HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-06-05, Page 8, TEM HURON EX OSITOR �i 17 1,1 dW,rU 1•, 0 new novelty for children is said be worth 35c alone. You can t one with Weston's 11 -oz. ac ge of Fancy Biscuits l for W'EETHEART EXTRACT LEMON in fancy 'vinegar bottle with glass stopper; regular 25c, for .. S EETHE ART 15c, FRENCH CH MUSTor ARD gular LUX FLAKES -3 for 25c IDEAL CATSUP—Per bottle 25c (reputed quarts) ROCKINGHAM TEA POTS—Clear- ing at 25 per cent. discount. GINGER SNAPS -2 pounds 25c GINGER WAFERS and GINGER NUTS—Very choices per lb30c ENAMELED WASHBOARDS and GLASS WASHBOARDS.. C DAIRY BUTTER SPECIAL.—We ^e ooverstocked and offer choice i1 Dairy Butter at, pound tender, ARISTOCRAT PEAS—Large, 15c juicy; regular 20c, for CUBAN PINEAPPLES are best and nearly done. Don't delay in secur- ing yours. Cream for Seaforth Creamery. Eggs (graded by Mr. Robert Eberhart tak- en in exchange for groceries. F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Food -166 Do You Know? That MI -31 Antiseptic is one of the finest mild antiseptics in use to -day? As a Cleansing Mouth Wash, it Banishes Bad Breath ; as a Gargle or Nasal Spray, for Sore Threats and Colds. It is an excellent Dandruff remover; used as after shave Lotion, al- so a Soothing Lotion for In- sect Bites and Skin Irritations. 16 -oz. BOTTLE FOR 69c Sold with our personal guar- antee of satisfaction —AT— Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store SEAFORTH - - -ONT. held in Windsor in April. It was bol ll inspirational and 'practical and she gave many new ideas that could 'ale put into use in the Society. Mrs. �l McMillan played a delightful piano solo. Miss Jean Scott gave an excel- lent lesson on "Our National Mis- sions," summing up the work of the missions in a very brief and able man- ner. The collection was taken by little Mildred Aitches'on and amounted to :15.20. The meeting closed with Hymn 471 and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was served. The June meeting will be held at the home of 'Mrs. John Mc- Dowell. REPRINT BOOKS Good wooden water tank for sale, cheap; 5x4x3. Apply to George Seip. 3311-2 •Permanent Wave from $3.75 to $10, by ex- perienced operator, at Rodger's Beauty Par- lor, Mitchell. Phone 272. 3312x3 House For Sale. -12 -roomed frame house, in good condition. Apply at The Expositor6Off- fice. Remnants. -3 lbs, Prints 51.00; 3 lbs. Silk, Velvets or Cretonnes $1.50. Agents, dealers wanted. A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. • 3308-tf For Quick Sale.—Timber, joists, scantling, Plank, 1 -inch lumber, window frames' sash and doors. Prices right. H. B. Edge, 3 Sea - forth. June Weddings.—Wedding parties come a great distance to be photographed at the Burgess Studio, Mitchell. Our work and pric- es will please you. Studio open every day in- cluding Wednesday afternoon. 3312-1 Plants For Sale.—We have a larger supply this year, 'tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Asters, Snapdragons, Petunias and Zinnias. Apply to Albert Baker, Railyway Street. Sea - forth. 3310x3 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) O O p S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth o0 O 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. Limousine Ambulance Service 0 Night calls, phone 308. '0 Day calls, phone 119 J. 0 0 O O Charges moderate. 0 000000000000. DISTRICT MATTERS SO CENTS EACH Good assortment of Reprints by such authors as Beach, Mulford, Wallace, Ayers and Ruck. Clear type and good binding. 50 CENTS EACIE Thompso EFT. .111014' on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ament, of De-'• � 'troit, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, Ament. Mrs. Coventry, Mr. and Mrs: Clias. Coventry and two sons, of Detroit; Mrs. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Mode, Mrs Martin and daughter, of Toron- ice's Book Store, Seaforth Subscriptions taken for newspapers and magazines at pu'blisher's prices. Graduate With Honors—At the an- nual commencement of the University of Western Ontario, Mr. Gibson White, of Seaforth, graduated with honors in honor classics, .standing first in his class and winning the gold medal in Latin. Tiny Tim.—The formal opening of the Tiny Tim Golf Course will be held on Friday, June 5th, by the Horne and School, or, in case of rain, Monday, June 8th. 'On account of rain last Saturday, the May children's birthday party will be held on June 6th, from 2to6p.m. IsYour Automobile Insured? IF NOT, DO YOU KNOW THAT IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT: You have given a BLANK CHEQUE which may cost you, your entire life's savings ? The Financial Responsibility Law may suspend your licenses for ALL TIME if you are unable to pay. BE INSURED! NOT WISHING YOU WERE AFTER THE ACCI- DENT. NEW LOW RATES ' Full information gladly given. CALL US. WATSON & REID Specialists in all lines of EAPORTS e PHONE 33 W Wanted.—A man to assist a sales repres entative in Huron County. Preference given to one who has had some experience in sell- ing insurance or farm equipment. This pro- position is worth investigating. A very highly remunerative and permanent position may be developed. Your future may depend on whe- ther you answer this or not. For full particu- 1 Box 157, Seaforth. 3311x1 to, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLennan over the week end. Dr. J. W. A. Greig, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. Miss Annie Ross, who has been the guest of Miss Charlotte Thompson, left for Toronto on Tuesday. The many friends of Mr. P. M. Chesney wilt regret to learn that he suffered a slight stroke last weep, but will be.glad to learn that he is now making a very satisfactory recovery. Messrs. C. Eckert and James Pur- cell were in Clintons and Goderich Wednesday on.business. Miss Ernestine White, daughter of Mrs, M. White, of 'Seaforth, has re- ceived a gold bar pin from the staffs of Grace and Western •Hospitals, To- ronto, she having taken first place in general proficiency in the first year nurses' training course. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and family, of Detroit, spent the week end at their home in Tuekersmith. Mrs. J. A. Stewart is 'visiting with Toronto friends. Mrs. +. Mr. and P D Hutchison h' d Miss Wilson Wilson w day. Mrs. John Devereux is visiting friends in London. Church intends holding a garden party on Thursday, June 25th. Fuller par- ticulars will be given later. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McIntosh and son, Bobby, of San Francisco, are vis- iting at the,holne of Mr. MMclntosh's mother, Mrs. James McIntosh. Mrs. W. J. White and Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Campbell attended the com- mencement exercises in connection with Western University at London on Friday last. e - of gid Miss Electa Downey, B.A., Ridge - town, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Devereux, Jr., over the week end. 'Miss Margaret White has returned to Toronto to resume her position on the staff of Grace Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, of Buf- falo, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kerr,, of McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Stan L. Wright and son, Jack, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jes. Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Mullen and Mrs. Mullen, Sr., are in Toronto this week. Mr. Mullen is attending the General Assembly o' the Presbyterian church as representative Elder from First Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs, John McLaren, of To- ronto, and Mrs. James Bertram and daughter, Miss Bertram, of New York, were visiting with friends in Seaforth tars Ma work, exper farm est, work make with call or Lo app Y tried Man, at once, for general farm small family, man and wife; healthy. ienced, at present or recently engaged at work. and satisfied with farming. Hon - cheerful, absolutely dependable, hard er. willing to assume responsibility to farm pay. Careful, not slow; satisfied usual irregular farm hours. Write or Dr. Moffatt, Varna, Ont., any Saturday, ndon, Ont., any time. 3312-2 ecial Optical Notice.—Have your eyes ex - ed by our well known and painstaking Mist, Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex - for Rents, Toronto, and Henry Morgan o.. Montreal. Over 30 years experience, ears coming to Seaforth. You are assur- e the best optical work to be obtained at very moderate cost.. We have all the style frames 'and mountings, the best e of the best makers and our prices are $4.00 up. 'Tuesday and Wednesday, June and 17th. Close Wednesday at 12, noon. e early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 8312-2 Women's Institute. — The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Miss Thelma Eigie, on Wednesday, Jurie 10th, at 2.30 p.m. The roll call will be answer- ed by the name of a lady writer and her works. The district annual at Crediton United Church, will be held on June 9th, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. AUTO INSURANCE Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates Sp amin speei pert & C 20 y ed o and late mak from 16th Com Bakers Hold Meeting.—A business meeting of the Western Ontario Bak- ers' Association, at which plans were made . for the coming summer, was held in Seaforth, en Wednesday after- noon of this week. This association consists of bakers situated from Kit- chener to Lake Huron and from Park- hill to Harriston. for any number of months you wish bt's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. 444 Enter June Wearing Smart Attire From This Store an attended the Stewart- edding in Staffs on Wednes- I �a- A MILLION LAUGHS McKILLOP Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. 1'. W. Scarlett, of McKillop, announce. the engagement of their only daughter, Eda Matilea, to Mr. George L. Mc- Cartney, son of Mr. and Mrs, G. R. McCartney, of Tuckersmith. The mar- riage will take place shortly. The Ladies' Aid and Women's Mis- sionary Society met on Friday, May 29th, at the home of Miss Lizzie Hen- derson, when they spent the afternoon quilting. A delicious lunch• was serv- ed by the ladies. On Thursday, June 4th, Mrs. William Beattie will hold a miscellaneous shower for the bale. Please bring in your articles as the bale will be packed the same day. Mission Band. --'he fourth meeting of the Helping Hand Mission Band was held on Saturday, May 30th, with a large attendance. Marion Little presided and opened the meeting with Hymn 718. The Scripture lesson, the 23rd Psalm, was repeated in unison, after which Mrs. Dodds led in prayer. The roll call was then answered and Hymn 745 was sung. Mrs. Dodds conducted the study period, which had for its topic, "Schools in Japan." The minutes were read by the Secretary, and then a few business items were discussed. A pleasant half hour was spent in singing and the meeting clos- ed with the Lord's Prayer. 'School Report.—The following is the report for School Section No. 10, McKillop, $or the months of April and May. Those who were absent for one or more examinagions are marked with an asterisk. Form V—*Kenneth Bet- ties 72.5. Jr. IV—Olive Pryce 62, *Oliver Pryce 59.2, °Allan Campbell 50.7. Jr. IIII–°Annie Pethick 64.5, Arthur McClure, absent. Sr. II—Mur- iel Dolmage 68.8, Harvey Dolmage 48.1, Helen Blanchard 48.1 (even). Sr. I—Ruth Pethick 77.5. Jr. I—Kath- leen Shannon 80.4, Betty Bullard 79.1, Ruth Campbell 65.8. Primer—Gor- don Blanchard, Good. Number on roll, 14; average attendance, 11.75. Highest marks in Spelling was at- tained by Kathleen Shannon, 17 days out of 20 with perfect Spelling. Sr. First was star class in spelling.—Til- lie Storey, Teacher. CaughtShort Apple Blossom Time.—The comedy, "Apple Blossom Time," as presented Ly the Northside United church choir on Thursday and Friday of last week, was a great success and much enjoy- ed by the large audiences which saw it each evening. Much of the suc- cess of this production was due to the careful casting of each of the char- acters and to the untiring efforts of the director, Miss Mabel E. Turnbull. The play showed fine preparation and an aptitude for this kind of work by the players. The cast consisted of Miss Mary, Barber, Miss Helen Lane, Miss Sally Woods, Mrs. Kirkwood, Miss Doreen Hudson, Miss Margaret Crich, Mrs. Sillery, Messrs. Jack Crich, Alvin Sillery, George Crich, Charles Howey and -Hugh Oke. An orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. E. H. Close, assisted on both even- ings. At the close of the final per- formance, the cast and staff were en- tertained by the choir of the North Side United Church in the school room of the churh. this banquet, Dr. F. J. Burrows, on behalf of the choir, presented Miss Turnbull, the director, with a shadow lamp, as a token of its appreciation of her efforts on their be- half. Successful Students.—Local stud- ents who were successful at recent examinations are Fraser Oliver, third year Mathematics and Physics with honours, at McMaster University ; in the Faculty of Medicine, Unis^_rsity of Toronto, sixth year, C. G. Stogdill; fifth year, Carl Aberhart, honours ; Miss A. Haugh, C. Haugh; fourth year, Ldnce Norris; and in the Fac- ulty of Dentistry, fifth year, Reid Ed- munds. First Presbyterian Church. — Pre- paratory services will he held en Fri- day night at 8 p.m. Rev. William Moore, newly inducted minister of Melville Church, Brussels, will be the speaker. Communion service will be held Sunday morning at 11 a.m. The evening service will be of interest to everyone. Rev.' I. B. Kaine will have for his subject, "A Case of Blues." Presentation.—Before leaving to as- sume his new duties in the Dominion Bank, Brantford, Mr. W. J. Faulkner was presented with a beautiful writ- ing set in leather case, by the mem- hers of St. James' choir. Mr. Faulk- ner has been a faithful and valued member and will he greatly missed, not only in the choir, hut also in the different societies in the church to which he belonged. Phone, Write or call—Night and Day Service. PHONE 152 A.:D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance, Real Estate Conveyancing, Etc. Office over Keating's Drug Store EEAFORTH Starring the Perfect Comedy Team MARIE DRESSLER POLLY MORAN with ANITA PAGE Are they a scream? Just wait till you see Marie and Polly as the board- ing house gals who clean up on Wall Street. They put on the ritz as only they can. Then comes the crash! It's a riot every inch of the way. NOW SHOWING ONTARIO NEW FROCKS NEW COATS NEW HATS NEW GLOVES NEW LINGERIE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "SINS OF THE CHILDREN" A story of children's ingratitude and of children's love—a picture for every son, every daughter, every father and mother. LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. George Love, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Thorn- ton Hall. Miss Hazel Thompson, of Toronto, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. D. Fell. Mr. Jack Daly, who has been on the staff of the Bank of Commerce at Dublin, fop.-so'me time, has been trans- ferred td'' the Lucan branch of that bank. Mr. R. K. Cameron and Mr. A. S. Stewart, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. A. Y. McLean, over the week end. Mr. Thomas Collie, of Aberdeen, Washington State, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Mr. W. J. Faulkner, who has been teller in the Dominion Bank here for some time, has been transferred to Brantford, and left this week to as- sume his new duties. Miss Pearl Grainger, of Angusville, Alta., is the guest of Miss Jean Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Miss Jean Stewart, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Plant. Miss Beth Govenlock, of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gov- enlock. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Faulkner and family, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hocking, of Windsor, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. F. Faulkner. Miss Bertha Grieve and Miss Hel- en Burns, of Toronto, spent the 24th at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Neubauer and the Misses Clara and Martha Neu- bauer, of Niagara Falls, 'N.Y., spent. the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kruse. Miss Lenore McCowan is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Thompson, in Kitchener. Mr. Leon Veira, violinist, of Strat- ford, is starting a violin class in Sea - forth one day a week. Mr. Veira, as a violinist in Stratford, is well known, being violinist at the Majestic and Classic Theatre far several year's, al- so leader of St. John's United Church Sunday school orchestra, who were the winners of the shield in'the Perth Music Festival, and teacher of Gold Medalists in Perth Musical Festival. Miss Rose 'McQuaid, of Seaforth, was one of the twelve girls to gradu- ate from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto recently, and was winner of the highest standing award in observ- ance bserv- ani Te The Ladies' Gti dSt al sef er Thomas' Home and School Association.—The home and School Association will dis- continue their meetings for the sum- mer months. A good deal has been accomplished during the pas); season, many poor families having been furn- ished with milk and clothes, and a lantern was •also 'purchased for the public school. It is hoped the public will continue to support the Home and School Association by attending their day at the Tiny Tim Golf Course, on Friday, June 5th, afternoon and even- ing. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: James Evans, Beechwood - President James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth ; John Murray, Egmondville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: PRINCESS William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoo't, No. 3, Sea - forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Johan Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdiee, Walton. Huron Old Boys' Picnic.—The big annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association; of Toronto, will be held in Area No. 3, Canadian National- ibition Grounds, full programme,un h Jof 13th, at 2 p•m• games and sports will be carried out, including baseball matches, broom foot ball and races of every description for old and young. As is usual, very val- uable prizes will he awarded to the successful competitors. Supper will e served in the Transportation Build- ings at 6 p.m. Every Huronite, either in the city or out of the city, is cord- ially invited to be present and take part in the fun. 000000000000 0 d• H. C. BOX 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Best Motor and Beret -drawn 0 equipment. 00 0 Merges Moderate. l+iliywers fuxz1i$heti on shoyt 00 notice. ;light Calls Day Calla 0 Phone 115 Phone 48 0 $'0^'00 *0'000.0 LEON VE IRA Instructor of VIOLIN Will teach in Seaforth one day each week. For information and terms, write to 265 Cobourg Street, Stratford. BEATTIE'S Bargain Bullet For Saturday Night Selling ITEWGVarSrEDI Maple Buds, Fresh '/2 lb., 10 NEW �C CORSETS li Not merely New Dresses --'t b u t Fashion's Favourite. Dresses. Don't put off buying your, Spring Coat any longer. We can please you with style and price now. m The season's smartest style — Irene Delroy Crusher,' $1.95. MEM That will be bought, worn: and appreciated by the well dressed. mom Silk knit underwear with trimming touches of distinc- tion that appeal to the smart Miss and Matron. Nem Rainbow Hosiery featured full-fashioned makes in the Dulfene finish and all fash- ionable shades. $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 a pair. mom The knitted three - piece Sport Suit is smart to say, the least. Popular prices are from $7.50 to $13.95. mom D and A Corsets satisfactor- ily fit any type of figure. $1.00 to $7.50 a pair, MacTavish's, Seaforth of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Early and Mrs. Moray of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Looby. Mrs. Insell, of London, is visiting Mrs. Bricklin. Death of Mrs. Dorfesteyn.—A sad death occurred in the village on Wed- nesday afternoon, when Mrs. John Dorresteyn passed to her eternal re- ward after a long sickness in her 47th year. Deceased was born in Holland and came to this county with her hus- band and little son about twenty-two years ago. Deceased was a woman of excellent character and was loved by all who knew her, and was a devout Catholic. Besides her sorrowing hus- band, she is survived by two sons, Brother DeSales, of Montreal, and Joseph, at home, and six daughters, Mrs. A. Kramers, of Dublin; Betty,' Mary, Matilda, Margaret and Rita, at home. The funeral will be held on Friday morning at St. Patrick's Church. WINGHAM The Belgrave Farmers' Club held a social evening in the Forrester's Hall, at eight o'clock on Tuesday evening, June 2nd. An invitation was extend- ed to the other Clubs in the riding and the committee prepared an inter- esting programme of games, music and addresses. Among the outside speakers was Mr. George Spotton, M.P., who addressed the gathering. Lunch was served. Miss Kathleen and 'Miss Angela Gibbons spent the holiday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gibbons. Mr. Ronald Ray was a week end visitor at his home here. Miss May Allen, of Toronto, spent the holiday at her home in town. Miss Mary Gibbons, of Guelph, spent a few days at her home visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rahlves, of Toron- to, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith. 1 lb. 15c Salted Peanuts, just in , Choc-Piccaninnies, new 1 Ib., 25c Rainbow Peanuts, Special1 Ib., 25c Peblles, raisin filled conf'n., 1 lb., 25c Chocolate Bars, assort'd., ..6 for 25 Above represents our answer to to- day's drop in prices. SPECIAL PRICES FOR JUNE GIFT GIVING COME — SEE — SAVE McKillop W. M. S.—The McKillop branch of the Women's Missionary So- ciety of First Presbyterian Church met for the May meeting on Thurs- day, May 28th, at the home of Mrs. Robert Govenlock. There were forty- three ladies present. Mrs. William Thompson presided and opened the meeting with Hymn 776. Mfrs. Wan. Drover read the Scripture lesson from the 10th chapter of 'Matthew, wibieh was followed with prayer by Mrs. Charles Brodie. The' minutes of the last meeting were read, and the roll call *as responded to 'by a verse of Scripture. Mrs. John Carter sang a pleasing solo entitled, "Crown Jesus bang," aee napan1ed by Hits. N. Me - Millan. 141'rs. mine gave an exeel- lent repert of the p foartneiol meeting BEATTIE'S GIFT STORE THEY TASTE DE HOME MA MacKLAM'S LUNCH Meals and Lunches Served at All Hours. Orders taken for all lines of Home Cooking Full Course CHICKEN DIN- NERS SERVED ON SUNDAYS From 11.30-2.30. Please phone order not later • than Saturday noon. MEN — We are prepared to Clean and Press your Suits., --- Prices Moderate. PIIONF 42 DUBLIN Jordan Family Reunion —A reun- ion of the Jordan family was held May 31st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan. This was the first time in fifteen years that it was possible for the family all to be to- gether, the occasion also being the completion of Mr. Jordan's 25th year as postmaster of Dublin. The out of town members of the family were Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan and three chil- dren, Bobbie, Gloria and Doreen and Gerald Jordan, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Theo Jordan and three children, Marjorie Ann, Jack and Tommie, Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne and two chil- dren, Jimmie and Annie; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jordan and Mr, Joseph Jordan, all of Detroit; Sister'M. Jer- ome and Sister M. Evelyn, of the Urs- uline Academy, at Chatham, and Miss Margaret Jordan, of Windsor. Twen- ty-four were served at dinner and the reception in the afternoon brought to- gether many who had not met in years. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jordan were presented with a beautiful eogswell chair and a gift of silver. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrrs. James Jordan for the week end were,: Mr'. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan and famiy, Toronto; 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jordan, Detroit;, MVtr. and . Mrs. Theo Jordan and family, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. William Byrne and family, De- troit; .Mr. Gerald Jordan, Toronto; Miss Margaret Jordan, Windsor; Sister M. Jerome and Sister M. Evelyn of Chatham; Mr. Joseph Jordan, De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny and son,' That's how our VARIETY OF CAKES taste. Delicious ! Tender a n d lusciously flavored! Just the kind of cakes "Three Bakers" told you about over the air Monday evening. Varieties to afford a different cake every day in the week. We're mak- ing a feature of thein all week. You'll want a different one each day. Variety of Cakes Baked by Seaforth Bakery • W. A. MICH, Proprietor PhalleListen to the "Three Bakers", Co- lumbia BroadCaattng System, Monday evenings, at $ o'clock. NEW LOW PRICES On Tennis and Outing Shoes. A special purchase for cash enables us to offer, you Tennis and Out- ing Shoes at the Lowest Prices in Years. "HOBBY"—Suntan Duck, laced to toe, ankle patch, Gripper Soles. MEN'S SIZES, 6 to 10 9'5c Pair BOYS' SIZES, 1 to 5 89cPair YOUTHS' SIZES, 11 to 13 84C Pair "JIGGS"—Brown Duck, Laces to toe, Ankle Patch, Black Honeycomb Soles MIEN'S SIRES, 6 to 10 79c Pair BOYS' SIZES, 1 to 5 74,C YOUTHS' SIZES, 11 to 13 Pair 69c Pair "RUNNER"—Heavy Suntan Duck, Laced to toe, Ankle Patch, Heavy Barred Soles. BOYS' (ONLY), SIZES 1 to 5 $110 Pair "LADIES' STROLLER"—Suntan Duck, Leather Toe Cap, and Trim, Solid Heei—A Nice Sport Shoe. SIZES 3 to, 7 - " $' �� g Pair DANDY„Duck Sandal, Rubber Toe Cap, Gripper Soles; Colors— Brown and Suntan. MISSES' SIZES, 11 to” 2 69c Pair CHILVS SIZES, 5 to 10% 59C Pair EVERT PARI FIRST QUALITY—FLEET-FOOT BRAND The Ideal Summer Footwear for Boys and Girls,' at Less than Chain Store Prices—Less tiro_ Mail Order House Prices. r ---B NOW,— ALTER G. WILLIS. --OPPOSITE EXPOSITOR OFFICE— , Y 5 ti I�I is