HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-09-04, Page 1( i a• �- ' -•-�-�-; t' ., • 1111 Seventy -avoid Year . Whole Member aaaa SEAFORTH, FRID,A , SEPTEMBER 4, 1931. EN SUBSIDIES (Condensed from World's Work.) Now,.there are a dozen ,other track comtpamese operating in the mime ter- ritory. Wie know that they+ done a pay the gross -profits tax, because the state lacks machinery for enforce- ment. While such outfits are cutting their own throats and' building nothing permanent, they are also hurting the railroads. 'Here we see clearly how the hidden subsidy works. It allows irresponsible individuals to do what the state will not allow responsible railroads to do. Everybody is familiar • with the clear-cea subsidy arising from the fact that the government builds and maintains the highways which the Jake had `been a ` truck driver. He tiaved his money and became a truck owner. H. went into the hauling business, and competed with the rail- roads. He hauled anywhere, for any- body; and when 'business was dull, he accepted almost any price. As a driver, Jake had worked for wages. As an owner, paying wages, he was dazzled by the sums he hand- led, and imagined he was getting rich. But he experienced increasing difficul- ty meeting his obligations. Bills he had not figured on fell due. At last bis debts were so bothersome that he had to sell his trucks and quit the business. " Jake is a fair sample of part of truclls use. But' other hidden subsid- the new and erratic competition which les are more serious. A railroad man railroads are being called upon to works eight hours under the Adamson meet. Multiply Jake by ten or a Act; truck operators may work as hundred thousand; and questions of long as their strength lasts. A cer- national significance arise. rs heamak- • tain .number of men must belong to ing transportation truly cheaper? Is , the operating crew of ' every train; be likely to? I truck trains may have as, few as the Forget these questions for ' the owners deem necessary. Railroad moment. Irresponsible truck opera- wages are virtually fixed by the gov- tors represent only one factor in a ernment; not so, truck wages. The situation daily becoming more ser- , railroads serve all alike, but truck op- ious for the railroads. l erators may pick and choose custom - Railroads are seeking business to- . ere and loads. Railroads must oper- day upon the bedrock basis of render-' ate in good weather and bad; trucks ing more service, • at lower cost, than may lay up during a storm. other carriers. e Some rivals. are beat- I Each such discrimination contri- ing them, and the railroads know it.' butes to the hiddensubsidy and con - But other rivals appear cheaper bea fuses the real issue, which is, are cause they are, in effect, the recipi- I motor trucks cheaper carriers than ents of hidden subsidies. In these) railroads? On the short haul, trucks cases the question is, do we want to I are highly efficient. In the long-haul subsidize less efficient carriers at the !field they can maintain themselves expense of the more efficient? 'against railroads only by hidden sub - I am aware of the next .question: Which, in fact, are the more effici- ent? I am going to state a conclu- sion, then seek to justify it by facts. Upon an e ual fo oting, there is hard- ly any (product anywhere in the coun- try that the railroads cannot and will not transport on the long haul --and often on the short haul — cheaper, faster and with greater satisfaction to the shipper, than can any other kind of common carrier: Even hidden subsidies cannot overcome, except here and there the enormous natural sidles. Buses have bad a phenomenal growth in the past ten years. They have carried further the process• be- gun by the private automobile, and have hackedoff great a xea t slice of the railroad passenger business. 'What the railroads have lost to the private automobile, is lost. Not be- cause the latter is cheaper but be- cause it is so convenient and useful after the traveller gets to his destina- tion; Buses, however, are a different matter. In . the large, they offer efficiency sof a train running smoothly neither natural economy, or service over ribbons of bright steel. comparable to the railroads. Bus 41'Take the motor truck. Sioux Falls, lines are natural feeders and comple- South Daketa, is an important jobbing menta to railroad service, not rivals. venter, well served by five railroads. Turn naw to another field where However, they run mostly east and , the situation is commonly supposed west, and this creates an awkward to be far more threatening, to the shipping problem. The town of railroads. Barge lines on the Mis- Brookings, . for, example, is only 58 sissip'pi and Warrior rivers are try - miles north of Sioux Falls. By the ing with government aid, to develop highway, I mean. By rail it is abou� a permanent waterway traffic to rival 180 miles. Here, obviously, is a place the railroads. The barge lines come for motor truck companies. nearer receiving an open-and-shut A,bout six years ago a private tom— subsidy than any other' major trans- pany was formed and began to oper- portation development within the ate extensively- Rival companies• al- country. Shippers are attracted by so soon carne into existence, and in- low. rates that do not cover the ac - stead of sticking to north -and -south ual costs of the service. Prof. Wii- routes, some )began to parallel the rail- Liam Z. Ripleyhas analyzed very roads. So much business did these carefully the "disclosed and hidden trucks take from the railroads that costs" of the Inland Waterway Cor - the Omaha line itself formed a truck .poration, and shows that the cost as company, officered by railroad exe- paid by shippers is .less than half cutives. That truck business is at the real cost, which he has found to present handling 70 per cent, of all be 10.85 mills per ton -mile. Rail - the trucking business in the territory roads which parallel the Mississippi it serves. charge the public an average of 10.00 The company publishes its rates, mills per ton mile. which are strictly adhered to. Note. What it .all comes to .is this: No carefully that the rates average five method has yet been found to haul cents per hundred higher than rail more cheaply and satisfactorily, in rates, taking into account all classes the broad view than railroads. Some of freight. Cost accounts have been. particular jobs can ke done better in kept with scrupulous care. What, other ways. But railroads are the then, of results? backbone of transportation in this The experiment- has been highly country, asd so far as we can see now, successful, in that the trucks have always will be. ' Hidden subsidies have proved excellent feeders for the rail- enabled some of the new systems to road, so that business on the Omaha present a false appearance of econ- line has increased sharply. But—and omy and to capture business to which this is the nubbin of it—after eharg- they are not economically entitled. ing off proper depreciation, after pay- In all such cases, the railroads ing the gross profits tax required by should have an opportunity to com- the state, the truck company itself, under excellent management, has not .been able to. show a penny of pro- fit. year totalled 6,701,663' barrels ascom- pared with 6,778,023. for the preceding year. Montreal, Que. , --- Canada's Fish Week is scheduled for !September 13th to 19th inclusive, according to an an- nouncement of A. H. Brittain, presi- dent of the' Canadian Fisheries As- sociation—the object of the "week" being to increase the present small per capita consumption of fish in this country, where fish are .plentiful. Montreal, Que.---!Montreal's fourth Buyers' Week brought between $500,- 000 and $600,000 in trade to whole- salers and manufacturers of the city from merchants in' all 'parts of Can- ada, according to an estimate of the Board of Trade, which 'organized the project. Some 650 buyers registered during the week. Ottowa.—The important discovery that certain deposits of rock in the Niagara district of Ontario are suit- able for the production of rock wool, a valuable insulating, lining and cov- ering material, is revealed in a report issued by the Department of Mines, in which. F. M. Goudge deals with the possibility( of establishing an industry in Ontario and manufacturing this product, known to be one of the most effective insulating• materials yet de- vised. Rock wool, or mineral wool as it is sometimes called, is not yet manufactured in Canada as hitherto suitable raw materials were not known to exist within the Dominion. Ottawa.—Henri Turcot, Canadian Trade Commissioner at Athens, is making a tour of the Dominion in the interests of' Canadian trade with Greece, beginning at Regina on Aug- ust 21st and ending at Walkerville, Ont., on October 3rd. • Ottawa.—Lime production in Can- ada during 1930 amounted to 490,802 tons, valued at $4,038,698. Roughly a half of the production came from Ontario and a quarter of the whole from Quebec. Some 351,443 tons or ' er cent. of the output were used 71.6 5 P P in the pul,g and paper, mining, steel and other industries. Ottawa. — David Hunter, senior fieldman for the Canadian Ayrshire Breeders' Association, just back from a tour of the Prairie Provinces, re- ports that Ayrshire prospects are bet- ter than they have been on any prev- ious trip to this area. He was alble to negotiate the sale oft around fifty head of Ayrshires, 43 of which, in- cluding nine bulls, were for distribu- tion among the settlers of the irrigat=' ed lands of Southern Alberta. Peterboro, Ont.—The new Canadian plant at Peterboro of A. Wander, Ltd., manufacturing chemists of Lon- don and King's Langley, England, is now in operation. Ovaltine and other produces formerly supplied . to the Canadian market from King's Lang- ley„ will be produced at the new plant the raw materials being purchased in this country. Simcoe, Ont.—Harvesting and cur- ing of the tobacco crop in Norfolk County are taking about 5,000 extra hands this year, according to F. C. Paterson', district agricultural' repre- sentative. The yield is estimated at between 15 000,000 and 16,000,000 lbs., or doube that of last year. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont Finishing a yearly record under R. 0. P. rules ith the highest production in milk ever credited to a three-year-old Hol- stein heifer in Canada, Soo North Star, bred, owned and developed by W. J. Elgie, of Sault Ste. Marie, has just come forward to claim her cham- pionship and to bring further fame to her stables. Starting the test July, 1930, Soo North Star finished her lactation period in the 365 -day divis- ion with a production of 29,022 pounds of milk containing 1,203.'75 pounds of butter. Guelph, Ont.—All fur farmers in Ontario may now become members of the Ontario Provincial Silver Fox Breeders' Association, it was decided at the recent 8th annual meeting of the association at Guelph. In the pete on an equal basis. They ask nothing more. When they have that, past, as an affiliated branch of the the public Will speedily ,know where Dominios Association, only breeders and how it isbest served. - of registered silver foxes were elig- ible for membership, but under the Threshing Coal. N. CLUEI1'$c SONS grown in U.S.A. Yanks can't elope with our cantaloupe trade. * * * Making Your Household Tasks Easier. Ever since I gave those beauty hints for men, I have been made a- ware, by the volume of letters re- ceived, that the ladies have been feel- ing rather jealous at my not prepar- ing a special article for them. Well, here it is, dear ladies! These little hints, gathered during the days of my bachelor housekeeping, are very prec- ious to me. That they may be a won- derful help to you is the ardent wish of your devoted admirer, Dean. Wax paper is excellent for clean- ing the stove. Save the papers and they will' do to line -your cake tins whenever you are making a dark cake. Sprinkle salt over a dingy carpet before sweeping. It will mal e it look like new. It is well to run the salt through a fine colander before putting it back into the shakers. Rub old boots with slices of raw potato and they will polish as easily as new ones. Cleanse Potato slices with peroxide of hydrogen before fry- ing for supper. Adhesive tape may be used when preparing stuffed veal or roll. jelly cake. It will keep everything nicely in shape. When desired to remove tape, soften with benzine or gasoline. Instead' of washing .your net cur- tains this fall, use then for straining jellies. By putting different colored' jellies through different areas of curtains you will produce a pleasing modernistic effect. If house flies are attracted to the. curtains it will be well to spray the latter with a mix- ture (equal parts) of gasoline and skunk oil. Many housewives like to paint the kitchen in the autumn, but find they get more paint on their bands and arms than they do on the woodwork. To remove paint, get 12 ,large pine - ,apples and cut up into small pieces. Stir with bare hands in a thick syrup. By the time the pineapples are gently simmering the paint will have all come away. Drops a little turpentine into each jar of pineapple 'before seal- ing. This will remove paint from the fruit. Keep a pair of hob -nail 'boots handy to use. when the butcher sends some tough meat. Put on the boots, and jaeap up and down on the meat until tender. By doing so before an open window, and practising deep breath- ing, you have the added advantage of a very healthful form of exercise. Wher'1 the boots are new it is well to soak them in mustard and hot water (four parts mustard to one part hot water) before wearing. This will render the leather pliable. If saucepans get burned, do not put soda in them. Rub them well with a paste made of ammonia, ground gar- lic and Limburger cheese. You will never notice the burnt taste the next time you cook anything in them. * * GRANDPA'S MUSTACHE CUP Aberdeen? By passing the 'jta, .. The story of the four Seatchmiea who were drowned whale satimi iixig one afternoon; Each .'bet a shilling that he could stay under Water t longest of the four, winner take all Sandy stood hesitantly at the tick- et window counting his change. "What's up, Scotty?" the ticket -agent inquired, "isn't your change right?" "It's richt," said . Sandy complaining- ly, abut only just richt." A .Sco'tchnian discovered 'a 'previous eustometr's tip peside his plate ie.. a restaurant. He "summoned the wait- ress, "I found this beside my plate," he told her. "I'm a 'sportsman -11'11 match ye for it." The Scotch doctor lay dying. d• in . With almost his last breath he said to his wife: "When I'm to be buried I want a nameplate on my,coffin." "Ye shall have it," she assured him. On the morning of the funeral the pa'ss- ers'by noticed that the polished brass, plate which had graced the doctor's doorpost was missing; and the grave- sidel mourners read through their tears, as they lowered the casket:— ANGUS ABERNETHY, M.D. •Office hours 9 to 11 a.m. It was a Scotchman who walked in- to a dairy and asked for a pound of butter wrapped into to -day's paper. A Scotchman was told by his doc- tor that his wife should have had her tonsils taken out when she was a lit- tle girl. He had the operation per- formed—and sent, the bill to his father-in-law. A friend noticed D"ugald riding along the street on a woman's bicycle. "How came ye by that?" he asked. "Well, it was like this," said Dugald. "I was walking out with Janet the other evening, and when we came to a darkish part of the moor, she said, `I love ye, Dugald; I dove ye so much I'll give ye anything ye like.' So when I had thought it over a bit I took her bicycle." The idea for slow-motion pictures cames to its inventor while watching two Scotchmen reaching for the lunch check. "Yon's Mary, sittin' on the other side of the bus. Are ye no' goin' to speak to her?" "Whist, mon! She hasna paid her fare yet." "Your wife needs a change," said the doctor. • "Salt air will cure her." The next time the physician called he found Sandy sitting by the bedside fanning his wife with a herring. Sandy pulled out his handkerchief and a set of false teeth hit the deck. "They're the auld worm. %" he e, plained, picking then up. , her eating between meals." " 'Twos Christmas Eve. The .Scots- man looked at his little Jamie as he lay slumbering. Sighing, he took a heavy pistol from a drawer. He crept to the window. A loud report shook the cottage. "Father!" cried Jamie, wakening from his sleep, "What was that noise?" "Santa Claus," replied the Scotsman. "Santa Claus just committed suicide." A Glasgow proprietor of a motion picture house was impressed, on a vis- it to this country, by some of the schemes used to draw trade. One Sign in particular met his approval— "All Persons Over 50 Years of Age Admitted Free." On his return, he hastened to put the scheme into op- eration. On a poster{ in front of his palace was displayed the notice: '"All Persons Over 50 Years of Age Admitted Free if Accompanied by Their Parents." , Agricultural And Industrial Progress In Canada Charlottetown, P. E., I.—The Can- cinthe, will be president, and Henri adian National Silver Fox Breeders' C. Bois, chief of the rural economy Association has an exhibit at the Ex- hibition at Toronto. Halifax, N. S.—Five poultry hatch- eries operating in Nowa Scotia this year .marketed 95,000 approved chicks —almost double last year's figure of 52,390. , Kentville, N. S.—John Pearson of the Liverpool firm of Pearson Bros., fruit brokers, who has been touring the Annapolis Valley, reports condi- tions in tag orchards much better than he had been led to expect from infor- mation current on the other side. He stressed the need of the utmost care in packing and shippingeein order to meet increasing competition. Lawrencetown, N. S.—August is going on record as an active month in the matter of calf club annual shows in Western Nova Scotia, with exhibits of stock ranging from 15 to 60, and always including dairy demonstra- tions. The experimental farm at Kentville is taking a prominent part in these exhibits. St. John, N. B.—At the instigation of the Saint John Board of Trade, a survey of the fishery, resources of the Bay of Fundy is being made by Dr. A. G. Huntsman. It is pointed out that, up to the present little is known Of the possibilities of deep sea fish- Cdwe, Quebec, may leave St. Louis ding in the Bay, the wealthof which, Airport for St. Hubert Airport at is sea food, may be considerable. . Montreal and from there continue on Quebec, Que.—Hon. Adelard God-' west or• south service of the Department of Agri- culture, secretary. M9ntreal, Que. — The Industrial Commission has completed the gath- ering of data concerning the Montreal district and is proceeding with the compilation of a report which will be ready in about a month's time. It will contain a comprehensive state- ment of •Montreal's industrial situa- tion and an analysis of the several factors favorable and unfavorable to the continued growth of Montreal. It is intended to serve as a basis for study and work rather than as a final treatise on the subject. Montreal, Que.—London, England, and Los Angeles, California, are now only a' little more than six days apart via Montreal and Buenos Aires, Ar- gentina, 15 days, by combined ship and plane service recently inaugurat- ed. The Canadian :Pacific Steamships in conjunction with Canadian Airways Limited and Canadian Colonial Air- ways Limited, are the promoters of the, service' wlii► enable incoming passengers to Quebec to make their air, reservations aboard ship, and up- on landing speed on to their destina- tions. Passengers arriving by the S. S. "Empress of ?Britain" at Wolfe's new constitution of the association provision has been made to take in all fur farmers: Hamilton, Ont.—The population of Hamilton, as shown by the prelimin- ary count of the returns of the census is now 154,914, an increase of 40,763 in the decade, or 35.1 per cent. Fort William; Ont.—The district of Fdrt William is to bave an experi- mental farm operated by the Pro- vincial Department of Agriculture, it is currently reported. bout, 'Minister of Agriculture in the Quebec Government, has completed the list of seven members to comprise the new dairy `commissions, of which Elie Bourbeau, former chief of the dairy industry service in the Depart - Mont of Agriculture and Sow dilree- for of the dairy school at St. R a - t4 Montreal, Que.--.Canada', exports of wheat for the crop year ended July 31.st are given by the Dominion Bur- eau of Statistics at 228,480,408 bushels as against 155,766,106 bushels in the previous 12 months, The values were rest ecti'vely. $1600856,559 and $188,- 289435. Flour exports for the crop r. HOW MY WORLD WAGS By That Ancient Mariner DEAN D. HURMDY "A little learning is a dangerous thing," warned the poet. No wonder the kids hate going back to school. * * * A report from Banff, Alta., says that a woman golfer, Mrs. Sherman, made the first hole -in -one there. Many a Mr. Sure man beaten by Mrs. Sher- man. * * * "An old feud will be renewed this year among the contestants at the Canadian National Exhibition mara- thon swim." Now, boys, don't get sniffy. Remember the race is not to the snift. * * * From Niagara Falls, Ont., we learn that a bit of a boy named Dainty rode to victory in two races at Stamford Park. We hope the ladies (ribs of Adam) had their money on Dainty. Shakespeare says, "Dainty bits make rich the ribs." * *, * Special from Winnipeg says new tariff regulations relating to fruit halve enabled cantaloupe from Ontario and British Columbia to replace those When Grandpa drank Hyson Or Oolong or sick, He used his mustache cup. None finer than which. 'Twas most fascinating To watch Grandpa drink, And see his alfalfa So close to the brink. His spinach would never Get soaked in his tea, Unless he'd neglected The barber to see. Then sometimes his oakum Would slip o'er the ledge And Grandpa's white heather Get wet on the edge. • So Grandpawould suck in His seaweed for fair, And noisily dry it, Then give it the air. Dean D. Hurmdy. Ontario is* far t. ,ducer of tobacco Matt;e provi!k of Canada), having contribuj ed 2+. . 600,000 pounds of. a grand total o 36,700,000 pounds for all 'Canada ami year. In all, •:32,£105 acres :were, de-; voted to tobacco raising in Ontario last year. New Pear Markets. Owing to new' tariff conditions, Western Canada is elani'oritig for Ontario Barlett pears, according ''to C. W. Bauer, secretary of the Grow- ers' 'Markets Council. Orders have already been received and Ontario's large Bartlett pear crop will- find pro- fitable outlets in the West as well as in Great Britain, where, according to Andrew' Fulton, growers' representa- tive, the market for Bartlett pears .is unusually good this year. The crop in, England and Europe is short and likewise in many of the American producing sections. The canners' re- quirements are limited and growers are •advised to take full adiyantage of exporting, Bartletts to the West and to the Old Country. For export purposes; Bartlett pears should be shipped in barrels and hall -barrels, and for Western nearkets the stand- ard pear box should be used. IT'S SMART TO BE THRIFTY (Excerpts from "Scotch") It was a MacTaerish who sent his spats to the cobbler's to be soled and heeled. How do the police disperse riots in FOOTBAL Beans in Elgin. Elgin County Bean Field Day was held recently on the farm of J. J. Johnston, Wardsville. On this farm several fertility demonstra- tion plots are located under direc- tion of the Department of Chem- istry, 0. A. C. Fertility tests en beans showed a large difference in yield and maturity between the best fertility plot and the check plot. Speaking of beans, Professor Caesar was in ,'Elgin County re- cently investigating what proved to be a serious outbreak of green clover worm on field beans. This insect is of the Noetuid type, but differs in habit from the common cut- green, leafy vegetables. It is excep- worms. Many fields were found in- tionally rich in phosphorous and iron fected with this worm and in many and contains fourteen of the eighteen . cases' the entire field destroyed. It animo acids necessary to good health. also attacked turnip fields and in the It is especially efficient as a protein. later plantings especially it did im-I When. you go to the store to buy beef mense damage and practically strip- I this season you will find quality and ped away all the leaves and, ruined,satisfaction conveniently available in entire fields. The inroads of the lit- the "red" land `)blue" brand beef tle green worm were found as far north as• Lake Huron and few patches of turnips and no fields of beans were ;found..to --be--immune. No further dam- age is expected as the larvae have begun to pupates' . Try This Grape Juice If you want a cool, refreshing, healthful )beverage for use in the home try this recipe for grape juice, which is supplied by the Fruit Branch of the Department of Agriculture: 1 cupful grapes, 1 cupful sugar. dThor- oughly sterilize a quart sized sealer, put in the grapes and sugar, fill to overflowing with boiling water, seal and put away. This makes a delic- ious temperance drink. It will not ferment as long as it is kept sealed but it should be used immediately it is opened as on exposure to the air for• a short time fermentation takes place. The Tag Tells the Grade There is probably no meat the pur- chase of which the average individual experience more difficulty in getting real satisfaction than when buying poultry. Recognizing this difficulty and at the same time desiring to give to the farmer the premium for qual- ity, which is his full due, the Domin- ion Department of Agriculture has extended the system of grading and marking poultry for quality. There are two classes of poultry—"Milk-fed" distinguished by white fat and "Select- ed," distinguished? by yellow fat. Within these classes are the grades "Milkfed A," "Milkfed B," "Selected A," "Selected B" and "Selected C." Practically all the poultry coming on to the market this fall will be graded in accordance with government stand- ards and the class and grade will be marked by tags affixed to the breast of the bird. mint bird „prof eggs each, this average year until;last• (yea'!.: 1 3 eggs per bird. average production about .ahnost'-e'ntirc .ful breeding ion the' p ed breeders whoaeigeme, ha n tared for success years laying contests 'limen the ft, erage gets up over the 150 egg p( it means .profit;s for the flock owrii Better Quality .Lamas • The run of lamins now coming onto the eastern market shows a decidcsl improvement in' quality over reee;tpt" during the latter part of , July, ac- cording to the Markets Inteliigenee. Service of the Dominion Live Stoel Branch. Many of the lambs 0;4.1 g' onto the market a month ago were; weighing less than 40 pounds an.; when dressed yielded a carcass often weighing under 20 pounds. This kind' .: of lamb was simply not wanted on the market and,•of course, drove pric- es to very low levels. Lambs how coming onto the market are weighing ..:, around'75 pounds, showing both breed- ing and finish. These are proving ,. popular and to strengthen the market many drovers and shipping clubs are returning, lambs which weigh 70 lbs.. from the local station! for further fattening. Beef Season Returns School days are here again, and ..so is the season} for substantial, hearty meals of roasts, steaks and stews. Beef properly cooked is a complete food, being deficient only in calcium, is easily supplied by the addition of PRESENT- DAY SEX IDEAS RELICS OF BYGONE AGES. The desire for self-preservation and the urge for reproduction are the two primary instincts. They are the well springs from which flow the arts and the sciences; to one or other of them can he traced every phase of our civ- ilization. 'They are also responsible for most of the ills which afflict our society. Naturally, as people gathered to- gether in communities it Was neces- sary, in the interest of the community, to regulate these instinctive drives. Laws, rules, regulations, grew up. Of- ten these were framed to meet tem- porary or local needs, but later be- coming embalmed it' tradition, have continued in effect long after the original reason had passed. Many had no logical foundation at all, but arose out of superstition and ignor- ance. In this category ere some of our present-day sex ideas. The whole subject of sex is shot through with taboos. While such is not inherent in theaprinciples of Chris- tianity, the Christian Church has been largely responsible for the inculcation of a feeling that sex in general is nasty; many sins are included in the Christian category, but the word "sin" has largely come to denote sex. It has aome to be looked upon as a more or less necessary evil, but an evil nev- ertheless. This tendency has resulted in a very unhealthy attitude, generally, as the records of mental clinics everywhere show. Parents fear to discuss sex matters frankly with their children and maintain a harmful air of mys- tery. The children, in turn, grow up ignorant and hypersensitive concern- ing this, most important phase of life. There has been much discussion of late as to whether parents o'r teach- ers should be responsible for sex in- struction. The general view of those who have given the matter most study is that this is a parent's job. One of the objects of the mental hygiene movement is to bring about a more sensible attitude toward sex. When parents can be induced to face the matter squarely in their own lives it may then be possible for them to answer honestly and without qualms the first questions of their children about "where 'babies come from." which is graded and marked in ac- cordance with government regula- tions. Challenge Game • EGMONDVILLE vs. MILL ROAD For Crawford`'°Cup nipple's .Field-2Y2d. Miles out Mill Roa WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th Game called for at 5.4,5 p.m. ADMISSION: 10 and '20 cents Support our locd.I team. , How to Keep Milk Four little words tell the whole story about how to keep milk in pro- per shape for use in the home. These. are "Clean, Cool and Covered." This is one of the fundamental rules of home economics "to which the Dairy and Cold Storage Branch calls special attention. For best results milk should be served at the end of the meal, and it should always be sipped slowly. Milk is the ideal food for children of all ages because of its high quality and quantity of protein, its abundance of calcium, its readily assimilable phosphorus 'content, its iron and its easily digested fat and sugar. Buy Canadian Grapes Reports received by the Dominion Fruit Branch indicate that Canadian crop this year will amount to 32,000 tons of grapes, coming from vine- yards in Ontario and British Colum- bia. As any doctor will tell you no fruit is more healthful than the grape. It is a delicious dessert, a wholesome conserve apd a real re- freshing beverage. The Canadian va- rieties include blues, whites and am- bers. They are sold by the box and basket and in both quality and flavor are fully equal to the best imported grape of similar varieties. When to Cut the Sample L. H. Newman, the Dominion Cere- alist, discussing the best time at which to cut grain intended for exhi- bition use points out that the major- ity of exhibitors prefer to let the crop become fully ripen before it is cut. When to cut depends yen great- ly on the locality and season. Nit the Central Experimental. Farm at Ot- tawa and on the branch farms the usual practise is to let the crop be- come fully ripened before it is cut. Harvested grain dries up better and is likely to have a better color if stooked in rather small stooks. These should be protected against rain to prevent damage through sprouting and to preserve the color. Can All You Can The Fruit Branch of the Dominion Department of agriculture are giving special support to a Dominion -wide campaign to encourage housewives to can everything they can for winter use so that no surplus may be left to go to waste in field or garden. There never was such a time in Can- ada when there was such a crying need for relief or assistance in one form or another than at present, and the housewife, !both in the rural and urban home, has a special opportun- ity to make use of the simple; prac- tical and effective methods by which so much that would otherwise go to waste may be turned to the best of uses in the form of practical and ap- preciated relief. • "Holding" Eggs Unwise ' The Dominion Live Stock Branch ai'e receiving many reports of serious losses taken on grading by country merchants who have held their eggs for a higher market. The holding of egg* at country points for a rising market is decidedly unwise because of the fact that storage facilities are. not adequate to maintain quality -in the egg. Eggs are graded by cand- ling before a strong light, and the grade of the egg depends on the size of the air-cell. This in turn varies in accordance with the amount of GO2 or carbon dioxide gimes off by the egg through its shell. You can't fool the egg glader 'and it doesn't pay to hold. Breeding Better Hens, There could be no better reply to the critics of the federal breeding policy as to the real value such work has proven, during the past 10 years Canadian Pot Plants There is more than average inter- est in work received by the Depart- ment of Agriculture from a Vancou- ver firm of plant growers who are making a shipment of one comp]. carload •of some 15,000 specimens o'f potted plants to one of the largest florists in the Toronto district. The carload contains Dracaenas, Crotons•, Aspidistras, Palms and Ferns. It will require on'p of the largest cars the, railroad company can supply, and this shipment marks a new stage in Can- adian enterprise in that potted plants heretofore have come almost entirely from foreign countries. Apple Crop Prospects The Fruit and Vegetable Crop Re- port Nee 4 for 1931, jifst issued by the Fruit Branch, indicates a sub» stantial increase in the production of .apples in eastern Canada,M•rangmg hay from 20 to 82 per cent. over last 1 year, while for British Columbia a ddE°rease of 22 per cent. is indicated. The to'4 tal crop *id year is expected to a-• mount to 3,629 800 Ibari:'ehl at doter,. pared with 8,4'1,000 last year, ani 3,27,684 for the five-year average. Present indications are that apple will run average or better itt eiae'anC weather conditions hake Ibsen • _ that color should !be goad. li f+7y yA a it ,aerte.1 : w•lii:ii'�;'' 'e7+: ^'.'.t ifi�{'�!1 'ie:ii[iat�