HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1931-01-16, Page 4rt
!r$,,e;affe4, Friday, January 1.6 nal
SLe early fall and continuingun-
•tithe present time, many districts In
Ontario have been experiencing a
shortage of water.
Particularly is this so in the Coun-
ty of 'Middlesex. Reports fresthere
• atate that the water situation is acute.
Many farmers in that county are
drawing !barrels of water long dist-
ances to provide enough to keep their
cattle alive aand for household, use.
It is said to be, a familiar sight in
the rural districts to see trucks and
wagons backed up against streams
and fanners dippinlg water into bar-
rels and old milk cans and in many
places there are well worn paths from
the road to the sides of large streams.
When the water supply of a tovrn
is shut off for the space of an hour
or two, we all know, what a bitter
complaint is raised by the house-
holders of that community.
Try then to imagine what it means
to a farmer, with a barn full of stock
when his water supply fails. Hauling
water ie the fall is bad enough, but
in the winter it is an almost impos-
sible jells.
And, yet, it must be done, if the
stock is to be kept alive. Even if a
farmer has a creek running through
some part of his farm, or his neigh-
bor has, and he is able, to drive his
stock to and from water, it means a
very serious loss and inconvenience to
the farmer.
You can drive a horse to water, bu,
you can't make hin drink, is a 'yen
old, but a very true statement, and
it applies to all stock. Even if the
stock will drink when driven t,
water, by the time they reach the
barn on the return trip, if the distance
is anything, they are ready for as
much more.
It is too late then, however, until
the next day, and until the next day
they can be nothing but indifferent
feeders. If that goes on for any
length of •time, the shrinkage is
bound to be considerable. In fact a
goad deal more than the difference
between profit and loss and the farm-
er can not stand much more thrink-
age in values at the present time and
keep on in business.
Fortunately, this district and even
this county has not experienced any
such shortage of water as the farm-
ers in Middlesex and other districts
of Western Ontario have had to con-
tend with for some months.
Early in the fall a considerable
shortage of water was reported here
but the early rains and thaws after
the first snows, have brought the
water into the wells again and every-
where there seems to be plenty, if not
an abundance of water.
But the time is coming and very
shortly too, when the farmers, even
in this district, will have to give con-
siderable more thought to their water
supply. The clearing of the land and
the farm and municipal drains have
so diverted the surface waters that
the shallow wells which have done
duty for two of three generations will
no longer be able to afford a water
supply at all adequate to the needs
of the farms.
There is only one thing to do and
that is to drill. Artesian wells, of
course, are expensive, but when once
water is reached they are permanent.
In the meantime, our farmers are just
r;o 1n reference tot1 minutes
et. a Owasilipic
That being the case, and it is a
fact, it has always puzzledus to un-
•darertatal way township councils did
1144 take a greater advantage of the
eppartunity, which the local paper
preseats, of laying before the rate-
payers the business' of the township
as it is conducted month by month.
If all township councils would pub.
dish their minutes of council meetings,
many of their members would not
have to spend se much time and suf-
fer so much pain in introducing them-
selves to the ratepayers on nomination
day. Nat only would their names al-
ready be familiar, but their work at
the council board as well, and the
ratepayers would have an opportun-
ity of judging their record.
This system might not prove of ad-
vantage to some ' councillors, but it
would prove of advantage to the
townships, and the people in the town-
ships need all that is coming to them
in these piping times of peace.
The trouble in Orillia is said to
have been caused by misinformation
supplied by outside reporters to dif-
ferent city papers. That might be
quite true, because there are times
when the .publishing of a report of the
discussion on a question which has
come before a council board, would do
considerably more harm than good,
for the simple reason that no one
outside the council was conversant
with all the facts and figures or all
the circumstances. What might be
innocent in the eyes of those who
know the facts, might easily be look-
ed upon as criminal by those who do
As far as the townships are con-
cerned, however, there is little danger
of outside interference, and -there are
few, if there are any local papers
that would publish any question or
discussion which might have come
before or been heard at a council
meeting, against the wishes of that
council. And, if the council sends in
its own report, there is, of course, no
danger whatever.
Ratepayers have certain rights.
One of these is to know how e coun-
cil is performing. the duties for which
it was elected, and the surest, safest
and easiest way of imparting this in-
formation is a report of council pro-
ceedings in the local press.
News of
and District
years, two months and fifteen days. lVfartrie of the town line, a mile and
The deceased, who lived with her a quarter west of Kippen on Thurs-
daughter, Mrs. Henry McClinchey, had day afternoon of last week. Mr: and
the misfortune early in November to Mrs. Melaurtrie had gone to Seaforth
fall and break her leg and has since early in the afternoon and returned
been, confined to her bed. Her maid- to find their home in flames. Neigh -
en name was Mary Jane Snider. Born bors who gathered at the scene sue -
in Pennsylvania, November 2, 1848, ceeded in saving much of the contents.
with her parents she moved to Indiana Fortunately, the wind was carrying
in 1853. In 1867 she was married to the 'burning embers away from the
Samuel Snider and to this happy un- barn and :other outbuildings or they,
ion five children were born: Samuel top, might have been lost. The house
A., Rebecca Anne Sarah Almeady, was recently wired for electricity, but
Joshua Rheuben and Jacob Herbert. as yet wiring has not been determin-
When they first came to Canada they ed .as the cause of the fire. • Mr. Me -
settled in Toronto and five years lat- Murtrie's lass is partly covered by in-
ter moved to the Sauble Line, Stan- sdrance.
ley township, in 1881. In 1894 Mr.
and Mrs. Snider moved to Bayfield to
the home where, with the exception
of a few years spent 'With Mr. and
Mrs. McClinchey, in Detroit, she has
livecl. Mr. iSnider predeeeased her 20
years ago. Mee. Snider, although a
frail woman, was very active for her
years until the accident. She was a
member of the Presbyterian Church.
Surviving members of the family are
Mrs. Henry McClinchey, of the vil-
lag,e; Mrs. C. E. Whitehall, of Los
Angeles, California and Herbert Snid-
er, of Alberta. The funeral was held
from the home on Monday, January
12th, to Bayfield cemetery, the service
being taken by Rev. R. M. Gale, as-
sisted by Rev. F. II. Paull. The pall-
bearers were Joseph and Fred Mc -
Ewan, Norman and David Stephen -
eon, Jahn Dowson and W. H. Speed.
Mr. and Mrs. MaClinchey have the
sympathy ef all in their bereavement.
The Women's Institute ar- holding
an "at home" in the hall c Friday
evening. All members and their fam-
ilies are invited.
The Women's Missionary Society
met at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) Stew-
art on Tuesday.
Mr. George Porter, a former resi-
dent of this locality, after taking a
trip to the .Western Provinces and to
England, has returned here.
Mr. Clarence Norris, who has been
spending his holidays at his home,
has returned to Toronto.
The Ladies' Aid met at the home
of Mrs. Albert Smale on Thursday.
The president, Mrs. Harburn, presid-
ed. The secretary's report was read
by Mi -s. A. Jeffrey. After the busi-
ness of the meeting was transacted,
a duet by Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Reid
was enjoyed. A dainty lunch was.
served by the hostess.
Mireau-Regier.-An interesting ev-
ent was celebrated at St. Boniface
Church, Zurich, on Thursday, Janu-
ary 8th, when Rev. L. W. Power unit-
ed in marriage Margaret, daughter of
Mr. Jacolb Regime and Wrn. Mireau,
son of the late Davidi Mireau, all of
Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Mireau will re•
side in Zurich.
A numlber from the village attend
ed the- banquet held at London last
Wednesday evening in honor of 'Hon.
G. H. Ferguson.
The annual meeting of the' Zurich
Agricultural Society will be held in
the Town Hall next. Wednesday af-
Mr. Andrew Thiel has purchased
the dwelling property on Edward St.,
went of the school, occupied by Mr.
F. Kochems and family from Mrs. N.
Saundercock, of Hensall.
Mr. Kinsmer, of St. Marys, is tak-
ing the place of Mr. C. Kissack at
the local branch of the Bank of Mont-
real, as ledger keeper. Mr. Kissack
has accepted a position with the Hur-
on & Erie Mortgage Corporation, of
London, and will 'leave for that city
in the near future.
Hay Council Meeting. -The council
of the Township of Hay met in the
Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Janu-
ary 12th, according to the Municipal
Act, when the fel:hewing subscribed to
the declaration of office: Reeve, Louis
H. Rader; councillors, W. F. Alexan-
der, Alfred Melick, David Ducharme
and Edmund Wolper. The Council
then became organized for the year
1931. The Reeve addressed the coun-
cil and stressed the need of economy
and fullest co-operation in all matters
coming before the council. A number
of communications were presented and
ordered filed. The following resolu-
tions were passed. Moved by E. Wel-
per, seconded. by A. Melick, that the
following be appointed officials of the
township of Hay for the year 1931:
Clerk and Treasurer, A. F. Hess; as-
sessor, W. R. Edighoffer; collector, R.
Miller; Weed Inspector, L. Schumach-
er; saiditors, W. S. Johnston and K.
Routledge; caretaker, J. Albrecht;
Member of Board of Health, C. C.
Schilbe; Sanitary Inspector, Eastern
Division, Be C. Edwards; Western Di-
-vision, J. 'Mock and that a bylaw be
prepared -eanfirmin.g appointed for
passing at neat meeting. Moved by
Edmund Walper. seconded by A. Mel -
ick, that the salaries to be paid to the
officials of the Township of Hay for
the year 1931 :be fixed as follows: -
Clerk and Treasurer for township,
$360; township roads, $20; telephone,
$350; assessor, $120; collector, $45;
caretaker, $50; auditors, $10 for
township and $2 for telephone each;
Weed Inspector,40 cents per hour in-
cluding transportation and that a by-
law be prepared confirming same for
passing at next meeting. Moved by
D. Ducharme, seconded by W. Alex-
ander, that the Clerk be authorized to
subscribe for nine copies.of the Mun-
icipal World, one copy for each of the
following; Reeve. Councillors, Clerk,
Assessor, Collector and Road Super-
intendent. Moved by E. Waiver, sec-
onded by A. 1VIelick, that the &Alec -
tor be enthorized to continue the levy
of the unpaid taxes for 1930 and that
the penalty and costs of collection be
P. (Med as a dela due the torw-nship.
Moved by A. IMelick, seconded by E.
Walper, that the annual meeting of
the subscribers of the Hay Municipal
Telephone System be held in the Town
Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, January 31,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Moved
by David Ducharrne, seconded by Wm.
that the council of the
Township of Hay for the sake of' econ-
omy will not pay any accounts for op-
ening snow roads, this winter unless
such work is done under authority of
the Road Superintendent, and ask all
ratepayers to co-operate in keeping
the roads open as far as possible.
Moved by D. Ducharme, seconded by
W. Alexander, that the following be
appointed poundkeepers for the town-
ship of Hay: A. Ingram, 0. L. Petty,
S. Schroeder, S. Greb, W. J. Johnston,
S. Hoffman, G. Meeker, D. Schwartz-
entruber, H. Krueger, F. Turnbull and
L. W. Denomme. And the following
sheep valuators.: J. Parke, Fred Ele1b-
serer and F. Kading. And the follow-
ing fence viewers: D. B. Blackwell, J.
Pfaff, H. Steinbach., J. Eckstein and
A. Hendrick and that a bylaw be pre-
pared confirming appointments for
passing at the next council meeting.
Moved •by W. Alexander, seconded by
D. Dueharme,. that the Reeve and
Clerk be authoried to sign and sub-
mit to the Minister of Public High-
ways of Ontario the petition of the
Township of Hay, showing that dur-
ing the year 1930 there has been
expended upon the township roads the
sum of $12,143.37 and urian the streets
of the Police Village of Zurich the
sum of $2'73.89 and requestingthe
statutory grant on those amounts ac-
cording to the Ontario laighevray Act
and amendments thereto. Moved by
W. Alexander, seconded by D. Duch.
same, that accounts covering pay-
ments on telephone and general ac-
counts be passed per vouchers as fol-
lows: General Accomitd) - G. E.
Thompson •and otliers, labor re Alex-
ander and Eacrett drains, $80; Town-
ship Clerk„ registering birth's, deaths
and marriages..- $21.25; Ontario Hos-
pital, re C 1is $89;Eleketion ex-
Penses, $127.10; Srek Childrents Hos-
pital, grant, $5, Telephona.Accounts
-at-nave-1:g Carlson Telephone Mfg.
Co., supplie/04 Canadian Telephone
& PP1101, material, 0.28.; Isllortbeitit
Electric Company, supplies, $94.75;
Zurieh. Central, switching, six weeks,
$102; P. MaIsaac, salary, batteries,
eta, $520.10. Moved hat A. Melick,
seconded by E. Walper, that the coun-
cil adjourn to meet again on Saturday,
January 31st, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon. -A. F. Hess, Clerk.
W. M. S. -The January meeting of
the W. M. S. was held on Friday last
at the Manse, this being a special
Day of Prayer set apart by the On-
tario Provincial. A good attendance
was present. Mrs. James Scott acted
as president for the January meeting.
The devotional part was taken by Mrs.
Scott, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs.
Thomas Scott. Sincere and earnest
prayers were offered for national as
well as foreign missions, and all
those who teach and guide the young
as well as giving thanks for favors
and blessings of the past year. The
roll call topic was verses on prayer
and was very ably and fitting res-
ponded to, the Scripture lesson for
the day being taken by Mrs. Donald
MeKellar. Excellent 'papers were
read by 1VIrs. Cooper and Mrs. Hough-
ton, the meeting being interspersed
by singing hymns, especially ap-
pointed by the Provincial. The meet-
ing was closed by singing the Dox-
ology and the leneasi Prayer was re-
peated in unison. Lunch was served
and a very pleasant half :hour was
The young people of the congrega-
tion betook themselves to the Moun-
tain on Wednesday night last and
spent a very enjoyable time skidding
down the mountain, after which they
repaired to the Manse for a weiner
roast. Altogether they spent a very
enjoyable evening.
The annual meeting of the Crom-
arty Presbyterian Church was held in
the basement of the church on
Thursday last. Reports presented by
the Managers and Secretary were very
satisfactory, showing that in spite of
strenuous times our church is in a
very prosperous condition.
Mrs. Weitzman, of Niagara, is at
present visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Donald McKellar.
The Young People of St. Andrew's
United Church, Kippen, are having
lantern slides on China on Friday ev-
Kitchenette For Sale.—Very reasonable ;
must e ash. Apply to Mrs. Lee Hedden,
Henson. 8292x1
Post office box rents are due and payable
the first week in the month of January. A
number also in arrears will please call and
settle. G. J. Sutherland, Postmaster. 3290-8
Subscriptions received for all leading Daily
and Weekly Newspapers at the Hensall Post
Office. 'Patronize your Postmaster who han-
dles the papers. G. J. Sutherland, Postmas-
ter. 8290-8
10 manutes overtime. Following is eeee ateoe r/6., mete pug le, pare
the lineup: Goal, Dolos Huntley; de- eReuesteteTheitededeeeen, 61: maeillort,aruaroot 6698:
itLallopyhdAbbot/3ratk,AkiTonomito:imetonale;; Douglas ,saugst4r 65, aerumi wow
centre, Ed. Little; subs., Bob Pass- 44.-1l. A. Ellis,TeaCher. Room III:
more, John Drummond. On Tuesday Jr. II -Elaine Peck 88,• George a'ang-
evening, January 13th, Zurich played seer 77, Shirley Twitchell 7, Laird
Hlensall on the Hensel rink, and on }Judson 72, Audrey Twitehell 72, Ger-
Wednesday evertin,g, January 14", ald Passmore 72, Ray Faster '71, p4, -
Bronson Line played Henna also in
cil KNorma
ipfer 62, Cook 49*, Bali
the Hensall rink.
!Higgins 49*. First -June Saunder-
Womexes Missionary Societies.-
United Church, cock 89, Doris Pearce 82, Jaak Shep-
The W, M. S. a the
herd 80, Billy Coles 75, Preston Lam -
Hensel, held their regular monthly mon et,
Howard sanale 49Madeline
meeting im the basement of &urea Vanlandeglien 45*.
Primer - Mary
attendance and with the president,
. gird Godwin Goodwin 90, Carl Dears 88, Jim
on Thursday afterneon with a
Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, presidtng. Fol- Campbell 88, Ronald Parker 87, Carey
,hyann, w ;Joynt 87, Howard Love 85, Margaret
lowing the opening
Mrs. - ' Sangster 84, Bobby Hess 76, Norris
Dougall led in prayer, after which. la Mcwen 68, Jimmie Clark 61, Rag'
the minutes of the previous meet -mg
nerinHattgeEtwen 41, milIlesk
eina 57, Donald Willard, 51,
the offering. The devotional leaflet 1 ' rEy in
(abeent).-Jessie Buchanan, Teacher.
to a large number of Spec-
s, between Bronson, Line and
seal, resulting iu a tie of 5Z, with
Bell 61, XellAgith rowitv
=lord 1thAtelionan 44, $r,
II -Elva $Q en 80,,:garY Clark 7/.
Mrs. Agnes Ross has had a very
fine radio installed in her home this
Miss Male Bell returned the first
part of the week from a very pleas-
ant visit with friends in Clinton.
Mr. Jacob Lindenfield who has liv-
ed in Hensall for a number of years
and was nearly 90 years old, died on
Thursday morning. The funeral ar-
rangements have not been made yet.
Mr. , Lindenfield leaves to mourn his
loss his widow and several sons and
The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's An-
glican Church held their tegular meet-
ing on Monday evening last. Follow-
ing the ,apenin,g exercises, Miss Beryl
Drummond gave the topic, "A. M.
1Toplatly," being the •subject which was
much enjoyed. Mrs. Errol Drum-
mond and Mae Varley sang a splen-
did duet. Dr. G. Collyer gave a very
fine address on "First Aid," which
was very helpful. The met of the
evening was spent in games and con-
Mr. John D. Craig has been very
poorly for the past week but is im-
proving somewhat
When the matter of salaries was
brought forward at the council meet-
ing on Tuesday evening, the Reeve
stated that he would lower his salary
from $40 to $32. Mr. L. Mickle mov-
ed that they cut off the salary for the
present year for the councillors and
reeve. This move was seconded by
Mr. William Consitt. The council will
receive no salary for the year 1931.
Mrs. Talbot, of London, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer.
The Young People's League of the
United Church held a social evening
in the basement of the church on
Monday, with a goad attendance pres-
ent. Following the opening exercis-
es and election of officers which took
place, Mir. Walter Spencer, president
of te League for the coming year,
very ably took the chair in a very
pleasing manner. Following is the
program: Orchestra, composed of
Messrs. Ferris Cantelan, Scott Welsh,
Clare Zuefle, Edward Little and Nees
Florence Welsh, as accom,panist, gave
some very fine selections, which were
very much enjoyed; solo, Miss Mienie
Sangster, "When It's Moonlight on
the Colorada," accompanist, Miss Mil-
dred Follick; selectione, Mr. William
Hyde, on the violin, accompanied by
Mass Loretta Bell on the trianrgle,
Miss Eleanor Bell as accompanist;
E010 Mrs. Alice Joynt, "It's Quiet
down Herear accompa-nied by Miss
Gladys Luker; reading, "The Parson
at the Taloekey Mratch," Miss Mettle,
Ellis; solo, Mr. Claude Blowes, "Good
Evening," Miss Florence Welsh, ac-
companist; selection, by the orchestra;
Rev. Mr. 'Sinclair made a few well-
chosen remarks; reading, Mrs. R. J.
Patterson, "The First Shall be Last,
and the Last Shall be First"; solo,
Mr. 'Murray 'Campbell, entitled, "The
Sunshine of Your Smile," accompan-
ist, Miss Welsh; orchestra selection ;
reading, "Building Castles, in the Aix,"
Mr. Richard Blatchford. Needless to
say, everyone taking part on this pro-
gram: did exceedingly well and every
number was very much enjoyed. On,v-
CREDITON ening, January 16th, at 8 p.m., in the
body of the church. A silver collec-
Gas Leaking. --From time to time tion will be taken to defray expenses
the citizens of Crediton have cam- The C. G. I. T. Groups will met on
plained about an odor of gasoline a- Saturday afternoon, January 17th, at
bout their premises. An investiga- 2.30. Every member is urged to be
tion shows it is apparently corning present.
from the sewers and a number of the The Mission Band met for their us -
sinks that have not ,been provided with ual meeting last Saturday afternoons
a trap. Three of the companies have and despite the cold weather quite a
already inspected their tanks in an number were present.
COUNCILS AND THE PRESS endeavor to locate the trouble, and 011 Quite a number of ladies attended
Monday, in conjunctio with the 1h2 January meeting of the W.M.S.,
There is a merry war in progress in Crediton Board of He h the follow- w:nah was held at the Manse en Wed-
khillia between the town fathers and ing compan,les, Supe1tt, Imperial, nesday afternoon last. ,•
the local press. In fact, the council Canadian City Service, taroline and Miss Esther Neeb, of Detroit, is
ritish American, le • a combined visiting for a few days With her sie-
has excluded the press from all its investigation. The companies are ter, Mae. S. W. Thomson, of Tucker -
meetings. sparing neither trouble nor expense smith.
'While the council of Orillia may to see that everything is made right. 'The sympathy of the community
have its reasons, it certainly has no is extended to Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc -
justification for any such high hand- Martrie, of Hay, in the lase of their
ed action. A council is elected to fine house by fire. Miost of the con-
tents af the ground floor were saved
transact a tawias business. The rate- but owing to thisaacarcity of water,
payers are its clients and they have they 'were unable, to save the build -
a right to 'know haw this business is ing.
being transacted, and to secure' this Mr. William F. Alexander is receiv-
ing congratulations, now being a
information they are practically de- couneillor of' Hay Township, having
pendent upon the local press. gained this position in the last elec-
If the Orillia council thinks its de- tion.
liberations can be kept secret, it has The Gauld Mission Band held their
another think corning. News will leak first meeting of the year on Saturday,
January 10th. There was a good at-
-out, and it rwould be better for the tendance, and the meeting was in
local paper to ,publish the facts, than charge of Doreen Cooper. The pro -
to have a dozen or more garbled re- gram was opened by music, then the
ports of proceedings circulated by call to worship by the leader, "This
word of mouth. Better for the coun- is God's House and He is here to -day.
He hears each song of praise and lis-
ta as individuals and better for the tens when we pray." All joined in
town. And this applies to other towns singing, "Holy, Holy, lioly." Prayer
and townships as well as Chillies was led by Mre. Dinsdele. The basi-
Fortunately each a ,difference as ness and the offering over the classes
has arisea between the council and were taken and roll called. There
was an attendance af 28, girls and
enees of Orilia is rarely heard of in leaders 16, boys and' leaders 12. Af-
these days. For a great mairgears ter singing a hymn, the Mizpah bene -
The tepositer has been reporting the diction was pronounced and the meet-
ing dlismissed.
council proceedings of this town and
Celebrates 98th Birthday.
iothea and �f; several tewhehips, and Mr, Jahn Whitern•an, of Kippen, cel -
not in, eta* aase has it linen treated ebrated his 98th birthday on Satur-
• ' th 'anything but extreme eouttesy day, last,' Janoory '10th, at the'horne
Is ",,Ittoi:Aers: of these hoards, nor; has of hie daughter, Mrs. R. Dined,ale. Itrar.
Whiteman is , etill hale and hearty
,ieVeri4Sen rettisedAnterrnatiovi, or
and a great reader. Ile received ertaly
ta• in:Stettin:fig ts report!, at congratulations during the day in.
.1 118,J00610,11 clerk, which all his many friends join in
",014:41oCiI paper ear- wishing that he may be spare& to
Hayfield Agricultural Society. --The annual
meeting of the Bayfield Agricultural Society
is to be held in the Town Hall, Bayileld, on
Wednesday afternoon, January 21st, to re-
ceive reports a the year's business and ap-
point officers for 1931. Members are urged
to be present. John McClure President; A.
E. Erwin, Secretary. 8292-2
The directors would like to see a
large attendance of members at the
annual meeting of the Bayfield Agri-
cultural Society next Wednesday, Jan-
uary 21st, at the Town Hall. Come
and show your interest in the Society
and if you have any suggestions, come
and tell them.
Mrs. Mary A. Elliott, widow of the
late Richard Elliott, was taken to
Clinton Hospital on Saturday, having
suffered a 'stroke of paralysis on Fri-
Miss Fley Edwards is visiting with
friends in Kitchener and Waterloo.
The first meeting for 1931 of the
school trustees was held Friday, Jan-
uary 9th. John A. Cameron, the new-
ly elected trustee, was appointed
chatrman. Mra. W. Hall was re -ap-
pointed caretaker„ The secretary was
ordered to poet up, notices asking for
appliesaions for the position of secre-
tary, treasurer and School attendance
officer, combined, to he in chairman's
hands by Friday evening, January 16,
at 6 p.m.
Death of MTS. Samuel Snider. -
There passed to her eternal home
shortly after midnight Priday, San-
uary 9th orie d our oldest and moat
highlk respected reSidents,, Mary
StriCkTf tiii(11)W. the late Sa$a-
04Pgiiiii#1,01% tc*,:,{M Celebrate Many more happy birthdays.
Horne timned.-Vire af undeteririin-
oro. ed origin destroyeti the fine stOey
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was given by Mrs. Carlisle. Christ-
ian Stewardship in Finance was read
by Mrs. C. McDonnell; Fruits of
Christian Missions in Japan, first part
taken by :Mrs. A. McDonald, second
part, Mrs. S. Merner, third part, Mrs.
A. Sinclair; fourth part, Mrs. Mc-
Donell. The meeting dosed with sil-
ent prayer. Art the conclusion of the'
meeting, the Women's Association
held a short meeting for the purpose
of electing officers for the coming
year, resulting as follows: President,
Mrs. S. Merner; vice-president, Mrs.
L. R. Coles; secretary, Mrs. C. Cook;
treasurer, lake. C. Ballantyne; Manse
committee. Mrs. C. McDonnell and
Mrs. M. G. Drysdale; pianist, 'Mirs.
-The W. M. S. of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church held their monthly
meeting en Thursday afternoon with
the president, Mrs. Basil Edwards,
presiding. A large attendance of
ladies was present, the meeting being
dedicated to prayers. A number of
prayers for different organizations
and schemes of the church were of-
fered by Mrs. H. Reid, Mrs. W. M.
Bell, Mrs. H. Arnold. Following this
Mrs. J. A. Mcllroy sang a delightful
solo, which was rvery much e,njoyea.
Hensall Council Bolds First Meetings
and Appoints Officials.
The first meeting according to
statute of the council of the Village
of Hensall, was held on Monday be-
tween the hours of 11 a.m. and 12,
noon, all members of council being
prepent. All members of council, took
their oath of office. Cameron and
Mickle: - That the Clerk prepare a
bylaw as regards ahe regularcouncil
meetings to be the first Tuesday of
each mionth at 8 p.m. -Carried. Con-
sitt and Spencer: That meeting now
adjourn until Tuesday, 13th, at 8 p.m.
-Carried. The regular meeting was
held Tuesday evening, January 13th,
at 8 p.m., ,all members being present
Ilinutes of previous meetings were
read. Cameron and Consitt: .,That
the minutes as read be adopted. --Car-
ried. Spencer and Mickle: That the
minutes of 1931 as read be adapted.
-Carried. George Hudson reported
re the poll tax of David Robinson,
appearing in the auditors' report of
1929. Communications, read: Salva-
tion Army, Municipal World, Good
Roads Association, filed; Bread and
Cake Association, Claris to write; De -
The Scripture lesson was read by partment of Agriculture, re Weed In -
Miss Hannah Craig. Leaflets on specter; Plaxton Hueston & Co., filed;
"What Missions Meant to a Church," General Accident Assurance Co., fil-
were taken by Mrs. R. Y. McLaren,
Mrs. D. Workman, `Mrs. )3. Edwards,
Mrs. II. Arnold. The meeting clos-
ed with a hymn and prayer.
Hensall Public School. -The follow-
ing is the report for November and
December. Room I: Sr. IV -Norm-
an Sinclair 82, Minnie Sangster 77,
Ruth Coles 74, Dorothy Drummond 73,
Mildred Follick 72.5, Olive Brock 70,
ROSS IVacIlroy 70, Irene Smale 69,
Harvey Hudson 68, Anne Huiser 68,
Harold Higgins 64, Kathryn Drys-
dale 59.5. Jr. IV -Anne Carliel 80,
Orville Hedden 77, Dorothy McQueen
75, Bill Glenn 71, George Pearce 71,
Olive Lemmon 68, Mary Little 67.3,
Margaret Kennings 65, Harold Bon-
thron 63.5, Isabel Baundercock 62,
Myrna Hudson 60.8, Gladys Saunder-
cock 60, Kenneth Manns 59. Average
attendance, 24; number on roll, 25.-
C. Blowes, Teacher. Room II: Sr. III
-Ronald Peck 84, Jean Foster 74,
Loretta Bell 73, Ivan Kipfer 68, Dor-
othy Deters 62:5, Bob Drysdale 59,
Nellie Fee 59. Jr. III -Irene Hopkins
77, David Sangster 73, May Wolff 71,
Herbert Drummond 69, Mona Glenn
67.5, Edna ,Saundercock 64, Erma Kip-
ing to the length of the program, the
games which Mr. Campbell had pre-
pared, were left over for some future
social evening. Following benediction,
refreshments were served.
Presentation. -A very pleasant ev-
ening was spent on Tuesday of this
week when the neighbors and friends
of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong.
nee Miss Jessie Buchanan, met at
their home in the form of a surprise
party axed presented them ;with a
handsome fernery and smoker and
chesterfield table, accompanied with
an address which was read by Mr.
Harry Horton. Although they were
both taken by surprise, Mr. Ana -
strong on behalf of hire wife and 'him-
self, arose to the occasion and spoke
a free words, thanking everyone for
the lovely gifts. Following the pres-
entation, cards were indulged in af-
ter which lunch was served.
Officers Elected.-Pollowing are the
officers elected at the Y. P. aseague of
the United Church, Monday evening
last: President, Walter Spencer; vice
president, William Parke; secretary,
Gladys Luker; treasurer, Elva Shad -
dock; IMisSionery,, 3/Eldred So..rutont,
Greta Lan -Lurie, Pearl Elder, Bertha
Soldan; Citizenship, Ruth Chapman,
Nora Follick, Jack Corbett, Clarence
Smillie; Literary and Dramatic,
Claude Blowee, Ferris Cantelon,, Ethel
Murd,ock; Social, Doreen Farquhar,
Elva ,Shaddock, Maude, Hedden, Mur-
ray Campbell, pianist, Pearl Elder.
!Hlockey.----Zurich vs. ' Hensall, play-
ed a good ganie of hockey on the Hen -
sell rink on Tuesday evening, result-
ing in a score of 8-6, in favor of Hen-
sel. Line-up: Goal, Huntley; de
fence, ,Smale and Brock; wings, Ab-
bott and Appleton; centre, B. Little;
subs., Harvey Hudson, W. Drummond,.
Bob Passenore; referee, Dick Welsb:
The Hensall boys haven't loaf a single
game this season. Come and help
the boys win the 'cup.
Witmer -Schenk -The marriage was
solemnized at the Manse, on Satur-
day afternoon last, when Rev. A. Sin-
clair invited in marriage, Pearl Mag.,
delete: Witmer, of near Exeter, to
Henry George Schenk, of Orediton.
Hockey NoteS.---A fast; furious a,xid
clean game ,of hockey With lots of ex,-
citelnent from start to finish, 'was
played 'on the Zurich rink on Friday
ed; Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto.
Consitt and That the follow-
ing accounts as read be paid and or-
ders drawn on the treasurer for same:
F. J. Wickwire, $32.25; G. Hudson,
$3.50; W. Shepherd, $3.50; G. Parker,
$3.50; N. Blartchford, $4; J. Hudson,
$4; J. A. Paterson, $7; J. Pfaff, $1 ;
Mrs. Cudm,ore, $1; J. Passmore, $8.46.
Cameron and Spencer: That Bylaws
1, 2, 3 and 4 be given first reading. -
Carried. Consitt and Mickle: That
Bylaws 1, 2, 3 and 4 be given second
and third reading and finally passed.
Cameron and! 'Spencer: That Resolu-
tion Form No. 822 be passed and
signed. -Carried. Consitt and Cam-
eron: That the Clerk order six cop-
ies of the Municipal World. -Carried.
Mickle and Spencer: That this meet-
ing now adjourn. -Carried. -James A.
Paterson, Clerk. Following were the
appointments made by our, new coun-
cil at their first meeting: Clerk, J.
A. Paterson; treasurer, C. Cook; col-
lector, A, W. E. Hemphill; assessor,
C. S. Hudson; sanitary, weed and
bread inspector, N. Blatchford; care-
taker of hall, Mrs. George Hudson;
constable, George H.udson; auditors,
fer 64, Margaret Shepherd 63, Ruth Joe Hudson and Ray !McArthur.
The following is the report of the Hensall Continuation School for the
Fall term, September to Dece-mber:
Al. Bo. Ge. Ar. B.H. Li. La. Fr. C.W. C,O, Av. St.
Appleton, A. 36 55 69 74 59 67 - - 68 '70 62.2 6
Bell, M. 22 36 49 52 13 34 79 97 61 57 al 15
Brock, R. 52 34 51 65 21 42 - 23 59 63 45.9 18
Garnie, J. 52 49 ab 59 41 64 69 72 65 62 53.3 13
Crerar, S. 62 46 '72 54 67 67 50 69 57 70 61.4 7
Dilling, C. 77 47 78 56 65 37 60 48 59 59 58.6 8
Elder, H. 76 44 63 67 50 30 85 100 62 67 64.4 3
Fee, M. 81 63 58 59 51 43 71 84 69 66 64.5 2
Foster, 11. 37 30 70 57 59 51 35 63 57 67 53.1 14
Glenn, H. 65 76 76 71 62 69 82 93 56 66 71.6 1
Hemphill, M. 40 55 51 64 61 62 61 94 71 61 62.6 4
McIntyre, A. 61 63 53 73 52 34 67 95 65 60 62.3
McIntyre, J. 20 34 49 53 22 59 69 68 62 62 49.8 16
Passmore, R. 69. 45 65 61 50 35 52 80 42 61 56 11
Smale, B. 20 42 71 52 41 55 62 70 65 75 55.2 12
Taylor, S. 72 60 53 50 53 38 66 87 30 58 56.9 10
Thomson, M. 56 48 46.. 46 40 50 85 92 56 64 58.3 9
Varley, A. 57 24' 52 55 32 32 - 76 64 61 49.3 17
Wright, L. 28 54 b9 38 35 45 31 43 58 62 45.3 19
AL (Algebra). Bo. (Botany), Ge. (Geography), Ar. (Art), B.H. (British
History), Li. (Literature). La. .(i(,tin.), Fr. (French), C.W. (Composition
Written), C.O. (Composition Oral).,. v. (Average), St. (Standing).
Ge. Bo. Ar. Gr. Ph. Li. La. Fr. CW CO Av. St.
68 83 91 68 74 74 79 60 64 70 73.1 2
47 52 54 57 51 85 64 11 64 68 55.3 8
73 79 50 53 75 62 50 30 65 67 60.4 4
82 84 93 73 70 69 73 61 73 70 74.8 1
68 69 51 46 46 50 69 42 65 63 56.9 7
78 59 43 52 64 55 55 61 57 71 59.5 6
93 54 83 55 71 66 54 34 55 61 62.6 3
60 72 44 52 67 67 58 40 71 72 60.3 5
Bell, A.
Bell, E.
Elder, L,
McEwen, J.
Munn, H.
Paterson, R.
Pepper, N.
Sherritt, H.
Geo.. (Geometry), Bo. (Botany), Ar. (Arithmetic), Gr. (Grammar), Ph.
(Physiography), Li. (Literature), La. (Latin), Fr. (French), C.W. (Composi-
tion Written), C.O. (Composition Oral), Av. (Average), St. (Standing).
Abott,ll,.R. .. 54 59 55 54 61 39 46 61
Bean, J.
46 65 55 ab 59 45
Deters, I. 69 72 90 62 76 53
Forrest, M. 69
Hemphill, H. 60 59 57 33 48 43
Hortent_S. 52 70 751 69 53 59
Manson, S. . 63 66 59 62 62 47
MacDonald, F. 68 64 67 64 64 37
McLean, M. . 88 83 70 I75 54 66
McQueen, J. . 63 61 57 64 59 47
McQueen, M. . 47 62 69 59 37 61
Sinclair, M. 64 63 54 42 47 48
.Spencer, M. ab ab ab ab
Smillie, M. 64 69, 63 65 57 64
Smith, E. , -- • -a - 74 e-
Woekman, M77 82 77 66 64 68
011 AL GE PH CH Av. St.
44 55 - - 52.6 11
55 53.5 *
- 38 60 52.5 12
60 73 7S - 70.3 3
54 78 53 63.5 *
40 45 ae, 48.1 14
83 71 4? -e- 44 5
53 - 45 35 ea. 53.2 10
-27 72 ress - iA 62 6
70 - 81er ee tatt. 78.3 1
37 - a- 55.4 8
51 59
53.6 9
- 46 - 02.2 13
- 54 -
- 76 - 64 69 65:1 4
- 3g - •'': 58 58.8 7
66 73
84 — 72.9 2
H.S. (English Literature), E.C. (English Composition), P.A. (French
Authors), P.C. (French Composition), L.A. (Latin Authors), L. C. (Latin
Composition), A.H. (Ancient .History, C.H. (Canadian History), Al. (Alge-
bra), Geo. (Geometry), Ph. (Physics), Cr. (Chemistry).
M. Spencer -(Botany I, 52, Physiography II, KO).
3. Beanp.--(Alg. 1, 89. geom. 11, 65, Latin I, 78),
Endivittual reports have been issued to each atu,dent. These should be
carefulle aliecited over by parenti and, if it, is found,,stbat certain marks are
below liftv, more homework should be insisted upon.
Caintelon, Principal. T. Douglat, Assistant