HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-07-17, Page 5= V
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Miss IDvolyla MoDrath, ,of BuffaJo, I- ,70 1 ", C
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,position H, Mr. Mervyn I rl,oitmoi;i, of L01a a OUIA Oliq,r ,: QX' Q' J
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"ispenit the, holiday at her h ovo., 00 . U 'FkOin
, I 0. " Q Lat n I, 400. dIn, is apendling his v4c%%oirwith W ventureo., ".. I __ ox 40hrent4ve,
ome . . I . 11.1.11
1a&V * , hoipgp .70,113ritilshals- aW unple, Mr, and Ura. 4. X but Sir Arthuroeom !,V' 4ve
Miss Rose McQuaid, graduate Of ' 100V #0 - aunt , % done his
I ibrA) Reed, R1eauQrQ ao. I 1, . best 'to write IV O."-saxoe tone be
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, to 1117W'1;N1U . . '_ . ,ochrar 1, %&
OpOnding her vacation with her p4r- U ell . ve Com Miso .Auno' C*hraiie 'and U410 would havo, beou, ! :Xp".w to employ
_ I __ ,position C, Algebra I -
out$, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W91164 A, 0 y . Arithmetic 111, Latin niece., Miss Jean Cameron, of'Clinton, bad lie boikill mak'4V. ,r
I QM .1 or"Ound of the
IMiss Mary 0,SUIUvan, of To. 0, rench few 'ear
i. , Zoology C, PbysiqgTaphy are spending a day,% with friends lakes district by avian, One has to
'it e. No . his ni look closely to And th4'he and Alcock
ronto, spent Sunday at lier 10=0 C, ish' * tory fl- Roach , nics in t vici ty- -
here. I - Liteirature 0, Composition C., Alge- Mx., and Mn. R, Hopkins. of Chi- -were the first o malkp a single sus-
. I
Mr. 0. T. Dean, of CalgaM a fqrm- bra IC, Geometry C, Latin C, French spen4ing a few days, with taine ., aj - tie
,,d flight in an . Tplane across I
ler school teacher here, vtsitea at tbO C, Zoology -C, Physiography C, (Arith- 1111:01a,st're'r1l a parents, Mr. and Mrs,, J. Atlantic. One hag'tp be M the alert
bome of Mr. P. Flanngry reoe.n ly. nieftic). Form 1: Delaney, Frances Cochrane. . I " not to overlooli: the fact that there
Mr. George Malone "bas returned to -LiteratUTO 1, OOMPOSWOU 1, Alge- Quite a number froxa these parts were two or three occasions when it
' ,
'Detroit after spending p,, few days bra 1, Art IN, British History II, Geo- took in the Orange walk at Strat- seemed that they were about to be
with his parents, in UCKU10% graphy 111, Botany 11, Latin 1, French ford,:on Saturday and at Blyth on engulfed by the Atlantic, Never hal a
,Mr. and Mrs, James ,Dorsey, of 1. Dillon, Bertha - Literature Ill, Monday. gl?r:ious feat bad, a balder and less in -
Duluth, I are, Visiting in the rKeinity. Composition C, Algebra 911, Art IIT, The Kippen and Tlillsgreen Sun- ppiring narration. In fact, we have
A ,i illfbe held, in Geography'Ill, Botany 111, Latin III, day Schools are holding their annual no doubt at all that there was not a
the parish hall on Friday evening, French III, (British History). Don- picnic. -to Bayfield on Thursday af- newspaper reporter in the world who
July 1,7%. . nelly, Fraikeis Literature 11, Com. ternoon of this week. wrote a -bout the fftht who did, not do
, I - — . position III, AlgehTa,C, Art 11, Geog- Quite a number gathered at the a better'job. . .
. I raphy II, Botany I, French t, (Brit- Hillsgreen cemetery on Tuesday af- lBoth Alcock and Brown had experi-
ish History). Dorresteyn, Matilda_ ternoon for the service of the corner ence as war fliers and after the war
. VARNA ' Literature Ill, Composition -C, Algebra stone which was laid. This cemetery Captain Alcock was recognized as
C, Art 1, British H%toryC, Geography has bT.en having quite a lot of work one s and dar-
. Miss E. Evans, of Seaforth, i's IV, Botany 11, Latin C, French C. done to it. ,There has also been a ing pilots in England. It was to him
visiting at the home -of her grand- FZney, Cecelia -Literature II, Com- inew fence put in and it is looking in that the Vickers fu= naturally
mother, Mrs. Clark. position -C, Algebra ,C, Att C, British good condition now and we are proud turned when it decided to, build .a
Mrs. R. Cameron and little Boibble, History -C, Geography ,C, Botany Ill, to think that it is being looked after plane to cross the Atlantic and, win
of Hensall, spent a few days with (Latin, French). Looby, Arthur -Lit- so carefully, as many of these snial- the Northcliffe prize. Brown was an
relatives here last'week. erature IN, Comqiosition 11, Art C, ler cemeteries are being neglected. expert navigator, and, was chosen -to
The 12th Of July, which was cele' British -History 1, Geography 11 (Al- accompany Alcock. . So the plane was
brated in Stratford on the 11th, was ge'bra Botany, Latin, French). Nor- I am — . -built and shipped to St. John's.
well represented from this district, Tis illwyn Literature TII, Composi- Newfoundland, where there were sev-
while those who were unable to be in tio'n 111, Algebra 1, Art C, British WALTON I. eral other fl6rs preparing for the
Stratford were able to celebra i hop. Among them was Harry'Hawker,
I '. t' in History HI, Geography 11, Botany III, .
Blytb, and in fact some were fortunL Latin 1, French 1. Morris, Joseph- Mr. and Mrs, George McTaggart who took ,off when be heard that
ate enough to take in both. Literature II, Composition 111, Alge- and Annie are holidaying in Pittsburg, the American 'flying squadron wa's
. . Penn.
Tb)bre was a real ood turnout from bra III, Art C, Geography III, Latin . I already in motion, planning to cross
Varna at the opening of the now Pres- 111, French 111, (,British Histor3r, Bot- Mr. and Mrs. Sohier and Kenneth the ocean by a series of short jumps.
byterfian church in Bayfield on Sun- any)'. O"Connell, Xargaret Litera-,P_re on their -vacation. Raynham, another British fiier, wreck -
day morning and evening. ture 1, Composition 111, Art C, British Miss Jean Drager, who has been ed his plane. when -he attempted to
quite a number from Varna L. 0. L. History IIJ, Geography -1, Botany II, visiting in Detroit, returned Sunday, take -off. It was only through the
attended worship in God6rich Sunday French C, (Algebra, Latin). O'.Con_ her sister, Miss Hazel, accompanying masteTly handling of his machine -15y
evening. nor, Agnes -Literature IN, Composi- her. Alcock that the Vickers-Vinly got in -
Wedding bells are ringing. tion C, Algebra I in, Art 111, British Miss Mary Ennis, who has been to the air uninjured and set forth 'On
History C, Geography -C, Botany 1, visiting here, has returned to Pitts- the long flight which was to last for
— Latin 11, French III. O'Reilly, Hubert burg. is'xteen hours and end in Galway bog.
. -Literature C, Composition C, Alge- Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, of Lis- There are plenty of tributes to
MANLEY bra 111, Art -C, Geography C, (British towel, called on friends Sunday. Alcock's airmindedness, in the course
,MT. Fergus Horan is elated over the History, Botany, Latin, French). n, of London, of the flight which both men felt to
arrival ,of his baby girl on the. 5th inst. Stacey, Doro-thy---4LiteTature 111, Com- who has been visiting her mother, Te.- be monotonous. He handled the en -
Mr. Peter Eckart, Jr., and Mrs. position III, Algebra 111, Art 1,11, tuTned bor4e Saturday. gines which threatened to balk on two
Step -hen Eckart and family, returned British History ITI, Geography 111, On Sunday morning in Duff's Unit- or three occasions withi the skill and
o s last Friday Botany II, Latin C, French 11T. Stap- ed,Church, Walton, Rev. Mr. Pinnock, atience of a trainer gentling a frac-
by raotor, and arrived home on Sat- elton, Rita-Ljterature 11, Composi- the representative for the British and tious two-year-old. By changing the
urday, a trip -of .650 miles. tion Ill, Ailgebra III, Art C , British Foreign Bible Society, -addressed the elevation or angle of the plairle be was
Mr. and Mrs, W. Manley were vis- ffistory III, Geography 1.11, Botany II, congregation, MT. Pinnock, who for able to induce recalcitrant motors to
itors in Seaforth Latin 1, French Il. thirty-five years, was stationed as a resume their work. In the hands of a
Messrs. C. and .'M. Eckart made a missionary in Lagos, West Africa, d'e- -lesser man there can be little doubt
.0 livered a most inspiring address. He that the machine, marvelous though it
business trip to our burg last week. told a great deal about 'his work in was, would never have reached the
One of the worst electrical storms Africa, its pleasures and its sorrows, end of the journey. For the greater
of the season passed Over our burg A meeting was held On Monday even- part of the flight, which began before
last Tuesday, accompanied by b"vy MeTaggart Reunion_Th fourth ing in Duff's United Church for the 5 o'clock -in the afternoon of June 14,
rain, 'which laid the grain -flat and annual MeTaggart reunion picnic was purpose of appointing offi,cers for the 1919, and ended at 8.40 the next morn -
considerable damage was done by held July 4th at- Bayfield, where sixty coming year. . ing the path was through fog and
,ightning. members of the family enjoyed a Week end Isitors in Walton includ- darkness. At times it rained and hail.
Haying operations are at a stand- successful picnic. The following of- Pd: Mr. andvlMrs. Armand Kernick, ed furiously, and there was snow
still on account of the continued rain flFers appointed in charge of the pic- Mrs. John than n e Brown ad. to leav*
. Harris, Miss Leona Mc- More 0, C h e
which will spoil a large quantity of nic to be held at Point Edward on Gavin and Master Jack McGlavin, Kit- thei cockpit and crawl out on a wing
hay for marketing. the last Saturday of June, 1932:- chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold to remove the snow from one of the
Mr. W. Manley is at present busy president, Dr. J. A. McTaggart; sec- Sellers- Melvin L%com1be and Miss delicate instruments. Occasional glimp-
helping to repair the threshin.1, out- retaiy-treasurer, Miss Fern Welsh; Hazel Drager, Detroit, with Mrs. C- ses of the moon would- be caught and
fit of J. M. Eckart. program committee, Mrs. Thos. Sher- DTager. now and then a star which helped
- ritt, Mrs. A. L. Bell and Mrs. John Visitors out of town include, Mrs. Brown obtain his reckiming, but most-
, Dingwall. Members of the McTag- Edward Bryans, in Galt; Mr. and ly they flew,by guess and God. Twice
DUBLIN gait family were ,present from Mrs. George MeTaggart and Miss An- through the night they ate sandwicheE
Pontiac, Detroit, Broadnew, Saline, nie MeTaggart in Pittsburg, Pa. and drank. They felt no sensation ol
Miss Muriel and Loreen Loo -by are Bemidje, Walton, Streetsville, Lon- Waltonians who'were out Of town sleepiness.
bolidaying with friends in Burr. don, Camip Borden, Watford, Hen- over the week end includec , Mr. and 'In rnidocean they Tan into cloudE
Miss Hanlon is visiting friends in `iall, Kippen. Seaforth and Exeter. Mrs, P. B. Gardiner, Miss Vera Gard- which immediately blotted out al
Windsor. Mrs. H. Horney and Miss M. A. iner and Master Jack Graham with sense of direction. Thf,jr instru.
Miss Lillian Shea, of Chicago, and Horton were hostesses at a miscel- relatives in Stratford; MT. and Mrs- ments showed that the -y Nvere falling
Mr. Neil Prendergast and daughter, laneous shower given in honor of J. S. Buchanan and Miss Mary Buch- but at wha't angle they could not tell
Miss Grace, of California, are visit- their cousin, Miss Flossie Broadfoot, anan in West Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. The instinct of balance was lost an(
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mrs. James Broadfoot, Thomas Hackwell Elliott and,Haw.ard for awhile the machine sw-ung crazil!
of Hensall district, on Tuesday af- Hackwell wi atives in Mitchell.
James Shea. th re in defiance of the man at the con
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Evans, of De- ternoon in view of her approaching Fred 'Miller has been under the doc- trols. It fell into either a spinning
troit, spent Sunday with Mrs. K. Ev- marriage. - In the prettily decorated tor's care for a few days. nose dive or a very steep spiral, an(
ans. rooms, amid a profusion of summer - — when finally they broke through tb(
Mrs. D. Crawford, Toronto, and flowers, some 35 guests vAere a&- last of the clouds they were witbiz
Mrs. Gibson spent the week end with senibled. A programme was enjoyed TUCKERSMITH a hundred feet of the surface of thf
Mr. and Mrs' Hugh Flynn. and was participated in by Miss Doro- I water. Alcock immediately swept ul
Mrs. M. Michell, Toronto, and her thy Traquair, Miss Mona Glenn, Kip- (Too late for last week.) out of danger, but when the motor
son, Rev. Father Michell, of New pen; Jack Downs, London- Mrs. Har- were shut off for a moment the,
York, are visiting friends in the vil- pole and daughter Pearl, p of Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hayter and could hear the raging and chafing o!
. little son, of Flint, Michigan, are vis- h
lage. To keep the, bride-to-be in good spir- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I .waves. At another time the slee
On Thursday evening, June 9th, the its, a niock wedding ceremony was Finlayson. Imbedded itself in the hinges of th,
members of St Patrick's congrega- enacted; those taking part were Mrs. Mr. Howard Kale and Miss Alice ailerons and jammed them so that fo
tion met at the parish ball to say Mai -ion Eilber, Zurich, as bride; Mrs. Tapp, of Buffalo, were week end visi- an hour the machine bad scarcely an:
farewell to Rev. Father Bricklin, who Emma Dickson, Hensall, as bride- tors with Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie. lateral control.
left for Windsor on Friday. Rev, groom, while ,Miss M. A. Horton act- The many friends of Miss Margaret Throughout those 16 hours ani
Father Bricklin has been assistant ed as clergyman. Misses Mona Glenn Sinclair will be pleased to hear she more Alcock's hands and feet neve
parish priest here for the past four and Pearl Harpole were flower giTIS., has returned home again inuch im- le!t his steering gear. One han,
years. He had made many warm The whole ceremony was carried out proved in health. might be occasionally morved to tak
friends and his departure is felt by with all solemnity and was in itself Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and a sandwich or a drink, but the othe
all who knew him. Patrick McCon- amusbag and quite entertaining for two sons, of Flint, ,Michigan are vis- remained firm, and the chief physi
mell presented Father Bricklin with a the bride as well as the g`uests. The iting with relatives in this 'zommun- cal pain that they endured was tbs
well filled purse In -behalf of the con- trousseau was displayed by Mrs'. G. ity. I of immobility. That they landed i
gregation. Joseph Feeney read a very Glenn. Many gifts weTe received Haying is now in full swing. a bog and only ezreaped harbor diE
suitable address. Father Bricklin showing the esteem in -which the MT, and Mrs. Ernest Crich, of aster by Alcock's skill and strengt
made a reply in his pleasQ manner. bride-to-be was held. Following the Pontiac, Michigan, are visiting rela- was due to the fact that the surfac
The following is the report of the programme the hostess'es served an tives here this week. of the bog looked like a smoot
Lower Schoo1l classes of Dublin Con- inviting luncheon and an interestin.g Mrs. Ira' Johns returned from the field. In -bracing himself to avoi
tinuation School. Students are listed and amusing chit-chat was pa,tici- West last week, having spent the last the sbOck when they were about t
alphabetically. I after a subject indi- pated in by all present. month visiting relatives in Saskatche- pitch, Alcock bent a steel bar at hi
t.; II, 67-74; Up .0. - wan. back into a curve. However, Ian
60 66; C, 50-59. Subject or subjects Mr. and Mrs, Ray Fear visited rela- they did with only a slight shakin
In which student failed are in brackets. tives in London this week. up to mar their perfect flight. Tt
Form 11 --- jCoyne, Agnes, Literature STAFFA I 'Mr. Allen Johns, of Toronto, spent machine was stuck in the mud, an
III, Composition,11, Algebra C, Geom- Mrs. Joseph Norris suffered a slight thp-'*eek end, a Tiis homehere. they clambered - out. Several soldiex
etry 1, Latin C, French 111, Zoology I, stroke on Sunday. Her friends hope /Mrs. Ja,meg Love was called to To- from the nearby military post t
Physiography C, British History III, ronto owing to" the serious illness of Clifden came, running up, and tl
(Arithmetic). Cummings, E14a eth for her speedy recovery. first inquiry was the shout "Anybod
The Rev. R. N. and Mrs. Stewart her mother, Mrs. Hugh Hamilton
_-Literature IN, Composition II, Mr. Kenneth McKenzie has ii tn hurt?" Reassured on this point tt
French C, Zoology C, British History left Tuesday for a few weekEV boli- osition w)tb Mr. Peter Simpson, volunteers 'helped set the maehir
C, (Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, days. The services here during the a P A twin straight, and one of them inquirei
next four Sundays will be at 7.30 Mr. and,/ -Mrs. Leslie BL -11 an f "Where you from?"
Physiography). Dill, Gordon—Litera- , the minister, Rev. Mr. White, daughters left for Detroit Sunday a - ,,Amerlea," Was the answer.
-tare C, Composition 11.1, Algebra 111, *P -m- ter spending several weeks with
Geometry II, Arithmetic III, Latin III, If Eliraville. At this there was polite laught<
o-gy III, Physiography Miss McLugblan, of Plattsville, is f'riends- which only turned to wild enthus
French M, , Zool, spending this wep,k with Mrs. F. Congratulations are due Miss Mar- asm and excitement when the pri
C, British History If. Donnelly, Irene a
O'Brien. garet Grieve. teacher Of S. S, No. 9, duction of the mail bag from Sail
—Literature C, Composition C, Alge- /. the in having hir class, of seven pass ?
bra 19, Geometry 11, Latin 1, French The wet weather is delaying Johns showed that thexescuers wei
haying -but is doing the grain and their Entrance examination, three sharing a historic moment.
11, Zoology III, Physiography C, Brit- root crops good. taking honors.
Ish History C, Doyle, Nellie—LiteTa- Mr. and Mrs, H. Golding have re- Miss Annie Moore entertained the —1-0.
tare C, Composition 111, Algebra C, a week Neil Sbaw Auxiliary of Egmondville
Geometry C, Arithmetic III, Latin 0, turned home -after spending
French III, Zoology lf, Physiography at St. Marys and Stratford. lChurch at 'her home Wednesday af- LIVE STOCK MARKETS
Mrs. W. B. O'Brien, Flint, Michi- ternoon. Union Stock Yards-, Toronto, July 14th.
JI, British History 11. Gormley, gan, is spending two weeks here and Mrs. A. C. Atkinson, Mrs. J. Smith, Supply .f cattle for sale at the Union Sto
Clare—Literature Il,'CoWosition III, Edna and Wilfred', of Toronto, are Yards yesterday was Fomp 500 head light
Geometry C, Latin 1, French C, ZOO_ at Strs,Vbrd visitine bey parents, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sidney GeM. than onl the previous Monday. Killers of i
logy C, (Algebra, British History). Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Nile Street. . classes except bulls And baby beeves vr
- mell. active and firm to a Ahade stronger In pri
Jordan, Isabel—Literature 11, Com- Won Ontranree SCbOIarSbRP--MiS8 than at last weelt's e1we, and the offeril
position III, Geometry C, Latin 1, Sarah Whitmore, of S.. S. No. 6j, wqL j practically cleared. Several loads
Frdhch C, Zoology 141, Pbysiography HILLSGREETK Tuckersmitb, made the highest marka weighty and heavy meers sold for exp(
shipment at 6 to 6.15 cents Per pound a
C, British ffistory H (Algebra). in East Huron Inspectorate, and also up to 6.10 cents was paid for the odd lo
Krauskopf, Ursula ----4 Literature -111, W. M. S The regular 111011thlY won the A. W. Nixon Scholarship for home use. Plain weighty steers sold devv
Cmposition,IIi Algebra C, Geometry meeting of the Wometn's WssiOnRr7,Tropby for ,obtaining the highest per- ward to 5.10 cents. Good to choice ban
buftbers btought 6 1-2 to 6.85 cents, with
Ill, Latin Ill, Frv ch kl, Zoolog7 C, Society was held at, t bome of Mrs. centages, and general proficiency dur- couple ,outstanding at an average of 1,C
rhysiograph7 III (British History, J. Cochrane on T LA'asy afternoon, ing the school terms' of 1930-31. Miss pounds at an outside top of 6 1-4 cents. Pic
ATithmeti,c). McCarthy, * Geneivliewo,— July 9th, -with Kira. Cochrane presid- pearl Hlugill, an -other pupil of this to fair grade steers and heifers brought I
lAte,rature H, Composition XI; Alge-.ing., We openedour meeting by sing- school, pa-ssed t.1 honors. The 6 1-4 cent,. The bulk of the good butel
V17i a '* Id steady at 3.65 to 8,75 cents, w
bra 1, Geomoti*l 11, ArMM600 1, Lat- ing Hymn 511. The Scripture lesson teacher is Miss Edna M. Jamieson, cowdol3ezono choice from 3.85 -to 4 ce*, Cann -
in 1, French I, ZoolOgy 111, PhYsio- wits read responsively from 72nd and both she and her pupils are to and,4yttera sold from 1 1-4 to MM -28 con
graphy H, British History 1. MCIVOT. Psalm. Hymn 610 was then sung. be congratulated on the outstanding Bulls were a slow trade at 2 34 to 8 1-2 cei
a per Pound for butcher kinds and 2 to 2 '
Harry—Literatme IL CWWP091ti*A C., "Oriental Work in Canada" was giv- -record attained by the school thi cents for boolognas. Baby beev:es sold at 6
Algebra 1, Geometry 1, Arithmetic Ini en by Miss Annie Jarrott, Mri. R. year. to 7 14 cents for choice and 5 84 to 6
lAtin 1, French 11, Zoology 1, Phyai4- Parson alid Mrs. L. Hiler. Hymn 242 cents for medium quality.
I graplay 1, British History I. -Moly6 was then sung, Mrs. J. Cochrane -0 Receipts of sheep and lambs were twice
I heavy as on the previous *onday. Lan
lneaux,, Jack—LiteysturO 11v COMPOsi- q on led in pra7er. The study 'an sold steady to a quarter higher than 11,
tion III, Algebra 111, Ge6m vxagawa was. then given by ' Mrs. WHEN ALCOCK AND BROWN week's close at 9 1-2 to 9 8-4 cents per pov
etry Ir 11 with the bulk at thei low of
Latin I, French 1, ZOOI-097 1; Phyl' '(Rov.) Conner. The offering was then CO1qQUERED THE ATLAbMC spread, and the odd feney lot up to 10 am
graphy. C, British History I (Arith-L taken. IT.ymn 47,8 was sung, and the Call lambs sold at 6 1-2 "n.65 Per Poul
,imeHe). Olffearne,Ethelyue UteTft, meeting'61osed by all repeating the . ,Having read Sir Arthur Whitten Sheep were draggy, wit% aults to medi
ture C, Composition 11, .AWta 1, Lord!ai P rayer. Brown's story of his flight across the khAst polling from I to 2 1-2 tenft, and
. bulk bf a moderate offeiring faffinv to I
Geometry 'I, Aritlitnetic 1, Latin 1, Mrs, Johnston, of Clifford, and Mrs. Atlantic with Sir John Alcock, our an ontact,
French 1, Zoology A Pliy'siogf4by 11, POrtorfle'ld, of 94-4doitli, spent a feW 'inind involuntarily turns to the meet. Begs in a Ught offering sold 25 cents c
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k577, . ', : . ..' : : f. : X ' ' .. i
UO , %f.49; to ,g,f, ,
.6 I . — Im
, , AEV X P-08 ., I ,
. i 'J' N
W_%, - 9Q040" -4 ...... -4) oor , _ ,h,,_",,F ,7 1,111"R .... 91 ... 1, , , ., Wg-,10
,Pp., *.PWIVA t .............. ; - .8.90 'k I . , , ! .. ,nTy-,r., P'T'll .., #
I ; ... I . , .
I ` """", E . a V11,11 g'ul?,
M ww ".9pV0
*,PF , , . t Is'
01 , . , . ,J, ., , , "4,;z ,
Wdb.W,c9,yM, Pod to laboleo " ii.k . 'm 8. , "I 4
, ... f r, t" 2 '. , , . P9_,Wr!:,..!XF ; A"
. . ,. . '. _" 't am'', .,
Wozrw io . , -M... 4p ,
ps'. ..".... ot, I . _ ...$ ..... ,, """."., le'..', V,% , I
t.5. . ,2, .1 . ` - 1
,X ...1. . L, .. .
6 ,; , I I , " "_ I r `, , - '! t'll - ; "I
tIZlia and u#ero ........ - 1100 a , I L"',
Iat0wr POO. 094 to choil" .. 8-00 . '. , 'I, , 0 , ;!! M I .
131 I . 0 ;,A . I. "I
)0 21
ef . ......... !f ......... 645 11.90 I . . . , W , , 101 i : .:.,;,, '. & 3.1 , V
looders , good ................ 4.26. 4 0% , , ,1 4, " f" Al
togue 3.10, 01,50 I .t - " - _,- i , ' I
. . -11 .... I
11 " I -14
I ., i !' ,; I 1 1 T..
"a ,::::::*'*:::. *:::::::: '50,00 76,00 , I.. , - ,4 , i
pringers . t 11 ?I I N
it A
%ilkers ............... ....... 40,00 60-04i: M9WAy, Tuejp.4 y a 1. 0), ". MW t,
Wves, good an dobolco ...... SiDO 1.00 , .4 Ad ytlr . 0., _. I - 1, MAFFP,1 7=?Ab "
I , -
" ` "I F R. hi" 9,14 A A P " gl' "Ill'
. -
....... , .
11 .. ,11 ??? 1 :11 L , I
"I . `1 I
I I " --
- I 0, .1 qW."
9.50 9.75 . ' , ", N il
AD., med,ium ................ 6.90 6.00 - ' :"! I , . ,Twff_,' _9
100 . MARLENE AWWWOff 4.. 14
0)*?. Vrossers ............... 4.00 - I ... .
lan1w, choice, ................. lc,i, ."', .1 ", 11
. 111 It-", 1,
- ' ., I , ,, T". I - I
, ' - I
. ,
, ,, , I
heop .............. ......... IL.00 s.ob The Opring's new opnag - al" ,b , , ,-,
. tioul' 1','-' *,R
' 111,1%9#61*10 00 , "'I .
I . ' '
I ,
I . O'd . r .,j,LL "', I , I
I' . J'OtWo. ` , I .
Logs, bacon, f.o.b . ............ $.76 .1.. Grary CvOwr, Adolph . 101"q -u - %or !" I I
006 ;M, . O..
Do., do., mo.c., 4§,to 75c abwe f.o.b. in a - fascinating raman e lovo ,* IA. , , .
Do., selecto, $1 Per 40S pram -mi I * . *. 4
and, daring. 11, i . ;9 I , I
;; ,
. I , , . W.
. . 'L I
Do., butchers ' , $1 per 4og discount I Z.. I WhIr "I , .'L
.. ,
66n(wr .. 1 11 "Ill:
Montreali- July 14th-Cattije recelpto ,were - .mc&, SA10 , .. I .:
,204 on the two Morttreal lirve stock .markets I .. :14,
.. , d
D-day. There were no early sales of good
sittle. Rdedium ateers sold up to $5.50 with
everal sales Of common steers between $4,75
nd $6.25. The cows sold brought mostly be.
ween 03 and $3.50, with small lots uR to
4. Bulls were quoted -at $2.25 to $3.00'for
olognas and up .to $4 for good butchers.
Calf receipts, 1,093. Good caives were
teady to attrouc and common calves were
Ywar. Fairly good calves sold btween $6
nd $5.50 with one lot of good calved averag-
ng with 150 pounds up to $6. Common veals
old around $4 and gradsers as low as $2.
1 .
,, '.,P,l , -
I I 1'-- V-ttla%ypd, M,1 74,
. . W , , JUI ,!, . - gj, %
11 ISO TO% , W. , g
. 1 . NWPA14 "' -
11 I
Thursday, Fr1iday and Saturday L 14, , "I . 4'N.W
I 943 . , " , q4",
I 0,4t., 0 - .. , ,011
. I I ! , - 4". . ;,V-, 14.
OLSON AND JOHNSON === I I I . I ;=_ ,. . 11 11,
. .
. J ,,", ,
I ; ",
I - !.. . Illil,_,
. ''I --- 11 - ,
. I . f , ,;*. , -, ,_,,; !-
America's comical caper-cu,tting I . ., t-,;:. '-,
I .. . _ , ,
clowns, in the great laugh special 4 t i,
;. .... " ., "' ,., 4,. .:,
I — I . 1 " _4 !t .:, "__
T1. ftr.., 8,04 caly#ws I , % , '..""."?
FIFTY MILLION. FRENCHMEN 1. , , , , " . , "`.r
7. . . ". ","
. .. . ., 1, ,
I Two Shows iheh Night I 1 1246411 . .... I , , . , , i; ,, ,
us butim qi we grassers brougM U o to Iva.
'Quotations: Good veal, $15; medium, $4.75;
o 45.25. oommon,'$8.50 to $4.50 i gms, 1p,2
D $3. 1 1
Sheep receipts, e,927. Good lanft sold at
rices ranging from $8 to $9.50, according
i at $8.75 and
ne bA delivered under prejous contract at.
9. Common lambs brought $7 to $7.50 and
ulls as low as $6. Sheep were a shade
trouger, selling -from $2 to $$M.
Quotations; Ewes, $2 to $3.26; lambs good,
8 to $8.50; common, $7 to $7-50.
-Hex receipts, 2,045; 500 or so hogs were
old to butchers at $9.25, later sales of hogs
I mixed quality were made at $9 to $9.25'
le ' eders were sqLd..-at $9.213 to *9.50 and sows
rom $5 to $5.50.
Buffalo, July 14—Rogs, 4,200; market not -I
ully er,tablished , ;Ibids and scattered sales, 15 ,
o 25 cents lower; sellers red leting downturn;
ew desirable 130 to 200 pounds, $8 to $8.10;
)lainer kinds, $7.70; bulk unsold.
'Cattle, 1,300: fed offerings below 1,100 lbs.
'ully 25 cents higher-, heavier kinds about
teady; cows and bulls strong to 25 cen's
iLgher; good heifers and lightweight steers,
S to $8.85; choice 1,100 pounds, $9; L540
bs" $7.76.
Calves, -1,200; velalers unicbtangad, $9.50
lown. i
Sheep, 2,600; lambs, adtive, 25 cents or
nore higher, plain quality considered; near
hoice, $9.50 beat ewes and wethers quoted,
19,75 and better.
10 .
Toronto, July 14th.—Manitoba wheat --X*.
hard, 6114c; No. I Northern, W,(?: No. 2
io., 57 , ,c; No. 3 dD., 48c; No. 4, 46 1-2c;
.,To. 4 tough, 441 _,c (c.i.f. Bay ports).
Manitoba oats—Xo. 8 C.W., 0.8c; No. 1 feed
.7c, No. 2 do., 26c.
Manitoba barley—No. 3 C.W., 26; e; No.
I do.. 351.',c; feed, $I314c.
Argentine corn, 50c; spot, plus duty.
Mill -feed, delivered Montreal freights. bags
included: Bran, per ton, $18.25; shorts, Per
Lon, $19.25; middlings, per ton, $25.25.
Ontario erain--Whpat, 50 to 55c; barley, 30
to 33c; oats, 23 to 26c; rye, nominal; buck-
wheat, norninal.
Toronto, July l4th.
. . Alive Dressed
L'pring broilers (Rocks), over 3
Ily; . ..... * " ........ 24
Do.. .,e, Y14* 'in*'I'lbs. - .. - 20 :,
Do- over 2 to 21., lbs, .... 19 ..
Fatted hens, over 4"to 6 tbs. 15 is
Do- over 31.', to 4. lbs. .... 1.3 16
Do., over 3 to v., Ibs. .... 12 1 Is
White ducklings. oVer 5 tbs... 24 . .
Do,, over 4 to 5 lbs. ... _ 21 . .
Colored ducklings, 2c less.
Old roosters, over 5 tbs, _. 09 11
Valton-4n McKidlop, on Ju)y 12th, to Mr.
anti Mrs. Corl Dalton, a daughter, Margaret
10 —
Ru,161ph.-In Toronto, on Monday. July l3th,
Mary Elizabeth VanEvrnond, wife of the late
Oscar Rudolph.
Chc-neyln Shoal Lake. Manitoba, on July
12th, Jane For.4ytNt, widow of the late
James X. Chesney, in, her 70th year,
MrA. John Horan and family wish to express
to many friends and neighbors, their deepest
keratitude foi: many kindnesses shown during
their recent bereavement,
Note.—Iterns under this head will be rbarg-
ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for
each additional verse.
In food And loving remembrance of a dear
wife anti mother, Mrs. William L. Forrest,
who passed away July 14, 1927.
Yet would we Any what every heart approveth,
Our Father's wifl,
Calling to Him the dear one He loveth,
Is rylercy q,till.
—14usband, Son and Daurhter.
To loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Archi-
hald Mar -Gregor. who died July 18, 1921, and
July 21, 1927.
—The Family.
__ — __ __
ELDO , N JARROTT. Phone 10-100, Hen -
SRI]. 38,18-1
`-' five Collie puvA. Also aome young Pigs,
Apply to J. W. THgMPSON. R. R. 2. Sea -
forth, or phon4 31 dh 221. 6818%1
NOTICE, is hereby given that all eredilton
. Arid others having claims against the estat
of Margaret Hunter. late of the Tovmshii
of MoKililop, in the County of Huron, Widow
who died on the 7th day of JuqY, 1981, or,
1 required to send to the undersigned sollicita
for the exoontor, full particulars and verifis
i by affiklavl* of their ctafma on or before th,
27th day of July. 1931.
I after the said last mentioned darte the em
ecutor will proceed to distributo the asset
of the said decealse<l, having regard only t
I the etaims. of which he then shall have ba
) notice.
. DATED At Seaforth. Ordario, this Oth da,
. of July, 1991. .
I Sdaforbb, Onta,40.
Solicitor for the Executor. -
- 8848-3 ,
I i
Pure Clover Honey .
For - Sale "
. vulaw :
We are again in a -position to sup
ply our customers with new Clover .
Honey at prices incomparable with I
other foods. Honey is no more con- I
sidered as only a luxury. It is ,
Nature's Own Health Food. It is ;
uxurious, wholesome and contains
practically all the mineral elements :
used by 6e human body and can be '
absorbed into the blood without kur- I
they digestive changes. It does not
contain the.harmful qualities of su-
gar, diabetics eat it. 'Why not make '
a habit to use honey in your daily :
diet. It creates real mental and phys- ,
cal energy. Bring your containers.
We will fill them at 7 cents per pound.
for a limited time only.
Western Ontario's Largest Producers
. of Choice Honey .
Two blocks south of hotel,
Zurich - Ontario.
r 11
__ __
" % W,
, 0,
oys ,
. , ,-l-, i. Ill t4 t'., 16" 111 . , "' "M 0,11 11-; 1. . K'.' !;,"4011,
, "', 1,wl 1110 "idth, " t"
; "I ;;;4,,,.iW4A,1Nje ! - ; ., 111, , ,
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I ,I; -1*.,P_ .., All, t. * -14 . ,n t , tu , #1 6 00 4A %. 10 1,111`9
11, , .1 Z .I . I .. " 1. . 1 ." , 1110 ,
. ! 4n,ni , r . . - I . . , '. '6 'I.,
. I PP 441 I
. , 10 , ig I fm , . I bi
I I V . W 1. I , : - I
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! ' A * I I ,J - ;0*011, mra, 4, 14ye is 4 , 17 .. "WA ..4 , AW 190-91
1.0as rgo . 0GX4Q1, 09, Ble I
. ret M .#,nt`r1 ,44 V, `Akit l )4 .. I '. . ven 1#,.-g A --r-?.m, tpf, - of. Am"KA
, . qp, , ,, ., ,W, . P-040 w, 'jo " - 'WA''le
.1 .. , , . ".1" I - , " , , "
'' 21 ., .
, .. , , "I . RolAruo, Ross Iove. I , hieb 6 T,
TOO, is idaying with ber W . ','#, Ot 4'' I` Alogra'phy weeks.. vUl.i %er S9n,.'Mr.,'4n14X " , *4 " ,#4c '#ko '-9 4
, , outa, ` - , ,4. I ,
I ,l!F1
I low
;I V011.
I , ell",
audr, AA4 Ts. Pote;r 11. MoGrath 'J5W#;6.,V1 M W -
A . . 10 , i . . worm.- YX fou, 4 ,014,**
Miss IDvolyla MoDrath, ,of BuffaJo, I- ,70 1 ", C
. -M -. )oar ', p , sw ,$est'Aq,
, _#
,position H, Mr. Mervyn I rl,oitmoi;i, of L01a a OUIA Oliq,r ,: QX' Q' J
u04. I I - . . _y 'r,
b ,21 ,
"ispenit the, holiday at her h ovo., 00 . U 'FkOin
, I 0. " Q Lat n I, 400. dIn, is apendling his v4c%%oirwith W ventureo., ".. I __ ox 40hrent4ve,
ome . . I . 11.1.11
1a&V * , hoipgp .70,113ritilshals- aW unple, Mr, and Ura. 4. X but Sir Arthuroeom !,V' 4ve
Miss Rose McQuaid, graduate Of ' 100V #0 - aunt , % done his
I ibrA) Reed, R1eauQrQ ao. I 1, . best 'to write IV O."-saxoe tone be
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, to 1117W'1;N1U . . '_ . ,ochrar 1, %&
OpOnding her vacation with her p4r- U ell . ve Com Miso .Auno' C*hraiie 'and U410 would havo, beou, ! :Xp".w to employ
_ I __ ,position C, Algebra I -
out$, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W91164 A, 0 y . Arithmetic 111, Latin niece., Miss Jean Cameron, of'Clinton, bad lie boikill mak'4V. ,r
I QM .1 or"Ound of the
IMiss Mary 0,SUIUvan, of To. 0, rench few 'ear
i. , Zoology C, PbysiqgTaphy are spending a day,% with friends lakes district by avian, One has to
'it e. No . his ni look closely to And th4'he and Alcock
ronto, spent Sunday at lier 10=0 C, ish' * tory fl- Roach , nics in t vici ty- -
here. I - Liteirature 0, Composition C., Alge- Mx., and Mn. R, Hopkins. of Chi- -were the first o malkp a single sus-
. I
Mr. 0. T. Dean, of CalgaM a fqrm- bra IC, Geometry C, Latin C, French spen4ing a few days, with taine ., aj - tie
,,d flight in an . Tplane across I
ler school teacher here, vtsitea at tbO C, Zoology -C, Physiography C, (Arith- 1111:01a,st're'r1l a parents, Mr. and Mrs,, J. Atlantic. One hag'tp be M the alert
bome of Mr. P. Flanngry reoe.n ly. nieftic). Form 1: Delaney, Frances Cochrane. . I " not to overlooli: the fact that there
Mr. George Malone "bas returned to -LiteratUTO 1, OOMPOSWOU 1, Alge- Quite a number froxa these parts were two or three occasions when it
' ,
'Detroit after spending p,, few days bra 1, Art IN, British History II, Geo- took in the Orange walk at Strat- seemed that they were about to be
with his parents, in UCKU10% graphy 111, Botany 11, Latin 1, French ford,:on Saturday and at Blyth on engulfed by the Atlantic, Never hal a
,Mr. and Mrs, James ,Dorsey, of 1. Dillon, Bertha - Literature Ill, Monday. gl?r:ious feat bad, a balder and less in -
Duluth, I are, Visiting in the rKeinity. Composition C, Algebra 911, Art IIT, The Kippen and Tlillsgreen Sun- ppiring narration. In fact, we have
A ,i illfbe held, in Geography'Ill, Botany 111, Latin III, day Schools are holding their annual no doubt at all that there was not a
the parish hall on Friday evening, French III, (British History). Don- picnic. -to Bayfield on Thursday af- newspaper reporter in the world who
July 1,7%. . nelly, Fraikeis Literature 11, Com. ternoon of this week. wrote a -bout the fftht who did, not do
, I - — . position III, AlgehTa,C, Art 11, Geog- Quite a number gathered at the a better'job. . .
. I raphy II, Botany I, French t, (Brit- Hillsgreen cemetery on Tuesday af- lBoth Alcock and Brown had experi-
ish History). Dorresteyn, Matilda_ ternoon for the service of the corner ence as war fliers and after the war
. VARNA ' Literature Ill, Composition -C, Algebra stone which was laid. This cemetery Captain Alcock was recognized as
C, Art 1, British H%toryC, Geography has bT.en having quite a lot of work one s and dar-
. Miss E. Evans, of Seaforth, i's IV, Botany 11, Latin C, French C. done to it. ,There has also been a ing pilots in England. It was to him
visiting at the home -of her grand- FZney, Cecelia -Literature II, Com- inew fence put in and it is looking in that the Vickers fu= naturally
mother, Mrs. Clark. position -C, Algebra ,C, Att C, British good condition now and we are proud turned when it decided to, build .a
Mrs. R. Cameron and little Boibble, History -C, Geography ,C, Botany Ill, to think that it is being looked after plane to cross the Atlantic and, win
of Hensall, spent a few days with (Latin, French). Looby, Arthur -Lit- so carefully, as many of these snial- the Northcliffe prize. Brown was an
relatives here last'week. erature IN, Comqiosition 11, Art C, ler cemeteries are being neglected. expert navigator, and, was chosen -to
The 12th Of July, which was cele' British -History 1, Geography 11 (Al- accompany Alcock. . So the plane was
brated in Stratford on the 11th, was ge'bra Botany, Latin, French). Nor- I am — . -built and shipped to St. John's.
well represented from this district, Tis illwyn Literature TII, Composi- Newfoundland, where there were sev-
while those who were unable to be in tio'n 111, Algebra 1, Art C, British WALTON I. eral other fl6rs preparing for the
Stratford were able to celebra i hop. Among them was Harry'Hawker,
I '. t' in History HI, Geography 11, Botany III, .
Blytb, and in fact some were fortunL Latin 1, French 1. Morris, Joseph- Mr. and Mrs, George MeTaggart who took ,off when be heard that
ate enough to take in both. Literature II, Composition 111, Alge- and Annie are holidaying in Pittsburg, the American 'flying squadron wa's
. . Penn.
Tb)bre was a real ood turnout from bra III, Art C, Geography III, Latin . I already in motion, planning to cross
Varna at the opening of the now Pres- 111, French 111, (,British Histor3r, Bot- Mr. and Mrs. Sohier and Kenneth the ocean by a series of short jumps.
byterfian church in Bayfield on Sun- any)'. O"Connell, Xargaret Litera-,P_re on their -vacation. Raynham, another British fiier, wreck -
day morning and evening. ture 1, Composition 111, Art C, British Miss Jean Drager, who has been ed his plane. when -he attempted to
quite a number from Varna L. 0. L. History IIJ, Geography -1, Botany II, visiting in Detroit, returned Sunday, take -off. It was only through the
attended worship in God6rich Sunday French C, (Algebra, Latin). O'.Con_ her sister, Miss Hazel, accompanying masteTly handling of his machine -15y
evening. nor, Agnes -Literature IN, Composi- her. Alcock that the Vickers-Vinly got in -
Wedding bells are ringing. tion C, Algebra I in, Art 111, British Miss Mary Ennis, who has been to the air uninjured and set forth 'On
History C, Geography -C, Botany 1, visiting here, has returned to Pitts- the long flight which was to last for
— Latin 11, French III. O'Reilly, Hubert burg. is'xteen hours and end in Galway bog.
. -Literature C, Composition C, Alge- Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, of Lis- There are plenty of tributes to
MANLEY bra 111, Art -C, Geography C, (British towel, called on friends Sunday. Alcock's airmindedness, in the course
,MT. Fergus Horan is elated over the History, Botany, Latin, French). n, of London, of the flight which both men felt to
arrival ,of his baby girl on the. 5th inst. Stacey, Doro-thy---4LiteTature 111, Com- who has been visiting her mother, Te.- be monotonous. He handled the en -
Mr. Peter Eckart, Jr., and Mrs. position III, Algebra 111, Art 1,11, tuTned bor4e Saturday. gines which threatened to balk on two
Step -hen Eckart and family, returned British History ITI, Geography 111, On Sunday morning in Duff's Unit- or three occasions withi the skill and
o s last Friday Botany II, Latin C, French 11T. Stap- ed,Church, Walton, Rev. Mr. Pinnock, atience of a trainer gentling a frac-
by raotor, and arrived home on Sat- elton, Rita-Ljterature 11, Composi- the representative for the British and tious two-year-old. By changing the
urday, a trip -of .650 miles. tion Ill, Ailgebra III, Art C , British Foreign Bible Society, -addressed the elevation or angle of the plairle be was
Mr. and Mrs, W. Manley were vis- ffistory III, Geography 1.11, Botany II, congregation, MT. Pinnock, who for able to induce recalcitrant motors to
itors in Seaforth Latin 1, French Il. thirty-five years, was stationed as a resume their work. In the hands of a
Messrs. C. and .'M. Eckart made a missionary in Lagos, West Africa, d'e- -lesser man there can be little doubt
.0 livered a most inspiring address. He that the machine, marvelous though it
business trip to our burg last week. told a great deal about 'his work in was, would never have reached the
One of the worst electrical storms Africa, its pleasures and its sorrows, end of the journey. For the greater
of the season passed Over our burg A meeting was held On Monday even- part of the flight, which began before
last Tuesday, accompanied by b"vy MeTaggart Reunion_Th fourth ing in Duff's United Church for the 5 o'clock -in the afternoon of June 14,
rain, 'which laid the grain -flat and annual MeTaggart reunion picnic was purpose of appointing offi,cers for the 1919, and ended at 8.40 the next morn -
considerable damage was done by held July 4th at- Bayfield, where sixty coming year. . ing the path was through fog and
,ightning. members of the family enjoyed a Week end Isitors in Walton includ- darkness. At times it rained and hail.
Haying operations are at a stand- successful picnic. The following of- Pd: Mr. andvlMrs. Armand Kernick, ed furiously, and there was snow
still on account of the continued rain flFers appointed in charge of the pic- Mrs. John than n e Brown ad. to leav*
. Harris, Miss Leona Mc- More 0, C h e
which will spoil a large quantity of nic to be held at Point Edward on Gavin and Master Jack McGlavin, Kit- thei cockpit and crawl out on a wing
hay for marketing. the last Saturday of June, 1932:- chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold to remove the snow from one of the
Mr. W. Manley is at present busy president, Dr. J. A. McTaggart; sec- Sellers- Melvin L%com1be and Miss delicate instruments. Occasional glimp-
helping to repair the threshin.1, out- retaiy-treasurer, Miss Fern Welsh; Hazel Drager, Detroit, with Mrs. C- ses of the moon would- be caught and
fit of J. M. Eckart. program committee, Mrs. Thos. Sher- DTager. now and then a star which helped
- ritt, Mrs. A. L. Bell and Mrs. John Visitors out of town include, Mrs. Brown obtain his reckiming, but most-
, Dingwall. Members of the McTag- Edward Bryans, in Galt; Mr. and ly they flew,by guess and God. Twice
DUBLIN gait family were ,present from Mrs. George MeTaggart and Miss An- through the night they ate sandwicheE
Pontiac, Detroit, Broadnew, Saline, nie MeTaggart in Pittsburg, Pa. and drank. They felt no sensation ol
Miss Muriel and Loreen Loo -by are Bemidje, Walton, Streetsville, Lon- Waltonians who'were out Of town sleepiness.
bolidaying with friends in Burr. don, Camip Borden, Watford, Hen- over the week end includec , Mr. and 'In rnidocean they Tan into cloudE
Miss Hanlon is visiting friends in `iall, Kippen. Seaforth and Exeter. Mrs, P. B. Gardiner, Miss Vera Gard- which immediately blotted out al
Windsor. Mrs. H. Horney and Miss M. A. iner and Master Jack Graham with sense of direction. Thf,jr instru.
Miss Lillian Shea, of Chicago, and Horton were hostesses at a miscel- relatives in Stratford; MT. and Mrs- ments showed that the -y Nvere falling
Mr. Neil Prendergast and daughter, laneous shower given in honor of J. S. Buchanan and Miss Mary Buch- but at wha't angle they could not tell
Miss Grace, of California, are visit- their cousin, Miss Flossie Broadfoot, anan in West Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. The instinct of balance was lost an(
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mrs. James Broadfoot, Thomas Hackwell Elliott and,Haw.ard for awhile the machine sw-ung crazil!
of Hensall district, on Tuesday af- Hackwell wi atives in Mitchell.
James Shea. th re in defiance of the man at the con
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Evans, of De- ternoon in view of her approaching Fred 'Miller has been under the doc- trols. It fell into either a spinning
troit, spent Sunday with Mrs. K. Ev- marriage. - In the prettily decorated tor's care for a few days. nose dive or a very steep spiral, an(
ans. rooms, amid a profusion of summer - — when finally they broke through tb(
Mrs. D. Crawford, Toronto, and flowers, some 35 guests vAere a&- last of the clouds they were witbiz
Mrs. Gibson spent the week end with senibled. A programme was enjoyed TUCKERSMITH a hundred feet of the surface of thf
Mr. and Mrs' Hugh Flynn. and was participated in by Miss Doro- I water. Alcock immediately swept ul
Mrs. M. Michell, Toronto, and her thy Traquair, Miss Mona Glenn, Kip- (Too late for last week.) out of danger, but when the motor
son, Rev. Father Michell, of New pen; Jack Downs, London- Mrs. Har- were shut off for a moment the,
York, are visiting friends in the vil- pole and daughter Pearl, p of Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hayter and could hear the raging and chafing o!
. little son, of Flint, Michigan, are vis- h
lage. To keep the, bride-to-be in good spir- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I .waves. At another time the slee
On Thursday evening, June 9th, the its, a niock wedding ceremony was Finlayson. Imbedded itself in the hinges of th,
members of St Patrick's congrega- enacted; those taking part were Mrs. Mr. Howard Kale and Miss Alice ailerons and jammed them so that fo
tion met at the parish ball to say Mai -ion Eilber, Zurich, as bride; Mrs. Tapp, of Buffalo, were week end visi- an hour the machine bad scarcely an:
farewell to Rev. Father Bricklin, who Emma Dickson, Hensall, as bride- tors with Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie. lateral control.
left for Windsor on Friday. Rev, groom, while ,Miss M. A. Horton act- The many friends of Miss Margaret Throughout those 16 hours ani
Father Bricklin has been assistant ed as clergyman. Misses Mona Glenn Sinclair will be pleased to hear she more Alcock's hands and feet neve
parish priest here for the past four and Pearl Harpole were flower giTIS., has returned home again inuch im- le!t his steering gear. One han,
years. He had made many warm The whole ceremony was carried out proved in health. might be occasionally morved to tak
friends and his departure is felt by with all solemnity and was in itself Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and a sandwich or a drink, but the othe
all who knew him. Patrick McCon- amusbag and quite entertaining for two sons, of Flint, ,Michigan are vis- remained firm, and the chief physi
mell presented Father Bricklin with a the bride as well as the g`uests. The iting with relatives in this 'zommun- cal pain that they endured was tbs
well filled purse In -behalf of the con- trousseau was displayed by Mrs'. G. ity. I of immobility. That they landed i
gregation. Joseph Feeney read a very Glenn. Many gifts weTe received Haying is now in full swing. a bog and only ezreaped harbor diE
suitable address. Father Bricklin showing the esteem in -which the MT, and Mrs. Ernest Crich, of aster by Alcock's skill and strengt
made a reply in his pleasQ manner. bride-to-be was held. Following the Pontiac, Michigan, are visiting rela- was due to the fact that the surfac
The following is the report of the programme the hostess'es served an tives here this week. of the bog looked like a smoot
Lower Schoo1l classes of Dublin Con- inviting luncheon and an interestin.g Mrs. Ira' Johns returned from the field. In -bracing himself to avoi
tinuation School. Students are listed and amusing chit-chat was pa,tici- West last week, having spent the last the sbOck when they were about t
alphabetically. I after a subject indi- pated in by all present. month visiting relatives in Saskatche- pitch, Alcock bent a steel bar at hi
t.; II, 67-74; Up .0. - wan. back into a curve. However, Ian
60 66; C, 50-59. Subject or subjects Mr. and Mrs, Ray Fear visited rela- they did with only a slight shakin
In which student failed are in brackets. tives in London this week. up to mar their perfect flight. Tt
Form 11 --- jCoyne, Agnes, Literature STAFFA I 'Mr. Allen Johns, of Toronto, spent machine was stuck in the mud, an
III, Composition,11, Algebra C, Geom- Mrs. Joseph Norris suffered a slight thp-'*eek end, a Tiis homehere. they clambered - out. Several soldiex
etry 1, Latin C, French 111, Zoology I, stroke on Sunday. Her friends hope /Mrs. Ja,meg Love was called to To- from the nearby military post t
Physiography C, British History III, ronto owing to" the serious illness of Clifden came, running up, and tl
(Arithmetic). Cummings, E14a eth for her speedy recovery. first inquiry was the shout "Anybod
The Rev. R. N. and Mrs. Stewart her mother, Mrs. Hugh Hamilton
_-Literature IN, Composition II, Mr. Kenneth McKenzie has ii tn hurt?" Reassured on this point tt
French C, Zoology C, British History left Tuesday for a few weekEV boli- osition w)tb Mr. Peter Simpson, volunteers 'helped set the maehir
C, (Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, days. The services here during the a P A twin straight, and one of them inquirei
next four Sundays will be at 7.30 Mr. and,/ -Mrs. Leslie BL -11 an f "Where you from?"
Physiography). Dill, Gordon—Litera- , the minister, Rev. Mr. White, daughters left for Detroit Sunday a - ,,Amerlea," Was the answer.
-tare C, Composition 11.1, Algebra 111, *P -m- ter spending several weeks with
Geometry II, Arithmetic III, Latin III, If Eliraville. At this there was polite laught<
o-gy III, Physiography Miss McLugblan, of Plattsville, is f'riends- which only turned to wild enthus
French M, , Zool, spending this wep,k with Mrs. F. Congratulations are due Miss Mar- asm and excitement when the pri
C, British History If. Donnelly, Irene a
O'Brien. garet Grieve. teacher Of S. S, No. 9, duction of the mail bag from Sail
—Literature C, Composition C, Alge- /. the in having hir class, of seven pass ?
bra 19, Geometry 11, Latin 1, French The wet weather is delaying Johns showed that thexescuers wei
haying -but is doing the grain and their Entrance examination, three sharing a historic moment.
11, Zoology III, Physiography C, Brit- root crops good. taking honors.
Ish History C, Doyle, Nellie—LiteTa- Mr. and Mrs, H. Golding have re- Miss Annie Moore entertained the —1-0.
tare C, Composition 111, Algebra C, a week Neil Sbaw Auxiliary of Egmondville
Geometry C, Arithmetic III, Latin 0, turned home -after spending
French III, Zoology lf, Physiography at St. Marys and Stratford. lChurch at 'her home Wednesday af- LIVE STOCK MARKETS
Mrs. W. B. O'Brien, Flint, Michi- ternoon. Union Stock Yards-, Toronto, July 14th.
JI, British History 11. Gormley, gan, is spending two weeks here and Mrs. A. C. Atkinson, Mrs. J. Smith, Supply .f cattle for sale at the Union Sto
Clare—Literature Il,'CoWosition III, Edna and Wilfred', of Toronto, are Yards yesterday was Fomp 500 head light
Geometry C, Latin 1, French C, ZOO_ at Strs,Vbrd visitine bey parents, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sidney GeM. than onl the previous Monday. Killers of i
logy C, (Algebra, British History). Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Nile Street. . classes except bulls And baby beeves vr
- mell. active and firm to a Ahade stronger In pri
Jordan, Isabel—Literature 11, Com- Won Ontranree SCbOIarSbRP--MiS8 than at last weelt's e1we, and the offeril
position III, Geometry C, Latin 1, Sarah Whitmore, of S.. S. No. 6j, wqL j practically cleared. Several loads
Frdhch C, Zoology 141, Pbysiography HILLSGREETK Tuckersmitb, made the highest marka weighty and heavy meers sold for exp(
shipment at 6 to 6.15 cents Per pound a
C, British ffistory H (Algebra). in East Huron Inspectorate, and also up to 6.10 cents was paid for the odd lo
Krauskopf, Ursula ----4 Literature -111, W. M. S The regular 111011thlY won the A. W. Nixon Scholarship for home use. Plain weighty steers sold devv
Cmposition,IIi Algebra C, Geometry meeting of the Wometn's WssiOnRr7,Tropby for ,obtaining the highest per- ward to 5.10 cents. Good to choice ban
buftbers btought 6 1-2 to 6.85 cents, with
Ill, Latin Ill, Frv ch kl, Zoolog7 C, Society was held at, t bome of Mrs. centages, and general proficiency dur- couple ,outstanding at an average of 1,C
rhysiograph7 III (British History, J. Cochrane on T LA'asy afternoon, ing the school terms' of 1930-31. Miss pounds at an outside top of 6 1-4 cents. Pic
ATithmeti,c). McCarthy, * Geneivliewo,— July 9th, -with Kira. Cochrane presid- pearl Hlugill, an -other pupil of this to fair grade steers and heifers brought I
lAte,rature H, Composition XI; Alge-.ing., We openedour meeting by sing- school, pa-ssed t.1 honors. The 6 1-4 cent,. The bulk of the good butel
V17i a '* Id steady at 3.65 to 8,75 cents, w
bra 1, Geomoti*l 11, ArMM600 1, Lat- ing Hymn 511. The Scripture lesson teacher is Miss Edna M. Jamieson, cowdol3ezono choice from 3.85 -to 4 ce*, Cann -
in 1, French I, ZoolOgy 111, PhYsio- wits read responsively from 72nd and both she and her pupils are to and,4yttera sold from 1 1-4 to MM -28 con
graphy H, British History 1. MCIVOT. Psalm. Hymn 610 was then sung. be congratulated on the outstanding Bulls were a slow trade at 2 34 to 8 1-2 cei
a per Pound for butcher kinds and 2 to 2 '
Harry—Literatme IL CWWP091ti*A C., "Oriental Work in Canada" was giv- -record attained by the school thi cents for boolognas. Baby beev:es sold at 6
Algebra 1, Geometry 1, Arithmetic Ini en by Miss Annie Jarrott, Mri. R. year. to 7 14 cents for choice and 5 84 to 6
lAtin 1, French 11, Zoology 1, Phyai4- Parson alid Mrs. L. Hiler. Hymn 242 cents for medium quality.
I graplay 1, British History I. -Moly6 was then sung, Mrs. J. Cochrane -0 Receipts of sheep and lambs were twice
I heavy as on the previous *onday. Lan
lneaux,, Jack—LiteysturO 11v COMPOsi- q on led in pra7er. The study 'an sold steady to a quarter higher than 11,
tion III, Algebra 111, Ge6m vxagawa was. then given by ' Mrs. WHEN ALCOCK AND BROWN week's close at 9 1-2 to 9 8-4 cents per pov
etry Ir 11 with the bulk at thei low of
Latin I, French 1, ZOOI-097 1; Phyl' '(Rov.) Conner. The offering was then CO1qQUERED THE ATLAbMC spread, and the odd feney lot up to 10 am
graphy. C, British History I (Arith-L taken. IT.ymn 47,8 was sung, and the Call lambs sold at 6 1-2 "n.65 Per Poul
,imeHe). Olffearne,Ethelyue UteTft, meeting'61osed by all repeating the . ,Having read Sir Arthur Whitten Sheep were draggy, wit% aults to medi
ture C, Composition 11, .AWta 1, Lord!ai P rayer. Brown's story of his flight across the khAst polling from I to 2 1-2 tenft, and
. bulk bf a moderate offeiring faffinv to I
Geometry 'I, Aritlitnetic 1, Latin 1, Mrs, Johnston, of Clifford, and Mrs. Atlantic with Sir John Alcock, our an ontact,
French 1, Zoology A Pliy'siogf4by 11, POrtorfle'ld, of 94-4doitli, spent a feW 'inind involuntarily turns to the meet. Begs in a Ught offering sold 25 cents c
. I
f i I t 144 I I
I ,, I
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,Pp., *.PWIVA t .............. ; - .8.90 'k I . , , ! .. ,nTy-,r., P'T'll .., #
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I ` """", E . a V11,11 g'ul?,
M ww ".9pV0
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01 , . , . ,J, ., , , "4,;z ,
Wdb.W,c9,yM, Pod to laboleo " ii.k . 'm 8. , "I 4
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. . ,. . '. _" 't am'', .,
Wozrw io . , -M... 4p ,
ps'. ..".... ot, I . _ ...$ ..... ,, """."., le'..', V,% , I
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6 ,; , I I , " "_ I r `, , - '! t'll - ; "I
tIZlia and u#ero ........ - 1100 a , I L"',
Iat0wr POO. 094 to choil" .. 8-00 . '. , 'I, , 0 , ;!! M I .
131 I . 0 ;,A . I. "I
)0 21
ef . ......... !f ......... 645 11.90 I . . . , W , , 101 i : .:.,;,, '. & 3.1 , V
looders , good ................ 4.26. 4 0% , , ,1 4, " f" Al
togue 3.10, 01,50 I .t - " - _,- i , ' I
. . -11 .... I
11 " I -14
I ., i !' ,; I 1 1 T..
"a ,::::::*'*:::. *:::::::: '50,00 76,00 , I.. , - ,4 , i
pringers . t 11 ?I I N
it A
%ilkers ............... ....... 40,00 60-04i: M9WAy, Tuejp.4 y a 1. 0), ". MW t,
Wves, good an dobolco ...... SiDO 1.00 , .4 Ad ytlr . 0., _. I - 1, MAFFP,1 7=?Ab "
I , -
" ` "I F R. hi" 9,14 A A P " gl' "Ill'
. -
....... , .
11 .. ,11 ??? 1 :11 L , I
"I . `1 I
I I " --
- I 0, .1 qW."
9.50 9.75 . ' , ", N il
AD., med,ium ................ 6.90 6.00 - ' :"! I , . ,Twff_,' _9
100 . MARLENE AWWWOff 4.. 14
0)*?. Vrossers ............... 4.00 - I ... .
lan1w, choice, ................. lc,i, ."', .1 ", 11
. 111 It-", 1,
- ' ., I , ,, T". I - I
, ' - I
. ,
, ,, , I
heop .............. ......... IL.00 s.ob The Opring's new opnag - al" ,b , , ,-,
. tioul' 1','-' *,R
' 111,1%9#61*10 00 , "'I .
I . ' '
I ,
I . O'd . r .,j,LL "', I , I
I' . J'OtWo. ` , I .
Logs, bacon, f.o.b . ............ $.76 .1.. Grary CvOwr, Adolph . 101"q -u - %or !" I I
006 ;M, . O..
Do., do., mo.c., 4§,to 75c abwe f.o.b. in a - fascinating raman e lovo ,* IA. , , .
Do., selecto, $1 Per 40S pram -mi I * . *. 4
and, daring. 11, i . ;9 I , I
;; ,
. I , , . W.
. . 'L I
Do., butchers ' , $1 per 4og discount I Z.. I WhIr "I , .'L
.. ,
66n(wr .. 1 11 "Ill:
Montreali- July 14th-Cattije recelpto ,were - .mc&, SA10 , .. I .:
,204 on the two Morttreal lirve stock .markets I .. :14,
.. , d
D-day. There were no early sales of good
sittle. Rdedium ateers sold up to $5.50 with
everal sales Of common steers between $4,75
nd $6.25. The cows sold brought mostly be.
ween 03 and $3.50, with small lots uR to
4. Bulls were quoted -at $2.25 to $3.00'for
olognas and up .to $4 for good butchers.
Calf receipts, 1,093. Good caives were
teady to attrouc and common calves were
Ywar. Fairly good calves sold btween $6
nd $5.50 with one lot of good calved averag-
ng with 150 pounds up to $6. Common veals
old around $4 and gradsers as low as $2.
1 .
,, '.,P,l , -
I I 1'-- V-ttla%ypd, M,1 74,
. . W , , JUI ,!, . - gj, %
11 ISO TO% , W. , g
. 1 . NWPA14 "' -
11 I
Thursday, Fr1iday and Saturday L 14, , "I . 4'N.W
I 943 . , " , q4",
I 0,4t., 0 - .. , ,011
. I I ! , - 4". . ;,V-, 14.
OLSON AND JOHNSON === I I I . I ;=_ ,. . 11 11,
. .
. J ,,", ,
I ; ",
I - !.. . Illil,_,
. ''I --- 11 - ,
. I . f , ,;*. , -, ,_,,; !-
America's comical caper-cu,tting I . ., t-,;:. '-,
I .. . _ , ,
clowns, in the great laugh special 4 t i,
;. .... " ., "' ,., 4,. .:,
I — I . 1 " _4 !t .:, "__
T1. ftr.., 8,04 caly#ws I , % , '..""."?
FIFTY MILLION. FRENCHMEN 1. , , , , " . , "`.r
7. . . ". ","
. .. . ., 1, ,
I Two Shows iheh Night I 1 1246411 . .... I , , . , , i; ,, ,
us butim qi we grassers brougM U o to Iva.
'Quotations: Good veal, $15; medium, $4.75;
o 45.25. oommon,'$8.50 to $4.50 i gms, 1p,2
D $3. 1 1
Sheep receipts, e,927. Good lanft sold at
rices ranging from $8 to $9.50, according
i at $8.75 and
ne bA delivered under prejous contract at.
9. Common lambs brought $7 to $7.50 and
ulls as low as $6. Sheep were a shade
trouger, selling -from $2 to $$M.
Quotations; Ewes, $2 to $3.26; lambs good,
8 to $8.50; common, $7 to $7-50.
-Hex receipts, 2,045; 500 or so hogs were
old to butchers at $9.25, later sales of hogs
I mixed quality were made at $9 to $9.25'
le ' eders were sqLd..-at $9.213 to *9.50 and sows
rom $5 to $5.50.
Buffalo, July 14—Rogs, 4,200; market not -I
ully er,tablished , ;Ibids and scattered sales, 15 ,
o 25 cents lower; sellers red leting downturn;
ew desirable 130 to 200 pounds, $8 to $8.10;
)lainer kinds, $7.70; bulk unsold.
'Cattle, 1,300: fed offerings below 1,100 lbs.
'ully 25 cents higher-, heavier kinds about
teady; cows and bulls strong to 25 cen's
iLgher; good heifers and lightweight steers,
S to $8.85; choice 1,100 pounds, $9; L540
bs" $7.76.
Calves, -1,200; velalers unicbtangad, $9.50
lown. i
Sheep, 2,600; lambs, adtive, 25 cents or
nore higher, plain quality considered; near
hoice, $9.50 beat ewes and wethers quoted,
19,75 and better.
10 .
Toronto, July 14th.—Manitoba wheat --X*.
hard, 6114c; No. I Northern, W,(?: No. 2
io., 57 , ,c; No. 3 dD., 48c; No. 4, 46 1-2c;
.,To. 4 tough, 441 _,c (c.i.f. Bay ports).
Manitoba oats—Xo. 8 C.W., 0.8c; No. 1 feed
.7c, No. 2 do., 26c.
Manitoba barley—No. 3 C.W., 26; e; No.
I do.. 351.',c; feed, $I314c.
Argentine corn, 50c; spot, plus duty.
Mill -feed, delivered Montreal freights. bags
included: Bran, per ton, $18.25; shorts, Per
Lon, $19.25; middlings, per ton, $25.25.
Ontario erain--Whpat, 50 to 55c; barley, 30
to 33c; oats, 23 to 26c; rye, nominal; buck-
wheat, norninal.
Toronto, July l4th.
. . Alive Dressed
L'pring broilers (Rocks), over 3
Ily; . ..... * " ........ 24
Do.. .,e, Y14* 'in*'I'lbs. - .. - 20 :,
Do- over 2 to 21., lbs, .... 19 ..
Fatted hens, over 4"to 6 tbs. 15 is
Do- over 31.', to 4. lbs. .... 1.3 16
Do., over 3 to v., Ibs. .... 12 1 Is
White ducklings. oVer 5 tbs... 24 . .
Do,, over 4 to 5 lbs. ... _ 21 . .
Colored ducklings, 2c less.
Old roosters, over 5 tbs, _. 09 11
Valton-4n McKidlop, on Ju)y 12th, to Mr.
anti Mrs. Corl Dalton, a daughter, Margaret
10 —
Ru,161ph.-In Toronto, on Monday. July l3th,
Mary Elizabeth VanEvrnond, wife of the late
Oscar Rudolph.
Chc-neyln Shoal Lake. Manitoba, on July
12th, Jane For.4ytNt, widow of the late
James X. Chesney, in, her 70th year,
MrA. John Horan and family wish to express
to many friends and neighbors, their deepest
keratitude foi: many kindnesses shown during
their recent bereavement,
Note.—Iterns under this head will be rbarg-
ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for
each additional verse.
In food And loving remembrance of a dear
wife anti mother, Mrs. William L. Forrest,
who passed away July 14, 1927.
Yet would we Any what every heart approveth,
Our Father's wifl,
Calling to Him the dear one He loveth,
Is rylercy q,till.
—14usband, Son and Daurhter.
To loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Archi-
hald Mar -Gregor. who died July 18, 1921, and
July 21, 1927.
—The Family.
__ — __ __
ELDO , N JARROTT. Phone 10-100, Hen -
SRI]. 38,18-1
`-' five Collie puvA. Also aome young Pigs,
Apply to J. W. THgMPSON. R. R. 2. Sea -
forth, or phon4 31 dh 221. 6818%1
NOTICE, is hereby given that all eredilton
. Arid others having claims against the estat
of Margaret Hunter. late of the Tovmshii
of MoKililop, in the County of Huron, Widow
who died on the 7th day of JuqY, 1981, or,
1 required to send to the undersigned sollicita
for the exoontor, full particulars and verifis
i by affiklavl* of their ctafma on or before th,
27th day of July. 1931.
I after the said last mentioned darte the em
ecutor will proceed to distributo the asset
of the said decealse<l, having regard only t
I the etaims. of which he then shall have ba
) notice.
. DATED At Seaforth. Ordario, this Oth da,
. of July, 1991. .
I Sdaforbb, Onta,40.
Solicitor for the Executor. -
- 8848-3 ,
I i
Pure Clover Honey .
For - Sale "
. vulaw :
We are again in a -position to sup
ply our customers with new Clover .
Honey at prices incomparable with I
other foods. Honey is no more con- I
sidered as only a luxury. It is ,
Nature's Own Health Food. It is ;
uxurious, wholesome and contains
practically all the mineral elements :
used by 6e human body and can be '
absorbed into the blood without kur- I
they digestive changes. It does not
contain the.harmful qualities of su-
gar, diabetics eat it. 'Why not make '
a habit to use honey in your daily :
diet. It creates real mental and phys- ,
cal energy. Bring your containers.
We will fill them at 7 cents per pound.
for a limited time only.
Western Ontario's Largest Producers
. of Choice Honey .
Two blocks south of hotel,
Zurich - Ontario.
__ __
— __
One nearly new steel 22-32 Rumley.
One nearly new 24-M Bell. One 33-
45 Waterloo two years old. One 24-40
White. One 28-50 steel White. Ona
28-42 Goodison. One 28-42 Waterloo.
One 3.1-46 Waterloo, One M-48 Wat-
erloo. One steel 28-45 Case. .Several
other sizes *with straw cutters. New
Bell Machines, both wood and steel,
all sizes. One each 15-30 and 20-35
Imperial Tractors.
The Robt. Bell Enone &
/ Thresher Co., Ltd.
"I "I
1. Ray, 1 miLe north of Exeter on No. 4
Highway, 'oftaining 100 acres. On the prem-
ise., are a two storey new brick house, one
bn.nk barn, one frame barn, new hen house'
three never -failing wells; well fenced with
wire and in excellent shape of cultivation.
Twenty minutes walk from High School and
atil equipped with Hydro. and will be sold with
or without crop. Apply on the premism or
mi,lress JOHN CALDWML, R. R. No. 3,
Exeter. 8818_tf
28 and 29, Concession 8, MaKitlep, con.
tainin], 192 acres and known as the T. E.
Hoys farm. Must be gold to close the entat4L
If not sold will be rented, For particulars
apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor. Sea -
forth. 9201,d
4. H,R.S., Tuckersmith, oontsAning 100
acres of choice land, situated on county road,
il/4 miles south of the prosperous Town ol
Seaforth, on C. N. R. Railway; convenient tc
schools, churches and markets. This farm 11m
E,I,l underdrained, well fenced: about 2 sam
of choice fruit trew. The soil is excelleul
And in a good state of cultivation and aL
suitable for the growth of alfaafa, no V,satl
land. The farm is well watered wltl twc
never falling wells, Also a flowing spring ft
the farm yard: about 40 acres plowed ark
ready for spring seeding, also 12 acres Of ftd
wheat; remainder is seeded with alfalfa. Th4
butldilngs are first class. in excellent repair
the house is brick and is modern in every re
spect, heated with furnace, hard and obf
water on tap, a three-piece bath room. r0ra
teaephome, also rural ma. The outbuildira
cons4st of barn 60x80 feet wtbh stone stab
ling under; all floors In stable cement; th,
stabIbig has water system ins,talled. A gm
frame driving abed, 24x48 feet; a 2-stDM
c Wit]
I cement floors capable of housing abolit 41
1 P,Lvs. The house, stables and barn have Rydr,
installed. Anyone desiring a first class bout
and choice farm should see this. On 606yun
I of iN health I vAU sell reasonable. Beside
I the WYove I am offering Lot 21, Concession 12
1 Hibbort corsisUng bf 100 acres choil,oe land
-65 serve well undordrained: 10 acres marl
a bush, !aull needed to ame; no waste land. 01
. the t)rem isca are a good bank barn 48%66 fee
I and frame boudo, an excellent well. 7%
ftrm is sftatkd about 5 m(Hes from the vroe
I perons viMave of Hensall on the ON.R., OW
quarter of a m4le fa,om school and mile fror
r church. This farm has never been croppe
much and is in excellent skape for croWn
or Pasture. I wim ull these farmsaS
or aeparate,17 to suit Purchaser. V01
partildalars APT17 -to 41ho VM740tor,
R, R. 4, or Phme 21 66 198, Seaftrifi. TA01
G. SMLLINOLAW. PrapAetor. 380V
I "!
Purolment No. 1958 Approved VwW, I ',-Il
. ,,
Wul stand at his own stable. X4 S, 'Ospo el 15',L
eftsion 3, Rullett. for the seasop j; C'1931. , ,.:,),
Terms_ -48.00. - . I f. I .11 1111
T. J. McMCIURL, Manager. A,1'4;._4i,, ?
, , L I..",
, _
I .
, ";
1 300-11- I ,
. .
The Premium Clydesdale Stallion L' I . , 1.
. L
(24337) :,
- nrolmeut No. 1961 Form A I
Monday.-W.ial leave his ow -n stable atBraco. . .
ield, and go to the 2nd Concession of Stan.
ey and south to William MaKenzWe, fm
toon; then south 1% miles'past Town Uno
md east to Kippen at AL Harvey's, for rdght6. , .
'VesdaT.-Bast to the 10th Concession to
ingus McKlanon'p, for noon; then east to
he Town Line to the 9th Concession to Wm
latrick's far ,Jbight. Wednesday--gast 1%,, .
niles north to the 7th Concession to
;oyne Bros., for moon; then to Robert Dow*
'or night. Thursday. -West to Gemmelft
*rner and north to Mill Road to G. IL Xcu,
'artne.,e ;
, a for noon then by way of Me-
kdam'e side read to the 2nd Ooneesslon'sud
vest to Carnoehan Bros., for night. Friday,6_
*est by Broadfoolt's Bridge and south to the
&ill Road to his own stable for night Sat.
irday-West to the 2nd Concession of Stan-
ey, and north to John H. MeRwan's, for
won; then home to his own stable for nigh,L
Terms. -To insure, $15.00, payable Febm.
wy lst 1932. L
Proprietor and Manager.
The Pure Bred Imported and Premium
Percheran Stallion
Form A I .
Monday-WtIl leave his own stable, Staffs,
Lnd go south 2% miles to the 13th concessiou
Lnd east 2% miles to Hugh Dalrymple, for
ioon; then north 21/2 and west 21h miles to
3taffa to his'own stable for night- Tuesday -
Nest on the Sth Concession 5 miles, aud nbx1h
,o Montgomery Patrick's, for
noon ] then I
iorth by way of Sproat's Brick Yard I
3eattio's. Mcillillop, for nicht. Wedimday-
"eat 1% miles and north 21A_ miles ercy
&Ie*s, for noon: then north 11/4 to P
west and north to Fred Searlett's. =-v
rhunda3r-East 33/,L miles and south 2% ma,ges
:o, Gilbert MurrWs, for noon; then eastAIA
niles and north 17/4 miles and east 6& the
liogan Town Line and south, to Ed. Rose's,
'or night. Friday ---South 2% miles and west
1.1/4 miles and south to John Walsh's, for
noon* then south 3% miles and east 21/2 mMes
be Gray Bros., 4th Coneession, of Hibbert. I
for night. Saturday --South 1% miles and
west 2yo miles and south to Stuffa by way' of
Centre Road, to his own stable, where he
will remain until the following Monday mora -
1 .
Terms -$13 to insure. payable Feb. let 19M
Proprietor and Manager.
The Premium Imported Belgian Draft Stallion
NO. 4369 15500
Enrolment No. 2666 Premium No. 154
Form A I
Monday -Will leave his own stab,le, I mile
north of Hensall, and go IY4 miles, west to
second Concession, Hay; south 3% miles and
west to Fred Corbett's, for noon; then north
to Zurich T oad and west to Elmer Thlers,
for night Tuesday -West to Parr Line and
north to Anson Coleman's, fo15 noon; then
north tto Varna and east % mUes tD Elmer
Webster's, for night. Wednesday -East to Zad
Concession, Stanley, to William Hayter's, for
noon. thence to his own stable for night.
Thursday -Bast to William Brintnell'g, one
mile and a quarter east of Chiselbuxst for
noon; thence to William Melver's. Coneentan
7, Hibbert, for nigbt. Friday -Via 4th Con.
cession, Tualkersmith. to Alex. Wallaee'a. for
noon; thence by way of Gernmell's slaeread
to 2nd Concession, Tuckersmith. for rLl§ht at
Robert Elgle's. Saturday -To his own stable
where he will remain until the followlair
Monday morning.
Terni& -$15 to ensure, payahle Feb. 1. 1982.
0 ."", o
0. H. C. BOX 10
01 Funeral Director and 4:>
0. Licensed Embalmer 0
0 Best Motor and Horse-draWn 0
0 equipment. 0
0 Charges moderate. 0
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
0 . notice. <>
0 Night Calls Day Calls 0
0 Phone 175 Phone 48 0
0 . *
0 0
01 W. J. CLEARY "> '
0 Licensed Embalmer and <>
0 Funeral Director 0
0- Up-to-date Horse and- Motor 0
6 Equipment. <>
ob Night and Day Servim 10,
co Phone 19-22, Dublin. <>
0 0
FOR SALE. -Five acres,- one nifie
from Seaforth; modern house with
I furnace, bath and toilet; small bun,
good orchard. Taxes, $15. SpIQA
I chance to start chicken farm, bees,
, ets. Apply to
R. S. MAYS, Seaf6rth, Ont.
1 29"
I — —,
I 1 '
I , ,, .
, ,
) AGENCY 11 ... 11., .
. . 4 ,
11 ... 1 ',
. Insurance of all kinds. ..44
' - 4;
1 Bonds, Real Estate ' ' ..:.i-'
r o "..,
r Money to LOU , 11"., ,
I .. ,
1, , , ,a
f Al,,, . pho1w 01- _. _",J I _,
.. ,. I
. .
. , ,I NAN
....0 I.-
11 .
. I
, . '"', , ;, ,: _' 5";_",i,;,-.'