HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-02-20, Page 414, :Sy tti A h:44 ,• ,Yes• • P.: • s.: .• • 14, eserseeseneaaaa" :tesseeetlesesee eS, ieaneter,riaaaaa.Seiat ',,,iss.laatlialieasol,eaateeiaatiatateasersefleseet4e,csaaa weasisaasaattaki,anatafinAirailitaiNhaaltait?'144.11eila aeas, agt. ier "Itsa' ti7.4.feaaft;taanaitiiitasaaaaarse'Se.aanaeaner ieee aleesites nes; ' ante - " rr"' " 44t4;:g!'41$10.1111tillOra;431,114.1 ;.44.1.411P:PjffrPl'I'i '4 '4 ;'14 4,6,t• • 0**pwgvwriovt ,1? :XTI)SITA:tek" FaidaYS Fehrtlary 1.3th. At lin' original cost, bat OM it can be a producer and as such ea asset in- stead of a liability. The food for a tractor is not raised on the farm, it spells cash. The food for the horse is an entirely different proposition. But for all that, as we say, there are farmers who have made money out of tractors. These heyeever, are the men who have also made meney out of the automobiles they have pur- chased. In other words, they have used the automobile, not abused its use. Who have used the car to serve the farm, not usedethe farm to serve the car. However impossible it is to go back or how good or how bad, other days would be if we had to live them over again, one can not help but wonder just what conditions would be like in. this country to -day if the dis- covery of the car, the truck and the tractor had been postponed for twen- ty years, or just what it would be like two years hence if they were banished entirely for just that short space of time. BREAD PRICES „Ever eieee wheat prices dropped be - IoW the dollar mark, there have been LI d and bitter complaints throughout •xe country about the price of bread. $o: insistent was the demand that the. Government instituted an investi- gatien arid the results of this investi- gation were made public on Tuesday. The findings of the commission are pretty much what everyone who took the trouble to think about the matter, expected they wo,uld be. They admit that the spread between fifty cent wheat and eight or ten cent bread would appear to be exces- sive, very exorbitant in fact. At the same time the commission points out that wheat, or rather flour, is only one of the ingredients and not by any means the most important one at that, that goes into the modern --loaf of 'bread. In fact the investigation has shown that the public is paying no more and perhaps a little less for bread, con- sistent with the demands which they make upon the baker. There used to be two kinds of bread white and brown. Now there are half a dozen kinds of white, half a dozen kinds of brown, and half a doz- en kinds of other bread, all of which the public demands the baker keep on tap at all times. Not because they want all or even one of the earious kinds every day, but they may want one or all some day, and it must be there on demand. In addition, the bread must always be fresh, must be wrapped and must be delivered a distance up to twenty or thirty miles, said wrapping and delivery to be free of charge, of course. When a thousand loaves of bread at ten cents per loaf figures out at $100, how much, apart altogether from the cost of materials, making and ov- erhead charges, would this sum leave the baker after covering the cost of a truck and its driver when it takes a day to deliver this bread to its dif- ferent destinations. 'What does the public want any way? If it is not satisfied with the baker's bread and the bakers prices, why doesn't it buy this fifty cent wheat and go back to the old, fashion- ed way of making its own bread? n,. waggle 074".ft.aa snateitliaiataae. iat eels, seette sasta News of Hensall and District ket. These will open a can more speed- ily, more neatly, and with less danger than the old sort. But it must be bachelors who buy them. Thirdly, women aren't mechanical. Probably this trait contributes to their disinclination to adopt the new can - openers. For such contrivances are machinery, and women are horribly afraid of machinery. The same thing applies to the modern method of boil- ing eggs with clock -work timers. You can't get a woman to use one, because "that isn't the regular way to cook an egg, my dear." Of course, too, women will go do- ing things the same old, difficult way, rather than use newer and simpler methods. But, that is called persist- ency. Fourthly, women won't follow di- rections. When I told my mother about the kerosene cure for dirty dishes, she was broadminded enough to try it, although she was sure that it would cause the dishes to taste of oil. But when I told her to put in only one-quarter of a teaspoon of kerosene to a gallon of water, she snorted "How absurd!" and proceeded to put in a cupful. Of course, this made the dish- es taste frightfully, thus vindicating her prophecy. know another woman whom I once induced to try a certain coffee - substitute. The directions on the can stated that it was not to be brewed like coffee; but that, if cooked in a certain specified way, the resulting beverage was guaranteed to be indis- tinguishable from real coffee. "How absurd'!" asserted the lady "If it's any good as a coffee substi- tute it'll have to stand or fall by be- ing cooked just like coffee." So she brewed it in a coffee pot in the regular way, and the result was awful. 'Which, af course, vindi- cated her prejudice against substi- tutes. I have here given the high spots of a long life of observing the fem- inine sex wrestling with the difficul- ties of housework. And because wo- men are conservative, will not accept new inventions, fear machinery, are pig-headed and won't follow direc- tions, I am firmly convinced that, by and large, they will never make a success of their calling. The average man could accomplish in two or three hours the daily house- work done by the average woman in eight or ten; provided, of course, that he were given full control and free rein, and permitted to reorganize the household plant upon an efficient basis. On the other hand, the average wo- man, if permitted to take over her husband's business, could undoubted-. ly cut out a large part of the unnec- essary conferences, blank forms, re- ports, and carbon copies; and produce more results with less overhead. Why not, then, swap places? I'll teal you why. Just about the time that each of them got things going smoothly—the wife making more money, and the husband run- ning the home like clockwork on two hours a day, and spending the rest of his time fishing or playing golf or poker—just about then the wife would catch on, conclude that her husband was a lazy loafer, and make him come down to the office and work under her for his six free hours a day.. Then what would become of his hard-earn- ed independence? P.S.—I read the foregoing to my wife. Her only comment was, "Are you trying to be horrid?"—By Ralph Milne Farley, in The American Mer- eury. WOMEN ARE FAILURES AS HOUSEKEEPERS! I am beginning to wonder whether womee's place really is in the home. The average married woman is quite certain that she could run her hus- band's business better than he does, and I am not at all sure that she is wrong. However, what I wish to as- sert is that the average man would make a more competent housekeeper than his wife. Housekeeping on a large scale, in- deed, is always done by men, even now. Whoever heard of a woman ho- tel -manager, or a woman chef ? Ev- en all of the good modistes, couturiers and milliners are of the male sex. But when it comes to running the ordin- ary small home, a job that ought to take about two hours a day, the wo- men -folk have us poor males perfect- ly bluffed. They maintain their supremacy, not by the complicated ritual, the mean- ingless secret codes, and the general hocus-pocus that enchants the priests of the law, medicine, and the other male professions. No, women's ways are more direct. The very simplicity of their nomenclature disarms one. But they have such perverse ways of doing the easiest -sounding thiegs, and they manage to make so difficult ev- erything in which they seek male as- sistance, that we misguided men are full of sympathy over the way our wives have to slave while we enjoy life at the office. If a factory or store were run along the inefficient lines of the average home, it would be bankrupt in a month. But let me give a few exam- ples of feminine incapacity; listing them under the various tie ns which I believe to be the cause ea woman's inherent unfitness for housekeeping. First, women are unalterably con- servative. Take the matter of dish- washing, the most -time consuming op- eration of all housework. As a boy I worked on the New Hampshire farm of a man who ran his own household. He had a wife, three children, nurse- maid, and the usual contingent of farmhands and boarders, about fifteen persons in all. -Washing dishes for fif- teen persons is no joke. So he rigged up two cubic sinks, about a yard each way. In one, he put boiling water with a quarter of a teaspoon of kerosene to a gallon of water. In the other he put just plain boiling water. The dishes were stack- ed in wire baskets and ran along ,a track, worked with pulleys. After meals the dishes were stacked in the basket, soused up and down in one tank and then the other, and then set to drain without wiping. The entire dishwashing was over in less than five minutes. But, in every home I've been in since those boyhood days I've attempt- ed to introduce that labor-saving sys- tem, but without success. The women wouldn't even give it a trial. Even when my wife consented to have a dish -washing machine, she soon stop- ped using it. "It cluttered up the sink," and besides, "the kitchen didn't look like a reel kitchen with that -con- traption in it." Secondly, women won't accept im- provements. This is just a phase of their conservatism. Putting dishes in- to a machine isn't really washing them even if it does get them clean, The average man is an iconoclast. If a certain way of doing a thing is the time -tried, conventional way, he will wrack his brains trying to improve it. But you don't find many women among the weekly lists of patentees. Once I served on a committee for a series of dances. In previous years there had been complaints about the fruit -punch, woman -made out of the best materials. So this year I made the punch myself. To eight gallons of water, I added one quart of cheap claret, and glucose, citric acid and saccarine to taste; also for the sake of realism, one orange, one lemon, and one banana, all sliced and float- ing. The whole eight gallons cost less than $2. I kept the formula to my- self and the punch made a bit. As one lady said to me, "It is such a relief to get genuine fruit punch again, after that awful chemical sub- stitute which last year's committee served us." 1 did not disillusion her. It was masculine ingenuity against feminine intuition. Some women are as ingenious as men, it is true. But the moment the cause for ingenuity passes, they re - vett to the old ways, with much the same calm intelligence as is displayed by rescued horses rushing back into a burning stable. Did you ever see a woman who knew how to operate a can opener? I never did. They attatk a can with alt ate alba -tido -ft of a tabby -cat pounc- ing on a liop-tattd, or a cow getting war a fenee. Frequently they cut their fingers, A1So. the: contents of the can can get tonelessly Mangled b,y being aattattett tliteiSgh a, too aMail and too at It'd. *61.6 a$ ,seveya varieties of l'a* %Went Can ,16; tiers dti tte Mat- B.A., principal of Shirley Street Pleb- Ford, superintendence, $11.20.—Car- lic School, is being transferred to the ried. Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, 'March 7th, at 1 p.m.— Henry Strang, Clerk. principalship of Earlscourt School. He was ihorn in Bayfield, near Gode• rieh, and became an assistant master at King Edward School in 1911. Tie also served as principal of the night school there. His first appointment as day school principal was to Mc- Caul Street in 1926. After the school was closed Mr. Cameron was acting principal of John Ross Robertson and Eglinton Schools for short periods, and since has held the principalship of Brant and Shirley Street Schools, taking over the latter school just over a year ago. His transfer went into effect on January 26th." 1•1011•SCEISIMAIIIZOMI•1101.0.11133113 ZURICH Mr. Harry Weber has returned from a London hospital, where he had been taking treatment for some time. His many friends are pleased to see him back. Mr. Everett Heist received word on Monday that his father, Mt. Heist, of Crediton, was fatally injured when hit by an auto in Michigan. M. Heist was on his way to attend a funeral of a relative in Michigan and had stopped his ear on the road to inquire whether he was on the right highway. While crossing the road he was struck and his skull was fractured. Mr. P. Rowe, principal of Zurich continuation school, is ill and the scholars are having a holiday this week. Mr. Frank Kocherns and family have moved into the home recently vacated by Mr. Wim. Reith. Mr. Harold Klapp, of Detroit, is visiting his home here for a few weeks. The members of the Luther League were entertained at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang on Friday even- ing. The evening was spent in play- ing games and other amusements.: Refreshments were also served. Ash Wednesday was observed by the churches in the village by special services. Mr. Sol Zimmerman, who has been on the sick list for some months, is able to be out again and looking fine. The play-off hockey game advertis- ed for last Monday night between the Zurich and Goshen teams for the championship of Hay township, had to be postponed on account of soft ice. STAFFA The Quarterly Board of Staffa United Church, which met in the board room this week, extended an unani- mous invitation to the Rev. R. N. Stewart, BA., B.D., to remain with them for another year. M'r. Stewart accepted the invitation. The Young People's Society held a progtessive- crockinole party in the hall on. Monday evening. The win- ners were: Ladies, Miss Ella Chap- pel; men, Arthur Dinnin; consolation, Miss Edith Tuffin. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mr. James Miller and we wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of the West, are visiting at the lattees home, Mr. John G. Miller. Mr. Frank Elliott, who has been sick a week, we are sorry to say, is no better. The play entitled, "Step On It, Stan," which was given in the hall on Tuesday evening by the Anglican Church, Hensall, was well received. The regular meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute will be held in the hall on Wednesday afternoon, Febru- ary 25th. Roll call: Suggestions for next year's programme. Lunch will be served by Circle 2. HAD WE BETTER GO BACK TO HORSES? Mr. Richard Ballhorn, of Wetaski win, recently made some very inter- esting statements bearing on the question of tractor vs. horsepower in the Western Provinces. Mr. Ballhorn has been a resident of the Province of Alberta for over 20 years and during that time has be come one of the most successful far - niers in that Province. Under these circumstances one would suppose that he knew what he was talking about and that his opin- ions would have some weight in mat- ters pertaining to the farm. Be that as it may, one of his state- ments is certainly a mast interesting one, and one in which there is much room for thought. He stated that 108,000 horses have been displaced during the past few years in Alberta by 18,000 tracters and that if every farmer in that prov- ince were now using horses for power there would be an immediate market in Alberta alone for an additional .8,000,000 bushels of oats. Eight million bushels is a sizable market in itself and when one con- siders that in the wake of this oat market there was also bound to fol- low a market for horses, for wagons, for harness and for many other things, which are. now non existent in that Province, one can not help wondering if the finances of that Western Province would not be can eiderably enriched if such markets were brought into being again. But the West is not the only place where the machine has or is replac- ing the horse as the means of power on the farm. Even on the com.para- tireely small farms that we have in Huron County, every year sees a de- crease in the use of horse power. Undoubtedly there are farmers in this county who have made money out of the tractor on their farms. But these, we believe, are the excep- tion, rather than the rule. Where one has made money out of a tractor, there are nine others who have not, and to about five of these latter farm- . ere the tractor and its price has been a dead kres. All men are not mechanics. E;q- wally true is it that all mets are not Itotseinen. At the same time the in- considerate use or abuse of a tractor ia considerably more costly to 'a lathier than is the inconsiderate use -Of aeherse, The depreciation east of otio very ,great, .ttf the other very -treater being a machine, is • the day 'it is bone* it rti1ifi6irieVer a ittitive6t The ::-#20t;ku,;iit.,,Vithts bv ike5dt '04,064, ift: Oita *.dire 311:'tt' Vaniounf 1at • ;14 ‘,P 4. USBORNE Council Minutes. — The municipal council of the Township of Usborne, met at the Township Hall, Elimville, on February 7th, 1931, pursuant to adjournment, with all the members of council present. The minutes of the meeting of January 12th were read and approved on motion of Williams- Westcott. Correspondence: Receipts fi ern Sick Children's Hospital, War Memorial Hospital • and Byron Sani- tarium, acknowledging donations; Good Road Association, soliciting membership fee.—Tabled. Highway Department of Ontario, acknowkdg- ing application for grant. Also not- ice of meeting of Road Superintend- ents.—Noted. Communication from `United Farmers of Ontario, re C. N. R. Directorate. Shier -Dew: That the following resolution be forwarded to R. J. Manion, Minister of Railways: Having learned from press reports of the appointment of the new Direc- torate of the Canadian National Rail- ways consisting of fifteen members, we deplore the fact that there is not a single representative of agriculture on the new Board, although many other interests and professions are fully represented. We would humbly submit that Agriculture, being of the first importance in the Dominion of Canada, should be represented in the two additional members, which it is proposed to add to the Board of Di- rectors. The auditors' report was presented to the council by Arnold Wiseman, certifying to the correct- ness of the accounts and books of the Treasurer and Clerk. Dew -Williams: That the auditorea report be adopted and 100 copies to be printed.—Car- ried. The Scott Drain, No. 2, from the Township of Stephen, was read and considered at the appointed hour. None of the assessed parties being present, after discussion, it was pro- visionally adopted on motion of Shier - Williams, that a bylaw he drafted and printed and served on the assessed parties and a Court of Revision be held on same on Saturday, March 7th, at 2 p.m.-eCarried. Re municipal printing: That it be done by the Times -Advocate at its former tender. —Carried. Williams-Westcott: The wages for municipal work for 1931 be 40c an hour for man and team, and 20c an hour for man.—Carried. The report on ,Branch B, of the Elimville Drain, was received from John Roger, O.L.S. Westcott-Dew: That due not- ices be given assessed parties and that the same be considered at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 7th.—Carried. The Clerk reported that he had registered during 1930: 39 births, 20 deaths ani 13 marriages. Bylaw No. 1, 1931, re appointment of municipal officers and fixing salaries for 1931, was read and passed on motion of Shier-West- cott. Westcott-Dew: That the fol- lowing appropriations for highway upkeep and improvement be made for 1931, viz: Construction, $3,000; ma- chinery, $4,000; superintendence, 81,- 000.00; maintenance and repair, $10,- 000.00; total, $18,000.00. Bylaw No. 2, 1931, re highway expenditure was read and passed on motion of Dew - Williams. Treasurer's report receiv- ed from Department of Public High- ways: Highway No. 4 assessment on Fletcher Drain, $42; Tp. of Hibbert, Hibbert share deficiency Stewart Dr., $15.71; Tp. of Blanshard, add. on Elimville Drain assessment, $14.00 ; Tp. of Blanshard, Blanshard Bdy. as- sessment on Pyrn,Drain, $2.20; from Leslie Robinson on tile, $2.28. Wil- liams -Shier: That the following be paid, viz: B. W. F. Beavers, affidavit re Provincial grant, $1; the Clerk, registration of B., M., D., $18; Arnold Wiseman, auditor's fee, $12; Henry Delbridge, auditor's fee, $12; Earl Johnston, refund, error dog tax, $2; Ewart Pym, error dog tax, $2; New- ton G. Clatke, salary as Treasurer ($100), excise, postage, ete., ($8.76), $108.75; Sam J. ryni, salty as Col- lector ($75), postage, exchange, ete., ($3.40), -$78.40; Vdward Coward, land purchase, Elitnville Drain, $38.50; Clinton Sweet, ,Seeetreas., key, S. 8, No. 4, $110;. Letter Reynolds, See. - Tress., levy, S. kNo. 1, $100; 4teriry BAYFIELD Miss Mary Belle Bernie, of the Bronson Line, and Mise Margaret Douglas, teacher in Goderich township were week end guests of Mrs. J. M. C. Tough. Miss Lucy Woods is enjoying a well earned holiday in Toronto. The pie social on Saturday at the Orange Hall, under the auspices of the Senior Guild of Trinity Church, was quite a success. Sandwiches, pies; tarts and tea were served. The euchre and dance under the auspices of the Orange Lodge on Fri- day evening, the 18th, was well at- tended in spite of unfavorable weather and roads. The prize winners in euchre were Miss Frances Pierson and Mrs. Carl Houston; gents, A. Brandon and Wm. J. Stinson. A fea- ture of the dancing was the wonder- ful step dancing of Mr. Harry Wes- ton, who although seventy-one, could show the younger ones how. His movements were very graceful and pleased all those watching. Music was furnished by the Armstrongs of Stanley. An excellent luneh was served. Death of William Dixon.—One by one the old residents are passing a- way to their long home. On Tuesday morning when Robert McMurray and Charles Parker went to his home about 11 a.m. they found that Wil- liam Dixon had passed away. Dr. Newton -Brady was called but found he had died probably a half hour be- fore. Mr. Dixon had been a resident of Bayfield for some thirty odd years, he and Mrs. Dixon coming from Lake side, buying the home on the Sauble Line, which he later sold to Mrs. A. Brown, moving to the house now own- ed by Miss ,Margaret Reid, where Mrs. Dixon died some six or seven years ago. Later Mr. Dixon moved to Mrs. McLeod's house on Louisa Street, next to E. Featherstoa's store. He has been for some time in poor health and his death was looked for. He was barn in Ireland some seventy- one years ago. He was well known hereabouts and had followed the painting and paperhanging business until failing health 'compelled him to quit work. Mr. Dixon was oneof the oldest melebets of Hayfield br- inge Lodge and the funeral en Wed- nesday afternoon was conducted by theen. Transferred To New Schooln-The following %Veil recently appeared in the Toronto daily papers, *ill be .of intereat to many old' friends of Mr. Carilt5r011 here: "lames A. Cameron, A • • , 1931i ensal Chautauqua February 28, March 2, 3 4 "TURN TO THE RIGHT," popular Broadway success, pre- sented by the PEERLESS PLAYERS at the CANADIAN • CHAUTAUQUA FESTIVAL DAILY PROGRAMME FIRST DAY Evening— Popular Broadway Play—"Turn to the Right" The Peerless Players SECOND DAY Afternoon— - KIPPEN C. G. I. T. At Home.—The 'Wide Awakes" and "Tru -Lo -Kin" C. G. I. T. groups of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, held a delightful "At Home" in the school room on Satur- day afternoon last, from 3 to 5 p.m. The room was appropriately decorat- ed with streamers and hearts in red and white. The guests were received at the door by the leader of the "Wide Awakes," Miss Jean Ivison, assisted by Miss Beatrice Cooper. The host- esses, Misses Olga Bell and Florence Thomson, ;poured tea at the centre table, tastefully done in red and white with centrepiece of white cyclamen and red candles. The assistants were the Misses Jean Bell and Mildred Workman, while Miss Margaret Jones and Jane Smith passed sandwiches, tea cakes and candies. During the afternoon a short programme, presid- ed over by Mrs. R. Conner, was en- joyed by all. Miss Marion Scarlett acted as accompanist during a short sing -song of C.G.I.T. numbers. An interesting paper on the "Beginning of C.G.I.T. in Canada during 1914 up to the present time" was read by Miss J, Ivison. Mrs. R. Conner, as leader of the Tru-Lo-Kins, spoke a word of welcome, including a short sketch of the girls interesting projects. She drew attention to the beautiful bas- kets and trays on display which have been made -by the girls of both groups. A pleasing duet, "Give of your best to the Mester," was given by the Misses Mary Thomson and Olga Bell. Valentine contests and social chat fill- ed the intervals. Miss P. Penfold spent the week end at the Manse. Miss M. Scarlett visited for a few k days recently with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. McLean. The executive of Kippen Horticul- tural Society met on Wednesday af- ternoon to prepare the premium list or the year. Miss Grace Cooper, who has spent the past months in Flint, Michigan, has returned to her home here. rWe are sorry to report that Mrs. Robert Elgie is confined to her room, the result of a recent accident, but her many friends hope to see her out again soon. Mrs. Fred Ratheiell and children, of Stanley, are visiting for a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. Elgie. Mrs. R. Dinsdale has been suffer- ing from a severe attack of neuritis, but her many friends hope she will soon be able to be out again, Miss Margaret Elgie is visiting for a few days under the parental roof. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's United Church will hold their usual meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Bowey on Fri- day afternoon at 2.30. This is to be a special item as it is the Day of Prayer observed by all the W.M.S. in the world. All the ladies of the congregation are invited and a good attendance is anticipated. The Y.P.S. will hold their usual meeting on Friday evening, February 20th, at 8 p.m. Unusual Specialties—Lowell Patton Artists. All Single Admissions Evening— ,Children Grand Ooncert—Lowell Patton Art- ists. THIR DAY Afternoon— Gala Entertainment — "The Elias FOURTH DAY Evening— Popular Comedy Success — "The Whole Town's Talking"—The Canad- ian Players. Tamburitza Serenaders" Evening— Musical Evening—"Tamburitza Ser- enaders" Lecture—"By the Peaceful Pastures of Palestine"—Julius Caesar Nayphe. TOWN HALL, HENSALL 75c 25e Season Tickets Single Admissions Adults $2.00. Adults 75c Children......$1.00 Children 25c (Tax included) Afternoon Programmes ....3.30 p.m. Evening Programmes 8 00 p.m. All programs as above, unless other- wise announced from the platform. FEB. 28, MARCH 2, 3, 4 drug store. Mr. McDonell is one of our oldest and most enterprising busi- ness men and was engaged for many years in the carrying on of the large furniture and hardware store business now carried on by Messrs. Bonthron and Drysdale, and in company with his brother, Charles A. McDonell, did a splendid and ever increasing -busi- ness. He also carried on for a time a good jewellery business, in fact was able to take hold successfully of any line of business and will be very much missed in the garage and equipment and supply business which he has been carrying on now for a number of years ably assisted by his brother, Charles, and a good force of mechan- ics. We hope, however, he may yet pick up some other line of busine and remain one of Hensall's pionreer and live business men. In the mean- time we welcome Mr. Boe as his suc- cessor, who comes well spoken of. HENSALL Miss Muriel Carlisle left for St. Marys this week where she has secur- ed a good position. Mrs. L. E. Sullens and Mrs. L. Mil- ler, of Chicago, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson and family. The annual yearly day of Prayer will be observed' in the United Church by the W.M.S. on Friday afternoon of this week. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church will also join in with them. ' Mr. 'William spent the week town. We are pleased to see Mr. Charles Jinks out again and busily engaged with his duties after his short ill- ness. Mr. Parlmer's groeery is looking much improved in the (interior after he painting of the ceiling and dec- orating above the shelving. Mr. John E. McDonell has sold his garage property, including fine stack of supplies of all kinds and equip- ment, to Mr. Boe, of London, who is moving her and taking up living.' roosts weer Mr. A. W. E, Hemphill's Simpson, of Detroit, end with relatives in • We are indeed living in an age of speed and activities and when know- ledge is running to and fro in the earth, as is evidenced by the fact that on the llth day of this month a son was born to the Rev. Mr. Ben Smillie, of Indere, India, and on the day following, the 12th, the birth ap- peared in the Toronto Globe. The reverend gentleman and wife are re- ceiving many congratulations and are well and favorably known in Hensall and vicinity, Mr. Smillie being a son of the late Benjamin Smillie, who liv- ed a little over a mile north of our village, on the London " Road, and whose farm is now owned and occu- pied by his son, James, and has been and is still a most successful mission- ary in India. Several changes of property will be taking place in the near future. Between the good work done by our village plow supplemented by vigor- ous use of snow shovels in the hands of our residents, our sidewalks are in pretty good order for pedestrians. Mrs. G. W. Reid, who spent a week Gere with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer, returned to her home in Port Rowan, the first of this week. Through illness ;Rey. Mr. MeIlroy was unable to take his services on Sunday last. In the morning Mr. Henry Strang, of the Township of Usborne, very acceptably filled the pulpit, and in the evening the ser- vice was withdrawn, but it is hoped that by next Sunday the reverend gentleman will be able to resume his duties. Owing to the thaw of the early part of this week, the roads have not been very good for driving or team- ing, but the thaw supplying as it did a fine fund of water, which was much welcomed, as many were short of both soft and hard water. A number of our business men who are in the habit of laying in ice sup- plies for their ,business such as ho- tels, restaurants, meat shops, etc., have been taking advantage of the late frosty weather to secure good ice. We notice by one of the London dailies the name of Mr. W. B. Elder, of Hensall, as an applicant for a course in flying or aviation. Special services were observed in the United Church on Sunday morn- ing last. The large choir comprised of about 37 ladies, had charge of the musical part of the services, and did themselves much justice with their thems. Mrs. G. W. Reid-, of Port Rowan, delighted the large congre- gations with two splendid solos. which were much enjoyed. At the morning service she rendered the hymn entitled, "Have Thine Own Way Lord," and at the evening service she sang very effeetively that beautiful solo, "Beside Still -Waters." Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin eery abaly presided at the organ. The pastor, Rev. A.,Sin- clair, delivered two very splendid dis- courses which were in keeping with the occasion. Mrs. Thomas Peart, who has been seriously ill at her borne here, is somewhat better, although her condi- tion is regarded as seriaus. Mr. Allan MeDonnell left for To- ronto the latter part of last week, where he intends, taking a course in aviation. 'Miss Eleanor Fisher is spending a few clays With friends in Stratford. The play, "Step On It, Stan," under the auspices of St. Paul's Dramatie. Club was presented to a large crowd on Friday evening in the Town Hall and was much enjoyed. The splendid caste in this play took their parts excellently, and needless to say was listened to with much pleasure by the large crowd present. Following is the caste: Stan Gray, the town's leading failure, (Tom Simpson); Chas. Norris, the to -en's leading Romeo, (Albert Shirray); Sid Pressley, the. town's leading loafer, (George Arm- stron); Ray Cryder, the town's lead- ing citizen, (Rev. M. B. ,Parker); Peggy Brooks, who inspires Stan t3 step on it, (Miss Grace Stone); Hazel Wilton, the object of Charlie's affec- tion, (Miss Louise Drummond); Prud- ence Quimbey, the town's leading old id, (Mrs. Peppier); Silbey Shep- herd"; the town's richest girl, (Miss Beryl Drummond) ; , Sarah Boggs, di- rect from Wilton Springs in search of her future, (Mrs. Varley); Director, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin; assistant direc- tor, Miss E. Johnston; fianance man- ager, S. L. Peppier; assistant finance manager, L. C. Dart; 'business Man- ager, A. L. Case; stage manager, Er- rold Drummond. The orchestra com- posed of . Messrs. Ferris Cantelon, Scott Welsh, Edward Little. Milton Boyle, with Miss Florence Welsh as accompanist, very pleasantly enter- tained the audience with some very fine selections. Mr. A. L. Case, in a very pleasing and able manner, intro- duced the play. Death of Mrs. John Shepherd.— Quite a number from Hensall and vi- cinity attended the funeral on Sat- urday afternoon last of Mrs. John Shepherd, of Tuckersmith, near Chis- elhurst, whose maiden name was Eliza Taylor, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, for many years residents of Hensall. The deceased was most highly respected for her fine life and many excellent qualities. She was a most patient sufferer for many years for an ill- ness that the best medical skill mid nursing could not successfully co:A- bet. Mrs. Shepherd was an esteem- ed member of the United Church of Chis-elhurst and the pastor, the Rev. A, Sinclaire-ePoke most feelingly of her long painful illness and Christian faith and fortitude. The funeral was largely attended, many coming from quite a long distance, to pay their last tribute of respect. The pall- bearers were relatives and neighbors, and the remaies were interred in Mc- Taggart's cemetery. Much ,sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and two sons, Clarence and Harold. Valentine Social.—The Young Peo- ple's League held a very enjoyable Valentine social on Monday evening in the basement. There was a large number present and the chair for the evening was very ably taken by Miss Doreen Farquhar. Following the op- ening hymn, Rev. Mr. Sinclair led in prayer, followed by the minutes. Tho splendid programme was given and much enjoyed; selections by Messrs. Hess and Passmore; solo, Bobby' Hess, accompanied by his mother on the piano; reading, Miss M. Ellis; vio- lin selection, Mr. Scott Welsh; ac- companist, Miss Florence Welsh; solo, Mr. T. J. Sherritt, accompanist. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; instrumental, Miss Mildred Smillie; reading, Mrs. Vernon Redden (her own composition); topic, "On St. Valentine" was taken by Mr. Murray Campbell; selections by the Male Quartette composed of Messrs. T. J. Sherritt, W. 0. Goodwin, George Follick and John Passmore; ac- companist, Miss Pearl Elder; selec- tions by Messrs. Hess and Passmore; remarks by Rev. Mr. Sinclair,' read- ing, "The Minutes of the Last League Meeting" was given by Mrs. H. J. McDonald. The topie, which was of an unusually fine nature was prepar- ed by Mrs. Dolos Huntley, who was utiaible to be present and give it, but Mr. Campbell kindly consented to read it, reading it with much feeling and expression. The .baseenent was most artistically arranged in red and white, presenting a 'very unique ap- pearance and the credit of this goes t.o Miss 1VIargaret Johnston, who had charge of the decorations. Follow- ing the programme, games were in- dulged in after which lunch was serv- ed. On Monday everting next the prograteme Will be English Night, and will be in charge of iViliss Nora Folliek. e.ani aTaaaaenratiiia • , P eete. k, s• • , •1 „ ,, •