HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-03-20, Page 8PAr rle .kr 1-. FI is 'd4.ikk 't i'col3BLEas grown by Mr. J. y i r,Sugall from Certified Govern - :fent inspected stock. @�'C op' 90und bag'�4 LJ VW, — Fine pure kettle -rendered fir; a short time) 12!/2c ib. tf ,ES --Per 11 -quart basket...35e 1OKFN •BISCUITS -0, lbs ....25c ALMON—Large tins Maple Leaf Sockeye, 35e; Choice Red Cohoe,. 25e; Fancy Pink, 15e. FULL-0-VIM—Similar to Vi -Tone :and Toddy, at about half the price: 8 -oz. tins, 20c; 16 -oz., 40c. FAIR SEX and BEAUTY PARLOR TOILET SOAP --Regular 10c at 5 for PITTED DATES -2 lbs 25c GOLDEN H]AILLOW I DATES ei G, 3 pounds• L J c YELLOW HAMMIER PEACHES— Regular 25c, for .19c MAPLE LEAF PEACHES --Size 2%, regular 85c, for 25c KLENZINE AND STAR ,A1VE1TONIA-2 for SPRING CLOTHES PINS at same price as ordinary clothes pins. 3 dozen for 10e PRUNES at 20c, 121,4c and 81/4 cents per pound. COAL OIL—Per Gallon 20c 5 gallons for 90c EVAPORATED APRIOOTS—lb 20c EVAPORATED PEACHES—+1b18c Bo" n,• PURPLE GARDEN 5c SEEDS—Package ti rip 25c 15c W. D. -fiutCii1Ston Phone Phor Food -166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O '0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 0 O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. 0 O Limousine Ambulance Service O O Night calls, phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, phone 119 J. O 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IsYour Automobile Insured? IF NOT, DO YOU KNOW THAT IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT: You have given a BLANK CHEQUE which may cost you, your entire life's savings? The Financial Responsibility Law may suspend your licenses for ALL TIME if you are unable to pay. BE INSURED! NOT WISHING YOU WERE AFTER THE ACCI- DENT. NEW LOW RATES Full information gladly given. CALL US. WATSON & REID Specialists in all lines of Insurance PHONE 33 W SEAFORTH Rexall Cod -Liver Compound WITH CRESOTE is an excellent Tonic Builder in general run down conditions. Especially recommended for Persistent Coughs, Bronchitis, Tendency toward Weak Lungs, and after Flu conditions. Sold on our personal guarantee of satisfacti+?n or money refunded. SPECIAL THIS WEEK One pound best quality Linen Paper, 50 interlined envelopes to match. THE TWO FOR 75c Sold at Keating's Pharmacy The Resell Drug Store • SEAFORTH - - -ONT. THE HURON EXPOSITOR O O O O O O O O O O O O o W. T.BOX&CO. 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 H. C. BOX 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipment. 0 Charges moderate. O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 14 000000000000 DISTRICT MATTERS improvements in the church and manse were carried out because of her •fine zeal and leadership. Mks. Hinchel also had a great deal .of ability in amateur plays and gave much of her time and energy to snak- ing a number of them successes. Her help will be greatly missed in many departments of the church. Surviv- ing her are her husband, who has been ill for some time, two .sisters, Mrs. Martha McCallum, 'Stratford, and Mrs. Margaret Harn, of Seaforth, besides a number of nephews and nieces. The funeral service will be held this afternoon at 2.30 from her late residence, 9 Nile Street." C. W. L.—At the monthly meeting, held in the parish hall, Seaforth, the Catholic Women's League decided to hold a series of progressive euchre games. These games will be held on April 7th, April 14th and April 21st, and will take the form of a contest. Prizes will be given each night to the winners, also a prize of five dol- lars in gold to the person who has the highest total for the three nights. Rev. Father Blonde gave an interest- ing address and then. a nominating committee was appointed to take, charge of selection of new officers for the coming year. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Hotel For Sale.—Walker's Hotel at Bruce - field. Apply to Mrs. .A,nnie Walker, Bruce - field, for particulars. 3299-tf House For Sale.—.12-roomed frame house, in good condition. Apply at The Expositor Of- fice. 3261-tf Piano For Sale.=Slightly used Heintzman Go. piano for sale cheap. Apply ah Walker's Furniture Store, Seaforth. Phone 67. 3295-tf Agent Wanted. --A 'good Live agent for Exeter and surrounding country, to sell com- plete' line farm implements : good proposition for right mann. Apply to Cockshutt Plow Co., Ltd., Brantford, Ont. 3301x1 Northside Y. P. S. — The Young People^s Society of Northside Church held their regular meeting Tuesday evening in the Sunday school room of the church. The meeting was in charge of the Citizenship Department and Mr. E. R. Crawford presided. The main topic for the evening wastak- en by Mr. F. D. Hutchison, who spoke on "Canada and Why we Should be Thankful to be Canadians." He com- pared our country to some others and gave the young people some fine in- formation. Next week the Social Committee are planning to present two short comic plays that promise to be good. An Interesting Old Photo. — Mr. Robert Scarlett brought into The Ex- positor Office this week a photograph of the interior of Britannia Masonic Lodge, with the officers and members taken in 1894. Among those present were: Rev. W. J. Hodgins, J. H. Reid, Robert Scarlett. Robert Wilson, A. R. Simpson, Mr. Passmore, Alex. Win- ter, George Patterson, R. C. Chess- wright, R. S. Hays, Dr. Murray, G. B. Scott, William Ballantyne, L. G. VanEgmond, George Whitely, J. 0. Rose, Dr. Campbell, George Duncan, George Ewing, Alex. Slemmon, David Moore, Henry Town, R. E. Jackson, Hugh Grieve, R. Mowbray and R. Mercer. McGillivrary Auxiliary.—The sec- ond meeting of this organization was held in the Sunday School room of the United Church on Monday even- ing, with the president, Mrs. Ross Savauge, presiding. The meeting was opened by singing Hymn 94, follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and adopted. After the roll was called, business was looked after' by the pres- ident. Mrs. Chapman, leader of Cir- cle II, then took the chair. "From Every Stormy Wind that Blows" was sung and Mrs. Lane offered prayer. Miss Hellyer read the Scripture les- son, after which Mrs. Close gave a de- votional message, "Thine is the King- dom." A duet, "Come Unto Me," sung by Misses Bessie Cluff and Hel- en Lane on the piano, was much ap- preciated. Leafllets on "Japan" were read by Mrs. Chapman, Mts. McGav- in, Miss Doreen Hudson, Miss Marian Scarlett and Mrs. Westcott: After Hymn 98, the 'Mizpah Benediction brought the meeting to a close. OFFICEIRS: James Evans, Beechwood - President James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth ; John Murray, Egmondville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdice, Walton. Buildings for Sale. Mimensions and Descriptions as Follows:— One beading 14'x15' with 8' ceiling, rough boarding inside and out; two sides and ons sod have pine lapped siding, the whole lined with Georgian pine. There is one panelled door and two windows with two lights each, eilets4't : roofed with Paroid roofing. One building 16/x240' with ?' 6►i ceiling, Tomb pine sidling with batboys outside and itaD3' of inside matched aiding and ceiling. One building, 80'x70' with 4/#x4PP studding, `'covered with 11/ 6f, lough pine siding with battens. Matters are efeeeese Otte building 80'x15'; 12”s.12” timber grade; 80Px28'; 10”reetr timber frames tat Qeaitto'e, 80/x26', 14rx40r, 16'x8', 12 feet bs ai3• feet • Above buildings sdtaated on Main Street, gentle Sealer& Apply to WILLIAM MOM%, e afoll% Ont., for entreat particulatrfltfil It i J. CLEARY 4 Licensed Einbaimer and 0 u era Director '0. k gree-, and Motor0 tt dabs. tend Da,x: y' Service. O dei; 1.22blip. Swing Easel Frames in Gold and Silver Bronze Finish. These come in three differ- ent sizes and are just the frames to suit the one partic- ular, picture you have. Priced -at, $1.00, $1.25 AND $1.50 EACH Thompson's Book Store, Seaforth 'Subscriptions taken for newspapers and magazines at publisher's prices. The Bible story was read by Gordon Finnigan and Mrs.- Malcolm led in prayer. E. Nott told how the hymn, "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" came to be written. The hymn was then sung. The roll call and minutes were then read by the secretary, John Hammond. During the business per- iod over which the president, Norman McLean, presided, final plans were made for the membership tea to be held at 3 p.m. on Saturday. All the children who wish to be Mission Band members are invited to this. A mis- sionary story was then told. The meeting closed) with the hymn, "Jesus Bids Us Shine," and a benediction. Women's Missionary Society..— There was a splendid attendance at the W.M.S. meeting of Northside United Church on Thursday after- noon, March 12th, when the meeting was in charge of Circle No. 3, of which Mrs. J. G. Wilson is captain. The first part which was presided ov- er by the president, Mrs. Lane, was opened by a hymn and prayer, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Laing, and adopted. The following other reports were received: Treas- urer's by Mrs. Burrows; Christian Stewardship by Mrs. Tyerman; Tem- perance by Mrs. Archibald; Supply Committee by Mrs. Hinchley; Visit- ing by 'Mrs. Henderson. After the roll call, Mrs. Burrows took charge of the second part in the absence, through illness, of Mrs. Wilson. The singing of Hymn 91 was followed by the Scripture reading by Mrs. F. Kers- lake, after which Mrs. Frost led in prayer, The devotional leaflet was read by Miss Jean Ferguson. The last chapter of the study book was summarized by Mrs. Burrows and, ex- tracts were given by Miss Somerville, Miss Robb, Mrs. Harburn and 1V.lrs. Barber. Before the offering was tak- en up by Mrs. S. Carter and Mrs. Henderson, Miss Marion Scarlett sang that beautiful hymn, "Building For Eternity." The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the 'Mizpah bene- diction was repeated in unison. Successful Play. — The three act play, "Camouflage," which was held in St. James' Parish Hall on March 17th, was a decided success. The play sponsored and directed by the Sisters of St. Joseph and Rev Father Blonde, was supported by a cast composed of Mary 'Matthews, Cyril Reynolds, Julia Flannigan, Mary Fortune, Stella Hil- debrand, Jane Verbeen, Eugene Dun- can, Tom Sills, Alice Daly, Alice Devereaux and Margaret Finkbeiner. Between the first and second scenes a humorous Irish debate, entitled "Home Rule" by Vera Nolan and 1fi91- da Kennedy, was thoroughly enjoyed, also the "Irish Minstrels" by the St. James' Glee Club. Throughout the evening the St. James' Orchestra un- der the direction of Mrs. F. Devereaux was in attendance and rendered some beautiful Irish airs in a masterful fashion. The directors of the play and the cast are to be congratulated on their achievement and it is hoped that their efforts in future will not he confined to St. James' Parish Hall, as the natural talent and ability along the lines of music and acting display- ed on numerous ocoasions, is worthy of praise and recognition in any place in. Ontario. aif it Egmondville.—In the absence of Jean Smith, Mr. Malcolm presided at the Young People's meeting Tuesday night. The devotional period began with quiet music, Betty Malcolm being at the piano. The hymn, "0 Lave that Will Not Let Me Go," was sung, after which Viola Clark led in prayer. The Scripture lesson from the 10th chapter of St. John, was read by Rody McLean. Lillian Richardson then spoke on the theme, "I Am the Shep- herd," basing her talk on the passage of Scripture that had been read. "Saviour Like a Shepherd, Lead Us," was then sung. Vera Crozier gave an interesting account of rural life and conditions in Japan. This was followed by the missionary hymn, "The Morning Light is Breaking." Being the "sixteenth," Mr. A. Rut- ledge spoke on St. Patrick. This was followed by "Here Comes the Sun," pleasingly sung by Betty Mal- colm and Margaret Finnigan. Th: social half hour was specially enjoy- able at this meeting, the time being spent in two exciting new ,games and a contest under the direction of the Social Convenor, Stanley Jackson. The meeting closed by singing `Jesus Calls as O'er the Tumult" and repeating the Mizpah Benediction. —The W.M.S. held a very good meeting at the home of Mrs. J. G. Coleman Friday afternoon. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by the Scripture lesson read by Mrs. Henderson. After a few moments of silent prayer for more workers in Japan, all joined in the Lord's prayer. "Lead On, 0 King Eternal," was then sung. This was followed by the busi- ness part of the meeting. Mrs. Mc- Millan, the Christian Stewardship Secretary, while speaking, brought the suggestion that this Auxiliary adapt Miss Maude Howell, of Goder ich, who is leaving shortly for Trini- dad, as their missionary for prayer. The duet, "In the Garden," sung by Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Gorvenlock, was much enjoyed. Mrs. Ross Chap- man also favored those present with the reading, "The Lips that Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mine," The study book, "Fruits of Christian Mis- sions in Japan," was concluded at this meeting, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Brown, Miss Thome, Mrs. Love and Mrs. Mc- Gonigle taking part. Following the hymn, "Ye Gates Lift Up Your Beads," the devotional leaflet was tak- en by Mrs. Stewart on the subject, "Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory." Mrs. Brown closed the meeting with prayer. A delicious lunch was then served by Mrs. Cole- man The Little Helpers' Mission Band met Monday after four. After sing- ing a hymn, the Bible Story was read by E. Nott, The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison,' followed by.', an- other hymn. fthe roll call and min- utes were read lby the Secretary. The meeting closed by singing, "Jesus Loves. Mer.", —The Sltnbedm Bos' Mission Band ,opened their meeting Tuesdaty Singing, "Who ig•'fie iinYonder St 11." Died In Saskatchewan.—A highly respected resident of Sovereign dis- trict passed away on Friday, March 6th, in the person of Elizabeth Jane Chesney, daughter of the late George M. Chesney, and wife of Robert N. Barber, of Sovereign, Sask. She was born in 1854, coming to Snowflake, Man., with her husband in 1882. In 1914 with their family they moved to Milden, and in 1922 she and her hus- band retired in Sovereign, where she lived until the time of her death. Heart failure was the cause of her death, she having been confined to her bed for nearly three months. Two daughters, Mattie and Alice, prede- ceased her, and her husband and four sons survive: Robert, George and Dufferin, of Sovereign, and Louis, of Milden. Three sisters and one bro- ther also survive: Mrs. John Sproat, of Stratford; Mrs. Jessie Barber, of Winnipeg; Mrs. Anna Broadfoot, of Seattle, and Mr. John Chesney, of Stratford. Interment was made in Milden Cemetery. Former Resident Dies In Stratford. —The Stratford Beacon makes the following reference to the death of Mrs. John Hinchley, a former well known resident of Seaforth, who died in that city on Thursday of last week: "A beloved citizen of Stratford for the past twenty-one years passed a- way in the General Hospital at about ten o'clock on Thursday evening in the person of Mrs. John Hinchley, who had been ill for over a month and who underwent an operation a week ago. Mrs. Hinchley whose maiden name was Mary Ann Hart, was born on the 9th concession of .MeKillop Township, County of Huron, on April 2nd, 1867. She was married to John Hinchley, who was a farmer in that township on October 39, 1889. After living on the farm until 1900 they removed to Seaforth, their place of residence for the next ten years, after which they came to Stratford. When they be- cam:e ntenibers of St. Andrew's res- bytelriali Church, Mr. 13inchley *as in time elected an Elder and Mrs. Ahinrch- la y took are active .part in the W.M.S. and the Ladies' Aid. Fora number of years tthe *aa ,pregidem off` the dieW Aid during. *leiter, ,tune man* excellent and very much enjoyed, Was opened by a vocal solo by Julia F'lazi, nigan, aceompanied on the piano by Bessie Phillips; a talk by Ignatius O'Leary, "Lazed of Song"; a reading by Mary McIvor on "The Life of Moore"; a dance by Misses Margaret Finkbeiner and Alice Devereaux ac- companied by Celestine OmLeary; a talk on Local History by Thos. Nash; a Dutch song by Misses ,Nellie and Jane Verbeen, accompanied by Miss Alice Daly; a reading, "The Crema- tion of Sam McGee" by Jas. Hughes; instrumental duet by Ed. Daly and Gordon Hildebrand; lastly, a debate by Miss Vera Nolan and Hilda Ken- nedy. Father Blonde then gave an interesting talk, which was much ap- preciated by all present, after which the treasurer, W. J. Faulkner, gave an excellent report on the finances of the Club. The meeting was then mov- ed to be adjourned. The next meet- ing will be held on March 26th. St. James' Arts Club.—The regular meeting of the St. James' Arts Club was held in the parish hall on Thurs- day evening. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. Father Blonde. The president, Cyril Reynolds, then took the chair and the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secre- tary, Eugene Duncan, and were adopt- ed as correct. The business of the meeting was then discussed and a committee was appointed to draw up a code of Ethics for the Club. The program of the evening, which was 1f ul+ NOW SHOWING BULLDOG DRUMMOND'S GREATEST ADVENTURE LOCAL BRIEFS MTs. IHL C. Box is visiting at her home in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fowler, of Leam- ington, were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Miss Flett, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs. Jessie Flett. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson, of Sar- nia, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and '.Mrs. H. Trapnell. Mr. Patrick Murray, 'of McKillop, is visiting with relatives and friends in Chicago. Miss B. McCowan, of Roxboro, is visiting with Toronto friends. Mr. James Dunlop has purchased the residence of Miss Julia Murphy, on Coleman Street, and is making a number of alterations and improve- ments to the property. The Rebekah Lodge will hold a euchre on the eveniing of Wednesday, April 8th. Misses Margaret and Ernestine White, who are in training in Grace Hospital, Toronto, are at present in Riverdale Isolation Hospital, suffer- ing from an attack of scarlet fever. Mr. Alex. Bethune, who spent the winter with his sister, Miss Bethune, returned last week to Kamloops, B.C. Miss Anna Sutherland, of Toronto, is spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Suther- land. Miss Olive Garniss, of Bluevale, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson. Miss Erie Stewart of Toronto, spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Plant. Mr. Henderson Smith is in the hos- pital suffering from an attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holmes, of De- troit, spent the week end with rela- tives here. Mr. W. R. Smillie is in Toronto. Col. and Mrs. H. B. Combe, of Clin- ton, and Major and Mrs. Sturdy, of Goderich, attended the Legion mas- querade dance on Tuesday evening. Mr. Charles IMoCaffery, of Strat- ford, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. John Nolan, Huron Road. The Lions Club will hold a hard times dance in Cardno's Hall on Fri- day evening, April 10th. Fuller par- ticulars will be given later. McKILLOP Death of James Simpson.—McKil- lop lost one of its early settlers on Thursday, March 12th, when James Simpson passed away at his home on the McKillop boundary, after an ill- ness of some months. Deceased was born in Walton and was in his 72nd year. When a child he moved with his parents to the then bush farm on the 'McKillop boundary, where he re- sided continuously until his death. De- ceased was a man of quiet, retiring disposition and sterling qualities and was respected by all who knew him. The funeral, held on Saturday after- noon, was conducted by Rev. Mr. Maines. Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery. TEMPLE TOWER from the novel 6y H. C. McNeile with KENNETH] MacKENNA MARCELINE DAY —ALSO— The Famous Jewish Character Comedian MAX DAVIDSON in "FIGHTINGFATHERS" PRINCESS Car of Salt A car of Salt is expected in about two weeks. Phone in your orders. GRASS SEEDS We handle Rennie's Guaranteed Grass Seeds. Cash -60 days. Phone 230-32 W. C. Bennett WALTON 3200-2 Zestyulltp Flavored and Wholesome! We certainly agreed with "Three Bakers" Monday night. Remem- ber, they told you all about WHOLE WHEAT BREAD? How the unadulterated wheat flour makes it extra healthful and tasty ? NOW, our WHOLE WHEAT BREAD is perfection itself. We're making a feature' of this loaf all week. Don't miss enjoy- ing it. rit WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson, Grey Township. The Orange Lodge held another successful progressive euchre and dance in the hall last Friday night. The prize winners were: Ladies' first, Miss Agnes Dodds ;ladies' lone hand prize also carried off by Miss Agnes Dodds; men's first prize was a tie between Mr. Andy Crozier and Mr. William Boyd, Mr. Boyd winning by a draw; men's lone hand prize went to Mr. William Kerr. The con- solation prizes went to Mrs. Charles Dolmage and Mr. A. A. Cuthill. Af- ter lunch was served, a few hours were spent in dancink. Patrick's orchestra furnished the music. WholeWheatBread Baked by Seaforth Bakery W. A. ORECH, Proprietor Phone 34 Etat Cross Baas every Tuesday and Friday during Len' Listen to fhb "Three Bakers", Co- lumbia Broadca.:,t{tin�g�,,y Systems, MoirdayY evenings, at t� (Mot allossmeloloseolensuossmor See The New Snappy Straw Effects 1 1 New And Unique Trim- ming Touches Springtime! and This Time It's Straw Hat Time. and It's Flower Time and Milady's New Hat Calls for both Straw and Flowers Our Wllinery Show Room is now in readiness to have you come and see this Season's Smartest Hats. REALLY THE PICK 0' THE MARKET FOR ADVANCE SELLING The joy of wearing something new and something decidedly smart in headwear may be yours right now at an attractive price if you come here. w Mac TA VISH' S Trott, the star defence player for Seaforth, made the period very excit- ting with his lone rushes but was rob- bed of sure goals by goalie Stade in the Exeter citadel. The period ended with neither team breaking the tie. The third period opened with Sea - forth doing all the rushing, while Ex- eter played cautious hockey. Joynt went through the Seaforth defence but was robbed of a sure goal by Bill Cudmore, the Seaforth goalie. Card - no caught the Exeter goalie unawares and slammed in the winning goal for Seaforth. Exeter fought hard to even the score but the Seaforth defense was too much for them. The game ended HOCKEY NEWS A team picked from the Seaforth Junior Farmers' Hockey Club, under the management of the Winthrop team, defeated the Clinton Intermedi- ates 4-2 on their own ice, Friday, the 13th. The Clinton team who have just lost the 0.H.A. group to the Goderich team by one goal, said this was the hardest team thess,had play- ed this winter. The first period was fairly even as this team had never play together before, the period end- ing 1-0 for Clinton. In the second period the Winthrop boys came back stronger and tied the score. By the third period the Clinton team sure knew the boys had struck their stride, they scoring three goals in the first minute, the period ending by Clinton scoring one more goal. Line-up: Clinton—Goal, Twyford; defense, Elliott and Gliddon; centre, McEwan; wings, Kennedy and hath; subs., Glew, Fulford and Castle. Win- throp: Goal, Mlontgomery; defense, Little and Doig; centre, Montgomery; wings, Dale and Morris; subs., Dor- ranee and Bicknell. Referee, .C. Draper, Clinton. In one of the fastest games of hockey played in the league of Huron County, Seaforth 'defeated Exeter by the score of 2-1 on Thursday evening of last week. In the first period both teams fought hard for a goal., Parke, right winger of the Seaforth team, back- handed a shot into the net on a pass from Trott from the blue line. Exe- ter soon retaliated who Joylt scored on a lone rush. The period ended one all. The second period was fast, with both teams rushing shard and fast, but neither tarn Was able to score. with both teams rushing hard. For the Exeter team goalie Stade was the outstanding man. Both teams. played good hockey and it was wit- nessed by a large crowd. By this hard-fought victory nSeaforth wins the Huron County High School champion- ship. The line-up: Exeter—Goal, IL Stade; defence, Quinn, Zwicker; cen- tre, Pryde; left wing, Cochrane; right wing, Joynt; alternates, Crich, Mac- Tavish. Seaforth: Goal, Bill Cud - mere; defence, C. Trott, Clancy Sills; centre, Rennie. left wing Cardno• right wing, Parke; alternates, L. Pink- ney, Eddie Gillespie, Wright. Ref- eree—Muir, Seaforth. Wolverton Flour Mills Co.. Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. SILVERKING FLOUR, Top Patent $2.80 bag GREAT STAR FLOUR, Manitoba Patent 2.55 bag KEYSTONE FLOUR, Best Pastry Patent 2.50 bag At Your Grocer's or at the Mill. WOLMAC'S CORN CHOP, Argentine 2.00 bag WOLMAC'S CRACKED CORN, Coarse and Fine 2.00 bag WOLMAC'S LAYING MASH 2.50' bag WOL1VIAC'S 'CHICK FEED 2.25 bag GROUND SCREENINGS .90 hag MIXED CHOP 1.05 bag MIXED BARLEY AND OATS .95 100 lbs. PHONE 51 REDUCED PRICES ON BABY CHICKS Owing to the continued depression in the country, and low egg prices prevailing, we are reducing our Chick prices to the lowest pos- sible level. These prices will take effect at once and will continue throughout March and April. May and June prices announced later SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS $13.00 per 100 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS $15.00 per 100 BLACK MINORCAS $15.00 per 100 WHITE WYANDorrEs $16.00 per 100 JERSEY BLACK GIANTS $18.00 per 100 These are absolutely rock bottom prices. Sunnyvale Poultry Farm and Hatchery SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE 137r3 nO TEELE, BRIGGS SEED CI./ "CANADA'S GNEAT'Sit 'Sap HOWE" Send for your Copy TO -DAY Profusely illustrated. Beautiful Cole,/ Plates. Choose your flower and vegetable seeds and other garden requirement. from our now catalogue, now road*