HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-01-30, Page 3j Y'$z� iQ i�'F;� ijtJ It ARYL 300931, n " oto ,ItORK NOasg. [IS EDN.41 W,�1',NNIlN., RV, says no .. 94e CO take coyrse of Sargon with- out being greatly, benefitted, "For three or four years I suffered .from sluggish liver and constipation. My skin was sallow. I had no ambi- tion or desire to work. I was nervous :and dizzy, had severe headaches and •could not sleep. "It is nothing short of remarkable the way Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pil1s'reli'eved me of these troubles. I am now simply bubbling over with new energy and vitality. I do not believe it possible for anyone suffer- ing as I was to take a course of Sar- gon without being greatly benefitted." —Miss Wannenberg lives at 112 E. 81st St., New York City. S'ol+d by Charles Aberhart. SOME WEIRD SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT CATS On the evening after Sir Robert Grant, governor of Bombay, died at Government House, Poona, a cat was seen by a Hindu sentry to leave the front door and walk up and down in a particular path, as had been the governor's habit after sunset. The native guards consulted a Brahman, who explained that the governor's soul had obviously transmigrated in- to one of the house pets, Unable to identify the particular pet, the guards d'ecid'ed that all cats passing out of the main entrance af- ter sunset should be regarded as the tabernacle of the late governor's soul, and far twenty-five years the native sentries solemnly presented arms to every cat seen after dusk. The Burmese and Siamese still be- lieve that their sacred cats ,enshrine the spirits of the dead, offerings 'be- in'g made to them in gilded cages in the temples. So recently as 1926 a white cat was. carried by court cham- berlains in the coronation procession of a, Siamese king. There ars also the sacred Kimono cats of Japan. In "The Cat in the Mysteries of Religion and Magic," Mr. M. Oldfield Fowey has collected a mass of strange and interesting facts and supersti- tions. He attributes the possible ori- gin of the sacredness of this animal to the fact that in repose it forms a circle, thus symbolizing to the primi- tive mind the ideograph of the Etern- al, the 'Complete, and also to its changeful luminous eye, which was thought to resemble the sun. The ancient -Greek historian, Hora- pollon, states that "the cat was ador- ed in the temple of the sun in Helio- polis, because the pupil of this anim- al follows in its proportion the height of the sun above the horizon, and in his respect resembles that marvellous planet," The Egyptians mummified cats. Re- cent research has revealed thousands of such mummies at Bubastis, and at Beni Hassan an Egyptian fellah acci- dentally discovered a cat cemetery in the grottos, consisting of hundreds of thousands of mummies ranged in or- der on shelves. "The inhabitants of neighboring villages turned up in force and burnt or buried large numbers of the mum- mies, whilst Levantine antinque deal- ers took ,possession of many more to sell to tourists. But the supply still far exceeded the demand. "At last an Alexandrian speculator saw a way to turfs the corpses into money by offering them as manure. He shipped tons of corpses to Eng- land. A cargo, consisting of 180,000 mummified cats, was landed in Liver- pool in 1890 and disposed of by auc- tion. The unim'aginati've salesman ac- tually used one of the corpses as a )rammer, and knocked down the strange lot at the price of £ 3 13s. 9d, a ton, less than a single specimen would fetch to -day." With .the dawn of Christianity, the ancient gods came to be regarded as devils, and so their sacred animal, the cat, became symbolical of evil, and was popularly believed to be the fam- iliar of witches. It is still .believed in r1N the Montferrato that all cats •which wander over roofs in February are witches, and in Hungary that a cat becomes a witch between the ages of seven and twelve and that witches ride upon tom -cats, especially black ones. Writing in 1590, Baguet declared that a Strasburg laborer was attack- ed by three huge eats, later he was arrested and charged with maltreat- ing three well-known ladies of the town. It was found that the three ladies were -suffering from the identi- cal wounds he had inflicted on the "cats!" That such beliefs still exist,.to-day was discovered by the Rev. Whnt- worth Webster when collecting ma- terial for a book on Basque le'ge'nds. "We were told of a man," he writes, "who at midnight chopped off the ear of a black cat who was bewitching his cattle, and lo! in the morning it Was a woman's ear with an earring still in it. He deposited it in the Mairie, and we might see it there." So in the superstitious Middle Age eats were sacrificed to propitiate the powers of darkness. In England a custom was observed until compara- tively recently of whipping a cat to death at Shrovetide, ,a custom that Wee comrnenioi aced sen an inn sign at"All>?iightffla in they .fAillOtWkg COW fee dr;<ll,;, m c : zn7ra"'efi etrya xa . beta: :powerful b%t stip . n u U to The finest pastime that is under the the bow and arrow, Xaa'eenrse of time the dying of tii,3 b W Was to become: Vie belt. '.ef, alecl'em raeebinevy, jus4 as the drill or 'arrow point 'was i becarzte the lathe, Through similar steps the first whistle formed by a hollow bone, perhaps human, with a hole cut in it,• evolved into the mod- ern cornet, and the flageolet or even the saxophone. The modern) organ• had a ;different development and is traced back to the 'bagpipe which is regarded by Mr. Smyth as one of the most ancient of weld-or'gan'itzed inusi- cal instruments. So, too, the modern battleship is but a progressive devel- opment of the dugout canoe, a long sharp -ended box or sufficient die placement to hold its crew and a supply of stones which were to be hurled at the enemy. SUn l e whipping the Oat at Aibrighto'n. When the east end of Westminster Ahbey was being rebuilt, the shrivel- led corpse of a eat was discovered be- tween the walls, suggesting, that the animal had been walled -in alive as a sacrifice. The most amazing ritual was, how- ever, that celebrated annually at Aix until 19.57: "The finest tom -cat in the country was swathed in swaddling clothes like an infant, and exhibited to the adora- tion of the devout in a magnificent shrine. Flowers were strewn along the ruote and every knee bent as his. litter approached. `When the sun crossed .the meridian on June 24th the cat was placed in a wicker basket. and thrown alive into an enermous bonfire in the city 'square. Apparent- ly the ritual had the full support of the Christian church. Bishops and priests sang anthems in honor of the sacrifice and after its conclusion held a solemn procession." If there be any superstitious lady reader, let her beware not to dream of a black cat at Christmas, for Mr. Howey declares such a dream to be an •omen of dangerous illness. s w m p M a a W e w to fo a hi so m T in th an be of ad du in ge Ke po th au his a or ori mu th giv ga pr do wh ed ha ly wo as fea wh stic inv abl wit bet f.IiEAT MODERN INVEN CIONS HAD PRIMITIVE SOURCES Is invention a sudden flash of in- piration, an idea that comes to the world for the first time like a stray meteor, or is it merely a further step n a long trail worn deep by men who alked that way before? It is much ore likely to be the latter . than the ormer, even when the invention ap- pears to be the most original and im- ortant. This, at least, is the view of r. , Wm. H. Smyth, who contributes n article on the subject to the Journ- 1•of the Patent Office Society in ashington. He says that to the av- rage man the inventor is a wizard, ho moves in an atmosphere of mys- ry. To himself the inventor is merely a man who works very hard ✓ rather small reward, but who has lot of fun and has always before s mind's eye the possibility of me prodigious discovery that will ake him renowned and wealthy. here are men who go about invent - g just as some authors go about eir task—they sit down at a table d write a certain number of words fore lunch, and a certain number ter lunch, and this schedule they here to irrespective of any such bious and incalculable quality as spiration. Sometimes an inventor is the idea for an invention as ata must have got the idea for his em on the nightingale. More often e inventor proceeds to work like the thor who has the idea of writing a tory of York Township. It happens now and then that from single original source came extra- dinary inventions whose common gin would never be suspected, as ch against reason apparently, as ough in a single litter a dog had en birth to a chicken and an ali- tor, Take, for example, the bow, obably the most wonderful inven- n in all history, if we except the eel, and. nobody knows who invent - either of them. The bow seems to ve come into existence independent - in widely separated parts of the rld. It was a development so far North America is concerned, of a thered and tint -pointed javelin ich was propelled by a throwing k, but as Mr. Smyth says: "No ention of modern times is compar- e in spontaneous creative thought h that required to bridge the gap ween the hand -thrown javelin and the how and arrow." It was with the bow and arrow that the inventive ev- olutionary process started, to arrivo 'in one direction in the modern grand piano and in another in the lathe and all belt -driven machinery. Mr. Smyth's article contains illus- trations showing the various steps in the development, which seems natural enough and even inevitable as one studies them, But none of them, in all probability, would ever come into existence had not the bow and arrow in the history of primitive man played so important a part. He says: "It is not difficult to understand the feel- ings almost of deification in which primordial man would hold this ef- fective instrument. The twang of the how world almost inevitably become agreeably associated in men's minds with the procurement of food and the destruction of enemies. The reson- ant notes are almost certain to have been the original festive and warlike music." It would naturally happen that a bow which produced a particu- larly pleasant or stimulating twang would be specially esteemed on this account, and! reserved for its musical value. Experiments would follow with longer or shorter strings. Differences in tone would be noted, and the ap• parent causes of them. Then came the device of attaching two or three cords to one bow which would be us- ed especially for the production of musical sounds. Somebody noted that when two or three strings were attached to a bow the frame would be unduly strained, with an undesirable variability in the production of tones. Then the braced frame was invented and we have the skeleton of the modern harp. The strings of the harp are, of course, the string's of the piano, the fingers com- municating their demands to them through the medium of felt -covered hammers rather than by direct pluck- ing. While the bow was thus being developed into the piano, it was simi- larly being developed into the lathe. Some observant or lazy savage had the idea of saving himself the weari- ness of drilling holes by twirling a drill between his hands by using his arrow, around which would be twist- ed a somewhat loosened bow string. Holding the ends of the bow in either hand he would have additional lever- age and work faster and more easily, It must have happened that it was by drilling in wood, whether with the bow and arrow or the earlier hand drill, that fire was created by the fric- tion, and it is possible that the bow and arrow preceded the discovery of fire -malting. Thus we have the fire drill, which was hnproyed into the four. handed HE MADE VALCARTIER SPRING UP OVER NIGHT Not every often do accountants, those corporate financial watchdogs, graduate to the field where brain is applied with brawn and the mind trained at figures tackles znen and materials. Particularly is it unusual for the financial mind of a railway to transfer to the sphere of active op- eration. (Such was the case, however, with W. A. Kingsland, who is general man• ager of the central region of the Canadian National Railways, with headquarters at Toronto. Commencing his railway career in the accounting department, he was chosen in 1900 by the bondholders of the former Great Northern Rail- way of Canada to watch their inter- ests. The Great Northern ran from Riviere a Pierre, Quebec, to Hawkes- bury, Ontario, a distance of 175 miles It was constructed by Canadian and American capital to connect up the Canada Atlantic Railway with the Quebec and Lake St. John. Primarily it was concerned with grain traffic from the Georgian bay to Quebec city, joining the lakes to the sea through its (connections. Those were chequered days in rail- way history in Canada. The Great Northern was taken over by the Can- adian Northern Railway when its net- work of lines lengthened out. With the line the Canadian Northern got the watchdog, too. As the bond- holders' representative, Mr. Kingsland had of necessity to keep close watch on the Great Northern's operating. When the Canadian Northern took over the line he was attached to the company's operating staff. In this capacity Mr. Kingsland performed what was probably the most spectacular work in Canada during the great war—assembling and dispatching the first Canadian division and subsequent troop movements also —from Valcartier Camp. OreAugust 3, 1914, the Canadian Northern re- ceived notice that Valcartier Camp was to be opened. In a little; more than three weeks the camp had been completed and 37,000 men transport- ed there. In ten days three miles of railway track were constructed within the camp. From that time on the 14 miles of line between Valcartier and Quebec were the busiest in the world. As the railway operating superintend- ent at Valcartier Mr. Kingsland was charged with keeping all forms of men and material transportation at this nerve centre continuously an the job. Experience has its reward and to- day the financial watchdog of that harassed 175 -mile -long railway is general manager of 8,000 miles of the heaviest traffic territory in Canada. His jurisdiction extends from Arm- strong, Ont., to Riviere du Loup, Que. He employs 40,000 men and his month- ly payroll runs into the millions, Through his territory runs the fastest train in the world, for its distance, between Toronto and Montreal, pulled by a motive power giant who speed resources have never been probed to their limit. His unemployment relief program now under way totals $4,- 000,000. AUTOMOTIVE MUSINGS Clamp the hood down as tightly as one will, it still is affected by the motion of the car. Its weaving from side to side is not noticed, however, so long as the webbing on the cowl and the radiator shell is soft and pli- able. Let the graphite which keeps the fabric in this condition escape and there is a sharp, crackling noise. The remedy is more graphite. * * * When building that new garage, don't forget to make provision for several electrical outlets for connect- ing lights that will he welcome on many occasions. * * * Did you know that— The reason for the trend toward twin -electric horns of matched tone is not simply a matter of appearance? Such horns are more pleasant in tone and much more effective as warn- ings. Additions to the surfaced road mile- age of the United States last year totalled 40,000 miles? What with larger appropriations and wider ap- proval of road building as a means of relieving unemployment this year's mileage will be even greater. While Diesel engines for motor oars might be cheaper in operation cost it costs more to build there. SUGAR, TEA AND COFFEE DENOUNCED AS IMMORAL It is interesting to recall for reas- ons that will present themselves to all readers that there was a time when the civilized world was pretty well divided as to the morals of eat- ing sugar. The controversy was so intense and persistent that it produc- ed the word "Antisaccharities," which was a term of reproach or endear- ment, according to one's views on the subject. It has now disappeared even from the dictionaries, just as the argument which coined it has fad- ed from memory. In the sixteenth century sugar was blamed for most of the ills whieh later have been blam- ed wpon alcohol, its use :wag cell.) rt s:%,�IPrt a4. 1 Stock Taking brings to the front many win have marching orders at prices that aresure to c1 make the .biggest saving of the year. These are dise, many of them broken lines ofou r best se: Men's Overcoats ,s ALL THE LATEST/TYLES, PATTERNS AND SHADES • This is your opportunity to get a real good Winter Overcoat, one that will give years of wear. Regular $16.50 to $20.00 r lr: 1999 rk dr $13.50 A very select line of Blues and Fancy Checks, all in the new styles; well made. Regular $22.00 to $27.00 All our highest grade coats go in this group will he surprised at these values at 318.50 r°" 824.50 Boys' Overcoats Every Boys' Overcoat or Reefer comes under the one general reduction in price. PRICE 20 PER CENT. OFF irk Women's Coats LOT I.—Women's fur trimmed Coats, Navy, Brown, Fawn, Black. Size 16 to 42. Regular $20 to $25. Sale Price S.3.95 LOT 2. Special: Women's Coats made of Broadcloth, Velour or Chinchilla, all this season's best styles, handsomely trimined with oppossum fur. All wanted colors; full 01 3 range of sizes. Regular up to $25. Sale Price .95 LOT 3.—Women's Coats in clever new styles, extra quality Broadcloth. Excellent lining; luxurious fur trimming. New style lines; new cloths; new colors. Sizes 16 to 40. Sale Price 20 PER CENT. OFF Girls' Coats Girls' Coats, excellent quality, new colors. Sizes 4 to 14 years. SALE PRICE, 20 PER CENT. OFF Women's Dresses Special rack of Crepe and Silk Dresses, new styles, new col- ors. Sizes 14 to 42. Regular up to $15.00. Sale Price $5.95 Our complete stock of Brand New Dresses in Silk, Satin, Crepe, Lace, Georgette and Jersey. A wonderful range to choose from. Sizes 16 to 46. 20 PER CENT. OFF Women's Fur Coats All Women's Fur Coats—Hudson Seal, French Seal, Muskrat. Every coat guaranteed. 20 PER CENT. OFF FUR CHOKERS, THIBETTINE AND FOX -20 Per Cent. Off Women's Silk and Wool and Silk Plaited Hose, 75c REGULAR $1.00 to $1.50 50 dozens of Penman's finest Silk and Wool Hose. Every pair perfectly shaped and made. Come early and make sure of getting some of these wonderful values. All sizes. 75c Regular $1.00 to $1.50 hose. Sale PriceSTEWART gR0S. SEAFORTH demned on hygienic, moral and nomic grounds, and for perhaps a hundred years the voice of scienc echoed the voice of religion and de- clared that the nations were in danger of destruction because of the new- fangled and vicious habit of consum- ing sugar. Fortunately, this habit, since sugar was expensive. In that respect the evils of sugar eating were like the evils of over -indulgence in after-dinner port, and beset the squire rather than the peasant. But in time sugar became cheaper and the vice spread. By the time it had become cheap enough for eve'rybody to form a taste for it, the scientific and religious objections had been ex- posed as hollow. It was the cultivation of sugar- cane in the West Indies which brought it within the reach of people of narrow Baring power and excited the wrath of the antisacchar- ite Puritans. They seem to have been animated by the feelings which in- spired the opponents of bear -baiting, which they finality abolished. Ac- cording to Macaulay, it was less the pain inflicted on the bear that exas- perated them than the obvieee pleas- ure of the spectators. In '1'647 Dr. Theophilus Garenciexes wrote: "It is therefore 'clearer than light that su- gar s ?i4oj± n0uria1� efilt, thit tu evil eeo- Yr. rtu —not a preservative, but a destroyer." A few years later, Dr. John Ray, who is called the "Father of English Na- tural History," wrote: "The physicians who lived in the last century, with unanimous consent, recommended sugar for complaints of the lungs, hoarseness, coughs, raw- ness of the throat and internal ulcera- tion; yet among us in England, not long since, it began to be accused and to labor under great djscredit, by our own as well as foreign physicians, who impute the ravages which the scurvy and consumption have lately made in England to the immoderate use of sugar in our foul and drinks." A morality play of the period had among its demoniacal characters Wine, Beer, Ale, Sugar, Nutmegs and Tobacco. But the licentious youth of the period was not to be browbeaten by authority and invented a ribald song, two of whose lines were "That which preserves apples and plums, Will also preserve life and lungs." And as time went on soberer voic- es were raised in defence of sugar, though some of the defenders, like Dr. Frederick Slare, for instance, rather taxed the credulity of his hearers, He said that his grand- father had been a life-long sugar ad - diet, O. )'m'e't ?raibe c on umegr, of 0, Sett Sa^iJ, I;;,y N I� �9111w�a1 39, R.I and yet had lived to be a hundred. ,Indeed he might have been living yet had he been bled at the timrof his fatal illness. At the age of 82 he dropped his first tooth, and soon all his teeth were gone, but happily they were replaced by a second crop. Hds hair which had been white turned dark. These phenomena were ascrib- ed by Slare to the use of sugar. The first proper scientific defence of sugar did not appear until 1800 and was the work of Dr. Benjamin Moseley of the Chelsea Hospital. He did not go so far as to maintain that sugar was a food, but he asserted that it was at least an ingredient in food and an article which might benefic- ially be used with food. In the course of his pamphlet he scored the anti- saccharites deeply and it was Plain that they were losing their following. Dr. ;IVDoseley w is helped to his con- clusions by the discovery made by different chemists that many fruits and vegetables contained sugar and that for thousands of years mankind had been eating sugar in varied forms with apparently no in'juriou's effects. It was in 1760 that sugar was dis- covered in beets, a fact which was to have tremendous consequences more than a century later. About the Middle of the 18th ems tare, Ilebig za_dg his p91)ed Oki it 099 :tµ�r rrt ty 1•ft';�lt die d,l announcements. The various consti- tuents of food were defined as fats, proteids and carbohydrates. He show- ed that the heat of the body was due to oxydization and that sugar served as a fuel. That sugar was not only a food but an essential food was nev- er doubted after Liebig and his as- sociates demonstrated their case, though before this time medical opin- ion was against the theories which they were able to substantiate. It is now recognized that one can eat too much bread or drink too much water; Sugar as a food, however, ie just as respectable as beef or carrots, The stigma of immorality has faded from it. In tines past coffee and tea were also assailed on moral and economic grounds. They were said to threaten the economic stability of England. Moreover they were well calculated to fasten the shackles of vice upon the people. The public drinking of coffee was forbidden in various plac- es. Charles II, a monarch Of suppos- ed liberal tendencies, which, however seemed to have been chiefly Mani., fested in his sex life, closed the eo'f. fee houses. Bet public taste proved; too strong for hint as it has pitrve4 for other refortners from trtne,testline and for a century tlio dritlidifg d both tea itrid coffee has been d wa d . of mooticationt, rd rS$ ti j9