HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-25, Page 4-,.' .7 , - . , "4 . i"Y" ,_ '_.,,�, " , P i,v:, ­ � It -'i" ''le,!".., I 1: I , , ­- , �` 1: ., ql,� � 'It : q ,�;,,�,fA , . , ��II�Iip,11;111'j�1411t,$' ll;t"�,-',�I."�:%-,,J"-!:,%-"k�*",.�','�,�,�,�'t��,,,,.�,,',�,�,�.14',t.,�,5',�"f.'ri"�-',i'li'�"",?�v,,,,, . .�.% , . , . , . . ,7�� �. - Y-!- ��,,�i I, ­.!,'� '�� N lh`-� 4 od"tT, - . , ". , , , , ''! , , � . ­g­� , "-� ,�'��,", , " R " , ,- - ,z . , , - . I" 1.1 ." �,.% -FM�Y ,'�, �'�, "�'��, �:�',�� �' ,,--,, , ., _ I" - , R � 9" "" ". 11. ., :,��];':�;",��i,� t��,!`,�) �. -i � 1i 1. � � . . . t � , . 't,"", : , . " , , - �,?`, ;"�f�,�:��:� k , I ! " , - �; 11 � I : .�i. , , ,_ ,t, e',, :' it' ',::;t�, I - � J �.i.r. . I , � `�".`�11��11� `�.� ­�.�.:rl I , 1. . it�;11,.,:� . -,� t;:.' " 11, I IMF MINIMAL, I - ygi-IL'. ", nisiv. _ , y 13, 1#2"IN " " � , " , 11��',��",��i',7:1" . 11'- � . - 1, .#RiOl� "JiVYM11RIV �K' :;-i,'.,,,dN 1 , NATIT-1 ., , '4�, "', �'t�,,, I� 11 I � , 101 I I� il , ��tt�,,�j I" 11 I i �­-,�"' `11�,�,,,,',,,-, ,�. �!:.-�!�: . ". .., , , . , . . " ,.", . " '. % W . , , � , . i ., .. I `�I�`,'� �' ;, , , ., ,;_� I t,�, 101 r ". " � li, RN R - $ � * - -'r , P, IM � , ,. ! -,,.,�� " �. , ,, , , F ,,,';�� , , I`. LQ, . �r I ; I . " , .", .� 1' ,". , , , REM . . � P � i i �. , 41�11'k � 1.�. - ',_ I I k . , � � ,�`� . " , " ", MM I " , 'i". I 10 i, . ., , I , ", . "" . 11 1,� ,,�, ��. . �� , � , �, ; , , ", -1. - ­­­ . 1:1 ., 0 � � . , . I : , I , "', :.;­:�:� ............ I � �: I . I ,1 . 11 . �.­. 11�,, _, 4.. �111117 , ". , . - 1, � 6 . ­ ,., :`. "I 11. . � , .. 1;1,:;11; 1, I . i!� 'I- I!% . -'T , .'�_ _ �, � I I I I I , 'i"'. "" , . � _�_ , , ` I - . , I . _ I I;; I;; _t_ - ­ ... - ., �. , �'_ � . � " it, , 1. 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I I I 11 " � "', i " , , , � , , 1� � � " "I , , "' , � � , �, I , , I ffvl� . , . - . I � ,. I � . �1 . g, I I IWO* just hQlw a four 1 ,7 3 (to .�Ot. � �_­, ­­ ___.."�'d...'.... _-1111. .1 " '' . ,o`� ,V,�m­,. , � — � i ,'' � , . I . I ­ � � -I �­­�._,, �. , - ,, I .,� , -;,-.1-1.,:1 1.1,:. I I " . I � I . , , A­� . j � � 11;'r � t, I � � ... . , ­ , � 10 .. . . .. I I, . � I , I 11 ,. . 011: 101:..�,:.�:.. 74 b , .,;, �?;�. , , � ; k9ged chjgl�en wonld lo,ok on its back �r � I I � ^ A.#.r. I , ,.�,�� I . � , I I . . �.11 lt�1.4 I . .. -A � ,,, ,:,. �; , I � I . � I � , I !_.. , . I � r , .11 . . I I . � . . I . I I pa 51 piatter,',but M04 fathers would . I . . I ".. I"( . . . . .1 � 1_ , , .. I I t" ,,�': , ., � I , , !!� . ..... , .. I . : . ", , � � I , , I�,,,��,e�,;, ,,;;,;'. �: .1 � ", ft'p 111 to tAke a chance on the N . 1ENZ)AL0 11�t` il". I., I ,� 1 $1 ;I ..�i M X , �-.. ,5, , be vd Ung . I . , I I - ____ . I I . IF . �0 �'. '' . �, looks, I.. � :,, - A -C I'V I IT I mEa bo" IN AND - A 0 TJ . .. '. � `�-' . . I .. . M � ­ I ......... ,4.1��'­. . . I I . t , � I., 1­1111�1�­ 1P I i . .... ­� ... ...'',_ . ''I . It, "I'll, ,­! ., � I . . I .'' . 1"- I 1 ,, � '�' i i.-- 1. i '. "I'l,', drum stick$ I . 111 . ". . ",""I'll", � � ,Even supposin,,r two drum stick$ - - I . � I - 11, , .1 00, I I , , . . .. . ' 11 , , � � .1 I a very sociable quiltipg Mrs. R. D. B.ell,g1town., opent Sun- I b t I , "', � i . IT_TQ RY M113ren of th.4 aver- a)'%d had hundreds of frl4nds and ar,, I dhurch held �, '"'or"' D' du"r'l " , � . 1 4111, e, I . F.V-,F e left on' t4st. De­� -day last in Xlt�*�11 with ber great suffering I I � ,-, , OKE vnil supply th , c Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bristol 04st I .. I I . extra two r On Tuesday afternoon 6in, . - lu...0 rds­ �. I ,age family of to -Jay, the ., scattered throughout the bee, .i ., I 11 il 'hey could Sunday 1Or Washingtoll, D4C., afteT..quaintancie t. Until a year 490 spite the warm wteathert, a good time aunt, Mrs. agg� ,Norr' $I . I _a in ' e iding a couple Of weeks At their city and distric I . , j-4, and cousins, ;r .re�playl ..g witILL, MaT,0J11e,A,,. b Al! to the gncd. T MT. an4i .MTS. James Norrl's.' ter, Tura . . Would , enjoyed by all. . _ . I 04. - 1� ' ' ," fire wUit destroyed two- be served t., the next younger -'Ones - . he had taken -an active interest in two waf ant Love, of Lan- Mr. and.'Mrs. iSte".it K -,Queen have Michigan. . . . . ,1 "." I . I L�, 1 14,719 It � � . . . cottage. of De- lines of sp . and Mrs. Gr '� p4 auto Andxews, 09 W.9r.ftJng the, village. of Osnabruck and that woula IeAvO so. much more Misses A. and A. Drouin, port, curling and golf. He i Mr , I. . I I the oWii by enthusiasts of these'sing, Michigan, visited over thetweek aTrived home from A pleA'. ut Miss Olive � " P, 1, I i 16114 , .". f th f, ntIt,1- parts f or the people trOit, were at their cottage over Avias ku %roughout; the end at the home; of the latter's,ththert trip to Niagara Falls and- London. England, is bere'visiting her cown I . I . th a; ,pr�jwrty loss of more - �. ,a, P. . end. . I two lines of sport 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry b , oo4 , f.� Mi hi I ,e f the province. Us' Mr. R. J. Cooper. _1�.�g and Mr. W. o_(;oodvjin and, Mrs. 0 ­ 1� �.. '190,000. YOU ght clip t s ha -s rearly ceased to- ;w ex Newton�Brady re- length and breadth 0 ,Cooper, of Grand Bend, 'Miss Aldythe Bacrett, of LondonA win.. ,Miss Andrews came here, froln 1. ". . whose grinding �111 ( I ..... �, �_ . . . DT. and Mrs. ucefield, -Onk., in 1852 i M*s,s Grace of ano: 1 "_ fiome of ,spept Sunday last with Mr. And Mrs..tbe West where she bad been . or spending a week was born at Br vi "M — . '40� ibow. it to ,yumor. i. �caiise their pindi,s 1 live become so turned 'Sunday Aft e.summer of 1882 came west, visited over Sunday at the I . . I . � , . ,abpve. is fioxh. the Hamilton f ew. . . in Toronto. and in t1i M�. R. J. CbO,per. Robkert Vacrett. relatives, ove is Marketing lar " 11 �1 .. . Neelin returned to Winnipeg. Conditions there at the i her father' and School Fairs . a�'e Mr.'Milton L ge , I I'll" �­'�tator and contains such a wise y four legged chicken can be ,Mr. and Mrs. F. G ,y tn To- time were not entirely suited to Mr. I Quite a number attended Hillsgreen Fall Fairs ' � I , �v "I ; % '41�, . . .that we wonder why the- If iou . Sunday from a two week's stl nd �n the fal,l of the same I anniversary which was held on ,Sun- now the order of the day:with laiki quantities of, fine vegetables from his- I li IV. ,-�, , . produced, why not more? if, Thoms-on a �. . ronto and seafortb. west ito 'Moose day last, Rev. Robb, of Centtallaivbe- attendances. � market garden in Our ,village. I I I . limited. to Junior. . Mrs. Abe Brand6n are year no came further and Nx. � I 1i 419. G:r it was . Mr. and , Mr. JohnD­,DIck,,of Orillia, was 14 Mr. and, Mrs, Fred,Corbett ", , I — . I . I'll'.." y childTen ' who ­ ­ . spending this week at Winds and Jaw to take up a homestead north of ing the spe,;Lker. t; that Mrs. the village this Week ,visiting bis ','�,'I,Qij course, it is oril V the Buffalo ,Lake district, I We are sorry to repor god - Mirs. -Armour Todd motored tO � , - ' ' . 'Bad, Axe, Wchigan, during the paA 1� I I �_ sup HULLETT Detroit. . . the city in . Tuxford. Some John Workman; of -o -as not mother, Mrs. Tholn-as Dick, at the . P, 1-1 ,posed to have so little sense . ur village, h . ..... .... ;;;;;;;;; �r4,1` - " I "' 11 . , ' -d Carolyn FIsher east of the,'town of west end of our village, Mr. Dick is week to visit relatives, returning on . L, 1. , ,,�,P � , tb,".play with matches. Grown peo- iHome Burned.—Fire, which follot- .%Jiss Margaret an Wadelina time., ago tbe late Mr. Thomson a - been. enjoying her usual good health, . 1 44 IMV.. �. oe Kincardine, and Miss pe, she w�ll , very mindful of his relatives and Tuesday,'of this week. . I ,,� M1,Wi:'n,01.'0 are supposed Vp Us ' . d , I of- - The Y. P. L, of the . ._ I He of -the se%v' e but b6r many friends ho . , t ,� 11 �..4,,r.__ e them, not play �d tl,, explosion of a coal oil lamp, Scully, -of Kitchener, called on Mi -47. dressed members -of 0 . I be, up again. friends in Hensall and. is�rlct and United Chu=T4 , �j ,,�;, ­� �� - ,- I . em. And, as a rule, they do. totally destroyed the two storey frame city on his earl e ert- -soon Late Mrs. MeDOn- ten spends a few days with them. held a delightful, even on Monda*, . g3[1,,11."V,,"W!Xth th- A. Edwards on Sunday., clubs in the rn Canada. t that 1 Furietal �Qf the Ing 61 �� . ' 2v'.., ­�. " t . . ple house of Willia,ni Ross, lot 6, conces- of ences in weste �,�.�11 �.. � I iMr. and Mrs. George Fisher, a ' onald, wife of - Rally Day will be observed in our n,gllt, There was a large attendance I ,� 11. ,4.!", , " .But the use, too many grown Peoi sion *1 Hullett Township.. about 3.30 culties and , ld—!MTs.'Thomas MeD member villlag�,Sabbath schools on the coming pre� t y - the prograllime was Ila . . 11 A4,1� 1" "' ' ' ' . , Waterloo, who ba;ve spent the past time he told of the diffi McDonald, popular and ;1 � 1.1��;-�. of' a match, or rather the dis- Sergeant .� ,,t.3�lmake on Saturday morning, Mr.,R,osts, who two weeks with ,Mrs. F. A. Edwards trials thit faced the early pioneers to )Olieb force, died at her Sunday, -Se-ptember'27th. charge Of Miss Ethel Murdock, whil6i . I 11�111, " � .. ry. . When he of the London I 1 ..4, 1 1 It' n of the match after it has -Speirder conducted the . ..", � xr,o.osl 10 . was filling the lamp in the kitchen of Wednetday,f the Md. this part of the count Colborne Stieet, Lon- Miss Youill, R.N, of Toronto, and Mr. Walter I ; , . I., 1. ,. left for home on Illage, meeting. ,The pleasing feature of ,tbw - .1 �11_1 �`.�` been used, is -as thoughtless and as his hoihe when the explosion occurred, I your entries in, early'for the arrived in Winnipeg in the fall of '82 vesidence:, 480 urday, in her sixty- a one time resident of our vi ,��.I` ��t: 7 escaped injury. The ' t th and there wa,s very little hotel and room- don, early tsat 1, :,­ fr ght .with danger as is the miraculousb B A-eld Fair September 30 ade a short visit with friends here eveping�was the tPpic, so ably given ' ' � '.,v � ;'.,much , ad ej accommodation., As a con- third year, after an illness of -several in . J, . . ': ,,�,,", � , a ing bous -born in during the past week who were by IRev. Mr. 100 .. th flames quickly enveloped the kitchen . �r . imer, Of Kippen a" 11 - ­ . playing wi October Ist. his promises to be , 1�1 � . o_t'se of children I d beds were at a months. Mrs. McDonald was I I �,� ,� a . .. and -,%IT. Ross� assisted his wife and Irecord'breake'r. Thursday afternoon, sequenee, rooms an c_ � R. be told of fabulous W, this village, where she lived, until 21 pleased to meet her again. which was listened to with., mueb Ja- I W:�"� ' - - them. I two daughters, -,�,bo had been awaken- the Clinton Junior. Brass premium and . wa � � r, , - tober Ist. Of years of Age, when slie.married Serg- om � , ..�'. I sea nd !will provide Even the rent of a chair to eant MeDonald and Moved to London, don spending the . I , ��,'%.. , - of pe, clad in for the rent Mrs. Arthur Coxworth was in Lon- terest. A pleasing piano - duet. S I � . And, in, this respect the people - 0 week end with -her giVen by the Ml�ses (Radys Passmacm , - . ed by the explosion, to e I Ba inusic. At night in es that were asked , I .... !. .. .�;. � . . the laughable play, these. Mervyn and family. and Grace 113rock, 'and -a chorus by a. . ­:., .. , .fthe couhtry are even greater si I Hers their night attire. the Town Hall nd" will sit down upon cost in the neighbor- where she"has resided for the past 40 . . I N. I ,, son, W."... I �.­.(",. � Needs a Frie Our church services On -Sunday last number of girls. I . k, ., 11.1.1 , Modern .— — "When a Feller ald- 1,1"', :,,.,,: ­ . be put on by talent fTom Auburn. hood of $10. Travelling to Biuffalo years. Mrs. McDon. took an"active 'Ila . I I �­ �' ban are those of th6 towns. d and M . arion Lake district, Mr. Thomson used the interest in church.affairs, being a lby- were well attended. at St., Paul's An- A large number from our vi go �, �11. " . "Ji 4g and mechinical-lighters have Mcinity attended 'the Westefm 11 ,,, '... ..., " ghti with WALTON Misses Annie McLeo . ode of transportation n Church. There was only ser- and ast week., . � Ial member of the W.M.S. of St. An- glica I 'I, �,'L . � , to a lar e extent done away on. onily other m ;Oce in the morning conducted, by the Fair at London through I j� 19 ., - Davison spent last week t, Lond rs at that time, drew's Church. She was also a mem- P . ";'g., L.. , -a lkwget centres, but in the Late -Saturday afternoon wIllie Gor Mrs. E. P.- Lewis and; Miss Dora other than the railwa: ev. Mr. Meyers, of the ,Seaforth The heavy Taints of part of lot :1 ;�91,711,1. I matches I . . I ie hospital board. SuTvivirit A , ,� . don Hulley was returning from Wal- I ' Sunday iiamely the ox. cart. By ,this means her of tI ,,f., untry the -match, still remains. . McMahon retl4ined to Toronto I homestead north are her mother,'Mrs. Francis Ander- Anglican Ch�arch, Mr. Parker taking week an4 this,. while bindering,the , 11. 'f .� ' ,� �� e ton to his home -on the 10th conces, . bAns, have helped'in .�� - 1P q - Dr. and M.rsl N. W. he travelled to his 1. ' i the seiviced at the,Seaforth Anglican harvesting of � ��, V I V'' , There one will often see a match sion of McKillop; a part of the harness - rig settling on the bare son, Of Kippell; four SiliteTS, Mrs., F. . , , . " ' after visitiT ;L-,. ': L ' Woods. Mrs. J. L. Buchan accompan- of the- city, rsi ean Church, and in the evening the ser- many other ways, : I I— � . � , . struck in the hoq,se, about the stacks broke causing his horse to run away. .. � I prairie without shelter for the night Landon, St. Clair, Mich.; 1) ount of -our baseball team, which.hasbeeim � : . ". d them to Toronto. Findsor- Mrs. John A. W,ork- vice was withdrawn on ace I tossed Mr. Hulley was thrown, out of the le except.the covered wagon. Even then � Winder, 'A I . -ices at the sister so very successful in their contest , -1* and even in the barn, and then inksgiving services will x- Hlarviest Home Sery I ";� I . Harvest Th� , T ,er, 0 I `11 ar - Middle- his difficulties only began. A shack man, Kippen; M s, Jessie Fras ... t, .aside without apparetitly caring whe- buggy He .Robert Reid's on the grav be held in St. James' dhurchl thers, charge of -Staffa.- Quite a large num� with Ingersoll on -Saturday- afternoon '�' "I - . o be built, the land had to be ford, Michigan, also, three. bro . . beir from our village and�vicinity mot- last, winning out� by a score of 5r;-0. �� tker it is still alight or glawink" arid el road. Although he received no ser ton, Trinity Church, Bayfield, and ,%t. ,had t S, with Arthur and. William Anderson, of � � , _�., ions injuries, he was badly shaken up the special The weather was very favorable and . Z 1�­ I ,ess as if it had John's ,Church, Varna, Sunday, Oct tilled, sieknessoccurred at time Albert Anderson, of Mar- ored to Staffa to attend I ance, ti 11 with aq much carelessn and cut about the face. -her will be Rev. R. S. other dfflficult�es, in an effort to deter Kippen, and, :, .!, . 4t.h. The preac f the pioneer set- lette, b6ch. The funeral was held,at service there,' including part of the there was a vl�ry fair attend . �� tt �,�.,, , -d into a fireproof vault, Week end visitors in this vicinity ' annual the sturdy heart' o 'if - choir of St. Paul's Anglican Church, witnesf,"tbe. game, although not as. ...'�. . , P , been tossL - included: Mr. andMirs. William - Hog- Jones, of Gorrie. The semi- sometimes there was trouble the. family residence on Tuesday who took thd musical part of the ser- many as in some former games, as I 1 .,$ rather than among the'Most inflain . Deanery of Huron is to :Pe held in tIeT. d to be ternoon last at one o'clock. Rev. Dr. . I -1 , Annie and B. Hoggartb, Lon with the'Indians. Supplies ha P '�', * maible material -it would be possible gartb, . Blyth on Cictober 6th. ated, interment vice in a very acceptable manner. it was not as well advertised, 'but �, , ". I I . don, with the Misses Sinifson; Mlss Mr. and Mrs, E. Geddes and two hauled for long distances. For a per- D. C. McGregor offick I ery. A ,,At,Carmel Presbyterian Church the those attending thought it a splendid 11. . , the late MT. Thomson being made in Baifd's ce-met . . plays and . I ,I - 1, . 6 finA. . Janet Simpson returned to London t Sunday pod, of 24 years well attended, particu- game markin .1 . �. I children of Seaforth, spen I ained on the lald detachment of police officers from services ,were 1� - - . , 1.� At this season of the year, when with them. ,Miss Margaret Pethick, I on. . and 'his family rem R�_v. Itat ;ur boys held down the team of: , " 11 . � Mr. and Mrs. W. with Mrs. Margaret Fergus moved to Moose Jaw London attended the funeral. larly at the, morning service. ' e � 11 I � and in 1906 be Mr. Kaine, of Seaforth, took the ser- as large a place as Ing rsoll without I `,, things' axe ripe and, dried up'and barns Winthrop, with week) . 1 4 ,' 1. I s particularly great, HUMPhries; Miss Addie Cardiff, of Tnr____� to establish 'his �ity home, At the (Too late for last vice when the Sacrament of t4e Lord's their making everione,!run in all theii I 11". . . are full- the risk i, . Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce. resided at' 1043 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Thomson and Supper wag observed, -and in'the evie- innings, spe�tks for itself. Thebat- I '. .ren visited for a few days with :i � yet one rarely "sees any particula r Visitors out of town over the week IULLSGREEN . -'Clift&A- Avenue. Hugh Thomson was child ning the service was taken by the pas� tery for Hemall was: PiteMrs, Kers- . . ,� , � . .. . ��_ I care being exercised in the use Of end included: Mr. andMrs. A. sobier 'the oldest .Oddfellow in the City Olf friends in Battle Creek, Mich., and �, Brintriell and Howe; catchery � I . . I � �� matches. . and Kenneth Sohier, Mr. -and Mrs. C. Splendid cong�egations attended the Moose Jaw. He joined the order 56 other places. I tor, Rev. James KcIlroy, and in a well laki � . �,, . � . . -gicen at his home town at Bruce4 , Rev. ,Captain Scott, of . � 1. I L, .. -s in the Hills the Britisli rer�Jered anthem special parts were Horton; battery for Ingersoll: Bea�-T- ' ' 1, i, iSellers and Cla- . years a -go taken by Mrs. James A. Paterjon and er and Wur�er. The 1'� . r . The -wonder s that there is not a .vqon Sellers in Kit- 2,nniversarl,- service Rev. A. '%. field, Ont. �He was a member of the Columbia Marine Mission, one. of the 1�u plate unnWe . � , ., I I cbener; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Miller with rli*urc'h on Sunday last. Miss Dorothy Little. . was Joe, Hart, 'of Seafortb. I .. ' 1. .1 fire on every few concessions during, I . . Mitch -ell: Mr.. and i3firs. Rc,.1rjb. of Centralia, delivered two fine Moose Jaw Old -Timers, Association most northerly ibissions� under the A convention, under the auspices of Mrs. Andrew Dougall and daughter, . " �. relatives in .. t1fie summer, ins4ead of the very few ys Jick- sc,rmo ' ppen choir gave and was a former president and bon- auspices -of the United Church of Can- � T. A. Jickling and Miss Glad: ns, and the Ki .the W. M. G., of South H-sron, will be Miss Cassid, have moved into the west , .. , .� I 11 we do. have. The reason is not a ling, of Tavistock, visited with Mr. ,p.ci-al anthems. A quartette was orary,presi4ent of th9t7body. He,vfas ada. gave a most interesting illustrat- held in Roy's United Church Thurs- dwelling part of Ahe building knowrit � . . . 4 orning �by Messrs. An- e in Hensall United Church ��, . m#ter Of care and judgment, -but and Mrs. P. B. Gardiiier. given in the in also a former merpber of the Moose ed lectur . . which there day morning and affL-rnoon of this in past years as the Dr. -Hardie prem- ,�, ,�, a . . .. �, McLe on Monday evl t I , '' . J rather just one ,of goodl luck, The many friends of William Kear- axe.,v Bell'and J.*B. � an, Mrs.'Ed. Saw Rotary Clu.b. In athletics he was tt� ring week. On the programme, . among ises which they have rented. . I � - a num- ' , ". 1. � . ney are sorry !to learn, that he is at But, and Mrs. J. B. McLean. In the of all was a good a I �ance. Quite . . . � an entbusiastic supporter other numberi,is a quartette by Mrs. 1qr. Robert M.cLaren, ST., of �Hen-�- ".., , A good many of the fires of un- a duet was giv'en by ffie 'branches -and his oviin activities in this ber from this vicinity took advantage Z-1 present under the doctor's care. evening A.8inclair, Mrs. Mark Drysdale, Mrs. sall, who has been so very successful � t. . 19 �� . . �-. . known origin, that we -read about, The funeral of -Mary Ross, beloved Misses Florence and Mary Thompson respect ­&-ntred in curling and golf, of this wonderful Opportunity. Cap- Alaude Hedden and Mis, Geo. Hess, in past years in winnin first prizes . ; � � rit "I. , , I oc- -id-eTSOn ,accompanying. , views of I I �;. could, if the truth were. known, be wife of John Dennis, whose delith with Mrs. Hei being a in�mber of the Moose Jaw tain ;Scott ga,ve excelll all of this village.. . I at our local fairs for single driver in . I �', curied in Listowel Memorial Hospital Rev "R. R. Conner will conduct the Curling Club and the Moose Jaw Golf the north country between Va:ncouver Services in the United Church on harness and buggy, and also for thep �. .1 laid at the door of the use, or rather , I isolated - . ., 'i.",�.� on Septembewr 3 -rd, was held on Wed, SPI -vice on Sunday, September 27th, at Club. "Old'timers of 'Moose Jaw eand and Prince ,Rupert, and the -re conducted by the best outfit, has recently purchased .%� ' I "��,.� abuse, of matches.. Grown up people. * Sunday last we I . .nesday--aftern6on from her home on 2.30 p.m. district and hundreds of friends bon- places on the British Columbia coast ery fivie b1ml, driver, which he wili 3 pastor, Rev.. A. -Sinclair. At the V " had been playing with matches. . the'14th concAsion of McKillop town- Mrs. K_Cla�k, Of Detroit, who has ored tbe-me-mory of one of the pio- w,here four missionary power boat morning service, br. Ivan Smillie took enter in the coming Fali Fairs. . "' "I ' � '%� west when the funeral for are r - 'Idrenare most necessary things ship. The service was coi,�ducted by been spending a few Weeks at t;he -operating on the wate ways which ,.. Chi neers, of a'solo part in the anthem very ace The vegetable! and fruit crop in, our . � -i . . 0. Robinson, Varn _Pt_ I villaie and vicinity is the largest and �%: � a., a form- 'home of her sisters, 'Misses Mary and the lateHitgh Thomsoniwas held Sun- , take the gospel and medical supplies . ' ��il','� to have, and oarticulArly. handy to Rev. W - ' ' Ably, while at the evening service 4I': United Church. Dolly Hagan, and brother Frank; re ot's funeral home, where to peolDle, in almost inaccessible and special patts were taken very ably by best in many years, . have to blame things on, but child- er pastor ,of Bethel - day. SiTalff'o . I ct, ,who are ab- . ' I was fill- ,P,r.. , ed distri - 4 �; Interment was made in Brussels cenie- I I conducted, y 'ttl Miss Annie -Smit, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin Our villagers are busily engaged in . �P'-- hood * n4t responsible for all the turned to her 'home. . the serviclis �vere . e e n 4D h m for any and fruit ,,,t� . . 1 tery. The pallbearers were her five Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido spent a day ed to ca-priaty with mouining friends solutely d p nde t n t e egetable ". 1 and Dr. I. ,Smillie. - . I securing their v "III', - conflz,�Cations� ,Not, by --any means. I sons and one h w Stewart Miller, in Clinton and Goderich recently. and relativ_I6 while many more were service. They visit the canneries, log- � . - Veil e I ,t 'Mrs. A. Ross still 'continues very crops. . I . I" lj Mr. and MTs. J. McE)wen, of Hen- u . More than ging camps, fish boats, whaling ves- ­ g ,".� ISO after you have cli�ped this out of B-russels. Illoibe Dennis., of Sunny- liable to gain admittance. . a -low .1 I . I Alta., was unable to attend the sall, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Keys, of 156 cars f _ t in the funeral cort- sels and minister to the needs of the I , and shown it to Junior, I - I 11, Jaw cemetery where fishermen, Indian settlers and their , Jupt call the nook, � . . funeral. A number of No. 9 school Exeter, were recent visitors at the ege to the 1100"Re 11 11 I a 11 11� thers and sisters to it as well. beautiful floral tributes, showed the ' rs. J. Cochrane is spending a few plot, Sc ek:'of floral tributes the em- and difficulty of the field anl mission _T �,. attentioh' of his very much older bro- girls were flower bearers. The.many home of Mr. Ross'Love. intermeitt-7Vra,4 in de in the family families. Referring to the vastness T T " I � M U L XONFE , `� . - . high esteem in which the deceased was days with 'her daughter, Mr. and Mrs- blems ( the esteem an& �espect in work, Captain Scott said that the � � I '11. � I �� � , I __ —.-..--- I held by all. About a week Previous R, Dick, of Toronto. which t','Jof late Mr. Thomson was held, Pinince Rupert Presbytery -extended . � 4 li�. to her death, the late Mrs. Dennis Miss Lilliari Stescey, of Detroit, were banked high around the casket over an -area of 1.200 milp lont and Careless money is frittered away . . . I V I - IT WOULD HELP was taken to the hospital in Listowel, sTlemt t'he'week end ,with friends in during th6 funeralservice at the home. 2`75 miles wide. The heroic mission- ' �11� � ' "A where an operation wa Rev. J. A. MacKeigan, pastor of St. aries laboring there are often in dan- lazy money lies in drawers. , I . i!�' The Border Cit s performed. this vicinity. V . � )i � .� .. . k1though she was in a serious condi- Mm. A,hton,and son, Douglas, Of Andrew's United Church, conducted gerousl and difficult places. . . I . ... - k -: I chicken with four legs has been dis- tion, every hope was held for her A- TillsonhuT-, were visiting at the home the 'services at Broadfoot's and at the -Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, of Stan- Blit purposeful money is�saved'with an end ,:: .. father's r. and -Mrs. J. Rich- graveside at the cernetery. In the le,,,. who have suent the summer . , covered near Dutton., Is h e satisfactory 'pro- of her parents, M s�i, rs ' in view . . . it knows what tt�,,Wants , ii��, . eaTving p'roblem,to -be solved at .,,gress until an'hour before she passed months in the West visiting with � . �,� ., great as a dis- ardson. gathering of citizens were old-time - friends and relatives, returned home and plans to acquire it. ��, � ?p -1 away. The sad news came Miss Ruth Rjehardson who spent a, of the city and many from the sur . ;4� lasi. 4 . Vi Well, it would take more than four tinct. shock to her family �nd cOm- few days with 'her sister at Tillsoli- rounding district, who knew him, on ,Saturday la9t. . munity. HeT quiet unassuming man- burg, returned to 'her bome.- ellows'lodges in Mrs. John Winless, Mrs. G. T. Your money, can become purposeful, . k, D��,, legged chickens to solve all the aver- . neT had endeared her to the bearts of Air. aril MTS., Grant Love, of Lan- this city and his surviving telatives." Turnbull and Miss Mabel Turnbull, of (�"'- - the all who, knew her. The late the -week end Speaking editorially, the Leader- Seaforth, were visitors recently with through the opesink of a saving's account 61,; age father's problems, even in ,Mrs. silig, , . . . .%Ticbigan. s.pen,t . n and . I . � 1�3� ays in part: "The West parts MT. and Mrs. Qeo. E. Thomso at 11 . .,��' � carving line. But it certainly would Dennis wai in her 61st year and was with friends here. Post S I , 4, ". help materially. a daughterr of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and MTs. A. McMurtrie, of To- with men of the type of the I -ate family. . I k", - ''. I Alexander Ross. Thirty-six years ago . I -en- Hugh Thomson, of Moose Jaw, with Silo filling alid bean threshing will � I I K ,� And why not? Poultry breeders Tonto, and Mrs. McMurtrie, of 1 �"'_ she. was united in marriage to her sail, visited vAth friends in this vicin- -cal regret -and something of that soon be completed for anoth6r year." � , I . � I I 'haivie, produced so -hie wonderful re at will be felt THE CANADIAN BANK .. . A " ,� � ... . - now b,reftbusbandJ' Besides her bus- Ity. . 'feeling of sadness th I � � . I . . ­ . sults in the poultry. business during band she leaves to mourn her loss a Mrs. Frank Farquhar, of Hensall, by his relatives and intimate friinds. !_ ­_ - .- ­ " I , ,.. �� ,. .�� . the past few years, I � grown-up family of Y.x sons and three spent the week end at the home Of MT. Thomson, a native of Brucefield, . URICH OF COMMERCE I 1� . N 4. ; . . � � Poultry used to .be just poultry. dauibters: Lorne, of Sunnynook, Al- MT. J. Cochrane. Ont., and a Western pioneel; dating . Z I . . . l. , ,I... , . . berta; Alexander, Wilfred, Elmer, and Mrs. L. Troyer s�ent a few days re- 'back to 1882-a rapidly thiniiing band I , 1� , . Something that ran about the farm -Will,' at home: ,CameTon. of North fly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. --was �admired and loved not just for The many friends of E. Datars, Sr., . CAPITAL PAID UP - 30 MILLION DOLLAR'S t " epli I I.. ", � . . yards i� more or less numbers. That Bay; Ethel, Jessie and Teanie, at W. Hyde. , of Hensall: his sterling qualities 'of heart and are. pleased to see him:i about town . I 171 - I mind, but for his effo s throughout again. after his recent illness. RESERVE FUND , - 30 MILLION DOLLARS I �% I 11M�!,' , . atoned for its existeilce� by laying the home, al&o four brothers and two sis 4 ma is Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach and � . ill � , ..", - � . C - vi . ,, I r . , , It.,, . 4Odd egg ,and sacTifi'�Jng, itself -to pro- ters: Thomas, �Bosswood, Man.; Alex., I rtually bAlf . a, 6entury to ke th .William S. Ruby visited -----7— . . 1, . k Minnedosa, Ilan.; Donald, Biliscarch, � district one of producti�61 worth and Mr- and Mrs . I � ""I .Vide the odd 'Meal. . 1 . BRUCEFIELD he relatives in Holly and Ponfiac, Michi- 1. . . .1 � . Mlan.-'Mrp. James Simpson, McKillop; of contentment and happinessi f ar',t I I .. , . 1 4t ,.. � -But that day has- passed. Poultry John'and;�_T,argaret, of Richdale, Alta. s one gan, last week. ' . I I '.. Dr. P. M,c-E.wen, of Detroit, spent oncoming, generations. '-He wa Mr. Edward Bedard and. bride, of . I I , 1� .. " I . now 'holds one of the highest posi- Miss lAargaret,Ross attended the fun- the week end at the home of his bro- of the leaders in a great trek of cour- b i ,,.. . Oming Detroit, spent the week end at the AO � I M, eral, also many friends and relatives ageous and estimable -citizens c . � ., ti,ons in the economic life of the far er, lir. John McEvmn- Bedard's -parents, Mr. 11 �, 11 0 // .., from Godericb,,.4Te-_swater, Wingham, th I Pearson and Mrs L-� overland, and by primitive means home of Mr. a ,�: It largely furnishes the hoyne clothes Miss 'Myrtle _Mp. Denis Bedard, of town. 0 . 1. i. Bluevale, Fordwicb, , Molesworth, , and K I e�ucation, Forrest visited friends in London ,a* from one. of the banner counties of nq"',� the children and pays for Stratford, Embro, Cleveland, Ohio; . old Ontario. Saskatcbe.�;van owes. much The citizens are making arrange - t week and attended the Fair. 1 1�g,; . and, which 'has come to be of even Uno Park, Ont., gayfleld, Grantoly and -mother, to men of the Hugh Thomson type. ments, for the Fall Fair, which will be ' I &,s, . k ,,, It 4i" t of Brucefield.. Flowers-1-FamAy 'pillow Mrs, G. Simpson and her Theirs was the unconquerab,le spirit held here Monday, and Tuesday, Sept. � " ,�, �� . greater niecessity, it buys a lo Mrs. Nevens, spent last week visiting � 11�1.1 basket, John and ' Margaret Ross, that challenges to er�ulation." ?,8tb and 29th. .. ,­.. I Y1. ,gas. . Lorne Dennis; spray, MT. and Mrs. friends in'the village. I Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoff er, who f you must economize, � �� I ? . I -i� ��, I I . . . But poultry did not attain to this Jame-, Simpson;, spray, Mr. and Mrs. MTs� D. Tough is visifflig friends in . _. . I spent 'the summer months at Grand . . . . � . . . . if, I i,� . high position all in a day. Not by James Dennis; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley this week. . I Bend, have returned to Zurich. er� is a healthy and de- - , I . ­� � " ,,, The anniversary services will be KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey, of Royal ightful way to do it -serve . I 11�1 means. in fact the poultry, of Harry Denuis, Mr. and MTS. Port r . t,�;,-�, � SW . 'held in the United -Church, Qctober Oak,'Mich., spent Sunagy at the. home these delicious and nourish- nd for our r2- � .y . � . � i"', -, .. themselves, did not have anytbing to Dennis; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Robert er. Rally Ar. Arnold Turnbull, of Toronto d. Mrs. J. 'Hey, Jr., of town. I " 25th. Further particulars lat of -Mr. an 1. 11�, Miller and family ,and MT. and Mrs. Sunday. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs' , I ing Syrups. The great food I oust Recipe Hookl /I . I I .,,�, ,do with it. A WIm. Bovd; 1�asket, MT: and Mrs. W. I Day will nbe observed next . Mrs. Hey, who had visited at D6troit, value of Corn Syrup is - It contains nearly , �. 11, 5, 'w"bo learned by J. Humphries, Mr. and Mrs. H. S for a few weeks, returned with them. . I ��,, -� I It wa the breeder -ban- I There will be a children's choir and Geo. E. Thornson. 200 economical � : �': ,' . rtsting -program. A special in- Miss Grace Forrest' nurse -in -train- . , ,��-,, experimenting that a ben could, la' rid: an Inte 'Mr. H. .G. Hess, the local telephone definitely recognized -you I Recipes chosen t,' � . 5�4, Y non; baaket� Mr. and M,Ts.'Talbot a I vitation to all the children, young peo- ing in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- linesman, has workmen busy putting couldn't eat a more healthy, I from 75,000 rceely- �', 1 ­ -pray, MIT. ,and ,Mrs. Diegel ; ed ffWn housewives 1� � an �eggi a day, just as well as it could faTily; s . ple� and parents of the congregation. forth, spent a day recently at -the up the new cable east and west of the energizing food -and unlike, through ut Can- � !,,..I .r. " . . , I'll, ­', e ha wr4ath, 'Superintendent and Staff of _.. I , ��k,;,L lay one a A cottage prayer meeting will be I -Lorne of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. illage. most "healthy" foo&, the ado. Tols book , �. ." milway, North Bay - � of Tuckersmith. ' I N U, the T. N. 0. P visited I % _U'.., 4-oced to work, twelve or twenty hours .'he home of Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. ..§,mith � P, - ,�, spray Mr. and Mrs. Ische and famil� held dt t second, concession of Miss Marian Middleton was the . es in Stratford on Sunday. family will simply love it.k took many months I . . 11 �. a day, rather than the six or eight and �Tbs,s Lupton; wreath, the Lupton Arthur ,Caldwell, rJ1 I end with her ,Uttiv to prepare and '40 - , , D and I ''I � . " _.. I -nding family; Spray, - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stanley on Friday'. evening, at 8 P.m. guest over the, week r. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer Serve these Syrups at ev6r-y;' every Recipe hm �. �k��. bours it bad previQi4sly been attL ome Mission Secretary, aunt in Gpderieh-' e latter's mother, Mr.s. Dymocke, I � - been approved and I I � I 1, I..., . � MeGavin and Dell; pillow, the Ladies' Dr. Young, H . ' � I'; �1, , to bailness. , occupied the pulpit of the United Q e a nurrilb.er took in London Ex ond Miss Mary Hqgan spent a�'day meal. They are econo tested by a,famons I I uit , ' . � .. "'6 - , ,- . . . ,�'i �; �, Aid of Bethel United Church; #pray, ' . mical, delicious,and so Canadian died. A Zt,lt . That -by judicious selection, and urch last Sur-0ay morning. He told hibition during thepast week "d re- - last week at Niagara Falls. � ' ' � �!_ - : Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M4,Gavin and Ch , . . � flan. Mail coupon. i 1'. , A"', � ssing a bird ,of any desired size Mr. job, MeGavin. y d tinie. t I easily digested. I I, I . I I -crO . . on missionary work in the West, tak- Miss Jeanne Alexander, Of Hay, vis- ___. -----.— .11 � Enclose l0c to cov- 1. would . I . a. . er cost of mallinli. I , ... I . 'be pToduced. One that ­ .. . ­.. . I I . , 'A' !�. .. leoul&� . 11 . ing for his text: "Thou shalt love, thy ied for a few days with ber'grand- Th- CANADA STARCH CO. Limited-, Montr6al I f� ' Alexap&T, -ST., - , , . 1h 6M.. . ­ t " J* ijio4ly,brreast or,ffiostly legs, most- . . . , " 1�4, I I . . j3AYFIELD - neighbor as thyself and'faith with -out mother, 'Mrs. John . - � ',Wilite meat or Mostly dark. works is dead." during the past week. I Eldrid Smj�h left here the first! �� � .11 r.��t. 11, . Di,ds I ' We understand that Thanksgiving x1r. b 4 I '­ -'s I Alrd,, 'havitg performed. such Mir' ,Prof. Lloyd Hodgins returned to To- Former Resident n Mloose of this week to attend',the University I . � ,Z, C, . this year on Oct, . m P ..; Z:h-, . ised thb stan4V,d so high, rontd- Saturday after two weeks at Jaw. -The Regina Leader�Post Makes ip. b6ing celebrated Q.,.V,-;, ��610_9. and ral .. vember 11th, at -London. . I 1. I I N I . ., . I the following reference to tbL- death 12th instead 'of on No :, 't�"- - I ,111 11 1.�tl I . unreasonable that a his cottage. r lett our village and V ... � A � L , '01& It dows�not seem -DAy of Hugh Thomson, a native of BrUCe7 as formerly, November 11th being ob- A large numbe I J. I � - T, "­- .. 11, I " ,out Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day, Jim tend I � .. I I ,f . jeg,gea chieket should be beyond an Day were at flibir epttage field, and one of the pioneer residents ,served now as Memorial Dky insteqd vicinity on Wednesday last to at �� � 'It,�O , - _ ' ' anu. J 0 . - 7 ',the Exeter Fair. I ". �T, !,''.; � t sW11,. ,6f the, potiltky lor the week end. �. ., the Moose Jaw distriatt "Death of Armistice Day- ,aev. James McIlroy will have for i . . I 4`1 � ,. eeder. ever of � �. ;: � - -, ; I � : I ,. 11 �t,?� . 1. .1. 6, f . ILIA ho Much. More body a Miss-, Millie Cameron, of Detroit, claimed another of Moose Jawlg'old- Rev. R. R. and Mrs. 0onner and . ects on the coming Sunday, . i. � I : ,. . . N15! , -, t.71-� r Miss L11aine bAV6 TetUrnod home af- . hisp Subj . W ""', "': � , I w, time ,-residents and a pioner settli I � I J. IL _1 JIL � ---r-- - :" t"' d,ckicken would be able to visited. her sisUT this week.- , September 27th, at the mominit seT- - L"', . " '. t.. � � I %rhitehill left last in the southern p4rt of ,Saskatchewan, ,ter an enjoyable, "eation. - i -p , pi, I , - ", a,n,a, twt� legged onei And MT. and Mrs. V . late Mrs. Thos. vicei "Enthusiasm in His Service," . 1 4 . � �" :�, 14" I . th son -Vassed -away at The luneral of -the . . ' 1. I , 1. 1. w n Hugh Thoni s . "; .11� � week for their home in Los "OrL M%ose Side -'X, . . t 6*1 , I ­ " -stloyl of economy le:: London, *as held at her' andi at tbe evening, � � .. . �, I H hi sidence Friday af- t I q1iL A Mr S ter#oon. For MidDonaldp of' " �.. ", �-%�'re;ii. �he an ,on% forget Rally Day ;1,,W.!!;,�', . , California, after visiting MT. in Tuesday Are YduV' D . . '" I , i! , . I . , I H,_­nTy XoGlindber. .. so time past he had beell,,,"kilifig late r6aidence-in London to ,% Bafrdls in the Sunday School. �� - I I � p�,-',w 1. _M�.-V' " ,�, . I ... "I � ".''. I'll -1 last, .interment being made ii , 51�,,'.!'�,�.,� MAftba. and fam- -a or about ,six weeks`befote big sup- I .... - � . " lq� i �4-oi'-o -Mudh, extra eY .7 Mr. and Mrs. J. V. ( The iStierament of, the Lord's � .­ 'Zg�,l 56 oemotelry. , . , " - 51,11 -.� � ,or I , , � � F k had been c,oi;ifined- -to bed, T"h * , I g, . ' �$� �t­ t * dANADA6TA �. . 14VI � "I . � Mo �, �Otw loiss thin tvro, that ily of Detroit, returned home Sun. deatt - per will be observed in .the Unite4 1, � . - '4 vs of Iikl$ and n6xt Tuesday The aniuvers urch on I the co LlfhlWd ­ iv'� '.'I, 4 , ,� try ter�iceg of St. An , � ,,, Y. -I R..10. Maw, , , , , pry ' day after a pleasant season at their was ?S'yea lebrated-his 79th blith- drOWA, United.0haTth will- I � . I � I ' =9:1104c!"toecoV& millng cost. �. 'i 6 V , ,ould have eel, _ ,w, . . I .I.W. � I 11 � �pt� -xrt be balf as s� - 'Boulder Lodge." R )6 bdI4 on Ch n1ing ,Sunday, seipt. i .. .� I . , 11.1 "S 'A"Ai4i,", ,or,. them to' get c6tt1gey ' 7'es" lid, Made the Moose $unday, Octobik,, Mbi, instead' 61. 006t-, 21th, At the Morning service. * I I 11 . � � day,. Pot 40 &4, ' . ht,k*.. I 51 1, 1. ISMaday ndXt At, a P.M., Rev. .C. E4 �. . I -l", 01 ,,, I "I A vd Jaw district Ms h6tfio, fattyAn. f� r 11-%, ,as form#rly stated, as Thank# Tdiss MclMirmid, of Muirkirk, and [ , . , - - "' - . I It". i �4"�Iftld ...... th,&Sf tag1h Dougglil ,pf 01inton, will conduct ser- kd� 11th of 3fills ,91avvey, of St. Thorhas, spent , . .1 t . . I . ..g. I I Til- 'Ib i � - vie6 at, ft,OX Church. - , t. , 6 "t] L givin#,! Is being.., h6ld offt the of Olin. th I , at week with ,Mrs. -S. McQueen. : . 11 � ,� . .11-_11111 .. . ­", I ­ . . . 11.7-l"; 1 veft Teturined tt I � Pearl Elder��.of bur Village, left I t, , ... - .1 . . 6 . Xiog Gra& Jo � mt. ttitv 1611d, biter cothliftit . -, -LN - ty, I I t .� I . m1gly y�j.rs it �,the Buffalo , I I I . � I . , -, t VI,,, �erw.,JW4,vw 9.10steit, I I , , 4, .-I . � k *1 , - �p ,Vm. ; rq. I � ."'I: T I — ­ 117` 1 , . 11 I , W" "I , , , � , � , I ---.. .1, : ker", &arvide,v fit W ; I 111.1 ­_ .1 W. w "I I .. 1. ' %"10* It, It � 11, d Wher6 - hp. Ihfad, U win; be, j�6' 1 - AJO A 6i6 I .. ,Gu61ph,,'Iagt. week aft pd6 bi-9 'hoifto to!? thd t6no' .1 . I I., L -, �� 1 4. ,Dd11gI,d,, IfAll I I I I .. , , � ,.. 1 215- Y"'i'*Al' k 116, *as i bg�, ,of 66 11 il.m. I _� 4 � I I . , . 1. Ahd 74GIT=11, I hbre this week'to, attend1be Notnial " � :%4 ".., ". � �W A' 't"�,:Idt , Seatchmer 6 0. A C., Past ' , !bV1"4re;1W4,1,TJ at Londob. . , - i � � , : , . 11 ., � 1�1-­ 144r; �-_ i. 1,4t,r',v,.#1,;",, ;�4,,JPIX�N ,�l - - -,: - . ., I . � , . - , . . � bo9t k1%6*n 'tosl(ldlts 01' M660 46W�,,!no. ladI40,4V . Pit`4 � . , '. - , � . 1. , - I =- - """"""""""" I � f � VU61011L, 'm dop . - I � , . ., 1,11 .;," 4 1 . .,� � I . I , .� . 0� . . � . . I I I . .. . I I . � I , 1. I . I 11 . .1 I . I I . I , � . .. . I I I .t I I ).1 ,,, I , r, " I I , I I I , , . .. �'. �, 1- �, I . .. I . . . . I . , . � . . - . � . I 11 I � . , I �. I .. �, ..'� , " , f, , . . J I . .,, _� I " ,,, , "!, " � . , , , . . � . I . ! 41 # .."i . ! � I , :. ., 'k. , . '4 1 . t , ., "", , , � ..I ,,,,,, I . I . I . ­ I I . . '. � � .., ? I I I . . .. . I . N,,�:.,,'q t .1 I , — P I I . . �t . , I I I �".,::, � I . I I . I I I . . I . 11 . I .'' �1� , , 1, , ,.��,,'. - , �'� - ; � , ", �, " .; - �: ' - .. I . I I " . � . .". � , �� ,� - - . " �� � ,'. ., . It: � . 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