit him nor his young wife whom P dif-
*,� T o� CANADA he was accused of slaying. Never- equipment used by former expels- papers have different principles,
Do1VbI'NION s theless, they may give the commun- tions in the treasure hunt. The con- iciest interests. But when It comes �
sty a salutary shock and perhaps save trivance has since been improved; to foreign° affairs they can be trusted
leadin the organizers of the expedi- to speak with one voice. When the
• some other friendless youpg people tign to believe that if there is Fre ch Government shown itself 'cool
• Loan
from police frightfulness.����i ��� Tony Colletti, an '18 -year-old Ital- treasure on the island the metalo- to•'Gi•eat Britain the Paris press is
1 ian who had been a juvenile ward, was phone will locate i,t. Cocos Inland cool. Wlten the French GovernmentNationa married to Christine, a girl about his is four miles long by three wide and is friendly to Great Britain and hos-
own age, but though he was working is located •500 miles off the coast of tile to Italy, the French press is
they were unable to afford a home so Costa Rica, whose property it is. It friendly or hostile. It is natural an-
t' The Minister of Prance offers for public subscription they lived with their parents, meet- is planned to complete the search in ough for most of the journals outside
ing in the ith tg and quits, for a few weeks. It is popularly sup- Paris to assume that the papers on
drive in a hire motor which Tony Posed that more than 300 tons re the spot gnaw what p going on and
treasure, valued at $60,000,000, are thus the great Faris papers influence,
groive. They had such a drive one ev- hidden there having been 'buried by and peirhaps contaminate, the whole
Bonds ening in August, 1930. The next' Thompson, Davis and other famous press of France.
I • �1On of Canada S% - morning the dead ,body of the young irates of early days. Wealthy Citi- blot only does the French Govern-Dome/Q wife was found several miles away at P
the top of a cliff. ,She had 'been shot zeas of Peru are also alleged to have sent subsidize the Paris press, but I
t to death, but evidently not at the hidden gold and jewels there during numerous foreign governments, such
$taring interest from 15th November, 1931, and offered in two »taturi spot where the body was found. Tony the revolution of 1883. Of the other as those of Poland, Roumania,
sties (toe choice °f which is optional with the subscriber) as follows% was arrested. There was nothing in British Columbia expeditions who Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Italy,
have searched for treasure there, pour in their subsidies in order That
his actions before or after the crime one of them left in 1892 on the the French people may be more
y 5 YEAR 5% BONDS, DUE 15th NOVEMBER, 1936 to suggest him as the murderer, and Eliza Edwards, under command sof readily persuaded of their various
the revolver which he owned was not the late Captain Simon F. Mac- points of view, Foreign bankers, in-
10 YEAR 5% BONDS, DUE 15th NOVEMBER, 1941 the revolver that had discharged the P
fatal bullets. There was no blood in Kenzie of Vancouver; another in 1905 dustrialists, promoters and others
in lawful money of Canada, at the office of Mid Finance and the hired car. Nobody could conceive from Victoria, and a third in 1924 in make their .contributions. Before the
priridpal payable without charge, a 'motive for the crime, unless it was the Gunner. Col, Rica's party will war the Krupp Company of Germany e
Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa or at the office of the Assistant Receiver and General
Halifax, Saint the pleasant detective who first inter- sail direct to Costa Rica, where eight had several kept French newspapers
11 I ' John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary viewed him and said that he knew of Costa Rican soldiers and an officer, whose function it was whenever Ger-
�'i ole half yearly, 15th May and 15th November, in lawful money who will and the interests of the man armament estimates were under
Interest pays the bad reputation Christine had in
the neighborhood and' than if. he had state, will join the expedition. As consideration, to make violent attacks
of Canaria, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chaste Banks Cocos Island is owned by Costa Rica, upon Germany. These attacks would
been in Tony's position he would hart a that state will claim one-third of any in turn be reproduced in the German
`< I Denominations: shot her himself. treasure that may 'be discovered. papers subsidized by Krupp with the ,•
- 5 YEAR BONDS $100, $500 and $1,000 But Tony insisted that he had not 'Cocos .Island is said to have been result that the timorous or patriotic
shot her. His story was that when so named by the Spaniards because Germans would support vastly in-
t 10 YEAR BONDS $500 and $1,000 tr he and his wife were out driving, an- of its abundance of cocoanut trees. creased expenditures from which the
other car, in which wgre four men It is to Sir Edward ,Belcher, how- Krupps would profit. If the French
whom he knew but dared not name, ever, on His Majesty's ship "Sulphur," Papers themselves are thus willing to
had forced th9m into the curb .and that the world owes the survey of be influenced it is not to be wondered
The proceeds of this loan *ill be used to promote taken (Christine riding with them. So the coast of Cocos, which was made at that the French journalists are eas-
after some hours of questioning with- almost twenty years after the sup- ily debauched. Mr. Dell says thpt not
out result the detectives employed posed datO of the burial of the first all are venal, but far too many for
the economic and financial welfare of Canada more vigorous means. One of them P
produced a piece of hose and got to lot of treasure. It was in 1845 that the health of the country.
4 Keatin is said to have discovered For instance, we read that the
work on the little Italian. Another g Paris newspapers do not pay their
The Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of will be 10,000 and $100000issued in a� of $500, $1,000: introduced a newly -discovered tech- loot there, but Captain Gisster does
Canada,and both principal and interest area a charge $5,000, $ nique by suddenly driving both fists not be
that he ever knew where financial editors. On the contrary
oatheConsolidatedRevenueFundofCanada. , pending preparation o£ the engraved definitive simultaneously into Tony's back just the treasure was concealed. Gisster the financial editors pay the news -
Bearer toads'with coupons will be issued in de- bonds, bearer interim certificates in denominations of undbr the ribs. Then he was made to tells of an expedition that started in papers, just as a Toronto the hotels
Pittsburg outfitted in 'San Francisco, are paid for. the cloak room privi-
nominations of $100, $500 and $1,000 is the case $100 (for the 5 -year bonds only), $500, $1,000, $10,000 stand erect for hours at a time. He leges. They are expected to support
asked for food and water and was and landed one day, filled with con- €
of.the 5 -year bonds and in denominations of $500 and $100,000, will be delivered on all allotments fidence and armed to the teeth. They themselves at the expense of Com-
x1,000 in the case of the 10 -year bonds. These on subscriptions to this loan. Registration as to refused. Finally he was stripped and
made to lie face down on a table. had neglected, however, the subject panics whose shares they recommend
bonds may be registered as to principal. principal; or as to both principalandinterest,willbe' of just where the treasure was hid- to their readers. Because the editors
effected when the interim certificates are exchanged His arms and feet were held and he den the origin of which goes 'back themselves are supposed to make the
Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is pay- was beaten with a. rubber hose for most of their opportunities they are
able duces to the owner by Government cheque, for,definitivebonds,onoraboutthelstMarch,1932. �4+ three-quarters h an hour or o hour. to 1820' or '21. At that time an ex- aid small salaries, and Mr. Dell
I In fact, the punishment proceeded officer of the Portuguese navy fell P
i upon evil days and turned pirate. mentions one journalist who receiRes
5 Year Bonds, 991 and accrued interest until 11 said that a would sign any. His name was Benito, or Benito $1,500 a year whose abilities would
� ISSUE PRICE ' thing the police wanted him to sign.
• Year Bonds 99 and accrued interest After he had made his confession be Bonito, and he lived up to the best entitle him to $1of a year F Eng -
1® f was permitted to communicate with traditions of swashbuckling and land. He tens of another French -
a blood -thirsty piracy and successfully iiian�who was a regular and valued
the only lawyer he knew. loo ed the West Indies and the east contributor to a small daily paper
Payment to be made in full at time of application He told him about the treatment g sendin an article which criticized
he had received from the police and coast of South America. He made g
several rich hauls and is supposed to the Hungarian Government. The
Subscription lists to the foregoing will open on 23rd November, -1931, and will moose o0 or before will
the lawyer began an investigation. have buried on Cocos a collection of editor called him by telephone and
December, 193 i, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Subscriptions will He had him examined by two deputy- loot worth millions of dollars. asked if he would very much mind.
be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank and by recognized Dealers. sheriffs who were in his office and Several years later; after Perus had if the article were omitted, since the
Interim Certificates will be delivered through the bank or dealer designated by the subscriber is the applio- evidences of his terrible 'beating were won her independence from Spain, Hungarian correspondent had ab-
ation, upon surrender of the receipt. plain enough, That night Tony roll- she was in the throes of civil war ,acted to it. He retorted that he
ed in agony on his bed and had to have and counter-revolutions. Much of'or.ld very much mind indeed. Then
medical treatment. Two nurses and the irate wealth of Lima, together the editor confessed that his paper
Let �►'o�r D®����'� Serve Canada! a ! !'doctor treated him, so here were P was receitiing rres$240 a month from the
five potential witnesses to his physis with quantities of church plate, was
sent to Callao for safety. When an Hungarian correspondent. But the
1 cal condition. Fortunately the law- attack on the fort was imminent, the contributor insisted that his article
yer went to the police station and treasure, estimated in the millions, should appear, and appear it did,
copied the medical report of Tony's vire, transferred to an English ship. probably at a cost to the paper tri
injuries, for when later on he went the Mary Dear, whose captain, $240 a month.
DEPARTMENT of FINANCE, to make a photostat copy he found Thompson, it is alleged, buried the If these are the prevailing condi-
Ottawa, 23rd November, 1931 the page torn out of the book. Tony loot he had stolen until some more tions on great daily newspapers,
was confined in jail waiting for his ro,itidus time. Thus Cocos became what can one expect in the way of
trial, But the morning he was to P p honesty and dignity from the so -
appear in court he was found dead in the Treasure Island par excellence of
the world. The catalogue of ships called jburnals of opinion . These
his cell. He had„ been hanged or had that have sailed thither would be a art for the most part four page
hanged himself by a 1Selt strap. Two los and tiresome enumeration. pamphlets, publishing no news but
other prisoners who were confined in Col, Leckie, who heads this expels- voicing all kinds of opinions, gener-
i. - - the same,', cell had already been re- affairs. Many
_ _ . ,___ ___ __--_...-------- - tion, has seen distinguished servine ally on poli al
_ _ - on the field of battle. Hle served these are never sen h n o
_ _ _ 'but they were
LONDON AND WINGHAM Eyewitness Reports I as they lay at anchor. In the end it had -thoroughly
and proceeded very leased an the police, first with Lord IStr, thcona's Horse, anybody and their circulation must
$r • I was a matter of ,bad luck that she was thoroughly .but courteously to de- found and testified that as Tony and then as captain, 2nd Canadian be -less than 1,000. Yet they aplpear
South, caught and sunk, although of course stroy the wireless and the. cables, seemed bent on suicide they had not every day. sometimes making the
Sinking of Emden there could be only one end to her The great mast stood by the side of interfered. The death of Tony would Mounted IRifles, in South Africa,
1900-2, being mentioned in despatch- host ,violent assaults, and sometimes
career. Fate overtook her at the the tennis court upon which much seem to have been an extremely for- the most loyal defences of the same
liVin ham 2.05 Mr. E. J. T. 'Moore, recently of To- r es and winning the Queen's Medal Y
g P m Cocos Islands to which our colleague, loving care had (been spent dynamite
the tunatpolice occurrence for the Cleveland 'public person. Advertising puffery
Belgrave 2.22 ronto, but now, at the 'behests of as- Mr. John B. Hanna, made such mas- staff, and a charge of dynamite was police. with five clasps, and 'D�S.O. He also
in which he is a firm believer, served in the Great War, 1914-19, was acid blackmail are their obvious
Blyth ................ a...... 2.33• trology terly reference recently. These are placed under it. The superintendent The story behind the murder o mentioned in despatches, and awarded sources of revenue. ,Book reviews
Londesboro 2.40 on a hazard of new fortunes in Eng- a coral group isolated by thousands of protested that the mast would fall on month
was not hard to find. A C:M:G. As ; commandant
16th Bat- and theatrical criticisms are gener-
Clinton 3.08 land, was one of the eye -witnesses of miles from the rest of the world and the tennis court so the German of month or so before her death Joseph talion, 'Canadian Scottish, 197-18 ; ally bargained for. If money is paid
Brucefield 3.26 the sinking of the German raider containing at the time merely cable ficer politely changed the dynamite legger had been and Sam Ti murdered noted boot- commanded forward area, Murman the reviews are favorable. If money
Kippers .........L.......... 3.33'Emden, for he was at the time serv- and wireless station. At dawn on No- so that the pole would fall in another herghouse almost under her eyes.tShe Coast, N.R.E.F.; was again mention- is not paid the 'performance is'either
Hensall .................... 3.39 ing on the flagship of thu Australian vember 9th, as the Chinese cook rose direction.All these operations required some saw the murderers and made the mss- ignored or insul ed. These etlndi-
Exeter ......... 3.53 transport which caught and destroyed to busy himself with breakfast he ed in despatches, and also rewarded g
hours, and the Emden was not take of letting it be known that she .�4 v E St• Vladimir, White tions, according o Mr. Dell, explaia
this remarkable vessel. In the course�Iwas astonished to see a steamer mak- v i' `J "'` � wh on foreign affairs the .French
North. 11914,
ofhex operations from August 4th, ing its way cautiously toward the hurrying since she expected one of had seen them. There is no reason Eagle (Serbia), Croix de Guerro Y until they were finally ended in France). During 1920 he was en- people generally think as a 'unit.
island. 'He roused the superintendent •her 'captured mer'chantmeii to arrive to doubt that the men who dragged The are/ suers only such news or
Exeter ..... 10.59 - Noverrnber, almost exactly 17 years who, pajama clad hastened down to with a supply of coal. But suddenly her away from her husband and took ( aged in exploration in Mexico, in Y g Y
Hensall 11.12 a o, the Emden destroyed $20,000,000 a look -out noted a smudge of smoke her for the one-way ride were taking 8927-28 in Venezuela and 1.928-29 in such opinions as those who fivers
• • • • • • • , • • • g welcome the tvisitor, for ships that
Kippen , ... • . • • , , . • . • • • • • 11.18 worth of British and allied shipping on the horizon. At first this was the simple and conventional gangster Hudson Bay. desire them to have, and er !use of
Brucefield 11.27 on the high seas, and without the stop at the Cocos Islands are few and t the French press system they can be
• • • • • far between. He thought at first swpPosed to announce the approach method of silencing her forever. Tony
Clinton .................... 11,58 g ' that this was the Sydney, flagship of roused to rage suspicion or fear in
loss of a single life, Von Muller, of the collier but in a few minutes was afraid to name her kidnappers twenty-four hours.
I,ondesboro 12.16 her commander, was a gallant gentle- the Australian transport which be the ship was identified by its high for fear of sharing heir fate. But the
Blyth s• • • • • • • 12.23 man obeying the traditions of the sea masts as an Australian crasser. It police must have known that the girl Corrupt French Press
• • • • • • • • new was on its way toward the island
Belgrave ................... 12.33 in such a manner that he was toasted was, in fact the 'Sydney at the head had been an eye -witness to a double Repo from all portions of the
, .... 12.47 from another direction, But when he Mepace to the Nation Dominion show that the flowers that
Wingham by the Australians who took him cap- sax, one of the funnels flap in the of the Australian transport of 43 murder, and -here was an obvious
breeze he knew that this must be the the .largest single sea borne motive for murdering her, while no bloom in the spring have had an ex -
C. N. R. rive, and h�iled as a hero. His ex- vessels, There has been marry a variation of ceilent November start. -Brantford
ploits for daring and enterprise were famous Emden. movement of men, in the course of motive was apparent why her yoBoth
urs the old saying that every nation has Expositor. 11
East. hardly surpassed in the naval opera- Tht2 superintendent rushed im- the war. The Emden sounded but his and the family of his wife
tions of the war, mediately to the radio room, and siren to recall her landing party, Y the . it deserves. It is perby
a.m. P.m. When hostilities began the Emden barely waitin fox the purring in the end had not time to wait for stood staunchly by him. The only haps as true of the press as of any- A :Michigan wife, shot i times told
Goderich • • • • • • • • • • • 6.315 2.40 was lying s the Yellow Sea of China g them and clearing for action she ran evidence to iconneif him with the thing else, but we are loath to be- her husband, who then suicided, told
Holmesville .. 6.50 2.b6 generators to attain their full crime was his confession, which was
Thereafter she lived on her victims power, flashed out the message up the German flag and t to sea. lieve that the French people do not the police it was "Just a family spat.
` 6.68 3.Oband she immediately 'put to se later shown to halve been extorted by
Clinton s, which startled the forty operators The fight was a short one for the Em- deserve better than they are receiv- We think the word �h.e meant to ase
:;, Sea%rth 7.12 3.21 for there was not a port in the world on the Australian convoy, "S.O:S.! den was against a' far speedier and
violence. ing, if the account given by 4Ro'bert was "`spattering."_flamilton Spec-
St. Columrban 7.18 3.27 that was open to her unless she was S:O.S.I 'S:O.S.I Strange warship in more powerful foe. 'She scored the Dell, in (Current '$story, is to be ac- tato'. T
Dublin first hits but the Sydney reserved her cepted. For many years •Mr. Dell has
• • , , , , , . , .... 7 23 3.32 willing to be internedy ,AThe captured bay-." There the -message ended,
Went. ships provided her with her supplies, writes Wit Moore in the Stromberg- fire until she could discharge abroad- been the ,Paris correspondent of the After losing a finger whsle fooling
p Carlson eidchange, for the German Canadians To Seek Manchester Guardian and a contra- with abuzz -saw, a western man lost
3 and particularly coal for without side. For two hunts she poured shells ,
Dublin • • • 11.24 9.1? coal she would have been helpless. into the Emden ninth she was nothing onto' to numerous magazines. He another while showing a friend how.
d� I St. Columban 11.29 operator on board the Emden hear-
Seaforth ....... When a vessel was overhauled ' the oi.the call, acted wi$li equal pre- but a mangled heap of iron, all above For Pirate's Gold ought to know as much about the he lost the $rat. -Barrie Examiner.
,,, , , , , 11.40 9.30 Emden would send a shot across her g water becoming almost red hot so French press as any ,competent ob-
Clinton 11.56 9.44 sense of mind and holding down
• • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' haws and invariably since her vie- that dead and. wounded were destroy- The legendary treasures of Captain server, and he says that, speaking
t Holmesville 12.05 9.53 the key transmitter automatically g
Goderich 12.20 10.10 tiros were merchantmen, the vessel interfered with and preJcluded any ed as in a furnace. She made a final Kidd have from time to time lured gonexally, it is corrupt aril dangetrousv
til __ would heave to, and presently thi' effort to run and was beached. Turn -
further attempt at communication. many adventurous spirits in search of The standards of the provincial pap-
F;mden sailoxs would board her. They In a 'few minutes the landing party ing 'back to the convoy after this brief them. Ips similar missions expels- exs are higher than the standards is
h r C. P. R. TIME TABU would transfer the crew and passers- out bi, dy Engagement, Captain Glos- tions have on three occasions left Birit- the Paris papers, but it is the Paris r; G�; �, 't
�, , East. sop, comztiander of the Sydney, sent a ish 'Columbia for 'Cocoa Island. A papers iwhilch make French public r ,
J"Y gers to their own hold, take possession
ai}<, a'm' of the ship's papers and any other message back asking that as the ship fourth party, under command of Col. opinion. The :Faris papers are livid= r t�i t.
- had dead and dyinlg.on board as well 'Sir 'Malcolm ed into two classes, the Journals oR a 4
Via, Goderich ................. . . b.b0 moveable valuables, including the coal, J. E. Leckie, end with
T'., Meriset ...... -.. 5.55 ig. Generally / � as Captain tvori Muller and the remain- CamFbell as a director, is even now opinion. The former are the real 1
........._.. and then sink the s 4,/
McGaw ......... • .I,,.. ... iter of he gallant Emden crew, no ,
• • 6,11 the Emden used the 'British flag to preparing to leave on a treasure hunt newspapers, and while they maintain it ?
x . , . Auburn • • • • • • • • • • approach her unsuspecting victim, and •� ;%� �j �"� r i demonstration of any kind should be to the same Costa Rican destination. their editorial pages, they' give more ,
Blyth . • ' ' • ; ; ; ,,, , , , , , , , , 6.25 as her depredations spread she found /'11 1 D made. Col. Leckie is sesking Federal per- considsraally to printing the nsws. 'J ,
• , • • - • • • • • • •1 6.40 t it necessary to introduce other cam- J d all these a ars some �
2. 1 +nitoin ........ Eitis�t tkg-, at had tAgkg miss ori to protect his party against Practically . Papers,
i 6,52 passible sea-rai' ers 'by use of mach- of thetlrt haNin vast eiraulationa be- -
• %fe aught ,•,, . • . - • • • •1• • • ... •I oufiage an the form of dummy can- da fA and day dot. Ptislatz
2 ,. .... , l0.$£i ins gone and "pattrpom's" now in the, cause of their cheapness, some o4
Toronto ............... vas funnels. . Tragedy. Of. Tony _ 1
i} ,,' West From time to time as she became ;= keeps dthe.t�kia saitand arsenal at Esquim'alt. "through others'' therm selling fkrtl ha a cent a copy, A. It
pt ;:' a.m» overcrowded with prisoners she would plliable.. oVe' ig, red'aese � S '1 r011SGi� �elreja ..efforts to find the treasure have been are t3ubsfdi ed by the French Govern -
V ; ditleag, Col. 'Leckie hopes .for better' ment, fte subsidy does not amount •^ Ci.1
- fr
,', ,, 16r6li.......1...... 7.40' send off a load of them on same ca - 'i8ltiotl:
p and � rc!l�v iitiri
r� p •,y . ; ... , .. 1'1.48 �i fired vessel to a neatr by port. Not ' A ii, 0etober 7'tlY there .appeaire�l 'i luck because he will: take with him to a 'great deal, perhaps not more /per „
jS"i'r •11L4"MaV911t ..,. YY ..i 4u 1 •l:J ,
,.J .. „...,. 0 '. r; i r ,., ham, $14,oNi a year in any Casa: But' SII
, , . : , I. ..., , , ,i,„ , ... 12.01 ',only did she terrorize the high seas p '' = g
ltblx• ..: r • r ,. the blevtr Repftsbl}d nit latrtiel�2 etitl le the � �' thea reso Cec of dmetal ,this seams'' srifflcient to enable the
tt a ; ,.'; '- ....., slurs the east dqa�at of , I ti, ,, on ,r b: Ernest I for n g r
t ;. 2.12 ilteaming g/',� >
7'lie Tragedy Tony , . <; ander, gra##& or 'ovate', It fs, inter Ckdwe'rnrflnl[t to ]lave .a synlpatlietie
,stir ,. ,: , .... 12.99 . sin: she shelled the City of 91drss. ( .• , ,.. ,
tf 3'r: r . , r „6, .. • . K, Hopkinsi ane', aY the irav e� ilst8rs %ic hbatilttg .from the whole body of Paris
" ;l , !., r • '.. " t' , 11 ,, in• whlC i Lasing' tai, ]]rice, a7sa,, ill this POnnOC+. .., „ r w.,.,.,.
", ::,, I- SX4, Next she matte a surprise attack k vrp ,
,:y���!y S .. the.. Widkerslia t oatltitriisslotY,
C yr,p rcr ifM.AtiR�1t ,�! : r • s;.:,r.., ��,,r....':r .. , . ➢. + r _
,• ,w.: H , . r . 15effett and M fioft tht�t' included Inalr'�ckie's torr rtoritpts when ft is demanded, In a
n' 'alf,V:Yry',,ira.I:'$li'iPg',i•r..•rrai 1g _ i1e
oil tli Masa pa ,
s i` I ,'.. y < , 9;2 4 , French'' grid adoAsin , watskfip .
A ie: td6kl a Y�yi",.117__1___.Id4i f t ,.'. r+ `3G •' I 4 x
- 11
r., .•,. y� �y, y,
,, wltilldlt$ n'flbtltl(.� rig,,ri�.m
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