HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-03-20, Page 5Aid ,Ai& e I k % n 11% 1� all I W! V Z C 'hick f-4. x birds. Ask your or unfor- `- andname Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Ltd. Guelph Ont. ST. COLUMBAN The Literary -Sodety entertainpd the parish to a special program -me on Tuesday evening, The attendance was much appreciated by the mem. bers and, the different numbers were well rendered and highly applauded. Mr. Harold Maloney, of Detroit spent last week end at the home of his mother and brothers of McKillop. We are glad to learn that 'MT. FrancisMurphy has convalesced from his recent illness and has returned home from Seaforth Hqspital. Mr. Thomas Morris'is at prement wearing a broad smile, a fine b4by boy having 'been born to his wife on Sunday last at Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. D. J. Cronin has disposed of a valuable team of drivers, much ad- mired in this vficinity, to a buyer from Guelph. A goodly sum was realized. The right sort of drivers are still in demand, and likely to be. WINGHAM Death of Mrs. Luke King, — Mrs. Julia Ann King, beloved wife of the late Luke King, passed away to her eternal reward on the early morning of March 12th. Mrs. King came from Dublin many years ago with her hus- band and f amily to take up their home in the town of NVingham, where they conducted a general store. Mrs. Kir looked after the business during tl farewell to children and, -*Q 0.*Wng.1rionds to onter into the to-Olm *f 4=41 bliss, which her N ne Vastet has promised to those 'whiq somo Alm well. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, be - "a""" thou wert faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many; enter into the joy of the Lord." The funeral took place at the Sacred 0eart Church Saturday morning, the pastor, Rev. Father McHugh, offering, up the Mass of Requiem in the pres. enee of a large congregation, and, in a few well-chosen words he asked those present to be mindful, of the ,souls of the faithful departed. The solemn music for the owasion by the choir, directed by Miss E. Ryan, or- ganist, who rendered the solo 110 Rest in the �Lord" from Mendelssohn. Xrs. King leaves to mourn her loss, Luke and Frank, at home; four sons out West; Mrs. J. Dalton, of Goderich, and, Mrs. Hickie, of Owen Sound be- sides two sisters,in the St. Joswhys Order, Reverend Mother Aloysisus -and Sister Marcella. DUBLIN Mv� Edwin Stapleton, of St. Jer- ome'sCollege, Kitchener, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mire. William Stapleton. Miss Rose iMcConnell spent the week end in Detroit with her sister, Mrs. Dingeman. Miss Anna Molyneaux, of Kitchener spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux. . Mr. Joseph Nagle spent a few days with friends in Windsor and London. On Tuesday, March 17th, a card party and dance was held in the par- ish hall. A large crowd attended and was enjoyed by all. Prizes werre won by Mrs. John McGrath and David Mc- Connell; lucky chair prize was won by Miss Peggy O'Connell. .0 IN MEMORIAM Note. -Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional vers e. In loving memory of my dear husband and father,,, Roland Cudmore, who passed away three years ago, March 16th, 1928. Pevacefully sleeping, resting at 4ast. Life's weary troubles and sufferings past; Gone and forgotten by some you may be, But deep in our memory forever �ou'll be. 3301xl I WIFE AND FAMILY. Propriei IMPORTANT NOTICE$ MALE. -A QUA1,1TITY OF BAFMIDY ,1151onproveil Banner oats for Beed, , alpio' a quantity' of thaottiby hay. Apply to JAMES H."UPOHALL, Vippen. or phone 15-182, SePL. larth. 8800-2 ]FOR SALE. - TWO DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn buns, and fourteen mouft old. Their s4m, Hillvi Minstrel, was Junior and Reserve Grand 1humplon ab the 1921 Royal. Also a Duiwl Purpose Shorthorn clDw due irt-Aprid, an extra good milker, priced to suit the times. GEORGE L. REID, Varna. 8200x2 E QUANTITY OF CHOICE grown from O.A.C. No. 144, Foteed . ' _* yielded me over 50 bushels per acre in 1980. at 50 cents per bushel, Also steel tanks G feet lang on hand. Other sizes on list can be ordered on abort nod&e; $9.95 for the 6 ft. length; other sizes priced on application. I Very convenient In the sugar bush for storing Ivan. Agent for the highest gradea of steel gr�ofhm and asphalt, also fertilizers of all ades. WILLIAM DOIG, Jr., R. R, No. 8, Kippen, Ont Phone 138 r 2, Seaforth, —.-- - 0 9301-2 FOR SALE. -SIX SHORTHORN BULLS, 9 to 12 months of age; good colore and good breeding and priced according to the times. These cattle have been bred for years for both -ilk and beef Production. A cow bred in this herd, now owned by Kay and Meyers, of Guelph, recently made a high mUk record in the R. 0. P. Another now owned by T. Russell, of Downsview, carried off sev- eral chamPionships both in Ontario and the West. Also one good Clyde gelding rising th-rve, broken. Apply to ROBERT M. PECK. Zurich. Phone 96 r 8, Hensall. 82914f Fertilizer A CAR OF FERTILIZER WILL ARRIVE NEXT WEEK. Call and Get Our Prices. Those Dickson SEAFORTH. Notice to Public. ,Several complaints have been made to Town Officials of the escape of gasane fumes from to%yn drains into cellars. A very unpleasant nuisance is thereby created and also a Possible source of grave danger from explosion. Anyone using gasoline for washing or other business or domes.tic purpose, is requested not to allow the Same to find its way into the town drains and is reminded that liability foc- damages might be incurred, should serious haran result. later years when her husband was 'i ­Mens Bu jec'eto SU- annoyance, are ad- 900 r w 1 9 sed to have th ir drains inspected by a with Hydro installed. Or these lands may b� I absent travelling through the distant —Peten-t plumber. Sewer gas should not offered with the above mentioned personal CARD OF THANKS 0, ,parts of Ontario, as agent for the find its w y in -to cellsors through drains that property (in block. Catholic Record. During the time of to are properly laid, trapped and ventilated. Further particulars regarding any of the E Mrs. Henry Forsyth and family wish The town drains were laid for surface above may be had from the undersigned Ex - her residence in Wingharn Mrs. King thank their friends and neighbors for their drainage and while the Corporation has per- ecutor or from their solicitor, F. Finglaind, made many friends. She was known many acts of kindness and sympathy shown mitted of their use for celani drainage, the Clinton. to all as an exemplary mother, a kind a during the Illness and death of Mr. Forsyth, Corporation assumes nq responsibility for in- J. W. SHAW, FRED ANDERSON, NEL- ]go the Rev. Mr. Tylaleolion and, Mr. Conner, convenience or damage resulting therefrom. SON BALL, Executors of the Estate of John neighbor and one who always bad a and for -the beautiful floral tributts. J. Biggins, Deceased. Geo. H. Elliott, Auc- sympathetic feeling for her neighbor, 33OIXI THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. tioneer. 3301-2 ,ro Ut I .0 1644,65, 444 Lo* %fig -158 a 1,47; 40,-Iin The Jamiru'o veY of part o1row is, 1p_ of, 0=211", I a, , a On 1,he vren&! es khap rprooteil 4 am -b opop lyXick dWWl1m ]YOWs and -,outbuildimm. T40, Whole -111 be sold tpxWed to a reserve bid to be made known at the time of the sale, Terms-4Cash. Given by order a WMm Davis. Aftin. istratpr'of the Estate of the late Mmutgompry Davis, Thomap Br—q4 Apotioneer. 80oixg A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND '-'L IXPLEMENTS, at 1,4 92. Huron Itoad, 234a miles West a Holmesville, on Highway, an Thursday. March 26th, at I oclock she*, consfiPfing of the following; Five young bors- ea. 10 cows rialking and due ti> ireshein in spring; 5 &primer heifers, 10 yearling helfige, 12 *aJves from I to 5 months old, brood slow due �,o profit in May, quantlity of, oats suft, 4 able for seed, quantity of sweet clover seed, I full line of farm machiineM number of cedar I posta. Terme.--C-rarin, clover seed and all sums of. $15 and under. cash; over that amount 7 months' credit will be given on furalshin ,g bankable paper, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed (few cash on credit amounta. A. E_ TOWNSHEND, Proprietor; Geo. H. j Elliott, Auctioneer. 3801-1 4 AUCTION SALP., Of FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received in- structions from the Executors of the Estate of the late John J. Biggins, to Bell by pub- lic auction on Lot 33, Concession 1, Town- ship of Stanley, commencing sit I p.m., sharp, on a MONDAY, MARCH 30th, 1931 1 the fodlowling, that is to say: a 'CattleL-Seven cows, 1 bull and I heifer. ( Aid a" either fully registered or are eligible a for registration. Papers for same will be 2 supplied at time of sale. V Horses. -1 driving horse, I general purpose a horse, I aged mare. c Poultry. -38 youm� hens.. i Imr,dements.-Cutter, orake, Plow, roller, bay 13 ,tedder, sulky plow, mower, bean cultivator. r sleighs, spreader, wagon. brudie, buggy, one t cutter, I gas emine, traeltor, drill, tractor I plow, fanning mill and many cither articles used in farming, ]�.usehold Effects--4ull line of living room, dining-rocim., kitchen and bedroom furniture. TERMS OF SALE. As the above must he sold to administer the estate of the late John J. Biggins, all will be sold without reserve and all 'articles save the cattle, horses and farm implements, t will be sold flyr cash. On purchases of cattle, horses or farm implements over $25, three months' time will be given reliable purchasers on notes signed by themselves and two joint makers satisfactory to the executors, such cl rYotes to been, interest at the rate of 7 per c cent. per annum until paid. Sales of the f same for $25 or under will be for eash- I At the same time and place the above men- B tioned land, consisting of 120 acres, will be offered for sale, eubject to a reserved bid an.1 to certain conditions of sale, which will be read at the time these lands are offered. On these lands sore said W be about 20 acres of � his d ood bush cod farm buil,44-- )TICE Liberal Allowance Made For Your Old Fur Coat on a Trade-in. NOTICE �. -All Our Coats Are. Beautifuft Lined With Georgeous Silk and Crepe Lininga. a "es oat and a We have made arrangements with the Qualitv Fur Company, of Tor- onto, for this display and sale that takes place at our store on,� Thursday, Friday, Saturday P . il r. 1912 012 1 Here is a splendid opportunily to purchase that'new fur coat,at ridic- uously low prices as this is the time of year when prices are at their lowest. By purchasing now we give you FREE storage all summer and you may pay in the fall. 110i, A, Id& la� 1dk .1& A& a, 10, 16, 1& 1& A& I& �01 A& 1.01 a, I& AL la� A& -W 1W Also a Beautifid Display of Foxes I& I& 1,& .16, A, A& I& A, Fur Coats Rem' odelled at very reasonable prices. Remember the Dates of this Great Money Saving Sale and Display 'at Phone 89 Ch Soy. Seaforth A Two Year Written Guarantee is Given On Every Fur Coat. NOTICE Come and Meet Our Representative And Get His Prices And Terms On A New Fur Coat. )AY, Proprietor; George H. er, "ILEARING AVOnON' SALO OF FAAX ` STOCK AND ]XVIAMENTS,--0. H. El- lott; has been Instruoted to Bell by- publi "' notion on Lot 18, CQueepsion 8, UAX., Tuok- rarafth, on Wednesday. Marich (25, at I aloloo harp, the follow1m: Hmes--Oue 1, aral mare 9 years old, t dreft mam.-= years old, I draft Ally r1sinv 4 years cK cat rising 2 ye&Ts old W Ftovorite Affain, oolit rising I year old bY Favorite Again. :attle-One cow 9 years 914 due October 10th, cow 3 years kAd freshened February lot.. Jersey heifer with calf, I baby beef helfez� steers rising 2 years old, d young calf. [oge-Four Yorkshire boo nearly ready foL iorket. Poultror--n-ree dozen choice Yount �arred Rock hens and pullists, I choice Bar- ed Rock rooster. Implements -One Massey. Kerrie binder 6 -foot. out 1 McCormick mower -foot cut, Deering, 1045oot wake, I Massey- Carris bean culitivaibor and puller, 1 Massey- larris land roller 10 'foot, 1 I.H.C. culitivator� -section diamond harrows, I Frowt & Wood ise harrow, I Cockshouitt single riding plow, Pleury walking paow, I set scales 2,000 Ths. 'hatham fanning mill, I pair bob sleighs, i ' ravel box, I Tudhope Anderson wagon, one ,agon Tack, I new stoneboat, I Greer buggy early now, 1 set single harness, I Portland atter, I pair new horse blankets, I extension tdider, I wheelbarrow, 2 dozen grain bags, I ay rope, car, slings, roves and 'chain. hey 3rk, hey knife, 2 scoop shovels, draining .00p, I crew bar, I wire sfbretcher, also abvdIs, forks, hoes, whiffletrees, neckyoke. babile pugs and other urificles.. Household ffecta­-Mbod cook stove, hanging lamp and ime other lamps, Daisy churn. Hay and ,rain-Abiout 12 tons of choice timothy hay, quantity of clover hay, 8 bushels seed beans, DO bushels seed oats, 100 bushels mixed ,heat and barley. Temis.-AU Bums of $10 nd under, cash; over that amount 12 months' redit will be given on furnishing approved Ant notes, with bonalfide property owners as acurity, or 6olo straight off for cash. No eserve as the farm is sold and the proprie- �r is giving up farming. T. N, FORSYTH. mprieiinr; G. H. Elliott� Auctioneer. 8200-2 FARM PROPERTY FOR - SALE Under and by virtue of the 'powers con- vined in a certain M�Drtgage, which vmU be roduced at the time of sale, there will be ffered for sale by public auction an Satur- ay the 21st day of March. 1931, at two E in the afternoon, at The Commercial lotel, in the Town of SeafDrth, in the County f Huron, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the Yllowing property. namely: Lot number �ight in the Fi_Tth concession of thb Town - hip of MoKillop, in thie County of Huron. in the said lands there is said to be two ams, a brick house with woodshed and kit - hen attached. The Tarm. is conveniently lo- ated, being about four miles fr6m. Dublin, nd about six miles from Seaforth. TE,RMS.-Ten per cent. of purchase money o� be paid on -the day of sale -, bal-ance to be aid in thirty days. For further particulars and conditions of ale, apply to R. H. MUNRO, XftcheU, Ontario. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated at Mitchell. Ontario this 23rd day ef 'ebruary, A.D., 1931. 3299-3 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Tinder and by virtue of the Powers of Sale -d in a certain Mortgage which will ,onttainL )e produced at the time of sale, there will be ,frered for sale by public auction, on TUESDAY, MARCH 24th, 1931 tt 2 o'clock in the afternoon. at the Queen's 4.tel. in the Town of Seaforth, in the County if Huron , by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the 'oldu-ing prop ty namely: The East haeIr oi Lot number Twelve (12), n the Fifth (5th) Concession and the South ialf of Lot number Eleven (11). In the Sixth 6-th.) Concession of the said Township of tIcKiUlop, containing in all One Hundred 100) acres cyf land. On the said lands there are erected a good )ank barn on a stone foundation and a small 1welli nig house, and there i5 a3so a large Asick of straw. ,I�him farm is conveniently located to Sea- rorth and Dublin which are reached by good roads. The Two (2) properties will be offereol for ;.,Ie together or in Two (2) separate Parcels LO suit buyersli, TERMS OFIISALE.--Ten (10) per cent. of the,- purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale and the balance to be paid without interes't within Thirty (30) days. Further particulam and wriditions of sale will be made known at the time of sade uni may he bad in the meantime from the on- demigned. R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, -M,tlragee's Solicitor. Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. Dat,d t1ii, 12th day of March. 1931. 3200-2 FARMS FOR SALE F ARM FOR SALE ­100 ACRES, LOT 13, Concession 4, H.R.S., Tuckers,raith, In good state of cultiviiition. There are on the premise; an eight roomed frame use. wood- ,,hed �ttiidhcfl : basement barn, x. 0 with rm, to tic thirty head of c a seven h(yrsee;; hen housi� anti drive sh il I sell (in \,(-ry reasonable terms for qu s le. Ap- ply to JAMES CAMERON. R. R. No. 4, Sea - forth. Lot 1.1, Con. 5, Tuckersonith, or phone 1 33 0 D. CARNOCI-I&N, 6016 . -2 r to RAE Grnyton Ave.. Detroit, Mich. 3298-tf F ARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKilloxo, con- taininiz 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hay% farm. Must be sold to close the estate, if 'lot sold will be rented. For particularm apply to J, M. GOvENLOCK, Exerutor, See - forth. s201-tt F ArtM FOR SMR. -LOT 11, CONC13SSION .1. H.R.S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 a c rets oif cbrioico land, situated on county road, li,, miles south of the prosperous Town of S,8forth, rin C. N. R. Railway: crinvertient to -h ­k, churches and markets. This farm is all u ndo,rdrained. well fencod: about 2 acres or choice fruit trees. The soil is excellent an,] in a good state of cultivation and all �uit.ble for the growth of alfa'Lfn, no waste Ia,,]. The farm Lq well watered with two never failing wells. also a flowing spring In 1ho. farm yard; about 40 acres plowed and ready for sprittv seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat; remainder is seeded with alfalfa. The are first class, in excellent rppair� hhe house is brick and is modem in every re, spect, heated with furnace, hard anti sofi water o 'i tRP, S. three-piece bath room', rural telephone, also rural mail. The outbuildiw consist of barn 6OX80 feet with stone stalb- ling tinder; ni.1 fkom in stable cement; th( stabling has wetter system ins led. A goo frame driving Rbeii, 24x4S feet: a 2-storel hen house 1606 feelt. A brick pig pen Witt c,ment floors capmble of housing about 4( pigs, The house, atables and barn hiave iTTds insta`lle�d. Anyone desiring a first olass hem, and choice farm shoult'l see this. On accloury .-F 01 health 1 -01 sell reasonable. Beside the above I am offering Lot 27. 0oricamsion 12 Hibbert, consisting of Too acres choice. land 65 acrei well untlerdrained: 10 acres maPl, bus,h, otal sectied to g1ra.,is; -no waste land. 01 the promises, are a good bank bum 48x56 fee and frnme house. an excellent Well- Th (rarm is situated about 5 miles, from the pros porous village 'of Renoiall on the C.N.R.. one quarter of a mile from school and mile from church. This fiarm has never been croppe, much and is in excellent shape for cropplin or pasture. I will Rel.] -these farms togethe or separately to suit purchaser. Por furthie particialara apply to the proprietor, Senfortt R. R. 4, oir phorne 21 on 183, Sesforth. THOI G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. $901-1 TMI Cal*4 Foad U0 .... .. ..... . S� S, Ay" 7 klt7' �T! 01f ]EARN $6 0 fl, -10, Ambitious, rdfablp ,p0w 1 1, �d, ., Seaforth ".11 ptg Part time vay.wpg , �,g� g" *rx..­M ]Medtrk Acetylene W014109 In*"W.trW.11 'WeeUicity Met" 111,881term, Dp"= :�Wiik�w 4 Haftdressfng� Air ame Sprin'gShow tion In now. Write or caN DOMIMOX TRADE SCH-0- L81, IL Eastern Headqdbriers,49 TUESDAY Toronto. 865 Talbot 3 Employment ner"ce--cout to cow Karch 31st NOTICE juder the auspices of the Seaforth We have now our Chopping and kgricultural Society. At 1.45 P -m-1 Rolling Atil.l complete and will rulit L Grand Parade of a I an ma s mter- d for competition, headed by Seaforth lipe Band. 2 o'clock—Judging Commences -2 o'clock HORSES CLYDESDALE tallion, any age ........... $15 $7 $5 Ist prizc----Zavauge Special. talli.n under three years ...... 8 5 weepstake.. . ................. � - - Badge PERCHERON STALLION ta,llion, any age ............. 8 4 ROADSTER STALLION tandard Bred Trotting or Pacing Stallion, in harness .... I ..... 5 4 3 ROADSTERS toadster horse in harness, 15-3 or under............ ........... 7 5 3 Second prize donated by J. A� Vesteott, 3rd prize donated by J. . Cleary. 'arriage in harness, over horse .......... .......... 7 5 3 AGRICULTURAL 3rood. mare in foal ............. 8 6 4 �illy or gelding foaled in 1928.. 5 8 2 1st prize donatted by Prov. of Ont.. Bank: 3rd Prize donated hy Purity Purveyors. ;Illy or Gelding foaled in 1929.. 5 3 2 list prize donated by Seaforth News: 3rd Prize donated by Thuma5 Dickson. .-Illy or Gelding foaled in 1910.. 5 3 2 I't P rize donated by Huron ,Expositor: 2nd prize donated by W. R. Smith; 3rd prize donated by Geo. A. Sills & Sons. ream in haorness ........... 15 8 6 4 let prize donated by Stewart Bros. 3weepstake .............. * ....... Badge HEAVY DRAFT Brood Mare in foal ............ 8 6 4 Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1928 5 3 2 ist prize donated by Geo. D. Fer7uson: 3rd prize donlated by S. S. Mevey. Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1929 5 3 2 Ist prize donated by J. F.i Daly: 2rd prize donated by Jos. Dorsey. Filly or Gelding foaled in 1980 5 3 2 ist prize donated by N. Gluff & Sons: 3rd prize do'nated by J * E. Keating. Team in Harness ........ ­ 16 8 6 4 Ist pri7w donated by Bank of Commer . Swecp-,.take ....................... Badge GENERAL PURPOSE Tefirn in Harnes- .... ...... 7 5 3 2 Ith prize donated by OlYmpia Restaurant. TOWN -SHIP SPECIAL Bc,.,t Three Hor,,-L,- from ione Township. 2 or more entries lo fili this ClaAt ........... 9 6 8 Prizes donated hy the Directors. Exhibitors Plie-itse Bear in Mind -Parade a 1.45 sharp. Judging commences 2 o'clock Classes wiil be called in the order as; they appear in this ad. BOYS' JLTDCING COMPETITION Open to 1�ys, 91 years of age imd under .. .......... $:� s t $3 $2 $ li,t pri7.e, $5 grold pio,ce. donated by C. P Pos tm as�ter. The C()mPvtiition will be under the directioi or Mr. McLeod, C,,unty Agricultural Repres vntittivv. Score carcls wiA be given each boy 7,0 poiiht�, will be given for placing by scor card. and AD poinds for reasons to be give orAlly, Class to be judged will be Reev. Hoi,e-- No entrance fee will be required but boys must have their entry in Wore 1.9 o'clock. Previous winners of First Prize I th ii; competition are barred. RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Zntrance Fee, $1.00: each atiolitionall en try -10 vents. 2. -All entries must be mad wl1h the Secretary before 1.30 p.m. 3­13roo, in"ros -Age , must s how visibily in food. 4. ol hores to dale fr(nn. January Igt. 5. -Thi judges will lie Particular to regard merit I lall st�ck'hc,,,�,,potillon and withhold any prem itim r " in idcr the animal undeservins nn,l a first or setond prize will not be give to a third cla.,is rinimnl, or in a sweepstak if they consider the competition not suffici 6. -Every exhibitor must produce his entir ticket in every class. otherwise the artina will not be judged. 7.-Brocgl mares in foe bo-th heavy draft sail ttgHcul,tural. are barr from competing in the class for Mare. Fil - Celdlng, any age. A ­All animals rom. 'be the hilirtsififle Property of the exhibitio q 'All animals entered for dompt,titinn mu ,,pPear in parade at 1_30 p.m. 1O.-Tudge decisions to be final in all cases. DONATTONS RECEITED FROM Directorq Seaforth Agricultural Society, cas S18.00; Thos. McMillan, M.P.. cash, $10.0 W_G. Medd, M.L.A., cash. $10: Province OnU,rio Bank. cash, $5; Isaac Hudson, cas S2; Win. Ament, cash, $2; Queen's Hoto lensh, S2: J. M. Gtivertlack, cash, $1; Hu Ex-positor, olash, &5; Seniforbb News, cash, Cornmerdial Hotel. cash, $2; Theis. Bickeoftsh. $1: Princess Theattre, cash, $2; Jol Gallop. cash. $1; C. P. SdI11s. cash, $5: W. Smith. goods. $3: J. Wesley Beattie, eas S I 3; Win. A. Wriorht. cash, S2; W. G. Will S': Samuel Shinan, caslh. $1; Bank of Ceti merce. Silver Cup. $16: Stewart Bros., woo $15: F. S. savauire, gold waitch. $15: J. Daly. anbol, tires, $5; Theis. DickRion $": Gen. D. Ferguson. goods, $5t N!:Z!�fr 1�ons. goods. $15; J. E. Kenting. 1 $ Purrity Purvowors, goods, $2: Jois. J. Clew 100 Mi. Five Ra-isq Flour: J. A. West6o g000ls. $5: Olympia Restaurant, goods. Andreov Archibald, cash. $1; Jos, Dorsey, can, 1$2; S. S. McVey. eigairs. $2; G. A. SIR buggy laii $2.50. Prize Lists may he obtained from Secrets. r WM. S. BROADFOOT Presid r DR. HARBURN Spring Show Oircuit--Seafortlh, March al Mitchell, March 27th; Hensall. April 7; 01 ton, April 2nd. evory day at 8e per bag over 5 bg lots, andfrom 5bags down and large bran sacks, 10 cents. KRUSE BROS., R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 32994 A New Roof Council Standard Galvanized Cor- rugated Steel Sheets is doubtless the cheapest and -best roof 'to put on barm since its introduction in 1924.. It iv heavily galvanized and in a claits _bw itself, and is not to be eampared with the low grades of iron offered on the, market. , No better material, put ox the market by any of the other roof factories. We. can suppl�y ordinarr corrugated iron, if 'Wanted- The ice Pr' is away down this year, and the Galb Art Metal Co. gives easy terms as usual. For a dwelling house roof, we hit" Asphalt Shingles of any weight, shape or color desired to select from. Also Art Brie Siding of any color. AD down in price this year and qualitY good. A new roof is cheaper tboa& leaving on a worn out one. Many have proven this to their so -ow - Get the benefit of my long experi- ence with roofs and putting them on. I solicit your enquiries before order- ing elsewhere. JOHN ELDER PHONE I HENSALL 8295-tf Baby Chicks --- Hatching Ecrtre 8 AND 10 WEEKS OLD PULLETS Our Chicks are produced from high- est grade pure bred stock, carefully culled and bred for large eggs, large birds and high produltion. Plan -t trap - nesting under R.O.P. supervision. Our prices -are reduced this year to be in line with present conditions. They are as follows, for March and April: Leghorns ...... $15 per hundred t Barred Rocks .. $17perhundred Black Minorcas, $17perhundred White Wyandottes,$18 per hundred Jersey Black Giant $20 per hundred Ten per cent. discount on all orders 1 received up to March 15th. Ask for Phamphlet and Price List. Sunnyvde Poulfty Fum e n and Hatchery o PHONE 137 r 3 SEAFORTU. 13 D. H. MCINNES Registered Drugless e PractitiOlker. n CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and ed Friday Afternoons. Adjustment given for disea"t t of all kinds. It 0: Of THE JOHN RANKIN b, Tn AGENCY 5; 11 Insurance of all kinds. in R. Bonds, Real Estate h. Money to Lo -an SEAFORTH, ONTARIO F. Phone 91 2 A. BARGAIN '2; Ifts in, FOR SALE—Five acres, one iT& from Senforth; modern house witl ry. furnace, bath and toilet* small haft good orchard. Tax", $1:5,. Sol#** chance to start chicken fft"ho b04 ets. Apply to at . R. S. IVAYS, Seaforth, Obt, 2