HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-03-20, Page 4166666.661, ' goon! eellrig• "1 A 6, • 41; Aet, le 16. 20, 1931. HARD d dee1 more truth pee words of an ex - hard times is our 11,-1 and foolish standard Irne best practical farm e,were built and the most suese of the country were when wheat sold for 60 , bisheI, when oats were 20 seebusliel, and dressed hogs sold 44co per hundred weight. But e*Se days folks baked their own killed and cured their own eid pork and did their own They rose at early dawn and eere snoozing soon after sundown, te, the winter time they cut wood, a good stunt at teaming, fed cat - stayed home at night, read good nOks and studied the weekly papers, their only diversion being an occas- ional party. There were those, it is said, who hit the primrose path, but they are long since dead and for- gotten. All that's the matter with us just now is that we're paying the, piper who was invited in when there was lots of easy money. We get into the way of eating both butter and jam on our bread and are now kick- ing ourselves because we must eat pease brose three times a day for a rarity. If some of the good folk who made this section of the prov- ince proverbial for its prosperity were to return they'd laugh themselves sick as some folks complain about their income. It's not the income that's at fault. It's the outgo --that's the rub." right te be; During the peet winter tbeee aete a number of farmers who have kept their ca,rs' at points along the hieh- ways. When they reached thes.poiets they left their horses ad to crIE to the car. That system worked out all riglitVfor some, but, unfortunately, their number was necessarily small. To the great majority, distance and expense makes such a scheme imprac- ticable. That is the situation which is caus- ing all the discussion. The man on the highway wants the roads kept op- en so he ean use his car. The man on the township and county roads wants them left alone. •And it is a question which the township, county and provincial of- ficials will have to settle one way or the other in the very immediate fu- ture. They might just as well do it before another winter comes. • It was that system of early to bed, early to rise, practised by our Huron pioneers, that made them healthy, wealthy and wise. •More than that, they had an inborn sense when it came to money mat- ters, and they had a horror of debt They believed in incomes, and having worked to secure them, they knew the value of money. Very few of them ,to mention the reduction in the •price spent a quarter before they had I of produce, which is cut in two. We earned a dollar. We, in this generation, have got away from all that. We want to eat our cake and have it too, and we aro fax too fond of jam. We want t,J spend before we make, in fact spend- ing has become one of life's main ob- jects. And we are none too particu- lar whose money we spend either 'borrowed money is just as good as our own for the purpose. It is, no doubt, a pleasant way to live, but there comes a day when the outgo has so far exceeded the income that money and stores are alike ex- • hausted. That day is called hard times, and having reached it, we should know and face the causes thereof. 0.01.1 and District was sung. IRoll was called and the 'leading up to the Easter time. The Secretary's and Treasurer's reports preceeding ones were "Repentanee, were read and adopted. The business "Jesus Sets His Face Toward Jerus- was then taken. The April meeting elem." is to be held at the home of Mrs. Syrup making is now in full swing STAFFA The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the hall on Wednesday afternoon, March 25th. Roll call, "Health Hints"; paper and demonstration along the lines of Home Nursing. Lunch will be served by Circle 3. meummommonionionoit MANLEY Mr. W. J. Welsh, who has been un- der the weather the past week, is im- proving. Mr. Henry Byerman is busy thresh- ing clover. Mr. W. Manley had good return; from his crop of alfalfa, with a good sample of seed. Quite a number from here attended the Ford Demonstration in Seaforth last Friday on Power Farming and which was worth seeing. The speak- er emphasised the necessity of a good seed bed, which is one of the main features to start the crop growing, and he also remarked that the Ford Motor Co. has reduced the price which will enable the purchaser to buy more machinery. But the speaker forgot .e• good recovery at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, at London, following his opera- tion for appendieitis. We are pieased to learn that leers. Andrew Dougall, following her quite Charles Stephenson. Hymn '798 and and everyone reports that the sap is serious illness of the past week, is at prayer by Mrs. W. Turner, and the still runnieg. date of writing considerably improv - study on Japan was then taken by Y. P. Meeting.—The Young People ,ed. 1VIiss Annie Jarrett and meg. Robert of StAndrew's United Church, Kip- I •Mr. T. C. Joynt has made very fine improvements in the interior of his block of stores, and is still continuing them at date of writing. OurMain Street will soon be back now to its accustomed fine condition as the ice and snow are melting away and helped by a little manual labor will rvery shortly be a fine pavement. 'Mrs. William Hildebrandt is this week visiting with her relatives in her former home in London. The W. M. S. of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church held their monthly meet- ing in the basement of the Church on Thursday afternoon last with a splen- did attendance, with Mrs. Arnold pre- siding. Following the opening exer- cises, business was discussed with IVfrs. Edwards in charge. Mrs. Mic- Ilroy rendered a very delightful solo, which was much enjoyed. The study on "Indian 'Schools," was very ably taken by Mrs. H. _Arnold, 'Mrs. B. Ed- wards, M'rs. R. ,Cameron and Mrs. D. Workman, after which the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Fred Smallcombe, of Guelph, is spending a few weeks with her sis- ter, Miss 'Matte Ellis, who is confin- ed to her room through illness. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peck will regret to learn are both •confined to their home through illness. Mrs. M. ,McKaig is taking care of them. The Young People of the United Church are busy preparing for a play, which will be held in the near future, and which promises to be a real treat. Mr. T. C. Joynt spent -the week end in Toronto combining business with a visit with his relatives. Considerable sugar and molasses have been made in this vicinity during the past week and the run of sap is reported as very good. Our rural mail couriers find the roads as very bad for them at the present time, for where their route extends along the highway the roads are perfectly bare, while on other parts there is quite a depth of snow, so that neither wheels or runners fill the bill. The friends of Miss Mattie Ellis will he pleased to learn that at date of writing she is somewhat improved and trust that she will soon experi- ence a decided change for the better. Our paper hangers and painters and decorators are at this season of the year working over time. Mr. John Carmichael spent part- of last week and this with friends in To- ronto. Our farmers and gardeners are get- ting their muscles hardened and made ready for coming spring work on the lands. Our business men report spring trade good and are 'displaying fine stocks. An Irish Evening.—The Y. P. L. of the United Church held a delightful Irish evening in the basement of the church on Monday evening, with a large number present. The program was arranged by Miss Nora Follick, and Miss Ruth Chapman, with Miss Follick presiding. The meeting" op- ened with Hymn 309, followed by prayer; Scripture lesson, 46th psalm Stephenson. The offering was teen taken and Hymn 270 sung. The meeting closed with .prayer by Mrs. Robert Stephenson. TO F LOUGH OR NOT TO PLOUGH. The question of winter roads has come in for a good deal of discussion among the farmers of this section during the past few weeks. The question at issue is whether all roads or any road should be kept op - of snow plows, for during the winter en, by the use wheeled traffic months. For several years highways have been kept open and the farmers living along these high- ways have been enabled to use their cars if they wished to. If not they had the advantage of open roads and perfect sleighing or wheeling as the weatherman dictated. There were no in-between times, it was either one or the other, and both equally good. Consequently these farmers are in favor of the plows. Their nearest town and almost any market is Open to them all the year round, ft can be reached with speed and comfort almost as well in winter as in sum- mer. But, all the farmers do not live on the highways, that is the rub. In fact the majority of them do not. And, as the cost of keeping the highways open is borne by all alike, this major- ity does not see why it should be call- ed upon to pay out good money in or- der that a few favored few might en- joy the benefit. Even that is not the worst of it, in the eyes of many. The farmer who can reach his town or market with- out touching or making use of the provincial highways, objects of course, to being asked to pay to keep them open, but whether there is sleighing or wheeling on them, does not affect him at all. It is a very different matter, how- ever, with the farmer Who has to make use of the highway to reach his destination. Ale may live five miles away from a highway and then have to use the highway for anywhere, up to five miles to reach his market. If the sleigh and cutter are the only mode of locomotion for some miles about his home location, and that con- dition usually prevails for several Months of every winter, he is, of Course, forced to make use of them. Ire has no other choice. ' • When &tell a Dian reaches a high- !VEItY and finds it bare; be- is pretty MaCle,,trA against it, Keeping Winter bada',5Peilitop ears -t wit atsf.kag like efigiVilikipeSition# hut a 'One aa, Welt He is the provincial 11•11111MMONIMOMMOOMMONII BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston return- ed on 'Sunday frban a short visit to Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock left on Wednesday to spend a few weeks at Goderich with their daughter, Mrs. George Heiman, and then go to Ham- ilton. Miss Jean Dunn, of the Bronson Line, spent the week end at Mrs. Robt. Scotchmer's. Mrs. Peter Clarke, on the Blue Water Highway, left Monday for To- ronto, to see her mother, who is ill. Mr. George Gale, of the Bank of Montreal, Winnipeg, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. R. M. Gale. Friday, March 27th, is the date for the play, "Love's Magic," to be put on by members of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Choir in the Town Hall. On the 24th they are to present this play in Clinton, under the auspices of the Baptist Church. BRUCEFIELD pen, met on Sunday evening, March 15th, Jack Cooper presiding and Jean Ivison at the piano. Miss Greta Gauld, missionary home on furlough, gave a very interesting talk on her work in Formosa. St. Patrick's Social. — The Young People of St. Andrew's United Church are holding a St. Patrick's social on Friday evening, March 20th. There will be games, contests and lunch, al- so a debate, "Resolved that Ireland has contributed more to the world than -Scotland." The Misses P. Pen - fold and Olga Bell are on the affirma- tive side, while Messrs. Will Thomson and Norman Alexander uphold the negative. This debate sounds as if it might be interesting, so let's go and see if it is. The admission is only 17 cents. Don't forget, at 8 p.m. sharp. --- ZURICH Late Louis N. •Denomme.—Another of the well known residents of the Township of Hay passed away last Thursday in the person of Mr. Louis N. Denomme, who died at his., home at St. Joseph in his 65th year,l'after an illness of three months. Deceas- ed had lived in this section his life- time and was highly respected by all who knew him. He is survived by five children: Filbert and Eugenie, at home; Solomon, of. Windsor; Leo, of Walkerville, and Max, of Detroit. The funeral was held on Saturday, inter- ment taking place in the R. C. ceme- tery at Drysdale. A number from town attended the hockey game at London on Tuesday evening. Mrs. 0. Klopp is visiting relatives at Detroit at present. Messrs. Garnet and Glen Wolper, of Windsor, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wolper. Mr, William Lamont visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Braun, Forest, over Sunday, Miss Anna Hess is visiting friends at London for a few days this week. A sitting of the Tenth Division Court was held in the hall here on Wednesday. Judge D. Holmes presid- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose have moved into apartments at the Com- mercial Hotel. Farmers are busy tapping for sap. The run has not been very good so far. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel, of Blake have moved onto the farm on the Zur- ich Road, west of Hensall, which Mr. Thiel purchased from Mr. C. Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Siemon have moved to Hensall, where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs.A'L. Schultz have mov- ed onto Mr. Thiel's farm, which Mr. Schultz has purchased. 0 Mr. and 1V1,as. Edmund Erb, of near Baden, are visiting relatives here at present. Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Klopp visited relatives in Elmira over the week encl. A good concert and box social will be held under the auspices of the Marion Oliver Circle March 27th, in the church lbasement. This promises to be a good evening's fun, so be sure and be there. Mrs. James Thompson, of Stanley, spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Miss Mary McKenzie, of the Mill Road, visited at the home of Mrs. Janet !Ross and other friends in the village last week. Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner en- tertained the choir last Friday even- ing. Miss J. Murdock and Mrs. A. John- ston sang a duet at the morning ser- vice entitled, "Jesus is 1Vly Neigh- bor," which was much appreciated. W. regular (monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the Manse Wednesday afternoon, March llth, with a good attendance of members and a few visitors. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Bremner, in the chair. Hymn 261 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The roll call was answered with the name of a foreign missionary, their field and their work. Mrs. Ross Scott gave a very inter- esting reading, "My Easter Thankof- fering." It was decided to have our Easter Thankoffering at the morning service Easter Sunday. A letter was read from our Supply Secretary ask- ing for quilts and good secondhand clothing to be sent to the West. A duet, "Ivory Palaces," was sung by Miss Murdoch and Mrs. Alton John- ston and was *very much enjoyed by all, Mrs. II -Baugh, leader of Group No. 2, then took the chair. The devotion- al leaflet, "For Thine is the King- dom, the power and glory," was read by Mrs. T. B. Baird followed by prayer by Mrs. Neil McGregor. The study book, "Fruits of Christian Mis- sions in Japan," chapter 6; Japanese Religious Thoughts and the Christian Message were read by Mrs. Haugh and assisted by the following ladies: Mrs. Tough, Miss Munro and Miss Murdoch. The temperance reading, "Like Any Other Business," was giv- en by Mrs. James McQueen. Hymn 540 was, sung and Mrs. Rattenbury closed the meeting with prayer. Tea was served by the hostess and all en- joyed a social hour together. As this meeting took the form of a birthday party, a birthday cake was made by one of our members and cut by one of our charter members. We were glad to see so many present and hope to have as good an attendance at our April meeting. Three new members were added to the list. A vote of thanks and appreciation was tender- ed Mr. and Mrs. Bremner for the use of their home. suppose its the producer who has ov- er -produced and unless he cuts his production the prices won't go up. He really has no control over what he sows for he can't guess at what he is going to reap, that has to be left in the hands of Providence. On the other hand, the manufacturer knows just what he can produce and if there is over production he shuts his plant down and hence unemployment. He also said that farmers did not need to sell grain 'at the price it is, that if they fed it to hogs they could make $1 per bushel for oats and $1.50 for wheat. That is if prices of hoss re- mained as they were several n-- ,ths ago. But what has happened o ' late will show that when our Western farmers glutted our markets with hogs there was no profit for the On- tario farmer in feeding hogs. The Government is trying to solve ways -rid means to help the producer, but that can't be done until things become normal. The cost of living has come down some but not in proportion to the drop in the price of produce. The speaker also mentioned that the farm- er would have to count on his over- head expense. Suppose, he said, a man bought a $5,000 farm. It should be no trouble for him to get money at 8 per cent. We would like to have those kind of buyers and there are lots of farms for sale, but we know from experience that a farmer can't pay over 5 or 6 per cent. and live. He is a good one if he can and it is only the ones who had the good fortune to build up a reserve that can afford power farming. It is not the first 85,000 that is invested, ,because one has to figure on another $3,000 on top of that for stock and implements. So we will leave it to some one who is good at figures to tell us how much his overhead expenses are, and don't forget to figure in the taxes. When the cost of living went up, our pro- vincial men met and raised their fees, but there is no word of the fees com- ing down since produce went down. This also applies to union labor which still clamor for a raise in wages and shorter hours. They also forget that the cost of living has come down. Would it not he better if every one worked at a little less to have a steady job until times will become normal? Our Ontario Government has found a deficit so they lave raised the price of liquor and are counting to make up the extra revenue out of the suck- ers, but it is to be hoped that the government will get disappointed on that issue and that the labor class will make up their minds to do with- out their toddy, except in case of em- ergency and let the moneyed men and tourists make up the deficit. Busi- ness men will realize that if the rural populace doesn't prosper their busi- ness won't prosper, and it has come to the time that (people won't buy be- cause they haveno means. ''' •44, teas • HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt and Messrs. Robert McAllister and Clar- en,ce Parke attended the funeral of the late Mr. H. Forsythe, of Tucker - smith, on Monday last. Mr. Glenn Love, of Hensall, spent a few days with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Siemon and family have moved their effects to their new home in Hensall and have got nicely- settled. We are sorry to lose them from this community. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed on Sunday, March 29th, at 2.30 p.m. Preparatory ser- vices will be held on Thursday even- ing, March 26th, at 8 p.m. W. M. S. ---The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Stevenson on Wednesday af- ternoon, March 11th, with Mrs. W. Turner presiding. The meeting was opened by singing Hymn 2.61, and all repeating the Lord's- Prayer in uni- son. The /Seripture leaSon was reed by liffss Irene 'Turner. Hymn 556 kr. KIPPEN Notice..—Now is the time to have your implements put in shape for Spring and save being disappointed later on. A good stock of every thing for the farmer on hand. All accounts prior to 1931 are requested to be paid on or before April 1st. W. L. IVIell K ippen- 3300x3 HENSALL Extra Values in Work Shoes. New Stock—New Lower 'Prices $2.95, $3.45, $3.95 Black or Brown—Leather ,or Panco Soles. Our new prices are Fifty Cents to a Dollar a pair low- er than last season. Make your selection now and be ready for spring work SEAFORM One Door North of Daly's Garage by Mr. Clarence Smillie; minutes, and business. The splendid program, con- sisting of Irish numbers, was very much enjoyed, selections by Mr. W. Hyde, entitled "The Irish Washerwo- man," and "Nothing is Too Good for the Irish." These numbers were re- sponded to with encores. Mr. Hyde was accompanied on the triangle by Miss Loretta Bell, and on the piano by Miss Effie Bell. Pleasing solos by Mr. T. J. -Sherritt, entitled, "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" and "11/Pother Machree," ac- companist, Mrs. Sberritt. Miss El- va Shaddock gave an interesting read- ing, "The Courtship of Larry O'Dean" after which a splendid Irish address was given by Mr. Henry Horton, which was interspersed with humor- ous jokes, was more than enjoyed by all present. The meeting closed with 'emit the Benediction. Next Monday even- ing will be Literary and Dramatic and will be in charge of Messrs. Claude Blowes and Ferris Cantelon. Former Resident Dies in Exeter.— The many relatives and friends of the late Mrs. Frank Blatchford, of Exe- ter, and for many years together with her husband, a relative of our village, 'before moving to Exeter, will regret to learn of her very sudden death, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday last, as she was onlyill for a couple of days from that dread dis- ease, pneumonia. The deceased was most highly and deservedly respected for her many excellent qualities and besides her husband, leaves to mourn her death sons and daughters and two brothers in Hensall, namely, Alexan- der Buchanan, Sr.; and Andrew Buchanan, Announcement We have taken over the Chevrolet Car and Truck Agency in Hensall, and will be pleased to give' you any information we can regarding the mechanism of these cars, as my mechanic has just returned from the factory in Oshawa, where he has received in- structions along these lines. Although we have taken over the Chevrolet Agency, we wish to state to the Chrysler and. Plymouth car owners, that you will receive the same consideration and service as before, as we have a large stock of Genuine Chrysler parts on hand, and will also service Chevrolet Cars in future. We specialize in honing and fitting new pistons in any make of car, also valve grinding and tappet adjusting, and now is the time to get your engine and valves looked over, which will save you money this summer. We also keep the leading brands and different sizes of Tires and Accessories, GAS - OIL - GREASES Passmore & Sons PHONE: Day 31. PHONE: Night 47. 3200-2 We are pleased to see Mrs. Nelson Blatchford able to be out again after being confined to the house for some weeks suffering from an attack of the flu. Mr. Rochus Faber has rented Dr. Moir's farm, a short distance north- west of the village. Rochus .has worked for the doctor for over six years and has proved himself an in - a ustrious and thoroughly reliable young man, whom everyone wishes to see make a success of his new pro- ject. His brother, Egbert, takes his place on Dr. Moir's home farm, Mr. Henry Pfile has had the fine stable and garage that he purchased l'som Mr. Harry Howard moved to the land which he purchased from Dr. A. Moir, a short distance south of our village on the London Road. Miss Ethel Murdock spent the week end in Toronto with her relatives, Dr. B. Campbell and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonell were Visited on Monday last by Miss Gret- ta Gould, of' Formosa, a relative, who is and has been for some years past active y engaged in missionary work in Ch na, together with her mother, Mrs. Gaulcl, widow of the late Rev. Gould, a missionary also in Formosa. Miss Gould and her mother both have been on furlough for some months, making their home in Tor- onto, where they have many friends, both expect to return duringTthe present year to resume their duties. Miss Gretta is a professional nurse and as such has been able to do very effective missionary work combined with her main calling as a nurse, and while here on furlough is nursing in Toronto, where her services are in great demand as having had such wide experience in foreign lands, and hav- ing crossed the ocean a number of times, makes her a most interesting and instructive nurse and most pleas- ing companion in conversation. Miss Gould, owing to pressing', duties, was only able to spend the one day with her relatives. The birthday annual meeting of the W.M.S. to be held on Friday eve- ning of this week, is looked forward to with great interest sks besides a very instructive and/ interesting ad- dress to be given by Mss Annig, Con- sitt, relative to her trip last summer overseas, where she spent some months and visit&I many plaees of interest. There will be a fine literary and musical programme and the meet- ing is timed for the evening so that the men of the congregation, adher- ents and friends in general may have an opportunity Of attending and en- joying what protaises to be a moat interesting meeting of the W. M. S. and an attractive addition to the oe- casion will be the serving of a Itmele We are pleased to report that Mr. Frank Farquhar continues to make Miss Jean Ivison visited for a few clays at the home Of her sister, Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill. The Senior Group of the C. G. I. T. will meet in their class room on Sots urday afternoon, March 21st, at 2,30 p.m. A number of the ladies and gentle- men of St. Andrew's United Church met during the week and redecorated the auditorium, of the school room, which adds greatly to the appearance. A singing class, conducted by Mr. R. Goulding, of Exeter, commenced on Monday evening in the school room of St. Andrew's United Church and will have their meetings every Monday ev- ening at 8 p.m. for a couple of months. The registration fee is not large and it is expected that quite a number in the community will take advantage of this opportunity. Anyone can reg- ister. Miss Greta Gauld, missionary house on furlough from Formosa, who is now in Toronto, visited over the week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ivison and Miss Jean. She also spoke very acceptably on Sunday evening at the Young People's meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt visited the fornier's parents in Seaforth recent- ly. Rev. R. R. Conner, of St. Andrew's United Church, preached a very in- spiring sermon on Sunday morning last, taking for his subject, "Jesus 'Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem!' This is one of the subjects of sermons • eg ••••"•• • • .'•:;.......,,,:'-":••••••••••••:,',1,..i.:•••:••••••,,j,'.••••.';•;_•••''•i'•:, their LIVES are in YOUIFIANDS DOWNY LITTLE THINGS ...not long out of their shells ... how much they must depend on you for the things they need to live and get big. They need a feed filled with nourishment. A feed which wifl build bones quickly. .. -building muscles strong , change fuzz to feathers in a hurry ... all this they demand . and yet their little crops can handle only one tiny thimbleful of feed a day! What a job forifeed! Consider Purina Chick Startena (mash) for this job! In every thimbleful are twelve ingredients! Cod-liver oil . . dried buttermilk . . . alfalfa flour . . . granulated meat . . . thesee.end eight others are there . . . each one with a real job to do, Purina Startena is rnixed over and over again 960 times just to be thorough ! And you will find the same care taken with Baby Chick Chow (scratch) ... to be fed with Startena. e Your chicks ... what they do for themselves... what they do for you . . is entirely in your hands. They eat so little ... yet ft counts so much ... that you can afford to do only one thing ... feed Purina Chick Startena I Thos. Dickson, Seaforth, Ont. 4k•!: ,i;;;; ykt s, Nets see le Sees, is „S ss, eSees Seeisiseiteettelseliseilletilee'reie''-et's 4 i4 • 5