HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-08-14, Page 8tr
eis what our plgemaans, for cash
Os mean. Herewith we give`a
aaeeful articles we give for cash
Yc nae$, which we ask our custom-
ll'UF, REFERENCE. Each large
tliuzi represents a one : dollar pur-
ists, We give coupons for half and.
carter dollar purchases also.
.Key Ring free for 1 large eager,
1 Tndivddual Jelly Mould free fTh,2
large coupons.
.1 'Cut Glass Tumbler free for 3 large
1 Tea. Spoon or 1 Coffee Spoon free
for 5 large coupons.
1 fi o'clock Tea Spoon free for 5 large
1 Bread and Butter Plate (China) free
for 5 large coupons.
1 Play Ball, 'Hard Centre, free for 6
large coupons.
1 Obina Cup and Saucer or Tea Plate]
free for 7 large coupons.
1 Dinner Plate free for 8 large cou-
pons. (cut glass)
1 Pair Salt and Pepper
free for 10 large coupons.
1 Boy Scout Knife, free for 10 large
1 Cream or 1 Sugar Bowl (cut glass)
free for 12 large coupons.
1 Dessert or Table spoon free for 12
large coupons.
1 Soup Spoon, free for 12 large cou-
1 Dinner or Dessert Fork, free for 12
large coupons.
1 Baby Spoon free for 12 large cou-
pons. -
1 Dessert or Dinner Knife (plated),
free for 13 large coupons.
1 Pocket Knife, free for 16 large cou-
1 Sugar Spoon, free for 18 large cou-
1 Butter Knife, free for 18 large cou-
Soft Ball, free for 22 large coupons.
Fielder's Glove, free for 22 large
Dessert or Dinner Knife, Stainless,
free for 22 large coupons.
1 Bread Knife, free for 24 large cou-
1 Cut Glass Marmalade Jar, free for
24 large coupons.
1 Cold Meat Fork, free for 24 large
1 Eclipse Pencil (Ladies' or Gent's),
free for 30 Targe coupons.
1 Water Set (cut glass) 7 pieces, free
for 32 large coupons.
•1 Flashlight, free for 36 large coupons
1 Berry. Spoon, free for 36 large cou-
1 Child's Set (3 pieces), free for 36
large 'coupons. •
1 Ladies' Purse (assorted colors), free
for 38 Large coupons.
1 Fountain Pen (Ladies' or Gent's),
free for 40 large coupons.
1 Gent's Watch free for 40 large cou-
1 Bon Bon Dish, free for 40 large
1 Fern Pot (Brass with lining), free
for 40 large coupons.
1 Football complete (Rugby), free for
40 large coupons.
1 Silver Candle Stick, free for 40
large coupons.
1 Child's Cup (Silver Plate), free for
44 large coupons.
1 Cream or 1 Sugar Bowl (Silver),
free for 45 large coupons.
Butter Dish, free for 50 large cou-
1 Salt and Pepper Set (Silver Plate),
free for 60 large coupons.
1 Flower Vase (Silver Plate), free for
60 large coupons.
1 Clock, free for 70 large coupons.
1 Fruit or Salad Bowl (Cut Glass),
free for 80 large coupons.
1 Pie Plate (with Pyrex lining), free
for 100 large coupons.
1 Bread Tray (Silver plated), free
for 100 large coupons.
,1, doz. Salad or Pastry Forks, free
for 100 large coupons.
1 Electric Boudoir ,Lamp, free for 100
large coupons.
1 Ladies' or Gent's Wrist Watch, free
for 120 large coupons.
1 China Tea Set (23 pieces), free for
120 large coupons.
1 Silver Tea Pot, free for 150 large
1 Silver Casserole (Pyrex lining), free
for 180 large coupons.
1 Gent's Pocket Watch (15 jewels),
free for 250 large coupons.
1 Cabinet of Silver, 26 pieces, plated
knives, free for 320 large coupons.
1 Cabinet Silver, 26 pieces, stainless
knives, free for 3801 large coupons.
Seasonable Items .,
The ; Roan thug Store
For ,Sore Feet:
Foot powders. foot soaps, corn,
bunion and callous pads; foot
balm and arch supports.
For Sunburn, ;.Prickly Heat and
Poison Ivy.
Lotions and Creams that give
For Flies, Mosquitoes & Moths
»Fly Kill and Black Flag Sprays
and ;Powder—two of the best.
Kodaks, Brownies arid Kodak
'Films—Expert Developing and
32 oz. Puretest Russian
Oil $1.29
Regesan Fruit Saline,
large bottle 79c
Vaccum Battles, pint 49c
Mi 31 Antiseptic, 16
Wampole's Milk of Magnesia,
20 oz. 50e
-Genuine Chamois, 16x1889c
Keating's Pharmacy
The Rexall Drug Store
Phone 28 Seaforth, Ont.
also of Seaforth.. The cerembny was
performed by Rev. W. P'. Lane, in
the 'absence of Rev, T, .B. Keine, ,of
First. Presbyterian Chute)), The brise
was ,prettily gowned in canary yellow
georgette, with accessories to match
and carried sweet peas, maiden hair
fern and baby's breath. Mrs. John
Pullman was, matron of honor and
the groom was supported by Mr.
Robert Charters, brother of the bride.
Following the ceremony, a wedding
breakfast was served to the immedi-
ate relatives, after which the newly
married couple drove to the home of
the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Robert
Charters, Mill Road, before leaving
on a honeymoon trip to London, Port
Stanley and Niagara Falls. On their
return they will make their home on
Market Street, Seaforth. The bride
and groom are among Seaforth's pop-
ular .younger set and the best wishes
of many friends are extended to them.
A - good way to forget abut
the weather is to become in-
terested in 'a Book. We have
them at
50c, 85c and $L90 EAR
Book , Store, Seaforth
'Subscriptions taken for newspaper:i
and magazines at publisher's price's.
Read carefully Stewart Bros.' ad., page 3.
Wanted.—Two ,Collegiate girls to roomor
board.,Apply at The Expositor Office.
Wanted.—A boy's bicycle in good aondi-
tion ; reasonable price. Apvay at The Ex-
positor Office. 3322-1
Piano.—Nice piano for sane or to rent. Ap-
ply to C.lHoare, Clinton. '0 3321x2
Notice.—The Carnegie Library will be • clos-
ed from August 10th to August 24th. G.
Thompson. Librarian. 3322-2
Notice.—Wanted, two Collegiate girls td,
room or board; handy to school, churches and
Main Street. Apply to Mrs. Frank Finni-
gan, John Street. 3322x2
Remnants. -3 IUs. Prints $1.00; 3 tbs. Silk,
Velvety or Cretonnes $1.50. Agents, dealers
wanted. A. MeCreery Co., Chatham, Ont.
Agents Wanted.—Man or woman to travel
and appoint agents for old -established house
in business in Toronto over forty years. For
terms and personal interview with one of our
travellers wire Dept. W -S, Winston Co., To-
ronto. 3321-2
Successful Music Pupils.—The fol-
lowing pupils of Miss A. Govenlock
have successfully passed the Toronto
Conservatory of Music Examinations:
Primary theory, Jessie Smith, hon-
ors; Margaret Smith, pass. Introduc-
tory piano, Clarissa Dale, pass.
Garage Entered.—Gaining access
bat forcing a door in the rear of the
premises, thieves early Tuesday morn-
ing entered the A. W. Dunlop Garage
on Main Street, and took away with
them an expensive new radio. No
word has since been heard of either
the machine or the thieves. Provin-
cial Constable Whitesides is investi-
gating and was in town on Tuesday
lin connection with the case.
Katherine, and Mr. Fra k Burgianaier,
of Toledo, spent'. a few days with
Miss Kate .Kehoe, of town.
'Mr. llama Wallace alias returned
fitpm Essex County and will spend a
few months in Tuckersmith, 11Xr. Wal-
lace says that the harvest was finish-
ed in Essex County over a week ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haggard,' and
son, Jack Rankin, Mr. Edward Ran-
kin and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald. McIn-
tosh, of Detroit, are spending their
vacation at Midland and Muskoka.
Mr. and 'Mrs. G. Haekland, of Wind-
sor, were week end guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. Murless Jones.
Dr. T. L. Ryan, Mrs. Ryan,,Thomas
Ryan and Mx; Merdler, of Saginaw,
and Mr. and lairs. E. Bouchard, of
Flint, were week end guests at the
home of Mrs. •Margaret Cleary.
Mrs. Alex Sproat, of Toronto, vis-
ited with Mrs. George Habkirk over
the week end. '
Mrs. Smith, of Camlachie, Lambton
County,' is visiting her brother, Mr.
Archie Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, of De-
troit, were recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Anderson, at.Roxboro.
Miss Effie Smith, of Lindsay, visit-
ed at the home of .Mrs. G. T. Turn-
bull 'last week.
Miss Marion Watson, df New York,
is visiting her father, Mr. James Wat-
son. Miss Watson has just returned
from a cruise to Bermuda.
Mies Katherine Anne Morton, df
Port Nelson, and Miss Peggy and
Anne McArter, .of Guelph, are spend-
ing their holiday • at the home of their
aunts, the Misse Broadfoot.
Mrs. A. Ross, f Kitchener, is the
guest of Miss Hel Young.
Miss Mabel Turnbull, accompanied
by her friend, Miss Effie Smith, of
Lindsay, left Monday on a motor trip
through the Kawartha Lakes.
Miss Mary Parker, of Detroit, is
spending her holidays at Roxboro,
with her friend, Miss Virginia Ander-
Week end guests at the home of
Mr. John Abell, George Street, were
Mr. Reg. Abell, of Toronto, Miss
Gertrude Abell, of Montreal, and Mr.
Arthur Anderson, of Detroit.
Mrs. Harold Sanford and daughters,
Betty and Beautrix, of Regina, have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R
Sanford for several weeks.
Mrs. E. Male has been seriously ill
for•several days.
Duncan, who has been vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. W. McMichael.
has returned to her home in Wood-
Mrs. Potter, of Toronto, is the guest
of Mrs. J. Millson, North Main Street.
Mrs. Calvert and family are camp-
ing at Grand Bend this week.
The Misses Alva and Mary Murray
of Woodstock, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Eberhart this week.
They also attended the Allen -Strong
Mrs. J. Coppin, of Detroit, is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. F. G. Living-
man and the ushers were Mr. Bert
Anderson and. Mr. William Strong.
During the signing of the register,
Mr. Charles Boyd sang, "I Love You
Truly." - After the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of the
bride's parents. Mrs. Strong, mother
� ' received in a gown
1 e
of the br
black georgette and lace. Amid
showers of confetti and good wishes,
they left on a trip -through Muskoka,
the bride travelling in a blue crepe
ensemble, with black fur trimming
and black shoes and hat. Mr. and
Mrs. Allen will reside in Woodstock.
Agents Wanted.—$3, $3.50 or i$4 per day
guaranteed for sixty, seventy-five or hundred
days' agency work in your locality represent -
int; old -established house in business in To-
ronto over forty years. For terms and per-
sonal interview with one of our travellers
write Dept. W -G, Winston Co., Toronto.
House For Sale.—For sale, a six roomed 11/2'
story frame dwelling house and one acre of
choiee orchard and garden. The house con-
tains hard and soft water and is equipped
with electric lights. The property is situated
one block west of Egmondville Church and
has the benefit of small taxes. Will be sold
on easy terms. For further particulars apply
to Thomas Hudson, Hensall, or Robert Strong.
Egmondville. 3319x4
Reception.—Miss Alice Leith will
be a guest of the Lions Club at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Jones on Tuesday, August 18th. Alice
has been a ward of the Lions Club for
one year, the greater part of the time
being spent at the Hospital for Sick
Children, Toronto, and considering
her very seriously crippled condition,
the progress towards a complete re-
covery is considered remarkable.
Alice will be very happy to meet the
members of the Club, their wives and
all others who are interested in the
crippled children's work, between 4
and 6.30 p.m.
'. D. Hutchison
Phone Phor Food -166
Miss Hazel Thompson, of Toronto,
spent the week end with friends here.
Mr. Arthur Reid and family, of Ot-
tawa, spent the week end at the horfle
of Mr. Reid's father, Mr. J. H. Reid..
Messrs. John and Louis McDonald,
of Windsor, were visiting with Sea -
forth friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kent and fam-
ily, of Toronto, were the week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright.
Dr. Everett Rivers and wife, of De•
troit, were week end guests at ,..the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rivers.
Mr. and Mrs. Glazbrook, of Chicago,
were guests last week at the home of
the Misses Brine, and Mrs. J. C. Laid-
Miss Irene Wankel, of London, is
spending her holidays at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel.
Mr's. Hurry and Miss Hurry, of
Aberdeen, Scotland, are guests at the
home of Mr. and•1Vlrs. T. Swan Smith.
'Mrs. James McKay, of Toronto, is
visiting with friends in Seaforth and
Mrs. E. C. McClelland and baby, of
Toronto, are guests at the parental
home of Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays.
Miss Jean Winter, of Goderich, is a
guest at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. R. Winter,
Billy Scott and Stewart Plant are
camping this week at Holmesville.
The Misses Henderson, of Buffalo,
and former well known Seaforth resi-
dents, are staying this week at the
Commercial Hotel, and calling on old
friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerr and two
children, of Oshawa, are guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. Sparks, of St. Marys, is a
guest at the home of her niece, Mrs.
Robert Govenlock, in McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly, Miss Alice
and Mr. George Daly are on a motor
trip to Ottawa and Montreal.
Mrs. Mary McCann and daughter,
Church Services.—On Sunday, Aug.
16th and August 23rd, the pulpit of
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth.
will be • occupied by Rev. F. •H. Lar-
kin, D.D., of Toronto. Dr. Larkin
was for many years the popular min-
ister of this church and the people of
Seaforth and vicinity will be delight-
ed to have the opportunity of hearing
and meeting hilar again.
Orange Picnic.—Seaforth L. 0. B. A.
held their annual picnic to Bayfield
on Wednesday afternoon, August 5th.
There was a large crowd in attend-
ance. The day being ideal, the mem-
bers enjoyed the water. After the
supper they all retired to the ball
grounds for the sports. The follow-
ing are the prize winners: Kicking
the slipper, Mrs. John Pullman; boys'
race, Garnet Free; men's race, John
Pullman; children's race, Roy Kerr;
fat lady's race, Mrs. Wes. Green;
soda biscuit race, Stan. Nichol; thread
and needle race, Dorothy Parke and
Stan Nichol; tie race, Mrs. M. Stew-
art and Garnet Free,
IsYour Automobile
Seaforth Defeated By Grand Bend.
—At the Collegiate campus on Tues-
day evening. the local softball team
were defeated 6-4 by Grand Ben ;. This
Grand Bend team was a very different
team than that which played here in
the first half of the schedule, but un-
fortunately the locals did not find this
out in time. The Bend, taking an
early lead, held it easily until dark-
ness brought the game to a close in
the eighth innings. The game was
played -before a large and enthusiastic
crowd. George Parke, of Seaforth,
was umpire, while the players were:
Grand Bend—Disjardine, L. Ravelle,
Green, W. ,Ravelle, Baker, Stratton,
Mason, Thompson. Seaforth — Mc-
Cully, Muir, Rennie, Brownlee, Mc-
Gregor, Nichols, Trott, Burgess, Bar-
..Band Concert.—There was an ex-
ceptionally large; audience at the band
concert on Sunday epening; The High-
landers Band played up to its usual
standard. The boys' band rendered
several numbers during the interval
and it is pleasing to note the progress
these boys have made since the com-
mencement of their class. We wish
them every success. The programme
for Sunday is as follows: 0 Canada;
march, "Field of Glory"; serenade,
"Love's Caress"; Tobani's Fantasia
on "Gems of Stephen Foster"; march,
"Enterprise"; medley of "Church
Hymns and Gospel Songs"; sole (a)
"Open the Gates of the Temple" (b)
"Nearer My God to Thee," Mr. E.
Chamberlain; waltz, "Bliss Eternal";
selection of college songs, "Canlpas
Memories"; march, "The Monitor";
"God Save the Kitig."
Yon have given a BLANK +3HEQUE
Which may cost you, your entire life's
The Financial Responsibility Law
way suspend your licenses for ALL
(TIME if you are unable • to pay.
Fall information gladly •given.
peel. Oats in: all lines of Insurance
y ,-. 1st., •M .' nerds, one mile
I axthJ 'Modern honae `With
icer,atli and toilet; *all • barn;
�Sfrlt rti� nate, .$11 SPla
,.. : 6eltgn fns°,. ,
Oitotth, Ont.
Seaforth Bowlers. — A beautiful
trophy has been presented to the lo-
cal 'club •by a well known Seaforth old
boy, Mr. Thomas Sooles, Toronto, to
known as the "Sooles Challenge
Trophy." To declare a winner, four
games (men's) rinks will be played,
two games Friday evening, August
14th, and two games Monday even-
ing, August 17th, at 7.30. The com-
mittee would like every local bowler
in this draw. No entry fee. When
the canvasser calls you, say: Put
down my name. Valuable prizes have
also been donated for a men's handi-
cap singles competition, and also for
a mixed" rink or trebles tournament,
in the near future. Our beautiful
lawn is going to be a real sporting
field for the balance of the season.
Fun for all—all for fun.
—Two rinks of bowlers, Messrs. C.
P. Sills and G. D. Haigh and M. R.
Rennie and R. J. Sproat attended, the
Scotch doubles tournament in New
Hamburg on Wednesday, Messrs. Ren-
nie and Sproat winning the first ev-
—Three rinks, G. Charters and
Dave Fell; George Scott and Mr.
Meadows, and Dr. Bechely and W. G.
Willis, attended the tourney at Gode-
rich on the same day, btit none of the
rinks succeeded in getting in the
Smith-Madill.—The following from
the London Free Press of Friday will
be of interest to many in Seaforth
andvicinity, as the groom is a former
well known Seaforth boy, -and a son
of Mr. John Smith, of this town: "A
quiet and charming wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Madill, 249 Briscoe Street,
London, when their eldest daughter,
Era M., was united in marriage with
Thomas A. Smith. of Cobourg, son of
John Smith, of Seaforth. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. J .W.
Hisey. The "Lohengrin" bridal chor-
us was played by Miss Opal Ross,
London. The youthful bride, given
in marriage by her father, was lovely
in her gown of pink chantilly lace
and wide -brimmed hat of pink rough
straw, trimmed in matching shades.
She carried a bouquet of pink Butter-
fly roses and lilies of the valley and
wore the groom's gift, a bracelet of
diamonds and crystals. 'Miss Marie,
sister of the bride, acted as maid of
honor and chose a dress of green em-
broidered net and white hat. Her bou-
quet was Talisman roses and sweet
peas. H. Stark, of Welland, was best
man. Mrs. Madill, handsomely gown-
ed in blue lace, was hostess 'ata de-
lightful luncheon. The tables were
beautifully arranged with pink roses
and garden flowers were used in pro-
fusion through the house. Laker Mr.
and Mrs. Smith left by motor for
Muskoka. For travelling the bride
wore a black and white crepe dress
and hat of woven straw. The groom's
gift to the maid of honor was a cameo
ring, to the pianist a vanity case and
thebestf gold cuff
Pullman-Charters.—A pretty Aug-
ust wedding was solemnized at 1Qorth
Side limited °hunch 'parsonage on
Monday, August 10th, at ten, o'clock
a.m., when X," .izabeth J . Maters,
daughter of Mr. and tOli.. • Harte
Charters, . &dorth, , was •tiuitod In
ritatrndgo to iuir, Syandy C. Puilman�,
Carl Laemmle's
12 -Reel Production of Edna
Ferber's ' Great Novel
with •
Laura LaPlant
Miss Florence McMinn, of Chicago.
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Days, of
Detroit, arc speeding their holidays
with relatives here.
Mr. Alex. Powell, of Kitchener,
spent Tuesday at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, in
Miss M. Dundas, of New York, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat spent
Sunday with London friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and
Helen and Mrs, W. R. Plant and Edna,
spent Tuesday in Ayr.'
,Rev. W. D. McDonald, Mrs. Mc-
Donald and family are the guests of
Rev. W. P. Lane and Mrs. Lane.
Mr. Ronald McKay, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays at the home of
his mother here.
Miss Isobel Archibald, of Toronto,
is spending her holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Archibald, in Tuckersinith.
Russel Allen underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis on Saturday in
Scott Memorial Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMichael and
family, < of Cleveland, are guests at
the home of his mother, Mrs. William
Among the guests who attended the
Allen -Strong wedding on Wednesday
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pateman,
Miss Mabel Green, Miss Edna Rickard
Miss Alva Murray, Woodstock, and
Miss Louise Mills, Blyth.
Mr. Charles Shea and family of
Saginaw, spent a few days in town
this week. Mr. Shea is an old Sea -
forth boy, but it is nearly 40 years
since he left here And, consequently,
he sees many changes. .
Miss Margaret Clancey, who has
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. C.
Stewart, returned this week to her
home in Detroit. She was accompan-
ied by Miss Jeari Stewart, who will
spend a few holidays in the city.
Mrs. F. E. Nugent, of Walkerton,
and Miss Dora Stark, of Hespler, are
visiting with Mrs. James Beattie.
Of Our wonderfully Successful
Friday and Saturday
They will out -rival all others
in Big Bargain giving.
This is a tremendous thrift occas-
ion. Come and supply your present
needs and the things you will have
to buy weeks ahead. It will pay
you big returns
cousins in Detroit.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Robert Stephenson is not enjoying
the best offheaith.
Mr. and•Mrs. W. Carlile and daugh-
ters Misses Martha and Annie, of
Mr. Basil Lane, of Toronto, is
holidaying at his home here.
Miss Margaret Clement and Evelyn
McGrath, .of Buffalo, spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Mc-
Hensall; Mrs. Maynard and son, of Mr. James McQuaid and friend, of
Moose Jaw; Mrs. J. Logan and Mrs., Toronto, are visiting relatives here.
Hudson, of Hensall, were Sunday vis- I Misses Anna O'Reilly. of Toronto;
itors with Mrs. L. Troyer. I Agnes, of Toledo, and Alice, of De -
Mr, and Mrs. James Daymond, of .'trait, visited at the home of their par-
Kippen, spent a day with Mrs. L.I'ents, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly
Troyer, who returned with them for a recently.
Mr. Harold Maloney, of Detroit,
With scenes laid along "de ole
Mississippi" in the days of Huckle-
berry Finn—Chicago in the wide open
90's and New York to -day. '
The characters are the strolling
players of the gaudy old show boats
—gamblers, sports, humanity in the
raw. The story is one of adventure,
romance, pathos, comedy and sweep-
ing color.
Note.—First Saturday night show
7.30 p.m. sharp. Others nights 8.30
Two Hours of Entertainment at
Regular Prices.
to es mail a pair o from
cu CJl f'Jf'from To- �)
ronto, Welland, Seaforth, Stratford,
Tillsonburg and Aylmer." •
W d d Aug.
12th, when Anne Elizabeth, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.'William Strong, be-
came the bride of Mr. Carson Lorne are
Allen, of Woodstock. Rev. F. J.
en in marriage by her father, enter-
ing the church to the ,strains of
Lohengrin's wedding march with Mr.
George Clark at the organ. She was Them
becomingly attired in a gown of white Try
bridal satin, over which fell a long
tulle veil, with cornet of orange biota , at
soros. Her flowers were butterfly
h ng bridesmaid lilt a ion $tted
shades. ,She carried Ophelia .. taxes,. SEAVO1tmf
sweet -peas and lett. Mr, , Arthur , , •,
Douglas, 4 'Woodstock, was grooms'4 ;, a
Allen-Strong.—A very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized in St. Thomas'
Anglican Church on e nes ay,
eyers officiated. The bride was giv-
roses, baby's breath and , fern, Hifi,,,
few days.
At the service in the Hillsgreen
Church on Sunday last, a quartette
was given by Mr. W. Carlile and
daughter, Miss Martha, of Hensall,
and Mrs. Maynard and son, of Moose
Jaw, "The Garden." Rev. Conner
took_ the service as usual. Rev. A.
Sinclair, of Hensall, will conduct the
service netct Sunday.
Miss Mary Hagan, •of London, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. A.
Hagan and famjly.
Mr. Robert Stelck, of Edmonton,
Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stelck,
of Varna, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
G. Love and Mr. F. Stelck recently.
Miss Margaret (Robinson, of the
Goshen Line, spent a day with Miss
Helen Anderson recently.
Mrs. M. Reichert and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Price, of
near Clinton. •
The Misses McAllister, of Hensall,
spent a; few days recently with Mrs.
Walker: -
Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett, of Vancouver,
spent a day with Mrs. B. McAllister
Cot . ong, ,sister of the Bride, was 15C a. dozen .
a c arms
ture» hat and' shoes in inatcnmg
gown of coral pink ebifi'on WI h ate- PI NE 34
Mrs. P. F. Bern and Charles are
visiting friends in petroit.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Beale and boys, of
Stratford, and Mr. Kingsley Beale
and Jack Lord, Montreal, were week
end visitors at the home of Mrs. E.
Miss Monica Roach is holidaying
with friends in Kennilworth.
The funeral of Joseph Hughes was
held on Tuesday morning at St.
Patrick's Church. Mr. Hughes died
at the home of his nephew, Mr. Jos.
O'Rourke, and was in his 82nd year.
Interment was made in St. Patrick's
Mr. David Crawford, Toronto, is
visiting 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Flynn.
Mrs. T. Christopher and daughter,
Barbara, are spending a month's va-
cation with Mrs. Christopher's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Downey.
spent the week end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moylan and
family speht Sunday in Stratford.
Mr. Charles Malone, of Windsor,
has returned to his home.
Rev. Father 'Michael Eckert is
spending his 'vacation around the'lburg-
Misses Margaret Flannery and
Irene Burgard of Stratford, spent
Sunday at the 'home of P. Flannery.
Mr. T. S. Melady, M.A., of Windsor,
is visiting relatives here.
Miss Margaret • McGrath spent a
few days in Stratford recently at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. T. Murphy.
A few more hot days and those
weeds have done their work. If
ploughed in now, they will increase
the fertility of the land and you will
have a good field of wheat.
Work done right in rotation as or-
ders are received, at prices according
to the times.
Phone 34-616, or see us. •
Threshing is now the order of the
day. •
Miss Edith Forrest, of Hensall, is
spending a few days with her brother,
Mr. John Forrest.
Mr. and Mrs. • H. Aikenhead and
daughters, Misses Margaret and An-
na, of Brucefield, •scent Sunday at
the home of M1',. ,and Mrs. W. Love.
Meltsrs. Fred and J`aek •Steacy, of
Detroit, spent the week end with
fiends here.
Mist Janet lraawtherne, of Mbose
dew, its spending 'a week with her
offers you the Practical Business Training that has made it possible
for our scores of students to obtain and hold positions in this time
of depression, because of their high standard of efficiency.
Prepare to be one of the employed next year, by taking a THOR-
We offer you the following courses:
General Office
Special Courses Arranged
Write or phone for particulars to
M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, B. F. WARD, B.A.,
Vice -Principal Phone -.198 Principal.
Wolverton Flour Mills Co., Limited
i Wheat Storage. .
On account of the.unfavorable price of wheat this year, we are"' -
.arranging�l'or •the s ge • of wheat for farmers until the price im-
We will store Clean, Good Milling Wheat Only.
The charge for storage and insurance, etc., will be 1 cent per
month; or at cent for each period of fifteen days or *Rotten thereof.
Ola 1�'11OE 51 P]EIONEB, HOUSE 299