HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-08-21, Page 4-11, �, � - � ''. � ". � ,
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1� I 4 V%&Wgad in�p.regstou elude. quir*v, qpumber of lodges from ivs of the UuKdO,Stp-too, ' ,' . An,d`4b,Ai##,rs, XcEwen uni na.1% nob, *0011011" 04'4' jjq,,-W Out. , �
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I I , Tbo regular Oodoiich � 0 *KAer, and -a ni�st pleas. The-Rev.�Dp, Med4,'a fpnier Meth. 90041i.'Al qnd.'%'augh� MeDiaru4i and ' y 't I`�'� , , "if- '
� � , ,44 ,4 ,-.0
14 , - ,,,:,-. , 9 . 0 ,a dQ19, A OntArl'o dog at any 47 0-oundl 1Xeetj4k.,r.— . I . '' , , iovk� . " "
-, - - -1 . , �, is Oeq*IP410, pile bit!". *at it meeting 0 tho counq'i of, r I Qn 4. fly., to �, I , y;
�; il - -7,� ,,&e Town- pdisit minister It pur ,village-, and now '$. , , .- . At'4000W.-Tho' i�,;,:".' , . .
-, " ....... . " , � I . ... . aut timelis looked forward -to. . � . ath'pi,jr,4 as and Im dock, Fi6big tried. I t th �,'L. �L$1, , - . . .1 I
. � ... , ::: -. , 0, '9,0'agi Alm ilad Ukp� �T. p. 14q, 4.,
L' " .'' - ,� !", '. . . 0 9, "I i I ` I ''
ffif. ,V - ' 11.11 . in the Town living retired at Welland, together , . y; " .
."r �, � - I tan atitack one,Jwfi d. escape 1�11 Miss Alm4 18.cruton,of London, whol ,44,011011�6,1a, and. Mlis, Bouthron - and Yu0%-,b1n1?s , belt, 444. Uk: V.". .5tvlm, A - , . .
g ,i7 -Y, August 4 is in tralniiig'%or a nurse, is at her 01 choid -a ba .
"�� ,� vidual an' ship. g R43 1
"g 11 �. �mm Hall .4ricli on. lNuea,44
... -Fn TO -A 1 y 'the eonsequenc, . This ono -bite d6o-. . Ith, with Mrs. Kedd and their daught , Rwynelds, -,Urqj$bi,t ." In"A +I'D �i �A .A.A MX.VU � , I
� I . 4 , -,I,, i t"! . IV. t .
I '.., 11 I , trine arises from the fut that an wir"a Ulu memoims, presenit, " home here this week'spending holl. Miss Josie, were in the village the Rfowp, Moiri 010sen' a#d Cheoney, two ,out And t.he�'bR& ,10'4 .
.11 . ' , eS . A IF I
., td,
, , %�ik
,�, -N .. .. - e r minutes of the meetings of July 6th -days. � , first part of this week -calling on a and eVOT'SO'7401W)mpro prized TvIends . .
�..%-i . owner, cannot b ,,uppoAed to know was in a tough spot but tp M
. , , on
-1, . . OUNTY . that his dog is vicious until it has and July 17th were adopted as read. Miss Doree a motor trip and it wh '. . , aged '
,: I . % Farquhar, ,bookkeeper few friends on
. .
:. d. .. , ose raAles we, cannot all mention In to come through, forcing. T4,erajake to,
C ," !. , . "If shown, signs -of �he same. On this After disposing of the cominunic4tiOns for Messrs. Bonthron & Drysdale, is goes without saying that their many the soope of a Perf,,0441 lgtt'�r, joslings ground out second. to A -rat, . Heneall
I .... .. Advertiser saya. . the following resolutions were passed, .
, q I �-, rm. accouAt the law has been lenient with also ,spending holidays. friends were pleased to meet with as it N1 M, ,each pther for drat, place got one in the fourth on Canteloxes
'. -provailed, Lambton f& That tho.Clerk be authorized to enter
. e, ,
I �, �, L . owners whose animals, have been Misr, Jenniet Taylor has taken a pos- them again. Miss Josie holds a good on the scroll. W�i there ever in one -single to short, and when howent,to
,555 .. d be in A most .happy frame 44&St jDffendeAs.11 But,� if the doge on the Collector's Roll the assessments ition in the office. -of Dr. Ivan Smillie,' position 6.s a teacher in WMIand. small 4-i mmunitv ]suvh'an o9gregation se&nd on the nex-d pitch, Ficht'13
I ,�, ", . C ops Were I never better in themselves ever enjoyed any immun- made in connection with the,cowtrue- of 'bur, Otago. . Mr. and Mrs. C, Cook motored to of .*m,n of th� bighe4tfquAlities Of throw was high and went into ee tre ,
I 144 , r tion, Of the Helen Street Drain. Vil- , a
with the pre- ity under such circumstances, the law Miss AhaA Huiser has returned Detroit *on Sunday last. mind and heart? If soi.-'It has, never and he we t to third. Yungblut *as
,county and even lage, of Dashwood. That the follow- from , A
, '
. JI low prices, our farmers are nj�w makes it clear that they may be .. several wee](S' visit with rela- 'Our half holidays on Wednesday been my good fortune t* hANO C,eou safe.on Doherty's bolbble, but Cantel-
, , :, I - ' r sentenced to the death penalty for ev- Ing rates be struck and levied upon tives in Michigan State. ` afternoons close with the last WiQ,dnes- and met them. And then the young- an rem.ained on third. In the next .
. 1 4'1,��'. .. I better off than are those a en their first taste of 'human being. the.rateable property of the Township 'Mr. W. J. Crawford, -of Ripley, �ac- day of this month. .er gene -ration, the 'Misses 'Murtay% pitch Yungblut went to -second 4nd..
'i . I A'A ea and that �orm Miss Edith Foster, of Tonawanda, Murdock's, Bonthron%, Drys
, r" . ,!8nied by hil wife and siatef,
�,,� 'th% Clerk prepare a by-law for pass- 8 � dale's, Cantelon -scored when Kerslake hit
, -, 4 en West. Present conditions If they sample an , Or a log they Of y for the y r 1931
� ,,, arm
- " � ,: ,will ,but the year 19-31 will be die --provided that a magistrate says Pe . T. Jackson, formerly a resi- is her this week -6siting her api�ts, Caldwell's Bonthron's CudmOrles too short, going out short to first.
�, , at next council meeting confirm- dent of our village, 11ind Mrs. J. A. Mrs. �. Murdook,a;,d Mrs. William and many more -just �s
il- � Pui�l$ . " Ing
I A � our grandchildren so, I IT' the' case Yuniblut staying on second. BrInt-' -
11 ," � ,, sopiothing to ten Y I . "The Vicious 'Dogs Act, 1981 " is Ing the rates: -County rate, all pur- Munn, Mrs. Jackson's daughter; vis�-- Lammie. of the men, we have not soope to men-
, 11 ; P, L )21 . " ap ) we nell hit'to short ,a,h,d Osborne tagged.
I ." 11. About not long, but its single provision - poses, 6,7 mills; township rate 1.9 * ed 'over the week end, at the home Dr. Collyer and Mrp. Collyer were 4on. all their names but whom. , him as he went to third on the hit,
,. ,not rate, 2 mills;
L " ".1". That is a condition that is PeaX.6 to Cover the situation quite ad- mills; township road I Mrs. Leepev -and Mrs. H. J. Mae- visited by a uumber of their relativvs remember and prize as e-kindestiand retiring the. side with one run. Hen-
, '', - . .
I 1U I peculiar to Lambton County alone. equatelry. It &ays: om on Sunday best of friends. And w 0 can fofg�t sall added another in the fourth on
� � Dashwood police village,' 3.7 mills; Enald, also called on other friends. an, twt
� .1. �:;;.
I's W. Zurich Police Village rate, 5 mills; 'Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore, and last- the inimitable stories and the mimic two singleg and an infield out, They -
,�,, �, � Huron ,County and many others in "Where -a dog is alleged to have I I
. ..". bitten any pers46, the owner of the ,general school rate, 3.9 mills; special family, accompanied by Miss 'Grace MT- Oliver Geiger and Mrs. Geiger drolleries of the late Robert Pater- got an-otiler in the fifth on three sin -
I &:.��'., \Ontarlo are inexactly the, same boat. dog may'be summo,ned to appear be- school rates, U. S, S. No. i, 1.8 mills; Brock, motored to Tobermory gn Mon- of Tara, spent the week end here with son, late of Hensall, and the very kind gl4s, between two outs, but the rally
f, I � "'. �. . " But things are never so bad that fore a police magistrate to show cause S. S. No. 2, 1 mill; S, S. No. 3, 1.8 day and will spend a week's vacation Reeve Geiger and family. . entertainment that we received from was cut short when the next batter
I If , I. I � migbt not be worse. Huron' mills: S. S... No. 4, 1.6 mills; S. S. at that place�. Rev. A. Sinclair and 'Mks. Sinclair the Dryedeles, Bontbron's Murray's, grounded to sbort, going out short to
I 'I,;,� they why the dog should not be destroyed, ,
�n "i... P evidence produced it 'N 0, 6, 2 mills; S. S. No. 7, 3 mills; 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson motor- havel returned from' Sarnia wb�ere Murdock's, Caldwell's, including first. They got their final tally in
,i�i.. I 4COunty this year has abundant cro s and if from the -�3. . No §, 1.4 mills; U. S. S, No. 9, ed to Toronto on Monday a
.1 ' S . nd will they were attending the fu�'eral of Robert, 'Will and 'Sadie. Methinks I the seventh, on a single, apassed ball
�, ,at appears that the dog has bitten any
, � Wle, all know,
"I'll of ,good quality. 1.5 mills; S. S. No. 11, 0.9 mills; S. spend two weeks holidays' with rela- Mr. Sinclair's mother.
14,, I erson, the magistrate'may make an r still hear the strainst of the late To and two long
... S. No. 12,.2,7 mills; U. 'S. S .No-. 13, tives and friends, Mr. William Sto,ne, accompanied by Murdock's violin and can see his con- Stratford got their lone tally in the
, � 1. I present ,prices, they will bring in lit- p flies to the outfield.
, I order that, the dog be destroyed." 3.3 mills; S. S. No. 14. 2 mills; U. S. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carlisle, of De- �h -Iva genial smile as he played with, Miss ninth, when Brenneman, the second
. .", y, but we know tOO-, that Little has been said about this new is two daughters and Miss
, tle mone E
i. ,,��. . 'age of food for I but it is well S. NO. I 5, 3.5 mills; U. S. S. NO- 16, troit, and Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Carlisle,, Shaddoek, motored to London on Sat- Ethel, his daughter. Then I pass in man up, got �a` -base on balls and stole
I " there will be no short legislation in,the press, 1, uld �now of 2,1 mills; Separate S. S. No. 1, 12 of Toront6, spent the past week .With urday last. 41 * (. .
I �.. that all dog -owners sho . inem6ry to the shores of Lake Hur�n, second and - tried to pliMer third, and
�111[', it and realize that the one. -bite doe- mills. Accounts, covering payments their sisters, Mrs. Leeper and H. J. Surnnier Visitars-4Visitors in town wbere the late Robert Drysdale SO Cantelon,' trying to nail Brenneman
1.11 , man or beast, and no conditions RrO
%.� I -unsurmountable except starvation. for Township Roads, Telephone and McDonald also called on other rela- are-, Wilson and Edward Berry, Of generously entertained and returning at third, threw over Rennie's head -In-
. , , , !, Of trine is a legal heresy which the General Accounts were passed as fol- tives and'friemds in the vicinity. Windsor, with their mother, Mrs. T. to the copy Of The Expositor I re- to left field' and Brenneman scored.
I- There is no money to,spend, courts will not entertain.. '
.�' s6, and after years of plenty that I .� :lows: Township Roads --John Oesch, Much sympathy is extended to Rev. J. Berry; Mr. -and Mrs. Lorne Zutefle ceived from a former Seaforth friend The other Stratford batters went ou
, up �
I ..,., cour .... A....i.— pay list, Road 8, $6.15; Urban Pfile, A. Sinclair, in the loss of 'th Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle; Mrs. jalmost every item in the Rprisall. it- via the strike -out route, Osborne was
,,- �. -ship, or on the .. . . , his mother,.wl �
I �1. is certainly a hard pay list, Road 14, $109,20; W. Duch- whose unexpected death occurred at C. Hart and little daughter, of TGron- ems recalled scenes of long. agp. Of the big hitter fdr Stratford, getting
T I � other band, it may prove a blessing WHAT OF THE CHILDREN? arme, pay list, Road 16, $4; E. Datars to, with her pa-rents� Mr. and 'Mrs. A. course I recognized in the Heiisall three out of four times up. Fiebig
. -.I . I , her home i4 Sarnia last week. SM was I
�!" , in disguise. ' Sr., 'pay list, Z. P. Village, $3.80; M- irn her usual 'health but was seized Poster; Mr. and Mrs. Huntley, Of,ot- news the hand of the veteran writer, with one
, I . wr
, . wan No ,) out of three and J. Doxer
. " Perhaps we may learn to spend . (From the Port Ro Tinney, pay list, Road 14, $17,65; W. with a stroke, but wa's able to con- terville, with Mr. and Mrs. Dolos that through all the years has. been with orle, out of four.we-rei the other
... 11 Grenier. pay list, Road�8, $20; C. Ald- verse with members of her family" a Huntley; Mrs. Leslie Knight and little jotting down the things worth while Stratford hitters. 'McCauley was the
1.��', more judiciously, even to save. Any- The drop in the price of furniture -t,--13, 14, few minutes before her death.
11 . worth, pay list, Roads i, The son, Junior, of Fruitland, with Mr,
t, � . Wmay, if the peo _ of the people among whom he' has big hitter for Hensall team, equalling
.�. Ple in Huron County, gives some encouragement to home $,�.,>5�; S. Martin, pay list, 'Road 6, funeral was held on Saturday. andMrs. R. Higginsand family; Mrs.: done,his life work. The Expositor Os�borrie, getting three out of four-,
" 1'��. t., and as a ma �r of fact, the people .making. It comes at a time when . tle `14aughWr, � has been a wonderfully fine news- trips. Brintnell, Qasc�o, 'Brownlee, _
, _�L $40.53; A. L. Sreenan, pay list, Road The many friends of Mrs. Agnes D- C. NisleY and lit .
the earning powers. of men are reduc- i8, s -;,3-6,o; T. -Kyle, pay list, Road 5, Ross will regret to learn is confined Marion, and Jessie, of Montreal, with Paper, One of the very best weeklies Joynt, Rennie and Canfelgon all get-
I.A. of Ontario gene -rally, would take the
; � ed and is all the more welcome, Onp $13; S. Hoffman, pay list , Road 8 , t es, but we Mrs. E. Rennie; Mis. William Laven- I have sevii, and it keeps up to its ting one out of four times up, w r .
. I., -time to sit down and compare their of the causes of the contractions of . $25.56; J. Rennie, pay list, Roe e a
, '. I I . I d 5- trust t1lat with good careful nursing der, of Millbridge, with her son and high standard of excellence �in c Im the other hitters for Hensall. Strat-
� $9.40; M-M. Russell, pay list, Road
��,.!- , condition with th�Lt of the people in tbe-matrimonial lists of,,.Ontario has a
. .11. . . !she may be restored to health again. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Laven- and storth, through lean years and ford are confident of winning there
" what has been known as the Golden been expensive furniiure This is 1, $19.60; J. Parke, pay list, Road 1, , der; Mr. Edward Stewart, of Toronto, fat years. Now I thought I would on Wednesday evening and the fans
'' I " West Thanksgiving Day -would be a only one cause. The automobile is $16.60; M. Corriveau, pay list, Road Rev. Mr. McTavish, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Foss, and give you my recollections on reading who attend will be sure of bw%g
�- ? another. There are -other causes daugh-
, .:"I . . very generally observed day and which nlay well be left to themselves. 17, $23; F. E. Denomme p,,ay list, Rd. preached very acceptably in the Unit- ter, Mrs. H-:- C. Currie, Of Brandon, it, that you might know that a. half some good ball dished up to them.
I.. 10,$12.30 e ,�vo
.., . _; S. McArthur. pay list, Road ed Church at the morning service on Man., and h r t little daughters century is not enough -to efface !in- Hensall. .
� : might bring a new meaning to us. A -hen the News was first published 1, $4.5-96; C.N.R., expren on repairs, 'Sunday last, while Mrs. Hedden and with her mother, Mrs. W,alter Hab- .
..� in Port Rowan marriage announce- pr"sions, especially thoseof a pleas- IC" H PO A E:
1 75c; S. Ropp, pay'list. Road 2, $100.99; Mrs. Hess contributed very nicely to kirk 'and, sister, Miss Margaret. Ing nature. I might say time, but Brintriell, ss ...... 4 "O 1 2 1 0
. . . . . ,� . . , ��, ments at 25 cents each were suffici&nt A. Reichert, pay list, Road 4, $5; R. the sernice, with a pleasing duet. The A Letter From Grand Forks.-Th6 the impression deeper make a' AD
,. I i
*1 . to pay the wages of the junior mem- Miller, pay list, Road -9, $26.02; E. J. evening service was in charge of Rev. s McCulley, 2b ..... 4 8 3 2 0 0
. FALL FAIR$ DEFY ber of the office staff. following is a letter which your cor- streams their channels ,deep
. Now a dozen Stire, pay list, Road 10, $6.60; Wtn. Mr, Conner, of Kippen, who spoke respondent unexpectedly, anl all the Although I am now in the gloaming Brownlee, lb ..... 4 0 1 13 0 0 1
1; 11 er wear. Gascho, rf ....... 4` 0 1 0 0 0
s� !
;1 such announcements in a year is about
, I EXTERMINATION Fischer, pay list, Road 11, $37.75; J. very feelingly on Cross Bearing. Mr. more welcomingly on that account, re- (81), I am still, active and interested Joynt, If ......... 4 0 1 0 0 0
I, all the community affords. In those 0
� .. Sararas, pay list, Road 15, $13.10; G. W. 0. Gmdwin sang a delightful solo ceived from Dr. JAmes Grassick, in things about me. With kind per- Rennie, 3b ....... 4 0 1 1 1
.,,� , * days the clerk- of the mun'c'Pal'tv Armstrong, pay list, Road 3, $78-00. entitled, "Eternal Light." G
� :, 'Commenting on the vanished ser- of South Walsingham who was a re ..., Mr. Murch many years ago an esteemed resident sonal regards and remembrance to all. Cantelon, c ... 4.. 4 1 1 7 3 1
I . � � -vices and amusements of a past gen- tirp-,d minister of the Baptist church Township Accounts -Ontario Hospital of Toronto, was unable to be -present of our village, and who at one time Yours very truly, J. -Grassick. Yuri'giblutt, ef .... 3 0
I C. Rupp, 3 months. $39; Troyer ceme- to assist at tht, musical part of the taught school in -this neighborhood and B-aseball-In an intermediate "B" Kerslake, p ...... 3 0 0 0 4 0
11 I ue- Reporter re-- usually sent in a marriage notice ev-
1� ,
i . eration, the Gananoq
., tery, grant, ,�81.80. Telephone Ac- services, -but will sing at the services who gave up the profession that
" ,t ery week, Often two in a week and 'he play-off at Hensall, the Stratford - - - - - -
�, I -marks that the towbsbip fair is abo counts --Bell Telephone Co., tolls, -Mav this coming Sun,day. Mr. Murch is no might fit himself for a more tespons- team was beaten in a good game of Totals .......... 34 4 9 27 9 1 I
:, the only old-time entertainment that '-Oniet'nIes as many as four. Men to June, $140.94; Canadian Telephone strsinker to the United Church, having ible and lucrative one, namely that ball, by -score of four to one. The R. H. E.
had mechanical hands and braffis, in & Supplies, material, $5.47; Northern sung on numerous occasions, and his ol the medical profession. Dr. Gras- brand of -ball produced was of good Stratford- .
1� . . has- net been ,obliterated by modern- those days and could usually make Electric Co., material, $226.87; Zurien contributions, will be received with sick flrst studied here with his prized calibre and when ret n game is play-
ism. Some local exhibitions have tables, chairs, cupboards, bedsteads, Central, switchin , 4 weeks, $68.00; much pleasure next Sunday. ur
1: . . � Service friend, the, late Dr. James MeDiarmid, ed in Stratford on Wednesday, Aug. Hensall-
beenobliged to succumb, but here and etc., for themselves and lumber was C. L. tmith, prin'
.- - - ting, account, $2".35; in the morning will be in charge of and afterwards graduated with honors 19th, it will be a good evening's en- 0- 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 x-4 9 1
�., there the township fair has held its cheap and of a good quality. The E, R. Guenther, cartage, $4.35; H. G. Rev. Mr. McTavish, of Exeter, and in Ann Arbor Medical College, and tertainment for hard ball fans of this Stratford.
� �. young people married early in those Hess, labor, etrr., $92,85. ' The council will commence at 9.45 and in the even- who has been very successfully prac- district to attend, The Hensall main- ..., AB R H PO A E.
I ,�. own and defied extermination at the good old days, and some of them adjourned to nk4eet again on -Tuesday, Ing in charge of Rev, Mr. Conner, of tising for a number Of years at, Gran stay was their pitcher, Kerslake, who J. Doxey, If ..... 4 0 1 3 0 0
1 -hands of its bigger brethren. The whose husbands gr wif�es departed d
.1. i Fall Fair perfarms a useful service early have successfully made second September Sth, 1931, at 1.30 o'clock Kippen. Forks, North Dakota. Dr. Grassick struck out eight of the locals and is- Doherty, 2b ..... 4, 0 D 5 3 I I
11. . ventures. But now a change has in the afternoon. -A. F, Hess, Clerk. Miss Stella Robson, R.N., of New k a man of outstanding ability in sued only one pass. Fiebig, the McGraw * rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0
to its community, and rural life York, is the guest at the home of Mr. many respects and was a great fav- *1 youngster from the Junior O.B.A.A. Wivell, 3'b ........ 4 0 -1 0 1 1
;;., come over the community. Country I --!--�� and 'Mrs. H. Arnold. orite in. Hensall and vicinity, and it
,.1 ivould lose much by its disappearance.
. '. schools are lones64e places '�-ecause of is I team, was on the mound for Stratford Osborne, ss ...... 4 0 3 4 3 I
6:1 . KIPPEN Miss Jennie Martz, of New Balti- on that account that we are publish- 1 -a fine effort, the op- Sutcliffe, lb ...... 3 0 0 9 �( O'
�, Those are very true words- There the empty desks. Sunday schools in more, Michigan, is the- guest of her Ing without the knowledge, of ,and turned in )
I - the country are meagrely attended. the doe- i position getting only nine 'hits off G. Doxey, bf ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0
,.,,, I
, I are those, of course, who sneer at the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson have cousin, Mrs. Roy McLare.n. doctor, his letter which we know will him,
I three of these being of the Ficht, c ........... b- 0 0 0 1 1
.1 The children are not there. Indeed
... lt left for a trip to the West, where the Mrs. IT. Reid and Miss Minnie were be read with very much interest b
1. Fall 'Fair, as something too ancient the homes in'town and country where y . .
". '. I �Jscratch variety. In all he turned in Fiebig, p, ......... 3 0 1 0 2 0 1
.� � and countrified to �be worthy of any there are no children miss isom,thing will visit in Alberta and North visited during the past week by Mr. the readers of The Expositor, and we a nice game, gtriking out one, and his x Brenneman, rf .. I I 9 I 0 0
P.1. Dakota. and Mrs. Orr, and Miss Orr, of will trust in Dr. Grassick�s gracious-! control was good, not giving one free
.. on or� attendance at the hands of the jor of life. - - - - - -
I � � :, . . : attent4 Mrs. G. Heywood and family, of Aylmer, also relatives from Saskat- tiess to excuse us for the liberty we ticket. The breaks came for Hensall Totals .......... 31 .1 6 2
" ' -
'. , of the fastidious and fast morving - . Fxeter,- were Sunday visitors! with chewan. have taken in the way of not first at the right time, getting their hits
.1, ple Of to -day. Mr. and'Mrg. S. W. Thomson, London Mrs. A. J. Hummel, of Bloomsbury, consulting with him in the matter of at opportune times. Both teams went x -Replaced McGraw in 6th.
peo I
... WINTHROP Pa., accompanied by her little son, a personally written letter: . I
.. .
... . . Road, North. ii -My out in order in the first inning and Bases on,balls-Off Kerslake,. 1.
, -, spent the past week with -her sisters Dear Sir: A friend originally from Stratford got one on tbrougl� Os- Struck out -By Kerslake, 8; Fie-
� , ... . The fact of the matter is, however, Mr, and Mrs. George E. Thomson
I I � � �. , . I Mrs, Foster Bennett, Huron Road, nily visited at the bome of Gordon Bolton, where Seaforth, handed me a copy of The borne's hit to left in the speo-fid, ,but big, I. I
, that the fall fair has been one of the spent the week end with her parents, and members of the fai
. ,�:: ' with friends in St. Thomas and Lon- the six sisters and nieces met, Mrs. R. Expositor Of July 24tb, It was like was I' .
.7 �'.. greatest educators as well as cne, of Mr. and Mrs. George. Eaton. . -on recently. D. Bell and Miss Ford staying with a whiff of, wind on a sultry day, so eft stranded when the next two Passed balls-Ficht, 1. I
. 11 the greatest incentives to improved rd spent the week 6 batters went out on infield plays, Hen- Left on bases - Hensall, 7; Strat-
,� Mr, John Bulls.
� �11' -Ing that On- end with friends in Walton. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Alexander her for the whole visit, as the little refreshing.' The first article in it was sall threatened in the next canto, ford, 4.
.1 . I farming and stock ,breed Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolm,age, Mrs. and farnily motored to 'Wasaga Beacn boy. liked the farm best, with his a letter written in 1856. This recall- .Brownlee fanned and Ficht dropped Doubbe plays - Doherty, Sutcliffe,
11 -ad it been George Eaton and son, Kenne , on
� .1 . tario has ever known. H ' 'th, spent and were week end guests with Mr. cousins, as the farm was something M the fact we came to the I-11ur the pitch but retired -him at first, with Brownlee, unassisted.
11 otherwise, these fairs would have per- a day in Stratford last week. and Mrs. NOrman Cook, who are boli- new for him. Tract, Stanley, in the spring of
" the a snappy throw. Joynt sent a hit to Hit by piteber-Yungblutt by Fie-
, 11 daying in a cottage there. They visit- Mrs. J. W. Peck and family, Mr8. same year, the steamboat incidents the box
. ished long ago. Mr. Willi4m and it caromed to Wivell, who big.
- I � ed different points of Interest en route. W. 0. Goodwin and daughter and Mi is are very similar to ours. We came, throw it .Into the 'bleachers, Joynt go- Umpires -Le Roy, of �Zurich, at
. . threshing and has a busy season I ,
11 I , In the early days these fairs occu- ahead of,bim. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Hensall, Annie Smit. are camping at Bayfield however, by the way of London, alon Ing to second On the overthrow."Ren- plate; Norfolk, on bases.
1- for a ,%veek or so. the London Road, which was 'Cul .
... will take the services in St. Andrew's
.. �§ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston spent .
. pied, probably, first place in the live Mirs Lois Moffat,, of Brucefield, is through the dense hard wood timber.
,.., - United Church on Sun -day morning .
1:11 i Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bolgar, of
I ..� I of the early settlers. Fair day was W�alton- . next at 11 o'clock, while Rev. Brem- visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. There was.no grawl and little grad- .1 -.4--v
, anticipated for six months and talked . - , . ner, 0 Brucefield, will take the �er- P. Fisher and aunt, Miss Eleanor. Ing. It was only the very elect that
11 � Vices 'the following Sundays du'ring Mrs. F. Sheffer motored to Port ventured into the wilds. Strong HENSALL MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS i.. ,
41' about for the other six. ) .
I �� '. MANLEY, Rev. Conner's holidays. Rowan on Wednesday witb her daugh- arms and willing, hopeful hearts were
, ., . I Miss Oral Finnigan, of Nile, Visited ter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mirs. W.- their stock in tr-.ide. Turning to page 4
A � I : � . I first hand education and a liberal one . Rev. J. M. Eckart le�t this week f�r with Mrs. J. H. Petty and family ,,- H. Reid and family, and will spend a 4 of The Expositor ,some incidents. in E -
v�� I few days. the career of Narcisw M.,Cantin were 0 :t� . �j �3 cd w
. 1, III re- cenfly. W �4
� at that. ,People saw the best that the Hawthorne, N.Y., where he WI w . -� j
, 11, I , . I I .1 Q �� .&P �a . .� ,j �
1, 1. .1 sume his missionary work. Mrs. R. Gibson, of Gorrie, was the Don't for -et the Kippen Flower read with -much interest, as I was �i 1w d M 5 .
. .1
�K'. I land produced, because the farniers Master Stephen Manley is none the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Show to be held in St. Andrew's Unit- familiar with St. Joseph and bad met , o �� a) 4.i
,,, . were not ashamed of their farm pro- = r. cd ;4 4 �
I ��, worse for his adventure with a dog of "Mellis, -of the ,village. ed Church qchool room on Thursday, the "Visionary," who planned it. Iti W w C3 -e -,:4 C3 a� U .4 rz, P�4
, ,ducts, nor afraid to stand competition late.
,. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis - were August 27th, afternoon and evenirig. was a very beautiful air castle, but Bean,'John . 3 x C c
I :, 3n exhibiting them. . Mrs. Leo McKay left for her, home visitors in Gorrie -recently. Come and bring your friends. ' ended in the baseless fabric of a Bell, Jean ............. x x
In in Regina last week. Mr. Fred Mr. and Mrs. George E. Tbomson, MT. T. Drummond, of Toronto, dreamer. And yet the world's pro- Daten, Irene .............'.-C 2 3 3
,, ,": i c x -c C c C
., Their owm 'might not be the best, Eckart, her father, accompanied her Will, Mary and Florence were guests formerly of our village, is and has gress has been blazed by our dream-, Forrest, Mildred ......
�� �
.. , re she poined a motor wifh Mn and Mrs. E. C. Stafford, of been� visiting his son, Errold., and ers, It is -one thing to dr in dre, ..
...., .1 .1 I.. but if it wasn't, they wanted to see to London, whe ea .." Hempbill, Howard . . x x 3 c x x x x
. I � party, whose home is also in RegbRa. St. Thomas, one day last week. family .for several weeks. d quite another to so shape condi- I Horton., Stuart ....... x x 2 3 c e c C
��'11 something better; to hear how this Mrs. C. P. Sills, 'Mrs. Gordon Hays, Miss Audrey Cocbrane -has been The farmers in this section are well tions that they may take over form I MacDonald, Florence . - c x 3� 2 .x c c I
1j., " better stuff was grown and produced, Mrs. C. Eckert, Miss Julia Kenny and successful .in passing her elementary � . I
".. � . through with harvesting and report and substance. Turning to the local I MacLean, Maude ...... c c c 2 x
- in order to improve their own. They Miss Nellie Desbura called on friends piano examination with 'honors, also fine yields. news, department, Hensall stood out McQueen, Jean ....... 2 c c 3 e c c
I .
, ". I , ,. � wete willing and anxious th learn. this week. Miss Blancbe Mustard "has passed Annual thanksgiving services will c'ear and distinct, likes. noonday -sun McQueen, Margaret '... x c c e x x �,
, * Mr. Alex. Mitchell, the old time with first "class honors her writte�n n a �ky of blue. And why not? Had Manson, Sara ......... " X
. i4 be held in our churches n the near I' C c x
.1 ,� r And the people saw the best stock � J 3 c
I . thresher, is busy making bs rounds theory examination, which speaks future. not I spent five full years of my life Sinclair, Marion ....... �c c c x '-� C
I '. , in the district at these fairs. ,If their threshing, and says the returns are well for their teacher' Miss Eleanor The Lord's Day Alliance intend to vdthin its borders in the very noon- Smillie, Mildred ....... x x 1 c C
�� . I �",! fancy ran to cattle, sheep, hogs or an aiverage, crop. If the farmer could SnideT, now of Kiricaralne. have a house to house canvass for day of my life, mingled with its peo. Smith, Uldred ......... C 2 C 3 c
.. " �; . poultry, they saw what other breed- .qnly realize better prices, better times The Kippen Horticultural Society funds in our village very shortly in r1c, enjoyed their splendid hospital- Spencer, Mavis ........ x -x x � �
'. ;; '11 eTs were doing and learned something would soon come, are holding their annual Flower Show order to Tai9e funds to carry on their ity, entered into their joys and tasted Workman, Mabel ...... 2 2 e I 3 .
I , ,, Miss Florence McMann, fro,m Ciiica- on Thursday, August 27th, afternoon much needed duties in the preserva- s. me of their sorrows, and let us
.. U., ,of the methods of these more success- go, is calling on her friends 'here this and evening, in St. Andrew's United tion Of the Sabbath Day, hope contributed something to theiz 1 -1st Class Honors, over 75 .per cent.; 2 -2nd class honors, 66-75 per
,!,;, , ful ones. week. . Church ,school room. The Society re- '
" I � . � - . Mrs. Bertha Bell and her sister, advancement. Name after -name came cent.; 3 --3rd class ,honors, 59-66 per cent.; c -Credit, 50-59 per, cent,6 x-
11 6'. I . Or if the fancy ran to borseg, they quests all entries to be entered -by I ,Mrs, Cawthorpe, the former now Of to L:x front as we tun' r -d o�!er our 1 Failum " Number of papers written, 106; number of Papers successful, 76. .
,�. �.,
I ,::� , , saw the sires and brood mares and p.m. All the members have been look_ Toronto, and the latter of Tavistock,
,19..�.,,� . ZURICH Ing forward to this event with inter� spent the week end here with their
. . . . . . . 11 1. the get of inany others. It gave them � est. Come, and bring your friends. mother, Mrs. Thomas Dick. !�-- — --- - -- - -- - -, .--- - --
, .
, 1`�;311 - a thoice, of ,selection that would have Mr. Robert F. Stelek, who has 'been 'Mrs. C. A. McDonell has returned — — . — —.-..-.
, ,, I
I , I
:, been hard to acquire in any othe
,r visiting relatives here and in .Stanley from Forest, her former home, where .
.;��. I ��. I Township, left for his home in Ed- 'he Spent several weeks with'her bTO- -
, '
-� ,4; way. moTiton, Alta., on Saturday. HENSALL ther and relatives and frieiids.
I'll � 1- And they learned borw others flitted Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siebert and Mr- and Mrs. Fred Corbett, accom- � '
I" I
I .1.1, ' , children, of Montreal, and Mr. Frank Rev. A. Sinclair received a telegram panied by Mr, and Mra. James Sang. .
I �
;;11. . I and groomed and harnessed their Siebert, of Detroit, are spending their advising him of the, death of his ster, inotored to Hamilton on Satur- HOLLAND'S FAMOUS RICHLY- I .
f , - �� . hars". Grooming is -still .practised holidays at the home of their parents, mother in Sarnia, and immediately day last, spending the first part of (
, " e
&11". -to a certain extent, but barnest'and Mr. and Mrs. �W. L, Siebert. left for that town. Muth sympathy ,this week there. I
I �. .'. " 'harnossing are Pretty much vanished Mr. A. Mittelholtz, of Kitchener, is felt for Mr. 'Sinclair, as there have The friends of Wiss Greta Me- FLOWERING DARWIN TULIPS. ,-
, '.111: . visited relatives here last week. . been -several, deaths in the family ciT- Naughton will I e pleased to les,
�� . "I k- , .a-rtg. If you don't believe It, take a a rn I
"' MT. and Mrs. 1. N. Taggart, Nfts. cle within a very short time� that she is making im�rovemont in t Our D' ' I
- 1". look at the harness -on the, average A. Raabe and daughter, Myrtle, and Mr. T. Drummond, of Toronto, the Beaforth Hospital and will hope arwin Tulips with extra long stems are remarkable for their long flowering
" .
:,-� �: ' farm bo-kae or teard, and another look Miss Adelaide Pil,&i, all of South formerly of our village, is bere visit- that ber recovery will be rapid. eriod. Enormously large flowers on strong stems of about three feet in length. Mag-
. �,
I W, ; Bend, Ind., visited relatives and Ing his son, Errol, and his family. The Fall Fairs Promise to be very
, .1 I., at t1i6 way it is, put on. p
, . - "
. �. , N Z ; � , .1 . ". . , ,Tb6m ,-may be no 'money in farm- friends bere this week. Mr. Lloyd Davis recently of Lon- largely attended with fine exhibits as nificent for beds, edges and for cultivation in pots. .
,,'� .1 . Mr. and 'Mrs.- Jacob D. Herner, (5f don, and formerly of Toronto, and t�e crops have ,been so good and the 4
1 1 !i ' 1h t614RY, cortainly the best of farm- Detroit, spent thO week at the home who spelit his boyhood here, has re- farmers will. be able to show fine pro- BUY TULIPS NOW DIRECT FROM THE DUTCH GROWER.
t�l ,
" .1, - I
��,:"� I 4 -ft 4T0 not 108kiA9 enough to make of his brother, Mr. J. W. Merner. turned to our village, together with duce of all kinds and get live, stock I I I � � .. I
V�': , � +hmu los6 thiir'li"dt. ,%t, it is e4- Mr. Orland Jolipston, of Montreal, his wif6 and are making their home, in good condition. ,
. �',,A�.',' � - - lft'fiv �w-rtaift that no fatMer is losing spelit his holidays at the home of his for t1le present with Mr. Davis's Mr- Elam Butts, of Toronto, ac- Tulips in 5 Colors : I . .
K1. I " ." � mother, Mrs. Annie Johnston. motheT, corner of Nelson and Rich- companied by his wife, is and has . Pink - Red - Violet - Ifeliotrope
"' , P � POV10 by ,gT4ftnhg weeds in- Mr. C. .g. joy, manager of the lo- mond Street, south, and since coming been visiting with relatives an(f . � .
1, �41�, f �� , ' , '
. �,,,.'� 4*d,oe�, grift a'64 it t4keb no MOT -O, Cal 'branch of the Bank of Montreal, here hag been Waking great improve. friends in Hensall and vicini , . : - - Yellbtv .
,j �11; ,-�;�, I " " , . .
F:, �,,�W?i' w1wh''foe :,. �," I bd�d good stodk is'having his annual holida-ys. ments in the home, and around the Mr. T. C. Joynt, accompanied by , 100 of each coloi, and eaoh colour'is .."
, '., , , ,,
A.; , W I � I
z! , " � .1 . 11
I % W'�, it A 'M 04 �, -s=os& Mr. o4d Mms. J. Studer Mrs. Jord and Mrs. Alice Joynt, packed geparately POST and . DUTY - , i,,, 10
. lli�.',,� . troit, sPefft th ., of De- prem,ises, I I
A .I- T�'; `� - ' 11t,f afg�, i7i 11�rJM�d j I w iggluddon be. � e vme,k end With the The Misses Mary and Emma John- spent the week end in Toronto, 'Mr. . ,
. �� 4, - .
��� " I J I ,�.��,, � o", 'd. v . � Jatterls- sister, VITO, W. J. 3olimt,pp. ston are� and bave been 'Visited by Joynt combining business with Plea- I . FR8E deliveked at, 'Oar home for otily �
aft&,4Ti#*, f � the . 7
, , " ,W , �,wvu aluxw � � bett kitwnhouge is'vuititig T41Atives durfirig the 1pa4t week or so, sure. ' . � . �
.- 1, ,. 1, i , , . Mr, Al 1. � �
(`.�fki �3u,".,Iu 112%;,l .434ir t11ii.`4MjjW' rolA'J�Vog L at Dthbvillo ot pmeht" Those att&iding tl* choir pienie of Thilough a cleric' pleas.a. remit amount per maney otdor� ' . I . .
, ,�;,,,-" 1. 11 W, 1 1. �� I .1 I Al error in last .
, t ! I � V1U � I I . I I I .
,.w,�,,. 04,
�j.'�t"k�'T'! Ifu
� I �kolmr# I I - lb"606 .
�.1111 I . low I erfan '% . . GROW RIS - H " , *E
,,,,,, , g" . . INQ D ff1c, vi. ,
'� - '00 - TME 1 MA Mid, Mv - 9. i C. L, 'Smith k0tdrfied the, choit of Carmol Peasybyt r6ek's issue, the name of Robert , , . " � `44 � I
4, M66d' f ft a.*,Wk113 outing a , pe I ht tbbro,h on. Wednesday &ftern06h re- baker aw,earj?4, In V190a of tbiO of - V1, '84 1 � VIE knOLLA
- , .
4 .., �
.1 -, "Alf, u6i - =. Jagicb. - 6iimeao. Port ,& most pleatant time sp6ftt lit Rm�vro 1AInOntV & COTinteNd '�#Itb - '. ! . � ... k. �. � � ky, �'j �,,�" L I... EENSTED NO
I , ' ,
"I * � -1. . I I I , '. . � 1,, �;. "%,'' �, , �, � I I.,
--- " I . I'll I 11". I , VH01 Ufaball Ugan playeo, two ,Gtand Bend. the tr�al and fir4pist reported at some, I ". 1, . ; , � . I ,..; , . . 11 . .1
� . �, . � � IM, � :;o", . . 1. '. . �:;EU ROPA
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