HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-18, Page 7'717 a 4' 5 fel It frs' • '4' '774 "7. N• • r • Ital:PTURE SPECIALIST ,• lituatere Varicecele, Varicoee Wipe, Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation free. Call or write. J. G. SMITH, British API -ince Specialists, 15 Downie St., Strat- ford, Ont. 3202-52 LEGAL • Phone N. 91 JOHN J. HUGGARD • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Etc. Beattie Block - Seaforth, Ont. R. S. HAYS and Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the Dominion Bank, Seaforthaa Money to loan. . Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer BEST at BEST Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office . in the Edge Building, opposite The Expositor Office. • VETERINARY \ JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. Honor ' graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College: All diseases of demestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to •and charges modefate. Vet- eripary Dentistry a speciality. Offide and residence on Goderich Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea - forth. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls ptomptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. MEDICAL' Dr.' E. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose,. and Throat • Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. ' Late assistant New York Ophthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, •Seaforth, third Monday in • each, month, rojl 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 58. Waterloo Stfeet, South, Stratford. DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Univetsity of Western Ontario, Lon- don. Member of College of Physic- ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty .of Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office 2 doors east of post office. Phone 56 Hensall, y Joseph C. Lincoln earaa'• -aye; •;"4,-.A;;• Continued from last week. "Hey? . . . Oh, yes! yeS, she did. All those pieces in the paper they seemed to -well," with an odd air of shy apology, "they seemed to make her kind of proud of her • old papa. That's what she calls me -'pa- pal --same as sae used to when elle was little. You see, she ain't like me, she's like her mother. I'm lough and tough and onedicated-never had much chance for schoolina I didn't - but her mother, now, she wad pretty and smart, and knew everythirig. school -teacher, she was -eyes, sir, school teacher. And she married me! I never could understand it -or I never used to. Now, of course, I re- alize that 'twas the Lord's doin'. He had, reasons •of His own, same as He always does. Same as He sees fit to take her away when 'Norma wa'n't much more'n a baby. 'He moves in a mysterious way His wonders to per- form.' That's poetry, boy. A anymn turie Did you ever read it? Mary -- that was rny wife's name -she used to read it to me. I get Norma to read it sometimes. And it's true, too. It ain't for us to go pryina into God A'mighty's affairs. He knows-" And so on. He was off again, his eyes alight. But this little glimpse into his heart and of the love he bore his daughter made Homer like him better and feel more charitable to- wards him. 'He was eccentric - al- most unbalanced on some subjects - but he was human and rather pitiable. Calvin was still sore at the loss of the appointment which should have been his, but he could not hold a grudge against the man who had received it. Myer Fuller could hold that grudge however. Her letter, when at last it did came, proved that. Badger, re- turning from his "liberty days," brought down the station mail, and the letter which Calvin had been ex- p.ecting •was there with the others. Considering that it was the first writ- ten word' he had received from the girl who was to be his wife his feel- ings were strange -there was more dread than eagerness in them. He feared to read what 'she had written. Yet in a way, the fear was unjusti- fied. Myra did not blame him in the least. She said so, and more than once. The manner in which he had been treated was mean and wicked, but it was not his fault, of course. Superintendent Kellogg was to blame, he and the idiots et Washington, and the newspapers. She hated that Kel- ogg, never did like him and Calvin as to rememaer that she had said e was an old fool. "But -lie is old, Calvin dear," she wrote, "and that is vhat we mustn't forget. He can't eep that position, of his much longer nd when he resigns -or is forced out you and I know who .should have he superintendency, don't we? And know a few men in politics myself. Perhaps you think I an only a girl nd can't do anything to help. There re some things a girl can do -with en -better than men ,can do them. Vait and see. Just wait and see." It was upon Bartlett that her re- entment seemed to centre most ercely. "I hate him, hate him, hate im," she declared. "I never met him f course, but I have met that daugh- er of his and so I know what the gamily is like. We'll get even with hem'though, you and I. And it may wt take so very long either. He is captain there at Setuckit, but he is only on trial and you are Number One an under him and the men all like ,ou. It will dependeon you and them whether he makes good or not, after 11. I mustn't write any more about what I mean -you understand why- ut you must make an excuse for oming.eo Orham very soon, and when you come we will have a long talk. But 'I am sure you anderstand how to et and what to do every napute of the ime until then. You must not miss a hence, and for my sake you won't, will you, dearest . . .?" There was more, but the remainder as very intimate indeed, and dealt not at all with Benoni Bartlett nor the aptaincy. And, just after the sig- ature, was an underscored P.S. "Burn this letter just as soon as you have read it." Homer followed instructions, so far as the burning was concerned. He read the letter through twice and then put it carefully upon, the hot coals in the kitchen stove, not replacing the lid until he had seen the closely writ - en sheets crumble to ashes. Then he went out and took a walk up and own the beach, thinking. Myra had not blamed him -even in her great disappointment she had not done .that -and so much was - or should he -comforting. She still tiusted him and believed in him. But it was evident that she was by no means resigned to the situatime• She considered it to be but teinporary and more than hinted that, at least, it could be made so. She was going to help and she expected him to do se. But how?, If the meaning between beelines was what it seemed to be he -.well, but, of course, after all, she did not mean that. But she was ab- solutely wrong about Kellogg. Kel- logg was not at fault. He was a fine fellow and a friend acrd any scbeme which involved forcing him out of the superintendency must not he con- sidered for a moment. He must make her see that. Ile must contrive an excuse for getting to Orham for that Ontario. . 3004-tf DR, A. NEWTON-BRADY Graduate Dublin University,Ire- 4 land. Late Extern Assistant Master 1 Rotunda Hospital for Women and 1 Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hours: 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m:. Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-23 1 DR. F. J. BURR1OWS Office and residence Goderich Street, east of the United Church, Sea - forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the 1 Ceunty, of Huron. DR. C. MACKAY I C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medalist 'of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. I DR. H. HUGH ROSS i Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago Royal Ophthalmis Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office -Back of Do- 1 minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. . I DR. J. A. MUNN Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ity, Chicago, III. Liaentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., Seaforth. 'Phone 151. Dia F. J. BEalfELY • Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea- • forth. Phones: Office, 185 W; resi- dence, 185J. • CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B,A.Sc., (Tor.), 0.L.S., Registered Prafessional En- gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Institute of Can- ada. Office, Seaforth, °keel°. AUCTIONEERS THOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the ounties of Huron and Perth. Correspondence arrangements for sale dates can be made by calling The Exposit* Office, Seaforth. Charges moderate, a n 41 satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 302. . 1.. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Nee tional School for Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing markets. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone : 18-93. 2866-52 R. T. LUKER Licensed auctioneer for the County Of Huron. Sale e attended to in all parts of the county. Seven years' ex- perience in Manitoba and Saskatche- wan. Terms reasonable. Phone No. 178 r 11, Eiteter, Centralia P. 0., R.R. No. 1:" Orders left at The alurert Ex - Posit* Office, Seaforth, promptly at- •Onded to. _ "long talk." sr Phinney household was the reason for the extension of time and the happy fatier played that relay* for all it was worth. . But the men expected their Ciirest- MS mail and boxes before the boll- dayand, as Peleg was not going to Orham at the time, someone ejse, they felt, should go. So' Calvin,' seizing the opportunity, intimated to Baltlett that lie hada few necessary errands which should be done and the keeper gave him permission to make the trip providing he got back 'before supper that same afternoon. Philander Jar - so I had to look sweet and pretend 1 liked it. ,Silly thing! Deliver me from eoft-headed old men. And the Married ones or the widowers are the worst. , I only wish that old -maid sis- ter of his could have seemthe way he looked at me. . . . Well, what are you making{ signs about? ' What's the matter with you?" . Then followed a brief silence -sil- ence as far as the visit* in the sit- ting -room was concerned: Then Miss Fuller said "Oh!" and followed it with "My goodness!" But there were no traces of ill tem - vis was aid up with an attack of per when She ran in* greet her lov- er. And she was so pretty and so vivacious, and her expression of joyful surprise were so flattering, her wel- coming "hug and kiss so intoxicating; that Calvin, -whose, opinion of Mr. Blodgett -an opinion founded upon the latter's local reputatien-was any- thing' but favorable - forgot his momentary resentment. She closed the door witheelaborate and playful carefulness, and they sat together once more upon that ancient sofa. There was so much to say, so Myra declared, and such a provokingly short time to say it in. Wasn't he going fi stay for supper and the evening? Oh, he must; she had to go back to that horrid school right after dinner and -just think -they hadn't seen each other for ages. And so on. It was pleasant, and as wonderful as ever. But when he explained that he had promised Captain Bartlett to be back at the station ley supper -time, the young lady's smile vanished. "Promise!" she repeated scornfully. "You don't have to keep a promise to ahat man, I hope. What right has he got to ask favors of you?" ' It WAS not a favor asked, but an order given, so Homer explained. The explanation did not help greatly. "The idea of his giving you orders! He! You ought to be the one to give orders down there. And aou will be giving -them before long. Tell me, how is he getting on with the men? They hate him, I know that." 'Calvin turned:to look at her. "You know they hate him?" he repeated. "Why, who said they did?" "Ellis Badger for one. He told me lots of things. 11-Iie was up here on liberty, you know, a little while ago, and I made it my business to see him. At first he wouldn't say much, he was afraid to, I guess; -the poor thing doesn't dare call his. soul his own when he is within a mile of home. But I ,was ever so nice to him" -she laughed at the recollection -"and be- fore we finished our talk he told me all lig knew. That wasn't too much, for be doesn't know more than enough to get out of his own way, but told me how 'mad the crew were because you had been slighted and Bartlett made keeper. He said every man was on your side, and would do anything to help .you. Of course I couldn't speak plainly -4 wouldn't have him guess what I was up to for the world -but I think I dropped some hints that will do good. From what he said I don't imagine that Bartlett will have the smoothest time that ever was. We'll see hat he doesn't, won't we? And now tell me; what have you done . . . ? Why do you look at me like that? What is, it?" He was regarding her uneasily. All this sounded like confirmation of the meaning he had at first fancied la between the lines of her letter, and •which he had dismissed as impossible. Even now he could not believe she really meant it. She could not expect him to - en came a discreet knock at the d nd Mrs: 'Fuller called to an- nou that dinner was ready. The meal was by no 'miens a bad one, in spite of Sarepta's profuse adologies for its "picked -upness." Homer would not have noticed if it had been. Hie dppetite was not hearty just. then. Myra had not said much, it is true, but she had •said enough to trouble him greatly. The consciousness of impending crisis was strong upon him. And back once more in the sitting - room, with the door closed, she re- peated her question. What had he done at the station since the new keeper came? He hesitated. "Done?" he. said. "Why, I have done my regular work, of course." "Oh, I knew," impatiently. "You have to do that, or pretend to. But what else have you done -to help our plan?" He looked at her and then looked away again. "I'M not sure that I know just what you mean," he said. This was not true; he was beginning., to fear that he did know only two well. She laughed incredulously and toss- ed her head. "Rubbish!" she exclaimed. 'Of course you know. I mean what are you doing to help yourself -to help us -down there? I haven't done much yet, I haven't really begun, but I have done something. I gave Ellis- Badger -oh, if he wasn't such a fool! - as brook' hints as I dared about Bartlett's being unfit to be keeper, and how With each appearance she was a peoplei felt about it, and how no one trifle more ornamental. The wrapper expected him to get on with the crew vanished, and was replaced by a be- and that no one blamed them for not coming gown. Her hair was neatly paying attention to 'what he said. I arranged, and it must have been told him -l' said he mustait breathe a Homer's fancy which had deemed it word to anyone., but of course he will scanty, for now there was an abund- and I meant him to -that everybody worth while here in Orham expected anHcee. was alone when he heard Myra's Bartlett to fail, and was only waiting step on the walk. The sitting -room to see it happen. And I praised you door was slightly ajar, and he heard to the skies -not out and out, I had her enter -also her mother's greet- too much sense for that --but in a ing. roundabout way, and he agreed with "W'hy, Myra, Where have you been? every bit of it. Oh, be will tell the cried Mrs. Fuller: "You're as much others. You see if he doesn't. And as ten minutes late." it will help a )ot. ,Now I want to Myra% reply was tart in its im- know about aou. Are you keeping patience. yourself in the front of everything. as "Oh, I had to stop and listen to you promised me you would?" that ninny of a Ezra Blodgett," she "I 8M doing my work as Numb* explained. "Re didn't really have a One. . : . And I am Making the thing to say, but he is rich and is go- men do theirs." ing to be on the comMittee 'next year IShe cried out, sharply. "But you lumbago, and his catboat was idle, so Homer and 'Phinney borrowed it. The morning was mildeend hazy and the wind •light but fair: Tfib, pair got an early start and landed at the Or - ham wharf before ten. Josh wished his comrade a merry Christmas and hurried up to the shops to baby small presents for a large family. Calvin waited until' he was out of sight and then walked away ih the general di- rection of the Main Road. He, too, intended.visiting those shops, but his errand was entirely personal to him- self -and one other. After a perplexing half hour in the store of Laban Bassett, "Jewellery, Silver, Notions and Fancy Articles, Watches and Clocks Repaired," he at last bought a ring which cost more than he could afford, but which Laban assured him was "the newest and Most stylish thing out." With this, neatly boxed and in his pocket a pocket now otherwise very nearly empty -he left the Main Road and, walking across the fields, came out upon the West Main Road close to its juncture with the Neck Road. Into the latter he turned, and, a few min- utes later, into the gateway of the Fuller home. Ille fondly imagined himself unobserved. But he was not; Nellie Snow was watching him, so al- so was her mother. To be unobserv- ed in Orham was then, as it is now, almost an impossibility, especially' in the winter months. Mrs. Fuller answered his) knock. She was in her morning wrapper and her hair was somewhat disarranged. Altogether her appearance was in marked contrast to what it had been on the occasign of his former visit, and she seemed quite aware of the fact. If Calvin had been of a critical turn of mind he might have consider- ed her expression, when she opened the door, and saw lilm standing there on the step, not one of overwhelming joy. She colored, frowned and was evidently 'embarrassed. But he, too, was embarrassed so he did not notice these things. And her confusion was but momentary. She was so glad to see him. And so surprised. Myra had not told her he was coming. He explained that his visit was unpremeditated and asked if Myra was in. Why no, she was not -she was at school. The vacation dial not begin until ,the following day ; he had forgotten that? He had, of course, and apologized. Oh, that was all right. It didn't make a bit of difference. Myra would be at home for dinner, and he must come right in and visit. Oh yes. he must. And he would dine with them? So he entered the house and Mrs. Fuller, still protesting her pleasure in seeing him and lamenting over the dinner and begging his pardon for "looking so like fury" because she hal not had a minute to change her clothes relieved him of his hat and coat, ush- ,ered him into the sitting -room and departed, tucking up the stray fringes of her hair as she went. Calvin was vaguely conscious that that hair did not seem to be as plentiful as when he last saw it. Left alone in the sitting -room, with the haircloth set and, the portraits of the departed, he waited. His hostess bobbed in and out occasionally, to ask questions concerning affairs at the station, or to deliver an item of local gossip. She would have talked much concerning the Bartlett appointment, but he was diseouragingly silent on that point. She declared' it to be a sin and a shame, and that everybody was saying soe-"Everybody that a- mounts to anything, that is;" she add- ed, with a somewhat tart emphasis. 'There's a few that pretend to believe Kellogg did the best he could, but they don't say it when we're around. Cap'n Ziba, here at the curner, was standing up for the Kellogg man the other day and Myra heard him. She told him what she thought of it, you better be sure of that. Myra says Cap'n Ziba's all right enough -she and' the cap'n are nice and friendly - but it's that daughter of his -7 that Nellie Snow -she can't bear. So many of the here in Orham are jeal- ous of My'ra. She gets along real well with the men -the school com- mittee now, she can do anything she wants to with them,' but some of the women and girls are hateful as they can be. Just jealousy, that's all it is. They can't stand superiority, and Myra is superior. I guess you think she is, don't you, Calvin? Ha, ha!" And on the second day before Christmas the excuse came. There were supplies, in the way of holiday "extras,,' to be brought down fron) the village, and there were also pres- ents and libristmas boxes waitihg there at the express office and poet office. Josh Phinney was the lucky man who was to have liberty on Christmas Day, but Josh had receiv- ed permission from Bartlett to remain overnight. An expected baby in the )42 or4; 1014. y 4,14, 09 *Wit, atflhory • vtAgil 'IffifYrielc *fag Iwg.et4or: r.914011k;tt,jais'bir!,IrelarAltthegattgYrt.19.414. 'Sayer' everthing tag goes wrenee will be, fc.r so mu eb the worse for hii and s9 haaine?; ' anich better for you: Den't Yee see, `kValidaee•24),•e40314. dear? Oh, you roust eeel"' !whieperede ,1 a • „..,1 He drew saw. long Tim crisis had arrived. groaned 4.47aalp a breath. "You mean," lie asked elewly, "that , •111 mut fear , you don't want things at the, station lie stammered caekingly '4"`I togo; right?" "Why, of course! The wore e they. misne:t.buLout;ret adcolptifeteviaeyptiii4, go thesooner there will be a thane. made stubboru 1gaese. e, . e,. Kellogg will have to put him out and I clen't nate what 'is the matter wat you will get the appointment. That lee, is what we both want, what we are be kissed aim. "1 do," she dealer, - both 'working for, isn't it?" ed. "You're just a dew', sweet inn,Q- He did not answer. She was re- cent boy, who is so honest himself garding him now and she leaned for- ward to see his face. "Well? What ails you?" she de- manded crisply. "W'hy don't you say something? Look at me." He turned 'then and looked, but his look did not please her. "Calvin," she. cried, "what is the matter with you? What are you think- ing . . . ? Has something hap- pened that you haven't told me about." tH shook his head. "No," he an- swered. "Nothing,has happened. I- I-- See here, Myra, you don't ex- pect me 'not to play straight with Cap'n Martlett, do' you?"' "Captain! For mercy's sake, don't you call him captain. And what do you mean by playing straight?" "Why -why, working against him, b hind his back, with -with the men, ind all that. You wouldn't want me tcr do that?" . 4 "Why wouldn't I? Has he played straight, as you call it, with', you?" "Yes, I guess he has. It isn't, his fault that they made him keeper -not really, it isn't:" "Nonsense! Of course it is. He knew well enough that you 'should have the place. But he schemed and planned until he sneaked in. The mis- erable, contriving-" "Now, now, Myra. He isn't con- triving. He wouldn't know how to be. He's just -well, simple, sort of. And queer. I kind of pity him some- times. Honestly I do." Miss Fuller moved away from him on the sofa. Her eyes were spark- ing now, but the sparkle could hard- y be called a love -light. "Pity him!" she cried shrilly. "Pity him! Calvin Homer, are you crazy?" "No -o, I guess not. No more crazy han usual. But, you see, Mra, I do pity him. He's so-so all alOne. He must know the men don't like him. hink he realizes, in a way, that he vouldn't be liked by most people. He talks to me more than he does the 'est. I don't know why, unless it is, because -because-" ''Because he is trying to keep you friendly, of course. Hie knows you could make trouble for him -and ought to -and he is smart enough to make up to you and head that trou- ble off. If he can soft soap you, why, he thinks you will help him 'with the men -and the superintendent. It is plain enough. I shouldthink any fool could see that." Calvin shifted uneasily. "It isn't that, Myra," he declared. "You have not seen him. You haven't heard him talk. If you had you would know that he couldn't so'ft soap anybody - Oh, I don't like him especially "I should hope not!" "But I cleriZt hate him, or anything like that. And -and, honest, Myra, I don't like the idea of working under- hand against him while he is my skip- per. It doesn't seem fair to me." "It is just as fair as he has been to you -yes, and fairer. Can't you see this is a fight for your rights? Are you going to knuckle down and let him walk all over you? What ails you? Haven't you any fight in you?" "I guess I have. But that kind of fitght isn't square. Men -decent men -don't fight that way. If it was a air, stand-up scrap I could---" "Oh, don't be so ridiculous! And how about being fair to me? You are going to be my husband some day. I tell you here and now, I don't intend to marry a man who is con- tented to play. second fiddle in a life- saving station. You and I promised each other to work ever and ever so hard for each other. You were go- ing to try in every way to push your- self forward and I was going to help you. And I ain doing my part. What have you done? Nothing - except make friends with the very person who stands most in our way. Is that fair to mer Calvin Ieisitated. His ;resolution was as strong as ever, but the ques- tion made a certain appeal to his sense of justice. After all, she had been planning and working to help him. And they had promised to work and plan for each other. At the time when the promise was made he had had no clear idea of its meaning - surely' not of any such meaning as hers must have been -but she, „per- haps, thought he had: And always with him was the conviction of her superiority, her beauty, her popular- ity, the incomprehensibility of her choosing him frotril her list of suitors. Fte shook his head. i"No," he admitted. "Maybe you're right, Myra-frorn your way of look- ing at it. Perhaps it isn't just fair to you. . . . I guess it isn't- But-" ' "But what? . . ,• ?Go on!" "But I -I can't -it seems as if I couldn't.play politics down there at Setuckit. And such dirty back -door too."politics, "Thank you for the I'm sure." "Oh. I don't mean you see it .that way. I know you don't. But I can't see it any other And I can't do it, that's all. . •. I just can't." 'She rose from the sofa. The fire in her eyes was ominous. "You can't?" she answered. "That means you won't, 1 take it." 'He nodded, wretchedly. "I hate to have you put it that way," he said. "But I can't do what you want me to, Myra." "'Indeed. . . I suppose I do . . . I am sorry. It isn't your fault. • It's mine, 1 guess. . . . I'm afraid it was all a mistake, anyway your taking a fellow like me." She made no answer to this conies- tt1 compliment, that he thinks everyone else is the same. And he needs someone to leek after' him, doesn't he Yes, headoes. And he has Soineone, only he mustn't he cross to 'her and he must pay at- tention when she tries to help him, because she knows beat. . . . And now we won't quarrel any more, will we? We won't say another -word a- bout the old life-saving station. 'We'll sit here on the sofa and talk about no one but just our very selves." And they did, Miss Fuller doing, most of the talking. The station, nor Bartlett, nor her plans, nor the sharp difference a ,opinion concerning .them, were mentioned at all. And when he attempted to mention them she would not let him do so, but whispered that he must not be naughty any more - and wasn't he ever and ever so hap- py? Of course he said he, was -hut even as he said it, a disturbing doubt returned to trouble him. When the time came for •her to go back to the school he walked with het - es far as the turn of the Main Road. There they separated. The real fare- wells had, of course, been said in the Fuller sitting -room; this public part- ing was but +a casual handshake and good-bye, for the benefit! of watchful Orham. ilia called at the post office, the ex- press office and the grocery store. The various boxes and heavy packages he arranged to have sent to the wharf in the groce's delivery wagon. And towards that wharf he strolled, medi- tating deeply. He took the longest way, over the fields and around the two-mile curve of the Shell Road. There was plenty of time -he must wait until the grocer's boy came -and meanwhile he did not care to meet ac- quaintances. He wanted to be alone -'and think. 1Hle had foreseen a crisis and that crisis had come -and burst -and then apparently was -not. But had it gone, definitely and for ever, or was it mere- ly waiting around the next corner, ready to jump at him later on? Had Myra been convinced that she was wrong and he was right, and would she hereafter be contented' to let mat- ters at Setuckit take their regular course, trusting to luck and his own hard work to bring him promotion and advancement, there or else- where? Knowing her and her ambi- tions he could scarcely believe it. She had yielded for the time -or, at least, .had refused to let him go -but had she actually given up one iota of her schemes fo ousting Bartett-and Kel- logg? And wouldn't she continue to "play politics" and do her best to make him play them too? He would not play them -he was as resolute as ever on that point -but would she un- derstand that and not keep trying? He went over their recent disagree- ment and reconciliation word for word and he could not remember that she had said anything, which indicated re- linquishment of her designs. If she meant to go on, then the final settle- ment between them had been only postponed. Nothing at all was really settled. He almost wished it had been. If she had bade him go and never speak to her again -well, then at least his trouble would have been present and tangible. He would have known the worst and could face it, whereas now it was clouding his whole future, like a fog bank, with all sorts of possible perils behind it. • He wished it was over and done with. He wished - Then he awoke to a realization of what he was wishing and felt asham- ed of himself. He swore aloud, jam- med his hands into his pockets and one of them came in contact with a small, square package. It was the package containing the ring he had bought of Laban Bassett that forenoon. He had meant it as an engagement ring and a Christmas present combined. The distrssing scene in the F'uller sitting -room had driven all thought of it from his mind. He had actually forgotten to give it to her. Now he ' knew there was something the matter with him. • ' ; „ „.• e , , 'fr• 4 7 171‘, od‘ 4 46, e was the to81. of the life -$411 tioilthipti°vde it t4-vi%lshast141:0cw710'1V:1 but.he The hresze h$ died a1osertir� there was scarcely enough left ta, steerage way. If lie was to' th good his promise Bartlett and 7: baek to the station, before euppea • lmesusstthstearetrinadt fr°ueeeelienIked,exithtehetagia' barely make it. He heard the rattle of a cart' On the road below, and to his left and, tam,: • ' ing, saw the grocer's wagon approeela ing. That was good; he would. not be kept waiting for bis Christmas freight. The cart was a covered af- fair and he Gould not see the packages. ' • and boxes, but of course they were. there. There seemed to he two per- sons on the driver's seat. He did not stop to look lenger;.it was the .aone tents of the vehicle, not its passen- gers, Which iisterested lam. He left - the road, vaulted the rail fence and hurried down through the bay -berry' and beach -plum bushes to the lancling. The cart reached there before he -a.• did and was drawn up at the outer end of the wharf, only its rear show- ing beyond the walls of the fish -house. Jimmie Kelley, the grrisr s hoy, a chubby youth of seven:Pen, was on - loading the bundles and boxes and pil- ing them on the planks at his feet. Among them, to Homer re surprise was a leather suit -case. Jimmie heard his approach and greeted him with a grin ('Continued next week.) WIT AND WISDOM • Laziness is one of man's most pleasant afflictions. -Glasgow Herald. Perhaps the trouble is not so much the hardness of the times as the soft- ness of the people. --Buffalo Courier - Express. • Overproduction of cigarettes ap- pears to be the only uneconomic error that is consistently offset by overcon- sumption. -Washington Post. 'Mussolini decrees that the names Of all persons arrested in Italy must be published in the newspapers. Still, we suppose, now and again they can be misspelled. -Border Cities Star. France propose a "world army" to enforce the league of nations orders. Now somebody may propose another army to make the "world army" be good. -The South Bend Tribune. Mere bereavement should never be the excuse for biography. -Mr. PlhiI- ip .GuedaRa. LONDON AND WING:HAM' South. Wingham Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Brucefield Kippen Hensall Exeter CHAPTER VI His first moVe, after realization of his criminal forgetfulness, was to look at his watch. Was there time in which to return to the Fuller home and leave the ring? Scarcely - and yet he could do it if he hurried. But Myra would not be there, she was at school, and Sarepta had said some- thing about going, to sewing circle: If he ran he might reach there before she left, :but what, would the neigh- bors think if they saw him galloping up to the door as if he were going to a fire? The idea of visiting the schoolhouse and facing a 7btagade of sniggering youngsters waaallot ten- able. He could not present the ring in person, he must send ft by a mes- senger -if he could find one. Wide awake now and' with the thought of that messenger foremost in his mind, he walked briskly on. As he climbed the hill where the Shell Road emerges from the pines beyond the big swamp, and came in sight of the bay, he realized that be had lin- gered too long. The morning blame-. a 'haze More befitting 'a day in May than December -bad become Mule - thing more definite and disturbing. The Whole westera horizon was piled 'high with fog. The mainland of ,the Cape beyond Denboro was gone, the beach ended just part tfarniss. Set- ucleit was still rvisible--that is, he ceuld see the speck which he cn • North. Exeter Hensall Kippen BC1ri uncteofineld Londesboro Blyth WBeiingrghavame C. N. R. East. Goderich Holmesville Clinton e . Seaforth St. Columban Dublin Dubin St. Columban Seaforth Clinton • . Holmesville Goderich West. p.ra. 2.05 2.22 2.83 2.40 3.08 326 3.33 3.39 3.53 10.59 11.12 11.18 11.27 11.53 12.16 12.23 12.33 12,4' a.m. p.m. 6.35 2.40 6.50 2.56 6.58 3.05 7.12 3.21 7.18 - 8.2'T 7.23 3.32 11.24 9.17 11.29 11.40 9.80 11.55 9.44 12.05 9.53 12.20 10.10 C. P. R. TIME TABLE East. a.m. Goderich .. 5.50 Menset 5.55 McGaw . 6.04 Aubuan • 6.11 Myth ‘.7. 6.26 Walton 6.40 McNaught ' • a 6.52 Toronto ' 10.26 West. • adaet• Toronto . ...... .:. r :4 McNaught ...1.• eli ' l• Walton• ,4 ,t. . 0 ..... 6 • •, B1tb •••••i•if klibUrn . , late sea it *••44.... , t•b• 1,, Godrid* ...4 • • .1i • 19,0i • ti •