The Huron Expositor, 1930-12-12, Page 5cn
We carry a complete line at prices to suit everyone. We have made
a Careful selection and can assure you that each set listed is the best
value in its price class to be found on the market.
PHILCO BABY GRAND—7 tube, the little set with the big perform-
ance. Table model, complete, $100. Console Model, $130.
WESTINGHOUSE—I8 tube; bear this set and you'll agree that it is
truly remarkable et only $185.
WESTINGHOUSE -9 tube, using the exclusive Superheterodyne
Principle, $225.
PHILCO-9 tube; tone control and automatic volume control. High -
Model, $245.
WESTINGHOUSE -11 tube; unquestionably the finest set on the
market regardless of price, $275. -
Real bargains in Electric and Battery Receivers. A complete stock
of Radio Tubes, Batteries and Accessories.
Our Service Department is one of the beat equipped in . Western
Ontario. We can guarantee yon the fastest, most satisfactory ser-
vice at the lowest price, regardless of type or make of apparatus.
Consider the after -sale -service on, your radio when deciding to buy.
EDMUND DALY, Associate I. R. E., hi charge of the Service Dept.
Big Fire Sale of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers,
the Walter G. Willis stock. Read ad. on
page five.
The Street Lighting Committee of
the village are putting on an old time
dance in the Community Hall, Lon-
desboro, on December 31st, New
Year's Eve, in aid of the street light-
ing. All ladies are requested to
please bring lunch. Allen Orchestra
to furnish the music.
'Miss Mary Beale spent Wednesday
in Kitchener.
Miss Veronica McConnell, of Guelph
spent the week end with her father,
Mr. Frank McConnell.
We are pleased to see Mir. William
Riley out again after being laid up
for several weeks with a broken leg.
On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Wil-
liams, formerly of the village, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs': J.
Dorsey, •Stratford. The funeral. will
be held on Friday morning.
On. Friday evening the Catholic
Women's League held a euchre and
-dance in the parish hall. A large
crowd attended. Prizes were won by
Mrs. M. Nagle and Mr. John Kenny.
A dainty lunch was served by the
ladies. Byerman's orchestra played
for the dance and a good time was
had by all.
Big Fire Sale of Boots, Shoes and Robbers,
the Walter G. Willis stock. Real ad. on
page fives
Mrs. Robert McClinehey returned to
h hairie in Stephen last week -after
spending a couple of weeks with
friends in Stanley.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brine and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Collins, of London, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Armstrong.
Mr. Frank McClinehey spent the
week end with friends in Seaforth.
Mr. George Merner, of Dashwood,
visited his brother, Mr. Ed. Merner,
on Monday.
Miss Annie McTaggart, teacher of
Babylon school, spent the week end
at her home at Walton.
On Friday evening, December 5th,
the members of the Blake congrega-
tion met at the home of Miss Reta
McBride, bride -elect, and in recogni-
tion of her services as organist, pres-
ented her with an address of appreci-
ation and a kitchen shower.
Mr. S. A. Spencer, teller in the
Bank of Commerce since August, left
Saturday to spend a few days at St.
Catharines, then goes to New York,
sailing on the thirteenth for England
to be home for Christmas. He ex-
pecte to be away three months. Mr;
Pubchelll, of Chesley, is relieving.
At the Young People's meeting of
St. Andrew's United Church Thurs-
day evening, December 4th, there
was a very. interesting debate, "Re-
solved That Women., can get along
better without the men than men can
without the women" Affirmative,
Miss M. Douglas and Mrs. W. Wallis;
negative, Murray Grainger and Brown
Stewart. Decision was given in favor
of the affirmative.
n C dwell
•a Pyre. s7aiil :Y•. And a
d114sa. to ed to ' re hl
bsissYemOit in the 3.96,6 ,Of.bla :F
Miss Dorothy Robjnson, wishes to thank, all;;
those who have been ao kind and so generous)
to her Since +her lose by Are. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale desire to' =Price
their appreciation of the many kindnesses and.
help extended to them in the recent .ices of
their home by fire. . .
Wolverton Flour Mills
Co., Limited
A few tons of
Ground, in bags,
to clear below cost.
Mill Feeds, Corn Chop, Cracked
Corn, Barley Chop, Mixed Chop
and Cottonseed Meal.
.Big Fire Sale of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers,
the Walter G. Willis stock. Real ad. on
page five.
There will be a 'Christmas tree and
a programme of local talent given in
Cavan Church on Thursday, Decem-
ber 18th.
W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid. — The
regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid
and Women's Missionary Society was
held on Wednesday, December 3rd, at
the home of Mrs. Stanley Garnham
with the president, iMas. Robert Mc -
Lure, presiding. The meeting open-
ed with Hymn 188, followed by silent
prayer for Mmsl. McGillvray. The
Scripture lesson from Luke 7 was
read by Mrs. C, Billets Mrs. Hiram
Blanchard led in prayer. The roll
call was answered with a Christmas
message and the minutes ef.the prev-
ious meeting were read and adopted.
.After -.singing Hymn 177, a very in-
teresting topic was read by Miss Mar-
garet Cuthill, taken from the first
chapter of the study book on Japan,
and was followed with sentence pray-
ers by Mrs. A. A. Cuthill, Miss Beth
Bullard and Mrs. R. McFarlane. Mrs,
D. McFarlane was appointed chairman
for the election of officers, who are as
follows: President, Mrs. R. McLure;
1st vice, Mrs. Alex. Cuthill; 2nd vice,
Mrs. D. McFarlane; secretary, Mrs.
C. Hillen; Ladies' Aid Treasurer,
Mrs. R. Campbell, Sr.; W. M. S. treas-
urer, Mrs. A. Cuthill; press secre-
tary, Mrs. H. Blanchard; Missionary
Monthly secretary, Mrs. Chas. Dol -
mage; visiting committee, Mrs. Wm.
Trewartha, Miss J. McNeil, Mrs. Sol.
Shannon; expense fund treasurer for
W. M. S., Mrs. R. McFarlane;
strangers' secretary, Mrs. • Jas. Simp-
son; supply secretary, Mrs. H. Blan-
chard; Temperance secretary, Mrs.
Robert Beattie; organist, Miss Mar-
garet Cuthill; 'as'sistant, Mrs. R. Bol-
ton. The meeting closed' with the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
Big Fire Sale of Boots, Shoes and Robbers,
the Walter G. Willis stock. Read ad. on
page five.
Nurse Bohner is at present at her
home in the village.
Rev. W. A. Bremner visited friends
in St. Thomas this week.
Ms. and Mfrs. Robert Pearson, of
�'rod'eeich Township, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ratenbury last week.
The annual 'Christmas entertain-
ment will be held in the school room
of the United Church on the evening
of December 22nd. It was decided to
have 'a white Christmas the sante as
last year, as the children have found
out the joy of giving rather than al-
ways receiving presents. The gifts
will be .sent to the poor and needy
and will bring comfort and happiness
to the lives of many poor children.
Women's Association, — The Wo-
men's .Association of Brucefield Unit-
ed Church held their last meeting for
the year on Thursday afternoon, De-
er Orth, in the school room of the
church. A'goodly number turned out
and enjoyed quilting for a few hours,
a'f'ter whish the meeting was called to
order. Reports for The year wereir
read and. adopted.
has had a successful year and they
hope to have the New Year just a
little better. Reivi, Mr .Bremner kind-
ly presided for the election of officers
for the new year. Mrs. Hugh Aiken -
head kindly offered her home for the
January meeting. The meeting closed
by all repeating the Minpah benedic-
tion. A. Social cup of tea and light
lune& was enjoyed by all.
A good general store, in County of Huron,
Good buildings; nice location. • Good reason
for .selling. Apply to BOX 157, Seaforth.
Teacher wanted for Hensel] Public School,
Junior room. State experience and salary ex.
embed., Duties to commence January, 5th.
1931. Applications received up to December
15th, 1930. A. L. CASE, Secretary -Treasurer,
Hensall School Board. 8286-2
Women paid cash to make neck-
ties for us at home in spare
time. No selling. Send stamp-
ed envelope for reply. Ameri-
can Necktie 'Company, Dept. 36,
Forest Hill, Toronbo.
28 and 29. Concession 8, McKillop, con-
taining 192 acres and known as the T. E.
Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estates
If not sold will be rented. For particulars
apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea -
forth. 8201-t1
McKay.—At Victoria Hospital, London, on
Monday, December Sth, to Mr. and Mra.
Hugh McKay, 1500 Dundee St., a daughter.
McQuarrie.In Brussels, on November 28th,
to Mr. end Mrs. William MoQuarrie, a
Regier.—In Hay Township on November 23rd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reeler, a daugh-
Mousseau. In Hay Township, on November
28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mousseau, a
Clark.—In Hay Township. on November 22,
to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, a son.
leas, Lot No. 28, Concession 5, L. R. S.,
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron.
There 3s on the : premises a 9 -roomed atone
house with slate roof, barn 54x56 and wing
to barn 85x50, all with good stabling under-
neath. Also good drive shed and hen house,
all in good repair. There is also on the
premises an abundant supply of water the
year round; 12 acres of good hard wood bush.
There is not a foot of waste land on the
farm. There is a splendid orchard and plenty
of small fruit. Immediate possession to house
and buildings. For further particulars apply
to JAMES CAMERON, .R. R. 4, Seaforth,
Ont. Lot 18, Concession 5, or phone 2 an
188, Tuckersmith. 8267x4
Thorn pson-Garniss.—At the United Church
Manse, Bluevale, on November 28th, by
Rev. Mr. Mann, Miss Dorothy, second daugh-
ter of Mr. and M r . M. Gaeniss, to Mr.
John Thompson,
Manson-Thompson.—At the United a Church,
Brueefield, on November 29th, by Ithe Rev.
W. A. Bremner, Edna Louise, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Thompson, of
Brucefield, to Lorne Douglas Manson, son
of the late John A. Manson, of Zurich.
DEATHS November on
D 80th, Jaynes Douglas, agedGrey 79 years, 1 mo
and 6 days.
Lowick.—At Sutton, on November 28th, Al-
bert John Lowick, formerly of Brussels, in
is 78th yeas.
For C'hri'stmas Gifts, see what we have in
fancy dhina, cups and saucers, plates. len:-
onadentvalues. colored
glass, leEdwards. plaques.
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston
have been nnisiting at 'Goderioh for
two weeks.
ilbfrs. Margaret Ferguson returned
Sunday after a few weeks spent at
Seaforth and Waterloo,
Rev. R. M: Gale, who underwent a
eeeiolls operation at Clinton fi'ospital,
for removal of tonsils, is home and
progressing favorably.
Oonsidering unfavorable weather
conditions, tllheme was a fairly good
attendance at the tea and ,gift sale at
the Ileetury ]last SatUrday and the re -
Note. -"-Items under this head will be charg-
ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for
each additional verse.
Robert Kistner.—Xn loving memory of our
dear son and brother, Robert, who died in
Detroit, December 10th, 1926.
As we loved bin, so we miss him,
In our memember d lopdear,oalways
Love remembered,
Shedding many a silent tear;
It is only those who have lost can tell
The sorrow in parting without farewell.
"fittl3r eaitM a+ tory.
Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once.
Part time pay while training for Aviation
Mechanics, Garage Work, Driving, Battery,
Electric • Acetylene Welding House Wiring,
Industrial Electricity, Bkay-
fng, Plastering, Bab
eang end
Hairdressing. Act quick, set your appllea-
ton in now. Write or can for information.
Toronto. Headquarters, alboStreet, London.een do
Employment service—coast to cored
Under and by virtue of the powers of sale
contained in an Indenture of Mortgage which
will be produced at the date of sale, there
will be offered for sale by public auction, by
George 31. Elliott. auctioneer, atl the Dominion
Hotel, Dublin, Ontario, on Saturday, 20th
day of December, 1930, at 2 o'clock, in the
afternoon, the following lands and premises,
namely: All and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of land and premises situate,
lying and being in the Township of Ribbert,
in the County of Perth and Province of On-
tario, and composed, firstly, of that part of
the West half of Lot Number Seventeen,
which lies to the South of the Canadian Na-
tional Railway, in the First Concession` of
the said Township of Hibbert, containing by
admeasurement Twenty-one acres of land, be
the same more or less; and, secondly, of the
East half of Lot Number Eighteen in the
First Concession of the said Township of
Hibbert, and containing by admeasurement
Forty-nine acres of land, be the same more
or Less (being the whole of said East half lot
excepting that part thereof formerly sold and
conveyed for Railway purposes.
There are erected on the said lands a good
comfortable frame house with cement cellar,
electricity and an excellent well, also a large
frame barn with cement foundation and stab-
ling. The lands are well fenced and fertile.
TERMS OF SALE. -10 per cent. cash on
the day of salel and the balance without in-
terest in Thirty days thereafter. The pur-
chaser will be required to sign an agreement
to complete the sale.
Further conditions of sale will be made
known on the day of the sale and may be
had in the meantime fropa the undersigned.
Dated this 8rd day of December, 1980.
Vendor's Solicitor,
Seaforth, Ontario.
George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont.
Buildings for Sale.
Dimensions and Descriptions as Follower—
One building 14/x15' with 8' ceiling, rano
boarding insider and out; two sides and one
end have pine' lapped siding, the whole lined
with Georgian pine. There is one panelled
door and two windows with two lights each,
24”x24”; roofed with Parold roofing.
One building 16'x24' with 7' 6'f ceiling,
rough pine siding with battens outside and
7'x'16' of inside matched siding and ceiling.
One building, 80'x70' with d"x4" studding,
covered with 11' 6" rough pine siding with
battens. Rafters are 2 x8'x18'.
One building 80/X751; 12etx12" timber
frame; 80'x88' ; 10"x10" timber frame; and
leantb°s, 80'x26', 14hc401, 10x88', 12 feet by
66 feet.
Above buildings situated on Main Streit,
South, Seaforth. Apply to WILLIAM M ENT,
SerelOrth, Ont., for further vaiessulass.
" It's an ill wind that blows nobody good."
When fire destroyed the old Cady Block on the morning of December
4th. it was real hard luck for some, but it was good luck for those w -ho
need shoes. Part of the Walter G. Willis stock of boots, shoes and rub-
bers was saved from the fire (without damage by fire or water) and to
this has been added floor lots which were purchased from manufacturers
for cash at greatlyreduced prices. -
SAT DEC. 13th, at 9 am
Men's Fine Shoes—Ijigh Shoes and Oxfords, all leathers. Included in
the lot are Sterling, )Zurrap, Slater and jistoria.
95c, 1.45, 1.95, 2.45, 2.95, 3.45
A Sale With a
Reason, not
just an excuse
Shoes and Slippers
Many Styles—all sizes
.75 .95,1.45
Ladies' Rubber
Black or Brown—all sizes
Not in the fire
Ladies' Fine Shoes ---Oxfords, Ties, Straps and Pumps In this lot are
Murray, Kingsbury and Empress Shoes— 95c, 1.45, 1.95, 2.45, 2.95.
Boys' Heavy
Rubbers, pr.
Hockey Shoes
Including McPherson Lightning Hitch
and Professional—all sizes.
$1.95, $2.45, $2.95
1 ARealSale
No False
Men's Heavy Rubbers—all the Best Styles—$1.95 and $2.45
Rubber Boots, Red Soles, $2.95: All Red, $3.45.
Men's Work Shoes
William's, Greb
arid other makes
Fine Rubbers
Not in the fire.
Men's, 80c Ladies' 65c
Boys', 60c Misses, 55c
Children's 50c
Men's Goloshes
also Oil -tan Moccasins
Not many pairs
As we have only a limited number of pairs in each Iine, we would advise
you to come early. Selling starts Saturday at 9 a.m. Terms Cash. No Refunds.
Opposite the Rexall Drug Store, Seaforth,