The Huron Expositor, 1931-05-22, Page 5ISO do, M., ms ind by �ive LIM- !Is- ing de- rac- Nell mes *d at - t as ills �s at ).iled y 0 tuwr pills eigh. ,e no ALL iefin- the �gest— plex- pkg- 0 IL *1 171 __Iq 44" �A , UQeess -4 afty. P.0%00 Zu ..A 'an Wii :farm '44" j�p In. ,*. , . a an" actim iideriiiC r r d TW§ n �Xeys,,� Vft peat , he iw�*.. %Ad. part. in"'publice iffairs. DUBUN grer#_.*a�y, 'years be b Nelson X�ysl Ad been. 4 Director (of, The Me". 16 Mutual Fire LXr. Niat�mn So Ic- Collins, bif Buffalo, spent a Insuranic e company and had been an Is 'staying '*Ith W days with friends in the village, offleial, of -the Seaforth Aig-Acq1tural, (Ca Wring from, Wo few 00 _,jis ,xrie Krauskopf and Mr. Society since its organization. in we hope Ike W q ab io,73 .around a Louts'Krauakopf, of Detroit, are visit- Ii i05 he a staunch C�,onserva� aoM PUT XT t wa$ t tog at the U , e of their ents, po tive, .6ne of the, old school, bu he liad br", *be #0 , , ; serioufly "ill jia4. 0XVploa;S.. and 'Mrs. James Kriuskopf, fiiands in -every political- party; in led 64'. t . he . 'A large number attended the every walk of life, and his fandliar ov"7- ulating exercises of St. Josephs Aura- figure, friendly face'and jovial man- ing Sheol in London on WO-dnesd4y ner will be greatly missed in town evening. Miss Helen PauSkOPf was and country alilke. Mr. Rinn was jilm, .�WWTRROP one of the chsa. . er marriedbut4s; survived by a bro. Mr. Leo Mlland land V. MieGrath, ther �Mr. Joseph Rinn, �of Woodhani, ana, iits. ., oWt Campbell and of 'Windsor, were -week end­ViSHOTS now'in his 87th year; and ,two sis- -%0ss'1Wt1& 'Qam 4-:111: spent Sunday in the village. ters, Mrs. William MeGavin and Mrs. �wft Mr. and -Mrs. Adam Dodds, of Miss Lotttie MeLaren, Of Mitchell, John Clark. He is" also survimed by Avurw"I. . spent Tuesday with -her sister, 'Mrs. two nephews -and three nieces, Messrs. 'Mr. and May. FeTg. Bullard and Forrester. George and W. J. McCully, of Strat- children spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, of Stratford, ford- Mrs. Isaac McGavin, Leadbury; 3fts. JAQb.n Arm, trong, of London.. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs.'John McGregor, Walkerton, and ;M'r, and Mrs. SDI, Shannon'attend- B. Dyers. Miss, Belle McCully, who had always ed the funeral of Mrs. 9hannons 40 made her home with, MT. Rinn The grand4Mer, the late Mr. William funeral was held from his late home OudsDn, on Saturday. BLUEVALE q� Thursday afternoon, When the ser- We'Congfttulate Mrrs,'Haist on win- vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. in 'the conigoleurn rag given away -One of the heaviest rains of the Johnston, of Londesbaro. Interment -ning in the -guessing contest by Stewart season struck this district on Satur- was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery, Bros., 'SWorth. day. it was aceompar4ed by hail and the pallbearers being Messrs,- D. F -d;iiWWs. 'George,. Eaton spent Wednes- lightning, but no serious damage was McGregor, G. A. Sills, G. H. Elliott: irl,Vlahon, visdting her sister, done by thestorm. - William Clark, Thomas Livingston Mrs. fta�6!d Smalldon, who has re- Parties interested, in the Bluevak and D. Ftotheringbam. Oftetery are requested to attend a on Monday, June 1st. The Same '�v ening a meeting will be held in, LIVE STOCK,MARKETS #)e t. 0. F. Hall for the appointment s and other business,. Yards, Toyo!nto, May 19. ,!ptf,e union Stock at the Union Stock Yards -asters, Mrs. supply of cattle aiid Mrs'. W. J. M reight and Mrs, MaTin were. at market Yesterday was some 1,600 'head lighter e ,Us Xonday and trading than or, Ili previ 'S", a,46a oil Sunday and little Jean af ter the first hour was fairly active, with M&Creight, who, underwent an dper- prices firmer on weighty steers and cows, vivid atio'n at thehospital three. Weeks ago, while good handyweight butchers sold 10 to 15 cents per ewt. higher than 1ast week I B was able to return home with them. lose. Buyers, howev�r, seemed to have filled Miss Lane, teacher at Douglas requirements before the offering was disposed schooil, was a Sunday visitor at the of, and movement toward the close tA the home of Mx, -and Mrs. Archie Messer. market was slowing UP- C.1ves in an offering of less than 500 were Mrs. J,. J. Elliott, of Wingham, and in good demand for the home trade and sold Mr. M. Filliatt, of Blyth, spent Sunday at r to 8 cents Per Pound for good to choice es up to 8 1-2 cents per ,%, with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. with , few prim aL pound in the early t ding� Plain to medium J, Duff. vealers made 5 to 6 cents, and there were t 4; Raymond Elliott made a business very few common pail-feds and grossers I Etrip to Goderich on Monday. a range of 3 1-2 to 4 14 cents Per Pound,. Spring lambs were active, and the bulk of Quite a number from the BlueMale � the offe,ing sold at 15 cents Per Pound or Presbyterian congregation attended even with last week's close on choice qQity. services in the Brussels church on cull lambs brought 11 to 13 cents. A few yearlings sold from 7 cents for ouills to 10 Sunday evening, and listened with ts for the best offered. Sheep were steadY pleau,,e, and profit to Rev Allaiilatct to 4 1-2 cents per pounA�for good light �w S and downward to nt per Pound for Reoch, returned missionary fr,o;n Man- a cL churia, who gave an address on thelculls. work being done, by the church in that Hog prices were steady to 25 cents Per cwt. higher th-an 4a:3t Thur.,day, at 7 1-4 to '1 1-2 fi el -d. cents f.o.b. and 8 to 8 1-4 rents weighed off Mrs. George Mioffat, of Flint, is ca- for bacons. Truck hogs sold mostly at 7 s -A cents, with a few at Sc Per Pound * NEAKTHE701P visiting at the, home, of MT. and Mrs. , rmelc hogs made up more than half of the Peter Moffatt. day's light offering. OFTHEWORLD Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers spent Quotations:— Sunday -at the home of Ed. Johnston. Heavy beef steers ............ $ 5.25 to $6.50 Butcher heifers, choice ....... 5 -D 0 6.00 Do., fair to good ............ 6.25 5.50 Do. common ........... .... 4.50 5.00 But her steers, ch.i-cL ........ 5-50 5.75 HULLETT Do fair to good ............ 5.25 5.50 o.- 5.00 An Alaskan cruise Do common ................ 4.50 guarantees you new Death of William Rinn. — In the, )��utcher cows good to choice .. 4.00 4.50 Do. medliu�n ............... 3.25 0.50 sights, new experi. death of Mr. Will.iam. -Rinn, which oc- Canners and cutter . .......... :1.50 2.50 ences and a gloriouts. curred suddenly at his 'home on Tues- Butcher bulls, good to choice 3.75 4.75) ly different holiday. day evening, this township has lost a D�,, bolognas � ............ 3.00 3.59 pioneer citizen and the county a wide Baby Beef ................... 6.00 7.00 - Feeders, good ............. ... 5.00 5.2.5 Reduced rail fares ly known and greatly esteemed re-si Stockers .......... ........... 4.25 4 50 NOWwithstopover dent. Mr. Rinn was born in Blan- Springers ............. ....... 50.00 75 00 Milken ........ ... .......... 40.00 60.t)() privileges at jasper ishard Township, Perth County. in the Calves. good to choice ........ 6�00 7.60 year 1849, of Irish parents, and would Do., medium ................ 5.2,j 5.50 National Park and have celebrated his 82nd birthday on Do., common I .... 1. ........ 3 * 00 4 * 50 Nfinak:L October 18th next. When a youn g L,mb_,�' choice ..... ...... 14.00 15.00 ,Do., medium ................ 12.00 13.00 mian he came to Huron County, and Sheep ............ ........... 150 4.50 Full details and illus. fifty-seven years ago in trated booklet from any oved to Lot 5, Hogs. bacon, f.o.b . ........... 7.- 7.50 on the fourth concess Do,, selec#, 1 per hog Premium* agent at Canadian ion, where he Do., do., w,o.c., 65 to 75c above f.o.b. National Railways. continued to farm and hive until his Do., butchers, $1 per hog discount. T -Io I death. Always a man of robust health and energetic habits, he con- Xorttrea(l, 1VLaY 19—Gattle receipts were tinued his actilvities to, the end,. Last A,.2.38 on the two Montreal live stock markets C A INTA D I A INT to -day. There were no early sales of steers. winter, however, he met with a rather and bulls were weighed up at prices cident, when, be was thrown even with last week. Cows of good NATIO-11-NAL fr-vm`-h`ff cutter and bad some- rib:3�aver 9!,qUality said for $4.25 to $4.50 and fractured. This, undoubtedly, proved tops a pi ked out brought $5. 'Medium fleshy strippers of good weights sold for $4 and "RAILWAYS a great shock to his system, althoug*ft plain cows for $.I. Bulls were from $2.50, he was able to be about as usual. On to $4.50. Brilliant Performance ... T FIF Refresking Style'... Moderate' Nice burant'Six-Cylinder Slandord Sedan Madet 6.j.� THE Durant 6-14 a quality six. . gives you ine car performance, smoot6ness, speed and acceleration ... fine car safety and 1-landling ease fine car comfort, appearance and complete - LOWER ness of equipment. Its reasona6le price makes PRICES it easy to 6uy low upkeep cost makes it GREATER easy to own. VALUE See tke Durant 6-14. Drive it. Matck it against any car in its price class. BUILT BY A CANAbIAN COMPANY CONVOLLED BY CANADIAN CAPITAL n"DANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED I TORONTO (LEASIDE) CANADA A GOOD CAR JOHN� 1. GALLOP ONTARIO. 6 1231 & 1. �,4un4 f)'- ­1L1'­­V­­ - "'. ­­_ 40 , P. b0"_,:A­rrsU?�t a �ea* PW ' voun4 and t Iambs weighing 0 to 40 poqnds qold',11!6�rlft per pound. 110ar 74i0p* ;W,0ro lilep wgro 04ow sellers. EiAy q4les�,*xik.od from 08 to $0.50' Ifar Wcono and , Mixed lot� hj;�� 11�1-50 to 17.75.;' 04is�vfiip 'Were 61ghod up at $7 to $7.25 and o4w.'s lbrought 74,'To to $0.00, . . Selects when sold ou.,grade brought,JR1.00 vier hog premluxm BIP -THS Johnaton.—In Stanley, on May 16th, to Mr. , and Mrs. Fercy Johnston, d son. r1hesney—In Scott M�mi)riiil Hospital, Sea, ,forth, on May 16tb, to Mr. and'Mcs. Hugh M-ure Chesney, of Tackeremith, a d&uFh,- tbr (Mardyn Isabel). DFATHS Rinn.—In Hullett, on Tuesdao,, May 19th, u �William Rinn, ird big 82nd year. Young—Ju Seaforth, on Friday, May 15th, .1.ry Young, in her 72nd year. - 21se.—In Toronto on V,rlday, May l5th, Ellen Sellne. Else, wife 'df Charles Herbert Else, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archi- bald, aged 30 years. IN MEMORIAM Note.—Items under this head will be eharg- Ld 60 cents per &izkgle verse, and 25 cents for each additional veTse. a BELL.—In loving memory of our dear bro- ther and uncle, George, who died May 23rd, S L930 bone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away— Memories that will always linger I While upon the earth we stay. I In our hearts your memory lingers V Sweet and-ftender, fond and true-, T There is not a day, dear George, That we do not thin -k of you. --Ever remembered by his sister, Lillie, and I Family. ,310xl f CARD OF THANKS C Air. John Martin and sister, desire to ex- w )ress their sin,cere apprecdation to friends and ieighbors who extended sympathy and kind- iesr shown them in their recent bereavement, � the loss of their brother, William A. Mar - An. 331OXI CARD OF THANKS Mr. Charles Else and Mr. and Mrs. Robert �rchibald deiire to expres� thuir sincf&re ap- )reciation of the many kindn(,�.ses and sym- mthy extended to them during their recent )ereavement. 3310-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES 'I-RASS FA_RM TO RENT.- LOT 7, CON - Ix cession 7, McKillop, 100 aerw in grass; lev er failing well. Apply to DAN SHANA- 4AN, S-eaforth. 3310-tf COWS WANTVD.—WANTED TO PUR- chase two young cows c)r heifers, soon o freshen. Apply to W. M. DOIG, L.L.B., �ort Huron, Michigan, or phone 20 on 92. ienv,aM. 3310-2 L AND TO RENT.—TO GROW BEANS A�R buckwheat, and also bay and grass. p- �ly to JAMES CAMERON, Lot 13, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, or Phone 2-133. MILLET SEED FOR SALE.—FOR SALE A quantity of Government Tested Mi'llet, -.eed. Apply to G. R. McCartney, Seaforth, ir phone 15 on 137. 33080 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes n that behalf that all persons having any �laims against John Alexander Watt, late of :he Village of Walton, Huron County, Dmver. leceased, who died on Lhv 25th day of April, 1931, are required to send to the underbig-ned ;,Dlicitor for the Executom full Partriculars in writing and verified by affidavit, of their -laims and the nature of the securities, it inY. held by them, on or before the 10th (IRY )f June, 1931, after whioh date the said Ex- ?outors will Proceed to distribute the assets )f the said deceased. having regard only to �he claims of whi�vh they Lhen shall have had iotice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 20th day of Way, 1931. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. 3310--1, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HERE13Y GIVEN that all credi. tors and others ha,et ry claims against the estate of ANDREW STATER, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. Gentleman, who died ,n the twenty-second day of April A. D. 1931, are required to for- ward thsii� claims duly proven to the under- signed on or before the twenty-fifth day of May, A. D. 1931. AND NOTICE IS FTTRTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to the claims of which he then shall' have noti e. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this Fourth d.y of May, A. D. 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Exeter and Hensall. Exc,cutor'.s Solicitors. 3308-3 Reduced Prices on Barred Rock Chicks For June We will haxe just two more batch- es for this season, June 2nd and Tune 9th, and. we are reducipg these. to $10 per hundred. The (juality of our stock seenis to satisfy, as we have already booked largeorderq for 1932. Visitors to our faii-a are always welcome. J. M. Scott "Sunny Crest Farm" PHONE 32-251 SEAFORTH 3310-3 Cash HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR WOOL Phone 33 or 262 H.M.Jackson SEAFORTH w�c*W—V ;, —1. T, The Premium 011-y4esdallo. , 041111liln FAVOVRI 'AGAIN Er Iment No. 1961 'Form A ,I Monday—will �leafe his owii bt.qbfv at tiqq�'-�f field, and go to� the Zid Conm , , alva of $U.p� ley and south to W$J21jaw XcXe.=Ie`s, wr noon; then pGuth'11/ ,$ Miles ptot Town YAue and east to Kir��, ii Al, Aqwvw's, ferniq*t,' Day.—Zost to the 10sh Coaqw8i9p to % A MC94IM40118, for nopa; then east to, the T�own Line to the ft, Concession to Wm. Patrick's, for night Wednesday—Wast -1yo miles and north to the 7th Concession to Coyne Bros., for noon; then to Robert Doig's or ulght. ThuriOsy.—West to Gemniell's corner and north to Mill Road to G. R. Mo- Cartney's 'for noah, then by way of Me - Adam's side road to the 2nd Concession and west to Carnochan Bros., for night Friday— West-by Broadfoot's Bridge and south to the Mill Road to his own stable for night Bat. rday�West to the 2nd Concession of Stan- ey, and north to John H. McEwan's, for noon -, then home to his own stable for, night. Terms.—To insure, $15,00, payable Febru- Ty Ist, IN2. R. D. MURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager. The Pure Bred Imported and Premium Percheron Stallion RAVEN [128041 Monday—Will leave his own stable, Staffs, aid go south 21/2 miles to the i8th concession nd east 21/j miles to -Hugh Dalrymple, for xoon; then north 21/_, �and west 21/2 miles to taffa to his own sta-ble for night. Tuesday— Arest on the 9th Concession 5 miles, and north o Montgomery Patrick's, for noon; then torth by way of Sproat's Brick Yard to Wm- eattie7s, MciKillop, for night, Wednesday— set 11/4 miles and north 21/._, miles to Percy Attle's, for noon; then north 11/1 miles and est and, -north to Fred Scarletts, for night hursday—East 3% miles and south ZIA mile -i o Gilbert Murray's, for noon: then east 11/k iles and north 13/1 miles and east to the ogan TDwn Line anti south to Ed, Rose's, or night. Friday—South 21,'. miles and west 1/4. miles and south to John Walili's, far ran, then south 3VI miles and ea�t 21,,� miles . Gray Bros., 4th Concession, of Hibbert, r night. Saturday—South 11/1, miles and eit 2�'. miles and south to Staffa by way of entre Road, to his own stable, where he ill remain until the following Mondaymorn- Terms--$13 to insure. JOHN LIVINGSTON, Proprietor and Manager. Baby Chicks We can supply you with S. C. White Le,_-- orns for delivet'y' May the 1.5th to July the st, at $10.00 per 100. Our Leghorns are the arnous Barron Strain, big hens, heavy layers f large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. ive delivery. Order early while the beat ates are available. THE WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARM, Brussels, Ont. 3309-4 :> <> <> 0 > 0 :> H., C. BOX 0 • Funeral Director and .0 • Licensed Embalmer • Best Motor and Horse-drawn > equipment. > Charges moderate, 10 C> Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. <> Oo Night Calls Day Calls <> Phone 175 Phone 43 -0 0 �C* 0 �0 <> 0 lc* <> �C* <> 0 MORTGAGE SALE OF PUBLIC GARAGE, AT SEAFORTH- Vnder and by virtue of the Powers of Sale ontained in an Indenture of Mortgave which vill be produced �at the time of sale, there vill be offered for sale by Public Auction. by hormis Brown, Auctioneer, on the premises, 'n Wedneday, the 27th May, 1081, at two ,'clock in the afternoon, Lots numbers Forty� wo (42) and One Hundred and Fifty-seven 157), both in Jarvis Survey, of part of he Town of Seaforth, in the County of -luron, together with the buildings. equip- nent, gasoline tanks and pumps, engines and mplements contained in the said buildings. ,rhere is erected on the Premises a brick ,arage, with living roomq on the second floo�. ;nd a splendid opportunity is offered to any )ne desiring to secure R gassoline and gRrag,] wsine�o stand in the heart of the rown of 4­ aforth. TERMS OF SALE Ten 00) per cent. of the purcha�e mony, n M�h, on the (lay of sale and th� balanco, vithout interest, thirty (30) days thereafter. Further conditions and terms of sale will )e made known on the day of sale and may v he<] in the meantime from the undersign- r)ATED it Seaforth, Ontario, this Ith day )f May, 1931. R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor. 3,308-3 Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. FARMS FOR SALE F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—VTEST half 1.1, Concession 1, McKilloD. 30 acres ,n grass. balance tilled land. If not sold will be rented for the %eason. Apply to ]-'RANK MURPHY, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. 330,5x! FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOI 28 and 29, Concession S. MeKill-YP. con- taining 192 acres and known aa the T. E flays farm. Must be sold to close the estata If not sold will be Tented. For Particular* apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 9201 -ti L -ARM FOR SAI,E.--LOT 11, CONCESSION JL' 4, H.R.S., Tuckersmith. 'ontaininw 100 neres ryr choice land, situibted on county road, Ili mi -les south of the Prosperous Town of ,,P-irorlh, on C. N. R. Railway; convenient to .ch(xA,, churche� and market,. This farm is all underdrained. -ell fmced: about 2 acres of �cbnice fruit tirecs. The soil is excellent and in a good state of cultivatinn and all ,uitable for the growth of alfalfa, no waste ]and. The farm is well watered with two never failing wells, also a flowing spring in the (Arm Ynrd: about 40 acres Plowed and rrndy for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat; rernaindeir is seeded with alfalfa. 'Me huildiingn are first clnsi, in excellent repair; the hnuse is brick and is modern in every re- spmt, heated with furnace. hard and soft water on tap, a three-piece bath room; rural telephone. also rural mail. The outbuildings ronsist of barn 50s:80 feet with stone stab- , ing under; all floors in stable cement; the ,tabling has water system installed. A good frame driving shed, 24x48 feet; a 2�borey hen house 16x3G feet. A brick pig pen with cement floors capable of housing abopt 40 pigs. The house. stables and barn have Hydra instaIled. Anyone desiring a first class home and choice farm should see this. On account of Al heftltb I wM sell reasonable. Besides th c above I sm offering Lt 27, Concession 12, Hibbert, eonsisting Of 100 acres chodee land, 65 acres well underdrained: 10 acres maple busb, all seeded to gTass: no waste land. On the premises are a good bsink barn 48x5G feet and frame house, an excellent well. The Ifarm is situnted about 5 miles from the pros- perous village of Hens,all on the C.N.R., one- qu.nrukr of a mile from school and mile from church. This farm has never been cropped much and Is in excellent shape for cropping o,r pasttte. I wqI sell thesd farms togetbet or separately to suit PUrchaSer. For furtber particulars apply to the propiietor, Seafortk R� R. 4, or phone 21 on 133, Seaforth. THOS G. SHILLINGLAW. Proprietor. 3801-1:11 I ...... ------ 01 Wire, eve, re, evio bed Wir ,4rbed arbed wl'lre. 4 I . 7- -7, CEMENT LIME A fresh car of each justin. at" B, W A Gamden Tools, Lawn ]go* 3 knife ..$7.OQ 4 kniM­ $10.00 ha-.nd Rakes, steel 70c all I Speel J Special long handled garden shears, $1 e* ach MAU—% Geo. A. Sills & Son HARDWARE PLUME31NG A The annual meeiting of the Liberal Asisociatdonof South Huron will be held in Town, Ha'11, Clinton Wed. June 3rd' al I p.m. for the election of Officers and such other business as may come be - for the meeting. The meeting wfll be addressed by Mr. Thos. McMillan, M.P. and Mr. Mitchell F. Hepbt:rn, MY Provincial Liberal Leader. "GOD SAVE THE KING" Federal Officers: Provincial Officer,4: DR� J. W. SHAW President G. STANBURY - Pres. J. A. McFWEN Secretary Mr. J. M. GOVEINLOCK - Sec'y. Farmers! We have on hand a good stock of hiZh irmde Concrete Tile, sizes 3" to an'. We also ma]w ca ol:�dw sizes up to, 16". Now is the thne to get yours. —ALSO— Do you know 70 per cent. of fires are caused by defective chimneys? Are yours safe? See us at once about our new style fire proof chim- ney. R. FROST PHONE 183 - SEAFORTH 3308-tf Your Plant Food Spring is here. You will be seed- ing soon. What about Fertilizer or Agricultural Lime? Yes! We know times are tough, hut don't starve your crops or you may starve yourself. We have high-grade water soluble fertilizers at low grade prices. Also Agi-irultural Lime and Clay Dram Tile. Deal with us - we make your fields grow real crops, which crowd out the weeds. Fertilizer always on hand. We also represent Murray Mineral Food and Stock Remedies for Pertb and Huron Counties. We aim to serve. Wm. M. Sproat Tile Manufacturer. Phone 1,16-2 OR REPRESENTATIVE A. BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five acres,, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; sinall barn - good orchard. Taxes, $15. Spleudl�' chance to start chicken farm, been, ets, Apply to R. S. HAYS, Senforth, Milt 2owt / 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUAI, FIRE INSURANCE C09y. HEAD OFFICE­SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: James Evans, Beecliwood President James Connolly, Goderich Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E, Hinchley, Seafortb ; John Mur�ay, Egmondville,; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Bronagen; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdice, Walton. D. H. McINNES <> W. J. CLEARY '0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 CHIROPRACTOR Funeral Director 0 C� Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Equipment. 0 NIIN Night and Day Service. 401 <�, Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 <0� 0 0 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUAI, FIRE INSURANCE C09y. HEAD OFFICE­SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: James Evans, Beecliwood President James Connolly, Goderich Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E, Hinchley, Seafortb ; John Mur�ay, Egmondville,; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Bronagen; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdice, Walton. D. H. McINNES Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Seaforth N1, Monday, Wednesday and NIIN Friday Afternoons. Adjustment given for disea"s of all kinds. 4, THE JOHN* RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kindS. Bonds, Ri6al Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, Phone 01 M"