HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-02-20, Page 6�;ps�tt
'If Or Inflamed''.
Or Swollen
b In Joint -Ease And
Rub It In Good
e,{e's a wonder working substance
ikht Soaks right in their skin and flesh
rtglit straight down to the ligaments and
otnts and swiftly drives out pain and
a je n Easereducesy and has often been called the
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mewer to bring quick comfort to the
ost obstinate cases of rheumatism,
neuritis and sciatica.
Without waste of time it knocks out
lumbago and ends stubborn backache
that nothing else seems to help.
You'll like Joint -Ease because it's good
for so many ailments—stiff neck for one
thing and sore muscles and also feet tet
are so sore that to Walk means agony.
Joint -Ease is made in Canada and
sold by all stores that sell good medicines
—A generous tube for 60 cents—and
rigidly guaranteed.
aid maM stat out whioli< thxeat,,.
era to diertapt 'the Republican party
and perhaps make his renominatiien
Franz what has been 'suepeeted; of
the deliberations of the oomanission
the report which .finally emerged was
what might have been expected. It
was composed of 11 members, and it
seems probable that all of them bad
their minds made up before they be-
gan their conferences. There have
leaked out stories of high words, of
chairs impressed into services for
which they were not originally in-
tended. Of tables swept clear of
documents and of learned gentlemen
exchanging significant glares and
taking off their spectacles to make
them more piercing. The members
had hardly assembled when the first
sign of serious disagreement became
manifest. The question to be decid-
ed was whether the sessions should
be open to the press. The majority
decided that they should not. A strong
minority .protested, and remained dis-
satisfied. But the press, of course, ac-
cepted the decision and from time to
tine published the perfunctory an
in d
the com-
mission handed out. But it was not
long before the commission forfeited
what respect it had among the cor-
respondents as a body devoted singly
to research, and aloof from all other'
considerations. In response to clam-
or in Congress and the ensuing pres-
sure from the White 'Blouse it issued
preliminary reports and proposed
bills. Pelt was evidently mindful of po-
litical advantages.
Then the secretary of the commis-
sion resigned. This was Mr. Max
Lowenthal, and he did not subsequent-
ly deny what purported to be the ex-
planation of his drastic procedure.
The statement was made that he re-
signed in disgust because a genuine-
ly objective study of prohibition was
not being made, and because political
considerations were too obviously in-
fluencing the members. The commis -
induce him to prelate over his sig- sion had a great body- of . experts
nature a document exonerating Sec- working on various lines and from
retary Bellinger who had been expos- time to time several of these experts
ed in operations of which the Fall also resigned, feeEng that the corn -
depredations in the same department mission was perhaps not greatly in -
were reminiscent. When the oddity terested in what they might discover.
about the dates was noted President One of them who was employed to
Taft explained i,t thus: "I therefore
directed him to embody in a written
statement such analysis and conclus-
ions as he had given me, file it with
the record and date it prior to the
date of my opinion, so as to show
that my decision was fortified by his
summary of'the evidence and his con-
clusions therefrom."
This curious piece of forgotten his-
tory is recalled by Gardner Jackson
in the Nation and suggests that if in
compiling the report Mr. Wickersham
permitted himself to be guided by the
exigencies of the President of the
United States, he could truthfully say
that it was not the first time he had
done so, and that, in fact, it might
reasonably have been expected of him.
There has been expressed a very gen-
eral belief since the commission's re-
port was issued that the President had
more than once interfered with it.
There can be little doubt that he knew
all about it long before the report
reached him. Otherwise it is incred-
ible that he would have required so
short a time to read and digest it,
clarify some of the many preliminary
reports of certain other experts said
that with the exception of one the
reports had so little factual informa-
tion that they were scientifically val-
ueless. Whereupon, one gouty com-
missioner burst forth, "Factual! Fac-
tual! r'm tired of hearing the word
factual •all the time."
Despite every of us
meseve attr share precaution, of bu rn�sd scalds
grasping sing bot ... splut-
teeiag grease . .
. kiddies playing with
fittee ... we never know when our turn
ieeecomte. And how vitally important
it is that a bottle of Absorbine, Jr., is
Applied instantly to the parts affected,
Abed bine, Jr., takes out the sting and
aids Nature to heal quickly and ef-
fectively. Splash it on freely and
often to get the best results.
Absorbine, Jr., is a highly concentrated
antiseptic and germicide which soothes
the raw, tender skin... allays in-
flamatioa ... and removes danger of
infection ... it is not greasy and does
not stain the skin. Get a bottle at
your druggist's—price: $1.25--you`ll
be delighted! IRs
bition issue. Not much more than a
year and a half '• has elapsed and here
is the prohibition report, in which
certain recommendations are made
with which .a majority of the com-
missioners, as revealed in the body of
the report, do not approve. It will
be interesting to see if the various
bodies of experts who reported to the
comunissi•on will insist upon pubEcity
being given their reports to which
the general report may have done
scant justice. One commissioner,
when asked to describe the methods
by which the report was made and
adopted, said that they could not be
described. There was no system, no
method. It• has been in a large mea-
sure each one for himself. So far as
we are aware, the only person im-
mediately converted by the report has
been President Hoover.
The commission labored under the
disadvantage of not being continuous-
ly at work. The members would meet
in Washington, hear some witnesses
or read some evidence, and then dis-
perse and resume their ordinary oc-
cupations. Whether they in the
meantime pondered the facts laid be-
fore them is to be assumed. Whether
mast of them were interested in facts
at all, especially, on the subject of
prohibition, may be not as safely as-
sumed. One of them at l- •st felt
that it would require five }'ears to
make a proper investigation, for . it
must be remembered that a dozen
questions of crime and law enforce-
ment were being studied by the corn -
mission apart from the vital prohi-
General Motors presents
the New
with finer Bodies, Increased Power
Motorists who have learned to expect great things of
Oldsmobile will Find that the new 1931 model exceeds
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permits smooth, silent shift from
first to second to high ... and
back to second.
assures smooth, swift accelera-
tion rivalling high gear
performance in quietness.
—starter when engaged, auto-
matically opens throttle to
proper starting position.
gives increased power, higher
speed, faster acceleration, and
greater smoothness.
are warmer in winter, cooler
in summer, and exceptionally
of the latest type on the
crankshaft, contributes to
greater smoothness.
permit, the e,,lu'b was dirty but the
food was noble, ' The coffee was the
worst ever cencoeted. One could' boy
a pony of; whiskey for five cem ts. But
did one c retemarily content himself
with 'buying a pony of whiskey for
five cents? Alas! you probably know
the. answer. Monies were presently
exchanged for war horses, On the
occasion of our first visit a special
private dining room was 'being equip-
ped for something or other pretty
gargantuan, Two or three beds were
being made ready upstairs. We were
informed that three members were
about to entertain themselves and a
few chosen friends, but particularly
themselves. It appears that they had
gone on the water wagon a year and
a day before. After the year was
up they had, as a magnificent ges-
ture, held out for another day, and
now with an even more magnificent
gesture they were about to descend
amid a mighty splash that would riv-
al the launching of the Lusitania.
Thereafter there was a sound of rev-
elry by night. At night, also, stray
rafts might be seen scuttling across
the floor, At least, the members who
had not gone home hoped they were
rats. In the great majority of cases
they were. When the liquor selling
privileges of the club were withdrawn
the rats left the club. So at least
Mr. Stair Dick Lauder informed us,
and his voice dwelt with significent
emphasis upon the word "rats." But,
finally, to dismiss the legend that the
Albany Club was the site of a secret
government of the city hall, the only
Mayor -of Toronto who, so far as our
memory serves, has been a regular
attendant is Mr. Thomas Langton
Church, K.C., ex.M.P.
Now that the Albany Club has been
rejuvenated it seems a fitting time
to point out that for a great many
years there was a tradition concern-
ing the club which had no basis in
fact. That tradition was to the ef-
fect that politicians met in the club
and determined who should govern
the affairs of the city of Toronto. Per-
haps some of our readers can remem-
ber more than once when they have
been inviteeand not by us, to arise
in their might and put an end to the
"Albany club gang." It was assert-
ed with a passionate disregard for
accurate statement that bass' rule,
emanating It`rom the Albany Club.
was threatening to establish a despot-
ism in Toronto almost comparable
with that of Tammany Hall. Indeed
it is possible, though we do not re-
call a specific occasion, that Albany
boss rule has been shattered several
times by overwrought voters. When
these disasters were brought about
we suppose nobody was more surpris-
ed than the average member of the
Albany Club who was quite ignorant
that the club where he went to eat
hisafter the
takefte lunch or
'his drink
labors of the day was really a nest
of conspirators.
Undoubtedly the Albany Club was
the headquarters for Coneervative
public men when they came to 'Toron-
to, but by no means all of them were
members of the club. Indeed we re-
member that more than once the
former secretary, Mr. Stair Dick Lau-
der, spoke to us almost with bitter-
ness about the way important Con-
servatives neglected to join the club.
There was no rule limiting the mem-
bership to Conservatives. Indeed, we
were acquainted with some Liberal
members. At election time they
would dine and lunch in more congen-
ial surroundings, but afterwards they
would return and resume relation-
ships with their Conservative friends.
About election time there was un-
doubtedly an unusual air of activity
atout the club. Cabinet ministers
would arrive from Ottawa and disap-
pear into the rooms upstairs where
they would hold momentous confer-
ences with shifty -looking strangers,
many of whom would look curiously
out of place in a club at any other
time than when an election was being
We recall Hon. John Reid and ilon.
Frank Cochrane as Conservative lead -
Fr.: whe were frequently about the
club, where they moved in a myster-
ious way their wonders to perform.
But we do not remember halving seen
either Sir Robert Borden or Hon. Ar-
thur bleighen in the club. Nor do
we think it was visited by Sir James
Whitney after he became premier.
Sir William Hearst was a regular
attendant, but more regular, we im-
agine, after he had retired from of-
fice. After he had identified the Con-
servative party in Ontario with Mr.
Rowell's prohibition party he was
regarded with enigmatic looks when
he entered the club, and for members'
of a party to regard their leader
enigmatically is simply no way at all
to regard him. It must have been
difficiilt for Sir William Hearst to
have entered the club in those days
without being sharply reminded of
the tremendous price he had paid so-
cially and politically for the ease of
his conscience.
We sat in the club one afternoon
with a Conservative member of the
Ontario Legislature which had that
day approved the principle of the On-
tario Temperance Act. Three or four
were in the party at a table. There
entered one of the oldest and most
popular meriebers, a prominent law-
yer. He was hailed genitally by the
member. "Come over here, C. P.,"
he said, "and have a drink with us."
The elderly lawyer looked 'at him for
a moment, and then said; "George,
I will never have 'a drink with you
as long as I live, and this is the last
time I ever Dome into this clulb."
Drinking and eating were of more im-
portance to the members of the old
club than affairs of state. There us-
ed to be served nighty a special; din-
ner for 50 'cents, which ebutd hardly
be duplicated at ally 'Toronto hotel
for three times the money. The roast
beef, *e genet fatly, could be dupli-
cated at no price. Nuts, fruits and
raisins were included until one memi-
ber's appetite caused a slight deficit
,the food department, and the priv-
ileg,e was wi4th`draw't1.
'Speaking as kindly as truth will
Stormy, blustery February and
March weather is extremely hard on
children. Conditions make it neces-
sary to keep them in -doors. They are
often confined to over -heated, badly
ventilated rooms and catch colds
which rack their whole system. To
guard against these colds the little
one should be given an occasional dose
of Baby's Own Tablets to keep his
stomach and bowels working regular-
ly. The Tablets will ward off colds,
or if they do come suddenly the
prompt use of the Tablets will quick-
ly banish them. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
As the consequence of a series of
incidents commencing shortly after
Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett came into pow-
er, the relations between the prime
minister and the newspapers of Can-
ada as represented in Ottawa by the
parliamentary press gallery have
reached a stage which is causing con-
cern to government supporters, in-
cluding two or three members of the
The whole attitude of
to the Canadian press
criticism last week by
Journal, usually a stout
the government.
• Almost immediately after the elec-
tion •Mr. Bennett made it clear to the
representatives of one paper which
had opposed him politically that it
would be of little use for them to ap-
proach him during his term of office
for information.
Then Mr. Bennett discontinued the
practice of seeing the press after
council, and statements became few
and extremely short. When the ap-
pointment of Viscount W'illingdon as
viceroy of India was announced, it was
known in the newspaper offices right
across Canada before 5 p.m. But Mr.
Bennett waited until 8.45 to issue an
announcement in about 30 words con-
taining not the slightest information
beyond what had, been carried on the
wires of the Dominion nearly four
hours earlier.
Again, after momentous conferenc-
es over the guarantee of the 1930
wheat pool activities, he issued a one -
sentence statement which conveyed
virtually nothing ir. addition to what
had been understopd for weeks.
The Washington trip precipitated
further criticism from friendly quar-
ters. The news that he was going
there was not given out here, but
from Washington.
The whole Washington and New
York visit was shrouded with such
mystery as to provoke widespread
newspaper comment. The Ottawa
Journal, an enthusiastic supporter of
Mr. Bennett before the election, and,
in general, since, devoted nearly a
column to criticism of the attitude.
"Mr. Bennett has adopted a policy
of executive secrecy unlike anything
seen under any of his predecessors,"
it began.
Mr. Bennett
came under
the Ottawa
supporter of
Mother and Anne had always been very close to
one another. When Anne married and moved to
another city, each missed the other greatly.
But one thing more than any other has helped to
keep them close — the telephone. Every Friday
evening Anne calls her mother by Long Distance
... after 8.30 p.m. when the low night rates are
in effect. During the week they both keep memos
of topics they wish to discuss. Then there is no
time lost ... and nothing forgotten.
What if they are 120 miles apart! The telephone
connection is made in about a minute — nearly
always while Anne holds the line. Their voices are
just as clear as on local, and the cost, after 8.30
p.m., is only 40 cents.
Evening rates on
"Anyone" (station -
to -station) calls
begin at 7 p.m.
Night rates begin
at 8.3D p.m.
ing jams and marmalades. However,)
as some of the dried fruits are defic-
ient in natural pectin, they are fre-
quently combined' with oranges or
lemons (two pectin rich fruits), or
with commercial pectin (apple pectin).
Delicious Grape Jelly.
One pintbottle grape juice (use 2
cupfuls), 3 cupfuls sugar, one-half
cupful liquid pectin.
Measure the juice and the sugar
into a large saucepan, stir and bring
to a boil. Add pectin, stirring con-
stantly—boil for half a minute (full
rolling boil). Let stand one minute
•-skim—pour quickly. Cover hot jelly
at once with a tablespoonful of hot
melted paraffin. Jelly is thus pro-
tected at once. Seal permanently
when cold, giving the jelly a gener-
ous coating of paraffin. Roll the
glass so that the paraffin will run
up and around the sides of the glass
and make a more perfect seal. Store
in a cool„ dry place.
Apricot and Pineapple Jam.
One-quarter pound dried apricots,
crushed pineapple, 2 cupfuls of water,
1 bottle liquid pectin. Simmer the
apricots and water for one-half hour.
Mash or crush, add enough grated
pineapple (canned) to make 4 cup-
fuls. Measure the pulp into a large
saucepan, add 7 cupfuls •of sugar,
bring to full rolling boil, and boil
hard for one minute. Remove from
the fire, add one cupful liquid pectin.
Pour into sterilized glasses and seal
when cold.
Apricot Jam II.
One quart tin of apricots, 1 quart
tin of pineapple, 1 cupful (1 bottle)
liquid pectin, 7 cupfuls of sugar.
Put the fruit through the food chop-
per. Add sugar and bring to a roll-
ing toil; boil for one minute. 'Remove
from fire and add pectin, let stand
a minute and seal while hot.
Prune Conserve.
Two and one-half pounds prunes, 2
pounds sugar, one-half pound raisins,
one-quarter pound almonds, 2 medium
sized oranges, one-quarter teaspoonful
ground cloves.
Peel the oranges and remove seeds
and tough fibre. Blanch almonds and
slice thin. Wash and stone the
prunes. Mix all the ingredients to-
gether in a preserving kettle and boil
hard for 45 minutes, stirring often.
Pour into sterilized jars, and seal
when hot.
Apricot and Prune Conserve.
One-half pound apricots, one-half
pound prunes, 1 cup sugar, 4 cups
of water.
Wash the prunes and apricots thor-
oughly and put them in the water to
soak overnight. Cook the fruit to-
gether for ten minutes, add the sugar,
and simmer until the juice is fairly
rich. Pour into hot, clean, jelly glass-
es, seal, and store in a cool place.
Prune and Orange Jam.
Two cups prunes, 1 cup sugar, 4
oranges, one-half cup water. Wash
prunes and cut pulp from pits. Put
pulp through 'a food chopper. Peel
oranges and cut in small pieces. Cut
rind of two of the oranges in very
small pieces. Mix all together, add
sugar and water. Cook slowly until
thick. Turn into sterilized glasses,
and when cool cover with paraffin.
Peach Filling.
Two pounds of dried peaches, one-
third teaspoon salt, &cups hot water,
2 cups sugar Clean the peaches thor-
oughly through several waters; put
in kettle and cover with the 3 cupfuls
of hot water. Let stand for twenty-
four 'hours; then bring to boil very
slowly. Remove from the ,fire, and
when cold, remove the skin&; strain
the water and return to the ire. Add
the peaches and salt, and boil slowly
until tender. Then add the, sugar,
and boil for from 15 to 20 minutes.
This jam is excellent for short -cakes,
tarts and cake filling.
Cranberry and Raisin Jam.
One (part cranberries, 2 cups boil-
ing water, 1 pound' raisins, 2% cups
sugar. ,Cook the cranberries with the
water until soft; add the sugar and
During the months of February and
March there are but few fresh fruits
on the market and the summer sea-
son's hoard of jams and jellies is fre-
quently exhausted. Then dried fruits
come into their own, for they pro-
vide us with an economical founda-
tion for very delicious jams, jellies,
marmalades and conserves.
Dried figs, dates, raisins, prunes,
apricots, etc., all may be used in mak-
ForAll DiS0
\ 7
D ' DD'S f>
iG K xr 1f'
0/ PI L LS _::,11s
raisins. Cook until the mixture
thickens for about 15 minutes. Pour
into sterilized glasses and seal. This
makes a delicious pie filling as well
as jam.
When Shakespeare wrote the oft -
quoted line, "Uneasy lies the head
that wears. a crown," he evidently did
not have in mind King Alfonso of
Spain! Having lived and ruled on
the edge of a volcano
for many
Alfonso has never allowed the per-
iodic eruptions to interfere with him
nor to make him uneasy. On the day
of his wedding, now almost 25 years
ago, while driving in state with his
bride through the streets of Madrid,
a bomb was thrown at their carriage.
'Happily it missed' its. mark, but the
young queen's wedding dress was
stained with the blood of a nearby
victim. The following day the king'
and. queen did a heroic thing. They
drove again through the •streets of
Madrid quite unattended.
The British ,people have a particu
larly warm corner in their hearts for
Alfonso and his consort. While on
a visit to England' he fell in love with
Princess Ena, only daughter of Prin-
cess Beatrice and a niece of King Ed-
ward, and the marriage followed in
1906. "A Spaniard before everything
e:se, with a very deep affection for
the British people," is Alfonso's own
description of himself.
Nobody has ever doubted Alfonso's
courage and coolness in the face of
danger. For many years now both
he and Queen Ena have carried their
lives in their hands. His• duties as
monarch have always been performed
with all seriousness, and his candor
and plain speaking are, no doubt, re-
sponsible for the making of a good
nary enemies, Since 1923 rumors of
abdication have been to the fore in
Spain, but the king has brushed them
aside. "I am not a deserter," he has
told his people, "and I remain at my
post to perish if necessary. There
are certain things a king of Spain
does not do. My idea of kingship is
that the monarch must set an example
of hard work. I am a worker. I was
born a monarch, not because I chose
it. I have to do my work just like
any'•other man, and my inclinations'
are towards industry and the develop-
ment of my country."
Alfonso's trouble with his own peo-
ple probably lies in the fact that he
is still something of a 'believer in the
divine right of kings, and he consid-
ers himself to be better• fitted than
any of his subjects to say what is
good and right for Spain. He has
been accused by his subjects over and
over again of butting in over the
heads of the responsible officials; of
setting one faction against another;
of dismissing from office cabinets that
did not suit him; and of negativing
the effect of parliamentary govern-
ment. He himself set up the first
Spanish dictartorship, and when it
seemed likely to rebound and inter-
fere with his own authority he put
an end to it. Four months ago when
the republican movement was so
strong as to have become a direct
menace to his monarchy, he told' his
people that it was "immaterial whe-
ther Spain had a republic or a king."
By that trope he had lost most of the
personal influence he ever .possessed.
Kirig Alfonso was deeply impressed
by all that was happening in Italy
when Mussolini established his dic-
tatorship. At that time Spain was
going through •troch the same trou-
bles as those existing in the country
that eventually adopted Fascism. In
the case of Spain, however, her dif-
ficulties were aggravated by military
failures and the real incompetence
`shown by her troops in the Moroccan
Outside his own country Alfonso
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is another man. He loves London and
is thoroughly at home there. He is
frequently to be seen strolling leis-
urely along Saville Row to visit a
tailor, or along Piccadilly to buy a
hat. Be delights' in slipping the pair
of sleuths from Scotland' Yard whose
duty it is to keep an eye on him, and
getting back first to his hotel. In
many respects he is still something
of a big boy. Ile is the perfect dem-
ocrat away from his capital; he de-
lights in shopping and in new clothes;
he is a good conversationist; a splen-
did horseman and an expert yachts-
man; he knows the art of shaking
cocktails; and altogether he is a "good
sport." Saturday afternoons in the
summer he spends at Ranelagh, Hurl-
ingham or Roehampton playing or
watching polo, and in the winter he
goes off to a football match.
It now seems to be more than like-
ly that a no distant date King Alfon-
so and his queen will be residing in
London, where so many ex -crowned
heads have sought sanctuary, leading
the life of ordinary, well-to-do peo-
ple. Whatever happens in Spain,
Alfonso may be relied upon to "play
the man," with his head in the air
and a smile on his face. He will 'be
welcome in the metropolis of the Brit-
ish Entire, where he can lead with
his family a contented and carefree
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