HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-02-20, Page 8t1
l( er
VARY • 20, 193i.
, ealth
,! YiUNErs 2'5c
pang PRUNES lac
4E%x,Y PIOWDERS-3, 4 and 2'5 c
6 packages for +J
+per. can
.0P> 1B PEAS at 20c, 15c, 13c, l0c
and be per can.
• 1 Corn, 1 Peas, 1 Tomatoes for...25c
DATES ---3 pounds 25c
per 90 -pound bag
60 watt, guaranteed 1,000 2,5c
!flours, for
CLARK'S SOUPS -Tomato, Vege-
table, Pea, Mock Turtle, Scotch
,Broth, Ox Tail, Julienne, Chicken,
- Velery and Consomme
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and
Feathers Taken.
F. D. Hutchison
Phone Phor Food -166
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S. T. Holmes & Son
O Main Street, Seaforth
i0 0
O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0
O Goderich Street, West; phone 0
0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' O
O residence, Goderich Street, 0
O East; phone No. 308. 0
O Limousine Ambulance Service 0
0 Night calls, phone 308. 0
O Day calls, phone 119J, 0
O Charges moderate. O
K> O
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not unless you know that:
Ton are fully protected against Fire
Your Income against Accident and
Your Rental Income by Rental Insur-
Your Jewellery, etc., by a Burglary
And your Automobile by an Auto-
mobile Policy.
Specialists in all lines of Insurance
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4' W. T.BOX&CO.
0 Funeral Director and
O Licensed Embalmer
0 Beat Motor and Horse-drawn
O equipment.
O Charges moderate.
0 Flowers furnished on short
O notice.
�' NTIRht Calls Day Calls
'O Phone 175 Phone 43
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 O
O Licensed Embalmer and 0
O Funeral Director O
0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor C
O Equipnaent. C
0 Night and Day Service. 0
O Phone 19-22, Dublin. C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ei
James Evans, Beechwood - President
James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres.
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Eec.-Treas.
W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth ; John
Murray, Egm,ondville• R. G. Jarmouth,
Brodhagen; James NiTatt, Blyth.
William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth;
John Bennewies, Brodhagen ; James
Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly,
Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 8, Saa-
bs/eh; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George
..ifieCartnEry, No. 3, Seaferth; John
Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdiee,
Buildings for Sale.
frlmensions and Descriptions a* Pollowe:-
One building 14'x15, with 6' ceiling, row!:
boarding inside and out; two sides and en.
254' have Dine lapped siding, the whale [kW
gy'dtii, Georgian pine. There is OTie panelled
,i Pee and two window): with two 1igbi2 each,
14/'''x241, s+oofed -with retold rooting.
One bndidiaig 16/x24' with V gin eel1bxg
pine siding with battons onside and
/216/ of inside matched siding and oiling.
lne bUU&lxlg $O/40/ with 4"x4" etaddtngt,
ibJiti? w,tTi.. W 6" rough pine aiding With
sire 2'a6'*1 ''.
e'6'3t76/ IlfrOa2i' timber
tot terriG,er t•ltaaber /Targe; and
6, t4#*4O/, 16/iilt8'. 12 feat M
M1t '
'satiated' en Mein
1' lineage Iiiitiedlitip;:t
We recommend this Vitamin -
Tested Oil to be one of the fin-
est on the market to -day.
The most recent scientific
methods have been applied in
the production, testing, keeping
and bottling this oil. And it
is our belief that no better Cod
Liver Oil can be obtained.
Sold in two sizes --60c and $1.00
Prevent the action of cold
and other germs by building up
the system.
Sold at
Keating's Pharmacy
The Resell Drug Store
Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Chapman, of Tuckersmith, an-
nounce the engagement of their
youngest daughter, Marion C., to Mr
Robert J. McGregor, only son of the
late Mr- and Mrs. James McGregor,
of Kippen, the marriage to take place
the latter part of February.
Death of Former Minister. -Many
friends in town and vicinity learned
with deep and sincere regret of the
death at Richmond Hill of Rev. J. A.
Ferguson for a number of years the
beloved and very highly esteemed pas-
tor of Winthrop United Church and
Duff's United Church, McKillop,
which charges he was obliged to re-
sign a few years ago, on account of
ill health. His widow and one son,
Scott, survive.
ntexest. The president, Mrs. R. Sav-
uge, was in eha ge and opened the
meeting with Minn 99, after which
Mrs. Lane led i prayer. The min-
utes of the, for er meeting, held at
the home of Mrs. Lane, were read by
the secretary, sMliss A. McNay, and
adopted. By an unanimous vote, it
was decided that it is to be known as
the "McGillivray Auxiliary." Reports
of the Literature and Missionary
Monthly Secretaries were given by
Mrs. E. R. Crawford and Mrs. E. C.
Chamberlain. ,'Mrs, Snell pleased with
a reading, entitled, "The Mother."
Miss Wood, leader or Circle 1, thea
took the chair and called on. Mrs.
Ross Savauge to present the devo-
tiollal message. Mrs. Lane synopsized
the first four chapters of the study
book. "Fruits of Christian Missions
in Japan" and missionary papers con-
tinuing the study on Japan were read
by Miss Sally Wood, Mrs. Curry, Mrs.
Beehley, Miss Mary Turner, and Miss
Edith Hoag. Mrs. Beehley favored
with a solo, "Help Somebody To -day,"
accompanied by Miss SHL Lane. Af-
ter singing Hynm 143, the meeting
closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer
in unison.
Celebrated 83rd Birthday. - Mrs.
William Pinkney, of town, was the
guest of honor at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Wes. Nicholls, on Val-
entine Day, when she celebrated her
83rd birthday. The afternoon was
spent with about twenty old friends
and tea was served. In the evening
fifteen couples gathered and played
progressive euchre. Mrs. Pinkney re-
ceived many beautiful flowers and
Held Up By Bank Robbers. - The
Mail and Empire on Tuesday carried
a good picture of Mr. T. A. Smith,
the accountant on the staff cif the
Dominion Bank at Cobourg, which
branch was held up by three. armed
thugs on Monday, afternoon, and
$2,000 stolen. • Fortunately the ban-
dits were captured a short time after
and the money recovered, Mr. Smith
and the bank staff taking an active
part in the capture. Mr. Smith is a
son of Mr. John Smith, of Seaforth,
and started his banking career in the
T.lominion Bank of this town.
Passed High Examination Test-
ae Vancouver paper makes the follow-
ing reference to a son of Mr. John
Bulger, a former well known jeweller
of Seaforth : "Another successful
candidate in the examinations for air
engineer's license recently was Gordon.
Bulger, well known to those who visit
the temporary airport on Lulu Island.
He averaged 96 per cent. in his tests
and expects to take his commercial
pilot's ticket shortly. He has had hie
primate pilot's license for some time
and has more than forty hour on to-
wards his commercial. Gordie is al-
so a radio enthusiast as well as an
engineer -pilot, holding a certificate of
proficiency as an amateur since 1922
when he operated his own "ham"
station, 5 CX, at Prince Rupert."
Y. P. S. -In his address with which
we were provided on Tuesday evening,
February 17th, at North Side United
Church, Rev. I. F. Meyers stressed
the fact that Service and Loyalty to
others are fundamental factors which
constitute the best and most helpful
kind of citizen. The meeting, with
Mr, E. R. Crawford, convenor of the
Citizenship Department, presiding,
opened with Hymn 108, after which
Mr. F. S. Savauge led in prayer, fol-
lowed by the Scripture lesson by Miss
Ruth Thompson. The minutes were
read by the secretary, Miss H. Lane,
and adopted. Miss M. Turnbull sang
a very pleasing solo, entitled "Danny
Boy," accompanied by Miss H. Lane
and Mr. C. Howey played a well ren-
dered piano solo. After singing Hymn
123, Mr. Lane brought the meeting
to a close with the Benediction.
Junior Women's Institute. - The
regular monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Inetitute was held on February
12th in the Carnegie Library. In the
absence of the president, the 1st vice-
president, Miss Eva Scarlett, took the
chair. The meeting opened with sing-
ing the Institute Ode and repeating
the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was
answered with my favorite poem. A
paper on "Books as Friends" was giv-
en by Mrs. A. Routledge. It showed
that every person should fund many
friends in every good .bookshelf. The
one week's short course in Advanced
Nutrition has been postponed to the
first week in March. Miss Mice
Thompson read the first part of the
book on "Laws for Women and Chil-
dren." This was followed by a very
interesting candy contest, Miss Jean
Fotheringlham winning the first prize.
The meeting closed by singing Ood
Save the King. Watch the paper for
further announcement on the S'hoiGt
Young Women'g Auxiliary.. The
first meeting of this new organize.
tiontl' .
t6 � place in the li2tt1day School
Ptibili of NM/side Milted Ge etrakoff
M+ondalli" evening at g p.aui., With an
‘ft6olitagii1g•' attendance and marked
Piano For Sale, -Slightly used Heintzman
Co. piano for sale cheap. Apply sit Walker's
Furniture Store, Seaforth. Phone 67.
House For Sale. -12 -roomed frame house, in
good condition. Apply at The Expositor Of -
flee. 8261•tf
Legion Euchre. -On Friday, Febru-
ary 13th, a very successful euchre was
held under the auspices of the Can-
adian Legion in the G.W.V.A. Hall.
Cards were enjoyed until 11 o'clock
with the following winning the priz-
es: Ladies' games, Mrs. W. R.
Plant; lone hands, Miss H. McDou-
gall; men, games, Syd. Pullman; lone
hands, Bernard Hildelbrandt. Danc-
ing followed with music supplied by
the Patrick Orchestra. On March 17,
the annual masquerade Iball will be
held in Cardno's Hall.
Celebrates 46th Wedding Annivers-
ary. -Mr. and Mrs. William Powell,
of Toronto, are spending this week
at the home of Mrs. Powell's brother
and sister, Mr. Louis Fleurcheutz and
Miss Fleurchutz, in Egmondville. On
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Powell cele-
brated the 46th anniversary of their
wedding day. On Tuesday, February
17th, 1885, they were united in mar-
riage at the Manse, Brucefield, by
Rev. Mr. Thomson. Mr. Powell is
well known to every reader of The
Expositor and for years has been a
successful newspaper and magazine
writer, as well as being the owner of
a large job printing plant in Toronto.
Forty-six years is a long time, but
neither the bride nor the groom of
that day show the signs of age, and
if looks and actions are any criterian,
they may confidently look forward to
the celebration of many more wed-
ding anniversaries.
Canadian Girls In Training. - The
meeting of the Marian Keith C.G.I.T.
was held on Wednesday night, Febru-
ary 11th, in the form of a skating
party. The skaters met at the church
and all went down together to the
rink. At ten o'clock we came back
to the church and had lunch. We
then sang a few songs and closed
with the Benediction.
-The weekly meeting of the Mar-
ion Keith C.G.I.T. held on Wednes-
day night, February 18th, was opened
by singing the C.G.I.T. Hymn, which
was followed by prayer. Mrs. Crich
then taught us how to make button-
holes. The meeting was then closed
by singing the C.G.I.T. Benediction.
St. James' Arts Club Formed. -The
younger members of St. James' parish
held an enthusiastic meeting in the
parish hall on Sunday evening. The
fifty young people present expressed
their desire to form a club to be
known as St. James' Arts Club.
Special attention will be given to a
fourfold end: music, the drama, liter-
ature and recreation. An opportun-
ity is hereby found to develop an
abundance of latent talent in the
members. The tentative list of of-
ficers. presented' hy an organization
^o.^mitt?e was adopted as a whole.
The following make up the personel
of the rifflces to be held: President,
Cyril Reynolds; 1st vice-president, Ed-
mund,Daly; 2nd vice-president, Kath-
erine Flannery; secretary, Eugene
Duncan; treasurer, Wm. Faulkner;
musical convenor, Alice Daly; dram-
atic convenor, Loretta Faulkner; lit-
erary convenor, Vera Nolan; recrea-
tional convenors, the officers of the
club. Meetings will be held every
two weeks on Thursday evenings at
8 p.m. The convenors have set to
work immediately to prepare pro-
grams for the first meeting. With the
hearty co-operation of all the mem-
bers, a successful future may be safe-
ly predicted for this newly organized
Egmondville.-The W. M. S. held
their monthly meeting in the Sunday
school room Wednesday iaftern•oon.
The meeting opened with a hymn.
Mrs. Howatt then read the Scripture
lesson and Mrs. McKenzie, Sr., led in
prayer. The devotional leaflet on
Temptation was taken by Mrs. Rein-
ke. This was followed by prayer in
which Mrs. Chesney led. The study
on Japan was presented in a very in-
teresting manner by Mrs. W. F. Mc-
Millan, who dealt mostly with indus-
trial life. The meeting closed with
a hymn and the benediction.
-Sunbeam Mission Band. - The
Sunbeam Mission Band met Tuesday
after four. The meeting opened with
the Hymn, "Jesus Wants Me for a
Sunbeam;" followed by a responsive
reading. The president, Norman Mc-
Lean, then led in prayer. "Jesus Bids
Us Shine" was then sung and Gor-
don Finnigan read a Bible story. The
remainder of the time was spent in
working on their Japanse House. •
-Young People's Society. -"Better
Recreation" was the subject dealt
with Tuesday night by Vera Crozier.
She spoke of the purpose of holidays
being to fit one to retire -to the usual
tasks With a strengtihened both, are-
newed mind'and a re -invigorated apir-
it'. fihe value of scenery; Cenhpaiti3Ons
end reading material for our vacation
time was then dwelt on. The state-
ment was Malde that it is the v4reng
High Grade quality of Note
I*aper,, in boxes of 1 Quire
of Papel'.. and 1 Package of
Envelopes. This comes in
White, Grey, and some with
colored edges. Regular $1.00
line for
Book Store, Seaforth
Subscriptions taken for newspapers
and magazines at publisher's prices.
use of leisure that brings 95 per
cent. of our young people into court.
Therefore, to a great extent the fu-
ture welfare of our country depends
upon teaching• children the proper use
of leisure. She concluded her most
interesting talk by quoting that love-
ly little poem of Edgar A. Guest,
"Myself." During the devotional per-
iod the theme of which was "Christ
in the Empire," Viola Clark, Iona
Wallace and Jean Smith took part.
After singing "0 God Our Help in
Ages Past," Gladys Coleman present-
ed the Mission on Japan. A lively
half hour was spent in games and
the meeting closed by singing, "Day
is Dying in the West," and repeating
the Mizpah Benediction.
-Little Helpers' Mission Band. -
The Little Helpers' Mission Band met
Monday after four. The meeting op-
ened with a hymn. Janet Townsend
read the Scripture; E. Nott told al.
Chinese folk story which was follow-
ed by prayer. The roll call was read
The Bad One
Strike up the band, here
comes a sailor
A George Fitzmaurice
The Torch
A play to be presented by the
Margaret Larkin C. G. I. T.
in basement of
Friday, February 27
at 8 o'clock sharp.
Admission 25 cents
One Night Only
Be Sure To See It.
A Big Guessing Contest
What is it? A Big Guessing Contest.
Where? At Crich's.
The weight of the large
What of? size Denver Sandwich Bar
featured in Crich's window
From Saturday, February
When? 21st, to Saturday, March
How may I obtain the bar itself,
which is the first prize; or, the two -
pound box of Pagoda Chocolates,
which is the second prize; or, even
the one -pound box of Pagoda's Choco-
lates, which is the third prize?
Simple enough to get one of these
prizes. Buy a Denver Sandwich Bar
at Crich's; hand the wrapper to the
clerk and receive a 'ballot; mark on
it the date and weight you guess the
bar to be, and sign your name. Then
deposit ballot in the sealed (ballot box.
Winners announced Thursday, Mar.
12th. The judges are: Mayor J. F.
Daly, Reen e J. W. Beattie.
Raisin Bread, Pecan Rolls and Hot
Cross Buns -every Tuesday and Fri-
day during ll,ent.
Baked by
Seaforth Bakery
W. A. Cmott, Proprietor
Photo $4
Listen to the "Three Bakers", Co-
lumbia Broadcasting' system', Monday'
evenings, at g b'eleck,
by the Secretary, Marry Pretty. Ruth
Smith, the president, then read a
story of African Bravery. The meet,
ing closed with prayer.
W. M. S. -The February meeting
of the W.M.S. of Northside United
Church held last Thursday afternoon,
was largely attended. The president,
Mrs. W. P. Lane, presided. The meet-
ing opened by all leading in prayer.
This was followed by the roII call by
Mrs. Laing and the treasurer's re-
port by ,Mrs. Burrows. The latter
was pleased to report that the con-
tributions for the present year so far
amounted to over $100. The visiting
committee, of which Mrs. Turnbull is
convenor, reported 30 calls. Mrs.
Tyerman, as Christian Stewardship
Secretary then gave a suitable read-
ing. Mrs. Lane commended the young
women of the congregation on their
successful organization of a Young
Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. Archibald,
as newly appointed temperance secre-
tary, is arranging for a temperance
programme in co -relation with tha
missionary work. Mrs. Harn, as cap-
tain of Circle No. 2, then took charge.
The meeting continued with Hymn
97, Mrs. Lane leading in prayer ;
Scripture lesson by Mrs. J. Johnston
and Mrs. Sillery reading the devo-
tional leaflet. Mrs. Harn, Mrs. Crich,
Mrs. Hinchley and Mrs. Close then
read articles with Japan as the sub-
ject. The meeting concluded with
Mrs. Lane and Mrs. MeGavin singing
a duet, followed by a hymn and the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
With The Bowlers. The annual
meeting of the Seaforth Lawn Bovbl-
ing Club was held in the council
chamber on Tuesday evening, with a
good attendance of members present.
The retiring president, Mr. G. D.
Haigh, was chairman and reporteda
very successful year, in spite of the
general depression and confliction of
tournament dates. The report of the
treasurer, Mr. C. P. Sills, showed the
club to be in a splendid financial con-
dition and the members and support-
ers of the club are to be congratulat-
ed on having so valuable a property
free of encumberance. In apprecia-
tion of his untiring interest and valu-
able work, Mr. Robert Boyd was made
a T.ife Honorary President. Follow-
ing reports of the different 'commit-
tees, the following officers were elect-
ed: President, W. J. Duncan; vice-
president, John Beattie; secretary, M.
A. Reid; treasurer, C. P. Sills; tourna-
ment secretary, R. J. Sproat; chap-
lain, Rev. Meyers; auditors, R. M.
Jones and IR. Winters; official ref-
erees, Geo. D. Haigh, R. Winters; ex-
ecutive committee, H. Stewart, R. J.
Sproat, R. Winters, J. J. Cluff, Frank
Sills. For the purchase of additional
equipment and necessary improve-
ments, the club is planning on hold-
ing a Minstrel Show in April, and
asks for the support and co-operation
that it has received in former years.
Many friends' in Seaforth and dis-
trict will join The Expositor in ex-
tending congratulations and best wish-
es to Mr. Thomas Stephens, of The
Queen's, who celebrated his 90th
birthday on Sunday last. Mr. Steph-
ens has been a resident of Seaforth
for 65 years.
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday
and the beginning of Lent.
Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Hamilton,
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell.
Mr. Harry Hinchley, of Belleville,
is spending a few holidays at the
home of his mother, Mrs. J. D. Hinch-
Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Jr., was in
Toronto on Friday last attending the
funeral of her mother, the late Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. MacLaren, of To-
ronto, were here.this week attending
the funeral of Mrs. MacLaren's bro-
ther, Mr. George Ewing, who died in
Hollywood, California, on Saturday
Mr. William 'hartry was in Toron-
to last week attending a meeting of
the Provincial Horticultural Society.
Miss Margaret Glendenning, ofeTa-
ronto, is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Southgate.
Miss Margaret McLeod is spending
a couple of weeks with friends in To-
Mrs. George Pockett, who has been
spending a month with her father,
Mr. Thomas Livingston in Clinton
and with friends in this vicinity, re-
turned to her home in Saskatoon last
Mr. Gordon Muir visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, of Galt,
over theoemeek end.
Miss Bertha Grieve, of Toronto, is
spending a week at the home of her
parents, Mir. and Mrs. J. L. Grieve.
In the report of executive meet-
ing .of the W.M.S. of the United
Church, published in last week's Ex-
positor, it was stated that the supply
secretary had shipped goods to the
value of. over $21,000. This was an
error, the goods being valued at
Miss Harriet Murray was in Brus-
sels on Monday attending the funeral
of the late Leonard Downing.
Mr. Thomas McAdam, of Mount
Forest, was in town this week.
Mrs. H. M. Desborough, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Eckert, has returned to
Northville, Michigan, to assume her
duties on the nursing staff of the
East Lawn Sanitarium.
Miss Lucy Eckert has returned to
Detroit after a short visit with her
parents here.
The musical part of the service on
Sunday evening last in First Presby-
terian Church was of a very fine or-
der, there being three numibers, an
anthem, "Lead Me in Thy Teeth"
with bass obiigato solo lay Mr. D. L.
Reid; a male quartette, "The Old Rug-
ged Cross' by QVfessrs. J. A. Stewart,
F E. Wlillis, M. R. Rennie and D. L.
Reid, and a duet, "David and Goliath"
by Messrs. D. L. Reid and F. E. Wil-
.Mrs. Thompson, who was helping
her • father, Mir. Thomas Livingston,
get settled in his new home in Clin-
ton and also visiting friends here, has,
returned to her home in Kitchener.
Mist Marietta Nash has returned
home after spending tan months, the
guest of i12iso )30110-Hirat, in Ust1vweL
Supply Your Early
Spring dewing
Needs Now
PRINTS -,Entirely new patterns for
a new season; fast colors.
19c, 25c and 35c Yard
PERCALE PRINTS e- Sturdy wash
Fabrics in attractive patterns that
will appeal to any home sewer.
39c Yard
DIMITY-Wabasso, heaviest quality,
36 inches wide; white and plain col-
19c Yard
WHITE COTTON -36 inches, full
bleach cotton, very fine even weave.
Wonderful value.
25c Yard
SHEETING -Bleached, 8-4 width; ex-
tra quality. Two Specials:
59c and 69c a Yard.
PILLOW COTTON -Extra good value
in 40,• 42, 44 and 46 inch widths.
TOWELLING -16 inch. All linen,
wide stripe; good weight.
14c Yard.
Coats' Sewing Cot-
ton -200 yards.
8c Spool.
Corticelli and Beld-
inds Sewing Silk is
8c Spool
Our Highest Qual-
ity Sewing Needles
7c Package
Thimbles, all sizes,
5c Each
Roll Tapes
5c and 10c
Bias Tapes, all
shades, 6 yards.
15c Package
Tape Measures
10c Each
D.M.C. Embroidery
5c Skein
Washing and Boil-
ing Knicker Elastic
15c for 6 Yds.
Pearl Buttons
5c, 7c and 10c Card
Ironing Board Pads
Fine Quality.
Felt ....59c Each
Covers ...25c Each
Mrs. Lorne Dale and daughters,
Lorna and Margaret, were visiting
at the home of Mrs. Dale's father,
Mr. Sims, in Blyth this week.
Miss Verna Graves has returned
from Detroit.
Mrs. Mee, of Stratford, is the guest
of Mrs. Willoughby.
Mrs. Malcolm McDermid was call-
ed to Detroit this week owing to the
serious illness of her brother.
The Interdenominational Women's
Day of Prayer will be held in First
Presbyterian Church on Friday af-
ternoon, February 20th, at 3 p.m.
The progressive euchre and dance
held here last Wednesday evening was
well attended. The prize winners
were Miss Margaret' Kerr, Messrs.
Art Henderson, Alex. Smith and Jas.
Neilans. Consolation prizes went to
Messrs. Russel Bolton and Art. Alex-
ander. After lunch several hours
were spent in dancing.
Mrs. Foster Bennett spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Eaton.
,Miss Irene Bolton spent the week
end with Miss Grace Somerville.
We are sorry to report that Mr. 1
John Bullard is confined to his bed
and under the doctor's care.
Baby Clarke who has been serious-
ly i11 with pneumonia, is improving.
• The weather is getting a little
spring like.
The Y.P.S. had charge of the even-
ing service in the United Church last
Sab'bat'h e'venin'g. Rev. Mr. Johnston
gave a splendid address. Mr. Harold
Longman gave a splendid paper. A
solo was rendered by 1VLr, J. Portal.
The Young People of Knox United
Church were invited to the home of
Mrs. Fred Johnston last Friday even-
ing, when the evening was spent • in
contests and games. A splendid time -
was spent by all.
Mrs. George Garrett, after a pleas-
ant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Der-
win Carter, has returned to her home
near Blyth.
Miss Mary Wood returned to Lon-
donMonday, after a short stay with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Frank
Mrs. R. Wells spent last Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Marshal, near
Miss Crutteden, of Clinton, is
spending some time at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. John Taylor.
Mr. D. Cantelon, of Clinton, visited
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Carter
last Tuesday.
,Mr. Jim McCrea has accepted a
position in London' and left to com-
mence his new duties Tuesday morn-
Mrs. Ben Tyerman, who has enjoy-
ed a pleasant sojourn with relatives
here, has returned to her home in
The W. M. S. held their regular
monthly meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Crawford. There wa
a splendid attendance, there being ov
er fifty present. The president, Mrsi
(Rev.) Johnston, presided. Mrs. Tit:
Wood gave a paper, also Mrs. J. Vod`1
den. Miss Lavinia Brigham gave 0
very interesting talk on Japan; a'vo?,
cal number was contributed by Mrai
Lyon and Mrs. Townsend. A very
profitable time was spent. A ten cent
tea was 'served at the close.
Mrs. D. Roberton returned from
London after a pleasant few days'
visit with her sister.
Ice Carnival
Friday, Feb, 201 1931
At 8 o'clock p.m.
Prizes for Comic, Fancy and Character Costumes,
' Graceful Skating,
Adm scion 350;, Children under 15 years 25c
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