HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-06-05, Page 51 aa ptA�w',1v1m a, .. 9 1,, 11 li 3l! Ki stra the at- pro- ap- cient large WINTHROP I Mr. Jahn Arms ong, of Londe*, i s 49isiting his d'augh er, Mrs. Ferg. But. lard. 11 A number from! here attended 'Vizi:. funeral of George C. Dale, Huron Road, Tuesday afternoon. y iCourt of Revision was held :in the hall on Monday. Mrs. George Eaton spent last week: with her sister, Mrs. Smalldon, of• Walton. The enumerators are rounds. oxt the) .i° BRUSSELS A tennis court has been started on • the lawn at the home of A. L. McDon- ald and a number d the younger set are showing great interest for this popular sport. 0a,r1 Mowbray and Mr. Woodrow, of Detroit, visited ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. The Election.—The reeveship of this village, held for ten years by the late Alfred Baeker and made vacant by his death one month ago, was filled this week by Robert Bowman, who defeat- ed Fred Burchell by a margin of 63 votes in a keenly contested election. The new reeve sat for four years on the village council several years ago and his opponent, Mr. l Burchell, has .served on the council for one year. .Bowman received 218 votes and Bur- Mosr 't9 laxatives have to be taken in ever-increasing doses. Other- wise, they lose their power. The body needs roughage. . One of the most natural ways to obtain this roughage is by eat- ing a delicious cereal: Kellogg's ALL -BRAN. Read what Mr. Albert F. Parker (address on request) has to say: "I ani 52 years old and have put in years suffering from con- stipation. Bought all kinds of pills and drugged myself with then and awoke lots of morn- ings with a headache. "Haven't taken one pill since I began on Kellogg's ALL -BRAN. I am now feeling the best I have felt in 20 years.” Two tablespoonfuls of ALL - BRAN daily are guaranteed to give relief. At your grocer's, in the red -and -green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. i? ALL -BRAN 01\41. l P5,Tijo t �# l tlttabtu*, la'iiCf4aX01 00 ° (► "tr total not qfl 7„ $a a rgenr large percentage PP vpt4rs. The late Eeeve,. Backer was warden of Huron '0,ul<ity ilei mar. An =Went that might,have result- ed very.eeriotlsly, oc'rurred late Sat - j relay night. horse, attached to a buggyoccupied by two young sons of James Vatican/3, 1st concession, Nor. 'els, was being driven south on Main Street When an auto going north ran into the buggy, injuring the horse and breaking the buggy. 'Standing on the running board of the Gar was John Stewart, of Belgrave, son of Provin- cial Traffic Officer Stewart, of the same place. The lad was thrown to the ground and rendered unconscious and ceras taken into the American Ho. teland given first aid there. He was able to go home. to Belgrave Sunday morning. The other occupant of the car was Jim Taman, Blyth) who es- caped injury. The horse was taken home next day in the trailer. Every- one was very fortunate in escaping serious injury. CONSTANCE The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Austin Dexter on Thursday, June 11th. An invitation is extended to all the ladies of the congregation. The Constance United Church will hold their Sunday school anniversary services on June 14th. Services will be held at 2 p.m. and in the evening at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Mortimer, of Auburn, will be the speaker for the day. There will be special music by the choir and they will be assisted by Mr. Roy Allen, of Clinton, and Mr. James T. Scott, of Seaforth. Mr. Scott will sing a solo at the evening service. Miss Jean Lawson, Clinton, came home onSaturday evening last to make an extended 'stay as her mother, Mrs. Robert Lawson, is Ieaving on Tuesday for the West to visit friends. Messrs. Murray and Nicholson, who contracted for the job of dredging the creek west of Kinburn commenced work the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Stutts and daughter, Mrs. Stutts, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riley, left on Monday morning for their home in Cleveland. The Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday last. The president, Mrs. Roy Lawson, was in the chair. After singing a hymn, prayer was offered by Mrs. William Britton and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- son. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The business was discussed. The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. Ed. Britton. The meeting closed with singing and the benediction. , Lunch was served. The Constance Church will use the new United Church hymn book on Sunday, June 14th. Degth,.gfJoseph Riley. -.Surviving hi .. y. but two days, the death oc until"'at-'.'his home in 'Constance on Thursday of last week of Joseph Riley followin> -re:short illness of pneumonia. Mrs: Ril$ >~'=passed away on Tuesday from an aciilte attack of appendicitis and was buried the day on which her husband died. Mr. Riley was a high- ly esteemed resident of the commun- ity. He was in his 71st year and was married 48 years ago to Miss Mary conOlnical 'iftski WALPAM UR the famous flat finish for walls and ceil- ings is econo- mical, because it is so easy to apply that a little goea along. way. You have a choice of the most delightful shades, that dry with an eggshell bloom. It has a soft light -diffusing effect, and makes a lovely background for your household treasures. It is permanent, washable and fire -resisting, and looks equally well on a wide variety of sur- faces. Consult your decorator or dealer. Ask him for a shade card, or write to us direct Walpamur a product of The CROWN DIAMOND PAINT Co. Limited Toronto - Montreal - Halifax beldfrabtarthiadatkittill Walpamur Products are sold by Geo. D. Ferguson, Seaforth. McGearvy. They first settled in Hul- lett, later moving to Cleveland. Five years ago they returned to this coun- try, settling in Constance. He is sur- vived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Stultz, Cleveland. The funeral took place on Saturday from the residence of Robert Grimolby, Constance, and interment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery, Seaforth. BIRTHS Kerr.—In Oshawa General Hospital, on May 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Kerr, a son, James Ian. IMPORTANT NOTICES CRASS FARM TO RENT.—LOT 7, CON- "aession 7, McKillop, 100 acres in grass; never failing well. Apply to DAN RIiANA- HAN, Seaforth. 3310-tf LAND TO RENT.—TO GROW BEANS OR buckwheat, and also hay and grass. Ap- ply to JAMES CAMERON, Lot 13, Concession 4, Tuckersm'ith, or phone 2-133, FOR HOUSES"ALL BUILDINGS COUNOLSTANDARU 44A NEON +a *6 Put it on with LED HED NAILS Illustration showsPrestonLed- Hed NaiL Note how lead on head of Led-Hed Nail seals nail -hole, making it'completely -weatherproof. Note generous 'overlap of Rib-Ro1L Preston Led-Hed Nails are .colored to match the roofing. ' We also matte Galvanized Rib,Roll and Cor- rugated orirug tteedd Sheeta Preston Led-Hed Nails Preston Steel Trues Aarn Garages and StorageBuil�ge Preston Galt/d Tanis i 1. Majestic Verti-old Garai'a Doore Colored Ridge 'Colored Flashing 'Colored Gutter 'Colored Have Trough Conductor P!pe Finials Ventilators CSaw ;l,ris�b 94 u�l lE, `i. 1!d Build for beauty with utility. Colored Rib -Roll beauti- fies and saves. To the durability of galvanized iron Colored Rib -Roll adds the beauty and appeal of color, as applied by our own special process. It cannot warp, shrink, peel, crack, curl or bulge. It is permanent. Properly grounded according to the Ontario Lightning Rod Act, Colored Rib -Roll gives complete lightning protection. It is positively fireproof, Flying fire -brands burn themselves out harmlessly on this fire -proof roof. Can be laid.CO LO R E D easily and speedilyy over old shingles- LL The saving of time R 1 tiB . and labor makes it lees costly than ROOFING other roofings. EaStenk 105 Guefplr St., Preston, Ont. ;Lai Toronto and Montreal hA t i d ji$ �nvi ubtau,xda��ra il.{,a�:ilil f Write todayy, for sample of Coloredltib-Roll, suggest. color schemes and useful roofing booklet s . 1f# "CrT> .o $12? otA. .fox sa a $° i,, ,aUctien or 'rues. 4LlZ 440 $tb, t:ti''`?+ 4410pit p.ni., An the- paCemisea, f'; , six• frame 4wa1 ting batgpfa sand on.g aP,kc` Pal ahuiee orebard and gardens'Mr #00 0. gprhtains hard and soft, water! 'and ,i,, efinipPed with els%ta'Ic Iights. The property re ..d4tiaated wte bloe!C west; of A mondyflle i'�.hnrclr and has the benefit of oma11 types. -There will also be sold at the same) time. ,and place, the house- hold effects, consisting of tables, chlairs, beds, wheelbarrow, garden Weis and other artiefles. Aso 30 choice hens. "Ferns — On chattels, cosh; on property, 10 iter cent of the pur- chase money on day of sale, balance op easy terms. THOMAS HUDSON, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 831.2x1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IM- MENTS, Standing Grain, Hay and House- hold Effects, at Lot 5. Concession 4, Hallett Township, 2 miles south of Kinburn, and 7 miles northeast of Clinton,, on Wednesday, Jayne 17th, at 1 o'clock sharp, oonshbting of the following: 'Cattle—Six choice Durham cows, fresh ; one pure bred Durham heifer, bred; 8 Durham calves about 8 weeks old. Horses—Extra choice brown mare, draft, '1 years old; brown onare, 9 years old; general purpose mare 10 years old, good single or double; agricultural colt 2 years old. About 150 Rock and Leghorn hens. Implements— Good farm. wagon, gravel box. hay rack, steel roller, Massey -Harris seed Aral, 18 hoes; horse rake, Massey -Harris mower, scuffler, 2 walking Plows, good top buggy, steel tire; open buggy, Portld,nd cutter, set of sleighs, cultivator, set of harrows, stone boat, fanning mill, grind- stone, work bench, sugar kettle, 25 foot lad- der, step :ladder, set of scales, roll of wire fence, double set of harness, set of single harness, number of grain bags, De Laval cream separator, No. 12; Daisy churn, wash- ing machine, pails. lanterns, shovels, hoes, rakes, scythes, whiffletrees, quantity of wheat. barley, hay and wood. About 25 acres of standing hay, 11 acres sof good fall wheat, 8 acres of oats, 8 acres of barley. Household Effects—Pandora range, Quebec heater, sew- ing machine, 3 beds, 2 chests of drawers, dining room table, 6 dining room chairs, couch, 3 rocking chairs, pots, pans. lamps, etc. At the same time and place the farm. which oonaists of 148 acres, more or less, of good clay loam; with good set of farm build- ings, will be offered for sale. This farm is well adapted for grain or grazing with abundance of water and shade. This prop- erty will be offered for sale in one block, that is to say, farm, farm stock. Implements. standing hay and grain. Threshed grain and hay in barn will be offered subject to reserve hid. Terms made known on day of sale. If not disposed of in block will be offered on following terms: Terme—On chattels, cash. On farm, 10 per cent. of purchase money paid down on day of sale, balance in 80 days ; arrangements may be made for reason- able amount to remain on mortgage. WM. J. MCCULLY, Executor of the Estate of Wm. Rinn; George H. Elliott. Auctioneer. 3311-1 MORTGAGE SALE OF SEAFORTH RACE TRACK, GRAND- STAND AND BUILDINGS Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, dated 29th May, 1926, and which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, by public auction, at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 1931, at Two (2) o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands and premises, namely: Part of the North half of Lot num- ber 25, in the 1st Concession, of the said. Township of McKillop, more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commencing on the East- erly limit of said Lot and at the dividing line between the North and South halves of aid Lot, thence Northerly along the Easterly limit of said lot, 1087 and 638--1000 feet thence Westerly parallel to the Northerly boundary of said Lot, 727 feet; thence South- erly parallel to 'the Easterly limit of said ot, 988 and 09-1000 feet, thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly boundary of said lot, 134 and 05-1000 feet, thence southerly par- allel to the Easte ly boundary of said lot, 107, and 62-1000 fee , thence easterly along the south limit of the North half of said Lot, 592 and 05-1000 feet to the place of beginning. Oa the avid lands there is located a half mile Race Track with grandstand, stables, etc., and is one of the beat Race Tracks in Western Ontario. TERMS OF SALE—The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid and the Purchaser will be me aired to pay Ten (10) per cent. of the purchase money in cash and the balance without interest with- in Thirty (30) days thereafter and will ,ibe required to sign an Agreement to complete the purchase. Further conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. DATED, at Seaforth, Ontario, the Second (2nd) day of June, A. D. 1931. R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor. 3312-a Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. CAPITAL THEATRE Northern Electric Sound System GODERICH Phone 47 West Street A Nice Drive and a Good Show Now Playing—"Steel Highway" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday NANCY C:ARROLL and PHILLIPS HOLMES will take you from New York to Havana and back to Palm Beach. A great star and a great picture. Stolen Heaven Thursday, Friday and Saturday Jackie Cooper, Robert Coogan, Mitzie Green and Jackie Searl present a joyous story of youth— frolicking in happy boyhood on the screen. "Skippy" And His Gang. June 15, 16, 17—Charles Chaplin in "CITY LIGHTS" NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons having any clams against Mary Young, late of the Town of Seaforth, Spinster, deceased. who died on the 15th day of May, 1331, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Ex- ecutors, full particulars .in writing and veri- fied by affidavit, of their claims and the na- ture of the securities, ifi any, held by them, on or before the 22nd day of June, 1981. after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute) the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Oat., this 4thi day at June, 1931. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. 3312,8 DESPITE THE NEW DUTY AND INCREASE IN SALES TAX To the Public : Canada's Largest Selling Tea Will Not Cost the Consumer More Despite the New Taxation. Do Not Pay More Than the Price Shown on the Package. WE PAY THE DUTY AND TAX. TO GROCERS : You Will Find No Sales Tax or Duty Item Added to Our Invoices. We Will Pay These Ourselves in Order That You May Serve the Public Without Extra Charge and Keep the Same Profit as Before. Salada Tea Company of Canada, Limited. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons having anm claims against John Alexander Watt, late of the Village of Walton, Huron- County, Drover, deceased, who died on the 25th day of April, 1981, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Executors, full particulars in whiting and verified by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, on or before the 10th any alvf June, 1981, after which date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seafsrth, Ont.. this 20th dam of May, 1981. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. It's cheaper to RE -ROOF than to patch Any roof that has to be patched will eventually have to be replaced. Why not save the cost of repairs by getting a weather - tight, fire - safe and colourful Brantford Roof NOW? There are over 100 different colour harmonies from which to choose. And there are types of Brantford Roofs which can be laid directly over your old shingle an economy of money, time and muss. Ask your dealer how little a Brantford Roof costs. He'll give you an estimate FREE! Brantford ROOPS Brantford Roofing Company, Limited, Head Office and Factory: Brantford, Ont. Branch Offices and Warehouses: Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax, Saint John, N.B., and St. John's, Ned. 191 FOR SALE BY N. CLU FF Fac SONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all credi- tors and other having claims against the estate of ASERICH BRISSON, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the Fourteenth day of Ilay, A. D. 1931, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fifteenth day of June, A. D. 1531. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED AT EXETER, Ont., this 27th day of May, A. D. 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Executors' Solicitors. 3711-0 83104 Reduced Prices on Barred Rock Chicks For June We will have just two more hatch- es for this season, June 2nd and June 9th, and we are reducing these to $12 per hundred. The quality of our stock seems to satisfy, as we have already booked large orders for 1932. Visitors to our farm are always welcome. J. M. Scott "Sunny Crest Farm" PHONE 32-251 SEAFORTH 3310-3 Cash HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WOOL Phone 3J or 262 H. M. Jackson SEAFORTH FARM FOR SALE WARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Ooncession 1l, Megan., sec+. tatting 182 aerie and known a the T. 1t. Illayb farm. Must be sold to Gose tete eststs. If not sold will be rented. 'Aar paritfaatare aDD1y to .T. M. GOVEft LOOK, Executor. forth. 4 Fencing All Coppered Bearing, Rust Proof Wire, Guaranteed , 8 wire, even spaced stays, 22" 45c Rod 48c Rod Barbed Wire, 2 point, 80 rod rolls $3.50 Barbed Wire, 4 point, 80 rod rolls $3.75 SPOT CASH PRICES 8 wire, even spaced stays, 161!2" CEMENT - LIME - HARD WALL PLASTER A fresh car of each just in, at Bottom• Prices. IlliJAmbassoN al il% A� \ IijjI Special long handled garden shears, $1 each Garden Tools Lawn Mowers, 3 knife .. $7.00 4 knife $10.00 Rakes, steel 70c Long Handled Shovel socket handles. Special 98c Geo. A. Sills & Son HARDWARE PLUMBING THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Baby Chicks We can supply you with 8. O> Whit* Lig- horns for delivery; May the 18Th to J011y the 1st, at 910.00 or 100. Our Leghorn& afro the famous Rarron Strain, big h2'ru, ivy=ie1�i► of large eggs. We guaa*tvtee 100 yah osnk live delivery. Order caller' ah#le the alai h dates ane available. '81118 WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARIL Rrueeela, Ont 48094 Fly