HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-01-30, Page 8en
,, and is expected to be gen-
tai°il+,erved for the good, of Public
for business, as it enables
g st to sell his breath pow -
,d to Dry Goods man his hand-
lilefs to wipe away all tears.
u7c Onion Week we have good big
dry, bright domestic Onions at
�logilds for 25c; 60 pounds for $1.60;
Ng, 90 pounds, for $2,25
per pound
•r" !OM.A.TOES--tPer large can, 10c and
per can
FEAS-10 cents, or '3 for 25 cents.
JUBILEE PEAS — Large, tender,
juicy, formerly 20c, 15c
3 pounds
"more and more popular, $2 55
from western wheat, per cwt. w '
fine baking, per pound 17c
2 pounds or more
20 pound pail
60 watt, guaranteed 1,000 25c
hours, for
BAKING SYRUP -10 cents per lb .
CLARK'S SOUPS—Tomato, Vege-
table, Pea, Mock Turtle, Scotch
Broth, Ox Tail, Julienne, Chicken,
Cenaomme 25c
3 for
FREW:: .".• .RING BEANS — Very
smell and tender,
PUMPKIN --Per can, 10c or 3 for 25c
ED BEANS—Were 15c, now...10c
2 tins
F. 11 Hutchison
Phone Phor Food -166
We recommend this Vitamin -
Tested Oil to be one of the fin-
est on the market to -day.
The most recent scientific
methods have been applied in
the production, testing, keeping
and bottling this oil. And it
is our belief that no better Cod
Liver Oil can be obtained.
Sold in two sizes --60c and $1.00
Prevent the action of cold
and other germs by building up
the system.
Sold at
Keating's Pharmacy
The Rexall Drug Store
'.$mitt read to thenal , the a eani
beeprtnin, g life mem. ':r'+s i•14 the
melee Xissirm'ao••y' Soo. ety. Mlles• Mar -
tau Giver gave of mese' rote timg •
topic on "Ambassadors of Good Will,"
after which Mxs. • M. R. Rennie de-
lighted,the audience with a very 'fine
solo accomtpanied by Mrs. J. E. Keat-
ing. The offering was taken and
dedicated in prayer by Mrs. H. J.
Gibson. Miss Harriet Murray read
the Glad Tidings, Prayer and the meet-
ing closed by repeating the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
Farm Wanted.—To buy 100 or 150 acres of
good land and good buildings on a main road.
Apply to The Expositor Office. 3292x3
Hoare For Sale. -12 -zoomed frame house, in
good condition. Apply at The Expositor Of-
fice. 9261 4f
Special Optimal Noticq —Have your eyes
examined by our well known and painstaking
speoalia,t, Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex -
pent for Kends, Toronto, and Henry Morgan
& Co., 1V1onireal. You get the benefit of
over 30 years' experience, 20 years coming to
Seaforth, and at very moderate coat. We
furnish all the late staylea of mountings,
the beat make of the beat makers and our
prices are from $4.00 up. Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, February 10th and llth. Bea,ttie's
Fair, Seaforth. 3294-2
Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Malone, ,Stratford, announce the en-
gagement of their eldest daughter,
Martha. Evaline, to Mr. Samuel. Don-
ald McKay, younger son of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Adam McKay, Seaforth.
the wedding to take place early in
Lions Club Ice Carnival.—Now is
the time to prepare your costume for
the Lions Club Ice Carnival, which
will be held at the Palace Rink, Sea -
forth, on or about the 20th of Febru-
ary. Further announcements will be
made later.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
O S, T. Holmes & Son 0
0 Main Street, Seaforth 0
O' 0
Co S. T. Holmes' residence, O
O Goderich Street, West; phone 0
0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0
0 residence, Goderich Street, 0
0 East; phone No. 308. 0
0 Limousine Ambulance Service 0
0 Night calls, phone 308. 0
0 Day calls, phone 119 J. 0
O Charges moderate. 0
,0 O
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
When Disaster
Comes Can
You Smile?
Not unless you know that:
You are fully protected against Fire
Your Income against Accident and
Your Rental Income by Rental Insur-
Your Jewellery, etc., by a Burglary
And your Automobile by an Auto-
mobile Policy.
Specialists in all lines of Insurance
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O Funeral Director and
0 Licensed Embalmer
0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn
O equipavemt.
0 Charges moderate.
0 Flowers furnished on short
Co notice.
0 Night Calls Day Calls
Co Phone 175 Phone 43
. 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
000000000< 00.0
O Licensed Embalmer and O
O Funeral Director O
0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0
Equipment. O
0 Night and Day Service. O
O Picone 19#2, Dublin.
_ O
O % O
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A Short Course.—An instructor will
be sent out by the Department of
Agriculture to Seaforth to instruct
classes in nutrition for one week near
the end of February. All girls and
women are invited to attend these
classes. Watch the paper for further
Trail Rangers. — The Kim Trail
Ranger Carnp of Pre.sbyiterian Church
held their weekly meeting on Mon-
day evening, January 26th, with Chief
Ranger Ian MacTavish, presiding.
After opening ceremony and Mentor's
prayer, an interesting devotional per-
iod was held. The camp members re-
sponded readily with Bible quotations.
Mr. Koine gave an instructive talk to
cam. Cache Jim Scott collected the
fees and in the absence of Tally Stew-
art Plant, Leo Joynt took the roll
call, responded to by my favorite poet.
The social hour was much enjoyed,
with assistant Mentor, Miss Jean
Scott, in charge. The camp was mov-
ed .adjourned by S. Geddes and J.
Rankin. The meeting closed by re-
peating the Lord's Prayer.
Home and School Association.—The
Home and School Association will
hold their regular monthly meeting
Monday afternoon, February 2nd, in
the Teachers' room of the public
school. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Eg-
mondviIle, will give a talk on "Char-
acter building and religious training
of the pre-school age child." Every
mother is cordially invited to attend
this meeting. There will be musical
numbers by pupils of the public
Two Corrections.—In our report of
the meeting of the Women's Mission-
ary Society of North Side United
Church, published last week, we stated
that the Treasurer had sent the sum
of $820 to the Presbyterial Treasurer.
This was an error, the actual amount
sent being $920.
—In the report of the annual meet-
ing of First Presbyterian Church, the
amount contributed by the Women's
Missionary Society was omitted. The
amount contributed by the W.M.S.
was $667.23 for General Fund and
$24.85 was contributed for Expense
Fund. The amount contributed by
the Ladies' Aid Society was given as
$653.77, whereas it should have read
Z>aanes Evans Beechwood - President
James. Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres.
P. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Eee.-Treas.
V. E. Hinchley, Seaforth ; John
Murray,. Egrnondviille; R. G. Jatmouth,
'1flagen; James Watt, Birth.
Tram Rion, R. R; No. 2, Seaforth;
en i►ies, Broclbngen - Jams'
OBoec ; Same familial,
i., Alm t No.. E
s, vi1oek; Gee
eaforth' 'z hn'
Jdtlttes� +Shot
Valentines for everybody. We
have a large assortment to
choose from. These came in
Cards, Fold Over and' Stand
Up Designs, at prices from
Book Store, Seaforth
'Subscriptions taken for newspapers
and magazines at publisher's prices.
Marion, are guests, at the home of
Mrs. IHlugh McKay.
Miss Jessie Gillespie be retuitnea
from a visit with llensall friends.
Mrs. W. J. Walker left on There-
day for Timmine to spend a couple
of weeks with her son.
Mfr. Lloyd Dinnem, of the Bank of
Commerce staff, is supplying in the
Bayfield branch of the ban kfor a
few days.
Mr, Peter Watson underwent a
tonsil operation in the Scott Memorial
Hospital this week.
Miss McKellar, of Cromarty, • is a
guest at the home of her brother,
Mr. M. 'McKellar.
Mrs. Routledge, of Calgary, , is the
guest of Mrs. W. B. McLean, in Eg-
Reeves Beattie, of (Seaforth ;
Thompson, of Tuckersmith; Eckert,
of, 1VtcKillop, and Armstrong, of Hal-
lett, are in Goderich this week attend-
ing the January session of the ,Coun-
ty Council.
Mrs. Adam Hays is spendinig a few
days at the home of her daughter in
St. Catharines.
Mrs. C. VanEgmond is seriously ill
at her home in Egmondville.
Mr. Jack Hinehley, of the Brant-
ford Collegiate staff, has obtained
ppeldialist standing lin mathematics
with honors. Mr. Hinchley obtained
three months' leave of absence last
fall to finish' his course at Queen's
University, Kingston.
Mrs. M. A. Reid is spending a few
days at her home in Holstein.
Mr. W. J. Faulkner was in Toronto
on Monday attending the funeral of
his uncle, the late J. G. Gallagher.
Mr. Gallagher was chief mailer with
the Mail and Empire and hadwordted
on that paper for thirty years.
Mrs. 'Camilla Ryan left on Wednes-
day on an extended visit with her
brothers and sisters in Chicago.
Miss Redmond, of Toronto, is the
guest of Miss M. W. Mackay.
Dr. Fred Clarkso and Miss Doris.
Clarkson, of Toronto, were week end
guests at the home of Mr. and Mee.
G. D. Ferguson.
Mr. G. A. Jackson leaves this week
ben an extended trip to the Mediter-
Miss Anna Sutherland, of Toronto,
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Suth-
Mrs. John McMillan is the guest of
her aunt, Miss McDermid, Goderich
Mrs. W. E. Southgate left for New
York on Tuesday.
Miss Jean Scott has returned from
a visit of several weeks with friends
in Toronto.
after dinner, the minister, Rev. Chas.
Malcolm, M.A., had charge of the de-
s otional services preceding the busi-
ness session, and Mr. Charles Boyd
sang a splendid solo. Mr. Malcolm
briefly reviewed the year's work and
called for the appointment of a chair-
man and secretary. Mr. Edwin Ches-
ney was elected as chairman, and Mr.
William 'Wallace, secretary. The sev-
eral departmients of the church work
reported progress. Seventeen new
members were received and twelve re-
moved, leaving the present member-
ship at 299. The Sunday School, un-
der superintendency of Mr. A. C.
Routledge, reported an increased at-
tendance of 12 and going strong. The
congregation and the W. M. S. reach-
ed and exceed their allocation for mis-
sionary purposes. In all, the congre-
gation raised nearly $3,000 for their
own work and over $1,500 for mis-
sions and benevolences. Mr. John
Henderson, who has been the faith-
ful treasurer of the congregation for
the past seventeen years, asked to be
relieved of his office, and Mr. R. Mc-
Gonigle was appointed to succeed him.
The nierw members elected to the
Board of Stewards are: Messrs. Stan-
ley Jackson, William Cameron, Alex.
Lillico, John McCloy and Donald Mc-
—In the absence of Jean Smith, Is-
abel Forrest presided over the Young
People's meeting Tuesday night. The
meeting opened by Helen Thompson
leading in prayer. The worship per-
iod began with quiet music with Betty
Malcolm assistant pianist, at the
piano. The hymn, "More Love to
Thee, 0 Christ,"was sung. Margaret
Finnigan read the Scripture lesson
from the 15th chapter of John. Alice
Thompson then spoke for a few min-
utes on the theme of this lesson, es-
pecially stressing the words, "I am
the vine, ye are the branches." Isa-
bel Forrest then led in prayer. Af-
ter the hymn, "Blest be the Tie That
Binds" was sung, Evalena Nott took
charge of the mission study period,
speaking of the religions of the Jap-
anese people" Since the anniversary
of Burns' birth is just past, the topic
period opened with a humorous read-
ing entitled, "For he was Scotch and
so was she," given by Mary Forrest.
Dorothy Wilson gave a short account
of some of • Burns' best known works.
After a social half hour spent in
games, the meeting closed with a
hymn and the Mizpah benediction.
Y. P. S.—The Y. P. S. of the North
Side United Church held its first meet -
ng of the year on Tuesday evening,
January 27th, with a good attendance.
The chair was occupied by the presi-
dent, Mr. E. R. Crawford, who also
read the Scripture lesson from the
5th chapter of Matthew, after which
Rev. W. P. Lane led in prayer. Af-
ter singing a hymn, the minutes of
the former meeting were read by the
secretary, Miss H. Lane, and adopted.
The nominating committee, consisting
of Misses R. Thompson, E. Hoag and
Mrs. Close, gave its report, which was
found favorable. By unanimous vote
the officers as read were accepted.
The president called on Rev. W. P.
Lane for a short address as to new
ways and means of managing the
work for the year and a lengthy and
lively discussion followed, when sev-
eral members offered good sugges-
tions. Mrs. Lane thanked the retir-
ing officers for their splendid work,
also the nominating committee for
their interest in the society. The
newly -elected president, Mr. Arnold
Westeott, then took charge and gave
a short talk as to how best to organ-
ize a membership roll and create fur-
ther interest, after which the meet-
ing closed with the Mizpah benedic-
tion. Next Tuesday evening, Febru-
ary 3rd, Mr. Keith Webster, 1st vice-
president, will have charge of the
programme and a cordial invitation is
extended to all the young people of
the congregation to attend. The of-
ficers for the ensuing years are as
foll•ow's: President, Mr. Arnold West-
cott; 1st vice-president, Mr. Keith
Webster; 2nd vice-president, Miss
Ruth Fennell; 3rd vice-president, Mr.
E. R. Crawford; 4th vice-president.
Mrs. Snell; secretary, Miss - Helen
Lane; assistant secretary, Miss G.
Hellyer; treasurer, Miss Ruth Thomp-
son; pianist, Miss Anne Govenlock ;
assistant pianist. Miss Mary Barber;
press secretary, Miss Edith Hoag; as-
sistant press secretary, Mrs. A. West-
Death of Miss Ethel Hoggarth.—
The death occurred at the Scott Mem-
orial Hlospital early Saturday morn-
ing, following an illness of a few
weeks, of Ethel May, youngest daugh-
ter of Joseph Hoggarth, aged sixteen
years. 'She had been suffering from
heart trouble. The sympathy of the
community is extended to the family
in their sad bereavement coming so
soon after the death of her mother,
about two months ago. Surviving are
her father, Joseph Hoggarth, and a
sister, Mrs. Harold Large, of London,
and one brother, Clarence. The fun-
eral took place on Monday
with in-
terment being made in the Maitlan-
bank cemetery,
W. M. S.—The W. M. S. of First
Presbyterian Church, met January
26th, with the president, Mrs. James
Kerr, in the chair. The meeting was
opened by singing Hymn 160 and
prayer by the president. Several
ladies responded to the roll call with
the name of a hospital or School
Home of the W.M.S. in Canada. Next
month each one was asked to answer
by repeating a verse from the Bible.
Arrangements were then made for
the World's Day of Prayer for wo-
men, which will be held in First Pres-
byterian Church on February 20th.
The Society was asked to clothe a girl
seven years old as the allocation for
this year. Miss Pope, representing
the Sailor and Marine Mission, was
present and spoke on the work. Mrs.
Keith McLean took the devotiorual part
of the meeting., Hymn 388 was sung
and Mrs. White read the Scripture
lesson and Ma -s. J. J. Cluff gave the
prayer from the Glad Tidings. MTs.
H. Stewart read the study book for
the month and the meeting closed by
all repeating the Lord's Prayer in uni-
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. -- A
very encouraging meeting of the Bar-
baxa Kirkman Auxiliary of First
Presbyterian Church Was held on
Tuesday evening, January 2'7th. It
was very gratifying to have the mem-
bers turn out and take the interest
that was shown at this meeting. Mks.
H. J. Gribsan was in the chair, while
MISS Belie Campbell presided: over
the bti'sine5. IVIrsti.:R. S. Ev'ane read
the Scripture lesson from the 1st
Psalm, which Was followed with
payer by- Mrs. W. R. Plant.. One of
the interesting features of the pro -
grain • , they pr�etteeldtiilg b4 twolife.
'i'eibfbel ipa Vis, rl mee MN
ad M '1 t i dl,litts, Robert
Mail and Empire Says Art Forbes
is an Audible Curler.—In bowling or
curling you will often hear the re-
mark: "Now we have him in the lath
hole." This is vastly different from
the 19th hole in golf. The former is
supposed to be a hoodoo, while the
la'.tcr you pay at your own discre-
tion. Yesterday in the district cup 1 Medal Winner " 7th Heaven
play at Toronto Victoria, Tom Smith
of the Granites got in the 13th hole,
but he was so far in front that ne
attention was paid to the jinx number.
His opponent had only scored two
shots at the time. Then something
happened, and before Smith had scor-
ed again, his opponent had tied him,
the game ending in a tie 18 to 18.
You've heard of the silvery tones of
Dr. Wylie, the Eskimo cry of Percy
Atkinson and the battle cry of Joe
Whitemore, but for continued yelling,
Art Forbes of Lakeview takes the
cake. He skipped the other Lakeview
rink against Granites and was like a
kid with a new toy. One of the rea-
supposed tohave taken the rink, but PRINCESS
sons was that Austin Forsythe was
was unable to get away, and Art, the
original vice, moved up. Imside in-
formation has it that Albert E. Drym-
ent, president of the Ontario Jockey
Club, the opposing skip and Bill Gray THE tang
his vice -skip, developed ear trouble
before the game was over. • Art
Forbes is a product of Seaforth. He
stands over six feet and weighs well
over 200, and is as good natured as
they make. them. I,n his younger
days he was quite a hockey player.
Wihat's more, he played in a league
where they carried their sticks high
and asked no quarter; for he was one
of the defence players for the Hough-
ton Michigan, team, in, the days that
the late Hod Stuart, Pitre, Laviolette,
Roy Brown and others were drawing
down good money. Calumet, Michi-
gan Soo and' Canadian Soo were the
other clubs in the league, and if you
think seine of the present -'day games
are reuga you ghhatd ago seen one FILLED COFFEE. RING
of the games in that league. — Mail
and Empire, Jan. 2Sth.
Read MacTavisb
Fur Sale Adv.
on page 5.
ents last week, at the early age of 18
years. He had been in ill health for
the past year.
Mrs. George Eaton spent a flew
days with friends in Walton.
Mr. John Campbell is able to be
around again after being confined to
his bed nursing a few broken ribs,
caused by his horse hunning away.
Mr. Percy Little is spending a few
days in Toronto with his brother, Dr.
Oliver Little.
Mrs. Archie Scott, of Ottawa, spent
a few days last week with relatives
and friends here.
Mr. and Mrrs. F. G. Neelin left or.
Friday for Florida, where they will
spend the balance of the winter.
Mrs. Harvey Mason and daughter,
Featured player in the Gold
A romantic story by the side of the
Zuyder Zee.
Yes, we make FILLED COFFEE
(RING that the "Three Bakers'
described Monday refight on the
radio. A delightful treat for
breakfast --a tasty change of des-
seet .at lunch or supper—a de-
licious snack at any timel Our
pecially delectable ,flaky Bake
filled with candied fruits and
spices. All .this week we are
making it our special feature. Be
sure to get one!
Egmondville. -- The Egmondville
Church had a family gathering of
the eetugregatio'n at their annual nieet-
ing. Oyer 17$ flat down rte a dielieleue
hot dinner axil th was served by the
member's of the it`.P.SS During the
dinner hour Nibs. 'Tyndall and Miss
Nett entertained with 'pines, numbers
and led in sortie songs. When the
edligregatien 00obld'l 01 t church.
Raked by
Seaforth Bakery
(Mrs. R. Clark returned from Lis-
towel on Monday last after spending
two weeks with her son, Clarence
Clark. Friends will be glad to know
that Mrs. 'Clarence Clark is improv-
ing after her serious illness.
Mr. Bert Hemingway visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Britton on
Tuesday of this, week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams spent
Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mfrs.
Charles Parsons, of Harlock.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Fowler, of the
Huron Road, visited' IMr. and Mrs. Ed.
Britton on Sunday last.
The Ladies' Aid of 'Constance
Church held their meeting one week
earlier this month. The president op-
ened the meeting with Hymn 151. The
roll call was taken and the program
continued. The business was discuss-
ed and the minutes read and' adopted.
Hymn 389 was then sung. The presi-
dent asked Mra. Robert Rogerson to
close the meeting, which she did in
the usual way. The ladies thought
that it would be best to have a Valen-
tine social and seeing that the 14th of.
February comes on Saturday, the so-
cial will be held on the 14th of Febru-
ary. Don't forget the date. Every-
body welcome.
Mrs. A. G. Smith and daughter,
Edith, of Toronto, visited friends in!,
town last week.
Dr. Brebner, for thirty years reg-
istrar of Toronto University, and 'Mr.
H. 1. Troyer; will be chief speakers
at the open literary meeting to be
held in the town hall on Friday, Jan-
uary 30th.
The Acme Gas and Oil Go., Limited,
of Toronto, have already leased about
2,000 acres in this district. The term
of the lease is for twenty years or
so long afterwards as gas or oil are
produced in paying quantities, pro-
vided drilling is commenced in two
years. The owner of the land upon
whose property a flow is struck, will
receive one-eighth of all oil pa educ-
ed. In conversation with MT. Mc-
Vittie, he felt confident that there was
oil in this district, and also staked
that e.o stock would be sold, as the
company finances themselves.. A well,
he estimated, would, cost about $20,000
to drill. At the present time this
company is drilling at Mabris Corn-
ers, near Tillsonburg.
A great number of people have the
flu or cold that is going, last week
being the coldest of the season.
W. A. CItIGH, Proprietor
Phone 84
Listen to the "Three Bain', Co-
In mbia Broadtlat'blfg 'Systealu, Monday
eitenings, at 0' 'Oka,
uneral will take place on Friday td
the Evangelical Church and interment
will be made in the Evangelical cem-
etery of this place. She is survived
by four sons, Charles and Ezra, on
the homestead, and Samuel and Daniel
Of this place, and three daughters,
Mrs. George Reggie, of Grey town,
Mrs. George Hoegy, of Grey town-
ship, and Mrs. Henry• Koehler of this
place, who have the sympathy of the
community in this their hour of sad
The annual meeting of the share-
holders of the Workman Public Hall
was held en Tuesday afternoon. J.
M. Govenlock, of Seaforth, occupied
the chair, as president.
Miss Annie Ferguson, of Seaforth,
was a guest at the home of Mrs. Wil-
liam Neal this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Doods, of Lis-
towel, and Miss Reta Campbell, of
McKillop, spent Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Humphries.
IMrrs. Charles Drager is in Preston
visiting her son, Ritchie Drager.
Mrs. Hoerle and Miss Ruth Hoerle,
of Heidelburg, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Sellers.
Quite a large number of men and
boys of Walton and vicinity held a
meeting in the Workman Public Hall
on Tuesday night for the purpose of
organizing a football team, Charles
Sellers occupied' the chair. Joseph
Carter was elected president; Fred
Rutledge;„ secretary -treasurer; Chas.
Sellers, convener of the grounds com-
Peter B. Gardiner is in Toronto this
Daniel Steiss, who spent the past
couple of months in the West, return-
ed home this week.
The' Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. will
meet .at the home of Mist Robert Mc-
Clure on Wednesday, February 4th.
'MT. and Mrs. 'Sol Shannon attend-
ed the funeral .of Mrs. Shannon's
cousin, Miss Ethel Hoggarth, of Sea -
forth, .on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Adam Dodds, of Lis-
towel, spent the week end with rela-
tives here.
Miss Anne Geddes, of Beiigrave, is
spending a few, days with herr sister,
Mrs. Joseph Libtle.
We were sorry to learn of the dearth
of Mfr. Jack Souter, of .Seaforth, which
took place last Sunday morning in
the Seaforth Memorial Hospital. We
extend out deepest sympathy to those
'vvho arm lift (*Mourn.
Don't forget the euchre .and; dance
to be held in the hall ,on. Friday eve-
ning, lermar r 80tti.
W0• extend out .sympathy to Mk,
and Mfrs. 1 Try (Mara and family in
the death et their tort, 'nfred, who
patted away at the heater of bia par.
The annual meeting of North Side
United Church held, last week, wee
largely attended and the reports were
of a very satisfactory character. The
year was declared by some of the
older officials as ,being the best in
many years.
It was gratifying to note that the
treasurer of the local funds reported
all debts paid and a balance of oven,
$400 on the right side of the ledger.
For the Missionary and Maintenance
Fund and) other benevolences, the sum
of $2,647 was raised, • while the Wo-
men's Missionary Society, C. G. I. T.,
and Mission Band have forwarded
$987 to the Presbyterial Treasurer.
The Ladies' Aid Society raised dur-
ing the year $545, and have over
$1,000 to their credit'in the bank. The
reports of the various departments
of the Sunday School showed increas-
ed interesta total of $581 being rais-
ed. The Y. P. League and Sunday
School contributed $185 to the Miis-
sionary and Maintenance Fund.
A hearty vote of appreciation was
tendered all leaders and workers for
their co-operation in the .success of
the year.
The pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, re-
ceived a cordial invitation to remain
another year, a standing vote indi-
cating the concurrence of the meet-
At the close of the business pro-
ceedings, a social hour was enjoyed,
a lunch being served by the Ladies'
Aid Society.
Conscious of need of Divine guid-
ance, the congregation looks forward
to "a better than has ,been."
W. M. S. and Ladies' Aide— The
regular monthly meeting of the W. M.
S. and Ladies' Aid was held at "Pleas-
ant Point," the home of Mrs. Chester
Henderson, on Wednesday, January
21st. The meeting opened with Mrs.
Ivy Henderson in the chair. Hymn
419 was sung, followed by the Scrip-
ture lesson which was read by Helen
Beattie. Mrs. Shannon led in prayer.
The topic on "Japan" was taken by
Mrs. J. Henderson. Mrs. J. Gordon
read a fine poem. A solo that was
much enjoyed was sung by Mrs. Rus-
sel Dorrance. Ruth Gordon read a
leaflet. Mrs. W. F. Smith offered
prayer and the meeting closed with
a hymn and all repeating the Lord's
prayer. Mrs. Percy 'Smith offered
her home for the next meeting. A
dainty lunch was served by the hos-
tess. There was a good attendance
despite the day being cold and stormy.
Death of Mrs.. Re•gele.—The death
occurred on Wednesday morning, Jan-
uary 28th, of one of the oldest resi-
dents of this vicinity, in the person
of Mrs. Christian Regele, in her 87th
year. She was born in Germany,
coming to Canada when she was two
years of age. She lived in Ellice
township until her marriage sixty-six
years ago when she came to the farm
where she died'. Her husband died
eighteen years ago. She leaves to
mourn :her loss, four sons and three
daughters: Charles on the home-
stead; Daniel, Samuel and Ezra, of
McKillop; Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Mc-
Killop; Mrs. John Kuehne, Ellice. Tp.,
and Mrs. George Hoegy., of Grey Tp.
There are ,nineteen grandchildren and
thirty-one great grandchildren, and
one sister, Mrs. August Eggert, of
Restock. She was a staunch member
of the Evangelical Church since her
youth. She was a pioneer of this dis-
trict and when she came here it was
all bush. The funeral was held on
Friday to the Evangelical cemetery in
McKillop. Rev. J. L. Gross was the
The following is the report of In=
speetor J. M. Field on the Seaforth
Public School:
The Puiblit School Board,
Seaforth, Ont.
Gentlemen: I visited your school
during the week beginning November
12th and the week following and spent
three days in its inspection.
The general oversight and manage-
ment of the school is excellent; the
teaching is of a high order; the staff
work harmoniously together, and are
keenly interested in the progress of
their classes.
There is no retardation in any of
the classes: many schools require four
years before reaching the Third Form.
It is accomplished in yours in three.
This partly due to the excellent pre-
liminary training the pupils receive
in the Kindergarten and partly to the
quality of the work done by the
teachers of the lower classes.
I have listened with pleasure ore to
the instruction given in music; you
arc also to •be congratulated in hav-
ing ministers in your town who are
keeping in touch with the school chil
The new system of grants, I regret
to say, will not prove as advantageous
to your school as the former. They
are based en the percentage that the
t 1 1 b to the alized
ota sa arses ear a equ
assessment. After deducting the as-
sessnient of the Separate school sup-
porters, yours will work out as fol-
lows: 7800 multiplied by 1,000, (livid. -
The Late Wilfred O'Hara. — The',ed by 767.483 equals ,111 • mills.
funeral of the late Wilfred O'Hara When the hill rate is between 9
was largely attended last Saturday, and 12, the grant is 20 per cent. of
the salaries, which amounts to $1,660;
there is also a grant of $1.00 per
pupil, or about $180; this is about
$620 less than the amount received
the previous year. There is no grant
now in urban schools on equipment
and 'accommodations or certificates.
The attendance is excellent --there
is no school in the Inspectorate with
less irregularity.
Heating and - sweepin'g are satisfac-
tory; there is room for improvement
an the dusting.
(Single seats are advisable; this can
be, done gradually—,a room each year
—without Making the expenses bur-
although the weather was so inclem-
ent. The remains were taken to St.
Columban Church, where Requiem
High Mass was celebrated by Rev.
Father Dantzer, and from thence to
St. Columban Cemetery, where all
that was mortal was laid to rest.
Those from a distance were: Mr. W.
J. McKay, from Timmins, Ont.; Mr.
John O'Hara, from Clinton, and sis-
ter, IM;artha, from Stratford. The
pallbearers were Messrs. Joe Mc-
LoughlinStephen Murray, Vincent
Eckert, 'Hubert Johieton;, Joe Ryan
and Lewis Duffy. He is survived by
his parents and one brother, Gerald,
and one sister, Helen, who have the
sympathy of the community in this
their hour of sad affliction.
The nvany friends of Mrs. Peter
Eckert 'tire pleased to learn she is pro-
gressing rapidly from the burns she
sustained firom the lamp enplosiom
last week.
The sad news was flashed through
our burg last Wednesday, the 288th
inst., of phe of out' last rpioneers, Mks.
Christian Regele, in her 85th year.
She had not enjoyed the best of health
bf date -but the e'tid eine unexpect-
edly, 'tie Was akind mother and a
person iof a'genial disposition, and
'Was ''broad by all who knit, her. The
Yours respectfully,
At the organization meeting of the
Public 'School Board held en Wednes-
day ,of last week, the following of-
ficers were elected: Chairman, J. C.
Laing; Secretary -Treasurer, M. Mc-
Kellar; Property Committee, R. Archi-
bald, C. Holmes, F. W. Wig; Supply
Committee, J. C. Laing, Robert Joynt„
M. 'McKellar; Truant Officer, Chief W.
G. W. Pea. Mir. C. A. Earlier 'wag
reappointed to the 'Collegiate Insti
tute .Boar' and Mr, John Finlayson
to the /library Board.