HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-03-20, Page 6.a. The Special Sedan More Powerful t°f always smooth PRICED FROM *610 at factory, Oshawa Taxes extra Ask about the GMAC plan of deferred pay- ments . . . and the General Motors Owner Service Policy. EKE its strong, durable chassis, the new Chevro- let's valve -in -head, six -cylinder motor is excep- tionally rugged and powerful. You can depend on its sure, steady flow of power to carry you easily through sand and mud, or up the steepest grade. And nothing less than a Chevrolet Six is so smooth, quiet and restful at all driving speeds. It takes six cylinders to give the comfort and freedom from vibration you will be quick to appreciate in this new Six. Comefor a drive in the new Chevrolet. Know the power, comfort and handling ease that may now be enjoyed at lower cost than ever. gre mew CHEVROLET SIX A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 4 MOTORS CI1-24 A. W. DUNLOP, Seaforth LOOKING DOWN ON THE WORLD When we pick up the Sunday roto- gravire section and see a thrilling aerial picture of a blazing building, a prison riot or a ship at sea, does no one speculate as to the men who get such pictures? Aerial photogra- phers have the most varied, adventur- ous and thrilling lives of any clan in aviation, except possibly racing pil- ots. They emerge from the jungles of Brazil only to find an assignment in - nude the Arctic circle. A few brief day's at home, then away, perhaps, to the heatbaked deserts of Irak! It demands a special sort of tem- perament. Take Capt. R. A. Smith, for instance. He has put in more time in the , air behind a camera than any other civilian photographer. He has seen ancient crates that wabbled all over the sky and heavy plate cam- eras give way to the supersensitive film and the powerful planes of to- day. "Aerial photography is getting tame," he says. "These new heated planes, and electrically driven camer- as take away a lot of the old-time atmosphere, Why, in the old days—" That may be Smith's idea, but it isn't mune. I made a trip with him last winter, with the mercury around zero at the airport and abc .r t 20 be- low at 10,000 feet. Smith calmly gave orders to remove the door of the plane! He explained that the camera's blunt nose was too big to shove out the window and he had to photograph another plane along side. So with no door, and the calm E. W. Chandler at the controls, we roared up into the biting cold. the streetieriee, el feet•Inbuntain Modelle. 'Miele f age can Ice seen pi tureen telse kn prospeeting en mule back. But high eltitude's place a serious strain on photographers, please, and camera. For instance, in Mexico, where this wort is always going on, the .temperaftvrre on the ground is of- ten well over 100 degrees. The men must encase themselves in leathee suits, felt boots, thick gloves. Not until the airplane has reached six or seven thousand feet is there any re- lief from the heat. Up said up. At 19,000 feet the pil- ot levels off. The temperature is 20 below zero. Fingers become numb. Goggles form a Boating of frost which all but destroys vision. Breathing becomes an effort; lungs expand pain- fully. The thin air makes one's head spin. Lack of oxygen affects the air- men's vision, their movements and their disposition. The plane must stay wit this killing height until the big eye of the camera has winked at every tree, rock and rivulet in the district below. A map- ping plane flies above an imaginary ,strip of carpet. Arriving at the end, it turns and comes back to the start- ing point. Then it flies along the ad- joining strip. An electrical delve times the camera's exposures. Just before the precise moment arrives, a tiny light appears beside both pilot and photographer. This is the "get ready" signal. The pilot holds the craft: straight and level. The photo- grapher adjusts the camera with the bubble levels. Then the shutter snaps and new film is wound into pos- ition for the next shot! Before the fuel is entirely exhaust- ed the pilot heads for home. As the plane descends, the frost on goggles melts, breathing becomes easier, headache disappears. The plane drips with water, due to condensation of moisture. This sort of thing throws a wrench in the photographer's physical ma- chinery. He must develop powers of restis'tance to combat the ever pres- ent danger of pneumonia. After many years in the game, most of the men become cold-blooded. After a day's flight they return to their heated homes and drive their wives speech- less by flinging open all the windows on a bitter winter's evening. Cameras, too, suffer from this wide range of temperature, but the 'work they do is phenomenal. From seven miles up they show faint foo'tpaths, tiny specks of automobiles and bigger dots that mean building's. No eagle ever had such +vision. Capt. A. W. Stevens and Lieut. Jimmy Doolittle forced their ship to 37,380 feet, the highest point to which two men have ever flown, and brought back a pic- ture that startled Army authorities by its clarity. In spite of elaborate preparations for the flight, Captain Stevens suffered a frozen eyeball and Lieutenant Doolittle nearly froze his hands., In the last war, troops and supplies were moved at night when aerial cam- eras could not watch. Midnight aer- iai pictures are a seeming impossi- bility, but Lieut. George W. Goddard has found a way to take 'them. His device consists in using a huge flash- light bomb which trails after the plans on an. electric cable. When the picture is to be taken the operator merely throws a switch. The camera shutter opens, the flash bomb ex- plodes --all in one -fiftieth of a second, during which the flash charge must illuminate an area of about eight square miles. And in order to do this, the bomb must generate about 40 million candlepower. Goddard set off one of these ter- rific flashes 'over the sleeping city of Rochester, N.Y., one evening, and threw the whole place into a panic. The flash exploded with a blinding glare; a rumbling echo as of distant gun fire roared over the city. Terri- fied householders ran into the streets in their nightgowns. The explosion broke 'windows in stores below, and the tinkle of glass was added to the scream of fire sirens. It took the po- lice and the telephone company hours to restore quiet. The military use of aerial photo- graphy, while important, is by no means paramount. The aerial camera has caused a complete change in methods of searching for ,oil and min- erals, .setting tax rates for cities, studying traffic, projecting long power lines, ibuilding darns, bridges, and many other engineering projects. Aerial photography was the first branch of aviation to make a profit. It does not depend on government contract, .as does the air mail, nor on the whims of the public, as does a passenger line. It has a definite market for its product which is in- creasing enormously, as business men take advantage of the services it offers. the lands At 13,000 xtges look Nile el'ay it,ions 'and tirade - at a glance. These place of menthe of The ether plane appeared, finally, just as I was freezing to death. Smith gave mysterious signals, and the other ship twisted gracefully over on its back. Smith swiftly aimed his camera and got five shots. The big camera weighs 40 pounds, but he held it like a toy. The other ship was losing altitude rapidly now, its motor sputtering as its carburetor flooded as a result of its upsidedown position. "Dive on him, 'Chan!" bellowed Smith. Chan dived. I flung out a hand and grabbed a section of tubing. My startled gaze swung straight down past the empty door frame and through 8,000 feet of chilly sunshine. I grabbed another hand hold and tried to keep my feet inside the door as the, plane corkscrewed after the fall- ing ship. All this time Smith sat calmly on a small chair, snapping the shutter again and again. He didn't seem to notice the movement at all. The essential difference between flying for aerial photography and any other kind of flying is altitude. Photo- graphers must accustom theanselves to working at 18,000 or 20,000 feet. Such altitudes are necessary because of the nature of the job. In making a map for an oil company, for in- stance, geologists want to know about "WHATEVER WILL 1 DO V" Jimmy • had been ailing for a couple of days ... but she didn't think it was serious — till this afternoon .. she called the doctor ... hospital tomorrow just a minor operation, but it couldn't wait. Evening rates on "Any- one" (station -to -station) calls begin at 7 p.m. Night rates begin at 8.30 p.m, Just give "Long Distance" the number you want — it speeds up the service. Whatever would she do? She must be with Jimmy . but there was the baby too. If mother were only there ... but a letter couldn't reach mother till late tomorrow. Then she thought of the telephone. In two minutes she was speaking to her mother. Yes, she could catch the evening train — would be there at 8 in the morning. What a relief! Now she, could go: about her prepara- tions for the morrow. The telephone had made everything easy. And the cost of the call hard been less than a dollar. 9 . r�• n, 'r .5 ,sH rx �ttfC mbd t►t..t baau�e'a'1+pptti° •Ehatunddtonhhsep. .CAroEdaaau QA®aln Wirth of tits A!ieutian ' :tai'. _; these 15.1 fes 'wee Made into dila 4 far t;he 004to of 15 an' alae noble,"; xl►►en. Fasluona #zD furs are 1, ,getly,dicbat- ed by supply sand deans said fre- guen'tly the de'mmnd is fathered by the supply, Now, that there are a'io more chinehillae dhieehilla is no longer the Mode. When Queen Alexandra was - alive, S'ogtl'atail was •gverrun by a Advent'ure's explored the whole Hud- plague of mules. . delegation of the son Bay country as far south and west most hard-hit fa'rmees went '6o Queen as California. They not only paid Alexandra and begged• leer help. their way with beaver skins, they WOu she wear a moleskin cast if wrote their adventures on heaver they made it for her, so that there parchment, preserved to this day in would be a des alid for thea skin and London. Their trapping still goes the furriers would ans!we'r the call of on. The empire of the Hiudson's Bay the farriers. Whether line Queen felt Company, shorn by treaties and a- that it was to the best interest of greemealcbs, is still larger than all of the, United tKing+done, ;or' Whether she Central Europe and a good slice of ! wa's in need of a 'new coat does not Russia, extending 1500 miles from appear, but the Queen did appear in north to south and 3000 miles from ,the frantic farmersgift: t}f ,;relic. east to west. Naturally, 'a1'1 the smart women in Now the demand for'fur is greater I Great Britain fent than they too mast than ever and the use of cheaper be warmed by the skin of the little kinds of fur is the -result. Even the blind mole, and the mole plagud was the rabbit, once fed to e dog ended. teams that brought in the finer pelts, has aroused the interest of furriers, and become positively smart under his French name, lapin. Fox farming has become entreniely profitable since it was discovered that the exotic sil- ver fox, freak son of the simple red fox, could be bred so that his children would resemble him instead of their red-headed grandparents. Racoon, al- so, and skunk, beaver and muskrat are now farm products. Skunk farm- ing would 'seem to be fraught with perils other than of claw and tooth, I haven't heard of a logger putting but skunk farmers advance the theory an especially keen edge on his pet that this animal as maligned, that he axe and shaving off his beard for a is a shy creature with something of good many years. hi fact, in my 30 an inferiority complex. He is, how- years' acquaintance with the woods I ever, domestically speaking, a skunk. never say such a stunt done. Yet that His affections rove. part of the .public which absorbs its The skunk is not the onI'y poly+gam- "knowledge" from reading fiction ist whose fur, farmed or otherwise, stories, still has the idea that loggers we gratefully accept. No self -re- are great, uncouth imbeciles, fellows specting seal ever has just one wife. given to such crude barbering, if ev- Often the seal harem will run up in- er they shave at all. This public al- to 25 or 65 flippered' houris, the envy so believes that loggers wear red of all bachelors, who have to sit back woollen underwear, gaudy mackinaws on their own island's until they are and do little except drink hard liquor strong enough to fight for a harem and stamp out each other's eyes with of their own. Meantime, the trap- caulked boots. pers Dome, and they aren't interested In July I spent a few days in a in the elderly husband seals whose logging camp in the Pacific North - skins have been scarred by teeth west. It was an average camp; na marks. They pick the bachelors for worse and possibly slightly better the best fur trade. than the general run of camps in this The little beaver, 'who so consist- section. In the commissary of this ently paid early American bills, is camp I saw a good supply of scented the best family nvan of them, all. He talcum powder, hair grease, fountain is faithful to one wife even when she pens and soda pop and what is to be adventures off with one of the worth- said about a fine and well -patronized less beaver bachelors. Besides Amer- tennis court in a logging camp? Then lean fur farms devoted to the beaver there isn't a camp in the Pacific and other indigenous animals there is Northwest that hasn't good shower now a caracul farm in the Rio Grande baths. They are used, too. valley. All the stock came originally It is true that the logging industry from Asia Minor, brought by a native in other parts of the country has not of that country whose goats are no kept up with the pace set by the Pa - ordinary Billies and Nannies, but of cific Northwest. Only ten years ago high and mighty descent. They all I worked in a New Hampshire Camp. boast names 'which to the uninformed The crew lived in one large room visitor sound like Aladdin and Ali known as the 'barroom A hundred or Baba. more men slept jammed together in As caracul comes from Asia Minor what are known as muzzle -loading goats, so broadtail comes from the bunks, so-called because they were sheep of that country. If the hide is entered over the foot, or muzzle. The taken from a lamb a few weeks old bunks were double-deckers and were it is called broadtail Persian; if from made of poles, with loose +straw +for a sheep a few months old, it is known a mattress, and with huge and dirty as Persian lamb. Several of these sougans for co'v'ers. farms have been started and one was The cookhouse or combined kitchen stocked with animals •brought out of and dining room, was under the same Asia Minor by airplane. Even farm, roof, but partitioned off. The cook have not extracted all the adventure and cookees slept in one corner of from the fur trade. this room. All the floors were of Certainly the man who is attempt- poles, down the cracks of which were ing a chinchilla farm in •Oalifornia swept the daily refuse. must have longed+ for adventure. He The plates and tea dippers were of is Mr. M. F. Chapman who, seeing tin. The forks were 'of the old black how the rabbit -growing industry was three -tine sort. The food was ample, leaping into prominence, decided that though not of great variety. For the fast disappearing chinchillas breakfast, there was +oatmeal, hot - might •also be grown in California. Ile 'cakes, salt pork or cheap bacon, cold immediately betook himself to Chile. storage eggs, burned bread -called Now the finest chinchillas live above toast by the cook—or johnnie cake, the tree line in the Andes. So Mr. and tea or coffee. Dinner, if in camp, Chapman went up to a height of more was pretty good, with meat, potatoes than 12,000 feet for his stock, and and pie. If eaten in the woods it once he had them he was most con- didn't really matter what the meal siderate of their comfort. Down at was; it was frozen almost solid by the 11,000 feet he kept them for a year. time the +nen got it on their plates. He did the same at 8,000 feet and so For supper the cook 1'et himself go on down .the Andes until they were and offered a pie or pudding. acclimated, He took them across the There were no such things as said - equator in a refrigerated cage, and tary arrangements of any kind. Faces they are now living coolly in a Cali- and hands were washed in a tin basin fornia bungalow which is mostly base- with water dipped from a pail a -top ment. When these dozen foreigners the barroom stove. The water was ha'v'e produced 300 of their kind, then thrown out the door. If the men which should take about three years, wanted to "boil out," which means Mr. Chapman plans to take the 'whole wash their clothes, they went down colony to a California mountain top to the brook, cut a hole in the ice, so that their fur will once more at- filled the black iron kettle, made a tain that softness and luster that alt- fire and there boiled their clothes. itude gives. Boiling was necessary. If one want If these little gray, rat -faced bro- ed a bath, why, he waited until spring. thers to the squirrel thrive, women The camp was lighted by a few will again go in for $35,000 chinchilla smoky oil lamps. Reading in a bunk wraps, ''Chinchilla no longer warms was impossible, unless the men owned ladiesof fashion for the reason that lanterns, and then then -they had to there is no more good chinchilla, the be put out at nine o'clock. Social life South American Indians having killed was confined to taI'king or listening to the animals off by whole families. talk. Chinchilla is the rarest fur—except These old-time camps are pictur- one but ermine is probably the most esque places from a distance. The historic. Charlemagne wore ermine clothes of a hundred unbathed loggers on his cloaks and so did many an- hanging from crass,poles, the old, other monarch since. But the rabbit dirty 'blankets, the gloom and the lice, has furnished many imitations of this these are not pretty things. white fur. Sable, on the other hand, With the introduction of machinery has always been far the fortunate few. into logging, the industry lost much There was a time when the finest and of its color. A five -yoke team of ono- darkest sables, from a little corner in en was something to see and remem- Silber-ia, were reserved for the Czareber. There was the clanking of and his family.. Nowadays they aro chains and wailing of oxbows, the reserved at least for imperial in- clear, ribald voice of the buckeroo, en- oornes. A well -matched• coat has been couraging his team with some of the known to sell for $50,000. choicest profanity ever conceived by Next to sable in price comes silver man. fox. 'One fine pelt will bring $1500 The woods has a language of its and before the deyis of fox farms sil- own. The railroad track gang are ver fox pelts have sold' for as high as gandy-dancers, bossed by a king. $2500. 'Sea -otter, rarer than any of snipe. The camp foreman is the these, is a soft, deep brown, more push. The superintendent is the dull beautiful than the richest beaver, .of the woods. A highball camp is with a silver sprinkling of white hairs. one where work is speeded too much. Fifteen sea -otter pelts only were Haywire means almost arlything that found in the nniost prolific seasons, is worthless. A bum show is where timber is poor. +Gyppo is piece -work or contract work. A member of the I. W. W. is a wobbly. A hoosier- is a man who doesn't know his job. Horses are 'hay burners. A teamster is a hair -pounder. The bull -cook doesn't coals at all but is the chore boy around camp. A cookee or flunk- ey is a cook's helper. A modern logging camp may not be so picturesque as were the old- timers, but it makes up in comfort what it lacks in color. The 1930 cook house is something at which to mar- vel. The kitchens are clean and are as well egUiplled at those of a first- class hotel. Electric refrigeration is now a tominon thing. Tin plates and THE FURRED COIN OF ADVENTURE Furs have been the coin and the cloak of adventure and conquest. They have paid for exploration and co'loniz- a'tion. They have lured m•en into the white heights of the Andes, into the frozen North, to barter their lives for rare coats. It was the small beaver who paid for the great American adventure. His pelt footed the expense of colon- ization in the New World --literally, for in Colonial times bills Were paid with beaver skins. A kitchen pot sold for one beaver skin. A musket was worth its height in beaver pelts, and it was rumored that the musket barrels of those early days were pur- posely made long, for the longer the, musket the better the bargain. As late as the year 1807, it is recorded that Judge I. B. C. Lucas paid for a house with beaver skins. 77'adrn Jacob Astdr purehased the'tea he bought in China for American trade with American beaver !sit+inis that 'were sent all the way around the born from the Oregotu territory. All the great convpanries that explor- ed the North dealt in beaver skins. Best known were the Gentle -nen Ad- venturers of the Aneienst and Honor- able Hudson's Bey 'Company, who could build fortsd;and send out ships' of war, who (tottl'd B fare war and Make peaee with any nen-Christian country," Ch'artered in 1807, the Gentlemen INSTANT HELP When Bob Terry was obliged to go to the hospital, his wife wanted to be with him as •much as possible, But the baby presented a problem . Then Mrs. Terry remembered the telephone. A Long Distance call brought her mother within a few hours'!" MODERN LOGGERS FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Kruscheit—try It now at our expense. We have distributed a great ninny special GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claim forourself. Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT" 75c. package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about wee week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that )(roaches does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is stall as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist id authorised to return your 75c, immediately and without Question. you babe tried Kruschen free, at our expense. What could . be fairer? Manufactured by E.. Grlff,thd Ifutbed, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. f417 Iragerterfor McGillivray Duo, 8� ANGIER'S In measles the chief danger lies in the complications and after-effects. There is nothing to equal Angier' Emulsion for building up after measles and preventing the develop- ment of bronchitis or other chest troubles., In whooping -cough Angier's greatly relieves the spasms of coughing. It increases vitality and enables the child to throw off the disease mon quickly and with less danger of after ill-effects. For over 39 years, doctors have prescribed Angier's Emulsion be- cause of its tonic and strengthening influence—and be- cause its laxative action is so needed in bringing the little tots back to sound, vigorous health. ° GB 65c. and $1.20 at Druggists. 'Endorsed by the Medical Profession" iron forks are distinctly passed. The cookhouse has al considerable staff in the better camps. Supplies for the logging camp table have kept pace with other improve-. ments. There is always a good soup, never less than two meats—generally three—two kinds of bread, and Swed- ish hardtack and cakes, pies and pud- dings. Oyster stews, clams, crabs chicken, turkey—all these are served in season. Fresh vegetables are there when fresh vegetables are to be had. In the 'Winter there is plenty of canned fruit. In the Summer there are fresh fruits. Tea, coffee and often fresh milk are served at every meal. Some concerns lose money on their cook- houses; some make a profit. Any- how, you get a meal for 40 or 50 cents that you couldn't get in town for less than $1.50. Modern bunkhouses are built on car tracks, so they can be moved to the next setting, and accommodate eight men or sometimes only six men. The double-decker bunks are becom- ing scarcer every day. All the bunk- houses are electrically lighted. Bed- ding is of good quality and is kept clean. Many concerns have installed steam heat. There are tables for reading or card playing. An the larger camps have a recreation room or hall. Here are pool tables, radios, late magazines, books and writing desks. Many camps have moving pictures several nights a week. No camp is complete without a bathhouse and a house for washing and drying clothes. 'Mlachine : shops, blacksmith shops, roundhouses for the locomotives and good-sized stores are to be found in all camps. For the past ten years the prac- tice of taking wives and rearing chil- dren has made great progress among loggers. In many camps more than half the crews are married men. So the camp school has arrived. They are well-built schools, too, far better than the "deestreect" scholhouse of yesterday. The women have changed the whole atmosphere of the camp. The churn- ing of electric washing machines on Monday and the strange garments that flutter from camp clothes -lines a bit later would 'indeed 'bewilder an old-time logger. In the bunkhouse he would hear no tales of the fabulous Paul Bunyaat, logger hero. Rather he would hear-'' talk, indistinguishable from that in a Pullman smoker, regarding the best make of automobile to buy, the price of gasoline and moonshine, the merits of various broadcasting stations and the Iatest flying stunts. The best paid jobs, he would learn, dd not go to the best chopper, as of yore, or to the cattiest man at a moving jam of logs, but to the me- chanics—donkey and locomotive en- gineers—and to the high -climbers and cooks. These things, I say, would shock the odd) -timer. But they would be mild beside the jolt he would receive when he went into the camp commissary .to buy a plug of chewing tobacco and an honest red woollen shirt, and saw a logger—a real, liv'e logger—buying cigarettes and a suit of pink rayon underwear. Rheumatism Neuritis—Sciatica For Swift Relief Here's Something That Never Fails Make no mistake—there is one su- premely good remedy for ailing joints and muscles and the name of that wonder worker is—JOINT-EASE. All over the world people use it for the agony of Rheumatism, Neuritis . and Sciatica—and find it good. Just rub it in—and rub it in good— it's a splendid penetrating emollient is Joint -Ease and when you rub it in— away it goes—right to the seat of pain and agony—Then blessed relief comes speedily. Use it freely for joints that are stiff, inflamed—swollen or creaky—use it to put youthful suppleness into joints that are growing old. Use it for swollen knuckles—for stiff neck—latneness—lumbago and lame, aching back—it will never disappoint you. Joint -Ease is made in Canada and sold wherever • good medicines are said --410 cents a generous tube. ei