HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-08-14, Page 7. . S", , , ", ,,,,�, I - " 11 I I 1V,,,1i,,�,­'1 ,7 � I . � I I 1. ,­�, ; "N �' V; "W"I", " " %, �J'g , ,4, .. �i�W'A'.'11 �i� I vlli�1114� IN 1i � " I ,, � �! 'M, 11�� .I ij,": � � � ­ ; �,;�, , � �, i � �, � � ; ,,�','-,�,�,'��i�,'$,��,�,,�,,��T, MY " � " I'. "I I�T 14115,1,i,V,'E� "' 1� , - 11. , �'. " ��"11 � � ill il , I � I I . "'V . ­ . I I '', . f ,2 i , , ,,,, J � ­ .21 "... -,1-1-1111 I �- 0`1 - ��� I . ��, � i 11 ,l I i 'IS R ,e " .7,lp, . . I 0, . I � ,"71IIA11111'�;.�� TNP,7" 111, ,., "'oi�r -, I'll 11. I.".- 1,1.1, , f ' , , " " ", .0 i 1 �,-"' !�:",��5 ." , 41 , - e&�. I 'I'll , 0R',��Ti,'!�,'! " i , Nill�,�n.,11'1, � - I'll - . .T4�1� z4ii�;` , 1`&�''"e�',";��,?.�4.--,;;i ''I, � "', ,,�� - I � Ill?"" ,%�..���!'!��'!��--l"""'�,,��-�i,p,,��ll:,:�r"�'�� 1,�'. i. �, i� . I " " `� I -��­!'­­ .." 1-1 . �­ - ,, I �, �. 'I I, . 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I ,, . o z - � � � �, �41�1 I "o � � � ��,' r . . � . p0q',W, ,of ,I, , r I ' ` '�' ­ I 1� Wi , . , � . , , I ...... . . I I � . '� ... 414HR, I � I , - I " , . . I . ..ir . -1 I'm A � 1 ,4 1 1 , , , I � 0 X-R,401"A"'M I � ­ . , I � � . I .. I I ��,, 'g,j� , , I . . I ,:: I I 11, r, "P UkGAL . � ­ A � I � I ': , , 14 91,1* Am4ftor, ; ,,#440r.; - ,,P .";�,?,V, 1=9 I - 00 ,.. �g , I . � . �', I , , 0,341 'I" t itgig ,J 'I �.,,# '?,R!, �""!l : ,� , ,�,YRIjlllll 4 ., R I . 1. . 001kat0on� ,* � .0 V ., TM R, " ,, 7 � . ��"!:, , t. - if W- W� ill1d, Z-A,,V#'r i � . i , , , , %01,1117­� I W-, � !" -0 '! "F, r�� , - � 4"! I . , 14 "TO ,;P,P�` �,,.-'P,P, I , , f � lrJ1 I ­ , , .p.,"', . . - 'the oistwige in a Ahort,*T-Anc! , ,Vj%,P;7,?M I'm ,m `11�,­j f � 0,,$ ..A,� mal, yrA ,, , � Rn I , By Joseph C. Lincoln,.. � ., "A , � A I.Ti, , � ,r �rm . - , W' ,.p" , 4 ,I ,:, W .. *4LIS, al,m, . ,, �, . . .... ...... I IvN , . . I ., , - ost ba #i � , I � A, I ,,,,-, I . I . I . i � . ," 9 �, " JOHN J. RUGGARD, � . I , ��� , 9� �1' #11 ,g 11 . � " 5 ;��*No. 9�l , '' ! � I �42 ,�,10� ;­, I � �,F!�� * I ! I �k h ,O �, � �tn - ­ jaP4 .4 '094A "N"T%1 �,,.­ , , I . , I I , � ,9� is I 11 � , � 8. 11 I � f-(004, i.'� 40r, �A ]h 4 �,'V�ii.� #14RA.; li ip 11 . .1 , . before they r o .... flop't �' - ,the, M - 14 . T'Ikl� �� BE i I I � � . I .... I : 4p,, 4, & 9 , l`41 . I , Spot � kv, =*0A,`;1u0$3 � , �. , ; � . I - . ,#V�,;, �r �� . . r I . . . . , , 'is, -77 , . - - . � � I, I ,; Ilr4,­ I I Y " , TX , R I I Wi Lrristor, $011citor i. dune from I �q - 1�1 Notairy PublUe, tm'. ­ lit" ­�" .,04 -- I . . I I � �. Ir. . : vit'h .:#Ypa� 104 ,�, 1. 1,1- j I I I I ,;�,,',, el S �s, qsj� Ir A) wao . A, "No, c4u. �.4 �. - -� 74! ... 0.�V I � ,�,%,'­ a v % , " , .. �804% -M . If 'led , "' , ,. �,..�14m� ��l I 1 �3.i: ' 11kizWe Block - - -1 , I , , 11X�b, On - I and, a few minutes I#ei, the Wild to seize the huge coffee—q�pt, kept hot e I i1pself met. them. " 1p ST41. ,.= . �. ,�� ..... ... ­ (Continued from last week) .,,a '.., I I , K, " � ., . 0 r `!"�` lfilll�", ,'�. .. . . . .. 4i';I ­ -I 11,�"'� . 6 �- aq � 11.1 e , . .1 o, ,b,ac . , �Ad � ,aS W,oiru#,,@pA0rm9oV0, �-, Fitt il,!�'.1,,",," r'11, ... i; !i ,, 7 Duck sto d ou�t into the - lgw. The and full. always at th J k of the 14 e close ,to, Calvin "Thes" 11 � kl­- R. S, range, drid pour and drink three cups. bellow in t , lattWS . th-edr,cresimcp I he'eide,6% I'. � � 'Y'ld hw��6,e.,alx 1111% � y! I aip' , - ,,�9��T 111�1�1"A­Y; � , �f "I I.. '�, � ,i�,,R � �� , . "All right, ,W -t. afraid of life.-gavers watched her go. Then ear. , � i"a 4p", 11" � � t- , 1" , � . - " . Solicitor,. convoyaneo . time thobq4t. S w0fig, U'lp't"O'�. i I . , %w . BarrlsW7, U, -and I haven't been. just wanted they turne�baek to -the, station. Bel- of its scalding contents. " 'Tain'tany use to try to get,dovm I I"` l end Notary Public- Solicitor for the yo ' , ,,ftrf,s run- one of those hills of, , "', tow I � 14 I '.1 , 1. 0 ". , , I I I the 00 tell you how the old man was feel- eueus made the only remark. "Nothing in sight, Josh?" queried , I 11����AAAAAAAAAAAA�i '., Ri'r', 11, . "" " , . . ��ankl,' office in rear of ,any h4rither," he Panted. elaw, apprehensiv,61y ou fewi , I �',',',' �,.,.,,,. � �, bombd6n I I ,r - p=,e4enstvQy out, fearl, '. ­ !"­ , ,� . . � I � ­. th - Qivi, . )­ 'w9n Banks -Peal"M , X61eq� to in - Phinney was picking the ice from here. I got in pretty', nigh to my two 11" . I , , l , �.�,� ,,,� .. I , ""' ' when he got his clearance papers, "There goes a good- Man, Cal" ',- -Calvin, anxiously. - nin' eleau, -over the beach just b "I "I., IM I t, �,. "! Dom that's -all., 'I black marks, th� �, �11-`Il I", - �- 171 I'll , I r . .'in backin' you and I'm Observed,. sententiously. Romer dd I ` " " ", `�rA` ," low k- . � 1, I ,,r ..... 11 �,, � ... . . ..- � .... .1 I I - . " , . bettin'. on you too. . . . Now one not answer, his, brows. .. I waist comin, up., Miglit's well launch wrecked craft, Wviivz�­ I ., e�,�in I �:,�,, .111, .Z I , i � . T �11 - � ... .1 , .� ,W---",-- 1". , 1, I... ­­ 1.11 , �'�;, " m , --oo. � r sight. But they were I 0 , 11 , �1' li 11 -10F 4 -��, -,,�.; ��­C,,,� - N BEST & BEST thing more. You know this crew All that forenoon tli�- breeze con- "In sight?" he gr,o*kd. "Lo d A'- her' -right abreast here, Cal. . I 1'.. , .: 1. 1�,�i:�. " 1". -2 . . . . . ...... ; L" � " . . ,� , , I 'Wbew Did on ever see such a I 1. 1-1 . . . . . I'' -� If'-, i ". � � , ... 11 * still, stood . , I I � 111.11-1 I 1, � '', . I 's, -Solicitor$, Conveyan- pret�y well." tinued to freshen and to, pull more rnightyl there alin't any sight. You! ! y ,jaw ,. l"' ­ "' � '' ­­-­­-­-- ­ L - --.- ­il 9.1i� 111, " q� ,� Marriste, ..b ., I ­. ­ "�­­J'Q'jI,,..­ ­r*T?" , .1 , K;,,,­�11,,U�,40, ewb and Natiirie-$ Public, Ete. Office '"Enere's. none �e'tter." and more from the north to the can'tsee three feet shead,of your Ji - 'in your life! An&cold! My God- 'He looked, into, the fAces iinder tbo I ,,,1�1"%',"1�, , �� i".. """�",;��"I",�"��.�,1;11��, 1�.Iii ttve,W ,� ... i 0�, l�, . -kk,face was sot, aad,� . I—, 11 lii� "No, there ain't. They'll go any- dreaded north-east. Beach drill that boom. I , .'�,;. , , " I .111,11 ­ ,;1 "I 11 % the Edge Building, opposite The ; � .. ­­ 'j— ,i, " ,,All you can do is feel—if you f-r,ys!,, Sou'westers.'. 'Eve ­ ­ , I ,,?,`&j',�'J '., r, 1 �; � s � ., wheres and do anything, with - the; afternoon was held beneath a lower- ain't too numb even to do that." I-rolner did not ;reply. Instead he every man was pulling with all )40 *0 � Of . � , har� "o V. � , , JbIkositior Office. I `fo'emast' T %�R, � �,. , as "The telephone's go,ne, so Hez tells asked a question. might No or WRwa, , .�I;,,�i I . .the, ; W,.Wa u� k right man to, lead 'em. - But with the ing sky, and in the fac& of what.w ie sp6k�, they were to& 'm' R"10"g, ��!� k I I busy for that. Even Seleucus, '*614*1�00 " � M �10'1:�, � VETERINARY wrong man... . . you know,, a already a young gale. The o4r con- me." . "Where is she?" he shouted. hid ardeied I -1 ­rq, t X I'll . I , 14, "'i � ,ZY"f , ,t,�'kl ­,�, -'; 1.1 11 I 'b -1,, K,,' .,�, , �A�, crew like ,ours is made up, of kind of taining the Lyle gun and adicompany- "Gone! I fell over two, poles my- "On the South end of the Sand Hill. loquacious, WAS silent, and no ord1ii-, They had held ut"*ho,�,o, I.� .i ',",;�' --- I , , ,,. , " 111 I ., ­: . , , , � , ,t) % -----1-4 t, f w1nd and WONO had n6tonly, stlailgCthe A*6 , ­ .'�..Ir JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. rough stuff. That's why they're here. ing' apparatus ,YiIas dragged out by self on the way up, I don't know the Pretty well out. Two master, looks� ary coinbina ion * . .11.1 I ...., . I I 1, ,5:-1,- g " ' him from u _ I . -11,1.1111 g Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- There's some hellions amongst 'em- the horses, and the men went through half -way house ain't blowed flat by like. She was nd n' up rockets a could have prevented � T R."N' Se . I ntil she grounde, I I -�"-0�11­` 1,0 . . 41 lbtit,l , �:� OT9W ;11 ting the line this time" i houting a. profaue joke octaslonal�. h ,191;4�19 I , - , - ­Pil, 0�1, . I , 43�,f ',�,�,t�l'.'�,�T' , Alr disease of domestic bound to be. You've got to handle the mancieuvres of shoo .. . 'while ago, but not now. -Come tip s ad ripped the windlass 11b) - I , "I". ,,, , � .., .11 I, 'M 4, �,,�"k, , "I � F�,�� . I � MPM 4, i. ­ ,:-.!V , �ri,�A. � 1� he boat moved on, slowly, but I. � . I , I =I's '9:ated. -Calls promptly at- 'em easy. They'll get drunk, some of over the drill mast set in the Sand, 'The half -way house was the little yonder;I cal"late it's light enough to I y- T !r il';` c , . A , , ,,, . . � ... Pl�� ,,M��,�� ' i � Z�j I � T � �� , � . �, tended to and charges moderate, Vet- 'em, if they have a chance, and they'll rigging ,the breeches buoy and pull- hunt on the beach two and a half miles make her out -a little of her, any- dogigedly; the spray shot over .it in bow" "in ,'the, ey'es of hv.r.,Pl 415 "is' )-$ . ­. " � "I . sileets, and froze when it struck. ... �i, . 1�11­ . -p i one - if. And, ormr ­fhjLt:�` � ;� �,,,i,i.'U , , It contained a 'bow.,, I �,'�,',�� , . . 0 Of their comrades from the below the station. ribe thi;V�`�';.;�:�`,,,,�l Dentistry a s come back, from liberty re4dy to take ing would. dese � , ,i% i I s and rigging were covered ,v� i and � e on Goderich Street, one charge and -run things-soniel of 'em, crosst-kees to the dune which repre- stove -the fire in which, the, patrol- He led the way to the top of the Men,, 'Oar bow the breakers poured' -in icy cpw, 1 :''.: ',�kiil � I 9 . q. ,..".a...... 111 ,,,!Ioq�,,!�� V, dew east of Dr. Mackay's a CO, Sea- as I say. Well, you)ve got to us,& sented dry land and safety. Ordin- men were Supposedto keep alight and dune and Homer followed. At this with ice. cades. A,04' 1�0,11'. , I I . . "I 4i,!��&..1,11�11 I -rill was a matter, of rou- replenished -a telephone instrument, elevation the extr me o e f the , ,..""-IL� � . The cold, that was'the worst of all. (Continued next week.j 1, � l ;',� I / 6VWL judgment. You've got to see some arily 4he d e f r e o LL :1.1! "I', , I . . I . � . 4 '. �3,;A. *�. thifigs and put yotir foot down on tine, but to -day them was a sort Of and the keys to the time clocks car- hurricane was most vvi8ent and for Oilskin% glistened like suits of arm- I "�. . i `��L" ,, ' ' . do 11 �: , ',',�. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.s. �, )phecy in its details. The glass 'tied by those on patrol. At the half- the momen Calvin was, conscious of our. -Mittens cracked at the knuck- - I , .,;, �, � em hard And you've got to forget grim pr( t . I " ­�. , 12 11 ,� I ",""i" I . ... ­ �1. I ate of Ontario Veterinary ­ les. Eyebrows and moustaches hung ­­ ), - bvr U . niversity of Toronto. All to see -some other things. A parcel was still falling and the -thermometer way bouse the patrolman from Set- 'nothing else. Then, after he had . thAcieles. But they were gaining; � A barber in a highland village was '� ��,'�,f.':%�4',� wh"Ses of domestic animals treated Of husky men all alone down here on was falling also. -From a morning uckit met the patrolman from the caught 'his breath and mopped the w1i ' . � ­�5 * �:- Q�� ,' . not so much to da a phenomenally warm for the time of Orham Station, the latter building an- with eveTy, stroke they drew nearer shaving an English clergyman who ,. �,J, 'sand and spray from his eyes, he look.- . .�,!,�.' � t , ., by the most -roodeTn principles. 'Sand Hill Shoal and the wreck at -was on holiday -there. Unfortunat6ly, -. , �; .�.liki�,," "R the temperature had changed un- other two and a half -miles further ed sea7ward. It was a grey -and -white to . . �I , 'M 0amses reasonable. Day or night good,de,al of:the time, is. like a school year . .. ..'' I , 1 1. , � 1 136 ' f `�"`,, til, at three o'clock, it was so cold ,on. upheaval ,over which he looked. In its southern extremity. Mae -had had . too manyi dro P -- ­ * -, - �., I . ,,, ` mi gas promptly attended to. Office on full of young ones. If -a new teacher Suddenly Oaks, at, Number Six; Mountain Dew on the previous night ... � . !111�`,',I.�'f­ that every gust was a broadside of, "Did you meet the fellow from Or- the dim"light of early morning he saw . 7 . , ­�Ij, � I - I 'I', 4'.r", � " "' . � rr Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town comes on -deck, the first thing the . -lomer. stoppe�d towing. Homer, watching and as -7 a result his hand wasa trifle . ..". � . . .. . ... ­ IffaR. Phone 116. yo,ung ones do is to find out whether ley needles penetrating oilskins and ham?" inquired I the huge breakers running in creamy �'11,1 .11 l,' Lhe 6epressions of his men had of unsteady, so that he sliced* a small 1, , ," sweaters and causing the life-savers "'Yep. He fell in, just as I was try- ridges, out, out, out, One behind the I �;I-�, ... �­ ' ,.. ,�', ". 11 . ". - .1.1 I . I 1 - hels boss or they are. If he. is'tbpy're his in particular. He portion of skin from his custdme?4' ,. I" .." �go for him: -he can 'handle 'em like a to slap their mittened hands ,and kiek in' to pick up spunk enough to crawl other, Immediately before -him they late watched i I I 'had seen it change. And so he was, a I I I ': �,'��,�, � f ce. I �, � ell, . , MEDICAL � - out to , ; 'breeze. But -if they -find, he ain't the heels ,of their rAber boots to ." fell in frothing, leaping tumult, l ! I I -er to stir reluctant circulation. "Did he say anything? Was there, surge up th'e shelving shore to the in a measure, prepared. "Ali!" the saddened cleric exclaim- 1.��."?"n - I ! sure whether hes boss or not -_then geth . . . ". I.y 4 MaRi i � c1le - "Go on, Wallie," he shouted. "Row. ed, "it's a dreadful thing, the drink.'4' ­� I., A look out. Tou know this crew of As they pfit, the car back in its very base bf the dune. The mid '? P� . ,"It is that�ll the barber agreed. I ,-, 1� What's the matter with you. � "r DR. E. J. R. FORSTER house again Gammon turned to Hom. "News! No. He was so froze he, distance was obscured by driving "Man, it makes the skin awfu ten- I �",'�,�,i : " , N, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ours well a line up er with a shrug. . couldn't say nothin, . at first, and when scu,d. He turned to his companion. -rise from the thwart . . 11 . 41.1i"i s I do. Give lem a pretty Oaks tried to -e helm, but don't let 'em cc ' der.�' . I ­: , � i, I Graduate in Medicine, University of frL ' "I'm goin' to bow down and make he thawed out all he did was swear at Bearse pointed a mittened band. would have risen, had not &Lni Bearse, �T , - into the wind on you. See?" at Number Seven, freed, onehand and � I , �` , , Z VoTonto. " reverence to Peleg next time I see the weather. 'Twas Ezry Cooper, so "There she is," he roared, and abbve . I . . 11 Is I � , . ,f; V , I" I "' """' , I , " .... .. , "'S, 9! W* I - RG+ I I - I'M �t .11, . ", � "Wir , mv'i , '' �tl"` " 4111 " " "I Y�Il , - I I I " , I ` I I I , I ; 11-19 , I . ��Iy# , " I , � � 11"', r I 9 011" 4,­ � ��., I �� I : � - . I I A "I .1 p . . .. ... �, I I ",, I , I i I ,fl I'll I � I'll I ­. ,, 1`2 I , , I �, , I I TAte assistant New York Ophthal- "I see." know that the swearin' was the thunder.of the sea "his words came jerked him down again. I .I ,� 5 r , Moorefield's "Well, I callate that's about all. him," he declared, The old skate you can I "Row you fool!" growled Sam. q., " �� + " I �.i . *A and Aural institute, &,Off � �1 1,olden Square Throat Has- Good luck to, you, Cal. Don't forget knew what he was ,talkin' about when done proper, nothin' left out." only as a faint whisper. yon- I � t . Itys and C - 'he give out his proclarrigions- about "Sea is over the beach, I suppose " der. You can sight 'her once in a 'But Oaks did not obey. His chin , . ",I D Iftals London, Eng.' At Commercial your old skipper altogether, and, if - TIDE- "''Ill , o,rth, third 'MonclaY in you can find a chance to run over 'to dirty weather comin'. It's mean en- �fYou suppose right. Down abreast while between squalls . . . There! was quivering, and, in Spite of the . t . from 11 a.m. to 3 P ough now, but it'll be a snorter af�re that pint where the Sarah Matthews Look! " cold, there were beads of perspiration . I � 1. - 5� -m- Harni,ss and see me, do it . . . . on his cheeks.' TREASURE ..". n rill or I miss my guess. Feels come, ashore it was riannin' five foot Homer looked -and saw. A mass .: f NS Waterloo Street, South, Stratford- Only don't put if ,off too long or I mor i - -- ,11 I No visit in August. like snow, too. Figgerin' to give the deep and a hundred foot wide. I had of crazy wave, a 'huddle of jumping ' "Put me ashore, Cal Homer," he . '. , I I may not be there." . 1� .. 4 4� + 1, I -F . ;'- ­+ al' Tn,,, wa to -P - A + - s-ot .1,Ove it t, shrieked. "I-1— Put me ashore! I., , I ,wo 4 a "Now, Cap'iz, what makes you talk new skipper a reg lar brea . n, a n ,j r,� � - J ro , an, , a ,., e I � i � DR. W. C. SPROAT like that? You know—" they, eh?" ound it." black masts slanted" against a slaty I can't stand this. For God's sake, 4.111 Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, "Yes, I do. So do you, boy Homer nodded. He did not feel "You didn't hear anything f-rcan background. He nodded and t,ftl.ne� Cap'n, put me ashore!" 11..Od No g The other men kept on rowing -it I M. . . .. ' * * .. . . . I I I University of Western Ontario, Lon- * talkin' of outside? -uns, or anything?" was mechanical with them -but their .. 01 Whew! I wouldn't believe like talking, The responsibility back. im. Member of College of Physic "Heart I bad to -grit my teeth a- As they stumbled down th�-- s'helteT- ,.:. " tuckei I,ve absolute command was heavy upon is .1 . . . . . . . . . . ,19mo and 'Surgeons of Ontario. Office would make me so -ed - mcle now, fore I could hear myself think. If the ed side of the dune Bearse laid a looks expressed the wildest aston h- .'�,.Iil;:�. ; rowed five miles through a head wind him. If mistakes were n ment. This was something new in , 'By I.: 15K,i:::�;:-.%,. In A,berhart's Drug Store, Main St., - States, Navy was Off hand on 'his own. .,:;::,!:1'.1*1.1:11'1., %I and sea and had more breath left they would be his; if blame came he wh6le United .::.%: . . .... lWorth. Phone 90. st ,take. it all. And the Setuckit the Sand Hill and every ship bloweA .,, "Goin' to try it?" he queried— their experience, brand new. ';j::i,;%:. .,..........,.��:.::i*:::��;,!,:::i....,,..�..:...'� . Well, inu .1 ..... ,.�,..i : than I've [ed grin. Calvin was as astonished as the i..-ilil�il ....... �f, ." � . . _ got - now. .. . Station had never lost a life. up to once you couldn't hear it to- "Oh, all right!" with a one-sid ":,..,.�:i;i!iliii:.,!;�:]:i:::]:I:j-.�!::�:;::::: I ' a I DR. R. P. 1. DOUGALL Olive, what is it?9, 'rest. '*%i�:."'i�-,'-,'-.'.,',.',':j:!:i�;:j:j:j:j:�* "Y 'He was not afraid in the ordinary night, I tell you . . . . Well, any- "Just as you say. I always did like :".!!*:.,...:,.,�:::;c�::;:;::;:: I.."I.."'.......i...... .'.'i :i:'..i�i:."K, i 134onor , graduate of Faculty of His wife had entered the room. OU . "Put you ashore,"' he gasped. Molly Be in ", i�ii. . ense. Gales and seas, ,and the dan- thing else, Cal? If there ain't I'm exercise." ;%:-:-:.',';i;i;�iiii-%. s Medicine and Alaster of Science, Urd- must get .your things on, Oswald," S outed "Yes -yes. Put me ashore. My ..:.::::::::�:::��:!:i:i::;::�... .:$.:::,.!"...:�i:i::;::!:�:i;�;:;:', � " .. avity of Western Ontario, London. she said. "Peleg is here, and.-., the gets that come with them, he had ex- goin, aloft to turn in. Got to roust Back at- the cart Calvin sh ..:$;::X.X. Te . ' ke it! We'll bo � -- .:-.0:%:$�:�, "..".1 , a ,Ibmber of College of Physicians and boat's ready." perienced often enough. But always out Sam iftrst, of course," with a grin. brief orders. Once more the men and God, we -we can't ma . .... X­� ded. I -I've got a -a wife to Ki�',`;�*.�i�i�i�i�i::,:: :. k:K,q%:::-.,.:1. . before be bad been under the com- "He'll be real thankful to me, won't horses bent to the' tugs and the. cart drown The Blue Bell ' . '" :...:. " 1hrigeous of Ontario. Office 2 doOTs "So? Then I cal'late I'll b& ready home. She-s,he— Turn around, 04A of postaffice. Phone, 56 IleliSall in a couple of shakes . So long Cal. mand of arlother man. During Cap- he, when he finds what he's got to go and its burden eMeTg&d from between � ", :. ..:..................'.."..".."..".."... ..... . . . . , . ::- - I :. : .. ...: to tain Myricl� s illness he had- led the out into'?" the dunes and came out at the top Cal Homer, you're crazy! We can't I Poetm � : ...P. ... 0"Wrio. 3004-tf See you outside. Tell the boys rit up the stairs to the sleep- of the sloping beach. - ., ...., I P . ".. — stand by so's I can say good-bye to crew in mhn-y rescues, but upon the He we make it. We'll drown, I tell you! Put .­­: �, . . E) DM A. NEWTON-BRADY M." -, return to the station he had made his Jng quarters. Three minutes late-- "Man the surf boat!" shouted Hom- me ashore. I .".., , le I ' The man's nerve was, completely I ` ... - � Bayfield. t cere- report to his superior, and there his Sam Bearse, muffled, booted, sou'wes- er. I I That good-bye was a shor ' . Hie. let go of his oar entirely I . Graduate Dublin University, Ira- mony. Peleg Myrick's cat -boat, the responsibility ended. Now, as te-111- tered and oilskinned, his Coston signal Each man took his positi.on. The gone As children search the sea -shore 'twixt ,a%Z�cy Assistant Master &kipper, it was diff-erent; he at his belt, came stumbling sleepily cart -was turned broadside to the sea. and shook both fists in the air. Bears6 .. . ' . t 1 Wild Duck, was anchored in the little porary I "Unload . . . . . Take out the pulled the oar into the boat. the tides, t =ndl for Women and cove on the bay side, near the station. was not there to obey orders, but to down. Oaks's threats changed to plead- Gathering each lovely, wave-forsaktn , Children, Dublin. Office sit residence Peleg's dory was hauled up on the give them. And he knew the crew "Dirty morning, Sam," was Hom- bolts . . . ... thing; 'y JxWy occupied by Mrs. Parsons. would be watching to see how he er's greeting. "There'll be something The bolts which held the vehicle ings- , Hours: 9 to 10 -a.m., 6 to 7 p.m., beach, and its owner was standing bore himself on trial. doing as so -on as it is light enough to were removed, and the rear and for- "Oh, Cap'n, please!" he begged. 'IT Smooth, shining stone, or echo -haunted ", i a " evide it, ready for his passengers. My pay check's shell, 3 Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 b Mr. Myrick—he was not related to They were -watching him already. see, I shouldn't wonder. Keep a ward wheels of the boat carriage sep- will.pay you for it. comin' due next week. I'll give you The fallen feather from a sea -gull's Captain Oz—was a stubby specimen He caught sly glances and was con- sharp look -out. Use your Coston, Of arated. wing— ,. DP -,F-. J. BURROWS . ispersi behind his back. course; the telephone is down." 94 Set." half of it—I swear I will! I'll give office and residence Goderich Street, of marine architectuiae, tbe skin of selous of wh 11. 1-1 can't stand it, I tell 01- Those that he heard were not unkind- Bearse was filling himself with hot The boat was lowered to the sand. vO-u a So I, to that strange shore which is my , I Church, Sea- his hands and face tanned -din—but coffee and mer6ly grunted. Then, . "H4aul out wheels." you. Turn around and put me a- life, P best of the United ly in tone—the men liked I I forth Phone '46. Coroner for the or of mahogany and looking more like h shore." Find that the tidal days their treasures 3 . leather than a human cuticle. The skin they -Were non -committal. Tfiey were, pulling On his mittens and, buttoning The wheels were pulled out of t e r 0mmty of Huron. I him to prove himself, his s,ou'wester beneath his chin, be ,way. With -the lifting bar under 'her There was silence in the- boat fo bring: 16-.4-- of his feet and his legs, from the waiting for , e r a tre- Words, thoughts and deeds, rich friend - and, if -he did� well and good. Jf he pushed Open the door and went out the boat was skidded bow on. to. the an instant, silen e b oken by DR. C. MACKAY 4) knees down was of similar shade and the churning blackness. It took surf. . mendous "Haw! haw!" from Seleucus ships, precious hours, . 0. Mackay, ho-A,or graduate Of Trin- consistency, a fact perfectly obvious did not—if he faltered or hesitated, i nto � Gammon. The other men, still row- Like moon -white pearls for memory to I Air 'University, and gold medalist of during spring, summer and fall, when or for one moment showed that he all of Homer's str , ength to pull that "Take life -belts." the ing as hard as ever, looked at each string. � Ti,inity Medical College- member of he was accustomed to "go, -barefoot" ,doubted or was not certain—then., like dooi shut. Each man took a lifg-belt from it other, then at Oaks, and then at their - It IM College of PhysiciWns and Sur- Now, as it was winter, he wore 'a the Sebool children with the new At half -past five the call came. Cal- racks inside the boat and strapped ggan,s of Onttario. mammoth pair -of high rubber boots. teacher, his rule was for ever ended. vin was on his way up to the tower over 'his shoulders and about his sl,kipper prro tem. Homer, catching � I. � ; -met Oaks, the man on watch waist. The only one who did not do that look, know they were waiting to LONDON AND WINGIIAM I The remainder of his attire was a He might as well resign at once, for when he how he would meet this entirely . DR. H. HUGH ROSS hit -or miss jumble Of black shirt, they would force him out of the ser- coming down. this was Badger, the cook, who, ac- See cedented emergency. Graduate of University of Toronto J "Sam's burnin' his Coston, Cal," cordiqig to rule, would be left ashore unpre South. I ster, faded sweater and patch- ,vice sooner or later. 11 rieked Oaks a - Of Medicine, member of Col- sOu'we 11i nd Walter Oaks, the newest member Oaks bldrted, excitedly. "He nill9i in charge of the station during his g I'll pay you," sb ) &We of Physicians ,and Surgeons of ed trousers. -s eyes were small a I of the crew, and the one that- Romer see somethin'! L6rd! it's an awful ,commander's absence. ain. "I'll give you—'P p.m. . graduate courses in blue, his nose big and red, and his ain't it? Cal, do "Ship rowlocks . . . . Take But Homer interrupted. 2.05 Ontario. pass mouth. and most -of his chin hidden liked ,best, drew alongside as they mess to go off in, . "Sit down," he ordered, savagely- Belgrave .................. 2.292 4 Chicago' Clinical School of Chicago ; sled heap of moustache., walked to th,e� station. y6u think you'd better—" oars." -a place "Sit down and row." Blyth ...................... 2.33 - �w Jtoyal Opbthalmis Hospital, London, beneath- a trou "Well, Cap'n Cal," he observed in Homer did not stop to bear the Each man at his place- It . . jhgland, University Hospital, Lon- which, as Seleucus Gammon describ- loud enough for the others to rest. He hurried to the tower room. fixed by regulation and confirmed by "But, Cal, -please Londesboro, ................. 2.40 ; � I=, Euiland. Ofllce--Back of Do- ed it, looked like ,,,a mess Of dry sea- a tone Calvin lifted the big steering r 8.08 ler the hear, "how cipes it seem to be boss The window towards the soutli-east onstant drill—put his rowlock in pos- r mWon Bank, Seeforth. Phone No. 5. weed that had blowe,d up un( ship'? Ain't g' was opera and banging in the gale. 'Ition, and laid 'his oar crosswise on from the water. Brucefield ............ I ...... 3.26 Iftht calls answered from residencep lee of his face and stuck fast." He of the . I oin' to be too . "Down!" he roared. "Down, or I'll Kipper. .................... 3.33 1 � plaboria, Street I job to speak to Leaning out, he peered down the the boat. Homer gave the outfit a 3 , Seaforth. lived alone in a -shanty four miles up stuck-up in your new The wind was as strong as hurried glance of inspection. ur head in with this. ' - - - Hensall ..................... 3.89 , the beach, and the summer visitors common folks, are you?" beach. Down! Now tow—or I'll brain you Exeter .................... 3.53 r . i. � . DR. J. A. MUNN called him the "hermit." In his Calvin smiled. "I haven't got any ever and' the cold intense, but it had o" he ordered. wn you afterwards." . Graduate of Northwestern Unive"- at the new job yet, Wallie," he replied. stopped snowing. A mile or more a- With a -rush they slid the boat down first —d dTO . youth he had played the fiddle That's so; so you'ain't. Only just way a brilliant glow of red light -with the slope and. into the surge. The At that moment be would have done A North. I . utiate Royal Orhamdances. He hadthat fiddle yet " - The men k nliew it and, what was I go, Ill. Lice I by Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Well, an intensely blazing core spotted the men at the bow were knee-deep in ' it e e . ........ 10.59 1 1 thIg"hilcia and lonely surfmen ,on evening beach a try -out, as you might say. ckground. . water. ,Seleucus Gammon found time more. important, Oaks himself seemed Ex t r ...... ...... . I ofilce over Sills' Hardware, Main St, patrol heard it wailing as they passed it looks as if you'd have somethin, black ba to realize it. Sobbing and hysterical Hensall .................... 11.12 . ftaforltlf. Phone 151. his -shanty. He earned the few dol- to try you pretty ,*soon. It's goin' to Homer sprang to the stairs, ran to shout a comment. back upon the thwart, tc,ok,KIPPen.,� ................... 11.19 � , 1 lars 'he needed by clamming and fi�sh- blow a little mite afore mornin', they down the first flight and*into the room. '' ,,Crimust that'feels nice and cool," he sank 11.27 DR. F. J. BECHELY Don't get if where the crew, each ,on his, cot, wefe he bellowed. "Come in, boys, the up the oar which Bearse pushed into Brucefi .................. , ,phesied tell me. scared, Cal. n,d began rowing onc6' Clinton .- ................. 11.59 1 Graduate Royal Gollege of Dental ing. Between tdmes, ke Pro we have to go out and you upset the sleeping the -sleep of the entirely water's fine. What's the matter, his hands, a 12.16 . Toronto. ()ffice over W. R. concerning the weather. . lie; tired9l' This'll freshen you more. Homer glared at him, swa-l- LondesborD ................. He stood by his dory's bow and boat we'll all hang on to Seleucus and healthy. Wal I , 12.23 ,s byocery, Main Street Sea- . ' "Turn out, boysl" be called, brisk- .up,,,. ].wed bar4—and then laughed aloud. Blyth ...................... 12.33 - j�orth. phones: Oflice, 1845W'l resi- about him -stood the Off-duty member drift ashore. Fat'll always keep a-. , . be comparatively new mern- A bellow of laughter came from the Belgrave ................... I . ' . Oaks, t , 12.47 &Mee, 186 J. of ,the Setuckit life -,saving crew, Cal- float, ,so they say, and Seleucu,- has 1Y. ", I rew, did not answer.'He boat. What might have been a cal- Wirighain ................ . � vin Homer and Seleucus, among them. got enough of that: Ha, ha!" / . , a. -O , I was looking =t the walls of white'wa- amity was now a joke, a joke to be I I CONSULTING ENGINEER Captaid Oswald, leaningon his wife's Gammon himself made answer. 0 ns . ter just ahead. remembered and talked about—when C. N. R. 0 1 �aTrn, walked slowly from the statian "Hot air's what they fill ball o CHAPTERII "In bow," ordered Calvin. the time for talking came. S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc,, (TOO, to the shore. Peleg got the dory a- with," he obseTved. "You're consid- surfman "Almost there, boys," shouted Cal- Bast. , 01A.S., RegiAered Professional En- float and""stood, kn4ze deep in the wa- er'ble of -a gas -bag, Wallie. if we They were ready in three minutes. Selqucus and his Opposite seized vin, cheerfully. "Keep her going." � l I ter,'waiting. Captain Myrick turned capsize I'm callatin' to grab aholt of Bfside ejacb,,cot stood its occupant's .sprang ovvr the gunwale and The wreck was in plain sight now, a.M. p.m. I V)) to his crew. you and rise right up Out of the wa- rubber b6o,ts, their tops folded down, their oars. only a quarter of a milt away. A Goderich ........... 6.35 2.40 1 0 pa����� "Well, boys," 'he said, with a one- ter." � and socks, undeirclothes and trousers "Down with 'her." 14 6.50 2.56 d begun to stuffed, inside, ready for instant d,on- As she moved out the other men little fore and aft schooner, hard and Holmesville ........ ,,, 1 "I'm goin' By Supper time snow ha from scrambled In. fast aground, at least every third Clinton ............ 6.58 8.05 sided attempt at a grin, h Before Homer turned Seaforth ....... � 7.12 8.21 AUCTIONEERS ashore on a little mite, of a spree. fall and when, at ten o'clock, t e or- ning. ­ . .. I h the door, the men were 'on their feet "Start -rowing . . . . Got" sea breaking over her frbm stem to IF,erly I've had for quite a spell. der was given foi those not on watc The b#at leaped forward into the stern. Men, were in the rigging., five St. Columban . . ... N 7.18 3.27 1 irst 11" You - to turn in, the station was trembling and dressing. He went down to the ............. 7.23 3.842 004- .F",; � !. 0 , -4I. leave and Cal to run things skipper% room---Jhis -own n-ow—and breakers. As she did so 'Homer, the of them. Calvin waved to them and Dublin '.. I I Take care f in the, grip of a nortb-e-ast blizzard aved in return. �, West iliG yourselves." . THOMAS BROWN . . . 7, 44 Sure thing—" such as seldom visited even that hurriedly.scrambled into woollen jack- last man to leave shore, swung over a hand was w � " I ' I ** loealit,v. The buTri- ets, oilskins and soulwester. Pulling the stern and took the heavy steering The sea was more -wicked than ev- I 'We w It D bil ............. 11- Ueensed auctioneer for the counfles ,,Keep So ]her as you can, sklpper�-­i' storm-w"hipped roke, anotbet, almom- er there at the tail of the Shoal. u iln 24 9.17 "Se, ; b — :1 wled, the snow on a pair of mammoth mittens and tak- oar. A long sti . ... ,u I rTespondence, ee u 'ek again pretty soon cane ,shrieked Ud bo broke just be- required judgment and experience and St. C,I,mban ..... � 1129 td Huron and Perth. Go' ards to the -girls." and flying sand thrashed against the ing the lantern from its hook and ent's wait as a wave ,ring the lifeboat up under Seaforth ........... 11-40 9." . ents for sale dates call be "Give my reg d lighting it, he pushed open the door fore them, and swept beneath. Then skill to b =rby"calling The EXPOS10f Office I These �rere "me of the, responses. windows,, -and above the swish an and went out. I another mighty pull, and a ,rise that the lee of the -wreck' ' But this --with Clinton ............ . 11.1555 9.44 Seaforth. Charges moderate, an a Peleg helped his passengers into the clatter and scream sounded the eter- N The -gale struck him as he turned lifted them up and up. Flying foam, the exception of Oaks—was a veter- Holmesville ........ 12.05 9.58 1 1 satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 802. dory. Then,. giving the boat a final nal bellowing boom of the great rol- js way to the barn. a deluge of icy water, 'a series of an crew, even if their leader wa's G,derilch ........... 12M 10.101 , J t � � shave he- swung over the side -and lers beating the outer beach. the corner on h Like a strokes., and then a toast. They comparatively new to 'his job, and, af- - . I . 'up * Calvin Homer ,went to his room, Its force was tremendous. irst breaker. The men ter.several trials, it was done. The C. P. IL ITME TABLE I I P,k I OSCAR KLOPP ' t6bk the o-ars. Gammon, hailed the keeper's room just vac�ated by giant's hand it pushed against him were over the f g pull. Homer, a- schooner's deck was aslant, I and form- East . - him. r " he drawled t and the blown sand cut his face as be settled to their, ton rtial shelter. The grapnels I ., I'll , Janos, Nia- "Say, peleg, , "what's Captain Myrick. He went there, bu and f6ught on. The gain swabbing 'his dripping face with ed a pa .. Sam. I . Manor Graduate Carey the matter with your prophesyin' 'he did not undress or go to bed. He leaned forward peered ahead and were made fast. I Lng, Chi- This left the room at frequent intervals to door -of the stable was closed, but not a drenched mitten, r. "Come dowill" shouted Calvi, a I . 6.50 � donal School for Auctl6uoeri� factory? Broke down, has it? Menset ..... .1 5.0 rso ii ' , wm awakened by bent his strength to the steering oa nen in the rigging. "We taiga. Special cou aken In Plin is .about as good a day as we've 'had -,nsit the watchman in the tower to locked, and the hors . al Estate, Met- - the lantern light, turned to look at 'A good launch and lucky one, eGndi.- dressing the i :,:::-: 0.04 ' � Bred Live Stock, Re mth, aiad, last time you and speak with the returning -beach pa He backed them tions considered. They were off. SO will look O& for you. Hurryll' 6.11 -in Sales. Rates In for a mc . tptain— Auburn ................ I""' ebandise and Fai arket, Sat- me talked, you was- eallatin' on ,one trols, to attempt to peer through the him as he entered. golod. One of the men—the cE . ,$,� keepingr , prevailing ,in . This -out of their stalls and began harness- far. SO it 1317th ..................... 6.W assured. 0 J of them East; Injy typhoons. Said windows at the chaos outside. . But the launch was Only the be- shouted a reply. Above the turnu 6AO 1104 W blow the lighthouse out last procedure was wholly useless, the Ing. In a few moments others of �the of wind and wtiter Only a few words 01cai Opp, Zurich, 0 . Pliotp: 1-twas goin' to a fact which every man re- . 42 ethin, like that." flying snow. and sand were jumping crew joined him. In less than ten ginning, be -ow, some- MoNaught .... i. -I ......... I ahs , 13-98. to sea, or som etition of back from the panes like fine shot, minutes from the time of his leaving alized—tbe new skipper most of all. were audible in the boat I Toronto ................ O.. lop . 'Peleg's retort was a TOP and more than once be momentarily the tower -room the', cart, -bearing the There remained a row of at least thing like "balf froze." lem," call- W"L �. the soothsayer's reply to Caesar. e miles, through a sea wbich was "Wle'll have to go after I- I "' he I -you � ILM , . J snorted. e ted ttbose panes to be beaten nk. lifeboat, was on its way down the thre d Calvin. "Come on, one of - I R. T. LUXUR "DAY ,stin't done Yif, establishing a record even for the e L "Yould have to tie your hair Ou'a- Xrtcfoitr in the morning be was in beach. a fight all the way. The coast, and, with weather conditions You, Seleucus, come with me. The Toronto . ; ...... 0 ........ 6-1 I I , A) ,Ucensed auctioneer for tile C*MtY fo�o to.morror mornin'-if - you had the kitchen when Joshua Phinney It wagi MeNaught ....... i ........ O.. #' . I atten" 0 lu all any to tle" . 1. came in from patrol. The man was sand was deep and th4L, wheels cut in- about as bad as they could be. Even r,est ,of You stay in the boat." .11 ". . ' kd Huran. iftleo .� . of to it. The horses did their best, but as exacting a disciplinarian as SUP- Watching his �hance be climbed Waltoll . 6 ....... b..... 4 d..A wo I ". S of, 'the county. s6vft =,101W 02- He .Swung forward and back with muffled to the eyes, but the lashes ellegg, the hardy Vet- Over the tilted rail, Ganinion at his B176 ............... : ::..".I., il­­�,,,lti�� unai4ed, could never have made eTintendent K . I 11, "I � in maulf'ohe iTA 0 , those eyes, were fringed with Icicles they, rning. The men eran in charge of the district. would heels. The slant of the deck, and the Aiftbfirn ....... , 614, 1 114 ' '� ' � 8' the oars. . ...... 4, 11 , � Y",: � . 11, ,y,§,,, calleg Captain Oz. and, his frozen oilskins cracked and the trip that in* �,f ice upon it, made- each NkGa* .......... ::14.,. li 6,6,6. "I ,;, � . lervis reasox6b O.- r for not risk- coating i , �� �� f � , ' � so lougi ho Split as Honier helped bim. to re- helped each tagging at the rOpeS at- have excused a keepe w that day. step aneffort and u risk. The schon- M#Ao"t , �� ,"L "'�,�"", r t 21�- 4 ��e&'j,'��81� "Good luck, Calvin." No ing the lives of his cTe : " k, I- 1.4,I. , � l", , h!;l ,� . Ph-inney'g ftt.' mov% tached. to the sides, of the oart� in the rigging of the Oodaf& .'.'.-t*.- ."". . . , L 6;d-ers lift at tm novod off, drerw abreast ,move thorn. .d4.6..,.#�..,*..- ,, , 4 '#, ea&ffi, W,Mpgy *t, O.The dory i oke. Breath was A, necessity Homer knew this and knew that the or's crew were I I . V. . ­�! � ",;, " .""'P, � I . ­­ ,,, 1 -7 , . the ,stubby broa&beamed catboat, after being takenout of his shell, Was -one S,p I � ,,,I "T ..., . I. I . 111` ""i, ii� . � -- .. . I .� ,:�� I I � i. . ,? 1, ':;r't, I � I . I . , I I., �., . " . 4 . � I . 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