HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-08-21, Page 6„
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°�,... •k Also ,fine tor a bedtime snack. h
Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. I , n
BOB IS NOW DOWN BUT MAY isd'b o1 h d a $50,000 000 an offer Of a million
laviat on r
BOB UP AGAIN company which ho had launched J
while Lindbergh was on his way. ]
We have no desire to be fulsome to Lindbergh declined and remarked 1
the United States, but are obliged' to coldly that he had never heard of 1
admit .that more curious people crop Bob, •
up there than in any other part of When Tunney was world's cham-
the world, or chaps in all the rest pion and fond of long words and mil -
of the world. In this group we sbOuld lionaire4 he found himself suddenly '
undoubtedly tan e to list Charles V• the long -lost buddy of Bob. They
Bob, a man unheard of a few years were' seen everywhere together. and
ago and equally unheard of to -day. the world was informed of Bob's life
But he may be -heard of again and long devotion to sport, and his former
it is with this contingency in view prowess as a boxer. It appeared that
that we relate a few facts about him. on one occasion he had knocked out
He is about 48 years old, and is first Stanley Ketchell in a gymnasium
heard of as a mine laborer. The grad- bout. One evening he suddenly gave
uatift' into a mining stock promoter birth to the idea that he could also
was easy and obvious, and since 'he 'knock out Tunney. Tunney fled from
operated in boom days it was not the scene to save Bob's life. Bob pur-
, long 'before he had a considerable sued hotly full of punitive notions,
bank roll, and also the ambition to and a policeman fearing that murder'
see what he could do'in Ne«.,L'oxk. was afoot knocked him on the head
He did very well by stock m,411 a- with a night stick. This ended the
tion, some of the stocks he sold pr'ob- Tunney-Bab friend-sbip which, how-
ably had some merit, but that did not ever, had been productive of valuable
greatly interest him. The point is publicity to Bob and had no doubt
that he made a lot of money, but widened Tunney's horizon concerning
hardly seemed to be gaining the ,.so- American millionaires. Bob also in-
cial eminence which he craved. vaded the sacred realm of religion
It is presumed that at the point with some success for • he pledged
in his career at which he arrived $100,000 to the Reisner Broadway
some five or six years ago, he con- Temple, thus outgiving John D.
sulted a public relations counsel; This Rockefeller, Jr., by $25,000. This sum
Press agent told him that the 4ky to vas to provide the church ,with a bea-
get into print in New York was to con. It remains beaegarless ba•t has a
give dinners;_ that it was always pas- $400 model of what the be. -,con was
si'ble to get promin6t New Yorkers supposed to be.
to go to public dinners if they could One infers that about this time the
be persuaded that, they were inti- companies were not so flourishing a:
dentally commemorating some notable they had once been. He launched a
event, and that, mingling with them, it $50,000,000 illuminating corpoxatioi
would not be long before Bob himself and used the'names of a lot of prom
wool& be mistaken for one of them. inent men as provisional directors
So he began to give these dinners Unfortunately he had not asked thei
whenever an opportunity Offered, and consent and they repudiated hirr
people of prominence were induced to This was bad for the corporation an
go -to, them and make speeches, parts not so good for Bob. Investors is
„ of which wire reported in the news- Iothers of his gaudy companies bega
papers, It is related in Tom. New to make imestigations and came t
Yorl„ter by Alva Johnston that at one the conclusion that there was a lc
of these dinners Ray 'Howard, with of hocuspocus, not to say hanky pank
true journalistic instinct, went round and violation of the criminal cod
among the guests asking: "Who is about them. Suddenly Bon Bob de
this Bob? Who is thin Bon Bab?” tided that New York was no plat
and received answers varying in en- for him. The Charles Bob mountair
lightening content from "Damned ,if would have really been the place b1
I know" to "The coming man in Am- they were inaccessible, and so l
erica." jumped into an airplane and land(
Bob had a lucky stroke when Ad- in '_Mexico. Disguising himself he r
miral Byrd was looking about for turned to New York only to find is
backers for one of his expeditions dictments against him and all b
to the South Pole. He presented visible properties seized and in tl
himself as a patron of science and hands of his creditors. He is no
gave $100,000 to Byrd. For this Byrd awaiting trial on several charges al
named a range of mountains after in the meantime has launched
him down in the Antarctic, but Bob $5 0,000,000 chromium corporation.
has not yet floated a company to
exploit them. Byrd also in public
called him "Dear Old Charlie" which
pleased Bob very much. He also re—
ceived a telegram from President LOVERS OF DOGS
Hoover who had been invited to at-
tend ,one of the Byrd -Bob banquets. What is claimed as a record
He put himself forward as a ban- newspaper enterprise is the issue
queter to notables visiting New York. a special dog supplement by the L<
.He gave costly food to Lady Heath, Daily Express. Four pages make'
Clarence Chamberlain, and Captains the special which contains some
Fried and Manning. Between courses teresting matter for owners and 11
lie launched new companies dealing ers of dogs. The special advertisi
in such (varying commodities as bul- carried would 'by no means cover 1
let -proof vests and breakfast foods. cost of the issue so we must super
One company was supposed to have that other motives than the lust
control of fog pfiPteing device which gain inspired the' editors. It is :
would simplify all forms of naviga- free from the vice which finds alm
tion. But it is reported that this everybody who writes anything ab
beacon could not make itself visible dog's an easy victim. That is the I
through a cloud of cigarette smoke. of sentimentality. Nobody appe
Nevertheless before Lindbergh flew any more competent to look at
across the lltlan'tic be had himself own dog as the dog really is t]
photographed; with this contraption. any mother finds it 'possible W
After he reached Paris Bob wired her own baby as other people see
This is what hitherto has made it
possible for any respectable body
dog literature to develop in the E
�� list language, however, it may
Po -o elsewhere. Most of what has b
U-1- to that 'type of e
,Always fresh—because he
1teops his mouth fresh with
WRIdLWS ars recommended
trq'docCciats and detatists. It aids
` 4e�%i5i1�f'.. r Cleanses the �tb.
A ihnplt tide of hearth, of
"a ' iidtlfa # 4yoictie, of Cffiieie> o I
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written r„•igs
pouring which occurs after a
drinks when men began to talk al
the little woman and the kiddies.
We find some subrmrsive rent.'
made by Lady Kitty Vincent '
takes the rather exaggerated ,%
that pedigree 'breeding has been
curse rather than a blessing to d
aDd urges that there should be
return to nature and common se
She points out that the cancel'
tion of breeders upon more s
points, that is to sal* artificial q
ities which' have no relaitian what
to either'the dog's usefulness or i
teing, have had the effect of pro
ing veritable monstrosities. Th'
true of the bulldog, for ,exal'
which is very often a. eriipple
could not walk a mile in an hour
could tuft r'uit a hundredyellds i
life depended on it. To rtrake -
tvrs worse, the exaggerated hes
the bulldog, togebher ,wits ".its . f u
1'ialns.. makes it almost. i'lsus
fbir i1i •to be born natut`411Y.. ,
U",11A6& filew 'retain some' of the 1
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is 1 dog, 4i� ' alga cairn �„r ,,: i •�, , . �,. ”, i,; '
German or Bel,g n P ��� in the apiary, fox it is soon ovexpow* hey .
rat eristics . -- = � there is t11e soca- §'; ?¢" i , y ;li
lase its valuable chs t „� . eyed and robbed' of its' r.loxes. those Eben,' v se, �K7
more size a dlaud-voiced AnNeri- tt, „ { ii ` , ,
re craze for metre and 1 h Qi �p11 ve had ex erien4e' with roll .. slo t:; l� n k 4 s,.
�.� Qfi � that ba P
s can; t 11 , � , �:f',,,
ersisted in. bjng bees need no 'warning but tho a 4"r, +0 4 ,1.
he modern collie, which fashion .1 T started taking Kruachen Snits fWlaile::he« present depression ,may, er
'g who have not seen it require a lot,
ess must have a, long, lean head, for biliousness, and for the lust two t erefa it is well to repeat the texnpaaraxily 'W,l?scure the txuth, there pad st , uic walls,
nothing lkb the intelligence of years I have been perfectly free frame h'
o from which it was an attack. Now I continue to take warning: X. Do l'o't expose sweets is , nq doubt that the United States l'1€ uP A ? , ' A . I
old sheep dog at any time in 'the 'apiary. 2. Ex- won 'the war in he sense hat she wider aul 14t�!g '+'
Sloped. However, the old sheep them, as I find they keep me in perfect bon ie coutesi.:wth tl;s:
has not died out, and if one health. My husband used to joke tfaet and, stare honey only in a bee- matte more out of the war khan any sweetest of Flue khat ?
its a dog 'With intelligence he will about me tatting Krusehen Salts; now tight building. 3. ,Do not feed or other nation involved. It was the �vilf �-�,, Cxood fqe
able to find it, although perhaps he takes them himself, so do my give back to the bees wet combs dux- war which 'brought her great manu- g weeks' service, ,,
among the bench show winners. children. My sincere thanks.” ing the day time. 4. Keep a>*1 cal- factoring Potentialities ko the Pres-
4. —Mrs. G. P. onie.s strong. 5. Reduce all hive en- ent development. The war made her Atm, s,oceis and
s is for the simple reason that When our gastric or digestive juices 'trances as 'soon as the honey flow is the world's chief creditor nation. hardwure.tores (> ,
,reeler or exhibitor will not pay refuse t your
your food instead of orver, especially those that are weak. Slays Mr. Pell. "TUere is not a fin- sole alaenta •
e%Ara pound for an extra ounce becoming absorbed into your system, 6 If nabbing is suspected at any hive ancien in London who sees the rise 11. Edgar M. e3enest '
brains, He wants show qualities:• simply, collects and ferments reside reduce the entrance to one be@ size of the United 'States as anything P.O. Box 22,
I these are produced and perfect- you, producing harmful a acids and ` shenbnooke, Que,
necessary demands area which give rise to biliousness, and smear the front of the hive with other than an attack an the) position
without any g carbolic acid' or - kerosene ail. If there that England has held these hun-
in the dog's inteVigence. Still, it heartburn and flatulence, years. There is not a manufac-
ins rather idle to denounce the Kruschen is a combination of six is a danger of the colony becoming died . ope
all ntal deter of the collie in rmoun of the salts,
oflrst shtimulates t tt to the o the cel ar forhtwo or three days. export trardee robbers, remove turer inocut�who does not !be -
w of the fact that the breeding of t f
"rn in the past fifty years has been life Row of• gastric and other juices Prevention is - better than cure, there- Neve that he is the unjust victim of
the breeding to aid digestion, and then ensures fore use preventive measures. the grasping Yankee. Every Govern- I ; `' -:.aa'•
re profitable than complete, regular and unfailing el ualina- sent in Europe in its effort to make 1
the sheep they were once supposed Hon of waste matter every day. And the new tax burden more palatable, F1, , C.HElt :-
tend and guard. Another writer that means a blessed end to biliousness, is trying to show to the slowly re- -
the special edition say's that the and a renewed and wholehearted RAISED CENTRE STRIPS FOR covering nations that a large part of Get's the fly eVeiy aTJ�C q
g fancy owe) a debt to Queen Vie- enjoyment of your food without the ROADS SUGGESTED their'burden comes from the effort
ria who took a great interest in slightest fear of having to pay the oldto satisfy the demands of the United.
g shows and used to exhibit. Both painful penalty. Motor traffic authorities have been States." What the United States has, J r
e and the Prince Consort were fond __.__.___-. _.— grofing gray from efforts to limit 'done to the w'orld's export trade in answers might tend to deirade him
dogs and had quite a collection. ,A speed on highway's for safety' sake, automobiles it may d'o to same other if it should happen that there is no.
hen the Queen died trier own black teemed bore in England. One day he But instead of trying to limit the trade, or perhaps to all trades. That, punishment provided for his acts.
ire was asleep an her bed. a friend the late Mr.
English royalty has always been was showing speed of cars, why d'a they not at- in any event, is what European He cannot refuse .to assist justice an
B, W, Levy, through the institution, tain the same end by making the manufacturers fear. the grqund that he is shielding his
end of dogs. All the world has roads safe far speeding. This is the What some of 'the leading states- own good name. For example, he
>.ard of the .Prince of Wales' Cora, a and Mr. Levy noticed patents
airn terrier, and perhaps many swathed in the rel blankets rndicak- question asked by Maxwell Halsey, men of the world realize is that Sur- might be forced to admit adultery
airn remember that one of the ing that they had, been prepared for writing in the Civil Engineer.. ope must unite if it .is to avoid for whiclh no particular punishment
lost pathetic mourners o the fun- operation. His guide remarked that T:is could be done, he suggests, by American commercial control and is provided. On .the- contrary he
nal of King Edward was his wire 'because of the lack of a second open- building, on through rura; highways Russian political domination. It must might not be forced to 'admit drunk-
o?rrier Caesar. But the dog that ating theatre they might have to wait. a raised centre strip dividing the road make some approach to the ideal ex- ennes`s since drunkenness b regarded
Mr. Levy asked the cost of a secand into two distinct traffic lines. pressed in the phrase The United as an offence punishable b the right
leant most to King Edward was, theatre and, on being told that it was This, he asserts. would prevent States of Europe. The notion of self- sentence. That is to say,
ack, an Irish terrier, which took the •$65•,000, wrote out a cheque for the head-on collisions, Such roads are .determination so dear to' Woodrow to refuse to incriminate himself is
lace of Peter, a French • bulldog amount there and then—we mean then made more necessary, . he holds, •be- Wilson must be merged for the time specifically limited to testimony son-
rhich went blind. It has been sag- and there, on a half sheet of paper. cause the higher comfortable riding being in• some 'sort of commercial cerning crimes. In other words when
rested that one of the reasons that He then made the stipulation that the speed of inexpensive cars, which make union which would give favorable 'a man is offered or accepts iref
ack was so dear to the King is that theatre should be at the service of up about 70 per cent. of present reg- terms to all European manufacturers munit; a crime is in the mind of
ane day he •tried to bite the seat istrations, have increased the average in all European countries and im- either the witness or the court or
tut of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's all or required it, without regard to
trousers. On another occasion the race or creed, and that his name as highway speed at least ten' miles an pose discouraging imposts upon all both.
donor+ should not be mentioned while hour. American imports, The present idea Most of these cases have to do
areeders of the King Charles spaniel he lived, "Increasing highway speed merely of erecting high tariff' 'barriers be- with bribery. When the great end
appealed to King Edward to save the There were many annoymous don- reflxCts t1Le individual''s demand for tween European countries we. quote, sought is the source of the 'bribe
ancient and honored name of the ors, attracted mainly by Londe Knuts, increased mobility," Mr. Halsev for the benefit of the addicts of ad- m+oney, it is common enough that
jog. The Kennel Club had decided ford's whimsical and eloquent o writes. The twentieth century bas joining columns a remark bf Mr. the' actual bribe giver is granted im-
tha,t all breeds of miniature spaniel peals. One of them gave $400,000 , placed such a 'hi'gh value on time that Pell's: "The Europeans believe that munity in 'order that this ma'y be
should henceforth be known as toy's. th understanding that the public the motorist does not like to waste the prosperity of the United States is' disclosed, A recent article in the
The breeders felt that their favoring should provide an equal amount. any more of it than necessary in get- due to a protective system, and fail New York Times mentions two or y,
would thus lose its identity a This was forthcoming. Another, an ting from .one place to another. It to realize as do most Americans that three' odd case's that have grown out
eventually 'become merged in half a American, gave $50,000. Lord Knuts- was only a few years ago ,that high- the high standard of living in the of the application of the principle �,
dozen other breeds. So the King was ford's first philanthropic experience way speed was limited by the class United States is only possible be- that a witness shall not be com-
appealed to. 'He dropped a word to came to him when he was guardian of car that individual could afford. cause America is the largest free pelled to incriminate himself. In the I
someone in the Kennel Club, and in the parish of St. Marylebone' "It is true that the inexpensive trade area in the world. The Ameri- State of Washington some little time
the proposed change was abandoned. Here he had a curious experience. A cars could go fast, but they were notcan manufacturer in 1New Eng -� ago a game warden came upon two
The United States remains the' girl was brought to the workhouse comfortable at high speeds, and wore land can buy cotton from Texas or campers preparing their noonday
great market for champion dogs, In who spoke a language nobody could out much more rapidly. Car manufac- Georgia; his machinery is mined in meal. He saw grouse feth
aers near g
nearly every breed there is an Amer- understand. So he wrote to The turers soon realized this, and the Minnesota, smelted in Ohio, fabri- the camp fire, and this was in'•the
ican willing to pay, a couple of hun- Times a report of the affair, giving cheapest cars now on the market cated in New York and finally set close season for grouse, As he 'ad-
dred dollars more for an English phonetically an account of her have comfortable driving speeds up in Rhode Island. His product is vancthrow
d he saw one of the campers
champion than an Englishman aft speech. This letter was seen by a which more nearly approach those of then tinned out on 'a market of 130 throw an object which looked like a
Thus the best as a rule dr Lithuanian, who recognized the higher -priced cars, and they are cap- millipn people. Naturally he is able half plucked grouse into the lake near -
across the ocean. But the next year tongue as, his 'own. He visited the able of travelling at speeds in exons to pay his hands more. and sell his by. Drawing his revolver the warden
the English breeders have produced the workhouse an•d found that the girl of those which existing highways can product for less than the European forced one of the campers to dive
something still better, and the loss was his sister, wh'o was on her way take care of in safety." ingnufacturer." into thb lake and recover hvhat he
of the champions of the year before to see him, but had lost his soirees. Both vehicle and surfaces are now A system of free trade in Europe had thrown away. It 'proved to be a
is really not importrant. 0'l' some On one occasion he,.__,as thrown out capable of permitting the average such as exists in the United States grouse recently killed.
occasions, of course, an American 'of a dog -cart and received injurie's speed desired by most motorists, Mr. would give the European manufac- The evidence seemed conclusive,
has bought up a promising English which deprived him of the senses Halsey thinks, but the design of in- tuner a greater -advantage than -the but the conviction of the campers
dog before its worth as" a stud dog of taste and smell for ten years. In terseetions and straightaways is United 'States enjoys. It would, in was set-aside 'on the ground that -one
was knpwn at home. and then there 1916 he was knocked down by a not such as to make these speeds the $ret place, 'open to him afar of them had been forced at the point
are letters of indignation in the dog motor tont and lay unconscious for safe. He goes on: larger market in Europe than exists of a revolver to present evidence
Papers. The best in almost any a week. After that the restored Sens- "The point is," he says, "that pec- in the United Slates and his greater against himself. He had been obliged
breed has s cash value 'bf something o es vanished completely and, to add to ple - want increased mobility, as evi- proximity to Asia would redouble to incriminate himself and consequent -
like $5,000. Three or four years ago dented by the rapid development of this advantage. If this is done, then ly had been illegally condemned. An -
his infirmities, he came increasingly
. Mrs. 'Mannooch s'6ld her chow Ch. deafer. automobiles and aeroplanes, and the with returning prosperity will van- other case, which eventually went to
Choonam Brilliantine to Mrs. Earl His political career was short and traffic authorities should prepare ilsh the, present European dislike of the United States Supreme 'Gaunt Was
Hoover, of Chicago, for $9,000 and inglorious. In 1885 when his father their highways for increased speeds the United tSates. As. Mr. Pell says, • that of a raid' upon a gambling parlor
refused a higher offer for his little became Financial Secretary to the' with safety—proposed laws and rig- his Government in the past ten years in Nome, Alaska. Seven of the eight
. sister. Mr. F. N. Pickett has refuses Treasury., young 'Holland 'acted for id enforcement notwithstanding. has offended every great nation in players were, arrested. The one not
I an American offer of $10,000 for hi a while- as bis secretary, and was a "Average highway speeds have• not the world, to please one or other arrested and one of the others were
Alsatian Ch. Caro of Welham. On yet reached their maximum, and un- group of American voters, and to questioned by a Grand Jury, the fol -
i complete failure. Later he began to
a the whole, the dog breeding industry practice law, sharing chambers with less highway design is improved to please still another had stripped the lowing questions being put to them:
t in England' is in a flourishing shat , Lord Robert 'Cecil. Soon his bust keep care with them, more and more country of its proper means of de- plaWdson this sere apart talar cardse of being
V a fact to which the special issue bears ness capacities attracted notice. On accidents will result. fence.
e witness. one occasion be rose to speak as a 11 the table at which you were sitting?
The raised centre strip will pre- — "Was there a gam's of cards being
shareholder in the East and West vent head-on collisions by forcing played at another table at the same
e "eJ— India Dock Company, and when he motorists to drive on the right-hand
side of the highway, by eliminating IMMUNITY GRANTED SPRATS TO time?
t PRINCE OF BEGGARS WAS LORD sat down was asked to become: a di- "At or about the•.time of the ar-
rector. Lord Knutsford, though only mid -block turns, and by reducing CATCH THE WHALES rests in the Acme Billiard Parlors
e KNUTSFORD the second viscount of the 'line, ,had headlight glare. .
d a distinguished ancestry. His mother One of the witnesses in the. Bead- did you see anyone playing stud
ti Lord Knutsford, whose death war was Elizabeth Hibbert, great -great- '- harnois inquiry was offered immunity poker or ganging?"
I- recently announced—and we hope we grandfather was the most fashionable / when he first took the stand but he They refused to answer on the
is get through this column without call- celebrated wit and 'Canon of St. SEES UNITED STATES AS waived it. On his reappearance he ground that they rp. adjudgeldina n
1e ing him Lord Kylsant.—'lad a long, Paul's. His two great-aunts were EUROPE'S ENEMY accepted it. Perhaps not the offer be- themselves and were adjudged
w interesting and useful life. A much Mary ''Qaskell's "Cranford.His It is no news to us that in recent principles t
and Lucy Holland, the heroines ing made and accepted and the' legal contempt of court. They app
d stzronger word thafi useful might be of Mrs. " hat lie beneath. In the and . the United States Supreme
a useg. His life was in truth a 'bless- grandfather was the most fashionable years the United States has become case mentioned, there may be no par- Court sustained the conviction say-
ing to those with whom he came" in of physician and the greatest traveller the most disliked nation in the world. titular consequences and the signifi- ing: ,"No 'suggestion is made that it
contact and particularly to the to of his day. The vitality of the race But we are thankful to say that mat- Bance of ,the immunity granted the is criminal in Alzmka. to- sit at a
thousands of ill people who, in the may be judged from the fact that ters are improving. The Americans ,witness may 'be slight, it is inter- table where cards are being played,
past 35 years, have passed through his father, the first Viscount Knuts- are beginning to discover it. They esting, nevertheless, and by an'odd or to -join in such game unless play -
,L the London Hospital. This hospital, ford, a Conservative minister under are 'beginning to ask why they are coincidence the same question is be- ed for something of value. This
. probably the largest and best-equippdd Queen Victoria, was the fifth head of dewed with suspicion and even hatred ing eagerly debated in New York at Principle of law prevails wherever
in England, and one of the worlds the family in lineal succession who and if they can they will put matters the present time. In the course of hi -3 the principles of incrimination and
. great hospitals, was the work of his passed his 80th year. His father died right. We do not share this aversion investigations into the magistrates' immunity 'are accepted,
of hands. During his connection with it at 88, and the late Lord Knutsford to the United State's. On the contrary courts, Judge Seabury came across
n- he raised nearly $30,0'00,000 for it, at/ZFi. His twin brother suceeds him. we think of a remark made by Mort- the name. of a Dr. Doyle, formerly a
ale and earned' the affectionate nickname reran Tom Humphrey in his less fuxi- veterinary surgeon, Pater a practi- Weekly Crop Report,
n_ of "the Prince of Beggars." When eral days, He had been introduced tioner before a certain municipal board
.n_ Lord Knutsford first became connect- bo the late Andrew Harris in the Al- which granted leases and !building Reports from' agricultural repre-
ng ed with the hospital it was a dis- ROBBING IS A DANGEROUS bany Club and Mr. Harris remarked, permits. It was disclosed that in a sentatives regarding crops and live -
he grace to the great city whose name THING quite unnecessarily that M was a few years Dr. Doyle had received fees stock indicate that harres'tink came
Ise it bears. It is now an honor to the Scotcbman. "I have} nothing against amounting to $2,000,000„ and it was on very quickly and in many coun-
of city, to the English medical and nurs- The honey bee is often `quoted as Scotebmen," said Tom. "On the con- obvious .that the money had been 'paid tie's haying and harvesting were te-
lot ing professions and especially to the ,being a model of industry, and she is, trary, I think that a Scoteliman if he for the political influence wielded by ing carried on at the same time.
ast man whose untiring and enthusiastic no matter whether her business be pays his debts and minds• his own the horse doctor. That he would have Yield's of grain will not be as high
>ut toil raised it to its present rank. legitimate or 'otherwise. While there business is just as good as a nigger." been permitted to retain this huge as anticipated earlier in - the year,
Sydney Holland, to give him his is nectar to be had from the flowers If trubh permitted' us to have said sum without sharing it with others ,due to the prevalence of rust, smuts
%rs, name before succeeding to his Fath- she will work them assidiously until "colored person" here we 'should have seemed in be highest degree improb- and hot, sultry weather during the
Pas -
his er's title, 'became interested in hos- the last drop is extracted but. as soon said it. But to return to our favorite able, and Judge Seabury sought to season when crops were filling. Pas -
tan petal work by accident. Happening as the flowers refuse to yield her any foreing nation, we 'take it as a hope- examine Dr. Doyle. tures are in good, condition and still
see to visit a dock laborer in the Poplar sweets she will seek elsewhere, This ful sign that Mr. Herbert Clairbarne But Dr, Doyle at the moment was growing. A prolific corn crop wily
it. Hospital he was shocked and dis- industrious lady has no objection to Pell, a farmer congressman from New beyond his jurisdiction. Eventually be harvested, having shown phetwo
gusted at the dirt and dowdiness stealing from her relatives or her em- York, and influential in Democratic he was dragged 'before the court. He menal •growth in the last two pr
ofwith which the place was invested. ployer and, will work pust as hard political circles, should have set forth refused to answer 'questions on the three weeks. Fruit prospects are ex -
He -protested hotly, joined the board, doing so as she) will when gathering in the American Mercury some of the ground that his testimony would cellent.
ng- and despite the Opposition • of his from the flowers, 'but with far more reasons why his country is disliked. tend to incriminate him. Judge Sea--
sen associates, got rid. of the T atron and spite. Nothing demoralizes the bees Of course, he says that it is often dis- bury thereupon offered' him immun'• Boxed Peaches Far Weat.
Int- nurses . a fortnight. It was then or the beekeeper so much as a (bad liked because of a vulgar minority of ity. This Doyle refused to accept, -Order, for. some twenty carloads
he began his .begging career for the case of robbing and everyone keeping American tourists, and that the ma- and on again being ordered' to testify of boxed peaches for Western Can-
ut Poplar, like most hospitals, had an bees is well advised to be constantly j.ority of Americans are quite decent and refusing he was convicted of con- ada have been received through the I.
annual deficit and was hampered for on guard against' it. At no time leave folk. 'Similarly the rude German tour- tempt of court and sentence& to a offices of the Ontario Growers' Mar-
rks funds. Holland) made himself re- honey exposed in the apiary, for as ist of a generation ago brought dis- short tern} of imprisonment. The idea ket Council, according to Charles W.
Nho sponsible for the financial problem, soon as it i8 found, by the bees, rob- grace upon his countrymen which in of a court or a parliamentary com- Bauer, secretary. The council • is
and by public appeal and hounding bing will be started, and when once the, mass they did not deserve.. mittee offering a witness immunity making a determined effort to rs-
iew his friends, raised what was required. started it is difficult to stop. More- springs from the old Anglo-Saxon cover Ontario's markert for fruit and
agsa,It was in 1895 when he was still ter, robbing bees around the apiary Mr. 1161119 article, ' however, deals legal theory that e witness should not v;egetobles in the"West• It is realized
connected with poplar that the late are an annoyance, for they will use more specifically with the prospect of be compelled to give orAdence against that ,Ontario lost ground in this
a Muss Eva Luckes, then matron of the their sting just, as. readily as their another war in which the United himself. That is a very well roamed market tbxough being indifferent to
ftse. London, suggested that he should tongue, es+peeiall'y if the cause for the States is likely to be involved. He prind-ple of law. But in course of the, requirements of grade and pack.
thelp her since the need -was pressing robbing be suddenly removed from does „not say which country is likely time so many cases presented therm- The 'Couneil''s commercial represen-
Ow and that of Poplar had''been met. He their reach. All honey removed from to slake war on her or -what group of selves in which far the purpose of tatWo was sent West some weeks
l -consented, joined the ,board and the tre bees must be extracted and stored nations, He argues, however, that the justice it was advisable that one Bier- ago to develop the inarket for fruit r
Iver following year, prepared a report r in a 'bee -tight room, for if once the conditions which brought about the son might go free in order that worse
rell- commending drastic rsf'alrms and am- World War and made inevitable an al- g and the present orders for bore
jut- bee's gain access and axe �Jble to carry sinners might -be punished that the caches ora (the result of his eSbrts-
bitious impravernents. back to their )rives any of k11e Honey, liance against Germany are coming prindple of, offering immunity on con- In .ide Ily+ the prices are higher
is the whole apiary • will soon be in an into eadstence with the United States
iple, From then almost up to the time . dation that a porion. might testify than could .be' realized far basket
that of 'his death ,he made the London
uproar. The.*titer r once saw an out- in the p�sitibn that Germany former- grew up and has been generally^ "fruit, as basket packing is not asat-
hat s chief fritereayt in ]nye. on apiary of thirty�digght colonies com- ly held. We do not assent to all his Ceps. � isfactory' method to be used, for the
andhospital 'ba lately ruined because ,some intruder. promises or his conclusions but note vary-
' its made. fIre�qu�eot public appeals when p d broken the loot of the building that he believes Germany's growing That, prinefpl'e tial also given birth western market. As a resurganiza-
nailt- . ed al requnrexnent was made bad 'br ,
?n3r } sp , - du'rrn ke.athe aibsetttce and vi*hen financial and isommerciel strength to the,other principle that if a person. ous Ontario fruit -growing
them in late years. g 4 n a d. nd t has., been granted inftu�nity be can tions are equipping themselves to
I of known, some; oft • honey was efo, ail the tanks. Wlhen made' 'an enemy of E gi n a hat
a� ot" �hYch lfraii * _ En land. was lad of an o ortrtinit be forced Ad „t §til y. , and that his pack „peaches "'in boxes for this ouncf�l's•`.
eked over the radio,
one . - feexlut eo'lo'niei xlurrng a dearth of g g , 1?p 3* w, •ch • attar provinces. The
rb1e m re than $100,01)11. a hit - ... • venni after all tb :strike down, lien rival. %U- United refusal c6hs1ftdtes an oftancb hi „ looking and, Better
Juan rir . raudl;' ad- ectar, da it sit' bhe^ g .
The en' sill p y . PJra Sta' is to-day.-th-6 greatest menu-' n►ay be liinn'sletl":lfy f4ne, oy imixris- sl'ogen, Better Pae i g with en-
tolf�nolecl ds: . , • . be tf'ight tae 15tled,,ortliarnVr th 0a, y
era) iiurs o crit,.•' :T gi''e has,'alsd, followed a Slistribu¢lonr is meeting
box- : .lhiifba:` de a e» 6111 a es eo all if faletuting nation in t1Ye world. Shra is nm h on b the ma-
ltlitteii3 gg. is !iiourfd to 'u' fro 1 , p y
been aria'' afi rbi%h Eiit ]tiia8 iypti: Illi~ Ae— ealonfeis are to be also being biased+ by Most Enxropean ri'r►l?oflrin.tlidt 1, vvitneas may fiat'facer tirusf'ast4c �caoperati y
i it mac and wut ani peronaly popular-' only' a flew o
fifty. i fed. The saiiie thing' ,'applies when pow a far linear^ ts,»rn sad plight. rete ed' .to testify in Caiea amen' it hie jority of growers
triads, 'ill' the inviat )(minty' es: :1 . -
. . 4
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ffiomztn9n Bank,
banafn2on 'B,
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Barristers, S
atsaear and Notarif
in the Edge Bu
Znpositor Office.
`- I -
Honor graduat
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ts+nd residence on
door east of Dr,
. A. R. CA]
Graduate of
Vollege, Univers
Wseases of dom(
%y the most
Zharges reasons
*&Us promptly at
Mah Street, ,He
XzIL Phone 11(
DR. E. J.
` Eye, Ear, T
Graduate in M+
Late assistant
OW and Aural I
X" and Golden
London, I
, Se'afortlh,
leach month, fnm
ibi Waterloo Str<
No visit
I DR. W.
Graduate of I
ATniversity of W
lion, Member o6
[ansa and'Surgeor.
In Aberhart's D1
Ilelaforth. Phone
"k �
Honor gradue
Medicine and Ma
verity of WOSte
Member of Colle}
Surgeons of Out
out of post office
DR.. A. NB
Graduate 'Durr
ilzmd: Late Exte
Rotunda Hospita
CWdren, Dublin.
may` occupied b
Hours: 9 to 1
Sundays, 1 to 2
DR. F. J.
Office and resid
baA of the U
forth Phone 46
County of Huron
DR. C.
C, Mackay, hor
Ay University, 0
Wrinity Medical
Ow College of
aeons of Ontario
DR. H. I
Graduate of U
i!"aculty of Medi<
bye of Physicia
Ontario. pass I
Lltefeaga Clinical
Royal Ophthalmi
land': Univer
England. 1
w Anion Bank, Sea
Iftht calls alms!%
j►Aetoria Streef,
l' DR. J.
Graduate of N
CaChicago, I
flege of Delft
Me over .Sills'
19eadort,b. Phone
DR. F. ]
Graduate Roy,
gwgeons, Tor(ynl
Wth's Grocery
Meth. Phones:
fid", 185 J.
S. W. Arcbit
03,,.S., Register
gineer and Lamblember Engine
ada, Office, Slee
Licensed auctl
bf Huron and P
snaiugements f
bmde by calling
awarth. Char
satisfaction gua
Honor Gradui
ltional School A
eago. Special 1
Bred Live 5tor
ebandise and F
keeping with I»
WsLetion asset
Oscar Klapp,
R. 7
Ikaensed audl
(o! Huron. isal
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pMertialnea . In lyra
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