HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-01-30, Page 2{i s'l;�hi3�Sti
resist, and repel colds, influenza,
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Its soothing laxative action also
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The most palat-
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Agrees perfectly with
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65c and $1.20
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"indorsed by the Medical Profession "
(By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.)
At even, when the sun did set,
The sick, 0 Lord, around Thee lay;
0 in what divers pains they met!
0 with what joy they went away!
Thy touch has still its ancient power,
No ord from Thee can fruitless fall,
Bear, in this solemn evening hour,
And in Thy mercy heal us all.
Henry Twells.
Although we cannot
0 Lord, we know and
art near. Help us to
}selves body, soul and
healing influence and
worthily praise Thy
dQ;otore s t. sad beside fib* 'bed and,
after da-' exazmrina Zaq administer of
.their slei'1 is order to stay the dis-
ease peri was a perfect cure for
She wee at once able. to resume her orM
dinars"' duties. "She arose axtd min-
istered unto them." Have we not
here a warrant for prompt payment
of • ourr. doctor'•s hills?
'Christ's Power over both mind and
body soon 'spread abroad. "Now when
the sun was setting all they that had
any sick with differs diseases brought
them unto Him; and He laid His
hands on every one of them, and heal-
ed them.'
In this we have a glimpse of com-
munity service such as is growing in
importance the world over; for is it
not to 'Christianity that the world is
indebted, for the establishing in the
first place of hospitals with their
trained physicians, surgeons and nurs-
es? Medical missions that are such
a healing agency in the heathen world
owe their origin to the church. Wel-
fare work had its beginning there
too, all of which takes us back to
the early ministry of Jesus as seen
in to -day's lesson and other parallel
Having healed the very last appli-
cant Jesus took thought for His own
well-being. Very early next morning
He sought out a lonely spot where Be
could rest, meditate and pray reason-
ably secure from interruption. From
this concern for his own personality
we can all learn a much needed les-
son. Would we do our best for our-
selves as well as for others we must
not neglect but rather conserve our
own strength. Alexander Whyte in
his sermon on "The Costliness of
Prayer" says: "We usually divide
our day of twenty-four hours in this
way,—eight hours for work; eight
hours for meals and rest and recrea-
tion; and eight hours for sleep. You
will observe that it is not said' where
reading and meditation and prayer
come in." (Christ took time for these
from His time for sleep). D. Whyte
says further: "And the reason of
that is because, with most men, these
things do not come in at all. But
when reading, meditation and prayer
do once begin to come in on a man,
they make great inroads both upon
his hpurs of- work and his hours of
recreation, and even upon his hours
of sleep. The night-time is to some
the most suitable time for these. Our
time is now our own. Our day's work
is now done. Our door is now shut."
Even to this lonely spot Jesus was
followed and they besought Hine, to
stay among .them. He then made
known to them His mission in life: "I
must preach the kingdom of God to
other cities also; for therefore am I
Chap. 5:12-16. In this passage is
recorded the healing of an "untouch-
able." The Jew took some measure
of protection for the public in that
lepers were fcxbidden to live with
others or indeed even to come near to
another human being unless also a
leper. This was their sanitary mea-
sure for the health of their nation.
Christianity has enabled society to in-
troduce and adopt other plans and to-
day the Leper Mission opens its
doors to afflicted ones and have been
able through treatments to stay the
ravage of the disease in many, and
in the case of others ease and com-
fort in living have been administered.
Sanitary laws are abroad in the land
and sanitary measures are taken for
the protection of every civilized com-
munity in these times.
Jesus healed the leper on his re-
quest—"Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou
canst make me; clean," but the matter
did not end with that. He charged
him to tell no man; "but go and show
thyself to the priest, and offer for thy
cleansing, according as ?doses com-
manded." He was to notify the au-
thorities and to -day the same thing
must be done before those in quaran-
tine can be released. Jesus said,—
"Think not that I am come to destroy
the law or the prophets; I am not
come to destroy, but to fulfil." (Matt.
see Thy form,
feel that Thou
surrender our -
spirit to Thy
then we shall
Holy Name.
Lesson Topic — Jesus the Great
Lesson Passage—Luke 4:38-44; 5:
Golden Text—Isaiah 53:4.
Luke himself a physician, gives in
to -day's lesson an example of the,ex-
ercise of the healing power of Jesus
the Great Physician. Earlier in the
chapter there is an account of a
demon becoming subject to Christ's
sovereignty over mind as well as ov-
er body. The whole realm of nature
was under the control of this new
teacher who had so suddenly appear-
ed in Capernaum. "HSS word was
with power."
In his day as in ours all the dis-
eases were not connected with bodily
suffering, there were mental and spir-
itual complications as well and over
these Christ used His power to help
humanity. Are not many physicians
to -day doing the same thing, seeking
often to combat and control physical
weaknesses through the channel of
mental disorders? Believing that the
state of the mind has a bearing on
the health of the patient they seek
therein their diagnosis to locate the
The next cure recorded by Luke
was purely physical. Jesus, leaving
the synagogue where the mental cure
was performed, entered the house of
Simon Peter and there say that his
mother-in-law was ill, suffering from
a fever. Some one drew Jesus' at-
tention to her condition. In His at-
titude we have a picture of the gen-
eral practitioner of to -day. He stood
over her and rebuked the fever. Our
KSLLOGO's ALL -BRAN is a de-
lightful surprise. It is as good
to eat as it is good for you.
This appetizing ready -to -eat
cereal protects and relieves you
from constipation—and from
the headaches, the dizziness, the
lack of "pep" that go with it.
Start the whole family on
this health -habit tomorrow.
Two tablespoonfuls of ALL -
PUN, eaten daily, will prevent
and relieve both temporary and
recurring constipation. In se -
Vere cases, eat ALL -BRAN
with each .meal.
Delicious with milk or cream,
fruits or honey added. ALL-
BRikN also furnishes iron, which
brings Color to cheeks and lips.
At all grocers in the red -and -
peen package. Made by Kellogg
Or . London, Ontario.
w aIbadpUli1es
for ameba, Notitittlgbel edme
•until E tried'Sgatha-Salva, Toe Sr/
llcatioa ended. itch and pain. Piles some."
C drier. End pain quick. All druggists.
kind of carpentry work suitable for
them. One of these carpenters is a
fine workman who came to us from
our Trade School at Pasumalai, along
with his wife and little two-year-old
boy. C'eamy visit to Dayapuram two
days' ago :I discovered that the wife
and child are just ready to he sent
back home symptom-free. I do not
know yet, whether the husband will
rejoice at this, or whether the patt-
ing will overshadow his joy. He. is,
at least, entitled to a strong hope that
he will be able to follow them at no
'very distant date.
Are You Surprised?
One morning at 10 o'clock a weary
and troubled person stood at the en-
trance to the Chandkuri Leper Home.
Ile was tired, hungry and worried.
Later on he told his story. When
driven out of home and village he
went to the district court. It was
help he wanted, care and protection.
Forty-eight miles he had walked.
Hunger had made him bold and grief,
desperate. '
"Move on!" were the orders. "Go
to Chandkuri!" Forty-three more
miles he had to walk, and fifteen
cents had been given him by the court
official to provide for the journey.
Years passed. His sores had heal-
ed. An opportunity presented itself
for him to go back and be readmitted
into caste. But he stayed, worked
bard to help the institution which had•
helped him and continued to serve and
love Him who had loved him first.
Nothing could sway him to return.
Are your surprised?—Rev. J. H.
A boy of about sixteen years, whose
case was taken in time, was discharg-
ed a few weeks ago as symptom-free.
Next day, when I visited the asylum
I found him in tears, and on asking
the reason was told that he did not
wish to leave the home. We found
an opening for him, however, and
when he saw a chance of earning his
living he went out and is doing well.
This year has been a very special
one from the agricultural point of
view, and while ft is yet too early to
know what our harvests are to be.
we have every hope of a very good
harvest, since the rains have been
abundant. We are just new in the
midst of our vegetable yield, and we
are more than supplying our own
needs by what is grown. Gardens
halvle increased 'both in size and num-
bers and form a very intportant part
of the attractive side 'of the patient's
Our cloth and mat 'tv'eaving depart-
meints are also in full swing and we
have a good supply of cloth and mats
to distribute with the New Year. We
are especially fortunate in having
several good' carpenters among the
patients now, and- have been using
them to the !beat of our ability in
Making, furniture for the school, re..
pairing buildings and doing any other
Constipation is one of the most
common ailments of childhood and
the child suffering from it positively
cannot thrive. To keep the little one
well the bowels must be kept regu-
lar and the stomach sweet. To do
this nothing can equal Baby's Own
Tablets. They are a mild but thor-
ough laxative;• are pleasant to take
and can be given to the new-born
babe with perfect safety Thousands
of mothers use no other medicine for
their Tittle ones but Baby's Own Tab-
lets, They are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
The elephant is the real "king" of
the forest, the giant among animals'
in both wisdom and strength. I have
come to this conclusion after many
years in the bush, during which I
have been fortunate enough to have
some unique and interesting experi-
ences. Those which I shall describe
are rarely witnessed.
Some years ago, in a district unin-
habited, save by the big game, and
teeming with lions. I saw these so-
called "kings" avoid the challenge of
an elephant cow with a haste com-
pletely devoid of dignity. I had not-
iced new spoor of a single elephant
at a pan the night before, and follow-
ed it with two boys at dawn. Ele-
phants were seldom seen in this re-
treat and I was interested.
About a mile from the pan we saw,
in the deep shade of some thorn bush-
es the head of a baby elephant. He
seemed to be lying beneath a huge
bush, but we afterwards found that
he was lying in a shallow pit scoop-
ed in the sand by the cow, and cover-
ed with leafy branches she had piled
over him. He was probably but a
few days old.
The mother's trail to the bush was
plain, and down wind. The natives
and I, therefore, climbed a tree fifty
feet away, to avoid giving scent, and
waited. Perhaps an hour had passed
when my attention was drawn to two
yellow forms standing motionless on
the cow's trail, about a hundred yards
from the calf. For a few moments
they eyed the calf fixedly, then turn-
ed and looked up and down the trail,
sniffing the breeze, in an attempt to
locate the mother. At last they turn-
ed back and stepped slowly towards
the calf. and I watched the stalk of
a magnificent lion and lioness.
At about fifty paces they sank,
belly to the ground, their tails twitch-
ing and at the same instant the calf's
head rose higher and higher, as he
struggled free of the bush and watch-
ed •them anxiously. In a short rush
—like a cat stalking a bird the lions
started to advance, and at the first
movement a shrill scream of fear
broke from the calf. I had raised
my rifle to take a hand in the game,
when a mighty trumpet note of rage
answered the youngster. The peace-
ful bush swayed as to the impact of
a cyclone, and, at a speed no horse
oould equal, the cow charged direct
on the lions.
With ears flapping like sails, trunl:
eiasnded and mouth open, she scream-
ed destruction as she came, and with
a 40 -foot bound the lions sprang a-
side and flashed through the bush
without a backward glance. Straight
to her calf she came, nuzzled and
smelt him anxiously, and then. gaz-
ing in the direction the lions had tak-
en, she trumpeted her anger and
threat of vengeance in tones that
shook the very earth. Nothing more
was seen of the lions.
Years later I found evidence kof a
more successful lion foray, and its
punishment. In the midst of dense,
flattened bush I found the smashed
and torn remnants of what had been
a lion; while the trampled vicinity
looted as though a troop of elephants
haof danced there. But only one
elephant had danced—Ra dance of
rage and death, with the lion as an
unwilling partner. His body was
stamped into the earth, a mass of
blood and filth, and a few yards a-
way lay the once -powerful limbs, toren
Feel Young Again
Enjoy Hard Work
Millions of men and women all over
the world take Kruschen Salts daily—
not because they are really sick, mind
you—but because they know the little
daily dose of Kruschen keeps them
always fit, energetic and free from fat,
and also keeps the system free from
over -acidity.
People who take Krusehen Salts in
a glass of hot water every morning
won't have headaches, and are always
free from constipation, -depression,
dizziness, coated tongue and unpleasant
They have no poisons in their
system because the action of Krusehen
Salts on the liver, kidneys and bowels
causes perfect and regular elimination.
If you want joyous health and
glorious vigor—if you want to work
hard and enjoy your e�'►rkr try taking
IRruschen Salts every day--mssnions
of people are enjoying their daily
uric, thanks to the "little daily
orlet' of Krnsciien.
trona the ti+ody bya gre'atgr Brower.FelloWing a trail wbirelt showed the
sperm of twu...elephant's pursuit, we
found, 10 ' ?smiles away, the partly
eaten 'remains of a very young calf.
The cow had relaxed her vigilance on
that eccasion, but had exacted a ter-
rible vengeance for the li'en's meal.
Natives say that an elephant cow so
ro'b'bed will fellow the! lion's trail for
days; that lions know this, and sel-
dom attack the calf unless desperate
with hunger,
At intervals through Africa are
places which natives say are elephant
cemeteries—"the places where the
elephants die," These are usually dif-
ficult of access. and far removed from
the usual haunts. and feeding grounds.
But I do not believe that the eleph-
ants consciously go there to die, al-
though some do die there. MY theory
is that sick and wounded beasts—no
longer able to travel at the herd pace
or hold their own in combat—retire
instinctively to places' so remote that
they offer sanctuary from molesta-
tion, and there die or recover, as
chance may send.
In a certain district in the Ka-
tanga, I once found the skeletons of
a dead elephant with tusks weighing
80 and 82 'pounds. A few days later
we found the remains of a cow with
small tusks. But for a fortnight there
was no sign of elephant, dead or
alive. Then, one night, we heard
the stomach rumblings of elephants
in the direction of the water, followed
by a single trumpet blast. At dawn,
we cautiously approached the water,
and saw there a large bull and two
cows. One of the cows was lying
down and the bull seemed strangely
letaargic, and sisinclined to move a-
way to shade. This was curious, as
elephants are generally well within
the forest by dawn, and seldom lie
Watching carefully. we noted blood-
stains on the dark hides of all three,
and pres'ently saw, as the standing
animal's moved, that they limped bad-
ly. After an 'hour or so they endeav-
ored to raise the cow by pushing
their tusks beneath her, but without
effect. Then they limped 'painfully
away to some trees. Late that after-
noon, when we approached again, the
cow was already dead, and the other
two Standing beside her. The sun
had nearly set when two more ele-
phants emerged from the forest; one
a bull, seemingly hale and vigorous,
and a cow which staggered as she
walked. Straight and silently to the
group by the water they came, and
while the cow drank thirstily and
sprayed the water in jets 'ower her
dusty hide, the bull stood, head to
head. with the first to arrive. The
pair seemed to gaze into each other's
eyes, then trunks were gently inter-
twined and after perhaps ten minutes
of such silent communion, the last
arrival also turned and drank.
Next morning this smaller. bull had
vanished, and the three sick or wound-
ed beasts—we did not yet know which
—were feeding slowly about a mile
• from the water. On the face of it
it looked as though this place were
at least a hospital, if not a cemetery!
That evening only the big bull and
the first cow came to water. W e
found the last to arrive had died a-
bout two miles away. Gradually the
other two seemed to become more
vigorous and ;at last they moved off
into the forest. 'On the route they
had taken was a river 30 miles away,
and we guessed they must feel bet-
ter to attempt such a journey. We
started to follow at once.
About 18 miles away we came up-
on the bull standing under a tree
with the cow lying beside' him. Evi-
dently she had over-estimated her
strength and was "all -in." Our rifles
spoke together, and the big bull drop-
ped. Screaming weakly, the cow
staggered to her feet, and, before she
could move, our rifles put an end to
her troubles. Then we investigated.
On the back of the bull, just above
the dark stain of blood which had
drenched his side, was a nearly clos-
ed but septic wound, which had prob-
ably 'been caused by a broad bladed
spear. There was no trace of the
weapon. The cow had been less for-
tunate. A deep wound in one lung
had partly healed. and then opened
again!—doubtless owing to premature
exertion—and the hemmoi'liage had
brought her down. Here also was no
sign of a weapon.
Later examination of the two cows
which had died, disclosed broken
spearheads, embedded, in one case in
the liver, and in the other in the
stomach. We regretted' our inability
to explain the absence of weapons
from the two animals shot. Two
years later the answer came.
I was then in British territory, near
a certain game reserve hunting alone.
The elephants frequently cam out,of
the reserve to a feeding ground 40
miles from its borders, and often stay-
ed there for several days. The natives
knew this, as I did. One day myboys
told me that, the next time the tusk-
ers came out, the natives were going
to ring them with fire, and kill as
many as possible when they broke
1Vreanwhile, in every garlte path
leading back to the reserve, they
were prepaying pits filled with sharp
stakes, close to the edge of the pro-
posed fiery circle. Perches were pre-
pared in the larger trees aver -looking
such paths asf had been prepared.
from which weighed spears would be
hurled. Word came of the drive,. and
I stationed myself on a broad trail
in a Targe mabolo tree about twenty
feet from the ground.
Soon the fire had driven the ele-
phants from their retreat. As they
came nearer, I saw that a spear stood
straight up in the back of the leader,
and from the sides of two others
spears also protruded. They halted
about 50 feet from my tree, and I
saw an amazing sight vdhich probab-
ly few have seen. Ass the leader
halted, one of the unwounded animals,
a big (bull, reached with his trunk for
the spear in the leader's back. Grip-
ping it low down, where it entered
the flesh, be raised it gently, an inch
and a time with almost human intelli-
gence. As it drew clear of the wound
and a rush of blood followed, he rais-
ed it aloft and dashed it to earth,
stamping it to fragments an instant
later, as a man stamps a venomous
The other unwounded baled pled
meanwhile withdratPrt a spear from
the side of a Clow with sim11af, care.
hevrolet offers siximeyillutMr
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THE distinction achieved
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six cylinders are so smooth
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The new car has many other
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Unusual economy of gas and
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Chevrolet's policy has always
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General Motors Owner Ser-
vice policy assures lasting
The Standard Roadster
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The Special Sedan - - - - 840
"Six wire wheels, fender wells and trunk rack
included on these models as standard equip-
ment at slight extra cost.
All prices at factory, Oshawa. Taxes, bump-
ers and spare tire extra. A complete line of
Commercial Cars and Trucks from $47O up.
Jh"e NEW
Cs -2d
A. W. DUNLOP, Seaforth
and had already seized the second
when a sharp crack sounded, and in
his trunk remained only' the broken
shaft. I did not need to follow the
cow to know what her fate would be.
For an instant they lingered, quest-
ing for scent or sound of danger, and
then came towards me. As the lead-
er passed, I placed a bullet between
eye and ear, which brought him down
and sent the others into headlong
flight. Inspection of the bull shot
showed a spear wound which had
penetrated eight inches, down past
the 'spine, and had just touched one
lung. Yet the spear had been so
neatly and cleverly removed, that he
would probably have recovered with-
in a month had he regained sanctu-
Only once during my twenty-seven
years of wandering have I seen a
fight between elephants. In front
of a huge herd of about 40 elephants
two huge bulls stood about 50 yards
apart. One trumpeted shrilly and
the other wheeled and echoed the
blast. There was a crash of bushes
in the rear and several shrill screams.
From our vantage place in a tai ree
we watched and waited, wit our
The two 'bulls stood abo}i't ten feet
apart, with the herd +forming a
semi -circle about then, It The great
gladiators approached each other
until their heads almost touched. A
pause, and the massive foreheads met
with tusks interlocked. For ten min-
utes, in a silence broken only by the
rumblings from the watching circle.
and t'is harsh breathing of the com-
batants, the strained head to told.
with knees bent under the strain.
Each gave in turn but without a real
advantage to the other. Suddenly,
came a ,tarp snap, and the c iallen-
ger Lull lurched sed ways and fell, as
his near tusk broke off short. As
the bull icy] his e'i••:a-c=: ry's tusk et.
tered be' Ind the sh r.ucer, and "first
blood" r.". T ed. it • he was by no
means done with, and he scrambled
up with surprising agility. But with
only one effective tusk he had to
swerve with every nighty heave of
his oppressor. Several times he re-
covered, but at last the undamaged
one made a quick upward thrust as
he swerved and the great tusk enter-
ed his stomach from the side. As he
sank the other stood back and watch-
ed him; rwhen he did not rise, he an-
nounced his triumph in one mighty
trumpet blast. The herd echoed the
call, and two well -grown bulls moved
beside the fallen one, doubtless to of -
They Have Truly Been
A Real Friend to Me.
Mrs. Edward Wardrop Has Used
Dodd's Kidney Pills for Many Years.
Dyer's Bay, Ont., Jan. 26.—(Spe-
eia).—"They are a real friend to me,'
writes Mrs. Edward Wardrop, a well
known resident of this place. "I have
taken many boxes of Dedd'e Kidney
Pills for my Rheumatism and they
do help me so much. I would not be
without them."
The natural way to treat Rheuma-
tism and Lumbago is to treat the Kid-
neys and the natural way to treat the
Kidneys is to use Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Rheumatism is caused by the pres-
ence of uric acid in the blood. If the
kidneys are functioning properly they
will strain all the uric acid out of
the blood and there can be no more
Dodd's Kidney Pills have been in
use: in Canada for Nearly half a cen-
tury. They demonstrate, their worth
in the most serious forms of kidney
cls tie, such as riieutnatisnt, back-
ache, lunvbagol and urinary troubles.
fer assistance when he should arise
But just there we took a hand, and
at our shots the screaming herd fled.
It is rather surprising to learn
from an article in the Boston Tran-
script by W. E. Playfair that the
game of hockey is only 43 years old.
In our innocence we had supposed it
to be almost as venerable as lacrosse,
and we know that lacrosse was play-
ed when the school ooks were being
written, and that seems to us now a
very long time ago. But the truth,
as unearthed by Mr. Playfair, is that
the first organized, recognized game
of -hockey ever played in the world
took place in Kingston in 1888. Ire
fact, most of the players who took
part in that epochal event are still
living. The match was between
Queen's University and the Royal Mil-
itary College, Queen's winning. The
site of the first game may have had
something to do with the long and
honorable association of Kingston
with hockey, and the fact that it is
the 'home of James F. Sutherland who
is known as the father of the game
in Ontario. But while this was the
first organized game now recognized
as hockey ever to have been played,
the genesis of the sport goes further
back. Indeed, it may well be lost in
the mazes of unrecorded history for
we presume that wherever there were
boys and a frozen stream something
like shinny was played, and hockey
is shinny on skates, or rather a re-
fined and scientific shinny.
But if we are to snake a start in
the history of the game we might as
well select as a tentative site the Vic-
toria rink in Montreal, some time in
the '70's. The players were members
of the lacrosse teams of the 1Vlontre'a]
Amateur Athletic Club and they took
up shinny as a kind of preparation
for their lacrosse games in the Sum-
mer. They wanted something to keep
them in condition, and arming them-
selves with crooked sticks and a la-
crosse 'ball they had a good deal of
fun. They found, however, that the
ball was unmanageable on the ice,
and some genius suggested that it
should be cut flat in order to skim,
instead of rolling. News of these ex-
citing melees spread through the
province and, various Quebec schools,
found a good deal of fun in it. The
game of curse, was simply shinny
with what is now indentifiable as the
first hockey puck. There were a
few rules and nobody took it serious-
ly. From Bishop's College School at
Lennoxville, where shinny was play-
ed, there came a student named W.
A. H. Carr to the Royal Military
College, and there he brought tidings
of the reformed shinny.
About the same time James F.
Smellie, now an Ottawa barrister and
if we mistake natal football player of
renown, went to Queen's. They became
captains of their respective hockey
teams and led into battle the players
who performed in the history -making
match to which we have referred. The
game was played in an ordinary skat-
ing rink whose distinctive feature was
a bandstand in the centre. It was
about this bandstand, we presume,
that the real inside stuff was produc-
ed. There was a good deal of man-
oeuvring about it, and when a player
would emerge 'witch the puck it was
supposed and Hoped that in the en-
veloping sitadoves no crime had been
committed. In any event, no bell
rang as the !rival players entered
this significant zone, and if there was
a shortage when they reappeared this
was assumed to be due to the laws
of nature. Hon. W. F. Nicide, who
played the 'game onthe same rink,
says that in those days it had noth-
ing like the speed which It was later
to develop, and that lifting the puck
was undreampt of.
The lifting of the puck was as de•
cisive a feature in the development
of the game as was the memorable
experiment of the young player in
Rugby College who on a historic oc-
casion in the course of an ordinary
football game grabbed the 'ball in his
arms and rushed over the line for a
goal. The •shape of the sticks also
changed in order to permit this
shooting, as opposed to the scooping
of the old shinny. The original
sticks were somewhat rounded along
the blade, more suitable for batting
the puck than for lifting it in the
air and propelling it with the veloc-
ity of a stone from a catapult. Our
historian fails to mention the name of
the first player whose stick heaved
the puck in the air, but we can re-
member that aftersome serious injur-
ies to players had been caused by the
flying missile some elderly reformer
urged that the puck should never leave
the ice. Mr. Francis Nelson, at the
time sports editor of The Globe,
pointed out that this might save an
odd player's eye at the expense of
the game, and the consensus was in
favor of the doctrine that while all
players had two eyes Canada had
only one such game as hockey.
Mr. Sutherland expresses the opin-
ion that the genesis of the , game
which we have found in the experi-
ments of the lacrosse players in Mon-
treal is rather to be ascribed to the
English rifle regiments which from
time to time were stationed in King-
ston. The soldiers were familiar
with the game which is called field
hockey. Now field hockey is simply
polo afoot, and polo is a British army
tradition. The soldiers, not being
able to afford polo ponies, chased af-
ter the ball the way they would chase
after a hat that had been 'blown from
a man's head, and in the course of
time some rules got themselves re-
cognized. 'Mr. Sutherland recalls
that in his youth, a period which sup-
ervened after the Dark Ages, Kings-
ton harbor would be crowded with
players engaged in a mixture of
horseless polo and shinny. Players be-
came more or less expert in guiding
the puck which might be either a
croquet ball or an old tin can. Their
skating improved and when rules for
hockey were finally agreed upon they
were ready to, 'become demonstrators
of it. In any event the remarkable
thing is that hockdy is younger than
the telephone, and that the men 'who
played it first are not too old to be
sound golfers and curlers to -day. •
About the only consolation these
long-term bandits have is that they
don't need to worry about the unem-
ployment .problem.—Kitchener Record.
A bargain is like a warrmed-o,vterr
Lave affair. •It is usually disappoint-
ing.—Glasgow Herald.
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