HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-18, Page 8R%tr.3, i an; ly; 7•°� �xr�.t�fi�i� i r• • case p be an aid to digestion. some delightfully mellow g ase at, 25c haiin'd _._ by -'tike , bushel in stock. oke crop newly over. SecureC mss new. $1.85 B`ush'el CHEESE—Specially prepared by'. being quartered and eaph quar- ter parafined so as to pre Oc vent moulding; per pound..... ,,1A' OB''S BUTTER PUFFS -Made in Dublin, Ireland ,per package CABBAGE—Fresh hard heads at 11i2 cents per pound'. SALTED PEANUTS IN 13c SHELL—,Per pound e" ' 23CTRIC LIGHT BULBS 23's, .•;- 40's, or 60's at 25e or 5 for $1.00. 'Guaranted for 1,000 hours. 25c EXTRACTS -2 oz. 15c quality for 10c •r or 3 for 25c. S oz., 35c quality, fo'r 25e • 16 oz., 65c quality, for 50.. CRISCO—Per 1 -lb. can 25c, and with each pound a spatula or pancake turner FREE. CORN FLAKES—Kellogg's or Quaker, 3 for AMMONIA KLENZINE 25c • 15c 2 for CLASSIC' CLEANER—One of e)C UC the best; 3 for L LUX FLAKES -3 for 25c DOMESTIC ONIONS -13 lbs25c F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Food -166 IsYour Automobile Insured? Featuring • Jesamine of France THIS WEEK Jesamine Face Powder with cold, cleansing or vanishing cream Free. $1.50 VALUE FOR $1.00 English Pottery, filled with Lavender Bath Salts. $1.50 Value ---Special' at $1.19 FLIES are "pesky" this time of year. We handle all the best Fly Killers, etc. AT Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store Phone 28 Seaforth, Out. IF NOT, DO YOU KNOW�D'THAT IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT You have given a• BLANK CHEQUE which may cost you, your entire life's savings? The Financial Responsibility Law may suspend your licenses for ALL TIME if you are unable to pay. BE INSURED! NOT WISHING YOU WERE AFTER THE ACCI- DENT. NEW LOW RATES Full,. information gladly given. CALL US. WATSON & REID £ Specialist in all lines of Insurance PHONE. 33 W : SEAFORTH 000000'00000 0 a S. T. Holmes & Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Main' Street, Seaforth . O r O S. T. Holmes' residence, O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119 W. • Charles Holmes' O residence, Goderich Street, O East; phone No. 308. O Limousine Ambulance Service O Night calls, phone 308. 0 Day calls, phone 119 J. O Charges moderate. O '00000000000 AUTO INSURANCE Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates for any number of months you wish itis worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid.. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service. PHONE 125 A. •'D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance, `Real Estate Conveyancing, Etc. . Office over Keating's Drug Store. SF&FORTH • ONTARIO �a recent Toronto Conservatory of M$nsic examinations: Piano—A. T. C. M., (completed examination), Eleanor P. Fisher; A.T.C.M., (te'acher's course), Beatrice Gordons (Hon.), Ellie Ryan; intermediate, Anne Cochrane; junior, Edna Elliott; intr'odu'ctory, G. R. ,Har- rison (Hon.). Singing—A. T. C. M. i,solo performer), Margaret A, Pent- land; intermediate, Mary R,' Stewart, (1st class honors), Cela E. Coultes (Hon.); junior, Helen R. Lane (Hon.),. M. A. Royan. Theory — Teacher's. piano, E. P. Fisher (Hon.), E. E. Rya an (Hon.)-; intermediate harmony, E. Mills (Hon.); intermediate counter- point, M. A. Pentland (Hon.), 4.. Cochrane, E. Mills; intermediate form, E. P. Fisher (Han.); intermediate his- tory, E. P. Fisher (pion.), M. A. Pent- land•• (Hon.). Junior harmony, L. R. Woods (Hon.), H. R. Lane (Hon.), C. Phair, M. A. Ryan; junior counter- point, L. R. Woods (1st class honors), H. R. Lane (Hon.), C. Phair, M. A. Ryan; junior history, C. Phair (1st class honors), L. R. Woods, (Hon.), H. R. Lane (Hon.), M. A. -,Ryan (Hon.). Primary—V. Fraser (list class hon- ors), E. Herbert (Hon.), M. Harri bn (Eon.); elementary, L. Harrison. THE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS Golf.—The finals for the Savauge Trophy, which carries with it the ladies' championship of the Seaforth Golf and Country Club for the year, were played at the course on Thlxrs- d'ay •of last weele, when the cup was won .by Mrs. Wallace Parke. Mrs. T. Swan Smith was the runner up. The Heat Was Too Much. The reople of Seaforth were not the eonly ones who felt the intense heat the latter part of last week. A large thermometer, located 'et the entrance to A. D. Sutherland's .office, en the :,rest side of Man Street, also fall prey to the heat wave.On Saturday, hay- .ing succeeded in registering • 112 de- grees, the glass blew up and the struggle with oversize temperate*es was over.. THE. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OP'1+'ICERS: lent ,Evans, Beechwood' - President •dame '-`Connolly, God'erich - Vice -Pres. V. 'McGregor, Seaforth --S'ec.-Treas. r ° AGI1'NTS:• G. >s .II'inchley', ..Seaf'oz'th ; John Vintray, Eg toll'dville• E. G. Jarmouth, rodliagen;.; nines Watt, .Blyth. 1)lY3C' ORS: fattl Ei7' ,, it. o. ,-Seaforth; rio n14,6, Brodbngen ; Jiin1es Bedeliti,664.Ir i'fti Connolly,. Al1ei BrTMaddf s; 'd. het, 'Irai•la3 f .aoi'ige '.S Lfdt Inquest Adjourned.—The inquest. which was to have been held on Thurs- dray morning to inquire into the death of Margaret Drake. Staffa girl who died two weeks ago in Scott Memorial hospital, the result of an automobile accident near Dublin,. was again post- poned•,until October 2nd.. This ' was necessitated by the inability of Alex. Gardiner, one of the,injured, to testi- fy. While slowly improving, Gard- iner is by no means out of danger. • New Honors. — The Bulletin of Alumni Association of University of Western Ontario Medical -School, for September, contains the following:— "Class of '26: Dr. William Sproat, 01. Seaforth, is privileged to write L. M. A. A. after his name because he is now a Life Member of the Alumni Association. The photograph of 'Barbara R. Sproat, of Meds '50 and her father, Dr. William Sproat, is a, valuable addition' to our Class Album." First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, September 20th.—Rev. James McElroy, of Hensall, will be the preacher at the morning service. Ie the evening the minister, Rev. I. $: Koine, will preach on the subject, "The Wounds of a Friend," basing it on the text: "So then am I become' your enemy, by telling you the truth." Miss Olive MacDonald, Gold Medalist, 1928, and Geld and Silver Medalist for 1931, will be special soloist at both herv'ices. —We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart in their new appointment. We wish them every success. Neil Shaw Mission Circle. — The regular meeting of the Neil Shaw Mis- sion Circle was held in the basement of the church on September 16th. The n„eetirig was in charge of the' 2nd - Vice -President, Anne Moore. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Go, Labor On," followed' by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The topic, "Flor- ence Nightingale," was taken in her usual interesting manner by, Jean Smith. Mrs. H. Chesney, Jr., favored the 'girls with a solo. The minutes were read and the roll call responded to by seventeen girls. The offering amounted to $1.52. The business was discussed and it was decided to hold a home cooking sale 'on Fair Day. Re- lief worrk was discussed and it was decided to donate second hand cloth- ing. The meeting closed with the Miz- pah Benediction. For ,Sate.—A new Peerless sewing machine. Apply' to The Huron Expositor Office. 3327-1 Portland Cement.—A car load of cement just arrived. Get your supply while fresh. Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Seaforth. 3326-2 Pigs For Sate.—A number of choice ;fork - shire ork- shire pigs six weeks old' Thomas G. Sniffing - law. Phoned on 133, Seaforth. 3321-1 For Salk or Rent.—On North Main Street, desirable lot, with frame house and barn. Apply to Mrs) R. E. Jackson, James Street, Seaforth. 3327-1 Lime, Paristone and Gyproc.—Fresh mixed car of above. Now is the time to get fall work completed, Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Sea forth. 3326-2 Highest Cash and trade prices paid fo live poultry, delivered Tuesday and Thurs day mornings. W. .1. Finnigan, Egmond oil le. 3325x1 Music.—Anne G. Govenlock, teacher of piano, organ and theory, Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations. Class work ,for beginners. Studio, North Main Street. Phone 103. 8224-4 • For Sale --Comfortable cottage situate or. East 'Goderich' Street. Seaforth, formerly oc• cupied by Mrs. Clara McCluskey Crowley Immediate possession ,can be given. For fur• ther particulars apply to R. S. Hays, Sea forth, Ont. 3325 - Remnants. -3 lbs. Prints $)1.01/; 3 lbs. Silk. Velvets or Cretonnes '$1.50. Agents, dealers wanted. A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. 8806 -ti For Sale or Rent.—House and lot an high way, adjoining the Town of Seaforth, th property of Elizabeth Scott. House is good repair ; contains seven rooms ; hard an; oft water, electric lights. Apply to Josepl Scott, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 3325- Lost—On Friday, September 4th, a younf fox hound. White with greyish brown heat and eats. large and small spots of same color over body; leather strap round neck an middle. Five dollar:' reward to any one gin in'; information thati will lead to the recover; of this animal. Dr. R. R. Ross. Phone 110 Seaforth., 3327-1 s ' Died Suddenly In Wisconsin. — A despatch from Superior, Wisconsin, t the daily papers on Tuesday make: the following reference to the sudden death,,of a! sister, of Mrs. A. F. Cluff of Seaforth: "«•-jle on her vacation in Superior, Wis.,' Eleanor May (Nei lie) Patterson, an old Woodstock resi• dent, passed away suddenly. Mist Patterson had been a resident of Win• nipeg for twenty years, prior to whici her home had been ire this city. Shi was an employee of the T. Eaton Co in Winnipeg for many years. Sur riving are four sisters, Mrs. F. G Bottom's, Woodstock; Mrs. Harr3 Blackburn, Hamilton; Mrs. A. F. Cluff Seaforth, and' Mrs. H. E. Hopkins Superior. Wis., with whom she was visiting, also one brother, James Pat ten son, Brantford. The .emains art .being- brought to Woodstock," Egmondville.—The September meet- ing of the W. M. S. was held at the home sfe Mrs. Thomas Richardson on Friday afternoon. The meeting op- ened by singing "Go, Labor on; Spend and' Be Spent." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Shillinglaw and Mrs. Chesney led in prayer. pie devotion- al leaflet was taken by Mrs. Malcolm. Mrs. Malcolm gave a very interesting account ;ytt the work that the I.M.S. are dor in their many fields, using the reports sent in for the annual report by the workers of each station. A solo 'by Miss Ina Nott was much' appreciated. Plans were made for preparing clothing' to be sent out to the West. The meeting closed' 'by singing "Forward' Be Our Watch- word," and Mrs. Brown leading in prayer. A dainty lunch was served. —'The Egmondville ipeople Will wor- ship 'at Northside United: Clearch Sun - evening; when the nevi. Colin 'none, home Mission Secretary, will speak. Successful Pupils.—t"r*oL.• A. W. Am 'iertan, of 'Clinton, instructor in music t the Seaforth' . t>bllld ;Seho'ol, hasi3l' ''i3#lot li g etted694t4lg. »u 'ls at the. ti. Seaforth Fall Fair. September 24-25 —The directors of the Seaforth Agri cultural Society are putting forth ev ery effort this year to 'put on one of the finest exhibits that has beer shown in Seaforth for a long' time 1930 was acclaimed by many to bs the best in many years past and thi: year promises to excell. Many inquir• res are corning in regarding prize list' both from adults and children. Thi Boys' Foal Club has already creates much interest and promises a goon exhibition of what a boy can do it the training, handling and preparing pelts for show. A special judge. hal een assigned from the ''Horse Breed ers' Association, of Toronto, for thiel class alone. Ten prizes are awarded $12, $10, $8, $6, $5, $.5, $5, $3, $3 $$. Among the many other events see bills and prize lists. Remem'be• the date's—September 24th and 25th Bowling. — The Seaforth bowler held' an Irish Trebles Tournament the local: greens on Wednesday -after noon and evening, when 18 rinks, in eluding rinks front Goderich, Blyt Ailsa Craig, Hensall and Kinca'rdin Four 13 end games, with a phis en minus score, were played: The win ners of the first event were Charle Gunn''s rink with a score of fan win's and a plus of 21. The secon prize went to T. J. Johnston's rink the third to J. Beattie, and the fount vas a tie between R. J. Sproat and G. Willis, R. J. winning out on th toss. The scone: J.. C. Reid, Ailsa Craig, 1 w plus 8. John Beattie, Seaforth, 3 w plus 2 H. 'Iiro'u's, Blyth, 2 w plus 5. E. H. Close, Seaforth, 1 w plus 1.. A. McDonnell, Hensall, 2 w plus 15. I. J. Broderick, Seaforth, 1 w plus 1 H. Robinson, myth, 2 w 'plus 12. Dr. Bec'hely, Seaforth, 2 w plus 11. W. Powell, Goderich, 2 w plus 18. H. Jeffrey, Seaforth, 1 w plut5 10. W. Morden, Kincardine, 1 w plus 5. T. J. Johnston, Seaforth, 3 iv plus 2' W. Singleton, Ailsa Craig, 2 w plus 1 Beg, Reid, Seaforth, 1 w 'plus 5. Dr. Burrows, Seaforth, 2 w plus 15. W. G.,. Willis, Seaforth, 3 w plus 19. R. J. Sproatt, Seaforth, 3 w plus 19. Chas, Quinn, Seaforth, 4 w plus 21. Town Council.—The regular nee ing of the town council was held o Monday evening, September 14th, w all the members present. It w m'o'ved by Isatte Thidson, seconded b L. F. Bblton, that the report of t finance committee be adopted as re Moved by A. D. Sutherland, seconde by J. W. Beattie, that the pool roo• license of•Marshall Stewart be tfaxr~ ferred to 'Cretirford' Smith, the pu chaser of the brisines�s'. Cheques, w issued for the following accounts: . G4 Pee . $70. John A, Wilson, $1 Thos. ,Stoic', $7b; Te li uniCipal count;' 47e; 'Canadi'an Netianall'1 Annie. Moore read' a very interesting aper; on "Tile Standard of Living,'' $'ci:'�6L_SUPPLIE$ whack should 'be very helpful to all. Miss Dorothy Elgie moved' the meet ng be ndjc,.irned, seconded by Vera T'orsyth. During the social half houir We carry a compliete stock of ' • School Supplies: a spelling match in Geography took P: - p Scribblers Exercise Books Drawing Books fi Pens ' Compasses i Erasers Crayons Rulers Mathematical Sets j Ink Brushes Slates Fountain Pens • 'School Bags Paints Thompson's f Book Store, Seaforth ' Subscriptions taken for newspapers 1 and ,magazines at publisher's prices. on h, e. W' 3 th he ere• ways, $18.19; fi12.75; Station, Bell Telephone Sills & $22.10; $61.96; ion Bank, James $27.50; Barnett,.$4; J. W. Moved A. D. adjourn Mayor. • The men's monthly at the ham. ' venorship ' opened ed by Miss Margaret • on Health • Vera Forsyth, Helen '.Each one interesting roll call, fair," , five girls. meeting Thompson's Book Store, M�ohr's Red Indian Service $1.20; Thomas Dickson, $2.30; Co., '$2.45; Geo. Sons, $7.8'5; Geo. D. Ferguson, Public Utility Commisslion, W. E. Kerslake, $9.50; Domin- $6; Sol Williams, $36.00; V. Ryan, $90; Horace Wilbee, Peter Melvor, $17.50; Charles Wilson Hawkins, $46.50; Beattie, $2.29; C. Sills, by J. W. Beattie, seconded Sutherland, that• t14 meeting to meet at the Gall of A. $1.15. by the Wo- 9th, - con- was paper Miss Miss very The fall last Miss , Women's Institute.—The Institute held their regular meeting on September home of Miss Jean Pothering The meeting, under the of Miss Annie Moore, with the Institute Ode follow- the Lord's Prayer in unison. Broadfoot read a and Child :Welfare; on Education, and Thompson, on Home Economics. of the readings were and enjoyed by all. "A suggestion for the was answered by about twenty- The minutes of the were read, and adopted. i Carl MARY . •' Overboard. From der direction FRED ' . :i :; Special f ' Reginald 1 Good 1• 1 PRINCESS , TO -NIGHT Laemmle Presents PHILBIN —in— Girl the story by John,Clymer, of Wesley Ruggles with MacKAYE OTIS HARLAN FRANCIS MacDONALD un- For Fair Day Next Week End Denny IN Morning Judge a Season's Their They Feathers SHAPES: You ' r s g r 1 h e Harvest Thanksgiving Supper i under the auspices of Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, on Tuesday, Sept. 22nd from 5 to 7.30 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults, 50c. , Children, 36ic l ��; i ( . I. d a: . s'rA 0. e)�: afY _ yrf'• '" �� 'I` BRAMBLE AT a short placed present ^� k� l• - '‘''''.1- -r ;. A� `Iv `' ' - ( o -® . '; :f o c ^' WONDERFULLY KNIT • SKIRT, PULLOVER, AN UNTHOUGHT time ago price of Bramble we have just on sale to get a beautiful wear. - GLOVES URICH'S e White Clover BREAD CAKES ROLLS BUNS PIES Fresh Every Day. , x PriONE+" 3'4 SEAr011111 a Strong as 3 -PIECE SUITS COAT OF LOW PRICE 15.95 twenty-five dollars Knit Suits like received from the at $15.95. Do not Bramble Knit - CORSETS - LINGERIE • • MacTAVISH'Si,� o w with Alice Thompson and Erma Bpoadfoot captains, after which re- reshm'ents were served by • the lunch ommittee, assisted by Mrs. Fother ngham and Jean. A. vote of thanks was moved to Mrs. Fotheringham and can for their hospitality. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. tRobert Love, of Melita, a1ani- oha, was a guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Jacobs. Mr, Love is the Secretary of the Man- toba School Trustees' Association. Mrs. George Lowery had the mis- fortune to fall on Saturday morning et 'and fracture her arm. Yin. 'Walter Hawthorne, of Gode- r1clh, spent the week end with his n'Miler here. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles 'Clark, of Aylmer, spent the week end with Mr. Clark''s mother, Mrs. R. L. Clark. Mr. Lorne Pinkney has returned from a five weeks' visit to Montreal and is now attending the Stratford Normal School. Mr. Ernest Gourley, of Antigonishe, Noa'Ia Scotia, was a guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Miss Mona McGregor; of the Hos- pital staff, spent last week end in To- ronto. Mrs. A. F ff� and Miss Bessi C1uff were in Woodstock on Wedne's day 'attending the funeral of Mrs. Cliff's sister. Mr, S. Carter, who recently , pur- chased' the residence of Mrs• Alex. Kennedy, on North 'Main Street, is having a furnace put in and other ex tensive improvements, made to th property. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pollard, 'o Calumet, Mich., sed Mr. and Mrs. Al bort Pollard 'and 's'on, and Mrs. Jame Boden' and son, of Detroit, were guest. of Mrs. R. L. Clark this week. Miss Mona Hughes and Mr. Walt Bohn, of Detroit, have returned hon after spending their vacation' in Sea forth, Toronto and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Isaac Hudson, Misses Doren and Alice and Mr, Max Hudson vis ited in Windsor 'over the week end. Mrs- M. Deebura, who was spendin her hol'iday's with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Eckert, has returned t Northvil'1'e, Michigan, to resume h duties as nurse in the sanatorium i that city. Mrs. C. P. Sills has returned' from wee'k's visit with friend's in Detroit. Mls. McMurchie, of Buffett* was guest this week at the home of Mr aide 34rs, J. C. Greig, Miss Laura Pelton; Field Se:cretar of the W.M.S., of the Presbyteria Church 'in Canada, was the guest o Mr, and' Mrs. T. 'Swan Smith for th Presbyterial meeting. Mrs. C. R. Somerville and Mas' Janette Wilson, 'of London, and Mos A. R. Sampson, of Toronto, wen guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilso on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, of De troit, spent the week end with rola tives here. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. G.. Edmunds a visiting their daughter, Mrs. D. L Curtis, in Marmora. • Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Stewart hay been appointed choir Orr leader and organ ist in Northside United' Church. Miss Nancy Smith, of Toronto, i the guest of Mrs. L. T. D•eLacey, Mrs. Flannery and Miss Olive hay returned to their 'home in Detroit, of ter a pleasant visit with the former' parents and' Mrs. Mary Hughes; o Chalk Street. Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, Mr, Arnol' Turnbull and Mrs. John Wanless a visiting friends, in London and In gersoll this week. Mrs.. S. McGeoch has returned t her home in Eg-m.onelville after spend ing three weeks with her son in To Tonto, A social meeting of the W. M. S of Northside United Church, will b held at the home of Mrs. R. H. Fergu son; Sperling Street, on Tuesday September 22nd. At this meetin there will be 'a shower of infants' an children's clothing, which will late Le sent to:some of the needy in th West. • Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Darroch ar spending a few days in Toronto thi week,. Miss Hogg, North Main Street, the misfortune, to fall in her home' o Saturday e've'ning and fracture he arm. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kling, Mr. Kling and Mr: Jack Adams, of Dayto Chive are visiting with friend's here. The Neil Shaw Miesion Circle in tend holding a home baking sale o September 25th, Fair Day. 'Mrs. W. Moffatt and Mrs. Wille cf Port Colborne, were' week en guests at the home of Mr., and 'Mr J. 'C. Greig. Mrs. Biette, of Chatham, Mrs, Fos ter, 'of Toronto, and Mr. Charles Gun of Chatham, are guests at_ the hems of Dr. Charles Mackay. Mr. Gun skippe'd'th'e winning rink at the bowl inn tournament on Wednesday even ing. Miss Bessie Grieve, who took summer course at the Un'iversi'ty o Toronto, has 'been successful' 4ifi ob taming a Commercial Specialist' Certificate. LONDESBORO, -The W.M.S. of Knox United Chairs held their regular meeti ig at th borne of the Misses Hamilton last Fri day. There was a splendid attend ance and all those taking part in th 'programme deserve credit. Refresh monts' were served at the close. very enjoyable and profitable time wa spent by all. Rev. Mr. Johnston is spending s'a�v oral days at his cottage at Bright' Grove. Mrs. Johnston, who spent th past two months there, expects to r turn home with him. . Mr-. and Mrs. Griffis, who vial I -teenier friend's last week, hoe r turned home.. . Mrs. Sampson and Miss 'Susie wh spent the past ten days with relative here, have returned to their hornei' Palm erstbn. r ivrisls X t a Lyon, also„ Miss V. Hoar land, ,$)i t the week end as guestsr. •ie home of 'Mi. and .Ms. Gaun'tt::S f s 4 Q e a y e s e n _, re e - s e re' d haI J• n, s, e _L FLu i✓ MatTAi� 4 � ...,, u ....AND...4. The Have u n New Made a Season's Their They Feathers SHAPES: You s Hats Debut Careen Decidedly one side. ain i to Feature. Type. Tilt, Slant. FALL was the these, makers miss this. outfit ' AIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIX l ��; i ( o o' PRICES Just popular which and chance for HOSIERY s'rA 0. e)�: afY _ yrf'• '" �� 'I` BRAMBLE AT a short placed present ^� k� l• - '‘''''.1- -r ;. A� `Iv `' ' - ( o -® . '; :f o c ^' WONDERFULLY KNIT • SKIRT, PULLOVER, AN UNTHOUGHT time ago price of Bramble we have just on sale to get a beautiful wear. - GLOVES They Are Felt. Crowns Are Shallow. a Strong Boat -Like Shape. Bowler Type. Riding Hat Widows' Peak. See the Dip, LOW THIS 3 -PIECE SUITS COAT OF LOW PRICE 15.95 twenty-five dollars Knit Suits like received from the at $15.95. Do not Bramble Knit - CORSETS - LINGERIE • • MacTAVISH'Si,� o 'Helens, forth, Mrs. some cently strong. - I last I - her o cardine - - to ant r tis he r commenced a, B of' s talk. n ject r visiting at _ ton, _ inn , sister, d ent e B n home _ the _ a ited e sat h e' s s 9, D ill . Mr. and visited J. Mr. and time Mr. W. visited Mr. Tom week Mr. Shaddick motored Miss Chicago mother, Miss ',Miss her duties, visit Corn, vicinity harvested. Mrs. Tuesday the West. School 'Homes This' as great importance Mrs. Niagara IRev. spent on friends Mr. Harry Mrs. visitors mother, very 'Mr. who spent with relatives, is trip Mr. Sm'ale, Mr. and with Norm'an Miss present Scott, and and have returned' home. Mrs. Ben Tyerman, at the,hom•e of Elisley last week, Mrs. D. Roberton last,week at Bruce Taman, of Waterdown, his sister, Mrs. J. Moon left far Brantford where he is employed. and Mr. L. Caldwell to Toronto last week. Jean Mains has returned after a pleasant visit Mrs. Mains. Arnett' visited friends over the week end. Gertie' Roberton has returned in Toronto after with her mother. • of Sea- Mr. and spent Beach. re- Arm- to with at Kin- a pleas- crop in to already on, ladies out the a sub- of present Milver- call- and end their pres- for his make and vis- Mrs. is Mrs. week at Bruce Beach, with her aunt and other relatives. Miss Agnes Hamilton, of Exeter, is at present visiting with relatives ire the neighborhood. - Mrs. Malcolm McKellar, of Sea— forth, was a week end visitor at thee home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McKel— lar a little east of the village. . r , Notice r lr ij ; I am opening a shoe repairing shop in the premises formerly occupied by D. Fountain. All line's of shoe repairing done l., ' neatly and promptly, and at very modest prices. J. S. BARRY a� 3326-tf CROMARTY which is a bumper this season , is about Some have cutting. McCabe, of Stratford, addressed the W.M.S. congregation on her trip While there she visited on which she gave was a very interesting our home missions are to use. Donald 'McKellar is at her daughter, Mrs. Weitzman, Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Elder, of Wednesday afternoon in Cromarty.' and son, of Toronto McDonald, were week in Cromarty visiting ' Mrs. Speare, who is at ill. Richard Speare,' 'of Calgary, some time this summer left last week Calgary, intending to by motor. of St. Catherines, Mrs. •Smale, of Mitchell, the former's ei'ster, on Sunday last. Jessie Hod'gert, of Exeter, visiting with her aunt, while here spent a . pANcE —1n—' CARDNO'� HALL - Fall Fair Night • ept ,25th Douglas Warks' g All Colored Band ' r Ladies 25c - Gentlemen 50c <t ;k !' j �. Smitty's OPPOSITE Have you tried our Walkerside We carry it in Cones, Bricks.. . • ..A£uil line of Tobaccoes, 'late liars' in stock. Our store has been linin illi, and we are. s ly I Recreation DALY'S GARAGE. r and in • and 'Choco- clean. and gide you ice Cream ? Dixie Cups, Frost Bites Cigars, Cigarettes , remodelled, is fresh, there at all times to ti