HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-04, Page 5a'
Toronto, Ont. -The first 'half of
(August 'was almost a blank as regards
the issuing of Canadian bonds,, the to-
tal fox' the two week beis'g only
$629,600, as reported by A. E. Aflnea
& Co. The year's output to date a-
mounts to $972,472,211 as Compared
with $458,629,!60 for the correspond;
ing period of 1930 and with $386,210,,
148 for that of 1929. Sales in Can-
ada made up a total of $864,187,211„
in the United States, $104,1.85,000, and
'in Great Britain $4,100,000.
Toronto, Ont.''A new gold produc-
ition record was set up by the Ontario
)nines in the month of July, accord-
ing to a report of the .Provincial De-
partment of Mines. The bullion out-
put totalled $8,6O9„467, a net increase
of $56,169 over the June output.
Winnipeg, Man. -,Thirty Manitoba
growers of sugar beets have 421 acres
pander cultivation this year, according
to the latest report.
Winnipeg, Man. --Dr. F. J. Birchard
of the research laboratory of the
Canadian Board of Grain Commis-
sioners, in a test made for protein
content in the wheat crop of Mani-
toba, shows that the wheat crop of
the province has a maximum of 18.3
per cent. as against a maximum of
14.5 per cent. last year and a mini-
mum of .10.2 per cent. this year as
compared with 8.4 per cent. last; the
average being 12.25 per cent. against
11.5 per cent, in 1930. The test
grains were taken from the same
districts as last year.
Winnipeg, Man. -A twenty acre
plot for the Manitoba Provincial Gov-
ernment Fur and Game Farm has
been selected just a few miles west
of Winnipeg. The farm will be un-
der the direct charge of Dr. J. H. Al-
len, V:S., B.V.sc., and will be for the
purpose of studying the best methods
of raising fur -bearing animals. Game
birds will also be raised and Mongol-
ian and ring-necked pheasants will be
hatched and released upon reaching
maturity. iMin1 , marten, fisher and
fitch will • be stocked and water en-
closures will be built so that beaver,
otter and milskrat can be propagated.
Weyburn, Sask.-On the site of
what ' was recently Tatakwa Lalke,
the heaviest crop of oats ever raised
in the Weyburn district is being har-
vested. The dry lake lies ten miles
west of Weyburn and covers about
2,000 acres. The per acre yield is
estimated at about 100 bushels.
Regina, Sask.-The Canadian Co-
operative Wool Growers, western
branch, report the receipt during July
of 552 lots of wool at Regina and of
502 lots at. Portage la Prairie; the
total Manitoba receipts amount to
200,624 pounds and Saskatchewan re-
ceipts about 333,000 pounds. Up to
the end of July eleven cars have bees
'shipped from Regina, seven from Port-
age la Prairie and one from March-
and. During the month four con-
tracts were received from Manitoba
sheepmen, covering 130 fleeces and 13
contracts from Saskatchewan sheep-
rnen covering 984 fleeces.
Regina, Sas}:: -"Grain which has
passed through th"e inspection depart-
ment at Winnipeg in the last few
days is of exceptionally high quality,"
it was stated by J. D. Fraser, chief
grain inspector at Winnipeg, in --a re-
cent address before the officials of the
World's" Grain Exhibition and Con-
ference. "A considerable amount has
graded No. 1 hard; a great deal has
gone No. 1 Northern and some has
graded No. 2 Northers on account of
mixtures of durum and barley."
Moose Jaw, Sask.-Moose Jaw now
has an industrial area of about 50
city blocks, the city council having set
aside three sub -divisions for the pur-
pose -Prairie Heights, Westmore and
Sunnyside. The area lies roughly be-
tween the main line of the Canadian
Pacific ane] the Outlook line branch.
'Saskatoon, Sask.-Enrolment at the
new technidal school at Saskatoon,
which opened September 1st, was ap-
proximately 900. Robert McGregor,
principal, told the members of the vo-
cation committee the other day that
860 students had already signified
their intention of attending the school,
the majority to take the commercial
courses and 375 the industrial.
Medicine Hat, Alta. -During the
past week sixteen carloads of horses,
rounded up in the Medicine Hat dis-
trict, have been shipped to the Mon-
tana Horse Products Company at
Butte. Mr. 'Chipman, who is buying
for the Butte concern, was unable to
estimate the coming requirements of
his firm from Canadian territory, but
the demand may run to 20,000 head.
Lethbridge, Alta. -Shipments of
wool from Southern Alberta to the
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers'
warehouse at Weston, Ont., have brok-
en all records, according to a report
issued by N. T. ),Macleod, secretary of
the Southern Alberta Sheep Breeders'
Association. Deliveries made to date
aggregate 1,800,000 pounds, the wool
clip being unusually heavy this year.
Edmonton, Alta. -Homestead en-
tries in Alberta for the month of July
numbered 1,114 more than half of
which were taken out through the
Edmonton land office. Of the total
for the month, 331 entries were made
by women, this being the first occas-
ion in which the new law enabling
women to homestead has been in op-
Edmonton, Alta. --Alberta creamer-
ies received ;during the five week per-
iod ended August 1st an increase of
13.6 per cent. over receipts of the
similar period of 1930. For the year
to date, from January to July, 'in-
clusive, the increase] was 48.7 _per
cent. for central Alberta and 37 per
cent. for the province. The quality is
higher this year, .the average test be-
ing 33.6 as against 83.1 last year.'
Receipts, with 1930 figures in brack-
ets, graded this year as follows: Top
grades, 7.5 per •cent, (5.7); special,
47.7 per cent., (43,1); firsts, 38.1 per
cent., (44.8) .
Calgary, Alta. -More than $57,004,-
000 has been expended and more than
a million feet of borin .'.Wdone "i,,A1-
berta in the search for oil chitin the
last 30 years, .according 'Co a res pitu-
lation made by J. I. Carmichael, Leth-
bridge engineer. In all, some ' 407
wells have been drilled, not including
the Ribstone field for which no de-
tails are av'ail'able. Of the drilling
done, 160 wells in Turner Valley have
drilled 650,000 cubic feet -more thas
'half of the province's total of 1,167,-
787 feet. - --.----.-,-
11e�fe nivv �t li
lY �
the':oxasotdatl �i# la"i�xllting
Ypp l}.� r It q year , f er
e1W0,0l fi P4 ! B1'ltish Goh4m
bra- 0oa t ,6' ir1x!, 1aaa seeure4 an Order
for,nup$0*.0tock of•15,000 plants
frfrxn• . l axge,.iarer in Eastern Canada.
'p}ade?a Ineludes ferns, aspidiebra,
0,41411a, 4Tacenes and erotons, says the
m0xls t nlws letter of the Department
of .Agriculture.
Victoria, B. C. -An agricultural de,
ve'lopment of some importance to the
fruit growers of Vancouver Island is
likely to result from experiments car-
ried out at the Dominion Experimen-
tal Farm at Sidney, B.C. (Prunes of
the best quality, especiait , Italian
prunes, have been succeefully grown
and dehydrated at the -station, accord-
ing to the superintendent, E. M.
Straight, and should be able to supply
the .entire demand. ,Dried plums and
prunes :tb'the value ofi$1,000,000 are
annually imported into Canada. •••
Baled Hay.
Good quality baled hay is quite ex-
tensively used in Eastern United
States centres and the demand ap-
pears to be increasing. Ontario farm-
ers who can grow good crops of al-
falfa may expect to find a fair mar-
ket for their surplus in this way.
Other types of l.a'y well put up will
also find a certain trade demand.
It has been brought to our atten-
tion that a large amount of the Can-
adian hay meets with considerable
disfavor upon arrival in United States
centres. The chief complaints are
size of bale and tightness of press-
ing. Bales of from 140 to 190 pounds
are not uncommon.
One of the largest exporters has
definitely instructed his-btyers te.
gilvle preference to farmers who put
their hay up in looser bales of
from 110 to 140 .pounds. As a mat-
ter of fact, bales of from 90 to 110
pounds are preferred by certain trades
on account of their ease of handling.
Bales that are too tightly pressed
tend to 'become matted and are dif-
ficult to bear apart. Musty bales are
found also in some instances and are
quite out of place in any good trade.
Indications point to a somewhat
draggy market for baled hay this
year. It is quite apparent, suitalaly
baled material will find better sale
than poorer quality, tightly pressed,
badly matted hay in heavy 'bales.
Toronto, September 1. --Cheese, new, large,
3e; twins, 13'4c; triplets, 13%c; new sch-
en;, 15%c. Old, large, 16c; twins, 1614c :
riplets, 16'<,c; stilton, 181;'_c.
Butter -No. 1 creamery prints, 24c; 12.. 2
reamery prints, 23c.
Eggs -Fresh extras in cartons, 29c; fresh
xtras, loose, 27c; firsts, 25c;, seconds, 20c.
Toronto, September 1st.
^ Alive
Spring; chickens, over 5 lbs...
Over; 4 to 5 lbs, each ....
Over 314 to 4 lbs. each ..
Over 2% to 3% lbs. each ..
Broilers, over 2 lbs. each , , , ,
Over 14 to 2 Abs. each ..
Over 11/2 to lsfs lbs. each ..
Fatted hens, over 5 lbs. ....
Do., over 4 to 5 lbs.
Do., over 31 to 4 lbs
Ducklings -Market prices
Old roosters, over 5 tbs
0.. ops.;
H1•xee3ye7l?QiOdat" Iv $
00. fair $0 q44
. ..1 RYA .,. 5,90,'
PO OO :Ma ..r , collo O0
1 nshier h't ks4 choirf0' . eY`' '' i)k
Do., foil, tbc) gao.4,, „/d Gity.
Iso.. reamp►o}f ,, `4. +,:fiiu '.l►9':
%Itches caw., Sand 76
dlo, medium .,.,.. ....., 045'
Caxwygas and cite I.oO
Butoher'bw11sA good to choice ,',_ Q3'
Dp., bolegnas, ... ,
Baby beef, 7.00
Feeders, good 4.50
stockers 3.50
Springers .... 40.00
Calves, good and choice , 8.60
Da.. medium ......' ... , ... 6.00
Do., grassers 8.60
Lamb., choice , 7.05
Tao r c 5,25
Do., bucks 5.25 5.50
Sheep 1,00 8.00
Hogs, bacon, f.o.b. 6.75
Do., do., w.o.c., '16e above f.ob.
Do., select. 81. per hog premium.
Do., butchers, $l. per discount.
5100t dm 'COi aN6*
0,00 0 eeu ata v
446 'earls, 451 P9l 17106'1,,1
fs 0i .J,,il:' 1T . xit llevIng A4 O y f Q 1''l44411.a
4.25 .Ta;;ro(, who wed wa7 tcic: %pro Ago to -
1147. e it her 4 1008.'4 -
''•Way mourn the loss of one ao dear,
Ours hser,ts ark sW tc-day.
To tltlnls ,the one we ;loved sat dear.
Was quickly called away.
1'eafeef1i11y sleeping, resting at 1st,
The world's weary troubles and trials are past:
In Silence she suffered, in patience she bore,
4.Q0 Till God called her home to suffer no more.
-Ever remembered by her leering husband
6.X and daughter. 8225x1
Montreal, September 1. -Cattle receipts were
1,839 on 'the two Montreal 'live' stock markets
to -day. Good cattle were about steady. The
best steers solid for 56.50 to $6.66, with 26
cattle from one load up to $7. Good steers
generally brought $6 to '$6.50, with medium
kinds mostly between $5 and 55.50, and top
eows picked out sold up to $4. Common cat-
tle were not moving. There were not enough
sales to establish prices on the lower grades
and traders were predicting a heavy hold-
iCalf receipts, 1,815. Veals and good drink-
ers about steady; grass calves and eommon to
medium drinkers slow, selling 25, to 50 cents
or more lower. Good vealts $7.25 and $7.50,
with an odd small sale up to 58, and medium
to good veals sold around $7, with common
light seals from $5.50 to $6. Grassers were
moving °slowly at from $2 to $3.50 and the
bulk of sales between $2.50 and $3.
Sheep receipts, 3,501. Between 2,000 and
2,500 lambs sold for $6,50 for goer ewes
and wethers with just plain to il`te'dium kinds
from $6 to $6.25. Buck lambs and culls were
54 to $4.50 with the bulk of the sales around
54.50. A couple of loads of good eyes and
wethers, including an' odd buck lamb, were
sold for 66.50 to $6.25 flat. "Sheep were most-
ly $2 to 53.
Hog receipts, 3,336. Hogs were lower in
price. About 2,000, were Weighed up at 56.50
for bacons, butchers and lights, and nearly
half this! number sold en.grade. Heavies and
extra heavies in mixed lots sold around $5.50.
Sows sold for 54:50 to 55.50, with the bulk
around $5.
Edkart.-In Oakville, on August 27th1, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Eckert, a son, (Stephen
Campbell. -In Stanley Township, on Friday;
August 21st, to Mr. and 'Mrs. P. Campbell,
a daughter.
Huntley. -'At IMrs. R. 3, Paterson's Hospital,
Main Street, Hensall, on Friday, August 21,
to .Mr. a.nd Mrs. Delos Huntley, of Hensall,
'a son, Robert Glenn.
Weedmark.-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, on Friday, August 23t'h, to Mr. and
Mrs. 1. H. Weedmark, Seaforth, a daugh-
Govenlock.-In Waterford Hospital, en Tues-
day, September 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
son Govenlock, twin sons.
Evans. -In London, August 25th, Ellen Evans,
formerly of St. Columban.
Sproat. --In Toronto Hospital, on August 27,
1931, Agnes Thclrburn, beloved wife of J.
R, Sproat, in her 2Sth year, late of Tem-
agami, Ont. Interment in St. John's Ceme-
tery, Toronto.
furrow plow, extra heavy beams; Al con-
dition. Can use 3, 4 or 5 horses. Can be
seen at Massey -Harris shops, Clinton. ED.
JOHNSTON, Route 4, Clinton. Phone 3 on
636. 3325x1
18 ersmith, Lot 13, Concession 4, H.R.S.
16 Land in good state of cultivation. Also good
buildings. Permission to do fall work and use
15 of house at any time. Apply to JAMES
CAMERON, R. R. 4, Seaforth, or phone
133 r 2. 3325x1
Toronto, September 1. --Manitoba wheat -
Nn. 1 hers. 6Ic ; No. 1 Northern. 59c ; No. 2.
do.; 8614e: No. 3 do., 54c; No. 4 do., 491,Lc:
No. 2 tough, 51c: No. 3 tough. 45l•,c (c.i.f.
(Say ports).
'Manitoba oats --No. 1 feed, 29c ; No. 2 do.
Manitoba barley -No. 6 C.W., 37c; No. 4
do., 36e.
Argentine corn, 58c (c.i.f. Bay ports).
Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights. bags
included: Bran, per ton, $15.25; shorts, per
ten, $16.25; middlings, per ton, $23.25.
Ontario grain -Wheat, 40c; barley, 35c;
to 36c; oats, 19 to 22c ; rye, nominal, buck-
wheat, nominal.
Buffalo, September 1st. -.Hogs, receipts, 5,-
200; general trade fairly active; mostly
steady; desirable, 190 to 230 pounds, 57 to
$7.24; 100 to 190 pounds, $6.90 to 57; 150
to 170 pounds, 56,75; weights below 150 lbs.,
$6.25 to 56.50.
Cattle- (Receipts. 1.700; market slow; un-
evenly lower: ,,generally 15 to 50 cents under
net Mondry; dry feds at minimum decline;
nne load choice 946 pounds yearlings, 510.50:
good yearlings, $9.35 to 59.85 ; weighty steers,
$8.75 to $8.85; short feds and fleshy grave-
ers, $7 to 58.15; common grass steers and
heifers, 55 to 56 1 fat cows, $4.50 to $5; cut-
ter grades, 51.25 to 52.50.
Calves --Receipts,.,. 1,100: venders active,
steady ; 511 dow. s.
Sheep -Receipts, 8500; lambs steadywto 25
cents lower; good to choice ewe and wether
larbs, 58.30: medium kinds and bueks, 87 to
57.25; throwouts mostly 55.50; breeding ewes
$8 to 54; fat slaughter ewes, $1.75 to $2.25.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, September 1.
-Total receipts of cattle for sale at the Un-
ion Stock Yards Monday were some 2,000
head heavier than on the previous Monday,
and in addition there were 1,060 head on
through billing. The supply of killers was
largely plain and moved slowly at barely
steady price, while real common light but-
cher cattle found no outlet. As a result, the
holdover at the close wag heavy. Good and
choice killers, on the other hand, found ready
sale at steady prices. One load of good heavy
steers made 7 cents and other loads o,f weighty
and heavy steers Sold from 6 1-2 to 6.90
cents, with plain to medium kind from 5 to
5 1-4 cents. Best handy butcher steers made
6 1-2 cents, with loads goon to eho'ice from
6 to 6.40 cents per pound. Plain to medium
butcher cattle sold £row 4 to 5.90 cents per
pound. Common steers and heifers were held
over. Cows were) barely steady with last
week at 8 1-2 4w 8 8-4 cents per pound for
good butcher kind, with 4.35 cents an out-
side top for three head, and canners and cut-
ters were slow at 1 to 2 cents per pound.
Butcher bulls sold firm at 3 to 4 cents and
bologna, held about steady rat 2 1-4 cents for
thel bulk. Baby beeves were firm at 8 to 9
cents for choice, with the odd top at 9 1-2
cents and medium kind 7 cents per pound.
Store cattle supply was heavy, with the
bulk arriving from the West, Stockers were
in good demand at steady prices ranging from
3.35 to • 4.85 cents for fair to good gsiatity,
while several loads of real good stores, 960
'and 800 pounds in weight, made 4.90 such 6
cents per pound.
Delves were firm at 8 142 to 9 1-2 Bents
Per pottnd for good and choice veale s with
common downward to 5 cents. Grass calves'(
sold mostly at 8 1-2 to 4; cents, with 8 cents
per pound the extreme low.
The lamb market was fairly active, with
Prices steady at 7 1-4 cents per pound for
good ewes and withers and a quarter higher
Id.. 100 choice lambs. Dulls sold from 6 to
5 '-4 cents per pound, and bucks at the 2 -cent
disco$1vt. Sheep were weak, selling at 8 1-2
cents for the beat, with most good butcher
ewes at 8 cents and culls down to 1 cent
per pound.
Packers' bids for hogs at' the opening were
5 1-2 eenla 'f.o.b. and 8 1.4 cents w.o.c., but
most sales were invade on the basis off 5 8-4
Cents f.o.b. and 6 14 Cents w.o.c., or steady
with °the Close of last 'Week. .Bids fon yester-
day's loadings ,were 6 1-2 cents f.o.b. and the
undertone of the market was weak.
:Reeieb5ts yesterday were 8,210 clattle, 1,480
On behalf of sister and brothers of the
late Elden Evan, I desire to thank friends
and neighbors for expressions sof sympathy
and assistance rendered,
Voters' Lists, 1931, Municipality of Seaforth,
County of Huron,
NOTICE is hereby given that I have com-
plied With Section 7 of the Voters' List Act,
and • that I have posted up at my office at
Seaforth, on the 28th day of Auoeiy? t, 1931,
the', list of all persons entitled to eche in the
raid municipality at municipal elections and
that such list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters to take
immediate proceedings to have any errors or
omissions corrected according to law, the last
day for appeal being the 18th day of Septem-
ber A. D., 1931.
DATED this 2nd of September, 1931.
Clerk of Seaforth.
Pkone 47 West Street
A Nice Drive and a Good Show !
Now Playing - "The Man Who
Came Back" -Charles Farrell and
Janet Gaynor.
Monday and Tuesday
with Clive Brook, Richard Arlen,
Fay Wray, Jean Arthur and
Buddy Rogers
Three vivid dramas woven into a
master picture.
Wednesday and Thursday
the rough riding racketeer of roars
takes you for a joy ride,in
Jean Arthur and William. Boyd
head the star cast.
Friday and Saturday
in her last and greatest picture, a
breathless drama of law, love and
Matinees Mon., Wed., Sat. at 3 p.m.
Northern Electric Sound System.
NOTICE is hereby given that W. Marshall
Stewart, of the Town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, has made a sale of his
Pool Room business carried on by hien in the
said Town of Seaforth, to 13. Smith, of the
City of Windsor, in the Province of Ontario.
with the consent of the majority of the credi-
tor:) who have appointed the undersigned
Trustee. Notice is hereby given that all credi-
tors of the said W. Marshall Stewart are re-
quired to tile their claims verified bye" affii-
davit, with the undersigned Trustee on or be-
fore the 11th day of September, 1931, after
which date the Trustee will proceed to dis-
tribute the proceeds of said sale among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which he shall then have
had 'notice.
A. D. SUTHERLAND, Trustee.
al7�ff is wrl+$i'iYlt
Mortgage Sale
Notice to the Public
Mr. T. W. Nichols, of London,
has been appointed an agent
of The Huron Expositor, and
is authorized to solicit sub-
scriptions, nd to collect ac-
countso oiling this office.,
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
.tea .MC200.111.+
Liberal Commission
Cash Weekly
selling our Fruit Trees, Berry
Plants, Roses, Shade Trees,
Hedging. Flowering Plants.
Complete line.
Requirements: Honesty, ener-
gy, ambition and willingness to
Write to -day.
R. R. 1 - Fruitland, Ontario
NOW is the time '
Counter Check Boo
be prepared for you
Winter business. We are re
and waiting to quote you 10
prices on quality books. Phone
us at 41 Seaforth and we will
be pleased to call with samples
an,d prices.
The Huron Expositor
28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con-
taining 192 acres and known as the T. E.
Hays farm. Must be sold is dose the estate.
If not sold will be rented. For particulars
apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea.
forth. 820141
Under and by virtue of the powers of sale
estate of the Late William Rinn, the valu-
able farm property, consisting of 149 acres,
more or less, in the Township of Hullett, Lot
5, Concession 4, must be sold. This is a very
desirable farm property, suitable for dairying
or mixed fawning, with an ample supply of
water; .also bank barn and good frame house
in good repair. A portion of purchase price
may be left on mortgage. Apply to W. J.
_VicCULLY, Stratford, Ont., (Executor).
1, Hay, 1 mile north of Exeter on No. 4
Highway, containing 100 acres. On the prem-
ises are a two storey new brick house, one
bank barn, one frame barn, new hen house,
three never -failing wells ; well fenced with
wire and in excellent shape of, cultivation.
Twenty minutes walk from High School and
all equipped with Hydro, and will be sold with
or without crop,' Apply on the premises or
address JOHN CALDWELL, R. R. No. 3,
Exeter. 8318-tf
contained in an indenture of mortgage which
will be produced at the date of sale, there will
be offered for sale by puhlil auction by
Thomas, Brown, Auctioneer, on the premises
on Satrihday, bth day of September, 1931, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands
and premises, no0oely:.
All and. singular that certain parcel or
tract of land and premises, situate, Lying wind
being in the Township of McKillop, in the
County of Huron, and Province of Ontario,
and being composed of the East half of Lot
Number Eleven (11) in the Thirteenth Con-
ression of the said Township of McKillop,
containing by admeasurement Seventy-five
acres of land be the same more or leas.
There are erected on the said lands a
frame house in good state of repair, a large
frame barn with stone foundation and
stabling. There is 'a gond orchard , and the
best gravel pit In the County; the land' is
very fertile and well drained' and fenced'ere
in fair state of repair.
TERMS OF SALE. -10 per cent. in cash
on the day of sale and the balance in thirty
days thereafter. The purchaser will be re-
quired to sign an agreement to complete the
Further conditions of sale will be made
known on the day of the sale and may be
had in the meantime from the undersigned.
DATED this 13th day of August, 1931.
' Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, Seaforth.
Vendor's Solicitor,
Seaforth, Ontario.
4, H.R.S., Tuckeremith, containing 100
acres of choice land, situated on county road.
114 miles south of the prosperous Town of
Seaforth, on C, N. R. Railway; convenient to
schools, churches and markets. This farm is
all underdrained, well fenced; about 2 acres
of choice fruit trees. The soil is excellent
and in a good state of cultivation and all
suitable for the growth of alfalfa, no waste
irtnd. The farm is well watered with two
never failing wells, also a flowing spring in
the farm yard; about 40 acres plowed and
ready for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall
wheat; remainder is seeded with alfalfa. The
huilchngs are first class, in excellent repair;
the house is brick and is modern in every re-
spect, heated with furnace, hard and soft
water on tap, a three-piece bath room: rural
tel'ephone, also rural mail. The outbuildings
consist of barn 80x80 feet with stone stab-
ling under; all floors in stable cement; the
stabling has water system installed. A good
frame driving shed, 24x48 feet;. a 2 -storey
hen house 16x36 feet. A brick pig pen with
cement floors capable of housing about 40
pigs. The house, stables and barn have Hydro
invtelled.e Anyone desiring a first class home
and choice farm should see this. On account
of ill health I will sell reasonable. Besides
the above I am offering Lot 27, Concession 10,
c ❑ fisting of 113 acres choice :and,
65 acres well underdrained; 10 acres maple
hush, all seeded to grass f no waste land. On
the premises are a good bank been 48x56 feet
and frame house, an excellent well. The
farm is situated about 5 miles from the pros-
peroas village of .Hensall on the C.N.R., one-
uarter of a mils from school and mile from
church. This farm has never been cropped
much and is in excellent shape for cropping
or pasture. I will sell these farms together
or 'separately to suit purchaser. For further
particulars apply to the proprietor, Seaforth,
R. R. 4, or phone 21 on 183, Seaforth. THOS.
G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. 880141
Under and by virtue of the powers of sale
contained in an Indenture of Mortgage which
will be produced on the day of sale, there
will be offered for sale by public auction, by
George H. Elliott, Auetioneer, on the premises
on Saturday, 26th day of September, 1931, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon, the .following lands
and premises. namely:
All and singular that certain parcel or
tract of land and premises situate, lying and
being in the Township bf MeK"flop, in the
County of Huron and Province of Ontario,
and being composed off the East half of Lot
Numtlber Twelve (12) in the Third Concession
of the said Township of McKillop, containing
by admtsasurement fifty acres of land, be the
same more or less.
There are excellent
oo tel ri sat) a frame
house' in excellent flit a frame
balm with stone down 'tic a ling. The
lands are well fenced and,xiri fined, find water
is supplied by a good Meld
TERMS OF SALE. --1'1611 per -cent. in each
on the day of sale and the balance without
interest in thirty days' thereafter. The pur-
chaser will be required to.sigrt an agreement
to complete; the sale.
Further conditions; of tate will be made
known 'ori the day of the nate and may be
had in the Meantime ritta. th4 undersigned..
Dated ,this 8 -rd day of Setitefbot', 1991.
3011131 J. IYUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont.,
vendor's Solicitor.
or George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont.
. s' ...no,. 83254
While the good weather lasts,
have us put your chimneys in
good safe condition for the win-
ter. ,.
We also do plastering, side -
walking, etc. Expert workman-
ship at reasonable cost.
R. Frost & Son
FOR SALE. --.Five acres, one mile
from Seaforth; modern house with
furnace, bath and toilet; small barn;
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid
chance to start chicken farm, bees,
ets. Apply to
R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
Smitty's Recreation
I have purchased the Pool Room, formerly operated by W. M. Stew -
wart, 'and have had the entire building redecorated.
The Official Opening will be held on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th,
when Free Cigars will be given Patrons.
A complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Pop and Ice Cream
will be carried.
Smitty's Recreation
Dates of Seaforth and district fall
fairs are as follows:
Ailsa Craig Sept. 24 and 25
Atwood Sept. 18 and 19
Bayfield , Sept. 30 and Oct. 1
Blyth Sept. 25 and 26
Brussels Oct. 1 and 2
London (Western Fair) Sept. 14 to 19
Lucknow Sept. 24 and 25
Mildmay Sept. 22 and 23
Milverton Sept. 24 and 25
Mitchell Sept. 29 and 30
New Hapsburg Sept. 18 and 19
Ottawa (Cen. Cam)Aug. 24 and 29
Palmerston Sept. 18 and 19
Oot,,3 8 and 9
Sept, 15•and 16
Sept. 24 and 26
Sept. 1 and 18
Sept. 14 and 15
Sept. 17 and 18
Unemployment Registration
Parties desiring to apply for employment
under t h e Government Unemployment
Scheme, are asked to have application cards
signed not later than September 5th, 1931.
Cards at Township Clerk's Office, Lot 35, Con.3.
JOHN McNAY, Clerk.
Tile Mfgnr's. and General Contractors
M' I
Oct. 6 and 7
Sept. 29 and 80
Oct. 8 and .9
,Sept. 24 and 25
Sept. 21 to 23
Sept. 4 and 6
Teestwater Ja ... Oct. 6 and 7
Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug 28 Sept.2
Wellesley ...... ....Sept. 15 and 16
Wingham Oct. 9 and 10
Woodstock Sept. 24 to 26
Zurich Sept. 28 and 29
Peterborough • Oct. 18 to 16
Unemployment Registration
Parties desiring to apply for employment
under t h e Government Unehnployment
Scheme, are asked to have application cards
signed not later than September 5th, 1931.
Cards at Township Clerk's Office, Lot 11, Con. 5.
D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. .
Unemployment Registration.
Parties desiring to apply for employment
under t h e Government Unemployment
Scheme, are asked to have application cards
signed not later than September 5th, 1931.
Cards at Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall.
Choice dry hardwood per card,
$4.50; Choice dry soft wood, split
to stove size, $3.50 per cord, de-
livered. On quantities of three
cord or more, 25c less per Cord.
W. M. Sproat
Phone 136-2 4, SEAFORTH
Insurance of all kinds.
Bonds, Real Estate
MoneY to Loan
Phone 91
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
c> H. C. BOX o
O Funeral Director and O
O Licensed Embalmer 0
O Best Motor and Horse-drawn O
0, equipment.
O Charges moderate.
0 Flowers furnished on short O
O notice. 0
0 Night Calls Day Calla O
0 Phone 175 Phone 46' O
0 0
O 00000000000
0 Licensed Embalmer and ,, O
O Funeral Director 0.
O Up4o-date nurse ant, 11f9tar
0 %pipmento
0 Night aid Day, Set 0
0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0
O 0
O 4>0•00004>+t +1;!,
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