HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-03-13, Page 3'6 ;,;,
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b the use ox ,a oki�l aludli a. 1� . . � ", �'„ � f1;,M � ,.;._• '
e[as .crated; l . ¢ t �#'' C V
r Y tion that ;kiss, for long p y , ' o0e.d .testified that he had, no he club nki a` . , one. e . ;: ` ' . " i � �
qe or tabr. ? ...: � � it 4 Is, r ,. i i.,s
Bisura o #"' ::v/41. i b;u 4
ted t re ha n o- iij P.' a 1 $� • iz �..,
man is ,why he ve ,been o w idea .that 'Gir so la i s � ���` , • i. l• , � �
,,. Mrf, ay n was marrieds p yedn 'baith ng hits, abY ixis�n b #
r ,
•bus a L
Ort i n_a P t� ani
' .. n ..r.
little 1 e
1 t e xnen genius..es. , �'he reason is that for not the foggiest.. Ae, .ktad .presumed of the Brixwning ., Be a. 4110Ci.., ; „ r .%, Rio * h , ti
Tui rases , al „h a long time where maseulin niu r vy r �i r ;H,
.a,,. , :, a breaks g e 1#e. to be what eh@ presents i her by no fears a a ceding from lla.:b.: � ?e a , i :s
excess a ,fid,ntaou}. �, ur#shed. ;But wo n h )Tee .1'_11"'.",,tv,4 �,
" w IIsi scion. Fav re o mo a n self, ,as a buil@less, little, tall, blonde, Ben Ezra.. Yo1�F' ' #atest ignoxanee ,'r,r`
u gas
14 1, # 8e pae#pxtted to sin and la . v_ • ious, won n ' who oto' of that ca u ,' s, ,t
t. ach and di- . g R y Woman, 8ar0. m n. dY even' un-' 0ld not s rpass the elu.b r,, r, ,�� ,,,y"!7i
Qod9 n .',A. ,;,. t.i a+ w i e .. .; , f";,L r '`•�'.r +i,+'+� ..:�. ;x. n 1�7N"" „N, GY.r, r{,+.•i;.
i< ... i!li r .,. t ries#cat nstruments. There ve derstoo#. If she. diad a failin it was st, ndard. P m Beach is a IitorM ,A W ,i " ,4 ! ' n
a ca' s� nd 1?,,t X11. a
7yv+OiL g .,I. � , F �, '' Sl. / ✓.u}, ')k .�:.. 1 E .'^ �'4�:t% l V t r jar,,•r�l'. .
been g i g too refined. place, and "Browning" means tfl, et ; `. i�
I 11 ` all s., Y ,, Qr p<e : , k, great women singers and 'not a. n Ibeiri too sensitive and "; " ..; l , . ,, 31,
t ' "'` " orated few noted women. jnst,rumentalists, Ile thought it only natural that he brown. Amoft *0n, at least, it m11>st I �, +, Ye , r U. M
ggis �,eye� .A170 •,ce A: but where is the great. woman com-: should offer his sexless protection to be all over. It takes +time, but then3��
� i ;�' ; } t ,+f
gnesia with this guarantee,. ,, poser? tWhere'is to 'be -found the It-. her. :Mr$. Grayson swore that she time is -so, plentiful,. • And' when you're � � �' ' '�4',
alien gallery covered with the mar= felt that she had a powerful friend in tanned you leak healthy, which is al- �'
- terpieoew of women painters? The an-. Sir Guy and that the last thing in the most as good' a�, l einL healthy. t 1 � a � ., �� � ��` s�Y''a
c6RNIUS USUALLY COMES FROM swer, accordin to the professor, ie world she wanted- was for ' hese ;hus. Seemingly a great deal about bath. „ n ;F? l+' , k " ''
that the tomcated t " e of Intel- band bo discover th@fir relationm Ing places• but�vvl►ene and ,Extra ��
R 1•'p you- swim marks � r11 fi�� � `r'�aa M' � Y n
TALENTED PARENTS lectual activity which results socio]- blamlesa; though they were. She car- you socially., Wlhat .is still more im 11-11:111
a(J'l"v " '�`
„Genius is not quite the accident we ogically in the genius Is limited pret- trainly had not . conspired With her portant is when, Tp be seen. on the t - �� " i+` ' y r'i.`
t strict] to the male, Women, how- husband to got money. 'Sir Guy—sand sands after two ,inG'the afternoon is to 011e you: experience the V1 easurl e F �y�4, �i,; �'. I
�+ have always supposed, if we are to Y Y .
r+' , accept the result of some painstaking fi p p ' be takk'i for a 'servant or a tourist— of We'arin one Of these beau new .. t ���vt t
Y ever, may co sole thezilaelves with the this is positively hos last irru tion— g , k�,
P thought that
-almost invariably the said i hat h@ had been, advised b his the latter a much lower category, ��'1'"
researches by Prof. Ernst Kretschmer g Y Ind] o Blue Ser a Suits Ott Will
r e
of the University of ,Marburg. The genius.,has 'had a mother, and pretty lawyer that as lie had actually been course. There is only one greater g Y *'�a ��
a wife, and that' there is in a bedroom with Mrs. Grayson he mistake social] and that is to a know that well dressed appearance.
Herr professor is an authority in his generally -m Y Y, appear
no likelihood that things will be dif- cdidd not defend the action, and there- in the linin xoom of your hotel. If .. r , ,�
own field' and for many years pant he g They are Such smart rich looking
has" been examin}3ig the history o� ferent in the years to come. fore had to permit judgment to be en- you can't wangle an invitation or a i
fi .seed. The Recorder says h@ will see club membershi eitlher eat in blues perfectly tailored and smart]
some authentic ge iusea. He does not o Ys P. Your , P Y Y �t` `r v�
Bold out the hope that the time is that the papers in the case are hand- room or cross the Styx to West Palm Styled. You'll get more than the u4s�- i " P " a
r likely to come that human society will THE BEST GIFT ed to the Public Prosecutor to learn Beach and eat in a lunch wagon. That , 'r r ti 1
Y his opinion of the conduct of Mrs. would of course Dome under the head Ual amount of hard service. And % 'f 1 4
" be able to breed a genius when it P
requires one as a colony of 'bees Is Milly recalled that it was her Grayson. of slumming, and so be quite prep there is the added satisfaction of get- fi
able to produce a queen at will. For chums 'birthday. Its hard to be For golf there is the Plverglades ah , �r
p „ ting a most unusual value. All siz- "
original about birthdays, she sn hed. Club which sprawls its velvet length
there is always something illusive in « g g . P y gt` j " • i '11,
a genius. But there is no question If I only knew what she wanted!" on the spot where there was a real es, 36 t0 �` . fr ; 1111
l�ai y
Then sh+3 realized what she herself FIENSALL bit of true 'Florida un le a few ears f• t fJ
that conditions favorable to the pro- J g y �u
duction d genius can be brought into would want — her friend-, or her ago, and alongthe dim winding road ' ' r tx 'Mea `
friend's voice'. "Why, that's easy THE AEROPLANE CRASH g Special Price
existence. People could be mated „ Y ; cut through it dear aid ladies and seri- �
With the idea of producing a genius, Ill telephone! So Long Distance Into our quiet village last week tlemen used to .be pedaled in wheel
{ Rz M
and while not one pair might fulfill carried. Milly's gift to her distant Came a lane of ret colors; chairs, their hearts uplifted with the e ~ ' ,;t� "
expectations, the more there were of chum. P P 11 4.
It was guided by a steady hand, terrifying thrill of tropical explore- Stilt and
them the greater the chance of the �_ _ A pair of Landon fellows, tion. . - 1'.�,,,„ ._,
"1i .
appearance of a genius in the next - At night, when women have a firm ”
P n�.
generation would be. PERJURY AND PHILANDERING The plane it flew like a 'bird in the air, grip on social sins, Palm Beach Y n Extra Pants $27 I I , :. .,-'�,,�
But the genius' himself remains Its wings were of glittering sliver, gins real] to litter and certain]
something of the same sort of mys- IN ETERNAL TRIANGLE But the prettiness of frame and wings no place on earth do women wear - .1. `, Y ,
tery as cancer, perhaps less so, if From crashing could not deliver. more splendid jewels or wear them t vis ° '
we are to take the learned professor's Once more the good Old Bailey has more recklessly. A gala dinner at the
f investigations as a further step to- provided those who follow its Pro- Into a field not far away, E'v'erglades Club, is a sight to make �,a
f th ter ceedings with a toothsome morsel of Th 1 Hlaroun al Raschid rub his eyes and
ward the solution 'o a mys y. e p ane it was landed;
Geniuses do not come precisely from scandal, and our readers can imagine And when he pilot he tack off wonder. Factories, mines, shipyards,
; r`�{
nowhere. There is invariably some- With what misgivings we offer it veil- In another field the, plane was stranded, oil wells, all the immensity of Ameri-
er 'cuddtnc But in the hoe that it can industry are here represented.,No-
Thing more than mediocrity behind y P Y
�, r�.
may prove a warning to perjurers,
them, although there is rarely any- The pretty monster shone likestars wonder Palm Beach social nems ap-
�� i
thing less than mediocrity that fol- and discourage all varieties of what pears in every important paper in
When over our housetop it glided;
lows them. According to Kre'tsehmer is known as the badger game we give the country.
g We did not see' the pilot in his pit,
That But.
I a somewhat bowdlerized version. Palm Beach becomes its most
there are no known cases of the chi]- But we knew the plane was well guid-
dren of geniuses amounting to much. the warning is needed we are assured ed . distinctive self when entertaining - at
; �J st w
If this seems too strong a statement, by ,Mr. Justice 'Riddell who some little ' home. True, many of the houses are
then we can say that there is no re- time ago said that there was alto- indifferent places to live in, but, as all
many hundred feet above,
ether too much perjury The
cord o£ one genius being the parent g' P j yin Ontario The plane it took a dive, entertaining centers about dinner,
or the grandparent of another enius. courts. When asked to say what their dining rooms are splendid. Men-
g Then into a tail spin went G. C. Aky
It might seem almost as though Na- amount of perjury he thought fitting asteries are denuded to supply refec-
g As if with life it was alive.
ture in producing a genius had ex- he graciously joined in the general tory tables, draperies, old high-bac'ke'd
hausted herself and could go no fur- m'erripie'nt which the quip provoked. omchairs. The climax was reached
Something happened the roaring ei-
Xr^` I,
ther. There is an old saying among We mention this 'because it is not the ' gine, when a man had a kind of chapel
(bi'ol'ogists that like produces like, or commonest thing in the world for a But with skilfull presence of mind, built to dine' in (yes, dining has be -
the likeness of some ancestor; but judge to admit that anyone else has The London commercial pilot come a sort of religion) and even
this has its limitations, and u to made a joke. Indeed, efforts of pris- Turned off the feeding line. had an altar with lighted candles!
p a
certain point it may be said that the oners at the bar to appeal to the But naturally the system of enter -
ancestors of a genius are as the Ger- risibilities of judges' 'about to pro- taining at home leads inevitably to
g The plane came down propeller foie
nounce 'sentence have al est invariab- exclusion and heart ache. One wo-
man contends, just such as one might' most,
expect ly ended in disaster. A further cause Fuselage was a mass of ruin: man l know found' that out, She gave
I'll mus must not be of regret for having to mention the I h d h S a party of Hollywood splendor. 'She
Fe '
=1 I®
Men's New Spring .
; r`�{
�, r�.
�� i
`Stylish in appearance and excep-"°
tional in service. They will easily
out distance ordinary makes in wear
; �J st w
—in satisfaction. This Spring's -
styles are decidedly the smartest we
have shown in years. The are
slightly smaller a n d . pleasingly
Prices $3.75 to $7.50
Xr^` I,
Moreover, w i ege- case is that it brings little credit to t a eras ed m' herrrtt s field bombarded all bhe most exclusive eo ^'
mistaken for talent, it being as un- g On the day of February 21st. P -
like talent as a diamond is like a the name of Sebright which is held in pie with invitations, and refused to be
piece of coal; on the other hand, it is universal respect for the labors of snubbed. She drew together a cur- �% "
Neither men were seriously injured,.Ill:
as like talent ,as a fists of coal is one of the family in producing the •ions mortley throng -of outsiders, •
p But Busch had an eyelid cut; .
like a diamond. It seems to be pro- char'niing gold• and silver laced Se- some being sufficiently such to pocket x11
P Both young men were medically treat- •1,<.
duced in much the same way, Genius bright bantams. ed stray ornaments, jewelled cigarette •�'�
is most frequently the offspring of About two years ago a Londoner lighters and the like. Policemen on 's
q g And soon ready for the same old rut•
talented families. So is stalent. But named Henry Gladwyn 'Grayson, aged the Ocean Boulevard were said to :y -
in the case of genius some magic 23, was granted a divlorce from his have sold champagne which they had0 . .;
gi Mechanics from the flying club A .
drop is added. The genius, from one Fife, later described by the court as commandeered from the butler. A " ,,, ,
Were soon here and hard at work t,
Dint of view, is simply the child of a very 'wicked woman. He was also few days Pater I had a talk with the
p P Y They tank the pretty plane away ;",''
talented parents who finds itself given damages of £500 against Sir lady. She said, I know what people y .
Back to London on a truck. ''?:�'
handicapped by some physical or men- Gug Sebright, an elderly philanderer, are saying about me. Yet they are " ;a;
tal abnormality, In some circum- who has steadfastly denied, much t'i wrong. All I want is a few friends." _ _
the amusement of a jury, The excitement has subsided some
stances this abnormality does not that be ev- I felt terribly sorry for her that day
Y But never again do T
kindle the spark which flames into I er committed adultery with,, Mrs. and •still do. She is ceaselessly as -
P Want to see an aeroplane' crash ,
genius, which suggests the possibility Grayson. The divorce suit and the saulting the high places and she is
Far away or quite close by. in invited to become a Freemason. de Saune Bishop o£ Antananarivo in truth. when I was a
of man a mute inglorious Milton action against Sir Guy were ends- still unsuccessful. g , P , young officer
Y Composed by Mrs. Vernon Hadden, 'They are only interested in olitici the following conversation which the was assured that all ",
havingpassed away unnoticed. Equal- fended. Some time later, information But as at the center of the hurri- P g promotion was .y;
Hensall, Ont. in that shop,, said Joffre. `It's not a Bishop, himself has recorded: barred if one was not a Freemason. ;i
ly with talent, if not more than tal- came to the police that Grayson had cane there are peace and quietness, so p> P. ,
ent, genius requires its opportunity, given the sacred goddess of justice — at the center of the Palm Beach so- place for either you or me. "Msgr. de Saune: They tell me Then I gave in my name; but I smear :;a
The genius never finds himself alto- one in the eye and an investigation ciety whirlpool there are dignity and "Joffr6' spoke in similar terms to you are a Freemason.' to you that I never used to set foot ;1.P
g A PALM BEACH IDYLL his old companion in promotion, Ms `' "' 'l``
gether at home in the world. What followed, the sea 'uel being the arrest rest. Quiet dinners, games of 'bridge, p P , gr. Joffre: 'I'll tell you the whole inside those shops (boutiques). . r
marks the normal man of talent is his of Grayson on -a charge of jerjuxy. Palm Beach has the lovelinest surf golf in the morning. A little stodgy A `'"
perfect adjustment to his surround- Before Sir Ernest Wild, acting as Re- to swim in, clean and warm; it has a perhaps, a little dull without a doubt, '41 -
corder he was convicted and sentene- but restful. There are even houses '
Ings. But he is never, never found . long stretch of white sand, with al -
among the makers of war, revolution e -d to , th'ree years' imprisonment on ways a palm tree' in sight. Truly Palm where no drinks are served. It is this ,!"
or poetry. It is the maladjustment this count and 18 months' imprison- Beach owes everything •to the ocean, group which holds the place together.
which provides the genius with his rent for endeavoring to pervert the They stay sometimes three, sometimes
for that benign monster first wrecked 1.100 11
opportunity. There are some lines of courts of justice, the terms to run— a great freighter loaded with cocoa- four months. They bring their chil- "� f"11 '�
,poetry which we have unhappily for- as the word must have sounded to ruts and then floated them ashore and dre-n down, and are quite apt to bun'- `' c
gotten which illustrates the 'point. Grayson—interminably. The basis, of distributed them nicely. But even die them into a car and go far up or '•
They are to the effect that the poet the charge was that Mrs: i"ri•ayson had with the whole ocean to choose from, clown the beach for a picnic. The host �� a"` 111
gives to the world in song what his been the paid mistress of .Sir Guy people will instinctively group them- may doze off a little after dinner, +'K5, ;.. .- :1
own nature has distilled out of the -With the consent and apprawal of the selves. All the world bathes in one though no one would dream of observ- '. &,v` i
bitterness of life. husband; that he had profited from of four places, and as they bathe so '°•� the fact. Into this group the het- ,�a'� '� _ :i
Genius has the apparatus for this the avails 'of his wife's deplorable con- are they. tic social climber desires to push her- •�': '`
process of distillation. Sometimes the duct, and had, merely seized an oppor- First, or last, is a common Coney se f, and how miserable she would be 1,4�
song is a great bymn or a great tunity to get rid of her and at the Islandish sort of bathing place, chum- if she succeeded! `''k
painting. Sometimes, as in the case same three collect from her elderly mily called Gus's—the only spot where a• i
of Lenin and Robespierre, it is 3 lover. mere humanity touches the sacred ;
dreadful revolution. Professor Krets'- In the trial the three principals palm -fringed waterfront. It was Gus A• salesman travelling in Mexico &LE
.:4Mchmer mentions several enerall ac- were heard., and apparently the Re•- wh.o first ave a bathin found to his surprise that the train N E H � M F L � .""
ce ted geniuses whose minds at one corder believed none of them. Sir Guy citizens of West Palm Beach, atsmall
came in on time. He immediately
time o another were unbalanced or admitted that he had, 'paid for the city separated from its haughty went to the driver and said: "Here's
farni.sbed flat where Mrs. Grayson, a cigar; 'I want to congratulate you. ,Q �// ,
seemed to be unbalanced/ such as Y neighbor by a narrow sheet of water I have travelled this road for fifteen �• ' ! SFEED 12,
Rousseau, Newton, Blucher, Tessa; red sometimes her husband, lived, but socially wider than the Pacific Ocen. v ,,
Maupassant, Strindberg, Dostoyevsky said that his interest in the woman years, and this is the first time I have s
P was aesthetic and ]atonic. "If you Periodically there is a rumor that he caught a train on time." 1'
and! van Gogh, all of whom made a P has been bought out and the ocean is ?+
like to believe that sort of thin ou "Ke'ep the cigar," sand bhe driver.
tremendous impression upon the dif- �� g�Y closed to the, local people, but always ,,. °'',
ferent worlds in which they lived. An- can, said the sardonic Recorder, but This is yesterdays train. F®%Z
there may b the rumor turns out to be, false. a '`
other striking feature which geniuses Y ' e limits to the creduditY It is almost disastrous to .be a Flor- N �
have in tom' 'on as that the are all even of a jury, and there we may lis- idian in Florida. The principal ouali- JOFFRE AND FREEMASONRYECHICK I `;.
rebels. They would remould he world miss Sir Guy Sebright." In this dis- faction for admission do the famous It is well known that at the time I "i
missal with all respect but
in which they find themselves nearer P� very club which has caused Palm Beach of his a'ppoin'tment as commander -in- �. ,,,
to the he'art's desire. Hannibal, cordially we agree, and Sir Guy is to be likened to Monte Carlo is that chief of France before the war—when THIN1� OF ITT Oae tiny, thimbleful ...all '�L:
now dismissed "
Alexander and Napoleon sought to do ,perhaps much to his one must not be a resident of the Catholic officers were debarred from '" the feed a chick can put in its little crop in one f
it through force of arms. Most of indignation. It se'em's that the Gray- State. Naturally no one would wish promotion by the anti -religious poli- F p
the others sought to do it through sons, who were married young, had day. On this tiny bit it must live ... grow - .. ,t •1,
g g to bathe in an atmosphere' m hot dog,, tinisel and some, including Foch build bones ... build muscles .. , start feath- y"''4'
the force of their ideas, and their con- considerable money at he time but pop bottles and a large number of lo• himself, had actual] been d
nests have longer endured. In other spent most of it, for during Sir Guy's cal people. So we must drive swiftly their Y deprived re a�,
n P P positions because they were ers. Think of the job feed has to do!
words, we may consider a m1.ilitary infatuation it does not appear that ',:
y past with Gus s, with closed eyes, to Catholies�the futurh Marshal Joffre They Wiest depend on feed for so many things I 1,
Grayson worked; nor was the need for the Casino, where bathe the merely was regarded as a Freemason. They get them all in Purina Chick Startena
I — it obvious. The young pe'ople's love rich who 'stop at the great hotels In this connection the following (mash) or Purina All -Mash Startena Chow ... ,':ii
cooled appreciably. They ,separated which are so expensive that you in- statement from the French Catholic 12 different ingredients in every thimbleful. ,,,-
RHEUMATISM and Sir Guy—who has evidently tak- stinetivel feel ,you must 'be ettin news a er, " ,,
en his dismissal Iver ]lard—met the y getting newspaper, La Croix, is of special r
Y somewhere. Yet it is only a delusion interest: Cod-liver oil . ..dried buttermilk ...alfalfa
KIDNEY AND BLADDER young woman wlio is tall and blonde. for at the hotels you scop in the "Information from a reliably flour ...granulated meat ...these and eight ;1x
An apartment was provided, Sir Guy truest sense of ,the word. source," says "La Croix," "enables' us others are there! ; nip:
WEAKNESS had, ,a key and apparently all went There is also a club beach where to state that Joffre's connection with These 12 ingredients ... think how carefully they `! al
veep• resort eminent politicians, theatrical Masonry was neither protracted nor must be'mixed to make every thimbleful alike. Purina ; .t
People who almost constantly sof- Then the husband turned up again. ProduceA, cinema actresses, popular marked by conviction. Joffre was in- Startena and All -Mash Startena Chow are mixed over "
p s!>:;:
What passed between him and his writers, musicians'; also many others itiated as a Freemason about 1884 at and over again ... 960 times just to be thorough! You } w h
fer from fRheuinatic ache's and' -pains, P , ty rr
will find the same care taken with Baby Chick Chow .. ,,
stiffness and soreness, swollen feet wife must be left to kindly conjecture. who have houses and have tried to the time of the Tonkin expedition, to- �• r
and ankles, Kidney and Bladder lis- Bath raid the court, however, that Sir rest on the warm socia] bosom of the gether with 'one' of his comrades at (scratch) ... to be fed with Startena until our chicks r k'" ':_'•?
Y 1 tt"
Gu was re resented by the woman p y q , are six weeks old ... and with Purina Growena (mash) i.p
aturbance, irritation, scanty and burn- Y P lace but have never gone beyond the the Ecole Pel techni ue who died as w �1 I
as her uncle name of Parnell who cold shoulder. Yet reporters are al- commander of the 15th Cors and Purina Intermediate Hen Chow (scratch). to be i y�g � i s
dig Urination, troublesome annoyance , Corps. fed from then on until the pullets are laying at 16 weeks: i3E ,r'r
day and night, Backaches and feel- was wealthy and lived in Ireland. ways present to take pictures for the They had both been told that if j , w t`i,s,
g r How little feed a chick eats ... ust one thimbleful
Ing of weight in the 1'owor .abdomen Grayson, evidently, had not heard home town papers, and so all is not they wished to get on the would ,': ;;: ,:
Y a day ...yet how important it is ...how much depends , a ,,
sbould try the amazing far -reach- that Parnell was dead, or maybe jus. q est. On ,the sands of the Sea have to be enrolled as Freemasons. on it ... the chick's very life ... its growth ... what �4..
g quite 1'
ing power of Karafin tablets at once'l refused to accept the news. Ile also Spray Club you know you haven't And they consented. " `., e
the pullets will do for you next fall and winter when eggsCU
Made in Canada, with true list of 'believed his wife s tale that her uncle Penetrated the inner circle, but you They did not long remain mere are sure to be worth good money. You can afford to . { � CNM' `;;
Ingredients lain] printed on every was prepared' to support her if .she may convince those back home that bers of the society, when they re- feed only the best ... Purina Poultry Chows. .:. " r. ,,,
., plainly P „ had of rid final) of her husband you have, and assuredly, the next alized its true nature the ceased i4 ,:' "i"`
aka @ Karafln Tablets"J can be g Y Y
obtain d�'at small cost, from an aitd knowing that her family had al- best thing to having what you want to attend the Lodges and, to a their ",,iS� '.
y good' g is to make others think you g pay 7eti,'vfi
druggist on a 'binding money, back ways objected to the match, Grayson y have it, subscriptions. The opinion which
1. gguatentee "of thought thi'a not impro+balble,. Sq he And finally, bhe B'a'th and Tennis Joffre retained -of the Freemasons is /''� , ., t,`4 >,1, ,x
l LIEF N 24 HO[) 5
consented lsa a rather odd way of'liv- Club. A beautiful place, Shut off indicated in a reply which he made Thos. Dickson,Seafarth,;-Otit. ' '{v� .,ing as deZ41* by •one of the se1rv- from the road with cloistered •secur- to a friend who consulted hien on be- s1�i' iN, `
, „,a
. I M4;'�, ,1}
, �6`�1i ,l,,.fih1,f,
'rqc,+'�{ "I' n jj lY'� Yf r', kpt^t 4' 'a {t',P .0. � Y ! �y ,,fit 4- }/;i,iKi :
, , �,,V,,6 ..,fit rel+a�Jls :�R., u$M L: y., .4 hci�SwYi ka:i> Yo,l ,''I:r° eI ,'' 0 �.
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