HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-01-30, Page 7� , f, - �In -i,g,�gx ­fq 11,p­,�"11111 PI, �­, ", , , ,,�, . - ; 1 � i,,,,,,W',� ,;� 2 ,� �1 � ,,,,,, , `��,�i".�! � I , :,,1,�1'Jf,, - I.. '' �� ", 'i " 71,!� 11 ", ,:. , il, " ,1,�,,���!,�i��,�,,',,�,�',,,�,���I " . !�:,�,�',, �;,',!�, � � , ::,�.�� I 1, . , tllll-"�,$Z,11�-11. 1, I . I , �., �,.: ;. . � ,; . L � "" , 1�' � ,,,, , , � , � , i , '. . , , , , ," :` .� 1, I � �� ,,,��i,��,�'�',�"";)I.�l�'t�',�7.",.����I , . I 1p�. , , I ei � ,:.w -�Ov',3� 1 1 , . I I .:".,! - -%,5'r.. ", . - .1 I - i� , ': ,::f'.,- � ,."� �:,!,� , �', ­�� , :, ` . s I , , . � .. I 1. ;,� I , .1 �. `;1 - 1, � , I I 1.1111.1 . I .. - ; . I :., � "I .( � I", % , gal , I : ;i. � , . -;;. , � ,���� �0 ­­­,, ,,,� I . . .0 I I �:'4,.��;�. �r .. i ,, " I , 1;�,�­ I �. t� I 1 - 93 - ? ` � , . ,�' �, I '... I i , I " - .1 -1­1f,7�77fF, �,7 1 . I I . 1. UPTURE SPECI LIST 1.0 � I : . ',' " . . ,..,. , -,7-., -1 I � , , ­� � , i'� -4 .. � I I I ly - �la V " VeJ �', N -p. urp, VaTicoMe, V Use. ,2� � - , ns, ! . . � ... I I , , , in, -Toakn,-A -- I , A§4, Inal Weakness-, nal Deform� � ! ­ � Consultation free. Caii or ,' wxjw. J. G. S-MITH,.British Appli- =Specialists., 15 Downie St., 4tra . t- , Out. 82"-52 1 1 I., N V 1� , I'll , . I el ) � .. � . LEGAL I . Phone No. 91 I 'JOHN J. HUGGARD * Barrister, Solicitor, NOtaTy Public, Etc - Beattie Block - - Seafarth, Out. , � - - R. S. RAYS I Barrister, Solicitor, CAmveyancer and Notary Publie, Solicitor for the Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the Dominion Bank, Seafarth. Money to 10". - , Barristers, ,Solicitors, Conveyan- em -and Notaries Public, Fite. Office in the Ed -go Building, opposite The Expositor Office. . I VETERINARY - � - JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All disease of domestic i aramals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- erinaTy Dentistry -a specialty. Office and residence on Goderielt Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea - forth. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University ,of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most ,modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, lHensall, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. � ­ . � '. - . . MEDICAL . DR. E. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. late assistant New York Ophthal- tnei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye,and ,Golden Square Throat Hx>s- pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Haitel, Seaforth, third Monday in each month, from 11 a.m,. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western, Ontario, Lon- dom Member of College of Physic- ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office In Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. DR. R. P. 1. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London. -Memiber,of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Offi-ce 2 dGoTs east of post offi,ce. Phone 56, Ilensall. Ontario. 300,4-:R DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late EXteTn Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence Istely occupied by Mrs. Parsons. - I Hours: 9 to 1W a.m., 6 to 7 P.m., Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 . DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, east of the .United 'Church, Sea- t forth Phone 46. -Coroner for 4ffie County of Huron. . I DR. C. MACKAY C. ,Mackay, honiar graduate� of Trin- Ry University, and gold medalist of Trinity Medical- Co4lege; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. I DR. H. HUGH ROSS - Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Pass graduate courses in Cluago Clinical School of Chicago; h1halmis Hospital, London, !jalu'E'd�! University Hospital, Lon - gland. Office -Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth, Phone No. 5. 1 Night calls ans*ered from. residence, ,Victoria Street, SeAdorth. � --' N Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ft, Chicago, 111. ,Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office �ver SdIls' Hardware, Main St, 0 Seeortb. Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECHELY Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. . Smfth�s Grocery, Main St:rect, Sea- 1 forth. Phones: Office, 18,5W; resi- dence, 185 J. I � � CONSULTING ENGINEER ,S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Tor.), O.L.S., Registered Professional En- , gineer and, Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Institute of Can- ada. Office, Seafarth, Ontario. I- I I . ; AUCTIONEERS THOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the counties of Huron and, Perth. Corresponden'co arrangements fo,r sale dates can -he made by calling The Expositor Office Sea.forth. Charges moderate, an� satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 302. 1 � I I OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School for Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate - ebandise and Farm Sailes. Wein keeping with Prevailing market. Sat- Waction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Xlopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone: 13-93. 2866-52 R. T. LUKER licensed auctioneer for the County of. Ht�ron. Sales attended o in all parts of the county. Seven YOUTW ex- perience in Manitoba and Saskatehe- wan. Torths, reasonable. Phone No. 1,78 i 11, Exetex, Centralia P.O., RA No. 1. Ordpre Idt At The Huron Et- pos#q Of5do, Ses"k,'prompay. at- � - �W&d #A` . .­... ­-:��afixkfl A Story of the Great Cowb . oy West , By LUKE ALLAN I . ('Continued from last week) er almost as well as you shoot." he assured her. In theMounted Police she found an "I wish," appealed the aunt, when unexpected congeniality. Men of they were in, -the room above "that birth, many of them, and all of them you could convince her how unlady- overflowing with the tastes that grow like these things are." from education, their clean-souled "I'm afraid," be sighed "that my sense of duty and the ease with which word would have little vVeight. Miss they retained their wider interest in Parsons has evidently made up her life and learning with a never -failing mind to be a cowgirl -or perhaps study, to her. Constable Mahon, the sheFs going to join the Police." youngster of the local division, was The older woman tittered, and Heli - her first friend among them. The shy- en disappeared into the kitchen to ly v�orded inv�tation to, visit their wash her hands. ranch, that he had brought from the "When you two have threshed out . 'rancher relatives whose eighteen this momentous problem," she called years -of comparative isolation an the back, "perhaps Constable Mahon will ranges near the Cypress Hills had give me the latest gossip from the almost cut them off, from their f riends ranges. The monthly editiop of the back East, had, vividly impressed on Cypress Hills social notes has no time her his boyishly frank enthusiasms to direct his attention to events in a and his respectful yet ,dignified court- town with two weekly papers." esies to her sex. They ran over lightly then the ev- Not upristurally she bad noticed, ents of town. and prairie of the weeks too, the fair, curly hair of the mes- since he 'had been in town -the latest senger, hi expressive face and clear industry promised Medicine Hat, the eye. Any on that first memorable injury to a cowboy thrown from his visit to the , 3 -bar -Y ranch-4rom horse, a case of petty thieving in a which she re7turned- profoundly en-' small farming section, on the Gros vious of her younger cousin Mir&- Ventre, a now railway station an - she was pleased to meet him many nounced for a i4ii-shroorn village� es - times again. In his frank way he tablishing itself �n the prairie three had told her the story of the mother miles east of Medicine Hat. He found back in England, left with a mite on himself wondering why the tragic in - which to rear a restless and ambitious eident ,of -only three days ago had young son. With the sympathy ,of not been mentioned sooner. one who un-derst6od she had followed "We'll. get him yet," he fumed. "It his sketch of the struggle to obtain isn't just a case of rustling now; the education 'his father had planned surely the Montana authorities will for him without leaving the funds for help us at last! . . . . It's that carrying it out. And with a curious maze of hills that foils u,s. If we eagerness that sometimes puzzled her, only had force enough to search them S4be -had attempted to provide him with out as we know the prairie, we could some of the mental stimulus for which do something. The Inspector has s she saw lip was in almost physical promised me a chance. some, day -un - need. less we get them soon." To her. as to Mahon, their intimacy "It would be very dangerous for a seemed nothing more, than the appeal Policeman to roam in there alone, of kindred interests in the midst of wouldnFt it?" she asked after a mom - mental isolation. Her plentiful lei. ent's silence. "Even if he knew ev- sure she spent in reading books and cry foot ,of it." And when, he, laugh - magazines s,he knew he would enjoy ed. she went on. "Especially danger - discussing, and later she took The ous now. Dutch Henry and the other Times, in the belief that the best in rustlers know what is in store for him would be fostered and developed them. Mey'll shoot to kill. They by a continual mental association have all the advantage in the Hills." ' with his e�rly days in England. Al- "You forget the psychology of the ways he visited her on his, flyin,, trips uniform," he laughed. to Head�uarters; often, she saw more She shook her head. "It's one or of him though seldom alone, while the things I admire most about the visiting her cousins. For Helen wast- Mounted Rolice-and one of the eas- ed no time or efforts in seizing op- ie-st to understand, when one, knows portunities for emulating the outdoor the quality of the -personnel and the skill of her cousin Mira. tradition of honour behind you . . . . Mahon made straight from the In- Oh, nothing personal," she added with spector for the Esplanade, on which a hasty laugh, as he bowed acknowl- ived, Medicine 'Hat's four-bundred. edgment of -her compliment. "At any The Parsons' house was almost the rate, psychology will not stop a bul- last on the street, where, it ,began to let." lose its definition before the free "We're here to take risks like that," prairie just over the hill. Like all he smiled. "Cut out the risks, and but two, of its fellows on the street, most of us would resign to -morrow. he house was frame, rather .gaudily Anyway we're going to get Dutch painted as an offset to the drabness Henry's ,,Yang. It will mean lots of of the prairie and the Insignificant riding�aiid some shootdng, I suppose. shade cast -by the clvic trees not yet But the sport of it -the excitement!" arrived at a useful size. She saw the gleam of anticipation As he swung the gate shut beh-ind in his youthful face and frowned. him he fancied he heard a muffled re- "You're only a boy, yet. No won - port from the house, and as he stood der they call you Boy!" on the front step awaiting admission, '"Let's hope the Boy will ride; in the report carne again, this time plain some day with Dutch Henry -or his enough to his e.xperienced ears. So scalp." He gathered up his Stetson that when a grey-haired woman, the and gauntlets. "I'll have a big story aunt, opened the door, he stepped in- then to tell you. He'll come back- side 'hurriedly. we know that. Rustling, like gambl- "What wasthat?" And he answer- ing, is too hard for most men to stop. ed himself. "Who's using a re,volv- By the way. III probably be out at .? F1 er . the Stantons, within the next few The aunt threw her hands up help- days. Any message?" essly. "Only Helen doing things She reflected. with those.horrible firearms in the "Tell Mira," she said suddenly, cellar again. Goodness knows I've "that I'm coming -out for a long visit tried to make her see that these very soon . . . ­ in a day or two things shooting. galloping about and . . . . perbaps I'll -go to-m�or- throwing a rope -aren't accomplish- row." ments a lady should have. S,he keeps "Helen Parsons," protested her on- 1) aunt, "you're not going away -out Mahon made- for the cellar door. there again so soon! You never said Opening it noiselessly, he had des- a word about it to me. There's all cended two steps when an explosion, tbe�" startling in the confined, space made But Helen only waved a laughing him stumble. He stooped instinctive- hand and closed the door after Ma- ly to see the target -a row of nails hon. n a post, three of them driven in by bullets. With -surprise 'his eye mea- sured the distance to the markswo- man -ten yards at least. CHAPTER VI "Don't you know better by this time, BLUE PETE'S -STRATEGY auntie, than to come down here While I'm practising?" laughed the girl. In the cool brilliance of early eve - 'Some day you'll fall and spoil my ning ten days later, Corporal Mahon, aim. " too mentally occupied these day" � "�hat would be a sliame," he said be unduly proud of 'his new Stfipes, tersely. rode out from the Post. The Inspec- She did not exclaim or start -but tor wanted Blue Pete at last, and in the revolver fell from her fingers a hUTry, Something grim lay behind with a clatter. "You!" she, murmured it, and his errand assumed the ser - in confusion. iousness ,of an ,arrest. I "It would be impudence," he said, He was not happy. With the order "to remind such a shot that dropping had come, blie depressing news that - 32 on a cenient floor is not gener- Sergeant Denton's condition had not ally considered a game for girls to materially improved. For days he p lay. 11 had been hovering on the -brink of " Both were accidents," she laugh- death, The bullet bad not only shat - ed., "I don't -shoot like that often." tered 'his thigh, but entered ,his ajbd,o- He, saw the marks of scores of bul- men, and the loss of blood would have lets in the stoine wall. "Will you tell ended before this the career of any me what it all means'? It is th6 man with a less clean and ,wholesome newest addition to ithe, unexpected." record. The doctors feared -now that She stopped to collect the remains there was only one hope, an opera - of a box of cartridges and kicked the tion., but the chances of success were empty ones under a work -'bench. so remote as to postpone it except to "It's only a dilettante at anaher forestall death itself. prairie art," She returned lightly. The grief of it recalled that other "I'm jealou's of Mira. But you may sorrow --the escape of Dutch Henry. contemplate my idle sport without For three days three of them had fear. I'll never make, a shot." scoured the ,borders of the M119. and ,"Your mode�sity is unc,on1vincing'," for ten days the prairie to the south he said, feeling the ends of the nails. had been patrolled night land day, "Besides I have already seen you be- though even In ther short ,western come a rider-" night a dozen Policemen could not be "Just so-so." certain that the rustler did not elude 0 -and an outdoor girl of surpris- them. At last they had been. forced ing ability", to the conclusion that the outlaw bad 1$'h6 statted, up the steps. "I don!t rva,ched the Badlands. But they -knew Ince, horo,ag," she threw down to him. he would return-4heY always did. "I'lin frightened of firearms and I'm Mars, moved along the indefinite geored to death of cattle. And them's trail without guidance --he had' travel- litt1b, 41ft in the 'West outdoors." led that way tod`oftent not to khoW ly furtho dcto,,�.,X,04 ,`��: a , 't ther . : loy threp''4440", 1.44A4, -411's, were scattered, withoat app,aren t,me,th, - and -a, W d, * '' '' ,� '.m��"JV:.4 I , , � , �, o thi**� * , g -,!�i -f W - - I %�U� od. r'', , , Even the four oam. s which 0 - .think i re'al l"y, :A.."-1 �� -,w- ­ J, , .,., � 00"''p,''. , ed the rest of the. fralley were sur- 104t'sh , want's t4-- '..'wo. ,f. a'Ar'brga . - .1 * a ., , ,. , rounded by twisted,'dilspidated felie, fa# she'i, 41F. to the Hills or", POMP, - os -that added to the ugliness of the where and ,96�� -n4 -often back, $111 . scene. A slow­moving,� -girl, squ#To dairk h nisl i,6 4o , . ,, W. qu -there ain't thi . and unkempt, was stripping a clothes here I go with her.. It's lovAy 14 tbe line near the ranch -house. Mahon Hills these days, so' coal and dark, And shuddered at the wretchedness of it Helen ,,knows the, protty plaeci� 'al. . all. ready." ' And then the rwhole secme altered. Mahon, recalled his errand. , The door of the ranch house opened -"Is Blue Pete around?" I r ut, four Slip swung -to him suddenly without huge Russian wolfhounds crowding answering for a ,moment. her heels. Malum sat,watching her "Don't know. Likely out on. the lithe gambols. as she held out hcr range. Want to see him? Gret!" hand 'to a bounding dog and whirled The clums3r girl turned from ,the to interpose her body against the rush clothes line and lumbered up. "See tha� followed, the tinkle of her heart- if Pete's in the bbuk-house.,F free, laughter making even the lazy The harshness.of the command jar- gervant stop to look. But at sight red Mahan, but the servant did as of the rider against, the ,skyline the she was 'bid without a word. Two girl stiffened. For a second or two men came from the bunk -house, a she returned his stare. and then re- face hard and weather-beaten from entered the ranch -house. riding in every weather, and a stern- ,MahonFs eyes wrinkled in specula- ness, about his mouth that seemed, to tion. ,,Many a time he had been puz- defy anything like ,a smile. The lat- zled by such trivial happenings at ter strode forward in long, firm steps, the 3 -bar -Y -ranch. He had advanced the -grimness of him accentuated by but a few yards when a man emerg- the tightly buttoned collarless shirt. ed from the -ranch-house and withou4- "Heflo, Joe Pete! Everybody jak- ' looking up disappeared into the sen.- Ing a holiday?" .. ond largest building fifty yards away, Joe 'Stanton's lips twitched in what Almost immediately -tw�o men came was to him probably a smile. "Did out and sauntered off towards the you hope there'd be only women about corrals. The sudden ,burst of move- the place?" ment abo,ut the ranch puzzled Mahon The crude suggestion angered Ma - the more. As he drew up before the hon. door the girl reappeared moving out "From -what Mira hinted I thought to him slowly, almost shyly, followed you'd -surely be out doing the work in state by the wolf�hounda. Mahon the Police have failed. at -guarding slipped from his horse, hat in band, your herds." and met her eagerly. Joe Stanton glanced quickly at "I was in -hopes you needed the Po- Mira, who laughed awkwardly. The lice," he banter&d, after a long look half -'breed was watching furtively. at -her bent head. "From where I And Mahon had that old sense of was it had all the appearance of a mystery that irritated while it puzzled desperate struggle. I thought - I him. hoped you might need me." "We're hoping for a new man on .He did not know which be liked the divisibn soGn," he went on. "We -re best in Mira, these strange moments going to make it hot for the rustlers." of sbyness, or other moods of cold Joe sniffed. "One expects to lose and repelling indifference which he a calf or a stupid dogie, now and sometimes saw in her. But always then. We ain't complaining. * Us be succumbed to the charm of her ranchers should be able to do some. beauty and grace, to the scarcely ad- thing for ourselves -and not go blat- mitted evidence that she was always ting to the Police about every little conscious of his presence. thing." Her eyes- shifted nervously towards "Your sister thinks-" the corrals, but the woman in her "Mira looks for more than t-bose conquered whatever was in her mind, most interested." the brother jerked. and her lips pouted in an utterly "Yes, we haven't heard a word from ferndfiine way. the 3 -bar -Y ranch for months," said "The Police have too big an opbi- Mahon, carelessly, rubbing his horse's ion -of tbeirselves." she said. .., neck. "The rustlers seem to be pass� "The Policeman who is lucky enough ing You up." to be on hand when you really need "Oh we've lost a few," -replied the him might well feel big." rancher hastily, "but you n-Aght, as At the half -serious thread in his well try to stop the sun as every bh banter her hand dropped ng in a cattle country." of the nearest dog, which nestled "An expert like Blue Pete should closer to her side, nuzzling for her be some help." Somehow Mahon caresses. '..new he should not have said it --4t "I'd rather have ' these. I under- was like a breach . of confidence, stand them better." though he could not figu-re it out until " ' "You give them more opportunity." the 'events- of the next few hour, He saw where he was drifting and threw a new light on it. Brother and altered his tone. "We're busy enough ,sister turned their eyes on the half - but never too busy to keep an eye breed, -who dropped his head. on the few women on the ranges." "You're to come in to the barracks, "And It doesn't make no difference Pete," he ordered. "The Inspector -any difference who they are." She wants you." had, started with an emotion that un- An indefinite constraint fell orL the accountably disturbed him, but at the group. Mira and Joe were sfernly grammatical slip her face flushed and searching ,the half4oreed's confused the end came weakly, stammeringly. face. The latter cursed under h -is "Are you learning -teaching other breath and expectorated impudently. women, too, the fight way to say "Tell th' Inspecto,r to go to py ' things?" I He caught himself in time, covering He did not understand her mood. It his mouth with his hand and looking was one of his self-imposed duties- in embarrassment at Mira. never anything but a pleasure,, ii1deed But the girPs eyes were anything -to lead her gently into forms of but shocked, and the grimness in her , speech that jarred less on his sensi- brother's face lifted. Mahon, start- tive car than those common to the led by the unexpected turn. wa's flush - workaday prairie. Part of -her naive ing to the quick anger of a. defied appeal to I -Lim was her desire for Police order whe another figure ap- ' some of the advantages denied 'her in proached-a man so like Joe Stan - her isolated life, and he had lent him- ton as to leave no doubt as to his id - self to it eagerly. entity. s "Helen don't talk like I do," she Blue -Peter went on, rapidly. had said to him one day. "I don't get "Them's my bosses -Joe and Jim no chance here. There's only the Stanton. I'm paid to work for them." boys, and they've lived here near all Mahon's anger blazed. It was not their lives, and the cowboys." only defiance to authority, to the He had, purchased for her in town Inspector, but the unfriendlineu of a the books he thought she might need man he 'had himself discovered and --which she refused to use until he treated as a friend. The, veiled mock - accepted payment�and in their lim- cry in the faces of the two Stantons ited moments together the lessons -even, he imagined, in Mira's--de- were continued, without, Mahon hop- termined his action. ed. anyone else knowing of it. Why "You're coming whether you like the pleasant task was shrouded� in his or not," "he warned, and stepped for - mind with a strange desire for secrecy ward. after the first few lessons, he could But Blue Pete was watching. Leap - never quite work out. Mira had ing back, be covered him with a huge seer��ed to feel that way, and he had re,��olver and almost instantly fired. A fallen in with it. gasp broke from the two brothers. He tried to turn her rem -ark off, Mira tnrew ,herself forward, arms lightly. - outstretched, a stifled cry'on her lips. "I have -only A,ime for one," he She saw Mahon's hand raise wonder - laughed. "And -others would- be so ingly and, half swooning, she reach - wry stupid by comparison." ed towards him. But be was still on "The,reFs lot.- of other work for his fe-et, a ragged 'hole showing in th-� Police," she ,broke in. the tip -of ,his hat. Jt was natural that Dutch Henry's The next few seconds were full of escape should come into his minq and action. Before the ring of the shot he replied stiffly. "We're doing the had died away among the ranch build - best we can, Mira. Don't forget we're ings, the half-4breed's big body burled short-staffed. I've been in the saddle itself across the few yards to Ma - during the past two months double the hon's horse. and almost as his fingers hours expected of us." clutched the -reins Mars was away, "And still we've got to look after Blue Pete bending low over 'his neck, ourselves -mostly . . - . But I looking 'back over his shoulder-wav- suppose there'll always be ru�stling ing his hand. where, there�s cattle," Mahon's revolver and rifle were Looking down on her face hugged with the saddle. He rushed to the in against the dogs-, he was sensitive stal�les and led out ant ugly, yellow - to the beauty of her wild nature as blotched pinto -Whiskers. At the he bad seldom been before. house he paused for a rifle. "Perhaps some day -when we've By this time the sun was low. The got the rustlers -you'll remember shadow from the Hills was flung out there�s, always one Mounted Police- across the prairie, to the east amd man at your call." north as far as he could see, and the She buried her face deeper in the clear air tingled with approaching i neck of the dow. night. 'Far ahead Mars was running "These are my real friends," she well under a master hand, but a few murmured. "Ain't -aren't you, Jupi.. minutes later Mahon was Surprised - ter, and you., Neptune, and Minerva and a bit irritated -to find that the pasised lov- pinto was gaining. In a quarter of ingly -from one to the othe'r. "Pretty an hour be was almost within Shot, names, ain't they? Helen named but the rules of the Service did not them -something from old books. Lots permit it, even bad it been worth the prettier than I'd gijve them first." Hier delay in the growing darkness. Mars face -wag raised to his. did mot seem to be trying, and be dug The rudene,49 of her language made his beels into the Pinto in a race with him wince; he wondered, looking down night. on the beautiful profile , and the Something moved out suddenly curves of her graceful figure, if her through the gloom and ranged along - conversation could ever be brought to side. match her form. This evening she "What is it, Oorporal?" wore two clamouring shades of pink. "Relenill in his surprise the pinto vivid and, terrl,61e, to him; and almost miseed its stride. overpowering as was he,r vitality, "Not-rustle;rs?" . I I , ,,e, - 11 , ln� � �, ;� I �, I I . I I ., , , "!"',." I I . . I I . Ir I.- �, I . . I I I " �,",­­�,,, � , ,,, ,. ­ � . I A% " 1. ' 4� .,:��, � '; ,. , " � � . ­ . .. L . , . . I ":�,, :. ",.,;,�f?' -, ., 1, �. ;4, , ,",L ­,.�,�..�,,�,:­I,,�,.' 11 � ­,�,'�; I , �1^1'111 I 11 ��;, . .. . . .. �� ­�,�,I�',', .1 ., . -?�, � ,,,,,,,, , �,,, ,:�' .1 . " - , , . " r� . ...", I ""I'll", "'�;­�', . ;�, "', - � � " ­­ ­�­ , , ' I . , . � , -� I 1� ,,, ..", ,,,, 1�1, , L, ' ' " L"' 111 . �� ­�1$1­ 116,1',�, �! 1'1�1­.O�,:,��.� r.".� ,­'. '' - 1.11 , ,'.�. � � I , .1, : 1. ,.� ''. I �!­­` f � � r., ., I �,:, .�, , - , ," lii,� ,, ,, ,,�,d , , " .. ­­, . ji, ��, LL , I . . 4 �, ,,,, Mhl'%,;,�, .1, ,,���,;�t���i'C�;'�,��l"",I�;t�� i� 1�1',,, ,,, �, ­11�1 �J !'�,11,�l �P' . , , - � , R" 11 . , I I �,A I i,� ". , . , X, I -, , 11 , , , ; .1 , � "i 1 , ,­ "I A . , , - ,4, .,�,;,,,�� ", , �4" " , , , 4 I I , il 1;.1�11,11 # , " 'a 'q..FV,�'y',X, , � , .... I �, -11: - ;11-11i, -,�,�,�,,�l,��,�,�,�",�",���,��s�"",.�,�,�",�4,�""�,����", I'Nm ,`Itl�' "".�0, � , I . . . . . I . M 1 ,,,.LL ','� C r . �"A,t�, il ` 01 � , '�J�', � , `�'j')'.�"1�4a *"I",�fyi� LU1,11"=2 - , , � -- A- . - 11 . - . I �,��',����.��,,,����l,,'��,,,'��,,�';��t,I , , i Pi ,� , I tt ,`!�':Iyll I 11 *k' , ," --1-111.- ",­', 11�1 I I ` -.1 , ,!� �,, 1 ,',,,',�';" �, �, """, "! 1�1�� �,'!� " " i � S �, V- � , Xv, � �, ,) ,�� " c ..', I � ,,I - - , ­ - I V�� � "'i ��F�p, "�Z;��,;�,,�!! �� `�(:!, , " . " " L �4 il I I'll 1,'.,��4;i�; , i,����iA';��,�'i,�!�l,",';�i.�,,�',,',,",�";�� 'i �� , � t, '', , , ,��",tii���#,�',',�;��,!,��P.�','�,��'�,?�,."�lt;�� ]��,t,,�� �'�t,:�, ,�,i�,,��;Pg�� ��, , � 1,'!�':,Y'1,11�1,1!�,'.,, `1 0��`l "',�,"'s , 4 , , p�� �"��"'.','q,l,"� -Vn"'.,-Z;;,�i,,�� ��,� �i ��, , , M, 6",'�,,� . , , , LQ � ... .. ... ,� ,ii��6,� , '), ,�", �tnl,�` � P,�gv� ;.-.'�111-"t �,tA"',',ii, .�,�,,,�,�,i,,�,�"""��,�;,,��,,,,�,��,�,.",.,���.,�,�; )� � . X�w .-­­-,,ei­.,.,.. , 1,! 1�; �� . ".r ,FY X, Impliso"Imu", 11, . PT ,-�,,�, A,�r�;� ,%" . 'J , -,�'t",­-,r , ,'-,I� r',�"L� , I , fltl�� ,!'� � I ... i �� �, ... 1117-11, vlft'111. F I-I!+Ir , ,� p , � , J '12� I **,"' li�. IN , ed; at ,�01!v 0.1"y .4,i�� I 11 1. K x�gpct, 4U4 �oftllo"',;,­� , . .. � # & � , ,,, I "'� i ' . ft. , , , A A �") � ,� , 01' � 11 '1� I 1 ��,��' 11�1.. : ' 'th I .. AV­'�;49"'111, , 'I "'M 'M ` ", , �", " head I a epuleo .�n -- - �ay ,,. bou 1. . ffi "1* I � . ,"I , �'N6'110 .1 � - I'll," ��, n ewa, � . 9, I ,� , . 11 .. , , I - I . 1� ­, I I , io,*,,�� -, �:Sr 'I'M N � 1, .., 1� ­­ , " p t ", ,qffn es ,� R; -. . � - I ,.t, . . ­ �ets. If thri 1,'�� A , , "!"l -A %Q , , 0 ... � pe 0 " , ,g� 11.,', W" rui -P."T ��g,, ,,", 'th - = 5 ", . . . llp( . - 44M�t� , -0 " W, T- " %, .1 W-1 I V 'r , ".0, ,"M my, , that the half-breeo IhIM" "t� � I I I � . 40 ,',��. ,�4,�IPISII 1-4101P11M. 'i� 0.71 11 ,, , , ,,� son into a �qul-de�,sae. and --m - 'L �, .-p v "' i, '. ­�, 1. , :, Jy � �,,WVRN, . "o , ,! , Ao",4�1­k i , P k" , ��, ", ,,, # I I , " q ". , . , ", �v ".6 '­ , ", "I'l,', following he cut across, tq*ar',40� I c4m,Akl " i��� ,, , " tt �� � vig"; . "r,17" 0 LL�� ''! other end. But .1 A! M . I appear Mhhonp!ue - Pote:414 r,,0brr,, , f� .A(yPh-=­ pg�-�pqj,��m�,� I � . - 1 '.gz% . � dre w Jin: and !rfod * � I � .. - ! !, , , "' , �� I 1. I., ­,ua ��, I �, % ("M 11 , �, 1- 0 jz;�,;�rd. .. - , - ". . g­A,3qj,J , .terp.;-�pq��,:t%,q pj ,. �� � ,1,4. � �,p I W�, I, I ,111 � , I 111. ,,;, st -dark. �% mino - was ,,Cg e -m, 5,v ,- L�, In.. there it was aTmD (0611111PDXO ,,,, , � ,. ,. � - ,. 11 "I"I . 111P�­­111 k", ,� I c4 bc� po'ne og -, 'il'o.,,,.0 ,wA creeping f*rw4r4 ,carefully w'h t 2' ,.. , R- ... ­ ., ,P , "i" 81 , ,, ,, I - 6. ", I . Al , F� a Peculiar -Whistle whieh he founddif- -,160.. rl -, - ; �;"" I" ed,f­ �� i� ... �'X'�� 1. '44 mm- 00 �4� 4; ficult to locate -brought Whiske-,rsl - �&-- �,; , ,,,, , " . I 1 7 . 0� her lip , ." ,V-�Itit' �.i.,i�-­,,;, , , .ad 14koin$ , " 0"' I 1 M, A a sudden stop. Aild then she � 1. ?4. sank to- ­­�- li .... I.-— .. . and Arare ., Ttnpe,'�Aqt , ' , ,,,, , q,lapa, ..... , .. '. 7 , . ''U .11 ,,,, her knees and rolled over to her. side O-Ae-,af �the,cQ&f1,,0'­.,­ , . ,1� - + � -"��=. L, 4t � 0Q,"-. L , 4 ��' . u. A I - % ",�`.,*,A ". 1 3 , ,,, . IF'' . ,���.. ��` Mahon stepping off. He -knew t6 ral,bxoke, a. Wd #$�]*,' � - 6' - I I � , 'c'' I I'll � � pinto was not winded and twice he �hro loblied �4cxosp, 117�417*ntrn,;�, I . VgA - , i 211 , � , lashed her in vain with, the qui.rt- He ness *1th a shrug � .00f; #e."' I." � I . .61 c I L �1 left her and walked carefully along lihoulders. dndi bego�a,`,06:;col "!,e��111 :: I, , , the ravine, rifle read5r. A familiar and 6 ak. .� "' � ".�;��.;.':'�'L��'�',�"K'-I��l"l�',' 11%�e I 0 , Al" , double whistle, almost the first thing - ,Blue Pete rai�ed.,.%Inisof , , ­I­WP�1,01,�&51.'� N'1� "', LL , - � i. . ),�� -bunk-house afidcvami�i�s,v'.! �?"�,1111, � oted with the holf-breed, made fore the . . ::, �"-"",�",4-0,p"x��.�����,,,,I he conne A; 4 ' I . im curse himself for a fool for the across the yar -, T '' 4' #� ��'11�1�11!rl - . I h d%, , - - , " 'W'',"M I , - -1. , Ae" Im 1-1 I " r pinto rushed past in the darkness. He- -had - �e -I0TW7.W ;6k�:., ..,­� -1- , ;�-,;So<i� ;�­.­�'­. eased, ' *1 , fired -but missed, tried to follow and mittent,clarn , ` , .� .1 ­, ,�, -g fibl" " , " 31ur ,. . h the - �b 11""'i"l- 4 L , fell. And as lie was picking hi . ,,�l ' . ­� � -- ,,.,l V"A mself still for the Moment. , , �,,`v � � , ,.!,� up a tantalizing laugh came back to coyote raised its dismal, , " f zb, him, and he could hear the gallop Of I �,F, broke off suddenly. . In , 11 5", "'Me � I , .. - . �, .,��,�; lf,i],�",�,, .4- 1. r1l", , "� the pinto out on the prairie. As there were only the two of I i'%..R was nothing better to do, he proceed- fal -girl thoughtfully sta - . W�5 " ��,,,*;:,,� ,­-.i,:�'��,, . kr.p,�",'4� j:� �r;"�, ed to tell himself what manner Of the ranch house,and the - ­�r ,�,,�,�6%c,,� ��. , 11.,�� ", k, , I � " ,� fool he was. 'breed moving ,toward her. � I r , `, t - , -L"�""ZPIINI "Corporal Mlahon!" . 11 : ��' , ­.� , , . - �. 1. . Ili ""'IR . 'u"AN , -,­ I I , I , "Axe you lonesorne,"31ise9ll- ­ ,401 , Somehow he did not feel surprised I �. .:,�,"'�,�`�,I'L�g,",` k ' She started. He wis fu -bl­ I— ' , '4 .- �&4L, g.�. I he M 1�;, a " ­,�;-'4 .*it' . AJ- ­ ;�, I � ' "'�'q I", , 8 .snliw that Helen Parsons was there calling ragged Stetsox4 -and, , I,"" , . ''. � ". - . ,. , -,�X.,' �gjt down to him through thi� darkness; his dusky face. . �,, I, I �..�,,. I . I ,; p�g I I , ` I 11�1 , �4-,,' . �­,,, , I � 14",' , "L but ,did touch a chord that responded "I dont think it,.s that,, Pote; but r ....... ,',.',. ��, , Thll�i � . was the anxiety in her tone. If e did want like blazes. to go too,. , ':,� �.",�:*,�;�' stumbled up the sloping bank to hever take me now --and it's such �­ �,�,o., � where &be awaited him. I � AV��41,�)t I'll �E 'sport! All I get from the wolf hunts; I . 1..5111� . , then'L,, � �.,. �, - "You'll think P�m a fine Policeman is . . I . , ,,�, . �, ; . - : T ,, .11.,i� -and with my new stripes," he She pushed the door apen and point. , , . 14.1, I, � �', " I - growled. ed to several grey skins an. the floor,., ;,,,,�' . I I 1 �,- ' ... I" "You had ino chance in this dark- The, hired girl had lit the shaded lamp,. - : ;'� I I .­;'. . ,L,A ness," she reassured him gently. "I and the room looked cozy and, soft., . �,!.Q L 7 1 �Q, �t �,'I'X -I just wanted to tell you here'q your Blue Pete craned his neck to see it all, . � .&I horse. He left it." I ,:".�,";, �. . `�", I a hungry look in -his eyes. I �� .... .. . To Mahon, furious at his second , ,,Come on, in, Pete. It's such a still: . ��",X! 4 � .1�5,;, , . , ,A ,il­ ni '. 1 .1 Failure, it was only insult added to ght-spoolky. I believe I am lone-, I "I � � ,". ­4,'4�, .: , `:,.,Iy�., 11 .. �:F.,J , njury that the half-breed should think some -and Gret js such rotten com-- :, 1, % "" -L , 11, %.M 5o lightly of him --and rifle ,and pis- pany. Come in and let nre learn yoii I ;I�', bol were in their places. He strained .­.�,�, � , ­,:", .. � . : 1, � � this." She tapped her exercise booL �'...";� �is ears in -to the darkness for any The half ,��, _beed grinned uncarnfort&b �, ,,��, , , , I _ . ­'. - wund to justify continuing the pur- ly 1. . 11 '�k.�.�', I - I . I I ',`i, `- "M , 4POR I I .'' ;uit, but he could hear nothing. Hel- ,,I'll,be goin', niiss." . . ­�.��J, . , . :�,,it,�, * . "", , ,, m moved off to the north, and he fol- '111ats, Pete! Come in. You lmow- � , ;'�` I fi,,­ owed. the boys have the run of the house. �111, " � � I �1- At midnight he, was speaking to 'This ain't -no-isn!t no drawing room.- . � , --,;A,, ;he Inspector over the telephone from Besides I want to show off my learxi-- � . � . � i � -, , I Viedicine Lodge. Ing. I'm reading fine now -I think. '. .1, I , , , , , , , , , , , I - "Usten. you darned Idiot!" was his I'm awfully proud to -day. I've start-- I . �`,,,�.�, `1 � .eception. "There are things in this ed a letter to Helen -first I ever wrote- I,".., .. I I -ame you don't yet understand. I'm I used to think I didn't. . .. .1.1,11 ........ ,­�. .1, �Ir � ., ­� lot telling yof all my plans." want any learnimg"---ber voice was ,�,�­ , "But -but I"think I do undef&tand," low and plaintirw­-�Ibutt just to ride- . � ,,I!. . .. , , � , 1�1 A-abon replied, more surprised -never- and rid, and ride . . . . . . I' I , ..'�. �� .. , 1cless than his tone implied. "If should ought to -be a '.boy." ::. , , '.11 �ou had only told me Blue Pete . �":.. I Z, She ,sank into a chair beside the- - . ,:: ",.� , -" , I'll, was table, - resting her cheek in her hand. � � ,;� � - 1 4 "That'll do, th-at'll do!" came hast- "Ever since ma died I%re done a , I �,."!, I I �­ I I ,, ly over the wires. "Fo,rget all about man's. work as well as a woman's- � �, I . . �,.', .t. It was my fault for not telling �ettetr, I guess." She was looking- �,.. ,I- ., I N rou. You don't need to know any- doubtfully about the -room. .1 :.. 11 I . .hing more -not yet, at least," the "You beat anythin' I evef seen," he I I - ;,� I , r �1.1��, nspector finished in the familiar deeltred stoutly. ". L, I ioice of authority. Sbe laughed, and he clutched his. , J 1"... . , "' , I ... - Mahon bung up the receiver -h-at and edged to the door. ;, !i­ .-houglitfully. "How was I to know �­ iis plans?" he asked himsclf alound- (Continued next week.) I I ,� 'I wander bow be came to suspect 1� I 11 . . . . . . . . , I .he ranchers. I CHAPTER VII The slanting rays. of a dying sun �ell across the valley, throwing long ;hadows from each ranch -house. Cold' vas snapping in the air, prophesying .Frost in the coulees. The wind had fropped and the tiny trail of smoke -ose unbent from the ranch -house. From the bunk -house drifted the un- �ertain music ,of an &bused inouth- )rgan, and occasionally a half-word- �d ,song in a voice impatient at the ;ardiness of the indifferent musician. ,From a distant corral came, a plain- ;ive bawling, falling at times to a .-entle moo. Joe Stanton slouched from the ' ,anch-house and stood listening, hands )n hips; and presently his brother joined him. "Hiell of a row for respectable rancliers!" laughed Jim bitterly. The other shrugger his shoulders ind turned back to the open door. "Better be moving." He pulled out i large silver watch. "We've a good I ,bree hours of riding." They reappeared with short jackets Dver their vests and rifles across their shouldeTS, and silently entered the �tables. A 'big, ungainly figure 3tretcbed on the bare ground before the bunk -house rolled lazily over and i pair of unsteady eyes followed them through the stable door. The two brothers, leading out their horsesi. mounted and rode to the ranch -house. At a wh.istle the door opened and Mira appeared with the four wolf- hounds on leasb. "Domml Do,wn!" Joe whistled impatiently and the hounds, released, bounded about the horse. "Back, Neptunel Back Junol" Two -of the dog wbimpered, and trotted slowly back to Mira, where they stood in haughty resignation, watching their fortunate fellows gam- bolling qver the rise after the disup- pea-ring horsemen. The girl reached down and fondled their ears speaking to them.in cooing, gentle Voice. Up on the level of the prairie one of the brothers buttoned[ his jacket more closely about his, neck. "Looks as if it might be June" be muttered, pointing -to a k of &eey cloud close to the horizon. "Like our luck to have a.rains,torm on a big niglit" The other shiver0l. "Feel's like April to me. I don't know whato-s getting into me these nights. I get the shudders. Must ,be getting scar- h n hed out at -the oxetted dog that had leapeA against his 19g. I � I � I I � . . � , , � - . � . . ,,,,,,,,-. , , ,,.��, �...��­�(X ", irlatst� a.m. p.m. Goderich ........... 6.35 2.30 Holmesvillile ........ 6.50 2.46 ' Clinton ............. 6M 2.56 7.12 3.11 S�. Columban ....... 7.18 3.17 Dublin ............. 7.23 3.22, � West. -- Dublin ............. 11.24 9.&'� St. Columban ...... 11.29 . ... Seafo,Tth ........... 11.4a 9.5155 Clinton ............. 11.56 10.0 Holmesville ........ 12.05 10.18 Goderich ........... 12.20 10.85, C. P.- R. TIME TABLE East a.m. . Goderich .................. 6.6,50 rMenget ..................... '.56 McGaw ................... 6.04 ­� Auburn ..................... 6.11 ., I B17th ..................... 6,28 i , Walton.................... 6.* ,� MeNau�ght ................. 6.92 , . I Toronto................... 10" I .� , West I ''I N OL.M . � Toronto .................. 1149. .. .."r 1� ..... *..:, 11AS, ' I .� 1�. . .", 6� " " , ,4,4 Walton ..................... 9.1 ., ,�; I " ��, , , " �11-�21 Blyth .... i ......... ..... 4! 1 %, I �, 1. 11, I Aubi;!� , ............ :..... ,,,,, . *;�, - - . ''.: : .:. ­,; , WOW .....41 ...... 11 ... �4.sl . I , " :, �� . �V� � " �,,�i � , . ­ L ,�, �., �: j��,�, � X671686t .... *.....� ... , 0"...,., . ,��: ,4.,�,,�, "; , God6*10h .4... o,*o � * *. o. *.6 c4i ,;:: � ... t" -if I 0,,�,V�.;;�i, "." � , .1 , ­� - ,;­ % � � , � . . . L, , ��,, .12,�;�",� ! r I . ":: I I � :. � r II �,J:,;�. ` I I . 11 . . , �.. � ., V 111;1,,�, 11 . .�, .1 ` �?.; I ,,�...,- vl - I ."""r I , ,� . ';,. , L `�* � " , I I I I � , �. �L',."�' ��J" , I "I Nj .. ­ ";I � ­ :,� , ,� � -, " , . . S"- �. ,,�,.�.,!, , , I ',,� " ., , r, ­,­"�', '' -.11 "L-', L �, , ,��' .,�i;,.',",.� %� I ..... , I 1� �,� , -�i,��,;�I.� 1,.'A`.�Iiiiiii,111 I `� ".;. I 1,k� V `,:i,v,',�M4W*,,AL.:, '1.1��`Y�;`, i`�;�i "I,p,", ­­­� :: " J ­!,.. ,r'�,"qg� , , , " !X5", 11. . 1, . �-t , - � 'n . 1; ,�,,­ LONDON AND WINGHAM .1 � 11 "I.- � *1 'All, , , 'S'' X I South. � 11��,�,'�'v ­ A,.,ip �� " Wingham .......... a.m. 6.45 p.m, - 2.50, � ,,.,.��,, � �g ,� ". . I I "" " Belgrave, ........... 7.01 3.10 . �,111 Blyth .............. 7.12 3.22 :A, " ,�M,l Londesboro ......... 7.19 3.3& .11 -1 Clinton ............ 7.38 3.53. -141 �'.,. .- 1. Brucefield .......... 7.56 4.1a "..", , Kippen ............. 8.03 4.21 I 1 11�� �,' Hensall ............ Exeter ............. 8.09 8.23 4.2& 4.4& .��11 I ,, " � I.." ,,, . North. . . . : : I ... I'll . � , 11 Exeter 10.59 5.4a I I ,,, , "I I ............. Hensall ............ 11.13 5.67 ,11,11 ,5 , �, :: I �", ., .. 11 11 Kippen ........ � .... 11.18 6.01 �:, � "'. . , Brucefield .......... 11.27 6.0& ." , , Clinton ............ 11.58 6.27 ". I . Ii. 1.11 Landesboro 12.18 6.45. 1. , ,yy, �,11 ......... Blyth .............. 12.28 6.52 11, I . ,� .., � � Delgrave ........... 12.40 7.02 �� ,�.. ', � Wingliam .......... 12.55 7.20, " ;; : I ; . � . :,�; , . I - ,��, �., "i "I C. N. R. � , , , r ; ., 1 irlatst� a.m. p.m. Goderich ........... 6.35 2.30 Holmesvillile ........ 6.50 2.46 ' Clinton ............. 6M 2.56 7.12 3.11 S�. Columban ....... 7.18 3.17 Dublin ............. 7.23 3.22, � West. -- Dublin ............. 11.24 9.&'� St. Columban ...... 11.29 . ... Seafo,Tth ........... 11.4a 9.5155 Clinton ............. 11.56 10.0 Holmesville ........ 12.05 10.18 Goderich ........... 12.20 10.85, C. P.- R. TIME TABLE East a.m. . Goderich .................. 6.6,50 rMenget ..................... '.56 McGaw ................... 6.04 ­� Auburn ..................... 6.11 ., I B17th ..................... 6,28 i , Walton.................... 6.* ,� MeNau�ght ................. 6.92 , . I Toronto................... 10" I .� , West I ''I N OL.M . � Toronto .................. 1149. .. .."r 1� ..... *..:, 11AS, ' I .� 1�. . .", 6� " " , ,4,4 Walton ..................... 9.1 ., ,�; I " ��, , , " �11-�21 Blyth .... i ......... ..... 4! 1 %, I �, 1. 11, I Aubi;!� , ............ :..... ,,,,, . *;�, - - . ''.: : .:. ­,; , WOW .....41 ...... 11 ... �4.sl . I , " :, �� . �V� � " �,,�i � , . ­ L ,�, �., �: j��,�, � X671686t .... *.....� ... , 0"...,., . ,��: ,4.,�,,�, "; , God6*10h .4... o,*o � * *. o. *.6 c4i ,;:: � ... t" -if I 0,,�,V�.;;�i, "." � , .1 , ­� - ,;­ % � � , � . . . L, , ��,, .12,�;�",� ! r I . ":: I I � :. � r II �,J:,;�. ` I I . 11 . . , �.. � ., V 111;1,,�, 11 . .�, .1 ` �?.; I ,,�...,- vl - I ."""r I , ,� . ';,. , L `�* � " , I I I I � , �. �L',."�' ��J" , I "I Nj .. ­ ";I � ­ :,� , ,� � -, " , . . S"- �. ,,�,.�.,!, , , I ',,� " ., , r, ­,­"�', '' -.11 "L-', L �, , ,��' .,�i;,.',",.� %� I ..... , I 1� �,� , -�i,��,;�I.� 1,.'A`.�Iiiiiii,111 I `� ".;. I 1,k� V `,:i,v,',�M4W*,,AL.:, '1.1��`Y�;`, i`�;�i "I,p,", ­­­� :: " J ­!,.. ,r'�,"qg� , , , " !X5", 11.