HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-04, Page 2�11'. J�1�1 Vi,7' 1, ,_� � "I ,';�,,�V ".1 I,-, 1�1.1,,� , '! 111,,�A1'.1111P,.1"lK'1. ,',4�1'1�'I"," ". -,I�.0.1 �.11�'. ; �%� , . . '. � ,� , .. . � . e , 11 I 11 . 1 �. �1, "i l. 'N", . 11,
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t.ho parched ro I in test , oAy against - J �
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1, �'-gml ", N�V- .W.1.111�i ... C_ �.� :� .them, aUdpM%:q1In to IconjUm, wher �� I t
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[� .", . rtf�pll', " 1_i; " *' , ,t I �.
1'1;1�,j��,,, .1 1'.111'.1 _110,7 would,,e under a 4 en ' a
. , �jffer t ju4s" � . ,'� "
"' . . . I IV 2
�'k,'.�,,��,,-,!Ii��'��,�',���"i�',,�,.-,�'!"���'f.", i I " - I . ��
I � diction, But the departure did' not
` . truy the, infaut ch;Arich — . .
- ,`��',f I .." : 1901P 1 4", I I . �. 11 v n
�,�,`T'.,,' �"; 11 , .. which , !-
, ,, �, .4 ", I "ble
R;,�;,`,�t,�,ii, ','i��,�,�"A , � � r
, ,i!�,i',i�,���,�,'�v".�,,�,,��;�;��,�� I eol. It might have been , I I
ov.�. ithey bad found I �,y
�Z.� ��..,ff��_l�.: , , I.". I., I
;� !_� � , V, , - � ; ... E
"" �_ li,.��. "J""', � I i` expected that they would leave gloom
,:i.. I . I and despondency among their dis-
. . . . No*,� Mrs. I Hyland, Feels Happy (
I "'I'' I I couraged oonverts; but it was not so. (
I ,
!.,_I'l,� '��',.� � Ond Weill—Owing to Dr.
I I., " 1. � I I Y.0 U They left behind them the joy of a I
`� - new hope, the inspiration of -a new , W111111fils' Pink Pilb (tonic). ,
11, , . 1,1� '. faith, the outpouring of the Holy "My nerves were (
� 11, , ..
, ,�
� ,.
� �� ..�.
01111 I 6. I 1, -
- '? �', " , spirit in the he'arts of those who had
,� i
, � " , 'ill � .11�,�,�,',-,, ,,, .
.'' ,
1, "
4��, �Tgg,p' - , ... 56i .. - - . ", I . - Z
, �,,, ,��
I T I ,,,�, 11 , , . � terrible," writes Mrs t
, ,� ��. f I" ;:I� 11
, - I.. Feels Like
�V,l , y i .... � �, .
,$"'t,�,�', I 1.11, learned, of the heavenly Promise
,MN l3 q G - �, 11�,', �' : Alex. Hyland, Clar- I
. '
g�!;Iq -, " - _,,�,�:,;" I . 1� Romans 1:14-16. .. SANeW ' endon Station, On-
,g;-1?fW0 1� ':
�, ;,&A�;t��, �.;,,, i.?, � , I �� . - e"
t� ��','jv',Ik":�'�;��j",' ,� ''. , 4 , Inhis letter to "all that be in Rom I
1�o 11 �,V, la��i, A �� � �0 I tario. ""Mother t9ld
�, I'll I � I
Q, R%"'L�Ivo'ii�,'.,�� ..�J �, I beloved of God, called'to the saints, Person". me to 'take P -Ink
,� . 1i I
I V ;? - �,�.: � I � - Pills, so I started and
,41:�,7��:,�. � -
, ,
�", � I
� 11,11111 Z , , "! - Paul writes of his longing to see theim -
, ,
A1`-"�t.,,. .o k 'a' t - I
1,1� ,-LJ& , i"' -,F,' for he says he owes them a debt. Paul I soon felt that they were helping me.
, . ;-
r I, ,� , . had done as much good as ever man
I'll "; ,-, . : : b4�, , . . Today I am happy an well, and I feel -1 ,
�,�., 1� I , X � did, and yet in reflection upon it he owe it all to Dr. Wi&s' Pink Pills " :
�J:: ��,.��." � ,:, .�'. I , for "when I
� !i � " 0 " still writes himself debtor, The iron and *ther elements in *Dr.
�, � 1:
� 1p','! - .
q, �r�.� '�,�,.,, , � . ti��' I (we have done all, we are6 but unprofit- Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) increase the I
"�, ��",;��!,.. I 0 -1 I able servants." He thehi' declares his. amount of haemoglobin or the oxygen- I
� ",'l
G, A ,11", � 40 0 * , ast belief in the "power of his carrying agent in the blood. The in- i
, W;eadf
�11, � .
.11, 1��. I .�� .1 I . .; ; I gospel message: "For I I
11 1�1 I ,,, . . I am not creased oxygen re -vitalizes your tissues, i
,,, ;,:.,
11 '11111 ......
I` 11`6� : , I I ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for sharpening. your appetite, giving you a 1
1, I %,,�'�., I I , ..
�111 411-,�, it is the power of God unto salvation feeling of happiness and well-being. �
,I. L 'r . l
" f�.�i � . THERE are few foods YOU Can buy that give . to everyone that-believeth; to the Jew Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are available
el � .,' "I" �, � at 50 .cents a package at ,any drug- -
� �, �p C. I I you as much satisfaction for your money as 7 first, and also to the Greek."
�� ..r's'. . gist's. Be sure 0o say "Dr. Williams'" so
11"t :, I Kellogg's Corn Flakes. I that the druggist will know exact.1y,what
1 . . - .
_� . .
. K, �". . I Out of a single package you gei wayty de- you want. 135 �
ii ;�'14� � �, -
, 1 4
. . !��.% '% Reigns servings— at a cost of only a few cents.
� l,�., tful for breakfast or A Press Corresponolent on Kongo .
ii �,111: ... .1 Kellogg's are deligh
...Ml� � Missions month this year., More than 11,000,
I.. 1� � lunch, with milk or cream� fruits or honey. 000 feet of lumber were shipped, 2,-
I... 1: I
11 Av . An independent testimony which ap- went to Australia.
. .1 added. 212,000 of which
- " 1!_1 . . -red in a -recent number of the Mis-
� 11�,� the children's evening meal — pea Vancouver, B. C.—Buildling permits
�%Ill! Great for sionary Herald., organ of thel Baptist f Greater Vancouver for the first
.11 or .
1, or for a tasty snack before going to bed. So � Missionary Society, deserves to be re-
,�,. 1:_. six,months of the year amounted to
��� I -1 ; healthful and easy to digest. . . .1 membered,, for use when the vlague $8,188,617 as compared with $7,9'55,180
" *, -
"I'll, . generalities about missionary luxur .
,�, "'. � No other ready -to -eat cereal in the world I ies are indulged in by all -informed or for the first six months -
, %--14, I Viqtoria�, B. C.—The Sritish Co
, . 1, "I . is so popular. No other corn flakes have ever . prejudiced critics. It is that of Mr Agriculture
W I � . � lumbia Department of
,� : d
11..ii?. been able to duplicate Kellogg's own matchless Edgar Wallace, a press correspon en sees great -possibilities for the fruit
� -.l�, . it relateis, to the missionaries on province in t
o and . he new
i". crispness and flavor. , wrote: shippers of the
I., the Kongo., Ile method of shipping berries, in which
I I �_ That is why wise buyers will accept no What the missionaries have done I they are treated and kept fresh with
,,�i, "" . can see with my eyes, and seeing, I ozone. The market news letter of the
R. 1 substitute for -enuine Kellogg's. They know I .
.5, , ':' ' T- ' am prouder -of my country and
..��'. I that imitations art, never "just like" the my department reports a shipment by the
.,�', . countrymen and women than ever I Tacoms, port Cornmission to the coast
4 l, '� ginal of all corn flakes. Look for the red- - have been before. No battle I have
,% I ori" of a shipload of raspberries in which
', I
..: .* andid
I 01 and -green package at your, grocer s. With. 1. e . witnessed, no exhibition of sple offl, y two berries showed any mould—
�...4, . . exclusive inner -seal waxtite wrapper that keeps . courage, in the face of overwhelming these being top berries. .
, ": odds, has inspired me as the work at
_�, � 1. . the flakes oven -fresh even after opening. thes outposts of Christianity. - .
'I', Made -by Kellogg in London, Ontario. I say this in all sincerity, because " I �1'
.1, n I
1�1 my sense of proportion is sufficiently
;%1! I
1, � I . 0. 0 0 . -ow me to judge Gas in ,the Stomach
.. well adjusted to all
11 �, . -rightly the value of the work.
11 , , - . I You'll enjoy Kelloges Slumber Music, broadcast And Is Truly Dangerous
�1411,1' oJ .the N. B. C. - I do not especially refer to the work
".. over wiz and associated stations , of the Kongo Balolo Mission. I speak '
� I
I.! . . every Sunday evening at §.45 to 10.15 E. D.. S. T. . Gas, Pain, Bloating and a fe
I . as enthusiastically of the Baptist Mis- , eling of
�.,�. ais n -
� .
" . sionary Society and the other n - fullness after eating are aly ost cer
... 1:, I tain evidence of excessive hydrochloric
I,- sions of the Kongo.
. ,,,�,
� acid in the stomach.
I- .. . ., I
. I � . . - I Too much acid irritates the delicate
* � � I I stomach lining, frequently causing
.. ,,, � .
.,�:. , �� -
tl_. , , , - - - . �,:_�:��:,� - - - Agricultural And chronic Gastritis and dailgerous Ul
I,,, I i cers. Food ferments and sours, form-
�01'. .
?�", I" `01. � I I . Industrial Progress ing .a gas that distends the stomach
�11!1� . 1.4 ��( ,�,_,,� * � - ..- . In Canada and often seriously affects the heart.
, 1� 0 It is genuine folly to neglect such
�- 1- ....
." 'M I I . a condition or to treat with artificial
.. I 1, , _3�N_ "
" ". I I , I N . il .. �, �, Winnipeg, Man.—Butter production digestive aids that cannot neutralize
g". I in Western Canada last year increas- the stomach acid. A better way is to
'0 I �
. 1. -
I'�, I ed by 1,161,424 pounds; the total out get from your druggist some Bisur-
.� -
.��. It put being 47,424,201 pounds, ated Magnesia (powder or tablets) and
1, 1, . -
., q I r W Regina, Sask.—Thel gross value of
� , . � take a little after each meal. This
"I.,. W the manufactured products i n the famous but simple and inexpensive
4,�,,, . I :1 I for - eight cities of the Province of Sas- stomach sweetener and anti -acid can
". , 4 �
1- I . -wan amounted to $71,836,769 in be depended upoA to prove its value
.el, katche
� I .
,�11%1, I '01 1_____Z1 I . 1929, that -of Regina being $34,842,- in 1,,, than fi,e minutes. Jn most in -
&I . . � W COR 487; Saskatoon, $15,961,102 and Moose stances, relief comes instantly! Pleas-
- .
P I I I � Jaw, $14,646,351. -Aq� use—
,"", Z N ant and perfectly harmless
�"� , : .. I N, � I � Moose Jaw, Sask.—"Lola of Moose Bisurated MAgnesia does give wonder-
... . U e en Angus cow own- ful relief in nine, out of ten cases,
,�, . A S -beck
-I.- . LAVORED ed by W. J. F. Warren, of Bel
1, ,10US�Y
Lje,,�, 0a SAI'r , Ask your Doctor or Druggist.
, , . , _T1 � �1 Wrr j IALT SU ,JgAaR has added another string of honors tp -
. : I
` 1. � . YoussFL-F 11 .. ..1 its already long list, by carrying a- - .
, . Iq . 'the Aber-
".,, �,� w ,
. . ie*
, ,� " way the premier award of
IN; I I . V deen Angus Association of 'Scotland, Hon. Richard Harcourt A
11, ,. '_ I I OyOFGAW both at Saskatoon and at Moose Jaw Venerable Liberal
"I I 11 . I � 0a0GC1C014F �AWA . as well ,as winning the highest hon- .
" r
,; llr � LONI)ON, ors at Weyburn, Estevan, Portage la How often we hear people who havc
,� I ol Mel-
,,,,, . . Prairie, Dauphin, Yorkton an passed life's meridian bemoan thE
0'.. fort. Mr. Warren had a very suc- faft that the good old days have gone!
.. . c -1faps the days of Hon
, .. �, I . essful season this year, particularly Those were per
iV2'. I at Regina where his herd won nine Edward Blake, Sir Oliver Mowat anc
", p .. — first prizes, four ,seconds, two thirds, their immediate successors in Oln-
W� �, I rio's political life. Their style ol
11,; . one fifth and two sixths.
I, . ta
,_ '' resurrection. With this he said, "Be Saskatoon, Slask.—" Livestock sales oratory has become but a men�ory
2'��11 SUNDAY AFTERNOON it known unto you therefore, men and at the Saskatoon stockyards for the and likewise their methods of dealing
�� � .� -
l�Ul. (By Isahel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) brethren, that -through this man is first 215 weeks of this year show �an with public, questions. A new erE
,F,; -
.1 preached, unto you the forgiveness of appreciable increase over those of the dawned in 1�05, when the Liberal ad
. I
- , -
1.11 ". I 'Fount of all our joy andi peace, sins." He then wa)7ned them to be corresponding period of last year," it ministration of Hon. George W. Ros!
11 1� I To Thy living waters lead�me; ware and not despise the works of is pointed out in "The Hub." The in- who fell heir to the traditions, goo(
?�%;' ' ,�.
R, ,Tbou from earth my soul release, , God. in his audience in addition to crease in hog sales has, been most and ill, of his prredecessors over
.11,�; And with grace and mercy feed me- Jews were proselytes and Gentiles- marked, while cattle sales hame, also period of many years, met defeat x
IP ��,: ' The latter crowded rou,nd ,on the de- gone up considerably. During the the hands of the Conservatives undei
10� ��, 331,ess Thy word that it may prove
,,,, parture of the Jews from the syria- past year Saskatoon has steadily James P. Whitney. Of possibly foul
,�, Rich in fruits that Thou d,ost love
�!,�'.' � gogue and entreated Pabl to continue grown as a stock clearing centre and men who dominated the Legislativ4
,,,, � B. Schmoll .
�4�: his preaching next Sabbath. During the opening up of the packing plant Assembly prior to that election, on(
gl�,., -
W4� PRAYER the intervening week much talking in the city about September 1st -will who endeavored to save his part�
11, ,
-1 .1
)�ll went on about the new preacher and give a further impetus to the market- from extinction, -and who was one o:
11, Oh! Thou who art the God and in consequence crowds gathered
��!�J � to ing of cattle locally." the most outstanding in his ability b
�;,. ' .
1�1` Father of all mankind, help us to listen. This unusual attendance -at
�. , Calgary, Alta.—Splendid opportuni- sway the House and the public witl
i".j ,�, keep ever in mind that it was for the synagogue roused angry, jealous ties exist ib Alberta for the, devel - his eloquence was theMinister of Ed
:: �,., - ment of a woollen industry
,?,t,�,; - Thi service we'were, created. We passions and contradIcting and blas for t7e ucation, Hon. Richard Harcourt, M.A
11 0'. -in V
". ipray Thee to fr.ogive our failures to pherning was heard on every hand processing of native-grawn wool, , ictor in many a hard fought politi
,1� Rl� - rise to this high calling. In JeSus' 'from the Jews. This opposition in-
,,��_ the opinion of Dr. Thomas Oliver, edi- cal -battle, a man of varied experiencl
"'. I e pray. Amen. -of intimidating the speakers tor of the Scotch Tweed Journal and as a school teacher, public school in
. �, name w . s tead
M,,� r and they "waxed member of the I'staff of the Scottish spector, financier, and Minister of th,
... 1 f4: . bold." I I Woollen Technical College at Gal- Crown, Mr.'Harcourt still resides ii
,�, . .
l.,,�,�, � ,�n_ In his first sermon Paul had said ashi,els,' who was a recent Visitor to the City of Welland, an honored ano
� �, Lesson Topic—Turning to the C
1� 1. ,l .
14_4�.. Oles. . nothing directly to the Gentiles but Calgary. Alberta wool grad" are public-spirited citizen.
_Z1 - "seeing ye put it from you,, and among the best in their class in the The 'former Provincial Treasurei
.'.��,',�, Lesson Passage—,Acts 13:42-52; Ro
,g�t,. mans 1:14-16. judge yourselves unworthy of ever- world, be pointed out. . r Education fo
I , algary, Alta.—F. P. Visher, .the Ontario, is a son of Michael Har
1 , ,.Golden Text, --Acts 13:47. lasting life, to, we turn to the Gen- ,C '
"..., . Peal and B-arnabas in their mission- tiles." Paul then told,them how they Ohio oil expert who has been engag- &ourt, of the Township of Seneca
i':1 eached Amtimh had been commanded by the Lord to ed by the Alberta Gpvernment to en- County of Haldima , nd, for.some tim
'. �ary journeys hare re
1�1,�. I
�V,-� of Pisidia. On the Sabbath day they include them in their offers of salwa- quire . into the con��rv,ation problem members of the Legislative Asserabl:
1�llv, oil and gas fields of Upper Canada prior to CcInfedera
61,%, entered the synagogue and took p4rt tion: "For so hath the Lord com- in the Turner Valley
" ", - d re mi Af a distinguisbed course a
,,�, In, the morn! i,ey were manded us, saying I have set thee to is now well a vanced in the p li n- tion. ter
r,._'. . ng worship. T1.
�'.. ��'A 1. Zoticed by the rulers and were re,ccpg- be a light of the Gentiles, that thou arie,s -of his work, making a thorough the University of Toronto, which b
�gi, .
�C',,� 2*zed by' their dress and manner to shouldest be for salvation unto the stirvey of the situation, with a view to
"? I 1.
I X-1, ._I be fellow Hebrews so they were in- ends of the eartb." Paul preached a vmrking out a definite and adequate .
", � �, "
1''.. . ' Paul'
I � vited to speak to the people. universail gospel and he preached, it,plan for proventing wastage and for
If.,,,,,, .
� ",
�, !�,r. ". at on& accepted and in the first part ,Out of his -own experience. L properly controlling the flow from
;�;, t t and- prospective wells. SHE WORRIED '
; t,;;! - . Of ,the thirteenth ,chapter of Acts is Canon Farrar in bis Life of St. PTesen
- � ,,� Calgary, Alta—The steady flow
i� 'recorded an outline of the sernion he Paul says that the Gentiles, gladly - . - . Of
, -R, I
'�11 I �
� �, , ' ,preached to them. 'He reviewed God's 'and gratefully welcomed the mission Canadian beef cattle to 'Great Britain
i "'4 .dedlings witl),.His chosen people down which now to them exclusively made which has b4erf in, progress for weeks
ill, '11 i,: to the choosing of King David. Then 'free offer of all, and T6 " than all, Past Promise's to dpveloli into a splen-
�i��,-,�.-. . .
`�':,. he introduced Great David's Greater 'the blessings of Juolaismrweithqut its 'did permanent busiftess, in the opinion " I started taking Kruschen Salts t
,-��. -
�,., rmer Al- , month ago, - I have lost 5 pounds ir
�IL, .
'' Son and, told of His life, death and ,burdens. All who by the grace Of of Hon. Duncan Marshall, fb
'Ve Z" berta Minister of Agriculture, now ' weight, and I feel as if I have los,
lli. L
��`i,'l l:,;�, .04 decided to range themselves, in
'i�,,, �, I I . - back from conferences witl� cattle men 50 lbs. I am full of vigor, wherm-
, 6X"'I" . -?*.ii I'- the ranks, ,of those, who deairq& etern-
LLL UP .... .. . _� I % I life accepted. the faith. More and Overseas. I before I was worried. about my cond!
11'',"., -i,� ��:� , a
1.-."V,q,�,i� , - � . _Zla�_� Edmonton, ,Alta-Yollowing action
I J��"J " L ' I tion, as I was listless and worried ove
L I - 81: ', Y .. �, t, more *idely the word of the Lord be, little things. But_'I am thankful t(
li"VINC.", 1� gan to spread., 'But the Jews were by the Dominion Department of- F,Wh- say that, were my troubles doubled
,�, , " I . _.
" *
, .
`�i�`4r'-,"�,, , :,I.� , . too powerful, to be easily defeated. eTies, through its fish.culture division, they would not worry me to-day
',,�Zffi, � ,
lR3�',,,.1i1,, �,,;, I They counted among their proselytes in planting fry in various Alberta wa- —Mis% .
�109,11,_ thanks to Kruschen." � V P
. RK§`,�� t, - , � I I ters several years ago, anglers we I I *
"t �, I , " ; , . Here's the recipe that banishes fat-
,�,,,"�e%. IL; a large -dumber of women, of whom
R',�, ��. ,
�,',,R,�2,i ; som16 were of high Tank. Their com- now landing Rainbow, Loeb lieven and tak one-half teaspoon of' Kruschei
nvftf,:,,��;l,,, � , !
�,'Il,iLr" I- . .�. Brown trout in districts where these &.111. in a glass of hot water -beforl
,tj ,h,�Nl , ,,�.
" . ,,�f, 01., �1.111
�Q2,,, l) " ,�. mereial ability bad Also secured them rt fish w
.,�,,�-i,�"9,1.��V""!!. ,� - I "'A are PyeVIOUS17 un- breakfast.
'' , 1��� n friends ambpg the leading people, of fine spo
�"&i!Pllv � ," I , ?, Be sure eve *
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VV),�tG.D;,!, � . . '', . man authorities. Tolerant of every Trail, B. C.—In the first half of the for " It's the daily dose that take
Tl,�Nffil,111... _ '' —Don't miss a. morning
,J ,�,�,.'�!��,,.,.�, 1. I�galllted religion, the Romans bad a current year the Consolidated, Mining off the fat." ally means that ever:
- ,�, , ::. -'11' I profound distaste for religious am- and Smelting Company t.m.ned out Kruschen d
',�,11, ,)�' '.. 'Ili
141" V! ,,,"�.. 2,500 tons of fertilizers, the bulk of particle of poisonous waste matte
,1411, '5,;��. -, I broilments, and to long as"thef Jews and harmful acids and g'ases ar
I- . which was shipped to various point� 1.
l, "i, ''.", Il", �,� b6ha'Ved peaeerJbly, were quite willing 1
�41 11�.� .."'. . . expelled from the system. .
.1, J �'11 XnoWing in the Prairie Provillees.
11 "i, .�11
_'-, . L�,i��.�-,�-,,��11; lil"fl, 11 to afr4rd, thisin protection. 1, Modify your diet, and take gentl
, ,, ,,, �".
, Z, 1:� , , , 11q, , 11., � I . tbA all, bid, gone 9mootbly till these Vancouver, B. 0, --The Bona, Pf" exercise. The #bmAeh, liver, kidney
�,`111 �;,;'I'M�Z �;1'1 �, . 11 .
li:'�;"�`�'� .%-"��)�"&*J-' 11 ,, ' a" newcomers had appeared, the,y ,Were, Company of 'Canada -is contelnPlaulng . and bowels are tuned up, And the pore
��M�l ie' .�� 11 . .
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up;ug' a medal in � " fl�� �� ,,;,', l� � " , , " *
(imaxed 'by win * _ armi his,lv�reer, in conformity. ynth , d`� -, `��, `�:' " ,�. "', ,'�,,�,,, � I -� ',�,'�,", :
. I
letaphysles, he became principal of upao, whiq one 10 the
, .,,h ..'',
_ decrees that I , -
4o-Hald1mvid C -t , � I, ple. � . i'l - �'
I ,oultity High Sch4ol - qW9, P in the . I I .1, �
t Cayuga. His 4.14lity as a teacAer Q I per 01 T, � r13Vy . : .4
oon won him recognition, and lip oumil, 404 .nl, I , I ,�
'h g,,, night of the .. artev � I I . � I
r, =ted .*bool Inspector for isf.0',,614eat order of chiv ry � I , 11V1
, , I ,
. "I
i;ld Meanwhile, he had � wor d., A , has his tall oa on �:", �. . L
pplied 'himself to the study of law. ,stall in'tbe 0A. el of the order at � A
I 1. "
W -led to the ,Bar in 187,6, he be- Windsor. But . is taptes appear to p . �i
ame, interested in politics, and in be more ,bucolic and .sporting than ', - . . N
878 he )contestqd and won the pro- those of any of his brothers except I III I ,
-incial riding of Monek, being re- the Prince of Wales. He Is a polo -
lected in each succeeding election, player of renown and said -to be even - � , I
,nd representing that constituency in it better rider than his elder ,brother. , I I
he Legislative Assembly in all for He -hunts and is a momber, qf the 1� .
Learl�' three decades a1id almost Jockey Club. `He -is a goo cricketer, . , .
, I . " I 11
y disappeared and a 'big game I.tunter *1id)'b14s'n'*t The University belongs to the PSOPIV �
rom the political ma:p. -Skilled .in only shot his own lions but .eaten I
�Iacating opposition by his persuasive them. When the Prince of Wales ,of Western Ontario.
�peech, he poured pil many times goes to the annual dinner of the .1 . t 1!1 supported by Provincial and Munic- .
tpon political waters that appeared Farmers Union in the old Corn. Ex- '111341 OF8103 by Endowment Fund in --
,o �,troubled as to be menacing to change at Kelton M -ow -bray he is al- ;L,U�j 00d ty''tultion . toes. I ..
iimself and his party, Early in his most always accofiilMnied by the e ,enrolment of regular students In
)olitical life, he became a resident of Duke -of Gloucester 'Who finds him- - 404f'was 1374, "not Includinw
,ipp I ibillmaiely four hundred students In
I. .
,he town of Welland, wh�are he estab- ' self in congenial surroundings. There " spe , qlal, gfoupt, whoreceived Instruction,
ished what became a flourishing law he meets the sportipg farmers who from the University staff. .
Yractice, in association with Mr. T. D. have helped provide the best hunting Registration Days — SATURDAY I
',owper, who for many' years has country in the world' at Melton Mow-
r, (9 a.m. to 1 ra.), September 19th--
wrved as County Crown Attorney. bray. 2nd, 3rd anilth year students from
Always keenly interested in educa- making it a point to wear riding London. MONDAY, September 21st,,
Jonal affairs, Mr. Harcourt served for breeches and tweeds, and talk about all freshmen. JUESDAY, September
..-,., years as Inspector of Public notable runs in the past and th� 22,d -2,d, 3rd and. 4th year students
Schools for Welland town, and also state of crops and live stock. The from centres other than London.
Eor some time for Thorold town. Prince of Wales� never fails to occupy WEDNESDAY, September 23rd,
luring . which period he assisted ma- the chair' at these dinners if he hap- Lectures begin.
�erially in elevating the standard of pens to be in England. For further information write to THE
�eaching in the schools of both , , Like the Prince of Wales the Duke REGISTRAR or apply t*- . 97: -
municipalities. Hwving been called of Gloucester has shaken off h - i's
bo the Cabinet a Sir Oliver Mowat, natural shyness and can -make a '*'%- ITY
,is Provincial Treasurer, the pressure very good speech. He frequently UNIVE .S.
)f his, public duties, compelled his speaks to the. toast of the royal fam- .
resignation as insp6etor. When Sir ilql�at the Royal Academy and in the 0
Oliver 'Mowat went to Ottawa as course of the year opens inn'biner-
Ministdr of Justice in the Cabinet of able, agricultural and charitable WE: EPN
Ron. (afterwards Sir) Wilfrid Laurier shows. These duties he. performs VV
and Hon. A. S. Hardy became Prime with great good humor for he has his
Minister of Ontario, Mr. Harcourt re- full share of the family tact and OKTA, P I 0
mained as Provincial Treasurer, later never appears to be bored, no matter
accepting the' portfolio of Minister of how tedious the dinners nor how dow-
Education in the administration of agerlike the diners on either side of M - 011 !1111111111111111M ,
Hon. Geo. W. !Ross, who succeeded him, The 8uke is a good dancer, ?_
gon. A. S. Hardy as Premier. On tha fond of the movies, but perhaps a :
defeat of the Ross Government in trifle more dignified than the Prince an artificial hump, with a filling of
1905 by Hon. J. P. Whitney. Mr. Har- of Wales, for when besought for his rings, brooches, necklaces and other '
court remained in the Ass�mbly as a autograph he never fails' to smile high -duty iraluables. His downfall
private member, where his ability blandly and never by any chance was simple. One of the inspectors
gave him front rank as a critic of the gives it. His name has been coupled Jokingly asked him if he could rub
new governmelit. Retiring from with the names of many beautiful �is hurnp for luck and the- "cripple"
public life a score of years ago, he girls whom ruynor has chosen as pos- showed such consternation that an
devoted himself to his law practice sible wives, 'but his bachelorhood examination was ordered.
and to the financiAl concerns which seems to be almost as confirmed--l'as Due to accident, another profession -
had elicited his interest. His advice7 that of his oldest brother. 1. al smuggler came to grief. Apparem-
as a lawyer, frequently sought by his Prince George is the youngest Oi ly be was a devout, kindly clergyman
fellow citizens, is iveTy graciously the surviving brothers. Except for who carried his Bible in his band
given, for Mr. H,,ircourt has never lost the height he ,bears an almost startl- most oP the time. Entering port, his
an iota of .his enthusiasm for the ing resemblance to the King. Ill- baggage was given the,usual examin-
place of his residence, which he has health made it impossible for him to atio, and his Bible taken at face val-
watched grow from, a small town to a continue his career in the navy. He ue. Walking dowif rth-e pier 'he trip -
flourishing industrial city, and in is particultLrly, fond of music and ped, fell and his "precious" ]book went
whose development as a centr'e of ed- when annong-his friends frequently p.ying. In the unexpected tumble a .
ucation and attractiveness he has tak- entertains therh-by piano solos. His secret spring was released and a
en no inean part. . acquaintance in 'the theatrical world shower of diamonds scattered on the
Tradition has it that in those days is wide, and he is said to have a taste ground.
of political giants Mr. Harcourt fQund for good pictures, of which he is no A clever ruse was that ,of two bro- i I
many a foeffian worthy of his steel. mean judge. Writing some time ago thers ill thd Vay '90's. One of the
Those were.� the times in which he in the New York Times, Clair Price conspirators would engage a state -
found hirnse�lf confronted at a political noted that Prince George was the room for a iound-tril passage. Into,
meeting with formidable opponents. only one of the brothers who had ev- a hole in the, floor was passed a bag
The late John Charles Rykert of Lin- er -been robbed. Somebody stole his of diamonds, where it was left until
coln, with his time-honored scrap- car, 'but it was returned undamaged the next sailing date. Then, when
book, was a Conservative speaker who a few days later. Apparently the bidding farewell, the voyaging brother
tried his mettle on many occasions thief did not know who owned the would pass to the other the concealect
alike in his own riding of Monck and car when he stole it, for it is an un- contraband, and as no suspicion is
elsewhere in the province. There wa,, written law in England that members ordinarily attached to visitors of d,e-
also opposed to him on ,occasions in ' of the royal family are exempt from parting friends, the scheme worked
election campaigns the late Hon. Dr. robbery, and this unwritten law, we until they enacted their grief at part -
W. H. Montague, whose numerous might observe, seems -to be more ing once, too often. I
election and by-election contests are effective than the written law which Technique of this sort recalls ther
a feature of V HaldimandIs political insists that other people shall be woman who posed as a society leader
history. Associated with him in the exempt from robl�ery- - and as such made several crossing
House and Cabinet were such intel- � -4w — yearly, always bringing in a wardrobe
lectual and political forces as Hon. of gowns, millinery -and shoes,,,upon
(later Sir) John MA-rison GibsDn, which the duty was paid withodt a
Hon. George W, Ross, who was an or- Tricks of Diamond murmur. But the woman bad serv-
ator to rec�on with, Hon. F. R. Latcb- . Smugglers I ants who travelled in second and third
f ord (now . Chief Justice), Hola. Geo. class cabins and brought over a for -
P. Graham (now senator), Alex. G. Down the gangplank of a trans- tune in -jewels for her on each trip.
U es a 'th There is one factor that greatly
Mackay, afterwards Liberal leader, atlantic liner sh ffl , sailor wi
Henry Carscallen, James Conmee T- apparently no encumbrances but his aids the government agents in catch-
, ,
B. Pardee, W. H. Hoyle, HQn. Cbristo- clothes. A bulge in his sock abov3. ing arn-ateur crooks: Congress permits
pher Finlay Fraser, John Dickenson the ankle catches the eye of a watcb� ,one-fourth of the value of the con-
, and others of varied gifts, ,but all of ful secret -service man, who takes the fiscated gems� to be paid to any in -
peculiar strength. ,' Transcendent, sailor into Custody. A search reveals former who ,,tips off" the goVernment
I howe�rer, especially as an after-dinner diamonds ih each sock. Six packets men.
I speaker, whose -addresses showed a of the precious stones are wrapped a- As a result, "double-crossing" is of-
, wide knowledge of literature, was Mr- round ,one leg, and twenty-five around ten practiced in the jewelry shops of -
. Harcourt, who to -day, despite the fact the other. When the seized gems aF6 the continent; where gullible Ameri-
; tha,l the lsba,dows axe lengtherf1hg sold at auction the government re- cans, are -persuaded to buy jewels by
I about him, and be is' carrying the alizes $90,000. I the promise that the purchase will
I weight of more than four score years, Such incidents are, not uncommon not be reported to the authorities--
, has lost none of his eloquence nor his on the New York waterfront, where as the law demands.
. zest for affairs. . secret -service agents are constantly But the seller of the gems does not
. . matching their wits against clever keep his. promise. Instead, he im.-
! -0 " and resourceful men and women who mediately reports the sale to the rev -
try to run ther tariff barrier and the enue authorities. But that is the casa
� Duke of Gloucester and the of the amateur smuggler. With the
I custom blockade.. There is probably
. Royal Brothers' . no other commodity that offers such professional it is a far more difficult
I temptation to, smugglers as dfamond-s. problem.
- .
k In common with all other loyal sulb- Unse�t � stones worth $50,004) hardly
. jects we have been deeply grieved to make a bulge in a n* ordin4ry envelope; I
. learn that the Duke of Glou-cester,had and yet, delivered safely in this eo,un- ADVISES
. to undergo an operation for appendi- try, they save the ,purchaser who ev- In a recent memorandum with re-
' citis, and the anxiety may not be con- ades duty about $10,000 And enable spect to the preparation of seed for
. 4ned Jo loyal, subjects for a touch Of him to -pay. the smuggler a tid'y sum. exhibition purposes, L. H. Newman,
' appendicitis makes the whole world for slippin� them past the govern- Dominion Cerealist, gave the fol-
' kin. The Duke is the third son Of ment agents. . . lowing advice regarding threshing:,
I the King and Queen, following the -Diamonds and equally expensive ",The method, of threshing the ex -
Prince of, Wales and the Duke of stones have been smuggled into, this !hibition grain is a matter of im-
, York. Th� ' fourth son is Princ6 country in thousand -and -one innoetnt portance. A very good plan is td-
" George, whoi loo,ks most like the King containers, such as hollow - canes, flaill the sheaves by hand on a can-
. and is supposed to be the favorite toothpaste tubes, 'Sponges, . jar.� of vas, 'spread out on the ground near
P brother of the, Prince of Wales. The pre�erves, cakes of soap..,,back of the stooks, or stack, on a bright sun- -
) younger brothers share the disad. brushes, cartridges, tins -of food anA ny day. -Only a very few strokes bf �
r vantage of being eclipsed by one Of milk, even ear trumpets and, nursing the flail should be given each sheaf
- the most popular Prince�s of Wales in bottles. Scarcely any -objects are a, as the -large, well developed kernels
t history. It has been said that the.bove suspicion. Hiding diamonds in will roll out, first. The kernels re.
' 'heir to the throne is the m ost popu - shoes is an old trick. Years ago a maining inthe sheaf may be threshed
I lar,,,man in the world, and we see no Chicago man whose, feet were at-isto- out lai;i in the ordinary, way.
reason why be should not be. It is cratically tiny made capital of them I I
�li natural enough that -any function by wearing shoes several sizes too -*—
which could induce the Prince of large with compartments in them for
Wales to attend would prefer him to loose gems and mounted jewelry. A Th secret of'
any of the other Princes whatever steward noticel the discrepancy be- . e
their -merits may be. In thelpast two tween his feet and their covering and
years it would appear that the Duke made, it a topic of conversation, with keeping fresh. -
of Gloucester and Prince George have the result that the news reached the
been thrust into an even deeper cOm- cars -of a government agent. I i P., � __1 �)
. " "
parative, obscurity through no fault The trick wds a new one when the �� ..L.# ., - IT
, "I r
� of their own. I Chicago man. tried it, but, as years ,� �.#
�)../ kil
I 'This is because of the emeirgence passed, it.became one of the common- A - (V bi 1! . IN,
�_ - I
01� I' I . -, �
I of the Duke of York, and. this Qaill est smoggling methods known. A year n /'!� -, ,L - . .
. I
is becAuse of- his marriage to Lady or so ago, the disproportionate feet . I J "k .%.-
' Elizabeth Bowes -Lyon in 1923. He Is 'of -a ship's electrician led to the seiz- �__ / I ,,*.
I the only ufarried Prince, and becaiise� ure of $10,000,000 worth of out but, I
. of his marriage , two others stan ' d' finset diamonds, the arrqst of several 11 - I I .1
. closer to the throne than the Duke of persons and, the uncovering of the \ i
I Gloucester. His dignity as a married trail .of -an international diamond-
� man and- his position as heir pre- s (
, muggling syndicate that bad An an- I %-I . I
�umptive have brought him, addi- nual -turnover of almost $50,000,0m.
1 tional. importance. In any event he is Unfo,rseen cikculm�ftnces Sometimes secret of- fbeling- ,
; the most serious ininded Of the, arr the means of u.15setting the most fresh is to keep the mouth fresh.
- ."Princes and also a Boy Scout. T1103 careful�y laid ,plans. One particular The cool flavor of WRIGLEYNS,
r Duker W Gloucester is five yeaK9 smuggler wore garters in, wbich he refreshes the mouth. it removes - u
I lyotlnOr than the Duke of York. He could conceal -rubies and -pearls. One R111 trace of eating,.,
, is the tallest, the most athletic and day' the garteTs broke and betrayed or smoking, swe�et., ,* C
. the most ri�seTved of, -the brothers, ,him. Ms wife also came in for an ens breath. , ., '
ilthough it Is said that his nickname examination, A the hands of, the gov- I I I I
' 'a kBlueb,ottle.11 What it -signifiew we ernment. agents� --It was discovered ", .. .
5 have not the faintest notion, u I 8.8, that she hdd- turned . her extjimAe I I
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