HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-18, Page 6art
a gov emnent like iliie, , ,' e
went on to point out that the =nee'
were to reopen' the next Monday.The
miners wanted to know' what they
were going to live on in the meantime
and how they were going to buy keit
powder (the miners have to pay for
their own explosives) when they did
set to work again. The Governor
read them the Constitution and ex-
plained that it did not authorize him
to do anything for them. He said
that the government was a business
institution and had to be conducted a-
long lines that safeguarded the•inter-
ests of all citizens.•"'I am," he con-
cluded, "turning over $10 of my own
money to your presiding officers."
.. t the courthouse the marchers
met with better success: the country
raised some truckfuls of food. When
the mines reopened, not everybody
was taken back. And soon after,
evictions began. As I write, two doz-
en families are being put out at Ward.
You can see the,men from the com-
pany store dangling their legs from
the back of the company truck, as
they wait for the constable. to evict
one of the' families; further along the
road, another family is sitting en the
ground in the shade of a small tree
beside a pile of furniture. They have
been -brought a safe distance from
the settlement.. so that they won't be
able to move back. In carrying the
tenants away the company has gone
beyond its rights. The road at least
is supposed• to be public property, and
the company has no authority to drive
other people's furniture off. Yester-
day some of the young men got sore
and, stopped a truck and brought a
load of furniture back. The constable
was afraid something worse would
happen next day, so he had a warrant
served and arrested five men on the
charge of interfering with an officer
in tele performance of his duty.
Now the people at Ward are sorer
than ever. Many of them have lived'
there all their lives, and • they' are dis-
mayed at being treated like chickens
to be casually dumped out of their
coops. They are People; they have
nailed 'possum skins to their doors.
trained ramblers over their houses.
The women, with thin bare legs, sit
on their porches like other women on
hat afternoons. The men are good-
humored, straightforward.Southern-
ers, old-fashioned Americans so much
in the tradition of backwoods inde-
pendence that it is almost impossible
to realize that they have been reduc-
ed to the condition of serfs.
Lately leaders trained in the strikes
of ten years ago, have become active
amgng them again. The miners hail.
the . organizers as wrecked men hail a
ship. They are men and the organ-
izers are men. Arid the operators—
who are they? They are corporations,
interests, holding companies, stock-
holders, boards of ' directors. The
miners never see an operator. The
operators merely send out orde from
Cleveland or Pittsburgh. or icage
that wages have to be cut, an they
leave the, rest to the superintendent,
who tries to make good to • the oper-
stars by paying the payroll down fur-
ther—if necessary, by shortweighting
the men. The only thing people know
certainly about the operators is that
they are engaged in cutthroat compe-
tition with each other and that some
of them are going bankrupt. Even
at that they can't sell their coal.
Rfi OIL"
ow MeralryMade
. a process which
not only revolutionizes
petroleum refining, but
which is'also a distinct
contribution o sc
oaaluen races trembled in their eaves
•ancl leafy' dens, lolling their worlds
with fears more deadly than the great
beasts ef' the times, were these vague
MI ghostly awes but ignorance, the
preduet of the beast -man's terrors of
the night.? .., This aniimisti faith of
which purr scientific sophist write, the
earliest religious urge that mere phil-
Qs ophy' can. , find, is it, ' as nowadays
some say, but just a first step toward
the man-made gods:? With woody
thoughts our devotees'of facts study
the woody facts :of brush and forest
growth; hut they will be the first to
tell you that ljfe'is not so found. Life
meets with life and only thus is
known. 'Rightly, of old days, our dim
forebears trusted to the lives their
own lives 'vaguely sensed. Rightly
they peopled all the solitudes with
growing souls of growing things.
Sitting in the shadow of this hoary
fir an eerie •sense .of companionship
takes hold upon me. I am not the
only soul brooding here, waiting for a
transformation. ' Around' the trunk or
through it, up from the grounded
roots or down from the thin foliage,
there Mast be a brown face peering
at me. . .. 'Ah, but that is only'
my human fancy. In reality no com-
panionship exists, and only the kin-
ship of travellers far apart on the
dusty road of life. No dryad of yes-
terday dwells here over me. The Hel-
lene gods are too youthful for this
ancient trunk. The old goods of Pine
and Pinnacle aro of a more austere
breed. If I am to fancy the spirit
of the fir I must think of the Indians,
who worshipped it, and of the myster-
ious races whose souls were even
more closely akin to nature, and of
the hairy and silent men of the caves,
whom the tree's impersonal spirit vag-
uejj,r remembers:
The Snake Farm at Salo
The Hopi Indians give their remark-
able Snake Dance in our Southwest,
and along the Ganges I have seen the
natives charm hooded cobras by the
spell of a reed pipe, but it was a
Negro working for Brazilian doctors
who showed me the acme of skill and
courage in dealing with sakes and
who let me know that even deadly
snakes can he .used. to save human
Somewhat breathlessly I watched
the barefooted man elate over the
low stone wall into -the enclosure,
where deadly jararacas crawled in and
out of concrete igloos. One of the
snakes coiled as the Negro approach-
• ed. The man kept on until he was a
foot short of the distance the snake
could strike. Almost carelessly he
prodded the snake -with a fork. The
jararaca struck, only to fall just a bit
short of tie Negro's bare feat. Be-
fore he could coil to strike main the
forked iron end of the cane had set-
tled over the triangular head, and
the attendant was bending down to
grasp the wriggling reptile.
A doctor on the outside of the en-
-closure handed over a glass receptacle
covered with cheesecloth, and the' Ne-
gro, pressing the poison. glands on
each side of the snake's head, forced
from the long hollow fangs the yel-
low venom that dripped through the.
cheesecloth. That poison, I was told,
`Would be used to make serums for the
inoculation of animals and inn
against the bites of other jararacas.
One after another the Negro caught
the ugly, aggressive reptiles, whose
fangs can penetrate anything but the
thickest leather, and extracted from
them 'the .poison accumulated in the
•15 days since they had been "milk -
fed." 'For much serum is needed by
the Brazilian government in its fight
against the snakes. Brazil ranks
next to India in thedeath rate from
reptile poisoning, nd the Instituto
Butantan is the government's one
nie'ans of defense.
Here, in what English and Ameri-
cans call "Ihe Snake Farm," at Sao
Paulo are. collected snakes from all
sections of the largest country in
South America. A national law re-
quires anyone to ship to the farm
from the place of capture all venom-
ous snakes Arid any new species of
l`ee`r eenornou's snakes. Deadly snakes.
rviil not eat its' captivity, and die in
appee dnt'ately sin months. To keep
teethe tree supPIy needed for serum about
2f1':.rsnakest arrive eaclv,d'ay, transport -
tree by the railroads. .
"Ns ttirally', the jeb of opening the
Mail is rather e* titing but net sought
fa"ftert'�, sand nay. friend, 'Senor' f'xoyaz,
1i overfed e.±tt'�ber .plantation on the
: Lixta do ,arid who' had fteited• urs
i ' a
Oat* with,iiim `when
l ' a'blit '10, et aeirti & ' :
was ��ta t+`ted> en a hobs
l Beiteil, eta* an o.d
i : '4. Jarlerrb, e
hy' 'cafe .$high lir
rail due ' lir
snake bite. He began collecting pois-
onous snakes, native to his country,
studying the effects of their venom
and producing anti -venom serums to
.fight it. This' serum he shipped for
a small fee to the snake -infested ar-
eas of Brazil. In this 'way he main-
tained his farm until the Brazilian
government took it over.
The snakes to be avoided in South
America, Senor Goyaz told us, belong
to two great snake families called
"colubrine" arca "viper." ' The "ring"
cc "coral" snakes are the only colu-
brines in South America. The major-
ity of vepomous snakes belong to the
viper family. In this group are rat-
tlesnakes and the aggressive jararac-
as. The latter are very numerous'in
Brazil, abhich accounts for the many
deaths caused by them. For the colu-
brine no anti -venom serum has been
found as yet, but the Snake Farm is
waging'a winning fight against the
At the Snake Farm there are sev-
eral concrete buildings—laboratories,
offices and homes for the staff — and
mgrouped around them a numbs': of
ake pens; half -spherical cement ig-
loos like miniature Eskimo icehouses
sonke four feet high inclosed in sec-
tions by low walls and moats. Look-
ing over the wall into this pen we
saw hundreds of snakes basking in
the warm sunshine.
As well as manufacturing serums
for snakebite; the a nstituto Butan-
tan also breeds and distributes the
natural enemy of the jararaca, — a
Brazilian snake called the mussur-
ama. This useful reptile is black and
from five. to eight feet long. To man-
kind its bite is not deadly. It lives
on other snakes—by preference pois-
onous ones. It can also be fed and
thrives in captivity. -
' For our benefit the attendant start-
ed a snake -eating contest. Into the
compound' of the mussuramas he
threw a jararaca about four feet long.
A black snake' sprang at him, .. and
feeling with his tongue to see if he
was alive, knotted himself around the
viper so closely that, except for their
difference in color, they appeared to
be one , snake. The viper opened his
hugs mouth, displaying his erect
fangs on the upper jaw, wriggled' a-
round and 'bit savagely into the back
of the black snake until the yellow
venom ran down its scales.
The jararaca could neither tear
with his teeth nor crush with his coils,
the poison was all he had for defente.
And the black snake was immune to
bis venom! 'Gradually the black
snake coiled himself around his en-
emy's head, carefully protecting his
own head in another fold, until he.
caught the jaw of the viper in his
mouth. The poisonous snake's eyes
still gleamed wickedly, 'but he was dy-
ing.Chewing hard the blaek snake
began crunching his enemy's head fiat
by pressrir`e of his powerful mouth,
twisting'hlVnself around trteanwbile so
as to break the viper's spinal column.
'Whet the jararaca', head was
crushed, tele black snake be'ga�i swal-
lowife ilia' ooppa ent heed first by
cr v'lifrg outside 'hint. the y once in
a while he wriggled his body appar- 1
ently to increase his capacity. Aside1
from that he just masticated steadily,
and in five minutes after the swallow-
ing had begun, we saw the white tail,
of the jararaca disappear down the
throat of the black snake. Satisfied,
our black cannibal crawled placidly
off to his igloo- to sleep off his ban-
'Down the hill beyond the stables
where the' animals were kept to be
injected with the poison and produce
serum, we found the museum of the
Instituto Butantan. In this building
exhibits taught how to gaard against
snake -bite and how to use the differ-
ent serums. , In glass cases were ar-
ranged bottles containing specimens
Df the yellow venom of the iararaca;
the smaller quantity, but more dread-
ly, white venom of the rattlesnake,
and poison of other reptiles.
"I keep every known serum at the
plantation," Senor Goyaz told us. "If
my workman can describe the snake
that has bitten him and comes to me
in time, 'I can usually cure him with
rhe serum for that particular serpent.
Pat if he was too frightened to re-
member the snal:e, I can only inject
him with the general remedy, which
is nc,t as effective."
A few days before he had left his
plantation to come to •Sao Paulo, Senor
Goyaz went on to say, a child was
brought to him who had been bitten
two hours previously. She was al-
ready blind and suffering horribly. Put
she managed to give him a descrip-
tion of the snake, He' recognized the
serpent and 'irij•ected the Instituto's
serum for the jararaca:' When Senor
Goyaz left for Sao Paulo, the child
was running around his plantation—
The people who work at Ward live
in little flat yellow houses on stilts
that look like chicken houses. • They
seem Mean and flimsy on the sides of
the magnificent mountains. Througb
the middle of the mining settlement
runs a road' with, on one side, a long
row of obsolete coal care and, on the
other, a meager trickle of a creek
with bare yellow banks. There are
800 or so families at Ward,, two or
three in most of the houses and eight
ot ten children in most of the famil-
ies. ,And they arena much prisoners
as if 'they did hicleed live in a chicken
yard with a fence around thetn.
Ward is situated in a narrow val-
ley which runs back among the.West
Virginia hills. Tbe Kelly's Creek Col-
liery Companye owns Ward and the
Paisley intereste own Mammeth, an-
other settlement further back in the
hollow where the houses .are not even
painted yellow and where the standard
of living loWee than at Ward. The
peeele Who live in these hotises mine
coal from the They .work froro
8 to 12' hours a day and get from
$2.60 to $8 fer it. They get paid not
hi United' tates currency, but in
chicken -feed Apecially eoined the
companies—little fake aluminum coins
--thin anti light and some of them
with holes in the middle like the de-
based French currency at the end of
the war. Even Andrew Mellon, who
cwns one of the mines in this field,
pays his men in this imitation money.
The goods sold at -the company store,
which is the only place where the min-
ers can trade, are sold so mucro dearer
than at the private stores only three
miles away that the miners are never
tide to come closer than 60 per cent.
t' getting their money's worth. If
they go out to the nearest little town
and .cash their company money at a
loss 'and buy some goods at a private
store, they are quickly laid off.
Nor are the people who work at
Ward able to save and try to do bet-
ter elsewhere. When they get paid
at the end of every fortnight, it is
for the work of the fortnight before.
From this pay -say $40—the fort-
nightly charges of the company for
:ent, gas, medical treatment, etc., are
deducted. This leaves about $24, .and
the bill at the company store turns
out just to equal the balance or a lit-
tle to exceed it. Rarely the miner
manages- to come out 50; or 60 cents
ahead. If he does, it is likely tb turn
out that he has run behind during the
last two weeks; or it may be that his
father or his son is in debt, and the
gain is transferred to the °thee ac-
count. If the company can ' find no
pretext for withholding the 50 or 60'
cents, the miner gets it in regular cur-
rency. As he is always getting paid
for his work of a fortnight ago. he is
always in debt to the company and al-
ways obliged to borrow money to get
through the fortnight ahead; and the
money which the company advances
him is always the imitation money.
, When times are hard, as they are
at present, the operators cut their
rates and make up the difference to
themselves and their stockholders by
getting more work for less pay out of
the, miners. They put in mechanical
cutters and lay off as many men as
they can. The first to go are men
over 45 and men who have been crip-
pled in the mines. Other defective
workmen are eliminated by means of
a medical examination. The result is
that the children at Ward sometimes
go without food and are sometimes so
naked that their mothers can't send
ahem to the union with orders for
About a month ago 1'50 miners de-
cided to appeal to the 'Governor. They
set out to march to Charleston, more
than 20 miles away. The Governor
received a delegation in front of a
filling station on the outskirts of the
city, and a sympathetic minister spoke
for the men. J ' ltold the Governor
that the miners had •ha tato work for
weeks and had nothing to eat. The
Governor replied' that he was very
sympathetic with the miners, that he
had once been a Miner himself. "What-
ever conditions May be now,' he said,
"we have the best gaverhlinlent ,Ort
earth. Wie have eliminated all class
Asti etions and' any Vit ttg no matter
how humble, may spntetirrres hold high
office. It Menne something to lien itt•
The tree stands on a slight knoll
overlooking its lake. It is the most
royal living thing of all the wilder-
ness, fit companion to the hills, fit
-friend of the deep waters, fit sentinel
and spokesman of the forest. Below
and about it green firs and spruces
are gathered as a congregation and
choir. Here, too, there are many
noble heads lifted, many ancient
trunks whose thick barks are mys-
terious with nature's hieroglyphics;
but not one to equal the silver fir,
where, up and over the vassal trees,
its white spire grows ever, loftier.
symbol and revelation of the upward
urge of life.
It is white, as with moonlight. Ev-
ery branch shimmers. Something of
the night, some mysterious essence of
the softer hours, clings to it even
when the sun shines. The peace, the
power and the majestic melancholy
of midnight possess it. Looking upon
it one thinks of the stars, end. of the
ages that will succeed the sun. It is
never altogether quiet. Though the
lower forest may rest and listen,
there is yet some movement in , the
crown of the fir, and when all the air
seems dead there steals down a flut-
ter, as if the tree were putting its
secrets into prayer. When the breez-
es freshen it is the first to take up
the song; its voice swells deeper, and
its resonant chords ,grow louder, and
always it can be heard like a thrum-
ming viol, lending the symphony of
the trees.
It was old with the Spaniards. They
passed under its shade when all the
land was canopied by trees as old and
as noble. But it outlasted its genera-
tigen. - New growths came, and came
again, and yet the stately fir crown-
ed its forest, patriarch and king.
What desires it had• I cannot dreath,
though I well know that it could not
have ,lived on without some sort ,of
longing, however far removed from
human hopes. It is never silent, nev-
er unaware of wind end weather,
night and day, but 'with myriad lips.'
praises something greater and more
enduring than itself. t'
It is Yesterday. Over its roots is
spread a Ibroad expanse of brown
loam, where ho grasses grow, but
only the aromatie'needles fall year by
year to make for it a bed where ope
day it will sleep. Stepping•into the
shadow of the fir. one feels as if with
a stride one head bridged the genera-
tions backdvard to far and heathen
times. There is something in the air
here, some occult influence, some tan-
gible effluence of the tree itself which
one feels as by some' sixth and un-
physical sense, but cannot translate
into words. It is as if unconscious
thought were here, a something less
than petsonal, with an instinct for an
individuality not as yet achieved.
Were the Oreek legends altogether
fabulous? Those cool, impersonal
thingt, half body acid half dream, com-
pact, of moonlight and man's instinc-
tine sense of something More in na-
ture, were they, after all, but menu-
faeturedl poents? Or When, before
the ttge• canscioua thought, yet
I t.y.�`
A- day's work finished. t But"
they are still fresh and bright.
They will tell you that the way
to keep fresh is tel keep your
mouth refreshed. The pure, cool
flavor of WRIGLEY'S refreshes '
the, mouth as note
ing else can.
X61• M�1
Whites May Absorb Whole
Negro Race
Goidwin Smith once remarked that
the greatest of all American problems
was the negro problem. He had no
idea that it ever could be, solved and
seemed to think it would probably in-
crease rather than, .de,crease as years
went on. But there seems to be r.
eossibility that in the course of time
it will be solved by the simple process
of the negroes becoming white. Of
come the individual Ethiopian can
'no more change his skin than in the
days of Ham. But the great -great -
r rendchild of a negro will be white if
on the other side of the parental tree
all the progenitors for those genera-
ticns have been white. He becomes
not only white so far as outward ap-
pearances are white, but legally white
or what is called fixed white. If he
marries a white woman there is no
possibility whatever that any of his
children will show a reversion to the
dark skin.• In • other words, if there
were no general prejudice on the part
of the whites against miscegenation
one hundred year hence there would
be no pure black negroes on this con-
tinent, and in another fifty years
there would be no cross breds show-
ing any 'sign of Senegainbian origin.
This process is now going forward,
and each year some thousands of Deo,
pre of mixed negro and white blood
Hass from negro into white ranks.
These are 'generally octoroons who in
most cases cannot be distinguished
?earn t•ure whites. Caleb' .Johnson,
writing in The Outlook, estimates the
number at 10.000, but of course, this
can be no more than a guess. In ad -
John Bull is Concerned
With convictions for drunkenness in
England and Wales showing an in-
crease for the first time in six years
—and that, too,. despite hard times and.
consequent augmentation of the ranks
of the unemployed—Students of Bri-
tain's booze problem are puzzled to
know what was the cause of this''lkpse
from grace of so many of their coun-
When times are bad and money
scarce the "drys" generally expect
fewer convictions for such offences..
But their deductions have gone awry.
There were 53,080 convictions in 1930.
as compared. with 51,996 in 1929. This
increase is the first to be noted since
1924. The culprit's included' 44,683
men and 9.397 women.
Among the suggestions put for-
ward to account •for this state of af-
fairs are the following: , .
The quickest, if only temporary,
way to forget economic troubles was
to get "lit -up."
The sale of "red' biddy" (composed
of the scourings of old port casks).
and other bootleg products in poor
tae fear • of detection. The negroes
who know of the transition take
pride in it and remain silent. The
whites, perhaps, do not know. Mr -
Johnson tells us that "only one or
two white persons and fewer. than' a
dozen negroes know that one of our
popular actresses is of negro descent.'.'
She has not married, because she
fears that her children might retreat
the negro ancestry of which no trace
is to be found in her own appear-
ance. It seems r asonable to sup-
pose that•there will be less and less
objection on the part,of a white
person to marrying an oet0000n or ar
mestee when the knowledge be-
comes general that'there is abso-
lutely no chance of a colored child:
It' is no doubt this fear which keeps
manyeaffectionate liaisons between .
members of the different races on the
plane +of illicit intercourse rather
being the offspring of such a union,.
theft holy wedlock.
tion to the bleached octoroons there s
is that class called the mestee,. Now The ,increased numbet of drinking
ranks vu. the W+Pl ucxu'NrvvYq lit
a mestee is the, offspring of an octor
non and a white parson—no, no, not
narson, person—and is • actually and
legally white. The product of a un-
ion between black and white is called
a mulatto. •The product of a mulatta
and another. white'is a quadroon, and
the offspring of a quadroon and a
white i, .an octoroon. The mestee is
white by every scientific test and is
so regarded' even in those states which
hair. laws against miscegenation.
When the mestee marries another
white there is no biological chance of
any but white babies being born,
and, of course, with each admixture
of white blood in the line up from
�� �ie mu 1Lto the chances of dark,
e.'.inned babies is lessened.
The fact is that the white is
dominant need the black recessive.
This has been established by the
laborious investigations of. Dr. Daven-
port of the Carnegie institution, who
has incidentally dispelled the bell=
that the white and black hybrid ' is
les fecund than either pure 'white
or pure black. This belief has given
rise to Al e hopeful theory that
eventually the negro race • will die
out because of growing infertility oc-
casioned by the increasing white
mixture, mid was probably. founded
on the false analogy of 'sterility of
hybrids. But the mulatto is not a
l •ybrid in the sense that a cross be --
twee.' a horse and an ass is a hybrid.
He is rather a mongrel in the sense
that a cross between an Irish terrier
and a foxterrier is a mongrel, no dis-
re;pc:t being intended by using the
word in this connection. Certainly
there ii no loss of' fertility in such
cross lneeedings. Indeed, in many
cases there has been noticed an in-
crease when' a .direct . outcross is
mode between two families of the
same species.
These crosses are proceeding all
Kane time with the result, as noted,
that perhaps 10,00e people of .negro
blood become whites each year. An-
other interesting factor in this pro-
gressi•on of the people of mixed blood
is sex attraction. It is a curious if
well established fact that the sex' at-
traction of a negro is for a wife
clubs where booze.,,can be pur'chased.
at lower prices than in ordinary
The stern view which • the law
takes .of cases where ' drivers of
meter vehicles have been nabbed
when "under the influence."
Nevertheless, it is a much more
temperate Britain to -day than it was
before the war, even' though the na-
tion's liquor bill remains almost
stabilized around• the bullion -dollar
mark. The worst year hi the last
twenty was 1913, when the. convr'ctionst
for drunkenness rase to 188,877 and
the country had a much smaller popu-
lation than it now has. But not only
was the price of liquor then lower, its
strength was higher. A "shot" of
good whiskey in 1913 cost 6 cents; a
drink of similar size and much lower
in gravity would cost to -day between
50 and 60 cents.
' In that period of English drinking
history the workingman could often
afford to indulge in It "shot" of hard
liquor and take; a pony of beer as a
chaser. The incurable inebriate could
even acquire 'an overpowering load
for the expenditure of a shilling (25
cents) in squalid pubs on a concoction
known as "swipes." or the dregs of
various beverages poured into.a com-
mcn container.
Accojding to the latest home of-
fice statistics, Wtalsall was the sober-
est large town in 1930. On the other
hand, the Weisalian consumers might
be individuals who know when they
have had enough and how to hold it -
At any rate, there were 'only seven
convictions for drunkenness, or one
such culprit for every 10,000 of the•
The cities and towns with the high-
est percentage were:
Middlesbrough, 45.93; London 42.76;
Newcastle -on -Tyne, 37.94, and Gates-
head, 32.46 per 10,000.•
Of eke convictions, 84 per cent..
were `nen 'and 16 per cent• of wo-
men of 21 years and upward
Although the number of places
where liquor can be consumed on the
premises or purchased for consump-
tion elsewhere lugs d'eclinedi from
124,883 in 1905 to 98,987 to -day, than -
sande of drinking clubs' have come in-
to being.
A Tennesseean of 85 asks that his
wedding be annulled on the grounds
that he had been drinking moonshine
when he married. Imagine waking up
and finding you are 85 and' have a
hangover and are married.
Our arrts and crafts have reached
very high level, and yet we have giv-
en to the world the impression that
of all the IpoWers we are the most
rbilistine.—Mr. H. IC. L. Fisher.
t cannon understand how anyone
can be bored to -day. Miss Maris
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