The Huron Expositor, 1931-07-03, Page 43;4931.
1931. '.
;„ .. Sundaed y. They also attended ' the
�" Worm rives and atf friends
s Grove.over
��DiBesides being mother to a family of
strict six children, she found time for many ���� Mr.Gerald Bedard, a teacher at
activities outside the home. She was Nevis o f He.Toronto ',school, is spending, the t aa valued member of the United Church�,/ `firday at hos home here.
at Londesboro, and an active worker Mr. and 'Mrs. L. H. Mader enter -
FORTH, Friday, July 3, 1931. of the W. M. S. Her interest and tamed the: members of Hay council at
f 'thfulness in every project was al- t Russia The Gan- this and all wish for a speedy recap- a strawberry social on Friday even -
ways strikingly evident. She was a 71 p•�mer=Jean Sebilbe, Jack Deitz� emblem of Soviet /
Joe McKenzie, Buddy Cooper, Ronald adian bear retires into caves and hol- eration•
woman whose chief interest was can= rn The cancellation of two trains on
tered in her home and family, but was Caldwell, Idabelle Watson. Best Spel- low trees during the winter moven ing her mother,y Mho has been slurs -
of a hospitable and cheerful dispose -the C.N.R. from London" to Wingham
SIXTY— oars in school for June Gladys Mc- and lies dormant until er young,'
is causing some inconvenience to resi-
��.FOURT�D tion, was good to everyone and was Kenzie, Edna Mae Daymao Donald the femme roducesthe hair and sight feetssof who fall and suffering front
dents of this section. 'Evening news-
and Gwendolyn Cooper, Best is naked and blind, papers do not arrive here until the
FOURTH BIRTHDAY laslovt three years every4one in return. Snell had beenfollowing noon and the bus service
Gladys McKenzie. Perfect attendance Bayfield cub ist about ten �we weeks old iedhe ubyher tnother,swhoeint intends stay-
The Dominion of Canada celebrated in very poor health and the last threefrom Zurich to ]an the
has also been
Y for year—Bernard McLain; absent 1 and is the delight of.spectators. It ing iss some time. Neeb, of and changed.
her sixty-fourth birthday on W wines- medical aidaand ie lovnk ing carecoulddoDr, and Mrs, A. ..n. MacKinnon and
days --Eula MacGregor, Beatrice Day- climbs a provided pole on top Miss Bernice,aNof Khi Detroit, visited
day' reachingthe proved insufficient to prolong life's man. Number on roll, 37; average which is erected a nest house and will sister,two sons, Hugh and Archie, are
That is pretty nearly meagre grasp, and death came as a attendance for May, 36.35; June 34,15: rapidly descend from it to accept an one day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
a allotted span of life where humanity happy release from suffering. She --Jean E. McKenzie, Teacher. offered ice spending this week at the doctor's old cream cone, which it eats S. W. Thomson. home, East Caledon, near Toronto.
d but with a nation it is bore her suffering with ian fort-erSchool Report.—The following is like a Goldthorpeis
standing upricongratulated lated on tztiht. Mr. onlservices ofrthetIndependent Or -
and Mrs, Charles Kalbfieisch,
is concerned, itude and never complained. the school report of S. S. No. 6, der of Oddfellows, which were held An of Marine City, Michigan, are visiting
but infancy. been in
are left to mourn her loss, six children, Tuckersmith, for the Promotion Ex- securing such a rollicking younster, relatives and friends here.
What a difference there has Helmer, of Seaforth; Harold, of Belle- aminations. The year's work was al- which simultaneously affords real Hensall Union Cemetery and McTag- The sitting of the Tenth Division
Chase sixty-four years. In 18'67 when cella; Alberta, Gordon, Donald andso included in the results. The class -amusement and instruction in animal gator. and Mrs, W. last. The of Tuck -
Court scheduled for Zurich on M•on-
Earl, at home; one sister,Mss. J. areersmith,Mr.a visited the latter's parents, day, was adjourned to a future date.
Canada was born,lines the railroad wasin September arranged Sr. IV—LeolaNettappear, life. �r Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, of Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, of Windsor,
new and the' lines did not cross the tori
a, B ., anW. dderson, of Hawthorne, two of Vic- Verna �Hugill 69, Myrtle Ashton 68, ELIMVILLE Thames Road, on Sunday, taking in are visiting at the home of Mr. and
country making the net work of rail- toils, B.C., and R. Scott HMawthorne, Hazel Ashton 67. Jr. IV—Florence the Golden Jubilee services of Thames Mrs. N. Gascho this week.
roads we have to -day. at Kinbank Farm, Hallett, all of Whitmore 77. Sr. III—Velma Ash -y.
Road, held there on Sunday and Mon- A number from' the village -attend -
The telegraph was new. There was lwhom were at her bedside to the last ton 57. Jr. III—Iona Hugill 75, Wes- Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers, from near daed the strawberry social held at Dash
light, no automobiles, no trucks,
no telephone, no radio, no electric with the exception of one brother, ley Hugill 71. Sr. II --Carman Whit- girkton, visited at the latter's sisters, Mr• and Mrs. W. Alexander and wood on Monday evening.
John, who was unable to come. The more 71, Mary Hugill 59. Jr. II— Mrs. Lloyd Johns, on Sunday last. family spent a day in London recent-��,
airplanes, and hundreds of other er funeral, which was one of the largest Kenneth Terryberry 57. Jr. I --Mona Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Jr.,
things that have become common ne- held from her late home on Mondayof 1Y.HENSALL
ever seen in Hallett township, was Terryberry 83, Mildred Ashton 79. Jr. Stephen,' +visited at the home of theContinued sunshine and showers all
I—Clifford Hugill 76. Primer—Doxo- latter's mother, Mrs. John Johns, on prise a bountiful harvest for which entertain your guests at the seatorci, Tiny
afternoon, when the services were thy Coleman 84, Ruth Carnochan 82, Sunday last. we should be truly The Tim, one of Ontario's finest miniature golf
ccs One
often of our every day life. Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, fromtars--
Edra Ashton 79. Number on roll 19;strawberry season will soon thankful. past, course:.
One wonders how people were conducted
and hRev. Byron Snell, Of average attendance, 15. --Edna M. London, visited in the neighborhood
but we have seen quite a few lips Announcement: --Mrs. James BToa -
able to exist under the primitive meth-iBenmiiler. Interment was mad Jamieson, Teacher. on Sunday. "kissed by wild strawberries on a foot announces the engagement of her
o Our Sunday school anniversary ser -
green hill," so everyone should be. daughter, Rossie E., to Mr. James A.
ods of living and housing of that other Ball's Cemetery. The many beauti-
da . The fact is they not only exist- fol floral tributes were tokens of the - r vices were conducted last Sunday by Quite a number from here took in McAllister,, younger son of the late
Y STAFFA the Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Hensall, the evening services of the fiftieth William McAllister, of Hensall, the
ed, but they grew and prospered. high esteem in which the deceased was the a rsary or Golden Jubilee
who delivered two splendid addresses,anni - marriage to take place quietly in July.
passed on
Perhaps our mode of living our characers, wdsmang of e but
as out and datees of Thames Road church where Mrs. Maude • Hadden has returned
conveniences will seem was hers, will long be cherished by Norris Reunion.—A successful Stratford, attended both services. 4 Large bush
con union held at Queen's Park, Rev, W. Monteith, of Teeswater, an from a three weeks' visit with her sis-
and as crude to Canadians sixty-four those who loved her. The pallbearers Fowler, assn. on Saturday, was the gathering of ferns, plants and flowers in profusion old boy of Thames Road, spoke very ter, Mrs. WKerr, in Northern On-
of the late Mr. and Mrs. decorated the•front of the church. In acceptably, also the Monday afternoon toric, near Sudbury.
years from now, as those of ablet to were Dr. Cerin. and Willis Van EgmSnd, Mr. programme and evening strawberry The morning and evening trains be -
earlier date seem to us. to Chris. Cheoros, Mr. Ephriam Snell and James Norris and the late Margaret the morning the Sunday school choir
be Scott, pioneer settlers who came from led in the singing and sang three num-
supper, and all report an enjoyable ing for the present discontinued on
But will we of to-dayHastr. Charles Watson.time. the London, Huron and Bruce Line,
thou measured the depth of yon- Ireland and settled in the district near bars. In the evening the , given choir two
Shaw as good a record of government Staffa. An enjoyable program was had charge of the music, giving and Mrs. William McLean and the first ona in many long years,
der sea? carried out, after which the happy anthems and a selection by a male babe, of Hamilton, Visited the form- gives patronage to the bus that pass -
and advancement as our forefathers picnickers did justice to heavily -laden quartette.
er's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J. B. Mc- es through here in the mornings and
have shown. With our great advent- And counted the sands that under it tables of'fine things to eat. The of- - - Lean, of the London Road, North. evenings.
ages will we show a better one? We be ' The Misses Bolton, teachers, from
Hast thou measured the height of ficers in charge of the successful out- STANLEY —�
hope so. Heaven above? ingthis years were as follows: Presi- home, spent the week end with their
Different as were the times of 1867ZURICH parents,Anumber and theeb Gordon of Hen -
Then mayest thou mete out a mother's det, Jernes Norris,' Mitchell; vice- A of brothers Here
with 1931, there is one similarity. love. president, Mrs. J. Warden, Staffa; School Report, --promotion report
sall Lodge, LO.O.F., are planning. to
Canada was born in a time of coin secretary, Miss Eliza Norris, Mitchell; of No. 4; Stanley: Jr, IV to Sr. IV: presentation. --The school section of attend on the coming Sunday the
'� management committee, Roy Batson, pass—Margaret Jones, Elmer Hayter. No. 14, Hay Township, met at the decoration ser�rices of the sister Bruce -
ply. hard. Times then wereRecommended—Wilmer Jones, Wesley
Stratford; Russell Warden, Staffa ; home Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cin erar,hon- field Lodge, t° be held at Baird's cem-
desperatively. Canada was not BRUCEFIELD Edgar Butson; Staffa; Mrs. William Jones, Alex. McB'Pass—Audrey
Sr. III to Jr. of Hay, on Friday, June 19th, in hon- etery.
then a nation among nations.Vivian, Mitchell; Mrs. A. Duncan, IV: Fuss—Audrey Cochrane (on per er of .Miss Finnigan, teacher of the The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup -
Hear school, who had resigned. The even- per mill be observed in the United
Canadians did not Bate and the Y
Tenney, of Detroit, was the Kirkton; sports committee — Harry ent, for year),
Hugh Butson, Mun- old Jones. Recommended — Aubrey ing was pleasantly spent in music and hurch on Sunday, July 5th, at the
world did not dream that Canada pot- coast of her mother, Mrs. R. Vicli:n o°Tacris, CNorristy Munro; Mrs. A. Nor- Farquhar. Sr. II to Jr. IIT: Pass—
games. During the course of the ev-
ressed probably the greatest natural Zre, last week.Mary Farquhar, Kathleen Jones, Re- morning service.
commended—George Clifton. II— ening an address was read re Miss Is- Mr. T. C. Joynt made a business
resources under the gun. The many friends of Mrs. McKee- ris, Staffa; Mrs. J. Drake, Dublin;abel Alexander and a presentation trip to Toronto thics week.
The West was an undeveloped wil- zee are glad her to s longe illnessto be out tiring deo Mitchell,
urian mously to hold the Eric Switzer. I—Mervin Hayter, made by three pupils of the school, Mrs. Millson, of Lambeth, a rest -
afterDonald Switzer, Ernie Talbot, Margaret McGregor, Gladys Jarrott dent of our village for some years,
would s. Noone knew or believed itKen-
neth McKenzie. Primer—Lois Rath- and Erma Ferguson. Miss Finnigan, together with her late husband, spent
1 1r. Taylor and family, of Science 1932 reunion in Queen's Park on the would or could become the granary of Hill were visitors at the home °t forst Saturday in July. Officers elect- well, Eileen Hayter, Jean Speer, Mil -
for dred Jones, Donald McKenzie.—P., C. although taken completely by surprise the past week with friends here, be -
a the world. Mr. and Mrs. L. Forrest this week. Norris,nSt ffa;aviceepresident, Mrs. H. made a very fitting reply. A hearty ag the guest of itn and Mrs. Richard
Northern many rnulli from whose min -Miss 'Mamie Swan and her ' Currie, Cromarty; secretary-treasur•- Penfold, Teacher, vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Blatchford. •
~ enols so millions of dollars have Mrs. C. Ham and son, Wesley, motor -School Report.—The following are and Mrs. Crerar by John Cochrane ,Mr. Will Fee and sisters, the Misses
fewyears was un- ed from Toronto last week. cols, er, E. Norris, Mitchell. Visitors were the results of the promotion examine- and seconded by Victor Fee The Sarah and Mary, are being visited by
come in the last Hain and son will reside at the home present at the reunion from Detroit, tions of School Section No. 13, Stan
known and its wealth undreamed of. of her father, Mr. James Swan, We Mich.; Centralia, Exeter, Seaforth,
ton, ley. Pass God, Honours 75%. Jr. IV following is the address: "Dear 'Diss relatives and friends from the West.
Walton, Auburn, Cromarty,Finnigan: It is with mingled feel- The League game of baseball on
Great Britain was not particularly �tielcome them to our village. ings of pleasure and regret that we Thursday evening, July 2nd, between
proud of her colony in those so few Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop,
dv SeP - St. tc ll,Marys, y Ottawa, Toronto. KThose to
63. Mil II t o Jr.gIV5,—JBob have met here to -night. It is not nice Clinton and Hensall, promises to en
halls, were guests ofPeck 61. Jr. III to Sr. IH—Dorothy
good-bye to you, but in doing
short years ago. Talk of annexation ants, Mr. and Mrs. Ratten'.:ry, last from the most distant point were Mr. to say g the most interesting or exciting of
with the United States was rife in t and Mrs. W. Piper, from Fresno, Cali- peck 67, Clare McBride 62. Sr. II to so, we wish to present you with a all the scheduled spines.
`"eek' forma. The results of the sports pro- Jr. III--Sy1.�il Keys 75, Gordon Keys little remembrance. We have greatly The annual Sabbath school picnic of
country, because people did not be- gram were: Girls, 5 and under— 72, Florence Haug 68, Russell Oesch enjoyed your presence among us dor- the United Church will be held on
nave there was room Ar another great Leone Duncan, Kathleen Sillery, June 60, Jack Peck 45. Jr. II — George ing your three years of teaching here. Wednesday, July at Bayfield.
nation on the North American Contin- Butson; boys, 5 and under—Jack But- Haug. I.—ArnolduceKeys.
Keys, Kathleen You have spared no efforts to make . eMr.d and Mrs. 8th,a Richard Blatchford
ent. TUCKERSMITH son; girls. 8 and under—Shirley Dun- Oesch, Bruce Keys. Primer—Harold your work a success, and always the have returned from a several weeks'
can, Madeline Butson, Fay Norris ; Peck.; -Annie Iv1 Taggart, Teacher. of the cess, under hhave witrelatives and friends in lis'
To -day, like ins those days o 1867, girls 12��. welfarecarf has-been your first under
visit places.
there is depression throughout the Mr. J. dNi gtoi of givenerhonorno-k and under—Hazel Norris, Socially your presence has been a
ed the wedding dinner in Joe Drake, Irene Butson; boys, 8 and Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Paterson
country and times are hard. But of his granddaughter, lona Wallace, under—Irwin Sillery, Leon Butson; HILI�SGREEN pleasure to us, and we will miss You were in Guelph on Sunday last visit -
what adifference we have in outlook. and is remaining with relatives for.boys, 12 and under—Hugh Norris, and your friendship very much. We ing friends and Mrs. Paterson was in
In 1867 when Canada was born the the summer. Frank Butson, Harris Butson; girls, Mrs. F. Farquhar, of Hensall, spent hope that you will accept the occomp' London on Monday last spending the
people were almost desperate. Every- Mr. James Wallace has returned af- under 15—Eva Norris, Zoe Drake ; a few days at the home of her par- saying gifts. This brass tray we hope day.
ter visiting relatives in Chatham and Hazel Norris; boys, under 15—John ants, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. will be useful to you. This clock, The services in Carmel Presbyterian
thing was chaos. They could see no Comber Norris, Jack Drake, William Drake; Rev.R. K. Love, B.A., B.D., con- while ticking off the minutes may re -Church on Sunday last were well at -
bright intone, no silver lining in the Another Tuckersmith Boy Forges young ladies' race is; yl Norris, Zoes ducted the evening service in Empress mind you sometimes of the good tended, particularly at the morning
Forward.—In the last issue of The Drake, Eva Norris; young men's Avenue Church, in London, on Sun- friends you leave here. And this desk service, and also a good attendance
clown. appeared a photo of p expectin St. Paul's Anglican Church, astud-
And while to -day, we know that Expositor there the race—Earl Gilles ie, John Norris day set, of course we'll a few of
times are hard, that unemployment is John C. Doig, who graduated from young married ladies' race—Ida Ida Nor- Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Miss the letters to be addressed to Kippen ant assisting the Rector, Rev. M. B.
Detroit College of Law onhe June 24th, ris, Mrs. L. Butson, Winona Norris; Audrey Cochrane and Miss Annie and Hensall. These small gifts take Parker, in the services.
everywhere, and that people in parts with the L.L.B., or Bachelor of Law stout women's walking race—Mrs. R Jarrott attended the graduation of with them the very best wishes of There is now quite a demand for
of Canada are facing ruin and even degree, at the age of 22 years. He Sillery, Mrs. W. Fawcett; Sack race Miss Edna Cochrane at the Riverdale your friends of this section and the labor in the way of hoeing root crops
starvation, we know it is only a pass- was born at Sault Ste. Marie, Michi- —Carl Go� er, Sam Norris, Harry Isolation Hospital in Toronto Thugs- hope that wherever you are your life in the rural districts.
ing cycle. gan, but spent part of his boyhood Norris; junior sack race --Joyce Nor- day ]sat. will be a continued success, and also Quite a number of the Masons of
We know now that Canada is des- days on the farm here and attended ris, Irene Butson, Shirley Duncan; Mr.Norman Jones and Miss Alma the hope that once in a while you will Hensall and district attended divine
old No. 2 school, and passed the liamw race—Mrs. Govier and Wil- Kelly, of London, spent Sunday at think of your good friends here. Sign- service with their -brethren at Gvde-
tined to become a great nation, one Entrance examination for high schools Liam Sillery. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane ed on behalf of the parents and pupils rich on Sunday evening last.
of the greatest in the world. We know and Collegiate Institutes at Sarnia, �.�••� and other friends. of S. S. No, 14, Hay." '
Dr. and Mrs. Conner were visited
that the wealth that lies under its sur- Ont. He then entered Port Huron BAYFIELD Miss Mary Hagan, of London, is a Died In Wingbam.—Word was re -during the week end by Mrs. Gollyer's
high school and successfully complet guest at the home of her mother, calved here last Thursday of the sad- from London, Mr. and Mrs•
face has scarcely been touched. We ed the four-year course in that insti- Mrs. Anne Hagan. den death of John Geiger, which took 0. parents,H. Talbot.
knoll that its lands will produce en-tution, after which he attended Port The closing of the schools and the Mrs. Lorne Eller and children, of place at his home in Pigeon, Michigan.Our bowlers' are having good prac-
ough�to supply ourselves and a large Huron College, and then entered the haat waves places the summer season Garton, Northern Ontario, are spend- Deceased was well known to many in tice looking forward tgournaments.
part of the world besides. Detroit College of Law, which he has at its peak as shown by the large ing their vacation at the home of the Zurich and vicinity, having lived for Rev. Mr. White, of Elimville, con -
And, knowing these things we attended during the past four years, concourse of visitors at the bathing former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. years on the farm now occupied by ducted services in the United Church
and where be made a splendid record. beaches. Cochrane. Mx. 0. Surerus, 1�/a miles west of on Sunday last, exchanging duties
should have no fear of the future. The John is the fourth Doig that has grad- ,Several new cottages have recently Mr. and Mrs. James Love were vis- Zurich. When he sold the farm he with Rev. A. Sinclair, who preached
present may be dark, but the silver grad-
uated from the D. C. L., viz: Judge
lining is there for all to see, -who Colin D. Doig in the class of 1894, and been erected and the list nearing com-
pletion is awned by Miss Fairbairn, ited by friends from ,Hlowick on- Sun- moved to Michigan to reside and made anniversary services at Elimville. wish to see. his father, W. M. Doig and his cousin, of Detroit. It is unique in design and day
his home in Pigeon. He was twee Mr. Harry Harman is building a
Quite a number from this vicinity married, his first wife predeceasing neat garage at the rear of his dwel-
May we be as wise, as tolerant and A. M. Doig, in the class of 1902, all is prettily situated on the lake shore attended the decoration services at him many years ago. He is survived ling on
of whom were raised on the Doig South Richmond Street, which
in the south side of the village. the Union Cemetery in Hensall on by his second wife and two laugh- will on the place of the stable build -
as brave as those Fathers of Confed-
Dr. farm and attended No. 2, Dr. Wylie, of Detroit, and Mr. Jas. Sunday afternoon. tis, and one son, children by his first ing which he sold to Me. Pfile, and
enation. Tuckersmith school. McDonnell, of Varna, were visitors Mr. W. Jarrott and daughter, An- wife, Mrs. John E. Gascho, of this which he had moved to his land, just
School (Report,—The following is during the week. nee, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. village is a daughter, and she left with a little south of Mr. John Rowcliffe's
Isaac Jarrott. Mr. Gascho for Pigeon on Thursday new dwelling, on the west side of the Successful Strawberry Festival.—
school report of •School Section .Mrs. Seeds is making extensive ire- Communion services were held in The funeral was held at Pigeon. London Road.
HULLETT No. 9, Tuckersmith, for June. Pro- provements to the Day property re -Our council are having our side The annual strawberry festival of the
motions are made on year's work and cently purchased. the Kippan Church on 'Sunday morn- Mrs. E. Papineau, a respected re•si-
Death of a Former Resident.— results of final examinations. Hoon- The many friends of Mr. Hough, ing last. Quite a number from Hills- dent of 'St. Joseph, passed away sud- and back streets nicely gravelled United Church was put en by the
green congregation attended the ser- denly last Wednesday in her 74tn where needed and which is making fine men of the congregation this year,
Word was received here this week of ours, 75% of total; pass, 60%. Pro- who was recentlyinjured in a car ac- vice.year. Heart affliction and old age streets, the gravel being of fine qual- they doing all the providing and serv-
for death resident George A. Pattison, motel from 75. III to Jr• If �magain.n are pleased to see him around , caused her death,• She lived in Hay ity and nicely spread by Mr. Arthur ing, including dish washing, setting
Vliss Robinson, of the Goshen Line
formerly a Sheldon, Northt township McLachlan III Promoted from Jr.77, Mspent Sunday with her friends, Miss for over 40 years. Her husband pre- Clark. and decorating tables and, in short,
and now ofn ne20 Dakota, III to ou III 75, Stewart ie Gt e 70, ree. is e'a new residence on Main `
Helen Anderson. deceased her a few years ago• A fain- Mr. Fred Manns narrowly escaped all that goes with a fine festival. The
who died on June 20th, at his home Glen airy ale 6 rotLove from Street
.schools are closed for the sum- ily of sons and daughter mourn her a bad accident when a day or so ago men certainly gave a good account of
there. -He settledleft Hallett Sheldon, his D.,lamKate Dallas 63."'��� decease, The funeral was held on he collided with an auto on our Main themselves and left nothing undone
ily and near N.s Second Class Powell 61,r, Willie Hodgertk 56. mer holidays greatly to theiv delightnof hole KIPP`EN lace• in
about fifty years ago, where remarkably has 63, Class TIy the scholars a et session t the give i nein Saturday, interment taking A Street nearly opposite his baxober to the smallest detail, and received
the R. C. Cemetery, Drysdale. shop. ,isle was riding on a bicycle at very much credit for their efficiency,
lived ever since. Hg n hs 82nd Franes Elsie 85,uDorisston SMackay 70. and 8. Class I hedbathing beaches w Mr. Kalb- Lata William G. Hess �A£ter • an the time and canning aa large tin vas- that itwas a great success is
smart for washis age, beingfleisch, the principal, who has resign- Miss Grace Cooper, of London, illness extending over somle years, the, and in turning carry fig to the shop, s -he andnidethat that success is
year, and able to be about the Primer Powell, Bruce Ryan. t (B)— her missed as he ex- there passed away at his home here was struck with considerable force, over $146 was thetfact in, which, torn after
town until a few days before hof the en roll, 21 arFrank verage attendance,119.— celled lasl ba tee acher and was a general hern parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sunday dight, Waham home
ienough to smash very badly the bicycle r14 will leave a
Kalb -
when he sufferedswife a and over soCooper. his 61st year. "His 4llness was not on which he was riding, but very for- nice deducting someo n hand, expenses,aa very small
brain. His one son, John, Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. favoritd in the village. sanious until a few months ago and tunately, apart from the shock of be- admittance fee, but there was a good
predeceased him a number of years School Re-port.—.The
e- ort. fin 1 examinationslo is The new Presbyterian ed on the 'Square, will be opened l for Miser Annie, of Jarrott and visiteddough on then a s cialist was called, but the ing thrown to the pavement and re- attendance which counted up in dol-
fgo. The surviving members Cuthill, the the repbest of medical skill and the most ceiving some bthises a his face, he attlare can cents. 7° coe Pleasure of the
Mrs. are: Mrs. Wre, Mss of S. S. were examined' in Algebra, Lit- Mr. Peddle, blic worship
youngutheolog- rott,l of he villagend Mrs. Isaac Jar- best ul me ice was of no avail and escaped any serious injury. occasion was pleenhasure
ofy the
Mrs, Charter R, all of e, and Miss Class hi•s death rare Sunday nlgllt at two The Executive are. making arrange- Forest 'Boys' Band greatlyf some ed pieces,
Jessie Patterson, all of Sheldon, N.D., nature, Composition, Latin `' and ical student of Knox College, o£ To- Mr. W411iam Butt, of Seaforth, vis-
cently. olclock a.m. Deceased was a life- ments for the anhual Bible Society who discoursed very fine music at in -
and Ma. Robert E. Patterson, of Leth- French.gor-- 73 6e Smith Beatrice D8%, Eula 'Bayfield congis at pregBonn charge of the ited with his sons, Tom and Edgar re- resident of Zurich and was highly meeting soon to be held. tervala throughout the evening, v-
br1)ea h of.reted b all. Until a fes years Dr. McKinnon and Mr, W. Kalb- ing fine evidence of good musical abil-
I)eath of Mrs. Humphrey Mills clan First Class Honours, 75; 2nd The pavioug is the centre of Tie Mrs. Gordon McDonald and laugh- long
^-A loom passed over the whole class honours, 66; pass, 60; 50-60 Paas- traction through gay parties of young ter and Mise Esther Neeb, of Thames pe y
Snell g in out in the mazes of Road, visited with their sister, MHra. ago he conducted the jewellry store • fleisch, both of ,Zurich, are making ity and fine training, and bid fair community when it was learned on ed conditionally�u Jr. IV a He error people
don a and enjoy the cool Samuel W. Thomson, the London but on account of failing 3�ealih h fine impxovementa to what has been give a good account of themselves
Saturday that Elizabeth Helen McGill Gladys McKenzie 73, Normsold the business to his son. His death known in past years 'as the Dx. K. S. this fall at the Toronto Exhibition,
attendingeen were Mrs. T. Cox, Miss R. Mrs. W. McCully, of Seaforth, spent
removes one of the prominent citizens }aides building, on Main Street, and for which they axe in training. These
Hawthorn, widow of the late Humph- 66, Ruth Watson 56, Bruce MaeGre- lake breezes: Among the Se?afoethites Road North, one day last week. of Zurich and much sympathy is feet of which they* axe
now the owners, boys, on an average age, we do not
sed Snell; had passed man Saturday,bh Coo r051.Sr.JrII IT oJSr, III 7"hreda Pinkney,Miss M. Kling, Mr. C. Low- Sunday with her brother, Mr. and for the (bereaved family. IIas widow, are having it all reshingled and also think would exceed ten or twelve
o . rid: her home o Pe Mr. A. McRae and Mr. J. Arnold Mrs. John Stewart, Tnckeramith, two son Harry G., and Albert, of improving the interior, in Short are years, but they have the vino and
line 20th. The deceased was a laugh- Watson 75, Olive Smith 72, Edna Mae cryo A very excellent crowd attended the �, music-
Case. Zurich and one d two tr" ii 1VIra. 3. putting the building into good condi- genius which counts for good
ter of the late Peter 1<fawthor passed and Bernarn @9, Ronald MacGregor 60, T rieli, ion also oro hems, F'. W. tion. ' ions, and so to speak, axe right on the
• Awa. Hiawthotne both of whom as Sr.nard McLean 60,DIII—Dorothy
Deitz 78, the HayfieldSmith 57. A cub �Garage. s. has beT'henhear when and Hillsgreenenhel�luat St. rtda lsatn ii a Trey of Hlensall, and Chris. Hess, of Wednesday, Dominion Iaay, was job. The spacious grounds, well
aafy}yoyiti tiwo yedrs ago, She was SrII to Jr. III y op, is distingt>tis$ed by inns- Unfitted Ghurah oil S y rd W4sconsin, survive him. The funeral observed as a public holiday. As us- lighted up, made a fine appearance
of Bels, Pam, h reett town- Mildred
Field 64, Jr.EJMcLean 60, sully gr
Dei 54. r.��j to Sr. 11— sive bodies short legs and rad>ane�t Mfssit
Weinman,ing oil hom o04 was held on VVler:si t% interment ual. banks, ethliee ostes and places of and made outside serving a pleaaura,
e n A N �, jg+i ; whMe the con- Mildredn MacGregor 82, any tail. 'it has forty-two teeth an Normal, Mrs, e W. Work_ taking place in ,+the+ Y,utheran carne- bflsineas were closed and as there while the weather conditions were all
,,r Oil X" :t her; Marriage 190, who (Parts 5!1 a 'Watsonhree
>Darman 69,Do* Cooper 61 is rvegetarian and carniveroiis it diet her parents,, Mr, andtexy
Was no public celebration here the day that could be desired, although it the
t b 1: , 1ge, Donald D ethField and has a toes on each t; which roan.
.,ts60.4,. Robert' to report that togas Rev. and Mrs. L. tr. Kalbfieiach and 'was spent ' our residents in forenoon: there was a sharp shower of
pea ';'than line yearSl4anche WGrace is need in digging and elimtvbi ng end We are g1 itio children, of Elmira, visited relatitse other placed where celebrations were rain' and ;tawaxde ,"evening looked
' gr ii'daena Fr the 6(o1ii Kenneth �' Cooper SS. Sr.1to mankind in deeeendgnk from Margaret Sinclair is recovering with and friends here at
week end. orcins held and at different points• ran n( tto at de : but the' cooked
Settled on Franklin S'ehilbe 56,Ray Cooper 49. , I-- trees r recent Mr. and -tors. , John 'Warm and Alan the lake shore. ' rolled away nicely, ,chat t' a , oars.
eine she' Mar' joxre� Smith $4, (lwemdolyn Cooper. trees coma hindquarters is rexpeeted hems in a shor'trtfine. Her or 'so ago as Mr. W. O. Good- flied t e'Vertgti c
tht+Vnglim/, Where daughter, Dorothy, of Toronto, sniait� Aad g 1t . i ., .
gild liar deafli: 82, Kathleen, Sehilbe 88. jr. I to Sr. bear standing In an uptight p
tel dh'ti ne on .e. 'l: other Dayhiati 15, Nellie Sproat walking .liken, a tion, it, alfa liatieial Many friends *ill be glad to hear
Wins o .' the . pen d ([atlufactiuing
Company, was . driving too the school
at the hoop hour to jrrui,,g his. little
daughter, ,1 tarn, home, it wa,a rain-
ing,, and in turning ground apposite
the school, accompained by hie part-
ner, Mr. G. W. Davis and_ Mies '�. �rae
Stone, both of whom 1r. Geenwin
was in the act of taking to, their
homes, he was sideswiped by Mr.
Bender, who was coming from• the'
west and seeing that he pwas evident-
ly going to run against Mr. G!prodwin,
he put on his brakes which on . the
slippery pavement made his car near-
ly turn around, making both of the
cars meet with a crash at the rear
ends, smashing both cars quina badly. ,
Fortunately none of the occupants of
either car' were injured beyond a. sev-
ere shaking up and shock to their
nerves, and as at date of writing a
settlement cannot apparently be made
as to damages, the case will likely
have to .be settled in the• law courts.
Much interest is centering around
the league baseball match to be play-
ed between Clinton and Hensall on
our diamond on Thursday, July 2nd,
the game being called for at 6 p.m.
and there will no doubt- be a very
large attendance.
Picnic parties to the lake are now
the order of the day.
Farmers in this section are busy
haying and the yield is turning out
very good on the whole.
Mrs. Stanley Mealy and children,
who have been spending the past 1 wo
months at the hame of Mr. and Mrs.
Sydney McArthur, and Mrs. J. W.
Peck, returned to their home in St.
John, N.B., the latter part of. last
week, after a most delightful visit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Foster intend
leaving the first part of next week
by boat on an extended trip for the
West, where they intend to spend the
time with their relatives in Winnipeg,
Alberta and'other places. They in-
tend to return home the latter part
of September.
Miss Ellis and her Sunday school
class held a delightful picnic to Turn -
bull's Grove on Monday of this week.
A pleasant time was spent in games
of various kinds, and a most enjoy-
able time was spent.
Mrs. C. Ballantyne is being visited
by her daughter, Mrs. Harry Downs,
and family, of Shelby, Ohio, and her
son, Lorne, or Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein and
'family held their annual family re-
union to Bayfield on Wednesday. of
this week, where a most enjoyable
time was spent. Members of their
family were present from Toronto,
London, Kitchener, Detroit and Hen-
Mrs. Agnes Ross spent Tuesday in
London, going down on business.
At the United Church service on
Sunday morning last, Mrs. G. Hess
rendered a delightful solo, while at
the evening service, Mrs. M. Hedden
sang a pleasing solo entitled, "The
Old Ruggell Cross."
Decorations Services.—The OddfeI-
lows of Hensall Lodge held their an-
nual decoration service on Sunday af-
ternoon last when they decorated the
graves of deceased brother Oddfel-
lows and Sister Rebekahs. Assemb-
ling at the lodge rooms at two o'clock,
they marched as a body to the soldier'e
monument in front of the Town Hall,
where after a short and appropriate
address by Rev. M. B. Parker, Rector
of St. Paul's Anglican Church, they
decorated the said monument. Form-
ing then together, accompanied by a,
large number from the village and,
district, they motored to Hensall Un-
ion Cemetery and afterwardsato Me-
Taggart's cemetery,couple
miles to the east of Hensall Union.
Arriving at the Union cemetery Mr.
Lloyd Hudson, as Past Noble Grand
and' Marshall, gave the opening ser-
vice together with Mr. D. W. Foss, as
chaplain, after which the following
gave splendid addresses as in the or-
der mentioned: Rev. James Mcliroy,
Minister of Carmel Presbyterian
Church; Past Noble Grand G. J. Suth-
erland; oyer, Dignan, of Exeter Lodge,
as incoming District Deputy Grand
Master, while Past District Deputy
Grand Master, Mr. Moore, of Goderich,
gave the closing beautiful ceremony.
The addresses were interspersed by
the 'singing of a number of very ap-
propriate hymns. Following the clos-
ing of the decoration services at the
Union Cemetery, the brethren motored
to McTaggart's, where Rev. Mr. Par-
ker gave a short and pleasing ad-
ddress and Rev. Mr. Mcllroy gave the
closing prayer. The attendance was
very large, the day being very favor-
able, although threatened by rain, and
very favorable remarks were heard on
all sides as to the neat and well kept
appearance of the cemeteries, and the
fine colle;±tion of flowers. The lodge
in decorating used geranium plants,
and the decorating was very system-
atically done, led by Marshall Lloyd
• i r
1 4