HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-07-24, Page 4P,
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I I Friday, JiAY . 24, 19SI. dustries 'based on the availability of day' to be the main street of St. . . I I I 1012 survive, -iiqnp� A ' 011P '40 ' hme, � AU4
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J� IS 111;- the lower power rates promised by When it ,came time for the fittings � . , � at home. 11it ad(Utl.,ox I i�be dean,
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, I I found they ,k ,ed
to be installed it was fou. . , j* aUTvW
I " ' the promoters. spent Sm day with frienis in Olin- and favorwbly known in our vil- sister bashwood recently. by his widow, Obj4�jod I - cox,
r I'll, :, IER In December 0 19.28 %1,. King re- �were taken' the Windsor sorry to learn of her suf- Alm. Frank Clair and son, Dann3q, .,TU - He
, 1, i .,w N' �"3 HY WDA at '
I.; 11�q I ", ,; , , . ton. cage, were a
I � , , V%-� ,.��i "': � colleagues Montreal during the .renovation of was prominent In. bowliiig� and curling
.. I '1\,:1V , strained his more eager cc Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and fairdly ferang -a -stroke a few days ago, which Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins Mr. and- Mrs,
� , ". � , , 1�, �,` , . Or the Past two weeks the weather building. There was a long bar in. Hensall And Torglito, and, has re-
. '?,,, . V,'� and postponed the giving of a decis- that b of. Flint, are visiting friends in Stan- was a very severe one. Jack Whiteley and .children, of New- ,
:. , anything but i,o,. He questioned whether he fair- where phantom guests could secure , ark, N cently been a member of the, Oak-
. �t�'-L`!AtL j�h�& district hat been Dr. Ivan Smillie, of Toronto, is Neal Jersey; Jack Yaomon, and
11". I
....K�.` L � , phantom hotel, "ey* wood Club of Toroi#o, He was s,
iw%�, , L . ly could grant a company right to real drinks in a pba . Elston Dowson And Miss Ella having the office block he purchased Mr. and Mrs. D. B, McDonald and ,
... ,L', , for farming operations. Mr, member of 'the) Inde ender - Ord
I develop power in the Quebec section Then the rotunda—of course, the hex of,
" 1, , � I . . eme heat has brought the grain in leading and only hotel in St. Joseph Lowson with their mother, Mrs. Dow- from Dr. A. Moir, refitted to meet his grandchild, Billy, of Galt, were week Foresters, Independent Orft-.,qf Odd -
a almost daily when. the Ontario Hydro, had put "on, spent the week end wRli, Mr. requirements as he is starting prat- end visitors at the home of Mr, and fellows, Orange, Order, Native ,&
. Ag (very fast, while almo where tired ' . Zia
I . a prior application on the interna- had to have a rotunda k 0.7car Wright and family, of Kennil- lice this weep. Mrs. Duncan MeMardn, and famil
l seriously retarded haying tional section years previously. Not business men from the industries 6: IV' of Canada, and the Masonic Or4tj.
rains have seT. worth. Mrs. Wright and daughter, Quite a number of our villagers are -Mrs. C. 'S. Hudson spent the week
Ile I I . - He was a member of Duron and B=eo
. , - operations. In fact it is said that unnaturally he supposed that the St. Joseph could gather at the end who have been visiting bere, return- now camping ut Grand Bend and end with her daught,at, Alias Thelma, A. .. Hydro and the Ontario government of day and discuss the state of trade I � F. & A. ,M. and the funeral, was
I rutich hay will be. ruined. I under their auspices.
, - Miss Mary Matier, of Windsor, was Misses M. a ' T
Conditions, however, vary with the would protest that a grave injustice and the rapidly vaulting value in ed with them. Bayfield, mostly at the former, of London. and E. Johnston have und
would be done to public ownership. real estate. Yes, to be sure, they I the guest of Mrs. John Fisher during just returned from -a delightful motor Church Serviges. he services 'in'
location. In the southern part of the The promoters, however, were able could sit there of an evening and tRUCEFIELD the past week or so and left here to'trip with friendis to the no.ethern our three local_ churches ,on Sundi.ty '
county, most of the hay reached the to put• before him a letter sent by Mr. .recall the days when the various W. M. S.—The regular meeting of visit friends in :Blyth. peninsula, visiting Pike ,Bay, Lions last' were pretty well attended and, in..;
mow in splendid condition, and a good Ferguson to Mr. Taschereau in which blocks and residential sections had the W. M. S. was held in the school Mr. Lester Fisher, who has been Head and TGbermory, returning' by teresting services hold. In the Unit -
the Ontario premier thanked the been nothing 'bat , farm land, PUT- room July 8th. Mrs. Bremner pre- spending holidays here with his par- Owen Sound, Harrison Park and ed Church Rev. Mr. Bremner, of
deal of the wheat has been cut, a- chaseable, at fifty dollars an acre and ' I , Brucefield, ,conducted the service in
In the northern part, a good deal Quebec premier for making it po aided and the meeting opened by ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, has Jinless' Falls. .
sible for the Hydro to buy power no takers. . A in ed L the morning and Rev. Mr. Conner, of
singing Hymn 649. The responsive returned to Windsor to resume his Miss Ethel Murdock enjoy
. of bay is still standing and what has from the Beauharnois Company, and It is also within memory that Scripture reading was taken' :from duticia. pleasant motor trip with f-flends to Kippen, in the• evening, the sermons
been cut has been lying in the fields for "voluntarily making such gener- there was a wharf built at St. Jos- John, 12th chapter, and the president Mr. Robert Baker, of Carndiff, the northern peninsula last, week.
of both being much enjoyed.
because the continued wet weather Ous Provisions a condition of your ap. eph at the bottom ,of a steep clay led in prayer. The treasurer .report- Sask., motored here with a couple of Mrs. Jane E. Short, accompanied —At Carmel Presbyterian Church
has prevented it being drawn in. proval of the Beauharnois nndertak- bank. What the wharf was for no ed the June offering $29.85 and hadneighbor mien during the ,past week by her daughter, Mrs. Forrester, of the student in charge of the Bayfield
Church person ever seemed to know exactly. forwarded to Presbyterial treasurer and reports farming and crop condi- Windsor, are visiting with the Misses Church ,preached ,with much accept-
.... To make matters worse, many When it was made clear that the Yet a great city, which was to be at the end of the second quarter, tions very bad in the, section in which M. and E. Johnston. I ance, Rev. Mr. MeilTo�y, Of Caftel
farmers have had to leave the 'bay to Ontario government wanted to buy the starting point of a great canal, $11-9.05., In June, a bale of second- he and his family have been residing Mrs. E. Rennie spent a few days Church ' preaching at Bayfield, both
cut the wheat which means that Un- power from the Beauharnois Comp- should have a wharf. The Minister hand clothing was packed foi be sent for a number of years, sand storms last week with Mr. and Mrs. Centel- morning and evening. There were
- any and the Quebec government want- of Public Works of that day was one no service in Carmel Church in the
less weather conditions change, there out West. After singing Hymn 476, and drought destroying the crops on at thedr summer cottage, so beau- evening, the choir of that church go -
the Beauharnois Company to, sell of a party to visit the spot, and the Mrs. Rattenbury gave. the Temperance from year to year, making it most tifully situated on Pike Bay. I
will be much hay not worth saving. IOUBremnerbrought discouraging ,ing to Bayfield to conduct the service
power to the Ontario Hydro, the fed- result of the 'visit was the erection reading and Mrs. BL for himself and large Dr. and 'Mrs. -Campbell, of Toron-1
There are some sections where the eral government was not in a good of the wharf. The cost was said to of praise, it ,'being an anniversary or
gleanings from the Conference branch young family, as well as for all in tJ1- were week end visitors at the special service there. I
grain is lodged, but on the whole this position to refuse to pass the com- be about $25,000. meeting, Mrs, James McQueen, lead- that neighborhood. home of Mrs. T. 'Murdock. I —At St. Paul's Anglican Church
county has been very fortunate in that pany's engineering plans, arbitrarily By the time old Lake Huron loos- LIT ,of group No. 6, then took the A liquor still that has been in op- Miss Norma Dolton, who has been there was a very good Attendance and
respect as in the neighboring count;; and against the government's own ed its winter and spring humors on chair •-and gave the devotional leaflet, eration for some little time, has been taking a special course at Westervelt � interesting sermons and good music
engineers' report who had said those the structure there was little of it ,,We Would topic, discovered a couple of miles south- College, London, has taken a position
of Perth there are -whole townshirs plans would not interfere with nevi- left. The lake frowned upon the idea by the church choir.
where the grain is as flat as if it had gation. So the plans were approved, of a ,wharf and its frown was de "Oriental Work in Canada" wa� road east of our village. We believe it with the London �ife and togetheri Sudden Death.—Last seen on' Sat-
- by Mrs. McQueen, Mrs. A. T. Scott, was -run by a couple or so Belgians, with her sister, Doris, also of Lon-,urday night, the lifeless body of
been run over by a five -ton roller. with important modifications, the cisive. In the lake were a few posts I.Ars. Hugh Aikenhead and Mrs. -Neil who had formerly been in the neigh- don, were week end visitors with their i Robert Lamont, retired laborer, was
Weather conditions on Wednesday company being required to provide a and such remaining, mute evidence of McGregor, The meeting closed With borhood of Centralia and Exeter, and parents.
ship channel 27 feet deep and 600 feet the glory that had been. Hymn 797 and prayer by Mrs. Mc" on Saturday night last Chief White- Wrs. A. E. Doan, Morrin, Alberta, found lying on a bed at his home on
looked more faivorable and if their I ,Monday evening, when neighbors
wide, to supply the Dominion with After the hotel was -ready for oc- Gregor. sides, of Goderich, paid a very unwel- accompanied ,by her -two daughters, forced an entrance into the liquse.
promise is fulfilled this year's b,ounti- $70,000 worth of electricity yearly cupation only one thing remained, . come visit, breaking up quite a large arrived in Hensall last week and will
ful crops will go into the barns in without charge, to pay a federal roy-,and that was guests to,fill the rooms jAlarmed at his non-appearance about
KIPPEN party who were there, and making spend most of the summer with Mrs. the village, Mr. Alphone Foster, to -
pretty good shape. alty of $46,960 yearly, to gine free and make the place a financial sue- arrests -of the principals and seizing Doan's sister, Mrs. -Hugh McEwan and gether -with several Other men, went
Rain or shine, there should be no sites for locks and wharves when re- cess. But the guests came not, and Died 1, Nebraska.—Fune"al ser- a large number Of cases of liquor Miss Jessie Bell. I
. quired and to agree that the Domin- th.ere was no particular reason why vices for the late Robert Brownlee which he hasstore<1 in the Town Hall - Mrs, James P. Campbell and little to the house and found all doors lock -
shortage in this section. Prices again, !on at any time might declare that they should. It was not a summer were held Tuesday afternoon, June for the present and awaiting a trial, son, Neil, of Windsor, are spending ed. Breaking the lock they were
6f competing with 23 -rd, at the, First Methodist Church, ,,,, getting the names of quite a their vacation with Mr. and Jas, shocked to find Mr. Lamont dead. Dr.
however, are a different matter. the right of, public navigation existed resort capable Mrs.
I I along the company's canal to the Bayfield, Goderich or Grand Bend. Hastings, Nebraska. The pastor, Dr. large number present, including a A. Bell. ,Collyer and Dr. O'Dwyer, coroner, of
same extent as along the new Welland It was not a place of historic inter- E. C. McDade, and District Superin-, former resident of our -village, now Mrs. J. Kimball and two children, 7 Zurich, were immediately called and
-est, neither were there spectacular tendent, Dr. A. V. Hunter, were in living in Goderich, and who, we be- Betty And Virginia, of Chicago, Ill., had an examination, and following
canal. The statement can be made , that a consultation with the County
WHY SO MUCH FEAR OF that nobody whose opinion is of any things taking place in the develop- charge. with burial at Parkview tem- li,v,, was found at the still accom- accompanied. by Miss Noma Bon- Crown Attorney was held, and an in -
LIGHTNING? value has arisen to suggest that the ment of the city. etery. Mr. Brownlee was the second ponied by a couple of women. thron, from the West. are. spending quest was decided upon and was held
Beauharnois plans as pqssed by the Narcisse Cantin departed and left ,on of the late -George. and Rebecca Mrs. Cornelius Cook has been via- a few weeks at the home of Mr. and in the Town, Hall, Hensall, on Tues -
One often wonders why there is so King government do not properly pro- � his hotel because he could not take- Brown1be, of Seaforth, Ont- He was iting relatives and friends in WTox- Mrs. R. J. Patterson, Mrs. Patterson, day morning, with Dr. G. R. Collyer
much fear of lightning and so little tett the interests of navigation, and it with him. It was not long before born January 10, 1875, and on Janu- eter and vicinity during the past week, being Mrs, Kimball's sister. and Dr. O'Dwyer presiding and the
I .
fear of other things which cause so that was the principal if not the sole bats found it a fairly good Place ary 15, 1902, was united in marriage her former home, bqfore. marrying Mr. Robert Baker and one of his . s�isting of Robert Cameron,
responsibility of the King govern- and all who chose to do so could to Miss Bertha Ivison, at Kippen, and coming to Hensall to live. sons, together with a couple of neigh. Jury 'con
, foreman, Mark Drysdale, Geo. Hess.,
much greater loss of life. ment in the matter. roam, inside the place. Councillors Ont, They resided in that vicinity ,Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill bors, motored here during the t Campbell, W. A. Maclaren, E.
The latest statistics show that in sent their financiers. to see who was till 1921 when they -went with their have been visited by -a number of -rel- week. Pas DT Ca
_ I going to pay the taxes, and IDTu*m.mpnd and A. Clark, viewed the
the year 1929 there were only fhrea time family to Salem, Oregon. He came atives from Wroxeter this week. Mr. -and Mrs. William Dougall mot- ,
deaths due to lightning, while in the NARCISSE M. CAN solved that probI ' em. It is stated that to Hastings in the fall of 1928, after ,Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter have re- ored to Petrolia on Sunday and spent remains and then adjourned for two
. sections of the building had -the trading his fruit ranch in Oreg3n for turned from serveral. weeks' visit with the day at the home of Dr. and Mrs. weeks. Mr. Lamont was a well
'same year 5.50 lost their lives in auto- AGAIN habit of falling to pieres, and as the apartments on the west side of relatives and friends in Ohio and R. P. L Dougall, returning home the known figure in Hensall having lived
mobile accidents, and 300 person were they did so the bricks were seized Denver Avenue, near Fourth Street, Michigan States, including the City same evening. They motored with here for a number of years, and his
drowned, The following from the Stratford and sold, the revenue therefrom go- once known as thd West Marquis of Toledo, where their son, Dr. Sam- their -son, William, and his wife and death came as a great shock, He was
And that is about the proportion of Beacon Herald will make interesting ing to satisfy the payments of tb& Flats. For a time heoperated a roc- vel Coulter, is practising. family. ,born in Stanley Township, and was in
reading for many in this district- collector of tithes and such for the . his 72nd year. He leaves a brother,
deaths caused by lightning, compared ery store on North California Ave., Dr. !R. P. L Dovgall and little The L-hoir of Carmel Presbyterian. .
. William, of Zurich, and a family who
Word from Ottawa a few days ago district. previous to his last d,,gther, Mona, of Petrolia, spent a Church sang with much acceptance in id I the West, The funeral was
with other causes, through the years. told about another move being made ' Strange stories used to be told of illness. Mr. Brownlee is survived by 1,w days last week at the home- of the Presbyterian Church at Bayfield
. Yet people will cower under cover by Narcisse M. Cantin of Montreal, the manner in which Narcisse Can- his wife and four children, Albert, Of his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. William on Sunday evening last. held on Tuesday afternoon from Hbff-
or hide in a closet during a thunder to secure rights to develop waiteT in paid off the men who were work- Salem, Oregon; , Myrtle, of Spring— D,,ugall. I Rev. Mr. Bremner, of , Brucefield, man's Funeral Parlor, Zurich, inter -
power on the nortli' side of the St. ing for him at St. Joseph. When he field, Oregon, and Wilson and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and lit- will again -on Sunday, the 26th, con- ment being made in Bayfield 'ceme-
storm. Afid these same people, their . tery.
con -
Lawrence riiver on a scale quite, com- had money pay day came with a of Hastings, and four grandchildren tie son, Billy, accompanied by Miss duct service at 9.45 in the United Death of Dr. Sellery.—The many
brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts parable to that of the Beanharnols bang, And it is stated at times that in Oregon. H�e also leaves. one sister Florence Welsh and Miss Helen Boyle Church, and 'Rev. Mr, Conner, Of ,
and uncles, will get into a car in any plan. M. Cantin has made similar the pay came from a container some- and three brothers, Mrs. Harry Little, left by motor last week for Rondeau Xippen, in tbe evening. friends of Dr. F.. Addison Sellery,
. . is who for many ,years practised dent -
kind of condition, with any kind of a application before to the .0ominion thing like a wash tub. When the Of Windsor; George, 'of Seaforth; Wil- Park, where they expect to camp for Miss Mary Pybus, of Windsor, . Tory in our village, before going to
I driver, in any conditions of traffic, or parliament, but with no particular wiles ,of the promoter failed to bring li,m, of Oshawa, and Russel, of Fort a few weeks. visiting relatives and friends in this, Toronto to engage in his prcifesmon,
. . success, his -request never having home cash then it was that the pay William.. He has been an active
will go into any kind of a swimming ng reached beyond the pdeliminary stage. slips were sold for what they would Dr. and Mrs. Murray Fisher and section.
member of the Methodist Church for little' daughter, of Gravenhurst, were Raspberries are s� fin,& crop wit,
'I will regret to learn of his death which
Xe pool, or any kind of river or lake -,--,' Mention of the name Narcisse Can- bring, and speculators in those days many years, and will be greatly -miss- vis occurred on Friday last at Toronto
visitors last week with Mrs. Peter many pickers from the village in the Western Hospital. The deceased was
without being able to swim and do tin brings memories of the effort to were not bidding high for the privil- ,d in the church and in church circles. Fi�;er and daughter. They returned neighboring woods and swamps, while
. it with as blithe and care free an air build what might well be called the egP of cashing the work -paper. .1 home tbL- latter part of last week,,' many 'have home patches. well and favorably known in OUT Vil-
as if they were entirely immune from phantom city of St. Joseph, on the Joseph to -day ----. . . accompanied by Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Ed. Berry, of Windsor,'§pent a )age and was of a kind and genial
death. shores of Lake Huron, about eight knowing nothing of its strange his- ZURICH daughter, Miss Eleanor, who will few days with his mother here dur- disposition, that made for him many
miles north of Grand Bend. 'It also tory. Where once stood the hotel spend their vacation with them. ing the past week. friends. He was born in Kincardine
Queer, isn't it? One must admit recalls his efforts to promote a radial there is.. not even a good sized hole of A number of our retired farmers and resided in Toronto for IS years,
that a real thunderstorm is an awe- line running through Stratford. Ac- in the ground to mark the spot, . Accidents.—Last Friday AIr. Ferd- Mrs. Lan maid and daughter, are giving good help to relatives and a graduate of the Royal College of
some sight. Familiarity, it is said, cording to records at the cit ball, There is simply nothing on that cor- trend Haberer narrowly escaped ser- Streetsville, are visitors -with Mrs. Dental Surgeons in 1898. He first,
negotiations were y . injury when he fell out of a Itree Langmaid's mother, Mrs. John Keys. friends in the rural district at this practised at Hensall. In Toronto he
. entered into with ner. Otherwise, St. Joseph is much 'Ous
breeds contempt. Perhaps it is I to the ground, a distance of eighteen The :Misses Dorothy and Jean busy harvest time.
M. Cantin in March of 1.904. theTe the same 11S it was before Narcisse new brick had his office at the Physicians and
because of their comparative raritY being two transportation develop- Cantin tried his -hand at promotion feet. ff�e was endeavoring to capture Campbell and brother, Keith, of To- Mr. H. C. Soldan's fine r -
a swarm of bees which had lodged ronto, are visitors with their grand- dwelling on the London Road, im- Surgeons Building and lived at 68
that we have never lost our fear and ments facing the city in that year. there. The lake attended to the dock Nina Aivenue Dr. Sellery was a
awe of a thunder storm, fear out of One was a proposition from M . Can- and time, performed the same opera- near the top of an apple tree oil the mother, Mrs. T. Murdock, , mediately north at the outskirts of -
tin for the radial right of way, and tion on the hotel. That is the story farm of Mr. E. Rader, near Da,,.'h- Mr. and Mrs. W. Dougall left by our ,village is nearing completion and Prominent bowler and curler, a mem
all proportion to the danger. ' � wood. When he reached out the limb motor on Sunday for Petrolia. where presents a fine appearance, being a ber of Oakwood Club and was in the
But the rivers, the lakes and the the other from Mr. Sloan, the offer 'of Narcisse Cantin and the phan- snapped and he was burled to the they expect to spend a few weeks at two storey red brick, The mason semi-finals of the Toronto bonspiel.
of the latter being considered the bet- tom city of St. Joseph. I He, was a member of the Independent
- ground, receiving a number o bruises the home, of their son -and wife, Dr. and staff of our village, while the in- Order of Foresters, Huron and Bruce
automobiles are familiar things. We ter because it incorporated a city ser --- __ — . and Mrs. Dougall and family. I Masonic Lodge, the Orange Lodge,
—On Monday while working' in the terror or woodwork is being done by the I.O.O.F. and the Native Sons of
often that we have come to look on terested and with which he would hale Miss Kathryn Drysdale is spending Mr. Soddan himself, who is an adept
nothing to do. VARNA orchard of his father's farm, Mr. Jno. her vacation with relatives in Toron- ' ,p Canada. He attended St. Columba
them and use them with a false sense Gallman, Jr., fell and sustained a to, Kitchener and Ripley, at all kinds of fine woodwork. United Church. Dr. Sellery is surviv-
of security. The street car service for the city Mr. Andrew Foote's fine barn was fracture of the right arm, near the '
did not materialize, although prelim- The many local friends of J. L. Mr. Robert Caldwell has returned ed by his widow, a ,Pon. Lorne, and
One thing is certain. If the m-er. inary work was (lone. In 19()5, fol_ struck by a ,bolt of lightning, damag- wrist. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon set the Miller, son of the late John Miller, from Toronto where he underwent an three daughters, Mrs, E. Lowry, New
age person had the same belief in and ]owing the negotiation-, of the previ- ing it in four places, but luckily it fractured bone. Mr. Gallmali will be and Mrs. Miller, formerly of our operation for antrim trouble, which York, and the Misses Audrey and Jean
ous year, Ontario Street was paved did not take fire. I laid off work ford some weeks. . village, now. residing at 162 Parting- it is hoped will prove most beneficial. at home. The funeral took place on
respect and awe for a Supreme Being in a peculiar way from the Court Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgie and family A sitting Of the Tenth Di,vision ton Ave., Sandwich, will be pleased to. Died In Toronto.—The death nf Dr: Monday from his late residence and
during the 'hours of every day life House to Front Street, the material visited on -Sunday evening with Mr. Court was held here on Monday with learn he has recently been appointed F. Addison Sellery, D.D.S., Toronto, was a private service, and a public
that they have during the few min- used being creosote blocks, and'tbere and Mrs. A. R. Foote. Judge T. M. Costello presiding. A assistant manager of the Windsor at the Toronto Western Hospital on service at St. Columba Church, inter-
s of a thunder storm, we would be was a strip in the centre left for thi- On account of Blake anniversary number of cases were disposed of, branch of Trusts and Guarantee Co., Friday, July 17th, after being in the ment being'in Prospect -Cemetery. Dr.
living in a pretty decent world. railway -to -be, * This was 111'red in with Oil Sunday, there was no service in The re -dedication services held at one of the oldest and strongest trust hospital only a week, will come as a Sallery bad been in failing health for
gravel so it could be readily removed the United Church. the Evangelical Cemetery last Sunday companies in Canada. For the past shock to his many friends in Huron a number of years and passed away a
when time came to lay steel. The members of St, Johns' Cong-re- afternoon were well attended. A suit- tell years Jim held the splendid posi- County, and particularly in the A- little above middle life, being fifty -
That time came not, nor did the gation spent Thursday evening on able programme was given. The eeme- tion of manager of the People's Loan cinity' of Hensall, where be -practised three years of age, and he was taken
THE KING GOVERNMENT block pavement prove a good one the spacious lawn at the home of Mr. tery has been greatly improved. and and Saving Corporations and, Prem- for some years. While not in the seriously ill while camping at his sum-
- Logan. The evening was spent in presents an attractive appearance.
S The corners became rounded off and 09 , ium Trust Co., who were absorbed best -of health for some time, the ,end mer cottage, which necessitated his
AND THE BEAUHARNOI very bumpy. In 1928 it was torn . up games, music and singing. A very Rev. and Mrs. E. Tuerkhelm enter- some few months, ago by Huron and was unexpected. The late Dr. 'Sel- removal to the hospital. The sympa-
PLANS and the present pavement substitut- pleasant time was enjoyed. tained about twenty of their friends trio Mortgage Corporation. We all le'ry was born in Kincardine in 1877 1 thy of the entire community is extend.
ed. Miss Ruth Elliott has been visiting from a distance on Tuesday. Lunch wish Jim success in his new tonne- and graduated from the Royal Col- ed to the bereaved widow and family.
(Toronto Star) On the lake shore district the friends in Bayfield, was served on the lawn and the af- tion. . lege of Dental 'Surgeons in 1.898, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Elder, of Hensall,
comings and goings, of Narcisse Can- Mr. and Mrs. Reid and son, of ternoom was spent at the lake. 'Mrs. Mary Pope was ,visited by her established himself in Hensall from attended the funeral.
Let us look at the assumption en- VAndsor, were week end visitors in Mr. and .Mrs. J. PreeteT, of Kit- I "
tertained by not a4 few that the Lib- tin were of greater moment, and this district, thenar and son, Russell, of Toronto,— ----.--,—,— I
era) party -received large financial his operations there took place some Mr. George Woods, of Toronta visited relatives and friends here on I I ow
. contributions from the Beauharnois years before his attempted excur- School of Commerce, is renewing ac- }Monday.
interests because the Mackenzie King stun to the field of radial promotion quain
in Stratford district. It must be tances in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader and Mr.
government had granted them waterDash-
rights on the St. Lawrence. Just how about 28 years ago since the start Mr. and Mrs. George Swan, of and Mrs. L.- Schumacher, of Dash -
was made to build a city a Brucefield, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. wood, visited friends in the village on
much is there in that idea which Is t St' 'To--- H. Beatty one evening last week. Sunday. 11t9s time to ReaRoof � See your
very naturally deduced from the facts eph. Cantin's idea was that there
. should be a great canal dredged out Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Keyes,. of Ten- Mr. and Mrs. F. Thiel and Mr. and I I
brought out at Ottawa? The 'water nesse in company with their daughter, Mrs.. Henry Tbie4- visited relatives
energy of the St. Lawrence does not running from that point across Miss Dorothy and Miss Turner, mot- near Mitchell on Sunday. focaBrantford" dealer I
belong to the Dominion, but Western Ontario, thus eliminating the
provinces. And in this, case theto the St. Clair flats and the process of ored up to spend a.fiew weeks with Mr. J. Roger, engineer, of 'Mitchell,
- Que- locking down and .up through the friends in cool Ontario. was a bu'siness visitor in town on I
bee government had granted. the Welland canal. Then, Weed cutters have been busy these Friday.
water rights to the company in re- , too' he b?Ped last few days. Scholarship Awards. — The 'Hay He will show You roofing
turn for a water rental of $50,000 to find aluminum in large quantities M
. r. and Mrs. F. Weekes spent the Memorial .Scholarship Awards to the treatments of impressive beauty.
per year and a royalty amounting t.) in the city banks at St. Joseph's and I
., $500,000 per year. great factories would be erected week end in Listowel. pupils living in the Township of Hay He will tell you that Brantford
there to give employment to many Mr, R. Wats,6n, of ,Saskatchewan, receiving the highest marks in the Roofs are fire-resistant; that I I , .
The company, having received from hands. . spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. recent Entrance examinations were I �
Quebec they right to use 40,000 cubic It was indeed a colorful picture mossop. made as follows: 1st, Paul Hess, who they cost less to buy, less to lay, \
feet of water per second, prepared which the Montreal promoter sketch- receives $27.50; 2nd, Eleanor Haber- and nothing for repairs.
engineering plans for the conversion ed for the trusting folk who were ,,-' ey, who receives $16.50, and Ord, Ed- ., -
ith Deichert, who receives $11. The , He will advise you in the se)ec�- . _ -_
Ed -
of Ae. Water e7neigy into electricity, prepared to listen to the point of STANLEY three scholars are from. Zurich Pub- .
Theonly obstacle in the way of power becoming financially interested. Theria lie ,School and the Principal, Miss F. . tion of the Brantford design .. � I
4. ., devel6inient *as the necessity of sat- were well-to-do farmers in the lake The Blake congregation were fav- o 4
Isfying the Dominion authorities that district of Huron who listened, ored with fine weather on Sunday and ,Kalbfleisch, is receiving the congrat- most suitable to your type of .
-, ..,, ;, suitabla, proinsion was being ia . ulations of her many friends as this home and its surroundings.
'r the'. -requirements of navigation. plausible gentleman. They mortgag- anniversary services to hear their i,l from
-.1 '1- & " de They fell Under the charm of this large congregations attended, their is the third successive year that pup- , I
,.Aiftd ib the com-pany asked the Do- ed their holdings in order to Secure former Pastor, Rec. T. Davidson, of ,a her class have won the three He will gladly give a FREE
,ininl6a. i6,' 4*ov,4* of its Pis -as or to cash; they watched St. Joseph start Hamilton, who delivered two very awards. . I . estimate of how little it costs , ord
auggest such modifleabions ss might to grow, and they' lived long enough fine addresses. to have a Brantford Roof laid
be tideas"Y9. if the of navi, 1$r
. " in f .
4090.1 " act interfered with 1, see it fade, and the fading process ' QA Thursdhy evening, July 28rd, the directly over your old wood
". , � .
. we ,
, .
- .M. I , - � - was also applied to their holdings in annual ice cream social of the Blake HENSALL .
I I . . polloW. Avery Interesting league baseball save time and money. 'Roar,
. -6_ 11 -me. I shingles, to eliminate muW6 t6
' . I . the 'scheme. Many Of them had gone Young People, will be ori Robert
ft'46 46d1d the A1azk-q,pzie, King- into the scheme to such a depth that McBrideya lavm tt6.Wh line) . ,
. � I I I
"Othow : do ander ffie elrouta- recovery was impossible.- Ing refreshments., a good progrAin Will game will be ataged at six � p.m. on , I
. �, A&
� * I " ,
I .
...t, � "''.. il, .-Thei. . � itt ofl. '41ue- . Narcisse Clantin drove the first ',,: giv#n.. .i - diamiond between � \ I . �
. . gave T"Id
. � 1. e Friday at -the local'
-4 1 1. hisichereau . * 4 of the Rev. VM1 ,R4blnson retafted last n9hain,"d llemll. This win be � )ford RoAng CCftPWW, Uw&b* Read Office, wA Factory- Brmtford, Out. , M
.1 ill I ." I , s was steaJin car seen in the district as Wi .
.. .. � 11 , dorsad. . . 16 'a trips t6 ond %�a be6) I big, crow& Ii. t . ., I , Bnumh Offim and Warehou$es: .
. 1, f
�'. ci i.. . '? - 6 igi*- taf, - ,Oh M, nv: o6f hi . Toronto Winnipeg, WuUeA HaRtat, Saint
- � . " be ,ftd L d lialto, and possibly in Wiastdft On- *a* front Antlor, 9. ak., , , r6 be otic o I �. : . . .
, � ( I i 17:6, lgiti�a the season and 'a
" .. �,_,%, . . I z. 'fil, . " t o4, best of t
�6N . .... 1. I I J&N, A *fi6 ti
1 . :. ,`� , �4# 91. �z"oted. I
�� . n, stati6ted lov.. tho: viist low John, N.B and St. John's, NAcL �
"'I", , ',�'.A. ;. 0 - , " 1; ,'gw 0OP06, �6'_g' r1o, he ,dr6v,* that car to 1 jG&hill and . yeatra, � , 1`1 , , . -v
r't�4% ' ,I - 4W. , . olft&*h ov. The I i - - t .
, 1. I , I ". I I . I I 'L., .
11, . . . 1h: " 'MA thete, Itoolk the trAin to Montreal. 1, 'Miss Anri% Congitt. a,, . 'Iftp - ar6 h66 � #' ift
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