HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-07-10, Page 4,
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TILE IIITRON itixfoosrroli
HURON Exposmit atruction work, the battalions to be
housed and fed by the Government,
and to 'be paid as izi war thne; a small
sum for each man's use, the balance
of their wages to be paid to their
families and dependents.
THE ENTRANCE Such a scheme might be feasible.
EXAM [NAT IONS Something has to be done imsnediate-
ly and the people of Canada are will-
. Perhaps there is no nore anxious ing to do it. One thing, however,
time of the year for pupil or parent they don't propose to stand for and
than that between the writing of the that is to be taxed $75,000,000 for
Entrance examinations and the date' uneinployment relief and then find
of the publication of the results. that only a fraction of that amount
To add to the suspense, the results actually reached the unemployed.
of one county are often published
days before those of another.
That is probably why, during the
past two days, an averhge of twenty- School Report—The following is
five telephone calls per day have come the classification of the pupils of S.
inp The Expositor Office asking if S. No. 14, Hay, as a result of the June
promotion examinations. The pupils
the Entrance results are out yet.
are arranged in order of merit. Pro -
Have patience. We are as anxious moted to Jr. IV—Doris Alexander,
to get them as you are. They are not Bert Thomson, Elgin Johnson. Pro -
out yet and they will not be out until moted to Sr. III—Alfred Ropp, Mar -
Monday of next week. garet MacGregor, Jerry JohnsAT\Ben
Dick. Promoted to Jr, III Irma
voserm.ambommommr. Ferguson. Sr. II—Stuart Dick. Jr.
II—Blanche Thomson ,Ina Ropp, Har -
EMPLOYING THE old Willert. L --Harold Koehler, Ale
Ilan Crerar.—Oral J. Finnigan, Teach-
When the Dominion Parliament vot-
FORTH, Friday; :July 10, 1931.
Thursday and would conduct the ser-
vices in that city on Sunday. We wish
him eery success in his work there.
M, Archie Parsons and girl friend
spent a day recently at Port Stanley.
Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., of To-
ronto Isolation Hospital, is spending
a few holidays at the home of her
parents before she starts her duties.
Mx. W. L. Forrest and daughter,
Miss Elizabeth, of Clinton, spent a
few days with friends in this vicinity.
Misses Agnes and Annie Cochrane,
of Clinton, called on friends here re-
Miss Edit% Forest, of Heesall, spent
a few days at the home of her bro-
ther, Mr. J. B. Forest.
Mrs. James Bonthron, of Hensall,
called on friends here recently.
The W.M.S. will meet at the home
of Mrs. J. Cochrane on Thursday af-
ternoon, July 9th.
Mr. H. R. Samuels, of Toronto, is
here getting his hay in on the farm
on the Bablyon Line.
Picnics are now the order of the
day. The Cochrane families are
meeting at Bayfield on Wednesday;
Zurich Lutheran Sunday School at
Grand Bend on Wednesday; the Hills -
green and Kippen Sunday schools at
Bayfield on Thursday, July 16th.
Young Life Passes. ---Fatally hurt
as wagon overturns came the sad word
of the death early Sunday, July 5th,
of Stewart Turner, 11 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Turner. The
ed twenty millions of dollars last BRUCFIELD sympathy of all is extended to the
family. Stewart was riding on the
September for the relief of unemploy- Gasoline paces step two cents per gallon. Itop of a wagon load of hay when it
Per gallon, tax inluded. Cars washed for overturned and hurled him against an
silent a great many people, if not the You an buy Supertest and Shell t 22c
cgas a
majority of people in Canada, thought $Loo: cars greased, $1.25 ; Polarine motor oil iron post, causing serious injuries to
take care of at 25e
that sum would surely per quart, 80c per gallon. Hudson & his head on Saturday afternoon. All
E.ssex Dealers, Cook Bros.' Gar.age, Hensall. that medical aid and loving hands
the situation, until good times came 3317-2 could do was of no avail, and he pass -
round again. The Horticultural Society have ed peacefully away to his heavenly
Unfortunately for the unemployed commenced making preparation for home. His parents and two sisters,
fall the work. The members have
and the taxpayer as well, $20,000,000.Irene and Dorothy, and one brother,
been requested to have all orders for Wilmer, survive. The funeral was held
it now appears, will be only the first fall bulbs, etc., handed to the secre-
attend -
drop in the bucket. tory before Friday, the 17th. on Tuesday afternoon and was ed by a great many friends of the
In fact the situation is worse to -day Mr. T. C. and Mrs. West, of St. young boy. Rev. R. R. Conner offici-
Thomas, spent Sunday afternoon with
than it was last "September or any ated. Interment took place in the
time last winter, and in the summerhe latter's parents, Rev. W. A. and
Mrs. Bremner. Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers
were his cousins, Elmer and Ralph
'months one would think that almost The Oddfellows decoration service Turner, Mervyn and Allan Keys and
any one who wanted it, could find I will he held in Baird's cemetery next Lorne Coleman. The floral flowers
employment, or at least, there would Sunday, July 12th, at 2 p.m. were most beautiful and many. His
be no shortage of food.Mr. and Mrs. George Forrest, of
teacher, Mr. Beattie, and the scholars
But the shortage of both is still
quaintances in the village this week.
a beautiful spray.
London, have been renewing old ac-
of his school, S. S. No. 7, Stanley, sent
with us and the people of Canada Miss M. MCCully spent a few day
might as well make up their minds to at the home of her friend, Mrs. J.
the fact that this fall and winter will Broadfoot, last week.
Miss Elinor Snider has accepted a KIPPEN
see greater and more widespread dis-
position as organist in Knox Presby- Gasoline .prices drop two cents per gallon.
tress than this country has known in terian Church, Kincardine, and left You can! buy Supertest and Shell gas att 22c
many decades. her home in the village last week to per gallon, tax included. oais washed for
$1.00 ; cars greased, 51.2.5; Polarine motor oil
• The Prime Minister made the state- resume her new duties. The hest at 25c per quart, S� c per gallon. Hudson &
Essex Dealers, Cook Bros.' Garage, S317-2
ment in the House the other day that wishes of her many friends are ex -
in sometended to parts of Canada her.
Mr. John Hill and son, of MooThe congregational picnic of St. seAn-
were not only alarming, but desperate, Jaw, are visiting friends in the village drew's United Church, Kippen, and
and that the government would have and vicinity this week. also Hillsgreen, will he held on Thurs-
day afternoon, July 16th, at Jowett's
to furnish the necessary funds to re- Mr. and Mrs. James Hill and fam-
ily, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the Grove. Bayfield. Come early.
lieve the distress. Mr. Gordon Fowler, of Toronto., is
home of the former's sister, Mrs. J.
This new Government appropriation Cornish. visiting with friends in this vicinity.
it is believed, will be in the neighbor- Miss Violet Petrie, of Sault Ste. Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, is
hood of $75,000,000, more rather than Marie, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. holidaying at the home of his parents,
less. Robert Allen, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott.
Quite a number from this vicinity
Mrs. Shaw, of Toronto, v. lAd 'Miss
That is a tremendous sum of money, will no doubt be celebrating the 12th,
Munro and Mrs. Nesbit las, week.
but no right thinking Canadian will -IVIiss Mamie Watson is confined to which is being held on the 11th of
oppose such a grant provided he is her home with jaundice. We hope to July in some places. Others will cele-
brate on the 13th, as the 12th of July
assured of two things: First, that see her out soon. this year falls on a Sunday.
such a sum is absolutely required to Miss Anna Watson had her tonsils Miss S. Finbeiner, of Crediton, vis -
and adenoids removed last Thursday in
relieve unemployment distress, and, ited ever the week end with her sis-
Scott's Memorial Hospital. terMrs. H. Jones.
secondly, that the unemployed and no Miss Violet Petrie. who teaches at '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean and
one else gets the benefit•of the money Sault Ste, Marie is at present visiting daughter have returned to their home
when it is expended. her sister, Mrs. R. Allan. in Hamilton after a delightful vaca-
Miss Isabel Souter returned home tion.
There ran be no question but that
last Saturday from Goldpines, where
there is great distress and that it will Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie spent a
she taught school for the past two day in Bayfield recently.
be greater. Unfortunately, there are years. Her means of travelling home Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore, of Hen -
two classes of unemployed—the de- was by airplane. boat and train. The sell, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
serving- and the undeserving. school at Goldpines is the second far- and Mrs, J. B. McLean. .
therest cchool north in Ontario.
'With the first class there is every . . Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, of De- family spent a day in Stratford re -
but with the second class ,troit, visited at Mr. H. Zapfe's last cently attending the Cleland reunion.
there should be none, The trouble is :sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson and
to separate the wheat from the chaff, Miss Flora Murdock, M i s s daughter, of Welland, visited recently
;Grace, Mr. Martin and Mr. Dork, f
°- Iwith the former's parents, Mr. and
the sheep from the goats.
..,Detroit, spent the week end at Mr.i
In this work of separation the cityI'vIrs. James Finlayson, of Tuckersrnith.
.Robert Murdock s.
of London has made a worth while i The Brucefield I.O.O.F. will hold
experiment. Every man who applies their annual dee service on
to the city for aid is promised and , Sunday, July 12th, at Baird's ceme-
given work on a farm. The applicant tery, at 2 p.m.
receives no wages but the city pro-
vides for his family as long as he , STAFFA
works. Friends numbering 120, ranging in
If a man is out of employment, but age from three weeks to 8.3 years, at -
still has the will to work and the wel- tended the Anderson -Scott reunion,
fare of his family at heart, that pro- which was held in Mr. Jos. Worden's
position should make an appeal. Hu- grove, Stela, on Saturday. July 4th.
, ,.
1 he weather was ideal, as also were
man nature, however, is human na- the grounds, and as the several con-
tu-re. Reports from London state that mittees had left no stone unturned to
applications for assistance from that make the occasion a success. their
city have taken a very decided drop. hopes were abundantly fulfilled. The
If the Provincial and Dominion sports committee deserve especial
mention, having provided entertain -
Government during the spring ment for all ages, horseshoes for the
months had worked on a somewhat older men, races and games for the
similar scheme, they could have ac- younger generation, and swings and
games with treats of ice cream in complished at least two things—pro- games
for the kiddies. The games
vided the willing with work and at were all mirth -provoking and the pea -
the same time looked after their fam- nut scramble for the children and the
ilies and supplied the much needed de- `apparel' race for the young folks were
mend for cheap farm labor. intensely exciting and most laughable.
Mr. Thomas L. Scott was leader of the
Or, there are plenty of reasonably children's sporls and Miss Grace Me -
good farms with buildings that the Lachlan staged the programme pro -
Government could have leased at a vided for the young folks. After lunch
nominal figure, and with littlesaddi: was served the young people spent the
tional expense, have installed a fam-
rest of the evening playing soft ball.
Guests were present from Stratford,
ily or two on each, making them in- Monkton, St. Pauls, St. Marys, Avail-
dePendent until they could secure em- ton, Seaforth, Walton, Russeldale,
ployment better suited to their taste Bright, Woodham, Munro, Crritnton,
r their needs.
Science Hill, Mitchell, Lynedoch, Lake-
side, Carlingford, Cromarty, Staffa and
Such a scheme might be looked trp- Prince Albert, Sask. The executilve
on as one for the unemployed and two for 1932 is as follows: President,
for the farmer, but it is not that alto- Thomas L. Scott; treasurer, Otis Saw-
gether, by any means. It is well to Yer; secretary, Grace McLachlan;
remember that the money which hasommittees, Mildred Routly, Mrs. H.
Shier, Mrs. M. Barr, Mr. and Mrs.
been end will be provided for unem- Wm. Anderson, Walter Clark, James
ployment relief is not taken out of Levy, James Barr, Carman Park.
, the pockets of the rich and the poor.
The 'great .bulk 'of it comes out of the
taxes paid by the great middle class, HILLSGREEN
and the every day Mau on the street
Mr. Russel Love, of Toronto, who
and the fernier are of that class. And spent a few days at the home of his
if there is any industry in Canada parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Love, has
mere hi /may of assistance te-day than returned to his duties.
stgricuIture,i we would like to know Mr. Stewart Beattie, of Londesboro,
was a recent visitor with friends M
whet it:* this vieinity. .;
Within: the past day or two it has Mrs. L. Troyer returned to her home
. bbon,:t4ts& thretigh the Papers that after spending a few daye at the home
'' '" 1 Yid are likely to be eon. of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan, of near
it mebelized somewhat 14ens'all• •
•. ' . ..,
Rev. IL X. Love, B.A., B.D., left
taiy lino. That battalions last Week, for St. Thomas where . lie
' 440,440't '011, itatitil wit' 10110,1 induated inte•his charge there on
1, •
424 faltkepij.PV :,lu'of$44.41.a tee,4,41.,
the summer school at London, and is
planning to be there some five weeks:
Mrs. Robert Bonthron was visited
by her relatives and a friend from De-
troit over the week end.
Master Kenneth Manns underwent
an operation on Friday last for nose
trouble, which was very satisfactorily
Mrs. McDonald, of Drayton, is (vis-
iting at the home of Mrs. William
Buchanan, at the west end of our
village, as is also Miss Margaret
Buchanan, of Toronto, at the same
home of her mother, Mrs. Buchanan.
The farm crops in this section are
looking wonderfully well and promis-
ing, including all hoe crops.
Teachers and scholars are now en-
joying long nice summer holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron were
recently in Kitchener visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd, of
Paisley, spent a few days here with
relatives and friends.
Raspberries promise to be a good
crop in this section which will mean
the ingathering and preserving of lots
of fruit for the fall and winter
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess and Mr.
and Mrs. George Hess and fainily hays
been camping for the past couple of
weeks at their summer cottage. in the
Pinery, a few miles south of Grand
Mr. T. C. Joynt, accompanied by
Mrs. Joynt. spent a few days during
the past week in Toronto, Mr. Joynt
combining business with a visit Arith
relatives in that city.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was observed in the United Church
on Sunday last at the morning ser-
Quite a large number left our vil-
lage and vicinity oil Tuesday last to
attend the convention of the W.C.T.U.
held at Exeter that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess and Mr.
and Mrs. George Hess were recently
in Zurich attending the funeral of the
late William Hess, a brother of Fred
The Rev. Denny Bright, of London,
will conduct services in the United
Church on the coming Sunday, the
12th, at the morning service, and in
Carmel Presbyterian Church in the
evening, speaking in the interest of
the Bible Society, for which he is the
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale re-
cently visited friends in Kitchener
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins, in
Our back and side streets have re-
ceived a splendid coating of nice fine
gravel during the past couple of
The fine display of flower beds at
the C.N.R. station yards and the well
kept station grounds are receiving
very favorable comment, reflecting
credit upon Mr. Thomas Shaddock,
foreman, and his men, also on Mr.
John N. Zuefle, florist, who has added
fine flowers.
Mrs. Charles Troyer is visiting her
son in Courtland, and will also visit
other members of her family in dif-
ferent places before returning to
Mr. and Mrs. C. Huiser and daugh-
ter, Mary, and Mr. Alex. Hildobrant
left by rnotor.for Kitchener on Mon -
clay to attend the funeral of Mr.
Huiser's (brother, who died very sud-
denly on Saturday at his home, while
playing with his children. The fun-
eral was held on Tuesday.
Dr. Jennie Smillie and Miss Mar-
garet Smillie, of Toronto, spent a few
days last week with their sister, Mrs.
John Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Good are being
visited by their relatives from the
Miss Patsy Russel, of Exeter, is
spending her holidays with her aunt,
Mrs. N. Sundereock and family.
„aiipli4;aaera 4,Sba4-44,,,a1 wva, ;15
Rowcliffe on Thursday afternoon. A it will be remembered, carried on the N 'rma Cook, fliaipe Peck, Gerald
large attendance of the ladies was drug and stationery business for a Passmore. To Sr. II—George Sang -
present, and report a most splendid number of years selling out to Mr. ster, Roy Foster, Billy Higgins, Cecil
meeting and social afternoon. The Hemphill, to go to Toronto where he Xipfer, Audrey Twitchell, Shirley
programme prepared by Mess William is engaged in the same line of isuei- Twitchell, Laird Hudson. To ,Jr. II
Denali, was much enjoyed and eon- nese, assisted by his daughter, Miss .Celes, Preston Lemma', Doris
sisted of the following numlbers:— Marjarie, who is now also licensed Pearce, June iSaundercock, Joha
Pleasing reading, Mrs. Milton Love; to engage in business, having passed Shepherd, Madeline Vanlandgehetn,
instrumental, "Nearer My God to very \creditably the examinations. Leaton Siemon, Jim Campbell, Carey
Thee," Miss Greta Laramie; during Mrs. D. McMartin was visited this Joynt, Carl Deters, Mary Goodwin,
collection, Miss Irene Douglas played week by a number of relatives and Ronald Parker, Howard Love. To Book
an instrumental, followed with a solo friends. 1—Howard Smale, Emily Hoskins,
by Miss Annie Smith, accompanist, Mr. and Mrs. George E. 1VICIntyre, Norris McEwen, Margaret Sangster,
Miss Greta Lammie. -Following the of Detroit, spent a few days recently Bobby Hess, Donald joynt, June Clarks
programme, Mrs. John Elder and 'Mrs. with Mrs. James spa.eke, Mrs. McIn- Raymond 'Higgins. Primer — Donald
E. McQueen presented Mrs. June tyre's mothee. Willert, Alpine McEwen.—Annie Con -
Henry and Mrs. William Buchanan We would again remind all those sitt, Teacher.
with beautiful bouquets of roses, mailing at the local post office that Hensel! Defeats Clinton 5-3. — The
which were gratefully acknowledged. the postage on all letters in the prov- Hensall ball club continued its win -
The studye'"Oriental Work in Can- inces and British Dependen,cies' is 3 ning ways at the expense of the Olin-
ada,'0 was ably taken by Miss Annie cents instead of 2 cents. A number ton Nine, when they handed the visi-
Moores Mrs. A. Sinclair and Mrs. Ag- still continue to only' put on 2 cents tors a ,fis.3 defeat here Monday night.
nes McDonald. The devotional leaflet, which means that those to whoM'iihey It was a hard fopght game although
"We Would See Jesus," was taken are writing will be called upon to pay the attendance was small due to the
by Mrs. Denali. Lunch was served double the shortage in postage; Money excessive heat. The (visitors were
at the close of the'meeting outside on orders unden $10 now cost two cents leading 3-0 when the locals went to
the spacious lawn, which everyone did more than previously and there is al- bat in the fifth, but a few solid hits,
ample justice to. so an increase of one cent in the cost Coupled with two outfield errors pay -
Miss Mary McGregor had the fol- of all postal notes. Letters not going ed the way f,or four runs. The locals
lowing mentioned visitors: Mr. and out of Hensall, termed local letters, added another marker in the sixth,
Mrs. E. J. Rumball, of London, for a remain at the same postage of 2c, while holding the boys from the north
week or so, and Mr. and Mrs. Camp- but all others are charged at 3 cents in check. Welsh, local speedball king,
bell and family, of London, 'for last ond foreign letters cost 5 cents. and Stock, slow-motion hurler from
The Bell family, just a little west Clinton, hooked up in a hurling duel
'Emma Johnston and Mrs. Var- of our village, are giving notice in this with honors about even. Brownlee,
ley have returned from London where issue forbidding bathers coming on local first baseman, and Levis, veter-
they were attending a summer school their farm, the reason, no doubt, be- an outfielder from Clinton, wielded
in connection with the Church of Eng • ing of the noise caused. at all hours the big sticks in the game, both get-
land- and enjoying fine lectures. of the day and night and the running ting three solid singles. The -locals
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Foster left here over fields and annoyance generally journeyed to Wingham Monday night,
on Tuesday forenoon for an extended of many who spoil the privileges of July .6th, for the final game of the
trip by rail and boat, and intend thfitte who would not really be a nuis- first half of the schedule. Hensall,
spending a number of weeks taking in Since but they cannot well disorimin- by winning, can tie Goderich for the
fine Ontario scenery and also in the ate, thus the notice given. league lead.
Western Provinces. Our local Lodge of Orangemen hav- Death of David Turnbull.—On Sat -
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McIntyre and ing been practising as they do from urday afternoon last David Turnbull
their four daughters, who have been .year to year, for attending July 12th passed away at the home of his bro-
residents of our village for several celebrations, and will no doubt give a ther,James Turnbull, of the Township
years, left here during the past week good account of themselves with True- of Tuckersmith, some three or four
intending first to go to Toronto for a man Brirtnell, the (veteran drummer, miles east of our village.. He was an
time and from there to where Mr.Mc- at his post. unmarried man of 44 years of age and
Intyre may engage as a good me- Miss Be.atnice Urquhart, of London, had been assisting his 'brother in get-
chanic with some town or city firm in in passing through our village on tirg in his hay crop, but while work -
the hardware business. Tueselsy last, called on friends for just ing the first part of last week he be -
Miss Hazel Coxworth, who is teach- a short Mine. came so much affected by the intense(
ing at Oil Springs near Petrolia. is Our baseball players are receiving heat of the sun that he became un -
here spending a part of her summer congratulations for the winning of conscious, remaining that way, we be -
holidays with her mother, Mrs. Ar- the league game on Thursday even- lieve, until his death. He was a man
thur Coxworth. ing of last week in the close contest of a quiet and pleasant disposition,
Mr. Kalbfleisch, of Zurich, is over- with , Clinton. living a quiet and retiring life, but
seeing and having fine improvements The'annual Sabbath school picnic of will be missed much by those who
made to what has been known in past Carmel Presbyterian Church will be knew him best. The funeral was held
years as the DT. Hardie 'property on held on Wednesday, July 15th, at on Monday afternoon last, the remains
Main Street and when the same are Grand Bend, and will, no doubt, as being interred in the Exeter cemetery.
completed the property will present a usual be well attended. Fatal Accident. --On Saturday af-
very good appearance and be much Report of Final Examinations of ternoon last the neighbors and friends
increased in value, being all re -roof- Hensall Public School.—Room I: Pro- of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Turner, of
ed acid will be repainted outside and moted in order of merit—Anne Carlile, the Parr Line, near Hillsgreen, were
remodelled inside. Orville Hedden,, Dorothy McQueen, shocked to learn of the sad accident
Miss Florence Reynolds, who is and Bill Glenn, George Pearce. Passed on that happened to their son, Melvin. It
has been on the teaching staff at Cal- examination—Mervyn, Hodgert, Mary appears that he was assisting in draw-
gary for a number of years, is expect- Little, Olive Lemmon. Promoted on ing in hay and was on a load going
ed home here for her long summer trial—Myrna Hudson, Kenneth Manns. up the driveway to the barn, when it
holidays, the end of this week. Promotion due to age—Margaret Ken- upset, Melvin being so covered up by
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford nings. Failed on examination—Har- the hay that it took a few minutes
visited relatives and friends in Clin- cld Bonthron, Gladys Saundercock, Is- to find him, but the sad part of it was
ton during the past week. abelle Saundercor4c, Muriel Hoskins. that in falling off the load his head
Picnic parties to the different points --C. H. Blowes, Principal. Room II: struck against an iron post at tho
along the lake are now the order of To Jr. IV—IRonald Peck, Jean Foster, bottom of the driveway inflicting such
the day, while a number also are Loretta Bell, Ivan Kipfer, Bob Drys- severe injury to the back of his head
dale, Dorothy Deters, To Sr. III— that the skill of doctors at once sum -
Mr. WiSson Berry, of Windsor, was Nellie Fee, Irene Hoskins, Herbert moiled could do nothing to overcame,
here recently visiting his mother, Mrs. Drummond, David Sangster, May and the following morning, Sunday,
T. J. Berry. Wolff, Margaret Shepherd, Ruth Bell, he passed away. The funeral was
Mrs. S. T. Hopper, of -Toronto, for- Erma Kipfer, Edna Saundercock, Ken- held on Tuesday afternoon to Bayfield
merly of our village, accompanied by neth Passmore, Mona Glenn, Jack' Cemetery. Melvin was a very bright,
her daughter, Miss Marjorie, while Simmons, Harold Williard, Keith smart and intelligent boy of only 11
on a motor trip, pleasantly surprised Buchanan, Gordon Hodgert. To Jr. III years, and the shock was great to hie
their friends on Tuesday afternoon Elva McQueen, Russell Hedden, Mary parents, one brother and two sisters,
last by calling on them, spending the Clark, Jack Coles, Barbara Shepherd, who have the sympathy of the com-
evening the guests of G. J. Sutherland Alice Pfaff, Max Hudson, Douglas munity in their very sad and most un -
and sister, Miss Hattie. Mr. Hopper, Sangster, „Lloyd Brock, Mattie Ellis, expected bereavement.
441'reierdi fdr
!"..:" • -4'
• 1".
Announcement.—The engagement is
announced of,'Isabella Jean Russell,
youngest daughter of Mrs. A. Hodgert,
of Hensel], to John Gibson Madge,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Madge, of Tuckersmith, the marriage
to take place the middle of July.
Notice is hereby given forbiddirur all bath-
:nt in what is known as Bell's dam, about a
rnile IN:P.t of our village on Zurich Road, and
att.'/. this notice any continuing to do so will
s- 1 lab't as trespassers and to prosecution.
'11 e Bel 1 FamLly, Hensall P. 0. 3317-1
Gasoline prices drop two rents per gallon.
You ran buy Supertest and Shell gas at 22c
per gallon, tux included. Gars washed for
51.00: can. greased. $1.25 ; Polarine motor oil
at 25c per quart, irqc per gallon. Hudson &
Essex Dealers, Cook Bros.' Garage, Hensall.
Mr. George Brown has returned
from Toronto, where he was attend-
ing the funeral of his late brother.
A number of the Oddfellows of Hen -
sail Lodge, No. 223, are planning to
attend the decoration service of the
sister lodge of Brucefield, on the com-
ing Sunday, July 12th, to be held at
Baird's cemetery.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sups
per 'w'ill be observed in the United
Church at the morning service, Sun-
day, July 12th,
Mrs. Lloyd Hudson had her tonsils
successfully removed on Thursday last
at Dr. Collyer's surgery.
Dominion Day passed over very
quietly in our village, large numbers
spending the day at different points
along the lake shore.
Miss Hattie McQueen, IR.N., and
Miss Gladys Brant R.N., of Albany,
N. Y., left Montreal on July 1st by
Duchess of Bedford. They will visit
England, Germany, Switzerland and
France. Both were former Hensall
Miss Ray, who last November coach-
ed "Mint Lucia" play, has been visit-
ing in Exeter, and called on Hensel]
friends one evening recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris, of
Detroit, have been (visiting Mrs. Har-
ris' mether, Mrs, E. Rennie, returning
on Sunday last.
The pouring rain storm of Sunday
evening last was welcomed on account
of being so much needed for farina,
gardens, lawns, etc.
'Mr. and AVirs. Jack Dingwall and
family, of IStreetsville, visited rela-
tives and Mends 'here for a few days
during the past week.
Mies Pearl Thomson, teacher in one
of Our neighboring wheels, left here
on Monday last -for London t4 attend
The Misses Beryl Drummond, Miss
Olive and Mabel Workman, Margaret
MacLaren, Jean McQueen, Irene Hog-
garth, Alice and Olive Walker, Han-
nah Murray, Beryl Pfaff, Hazel
Thompson are spending a week camp-
ing at Grand Bend, ledving for that
place on Monday morning. Mrs. Robt.
MacLaren and Miss Jennie Taylor are
chaperoning them.
We are pleased to know that Miss
Olive Walker, nurse -in -training at
Victoria Hospital, London, returned
this week to spend her vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Walker and. family.
Miss Mary Buchanan, R.N., is vis-
iting at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan.
Through a clerical error in last is-
sue the name appeared as Mr. Harry
Harmon as erecting a fine new garage
on his premises, whereas it should
have read Harry Howard.
Miss Lilly McEwen, of Byron, is
here at present visiting her brother,
John E. McEwen and his wife, of the
London Road, a very short distance
south of our rvillage.
An exchange of Sabbath preaching
is being arranged by the Brucefield,
Kippen and Hensall pastors of the
United Church for the coming
month or so, so that. outside supply
will not be necessary.
Mrs, R. J. Paterson accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt to Toronto
a few days ago to spend a couple or
so days in the Queen City.
At the evening service in the Unit-
ed Church, the pastor, Rev. A. Sin-
clair, gave a very interesting and in-
structive sermon connected with King
Belshazzar, and Babylon. City, ani.
following the sermon Mr. W. 0. Good-
win, leader of the choir, and Mrs.
Maude Hecklers rendered -a duet, "The
Handwriting on the Wall," in a most
pleasing and able manner.
Mrs. Robert 'Munn, of Winnipeg,
Man., is spending a few weeks ilsit-
ing at the• home of Mrs. Peter Munn
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Munn. It is
46 years since Mrs. Munn left these
parts for the West.
MTS. Jas. F. Sparks motored home
to Henson, acccmapanied by Mr. Dan-
iels, of Brantford, who was on his way
to the air meet at Selfridge Field, De-
troit, and who on his return spent a
week at Mrs. Sparks' home in Hen-
Miss Belle Sparks, who has been
with her. mother for the past two
weeks, returned to the Yellow-hantern
Tea Rooms, Brantford, Sunday.
Mr. and Mre. McIntyre, of Detroit,
motored over last Week, Mrst.‘ DAeIntyre
remaining With her mother, Mrs.
The wt.m.s, of the United Ohurch
held a delightful meeting at the beaus
Wei hot& f:d Mr. and Mrs. Archie
'5 e
Put it on with
Illustration shows
Preston Led-Hed Nail.
Note how lead on head
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The beauty of Colored Rib -Roll
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